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11 Years Old Confederate Soldier A BABY SOLDIER BOY - Sons of Confederate Veterans Secession Camp #4
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11 Years Old Confederate Soldier A BABY SOLDIER BOY

Posted By : manager

Posted : July 24, 2020



The Remarkable Adventures of Dr. Charles E .Scharloock–A Soldier at 11 Years of Age.

Charleston News and Courier.


    Mr. Charles E. Scharloock, who is engaged in the drug business at the corner of East Bay and Calhoun streets, was probably the youngest soldier in the Confederate service. He entered the army as a drummer boy when only in his 11th year, and serve. It was near the close of the war, when he was sent home from the fields of Virginia on account of his extreme illness. Mr. Scharloock was born in Moultrieville on the 20th of June, 1850, and he beat the longroll for the soldiers on Sullivan’s Island the morning the Star of the West crossed the Charleston Bar. Young Scharloock as a member of the drum corps did service in the litter corps and displayed bravery and fortitude rarely ever to be found in one so young. As a true Southerner, even while confined to his bed with a desperate case of typhoid fever, he was willing, nay, anxious, to assist in the rescue of Charleston. A Reporter of The News and Courier called on Mr. Scharloock for an account of his services in the Confederate service, which he reluctantly gave, saying he cared for no notoriety. Mr. Scharloock said that by the request of Capt. Warley, of the Darlington Guards, his father consented to let him beat the drum for Capt. Warley’s command, which was stationed on Sullivan’s Island, near the Huger house. When the Darlington Guards were ordered away they wished young Scharloock to accompany them, but to this his father would not consent. He then joined Capt. DeTreville’s Company in the 1st S. C. V. Soon after the bombardment of Fort Sumter young Scharloock was, with his command, ordered to Edisto. The company remained at Eding’s Bay until after the fall of Hilton’s Head, when the command was stationed at Fort Moultrie. . While at Church Flats his time expired and young Scharloock returned to his family, which during his absence he became fatherless. Soon after his return to Sullivan’s Island he was engaged by Col. Wm. Butler to  instruct a drum corps. In 1862 he went to Virginia, where he remained for only a short time-his mother refusing to allow one of so tender an age to be away from home. Even while at home he had to go into service and joined the Union Light Infantry, a Confederate Unit, under Capt. Samuel Lord and upon the organization of the band was transferred to it, and in the band of the Union Light Infantry, this youth served until the end of the war. When in his 12th year he witnessed the terrible assault on Battery Wagner. He was detailed to the litter corps, where he assisted in caring for the wounded. Though a mere strip-ling, young Scharloock, after the storming of Battery Wagner, was trusted with the carrying of numerous letters to the friends and relatives of those engaged in the fight. Scharloock was in Fort Sumter when the great night assault was made on it. After this incident the “Brick-Bat Battalion,” as his command was called, was sent to James lsland, and while there became a part of the 27th South Carolina Regiment. While stationed at Legare’s Point, the regiment was reviewed by the late President Jefferson Davis. Young Scharloock played in the band which greeted President Davis, and the remark was made by the late President that the drum of Scharloock was almost as large as its player. In March, 1864, young Scharloock accompanied his command to Virginia under Col. Gailiard. The regiment immediately entered into active service and left Petersburg for Walthall Junction, where, soon after young Scharloock beat the assembly, the bloody fight at Walthall commenced. During this fight Scharloock was detailed to save the instruments; he found it necessary to remove them under a large chestnut tree, which made it necessary for him to cross an open field four times. He was under constant fire, but escaped, as did his instruments, un-hurt. From Walthall the regiment was sent to Drury’s Bluff; where Scharloock acted as cook for the surgeons. While preparing a breakfast for Dr. Pressley and the other surgeons a piece of a shell fell into his frying pan and, buried the pan, pancake, and all. At Drury’s Bluff, while out foraging young Scharloock had quite a pathetic excuse with two dying Union soldiers. He gave them water, called the attention to his officers to the men and did all that was possible for their comfort. From constant exposure and hard ship the lad gave way and fell ill. He was sent to a hospital, recovered, returned to his duty, but fell seriously ill again. The physicians sent the young drummer boy to his home in South Carolina, where he would receive the attention of loving hands. Scharloock was at home at the time of the surrender of Charleston. Although he had but partially recovered from an attack of typhoid fever, he would have returned to his command had not his mother prevented him. During the burning of Charleston young Scharloock assisted the Charleston Engine companies in their battle against the raging flames. At the close of the war Scharloock was but 14 years and 20 months old.

* Charles Edward Scharlook, Sr. was the Great-Grand Father of Perry Gene Patrick, Sr.

* This article appeared in “ The Pickens Sentinel” – No. 17

    January 16,1890 – Thursday  in  Pickens, SC after it appeared in the Charleston News and Courier.

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