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Terms of Use - Sons of Confederate Veterans Secession Camp #4
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General Terms, Rules of Usage,
and User Agreement


This User Agreement and Privacy Policy (“Agreement”) governs each website, mobile site, application, and/or another service (together, the “Service”) provided by SECESSION CAMP #4 SONS OF CONFEDERATE VETERANS, its parent, subsidiaries and/or affiliates (“we,” “us,” or “our”), regardless of how distributed, transmitted, published, or broadcast, that links to this Agreement. This Agreement is binding on all those who access, visit and/or use the Service, whether acting as an individual or on behalf of an entity, including you and all persons, entities, or digital engines of any kind that harvest, crawl, index, scrape, spider, or mine digital content by an automated or manual process or otherwise (collectively, “you” or “your”).

Please read this Agreement carefully. You can access this Agreement any time in the footer of the Service’s home page or initial screen. Your access, visitation and/or use of the Service, including without limitation any registration on any aspect of the Service, will constitute your agreement to these Terms. If you do not agree with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, you are not authorized to access, visit, and/or use the Service.

The Agreement may be modified from time to time; the date of the most recent revisions will appear on this page, so check back often. Continued access of the Service by you will constitute your acceptance of any changes or revisions to the Agreement.

If you violate or act inconsistently with the rules, restrictions, limitations, terms and/or conditions that apply to the Service, whether listed in this Agreement, posted at various points in the Service, or otherwise communicated to users of the Service, we may terminate, suspend, and/or restrict your account/profile, your ability to access, visit, and/or use the Service or any portion thereof, and/or the Agreement, including without limitation any of our purported obligations hereunder, with or without notice, in addition to our other remedies. Besides, we may restrict or refuse to provide you with any future access, visitation, and/or use of the Service. We reserve the right, in addition to our other remedies, to take any technical, legal, and/or other action(s) that we deem necessary and/or appropriate, with or without notice, to prevent violations and enforce the Agreement and remediate any purported violations. You acknowledge and agree that we have the right hereunder to an injunction without posting a bond to stop or prevent a violation of your obligations under the Agreement.

In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and any rules, restrictions, limitations, terms and/or conditions that may be posted at various points in the Service or otherwise communicated to users of the Service, we shall determine which rules, restrictions, limitations, terms and/or conditions shall prevail in our sole discretion, and you waive any right to dispute such determination.

Among other things, the Agreement governs all text, articles, photographs, images, graphics, illustrations, artwork, video, audio, music, podcasts, ringtones, games, trademarks, trade names, service marks, and other brand identifiers, designs, plans, software, source and object code, algorithms, data, statistics, analysis, formulas, indexes, registries, repositories, and all other content, information, and materials (collectively, “Content”) available on or through the Service, whether posted, uploaded, transmitted, sent or otherwise made available by us, our licensors, vendors, and/or service providers, or by you, and/or other users or third parties, including any such Content, uploaded manually or bookmarked by you and/or other users.

Description of Website and Service

The service allows users to (i) learn generally about non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and (ii) access information about organizations that we have designated as the top organizations; and, when properly registered, either (iii) create a profile for an NGO as a representative of that organization, or (iv) gain exclusive access to full site content, including employment opportunities and press contact information for all NGOs with a profile on the Website. Users interested in submitting an NGO for inclusion in our scoring procedure may do so only if they comply with requirements outlined in this Agreement, as well as the information set forth here and here. We may, in our sole discretion and at any time, update, change, suspend, make improvements to, or discontinue any aspect of the Service, temporarily or permanently.


We strive to provide an enjoyable online experience for our users, so we may monitor activity on the Service, including in the social, community and public discussion areas, photo and video galleries, bulletin boards, forums, chats, blogs, personal/job search and other classified ads, and elsewhere, to foster compliance with the Agreement. You hereby specifically agree to such monitoring. Nevertheless, we do not make any representations, warranties or guarantees that: (1) the Service, or any portion thereof, will be monitored for accuracy or unacceptable use, (2) apparent statements of fact will be authenticated, or (3) we will take any specific action (or any action at all) in the event of a challenge or dispute regarding compliance or non-compliance with the Agreement. We generally do not pre-screen Content before it is posted, uploaded, transmitted, sent or otherwise made available on or through the Service by users, so you may be exposed to Content that is opinionated, offensive, and/or inappropriate, including Content that violates the Agreement.

Registration Information

  • We may at times require that you register for certain products and/or services, and/or to make purchases, or register and/or set up an account/profile to access, visit and/or use certain portions of the Service, or the Service as a whole, in which case you may be provided, or required to choose, a password and/or User ID, and you may provide a credit, debit, or charge card number, or other payment information, as well as your name, telephone number(s), email and/or street address, and other personally identifiable information. Other information such as your age, gender, an avatar, and the number for your mobile or another device may also be requested. Besides, you may be asked to send us similar information via messaging (e.g., email, SMS, MMS, or other technologies). All such information shall be referred to in the Agreement as your “Registration Information.” We may use and share your Registration Information as described in our Privacy Policy.
  • You agree, represent, warrant, and guarantee that all Registration Information provided by you is true, accurate, complete, up-to-date, and solely yours. You may not impersonate, imitate, or pretend to be somebody else when registering and/or setting up an account/profile on the Service. If any of your Registration Information changes, you must update it promptly by using the mechanism or contact information on the Service that allows you to change or update your Registration Information, if available. If no such mechanism or the contact information is available on the Service, please notify SECESSION CAMP #4 SONS OF CONFEDERATE VETERANS as described in our Privacy Policy. WE AND OUR INDEMNITEES (AS DEFINED BELOW) SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY ASSOCIATED WITH OR ARISING FROM YOUR FAILURE TO MAINTAIN ACCURATE, COMPLETE OR UP-TO-DATE REGISTRATION INFORMATION, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION YOUR FAILURE TO RECEIVE CRITICAL INFORMATION. NEITHER WE NOR OUR INDEMNITEES SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING YOUR REGISTRATION INFORMATION.
  • We reserve the right, at any time, with or without notice, to remove or require a change to or repossess any password and/or User ID that has been provided to you, any avatar you may be using, or other Registration Information, or otherwise change the access means or methods for portions of the Service, the Service as a whole, or certain products and/or services.
  • You will be solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your Registration Information. You may not authorize or permit anyone else to access and/or use your Registration Information, or access, visit, and/or use the Service by use of your account/profile and/or Registration Information. You may not access and/or use anyone else’s Registration Information, or access, visit, and/or use the Service by use of anyone else’s account/profile and/or Registration Information. You may not sub-license, transfer, sell, rent, or assign your Registration Information to any third party without our written approval. Any attempt to do so will be null and void and shall be considered a material breach of the Agreement.
  • You are solely responsible for all access or visitation to, usage of, or activity on your account/profile, including, but not limited to, use of the account/profile by any person who uses your Registration Information, with or without authorization, or who has access to any computer, mobile or another device on which your account/profile resides or is accessible.
  • If you have reason to believe that your account/profile is no longer secure (for example, in the event of a loss, theft, or unauthorized disclosure or use of your Registration Information), you must immediately change the affected Registration Information by using the mechanism or contact information on the Service, if available, and/or close the account/profile. If no such mechanism or the contact information is available on the Service, please immediately notify us as described in our Privacy Policy.

Fees and Payments

We and our licensors, vendors, and/or service providers may charge you fees for merchandise, products, and/or services, including without limitation Content, offered for sale, rental, or auction on or through the Service, and/or for access to portions of the Service or the Service as a whole. You agree to pay all fees, including applicable taxes and surcharges, incurred through your activity on or through the Service and/or through your account/profile at the rates in effect for the billing period in which such fees are incurred (such fees, charges, taxes, and surcharges shall collectively be referred to as “Fees”). Unless otherwise specified on the Service, all Fees will be quoted and charged in CHF. We and our licensors, vendors, and/or service providers reserve the right to change the amount of, or basis for determining, any Fees, and to institute new Fees, effective upon publication of such revised pricing on the Service.

We may charge Fees in advance and on a daily, monthly, yearly, lump sum, or another basis. Fees for certain merchandise, products, and/or services, including without limitation Content, may be invoiced on your mobile carrier’s bill. We may, in our sole discretion, charge Fees to your designated payment method individually, or elect to aggregate Fees for some or all of your purchases. All Fees are due promptly and are non-refundable. You must notify us about any billing problems or discrepancies within thirty (30) days after they first appear on your statement; otherwise, you waive any right to challenge or dispute such problem or discrepancy.

If Fees cannot be charged to the payment method you designate or payment is returned to us for any reason, including chargeback, we reserve the right, in addition to our other remedies, too (i) demand immediate payment of all outstanding Fees due to us from you; (ii) assess an additional 1.5 percent late charge, or the highest amount allowed by law, whichever is lower; (iii) take any lawful steps necessary to collect fees owed to us, and you will be responsible for all expenses incurred in connection with such collection activity, including collection fees, court costs, and attorneys’ fees; (iv) charge such Fees to any other payment method you have on file with us; and (v) terminate, discontinue, suspend, and/or restrict your account/profile, your ability to access, visit and/or use the Service or any portion thereof, and/or the Agreement, including without limitation any of our purported obligations hereunder.

Also, you are responsible for obtaining and maintaining at your own expense all equipment, hardware, software, telephone, mobile, wireless, Internet, and other services necessary to access, visit, and/or use the Service. If you are accessing the Service via a mobile device, your mobile carrier may charge you fees for data, text messaging, and other mobile access or communications services.

SECESSION CAMP #4 SONS OF CONFEDERATE VETERANS does not retain credit, debit, or other payment information at any time. All information related to each specific means of the payment goes through our service providers for payment (see below). SECESSION CAMP #4 SONS OF CONFEDERATE VETERANS cannot be held responsible for errors or mistakes related to the use of our service providers such as Paypal or Klik & Pay or Paypal and Klik & Pay’s service failure.

Service Providers for Payment

Payment of all subscriptions can be performed either by using Paypal or Klik & Pay, through wire transfer or the use of a secured link sent by email.

In the latter case, the secured link is edited through SECESSION CAMP #4 SONS OF CONFEDERATE VETERANS’ payment service provider, Klik & Pay. Any question or issue regarding payment through that secured link and use of a credit card must be addressed directly with PayPal


Access to SECESSION CAMP #4 SONS OF CONFEDERATE VETERANS content and services is paid for over either a one-month or one-year period of subscription unless otherwise specified. Payments for these paid services are generally not reimbursable. In case of mistake, SECESSION CAMP #4 SONS OF CONFEDERATE VETERANS will review the case and will take appropriate measures if undue payment was performed.

Rules of Usage

Description of the user:

We provide exclusive content to visitors, readers, and representatives of registered organizations in our platform. “Visitors” are users who do not register with the Service, including users who voluntarily enter their email in our database and users who simply, as implied in the term “visitor,” visit our platform. “Readers” are users who create a login and pay to access our Content. “Representatives of registered organizations in our platform” are users who are accredited by their organization to represent the organization using good faith. These users may create a login and profile for their organization and are entirely responsible for any information provided in their account or on the organization profile. SECESSION CAMP #4 SONS OF CONFEDERATE VETERANS reserves the right to verify the credentials of a user claiming to be a representative of a registered organization. Until an organization’s account is claimed by a representative of that organization, SECESSION CAMP #4 SONS OF CONFEDERATE VETERANS assumes the role of author for this account.

Use of the Service by the user:

The Service is not intended for users under the age of 13, and we do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from users under the age of 13. Such users are expressly prohibited from registering for the Service or submitting their personally identifiable information to us, and from using portions of the Service for which registration is required, such as our social, community and public discussion areas, photo and video galleries, bulletin boards, forums, chats, blogs, personal/job search and other classified ads, contests/sweepstakes, and elsewhere.

You shall ensure that all equipment, hardware, software, products and/or services you use to access, visit, or use the Service does not disturb or interfere with our operation of the Service, or impede or interfere with others’ access, visitation and/or use of the Service. We reserve the right, in addition to our other remedies, with or without notice, to immediately disconnect from the Service any equipment, hardware, software, product, and/or services causing interference with us, our licensors, vendors, service providers, the Service or any Content.

If you provide us with the number for mobile or another device, or we obtain the device identifier for a device you are using, you agree, represent, warrant, and guarantee that such device is registered in your name and owned by you, or that you have the permission of the device owner(s).

Unless otherwise specified, the Service is intended for your personal, non-commercial use only. You are solely responsible for all usage of, or activities on, the Service by you and by those you authorize or allow to use, or provide access to, the Service, for example, by authorizing or allowing access to your account/profile or any computer, mobile or another device on which the Service resides or is accessible.

You acknowledge that we have not reviewed and do not necessarily endorse the Content of sites, applications, destinations or services linked to or accessible from this Service and are not responsible for the content or actions of any other sites, applications, destinations or services. You may link to or access any other site, application, destination, or service at your sole risk.

You must comply with all local, state, federal, provincial, national, international, and foreign laws, rules, and regulations in accessing and using the Service. By using this service, you agree to notify us immediately if you learn of or suspect a security breach or any illegal activity in connection with the Service.

You must comply with all applicable import and export control laws, rules, and regulations of Charleston, SC and other States, in the United States, and you must not transfer, by electronic transmission or otherwise, any Content subject to restrictions under such laws, rules, or regulations to a site, application, destination, location, person, or entity, or for an end-use prohibited thereby. You will not post, upload, transmit, send, or otherwise make available any Content on or through the Service that cannot be exported without prior government authorization or notification, including without limitation certain types of encryption software.

Content that is provided by us, our licensors, vendors, and/or service providers, including without limitation photos, images, text, music, audio, videos, podcasts, trademarks, trade names, service marks, other brand identifiers, the organization, design, compilation, and “look and feel” of the Service, and all advertising thereon, is protected by local, state, federal, provincial, national, international, and foreign copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws, rules, and regulations, and is the property of us or our licensors, vendors and/or service providers.

Certain Content may be made available to you on or through the Service for download, installation, and/or streaming on your computer, mobile, or another device, and via Real Simple Syndication (RSS), such as photos, images, text, music, audio, videos, podcasts, ringtones, games, graphics, or software. Such Content is subject to the same terms, conditions, limitations, and restrictions applicable to all Content provided by us, our licensors, vendors, and/or service providers. You must, in addition to all of your other obligations, use such Content only to the extent expressly authorized for the particular Content, and you may not use such Content in a manner that exceeds such authorization.

Prohibitions on Use of the Service:

Absent explicit prior written consent, you may not, nor may you allow, enable, authorize, instruct, encourage, assist, suggest, inform, or promote that others, directly or indirectly, do any of the following for any reason:

    • access and/or use anyone else’s Registration Information, or access, visit, and/or use the Service by use of anyone else’s an account/profile and/or Registration Information;
    • authorize or permit anyone else to access and/or use your Registration Information, or access, visit, and/or use the Service by use of your account/profile and/or Registration Information;
    • use the Service and/or Content for any commercial, advertising, promotional, or marketing use, including without limitation the photos, images, text, music, audio, videos, podcasts, trademarks, trade names, service marks, and other brand identifiers of us, our licensors, vendors, and/or service providers obtained on or through the Service, except as permitted by the Copyright Act or other law or as expressly permitted in writing by the Agreement, us, or the Service;
    • impersonate, imitate, or pretend to be somebody else, by setting up different accounts/profiles or otherwise, or falsely state, represent, or imply any affiliation, association, or connection with a person or entity when using the Service;
    • falsely state, represent, or imply any affiliation, association, or connection between any person or entity, including without limitation you, your company, or your site, application, destination, or service, with the Service, us, or our licensors, vendors, and/or service providers;
    • post, upload, transmit, send, or otherwise make available on or through the Service any Content that constitutes junk mail, spam, pyramid schemes, chain letters, phishing, advertising, and/or commercial offers, including without limitation touting or recommending any stocks or particular security, portfolio of securities, transaction, or investment strategy;
    • repeatedly post, upload, transmit, send, or otherwise make available on or through the Service the same Content multiple times in a day, week, or month;
    • post, upload, transmit, send, or otherwise make available on or through the Service any unsolicited bulk communication;
    • use any bots, cheats, macros, scripts, or run Maillist, Listserv, or any form of auto-responder, or use any other automated process, or engage in meta-searching or periodic caching of information, to access, visit, and/or use the Service, including without limitation to post, upload, transmit, send, or other make available Content on or through the Service;
    • copy, harvest, crawl, index, scrape, spider, mine, gather, extract, compile, obtain, aggregate, capture, or store any Content, including without limitation photos, images, text, music, audio, videos, podcasts, data, software, source or object code, algorithms, statistics, analysis, formulas, indexes, registries, repositories, or any other information available on or through the Service, including by any automated or manual process or otherwise, if we have taken steps to forbid, prohibit, or prevent you from doing so;
    • engage in personal attacks, or post, upload, transmit, send or otherwise make available on or through the Service any Content about an individual that is abusive, intimidating, bullying, harassing, hateful, violent, or that victimizes, degrades, defiles, or disparages an individual, on or through the Service;
    • use any language, or post, upload, transmit, send or otherwise make available on or through the Service any Content about a group that is hateful, violent, or that victimizes, degrades, defiles, or disparages any group based on race, gender, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, or age, or otherwise engage in what we deem to be racism, sexism, ageism, religious intolerance, bigotry, ethnic slurs, or homophobia;
    • use any language, or post, upload, transmit, send or otherwise make available on or through the Service any Content that may or is intended to enable, authorize, instruct, encourage, assist, suggest, or promote activities that incite violence, constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any local, state, federal, provincial, national, international, or foreign law, rule or regulation (e.g., drug use, underage drinking), including without limitation defamation, child pornography, fraud, or invasion of privacy;
    • stalk others on or through the Service, or using information obtained on or through the Service, or otherwise contact other users in the physical world without their permission using information obtained on or through the Service;
    • use any language that is, or post, upload, transmit, send, or otherwise make available on or through the Service any Content that is or depicts anyone engaged in any act deemed by us to be pornographic, obscene, sexually explicit, perverse, illicit, indecent, lewd, or lascivious;
    • engage in “cyber-sex” (i.e., “virtual sex”) or “sexting” or solicit another to participate in “cyber-sex” or “sexting” on or through the Service;
    • use any language, or post, upload, transmit, send, or otherwise make available on or through the Service any Content that we deem to be offensive, immoral, vulgar, crude, harmful, violent, deceptive, or otherwise inappropriate;
    • post, upload, transmit, send, or otherwise make available on or through the Service any Content that you are bound to not disclose, by agreement, contract, fiduciary duty, employment relationship, or otherwise, such as insider information, proprietary and/or confidential information, or trade secrets;
    • provide professional advice or post, upload, transmit, send, or otherwise make available on or through the Service any Content intended to provide professional advice about medical, health, legal, tax, financial, or investment issues, or to solicit, recommend, or endorse any securities or financial instruments, or suggest that a particular transaction or investment strategy is suitable for you or any specific person;
    • discuss the mechanics of sweepstakes, contests, auctions, flash sales or similar promotions available on or through the Service, or attempt to manipulate, corrupt, or otherwise affect the outcome of any such promotions, or post, upload, transmit, send, or otherwise make available on or through the Service any Content that may or is intended to enable, authorize, instruct, encourage, assist, suggest, inform, or promote activities that may subvert or not comply with the rules, restrictions, and/or limitations applicable to such promotions;
    • post, upload, transmit, send, or otherwise make available on or through the Service any Content that illustrates, depicts anyone engaged in, or is intended to enable, authorize, encourage, assist, suggest, inform, promote or give instructions for weapon and/or explosive manufacture or use;
    • post, upload, transmit, send or otherwise make available on or through the Service any Content that infringes, violates, or breaches the copyright, trademark, trade secret or any other personal or proprietary right of us, our licensors, vendors, service providers, other users, and/or any third party;
    • copy, reproduce, modify, change, edit, crop, alter, revise, adapt, translate, enhance, reformat, remix, rearrange, resize, create derivative works of, move, remove, delete, or erase any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary legends, symbols, marks, or notices on the Service, or attempt to circumvent any mechanisms for preventing the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of Content;
    • copy, reproduce, modify, change, edit, crop, alter, revise, adapt, translate, enhance, reformat, remix, rearrange, resize, create derivative works of, move, remove, delete, erase, reverse engineer, decipher, decompile, disassemble, store, cache, aggregate, publish, post, display, distribute, broadcast, perform, transmit, rent, sell, share, sublicense, syndicate, or otherwise provide to others, or use any Content obtained on or through the Service, in whole or in part, except as permitted by the Copyright Act or other law or as expressly permitted in writing by the Agreement, us, or the Service;
    • copy, reproduce, modify, change, edit, crop, alter, revise, adapt, translate, enhance, reformat, remix, rearrange, resize, create derivative works of, move, remove, delete, erase, reverse engineer, decipher, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to derive any source code or underlying ideas or algorithms of the Service, in whole or in part, including without limitation any Content, communications, messaging, programming, hardware, functionality, or features on our networks, servers, or databases, or otherwise reduce the Service, in whole or in part, to a human-perceivable form;
    • access by any other means than connecting to our servers by Http requests using a browser, disrupt, overwhelm, attack, hack, destroy, damage, disable, impair, repossess, alter, tamper, or interfere with the Service, including without limitation any Content, communications, messaging, programming, hardware, functionality, or features on our networks, servers, or databases, or impede or interfere with others’ access, visitation, and/or use of the Service, in any way or by any means, whether remotely or by access to our personal property, premises, or otherwise, including, without limitation, by using administrator passwords or by masquerading as an administrator while using the Service or otherwise; or
    • post, upload, transmit, send or otherwise make available on or through the Service any software disabling devices, time bombs, Trojan horses, cancelbots, viruses, worms, bugs, corrupted files, spyware, adware, malware, malicious programs or code, or devices or defects of similar nature.


Comments on the Service Are Not Necessarily Endorsed by Us:

We do not necessarily endorse, support, sanction, encourage, verify, or agree with the comments, opinions, or statements posted, uploaded, transmitted, sent, or otherwise made available on or through the Service, including without limitation in our social, community and public discussion areas, photo and video galleries, bulletin boards, forums, chats, blogs, columns, articles, personal/job search and other classified ads, contests/sweepstakes, or elsewhere. Any Content posted, uploaded, transmitted, sent, or otherwise made available on or through the Service, including advice and opinions, are the views and responsibility of those who post the Content and do not necessarily represent our views or the views of our licensors, vendors, and/or service providers. You agree that we and our licensors, vendors, and/or service providers are not responsible and shall have no liability to you, concerning any Content posted, uploaded, transmitted, sent, or otherwise made available on the Service, including Content that violates the Agreement.

Use of Content Supplied by the user:

To learn about our use of information about you and your computer, mobile, or another device that may be collected in connection with your access, visitation, and/or use of the Service, please see our Privacy Policy.

Except as expressly provided otherwise in the Agreement, you or the owner of any Content you post, upload, transmit, send, or otherwise make available on or through the Service retains ownership of all rights, title, and interests in such Content. However, by posting, uploading, transmitting, sending or otherwise making available Content, registering for the Service, entering sweepstakes or contest, or engaging in any other form of communication with us (on or through the Service or otherwise), you irrevocably grant us a royalty-free, perpetual, non-exclusive, unrestricted, worldwide right and license to copy, reproduce, modify, edit, crop, alter, revise, adapt, translate, enhance, reformat, remix, rearrange, resize, create derivative works of, move, remove, delete, erase, reverse-engineer, store, cache, aggregate, publish, post, display, distribute, broadcast, perform, transmit, rent, sell, share, sublicense, syndicate, or otherwise provide to others, use, or change all such Content and communications, in any medium (now in existence or hereinafter developed) and for any purpose, including commercial purposes, and to authorize others to do so. Among other things, this means that we may use any ideas, suggestions, developments, and/or inventions that you post, upload, transmit, send, or otherwise make available in any manner as we see fit without any compensation or attribution to you. In any event, you should make copies of or otherwise, back-up any Content, personal data, or communications you post, upload, transmit, send, or otherwise make available on or through the Service that you may wish to retain.

Please be aware that Content you disclose in publicly accessible portions of the Service may be available to other users, so you should be mindful of personally identifiable information and sensitive Content you may wish to post. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONSEQUENCES OF CONTENT OR PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION YOU POST, UPLOAD, TRANSMIT, SEND OR OTHERWISE MAKE AVAILABLE ON THE SERVICE.

Editing, Additions, and Deletions:

We reserve the right, but undertake no duty, in our sole discretion, with or without notice, to review, edit, move, add, delete, or otherwise change any features, functionality, and/or Content available on or through, or downloadable from, the Service, including without limitation any Content in your account/profile, or any of your messages, posts, or threads. This includes updates or upgrades to Content, automatic or otherwise. You agree to accept and to take no action to interfere with automatic upgrades or updates. Any changes to the Service may not be consistent across all platforms, computers, or devices. If you do not refresh the Service after each such change, or download the update(s) or upgrade(s), your experience may not reflect the most recent features, functionality, and/or Content, for which we and our Indemnitees disclaim any responsibility and liability. If any changes require you to obtain new, additional, or different equipment, hardware, software, and/or telephone, mobile, wireless, Internet, and/or other services, you are solely responsible for any additional expense. Even after Content is removed from your account/profile, your messages, post(s), and/or threads, regardless of whether such removal or deletion is by you or by us, copies of that Content may be retained and/or remain viewable by us, our licensors, vendors, service providers, and/or other third parties, including other users.

Copyright Complaints:

We respect the intellectual property of others and we ask our users to do the same. We may, in appropriate circumstances and at our discretion, in addition to our other remedies, terminate, discontinue, suspend, and/or restrict the account/profile or ability to access, visit, and/or use the Service of users who infringe the copyright rights of others, and we may choose to remove, delete, erase, or disable access to Content deemed to be infringing. It is our policy to terminate the access of repeat infringers.

If you have reason to believe that your Content has been copied and/or is accessible on the Service in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, or that the Service contains links or other references to another site, application, destination or service that contains Content or activity that infringes your copyright rights, you may notify us by providing a document via first class mail or e-mail that includes the following information:

  • a physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed;
  • identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or if multiple copyrighted works at the Service are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works at the Service;
  • identification of the copyrighted work that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate such copyrighted work;
  • information reasonably sufficient to enable us to contact the complaining party, such as an address, telephone number, and if available, an email address at which the complaining party may be contacted;
  • a statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted work in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;
  • a statement that the information in the notification is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.


For communications on other matters, please contact us through the means described on the Service as described in our Privacy Policy.


Termination or Suspension of the Service, Your Use of the Service, and/or the Agreement:

We reserve the right, in addition to our other remedies, to terminate, discontinue, suspend and/or restrict the Service, your account/profile, your ability to access, visit, and/or use the Service or any portion thereof, and/or the Agreement, including without limitation any of our purported obligations hereunder, for any or no reason, with or without notice. In the event of any termination or discontinuation of your account/profile, your ability to access, visit, and/or use the Service or any portion thereof, and/or the Agreement, we reserve the right, in addition to our other remedies, to reassign and/or allow another user to use your password and/or User ID.

Even if the Service, your ability to access, visit, and/or use the Service or any portion thereof, and/or the Agreement is terminated, discontinued, suspended or restricted, by you or by us, we have no obligation to but may at our discretion remove any Content you may have posted, uploaded, transmitted, sent, or otherwise made available on or through the Service. Therefore copies of all information about your account/profile and/or Content you may have posted, uploaded, transmitted, sent, or otherwise made available on or through the Service may be retained and/or remain viewable by us, our licensors, vendors, service providers, and/or other third parties, including other users. Nevertheless, we have no obligation to retain, store, or provide you with any information about your account/profile and/or Content you may have posted, uploaded, transmitted, sent or otherwise made available on or through the Service. All provisions of the Agreement shall survive the termination or expiration of the Agreement and/or your account/profile.

Communications with the user:

The communications between you and us will usually take place via electronic means, whether you access, visit, or use the Service or send us messages, or whether we post notices on the Service or communicate with you via messaging. For contractual purposes, you (a) consent to receive communications from us in electronic form; and (b) agree that all notices, documents, disclosures, and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications would satisfy if they were in writing. You consent to receive communications and do business electronically and your agreement to do so applies to all of your interactions and transactions with us.

You understand and agree that joining the Service may include receiving certain communications from us, such as transactional, relationship messages, and/or messages about your account/profile, and that these communications are considered part of your account/profile and you may not be able to opt-out of receiving them without ceasing to be a registered user of the Service.

Disputes and Jurisdiction:

The Service is based in Charleston, SC. Those who choose to access, visit, and/or use the Service do so on their initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws, if and to the extent local laws are applicable. We make no representation, warranty, or guarantee that the Service, or any merchandise, products, services, and/or Content available on or through the Service are appropriate, available, or legal in any particular geographic location.

In any dispute between us, your sole remedy is to stop using your account/profile and/or the Service, including without limitation canceling any Fee-based services. This includes any dispute related to or arising out of: (i) rules, restrictions, limitations, terms, and conditions that apply to the Service, whether listed in this Agreement, posted at various points in the Service, or otherwise communicated to you, including our enforcement, non-enforcement, or application of any such rules; (ii) any of our policies and/or practices, including our enforcement, non-enforcement, or application of any such policies and/or practices; (iii) any Content available on or through the Service, or any edits, deletions, additions, or other changes thereto; (iv) your ability or inability to access, visit, and/or use portions of the Service, or the Service as a whole, or features, functionality, and/or Content available on or through the Service; or (v) the amount, type, and/or basis for determining any fees, any changes thereto, or additional Fees.

You agree that in the event of any dispute between us, you will first contact us and make a sustained effort of good faith to resolve the dispute before resorting to more formal means of resolution, including without limitation any court action.

You agree that, regardless of where you access, visit and/or use the Service, all issues concerning the construction, validity, interpretation, and enforceability of the Agreement shall be governed and construed following the laws of the City of Charleston, SC, and the State of South Carolina, without regard to any principles of conflict of laws. Any disputes that result in court action will be resolved exclusively by a court located in South Carolina.

If for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of the Agreement, or portion thereof, to be invalid or unenforceable, that provision or portion will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible to affect the intent of the parties, and the remainder of the Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable in full force and effect.


We reserve the right to post, from time to time, additional rules that apply to certain portions of the Service, or the Service as a whole. Such additional rules will be posted in the relevant portions of the Service and are hereby incorporated into the Agreement by this reference. Your continued access, visitation, and/or use of the Service constitutes your agreement to comply with these additional rules.

The rules, restrictions, limitations, terms, and conditions that apply to the Service, whether listed in this User Agreement and Privacy Policy, posted at various points in the Service, or otherwise communicated to you, constitutes the Agreement and entire understanding between the parties and supersedes prior agreements between the parties, whether oral or written, concerning the subject matter hereof. Unless explicitly stated in writing by us, any new or additional features, functionality, or Content that augment or enhance the Service, including the release of updates, upgrades, or new products and/or services, shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement.

Any delay or failure by us to exercise or enforce any right or provision of the Agreement will not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. No waiver by us shall affect unless such waiver is outlined in writing, signed by us; nor shall any such waiver of any breach or default constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach or default.

We may sub-license, transfer, sell, or assign the Agreement, and/or any of our purported obligations hereunder, at any time to any person or entity, with or without notice. You may not sub-license, transfer, sell or assign the Agreement at any time to any person or entity, and any attempt to do so will be null and void.

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