Confederate Magazine 1894 Volume 2
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Posted : November 14, 2019
Confederate Magazine 1894 Volume 2
Born in Bedford County, Tenn., July 13, 1821 ; died Rl Mi m-
phis, Tenn., October, 29, 1877. He removed to Hen
Miss., m 1842, and was a planter until 1852, when he removed
i.i Memphis
General Forrest was one “f the mosl remarkable men de-
veloped by the war. In fighting he was the Stonewall Jack-
son of the West. United States Senator John W. Daniel, of
Virginia, in liis groat Bpeech as orator for tin 1 United Confed-
erate Veterans, al their reunion in N^» Orleans,in April, 1892,
said: “Forrest, the ‘Wizard of the Saddle,’ oh whal genius
was in that won. Infill man! He fell the field as Blind Tom
touches tin’ keys <>f a piano. ‘War means killing,’ be said,
‘and tin- way to kill is to gel there first with tin- most men.’
There is military science— Napoleon, Stonewall ami lee -in a
nutshell. He was not tau>_’ht at West Point, hut he gave les-
sonstoWesJ Point.” Erroneous statements have been pub-
lished, even in Encyclopedias, concerning his illiteracy.
His lovely Christian wife died in Memphis only a year or
two sine.’, i if his family now living there are t Saptain William
Forrest and his three children— Mary, Bedford, and William.
Born in Nashville, October 20, 1820; died Sepreml
rved as Captain of Volunteers in thi Mexican War, and
distinguished himself in the -. \ i rest hatth s there. On return-
ing from Mexico he was appointed Major General of fchi
• Militia.
In the Confederate service lie was at one., ma.le Brig
General, and soon afterward a Majoi General. He w
many tierce hattles. an.l always was the pridl ildiere.
In tie- Hood Campaign he commanded one of the three Corps.
“Mars Frank” was the familiar term under which any pri-
vate soldier \\ u him. who hesitated to ask th<
things of their regimental commanders, Aftei the war he
engaged in Farming, and when he died was Postmaster al Nash-
ville. The honor ami affection in which he was held was
verified by his having “thi funeral that has evei 1″ en
held in Nashville.” The procei S more than a mile in
length. His faithful, lovely wifi ed over tb* river” not
ftei him. Their live children— three sons ami two
.laughters are all doing well, ami live in a good boip
Nashville, provided by their parents.
Position Guaranteed!
The Nashville Shorthand Institute
and Tennessee Business College.
The Leading. The Oldest, and The Best.
Day and Night Classes all I fie 5 ear. Hours from K a. M to I” I*. M.
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(aii deposit your money for lUltlOD in bank till |m«illou in
secured and accepted. This offer Is made to all who enter for K»»r-
antee couise In
Draughon’s Consolidated Practical Business College
and School of Shorthand and Telegraphy.
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Three weeks ‘•> our practical method ol leaching 1 k-keeplnf
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why wf
can uol
charles mitchell.
Baker ano Confectioner.
Orders for Weddings and Parties Promptly Filled.
Home-made Candles Fr«sh Dally.
323 Union Street. NasMlle. Tenn.
Second Floor. Cole Building,
8*^- The Most Practical Institution of its kind in the World. ‘”©8
Indorsed by Merchants and Bankers. ‘■’ Write for Catalogue.
The only school in the Smith devoted exclusively to the training of young ladies and gentlemen In Shorthand and Typewriting. The
Academy Is under the personal direction of a veteran teacher and reporter— a veteran 111 a double sense, hav ng commenced the study of
phonography thirty years ago, while a prisoner of war in Uoek Island, Illinois.
CtonHorH Cotom Tano-ht Bend for handsome Souvenir Catalogue, containing much valuable information about short-
OT.ri.rmcU u Jyjtcin ictugiit. nan( j, systems reviewed, comparisons made, deductions drawn.
The Greatest Southern System.
The route of the <;reat Washington and
Southwestern Vestlbuled Limited, composed
o:ily of Pullman Vestlbuled Bleeping and
lhnlng Cars, solid in and [r New York,
■iniing Through Vestlbuled Sleepers be-
tween New < irleans and New York via Mont-
gomery, Atlanta, Charlotte, Danville, Char-
lottesville and Washington. Also the ” U. B.
Great Fast, Mall,” with Through Pullman
Sleepers, saving twelve hours between New
York anil Montgomery, without Change;
triple daily trains between the Bast ami Ai
via Birmingham, t lie stiort and direct route
East ami West. All Confederates going In
the Confederate Reunion, at Birmingham,
should see that their tickets read via the
Georgia Pacific Railway and Richmond <S
nanvi’h I mllroad.
W. A.Tokk,
General Passenger Agent, Washington, D. C.
Assl. 8. H. llAKI.WK’K,
General Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga.
There never was a better Beer brewed, and never before has any
Beer obtained such a reputation in so short a time, as
The proof, of course, is
in the drinking. Try it.
Convince yourself.
Paducah, Tennessee and Alabama R. R.
and Tennessee Midland Ry.
By l Ins route passengers leave Nashville at
8.26 A. m. and reach Memphis at ti o’clock P.
if., making good connection with this line at
Hollow Rock .i unction.
Get your Tickets at W. S. DUCKWORTH’S,
Next Door to Maxwell House.
Dental Department
Sixteenth Annual Session
Will begin October 2, 1898, and continue un-
til latter part of February.
Infirmary, Southeast corner Broad ami High
streets, Is now open for the reception of pap
tlents. Patients will be charged onlyfor ma-
terial 1 1 -. -. i peratlons. Competent In-
structors always present to direct the work.
Infirmary open from n a. m. to i p. m.
ii-iiHius. R. B.LEES, M.D..D.0.S., Dean.
Confed erate Vete ran.
Published Monthly in the Interest of Confederate Veterans and Kindred Topics.
VSSk^tF™- \ Vol. II. Nashville, Tenn., January, 1894. No. 1. {
Eratered ;ii tin- Postoffioe, Nashville. Tenn., as second-class matter
\«i\ .1 ( [seraenl – : Two dollars i”
eept i;i>i page. Oue page, one time, special. $10. Dlsoount: Ha I
one-Issue; one year, i Issue. This is ao Increase on former rate.
Contributors will please be diligent to abbreviate. M
Important (or an; thing thai has nol special merit.
The date t.» subscriptions Is always gi%*en i” the montb
ends. For Instance, II the Vbtbkah be ordered to begin with Janu-
ary, the date on mail list will be December, and thi
il’.i lot Ikii numb
With tlii- greeting to patrons of the Vetj ran for
the nevt year there musl be explanation and apology
for delay in issue. It was difficult to determine about
certain changes to be made in the new volume, basing
all upon tin’ price. When it was decided to in<
tlir price it was determined to improve tin- quality of
materia] and, it” possible, the matter, lor the new year.
\ Budden ami unexpected illness intervened just as
matters « ere under way for having the V i tbb v\ com-
pleted by the L5th, which compelled some delay. The
articles in this number will he found very good, yet
greater disappointment than ever ha- been hail in
promised articles of much strength ami historic ben-
efit, which it was expected would begin the new year’s
volume. Some of these may be expected in February,
Review of many hooks ami matters of interest to com-
rades has been unavoidably delayed. However, with
better facilities than ever, with restored health, ami
with the assured approval of all people who honor the
name Confederate, it is believed that in future the
Veteran will he better than it has ever been.
The time of issuing the Veteran has been from the
12th to the IMh of the month, although it has heen
designed to bring it to the first. It is considered best,
however, to have publication day at about the middle
of the month. Therefore patrons every where may not
expect it before the 15th, close to which day it may he
expected in the mail to .’very suhsc riher.
cut nIT from public patronage. In b such men
I am impelled to commend tin ration of com-
rades. Ought we not take Buch action a- opportunity
that will hring about a co-operative spirit with
tin in and assure them in every possible way that they
have not only our gratitude, hut that we are deter-
mined to CO-operate at any time in such mi
will enable them to , ien ise such influence upon the
administration of government as their patriotism and
their steadfastness merit’-‘ Tl ■ be no spirit
truer than that which inspires thi- sentiment. In
their and our powerless condition three decades have
elapsed, and we have never manifested to them the
regret we feel and thi’ high regard we entertain for
them. So much a- a Suggestion. Let it he said that
the \’i iikw is for smh patriots, and is for making
known that Confederate veterans have a thoroughly
fraternal regard for the men who fought us only to
maintain the Union, and we would gladly CO-operate
with them for the common good of our gnat country.
Sim i; having in charge the highly responsible work
of Sending out the CONFEDERATE VETl RAN to 80 many
thousands who arc its loyal and firm supporters, the
grave responsibility weighs heavier and heavier. A
sentiment ha- I ieen growing for month-, to which refer-
ence is now made, which is in behalf of Union soldiers
who were tired hy the kind of patriot ism that inspired
Andrew .lack-on to say. ‘The Union! it must and
shall be preserved.” who fought its battles to a vic-
torious ending, and who. with admiration for the
courage of Confederates and highest personal esteem,
felt the great injustice of depriving them of property
by confiscation, and have all these decades continued
in a political minority whereby they have heen wholly
1 82C
To met a demand from every section of tie South
t,,, issues of the Veteran tor I893, which cannot be
supplied, it has heen determined to publish a- a Sou-
venii all the best articles ami the many splendid illus-
trations which appeared in that volume. TheSouvenir
will contain I < M > page-. }„■ printed in -uperh Btyll
nicely hound. Tin price will he twenty-live .
It is furnished free to all subscribers who have remitted
II. It cannot he supplied to those who
renewed at fifty cents, hut they can have it by
remitting twenty-five cent- M 16 expected to have
the Souvenir ready for distribution at the P.irmingham
reunion. April 25th, about which time it will he de-
livered through the mails. Advertisements will bje
taken for this Souvenir edition at liberal rates. This,
will he an excellent opportunity for first-class adver-
t Lsers, as the Souvenir will he one of the most popular
productions ever issued in the South. The forms
reotyped, and it is believed that m vera] editions
will he demanded.
unsettled was the question of price of tie Vi i-
eram for so long that it has heen decided to accept re-
mittances that have heen made at fifty cents to date
and through this month. Such subscribers, however,
will not he entitled to the Souvenir. All subscriptions
received during December at one dollar, which cam,-
through the Liberality of friend-, were entered at the
T reduced rate, therefore making the time two years for
one dollar, tin- even ogainsl their protest. Since Jan-
uary remittances at one dollar have 1 n entered for
the year with the Souvenir, and remittances at fifty
■ • ms have been entered for the year without the Sou-
renir, and to show the most Liberal spirit possible this
‘ edition will continue until the end of this month.
.fter which no subscriptions will be entered for less
T than one dollar, except renewals without the Souvenir,
which will he accepted at seventy-five cents. All dol-
lar subscriptions will include the Souvenir. It is be-
b^ lieved. with this statement and the editorial on this
Bubject, page L 6, that patrons will lie universally sat-
isfied with the chain
A misleading proposition was published in the De-
cember Veteran. It was that “Flags of a nation
_ that fell,” and pictures of Gen. Lee and of Mr. Davis
would he furnished (Valued for thirty cents. It was
not intended to offer hut one frame and glass for the
thirty cents. The design was to give the preference
to friends? as between either of these eminent men or
I the Hags. A contract was made with factory agents
■r to supply cherry frames with glass, to be supplied by
the Vi ii ran, at thirty cents, just as the factory shut
> down, and there lias been annoying delay in getting
il ‘Values made at the very low price named. It is
understood now that during the next week they will
b. be sent in by the hundred, so all the orders received
\\ can lie filled without any further delay. Remember,
— that all who wish the four Hags framed nicely under
– g I” supplied by remitting the thirty cents.
The offer to supply the Davis ami I ,ee pictures in
these frames is recalled. These plates cannot he
“made ready” and printed at the small cost in orders
of less than one hundred copies.
I i was designed to review somewhat fully in this
I’ VsTEBANGen. Gordon’s great lecture. “The Last Hays
of the Confederacy,” by referring to and quoting from
it in BUCh way as would not detract from the interest
l( ,’i,i Cjf audiences to whom he may yet deliver it. The
,n ” review has been deferred, however, as have many oth-
er, ers on account of sickness. In introducing Gen. Gor-
‘”,’ don Gen. W. II. Jackson, the Major General command-
>*’ ing Tennessee Division U. C. V., paid fine tribute to
pi ti e lecturer. He asked, Whocould so well portray the
11 closing incidents as the hero of the closing scenes, who
>■• was one of the leaders of the “forlorn hope” at Appo-
mattox, leading that last charge, which is unsurpassed
in history, who was the trusted Lieutenant of tin’
i peerless and spotless Robert E. Lee, and who was the
typical soldier, promoted from Captain to Lieutenant
Bt General by merit alone? He mentioned the loyal de-
votion of the speaker to hi- chief, and recited the in-
cident of hi- taking fee’s bridle reins in the battli
Sharpsburg. When Lee -aid to Gordon, who was com-
manding the center of the line. ” 1 have no support
for you.” ( rordon Stood there like a stone wall, with a
hall in his right leg and another in hi- left arm. com-
pletely shattering it. yet he still refused to leave the
field. Finally, when shot by a minnie ball in his left
shoulder, and terribly shot in the face, he was carried
from the field unconscious. The speaker has been
Governor of the empire State of the South, and twice
elected to fcne United state- Senate, lie is Senatoi
now. and is Commander of the United Confederate
“The Confederate Soldier in the Civn War”
needs at tent ion. A clever Hep u Mi can. who has changed
his residence from the North to the blue grass region of
Kentucky, has inaugurated another great scheme for
getting tin- Confederate soldier’s money, lie ha- -cut
out an elaborate circular, not to the Veteran, anil has
gotten it up so ingeniusly that theauthoi ship appears as
Hon. Jefferson Davis, associated by Hon. A. II. Ste-
phen.- and other Confederates. Then (lens. I!. E. Lee,
Albert Sidney Johnston and others “describe” the
battles. Admiral Franklin Buchanan describes the
naval battles.
Oh the engravings! They are to exceed one thou-
sand in number. The “partial table of contents” is
a stunner. It is represented under twenty-two dif-
ferent heads. The author’s patriotism t ‘! i has stirred
him to the depths. ” The publications of ‘The Sol-
dier- in our Civil War.’ ‘Harper’s Pictorial History,’
and ‘The Pictorial Battles of the Civil War’— ‘ the
three greatest ami most stupendous pictorial histories
ever published in this or any other country — renders
necessary a companion volume giving the Confederate
side,'” etc. The author advertises himself as “more
the master of the subject than any man living.” He
is a daisy. Don’t forget that he will not let you vet-
erans nor other people have this great book except by
subscription, and at $s or $12. The pictures are old in
the main, hut they were made North and will be re-
printed there. 1 d’nl not intend to not ice further your
enterprises lor enlighten ing the Confederate elements,
not even to protest against the Washington Post’s in-
direct charge that the VETERAN, by its ” sensat ional
war stories,” is ” inferior” hut you are amusing. If
you will he candid and tell how your marvelous
hook will he published, the Veteran, which will not
he put under a bushel, will print it gratis cordially.
Ho he manly and see how much better you will feel.
If you will send your politics to Kansas, ami demon-
strate that you can turn the vilest of partisan pictures
to good account, making them serve exactly the oppo-
site purpose for which they were designed and made,
you will have the fraternal regard of heroes.
These are the two surviving children of Jeffi
Davis. The elder, Mrs. Hayes, was born al the Na
tional Capital, while her lather was Becretary “I” War.
Shr is the wife of Joel Addison Hayes, who is a native
of Mississippi, bul whose ancestors were of the oldest
families of Nashville, which is now the home of his
mother and sisters. Mr. and Mrs Hayes reside in
Colorado Springs, Col. They have four children living.
two each, daughters and sons.
Miss Winnie Davis, horn near the close of the war,
is everywhere known as “The Daughter of the Con-
fedi racy.” Both daughters honor their distinguished
Cant. B. H. Teague, Aiken, s. C: Inclosed find
postal note. This has been handed me by a worthy
veteran who lost his arm while wearing the hhie at
Jackson, Miss. 1 lenl him my Confederate Veterah
and he wa- so well pleased that he desires nie 1
you to send it lor the ensuing year.
Col. 1 >. H. Ri \rk.. writing
a. O. F. Strahl, killed al Franklin, says: Hi
1 Hrst nut as students at the Ohio Wesleyan Univer-
sity in 1851 or 1852, and we left there al the clos< of
it in June, 1854. Prom thai time until
his death we were more or less intimately acquainted.
We read law in the office of Judge John W, Harris in
Somerville, Tenn . and were admitted to the bar there
in 1858. shortly after I went to Arkansas and he
went to Dyersburg, Tenn., where be engaged in the
practice of law until he entered the army in 1861.
Gen. Strahl was one of the I ‘est nun 1 ever knew. He
was intelligent, true and brave. He was generous.
\- such men always are, he was patriotic, and a true
friend to his fellow-man. [ Both of these loyal South-
ern men were horn in Ohio in 1 *:’._’.]
Master Jefferson Hayes Davis, whose name was fit-
tingly changed by legislative enactment, is a bright
healthy lad ami proud of his ancestry. The father
tribute for which the South should be mindful
ndering his own name in the chain
BY. B. II. T.
You ask for a line about Blue ami Gray
” Your rebel” has this to say.
lie has fought hard in many a fray.
And saw the lives of many pass away.
Bine and i rrey.
Bat with the lights oi the present day
He wonders why the mighty array
Was permitted for one’s victory, the
other’s dismay,
Why did we not the golden rule obey?
Blue and (irav-
Write and suggest names of pel
sons who would like the Veteran.
noon’s < AMPAIGS is TENNBSS1 I ■
Every subscriber u> the Veteran, and every friend
tn the cause espoused, n ho realizes the importance of
true history, will be gratified by the great kindness of
Mrs. W. I». Gale, daughter of General and Bishop
Leonidas Polk, for the contribution of personal letters
by her husband in connection with the eventful times
in Tennessee during II I’s campaign. Mrs. Galeis
doing jusl as every patriot Bhould do in giving to the
public, through this important channel, the facts as
brought put by witnesses :it the time. Col. Gale was
Adjutant General “I’ Stewart’s Corps.
The entire letter is given, the references to family
in which bare-footed children an- mentioned being
given as illustrating vividly the situation at the time,
as there was iml a family in the State whose condition
had been better to feed and clothe the household than
had been this.
Headquarters Stewart’s Corps, Near Tupelo,
January 14. 1865. — My Darling Kate: Your dear let-
ter of December 20th received and read with what
avidity you can well imagine when you learn that the
last I had received was of November 6th. lam glad to
find you in Midi good spirits, ami hope you may bear
up and keep well. 1 feel indignant when I hear thai
Fanny and Dudley have nut had their shoes. How
the little darlings must suffer from the biting cold!
Now that we are to go into winter quarters I hope to
be able to attend BOmewhat to your comforts, and
will try and have some made them, but it will be BOme
time yet before you will get them.
1 wrote ymi a slmrt account of our battles in Mid-
dle Tennessee and our flight from the State. I now
give you some of the particulars in detail. After
three weeks’ preparation at Florence we finally
crossed the Tennessee on the 20th of November and
moved forward toward Mt. Pleasant. Gen. Thomas
at that time had his army at Pulaski. When we got
to Mt. Pleasant he had fallen back to Columbia. We
got’ to Columbia on the 26th and invested it. On the
night ol’ the 27th it was evacuated. On tin’ 28th this
and Cheatham’s Corps began one of the finest moves
of the war — in conception worthy of Stonewall Jack-
son, and in execution feeble and disgraceful —to cross
Duck River above Columbia, anil by a forced march
overbad roads and through the woods and fields to
strike the pike at Spring Hill, and cut Schofield off
from Nashville or strike him in the Hank. The move
made and all was a success up to the time of
striking the enemy. We struck the pike at Spring
Hill lU8t as the retreating enemy were moving by,
completely surprising him. Put strange to say. we
remained all night in sound of the voices of the men
as they retreated in the greatest haste, and not a blow
was Btruck, though orders were sent by Gen. I loud
several times to attack at once. One time Gov. Har-
ris himself carried the order to Gen. . Gen.
Lee was left in Columbia to cross and attack in the
rear. He failed to come up also, and thus Tennessee
was lost. Gen. Stewart was ready and anxious to
had his corps to the attack, but was not ordered, as
the other was in front. The next morning we pushed
forward in pursuit of the Hying column, the road
strewn everywhere with the wreck of a Hying army.
Wagons, just set on tire and abandoned, were saved
from destruction. When we got near Franklin we
found the enemy in line across the road two miles
from town. Preparations were made to turn the posi-
tion by a Bank movement, when the force fell back to
their entrenchments mar the town. Preparations
were made at once to assault the town. Franklin is
in a bend of tin- Harpeth, and the enemy’s line was a
circle, each wing resting upon the river.
It was one of the strongest places in tic world to de-
fend. Our men went boldly up in the face of 20,000
musket- and at least T< J pieces of artillery, many of
the bands playing our favorite pieces. The enemy
was easily driven from the front line and Bought
safety behind the inner line, where his artillery was.
( >ur line moved forward and closed around the enemy
Poring on the right. French next, then Walthall,
then Cleburne, linn Brown, then Pate. Johnston’s
Division — the only one of Pec’s corps that was up —
was held in reserve, and afterward was put in where
Bate and Brown were. The fight was furious, and the
carnage awful beyond anything I ever saw . ( >ur men
were mowed down by what is called an enfilade and
reverse fire, i.e., in the side and rear, in addition to
that in front. The enemy fought with great despera-
tion. Our men were Hushed with hope, pride, and
ambition as they fought for Tennessee. They felt that
the eyes of the men and women all over our country,
as well as Tennessee, were upon them, and the Yankee
Army which they had followed so long was before t hem.
Wave. Munich! all thy banners wave.
Ami charge with all thy chivalry!
The chivalry of the South did charge, as bravely as
they charged Agincourt or Cressy, and Marathon and
Therinopylea were not more grandly fought than
Franklin. Charge after charge was made. As last as
one division was shattered and recoiled, another
bravely went forward into the very jaw s of death, and
came back broken and- blood v. again rallying quickly
with their heroic officers, and again went forward to do
what seemed impossible — or die. Such men a- Poring,
Walthall. Adams, Cock rill, dates. Feat hers ton, Shelby,
Reynolds. Cleburne, Strahl, <;ist, and others, should
live in prose and poetry as long as the story of
the war is written or read. No pen can do justice to
the gallantry of these men. Walthall had two horses
shot dead under him. The field was covered with the
wounded and the death The enemy’s line had been
crossed in one or two places, but no man who went
over was ever known to return. Many hundreds lay
all night in the ditch separated from the enemy by
the thickness of the embankment. * While
the officers were collecting the scattered ami broken
ranks I went with Gen. Stewart to Gen. II I’s head-
quarters. He had determined to renew the attack in
the morning. The plan was that all our artillery –
100 pieces— which had been brought up, was to open
on them at daylight, and at 9 the whole army was
to assault the works. You may well think it was a
bitter prospect lor our poor fellows. We rode up to a
part of the enemy’s line, which we still held, to place
Strahl’s brigade in position, when I was struck by the
stillness in the enemy’s works, and asked the officer
nearest me if the enemy had not gone. He said that
they had, as some of his men had been down and
found no one there. Further examination convinced
me of the fact, and I rode back to our camp-fire, and
just as day was dawning I dismounted, wet, weary,
hungry, and disheartened, telling Gen. Stewart that
Schofield was gone. A half-hour’s rest, do! sleep, mi
the wet ground and I got up, drank a cup of coffee
and went to my daily work. I rode over the field
early in the day, before the details winch I had or-
dered, had begun to bury the dead. It was awful!
The ditch at the enemy’s line— on the right and left
of the pike — was literally filled with dead bod
lying across each other, in all unseemly deformity of
violent ‘hath. Gen. Adams lode his horse upon I
brenst- works and both horse and rider fell tb<
Cleburne was thirty yards in front of his division
when he tell, shot through the heart. But I am tired
of the sickening details, and you all must I”‘, too.
You can Bee our dreadful loss from published accounts.
I have now one more scene to paint, one more story
to tell you. and 1 am done. 1 wish 1 had a pen to do
justice to tin- subject, tor in all the annals of this war.
tilled as it i- with the great and noble deeds of great
and noble men and women, none exceed and fi w
lal in true merit the noble sympathy of Mr-. John
McGavock (Miss Winder’. When day dawned we
found ourselves near her house in her lawn — which
was in the reai of our line. The bouse l- the
large old-fashioned country houses of the betti
in Tennessee, tfl – nigh, with many room- and
every arrangement for comfort. This was taken ac
hospital, ami the wounded in hundred- were brought
to it during the battle, and all the night after. Even
room was filled, every bed had two). ling fel-
lows, every -pare space, niche and corner, under the
stairs, in the hall, everywhere hut one room tor her
and family. And when the noble old house could
hoi. 1 no move, the yard was appropriated until the
wounded and dead filled that, and all were not yet
provided for. < lur doctors were deficient in I ‘a ml a:
ami -he began by giving her old linen, then her
towel- ami napkins, then her sheets and I ths,
and then her husband’s shirts ami her own in
its. During all tin- time the surgeons plied
their dreadful work amid the sighs and moans and
death-rattle. Vet, amid it all, this noble woman, the
y impersonation of Divine sympathy ami tender
pity, was active ami constantly at work. During all
tie night neither she nor any one of her househ
slept, hut dispensed tea and coffee and such stimu-
lant- as she had. and that. too. with her own hands.
unaffrighted by the sight of blood, unawed by horrid
wounds, unblanched by ghastly death, she walked
from room to room, from man to man, her very skirts
Stained in blood, the incarnation of pity and mercy.
1- it strange that all who wire there praise her and
call her blessed? About nine in the morning she
t for us — General ami staff- ami gave us a nice.
warm breakfast, and a warmer welcome. The brother
of one of my clerks • McReady i was very badly wounded,
and then in her house. I bespoke her kind attention.
which she gave till he died.
Manx v. ars ago 1 was in tic same house, and in the
sane room, on a visit. < In one side of the tire sat the
father of Mrs. McGavock, then an old man. lie
nidi particularly glad to see me. ami told me that
he was a soldier in the w.n of 1812, and was at the
battle of New Orleans. When on his way hack the
troop- marched by the plantation of my grand-
father Green, below Katchez, ami his regiment was
entertained by him and furnished with milk in great
quantities. 11<- spoke of the gratitude of the men.
There wen- beeves killed also, and a great treat given
them. Is it not strange- that after fifty years a de-
scendant of that generous man should receive hospi-
tality on a bloody field of battle from a descendant of
tin’ tired and hungry soldier?
I will leave the balance of the campaign for future
\”t a drum was In ard, nor a funeral i
A- – we liurrii .1 ;
Not ■< -.;.! i. r tire. I :t farewell shot
v e buried.
The Generals were buried at Ashwood Cemetery.
During the dark days in the last year of the %
war t..r Southern Independence, the diet • suf-
fering throughout the South tiie ps, no parallel
in history. With nciliatorj
from the general Government, and our afflicted people
turned to their work with sorrowful hut determined
hearts, feeling confident that tl brave
men who ha. I fought would he
fully respected liut the carpet-bag thieves who in-
the en- – h had I
none for the live- it the
honor and virtue of | – were
doomed at this period to such painful experiei ■
fell t>> the fate of Arkat
In a most valual ntertain i tied.
‘•Tin’ Brooks ami TV of the l,\ ■
i notion Period in Ark black and
murderous record of the carpel in that State
i.- for tin- first tun. put in lasting shape and placed be-
lie peoph. I ii. aul hor of tin- book i- ‘ ii n. John
M Harrell, of Hot Springs, at present Brigadiei ■
eral commanding the United Confederate Vet<
for the Southern’ Disti
m, and passii • – that par-
alyzed th – ‘ and drenched it with
the blood of u- people, it i irly fortunatt
Arkansas that Gen. Harrell has rescued from oblivion
these important I iiortly must have
> for want of proper attention. Mis
work was um intervals during a laborious
life, and so w ritten ‘ Localise it had to b( one
else would undertake it.” It should he in the hands
of every patriotic citizen of Arkansas, and t 1
student’ of history will want it. The hook i^ i
fully and forcibly written.
In the light of tl – therein presented, a more
unprincipled villain ne Arkansas with his
citizenship than Powell Clayton, the prince of carpet-
ore the war he was a pro-slavery Demo-
me a federal officer during the war. and
afterward the “black Republican” Governor of Arkan-
self-installed by means of the most outrageous
measures of undisguised fraud and force. He
native of Pennsylvania horn in 1833), and afterward
lived in Delaware. In 1855 he emigrated to K
and in 1862 he turned up in Helena. Ark., at the head
regiment of Federal cavalry. He went into that
with ”a sword in one hand and a torch in the
other.” After semiring th. ‘ Governor, with a
gang of thieves, hacked up by their negro soldiers, he
proceeded to roh the people and State hy every mean-
which he could devise and execute. \\\> spacious
home, at that time on a ridge overlooking the Arkansas
r, was known as the ” Robber’s Roost.”
In January, 1869, the Louisville Courier-Journal pub-
lished a letter over the nom di plum* of “A Fair-minded
Carpet-bagger,” which contained these statements: “I
served with Gov. Clayl luring the war. I was born
in Massachusetts, was educated at Harvard, and bave
always been a Republican. I voted for Fremont, twice
for Mr. Lincoln, and recently for Gen. I .rant, for Presi-
dent. My purpose give a lair not inn <>l’ the con-
dition ol affairs in Arkansas. That condition is ter-
rible. Nothing like it exists this side of the Cretan
islands. Comi i i very-day events remind me of the
of Warren Hastings, in India, or of Mustapha
Asaph, in < freece.”
His acts of oppression and cruelty have made his
namea6tench in the nostrils of all Arkansians, and
it will remain odious for all time to come. Among
the many bloody murders committed by his hirelings
and supporters was that of an old man by the name
of Hooper, who was tied to his horse and shot dead
at Plummersville. Strange to say that at this same
place, where old man Hooper was so foully murdered,
Clayton’s brother, John M. < llayton, was himself mur-
dered only a few years ago. In order to carry out his
schem livided the State into three military dis-
tricts, and placed them under martial law. Then fol-
lowed scenes of bloodshed and murderous executions
in all pan- of the State. The most respected citizens
were dragged from their families and openly murdered,
and that without cause or form of trial. His negro
militia ran riot, an I women were outraged in the very
presence of their helpless husbands! Relief only came
to tin- suffering | pie when Clayton was elected to
i In- United States Senate, many good Democrats voting
for him as Senator in order to rid the State of his
presence a- Governor, knowing that as Senator he
would at once sink into utter insignificance.
Gov. Elisha Baxter succeeded Clayton, and he had
hardly taken his seal before one Joseph Brooks, a rev-
i hypocrite and scoundrel, who lived in Helena,
ami who had opposed Baxter for Governor, declared
himself elected and forcibly took possession of the
House. In thiscontest ••tie- Brooks and Baxter
war” was brought on, and the State was still further
disgraced. Knowing that Baxter had been madeGov-
ernor by ( llayton, many g 1 citizens supported Brooks
in this infamous contest, believing in his protestations
of reform, and knowing his then bitter hatred of
Clayton. Fortunately for the state. Brooks was finally
overthrown and Baxter, the rightful Governor, took
it. Brooks would have I □ as unscrupulous as
Clayton, and would have taken up reconstruction
where the latter left off. W. L. Stephenson, of Helena,
figured as one of the judges during Clayton’s rule.
Baxter was undoubtedly the best man for the people
that the Republicans could have furnished. His final
opposition to the monstrous bond scheme, by which
the State was plunged into ilebt. lo-t for him the sup-
port of ( llayton ami his gang.
Ihe days of carpel bag rule in Arkansas will always
recall painful recollections in the hearts of our people
who passed through that fearful time. Gen. Harrel]
has performed an inestimable sendee to Hie people
and State by his faithful record of that black period
in the history of the state.
a V i AIT. HKN. m’i ri lo, ii HOED, wmiviiii., i i:\\.
IB- was an Irishman by birth and a blacksmith by
trade, but gave up his bellows and tongs to follow his
gallant countryman, Gen. Pat Cleburne, into the Con-
federate Army, and become a gunner in a battery that
was organized (?) by that peerless soldier. In many
of his characteristics Mike was strikingly like hi-
Captain. Though possessed of a rich vein of Irish
ml humor, he did not have that volatile, bub-
bling overflow of spirit SO natural to his peopli
the contrary he was quiet, and rather retiring in his
disposition, even to apparent timidity. His only form
of dissipation was tobacco. 1 well remember his dirty
little coo pipe, black with age and tobacco, with a Mem
of the same Color and from the same causi S, not three
inches long. Every old soldier who saw much active
service in the Held, in thinking of the close places he
has passed through, will recall vividly the sunburnt
fa e mil form of some comrade, friend or acquint
conspicuous for his courage, brave when- all were
braves, hut he the bravest of them all. In tin-
dear old lion hearted Mike Kelly always appeal- to
me. With the courage of a game cock, the i
of a woman, and a sunny temperament, he was i
able companion, and when by your side in uction
made you feel as if you had two right amis a
double pair of eye,-. Il is not. however, to -peak of
In- courage, but some ludicrous incidents that hap-
pened to him after he “jined the cavalry,” that I write.
Mike was torn nearly in two by a canister shot at
Shiloh, and as soon as he was able to stand the journey
his surgeon sent him home to Helena, Ark., to die,
which Mike, with an Irishman’s perversity, refused to
do, hut which he explained to me afterward in a half
apologetic tone for not doing, that the shot didn’t
damage his ” in ‘an Is.” It, however, incapacitated him
for serviic in the infantry, and as the yankees by that
time had the river as far down as Vicksburg, lie
not well get back to his old command, so he reluc-
tantly joined the cavalry. I say reluctantly because
while he knew every hour ami nerve in a horse’s
and was perfectly at home when he had that article
between his knee- tacking on a shoe, put him on a
horse’8 back and he was as helpless as a new-horn babe.
I doubt if he was ever on a horse a half dozen times
in his life he lo re he joined ( ‘apt. Ruf. Anderson’s com-
pany of scouts, of Col, Dobbins’ Regiment and Walk-
er’- Brigade of Arkansas Cavalry, of which I was at
that time a member. Seeing him one day shortly
after he had joined hesitate on the hank of a little
stream as if debating with himself which would be
wiser, to ride across or to get down and wade ami i ad
his horse, I called out to him, “Grip him with your
knees, Mike, and your back will keep dry.” “Grip
him with me knase. is it,” he replied: ‘■thin h’ jim-
miiiy I’ll wade, for I’m as how legged as a barrel hoop;
its me grub and not me hack 1 want to kape dry.”
(apt. Anderson was a superb horseman, having
spent many years of his life on the frontier of Texas.
He could perform all the tricks in the saddle thai are
common to the cowboys of the present day, such as
” – ping down ” and picking from the ground his hat,
six shooter, glove or handkerchief, wdth his horse at
full speed. The freipient encounters his company had
with the cavalry of the enemy made him pretty well
known and much sought after by them, and through
the citizens they had obtained not only a good descrip-
tion of him, but also knowledge of bia dexteril
rider. < >n one occasion our seoute reported thai a tor-
aging train was coming out from Helena, escorted by
only a squadron of cavalry. Wetherly, our First
Lieutenant, was in command of our troop that day,
Anderson being absent; and as “the old man” never
lost :m opportunity to pick a fU6s or make a Gght, in
or “ut of the army, we wore soon in the saddle and on
<>ur way to strike the escort of the P We were
considerably outnumbered, but Wetherly tb
that if he would dismount part of Ids men, place
them in ambush, and when they opened tire on the
blue coats charge with his mounted men on their rear,
the advantage of the surprise would about even the
thing up. So part of us weir dismounted, Mike and
I of the number, and were placed in a dense thickel
not more than twenty parrs from the road. The Fed-
eral column so, ,n rode in. and at the word, “Fire!’ 1
tin thicket blazed, and at the Bame time Wetherly
charged, as he thought, on their rear with his mounted
men. A Dumber Ol horses and men went down from
our lire, and the head of the Federal column was
thrown into confusion, hut only for a moment, lor we
had struck the Fifth Kansas, commanded by Maj
Sam Walker, a- good body of cavalry and as brave an
officer as thru- was iii the Federal Army. At com-
mand they wheeled and formed, fronting the thicket,
and charged in the face of our second – \t the
same time a yell distinctively yankee and a heavy
discharge of carbines further down the road to our
right told us as plain as if we had Been it that Weth-
erly had wedged himself between the advance guard
and main column of the enemy. At this unexp
turn in affairs, with nothing but our six shooters to
hold back bui h odd- we did not have time to reload
our trims — it did not take long to determine what to
do. “Fall back to your horses,” was the order, and
we fell. Mike and [ were together. Partly on account
of his old wound, hut mostly. I think, on account of
his contentious disposition under such circumstam i b,
lie was the poorest runner 1 ever saw, and when we
reached our horse holder he was mounted, the others
gone, and. throwing the reins to us. he followed in hot
haste. 1 was in my saddle instantly. Mike was not
so fortunate. His horse, a loDg, lank old bay, as thin
as a rail, excited by the shouting, shooting ami run-
ning, was plunging viciously around in the brush,
draging Mike, who was pawing the air with first one
foot and then the other in fruitless efforts to catch the
stirrup, at the -ame time keeping up a continuous
string of comments upon the situation generally, in-
terspersed with hits of ad\ ice t,, me and curses at his
horse, such as “Give’m a taste of your shouting, boy;
whoa, you d n old Look at the blue devils how they
-warm. What ad — n fool old Wetherly was -truck
’em in the middle. Divil take the cavalry service.
Woah ‘. ” In the meantime the Yankees. I’m, ling noth-
ing in front of them, were coming on as fist as the
nature,,!’ the ground would admit, Bring at random,
for the hushes were SO thick they could not see till
feet in front. Although expecting to show a clean
pair of heels to the enemy, I had instinctively drawn
afresh pistol from my holster w hen I mounted, and,
according to Mike’s advice, was using it to the best
advantage 1 could, at the -ame time watching his cir-
cus performance and inwardly praying that it would
come to a speedy close, or both of us would he either
killed or captured in a half minute more. I couldn’t
leave him. for he had more than once stood between
me and “the other shore.” and to leave him now
would show rank ingratitude and cowardice.” “Turn
him Loose, Mike, ami jump up behind me. it’s our
chance,” I yelled, and at that instant the front line of
Yankees burst through the thicket into the open woods
within thirty steps of us. “Bang, bang, hang’ halt!
halt ‘ surrender’ surrender! ” they called out. 1 turned,
to pick up Mike if possible, and take my chance run-
ning, just in time to see hi- horse lunge forward, and
lying like a sack of meal crosswise in the saddle,
with one hand clutched in the male about midway
k. My first impression was that he had )■•
-let. ami 1 ■ • him wiggh- hi- leg over
his blanket, which was strapped to in- and
lighten up. Our horses wi i at racing speed,
ami Mike was doing some wonderful riding. Neither
foot was in a stirrup, and he showed no partiality
any particular place to sit. Every time his old ho
made a jump Mike would come down on him u
different place— behind tie cant li
the pummel cm hi- neck, then back again, up one side-
d down the cither lie literally rode the old hay
from his ears to bis tail A fallen tree Mont of
us, both horses took the leap at tin 1 same time, and
Mike disappeared on tie- far side of h Gone
this time sure. [ thought, but the next instant, ba
headed, he bounced hack on top. Our pursuers, not
liking to follow us too far in the woods, tired a parting
volley of lead and curses at us, pulled up. and a hun-
dred yards oi ber we run into our own scattered
squad that had halted and reformed. An hour la!
Wetherly, having gotten the compai we
were pegging away at tin rear of tin Federal column
surely fell hack into Helena, having senl
their well loaded wagons on in front. I stopped a
moment to get a drink of water the
I ■ derals had ju-i left. The old man had a Bon in our
company, and was very anxion- to hear the news of
tic -kinin-h. “I tell you thev lighty Ql
getting (‘apt. Anderson, he said, after learning that
his hoy wa- all right. ” How’s that.” I a-ked : “Ander-
son wasn’t in the skirmi-h at all.”
that yankee Captain that just left here said he rode
right on Anderson, knew il wa- him from his riding,
never saw BUch devilish line riding in his hi
played along in front of him cutting up all kinds of
antics on his horse, and if he hadn’t been afraid that
he was doing it just to decoy him into another am-
hush he could have caught him.” I knew at 01
that Mike’s remarkable performances had been taken
for Anderson’s skill. The story wa- too good to keep,
and no one enjoyed it more than (‘apt. Anderson.
When the hoys run it on Mike, however, he replii
” It’s all right, me lads, hut there’s no danger “f any of
you blackguards ever being mistook for your betl
Mike did not have to wait long, however, before he
had his ” inings” on our friend- in blue, though he
did not come cut a- scarleoe as in the scrape just men-
tioned. Our pickets reported a body of Federal cav-
alry advancing toward I, arrange from Helena, mi the
St. Francis road. The regiment was badly scattered,
having to picket some twelve or fifteen miles of coun-
try, hut at the sound of” hoots and saddle” a hundred
and ten or fifteen men “fell in,” and. with the (o|,, nil
at our head, we went trotting through l.a(i range to mi
the enemy. Some two or three miles below the litl
village the road run.- through one of those large planta-
tions common in that section, with a high, .-till’ rail
fence on either side. In the w Is just at tin- end of
this lane there was a heavy growth of young paw-
paws. Dismounting Wetherly, who had meanwhile
been promoted t<> a captaincy, with thirty live or forty
■ if hi- men, had them placed along the road with
instructions t<> open on the enemy as soon a- they
came up. The Colonel took the rot of the command,
skirted the plantation, and came to tin’ lam- a half
inili- lower down. We had scarcely reached this posi-
tion and formed before Wetherly’s guns opened. We
Bwung by fours out in the lane, ami with a yell went
at them under lull -peed. Col. Dobbins and (apt. An-
derson, the hitter’s company being in front, leading
the charge on the right and left of the column. The
road was a- open and level as a billiard table, and
every man was driving the steel into his horse. The
rear companies of tin- Federal squadron promptly
wheeled to meet us, and poured a steady fire from
their carbines on us as we came up. I happened to
be one of the first fours, and was within a few feel of
tin- Coloml when I saw him glance over his shoulder,
slacken his speed somewhat, throw up his hand and
call to (apt. Anderson, ” Let the column close up!”
At the rate we had been coming we were necest
badly strung out. ami tin- federals wen standing solid
the entire road not Beventy-five yards from us.
1 hail half turned my head to look back when, like a
red streak, a trouper dashed by me. There was no
mistaking tin- rider. The rein- were flying loose, the
old horse’s hlood was up. and SO was Mike’s. lie
couldn’t have stopped him if he would, and he
wouldn’t if he could, for “charge” to Mike meant “go
in.” whether there was one man or one thousand at
his hack. He was drawing his gun as he passed, a
double barrel Bhot-gun loaded with buckshol and hall,
and by the way. the best gun that cavalry can have
for close quarters. “Cavalry are of no service in ac-
tion unless they do come to close quarters.) 1 had
only time to see him, when the Colonel again gave
tie- order to charge. The delay was only a fracti I
part of a Becond, hut .Mike was then flying fifty yards
in front of US. r saw two puffs of smoke fly over bis
bead, and be disappeared in the cloud. The next in-
we were “mixing with ‘m.” as Gen. Forrest
aid. The action was sharp and fierce,
the federals using the sahre and we sixshooters. It
was too hot to last long. Their rear gave way. we
v.eni through, joined Wetherly, and never gave them
time to reform until they had been driven inside of
their lilies. ] was hurrying hack to the place when I
had la.-t seen Mike, when I came upon our surgeon
ng into a poor fellow after a hall, and inquired if
he had found Mike’s body. “Yes.” “Dead.'” “No,
bul wounded, and he’s in the ambulance on ahead.’
I didn i have an opportunity to see Mike until s e
tin* after midnight. I found him, with others.
hed on some straw in a ham t had been con-
verted into a hospital. His head was swathed in
bandages,and looked as big as a half bushel. His face
was so swollen he could not see, and the poor fellow
w as delirious.
From the surgeon I learned that Mike had marched
a couple of pris irs up to him, Baying, “Take charge
of ‘m. Hoe,” when he keeled over at his feet with an
empty sixshooter in his hand. An examination
■ showed that his head had been terribly beaten, the cuts
were to the >kull in live different places. I afterward
learned from Mike, as soon as he was able to see and
suck his coli pipe, that after emptying hi- gun he did
not have time to draw his pistol before he was w.
in the Federal column, ami clubbing his gun lie was
“knocking the spalpeens” right ami left, when some
“dirty blackguard” struck him over the head, knock-
ing him from hi- horse. In falling he was caught be-
tween the horses of a couple of Federals, his arms
pinned to his Bides as the horses were crowded to-
gether, and the last he remembered their riders were
beating a tatt in his head. When he recovered con-
sciousness he was lying in the timber, and two federal
soldiers standing close by undecided whether to try to
escape or surrender. Mike decided the matter for
them. Struggling to liis feet and taking a pistol from
the ground, having lost his own. douhtlcss. in his
tumble, In- promptly ordered them to throw up their
hands, which they did. and were marched back as
above stated. Neither Mike nor his prisoner- knew
at the time that the pistol he pointed at them was
Mike was a favorite with the Colonel, who. like the
reel of us, would occasionally joke him about his rid-
ing. Shortly after these incidents, when Mike was
able to crawl out and sun himself, the Colonel passed
by and began to rig him about letting his horse run
awa\ in the charge and carry him into the yankee
“Run away, is it.” said Mike. “Och, Colonel, its
yourself that’s fond of a joke. Now when we swung
into the lane and you Ordered US to charge, if ye had
just tipped me a wink and -aid, ‘Mike. I don’t mean
it: I’m only joking.’ my head would he a- sound as
yours this minute.” The laugh wa- on the Colonel,
and he joined in it heartily.
The story of Mike Kelly is longer than was intended,
yet this is hardly a beginning of the many stories that
seem fitting while writing of him. He actually mad)
a cannon by a process of rings, and welding them suc-
cessively, and with it he fired on a government trans-
port containing the pay for Hanks’ army.
Lakeland. Fla., Oct. L6, 1893.— My last messmati
fell iii the battle of franklin. When we buried him
we placed at the head of his grave a plain wooden
slab, with this inscription, “W. J. Edgar, Co. H., 5th
Trim. Reg.” In a printed list of Confederate dead
interred in McGavock Cemetery, I see his name is \v.
.1. Egar, the “d” being omitted. Will some kind
friend make the correction on the stone?
.1. M. Fraser, Morgan city. La.: I wa- one of tie
youngest soldiers in the < ‘on I’c ‘derate Army. 1 icing onl\
en years old when 1 started as bugler in a C
pany Ol independent rangers in Texas. I like the
Veteb \\ because it speaks the truth, and I shall have
all of the copies hound, so that my children can read
them. 1 belong to the Berwick Camp. 1 havespoken
to the editor of tin Independent Democrat to mention
the V ETERAN in his paper, and he w ill do SO.
Billy Blatter, Winchester, Tenn.: Now you know I
am an old and practical printer, and I am persuaded
that you will have to increase the price or lose money.
Skitter will not take advantage of your oiler to accept
fifty cents for a renewal, hut will send you one dollar,
ami I want all the rest to do likewise.
A history of the Maryland Line Confederate Home
is now in press at Baltimore. The Veteran has ad-
vance prooi sheets, and makes liberal extracts. The
‘•”Id United States Arsenal,” of which there is a brief
account, covers an area about equal to two Bquaree in
a city, and, furnished as it is. entitles it to considera-
tion as “the best soldiers’ home in the United States:”
Thai there was a division of sentiment in Maryland
upon the causes which led to the war between the
States ii” one will deny, yel the large preponderance
of public opinion was heartily in favor of the cause
of the South. Maryland. L»y reason of her geograph-
ical location, close commercial interests with the to-
bacco and cotton-raising States, similarity of institu-
tions and intimate BOCial and natural relations with
the people south of the Potomac, was emphatically b
Southern State, notwithstanding it had come to be
classed with that division of the country lying north
of the Potomac and south of New England called the
Middle States. Of the same ancestry, prevailing cus-
toms and ha hits, and do- eh welded by internum
together with the memories ol the past Btruggle of the
c Monies in the French and Indian wars, and of the
free and independent states which determined to
throw off allegiance to Great Britain and King G*
— with the same views ol the character ol the Federal
Union, and the rights and privileges which were re-
served to the state- under the Constitution of 1789, it
Would have been unnatural to have found her people
engaging in a fratricidal war ol desolation and inva-
sion of those communities, to which she was so bound
by historic and sympathetic ties.
The conservatism of her people misled pome to in-
dulge the hope that what was popularly called the
“loveofthe Union” would overcome the considera-
tions of honor and the associations of years of com-
mon struggle and danger ; but such conceptions were
as unfounded as they were insulting to the maul 1
and integrity of her people. The right of self-gov-
ernment had. on this continent, no firmer supporters
and defenders than in Maryland.
Allusion is only made to these circumstanot
explain why it i- that we have here in Maryland—
a State that was not “out of the Union” — a home for
Confederate soldiers. Her sons were in the Confed-
eracy, the hearts of her women were there, and the
great body of her people were in sylnpathy with the
cause oi’ constitutional government,
A- a border community in a sectional quarrel, this
feeling could not be unanimous. ‘There were some
who were loyal to the Union, and this minority, ob-
taining control by reason of the bayonets of the Fed-
eral power, gave the weight of state authority to their
claims, ami we find Maryland regiments and Mary-
land batteries Maryland at least in name,) respond-
ing to the call of the Federal President, .It
is conceded that there were those who 1 10 nest ly SU] >-
ported the national authority, and the brilliant record
of Maryland soldiers who “wore the blue” is cher-
ished and prized as the common glory ><( the State
by none more dearly than those of her sons who
” wore the gray.” As in the days of the Stuarts, the
hearts of the loyalists were “o’er the water with
Charlie. ” SO was it in Maryland. Her body hound
and shackled, her heart was unchained, and her sym-
pathies were with the followers of Lee and Jackson
beyond the Potomac. * A prominent officer,
after inspection of the records of the office ol the
Adjutant-General of the army in Richmond, esti-
mated that tlea, 20,000 Marylanders in the
service of the Confederate States lie organizations
officially recognized as from Maryland were as fol-
low-: Firsl and Second Maryland Infantry, First and
d Maryland Cavalry, First Andrews and De-
ment), Second Baltimore Light . Third (Latrobe),
Fourth (Chesapeake), Maryland Artillery. Their ag-
gregate strength was some 1,000 men. with tl
ception of the last named battery, which served with
distinguished honor with the army in the West, it is
enough to say, in the language ol Gen. Ewell, refer-
ring to the Hret Maryland Infantry: “The history
of the First Maryland Infantry is the history of the
valley campaign;” the history of the Army ot North-
ern Virginia cannot be written without giving the
history of these commands “( the Maryland Fine.
From the early days ol the war. from Manasas to
Malvern Hill, from the valley to Gettysburg, from
the d< \ ppomattox, w a- their
valor and efficiency conspicuous.
From the beginning at Harper’s Fei ry, in ’61, t<
end at Appomattox, in ’63, they maintained the same
high character and bearing, and the record ot their
deeds, the icputation of their commanders of Buch-
anan and Hollins. of Trimble, Flzey. Winder. Stuart,
Johnson, Herbert. Rid iwn, Gilmor, Ant
Wm. I’.roun. and Breathed, are held in veneration
and affection by all familiar with the military history
of the Confederacy, and have made for Maryland a
name equal if not above other name- in the admira-
tion of a heroic people.
The State of Maryland can well be proud of it-
of the Maryland Fine of 1861 ways
been of their forefather– of the Revolution and the
subsequent war- of [812 ami with M« sico An hon-
orable, brave people are Q< their vet-
eran soldier-, ami the fact that the Federal
ment ha- ously provided for those of lei sons
who wore the blue but make more pronounced the
obligation of our Mother State to e;ire for their unfor-
tunate brothers who. in ragged gray jackets, repre-
sented Iter in the Confederate ranks: and. to their
honor be it said, in this pious purpose the Union citi-
zen^ ot’ the State have been willing and earnest in
their co-operation.
Sad indeed w a- the heart of the poor Maryland l
federate, alter the days of Appomattox — the cai
which he had devoted hi- best years, and for which he
had so freely risked his lite and shed his blood, had
failed — as the ?ad good-bye was spoken to associates.
The Association of the Maryland Fine was fori
in 1880, to assist the disabled and the destitute.
There was already in existence the Society of the
Army and Navy oi’ the Confederate state- in Mary-
land, which was organized in 1871, shortly after the
death of Gen. Fee, and it was not proposed to in-
croach upon, or to displace this organization, bu1
to cherish it a- the parent society, or center of Con-
federate influence and work. Under the direction of
Gen. Bradley T. Johnson, and largely aided by his
material assistance, the Association of the Maryland
Fine made up a fairly complete roster of the various
Maryland organizations. In this work they were
largely aided by the courtesy of the War Department
in permitting acre-.- to Bucb muster rolls as were found
in the records of the Adjutant-General’s office at Rich-
mond, and which were removed to Washington al the
close of the war.
Under the auspices of the Society of the Army and
Navy of the Confederate States in Maryland, was
held in Baltimore, in 1885, a most successful bazaar,
the proceeds of which, -nun- 131,000, were being de-
voted to the care of indigent Confederates and the
burial of the dead. Through the medium of this
fund, and the contributions of generous friends, t ti< ■
duty of ministering to the wants of the unfortunate
was faithfully performed, but as the years rolled on it
became painfully apparent that the means at hand
aot equal to the i ency, and that the appli-
cations sterna were far beyond the ability to
It was ascertained that a Dumber of thesi
lant old soldiers were finding refuge in the alms-
houses of the State, and not a few, instances came to
light of the burial of dead in the unhallowed graves
of Potter’s Fields. After careful consideration, it was
determined to make an effort to establish a Soldiers’
Home in Maryland, and to ask that the property
known as the Pikesville Arsenal be devoted to that
purpose. To thi- memorial the General Assembly
gave ready ear and took prompt affirmative action,
and in February, 1888, this property was given by the
State to the Association of the Maryland him- for the
purpose indicated, and an approprial ion of $5 000 pet
annum was voted lor the repair of the property and
maintenance of the Home. This property was singu-
larly adapted to the purpose by reason of the charac-
ter of the building and convenience of location.
During, or shortly alter, the Confederate war was
over, the arsenal was abandoned as a military post.
and in 1880 the Federal Government relinquished the
game to the State of Maryland. The commandant in
I860, just preceding the commencement of the war.
was thai distinguished soldier, Major, afterward Lieut.-
Gen. Huger. The State, after taking possession of
the property, made no practical use of it: in fact, it
was an item of expense for several year-, by reason
of the salary of a custodian. No repairs had I. .’en
placed on the property for a period of some twenty
■and lie- condition at the time of the transfer to
the care of the Maryland Line was little short of that
of a ruin. Work was at once commenced to rest
from this Bad plight in April. 1888, and in June, the had -o far progressed as to admit of the
formal opening and dedication. Appropriate exer-
were held, with a large attendance of citizens
from Baltimore and the neighboring country. Every
year since reunions and like celebrations have taken
e, which have been frequently attended by dis-
tinguished Confederate., many of whom have been
prominent in the national councils of the country.
The administration of the Home rest- with a Board
of i rover S of the Association of the Maryland Line.
[a nn. ler the immediate supervision of a Hoard of
Managers, v, ho are largely aided in their duties by the
labors of ■■< Board of Visitors, which is made up of
well-known ladies, who give the benefit of their coun-
sel, and are untiring in their efforts in caring for the
sick and ministering to their wants. The command
of the Home is intrusted to a superintendent, Mr. W.
II. Pope, a gallant soldier of the Maryland Line, who,
with his devoted wife, have faithfully given their en-
tire service to the institution.
It was determined from the tir-t to make the insti-
tution in fact what it was in name— a home for those
who Bought it* sheltering care- and this view «
held in the furnishing of the room-, and the rules
enacted for the government of the inmates. These
la-t have been framed BO a- to insure the least re-
straint possible with the maintenance ol proper dis-
cipline and decorum. The separate buildings have
been named after distinguished Maryland t Confederate
soldiers, or Bailors, and tin room- have been furnished
a- memorials by the friends or relatives of sonic loved
one who gave hi- life for the cause, or who was con-
spicuous foi’ his gallantry or devotion. These rooms
have 1 n furnished in a substantial manner with
many of the comforts and elegancies found in private
homes, and at an estimated cost of $10,000, which ex-
pense has been defrayed by the generous friends un-
dertaking this important and interesting feature. As
a result, the management have been relieved almost
entirely of the great expense incident to the furnish-
ing of the Home, ami their mean- made available for
the necessary repair- of the property and the purchase
of proper equipment ami supplies required by an in-
st it ution Of this character.
The State has continued to make appropriation,
which, supplemented by generous private contribu-
tions, both in money ami material, have enabled the
management to maintain the high standard of com-
fort orignally had in view, and, at the same time, there
has been due regard to proper economy.
The total admissions, from the opening in June,
1888, to December 1. I893,.a period of nearly live and
a half year-, have been 139. Of this number twenty-
seven have died, three have been suspended or other-
wise discharged ; the number now borne on the roster
is 109.
The library is supplied with many valuable ami in-
teresting books and periodicals, the gift of friends, and
many newspapers regularly mail their i-sues without
The total receipts of the Home to September 130,
1893, were $37,620.40, and the expenses $38,195, leav-
ings deficit as of the above date, $574:60. Of the re-
ceipts, the state of Maryland has contributed $27,500,
ami the remainder is the result of private subscrip-
tions and the proceeds of entertainments, held at va-
rious times in tin’ interest of the 11, .me. Included in
the item of expenses is the sum of $8,118.42, the e,,-t
,,f repair- to the property.
Here will be found a noble charity, creditable to the
honor of our State ami the public Spirit of our citi-
zens. It i- a comfort to the old veterans, who ted
that if adversity proves to.. Btrong for them in their
declining years’ a haven of rest is here provided, to
which they may retire and find refuge, ami at the
same time’ lose ‘none of their self-respect, nor suffer
in the estimation of those whose experience in life is
more fortunate; and it is a standing illustration to
the VOUng that our loved Commonwealth reveres
manliness and courage, and is proud of its military
r. rd of the past, and is not unmindful of it- heroes
in their ..Id age.
John Harleston, Charleston, S. C: “I have been a
subscriber to your paper since March. Have taken
nearly all that have been published since 1865, and
know’ of none superio.i to yours, and wish you all pros-
In tlic summer of \^>1. during the firel
Vicksburg, the First Kentucky Brigade was Bent to
that city as a sort ol guard of honor to tin- heavy
batteries then Lining the shores of the Mississippi
above and below Vicksburg. The regiments did duty
in town alternately, wh dated mainly in lying
under the Bhade of the trees in tl lautiful gi
lawns, with which the city and its suburbs abounded,
and. at night, watching the course of the immense
rtar shells fired from the yankee Beets above and
below the city. These shells generally passed over us
apparently a half mile high, and their course could be
distinctly traced by a burningfuse attached to each.
On the morning of the Ith day of July, 1862, we
naturally supposed the Federals would celebrati
day by an extraordinary bombardment >>( tin- city,
and thus make things somewhat lively for us. The
sun arose with unusual splendor; i xpectatiou iviih “ii
tip-toe; but to our surprise a silence, profound as
death, rested upon the combatants until just a; noon,
when both fleets opened live with every gun. They
rent the heavens with the fury of exploding shells ;
the shore batteries instantly responded, and for half
an hour these tremendous engines of death vomited
forth their horrible contents, and then ceased ae
denly as they began, not another gun being tired dur-
ing the day.
On the following day the Fourth Regiment, with a
battery, was ordered to a point on the Mississippi
River jusl below Warrenton, fourteen miles from
Vicksburg. This place was a wide, swampy bottom
on the east side of the liver, ami occupied abend in
the river, which, with the bluffs on the east, inclosed
several hundred acres. This bottom hail been over-
flowed, and the cottonwood tree- which grew on a
considerable portion of it had caughl and held
quantities of brush, drift wood. etc. Our mi
was to conceal ourselves and our battery in this drift,
the river, and pounce upon any steamer which
might undertake to pass up the i i\ er. It did not take
ns Ion-,’ to conceal ourselves in this wilderness, and
plant our guns along the river bank. Of coursi
nicely masked sentinels were posted down the
river. Five days passed in the pleasant occupations
of eating, sleeping and fighting mosquitoes without a
single alarm or sign of the enemy. On the fifth day
the pickets sent in information that a small craft, w itii
several men in it. was crossing the river from the
Louisiana shore, a mile or so below us.
The Colonel immediately ordered Sergeant
to select a squad “t six men to investigate the move-
ment. As one oi’ this detachment, we proci
down the river as fast as possible, and concealed our-
selves in the bushes, near the point which the batteaux
seemed to he making for. The moment it struck
shore we sprang from our hiding places, with cocked
guns, and demanded a surrender. The enemy con-
sisted of four lusty negro men and one woman.
With these we captured several bundles of old cloth-
ing, bed-quilts, and other trumpery prized bj neg
Had we dropped from the clouds, out. of a clap of
thunder, the poor darkies could not have been more
astonished and terrified. With dilated eyes and
trembling limbs they awaited death, which they evi-
dently thought was at hand. In answer to the Ser-
geant’s inquiry, “Who are you.’ Where an- you
going? ” one of them answered supplicatingly, ” We ‘se
nothing but poor niggers, massa, trying to git wid our
folks mi dis side of de river.” Ordering them tri
shoulder tlieii . we led them to the Colonel,
who gathered from them that they were th<
a Louisiana planter, who had thd from his hoi,
the approach of the yankee.-. leaving I take
■ themselves; and they, being scarcely 1> –
rified at the name of yankee than their master, were
seeking to reach their friends and relatives in M
sippi. The Colonel sent them on their way.
On the morning of the 12th day of our anihusli.
about an hour before dawn, the picked reported a
Bteam boat coming up the river. Winn she had ar-
rived nearly opposite the battery the guns opened on
her with shot and -lull. Her light- were almost in-
stantly extinguished, and her -peed ii . but
before she con >ul of range a number of -hot
struck, a- we could distinctly hear them crashing
through her timber- They tailed, ho- I dis-
able her. and she sped on her way up the river. It
was now apparent t hat on would bi
lerals would aln
gunboat to in ,lt it pos-
sible. We had no particular rj ine of
-. so we limbered up and pulled up
pulled Out about dawn, and in a leu hour- had g
iniinit of the high bluffs back of \\’ :i
few miles nearer the city, when
\ – we i ame into view a flat I
lainous-li inboat v If in
the rivei opposite our recent hiding place: and it was
with some satisfaction that we contemp
distan be poured a broadside from her I
into the um helled the
This did nol big army of men, with guns,
drums and flying artillery. A. P.Hill’s signal cor]
consisted of Cant. R. H. T. Adams, o! Lynchbui
geant Pat Vermillion, also of Lynchburg; Win.
Daniel, ex-St I uator, from Clarksvi n.;
John Muring, of I hi ma in V C. w In n last Inard from
he had finished eight year- in tin ter
Eaves, from Rutherford ton, N
Christian and brother Have, of Appomattox, Va
James Featherston, of Vii of; Jan
Driver, of the First Tennessee died of smallpox ; Hal
W. Manson (the writer), of I – nth Ten
was detailed to take his placi . Henry B. Pope, of
Rome, Ga.; Ii. F. Mayhew, of New Berne, X.c. now
dead, and a few other- that were detailed for divis
These young men for most of them were under
twenty-one -wen used to transmit messages by optii
telegraphy from one part of the army to the other.
Sometimes the lim would extend as fa
and. as in the case of Harpi r’s Ferry, the plan of battle
was telegraphed over tie line. T!
were made with different colored ll;i.
Hag a yard Bquare with a red square in center. This
(lag was used when they had a green background, SUCh
as pines, or a wheat field or grassy knoll. Win
had the sky for a background, as from the top ol
mountain, a dark Bag, with ;i white Bquare in thi
ter to distinguish it from a black one, was used. At
night torches of copper tubes filled with turpentine
1. one placed on the ground in front <>f the
operator and the other on the end of a -hurt po
his hand, which he moved right and left, front and
circle, making movements that ■milil be easily under-
stood with the aid of a good glass from ten to twenty
miles at the next station, ft On the march the signal
men could not be used as such, and wen- used as
couriers and scouts. Another of their duties was to
late messages into cipher and back again. Thus if
Genera] Lee wished to communicate witn President
Davis the message was put in cipher, Joe Cabiness
alone knowing what it was at Lee’s headquarters, and
a trusted man at the President’s office would read the
message to him.
I cannot hope to follow the fortunes of the
•• knights of the crossed flags,” all the way from
the day I was detailed and reported to Capt. Adams.
and was placed under the management of Harry
Pope to learn the signal alphabet on the heights of
the Rappahanock, or the long march at Gettysburg,
where the first bullet was fired at a signal man. We
returned *■<•> Orange County and spent the long winter
on Clark’s Mountain. Then came the march and
fighl from 1 there Ed Richmond and Petersburg, until
the final charge of Grant, the ‘Jd of July, 1865, when
ourbeloved Hill was killed. .IneCabiness was shot in
the neck and captured ; the writer lost a leg, and was
captured also.
Our life in Camp was one round of fun and gaiety.
G ge Christian’s yellow hoy, Jess, did the cooking
and stealing foi- our mess, and (His McClellan’s pop-
eyed negro Tip, with his assistants, kept up the cor-
ners For tie couriers, fed his Mars tins’ horse, blacked
hi- hoot-, washed his clothes, ami brightened hissabre
and spurs. Gus himself was a character, lie was a
brother of tin- great Alabama writer, “Betsy Hamil-
ton.” lie could sing a song, tell a good story, dance
“Lucy Long.’ and would light the d— 1, ami “give
him the go.” Never did old Talladega send to the
war a braver soldier than Gus, or a more faithful
negro than Tip. (ins i- dead, and Tip was caught by
a bright-eyed dusky damsel about Petersburg and re-
turned to Alabama to visit “Old Marster and Mars
tins,” after twenty years’ of hard work, thinking and
dreaming of “old Talladega. Ala.” Alas’ bis home-
coming was sad in the extreme! He went at once
from tic station to thi’ old plantation, through the
Gelds, over the well-known foot path straight to “Old
Marster- n .” lie would see him that night, and
his brothers tin next day. When he knocked on the
door he was answered by a stranger. He called, “Old
Marster, it- me, your hoy Tip what went with Marse
(ills to tin- war; I made money nuf to come hack,
and I is here. Open the do’, please sir!” Hut the
place was in the hands of strangers. “Old Master”
was under the marble, “Marse” (Jus dead too, and
the other- scattered in different States. Hut his mis-
tress, “Betsy Hamilton,” has told this story and
placed it where it will live and he draniati/cd when
she, too, shall have been gathered with the sleepers
under the oaks.
During tin’ several months seven of the signal corps
were stationed on Clark’s Mountain, in Orange
County, Va. Here at the station we spent the day.
leaving the guard, consisting of a Lieutenant and
ten men. to look after it in tin’ night. We would
mount our horse- and ride down to the house — T.
Preist’s whose cottage nestled in a cove at- the head
of a valley. <>n his table the best of garden truck
was found, and in his cellar were divers keg- ami
long necked bottles tilled with blackberry and cherry
brandies. This was our boarding-house. Across the
field was Bob Sales’ place and hi- lovely daughter,
over the hill was the Bushrod Brown and the beau-
tiful Epperson girls also. At the Rapid Ann Sta-
tion was Mi,-.- Genevieve Peyton, and on the moun-
tain side the Misses Terrell. Down near the river
was the regiment of I’.arksdale’s M ississippians in
oni company of ninety men “seventy-five were g 1
fiddlers.” We cultivated these fellows and they culti-
vated us. We had a dance three nights out of tin-
week, and went courting two out of the other four.
We were in full view of the enemy’s camp acros- the
river, and hundreds of officers, citizens, and ladies usi d
to visit the mountain-top and our courtesy would be
at times taxed to the utmost to show them the attcn
Don we w ished to.
Gen, Lee would come up and spend hours study-
ing the situation with his -pleiulid glasses; and the
glorious Stuart would dash up. always with a lady,
and a pretty one, loo. I wonder if the girl is yet
alive who rode the General’s line horse and raced
with him to charge our station. When they had
leached the level plateau, and Stuart had left her in
care of one of us and took the other oil’ to one side
and questioned the very sweat out of him about the
enemy’s position, he was Gen. Stuart then, hut when
he got hack and lifted the- beauty into the saddle and
rode oil’ humming a breezy air. immortalized by
Swiney and John L-ten Cook, he was Stuart the beau.
The next day his command was on the enemy’s
Hank thirty miles away. The great Gordon came up
and showed us how to steady the eyes with the fin-
gers BO as to look a long time. Old lien. (Dwell, with
his old flea-bitten gray and crutches, wa- a frequent
HY A. 1.. SLACK, T M.I.I I. AH, I.A.
I enlisted as a private in the Second Louisiana Vol-
unteers in 1861. My first real soldiering was on the
Yorktown Peninsula, in Virginia. While there, or at
Suffolk i 1 forget whichi. there strolled into camp a
young hoy. scarcely over Id or 12 year- of age. who
attached nimself to one of the neighboring regiments.
Who he was, or where he came from. I cannot now
recall. He was looked upon a- ” no man’s chi Id,” and
as such found genial fellowship among the soldiers,
I BOOH realized thai he was a Cosmopolitan, and at
home anywhere, for I next .-aw him the pit of the
First South Carolina Volunteers, 1 low long he stayed
with them 1 cannot say. It was fully a year before I
saw him again. His small form and boyish face win
it contrast to the men among whom lie mingled
I remember then how odd it seei I to gee that lad in
a camp, hut he was truly ” the child of the regiment.”
After we had fallen back to Richmond, and after those
terrible seven days’ of battle, the army was reor-
ganized and the troops brigaded by States, so 1 lost
sight of our Carolina neighbors, and also the boy.
At the second battle of Manassas, on the 29th of
August. 1862, our brigade iStark’s — poor fellow, he
fell at Sharpsburg). was lying in the woods nearly
opposite that “terrible deep cut” when the dripping,
Bpattering lire of the Yankee skirmishers drove in
our out-looker? (as “Old Jack ” did n’t have a < ounter
skirmish Unci the cry “F-o-r-w-a-r-d” rang along our
lines, and we advanced and ran almost into the Yan-
kees, who. giving ue a deadly volley, fell hack rapidly
across a Held and into the woods beyond, where a bat-
tery, supported by a swarm of troops, was posted.
Nothing checked us. Under a withering fire of min-
nies and canister we pressed on, Bradley T. Johnson
riding ahead, with his sword run through hi- hat.
waving us on, until we waved him out ol our line of
lire. When we arrived within aboul one hundred
yard- of the battery the line was halted, and under
this raking lire the allignmnit was I. and the
men “right dressed” t” be Bho1 down.
I have thoughl often since that the command of
halt, under BUCD a tire might have been heroic’, hut it
certainly was not wise. However, not a man faltered.
Again. “Forward!” and we drove straight for the
gun-, .lust then I felt a thud, a Bting, a twist around
and fell. A minnie had struck my pocket Bible edge-
wise, and passing nearly through tie’ New Testament
part, dug a trench across, my left ride into the flesh.
With the blood spurting from the wound 1 started
rearward, while our boys bravefellows went up and
over the battery, scattering it- supports like chaff*.
As I struggled back over tie field, the (had anil
wounded, blue and gray alike, lying around, I heard
a great rumbling on my left and turned and saw
that our guns were plunging to the front, Under la-h
and shout, to -ei/e the hills whence to pour shot into
the then retreating foe. I can -ee them now tumbling,
bouncing, and surging to gain that front. Whal
did I see’.’ So close 1 could nearly touch him, the little
boj sitting on the limber of one of the pieces, his
aflame, his hat waving, his treble voice shoutingex-
citedly, and his whole being lit up and aglow with
the terrible magnetism of battle, cheering on the line.
That was the last that 1 saw of him. lie passed on
and was lost in the cloud and smoke of the field, hut
the memory of that inspiring -eene will never t
It has well been said that truth is -trangcr than
fiction; the sequel to the above sketch (which is ab-
solutely true proves the truth of this adage.
The sketch was first published in the Detroit Fret
Pnse on the 23rd of April. 1891. Finding out the
address of Col. Bradley T. Johnson 1 -cut him the
M.S., which he published in the Baltimore Sun in the
December following. 1 received from the Colonel a
most Mattering letter, in which he said: “Your graphic
description ol the ” War Waif” touched mv heart. I
have given it to the Baltimore St«. That defense of
the railroad cut was a feat of arms. I had 800 mus-
kets and Stark hardly 900, and we held it again-t
18,000 (Fitz John Porter’s whole corps). We did as
well as men could do. hut the real work was done by
Stephen ]>.’s guns, on our right, which enfiladed
and tore up the assaulting column. But that charge!
Wasn’t it glorious? There was genuine, real, soul-
stirring, blood-thrilling gavdium certamini .’ Those
days of our golden prime! ”
The Colonel, in the above, has confused the de
<>f the railroad cut with the charge I describe. The
incident 1 refer to occurred on the 29th, while that
defense of the railroad took place .in the 30th of
August. L862. But this is not the coincidence 1
started out to refer to.
It so happened that when the -ketch appeared in
the Fret Presi that the hero of my sketch was a sub-
BCriber to that paper and ” read himself” in the article.
He at once wrote to that paper inquiring who the
author was, a- only m\ initial-. “A. 1.. S.” were
signed to the pice. Tie information was furnished
him and 1 received several communications from him.
That lie i- the identical “hoy” 1 have no douht. A
few days before last Christn aid me a visit, and
we passed several days recounting tl sin “Old
Virginny.” Hi- name is W. .1. Pucket, and hie
Win-tead. Mi- He tells me that at the
time referred to he was just 13 year- of age; that he
belonged to the Louisiana Guard Artillery, and that
he surrendered at Concord station, near Appomattox,
when our cause finally collapsed.
Cleburne’s Ban Shiloh. — J. A. Wheeler,
Salad- Texas I give tie Veterak a brief account
of Shiloh a- I -a” it. hem- a private in the Twenty-
third Tenneseei Regiment Pat Cleburne’s Brigade .
On the morning of April 6, “62, when the entire line
moved forward, our brigade had to face a battery of
twelve gun- : eight 20-pound rifles (1 id four 12-
pound Napoleon guns. We were ordered to halt and
lie down in a deep ravine while tin- battery was
shelling our position at a fearful rate, .lust in our
front was a ridge, a peach orchard, and the Federal
encampment. General Cleburne told us to prepare
for a charge. Soon it wa- ordered and we moved for-
ward at double-quick, passed through the encamp-
ment, down the -lope on the norti the ridge
near to ,, branch. Here :i line of infantry rose up
and poured such a destructive volley into our ranks
that we recoiled and fell hack to the first ravine. Here
we rallied, and General Cleburne came to as again
and said. “Boys, don’t he discouraged; that is not
the tir-t charge’ that was ever repul-ed: fix bayonets
and give them steel,” Then he ordered. “Forward!
Charge! ” We leaped forward with a deafening cheer
and drove the infantry out of the ravine, but firing
from the Lattery and a line of infantry was so heavy
just in rear of the battery that we again fell hack,
‘with great loss, but soon reformed, and were ready for
the third charge, when a Louisiana brigade was
brought up to our support. Another charge was or-
dered and we moved forward over the dead and
wounded, (hi- time to reach the goal that had cost
the live- of many of our best mi n. But the struggle
was not yet over for the battery, as the hoys in blue
tired some of the guns when we were within ten feet of
their muzzles. Here we had a hand-to-hand co
over the gun-, hut we were triumphant, and this fine
battery of twelve guns was ours. Cleburne’s Brigade
wa- composed of the Seventeenth. Twenty-third
and Twenty-fourth Tennessee and First Ark
1 cannot close this article without saying that the
men of this battery were the bravest men we ever had
to deal with. They were worthy of our steel, not one
of them surrendered with a whole hide. They had
been in the United States sen ice for twenty years.
If this should fall into the hands of any soldier, on
either shh- in this charge. I would be glad to
spond with him.
BY wm. B. -r. ,1 iih, KA8HVILLB, TBNN.
The following incidenl is but a remnanl of the
spice-box that, like pride, had a fall, or rather a more
expeditious send-off during Gen. Forrest’s raid on
Paducah, Ky.: .Maj. Thompson led an attack on
Fort Anderson, a huge affair, Burrounding the Marine
Hospital. Close by and overlooking the fort was the
two-story brick building of l>r. Bassett. Some six or
eight young Kentuckians, among whom were the
Douglas an<l Meriwether boys, thought that this house
ated some fine strategic points of value, both as
a commissary department and “shooting-box;” the
big 32-pounders in the fort could not he handled with
any degree of safety if any party of sharp-shooters
should happen to occupy the upper story. Accom-
panied by their Captain, the house was at once taken
–ion of. and .Mrs. Bassett, delighted with the
of the ” Southern hoys,” made at once extensive
pr< paratione for their comfort. The large dining
talile was taken up-stairs. for the greater convenience
of her guests, and heaped with all the delicacies and
good things that the house, cellar or pantry afforded.
And nobly did the famished defenders of a lost cause
tespond to the tempting viand-. The battle had now
begun in earnest, ami ‘• the hoys.” with their mouths
full, sent their unerring missiles mi” the enemy’s
can tiers, to their utter discomfort and demoraliza-
tion. The huge thirty-two in front of the house could
not he fired. Every time a head appeared it was
promptly scalped. The hoys enjoyed the fun im-
mensely, and divided their time between “shootin’
an’ eatin’.” After many failures, one artilleryman
eded in pulling the lanyard, and a Btorm of
grape and canister whistled through the bouse, with-
out, however, touching the hoys or the “viltels.”
Douglas remarked that this was the best place to light
In- had ever struck, and as long as the ammunition
on the table held out he was willing ”to light it out
on that line if it took all summer.”
The enemy made great efforts to reload the gun.
hut every time a man appeared a whistling messen-
ger, laden with “pie,” stopped the perl’c nana nee. It
had become intensely interesting and amusing on one
side, and exceedingly dangerous on the other. The
enemy soon realized the state of affairs, and took all
available means to dislodge the sharp-shooters. The
trouble was that the little hand in the ” I ‘.asset t house ”
had command of nearly every gun in the fort, and
not only stopped proceedings against themselves, hut
hampered and annoyed the gunners on the opposite
side, so as to prevent anything more than straggling
shots, that did little or no execution. The gunboats,
however, made active demonstrations in favor of the
fort, and nf the -hell,-, intended no doubt for the
Bassett house, cut Maj. Thompson in two. Hut the
end was nearer than “the hoys” imagined. An un-
lucky shell from the enemy, striking a little lower,
hit the edge of the table and made a promiscuous
mingling of china, wood, meat, iron, vegetables, glass-
ware and pie, the “tout ensemble” of a well-regulated
dinner-table. It heat a ” hull in the china-shop.” To
see the heautil’ul walls plastered with pie, and the
blackberry jam and preserves dripping mournfully
from the ceiling was just a little too much for them.
“Boys,” -aid Meriwether, “let’s go.” The Captain
tearfully removed a lump of plum jelly from hi- eve
and. said. “You’re right.” The defenders having
left, tin- enemy immediately riddled the house with
-olid shot and grape, making a complete w reek of the
noble building.
Meeting a refugee from the fort some months after-
ward, and regaling him with the narrative above
stated, he remarked that he was one who tried to
work that gun. ami escaped the “rebel bullets;”
” hut.” says he. “1 sun-It t he patching ! ” “Ilowwa-
that?” 1 answered. “Well, they scuta ball right un-
der my nose, taking off a part of my mustache.”
• Since the columns of your magazine are open to
answering queries relative to Incidents of the war. I
reply to (‘apt. \V. T. (iass. of Camp Ben McCulloch,
Mt. Vernon, Texas, relative to General Lee at the
Wilderness: 1 was a member of Company 1>, Fourth
Texas Regiment, Mood’s old brigade, commanded at
the time by General Gregg, Field’s Division, Long-
street’s Corps. A. X. \’a. Our brigade was composed
of the First, Fourth and Fifth Texas, and the Third
Arkansas: our regiment ( Fourth Texas i. if 1 remem-
ber correctly, was on the left, center of the brigade,
and the Firsjl Texas was formed on our left. We had
just filed off of the road, in which we had been moving,
and formed in line of battle in an open space a few
yards in front of the timber. About that time 1 saw
General Lee ride up and stop on the left wing of the
First Texas. A number of us, mostly of the First
Texas, gathered around him and begged him to go to
the rear, some of the hoys saying that they would not
go into the light unless he retired. There were a good
many, both up and down the line, yelling, “General
Lee to the rear.” 1 was standing by the side of his
horse and placed my hand on him : one of the First
Texas had hold of his bridle-rein. I do not remem-
ber whether his hat was oil’ or not at the time. I
know we told him that if he would go to the rear we
would whip the yankces. 1 am confident that no one
man is entitled to the credit or honor of causing
General I to go to the rear; every man there would
have gladly died to save one drop of his precious
blood, and” I am confident that General Lee saw a
determination in the fares of his men to conquer or
die. and felt Confident that he could trust the battle lii
them, lie turned his horse and was soon out of sight.
We were then ordered to charge, and the result oi
the day’s work is well-known.
I am sure (here are some of our old brigade yet liv-
ing who remember the incident as vividly as I do. 1
was detailed as division scout, and had the privilege
of going and coming as 1 pleased, but when my Com-
pany was ordered into action, 1 always went witli
1 am a member of I’at Cleburne Camp, No. 222, U.
C. V., Waco, Texas, and am highly pleased with the
Confederate Veteran, and think that every Con-
federate soldier should subscribe for it, and keep it
always before his children.
l 5
The “Jackson Day” (January 8) occurs so near pub-
lication time of this Veteran thai reference to the
Hermitage, by which is Located the Tennessee Soldiers’
Home, Beems appropriate. The picture is an excellenl
vic« of the grand hallway at the Hermitage, and gives
at once an idea of the dimensions of the home built
by Genera] Jackson for bis fireside pleasures. The
building was constructed upon a broad and liberal
plan characteristic of the man. The house contains
eleven rooms, all large and superb in style of archi-
tecture. The wall paper appearing in the picture,
with its liberal background of trees, foliage, ami beau-
tiful landscape, is a scene from the history of Tele-
machus, and represents Ulysses on the Island “i < lalyp-
son. It has been preserved carefully by the 1 a
Hermitage Association, although it was “in shreds
upon the walls” when they got possession. The
Bcenes are iii an excellenl state of preservation. The
grand stairway is one of the most imposing in any
house in the country, and leads to an upper hall of
equal dimensions, and ornamented with the same
scenes from Tclemaehus. General Jackson procured
this paper from Paris in 1836, when the Hermitage
was rebuilt after having been destroyed by tire while
he was President.
Joseph Branson, Aiken, S. C, Dec. 24; “1 see the
inquiry concerning who it was that took General Lee>
horse by the bridle in the battle of the Wildenn
prevent In- personal peril, and the three versions of
Hair. I was then a member of A. I’. Hill’s corps,
Wilcox’s division and McGowan’s brigade. We had
been fighting all day and all night. Early next morn-
ing we were being Banked by the enemy, and were
falling back, when we net Lonj corps. They
formed on ,>ur right. I remember it well. 1 v
glad to see them. Only a veteran can appreciate the
situation. 1 saw General Lee ride to the left of the
line and then to the front, as though he intended to
lead the charge. He was in front of a ‘I’. \a> brigade.
I saw a private go from the rank- and catch his horse
by the bridle and lead him to the rear, ami then the
brigade charged. I couldn’t hear a word that was said.
By all means give the Texas private the honor of the
noble deed.
A pathetic poem, but ton long for use here, comes
c ruing Lieut. Josiah W. Nance, who served under
Gt neral Forrest and was killed near Cuba Landing on
the Tennessee River while bearing dispatches for his
commander. June 10, ’64. He lies buried in a quiet,
well.kept graveyard neai thi Bceneof his death. “Lov-
ing hands plated his body in a hen’s grave, and lov-
ing hearts will cherish the memory of Ids brave deeds
and truth and loyalty forever.”
2Mic (Confederate Uctcvan.
One Dollar a Year. 8. A. CUNNINGHAM. Editor.
Office hi The American, Corner Churcb and Cherry si-.
Much has been said concerning the change in price
of tin 1 Veteran. It has been explained that the
publication was made larger and finer, from necessity,
after the first issue. The universal acceptance of the
publication by comrades and people who are friendly
to it. and the unstinted assistance gratuitously fur-
nished it. created and maintained a high ambition to
continue it without change. In view of that, how-
ever, friends who have had much experience in j ■ » n r-
nalism have urged the necessity of increase. Then
the demand for making the Veteran better in every
way. and perhaps larger, contributed to this decision.
In the year’s work of unprecedented prosperity.
excepl as to advertising, excess in outlay over re-
ceipts was about 81 .nut). This fund has been shared
unstintedly by a young man — whom 1 have not seen
since long before the Veteran was thought of, but
who has lived a soldier’s life, tenting on snowy moun-
tains in winter, and pressing in his work through
deserts where life was impossible through summer —
wdiose heart is as loyal as any battle-scarred Confederate.
The general public has but little idea of the expense
in establishing a periodical to a paying basis. Pub-
lishers will doubtless regard this excess in expendi-
tures as remarkably small, considering the superb
record the little journal has made. The price, while
nominally one dollar, is hardly seventy-five cents, for
the souvenir promised in April is well worth the dif-
ference, and it gives the publication two years prac-
tically for one dollar.
This candid statement will be sufficient for every
friend, the assurance being that their continued zeal
will assure every patr >n a publication better and bet-
ter in proportion. The small amount extra, while a
light tax on the multitude, will be a most important
benefit to 1 he great cause in hand.
( loncerning the price let there be no misunderstand-
ing. It is not increased as a -peculation. Friends
who have been SO diligent that any favor asked by
them would be granted occasionally say thai the money
was handed them and by some mishap they failed to
send it in time. It is considered necessary and right
to increase the price, as there are many ways for
helping the cause espoused which will be a tax upon
the Veteran, -lust as fast as practicable it will be
entered for comrades who cannot pay, and in inisters
will be supplied at seventy-live cents. By the by,
Rev. W. A. Nelson, of llawkinsville. 6a., in sending
a dollar, writes that he did not renew before January
so that he might semi that amount instead of fifty
cents, ‘•because it’s worth a dollar.”
In this spirit a Confederate organization is raising a
fund to supply the Veteran to those who can’t afford
tO Subscribe. It was expected to report its action in
this Veteran. One man subscribed ten dollars to the
fund, and it was expected to secure ten times as much
before reporting.
•I. W. ‘fucker, Beachville, Trim., the first person to
call at office and renew at the increased price, wasa
veteran with no hand left and but one arm. The
clerk had to finger the money from bis pocket. Such
a man should have the VETERAN free. Part of his
money was promptly re-mailed to him. Hasten the
day when such a man will be required to have no
thought of the morrow as to life’s necessities.
0, W. Case, Superintendent of the Pacific Express
Company. St. Louis, was the first to remit at SI for
the Veteran. He is a Union veteran: “Herewith is
81 to pay for subscription to your magazine for 1894.
I like its kindly tone. I rather think 1 am in favor
of the organization of the ‘United Veterans of
America’ as begun at some point in Texas.”
The Veteran is published in the interest of Con-
federates. It is patriotic and progressive. Its wish is
to forgive and forget bitter memories of the war in the
broadest sense. A digression, however, from this
rule is apparent in the article about “Carpet-bag Rule
in Arkansas.” Its author has the bitter memory of a
murdered father. He simply reviews the ” Brooks
and Baxter war” in Arkansas. Is it well to reprint
these facts now? This query is of the Union veteran.
There is back of it a much graver question. It con-
cerns prison life. The most singular exactions from
our victorious compatriots is their general unanimity
of sentiment against publishing the history of prison
life from their side. Dr. John A. Wyeth, of New York,
who served in the Confederate army from Alabama,
dared to write an article on the subject, entitled “Cold
Cheer at Camp .Morton,” and it stirred the enmity of
Grand Army veterans to a shocking degree. He en-
gaged to deliver a professional lecture at Indianapolis
afterward, ami the bitterness engendered by his truth-
ful narrative was so great that his friends advised him
to decline the invitation. Dr. Wyeth is one of the
best accredited men of the entire South, liefore this
thing occurred one of the first surgeons who served in
the Federal army told me that beloved Wyeth so well
that he didn’t like to think they wvrr ever against
each other. Why not let the whole truth be known’.’
A young lady of Rock Island, 111., was deploring the
treatment of Union soldiers in Southern prisons to a
Confederate when be asked her to remeni bet; that with
all the advantages of the Union Bide in medicine, him to deduct the cost of remitting subscriptions. It
clothing and food, the percentage of deaths was greater is pleasant to see in the Washington Gazette this
among Confederates in Northern prisons, she was strong tribute” from Mr. Motte Smith, that ” Mr. Cordes
astounded at the remark and said, ” Did we have your lived more in touch with more people than anybody
men in prison?” she had been reared close t<> the else in Wilkes County.”
place thai many gallant Southerners laid down their 1 lenry Cordes was a German, and 59 years old. He
lives, and yet had do conception that these deplorable enlisted with the [rvin Artillery in 1861, and served
conditions ever existed but on one side. Do On to th the war. In compliance with his re-
sirs, let the truth be recorded. It will help your chil- quest, this ” bouI of honor'” was buried in his < Jonfed-
dren to appreciate the sacrifice of your, and their, fel- erate suit, with badges attached. The coffin was
low citizens in the South for the principles in-tilled draped with a genuine Confederate battle flag. The
by the founders of our great republic. funeral procession was one of the lon§ > in
We are not afraid to publish the truth, but in doing Washington. “All the carriages and I I the
SO we want to feel that vou concur in the spirit that town were in it.” and many from the country. Con-
ours were not more heartless and barbarous than your federate veteran- wen pall bean da-
own leaders. We all remember that war is terrible, way’s company, the Irvin Guards, served as guards of
ami are not complaining. One g 1 moral effect honor. Comrade Cordes left five daughters, two ol
would be to discourage rash people from agitations whom are married. The youngest child is the only
that threaten the peace of the general public.
Cur. L J. Dawdy, a Union veteran, of Peoria, 111.,
-ays : ‘■ Through the kindness of my old friend. ( ‘apt.
B. F. Smith, Of Sin Ibyville, Teuil., I have received
each number of t he first volume. 1 have
read each number of the \” 1. 1 bran with much int
I like the spirit of fairness toward soldiers of the
Union army which seems to pervade its columns, and
which, 1 believe, will cause its acceptance by any vet-
eran on either side, Brave men are always generous.
and as no greater sacrifice and heroism were ever
shown than by soldiers in the late war. none should
be more generous with each other. Many incidents
have Keen published with which I am acquainted, and
I could not Help being interested in seeing the stand-
point from • tother Bide.’ ”
son. Comrade, brother, farewell. No friend was more
faithful to the Vi rERAN, and it- editor honors your
memory with a grateful h(
A\ exquisite Christmas remembrance come- to the
Veteras from Richard R. Foster, Adjutant of the
Massachusetts Soldiers’ Home. On the front a tat-
tered flag, th ind -tripe-. 1- suspended in the
blue sky. and an eagle has lighted upon it, hi> broad
wings SO extended that he Seems to support rather
than be a weight to the limp ensign, the -hied- of
which are not rippled by breeze. Thanks are return’. 1.
Brave Southerner- will ever return the -pirit of greet-
ing from valiant foes who bring the olive and extend
it as to equals in all that makes manly men and true
A WRITES in the – that there are (00,000
more pensioners on the i_’o\ eminent pension mils than
there were soldiers in the Confederate service. \ –
ond curious fact, derived from another source, is. that
while our pension li-t has grown enormously in num-
bers in recent year-, the list of pensioners on tin State
of Georgia, which pay- a certain amount to n
wounded in the Confederate service, has steadily and
regularly decreased.
One of the most beautiful women residing now in
the national capital, expressing her regard foi this lit-
tle periodical, said. ” 1 had rather have my picture ill
the Veteran than in the White House.” Honor to
her. She represents a sentimenl that will live beyond
her generation.
At its last reunion the Forty-fourth Gi ted
plain, true man has Keen a peculiar pleasure. He was the following officers Maj. John C. Key, President;
made aid to staff of General Evans, of U. C. V., but Col. J. W. Beck, Vice-President; S. M. Buchanan,
claimed the title still of Corporal. His home standing Secretary. They -elected Fayetteville as the place of
was not known, but he had rallied again and again meeting in 1894, and Wednesday after the lirst Sun-
his people in behalf of the Veteran, and 1 had to urge day in August as the time.
The V 1111; \\ begins it- second vear in deep Borrow
for the death of Mr. Henry Cordes. of Washington,
<ia. The sad announcement came by postal, and then
in papers by Miss Gertrude Cordes and R. T. Rich-
ards. Pneumonia was too severe upon the infirm
patriot. Henry Cordes wrote more letter- and senl
subscribers at more different times to the Veteran
than any other person, and never asked a favor of it.
By agreement we Were to meet at the Augusta
reunion in November, and in describing himself he
wrote: “When you see a man in a suit of Confederate
gray, with a small cane as a Staff, and the ugliest man
there, he will be yours truly, Henry Cordes.” He was
sought and found promptly, and the memory of the
James T. Lyon, of the Forty-third Battalion, Vir-
ginia Cavalry : I have never criticised or undertaken
:icit any article appearing in the Confi
aii. \ i 1 1 kan. bo dear to u- old Confederates, but
tin article of James B. Clay, in the September
number, recting one published in the Si. Louis
Globe-Democrat on the “Campaigns of General Early
in the Valley,” is al6o erroneous. He fails to men-
tion General Rhodes and his Division. That brave
and patriotic officer deserves to be mentioned with
honor in the battle of Chancellorsville, under ( ieneral
Jack.-*n. He distinguished himself, and in every bat-
1 1 « ■ thereafter fought by the Army of Northern Vir-
ginia he bore a conspicuous part, up to the 19th of
September, 1864. At tin- battle of Winchester, in his
heroic attempt to stay the tide of battle and t<> re-
trieve the fortunes of thi day, he fell at the head of
hie spendid Division, lamented by all who knew him.
Now, after Early took command in the Valley, there
was but one ( ‘orps permanent then’, and lliat was the
old Second Corps, commanded by General Early in
person, and it comprised the Divisions of Generals
Rhodes, Ransom, Breckinridge, and Gordon. Breck-
inridge never commanded a Corps under Early. Gen-
eral Heath’s Division was nol with Early in his Mary-
land campaign. Heath belonged to the Third Corps,
under A. P. Hill, and on the 10th of July, 1864, ac-
cording to the returns of the Army of Northern Vir-
ginia of thai date, was with his Corps at Petersburg.
General Marly never commanded in Southwest Vir-
ginia, and was never removed from his command, and
never went to Europe until after the war. After the
battle of Winchester General Breckinridge was sent
tn command in Southwest Virginia, and appointed
from there to the War Department in February, 1866.
We find Genera] Early in command at that time—
the early spring of 1865 at Waynesboro in the val-
ley t’i protect and defend Rock fish Gap, in the Blue
ridge Mountains. About that time Sheridan moved
up the valley with 9,000 cavalry and mounted in-
fantry. Early only had a small force, consisting of
Wharton’s Division, 1,800 infantry, a small force of
cavalry, and some artillery— a force entirely inade-
quate for the task. There was a good deal of disaf-
fection among the troops, and, without hardly a show
of fight, Sheridan broke through the mountain, passed
into Eastern Virginia, laid waste to that country, and
joined < Irant at Petersburg. We here find Early, with
hi- faithful few, following and harrassing Sheridan at
every turn. It is said that Early displayed re
heroic valor with his faithful few than he iliil with
his victorious army in Maryland.
II. M. .Miller, of We-t Point, Va., who was of Cox’s
Brigade, and Rhodes’ Division, writes: In the Sep-
tember Veteran appeared an article headed, “.luhal
A. Marly and His Campaigns.” in which James I’..
Clay. i’f (ieneral Breckinridge’s stall – , defends “Old
.lulu’ – (as his boys loved to call him). General Early
needs no defense from any one. History will take
care of him. Comrade clay is “mixed” on the bat-
tle of Winchester. He says that Marly had engaged,
at the battle of Winchester, the Divisions of Gordon,
Wharton. Ransom, and Heath. Now, where was our
glorious Rhodes, who was killed that day at the head
•f his Division? I don’t think General Harry Heath
could have been there in Rhodes’ place and I not
have known it, and then General Rhodes was killed
that day, as I understand it. The Tnion Army were
at a place called Smithville, between Winchester and
Harpi r’s Ferry. Ransom was left at Winchester. Gor-
don ami Rhodes left for Martinsburg, Rhodes stopping
at Bunker Hill and Gordon going on to Martinsburg.
Gordon had arrived at Martinsburg, where he was ex-
I to remain all night, but was ordered back, as
Sheridan had attacked Ransom. Ransom held him
in cheek until Rhodes go1 up fr Bunker Hill, and
then the fight was continued until General Gordon
came up. We were compelled to fall back through
Strausburg to “Fisher’s Hill” (not Fisher’s Mill),
n here we stopped. This is a plain statement of facts.
I could write all night on ” Early’s Vallej Campaign,”
but I could not have I Ieneral Rhodes left out after the
glorious fight he made that day.
During the last session of the National Encamp-
ment of the G. A. II., at Indianapolis, the New,ot
that city, published everything obtainable that was oi
interest to visitors. The following is an extract: The
graves of rebels who died in Indianapolis prisons lie
leveled and unmarked in the old cometerv at Green-
lawn. Coming North in the time of winter, thinly
clad and nearly starved when captured, to a climate
of rigors to which they were strangers, they died in
large numbers in spite of the humane care extended
to them by the citizens. Every available building
was converted into a hospital, and all these were filled
by the prisoners. The firm having the contract to
bury the prison dead was required to keep a record of
the grave of each lor future identification. The man
who made the burials still lives in thi.- city. He is
Elijah Hedges, 83 North Noble street. lie has the
name, command and address of all those who wen
buried by him during the war, when he was in the
employ of Weaver A- Wil Mams, the linn having the con-
tract. Mr. Hedges states that there were -J . 1 7 “J rebel
prisoners buried by him in the old cemetery at (ireen-
law n. I have a list showing the location, by number.
of each grave, so that, with the exception of eleven
who were not known, all can be identified if desired.
There is a grave every two feet, containing a prisoner.
The largest number buried in one day was nine. In-
quiry was made some months ago by those interested
in these graves as to whether they could be identified,
and what the cost would be of putting in order tin-
plat occupied by them. The promoters of the plan
were much pleased, but stateil that owing to the de-
pletion ol’ funds collected for the purpose, in putting
in order other cemeteries, the improvement of the
plat here would have to be postponed until more
I icy could be secured. The hope was expressed
that by next year the graves might receive the atten-
tion they SO much need. At one time, owing to the
advance ol’ business interests in that part of the city.
it was found necessary to remove 300 or |im of the
prisoners’ bones to another part of the graveyard.
Talking on the subject, Mr. Hedges made this re-
markable statement : ” Muring the war I buried in all
12,000 persons, and, according to the habit of under-
taker-, I have the names and addresses of all who
were known. During my lifetime I have buried I’.t,-
.S7’_’ people.”
In June, 1864, Major Cooper, of Memphis, then
Quartermaster of the Forty-second Mississippi In-
fantry,and I were returning from short furloughs (my
first and (inly one during the war) to our homes in
Mississippi. We were halted at Danville, Va., and
informed that a division of yankee cavalry, under
General Kirkpatrick, were near Burkesville Junction
trying to makes circuit of Lee’s army, and were de-
stroying much of our supplies They were tearing up
tlic railroads and threatening great disaster to our
already greatly impoverished men. Danville, being
one of our chief supply depots, was a point of great
importance. It was understood that the enemy would
aitempt the capture of Danville, and if successful, then
Greensboro, X. C, Raleigh, Goldsboro and possibly
Wilmington. They were well mounted and equipped
for tli is hold raid, and were pursued by Gen. W. II 1
Lee’e division of cavalry, which was poorly mounted,
and of course outdistanced by the enemy. Calls wen
made for volunteers From Boldiers cut off at Danville
to gO to Staunton River to assist a company of 125
disabled soldiers, working in the arsenal at Danville,
and a battalion of 350 Virginia State troops, old men
and boys, armed with Bhotguns, squirrel rifles, etc., to
defend the bridge and frustrate the plan of the invad-
ers. 1 was among the fifty-nine soldiers that cheer
fully agreed to go under Lieutenant Colonel Jackson,
of North Carolina, who was then suffering from a
wound in liis leg. Colonel Jackaon assumed command
of the little army of defense, and made a spee< b to the
militia, telling them of the importance of defending
tlie bridge, etc., and very wisely removing all means
of retreat to the other side of the river (several bat-
teaus), hastily throwing up earthworks on side of ap-
proach, each wing resting on the river, forming a semi-
circle. We also had two cannons, old howitzers, with
a lew trained artillerymen to work them, on opposite
side. .Our preparations were very hastily made, for
the enemy SOOn made their approach known by the
cloud of dUSt in the distance. Soon they opened up
with their field guns, trying to burn the bridge and
dislodge or frighten the d-d Virginia militia, as they
termed Us. The shells striking the thin roof of the
bridge made a tearful racket, scaring some of the small
boys into outbursts of weeping. They then dismounted,
deployed a strong skirmish line, supported by several
regiments, that seemed eager for the fray. We reserved
our lire until in close musket range, and then poured
volley after volley, repulsing their first attack with
ease This greatly encouraged some of the militia,
who had refused t” light. The enemy soon rallied
again, and with reinforced numbers charged with re-
doubled real, only to meet defeat at the hands of our
little Spartan hand. When they heard the old rebel
yell given by us their efforts were less vigorous.
In the meantime General Lee had hurried forward
with his poor, jaded horses, and we soon heard his
guns firing on their rear guard, and we felt assured
that we had won. and had saved the Confederacy mil-
lions of dollars worth of supplies and ordnance that
we could ill afford to lose. The enemy soon with-
drew, and were hard pressed by Lee’s cavalry, forcing
them to retreat toward Petersburg, directly in tie
neral Lee’s main army, when Wilcox’- splendid
division of infantry attempted to intercept them, hut
Gray’s regiment of Pennsylvania ” Bucktails” actually
led and charged through our lines, thus saving a huge
pint ol this now thoroughly disorganized command.
The result of Our tight was eighty-five Federals killed,
wounded and captured. We had three men killed
and -even wounded. A member of the Thirteenth
Mississippi Infantry was my companion, and was
badly WOUnded by a yankee Lieutenant, w ho shot him
twice at close r.niL’e with a pistol. 1 left him in the
hospital at Danville and have never heard from him
since. The next few day- the woods were full of ne-
who had attempted to escape with tin- enemy
hut were foiled hv their defeat, and were anxious to
return to their old lion
This is a brief account of one of the most hotly con-
I little hatths I ever participated in. and 1 was
in most all the battles f<>u>_dit by the Army of North-
ern Virginia. Yet then has been no mention made
of it hv any historian
.1 W. Johnson, Toone, Tenn., write- I jive you a
short history of my sold in Harde-
man County. Tenn., went to Texas in 59, and was
wle n the racket commenced betw<
I volunteered in the fourth Texas Cavalry, served
seven months, when we wen’ dismounted. W’a- at
Corinth under Generals VanDorn and Price; tl
to Tupelo; thence to Chattanooga, and from there
into Kentucky under General Kirby-Smith. With
he whipped Bull Nelson at Richmond with
18,000 men. < hit of thirty cannon we got twenty nine
of them, only leaving him one to salute hi- friends
with when he got to Cincinnati, where we stopped
running him. 1 Fought at Perryville, was captured
ami paroled. I thi i down here where I was
raised. After awhih General Forrest came al
1 went with him for a spell, until the report got cil
ciliated in Camps that he was going to send all old
soldiers back to their old commands at twenty-five
dollars per head. I told” the hoys that 1 was not for
sale, and so one of the darkest rainy nights 1 ever saw
a lot of us ran away, and going down a long red hill
south of Jackson, Tenn., one fellow’s nag fell down
and Bwapped ends, lie gol up, fell about for bis
and got hold of his tail. He said, ” l’.oys. my
mare has broke her neck.” and it was true. 1 then
went back to the Tennessee Army at Dalton, Ga., and
on to Atlanta. Then around Sherman and on to
Nashville by way of Franklin. I was in G<
French’s 1 livision, Stewart’s Corps, after » ieneral Polk
was killed. That occurred June 14, ’64 We did not
stay at Nashville; we left there and went south be-
tween Nashville and the Tennessee River. On the
25th day of December 1 gave a fellow $15 tor a plug
and a half of tobacco We crossed the Tenm
River and went into Mississippi, and thence to Mobile,
Ala. I was in seige there tor two weeks We left
for Meridian, Miss., and there we Mowed the
hounds off.
John s. Pierson, New York: “Please find im
my subscription for 1894. I make it one dollar, being
more convenient to send, and because 1 think the
magazine is worth it.”
A. I.. SI. II K, T Will. A, I.A.
It was . I une 30, l s “_. Struggling along the Charles
City road in tin’ black darkness, keeping Btep to the
cannon’s 1” i, we reached Frazier’s Farm just as the
hist shot was red, abou( 1 1 o’clock at aight.
Frazier’s Farm possessed great advantages to the
Federals, because tiny brought every piece of their
artillery to bear with deadly effect, while, owing to
the configuration of the Held, tin- Confederate guns
could be used with hut feeble success.
Tired and exhausted from the long march and heat,
we dropped upon the ground, near where seventeen
guns of the enemy’s artillery had been charged and
capti 1. I could not sleep. From the hlue and gray
alike came piteous calls tor water or help, so I anil
others arose and did all we could to alleviate their suf-
fering. Save these piteous cries, the Bickering lights
about the dead or wounded were all there was to tell
that we were upon a battle-field, so ominous had
grown the >tillne.-s and so thick the darkness.
Bui when morning dawned the whole indescribable
scene hurst upon us. Yonder stood those grim guns;
yonder lay tin- dead from the Federal infantry sup-
port^, behind improvised breastworks of rails, sods.
anything, however frail, that promised protection from
the leaden hail. On the right of these guns stood a
small cabin, literally honey-combed by shot. Around
in ghastly neaps lay the dead mole of the gray, alas,
than hlue! Gallant fellows! How could they stem
that torrent of flame and capture those guns, whose
grim mouths were then black from hurling death!
But the cabin told its own story, which I read from
the surroundings as I stood therein ranks. A mother,
whose home was this humble cabin, startled by the
awful proximity of war, had seized her young child
and fled for safety, and was now hack, not hearing
the battle renewed. She had crept to her threshold
with a scared look, her 1 itt’e child clasped in her arms.
She stood gazing upon the bloody scene. ‘■’•’■ *
But “Right face! Forward, march!” This is
the first of July, hoys, and soon evening’s shades will
see us where “dear old .Malvern Hill is wreathed in
It fills my heart with the saddest thoughts to recount
and live over these old memories, hut I find as I grow
older 1 live more and more in retrospection, and thai
these scenes of my golden prime will continually pass
in review before me. I do not know, but somehow 1
feel that 1 would not forget them if 1 could.
Wants to Hear From His Comrade. If D. Guice,
W’oodville. Miss., November 13, 1893: In September,
1865, On my way to my home in Tensas Parish. I. a.,
from the Army of Northern Virginia, I parted on the
wharf at Memphis, Tenn., from my old comrade, Ike
Caiues, of Company It. Seventh Regiment of Virginia
Cavalry, and since then have never heard a word from
him. Have written letters of inquiry toseveral news-
papers, but to no effect, and now write this to you
with the hope that some one will see it that knows or
knew him, and tell me of his whereabouts or of his
fate. It would afford me much pleasure to bear from
him, as we went through many hard struggles and
trials together.
Cn. W. L. Cabell, Dallas, Texas, says : Our people,
Trans-Mississippi veterans, are well pleased with the
time, as it enables the farmers to take advantage of
the interval between planting com and cotton and
making the same. You may look for a fig crowd from
this Bide of the river, as the camp tires are still burn-
ing west of the Mississippi. I shall issue my orders
in a few days in reference to the reunion, ami appoint
the necessary committees to look after railroad I
portation and the comfort of every one going to Bir-
mingham, anil the dedication of the Confederate
Monument, erected at Chicago to the six thousand
brave men who died at Camp Douglass during the
war. This is a sublime monument, and as it is the
first erected in the North in commemoration of the
heroism, braverj and patriotism of the Confederate
soldier. Every i !on federate soldier who is able should
go from Birmingham to see the monument and to take
part in the dedication ceremonies. 1 hope that you
will urge the veterans all through the South not only
to go themselves, hut to take their noble sons and fair
daughters to assist in strewing flowers over the graves
of the tried and true men who are buried there. Gen-
eral Underwood deserves great credit for his noble
work, and in behalf of forty thousand Confederate
veterans I say that he has our sincere thank- and as
much praise as we can give him.
When den. Butler was in command at .New Orleans
during the rebellion, he was informed that Fat lei
Ryan, priest and poet, had been expressing rebellious
sentiments, and had said he would even refuse to hold
funeral service for a dead yankee. Gen. Butler sent
for him in haste, and began roundly scolding him for
expressing such un-Christian ami rebellious senti-
ments. “General,” the wily priest answered, “you
have been misinformed; 1 would he pleased to con-
duct funeral services for all the yankee officers and
men in New Orleans.”
The foregoing was sent by ” Hick” Reid, of Nash-
ville, who -‘ivcd in I’elham’s Battery of Mounted
Horse Artillery, under “Jeb” Stuart, in Army of
Northern Virginia. Comrade Reid has a vivid
memory of many thrilling events in the war. ami
he promises to give them to the VETERAN. He adds:
I inclose you a (dipping out of the Washington Re-
publican, organ of Grand Army of the Republic, and
it was so much like what Father Ryan would saw I
thought it ought to he published in the Confederate
VETERAN. And while on this subject, it has occurred
to me, that this great and brilliant man, the author of
of “Lee’s Sword” and “The Conquered Banner,”
should not he allowed to remain in a lonely grave, at
Mobile, without even a stone to mark his resting
place. II’ we all would give oil cents or $1 each, we
could place a nice monument over his grave, en-
grave the Conquered Banner on one side of it, ami
Fee’s Sword on the other, and it would he an
honor to all Confederate soldiers who contributed to
it, long after we have all crossed over the river and
are resting in the shade with the great and glorious
Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee.
I . T. ilIBSON, COWAN, 1 K\v
Please give me space in the Veteran tor ;i few
words aboul our command. I enlisted in Company I.
Seventeenth Tennessi e, on April 25, 1861. We moved
as follows: Camp Harris, thence to Camp Trousdale,
from thereto Bristol, then to Cumberland Gap, then
to Big Creek Gap and back to Cumberland Gap, and
then to Cumberland Ford; we fortified that place; we
made a raid to Goose Creek Salt Works in Kentucky;
we went down Straight Creek, crossing it fifty •
times in three miles -| ?En.], then we came back to
Cumberland Ford, where we remained several days.
We marched to Wild Cat, where we had our first bat-
tle, but we did not Bucceed in getting the “Wild Cats”
out of their den. Then we fell back to Cumberland
Ford, inarched back through < lumberland Gap and on
to Mills Spring, Ky., where we went into winter quar-
ters, and remained there for Bome time. Wee:
Cumberland River on a Bteamboat and marched ten
miles through the rain, snow and mud to Fishing
Cre< k There we lost our noble Zollicoffer. I 9
the field with Mm when he “a- shot ofl of his gray
horse by Colonel Fry. of the Fifth Kentucky Yankee
There ii;i- a Colonel in our brigade who. in march-
ing his regiment into the battle, commanded, ” Heads
up! Byes to the front and Btop your dodging.” At
that time a grapeshot came Dying by and the old
man. turning to his men. said. ” Dodge the bigg
them, boys.” We had held the yanks at hay about
five hours, when we got orders to fall hark in good
order which we did to our fortilicat ions at Mills
Spring. A funny incident on the field : We had or-
der- to lie down, and did it: one of our Lieutenants
lay so that his overcoat collar was sticking up, and a
rabbit run down his hack. “Cousin Ike ” pulled it
out, and told the Lieutenant to ” hush hollering, it is
only a rabbit, and not a cannon-ball.” Colonel
Miller, of our regiment, ordered him to turn tie
liit loose, and he told him lie could not let it go tor he
w a- out of meal. BO he carried it hack to cam 1 1 and we
bad rabbit for Bupper. When we not hack to Mills
Spring, about twelve o’clock that night, we had orders
to abandon everything we had except our guns and
one blanket. Early next morning we took up our re-
treat toward Nashville. We marched from there to
Murfreesboro through the rain, snow and mud. On
this retreat we Buffered a great deal by exposure and
lack of food. When we arrived at M ni fi’eeshoro we
got plenty to eat. stayed there a tew da\ -. and took up
our farther march to ” l>i\
l». G. Fleming. Ilawkinsvillc. (.a.: “In the la-t
number of tie Vetera* I notice that information is
asked of 1>. IF Mason. Wright’s Brigade, thought to
have been killed at Manassas, Probably a mistake is
made as to the name of the brigade. One Daniel II
Mason was my dear friend and messmate. IF’ was a
Sergeant of Company 1. 1 Pulaski Volunteers . Eighth
Georgia (Barton’s) Regiment. Enlisted at Hawkins-
ville, May, 1861, made a most excellent soldier, and
was wounded in arm at first Manassas (arm amputated),
from which wound he died a few weeks afterward.”
G( n. John M. Harrell writer : I wrote from a -:ok-
room, down with la grippe. Your gossipy, genuine,
genial “old Veteran” comes to cheer inc. When I
get about again I am going to strive to do something
for you. With your ridiculously small subscription
price you should have l .1 h n 1 n in subscribers out of the
12,000,000 Southerners.
1 congratulate you on republishing the “Dead Con-
federacy” ol Fannie Borland. How appropriate it is
now. and was when written, by a girl ol not then
twenty. It reads to me like a fragment from Keato.
owswith pa — ion, hut illine in its pride,
mournful and graceful as wintei ami night, which it
invoke-. Mi-s Borland was a niUS who per-
ished too son. I knew her. and saw her in 1870, when
she completed ara ted, beautiful girls,
that fori 1 the family of 1 len. Pike, in Memphis, the
other- s Pike and I Miss Sallie Johnson,
now Mrs. Cabell Breckinridge, each a type of surpass-
ing beauty. Mi– Johnson was sole aaughb
Senator K. W. Johnson, and Mi-s Borland, •
daughter of ex-Minister Solon Borland.
I must send you my “History of the Brooks and
Baxter War.” in which, on page 102 or in:’.. 1 g,» into
that “Hampton Roads Conference” with some care.
I should Jike you to read it : and, I want my hook to
supplied by you.” It has cost a considerable
sum, because I would have none hut the hest paper
and appropriate binding, making it a veritable volum
‘/< luxe. I have dedicated it to the United Confeder-
ate Veterans, for whosi 1 saltation, and honor
it was solely written. They saved us from complete
slavery, and w ill yet gave their principles will) this
same nation. Fet u- stay on our own platform, ami
all other state- w ill come to it. Even the States ol
Europe are infatuated with the simplicity and <
iveness of home government.
Wc are ■• all right ‘ hen- in Arkansas, only wi
very poor— taxed to death. The manufacturer- and
gold- bugs come to tin- resort and spend money like
water, hut they have no notions above money, and
believe the old Confederate- are enemies of thi
eminent, whom fear alone keeps ui
Christmas Dinner, Soldiers 1 Home, Richmond. —
Onder a superb picture of General 1 ee, came this hill
of fare in English :
Richmond, Virginia.
CHRISTM \s DINK! l; l«
( ‘ofl Cornel Beef. Rorseradisb.
Turkey, Cranberry Sauce. Roast Shoat, Ipple Sauce.
Baked Ham.
sweet Potat Celery. imed Irish Pot
Mixe.l Pickles. Wheat Bread, 1
Apples. Oranges. Bananas. Mixed Nuts. Ra
Mixed Candy. Sponge Cake. Currant Cake.
Chocolate Cake. Mince Tie.
Tea Cot Cigars.
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth pea
I will toward men.”
In your hearts may bells of gladness
Ring their happy chime ;
fain would we that naught of sad c
Cloud thi- blessed time.
The hill of fare is printed on tine paper and illus-
trated by ” fruit id’ the vine.”
<;. E. Dolton, of St. Louis, write-: Of theConfed-
erate regiments, batteries, etc., that took part in the
battle of < Ihickamauga, there are 1 1 I from which there
ifficial reports published, and without m
definite information than can be gleaned from the
meagre brigade and division reports, justice cannot
possibly I”- done them in a history of the battle.
Even the official reports of commands that are pub-
lished, 129 in number, are so general or conflicting,
that without much additional information a truthful
ml lit’ the battle is impossible For these reasons
I am anxious to get all the information I ran from all
participants, and especially from those of the com-
mands not reported, which are as follows:
Alabama: Infantry Stone’s Battalion of Sharp-
shooters, Regiments 4th, 15th, llth. 17th and 48th,
and (8th Battalion. Artillery— Dent’s, Kolb’s, and
Lumsden’s. Cavalry Holloway’s, Lenoir’s, and Ma-
– Companies, and l>t. 3d and 51st Regiments.
Arkansas: Infantry- -First Mounted Rifles (dis-
mounted), Itli and 31st Battalions, consolidated to
1th, 2d and 25th Regiments; Wiggins’ Battery and
3d Regiment of < ‘a\ airy.
Florida : Mc( ants Battery.
Georgia: Infantry First Battalion of Sharp-shoot-
ers, Ri – 2d, 15th, 17th, 20th, 25th, 29th, 30th,
16th, and 8th Battalion. Artillery -Harris’, How-
ell’*, Massenburg’s, Peeples’ and Wolihin’s Batteries.
Cavalry Regi tits 1st, 2d, 3d, 1th ami 6th, and Co.
< i. _’d Regiment.
Kentucky: Graves’ Battery, and ‘_!d and 3d Regi
ments of < lavalry.
Louisiana: Infantry First Regiment and Itli Bat-
talion. Artillery — LeGardeur’s and section of
Robinson’s Batteries. Cavalry- Dreux’s and Green-
leaf’e < lompanies and 1st Regiment.
Mississippi: 1 nfantry Pound’s Battalion of Sharp-
shooters and 13th, 17th, 18th and 21st Regiments.
Artillery Darden’s and Stanford’s Batteries. Cav-
alry- Fowle’s ( lompany.
Missouri : Barret’s Battery.
North Carolina: Infantry Nineteenth and 39th
Hints. < avah y Sixth Regiment.
South Carolina: Infantry Third, 7th, 8th, I5tb
and ‘Jlili Regiments and 3d Battalion. Artillery
Culpeper’s Battery.
inessee: [nfantry Third, 10th, 30th, 34th and
list Regiments and ls1 Battalion. Artillery Bax-
Carnes’, Eiuggins’, Huwald’s, Mebane’s, Morton’s
and White’s Batteries. Cavalry (‘lark’s and Jack
son’s Companies; Rucker’s 1st Legion, composed of
12th and 16th Battalions; Shaw’s Battalion, composed
nf Hamilton’s Battalion and Allison’s Squardon, Regi-
ments 2d, Itli, commanded by Col. McLemore, and
4th, commanded by Lieut.-Col. Anderson, 5th, 6th,
8th, 9th, 10th, llth and 18th.
Texas: Infantry Seventh and 9th, and 10th, llth
and 32d, dismounted cavalry. Cavalry Eighth arid
. J 1 th Regiments.
Virginia: Jeffress’ Battery.
Con lleiiulars: Cavalry First, 3d, 8th and
10th licgiinents. and a detachment of John 11. Mor-
gan’s men.
A I. A I’. \ \l A
Ai.iH ir 1’n Dapi \v A Handle] 861.
btI\ Hie i amp Miller
Ddrla Alexan ,ln:i
AlexaoderClty Lee H)l
Andalusia. Harper 25tf..
Annlslon Pelliam.,
Ashlat d in in \ i ‘. i layton 827,.
Asln Mi.- si. cialr
Athene Thou I. Hobbs
Auburn .\uhut n
Bessemer.. Bessemer
Birmingham.. . W .1 Hardee
sport, i” \\ i.. • i. ‘
i : I< ii Franklin K. Bei
I iilT’illlnIi . I : < 1 1 1 4 • l’l.ken-.
\\ i …n nil
Coalburg I
I )aie\ tile Cruwf-Klmbal 848.
Bdwa rdsvllle ‘ lamp Wiggonton
Eutaw Sanders 84
Bvergn eu * ‘apt Win Let
Florence >•:. \ I I’Ni a
Fori Paj ne ,W N i-.-i.-
Gadsden Enima snnsoi
Gaylesville lobu Pelbara 111.
Grei asboro …Mien e. Jones
‘ ■- llie sjini’i i. Adams
Uuln I : • i “Hi’ d< rati
i luntersville …. Mont. Gtlbreal b
limn llton Marl iy ;:i.i
Hartselle Frlendshi p ..
Huntsville Egbert .1 Jones
Jackson^ i I li ■ . e.ii. .las. i j. Martin. ..292 .
i. ii I :i,\ ette A. A. Greene
Livingston .. en in e su in i . ■
Low’r Peach tree. K ll i . Galui .(to
Low ndesl T l Bollock 881
Marlon I W Qarretl . . 277
Madison Sta \ \ Russell
Mobili .. Raphael Semmes. 1 1
Monroeville George W Fostei
Montgomery Lomax 151..
i i Lee County.
‘ ixford <‘:ini|i Lee
0/.ark Ozark 880
Piedmont Camp sn-v,
Pi area’s Mill Roberl I. Lee
Roanoke Uken-Smltb 288..
Robinson spr …Tom McKel I
Rockfnrd Henry W. Cox
Scott.- -.. N n Forresl
Seal. lames F. Waddell
Selma < latesby R.l is
Spring v tile . Sprl ngville
SI i’ihiiI (‘.mi |i Mr!.. ■
St. Stephens . John Jamea…..
s mi ill. hi Col. i inrrel I
Talladega Charles \i . Shell! y.
‘lin.iii:i-\ [lie I ‘n mi’ i McFarland
i ‘ cumbla.. James Deshler
Tuskaloosa… i lamp EtodeB
[“roj Camp Rufflu
I Inlontown Tom i lalema
Verbena . Camp < iracle
Vei imiii Camp I I’Neal ..
Wet umpka.. Elmore < ‘.unity
Wedowee Randolph
22 1
‘J M.
.,. i i.
M \’ Mulllns, ll A Brown
W 11 Mot mil. Ass
■ Mai nn. I I Clark
i; U lii a-. A s Smith
. in.i. F. i nomas, .1. M. Robin-
son, Br.
.(..hi, m. McKleroy, W. ll.
a s stockdale, DLl ampbell
John W. 1 hui! . In-. I I. i
I i i .nnli hi.
< i l ‘. smith, Jamea ll
W. K. Jones, V 11. Sewall
It ii.i.ii,. -. p K McMIUer
in. Johnson, R. A Ji
.ml. .1. H. Foster
M. 1,. Stausel, It. L’pchurch
– Powi rs, .1 A. l-‘.llioii
I ll Brook, I:.- w Barnbarl
,W C Mcintosh, Win. I.. Rows
W r in om n. i .1 Burton
i. li. Cole, F. ll. Mundy
P I i lion I, B,
A. M. i I’Neal, i M ‘ row
.1 N Da\ Idsou, a I’ McCartney
.lie. A Iken, Jos. I: Uui
l: K w I, i. W B Bell
a. \i. ivorj . E. I . Pasteur
ushaw, F 1
. . W N llal-ev
K T Coles, i I. Bui Re
\ .1 Hamilton, .1 F Hamilton
.Matt K Milium, T .i Sin
P. Turner, \V M Ersklne
.1, ll. i i.i.i w. n. i.. \V. Granl
.1. .1. Robinson, Geo, 11. Black
in hapman,
n U Poi ii-. \ .1 MeC ell
.1 I. Hint CD Whitman
.1 i ii l M Thomas 1 1 udson
w I • Kohl !•: w
ll,,,- i Roeln . •» hi E Mlckle
W W McMillan, 1′ I. Se\ I lie
I ‘.in in. t i I lebcls, .1 II 1 1
I; M. Greene, J, ‘!■ Burton
I’h. i- II Barry, John T Pearce
,W K Painter. .1 I. Williams
J S n i. I. I ergusou
Jim Pearce. F M I
w . \. Handley, B. M. Mi –
I K J -. W li WheUI
K. L. Smith, W. ‘!’. Johnson
i II Voin.K, J P Harris
R. ii. r„ llamy, P \ i ■ re.
Thoa P w hltbj . Edw P Gall
A. W. Woodall, w J. Sprulell
A JTli |. .J Lstrlckland
A T Hooks, J M Pel ham
K.I Morrow . I: B Cater
w .1 K lea, I T Dyi
Jus N i allaban, Geo B Hall
A. II. Keller, l. P. Guj
.A C Hargrove, \
.W.D.Henderson, L.H.Bo
.— . i ‘ i ■ . in i
K. Wells, .1. A. Mitchell
.1 P Young, T M W Is
J. K. Maull, llul T. Walker
C.C. Enloe, R. B. Pati
\i;k \nsas.
\lnn. Cabell 202…Jamea E. Smith, J. i :
Bei i * ■• ■ Id 1 1, Dodd 16 –ii Wbltthome, I ‘ E Shoe-
ma i.’-i
Bentonvllle… Camp Cabell B8 N. 8. Henry, A. J. Bates
l; levllle Camp Evana 155 G W Evans, D BCastleberry
I’ehtre Point Haller. 192. ..J. M. Somervell, J. C. Ansley
Charleston .Pal Cleburne 191… \ SC ill.
i Ouwaj .. i, ii I >a\ i- 218 .A. P. Witt, W. 1′
hiv.’ii. ■■. ill. W. H. Brooks 216…T. M. Gunter, I. M. Pati
Fori sin iih BenT DuVal 148 M M Gorman, Col R M Fry
i lm Co. V. \
..Ben Mel lullocb
Allien Pike
1 1 n in i ii j i,,n Stonewall
Little Rock . .. ‘ r R Weaver
■ i H 1 1 >
W I.
Hacketl Cltj
i [ope
Hi. I Sp
..IK 11
! nnli. \ Mllum, M Stroup
I i: ! ■
208 .N. W. St. wart, John F.Si
.. n In., m Harrell, A i ‘url
I89…L ll Lake, A II Qon
Win I’.;, 1. 1|, i. ,11. .1 ll Paschal
Roberl W Harper 2H7…W. B. m. una. R. W. Harrison
Nashville In.’ 208… W E Cowling, EG ll
irl rum ll.n.liiiaii 818… ,T. T.Ward
Pari- Ben McCul gb 888 .1 1 1 Sadli r, w m Snoddy
Prairie Grove …Pralrii Grove 884… . Win Mitchell
i 11 Walter Bragg 128… W J Blake, O S Jones
Van iiniei. lohn Wallace ‘Jim ..John Ulen.J m
on Sterling P ill .LPFuller, V M Fullei
Woo-i.-r rosephE Johnston 181 w A Milam, W J Sloan
I’.aiiow Francis B Bartow… 284 w n Reynolds, J A Vrmistead
Brookville w. \v. Loring 18…J. C. Da van t, K. L. Robertson
Chlpley McMillan 217…S M Robinson, G w Cook
Dade City Pasco C. V. \— ‘n. ,. ‘.7…Ja- E Lee, A H Ravesiea
LPT. GBO. \ DlGGONS, lis 1 11 I’ 1 vv. IMVSTRV.
When I look in the mirror to-day,
And Bee tlir locks fast turning to gray.
As many a wrinkle I Badly trace,
By time ami Borrow lefl “ii m>
When 1 miss the bright, the youthful glow,
I think of the ban I times long ago;
( if the bard times, old man,
Tlij bard times long
How shabby the clothes we used to weai ‘
How many burdens we had to bear!
How hungry often, but oh, 1h>\\ sweet,
The bacon and bread we go) to eal ‘
Yel hope, I we still, though rations van low,
Soldiering in the hard times long ago;
In the bard times, old man,
Ttie bard times long ;e_'”.
Who can the gloomy nights
When stamlini; |.n kit. nr lone * idette.
With bin four 1 Boff and two hours
Tired and sleep] In longed for the dawn?
Or the ride, or tramp, through ram in snow,
lie made in the bard times long ago;
In the bard times, old man.
The bard times long ago.
None can forgi t the sudden alarm.
The ski rni is 1 1 line ami the battle storm :
The faees sad, round the lire at night,
Thinking of the boj s *\ ho fell in the fight
Alas’ o’er many the daisies grow,
\\ ho died in the bard tit
I n 1 he hard times, old man.
The hard times long ago.
But, oh! how lovely the girls were then.
And ^r 1 »:b net the master ol men :
And nol for wages we fought, but lore,
And faith we had in a heaven abo 1
And .Hi 1 n’t profess ” no God to know,”
We boys “t’ the hard times, I. ,1
Of the hard times, old man.
Tin 1 hard times long ago.
When I ,all In mind old times to-d
Ami think of the hoys who passed away.
I remember soon must comi the time
When all ..I 11* must fall into line
With the gallant boys we used to know
Who died in the hard times long a)
In the hard times, old man.
The hard times long ago. .Ions l’.i TTi I
The drum’s; loud call, the war of battle,
The foeman’s cry, the dread death rattle.
Is heard no n
The cause is lost, but it was just.
Though Pixie’s hope lies low ill dllst.
We mourn no more.
For Peace— Sweet Peace! hath said to-day:
” Look up. fair South, thy fame’s aln
iile once ■
Grandson of \ Vi lERan.— Willie Callan, Menard-
ville, Tex., Bays: “Grandpa sent me the Confedi
Veteran for L893. I do not want to lose a number.
Enclosed find subscription for the new year. I am not
the son, but the grandson of an old veteran, ami I love
them all. and also tin cause in which Ihey lost all but
principle and honor.”
POSTOf i h p,
Defnniak Sptp E. Klrby-Smitb
demanding \ .–..
Inverness. 1 …… T. Ward
Jacksom II le 1; 1 ■ . 1 . .
Jacksoni Iile Ji 11 I> ,\ Is
Juno Pattoi
Marianos M lion
Hontlcello. Pattoi
Ooala Mai Ion Co. C. V. A
Pensaoola. Ward C V. ■
Qulncy D. I. Ki 1
Kirl.y Smith
st Petersburg ‘ amp
. tndls I
Ilia.. ; \ \
Btubbs, D. G. Mi
W. N. Thompson, I. A. Hall
.W C Zimmerman, W S Turner
I .,. W w 1
E. Merrll 1 I
bt. .1. Stewart. J. K. Hauna
. .1 F Hiith-iintli
\\ li. Moore, W. M. Ives
W ]> Barnes, 1 T;
W G .1
.1. 1 ‘. Pelot. J. W. N
ompKon, |{ ,1 Jordan
U. H. M. Da\ IdBon, 1’ M. Me-
.t A I
A. M. Thrasher, 1 H. 1.. n. r
W.C Dodd, 1 wick
David 1 ong, R \ \\ liitt
I W. Mi 11 111. II
I II Blaki .
Atlanta 1 .iii.m Count ■
KM.” 1
Rabun < – ■
‘ Jow ph KJok nton
Vet. H’l
I :.’.!
•spring I
W 1 > Mil
I’ll. .in
\ Inn
M’ .1 Whltsitt, 1; 1
n, W. It. 1
IS 1: .. v
! . W II Pbl
II. I.I-
– .1 W White, 1; 1
Mc LIB) 1 B. Coll na U
August lui B B001 ey, 1 1:
H. Kills, . I
Brlen, W J I
lietliel 1
Cam pi
Kmiie nci 1
B. Johnston 233 Wm Stanley, JnoW Hi flia
1IM fl W Jo [ S I .1,1,
Harrodsburg.. Wm Prestoi 9 Bush W. Ulin.J
•1 Hardin Helm .101 ..P. H. Thom
Mt Stei
Nlcholasvirie Humpb’y Marshal T. I.illard
Padui pson I74…WG Bullitt, J. M. Bn
lohn II. Morgan.
mond.. Thomas I’. 1
lohn W. 1 ‘al
lobn H. \v
Winchester.. Roger W. 1 1
1 T. Forsyl – lines
\u- Bufor I
. I I.Watts,W.W.Wb1tt
Amite City Sunt. City – L.P.Ric-hai
»-…… ……A n A. 1 “leu
Baton j. McUrath, r. \\
Benton ! 109.. .S M Thomas. B B
I 1 1 Brlen
Com pie i ap Perot 11 Hamilton
38 SAP
Kuril,. 1 \ iile C. V.A.i ■■ ■ ,-, I> Arenl
Franklin Floilao Con W R Collins, Tho
Uoniales P. O…I 11 1 . Brown
Jackson I
Laki V.t.
1. l’r
II. M,i lei land
‘ \ . K 11.1 1,|.. \\ . !.. Hi it. I, lugs
Manderrllle. Gen Geo.Moorman..270…Jos. L. Dicks, R. O. Pizzetta
Mansfield Moo ton tl 1 .Schuli
Merrick Isaiah Norwood…. 110. D. T. Merrl, lylor
Monro,- Henry W. Uleo is: W R
Natchitoches, Natcbtto, – 10 .1 A Prndhomme, W D Har-
leans. LrmyofN.Vi : W. R. Lyman, T. B. O’l
x. ^ ‘ irleans. Army of Ten 1 ■ 1 any
N, « Orleans Vet-Con.States Ca\ B Wm. Laugblln, E. R,
LOUIS] \N A Continued.
D. Caldwell, Division Freight Agenl of R. & l>. It.
R. Co., Columbia, S. •’.: “1 take the Veteran, and
enjoy it. I notice you address it to ‘Col. I». Cald-
well.’ 1 was not a Col ‘1 when I was in the «ar, I
was l’in a private. I was a boy ami pulled tin lan-
yard t<> a gun in McGregor’s Battery, Stuart Horse
Artillery, which formerly formed part of Pelham’s
Battery, Army of Northern Virginia.
“I am glad to see thai you often tell of the bravi
deeds ami great achievements of our armies. 1 am
also glad to see that you give the private soldier a
chance, ami tell some of his personal exploits in
camp. Here is one that took place late in the sum-
mer of HI. when the cavalry was trying” to hold the
Van kees back from tin’ Boydton |>lank road ami the
Welden Railroad : < >ne hoi afternoon our battery was
ordered into camp near Jones’ farm. When we had
Spread our blankets and unsaddled —that was all we
had to do. as we had no tents— some of the hoys went
out to see wdiat the neighborh 1 afforded in the way
of something to eat. very soon one of them returned
with information that Mr. Jones’ watermelon crop had
not been harvested, but lay in full view, and that the
ground was fairly covered with luscious melons. The
fellow who brought the news was asked why lie did
not bring in a sample, when he informed us that
there was a guard over the patch. For a moment the
situation was gloomy. Soon Joe Pearl, rarely ever
downed by trifles, said : ‘Boys, I’ve got it; get ready
to ‘at Jones’ melons.’ Do you tellers join me! 1
will go on guard in the field myself and you hoys lay
along the fence in the bushes and I’ll mil out the
melon-. We had great faith in Pearl as a manager,
hut did not see how he would L’et away with the guard
already in charge. Well, we did as he directed.
With a sabre banging to hi- belt he mounted the
fence and boldly advanced on the ‘true, true’ guard,
who. in time, challenged, ‘Halt!’ Guard Pearl did
not stop, but he commanded, ‘Halt!’ ‘Who are you?’
” I am on guard here.’ he answered. ‘ Whose command
do you belong to?’ demanded Pearlin haughty tones.
He replied, to ( Iraham’s Battery. Ah! that ‘sail right.
said Pearl, I am from McGregor’s; you watch that
end and I will watch this, and the goose said ‘all
right.’ In a few minutes our ‘guard’ began to roll
out the largest and best melon- n mlcr t he fence. We
held a council of war to decide whether we should give
our officers any of them or not. finally we decided
to roll a melon or tWO down to where they had their
bivouac, and it was noticed that not one of them even
cared to know where they come from. One was a
preacher, too.
” None of these young men ever went to the peni-
tentiary. Since the war some of them have been really
good men.”
(apt. I!. II.Teague. Aiken, S.C.: ” This makes two
subscriptions to the Veteran that this noble minded
ex-federal veteran. Rev. T. S. Bailey, ha- given to hl-
brothers in gray.”
C. T. ford write- from ( I reenton, Mo. : ” 1 am a sub-
scriber to your staunch magazine, and am exceedingly
pleased with it as a medium for interchange of thought
between veterans, whose thin gray lines arc getting
farther apart each year, and will so < ontinue until the
last tattoo will he sounded, and we will ‘ cross over the
river to rest under the trees.'”
NewOrleans.. ..Wash, Artillery..
New Orleans…., Henry St. Paul…
1 lakley robn Peck
< Ipelousas R. K. l
., 18
Plai|iiemine Il.ervillc IB.
Rayvllle.. Richland 152..
Rustin Ruston 7.
sport- U .n LeRo] Stafford
Tangipahoa Camp Moure Rl
i hi laux Braxton Bragg 198
or I ICHK.S.
It K Bahelman, L A Adanu
J. Demoruelle, \ li I; i,
w. s. Peck, J. w. Powell
I.. 1 1 la. -i ..n. I!, in. …mil. I<1
< !.H.Dlcklnson .1 .1.. I tardenne
.1. s. Bnmmerllu, u. T. smith
.A. Barksdale, .1. I.. Bond
w K Innej . w H Tunnard
0. P. a ma. a;, i …. i: Taylor
B.T.Grlsamore, M. N.Coulon
Amory Stonewall Jackson 127 W A Brown,
neviUe w. Jl. H. Tlson ITS D. I . Reals. J, W. Smith
Brandon Rankin 285.. Patrick Henry, R.S. Maxe]
Brookhaven Sylvester Qwln 285…J.A. Hoskins, J. RDaugbtry
Canton E. Giles Henry 812…E. C. Postell. .1. M. MUle
” hi -i. i I: ■ . la. « hi 138 .1 II Evans, w M I: Tts
COlUmblU Ishalii Harris.. li 27, E I, I. in. -..111. K P Richards
( Irystal Sp’gs.. Ben Humphreys., i” ..C. Humphries, J. M. 1 1
tireenvllle .
w. a. Montg rj 26 w . \. Montgomery, ‘I’. 11. w.
W l. Stephen, T B Hammetl
i; w w illtamson, w a Gil-
Ueu.S.W. Ferguson, W.I
1..1. Whitney •-“-‘
Hugh A. Rl x n.. I. Is. -JIS
,.W. A. Percy
Grenada w. H. Barksdale, 1KB…J W Young, Julius Ash
Harpersville… Patrons tJnlou 272. M W Stamper, C \ Una
Hattlesburg Hattlesburg 2I…O. D. Hartfleld, E. II. Harris
Hernando DeBoto 220…Sam Powell, C. 11. Robertson
Hickory Flal .. Hickory Flat 219…W. A. Crum, J. J Hicks
Iuka Tl8l Ingo C. Vel l23…Geo P Hamm
Hollj Springs Ell Molt.
Jackson Robert A Smith….
Lake Patrons Union
Lexington Walter I. S> im
Liberty Amite County
Louisville lolin M Bradley…
Mabi n Stephen D Lee…
Macon i: is Longstreel
Magnolia Stockdule
Meridian Walli all
Miss, city Beauvoir 120
Natchez Natchez 20,
NewAlbanv Oen M P Lowrj I-‘
Fori Gibson Clalborn 187
. VJ..
Rolling Fork. …Pal R Cleburne.,
Rosedale Montgomery
Sardis .In. i I! Dickens..
Senatobia Bill Feenej
Tupelo I.ilin M. Stone..
Valden..* Frank Liddell.
Vicksburg Vicksburg
Winona M. Karivil
Woodvllle Woodvllle
Yazoo City Yazoo
. i ■’. Faut,S. n. Pryor
ji … ii .1 \ Smith, USG
272 M. W. Stamper, C. A. llud-
.ll-sl. Ill
898 ii .i Keld, F a Howell
228 P K Brewer, Geo A McGehee
852…M A M i it -. Jno B Qage
2! i . .. is. Cooke, J. L. Sherman
1KU…H. W. !•’, .1. 1.. Griggs
824 K II Felder, 8 A Matthew
25… W. F. Brown, B, V. White
Uen. .1. u. Davis, E. s. Hewen
.F.J.V. I. ml. K I.. Hopkins
i ‘ s Robertson, U F Rogers
A. K. Jones, W. w . Moon
.1 C Hall, Jno – Joor
F A Montgomery, CC Farm
It II Taylor, .1 It it mthe
. . n Shonds, I P Hill
Gen l M st«ine, P M Savery
..■ C. Balnes. w. J. Booth
82 n \ i lampbell, .1 1> Laughiln
.81I…J. K. Blnford, C. 11. Campbell
.. in … i. n. .loins. P. M Stocketl
178 s n Robertson,! U DuBulsson
Kansas city Kansas City…
..!..- W Mercer, Geo It Spratl
Bryson ciiv Andrew Coleman., 801
Charlotte Mecklenburg 882
Clinton Sampson 187.
Concord Cabarrus Co. C.V. \ 212
Hickory – Catawba 182
Littleton Iiinins Daniel 828,
Hi 1 1 si. in. i I.e. ii i i.las J .M in i 1 1 is,
Ryan Confederate iit.
Salisbury i barles F. Fisher 809
Salisbury Col i has F Fisher
States vl lie i ‘..i R i ‘ pbell
Washington Bryan i Irlmee
Wilmington I tape Fee r
Winston Norfleel
El Reno El Reno 848
Guthrie Camp Jamison 847..
Norman h B Gordon 200.. TJ Johnson, w C Renfro
Oklahoma City ..D H Hammons I77…J W Johnson, .1 OCasler
I-:. Everett. B. ll Cathey
. ..l Roessler
R ll Holllday. Jno \ Beaman
.1. F. Will, foul. C. M.l aid
.!. U. Hall, L. It. Whin-ma
.John P. l.i i rli
W I, I don, II A London
. . T MoByrde
.1 no K Ramsay, .1 ‘ ‘ Bernhardt
Big . Col ,i i; Crawford, C R Barkei
894 ..PC Carlton,
124 R R Warren. C (‘ Tl s
254… W. f. l’i ‘II i. Win. Blanks
i is I .1 Brown, Sam’l ll smith
Abbeville Seci Bslon ll”.
Aiken Barnard K. Bee… B4.
Anderson L’ump Benson 887,
Beaufort Heaufori M
Charleston Camp Sumter 2-iO.
Charleston Palmetto ‘ luard 81 i
CberaW ,1 It Kershaw i 1
i lolumbla Hampton
I iinieans I lean
Kasie\ …Jasper Hawtborn…. 286.
Edgefield CH. \i r Perrlu W
Florence Pee 1 890
Glj mphvllle Ulympb\ llle 899
— , W A Templeton
it H. league, J. N. wlgfall
M p Trlbbe, i N Vandlver
Tli”- B While,
R, n . I Johnson, .1. W. Ward
i Bulst, a Baron Holme*
TheoT Malloj .so. lodfrey
A P Brov ii. |. R Flennikln
\ n Dean, J V
It. E. It.. wen. J. H. It. .”.n
,i 1 1 Brooks, Thos w Carwile
E w Lloyd, Win Quick
i, P Milter,
Greenville R.V. Pulltam 297!.”j. W. Norwood, P.T, Hayne
< Ireenwood I ‘ W\ai I \ iI..n 182
Ml Pleasant Thos M Wagner 110
Newberry lames l> Nance 886,
Pickens w,.if Creek 412.
Rock inn Catawba 278,
Socastee routed. Suv. Vss’n.,418
Spartanburg ….Camp Walker 885.
Sumiiierv ille lien .las I ‘on nor 874.
Sumter Dick Anderson
St. Georges Stephen Klliott 51.,
s Porches, .las R Tomlluson
, .1 W Gary, C F Boyd
Jae \ Griffin, ll B Hendricks
i ladr Jones, w It imnlap
Jeremiah smith,
,i,,s walker, A B W Iruff
i leo Tupper, P ll Hutchinson
.1 n Graham, P P Ualllard
R W Minus. .1 Ote\ Reed
V, Y. CO
1:1. \ . \\ . ITM h \ POWERT.
Down in iht’ lowgrounds, where the rustic cabin stands,
A ml pine* lean gauol against tlx sky,
I lii-it r again the weird carousing of the bands;
I’ll t-ir low mm’ I quaint old lullaby;
Moaniug, and crooning, mm. I strong,
Through tin’ grove it swells along,
The st. 11. Bad, negro’s song,
n ’tis moonlight in a year long gone away ;
The summer breeze a perfume brings
From down the meadow sweet «nli new mown hay,
Ami chant 1 ‘i one » In. sings,
(loaning, and crooning, and
It Sweeps through tin 1 grove along,
‘Ihi’ low. Bad, negro’s Bong.
Now like the soughing wind, in solemn, rhymeless lay,
Bo ~”ii. and l<>\\ . an. I Bad it ewt
‘I’ll. 11 stronger still the chorus bursts in sadder way.
As it si. in. • superstition t-
Moaning, ami ci Pong,
Through the grove it Bweeps along,
‘I’lif low . sad, negro’s Bong.
1 md il”‘ li.’ an. I distant w Is the music 1
and tlits :
Then as inspii ed bi gins >
The bending pines, harmonious »iili their plaintive
I’, in! kin.lh tt ill. 1 I Bl tain :
Moaning, an. I crooning, and –
Through the grove it swells along,
The Bolt, Bad, negrt ■ – sung.
o night “I year from out my happy past remain I
( ‘’ back in. n 1 those .lav-. 1 1
softly, in 11 iin nr. .in. .n ye men its old refrain ;
M y memory ln>ltls it \ el too Btroi
Moaning, ami crooning, an. I Btrong,
li sv\ eeps through 1 he grove al
I’lif low, Bad, negro’s song.
A. S. Colyar’s Tribi it I.. .1 11 1 ERsoti Davis.— Hon,
Washington Gardner, of Michigan, writes While
not wishing t” It a party to anj controversy, it is bul
justice t.t all interested t” say that my
of the reply of tin’ Hon. Mr. Colyar t < > the question
in regard t’t Mr. Davis could give no offense to his
most ardent admirers. He replied in substance, and
almost in thf following language, according to my
best recollection ; “I think Mr.” Davis was thoroughly
honest and – He had become bo imbued with
thf history “t Washington ami his strug om-
patriots, and so accustomed t < > see analogies in thf
Confederate situation, that he believed Providence
would in some way bring relief and the Confederacy
would succeed in its efforts t.. establish a permanent
Tin: N. B. Forrest Camp, Chattanooga, Tenn., passed
resolutions in honor of Joseph F. Shipp, who has
served that Camp faithfully ami well for seven con-
utive years a- Commander, ami now retires from
that office of his own choice. The resolutions were
adopted unanimously ami by a rising vote, not in thf
meaningless manner usual upon such occasions, l>ut
in all sincerity and truth, that “The thanks of this
Camp be extended to him for his wise and impartial
rulings at all times, his universally courteous man-
ner, ami hi- earnest ami energetic w>rk tor thf i_”>t»l
ni’ tho Camp, to which is largely due its success ami
importance that it has attained; also, thai resolutions
be spread of record, ami that thf Adjutant present
Commander Shipp with a copy i>t” tin
Browos\ ill. Hiram S Bradford
Chattanooga N. B. Forrest
Clarkt-n 11 ■ 1 orbes
Fayettevtlle. .Sbackelford-FultOD.
Franklin.. Gen. J. W si
Jackson Jno tngrara
Know ,1. Felix K. Zolllcoffer.
I ‘red A tilt
Lewlsburg Dibit
McKenzie Stonewall Jackson
Memphis Confed. Hist. Ass’n
Murfreesboro. J.
Nashville Frank Cheatham.
Win. 1
Tullaboma.. Pierce B. In
Willt’h.’-l. I I’m 11. J
. 11 .11 it Ingston
1 lllman, w H Cashion
SV\I all, I . . si. ihnon
M B Hun
t \ . \i, .*,.<. j w s. Frlerson
>s . P. it\ Ine, w . 1.. 1 .:.
Marsh \ 1 u Isson. .1 P.t iunnon
. W 1 . ■>. ■. . K..I 1
W.S.M lettet
Thos II Smith, J PHI
J. M. Hastings. J ti
1 r\ is
Abilene raj lot I
Alvarado. \ arado.
Al\ in Win ll.irt
Al vord – ‘
Archer fit
Al Uiui.’i si’ “i- « all J
I. ‘ ‘ \i ,■ ■
mont \ 3. Jobnsi
Bel ton • Con. As I.-.’
So 1: …
. into
Brownw I
1 B 1 . • .
Bufmlot otc
Calvert w 1 I. …ill
1 ‘ampbt II
r 1 Hogg
nil III!
. ‘amp Mel nt. .-It
Cleburm 1
R. I
. 11-1..11
M. Wlnl
Crockt 1 1
Col 1 1 11 si llle B
1 i : ■ 1 •■
Camp Brook
Sterling 1 1
it. ■.inn Ben m
DeKalb Tom «
BUl RoS*
It,. ,1,1 1 iiv . amp Ma si ■
Dublin F.rath A Comancl
El Paso I
Emma 1 one SI:, 1
w p. 1 M ■ ‘ •
Florest W son I Ounty
Ftirt Worth K I I ■
Kr..-l 1; .. Mi.
‘ … on in 1
Galveston. Magi udi 1
Gonza lea. ohn CO K
F G Hodges
n loung Count]
. ■ , .1 •• ,
i View .1 I Johnst
Josi pit E JnhiiHtn
■ .1 .hilii. – ‘.
Hamilton \. B. Jobnsti
Hemsti .”! 1 . i” ‘ In
Hendt rson. Ras Redv
Henrietta Sol K”-~ IT-‘
Hill Count]
Hone] Gro> e. 1 ogan 1 t;t\
Houston Dick 1
Huntsvllle., John C Upton
Jacksborougb …Camp Morgai
Jacks Ubmp Hnghes .
Kaufman .
Kilgore. Buck 1
Kingston I. 8. Johnston 71
Ladonls Rob! .1.1 ee
LaGrange 1 ol. B. Tlmn •
. . I W Daugberty.
II. I„ Bentley, Then n
Jesse w Hi
Wm Hart, Uf H H To
.1 M Jones, W ‘ ■ !
II .1 Brooks, I M •
It M. Morgan, w I
tinson, J. N. Simmons.
t , W s
II M Cook, 1: II I
.1 P. lli.ln.
W in. I
W I ‘■
It t 1 . kin
II B Stoddard, w II lln
.1 11 King, J 1 Matlhi
tliain. H F Kel-
1 -i.nli
W. 1>. I hon
ml. .1 M. V
an, .1. M. W
1.; 1 1 C 6
I. F. J
. HI .1 J
n w \ m
.-!’ W –
i.”i Hugh tirton.
I’.ll l’:i\ I”-. W] 11
John W. M 1 ■
w 1 • i
W 1 Igd VI’ t
I \1 I
V B Fraser, w \1 (
M. 1 W :tkf-
.1 M msi
T N W Mill. 1 W HSlllllgtOII
. nider*.
.1 I Martin, W II Thompson
Lampasas R. r Lee
I,i\ ingston Ike Tu I
Lubbock F. li. Lubbock
Madisonvllle Jno Q Walker
Martin Willis I
Mi in phis Hall t “nuniy
1. \ King, .1 T Owen
.. w Tipton
Mena’rdvllle .. .Henardville . — 1 M Kitchens,
ill. t;iniil-
Wm [lodge* \\ 1
V G Gray, V M Kdwai
■ 1 Hatfield
w S Ward, a II Hefnei
Battle I .hi. 1. A 11 Snt
V. B. Thornton, S. Bchwars.
.1 M Mays, ‘
. c. B. Patti
. Win w i
W. Lambert, s.K
.1 M Smlther, K K Gon
s w Eastln, w .1 Dent
s II Hi. ■ . -. \ I
JOS. 1 1
w \ Miller, 1; *’ Wyiui
w B Merrill, .1 R Arthur
. .1;. II. Phelps, N. HoJn
11 Haynle
W. D. Crump, ‘-. W. Shannon
.1: «
TEX \- I
SO- 0F1 [I
.115 RoW Donnen. .1- W. Utams.
:■• J. r Tucker, \. \. Baker.
••I c I. Watson, h w Williams
.1 11 HuOmaster, T .1 Goodwin
T. Turner, B. Blrdwell.
c. L. DUlahunl y, J.C. Turner.
R Bean, K. D. Rugelej .
W ll Harris, n \v Sadler
I [I K • AMI’.
Meridian \. B. Johnston..,
Merki . Mi rki
Mexls I”« Johnston
Mlnneola W 1 < bounty. .
Mi. Bnterprlse..Rosser
Mi. Pleasant . ‘ <•!. I iud Jones
Montague i’..a> stone
i amp Mel iregor
UcKlnm ) i ollin C itj 109 T M Scott, II C Mack
Mt Vernon Ben Mcculloch BOO W T Gass, J J Morris
Nuvasota Hannibal ll B le IW W E Barry, las H Freeman
New Boston Sul Ross G oH Rea, T J Watllugton
Oakvllli Jonn Donaldson 195 ,C. C. Cox. T. M. Ch
Palesl Ine Pali si Ine n
Paradlsi I
Parle \. -. Johnston 7u
Patnl Rock Jell Davie
” Hardeman 290.
Richmond Frank Ten J
Ripley i Jen Hood
Rockwall Rockwall….
J.W.Ewing, J. M . In lliuwldei
\ ,1 Jones, I . I Ma»ou
i m ■ i ‘, r, S s k nl
W. I. Melton, J. W . Katcbford.
R M Harkness, Henry Maney
r. v.. Peareson, B. F. atuart
liter.Joo ii ll. i,i<i
:i M. s. Austin, N. ‘ . Edwards
Robj ,.W. W. Lorlng ra .DKpeer, IPKellej
Antonio A.S.Jobnston l44…Joha 8 Koi I lark
San VugU8tIne..JeffDavi6 886… , WAFIi
San Saba W P Rogers. 322 George Harris, A Duggan
Santa inna LQOLamui L M Cravens, W1U Hubarl
Seymour Bedford Forrest
man Mildred Lei
south Prali
twater. E. ( . Walthall. ..
Rulphur Sp’gs… Matl Ashcrofl
Taylor …… A 8 i i»ton …
I E B sunn i
irkana A P Hill 26B
ryler \. s. Johnston.,
vemon C p < ‘a bell l~”>
Nil T. Hi. Peery, R. J. Browning.
W .1 r Wilson, Robl Walker.
9 W 1. II. In. i.
82 W. Ii. Keall, J. ll. Freeman.
:.. M. Henderson, M.G. Miller.
I’.. .\l RoSS, Perrj Hawkins
i \ \n! bony, V ‘.■ Relnhardt
w .1 mi. ii. i Li lea \ Hooks
J P ] houglas, si.i s Johnson
s. i- . Hatchett, u. D. Mavis.
‘Aa… ….Pat Cleburne 222 ,C L. Johnson, W. C. Cooper
Waxalia.-hi… \\ innir I I i\ |. KW I. .in YateS, J | ‘(‘,„, j,,. ,
Waxabachie ….. Parsons Cav. Ass’n..290… . \ M Dechman
Weatherford Tom Grei a 169 J. P. Rice, M. V. Elnnison.
ngton Collingsworth Co 25″ J H McDowell. J M Tatee
ion Bucbell 22* I N Dennlr, II T ‘ lomnton
Wbitesboro Geo] I 288…J \» M Hughes, B M Wright
Wichita Falls… W.J. Hardc-i 78… W R Crockett. Nt A Robinson
Will’s Point…… Will’s Polnl 02 \> Uford. W A Benham
Harrisonburg SBGibl – i 88 D H Lee Martz, J S Messerlj
Reams Statlou-.J. E B. Stuarl 211. ..M A Moncure, A BMoncure
Richmond. …. E Picketl an..
…..RE Lee
Roanoke William Wntts., 205
Weal Polnl rohn it. Cooke. L8i
irasburg..McQrudei Ewell ..210 T J Stubbs, H T Jonee
Winchester. Gen Turner Ash bj 240. ‘ bas W Mc Vicar, E G llollis
Washington Wash, city Confed 171 ..J G M •e.TW Hungerford
.l: N Northern, r Mc( lurdy
A W M.hi i. .1 T Stratton
S S Brooke, Hugh \v Fry
ll. M. Miller, w. W. Green.
■I. .1. Callan, Coleman, Texas, says: Tliis brings my
list up tu sixty-one. I do nut know if this puts Cole-
man at the head of the Texas list, for I do not know
how well other comrades are doing; hut I do know-
that in i in )] miii inn in population Coleman stands away
above Nashville. It’ Coleman, with L,200 inhabitants,
furnishes sixty-one subscribers to the Veteran, in the
-.inn. ratio I ‘alias, headquarters of the Trans-Missis-
sippi Department, should have at least 2,000 subscrib-
ers. What a magnificent monument we could build
to a nation’s glory if all Southern cities ami towns
proved their devotion as this little Texas village in
this drought afflicted region has d il 1 hope they
will. If they will get up a generous rivalry they can,
Now, comrade, permit me, too, to offer a little gratu-
itous advice: Keep the subscription at 50 cents for
1894. I do nut write in my own behalf, for ours are
paid all. lint there are thousands of veterans in Texas
who fared badly this year mi account of drought.
Even old subscribers, who would not take the price of
,i whole year’s subscription tor any one number, are
unable to renew, [n God’s providence they will he in
better shape next year, and I have no doubt there will
he a unanimous vote for increase of size and price.
R. A.Owen, Port Gibson, Miss.: The Veteran is
worth over a dollar to every veteran household, and
must In- put at a price that you can afford to keep ii
to the front.
John M. .lolly. Marlin. Texas: 1 note what you say
in regard to the price of the Veteran after January 1,
1894, ami in soliciting subscriptions for same will do
80 at $] per annum. This remittance will make
twenty-eight subscriptions 1 have sent you. including
my own renewal. 1 shall continue to do all I can for
the Veteran, as I wish every Confederate veteran liv-
Ould read it.
c. 1.. Edwards, Esq., Dallas, Texas, whose adver-
tisement in the V ETERAN wa- paid for in advance, -ays:
The dollar sent in renewing subscription for the Vet-
eran Was for .me year. You rnli yourself when you
credit it for two year.-, and although lawyers ari
considered as being entirely above predatory incur-
sions upon their fellows, I don’t ted exactly right
when despoiling an old brother Confed. of his hard
work at less than half its value.
G. W. R. Bell, Cedar Springs, Ala. : To me the Vet-
eran i> not only instructive ami entertaining, hut it
is inspiring and elevating. It is my opinion that to
continue the Veteran at the present price will accom-
plish mure g 1, for the reason that the circulation
will I., greater. I had rather forego the advanti
improvement than deprive my brother of its benefits.
M. T. Ledbetter, Piedmont, Ala.: Comrade N. I’..
Hogan, of Springfield, Mo., writes my sent in nut-, lie
says: “We Ought indeed to make the VETERAN of
world-wide reputation. Every Confederate and Con-
federate organization should indorse and push its
claims until it is firmly and securely established. I
never go out without taking a sample copy, and never
fail to show it and talk up its merits. 1 don’t know
who might want it. so I never fail to show it.
frank A. Owen, Evansville, lnd.: I saw the first
copy of the Veteran to-day. Inclosed find my check
f..r si. it’s a .as,, of love at first sight. I will keep
the machine greased at any price you put it. as long
as you print it, or until the long roll is called. 1 have
not been in Nashville since the war. hut remember
with much love such names as Col. Kite. Maj. Dick
\l. la nn. (‘apt. Cox. Lieut. Tindle. and others, on John-
Son’s Island, winter of ’63. 1 remember Capt, Cox
died of blood poison from vaccination.
Thomas !:. fowler, Rfurfreesboro, Tenn., wrote some
time since concerning an article in the October VET-
ERAN, by Robert M. Frierson. in which the following
statement appears: “When we were making tin- as-
cent the horse of Adjutant Fowler, of the Second
Tennessee, got into a bees’ nest and rushed through
the brigade riderless over sleeping men.” I suppose
that lam the Adjutant fowler referred to. hut 1 de-
sire to state that [ was not, at that date, the Adjutant
of the Second Tennessee, and was not the owner oi a
horse, I was then a Lieutenant of the line, hut was
afterward Adjutant in Mate’s old Second Tennessee
Infantry. My recollection of the event referred to is,
that the command was toiling slowly up the mountain,
weary and footsore, hut not “sleeping,” when the
horses attached to a caisson, from some cause, became
unmanageable, and the head of the infantry column
found it necessary to promptly open ranks and yield
the road. The ‘night being dark, this movement
brought on a im ntary panic in the rear, when
quite a number, now “veterans,” who had faced death
mi many bloody fields, took to their heels and to the
w Is.
The following list includes the subscriptions at
places named where there are four or more. There are
over’ 7,000 paid subscriptions .-it over 1,600 po
in more than 12 States and Territories. There are
printed of this edition 10,000 cop
\ 11 niston 5
\i liens 22
1 ‘.< ‘ I I 1 1 M I 1
Birmingham .. 3u
I Mlll’l’ll
I ;i 1 rollton
1.1 u ml v lie
Elk mon 1 In
II .. 4
1 : 1 1 1 : 1 \v I
1 lorence
Knin. In
1 . reenvllle
1 .inn ■
Hiintui lll<
Arkade! i
< Jamdeu
Washington, D.
1 1 J . M. \
Hoi Springe
Little Rock.
M. .111 11. Ml
1 1 1
!• Vi “liatldl mm
Lake Wi li
L.IW ||. |. Sl. Mill 11
Lower PeaCht 1 1
Mon ndvllle
I’m iltii.iiil . H
\ n n i;ui 1 1
\. worth 1
\ i in us 1
\ 1 1|_ 1 1 -I :■ III
l ‘union. 17
ere vl 1 1 i
‘ UlcngO, Illinois.
. isboro .
Hau i-
i in. pa
Tl His vile. I”
Welborn i
E\ hum llle H
\ rdmore i ;
. ..ii. > \ in.
\nllioslon I
\ ii- HSlB I
Bow ling Ureen in
Ington i
Ellzabet htow n ■’•
< leorgetown 7
Harrodsburg 17
Hendetson …. 67
Hopktnsvllle li
Ber« Ick 111
Luke Charles.
Baltimore.. …. 54
INDI \N.\.
INDIAN II Kill mi; .
KANS 18,
B I N II i KV.
.1 list i<-.
Lav n mi burg
I iew1*burg
I …ins\ , ii. :,!i
M Idfl :iv I
Morgai Held B
Owensboro 20
Owlngsvllle i
Pari* Hi
i’. in broke . 21
l.oi isi.w v.
i iki Pro Idence., 7
Morgan i iiy i
M Wl’i I \NH.
Cheltenham I
I n.linli.ili. ills
McAllsUl li
II ill. Ins. in I
PlneOrove i
aichm ii. I . in
Rugse i
Shi Ibyvllli
Stamping Urout
I’. .I<1
mtown. …..
\ ersallles
\\ Inchest’
New ‘ irleans….
Mi it\ eporl . .
i lumberland Hi
PlkCSl ,11.
31, Paul, Minnesota
Andlng i
Canton n
Ceii t re v 1 1 li . …. 7
i .,l,li\ :il, i !l
<‘r\ stal Springs. li
Ceotralla. B
Dexter 7
• lolde j
i , .'”
l-‘.lw ards I
Greenwood «
Jackson …… i
Mcl .mil. i ‘It) . . .i
Meridian 15
i .. is Summit.
l loulslana i
Moberly 9
Pass i ‘hristlan 5
tobln 7
i ilea i.
« u nil
ioCRj 20
n. , ads .
Palmyra 12
M. I… nis 27
N. w \ oik Clt) . N.« ‘
\sh, v me
Brj s..n i ii i :,
Mi. Airy. i
Raleigh 7
Waynesvllle 13
Wilmington ll
\\ Inston l.’i
Cincinnati, i iblo
Oklahoma Cltry, Oklahoma Territory
Philadelphia, Pennsj i\ anla
gi burg i . H.
i ‘oiimii la
Trillion .
1 . ii
i. Ilettsvllle
Bradj < llli
II. i,.i. rsonville
1 ‘. IM li 11
Sprlngfli i.l
i :u mhi
M. K . n/i.
W.i\ .1 i
Woolwortl .
Yorki llli
Kd«< « I
M in t
I i t
A Ivai ado
Antelopi i
Ai liens
I’.i li.. i
Bon ham
Calvi n
:i. ui i
i ‘milt i
inche li
Crocki ii
in g
Di Kalb. i
Denton i
■ ,11,
II Ilton
Housti i
K ll ,,i
i, .,
i ..ii
I ii 1,1..,, i 4
I’. IM 11
Viesca i
W:<.-< .
Walder… i
wills- Point.
Wrlgbtsboro. -‘I
\ lexandi la
Culpepei ;
Lynchbnrg 19
\\”:i rin S|i
West Point . ..
Portsmouth is
l|. .i.i i.l
■ burg
Huntington, Went Virginia 7
Tin’ V ii i ran goes t” about five times as many )>ost-
offices as are named above, yel at 1 hese 3 12 offices there
are 5,773 subscribers.
The John II. Morgan Camp at Ardmore, Indian
Territory, has made the Veteran its official organ.
‘I’, I’., King and 1′. \V. McCoy w ted First
d Lieutenants, ami M. Wheeler, Quartermaster.
Judge D. C.Thomas, Lampassas, Texas: 1 am not
prepared to ex] opinion as to whether or not it
will he best to increase the price ui’ tlio Veteran, hut
will say this, that in my judgment 1 it would he a very
cheap publication at one dollar; and further, I would
nut take fifty outs each tor my copies of this year’s
subscription. In fact, they are not for sale.
.1. W. Corman, Brooksville, Pla.: Inclosed i
rind postal order for SI 4 for twenty-eight subscri
sixteen old name- and twelve new ones. I havt
sick and unable to do any more.
^ D.u.i is, Tex is, Dec. 10, 1893.
EditorCoNj ederatj Veti ran : As
your splendid magazine is to be
found in the house of a great num-
ber of “Id t ‘onfederate veterans in
tlii— Department, I hope that the
i be said of the Eastern
Department, and read nol only by
the “Id hero and his good wife, but
also by his noble sons and beauti-
ful daughters. I send you for pub-
lication ii roster of the living Con-
federate Generals up to the 1 < m h of
I ‘. ci ml. it. 1893, compiled from the
most reliable data to be had.
During the war there were 198
officers commissioned as < lenerals
of all grades in the Confederate
Army. < If this number not more
158 are living. Sinn’ Jan. 1. 1893,
two i lenerals, two Major Gi m rals
and four Brigadier < lenerals have
died, leaving 158 living out of the
… I number. I hope thai e\ ery
old ( ‘onfederate living will pi ruse
this list, as it will recall many noble
dents of the war:
1 • El M.S.
sti phi ti D., Stark ville, Miss.
James Longsl rei t, Gainesville. Ga.
a 1 1\ . l,\ nchburg, Va,
. B. Buckner, I- rand tort, Ky.
\ la.
Alexander P. Stewart i bfekamauga, Ga.
« ill Hampl i olumbtn, s. i :.
John B. ‘ tordon, At lanta, i
M Aim: i
(iustaviiK W. Smith, Kcm fork.
Lo Fuj el te M.l.iu s. Savannah, ‘ ■ .>
S. <i. French, Winter Park, I- la.
John 1 1 . Forni \ , .li-n i i,i. A la.
Dabm v 11. Maury, Rtcl I, Va.
!!• iirj ii. ih. \iiii, t : , in Battle Field Survey,
Washington. l«. i .
J, I.. Kemper; Orange Court blouse, V’a.
ii F. Hoke, Rali Igh. v I
Fitzhugb Lee, « ilasgou . V’a.
W. B Bate, I . s s, nate.
.1. B. Kershaw, i ‘amden, S, i ‘.
M.C. Bui lei i 8. Si nate.
I-:, i ‘. Wal I, I . s. Senati .
1.. l.. I… max, Wa bhigton, D. C.
1*. M. l:. ifoung, I arterM in.., i la.
T. I.. Rosser, Charlottesville, Va,
W. W. \ll.-li, M..HI \I.|.
s. B. Maxey, Paris, I
William Uaboue I 5, Va.
‘ .. w . i ii.iis i. , . Lexington, K* .
William B. Taliaferro, Glouo sti r, Va.
William T. Martin, Natchez, Miss.
‘i. Pollgnac,! irleans, Fram
E. M. Law, Yorkville, s i
Richard I ratlin Fort smith. Ark.
Mai i Ransom, U.S. Senate,
smith. Jackson, Mi-.
William It. Forney, Jacksonville, Fla.
. AI.1KK lies 1 i; \ 1 s.
1 ii.i. rson, \ ston, Ala.
I . Armstrong, Washington, D. C.
!■:. P. Alexander, Sai annab, < ■:..
Arthur S. Bngby, Texas.
Lain. s. l:,k,-r, >ntt,,lk. Va.
Plnck in > I ». Bowles, \ labs I
Rufus Barrlnger, i hs rlotte, N. i ‘.
s,-iii M. Hail. .ii. Fredericksburg, Va.
John Bratton, White Oak, S. I
l. L. Br. hi. Baltii v. M.I.
C. A. Battle, Alabama.
Hamilton P. B*e, San Antonio, Ti
W. R. Bogus, Winston, N. C.
T\ ree II. Bell, Tennessee.
William i . . abell, Dallas, Texas.
K. i Papers, i lolumbia, S. i ‘.
James it. Chalmers, Vicksburg, Miss
Thomas L. Clingman, Asheville. v. i ‘.
. i:. i :osby, Sacramento, Cal,
!■ in ncis M. i ‘ock rell, U.S. Senate.
A II. Colquitt, U. s. s, nate.
Phil Cook, Atlanta, <e,.
M. D. ‘ “i Re, Alexandria, Va.
John B. Clark, Jr., Rockville, Md.
A Ifred Cumming, Augusta, Ga.
X. II. |)i Ki’..y. Austin, Ti \.
u llllain Ii. Cox, Raleigli, N. ‘ .
Joseph I til is, M isst« Cll v. Miss.
I ! ]:. Davidson, < laiifornia.
T. P. Dockery, Arkansas.
Basil W. I’M ke. Louisv] i |o, Ky.
-I..IHI Kchols, Louisville, K y.
C. A. Evans, At lanta, ( Ja.
Sam mi \\*. Ferguson, Greenville, Miss.
.1. .1. Pinh-y, Florida.
1). M. Frost, St. Louis, Mo.
Richard M. Gano, Dallas, Tex.
James X i leorge, Jackson, Miss.
William L. Gardner, Memphis, Tenn.
I ,. \\. i ,ii. Memphis, Ten n.
H. i Govan, Arkansas.
.Juliii-i Barnwell, s. r.
i leorge I’, Harrison, si.. Auburn, Ala.
A. T. Hawthorne, Atlanta, < la.
Eppn II n 1. 1 ., a. I’ s. Senator, Warrenton, Va.
William P. Hardeman, Austin. Tex.
N. ii. Harris, Vicksburg, Miss.
i leorge It. 1 lodire, Kent uck >*.
Louis II ii. Breaux, l.a.
J. n. I mhi di ii. s,,ui Ii west Virginia.
I I ■ . 1 1 ry It. Jackson. Sa> anna b, Ga.
William II. Jackson, Nhs1i\ Hie, Tenn.
Bradlej T. Johnson, Baltimore, Md.
\. R, Johnson, Texas.
George D, Johnston, Civil Service Commls-
t, rt ashingl D. C.
Robei i I ‘. Johnat> n, Birmingham,
J. D. Kennedy . i iimden, s. i .
William ii. King. Austin, Tex.
William W. Kirkland, New x. ork.
James 1 1. Lane, Norl b i laroU na.
A. R. Law ton, Savan aah, i la.
T. M. Logan, Richmond, \ a.
i: 1 1 Lowry, Jackson, Mis-.
JoRcph ii. Lewis, Frankfort, Ky.
W. II. I ,ewl8, Parboro, N. < ‘.
William McComb, Gordonsvllle, \ …
Samuel McUowan, Ai.i..-\ ill, . 5. >
I McNnlr, It xburg, Miss.
John T. Morgan, r. S. SenaU .
r i Muraford, Unlontown, Ala,
Manej . Vish\ in,., t.-uh.
B. McGlathan, Bavannab.Ga.
John McCausland, Mason C. 11-. W. Va.
Henry E. Mel nil… h. Segulu, Tex.
W. R. Mill s. Mississippi.
William M ia.
John ‘ ‘ M . I, Mis.
band ridge McRne, Searcy, Ark.
Francis T. N Icholls, New ‘ irleans, La.
R, L. Page, Norfolk, Va.
W. il i’;i\ ii. . Warrenton, Va,
W. I-‘. Pen j . I llendale, K> ,
. \. Pryor. New York City.
r. w Phj I. r. Mls8lssl|
w. ii, Parsonr, Philadelphia, Pa.
\. B. Pearce, Galnes> lile, Tex,
E. W. Pi tins, Selma, Ala.
w. a. Qnarles, Clarks\ I lie, Tenn.
B. ii. i: rtson, Washington, D. C.
F. II. Robertson, Waco,Tex.
< ■■ ■ irge W. limns. \ ugusta, I la.
Daniel Ruggles, Fn d< rlcksburg, Va.
Charles v. Ronald, lllacksbtirg, \ a.
D. II. Kej nolds, Arkansas Cltj . Ark.
William P. Roberts, Raleigh, V .
L. S. Ross, i ollege station, Tex.
3bai i’. Jackson, M Iss.
Joi Sbelhs , i larthage, Mo.
Cbarli • M Sbi Ibj . Bl nu i, aim.
James I , Slaughter, Washington, D.C.
r. \ . sboup, Sewanee, Ten n.
Ti.. .urns B. smith. Bolivar, Tenn,
1 1. M. Sorrell, s : ,\ anns h, I (a.
i leorge II. SteM art, Ball Imoi <■. Md,
Marci Hue \. si,,\ all. Vugustn, i ta.
Edward L. Thomaa, Washington, O.C
w. R, Terrj . Richmond, Va.
.1. C. Tappan, Helena, \ rk.
Robert B. Vance, Asbe^ ill.-. N. c.
\. .1 . Vaughan, Mini pb i . ivnn.
James \. Walker, Wvt h.’\ Hie, Vn.
D. A. « eisger, Richmond, Va,
. ■ r. Wbarl New River, Va.
Marcus .1. Wrlehl w nsliinj ton, D. C.
n. .1. Wright, Grlffln, i .;.
w. s. Walker, Florida
M. ii. w alker, New ■> ork.
W. II. « allace, Columbia, S. I ‘.
‘I’. N. Waul, < i : . i s eston, rex.
John s. Willi. ‘i ii I-. Mount Sterling, Ky.
/..■i, nl. .a Vol k, Baton Rouge, l.a.
w. 11. voung, Antonio, Tex.
Eight Lieutenant t lenerals li\ ing.
Twenty -eight Major Generals liv-
( >ne lm ndred and twenty-two
I ‘.i ‘igad ii r I lenerals living.
Should there be any error, 1 hopi
that i he living, or some of his
friends, will notify you, as one bj
we are all “crossing the river.
Your friend and comrade,
W. [,. C M’.l I I .
/./. hi. i .. a. U. C. I’.. Tmn ‘/
sippi Department.
i:n Other Side. The letter from Mrs. V. Jefferson Davis,
from which the following are extracts, wa9 written last sum-
ni.i to Mis. Virginia Frazer Boyle, of Memphis. The title of
i ‘ik \\ ; i s liisi designated as “The Prisoner of State.”
TI Kit title, however, was afterward reserved as the second part
or division of the poem: “.My Dear Voim.; Friend— I have
often wished to utter the gratitude my hearl lias has long
cherished toward you for your noble poem, ‘The Prisonerol
State,’ which you kindly read i • in Memphis, while ii was
nfinished. Then it gave ran. pr ise of excellence,
attained, « Inch, I understand, it has more than fulfilled
since that ti Could the deal Prisonerof State havelivtd
to see it, ii would bave been a rich reward, after his protracted
sufferings, to kimw that his noble patience, under wrong, had
inspired his young country « an, who «as an infant when
he Buffered, to « rite bo great n poem as a tribute tn his memory
and to the truth of history. Your unfeigned desire to tell onlj
the exact truth, setting down nothing in malice, rather under,
than overstating the circumstances attending the outrages
coi itted ii|niii a helpless prisoner of stale, touched me
greatly, and if possible, increased my respect for you, and 1
can vouch for the exact accuracy of your narrative, fn the
nai I Mr Davis’ descendants [thank von.”
As a matter of general interest the Veteran pursues this inquiry so as to make historic record of the
Confederate soldiers who now live in Texas. Texas Commanded and Adjutants will please give attention to
i lii- report al once, so it may be published as complete as possible in the February Veteh vn. See the Hecem-
ber Veteran, page 381. Circulars, « ith blanks, will be sent to all Texas Camps.
One ‘it’ the jollies! comrades al th< I oi 1 iderate re-
union, Versailles, Ky., was Ben S Drake. He told
stories to the delighl of his auditors, and this one is
printed: As Indian Agent, during Mr. Cleveland’s
first administration, he took much interest in the ad-
vancement of the Red Man. Through his intelligent
interpreter he sought to inform a group of them about
the telephone. He told him to explain to them that
two Indians could talk to and understand each other
one hundred miles apart by using an electrified tele-
graph wire. The interpreter hung his head and
seemed not to understand. The explanation was
made again with same result. Still the interpreter
remained -ilent as it’ in deep thought. “Why don’t
you tell them?” said the Kentnekian. ” Ah’ Too
nmeli a dam — lie,” w as the respone
Capt. Will Lambert, commanding Dick Dowling
Cam]), Houston, Texas, writes : Two of OUT comrades
have ” crossed over the river,” comrade -I . W. I’m ford, of
Company A. first Kentucky Infantry. He wae at
Hull Run and Appomattox. What better record could
lie given a Southern soldier ‘ Tl ther. comrade \Y.
T. Johnson, served in Walker’s Division of Texas In-
fantry, and was in all the fights participated in by
that splendid command. They were Both ardent
members of our Camp, loved the history they helped
to make, and were buried by their comrades with rev-
erence and affection. May angels guard their tombs.
We all like the true ring of your expose of the Frank
Leslie si ‘heme, and will stand by the VETERAN. <o”l
prosper you in your noble work,
.lames c. Percival, Staunton. Michigan. December
29th, semis for the V I PER w and Souvenir and write-
I was for nearly three years a member of the Eighty-
third Pennsylvania, ami had the pleasure of meeting
some who are now ( ‘on federate veterans a number of
times from IMiJ (,, jsi;.’, in Virginia, Maryland and
Pennsylvania, and one of my greatest pleasures now
is to read of those times and those n timjs. and I
like to read the writings of those on both sides. I
have quite a war library. * * I have no doubt
hut I shall find some articles in tin •. that I
cannot agree with, in fact, I find in the copy I have
that you say. “I had rather he tin- representative of
those who fought the battles of the Confederacy —the
women as well as the men — than of any other people
on the earth,” and it sounds as though you still think
Bei 1 ssion was right, and arc sorry you did not win.
[Good sir. such a sentiment did not have to do with
the quoted paragraph. I have never written a word
about whether we had a light to secede. It would he
useless discussion. We join you heartily in the sen-
timent of one country and one tlag because we think
it is best. We honor you veterans of the Union army
who give us credit for as courageous patriotism as
nerved the best of you to face death for your convic-
tions. The paragraph you quote is the truth, and I
would not change it as my last assertion.]
The Sterling Price Camp, at Dallas, Texas, has
firmed the appointment, by Commander Storey, of
Maj, George S. Pearn as Adjutant of the Camp to fill
the vacancy caused by the resignation of Col. W. L.
P. J. Bond, Roseburg, Oregon : Had it not been for
a friend in New Mexico, who sent me the VETERAN for
one year, 1 might never have known of your valuable
publication. For the back numbers 1 would pay any
reasonable price.
Separate Cards From Nashville Bankers -Eight
of Jennings’ Graduates In One Bank.
Nashville, Tenn., December 14,
I 1:111 -late with much pleasure that I have known Ml. K. W.
Jennings lor more than twenty years, both as a wholesale mer-
chant ami afterwards as the Principal of Jennings’ Bu-
College, an. I that I esteem him man an. I a but
man. and believe that t he in st ruction given the students in his
will be of great benefit to thei Fourth National
Bank now baa in its emploj eighl ot the graduates of that
BCl 1. S on 11 .1 K hi 11.
Pri -1. lent Fourth National Bank.
N esu\ nit. Ti nn . 1 1 cember 15, I
I am pleased to state that for many years I have known Mr.
l;. YV. Jennings a- one of our in si 1 li/> ns. an. I as a hu-
man. His Business College, where Bookkeeping is taught,
stands as first class Mi own son graduated tin rein, and was
afterwards, witli other graduates of that school, employed as
clerk in the Capital City Bank. THOMAS I’l aiki:.
President Capital City Bank.
N tSHVU LI, Ti nil.ei 1 4. 1 –
I have known R, W. .1, Doings since 1861, when we wen- l».tii
bookkeepers in the Planters’ Hank of i . nd later aa
a wholesale merchant of the highest integrity, ana after this as
the Principal ot Jennings’ Bosh ge. The teller of this
hank is a graduate of that school, ar f my pons.
I can. therefore, commend it to all those who may dl
practical equipment for the business of life.
President Union Bank and Trust Co.
\ \ -m ii i i . Tiw . December 14, 1893.
1 take pleasure in Stating that I have known Mr. R. W. .len-
nings, Principal of Jennings’ B i _•■ . Nashville, long
and intimately as a I in, and believe that the instruc-
tion given si ii. lent s in hi- college will be of irreat value to them.
We now have employed in the American National Bank four
graduates. A. \V. H ■
shier American National Bank.
N >sn\ ii i k. Tkw. December 14, 18
1 have known R W.Jennings -m ‘ which time he
1 1 ployed as an expert pnt a.. T. Stewart A Co.,
ol \. w York, and afterwards for twenty years I knew him as
a wholesale merchant in Nashville, and still later for many
at the head of Jennings’ Business College. I consider
this of the befit schools of its kind in the (Jnitl
J. N. Sl’KRRV,
President Merchants’ Bank.
n i-iiv mi. Tk.nv. December 14, 1893.
nt my son t.. Jennings’ Business College, with results
highly beneficial to him and satisfactory t.. me. I therefore
commend it unreservedly as a school high standing ami of
iblished reputation. H. W. GRANT) 1KD,
Cashier First National Bank.
Confederate Stamps.
We buj < .mfclerat. Postage Stamps, used or unused. Stamp
Collectors will do well to send for our Approval sheet of For-
eign and Domestic Stamps, as we allow half commission. II.
Stonebraker & Co., kil’1 Eutaw Place. Baltimore Md.
Rt mi w i i- p. i.e in Nashville, Watkin’s Hall. February 6tb,
1 by s.une of the beet musical talent of the time. It IS
a treat that will he appreciated by the finest element in the
City. That the entertainment is in charge of Mrs. M. Henry is
assurance that its purposes are for some special benefaction.
One of the most charming hooks about the South is that of
*’ Stonewall JackFon,” by his wife.” It is handsomely .
up by “tie of the first publishing rirme in the country.
Anxious to benefit the worthy author. I have bought a supply
from the publishers, and will send them postpaid to any
address at the publisher’s price. $2.
(bn. John M. Ilarrell’sbook, “The Brooks and Baxtei War,”
a history of Carpet-bag reign in Arkansa-
Miss Keller’s two books are still supplied at 50 cents each.
Books Supplied by S. A. Cunningham,
Nashville, Tenn.
People interested in Nashville will read with in-
terest a brief notice of its “Union Gospel Tabernacle,”
erected a few years since, and in use, though not yet
complete, [tssizeis 118×178 feet, a superb brick on
elegant st – foundation. The roof is a steel truss
and weighs 130 tons, with Btren’gth to sustain a rail-
way train. About$70.000 have been expended already,
and $25,000 will complete it in satisfactory style.
This would include a gallery, giving to the Taber-
nacle r n for about 5,000 people Capt. T. < r. Etyman
has heen the leading man in its construction from the
It Pays.
It pays In read tin- papers, especially your own farm paper,
for often in this way good business opportunities are brought
to y ‘attention. It may be that yon wish to secure a bargain
in implements, or a situation tor one of your boys, or J on wish
to use your spare time to good advantage; [fso, B. F. Johnson
A– d.., of Richmond, Va., have an advertisement in another
column that may interest you.
” Life and Letters of Thomas J. Stonewall i Jackson.” by his
wife. Mary Anna Jackson. This IS an elegant I k. being in
large, clear type* ami printed on very tine paper. –
_-ht ski.’.- an. 1 Dark Shadows,” by Henry M. Field, D. I’.
{1.50. This book comprises a series ol letters on the South.
Fifty pages are devoted to the battle of Franklin, and the au-
thor is especially complimentary to this editor The closing
chapters are on Stonewall Jackson and Robert I-‘.. Lee.
“The Civil War lr a Southern Standpoint,” by Mrs. Ann
E. Snyder. |1.
“Four Years in the Stonewall Brigade,” by J. 0. Casler, $2.
■’ Hancock’s Diary, Or History of the Second Tennessee Cav-
alry. A large octavo book, with many portraits and biographic
sketches. The ii . .in is a line steel enKTaving Of ” ■ « ■ T I
N. B. Forrest $3.50.
John Ksten Cook’s c pl.-te works, eleven volumes, 89.
“Sketch of the Battle ..f Franklin, and Heminiscen. • –
Camp Douglas,” by John M. Cop|.-\ ,
“Memoirs of Mrs. Sarah CbiMress Polk, Wife oi the Elev-
enth President of the United states.” bv Anson ami Fanny
Nelson. This is an elegant book, and charmingly written $1.75.
Messrs. T. II. Hani A: Co. have on hand copies of Anson an. I
Fanny Nelson’s Memoirs of Mrs. James K. Polk. It
“The Other Side,” a thrilling poem of M00 lines, Mr. Davis
being her theme. $1.
“How It Was, or Four Years With the Rebel Army.” a
thrilling story by Mrs. Irby Morgan, of Nashville This i- a
charming hook. SI .
“The Southern Cross.” by Mrs. Lizzie Rozzell Messen-
gi i. $1.25.
“That Old-Time Child Roberta,” by Mrs. Sophie Fox Lea,$1.76.
“The Battle of Franklin and Prison Experience at Camp
Douglas,” by John M. Copley, SI.
“Immortelles,” by Maj. S, K. Phillips. Chattanooga, 50 cents.
“Immortelles” is a pretty little volume..!’ poems by Major
s. K. Phillips, of Chattanooga. It was written for various
memorial occasions, or upon the death of some C0n8pJcU0U8
Confederate and Federal leaders from I86ti forward. “Lee
Before Richmond” is a Sne tribute to that grand man. lie has
not neglected the gallant dead of the Federal Arniv. Ills
“<>dc on the heath ot Con. Grant” “is the finest tribute to
the man written by any author.”
Leather Woven Link BeltT
Leather • Pulley • Covering^
Ward Seminary,
Conservatory of Music School of Fine Arts.
For catalogue and information, address,
J D. BLANT0N, President, Nashville, Tenn.
cm. ay’s
la sold under a positive guarantee to
tiinl, Bleeding, Itohii
3 1
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
Invitee correspond) 1 r* of
-. having bnalnesi lo this part <>f
Recovering and
222 Nnrlh Summer Street,
Knights of Dixie.
TO I ‘. t • V all kin
stamps, u^fd or new,
and Confederate nmn-
I 1 10 \ 1 s I iilliihoniH.Triiii.
Bend ror literature on treatment of the above
diseases, x – J * i resa, Id uonfldt nee,
The Keeley Institute.
>l KM 1*11 IS. II \ \ .
* A*ll VI l.l.i . TEN V
Or l4\OW III I . I l \ >
5i2.oo to $35.00 a week can
be made working ror us. Pari lo*
who can furnish a horse and iravH ibrouvh
the count rj ; n team, though, Is nol
A few vacancies lu town* and oltles. Men
and women ->f g I rbai icter will And this
;in exceptional opportunity r<>i profitable
employment. Spare hours may be used to
good ad* anl
B. F. JOHNSON A CO., Ilth and Main Sts.,
RICHMOND, \ v. 1->M-1>
Want 4 ‘l ;i numbi
11 the K n 1 L- 1 1 ts of i
\ p.
■ <» :i«t i\ «■ and lntelllg< nl or
318’v Union St.. Nashville, Tenn.
(UD-lV Tl II
119 N Market St.. Nashville. Tenn.
Sblfsfta Co r rt * ) t ondenoe, Wtphom
All Kinds of Brushes to Order.
Nashville Brush Factory,
.1 I \~”N. I’Ri
PUREBRED POULTRY cotton mops, dusters and whisks.
For egga aud beauty.
LIGHT HH. \MMas. tor early broilers.
Egga, 11.50 for 15.
Stock for sale in the fall. it
Address MR i. T. E. McDANIEL. -ith’s Grove. Ky,
112 Seuih Market Street. NASHVILLE. TENN.
1 ftrgesl Stock In 1 he Si >uth.
■ ■■ the
■■ 1 aabrtdgi
,-t Dictionary of
A Grand Educator
Abreast of the Times
A Library in Itself
Invaluable in the
household, and to the
teacher, professional
man, self-educator,
Ask your Bookseller to show it to you.
shed by
MERRlAJCCO.,SPBlirc] in.n.M A>>.,t”.S.A.
as” semi tor free proepeetns containing speotnum
pages, iUastrattons, tesumoula]
■3- l>o not Imy reprints of ancient editions.
Trie> rle»*. Vel.’€’l|.e<leH. l-‘.lc.. lta*<> Ball.
Trnni* A- t’roqnrl B et a, Hammock*,
ttriilal and Souvenir I’rivnis
•9 m LIL orders
iliclted and carefully tilled
SOB < Oll< ■■-•■ St., >h»1i, ill.-. I. m
Is the
In the
It will Cure
A Man
or his kind more oerl ainly and more
rapidly than am other Liniment on
earth, of Rheumatism, Pains, Swell-
ings. Bruises. Sprains, Sorer
Stiffness, Sore Throat or Chest, Pain
in Back and Joints, Corns, Warts
and Bunions, InsectBitesandStings.
Frostbite, Cramps, Aches, Cuts and
Wounds. It will as surely cure
A Horse
01 his kind of Spavin, Splint, Ring-
bone, Windgails, Puffs, Swin-
e\. Scratches. Swellings, Bru:
Sprains. Harts, Cuts, Wounds, Sore-
ness, Stiffness, Knots, llarness and
Saddle Hurts.
SPURLOCK, NEAL & CO . Nashville, Tenn.
MAXWELL HOUSE, Nashville. Tenn.
^Fosters Webb,
IjhrSff HACKS. S2.S0
to S.i.00 per day
ri* Www
wmkH “M
Kni’u WEEKS by mil- method
leaching Bookkeeping 1& equal
in IW I’.iak weeks bj the lext-
■ i u or copying course Posi-
^^^^^^^^■^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ tioms Guakaoteed under cer-
‘. litlons. our 56 and BO page free catalogue will explain all.
Si ad tor Ihi ra al once. Address, J. F. DRAUCHON. President
Drauahon’fl Business College and t*chool ol shorthand & Telegraphy,
Nashville, Tenn. Cheap Board. Mo Vacation. Enteral anytime.
When you write mention tiii* paper.
Blank Books,
We make a specialty of printing for Confederate Camps and other
Veteran organizations.
We have in our possession electros of all Confederate Dags, which
may be printed In colors on stationery, BtC.
The Confkukkatk Vf.teban is printed by our establishment and
Is submitted as a specimen of our work.
\v. c. COLLIER, President.
POPE TAYLOR, Vice President.
J. E. HART, Secretary and Treasurer.
W. C. Collier Grocery Company,
Nos. 6oi and 603 Church Street. NASHVILLE, TENN.
Wltnoul the use of :■ knife we have a
Sure Cure for Cancers, Tumors
and all ugly sores thai are so numerous on
the linn i;in body, and from which thirty
thousand persona Iobo theli lives yearlylor
the wanl 01 proper treatment. We guarantee a
\n.i we ash for do pay nntll you are per-
fect ly satisfied t ba 1 3 ou a re cured.
Below you will find :> few of the prominent
persona who bave tried this cancer care of
Dr. H. K. Anderson. \-u them what it baa
nii them:
Joh n S. DaVlS, Paris. K J .
Capt. 1 1. hi \ Bedford, Snawhan, K v.
rames Mansfield, Little Rock.
Mi-v. \v. i!, Smith, Paris.
John Cox. Newtown.
Dr. J. \v. Prowell, Newtown.
J, 1;. Spratt, Bharpsburg.
M rs. Mary bun, < iariiale.
.1. B. Botta, Graj son.
1 ;. \v. Morgan, 1 in rrlsbu rg.
Dud Lock ridge, mi. Sterling.
James BlggerstanT, Mt. Sterling.
I’iit Punch, mi. Sterling.
\\\ Ha riiiiiL’. Fa rmers, B 3 .
Mrs. Man St oner, Mt, Sterling.
luck l»;. vis. Ashland.
Wiley Prltehet, Mt. Suvajic
Fur pari Lonlara address,
U-8t Specialists, Paris, Ky.
coto.. VOGEL’S
233 North Summer Street,
Nashville. Tenn.
Horse Shoeing of all kinds Neatly Done.
Dr. Roberg’s Patent Hoof Expander,
For the cure and prevention of Contraction,
Quarter Cracks, Corns, « i< .
$75.00 to $250.00
(AS BE ‘I \ I > I
monthly working for
B. F. Johnson * Co., Richmond, Va. ]un-OI
Russian and Turkish Baths
No. 317 Church Street. Nashville. Tenn.
O I’ll A< I’K Al. . IIWKI.KK,
” 215’.. Union SI . up stairs.
Kkh ‘khkni is.— “Cupt. E. \V. Averell is a
member In i_-‘»ici standing of Cheatham Biv-
ouac, V.V. V’., ‘I’. II. .INU. P. Hll’K.MA.N.
mat – i y r “Seoreta c.v- ”
icitn 1 iNii < 01 4.11
Positively Ihe Best made. ■{ ALSAM.
HYAM COHEN, Pharmacist & Chemist, Waxahat-:hie,T«
1 -‘!)-!- 1 y
Qopfederat^ l/eterap.
Published Monthly in the Interest of Confederate I ‘eterans and Kindred Topics.
Price 10 Cents. I \T n ] TT
Yearly si.ou
Nashville, Tenn., F:
No. 2.
S. A. ( INMNliHAM.
I Proprietor.
,.;*3 ^&
Rbv. Henri M. Fisld, D. D., in a Preface to her 1 k:
“Stonewall Jackson was the most picturesque figure in the war.
In him there were two men in .me; he united qualities that
are no) only alien to each other, but that B’ em almost incom-
patible-military genius of the highest order with a religious
fervor that bordered on fanaticism ; a union of the poldier and
the saint, for which we must go back to the time of (‘rum will.
Inthpgival operationsof war he was Silent and uncommuni-
cative ; wrapping himself in his n bi i ve as in a military cloak ;
Baking nil advice ; forming his own plane, which those n< an st
to him could not penetrate and hardly dared coconji cture, and
were disclosed even to his military family only when he pave
his orders f >r the march and the battle. While the world saw
only tlm soldier with a coat of mail over his breast, t lose VI ho
knew him best s:nv under it a (treat human heart. • * *
“Killed with such memories, it is but the impulse of loyalty
to the dead that she should wish that others should know him
whose name she be a is as she knew him ; that the world sin mid
appreciate not only the soldier, hut the man ; that they should
know all the gentleness and the tenderness that were in that
■iiin ave
lion In ait ^MHsure we are that those who have
ill tin great histories of the war will turn with fresh
sttothigf ry, written out of a woman’s heart.”
I’o MH kv T. .hiUNs’ \. Baltimore, President of the Con-
federate Association in tin n ice as
Captain of Company A, First Regiment of Infantrj He was
ted to Major, June 17, ’61; to Lieutenant Colonel, July
21, at the battle ol Manassas; lo Colonel, March I8,’62; and
■ General, June 28 1 1 – gallantry was conspicu-
ous in the hardest trials, Stonewall Jackson’s report of the
Valley Campaijn says : • “In a short time the Fifty-
eighth Virginia became engaged with a Pennsylvani
called the ‘Buck tails,’ when Colonel John son, ol the Firel
Maryland Ri giment, coming up during the hottest pel
the tire, chargi •! gallantly into its Hank and drove the i
with beavj loss from the field, and captured Lieut. Colonel
i >• neral Johl 1 In- In ad of the
■ m “i Mat j land, and has ,i, ,n,. much in
time and money for its maintenance. .
B. H. STIEF JEWELRY CO. Position Guaranteed !
208 and 210 Union St.. NASHVILLE. TENN.
In Quantity, Quality, Style and Price
Class and Society Badges and Cold
Medals a Specialty.
Repairing Promptly attended to and Warranted.
JAS. B. CARR, Manager.
Can deposit your money tor tuition in bank till imih.i.ou ts
Becun d and accepted. This offer La made t” all irtao entei tor guk>
course in
Draughon’s Consolidated Practical Business College
and School of Shorthand and Telegraphy,
\’> Ti’vi-IxmiU us#(i <>ii Bonk-beeplng.
Three weeks by our practical method o! teaching book-keeping
is equal t«i twelve week** by the old style. Eleven In I’lirnitj.
Beet [mi ion i /i’ii Business College In the South. Cheap ituurii. send
for ” tree” Illustrated late 80-page catalogue, which win explain
why we can afford to guarantee positions, and why other eohoola
ran imi. n also gives rates of tuition, board, etc Address,
oc-61 J. F. DRAVGHOIT, President, Nashville, Tens.
The only school in tbe South devoted exclusively to the training of young ladles and gentlemen In Bbortband and Typewriting. The
Academy Lb under the personal direction of a veteran teacher and reporter— a veteran in a double sense, having commenced t he study of
phonography thirty years ago, while a prisoner of war in Rock Island, Illinois.
Q+o rirln rrl ^VQtpm Ta I icrht Bend for handsome Souvenir Catalogue, containing much valuable Information about sbort-
OLaiiuqiu J J 3LCI ” lau B” Ll hand, .systems reviewed, comparisons made, deductions drawn.
– us ” ««®*#b –n
GEN. JUHN A. KITE, President. ISAAC LITFOV, Treasurer. C. L. RI DIET, Secretary. E. H. JONES, Physician 1 Surgeon
Tysons Nashville Sanitarium,
No. 710 Church Street.
The Tyson Sanitarium is conducted bj as reputable gentlemen as live in
Tennessee. The location is in the Cole mansion, centrally located, on tbe
most popular thoroughfare in the city. Read what is said of its treatment :
A Marvelous Cure From Morphine and Whisky.
R. ii. PORTER. Nashville, Tenn., October 16, 1898: To Dr. E. H.
Jones, Physician in Charge Tyson’s Nashville Sanitarium. Dear Doctor—
Ii has been three weeks since you gave me my Last dose of morphine,
ami over a week si i you discharged me from the Sanitarium as
cured from tbe opium and whisky habit. It is almost impossible to
realize the changed condition ol ny present exlste as compared
with that ol elglil rears ago, when l was constantly under the influ-
eoceol morphine. Then, with the exception of a few weeks at the
commencement, nlghl was rendered unpleasanl i >> hideous dreams,
and my mind was befogged and under a cloud. Now my sleep a1
night Is qulel and refreshing, and my head as clear as a bell, lam
rapidly gaining both in flesh and strength. New blood seemstobe
infused in my veins. My whole being becomes dail: more buoyant
with new life, and I feel like a new man altogether.
The coi •im. in, ni c,i m\ taking morphine dates back to an
amputation performed about eight years ago, when morphine was
for a long! i administered tomebj a physician, a- you are aware,
when I .Hi. red i Sanitarium I was taking from 20 to 125 grains of
morpl ■ per daj bypodermlcally. From the very beginning of
your treatment I Blepl well, and during I he enl Ire course fell better
physically and mentally, and suffered leBslm renience than I did
when l was inking n plate. Sou withdrew the morphine so
gradually, building up the system at the same tl ,that before I was
aware of ii I was entirely out from under the influence of the drug.
[ have no desire for o|iiu in. wliisky or slim ii Ian Is of any kind.
my God I when I look back over fifteen of those years, I shudder with
horror at tbe misery, trouble and sorrow thai I have suffered and
have caused to be Buffered by my dear wife and children, w ho have
i a good and kind to me. Well, I tried every remedy thai I could
in .in’ of. mi d spent nit the money I could earn i rylug to cure mj self,
but found i hem worth b ss. l i hen beard oi I he great gold cure, which
l ;iK. . tried, inn that was tbe last straw thai broke the camel’s back,
for Instead ol curing me ii ‘•:, very near killing me. Ii broke me
down mentally and physically ; it en used my hair to turn gray w Ithin
:. month after I had taken It. I went down blllsteadllj until I saw
nothing but a wreck, [had got so bad I could neither eal nor sleep.
1 would st n it anywhere after something, and before l could get it I
would forget what I wenl alter, ami would have to go home without
it. Weil, I badafrleud thai was cured of the whisky habit by the
“Tyson cure,” and he said he knew you could oure but I did not
much believe bun. 1 saw in the paper where Prof. Wharton bad
analyzed n Tyson cure,” and I went to him. He said tome that
I. was not n mineral poison, bul that it was a vegetable compound
well adapted t.> tbe purposes claimed tor it, and would do no
harm. Then 1 concluded to trj It, and now] thank God that I did,
for In the short Bpaceol five weeks I was i le a new and well man,
cured of all desire for morphlue, and fulls restored from the awful
Any Drunkard Can Be Cured.
After Twenty Years With Morphine.
.1. s. HART, 1108 Second street, Nashville, Tenn., Sept. U, 1898:
Ladles, Gentlemen and Fellow-Students o( Dr. Tyson’s Sanitarium of
Nashville— Let me sn\ to you that today I am one of the happiest
in. ii in Nashville or anywhere else. When they can cure a case like
mine I know it will cure any one. I am a man fifty years of age, and
have been taking morphine rortwenty years, and have taken from
thirty to lift v grains e\ ery twenty-four hours most of that time, oh,
JESSE KENNEDY. Nashville, Tenn., Nov. I. 1893: T» Tyson’s
Nashville Sanitarium. Gentlemen—] took the Tyson treatment for
alcoholism In the months of February and March, IS98, and can tes-
tifj to the merits ol the Tyson cure, I don’t, care how long any man
has been addicted to the habit, If he has an honest desire to quit, I
know ilia t you en n cure in in, ami Hint he will sutler no Inconvenience
ordistresB. He will commence to Improve from tbe very beginning.
1 have never laid l be least desire for whisky since three days after J
commenced treatment, For about twenty years I was an “artist” in
the business, squandered all I bud, and for three years resorted to all
the tricks and devices known to the professional drunkard to get
j usl one more drink.
Qotyfederat^ l/eterap.
Published Monthly in the Interest of Confederate Veterans and Kindred Topics.
Price, 10 Cents.
Yearly, tl.
Vol. II. Nashville, Tenn., February, 1894. No. 2. { a A ‘ S^f AM ‘
Knlered at t lie PoetofflC6| Nashville, Tenn., .1* second-class matter
Adi ‘ertlsements : Two dollars per lncb one time,orfSOa year,ex«
eept las! page. One |»:il’» . “in Mint-, special, MO. Discount : Half J ‘ :ir.
one-issue ; one year, one issue. This is ;in increase <>n former rate.
Contributors will please be diligent to al rhespaoi
Important for any thing that bas not sp. eial merit.
The date t’l subacripttone le always given to tbe month ‘
ends. For Instance, if 1 lie Vbtbrah be ordered to begin wit h Janu-
ary, the date on mail lisi win he December, and the subscriber enti-
tled I” that nam tier.
Thb Bplenrjid illuetrationa of Confederate Home for
Maryland were supplied to the Veteran compliment-
ary. The souvenir volume containing all these and
many other pictures, in handsome gray cloth and
gold, with a complete roster of the Confederate army
and navy from Maryland, ran be had on application
to W. H. Pope, al Pikesville, to the Commercial Print-
ing Company, in Baltimore, or it will be furnished
from this office. Price 51 ‘ cents.
The Veteran thank- II. M. Miller of Weal Point,
Ya.. for notice of error in letters by himself ami by
Comrade Lyon, whereby they are both misquoted in
the use of Ransom for R imsei \\. « hose division they
referred to in reply to article by -las. B. Clay, of Ken-
tucky. General Ramseur was killed at Cedar (reck.
.1. M. McReary, Comanche, Texas. give- testimony
concerning the malicious treatment of Clayton’s men
in Arkansas, when ordering General Harrell’e hook,
“The Brooks-Baxter War.” Much similar testimony
as his might be given. The taking of property and
life unjustifiably was a common occurrence.
From a correspondence not in hand at writing the
statement was made that William Compton, of Fort
Royal, Va., was the Boldier who took General Let –
horse by the bridle at the battle of the Wilderness
when the soldiers told him to go”tothe rear” and
they would whip the enemy.
I\ sending copy of the poem, ” Before Richmond,”
Claudine Rhett, of Charleston, states : ” I have never
seen it in print in any paper or magazine since I cut
it out of the Charleston Mercury in December, 1864.”
To her are we also indebted for the Earl of Oerhy’s
lines to General Lee.
J. F. Kvsak, of Little Oak. Ala., wants to put a mar-
ble slab to his father’s grave in the Confederate Cem-
etery at Chicago. As there is but one grave in the six
thousand marked, those who have fathers and broth-
ers there would do well to contribute to inclosing the
lot ornamented by a superb monument, after that is
paid for.
W. C. Cooper, who has been an active worker in the
Pat. Cleburne (amp at Waco. Texas, conceived the
idea Of placing dismantled cannon at the Coi
Cemetery in Waco, and has pressed the matter with
tl and discretion through Congressman George C.
Pendleton. It is stated that a Virginia Camp took up
the idea, and wait successful in the application, and
has Becured several old cannon and some cannon halls.
Compliance with Mr. Cooper’e request would show a
worthy spirit, and it would do much good.
venerable Mrs. S. I ‘. Gordon Law. of Mem]
remit- I ased price of the Veteran and adds:
“If 1 were not an invalid, having been confined to
my home nearly nine months. I would solicit suli-
Bcribers for you. but at my advanced age. now in my
hty-ninth year. 1 cannot do more I -how it to all
visitor-, and try in that way to send you suhscriC
Mrs. law- published “Reminisi the Wai
tic si \ties ” will furnish readers of thi Veteran some
thrilling stories at an early date She is known a- the
Mother of the ( lonfederacy.”
Tm Veteran greets most cordially I f the
!A, published at Jacksonville, Fla., and edited by
Mi- May and Bessie Williams. It is an ex-
quisite historic and biographic publication, and cham-
pions specially the Florida Confederate Home. Mi–
Caroline Love Goodwin tist, and the page il-
lustration of the trio of beauties threat)
proposals for changes of name- / ‘,., | South
recalls. in its elegant typography, tl lub-
li-hed in Jacksonville nearly twenty years
Much controversy is had in Congress concerning
pension frauds. It i- strange that claimant- who
are receiving their pay regularly, and are entitled to
it. should opp.-e investigation. A worthy pensioner
is willing to l.e investigated every day. and the more
careful should he he to have unworthy claimants chal-
lenged. Mr, EDnloe, of Tennessee, has Bought to i>en-
efit the worthy by exerciBing vigilance against those
who have secured payments fraudulently. Tie
should be no politics in the question.
A TRUE Southerner at the North, anxious for Con-
federate literature, says he take- the “Frank Leslie
printed at Lexington, Ky.,” adding that it recalls to
his mind “a stray copy of an illustrated Northern pa-
per which we would occasionally get through the lines
during the war.”
Every reader and friend of the Veteran is solicited
to become agent for the Souvenir of* its Bret volume.
During 1893 there were many splendid illustrations
on the cover and in the body of the Veteran, all of
which are to be republished on fine paper in a volume
e hundred pages. This publication is designed
mtain the best articles published during the year,
and so condense the other articles as to give in sub-
stance all of their most desirable features. This Sou-
venir is being published to meet a demand which could
not I”- met in the supply of back numbers. It is to
be furnished free to all subscribers to the current vol-
ume who pay$l, and will be furnished independently
for twenty-five cents. It is very desirable to secure a
large number of orders fortius Souvenir, and an addi-
tional copy will be furnished free to those who procure
four subscribers at twenty-five cents each.
Advertisements will betaken supplemental to this
volume at $30 per page, or a quarter page can be had
for 110. Friends of the Veteran can do it a valued
service by inducing advertisers to take space at these
raic-. The forms are to be stereotyped, and however
many editions may be ordered, these advertisements
will be good for all without increased price.
Friends of the Veteran: A multitude of you have
shown as zealous and earnest interest in behalf of the
Veteran as could lie expected. Your attention has
been almost solely to increasing the subscriptions.
That is well, but if you had a conception of the extra-
ordinary merit of the VETERAN as an advertising me-
dium, with its circulation of more than ten thousand
copies, you would not only do the Veteran a valued
service, but would do general advertisers a favor in
commending the Veteran to them. Try it, please.
Since the edition of the Veteran has become so large
the responsibility has increased in proportion, and the
dependence upon its friends has in like mannerin-
ed. Many of you realize that times are so hard
that multitudes who would like the Veteran do not
feel that they can afford it. Remind such of the high
benefit that increased patronage will be. If each sub-
scriber would renew and send another, the reputation
of the Veteran would excel any publication in our
history in behalf of the South. Therefore, let patri-
otism induce sacrifice and renewed zeal, that the ag-
gregate strength will arouse universal pride and give
the Veteran such prominence as it should have.
An official indorsement of the Veteran comes from
the Joseph E. Johnston Camp at Childress, Texas,
It is of record, and a copy has been received at this
office, signed by E. J. McConnell, Commander, and
L. C. Warlick, Adjutant.
The Confederate Veteran is not being Bent asa
regular exchange in any instance. Its territory covers
the area of bo many thousands of newspapers that it
would be impossible to supply a general exchange.
No publication is requested in exchange, but the Vet-
bran will be sent to any publisher who desires it. and
will write a card, with the understanding that its mer-
its will be considered and report made accordingly.
Many editors and publishers are regular subscribers.
This does not seem fair to them, and payment of sub-
scription is not asked of any editor. All that is
wanted is assurance that they are interested in it. and
will give attention to it when received, editorially.
Supplemental to the “Call of Comrades to Duty”
in this Veteran these statements are made: Ollicials
should have been criticised nearer as were newspapers.
Mr. Johnson, editor of the Courier-Journal, writes: “I
take pleasure in making the correction you ask. I
mail you a copy of the weekly Courier-Journal contain-
ing this correction in the same department in which
the error occurred — the ‘Answers to Correspondents.’ ”
Cor.. BICKMAN, Secretary, is sending out the sixth
annual report of the Association of Confederate Sol-
diers in Tennessee. The meeting was held in Jack-
son, October 18th. Anticipation of this report is an
apology offered for less notice immediately after the
reunion. The hospitality of Jackson was a credit to
that people and to the State.
Of the thirty organizations reported twenty contain
an aggregate membership of •_!,(>!(;. The X. B. Forrest
Camp, Chattanooga, with a large membership, is not
included. Besides the Forrest Camp there are fifteen
of the thirty Bivouacs members of the Cniteil Con-
federate Veteran Association.
The number of pensioners in Tennessee is 571, 316
of whom are in Middle Te issee, I II in West Ten-
nessee, and 111 in Fast Tennessee.
The Confederate Soldiers’ I Ionic at the Hermitage
represents an investment of S(iS,’.l7S. Bi. < if this fund
the state has contributed $58,125.
Steps were taken, through suggestions of (‘apt. J.
W. Morton, looking to the erection of monuments to
Generals B. P. Cheatham and X. B.Forrest. Comrade
F. S. Mallory proposed greetings to the Confederate
Veteran Association then in session at Pallas, Texas.
The greeting was wired to Dallas with the wish that
their lives ” be lengthened as they have been glorious.”‘
The addrc– of the reunion was by Rev. Dr. J. E.
Martin, in a eulogy upon St ‘wall Jackson. It grati-
fied this great audience, and when the formal address
was finished Br. Martin said, after a, pause, “Now 1
must say more or 1 will die.” Then he gave a perora-
tion that thrilled the multitude.
The neat pamphlet of sixty-six pages contains a
vast amount of valuable information. Along with
the Veterans the Sons are well attended in the report.
In the January number of the Confederate VETERAN there
is a statement that Father Ryan’s grave is “without even a stone
to mark his resting place.” This is quite an old story. I here
Bend you a sketch I have made from the “lonely grave” to let
the readers of the CONFEDERATE VETERAN know that Father
Ryan has not been so neglected. The flowers in the howl and
the nicely clipped grass around the slab show thai -nine one
visits the place. Father Ryan has a very handsome monument,
though it is not very elaborate, and is of the finest marble. At
the base of the cms,- is inscribed: ” Father Ryan; may he rest in
peace. Born May 12, 1840; died April 22, L886.” At the head
of the slab is a circle, within which is carved the Confederate
flag, and beneath is, ” Rev. A. J. Ryan, died April 22, 1886. Priest,
Patriot and Poet. K. T. P.” While on a visit in the North last
year I heard the same statement, that Father Ryan’s grave was
neglected, and as a Mobilian, and a daughter of one of the boys
who u ore the gray, 1 felt some pride about the matter, and when
I got home I Bet to work to inform myself on the subject, and
found, in the little Catholic Cemetery, this beautiful monumenl
instead of a lonely grave covered with weeds. I.i 1 1 Toomi
A- a matter of general interest the Veteran make- this inquiry so as to complete historic records of the
Confederate soldier- who now live in Texas. Texas < ommanders and Adjutants will pit attention to
this report at once, so it may be published as complete as possible in the February Veteran. See the Decem-
ber Veteran, page 381. Please fill out report for your Camp below.
LcK \ rio» and N ami oe Camp.
Belton Bell Do. Ex-Confed. Ass’n
Canton- J. L.Hogg Camp
Coleman — Coleman Camp
Dublin— Erath and Comanche Camp
El Paso Jno. C Brown Camp
Bvllle Joseph E. Johnston Camp..
i . G. Kej ‘ lamp
m — Young Counts Bivouac
Grand* i-« —J, l ■’. Johnston Camp
Ladonla -Robert K. Lee Camp
Lampassas K. E. Lee Camp..
Marlin— Willis L. Lang Camp
Mexla -Joe Johnston Camp ….
Paradise— Pal Cleburne Camp
South Prairie— J. K. B. Stuart Camp
Tyler — Albert Sidney Johnston Camp….
Will- Point-Wills Point Camp
■ >
W. A. sims. Adjutant, Gainesville : Sony [cannol give you a complete roBtei bo man] registered without giving where from. We
ha\ e ftbout 800 ni our Camp.
There are 1,615 subscribers in Texas at 320 postoffices. Please compare your list with the names at other
postoffices. Surely all Camps will become interested in the Veteran it’ they can Bee it. The Veteran has
been made the official organ of many Camps in Texas and in every other Southern State. Various not-
to be added when the list is completed.
Comrades and brothers, why do you delay? Prepaid envelopes with printed blanks, at considerable ex-
pense, were sent to every Camp. Let each send statements similar to the above without delay.
‘./..V. /./•;/•; ABOUT TO ENTER BATTLE.
N.i other circumstance of the war has attracted more
attention than the reference- to ‘ leu. Lee when, in the
crisis between defeat and victory, he rode in front of
soldiers, ready to lead them in the charge. An old cir-
cular coiiic> from Texas with an account of an exhibi-
tion in which Lee is reported by the Galveston News
in the picture as follows: This heroic man, generally
so calm and self-contained, Barnes like an archangel
above the wreck of war. ami inspires all around him
with his own elevated yet steadfast intention.
“gen. LEE To the re \K.”
Col. W. L. Goldsmith, Meridian, Miss., writes: The
Texan, in Last CONFEDERATE VETERAN, is correct, and
BO wen- other writers who saw Gen. Lee turned back.
All are correct, but, strange to say, no one gives dates.
This would correct every thing. I happened to wit-
both events. One occurred on the nth of May,
L864, early in the morning, when A. P. Hill was being
withdrawn to place Longstreet’s corps in position, be-
cause of the severe fighting of Hill’s Corps on the 5th
of May. The Federals, by a strange chance, attacked
Hill’s Corps while withdrawing, which was thrown
into great confusion, and retreated fighting. Long-
street’s column was just coming up. Gen. R. E. Lee
started to lead them into action to check the wild rush
of the Federals. .Many of us heard the Texas soldier
tell Gen. Lee to go to the rear. 1 was in a few feet of
Gen. Lee for a long time that morning, while trying
to rally the retreating Confederates. Be was on Old
The second occasion occurred just six days there-
after, early on the ever-memorable 12th of May. 1864,
when Hancock, by night surprise, had captured the
angle occupied by Gen. Johnson, and captured nearly
his entire division, with many pieces of artillery.
Gen. R. E. Lee again attempted to Lead the fresh troops
coming up to retake our Lost works. 1 was there, and
saw the gallant John l’». Gordon remonstrating with
Gen. Lee to go to the rear, which he finally did, and
Gordon led brigade after brigade against the enemy,
my own included, and we recaptured the works in our
front and held them all day. and until 10 P. vi., when
we were withdrawn to form the new line. 1 remember
sending Capt. Perry, of my regiment, back that awful
12th of May, 1864, to tell our artillery to elevate their
guns, as their shell- were exploding just over US and
killing my men. Capt. Perry returned and said, ” My
God, they are yankee battenesl” At this battle the
musketry rolled for twenty hours continuously. So
you see “this matter, which seems to be in such great
confusion, happened twice, and comrades write about
each without giving dates, and hence the conflict.
I commanded the fourteenth Georgia Regiment,
Thomas’ Georgia Brigade, Wilcox’s Division, and A.
]’. Bill’s Corps, and saw both occurrences, and all
writers nearly are correct.
Capt. R. D. Funkhouser writes from Mauvertown,
Va.: The details of the ” Lee to the rear” incident
are given at the request of W. T. Gass, of Texas. The
claims of Alabama and Texas are correct. Their ac-
count occurred on the 5th or (>th of May, 1NH4, at
the Wilderness proper. The battle of Spottsylvania,
or Horse-shoe, occurred on the 12th of May, fifteen or
twenty miles distant.
I was First Lieutenant of Company D, Forty-ninth
Virginia Infantry (the famous Extra Lilly Smith’s
old regiment up to the battle of Spottsylvania. After
thai 1 commanded my company, and was captured at
Hare’s Hill, or Fort Steadman, March 25, L865, in
front of Petersburg, along with one hundred and
eleven oilio r- and nineteen hundred men. The Forty-
ninth Virginia Regiment was in Gordon’s Division,
Jackson’s old Corps, afterward Early’s and Gordon’s
General Grant commenced his ” on to Richmond”
by crossing the Rapidan River, May I, 1864, the terri-
ble battles of the wilderness, or Parker’s store, taking
place on the 5th and 6th of May. < Irant being worsted,
he commenced his slide around or Hanking policy, only
to find General Lee boldly confronting him on the
heights at Spottsylvania on the evening of Sunday,
the Nth. after a tortuous march through the Wilder-
ness, which was on lire, and burned up to the road on
both sides, and in very warm weather too. It had
been evident that preparations were being made for a
tremendous conflict, and it came. In the meantime
the famous horseshoe and other earthworks were cre-
ated, and a sortie was made by the enemy on the
evening of the 10th on a portion of our works a little
to the left of the toe of the horse-shoe, and it was car-
ried, but speedily retaken, with considerable loss on
both sides. On that day and the next, the 11th. our
brigade, or division, was used as a supporting division,
consequently we occupied a position in the rear. On
the morning of the 12th we were moved up to the
front line, a little to the left of the toe of the horse-
shoe, the latter being a thicket. Our position, a small
open field, connected with another Held a little farther
to the rear by a narrow strip of land like an isthmus.
We were doubled upon or supported the Louisiana
brigade. I said to one of the Louisiana Tigers, ” What’s
the matter here? You’ve had us waked up before day
and brought out of our shelter into the rain.” He
replied, ” We will have the yankees over here directly
to take breakfast with us.”
It was hardly dawn, and pouring down rain, when
Hancock landed bis forty thousand men against
Johnson’s division, in the toe of the horseshoe,
when his thirty-six hundred as brave men as the
world ever saw, with its commander, who had won the
sobriquet of “Hull” Johnson, were overpowered and
captured. We, being immediately on their left, of
course the enemy were to pay their respects to us next.
A gallant officer sprang oiit of the ditch and said,
“Men, don’t be scared; be steady and follow me ; I’ll
take you out.” We had not gone more than two
hundred yards before we were halted by Col. A.. I.
Pendleton’, who said to me, “Captain, stay here at all
hazards till I return,” and started for General Swell’s
headquarters in a gallop. My attention was called to
a thicket which we would either have to pass through
or flank around through the little opening already
described, and t y horror the yankees were going
up an old road at trail arms and double quick to cut
us off. I called Colonel Pendleton and pointed to-
ward the yankees. With a motion of his hand he
directed us to Hank around the thicket, which we did
in a hurry, marching within fifty or seventy-live yards
of the yankees, who seemed to be forming to charge
us. When we got around the thicket and in the
second field we came to a halt without any orders from
anybody, and on looking around I saw Gen. R. E.
Lee, alone I think, calmly sitting on his gray horse.
I said to Capt. J. B. Updike, “Here is General Lee!”
He joined nie and others in saying, “General Lee to
the rear.” General Gordon then rode up and said,
“General Lee, these are Virginians; they have never
failed to do their duty, and they never will, lmt they
don’t want you to uselessly expose your life. You go
to the rear and they will follow me ; won’t you, boys? ”
All echoed “Yes,” when Sergt. Wm. A. Compton, who
had volunteered at the age of seventeen Li’ is now
Sheriff of Warren County. Va. i, took hold of the bridle
of General Lee’s horse and led him back through the
ranks of my company and regiment. ‘ leneral Gordon
Immediately spurred hi;- horse into the thicket, saying,
“Charge! men, follow me!” and in the language of
John R. Thompson, the poet,
” Like the waves of the sea
Tliat burst the dykes in t lie overflow .
Madly the veterans burel on the fi
Their ranks were torn and their columns riven, the
breastworks retaken, and the day was ours, General
Lee was reported to ha \ e -aid : ” The crisis had come.
The army was cut in twain, and I was willing to risk
all on the one issue.” And he won.
Capt. John M Sloan, Pontotoc, Mis-.. Dec 27, 1893,
writes to comrades: 1 was Captain of Company G,
Forty-fifth Mississippi Regiment, Wood- and M. P
l.ou iy’s Brigade, Pat Cleburne’s I >ivision, in our greal
war. 1 was fearfully wounded ami disabled in the
memorable battle of Chickamauga, September 20, 1863.
When in command of my company, in front of the
enemy’s lines, and under a heavy tire of shot and
shell, I had the misfortune of having my under jaw,
upper teeth, and pari of my tongue shot away, and
my fare terribly mutilated bj the explosion of a shell
from one of the enemy’s guns, Since thai time I have
had to lie on my hack when taking my meal- and he
fed by others on fluids. 1 cannot masticate any food
whatever. Notwithstanding my unfortunate and irre-
parable condition, 1 managed so ae to support myself
and family tor twenty-live years, lmt am unable to do
so longer without assistance.
Comrades. 1 dislike to beg 1 had rather that it was
different, hut 1 cannot help it. 1 received this ugly
ami unfortunate wound in a just and honorable cause.
1 did my duty in defending our beloved Sunn\ South-
land, homes, property ami firesides. Will you please
Bee to it that myself and family do not suffer for the
necessaries of life ? 1 baveawifeand two daughters
dependent on me for a support, and one of the daugh-
ters has been an invalid for the past eighteen years.
Please contribute something to our relief, and I assure
you that the amount will be gratefully appreciated by
us. [Signed], Your comrade, John N. Sloan.
C. If Mitchell and Frank Sauter fully indorse the
above statement of (apt. .1. X. Sloan, ami say he is
very poor, -i good, moral man. a law-abiding citizen,
ami merits all that can he .ion.’ for him.
Rev. (‘has. ll.Otken. Summit. Miss., Jan. 1,1894:
1 was the Chaplain of the Forty-fifth Mississippi Regi-
ment. I saw Captain Sloan on the held of Chicka-
mauga. Sept. I’ll, 1863. Four surgeons pronounced his
case hopeless. The chin dangled in front of his breast.
The shell made a gash from the outer edge of the
right ‘ eye to the corner of the mouth. From Sun-
day noon until Tuesday about ‘2 p. m. no relief was
given him — not a drop of water could he given him.
[obtained private physicians from Ringgold, Ga. They
cut away the chin and sewed the nose to the face. An
old physician who had Berved in the Mexican war,
and who saw him, said that he knew of only one man
similarly wounded on record. Captain Sloan was
frightfully mutilated. For over thirty years he lies
down supine three times a day on two chairs and is
fi<l as a child. I have made several efforts for relief
in his behalf. To the last, the first response came
from Hon. (i. F. Rowles, of Natchez — a negro— a rep-
resentative of Adams County. He -cut $25. The
next came from Mrs. Sarah F. Marshall, from Bartow
on the Sound. Westchester County, N. Y. she -cut
$10 to me through Rev. l’r. Stratton, of Natchez. M tee .
and $10 direel to me from her home. Dear Comrades
of the Lost Cause! I know no! how to commend my
friend to your generous consideration.- He is now an
old man, has an afflicted family, a ml is poor. I am sure
that as long as there are surviving Confederates who
can aid, Captain Sloan ought nol to Buffer for material
comforts. Shall we not let a little BUnshine into this
dreary ho ?
Gen. S. D. Fee. Columbus Miss . -Ian.. 18, 1894, in
official letter: Comrades of the Division, and Unat-
tached Veterans The inclosed appeal ol Comrade
John K.Sloan, Forty-tilth Mississippi Regiment, M.
P Lowry’s Brigade, Cleburne’s Division, Army of
Tennessee, is before you. He ha- done nil he could
ami supported himself for twenty-five years. Now he
call- on us for aid. Fet those of us who w ei . spared
and were more fortunate now come forward
our scanty purses and means, as we did our haversacks
and canteen- during the war. He i- now old ami can-
not help himself. His is an exceptional case. Prob-
ably no other such disfiguring and disqualifying wound
was received on either sid< during the war. Fetus
all, comrades and charitably disposed persons, con-
tribute of our means to this unfortunate soldii
well vouched for. He was a splendid soldier, and was
disabled while fighting for our 1. cloved Southland.
Since receipt of above I learn the State has given
Capt. Sloan $150. Contributions will be accepted for
him at this of]
Mi I’M. s fob Confederate Soldiers. — Southerner,
Dyersburg, Tenn. : Among my friends is a deserving
Confederate veteran who is unable, as a re-ult of a
wound received during the war, to earn a living in the
ordinary pursuits of life. One day 1 said to him,
“Captain, why don’t you apply for a pension; you are
entitled to it under the laws of T( “1 do
not want it,” he replied. “1 did not fight for money.
but 1 believe thai a medal ought to be issued to each
deserving old soldier.” This is an idea that 1 would
be glad to see carried into effect. If each Southern
State would issue a t la] to its honored Confederate
veterans, and to the families of the dead who fought
to the death, it would do much to keep alive I
lire- that should burn forever in our hearts. The
medals would become precious heirlooms to which
eaeh Southerner and Southern family would point
with pride, and the holiest principles for which mor-
tals ever fought would still live, and the memo)
our glorious heroes would be consecrated in undying
love. Could not a movement looking to this end be
Col. Jno. P. Hickman. Secretary of the Tennessee
Division of Confederate Soldiers, has kindly furnished
the Veterak the following from the Minutes of the
meeting held at Jackson. It will show how very
strict the Tennessee Division is as to the eligibility of
membere :
The Secretary read the opinions given 1 > v the State
( tracers as to eligibility of members, in answer to cer-
tain questions asked by one of the Bivouacs. Said
questions and answers were taken up, and each an-
swer was unanimously indorsed and adopted by the
Association. They are in substance as follows:
Question i. If a Surgeon in the Confederate Army resigned,
not from any physical disability, and came home, took the
oath of allegiance to the Federal Government, and remained
within the lines of tlie 1,0.1:1! forces, would he be eligible to
our Association?
Answer. Tin- act of resignation is honorable ; but the mo-
ment an officer forswears his allegiance to the Government, he
loses the honor of his resignation, ami can only be classed as
having abandoned the country winch he swore to support, and
cannot I a member of our Association.
Question L’. If a man was discharged from service for sick-
ness the first year of the war, and was afterward able for ser-
vice and did not re-enter the army, would he be eligible ‘.’
Answer. If a soldier was discharged for a real physical dis-
ability 1 sickness, not minority or over-age) under our Consti-
tution hi- is eligible. Oar members should only be men who
did their whole duty, without shirking or equivocation.
Question 3. If a soldier joined the army and served one
year, ami then hired a substitute, came home, took the oath,
ami remained within the enemy’s lines, would he be eligible?
Answer. A man cannot join our Association on the ser-
vices of a substitute, but the service must have been performed
in person, otherwise a man could join on the services of a son
who was a minor, for he owned and was as much entitled to
the services of his minor son as he was to the services of his
substitute. A man’s financial ability to hire a substitute did
not relieve him of his duty to his country, nor does it make
biin eligible to our Association.
Question 4. What is meant by “honorably released from
Service,” as appears in the third Article of our’Coustitution J
Answer. If a soldier was released from one branch of the
service to join another, or was released from service to take
some civic ollice which was necessary to the maintenance of
bis government, or was released on account of some physical
disability, not warranting a regular discharge, be would be hon-
orably released. This Instance is cited : Hon. Howell Cobb,
of 1 norgia, was Colonel of a regiment, and was elected to the
( ‘onlederate Congress ; the records say ” be was honorably re-
leased from S01 vice.”
It can readily he sen that if a soldier was fortunate enough
to hold a commissi. .11, resigned it, went in the lines of the
enemy, took the oath Of allegiance to the government of the
enemy, that was not an honorable release, and such soldiers
cannot become members of our Association.
S. S. .Meyers, of Jackson County, filed his applica-
tion with S. S. Stanton Bivouac to lie,,. me a member.
Said application was fully considered by the Bivouac,
and it appeared that he had taken the oath of allegi-
ance to the federal Government before the surrender
of the Confederate Annies, lie had never been dis-
charged for a real physical disability. His application
was rejected by the Bivouac, and he appealed there-
from to the state Association. Comrade S. F. Wilson
moved that the appeal lie laid upon the table, as S. S.
Myers, never having I .eon a member of the Association,
had no right to appeal thereto. Whereupon (‘apt. W.
W. ( ‘antes offered the following resolution, which was
unanimously adopted :
Resolved, by the State Association of Confederate Soldiers,
that the appeal of 8. 8. Myers be laid on the table, S. S. Stanton
Bivouac being the soje arbiter and having exclusive jurisdic-
tion in his case. Hut nothing herein contained shall be con-
strued as in any way abridging the State officers’ right to
i. jeel members received by the Bivouacs, or to purge Bivouacs
of unworthy members.
This Camp has an auxiliary membership. The eli-
gibility of members is officially reported as follows:
‘flu’ immediate descendants and relatives of those
who honorably served in the Army, Navy, or Civil
Service of the Confederate States of America, and
their male relatives, shall be eligible to admission as
auxiliary members of the Confederate Veteran Camp,
provided they shall have attained the age of twenty-
one years.
Auxiliary members are entitled to all the privileges
of the Camp, excepting that of voting before attain-
ing the age of twenty-live years, or 01 holding office
or membership in the Executive Committee before at-
taining the age of thirty-live years. But no auxiliary
member shall be eligible to the office of Commander
or Lieutenant Commander before attaining the
forty-live years. Nevertheless, auxiliary members
having attained the age of twenty-live years, are eligi-
ble to appointment on any or till special or subcom-
woman’s auxiliary of this. camp.
To foster and encourage co-operation in the charita-
ble, social, and other appropriate works of the Camp,
the Executive Committee may authorize the forma-
tion of one or more associations of ladies, to be
known as “Woman’s Auxiliary of the Confederate
Veteran Camp,” membership therein only to be held
by wives or daughters, granddaughters, sisters, nieces,
or cousins of those who honorably served in the Army,
Navy or Civil Service of the Confederate States of
America, or relatives of auxiliary members of the
Confederate Veteran Cam]). No dues or U-r< shalj be
levied by the Camp on such Associations, or the mem-
bers thereof.
A Confederate Monument to re Erected at
Franklin. — The ladies of Williamson County are en-
gaged in raising funds with which to erect a monu-
ment to the memory of Confederate soldiers, the living
and the dead. It is their purpose to place iton the
Public Square, where it may be seen of all men. We
are going to succeed, and will have a monument of
which any city would be proud. Some time ago
Charles Hills, of Chicago, a Federal soldier who fought
here in November, 1864, was on a visit looking over
the battle-ground, and heard of this monument un-
dertaking, when he volunteered to give ten dollars
toward it. This is one of the many incidents that
occurs during life’s journey to show us the kin-hip
of men. 1 don’t know what his polities are, and 1
■ 1 < piil care. I venture to say he is a gentleman of the
highest order, and was a brave soldier. 11.
Mrs. S. A. A. McCausland, Lexington, Mo., in send-
ing subscription to the Veteran, Bays: I want the
Hag.-. In the beginning of I he ” late unpleasantness ”
I suffered many things because of a refusal to surren-
der a Confederate Hag to a regiment in blue, so now I
“even up” by keeping the colors always in sight on
my own domain.
Too late for suitable notice conies the announcement
that Gen. Lucien B. Northrop, Commissary General
of the Confederate States and classmate of Jefferson
Davis at West Point, died at the Maryland Confeder-
ate Home.
It is well to give in the Veteran notice of the death
of Mrs. .lane Washington, mother of Hon. Joseph E.
Washington, member of Congress from Tennesset
She was a Miss Smith, of Florence, Ala., and became
the second wife of Col. George A. Washington, whose
father, Joseph Washington, came from Virginia in
1798. II” bought sixty-live acres of land, to which he
and his son added by purchase nearly 1’J.inki acres
more. It is doubtless the largest body of improved
land ever owned by one family in Tennessi e \ mag-
nificent home was buill nearly three-quarters of a cen-
tury ago. Colonel Washington was buried there a
little more than a year ago, and now his wife.
During the war, while submitting to legal authori-
ties. Col. Washington determined to resisl hand- of
guerrilas who infested his home, and was given per-
mit by General Rosseau to keep fire-arms in his house.
He resisted as many as eight marauders at one time,
assisted by two faithful slaves, to whom he gave guns,
while young Joseph carried ammunition for him. He
shot one of them, and by that means traced some
of the others so the authorities secured and executed
them. Again he killed a man while taking a horse
from one of his stables, who happened to be a soldier,
It created a great sensation. Two companies of sol-
diers went to the house to avenge the death and quar-
reled about the prey until a regiment arrived for his
rescue. Meanwhile one of them shot him a flesh
wound, and was about tiring again when the faithful
wife rushed between them. The coward tired at her.
but one of his comrades knocked up the pistol and
the hall passed over the heads of them both.
(‘apt. Thomas E. Mallory, who served four years
in the Confederate army, died in Montgomery County,
Trim., February 9th. He was a member of the church
and was buried by his brother Masons.
An exchange reports “a big funeral” by the colored
people in Jacksonville, Florida, to Or. A. H. Darnes,
colored. The deceased was a prominent Mason. No-
tice here is given because of his service through the
war with Gen. 1-‘.. Kirby-Smith. Of the many manu-
scripts that have awaited space in the Veteran there
i- one from this Dr. Panics setting forth the noble
character of his master.
F. O’Brien, Birwick, La., notes that Comrade James
Malcolm was huried February Ith. He was in his 74th
year. Adjutant O’Brien adds that the Yi ii i,\\ im-
proves all the time, and says. ” 1 think you will get as
many subscribers at si as you would at fifty cents.”
Nat. D. Colhoun, who was a member of Company
C, Second Louisiana Cavalry, died at his home at
Stanton Depot, Tenn., January 19th, aged .”> I years.
Effort i- being made to chancre the general postal
law in regard to delivery of periodicals in the cities
where published. The Veteran weighs about two
and a half ounces. Postage upon it is one cent per
pound to every place in the United States, and deliv-
ered by carrier the same as letters, except in Nashville,
where prepayment by postage stamps is required at
two cents percopy. The largest magazines are maila-
ble at the same price. Twelve copies of the Veteran
may he delivered throughout the suhurhs of the 1;
cities for what it costs to mail one to a Nashville suh-
Bcribi r. By the libera] favor to publishers of hooks
the I tepartment sends all that are admitted as second-
da– matter at on, cent for four ounces, yet the Vet-
eran a- other small monthlies), entitled to the gen-
eral mail at one cent per pound, must pay two cent- per
Hy of publication. Mr. Washington.
Representative of the Nashville District in Con
bill before tie House for a change in the law.
Cen. Wheeler, of Alabama, Member, and Gen. Bate,
of Ti – itor, are co-operating with Mr. Wash-
ington in behalf of a change whereby periodica
four ounces and less may he mailed for one cent. Ap-
peal for favorable consideration ha- been made to
Postmaster General Bissell, who ms satisfactory
interest in it. This publication explains to the hun-
dred- of subscribers in Nashville whose copies of the
Veteran arc not promptly delii hey should he.
Rev. C. G. Reagan, of Itasca, Texas, in his mi –ions
of peace, forgot that he left with Mr. T. J. Glasscock,
of Marshall. Texas, his sword about the close of the
war. Thomas Brooks, editor of the Washington
County Review, printed a letter about it. and Rev. Mr.
ii secured the sword. It was presented to him
by Col. J. R. Pettigrew.
The next Veteram is to contain an elaborate his-
tory of postage -tamp- mad, m Confederate time-.
There are about forty illustrations to be in the sketch
referring to many curious characteristics about them.
A Confederate Camp was organized at Pikeville,
Tenn.. January 19th, and named in honor of Col. H.
M. Ashhy. who commanded tie Second Tenn
Confederate Cavalry. 1.. T. Billingsley W8
Commander, and Z. M. Morris. Adjutant. Another
meeting to perfect the organization i- to he held on
the 17th of February.
John W. l’oo-er. Marianna, Fla.: Inclosed find $2 for
.■ al-. We have been reading the Veteran now
for twelve months, have become much attached to it
and can’t do without it.
Geo. E. Hardwicke. Sherman, Texas, February 12th,
in sending $5 for live subscribers, states; All you lack
of getting on. hundred subscribers here in Sherman is
somebody to rustle for them. I simply mentioned the
paper and they immediately subscribed.
H. K. Hill, Comanche, Texas: * * * And be-
sides, I never wrote any thing for publication in my
life. I regard Forrest as the greatest cavalry officer in
our war. I firmly believe bad Stonewall Jackson lived
and been given 50,000 infantry, and Forrest given
15,000 cavalry, they would have wiped tin- thing out
and “carried the war into Africa,” instead of standing
on the defensive and being worn out, as we were. I
belonged tn Itoss’ brigade, and was under Van Dora
until he was killed. After this we wen- sent hack to
Mississippi, and covered the gloomy retreat oi Joseph
K. Johnston from Big Black to Jackson, and afterward
went to Georgia and skirmished for Johnston’s left
from Rome to Atlanta. We were at New Hope and
Jonesboro, and captured McCook and I Jrown low’s out-
fit at Xewnan, and followed Kilpatrick down to Love-
joy. The description of the Confederate
soldier by Mr. IJaskette, in December Veteran, was a
very fine production. He must have been one of
them. I was well pleased with the letter of Mrs. Sarah
K. Brewer, some time ago. God bless her, she has my
permission to have her say. a- she called it. 1 wish
you good success. Don’t let your journal get into the
hands of a cold-blooded mob north of Mason and
Dixon’s line, and my opinion is it will flourish. Mind
you. 1 have not written this for publication.
Wm. C. TimminS, Of Houston, Texas, hopes tO lo-
cate :i sword presented to his uncle, Lieut. Col. Wm.
C. Timmins, of the Second Texas Regiment, when he
first left to join the Confederate Army as Captain of a
company raised in Houston. It was appropriately en-
graved, and had his name Inscribed thereon. Col.
Timmins was wounded during the siege of Vicksburg,
and died soon afterward in vicksburg, and is buried
at Houston. Texas. 1 am pretty certain that the
vankees did not get it, hut some Confederate officer
brought it away from Vicksburg.
John \V. Rogers, manufacturer of fine carriages. Bal-
timore, writes an earnest commendation of the Vet-
eran with his left hand. He lost his right arm in the
battle of Gettysburg, in Company C, Twelfth Virginia
• lames D. Odom, Boz, Texas: Go on, sir, with your
noble work, and may the God of our beautiful South-
land bless you and all worthy ex-Co nfederate soldiers.
One dollar is quite reasonable for the Veteran. Let
us have it, thai we children may know more of our
fathers’ experiences during those stormy days.
W. A. Campbell, Columbus, Miss.: 1 wish I could
write for the Vj teran Gen. S. D. Lee’s speech to us
last night, lie gave incidents of the war, illustrating
the daring and valor of the Southern soldiers, and he
Baid, in the course of his remarks, that as time passes
history will recognize the sublime courage of the
Southern soldiers. He told of seeing a company of
boy-, about 125 strong, in which there were none ex-
cept the officers -1 years old. go into battle to sup-
port artillery at Sharpsburg, and that although about
twenty-five of the boys were shot dead from the ranks
they faltered not.
GeorgeN. Ratlifif, Huntsville, Mo.: * * * By the
way, I am coming back to Franklin to visit again” that
battle-field. There are 1 III M issourians buried there.
and I knew them every one. 1 was with them for
nearly four years.
W. A. (‘.. ( olumbus. Miss. : Let each Camp have a
visiting card, to give to any member who is traveling.
signed by the Commander and Adjutant, stating that
he is a member in good standing Any man can buy
01 f the Confederate buttons and pas- as a veteran.
We intend to do this in our Camp, and a notice in
the Veteran may induce other Camps to adopt the
plan. It will at least bring out a discussion of the
matter, and may lead to something better. ( >ur regu-
lation button, as you know, can be bought in many
places of jewelers, and by any one. as Captain Shipp’s
plan of having the button copyrighted has not so tar
been successful.
Rev. Thomas M. Cobb, Lexington. Mo.: I am de-
lighted with the Veteran. Success to you. 1 was a
member of Company 11. Second Missouri Infantry, C.
s. A.., Senator Cocknll’s old regiment and company.
I was severely wounded at the battle of Kennesaw
Mountain. Georgia, and sent to the hospital at Barns-
ville, Ga., where I lay with wound and gangiven for
two months. My nurse was a Mr. Elder, a wounded
and disabled soldier from Tennessee. My recollection
is he lived in or near Murfreesboro. If he is living I
would like to hear from him, and would take it as a
great favor if any one would inform me about him.
I hope to give you some incidents interesting and
thrilling soon.
C.J.Holt. Haley. Tellll. : It does my soul good to
read of the daring deeds of those heroes who donned
the gray and kept step to strains of martial music
made from such airs as “Maryland, My Maryland,”
“Bonnie Blue Flag,” “The Girl I Left ‘behind Me,”
or the soul-stirring strains of “Dixie.” The proudest
heritage I claim is my birthright in the sunny South-
land, and the son of a Confederate veteran who tramped
the hot sands of Virginia and other Southern States
four long years.
Messrs. P. L. Smithson and J. L. Gee, of Williamson
County, Tenn., have a very pleasant recollection of
Gen. John C. Breckinridge at Shiloh. It was on
Tuesday after the fighting of Sunday and Monday.
They had been sent early on detail for some guns, and
while in execution of the order they were met by Gen-
eral Breckinridge, who asked what command they be-
longed to, and on being told, he said, ” Soldiers, you
seem to have had a bad night” — they were wet from
the excessive rains — “and 1 expect have not had any
breakfast.” They promptly responded that they had
not. “Neither have 1,” said the General, ” but 1 have
two biscuits. 1 will give one to you two and divide
the other with my Aide” They will ever remember
thecourtesy and kindness of the eminent Kentuckian.
Capt. B. M. Hord, Nashville, Tenn., desires to know
of Ed Moore, of t he Washington Artillery, who shared
bed blankets with him at Lock Island. 111.
I!. I!. Hancock, Auburn, Tenn., desires the address
of any members of the Second Missouri Cavalry.
•lames Archer, Stanton, Miss., would like to know
what became of the three stall’ officers of Gen. Bush-
rod Johnson— Snowden. lilakemore, and Black.
A. .1. Cowart, of Little Oak, Ala., wants the address
of Spotswood Garland, who was Captain of Company
G, Sixty-third Alabama Infantry. He was wounded
and captured in the battle of Blakely, (?) April 9, 1865.
R. II. Phelps, Esq., LaG range, Texas : Send me the
old list of subscribers, giving date when subscription
expires, and I will try to get them to renew.
The January Veteran contained quite a thorough
account of the Confederate cause in Maryland with ref-
erence to the Confederate Soldiers’ Borne at Pikeville,
a small tillage eight miles from Balti-
more, which is reached by splendid driv-
ing roads and by electric cars. Thei
mand of the Home is intrusted to W.
11. Pope, who was a gallant Confederate
soldier, and whose whole heart is en-
listed for its success, lie has been zeal-
ous tor the Veteran from the tirst. The
total expenses of the Home at the last
annual report, September, 1893, were
$38,195. Of this sum the state has
trihuted $27,500. The Maryland Line
created the influences whereby the Home
was established.
maintained the same high character and bearing, and
the record of their deeds is held in veneration and
affection.” All honor to Maryland I
The superb record made by soldiers
from Maryland in the Confederate Army
is attributable mainly to the First and
Second Regiments Infantry, the First
and Second Regiments < Javalry, the First,
Second. Third and Fourth Companies of
Artillery, numbering in the aggregate
about four thousand men. From the be-
ginning, at Harper’s Ferry, in 1861, to
the end at Appomattox in 1865, “they
denta is due to the fact
that the narrators of such
tiling do not always con-
fine themselves strictly
tn the Btat< men! of what
they did themselves, but
are much disposed to in-
clude in their reports
what they think was
done or omitted to be
done by others. At the
battle ‘it’ Fredericksburg,
for instance, fiehting
took place on the right
and Left of the ( lonfeder-
ate army, it- center not
bavins been engaged at
all. < fen. Longstreet, “it
i be I onfederate left, had
repulsed the repeated at-
tacks made u po D t he
troops posted at the foot
Col. Charles Marshall of Baltimore, delivered an ad-
dress in that city January 19th, the birthday of Gen.
Lee, in which be described graphically the great sin-
render at Appomattox . 1 1 is large audience comprised
many members of Congress who had gone over from
Washington. On the platform, in addition, were
Cardinal Gibbons, Gen. Wade Hampton, and other
distinguished visitors. The twin daughters of Gen.
II I were there with their chaperon. Gen. Bradley
T. Johnson introduced Col. Marshall as “the right
hand of Lee,” and who was with him in the last hours
of an expiring tragedy. Col. Marshall was received
with great applause. Part of his address follows:
When old soldiers and sailors meet to talk about the
war, it must be admitted that they some-
time- forgel the reverence due the divin-
ity commonly Bpoken of as the Goddess
of Truth. This tendency to exaggerate
and invent in describing events that ex-
cite great interest, and particularly such
as appeal to the feelings and passions of
men, makes itself felt long after the
events hav icurred, and impairs the
value of history. We d t yet know
with certainty the Tacts of the battle of
Waterloo. As to Cliancellorsville and
Gettysburg, although I witnessed both,
1 sometimes think, in view of the abso-
lutely irreconcilable accounts we have of
those two engagements, a Bishop Whate-
ly might readily create historic doubts
as to whether either was, in (‘act, fought.
It. was my duty during the latter half of
the war, tO prepare the reports of Cell.
Lee under his directions, and one of the
most difficult things I had to do was to
reconcile the many conflicting accounts
of the same affair submitted by com-
manding officers. Much of the confu-
sion and contradiction of statement mad e
by narrators or writers of historic inci-
of .Marye’s Hill, and Cell, .lackson had repulsed the as.
sault made on our right near Hamilton’s Crossing.
The distance between the two scenes of combat was
between three and four miles. In the afternoon I
came across Gen. 1>. H. Hill, of Jackson’s Corps, who
thought Ids wing had been doing all the fighting,
while the left had not been engaged at all. Nearly
fifteen hundred Federal dead lay in front of Marye’s
Hill, and Gen. Hill did not know that there had been
any fighting there.
With this full knowledge of this tendency to error,
I now come to present to you, as accurately as 1 can,
the facts of the surrender ot’Cen. at Appomattox,
about which you have asked me to talk to you on this
occasion, when we are met to celebrate his birthday.
I know of no other event in his life which more
strongly illustrates some of the great qualities that
adorned the character of our great chieftain.
1 shall begin my narrative with the opening of the
correspondence between Gen Lee and Gen. Grant.
After the disaster of Sailor’e Creek, the atmy, reduced
to two corps, under the command of Gen. Long!
and Gen. Gordon, moved through Farmville, where
rations were issued to some of the starving troops.
The ‘lose’ pursuit of the overwhelming army ol
Grant made il necessary to remove the wagon trains
before all the men could be Bupplied, and the remnant
of the great Army of Northern Virginia, exhausted by
fighting and starvation, moved in the road to Appo-
mattox Court House. On the afternoon of the 7th of
April i .en. (.rant Bent to Gen Lee the first letter, so
well known to readers of history, pointing out the
hopelessness of longer contining the struggle, and ask-
ing the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia.
Gen. Lee, you remem-
ber, replied, disagreeing
with Gen. Grant’s view
of the hopelessness of the
struggle, but inquiring
the conditions of surren-
der Gen. Grant might
oiler. The next day,
April 8, < Jen. Grant re-
plied, ” Peace being my
:it desire, there is but
.me condition I insist
upon — namely, that the
men ami officers surren-
dered shall be disquali-
fied for taking up arms
again against the Gov-
ernment of the United
States until properly < \
changed. 1 will meet
you, or will designate
Officers to meet any offi-
cers you name for the
same purpose, at any
ing definitely the terms
upon which the surren-
derofthe Armyof North-
ern Virginia will be re-
h will be observed that
Gen. Grant, in this let-
ter, manifested that del-
icate consideration for
his great a d v e r-a ry
which marked all his
suhse.|Ucnt conduct to-
ward him. He offered
1,. have the terms of the
arranged by
officers to be appointed
for the purpose by him-
self and ( ren. I I
the latter the
and mortification of
conducting person ally
the arrangements for the
When Lord Cornwallis
opened hi- correspond-
■ with Gen. wash-
;ton. which ended in
rrenderat Yorktown, his lordship proposed that
two officers he appointed on each Bide to arrange terms
of surrender. This letter, ami ( lornwallis’ subs<
nation to attend the ceremony of the sum
of his army, deputizing Gen. < I’Hara to represent him,
slowed that he Bhrunk from sharing with hi- army
the humiliation of surrender. Gen.t .rant offered
ii opportunity to avoid the trial to which the
British commander felt himself unequal. But
Lee was made of different stuff It is not without in-
terest to recall what ■ ren I • i – father, I ight I
IImm Lee, in writing of “this episode, said that I
nothing with which Cornwallis could repi
himself nor his brave and faithful army, and by fail-
ing to appear at it- head in the day of misfortune, as
point agreeable to you,
for the purpose of arrang-
he had always dime in the .lay of triumph, the British
General dimmed the splendor of hia lung and brilliant
career. Little did the father think when he wrote
these wonls that he was marking the arduous path of
duty along which his son was one day to be railed
upon to walk. That son was worthy of such a father
and of Buch teaching. As I said on another occasion
of Gen. Lee’s conduct through the pain and humilia-
tion of his position, his great career about to close in
defeat, and all that he had done about to be made un-
availing, he saw the path of duty, and he trod it with
as firm a step and as brave a heart and as lofty a mein
ae if it had been the way of triumph.
The march was continued during the 8th of April
with little Interruption from the enemy, and in the
evening we halted near Appomattox Court House
Gen. Lee intending to march by way of Campbell
Court House through Pittsylvania County toward
Danville, with a view of opening communication with
the arm v of General Joseph E. Johnston, then retreat-
ing before Gen. Sherman through North Carolina.
Gen. Lee’e purpose was to unite with Gen. Johnston
to attack Sherman, or call Johnston to his aid in resist-
ing Grant, whichever might be found best. The ex-
hausted troops were halted for rest on the
evening of the 8th of April near Appo-
mattox Court House, and the march was
ordered to be resumed at 1 o’clock a. m.
1 can convey a good idea of the condition
of affairs by telling my own experience.
When the army halted on the night
of the Mh, General Lee and his staff
turned out of the road into a dense wood
!; some re-t. The ( leneral had a
conference with some of the principal offi- which it was determined totryto
ur way the next morning with the
troope of i lor don, supported by the cav-
alry under Gen. Kit/.. Lee, tin- command
of Longstreet bringingup the rear. After-
ward we laid upon the ground near the
road, with our saddles for pillows, our
horses picketed near by, eating the bark
from thi’ trees for want of better proven-
der, our faces covered with the capes of
our overcoats to keep out the night air.
After 1 o’clock I was aroused by the
Bound ot a column of infantry marching;
along the road. We were so completely
surrounded by the swarming forces of
General Grant, that at first when I awoke
I thought the passing column might he-
Federal soldiers. I raised my head and
listened intently. My doubts were quickly
dispelled. 1 recognized these troops as
they passed along the road in the dead
of night by hearing one of them repeal
the Texan version of a passage of Script-
ure with which I was familiar — I mean
the Texan version. That version was as
“The race is nut to tliein that’s got
The longest legs to nm ;
Nor the battle to that people
That sheets the biggl si gun.”
This simple confession of faith assured
me that the immortal brigade of Hood’s
Texans was marching to battlein the dark.
Soon after they passed we were all astir, and our
bivouac was at an end. We made our simple toilet,
consisting mainly of putting on our caps and saddling
our horses. Somebody had a little corn meal, and
somebody else had a tin can, such as is used to hold
hot water for shaving. A fire was kindled, and each
man in his turn, according to rank and seniority,
made a can of corn meal gruel, and was allowed to
keep the can until the gruel became cool enough to
drink. General Lee, who reposed, as we had done,
not far from us, did not, as far as 1 remember, have
even such a refreshment as 1 have described. This
was our last meal in the Confederacy. Our next was
taken in the 1’nited States, and consisted mainly of a
generous portion of that noble American animal whose
strained relations with the great Chancellor of the
German Empire made it necessary at last for the
President of the United States to send an Ohio man to
the court of Berlin.
Genera] Cordon had already begun the attempt to
open the way, hut informed Ceneral Lee that it was
impossible to proceed farther. General Lee had
already written to Ceneral Grant, stating : ‘”1 cannot
meet vou with a view to surrender the Army of
Northern Virginia ; but, so far as your proposal may
affect the Confederate Southern fonts under my com-
mand, and tend to the restoration of peace, I should
be pleased to meet you at 10 a. m., to-morrow, on the
old stage road to Richmond, between the picket lii
of the two armies.” No reply to this Letter had l>een
received on the morning of the 9th, and General I i
attended by myBelf and with one orderly, proceeded
down the old stage road to Richmond to meet < reneral
< rrant, and while riding to i he rear for this purpose he
received the message of General Gordon that his ad-
vance was impossible without reinforcements. We
rode through the rear guard of the army, composed of
the remnant of Longstreet’s corps. They had thrown
up substantial breastworks of logs across thi
leading to the rear, and cheered General Lei as he
passed in the way they had cheered many a tune be-
fore. Their confidence and enthusiasm were not i
whit abated by defeat, hunger and danger. A- soon
1 reneral Lee received the report of General Gordon
as to the state i. f affairs in front, he directed that oil
to ask tor a suspension of hostilities, and proceeded at
once to meet General < rrant.
General Lee, with an orderly in front bearings flag
of truce, had proceeded but a short distance after pass-
ing through our riar guard when we came upon the
Bkirmish Line of the enemy advancing to the attack.
1 went forward to meet a federal officer, who proved
to be Lieutenant Colonel Whittier. > Whittier
delivered to me < reneral < (rant’s reply to i . ■
letter of April 8th, declining to discus- the terms of a
general pacification, on the ground that ( ieneral Grant
possessed no authority to deal with the subject, < ien-
eral immediately sent a letter requesting an inter-
view for the purpose of arranging tie terms of sun
der. There were indications that the advance of the
Federals would booh get into a brush with our troops,
and I expressed to Colonel Whittier the hope that the
hostilities would he -u.-pelided until the letter reaehed
(ieneral Grant. Colonel Whittier soon afterward
ported that an attack had been ordered, but General
Meade, upon learning the nature of the note sent Gen-
eral Grant, assumed the responsibility of suspending
hostilities for one hour. 1 have said that as General passed through his rear guard the men cheered
him as of old. They were the flower of the old Army
<<( Northern Virginia, and 1 felt quite sure that if the
officer commanding tin’ advancing federal troops
should consider himself bound by his orders to re1
my request for a suspension of hostilities until Gen-
eral Lee’s letter could reach (ieneral Grant, the rear
guard of the Army of Northern Virginia would secure
all the time necessary.
Colonel Babcock, of General Grant’s staff, soon ap-
peared with tie’ reply to (ieneral Lee’s note, He and
1 then rode to Appomattox Court House to secure a
suitable room for the meeting. This we found in the
house of a Mr. Mid. can, who had moved there. from
the battle-field of Bull Run to get out of the way of
the war.
General Lee, Colonel Babcock and myself sat in the
parlor of this house for about half an hour, when a
large party of mounted men arrived, and in a few
minutes (ieneral Grant came into the room, accompa-
nied by his staff and a number of Federal officers of
rank, among whom were General < >rd and (ieneral
Sheridan, (ieneral Grant greeted General fee very
civilly, and they engaged for a short time in conversa-
tion about their former acquaintance during the Mexi-
can war. Some other federal officers took part in the
conversation, which was terminated by General Lee
Baying to General Grant that he had come to dif
the t’rins of the surrender of his army, as indicated in
te of that morning, and hi’ suggested to Get
Grant to reduce his proposition to writing.
( i rant assented, and < ‘olonel Parker, of his staff, moved
a small table from the opposite side of the room, and
placed it by General Grant, who sat facing G
When ( ieneral Grant had written his letter in
pencil, he took it to (Ieneral Lee, who remained
seati d.
eral Lee read the letter, and called General
Grant .”ii to the fact that he required the
der of tl of the cavalry a- it thej
public horses. He told General (‘rant that Confed-
llrymen owned their horses, and that they
would need them for planting a spring cropt Gen-
eral < irani pted tie n. and inter-
lined the i i. allowing t lie retention by the men
of the horses tl iged to them. At the dire
of our superior ‘>;; | Parker made a copy
of thif in ink, and 1 wrote out (ieneral Lee 8
acceptance, both ol inkstand.
In the midst 1 Grant, who was
talking with < i urned to Gei
that he has gome 1,200
of our people i with his men,
ami that none of them have anyth iti How
many ration- can you B] J Sheridan
1. “About twenty-five thousand.” (ieneral <
turned to General Lee and said. il, will that be
enough?” General Lee replied, ” More than enough.”
Thereupoi oJ Grant said to General Sheridan.
” I (irect your commissary to send twenty-five thousand
nmissary.” (ieneral Sheri-
dan at once sent an officer to giv< the necessary orders.
When Coloml Parker had completed thecopyii
it down at tl little
table and wroti er. I have yet in
my possession the original draft of that answer. It
began: “1 have the honor to acknowledge.” General
truck out tin-, words and made the answei
as it now appears. His reason was that the c
pondence might not to appear as if he and (ieneral
Grant wen not in immediate communication. When
(ieneral < i rant had signed the copy of his letter I
by i olonel Parker, and General Lee had signed the
answer. Colonel Parker handed m J. Grant’s
letter, and I handed to him (ieneral Lee’s reply, and
the work was done. Some further conversation of a
general nature took place, in which (ieneral Grant
said to (ieneral fee that he had come to the meeting
a- he was. and without his Bword, because he did not
wish to detain lee until he could send hack
to his wagons, which were Beveral miles away. This
made by any one to the subject
of dress on that occasion. General Lee had prepared
elf forth Qg with more than usual care,
and was in full uniform, wearing a very handsome
sword and sash. This was, doubtless, the reas tf
eral (.rant’s reference to himself.
At last General I.e. took leave of General Grant.
saying that he would return to his headquarters and
mate the officers who were to act on our side in
arranging the details of the surrender. We mounted
our horses, which the orderly was holding in the yard,
and rode away, a number of Federal officers standing
on the porch in front of the house looking at us.
When General Lee returned to his line a large number
of men gathered around him. to whom he annou
what had taken place, and the causes thai had ren-
dered the surrender necessary. Great emotion was
manifested by officers and men, bu1 love and sympa-
thy for their commander mastered every other feeling.
According to the reporl of the chief of ordnance,
less than 8,000 armed men surrendered, exclusive of
the cavalry. The others who were present were un-
armed, having been unable to carry their arms from
exhaustion and hunger. Many had fallen from the
ranks during the arduous march, and unarmed men
continued to arrive for several days after the surrender,
swelling the number of paroled prisoners greatly
beyond the actual effective force.
Tread lightly, ’tis a soldier’s grave,
A lonely, mossy mound ;
And yet to hearts like mine and thine
It should he holy ground.
Speak softly, let no careless laugh.
No idle, thoughtless jest,
Escape your lips where sweetly sleeps
The hero in his rest.
For him no reveille will beat
When morning beams shall come;
For him, at night, no tattoo rolls
Its thunders from the drum.
* s- #
Tread lightly! for a man bequeathed,
Ere laid beneath this sod,
His ashes to his native laud,
His gallant soul to God.
[From the British Army and Navy Review, December, 1864.)
” Grant will hurl a thunderbolt
At the heart of the revolt; ”
We shall see!
Other men have tried and failed,
Other men have blenched and quailed,
Forcing Lee.
What though Jackson, dear to God,
Lies beneath the battle sod,
Dark and cold ‘.’
What though Stewart in earth is laid ;
He who won in rapid raid
Spurs of gold’.’
Longstreet in his anguish lies;
Tears are making soldiers’ eyes
Strangely dim ;
And we hold our breath and say,
“Does Death’s angel come this way,
SeekiiiL’ him ? ”
For the Lord of Hosts, who gave
These great men our land lo gave,
Knoueth best.
We to the last man shall light,
Doing battle for the right —
His the rest.
On, then, ( rrani ; we sec the gray,
Kill your myriads that ye may
Crush the free!
But ‘here are great deeds to do,
Ere your mercenary crew
Passes Lee.
-Mortimer t ‘ollins.
Headquabtkbs Stewabt’s Coin-.. Tupelo, Mis-.,
January 19, 1865. I now resume my story, and will
give you some account of our doings in front of Nash-
ville. We left Franklin on the second day after the
tight and moved on toward Nashville, our army in
mourning. When we got to .lohn Overton’s place I
saw some ladies by the roadside in high excitement.
and on riding up found them to be Mary Bradford,
Miss Maxwell. Miss May. Misses Becky Allison, Mary
lladley and Buck Coney. Mary lladley was married
to Maj. Clare, of the Staff of Gen. Hood, and was left
behind after her three days’ honeymoon. Our corps
then moved across to the Granny White Pike, through
Mr. Lea’s [dace, and went to Mrs. Johns’ house and es-
tablished headquarters there. Our first line was from
the Franklin Pike, near Mr. Vaulx’s, along the ridge
in front of father’s, by Montgomery’s house (burned
some time ago), across to the Hillsboro Pike, near Mr.
Rains’. This corps on the left, Lee in center, and
Cheatham on the right, extending over toward and
near to the Murfreeshoro pike. We remained thus for
two days, entrenching and building redoubts on our
left. The yanks were in line, plain in view along the
high ridge just back of Mr. Lawrence’s and in front of
Mrs. Acklin’s.
There was a force under Rousseau holding Murfrees-
horo which Gen. Hood was anxious to capture. He
detached the most of Forrest’s Cavalry and Bate’s Di-
vision to that work, hut they failed. Bate was then
ordered back, leaving Forrest. Here we remained
watching each other and entrenching as hard as we
could until the morning of the 15th of December.
On that morning about 9 o’clock it was reported to me
that the enemy were advancing in heavy force on the
Hillsboro pike and in front of Gen. Loring. Generals
French and Walthall had their troops in bivouac along
the east side of the Hillsboro Pike ready to move. I
informed Gen. Stewart, who mounted and rode to the
point, leaving me to keep my office open and send dis-
patches. I had a signal station, and sent dispatches
to Generals Hood, Lee and Cheatham, and received
others. In a short time the tiring began and grew
heavier as the enemy advanced. It was soon perceived
that his main attack would be here, as his whole army
appeared to he in our front. * * * They then
stormed and took redoubt 5, our forces being entirely
too small to keep them back. The reinforcements sent
to us did not arrive in time. Walthall’s troops, sta-
tioned along the pike in front of these works, were
then driven in ami the enemy were in the rear of Gen.
Loring, which, of course, compelled him to fall back,
as did the whole of our line, until dark. 1 remained
in my office until the yankees advanced to within
three hundred yards. I then mounted and made my
escape through the back yard with my clerks and
joined Gen. Stewart in front of Mr. Plater’s, where
Gen. Sears lost his life very near me. * * * As
our men fell back before the advancing yankees Mary
Bradford ran out under heavy fire and did all she
could to induce the men to stop and light, appealing
to them and begging them, but in vain — Deas’ brigade
was here. Gen. Hood told me yesterday that he in-
tended to mention her courageous conduct in his re-
port, which will immortalize her. The men seemed
utterly lethargic and without interest in the battle. I
never witnessed such want of enthusiasm, and began
to fear for to-morrow, hoping that Gen. Hood would
retreat during the night, cross Duck River, and then
stop and fight; but lie would not give it up. How-
ever, he sent all his wagons to Franklin, which pre-
pared the men still more for the stampede of the next
day. * * * The enemy adapted their line to ours,
and about 9 a. m. began the attack on Cheatham, try-
ing all day to turn him and get in bis rear. They suc-
ceeded about 2 or 3 p. m. in gaining the pike behind
the gap, and in crossing got in the rear of Gen. Stew-
art’s headquarters, which were on the Bide of the knob
looking toward Nashville. We could see the whole
line in our front every move, advance, attack and
retreat. It was magnificent. What a grand Bight it
was! I could see the < apitol all day. and the chun hee
The yanks had three lines of battle everywhere I could
sec. and parks of artillery playing upon us and rain-
ing shot and shell for eight mortal hours. 1 could Bee
nearly every piece in our front, even the gunners at
work. They made several heavy assaults upon Gen.
Lee’s line near John Thompson’s, and one in front of
Mrs. Mullins”. At length, having trained oui
about 4 P. M. they made a vigorous assault upon the
whole line right and left. Bate gave way. am) they
poured over in clouds behind Walthall, which, of
course, forced him to give w a v. and then by brigades
the whole line from left to right, held on bravely
awhile longer than the center and left.
Here was a Bcene which I shall not attempt to de-
scribe, for it is impossible to give you any idea of an
army frightened and routed. Sonic brave effort was
made to rally the men and make a stand, but all control
over them was gone, and they flatly refused to stop,
throwing down their guns and, indeed, every thing
that impeded their flight, and every man tied for him-
Reynolds’ Brigade was ordered to go to the right
just before the rout began, and got to where 1 was
when 1 halted it and got the General to form it in
line across the point of the knob just in the path of
the Hying mass, hoping to rally some men on this and
save the rest by gaining time tor all to come out of the
valley. Not ■ < man would stop.’ The First Tennessi i
came by, and its Colonel, House, was the only man
who would stop with us, and finding none of his men
willing to stand, he, too. went on his way. As soon
as I found all was lost, ami the enemy closing in
around us, 1 sent a courier to Gen. Stewart, who had
gone to Gen. Hood’s headquarters in the rear of Lea’s
house, to inform him of the fact, that he might save
himself. This courier was mortally wounded, and left
at Franklin. Finding the enemy closing in around
us. ami all indeed gone, 1 ordered the couriers and
clerks who were there to follow me, and we rode as
fast as we could to where 1 thought Gen. Stewart and
Gen. Hood were. They were gone, ami in their plai es
were the yankees. 1 turned my horse’s head toward
the steep knobs and spurred away. It was the only
chance o( escape left. The first place I struck the
hill was too steep for any horse to climb, and 1 skirted
along the hills hoping to find some place easier of as-
cent, hut none seemed to exist. Finally 1 reached a
place not bo step, and in the midst of thousands of
retreating soldiers 1 turned my horse’s head for the
i-i cut. resolved to try it. The bullets began to come
thick and last. Now. I found my saddle nearly off,
and was forced to get down, but on 1 went on foot.
All along the poor, frightened fellows were crying out
to me, “Let me hold on to your stirrup, for God’s
sake.” “Give me your hand and help me, if you
please.” Some were wounded, and many exhausted
from anxiety and over-exertion. On 1 struggled until
I. too. became exhausted and unable to move. By
tin- time the enemy had gotten to ihe toot of the hill
and were tiring at US freely. What was 1 to do
twisted my hand in my horse’s mane and was borne
to the top of the hill by the noble animal, more dead
alive. 1 wa- safe, though, and so were my men.
We descended the southern slope ami entered the deep
valley, whose shade- were darkened by approaching
night. The woods were tilled with our retreating men.
1 joined the crowd and finally made my way to the
Franklin Pike, where 1 found Gen. Stewart, who was
much relieved, for I had been reported as certainly
killed or captured. All night long we tied. The
Harpcth wa- crossed and a few hours of rest allowed.
when we started on lor Columbia, then Pulaski, and
then Bainbridge, lour miles above Florence. Every
mind was haunted by the apprehension that we did
not have boats enough to make a bridge. On we
marched, through ice and rain an.) snow, sleeping on
the wet ground at night. Many thousand- were bare-
footed, actually leaving the prints of blood upon the
ground, as the enemy pressed u- in the icar. When
• it the |dke at Pulaski we had an awful road,
strewn with dead horses and mules, broken wagons,
and worse than all. broken pontoons. We counted,
as we passed them, one. two, three, to fifteen.
Thus we toiled ..n. till Christmas day, cold, drizzly
and muddy we camped on the bank ot Shoal (reek,
and our cups formed line of battle to protect the rear
and let all cross, if the bridge could be made Roddy
bad captured the enemy’s pontoon- at Pe, atur, and
they were Boated down over the shoals. The bridge
Was made and the crossing began. Then cane the
tight with the gun-boats, which tried to destroy our
bridge. They were driven back and wecrOSSed. “All
i- well that ends well.” Every wagon, every cannon,
every horse, every mule, the hog-, beeves, cavalry, in-
fantry, and finally every Bcout crossed over. The re-
treat continued to this place, and here we are. daily
expecting orders. There were many things in this
memorable campaign never to be forgotten. I shall
never forget the passage of Duck River — Washii
rig the Delaware was insignificant.
1 wish 1 could send you something, my darling, but
von know 1 have no ‘means. 1 do not despair, but
hope to send you and the little fellows a lew things
some of these days.
General Hood has been relieve, 1 ami Taylor is in
command. What next ”
Jno. W. Dyer. Sturgis. Ky.: Allow me to «•■
my appreciation of the not crumbs, but solid. Bquare
meals of satisfaction I have enjoyed by reason ot’ the
Y i i i R w for the year past. May the good Ford pros-
per the Veteran and those int< in it. We old
Confederates only can know how dear the reminis-
cences ami acts of fortitude, heroism and bravery
recorded on its pages are to those who participated in
JThe (Confederate U etc van.
One Dollar a Year. S. A. CUNNINGHAM, Editor.
Office at The American, Corner Church ami Cherry sis.
This publication i^ the personal property <>f S. A. Cunningham,
rsone who approve such publication, and realize i i ^ i,,
as an organ tor associations throughout the South, are requested to
commend lis patronage aud to co-operate In extending it.
Tins issue of the Veteran contains two interesting
papers. The one from Col. Charles Marshall aboul
the surrender of General Lee will be perused with
pathetic interest. His vivid and certainly accurate
report may be embodied in the history of both sides.
The chief of Staff to General Grant would hardly
wish to pay finer tribute to him than Colonel Marshall
has paid. An interesting bit of history already ac-
‘i pted by millions of people is changed so us to honor
General Lee first c terning the horses. He ob-
I to the surrender of them to the United States
Government, explaining that they were the per-
sonal property of his soldiers. It was then thai Gen-
eral Grant is supposed to have said. “The hoys will
need their horses to make a crop.” < Irant’s deference
i” I reneral Lee in explaining that he was not willing
to keep him waiting while he could have sent for his
sword was worthy the spirit of a great man. The
Southern people are gratified that Colonel Marshall is
so honored a living witness to that historic event.
It is a more courageous thing to print the letter of
Colonel ( lale than has often come to the Veteran. In
it the Confederate soldiers engaged under Hood, from
perhaps every Southern State, an- reported as running
from the enemy and being utterly stampeded. It is
the truth, but they can stand the reputation. Aye,
they had established enough of courage, endurance
and undying glory. The Federal army at both places
realized their incomparable advantages, and it ani-
mated their cowards even to press on to the front.
It was time for every fellow to redeem his reputation.
The situation of the army in front of Nashville was
extraordinary. We were on a range of hills near the
Granny White pike, and so situated that for more
than a mile to our extreme left the overwhelming
forces of the enemy could be seen pressing our flank
in so that each private soldier could see for himself
that (Hir only avenue for retreat would soon be cut oil’.
The Federal army overwhelmed us. My personal ex-
perience is as vivid as anything in life. ( )ur line was
broken only a few yards to my right, and the prospect
of getting out was so hopeless that my immediate
companions refused to undertake to retreat, ami re-
mained there to surrender. I had gone about an
hundred yards, when 1 stopped and, turning upon a
handsome young Federal, was about to fire upon him
and stopped, with the sentiment that he was ton brave
to he killed, and just then he “pulled down” on one
of our fellows, when with quick, careful aim I tired
once more for ray home and native land.
That awful, awful day! Hood’s army was crushed
at Franklin, and his soldiers, in going on ami on. Buf-
fering all that is possible, did it almost without hope;
but they would have died a thousand deaths rather
than be untrue. No apologies are offered for the rout
from before Nashville. No braver and truer men ever
existed, ami the remnant yet alive care not for the
record of thai day. They realize that man is not om-
A lady writes that she has an article in her scrap
book that she will send to the Y ETERAN if wanted, and
if not she will send it to ” the other publication.”
Rivalry in journalism begets ill feeling, and the
general conclusion is that the controversies come of
business encroachments. If the Veteran has ever
lost a dollar or a cent because of that ” other publica-
tion ” I do not know it. But its relation to the South-
ern people, who arc not only zealous but enthusiastic
for it, imposes a duty that will be performed regardless
of consequence-.
The use of the word “Confederate” in a periodical
publication should engage an active interest by every
man and woman to whom it is sacred. The Confed-
erate Veteran was started specifically to give the
public knowledge of moneys received by me as agent
t’orthe Davis Monument. My appointment to that
important position was made by the Executive Com-
mittee of the Southern Press Association, and I
assumed use of the name because I was a Confederate
soldier, and every instinct of my nature was of defer-
ence and honor to the spirit embodied in it.
To the thousands of noble men and women in every
Southern State, who have been so zealous for the VET-
ERAN, 1 appeal concerning a principle that is of con-
cern to us all. Soon after the popularity of the VET-
ERAN was established a combination was formed
whereby the word <: Confederate ” was to be prefixed
to a monthly half this size for republishing some
blood and thunder pictures gotten out in New York
during the war. It was started in deceit and falsehood,
and has been so continued. To emphasize the situa-
tion, I will write of my own record and then repeat
what has been already published of the others who ask
Confederates for pat ronage,
1 am a. native Tennessean, was a volunteer soldier
in the Forty-first Tennessee Infantry. I did my
whole duty. I don’t remember an engagement with
tin’ enemy in which any soldier or officer went farther
than I did, except at Franklin, where a few got over
the last entrenchment, but 1 did more effective light-
ing from the t mbankment. In the battle of .lonesboro,
where we faced two lines of infantry behind breast-
works, one above the other, on a hill in the woods, the
most awful firing of small arms that I ever heard, I
had advanced beyond :ill my fellows, not realizing
that they had fallen hack. On seeing that I was
within about seventy yards of a thousand men. each of
whom could have killed me in a twinkling, 1 saw near
me Lieut. W. s. Bearden, commander of his company,
standing by a small tree, the Mood pouring from a
hole in his trousers above the knee. I assisted in his
support to the rear, and went in again, leaving otl
to care for him, [ He is :i true man in every sense, and
at present an able Chancellor in Middle Tennes
An elaborate official report kindly sent me recently
by Dr. S. II. Stout, Medical Examiner of the West
Army, begins with the killing in that battle of my
Lieutenant. Hardy Jones, and the wounding of Lieu-
tenant Bearden.] I never held a commission, but was
Corporal, First Sergeant, and served as ; til Major
of my regiment Once 1 was ordered to wear a sword
and take eomn mid of two companies in an important
task. There was no hoy soldier in the command bet-
ter known, perhaps, and to thi B( ?i ie rans 1 submit for
testimony. Because I was”so small, and a good sol-
dier,” by special favor of my Colonel, J. D.Tillman,
now a hanker and lawyer at Fayettex ille. Tenn,. I was
permitted to carry a short Enfield rifle. However, it
was an effective gun— it was submerged in hi 1 at
Franklin. I was faithful through the war, and if I
ever fail murder me, cover me in a ditch and mark
not the spot. Now for the Frank Leslie:
A. Confederate Lieutenant Colonel was so unpopu-
lar that he was not I’e-ele. ted. hilt left out to gO ill
the ranks because of his , who through political
favoritism secured an appointment as Brigadier <
eral, and was put in command of brave men. Theii
testimony is that he left them under fire, never to be
seen again except on Post duty at the rear. Continued
preferment from a political source secured to this man
a position in the War Records office at Washington.
This position enabled him to control in a great m<
nre publications there that would have placed him in
a had light, and so there was good reason for securing
to him this position, Authors and witness) – of tin-.
reports are yet living, and will bear testimony at any
time. Think Ol the insolence to the Southern people
of this man engaging with the Frank Leslies to repro-
duce their filthy, falsifying pictures under the name
” Confederate,” and engaging a trusted Republican,
who removed from the North to Kentucky, so as to
locate it at “Lexington. Ky.,” as well as New York.
That feature takes SO well that they recently trans-
posed publication offices, and put Lexington. Ken-
tucky first.
The enterprising LaBree, who is to publish that
wonderful hook, ” The ( lonfederate Soldier in the Civil
War,” and claims to be “the most capable person liv-
ing for that work.” advertises himself in that circular
as the editor i I onfederate”(?) war journal.
Now . comrade-, brothers, 1 call upon you to do your
duty. Help me to expose this falsity and hypocrisy.
Your adoption of tic VETERAN as your organ was
good; hut ought you not to formally repudiate that
New York sheet with a Kentucky imprint ‘.’ Some of
you are negligent, and your newspapers publish
long advertisements of that falsifying thing. Even
the ‘ i/, the editor of which I know is my
friend, has, on tw asions, in its local department,
w hen asked questions about w here the CONFEDERATE
Veteran is published, replied, at Lexington, Ky.
I his is the last notice referred
< ‘ wen, \. 1 1. i , n called the CoNl i i
Where is it publial T. \\
We understand thai there is such a paper pul
These things come from harmful lack i
I ■ I ■■■■ ery ( lamp of Confi tat an Historial
Committee look- into this matter, ami it I represent
corn ■ that the vile si Vou
take my statenn lit lOtiveS, I know.
but if you suspect mistake by me, interrogate rigidly,
and 1 will n : all
of this infamy to be exposed by me. If
faithful comrade, who marched and fought
and suffered with you while these old war plates w
being made— which should be thrown into Vesuvius
should be sustained, Bay so. < otherwise declare against
it. I beg you, comrades, to give this attentioi
you go to Birmingham, Cany or -end such commen-
dations to that me. tine as you think you Ought.
Months ago 1 told yon that certain prominent men
would commend that sheet. That prophecy was ful-
filled before the Veteran’s expOsi in December. It
came ol’ desire for press favor- Such is natural,
■l -ii ill know that I hive honored our Cont’d!
-fully, although the Veteran ha- been the
special channel for private soldiere’ experiences but
I d( ‘la re now. that by tin memory of our dead, sacred
only second to the memory of the world’s Savior, that
1 shall defer to no man’s rank, now or In , in
the performance of duty. If you believe in tin \
\ goto Birmingham prepared to speak for it. If
you doni go believe, repudiate it. < >f one thing
assured, I shall not swerve from my duty to my people
foi money nor from peril. For the indorsement of so
-amis I bow in meekness, and will pi
with vigor on in their service as lam capable of know-
ing my duty. I f these fellows will tell the truth about
themselves and what they are doing, the Veteran will
let them alone. This slimy scheme to make money,
if successful, would be a disgrace to our people.
If you patronize that thing you force the Y i
into comparison with not only what is worse than de-
sertion, but with a crowd chuckling over the gulli-
bility of our people. Take up the Blue and Gray if
you will, take the Bu i: by itself, a thousand times
rather than contribute to that which is an insult to
every holy memory.
Joshua W. Caldwell, in the Arena, furnishes some
remarkable statistics. Extracts from his article:
The war ended twenty-eight years ago, but it is still
the habit of the North to think of the people of the
States which attempted to secede as enemies of the
Qnion and of the Constitution. * * * It is one of
the hopeful signs of the times that throughout the
South there is a positive and growing interest in his-
torical research. * The founders of Virginia
and of the other Southern colonies were average nun
and women of the seventeenth and eighteenth centu-
ries, and had their Cull share of the vices and their full
share of the virtues of the times. * *
of all the British colonies Virginia was the most
English. In blood the Virginians were not more En-
glish than the Puritans, but they held to the English
forms and methods, social, political, and religious,
whereas the New Knglanders attempted to set up a
theocracy which should realize the ideals of the Puri-
tans of old England and of the Covenanters of Scot-
land. In Virginia institutions were as English as the
people. * * *
Maseai husetts and Virginia appear to have been es-
sentially unlike, hut in reality a likeness was essential.
Their people were of the same race, and had the same
conception of liberty and the same love of liberty.
In the end they two were to lead all the other colonies
to the establishment of their common principles. * *
Massachusetts was turbulent, Virginia placid; but
when the time came Virginia was as quick as her
Northern sister to declare for freedom. When Massa-
chusetts defied England it was George Washington, of
Virginia, who declared that to aid her he was ready to
raise and subsist a regiment at his own expense. If
Massachusetts gave Otis, Hancock, Adams, to the good
cause, Virginia gave Randolph, Marshall, Madison,
Jefferson and Washington. Thus it appears that Vir-
ginia, the typical and dominant Southern colony, bore,
in the struggle for independence, a part no less trying,
no less important, no less honorable, than Massachu-
setts. As Virginia had been the richest and most in-
fluential of the Southern colonies, she became the con-
trolling Southern State. Indeed, for a time she led all
the States of the (“nion, but gradually the larger North-
ern States outgrew her in population and in wealth.
* # :|: * * * * * *
The Puritan influences of New England and the
Dutch influences of New York never reached the Car-
olinas nor Georgia, but overall of them the Virginia
influence was supreme. Socially, politically, and re-
ligiously the Southern colonies were of the same type;
and it was mainly, almost exclusively, Virginia and the
Virginians that shaped their institutions and deter-
mined the character and quality of their civilization.
The Anglo-Saxon supremacy in the South has never
been overcome. So far as other white races are con-
cerned, it has never been threatened. The white pop-
ulation has always been American and homogeneous.
¥ % % sf* -£ •[‘■ A : -fc #
New York is more Jewish than Jerusalem ever was;
more German, probably, than any city except Berlin:
more Irish than any except Dublin ; more Italian than
any except Naples. Chicago is American only in ge-
ography and politics. Of the fifteen million descend-
ant- of the Puritans, Boston retains very few; and
New England has been so overrun by French Canadi-
ans that recently it is reported that some of them had,
in an outburst of Gallic enthusiasm, proposed the es-
tablishment of a new Latin republic, with Boston as
n- capital. But statistics are more convincing than
general statements. In order to show how thoroughly
American the population of the Southern States is, I
present the following statistics, taken fresh from our
new census. I confine my attention to the white pop-
ulation and omit the odd hundreds.
According to the census of L890 there were for every
100,000 native born Americans 17,330 foreign born.
The State .if New York has 4,400,000 native and 1,600,-
000 foreign bom citizens, being 35,000 foreign for every
100,000 native. In Illinois for each 100,000 native
born citizens there are 28.2oi i foreign born; in Michi-
gan, 35,000; in Wisconsin, 44,400; in Minnesota, 56,-
600; in Montana. 18,400; in North Dakota, 80,400.
When we turn to the Southern State- the contrast
is impressive. The white population of Tennessee is
1,336,000, and of this number 20,029 are foreign born;
that is to say, for each 100,000 native born whites
there are 1,500 foreign born. North Carolina is the
most American of all the States, having a native born
white population of 1,055,000, and foreign born of
3,702, or for each 100.000 native born 370 foreign born.
In the other Southern States the figures are as follows :
Native. Foreign.
Alabama 833,000 15,000
Arkansas 818,000 14 0(10
Florida 225,000 22,000
Georgia 078 000 12,000
Kentucky 1,000,000 50,000
Mississippi 545,000 8,(100
Louisiana 558,000 40,000
South Carolina 462,000 6,000
Texas 1,700,000 152,000
Virginia 1,000,000 18,000
West Virginia 730,000 1 8.000
The total foreign born white population of the South
is about 380,000.
Massachusetts alone has a foreign born population
of 657,000; New Jersey. 32H.O0O, or nearly as many as
the whole South; New York, nearly 1,(>(H),000, or four
times as many as the South; Pennsylvania. ,845,000;
Ohio, 459.000, or more than the entire South ; Illinois.
sl-2,000; Michigan and Wisconsin, each over 500.000;
Minnesota, nearly 500,000; and California, 366,000.
If we omit Kentucky, Louisiana and Texas, the lit-
tle State of Connecticut has (iO,0(IO more foreigners
than all the remainder of the South; and wee Rhode
Island, as large as an average county, has within 14,1 100
as many foreigners as the entire South, omitting the
three Stales named. * * *
The proportion of adult men among immigrants is
much larger than in settled societies. For instance,
of the 1,571,000 foreign horn citizens of New York,
1,084,000 are voters I that is, of voting age), while of
4,000,000 native born citizens only 1,769,000 are voters.
In percentages the foreign born vote of New York is
38.73; Illinois, 36.39; Michigan, 10.22; Wisconsin.
52.93; Minnesota, 58.55 ; North Dakota, 64.89; Nevada,
51 II : California. 50.21.
These are foreign countries, and it is a positive re-
lief to turn to the South and feel that there are still
some Americans left. The percentage of foreign born
voters in some of the Southern States is as follows:
Tennessee, 3 percent; Kentucky. 7: Alabama, 2.50;
Mississippi, 2; Louisiana, 10; Texas, 14; Arkansas, 3;
Virginia, 3; West Virginia, 5 : North Carolina. 0.61]
South Carolina, 2; Florida, 11: Georgia, -. I have
used the word “voters” to describe the class of immi-
grants last referred to. It is not a fact, however, thai
they all are voters: more than a million of them .ire
aliens, and thirty two per cent of these foreign Amer-
icans cannot speak the English language.
A comparison of census reports for I860, 3 v 7< ‘. 1880,
and 1890 shows that in none of the Southern States
except Kentucky, with the large city of Louisville.
Louisiana, with the large city of New Orleans, and
Texas, lying upon the Mexican frontier has there
been any increase of foreign population since I860.
We know that there was oone before that time ‘lie
white people of the South arc almost exclusively the
descendants of the Americans of 177″‘. Upon the
other hand, it is safe to say that of the males of VOtil
age in the Northern and Northwestern States, not lees
than fifty per cent are foreign born, or the sons of for-
eign born parents.
The white people of the Smith are nut only Ameri-
can, they are. in the main, the descendants <>f a race
which from the days of Tacitus has been known in
the world’s history as the exemplar and champion of
persona] purity, personal independence, and political
liberty. For them no life but one of freedom is possi-
ble, and can never believe that the hybrid population
of Russians, Poles. Italians, Hungarians, which tills mi
many Northern cities and States, has the same love
for our country, the same love of liberty, as have tie
Anglo-Saxon Southerners, whose fathers have always
been free. The strongest, most concentrated force of
Americanism is in the South, and Americanism is tie
highest form of Anglo-Saxon civilization. There is no
part of the globe, except the kingdom of England,
which is so thoroughly Anglo-Saxon as the South.
But it will lie said, admitting that the South is
American, and has preserved the Anglo-Saxon trait-,
nevertheless a war was necessary to keep her in the
Union. To this matter my own inclinations, no 1
than limitations of space, require me to refer very
The excellence of the American Union is in the
principles upon which it is established — that is to say.
in the Constitution. Surely no man will say that it
is more important to preserve the physical integrity
of the Union than the principles of the Constitution.
We claim for the South, in the war between the states.
absolute good faith. Whether she was right or wrong,
the impartial judgment of the future will fairly deter-
mine. I affirm that the South has been, from the first,
absolutely faithful to the principles of the Constitu-
tion, as she in good faith construed it. Let me indi-
cate briefly the extent of her participation in the form-
ation of the Constitution and the establishment of the
Republic. It is correctly said by a Southern states-
man that the Constitution was “adopted and promul-
gated by a convention in which Southern influences
predominated.” The heading of one of Bancroft’s
chapters is, ” Virginia Statesmen Lead Toward a Let-
ter Union.”
Virginia did lead the movement for the establish-
ment of the Constitution, and the reader who wishes
to know the extent of the influence of George Wash-
ington, of Virginia, in this movement, is referred to
the pages of John Kiskc. of New England. Rutledge
and Pinckney, of South Carolina, were the most im-
portant contributors to the form, a- to the substance,
of the Constitution, with theexception of -lames Mad-
ison, of Virginia, who justly hears the name of ” Father
of the Constitution.”‘ The Bill of Rights is mainly
the work of Thomas Jefferson.
Luring the first century of our national life South-
ern statesmen held the Presidency and shaped the
policy of the Government. They acquired Florida.
and extended our domain to the Rio Grande and to
the Pacific. The Constitution was first construed by
John Marshall, of Virginia. The school of strict con-
structionists, « hich made a fetich of the Constitution,
was founded ami supported by Southern men. When
the Southern Confederacy was formed it adopted as
ganic law the old « Constitution, unchanged in any
essential resp< 1 t
There ia no fact nor logic which can prove that the
South ever deviated from her fealty to the Constitu-
tion, or ever shed a drop of blood except in defei
its principles as she 1 ocstrued it.
Tic w .11 construed the Constitution, and the South
has in good faith and unreservedly accepted every le-
gitimate rcMi’t of thi war. No man who is le
and who js adequately informed will say thai her peo-
ple are not absolutely loyal to the Union and the Con-
stitution. I go further, and affirm thai in the troubles
which the future is Bure to bring, the principles and
the institutions of American liberty will rind their
mosi loyal and steadfast support in the twelve millions
of Southern Anglo-Saxon Americans.
l:\ \ B. I t\. SPRINGFIELD, HO.
It was on Sunday, May 3, 1863, while Lee at Chan-
cellorsville was hurling his heroic and victorious bat-
talions against the dense masses “f Hooker, that
wick, with the deign of falling upon Lee*s rear,
crossed the Rappahannock at Fredericksburg with his
magnificent Sixth Corps, 20,000 strong, and marched
hurriedly along the Fredericksburg and Orange Court
House plank road, following the retreating brigade of
Alabamians, under command of • Gen. C. M. Wilcox,
who had attended the military school at West Point
with General Sedgewick.
Wilcox’s brigade numbered leSE than 3,000 effi
men. while his antagonist wa*fe the flower of all the
corps embracing the Federal Army of the Potomac.
numbering not less than 20,000. Against this ho-t ot
veterans it would seem worse than folly to make any
show of resistance, but the glorious Wilcox had un-
bounded faith in the heroism and courage of his oft-
tried Alabamians. and relying upon their unfaltering
devotion and determination to conquer or die in tip-
holding the righteous cause they had espoused, halted
his small command at Salem Church, a large brick
edifice, about four miles west of Fredericksburg, on
the south side of the plank road. Just west some
thirty yard- from tin- church was drawn up in line of
battle the Tenth Alabama, supported by the Eighth a
few paces to the rear of the Tenth, their left resting
near the mad. Immediately across the road lay the
Eleventh, my own company in it, near the road, and
to the left or north lay the Ninth and Fourteenth
Regiments. The ground in front of the Tenth was
clear of underbrush. A grove of oak timber sur-
rounded the church, in which had been posted a Bmall
squad of sharpshooters, who did irreat execution in
the battle which followed.
This was the Spartan hand of bronzed braves which
was tosave the rear of Lee’s victorious legions from
an attack by an army nearly as large as thai with
which he was driving back the shattered hosts of
Hooker, and nobly did they do their duty.
In fronl of my nun regiment was a thin brush fence
about waist high ; outside of that was a skirt of tim-
ber — iak, gum, etc.- -with some undergrowth. While
we thus lay, waiting and watching, about t o’clock p
m. a magnificent scene burst up »ur view in the
open Held beyond the skirt of timber in our front.
Fhe -round in our fronl sloped gently from us. and’
up tins irentle slope approached the dense columns of
blue with steady tread, with banners fluttering and
nmg stee] glimmering in the sunlight. Three
columns deep this array pressed u] the -mail Land
ot he,-,,,- before them, little dreaming that in a few
•”•” ; moments they would be hurled hack with fearful
havoc to then- shelter beyond the Rappahannock.
General .Wilcox had ordered us to withhold our fire
until we could look into the eves of our enemy, which
order was literally obeyed. The first assaulting line
approached fc within twenty paces, when we rose and
poured a deadly hailstorm of lead into it. which was
-o destructive that our fire was not returned, and that
first column disappeared. The second column ad-
vanced with unbroken front, and met the fate ol’ the
first; and s,, the third, and as we poured our minies
into the serried ranks our line bounded forward and
swept the entire Federal corps from the field, killing
wounding and capturing thousands.
That nighl Sedgewick recrossed the river in the
darkness. The magnificent fighting of this little brig-
ade and good generalship of Wilcox saved Lee fro in
a rear attack and enabled him to inflict a terrible de-
feat upon Hooker, with his large army. It is strange
that so little attention has been given to this impor-
tant battle by historian-.
I now come to a touching incident in this battle:
As the last assaulting column of blue approached,
Capt. John P.. Rains, commander of our company | A i,
was patting me on the shoulder and repeatedly saying’
as I loaded my Springfield rifle as rapidly as possible!
“Give ’em h . Xeclham ; give ’em h— — !” , Need-
ham is my first name.. Suddenly an officer, mounted
on a line, swift horse, aame at a racing run along the
plank road from theyankee lines, and it seemed that
I was the first one to notice him. and I called to the
boys to •■shoot the man on the horse,” at the same
time liring obliquely toward him. The gallant fellow
reeled am I fell a corpse on the hard plank of the road.
H” borse turned and ran to the rear. After the bat-
tle was over, and we returned to the bloody ground
where we made the stand. Captain Rains, I and
others went to where the dead officer lav, whom Cap-
tain Kains recognized as a schoolmate ‘of his at the
Philadelphia Law School. The gallant Captain burst
mi” tears over the fate of his old-time friend, lie
was i olonelofa Pennsylvania regiment, but I have
forgotten his name. Several of the boys fired al the
Same time. -,, none of us knew who sent the fatal ball
and I am glad of it.
Gen. John C. Underwood, Chicago: 1 am glad t<>
learn that you have increased t he subscription price
of your valuable paper to 81 per annum, and herewith
inclose to you my check.
>B Gordon, General Commanding Ulanta on
Hal Gen Geo Moorman, id l and Chtel ol Bt^NewOrleans La.
M ; ,’/ ” ! •■;’ P I ■’• rguspn, Commai r Moi.Utomerv
SS^EE ne’rit™* ‘ 8 *” – ” S!
Jno M McKleroj . Brigs
Aim, i PO
‘ A MI ‘- NO. ,,i i n
Cap! \v \ Handle; 851. \i v Mniiins. n a limn
CampMlller S85…W II McCordl AstrSS
1 ■ Martin, E T Clark
Alexandria .Alexandria
Alexander! Its Lee
Andalusia . ,
101 R M Thomas, A a smith
Harper 266 j,„,. p. Thomas, I. M.Robln-
AnniM ” n Peluam 258 John ll ia\ r, McKleroy 1 w. h.
••••Henry p. Clayton …827. A S^s/ockdaJe. 1
. si. i talr.
Alliens -I’ll, is I. Hobba
Auburn lubui a | , i ••- 1 1
08 John w. [nger,Jas. D. Truss
Birmingham .
la i-i-ip.,1 1
‘ . mden
Carrollton ….
Coal burs
Dade^ 111,
I iessemer…,
w .1 Hardee
JO W’l !
.Franklin K. Beck…224
Camp Pick, a
. .HHI
O. D. Smith, James II. Lane
w. B, Jones, N. ll. Sewall
l; i: Jones, P K McMlller
‘• ll Johnson, I:. A. Junes
K. Qalllard, J. P. Poster
M. L. Stansel, I’.. Upchurch
r v ‘”” 89 JnoS Powi i-. .1 \. Kiia.n
Frank Cheatham ,. 134 .1 n Brock, Jas W Bai
■a 3 w i Mcintosh, Win. I.. Havre
359 W !■ Howell, TJ Hurl, ,n
” j Oeo. ii- 1 p. h. Mil
138 l’l> Bowles,
298 a. M. O’Neal, J, VI. Crow
.203.. J N i ia \ i, K,, I,, .\ P McCartney
.275 -Ins. \ i u ■ m, Jos. It. Hug
1 rawf-Kimbal
Bdwardsvllle ..Camp Wiggonton
Eutaw Banders..
Evergreen Capl Wm Lee
Florence E. A, I I’Neal
Perl I ij in , w \ i Bti s
Gadsden Emma Sanson’.
■ ville i- ii ii r, i n no
asboro \ lien i ‘. Jones
1 Ireenvilie Bam’l I. Adams
Uuin Ex r, di rati
Guntersville Mont. Gilbreath…
..Mao, ,n i oiini \
..Egbert .1 Jones .
Col. .las. B. Martin
.A. A. Greene
‘ tamp Sumter
Low’rPeachtree.R II G Gaines
Lowndesboro …T J Bullock
Marlon I w Barren ‘.’.””
Madison sta \ a Russell
Mobile Raphael Bern s.
Mnnroevil rge w Poster
Mutitsuniery I.mnax
Gpellka I County.
Oxford Camp Lee
8? arh Ozark
Piedmont Camp Stewart
ivain’s Min Robert i: Lee
Roanoke. \ikcii-sniii h
Hmitsvilh- ….
Livings ti
Robinson Spr
4II…BF Wood, G W K Bell
206 a. M. Avery, E. T. Pasti
d Crenshaw, F E Dey
. w N Halsey
R TC s..i i, Burke
346 A .1 Hamilton, .1 F Hamilton
383 Man K Malian, T .1 Simpson
3o7 Geo. P. Turner, \V M Ersklne
..292.. .1. II. i laldwell, I.. W. Grant
310 .1. J., Geo. 11. Hliiek
.. ■’■’■ ;- i: i bapman,
370 .nil i’,, nis. n .i McConnell
…'(.’11. …I I. Hlnson, CD W’l, an
. 2, 7. …I Cal Moore, Thomas Hudson
108 w T Garner, Robl E Wl
.. ii Ti,,,s t Roche, arm E Mlckle
w W McMillan, l> I. N. \ tile
,.151…Emmetl Lionels, .1 ll HIgglns
all R Mi Ireene, J, Q. Burton
..:.’; i Thus ii Barry, John T Pearoa
880 ..W R Painter. .1 I. Williams
..378 -I N Hood, I. Ferguson
.lini Fearce, F M Clark
.W. A. Handley, B. M. McCon-
I E Jones, \v n Whetstone
,F. L. Smith, W. T. Johnson
I II Voung, .1 P Harris
R. II. Bellamy, I’. A. Greene
‘l’h, ,s p Whitby, Bdw PGalt
A. W. Woodall, w J, Sprulell
A J Thompson, J LSI rlckland
\ T Hooks, J M Pelbam
Ed Moi row, It B Cater
W .1 Rhodes, 1 T Dye
■ las N Callahan, Geo B Hail
• James Deshler 818.. A. II. Keller, i. p. Guy
‘ ■'””i’ g°dcs 282 .AC Hargrove, A P Prince
,’.'””i’ Ruffln 820… W.D.Henderson, L.H.Bowles
1 Calema 129… .CCCarr
v ;:, ;;;”■’ ‘■'””‘ ”-s'” m K – WeIls ■’■ A – Mitchell
™, ,’ , ,: CampONeal 858…J PYoung.TM W s
W • I u .’•’, ‘:'””.” V ‘,'”””> 265 .1. F. Manll. Hal T. Walker
wedowee Randolph 816…C. C. Knlue. H. s. Pate
Min ‘,,,, ii m Moore, Commander p or | Smith
i!,’ , m r’.”,.Ti’iV. l, ‘” : ‘;” General and Cblei ofStaflf Van Bun .,
jno m Hai i, ii. Brigadier General
J M Bobart, Brigadier < leneral
A-lma Cabell
Benton David 0. Dmld .,
Bentonvllle lamp Cabell
Boonevllle Camp Evans
1 ei iv Polnl Haller.
1 iharleBton Pal I He -m-
Conway i,n Davis
Hayettevllle w. n. Brooks
Fori Smith 11,-n t DuVal
..Tom McKelthen ..
.Henry w. i ,,\
N ii Forresl
..lames F. Wadil, II
Catesby R Jones..
Springs ill.- . S|,nii„\ ilk
sln,ll ‘l Camp McLeroy
si. Stephens ■ • ■ i ■ ■ ■ James
Summerfleld I tol. G»rr< it
Tbomasi ill,- .
I’llsruiii 1,1a..
I IliulltuWI
896 .
I ;n
.. Charles M.Shelley! 246
l.eaii,],-i Mrr’arlam]. .117:1..
Hut Springs
Benton villi
■ ii !• n his.
■ lames E. Smith, .1. T. ,| s
s ii Whltthorne, C E Sboe-
N. s. Henry, A. J. Bate*
■ ■ w Evans, i> i: Castleberry
I lulip
-192 .1. M. Somervell.J. C. Ansley
..191… A s Cabell,
..213.. .A. P. Wilt, W. D. (‘
• -in. /r. m. Gum, r, i. m. Patridge
M8…M M Gorman, Col R M Fry
“”. x , ‘ aj Co. V. Ass’n… ::;.’, . .1 R Hodee
|’| , ., , ‘u,T;’;”,V J;'”‘ M “- Oh. 194… I ley .Milum.MsT,,
gackettcitj Stonewall 198 LB Lake – —
”j’sl :?;;;■- Vu'”? 1 ,;-., – (t: N – w – Stewart, John F.Sanor
r,o, v ” rl ‘ ‘,,” 840…QenJno M Harrell, A Curl
1 ‘,’ ” ‘.-“;” stum-wall 199…L B Lake, A H Gordon
LtttleBock Orner It Weaver 854 Wm PCampbell.J H Paschal
>.isi.\ Hie j„e Neal 208…W K Cowling, EG Hale
Newport Tom Hendman 818… , T. T. Ward
Lieut. Gon. W. L. Cabell, Commander Trans-Missis-
sippi Department, Dallas, Texas, Jan. 30, I s ‘- 1 1 : Com-
rades — I greet you, my old comrades, with a heart full
of love and affection. A kind Providence haa extended
His sheltering wings over us another year, and our
Association is still growing. The number of Camps
in each state and Territory, not only in this Depart-
ment, but throughout the South, is increasing, and
our noble Association has nearly live hundred < amps.
Our comrades are becoming more familiar with the
workings of our Benevolent, Social and Historical
Associat inn.
Although several of our “Id comrades bavi
the river, yet the death roll is not as great as we might
have expected after twenty-eighl years. <>ur dead
have been properly cared for, and the living Confed-
erate veterans, incapacitated by sicknese or wounds
from makings Living, have been provided with good
houses, amply provided with raiment and food and
shelter, where they can spend the evening of their
lives in quiet and peace, as the honon – of the
great States of Texas, Arkansas, Missouri and the Ter-
ritories. Monuments to commemorate the heroism of
the dead have been erected in a number of pla
One at ( lakwood ( lemetery, Chicago, to the memory of
6,000 Confederate soldiers buried there -soldiers true
to their cause, who died ill prison tar from hone anil
loved ones, and who preferred death to dishonor. It
is a grand monument, over twent\ feet high, -ur-
mounted with a statue eighl feet high of a Confeder-
ate soldier — the worn warrior looking down on his
6,000 sleeping comrades heroes from every Southern
State — who
■■ Loved their country with a love Eai brought.”
1 call your attention to the fact that every (amp.
not only in the Trans-Mississippi Department, but in
the Department of the Bast, has been called upon to
COntributl a -mall amount to complete the payment
of the monument, on which a small sum i- due. and
to properly inclose and beautify the grounds. This
monument is the work of our faithful and true com-
rade, General Underwood, aided by the good citizens
of Chicago. Not over $10 will be required of any
Camp. It should be forwarded to Gen. J. C. Under-
wood, Omaha Building, Chicago, 111.
1 urge you. my old comrades, to press forward our
good work. Organize new Camps, send on your an-
nual dues and make every arrangement to lie fully
represented at our great reunion, to 1m- held at Birming-
ham, Ala.
Let every Camp be represented by as large a delega-
tion as possible, and let them he fully authorized to
act for the (amp. When the Camp cannot attend,
send a proxy, properly signed by the officers of the
Camp, to some oihcr Camp or comrade.
The Committee on Transportation, composed of
good business men, Gen. S. 1′. Mendez, chairman, will
secure reduced rates on all railroads leading to Bir-
mingham. Local committees can communicate with
Let us rouse up and -end from this Department
mole Camps, more Confederate Veterans, a greater
number of the son> and daughters of Confederate- to
the unat reunion at Birmingham, April 25th and 26th,
and to Chicago, April 28th and 2&th, than ever left
this Department at any one time.
P06TO] I CAMP. NO. hi l li BIS.
Paris Hen McCulleOgb 888 .’ Sadler, Wm Bnodd]
Prairie Grove Prairie Or U „ . Win Mitchell
Prescotl Waltei Bi — — WJ Blake, O 8 Jones
Van Bnren John Wallace 200 Job II Allen, .1 K i
Waldrnn sterling Price 414… L P Fuller. A M Puller
Wooetei Joseph E Johns ton 181 w A. Milam, W J 81oan
M.i Gen J J Dickteon, Commander.
Robertson, Vi I General and Chief of Stall Brooksvllle
W I 1 1 Ihlpley, Bi ! ” rat P
Wm Baya, Brtgadlet G Ocala
Gen si Winter Park
Hart, ivv Francis SB WHReyi Is, J \ Unilstead
BrookvlUe WW 1 I Da van t, F. L. Robertson
Chlpley. McMillan ITi B M Robinson, O W Cook
. , v, tss’i si i … \ ii ii:. \ esiea
Kirl.v-Sin i .1. T. Blubbs, D. G McLeod
Fernan.liic Nassai WM W. H Thompson, T \ Hall
r. Ward i i v wi Zlmn BTurnei
Jacksonville ,.H i Lei ■- Wm Baya, W Vi rucker
Jacksonville Jeff Davis. 280 C. E. Merrill, C.J. Colcock
Jasper Btewarl 166 U.J.Stewart. J. B. Banna
Juno Patton 244…- , J F Hlghamltn
LakeCllj Columbia Count] 150 W. R. Moore, W. M. Ives
Marian oa. Hilton i : -‘ W 1′ Barm s, 1 P
MontlcellO Patton W. C. Bird, B. W. Partridge
Ocala MarionCo.C. V. A 58 .Sam’l F Marshall, Wm Foi
Orlando… W G Johnson, B M 11oMhroi>
Palmetto.. Geo. T.Ward 58 3 C. Pelot, J. W. Nettles
i Ward C. V. Aas’n 111 w 1 lnderson,.R J Jordan
yninev D.L. Kenan. lin K. H. M. Davidson, D. M Mc-
St. Augustine K.KIrby Smith 178 .1 V Enslow, Jr.,
Sanfor.l Gen Joe Flnnegan uw A. M. Thrasher, C. H. Lefler
v i odd, D. 1.. South* 1oa
Tallah _. I; \ Whitfield
Tampa … Hlllsboro I W Merrln, II. 1, i
Tttusvllle .. Indian Rlvei \ 1’ Cohen
Dmatllla.. Laki Co.C. V. A 279 l ll Blake,
i.i ORQl L
Mali I lei
. i West, Id atanl Q< LUanta
Atlanta Fulton County “‘•■’ ‘ Edwards
– rvh Vss’n 135 F EEvi I M st..\ all
Carnesvllle Mlllgan Conf. Vel 118 J( McCarter, J M Phillips
Polk Co. Con. Vets 108 .1 M Vrrington, J 8 Stubbs
S M Beck, W II
Covington i GDHeard.JW Anderson
Daltoii Joseph B Johnston 84 v P Roberts, J. A. Slant
Dawson I…J W I i…« n y. Wm Kaigler
Harrisbure .Chattooga Vel ,LR Williams
Jefferson …..Jackson County 140 Thos L Roes,T H Nlblocn
l tGrangt ..Troup Co.Con.vets..405 J L Schaub.ET Winn
Morgan I ilhout nVt t 108 P I Boyd, A .1 Muni
Ringgold Ringgold 808 ..W .1 W nil-it I. H BTrlminler
i , ,i , .. . ■. \ – | G Yelser, J T Moore
ice… Jno. R Gordon i «’ii«ni. w. II. Ramsey
Thomiun llli W 1> Mltchi N Hopkins
l, lootton i BSmlth W II Phllpol
Washington … John T Wit CEIn lien
\\ aj in Bbor rdon >x, B H Full
Zebulon Vel 121 G W Strickland, W O Gwya
Ms I i len i ndcr. ‘ ‘hli
nfed. Km’n I i W Whltt . R !■ • l ranee
seyvllle Benev. ex-Confed…J04 Fob – I in Morris K. Ixicke
\i Gen IS r Guj . Command i ‘ : ■
It B Coleman, Adjutant General and Chief of Stafl McAlet
.Tie. t. Gait, Brigadli r … n. … Vrdi
1> M Haley, Bi l|
POSTOl I li i .IMC. “II
Ardmore lim ll Morgan … 107…W w Hydi … I ■• B
• man
.i .i John Boyd, Command, i
Col Jos M Jones, Adjutant General and ( in. f ol Staff. i
POSTOl inc. iimc. pro.
John B. Hood 288 Jno. –
: own Thomas H, Hunt
Benton Johnston 176 J P Bi li n, W .1 v
Bethel Pa ‘ Arrasmltb, A.W.C
en.Bowllng Green… 148 W. F. Perry, Jas. A. Mitchell
, ,mpton i leorge W Cn Jos C Lj klms, o o Hanks
i ;,i lisle Peter] ‘ Taylor
Cj utbiana . C n Desha …. M D \i Bnj der. J w …
Danville . J. Wat ren Grl( [,Bau( innan
E. lCiii. i Smith – .1 w.i.i rabb, J.8. i
FlemlugBburg… Albert 8. Johnston. .282 Win Stanley, Jno W Heflin
mas B Monroe 188 A W Macklln, Joel E Scott
etown Georgi W Johnson 98 I. H Sinclair, J Webb
dsburg.. Wm Preston W. Allln, John Kane
Hopklnsvllte ..Ned Merrlwether ..Ml . ‘ l Jarrett, Hunter Wood
Lawrei. ;i Hardin Helm…l01…P. H. Thomas, ,i- p. Vaughn
Lexington ..J. & Breckinridge 100. John Boyd, G. C. Snyder
Mt. Sterling Roy B. iluke 2»l…ThOB. Johnson, W. T. Havens
Calhoun, Gta., January 19, 1894.
Editob Confedeb ate Veteran There is a Con-
federate cemetery on the battle-field of Resaca, sis
miles from tlii- place, which is in a most deplorable
condition of neglect. About five hundred soldiers are
buried there. They are from every Southern State.
The fence which once inclosed this consecrated ground
has fallen away, and the whole is fast becoming over-
grown with underbrush. An Association has been
organized here to look after it, and Lf 92 -an be
raised the Association will see that the work is dune
and that the cemetery is looked after from this time
The State of Georgia, just alter the war, appropriated
sufficient money to build a fence around thecemetery
and buy iron headboards for the graves of the men
whose names were known. The unknown were
buried in a circle and wooden headboards placed over
them. These have decayed and fallen away. The
soldiers of the different States are buried together.
The fence built by the State has fallen down’. The
Association wishes to get sufficient funds to inclose
the grounds with a good picket fence, construct one or
two rustic bridges across the little stream running
through the cemetery, cut oil’ the undergrowth, and
prepare graveled walks around the unknown circle
and between the different States. The State Legisla-
ture is now precluded from making an appropriation
by the State Constitution, so whatever is done must
be by private subscription. We therefore call on every
one who feels an interest to contribute a small amount.
If every reader of the VETERAN will send a small
amount the success of the enterprise will be assured.
The money can be sent to the Bank of Calhoun, with
instructions to place to credit of Resaca cemetery fund,
or it may he sent to .(.(). Middleton, Calhoun, Ga. A
list of contributors will he kept, and all money re-
funded if the effort lie unsuccessful.
KENTUCKY— Cbnttnued.
Florida Division, U. C. V.— Brig. Gen. Win. Baya
furnishes this list of officers: W. R. Moon-, of VVel-
born, Inspector < leneral and Chief of Stall’: .1. A.
Enslow, Jr., of St. Augustine, Adjutant General; W.
II. Young, of Jacksonville, Judge Advocate General;
William Fox. of ( Icala, Quartermaster General ; H. 11.
Linvill, of Femandina, Commissary General; A. I >.
Williams, M. 1».. of Jacksonville, Surgeon General.
They are all to rank as .Major, and to he obeyed and
respected accordingly.
The Mississippi Divisit f United Confederate Vet-
erans is in healthy working condition. Gen. S. D. Lee,
i he I lommander, begins his second term with his old
-tali: Gen. Robert Lowry, of Jackson, and Gen. J. R.
Binford, of Duck Hill, are Department Commanders.
\\\< genera] stall’ i- a- follow.-: Col. E. T. Sykes, of
Columbus, Adjutant Genera] and chief of stall’; Col.
P. M. Savery, of Tupelo, [nspector General ; Col. Ad-
dison Craft, of Holly Springs. Quartermaster ( reneral ;
Col. S. A. Jonas, of Aberdeen, Commissary General;
Col. J. II. Jones, of W 1 v i lie. Judge Advocate Gen-
eral; Col. B. F. Ward, of Winona, Surgeon General:
Col. II. F. Sproles, of Jackson, Chaplain General; Ft.
Col. W. W. Stone, of Jackson, Aid-de-Camp; Maj. I>
A. Campbell, of Vicksburg, Aid-de-Camp. There are
•over forty Camps in Mississippi and others forming.
I’osron n k. CAMP.
N lchola8vllle…Humph*y Marshall. is: Geo. B. Taylor, K. T. I.lllard
ruitucan A P Thompson 171 …w u Bullitt, J. M. Brow n
Paris l.ihn ii. Morgan B6…A.T. Forsyth, Will A. < mines
Richmond Tl las B. Collins.. 216…Jas. Tevls, N. B. I >i-:it li<-rnee
Russellvllle John W. Caldwell… l;w J, P.. Brlggs, w. B. McCarty
Sbelbyville I ll. Waller 387, ,W. F. Beard, R. T. ‘ »wen
Winchester Rogi r W. Hanson…l86…B. F. Curtis. J. i„ Wh
Versailles \i« Buford 97 r C Bailey, Jas W Smith
I ‘ ‘1 IS1ANA.
Maj Get Watts, Commander Alexandria
Col T I. Macon, Adjutant General and chief of staff New i Irleans
i ■’!- mi ni I . CAMF. Mi. OFVII i I ‘
Alexandria I. ll Dai is 8…G.0. Watte, W.W.Whlttlngton
Amite City Imlte City 7H…A.P.RIchards,G.W.Banltston
Arcadls Arcadia. 229 James Price. John A. I >den
Baton Rouge. .. Baton Rouge. 17…J. McGrath, F. w. Heroman
ton Lowden Butler 109 8 M Thomas. B R Nash
Berwick Winchester Hall .. its .T.I Royaler, FOl
Compte Cap Perot .. 897 …Leopold Perot, TH Hamilton
Donaldsonvllle Victor Maurln 88 SA Poche, P Garrel
Evergreen K. L.Gibson 88… Wm. M. Ewell, I. C. Johnson
Farmervllle C.V.A.of Union Par.879…J K Ramsey , l> a rent
Franklin Fiona n (‘ :e. a”, w R Collins, ThOS J shatter
Gonzales P. O.-.Fred N. Ogden 247 ..Jos.GonzalesSr,B T. Brown
Jackson Feliciana 264 .Zacb Lea, K. ll. Mel lelland
Lake Charles… .Calcasieu C. Vet H2…W.A.Knapp,W. L. Hutching*
L. Providence …Lake Providence lit!.. ,1. c. Bass, T. P. McCandless
Mandervllle Gen Geo.Moorman..270…Jos. l.. Dicks, U. < I. Plzzetta
Mansfield Mouton 41. C. Selniler. T. <i. Pegues
Merrick Isaiah Norwood Iln . Ii. T. .Merrick. .1, .1. Taylor
Monroe Henry W. Allen 182… W. R. Roberts, ll. Molse
Natchitoches.. ..Natchitoches 10 ..J A Prudb me, W D liar-
New Orleans Army of N. Va I…W. K. Lyman, T. B. I I’Brlen
New Orleans Army of Tenn 2. ..Gen .1 Bvlnet. Nicholas Cuny
New Orleans Vet. i ‘on. States Cav.. »…Wm. Laughlin, E. It. Wells
NewOrleans Wash. Artillery I6…B F Eshelman, L \ Adams
New Orleans Henry St. Paul Hi.. ..I. Demoruelle, A B Booth
Oakley lohn Peck 188… W. s. Peck, .1. W. Powell
Opelousas R. E. Lee 14… L. D. Prescott, P.. Ill nfield
Plaquemine Iberville 18. ..C.H.Dickinson. J .L.Dardenne
Rayvllle Richland 162… J. s. Summerlln, c . T. smith
Rustin Ruston 7. ..A. Barksdaie, J. L. Bond
Bhrcveporf Uen LeRoy Stafford .1 …W Kinney, W II Tunnard
Tanglpalioa Camp Moore imi.ii. P. Amacker, (). R. Taylor
Thibodau.x Hraxton Bragg 19ti…S. T. (irisainorc. II. N. Coition
Maj Gen Geo H Stuart, Cot ander Baltimore
Maj Gen S D Lee. i lom nder starkvllle
Col K T s.vkes. Adjutant General and Chief of stair Columbus
I eii icrt i.owry. Brigadier < leneral rackson
.1 R Binford, Brigadier I leneral Puck Hill
Amory SI wall Jackson..427…W A Brown,
BooneviUe W. II. H. Tlson 17D…D. T. Beall, .1. w. smith
Hrandoi) Rankin 285. ..Patrick Henry, K. s. Maxcv
Brookbaven Sylvester Gwln 2.’l r >….7. A. Hoskins, J. 1(. Daughtry
Canton E.iiiles Henry 812. ..E. C. Postell. .1. M. Mills
Chester R Prevt itl 139 .1 ll Evans, W M Roberts
ColumbUS Ishani Harrison 27…C I. Lincoln, W A Campbell
( ‘rystalSp’gs Pen Humphreys hi, c. Humphries, J. M. Haley
Edwards W. A. Montgomery 2B…W. A. Montgomery, T. H.’\V.
Fayette J. .1. Whitney 22… W I. Stephen. T p. Hammett
Greenwood Hugh A. Reynolds… 21X…R W Williamson, W A (iil-
Greenville w. A. Percy liis ..Geu.S.W. Ferguson, W.Yerger
Grenada W. K. Barksdaie 189…J w Young. Julius Ajh.
Harpersvllle. Patrons Union 272. M W Stamper, CA lluddicstou
Hatticshnrg Hattlesburg 21. <C D. Hartfleld, E. II. Harris
Hernando Desoto 220 Sam Powell, C. H. Robertson
Hickory Flat Hickory Flat 219.. W. A. I rum, .1. .1. Hicks
Euka Tishomingo C. Vet..425…Geo P Hammersley, ■
Holly Springs K 1 1 Motl 28.. I. F. Fant.s. II. Pryor
Jackson Robert a smith 24…W D HoMcr. wm Henlger
Lake Patrons Onion 272.. .M. W. stamper, C. A. llud-
Lexington Walter 1, Keim 898 II .1 Keel, F A Howell
Liberty Amite Counts 228 I’ l; Brewer, Geo A McGehee
1 Isvllle loli n M Bradley 852…M A Mitts, Jno B Gage
Maben Stephen D. Lee 271…0. B. Cooke, J. L. Sherman
Macon I a nies Longstreet.. 1X0.. .H. W. Foote, .1. L. I Irlggs
Magnolia Stockdale 8U B 11 Fehlcr. S A Matthew
Meridian Walthall 2B…W. F. Brown, B. V. White
Miss. City Ilea u voir l-‘O.Aien. .1. R. Ha\ Is. E. S. Hewet
Natchez Natchez 20…F.J.V. Lei and, E. L. Hopkins
N.w \ Ibany t len M P Lowrj 842.. < I s Robertson, M F Roget –
Port Gibson i la i horn i I87…A. K. Jones, w. w. Moore
Rolling Fork. …Pat R Cleburne 190…J C Hall, JnoS Joor
Rosedale Monigoincrv a’J !•’ A Montgomery, C C Fnrrar
sa niis in., r Dickens 841.. it n Taylor, .1 B B lothe
Siiiatol.ia Hill Fceiicy 358…G 1 > Shands, T P Hill
Tupelo lohn M.St ■ Ill …<i. n .1 M stone, P M Savery
Valden Frank i.hhicil 22I…S.C. Haines. W. .1. Booth
Vicksburg Vickshurg .;■_’ ll A famphelL.I l> Laughlin
Winona M. Farrell .’ill .1. ii. Binford. C. H.Campbell
w iviiic Woodvllle in….!. H. Jones, P. M. Stocketl
Yazoo City Yazoo 17H…S D Robertson, C J DuBuisson
Maj Gen .1 ( i Shelby, t ‘omiuanper Adrian
Kansas City Kansas City 80…Jos W Mercer, Geo B Spratt
T. I’>. Stringfield, Cashier of the [owa Savings Hank
at Sheldon, wrote the Veteran in November that he
had seen a Union soldier who had Gen. “Mudwall”
Jackson’s field glass, which he captured in a battle
near Nashville, anil which the possessor desired to re-
turn to Gen. Jackson, or to some member of hie family.
The glass was promptly requested i” !»• sent to Mrs.
Charles Fuller, a daughtei of th< General referred to.
Upon its receipl Mrs. Puller was notified, when she
declined the gift, because her father was not in the
battle near Nashville, and was never captured.
The story of the capture is an interesting one. Lieut.
John I'”. Bishop, of Company B, fifth Minnesota In-
fantry, writes Mr. Stringfield:
” I desire very niiieh t” “1 tain the address ol a you nt:
Confederate officer, Capt. Adams, oi South Carolina,
wh” was an Aide mi the Stall’ of < mi. .la< k – • < 1 1 \\ hen
■our troops charged (Jen. Hood’s, stationed behind a
stone wall about six or seven miles out on the Granny
White Pike, December 16. 1864, Gen. Hood moved Ins
forces to the [eft of the pike. Tie y attempted to gain
the ground on the right, facing Nashville, where t on-
federates had not yet broken. I was ordered to deploy
my company along the pike and to keep the sai
possible. An officer came to the first wall, climbed
over, and as he did so 1 called him to halt. He did
not obey, bui crossed the pike, leached the opp
wall, and was in the act of crossing it when 1 went up
to him ami again called him to halt. He turned,
looked me Square in the lace and asked, ” Will you
take me a prisoner’.'” I replied, ” Vrs that is what I
am here for.” He re]. lied. “All right, 1 will surren-
der.” He turned over to me a leather haversack con-
taining a rasher of fresh beef and coin bread, together
with the field glass. He gave his name as G. 11. -lack-
son, I think, ot Georgia. 1 thought him either a Cap-
tain or Lieutenant, BS he had 0D a water-proof overcoat
and I could only see a strip of gold lace just above his
shoe tops. 1 was informed that night that 1 had taken
Gen. .laekson a prisoner, lie applied to Gen. A.J.
Smith for the return ot’ his field glass, hut no requisi-
tion was made byanyoneon me. 1 have, therefore,
kept it all these years. * I am anxious to re-
turn the held -las- to its rightful Owner. Xo one is
more anxious than 1 to try and heal the terrible wounds
made between the North and South during tin years
from 1861 to 1865.”
Mr. Stringfield, a Southern man. write- of Lieut.
Bishop, that he is one of the Lest citizens ot’ O’Brien
County, Iowa, and is very anxious that this relic of
the war should he returned to the One most entitled
to it. The field glass is held by Lieut. Bishop’s wish,
in the hope that this notice will bring to light it- real
owner. Any information from any source upon this
SUbjed will he gratefully received.
.lust as this VETERAN goes to press another letter
Comes from Mr. Stringfield stating that he has a letter
from Mrs. Mary (‘. Carter, of Knoxville. who writes
that her father was Gen. A. 1′”,. .laekson.
\V. M. ( railbreath, Flynn’s Lick. Tenn., while report-
ing Subscriptions, writes: ” 1 was not in the war, as I
was only 11 years old when it began, bu1 1 rejoiced
over the victories of the Confederate soldiers and
groaned when they were defeated. My father gave up
his life on the battle-field of Murfreeshoro, fighting for
the Confederacy.”
nED Hall. Commander Wilmington
Col Junius Davis, Hi and Chief of Star] w
mifiis Barrti i i harlot te
W 1’ Roberts, Brigadiei General Gatesville
.v.. Everett, B. h. Cathey
. . .t ft test
K 11 Holllday, .in” \ Beamaa
.1. v. w
i.o. n»u. l.. R. Whltenei
..John P. I <‘li
w I. I Ion, II A London
.. I McB;
..In.i F Ramsaj , J C Bernhardt
..Col .1 R Crawford, C It Marker
P • I arlton,
R i; Warren, CC Thon
W 1. !’• R 1, Win. Blanks
I .1 Brow ii. Sam’l 11 Smltb
M P. n. .
Bryson CHj Andrew Ooli
Mecklenbi –
Clinton Sampso
Concord…. i abarrue Co.C\
Hickory i atawba
Littleton Junius Daniel …
Pittsboro I Didae J Mi n
Ryan 117.
bury «
nr.\ •
Rtates> III
Wilmington I
i Norman
Guthrie < amp .1
ii ■ ufro
Oklahoma en\ D H Run i- … 177 3 W Johni
-Till ‘ \Hill.lNA.
i ol Thos > Moorman, \ – umbla
\\ lunsboro
poa ropi camp. wo.
■ , ,
Aiken Barnard F.
tori Beaufort
Charleston Palm< tto Ui
( In iiiw I l: Ki i-luov
Columbia Hampton
l luncans I teat
lasra i Han tboi
Held ( H Abner Perrlu .
Pee Dee
nville R. r. Pulllan
Greenwood ,D Wyatl \ it . n
Ml Pleasant l hoe M w sgm i
Newberry lames D Nni
Pickens Wolf Creel
Rock Hill i
i onfed. Su\ . \–
unp Walk<
Bummervllle Gen Jas < lonnor
Sumter Dick Anderson
s’ ‘ ■■ rget Stephen Elliott.
. W V Templeton
B H. Teague.J. N Wigfall
M P Trlbbe, .1 N Vandlver
I boi – Whit. .
Rev. I Johnson, J. W. Ward
i ..i. ii
\ P i-.e.u ,,. D P. I lennlkin
\ II Dean, .1 V Hi-li
i; 1 Bi iwi ii. .1 H, !’•””
.1 h Brooks, Thos W CarwUe
i: w Lloyd, Vfva Quick
i P Miller,
.1. w. Norw i. P. T. H
.1 w i,:.” I I Boyd
Jae \ Gi i'” .it i. ii- i
i ladr J< roes, w i: iiunlap
Jos Walker, A B Woodruff
P H Hiii’
.1 ii Grabam, P P Halliard
Ii W Minus. .1 Otej K.^.l
n w ii Jackson, Command’ ‘ ishvllle
Col Jno P Hickman, \.lji ‘ leneral of staff Nashville
J A Vaughn, Btieadlei Memphis
Frank A Moses Brigadier General ..Knoxville
Brownsville …. Hiram S Bradford…428… , H .1 Livingston
Chattanooga ..N. B. Forrest t ,L. T. Dickinson,
Clarksvillc .Forbes n T. H. Smith, Clay Stacker
Fa\ .ii’ alton 1 1 1 -In- I’ Tillman ‘w ii ‘
Franklin Gen I W 8
Jackson .Inn Inprain
1.’ ;n„ f_,t_ i- ‘i in
Knoxville Felli K. Zolllcofl
Knoxville Fred Ault
.8 V Wall, T ‘
W Holland, M Bl
1 \. Moses, J. W. s. Prlerson
Lewlsburg Dlbrell SS W. P. Irvine, W. G. Lord
Marsh v tklsson, J. P. < annon
i . w i ran r, R.J. Black
V/.S.Mcl emon ,W 1
Thos ii smith, .1 P Hickman
.1. M. Has! Ings. .1
McKensie 8 laekson. 42,
Memphis Confed. Hist. 1st
Murfreesboro… J
Nashville Frank Cheatham
Shelby vllle Win. Frierson….
Tullahoma….. Pierce B. And Ino P Hickman, W J i
Winchester Turney I J Martin
■ r. ii w i. Cabell, i “iniii.Mii. i
Brig Gen AT Watts, Adjt Gen and Chief of Stall D
Northeasters Texas Drvisioar.
Ma Gen W N Bush, Commander Mc]
Col .1 M Pearson, Adjutant General and Chief of Staff… Mel
NORTHM ES. Ills I it ‘
MaJ Gen Richard Cobb, Commandet
■ o w in Poi I ind Chief of Staff WlchH
Josepf) Benedict, I General…….. Graham
w B Pli mmons, Brigad Imarillo
Maj Gen W Q Blain, Commander Fa
Col Thos J Gibson. Adjutant Gem ral and Chief ol Staff Mexla
11 H Boone, BrlgadlerGi Navasota
D H Nunn. Brigadier General
Maj Gen \V H Young, Commander San Antonio
Ool n M Poor. Ailiii.liint (ieneral and Chief of Staff San Antonio
Hamilton P Bee. Brigadier General San Antonio
Thos w Dodd, Brigadier General Laredo
Col. E. T. Lee, Secretary Shiloh Battle-field Associa-
tion, Monticello, 111.: The committee of the Shiloh
Battlefield Association, composed of Secretary Col. E.
T. Lee, Treasurer Dr. .1. \V. Coleman, and Cant. R. C.
McMechan, the latter one the Vice-Presidents, bare re-
turned from their visit to the battle-field. They were
very successful in securing the land on which this fa-
mous battle was fought, at a very reasonable i>rice,
some 2,500 acres. They will recommend to Congress
that the battle-field be purchased by the Government
and made a great National Memorial Park, like Get-
tysburg and Chickamauga, and that graves of the dead
soldiers scattered over the field he preserved. Two
reunions are to be held on these old battle-fields
this year, one on April 6th and 7th, the anniversary
of the battle, and one on May 30th, when the graves
of the thousands of sleeping heroes there will he dee-
orated with flags and flowers. On hoth of these occa-
sions there will lie appropriate exercises, suitahle to
to the place and occasion. Secretary E. T. Lee, of
.Monticello, 111., has received over 6,000 names of the
survivors of this battle, and they are continually re-
porting. A complete roster of the men who fought
in it is to he made, representing every command
that took part in the battle, North and South, as the
officers and members of this Association are composed
of those who wore the blue and the gray in equal num-
bers. Gen. John B. Gordon, Commander-in-Chief of
all the United Confederate Veterans, gave this bis
hearty approval. There are some”4,000 Confederate
dead buried on this battle-field, whose graves will be
looked after and preserved.
In a persona] letter Col. Lee states: Our Association,
as you will see from the ollicers, is composed of one-
half of the Blue and one-half of the Cray, and we desire
all the old Confederate comrades to meet us at Shiloh
on the 6th and 7th of April, and we will mark the po-
sitions held during the battle, and also look up the
graves of the Confederate dead buried there, so we can
have them properly cared for and preserved. We feel
very sure we will succeed in having this old battle-field
purchased by the government and made a national
memorial park.
Carrol Cates’ Yankee Breeches. — The peculiari-
ties of men were brought out in high degree during
the war. W. C. Cates. who was a member of my regi-
ment, was conspicuously careful, and the fact that he
“wore out” a pair of blue pants, issued to him in
prison during February, 1862, when hack in the serv-
ice, by carrying them in his knapsack, is a vivid illus-
tration, lie writes: ” I tried them on once, and they
proved to he knee pants. I kept them until the fail
of “<;:!, when I exchanged them for two pairs of rebel
gray pants. The other fellow wanted the blue ones for
Sunday.” The average Confederate would not have
carried them go long for tleir weight in gold.
TEXAS— CbntflMled
Wkstern Division.
MaJ i, in v. M Bean, Commander _ Cameron
‘ “I u M McGregor, Adjutant General and > blef of stmt ‘ ‘ Cameron
H E Shelley, Brigadier General Austin
Robert Donnell, Brigadier General Meridian
. 29
. 88,
Capt. J. F. Puckett, Commander Camp at King-ton.
Texas: At the October meetinjfbf our Camp the claims
of the Veteran were presented, and it was recom
mended that it be adopted as our official organ at the
Birmingham reunion. We have a live Cam]! here,
composed of veterans from all the Southern States.
Hope to be able to send you more subscribers soon.
Abilene Abilene 72
Abilene Taylor Co 88
Alvarado Alvarado ihu
Alvln Win H .. it 280
A 1 v>i<l Stonewall 382
Archer City Stonewall Jackson. 219
Athens Howdy Miirlin 05.
Atlanta Stonewall Jackson »l
Annua Hi; Mills 880
Austin I no BHood 1V8
Beaumont a. s. Johnston
Belton Bell Co. ex-Lou. As 122
Bis; springs I.» U’linki 33U
Bon ham Sul Hoss I in,
Brazoria Clinton Terry 243
Breckinridge Stephens Coimlv :;1 1
Brenham Washington … l 1 19
Brownwood stonewall .Jackson J UJ.
Bryan J. B. Robertson 124
Buffalo Gap Camp M lv
Caldwell Camp Hosiers
Calvert w. P. Towdsend
Cameron Beu McCulloch …
Campbell .Camp Boss
Canton James 1,. Hogg
Carthage Horace Randall..
Chico Camp .Mcintosh..
Childress los E Johnston….
Cisco Camp Preveaux…
Cleburne 1’at Cleburne
Colorado Albert s. Johnston 118
Columbus shropsh ire-Upton… 112
Col. nun: Jno Pclham 78
‘ ‘ommercc .. R. [•;. Lee j ;|
Cooper Ector , 2::i
CorpusChristi… Joseph E Johnston.. 63..
Corsicana C. M. Winkler 147.
Crockett Crockett HI.
Colli usvi lie Beauregard 806.
Cuero Emmett Lynch 242.
Daingerfleld Camp Brooks :in7.
Dallas Sterling Price 81.
Decatur Ben McCulloch Si
DeKalb Tom Wallace 289.
Denton Sul Ross 129,
Dodd City (‘amp Maxev 281.
Dublin Erato 4 Comanche.. 85.
El Paso.. John C Brown 20.
Emma Lone Star 198
Fairfield Wm. L. Moody 87.
Floresvllle Wilson County 225,
Forney .Cam]) Bee 130.
Fort Worth It. E. Lee 158..
Frost R. i|. Mills 100..
Gainesville Joseph E Johnston .llli.
Galveston Magruder M5.
Gatesville Ex-C A. Coryell Co 1.T5
Goldtbwaite Jeff Davis …. 117.
Gonzales .ohn CG Key 166
:!ordouvllle J (i Hodges 392..
Graham Young County 127.
(I ran bury Gi anbury ‘. 07
Grand View .1 E Johnston ::t:
Greenville Joseph E Johnston ..267.
Hallettsvillc Col Janus Walker 248,
Hamilton \. s. Johnston 116.
Heme tead Tom Green 136
Henderson Ras Redwlne 295.
Henrietta Sul Boss 172
Hlllsboro Hill County 166.
1 [one] < trove. Logan Davidson. 294
Houston Dick Dowllng 1»7..
Iluiiisvillc lohn C Upton 48..
Jack6borough …Camp Morgan 864..
Jacksborough ,..< lamp 1 1 ughes 365..
Kaufman Geo. D. Manlon 1 15
Kilgore Buck Kllgore 288
Kingston i.. S. Johnston 71..
Ladonla Robt. E. Lee 126…
LaGrange Col. B. Tlmmons 61..
Lampasas K. I-:. Lee 66.,
Livingston Ike Turner 821
Lubbock !•’. R. Lubbock 186
Madisouvllle Iik.ii Walker 128
Marlln … Willis L Lang 299
Memphis Hall County 245.,
M< inn .lv ill.- ..Menardvllle 328
Meridian \. 8. Johnston 115
Merkel Merkel 79.,
M.xia roc Johnston 94..
Minncola Wood ( ounty 153..
Mi. Cnterprise,.Ro8ser 82..
Ml. Pleasant Col. Dud Jones 121.,
Montague Bob Stone 93..
McGregor i ‘amp McGregor …. 274..
McKlnney Collin county 109..
Mi Vernon Ben Mel ullocb 800,
Navasota Hannibal 11 Boone.,102..
New Boston Sul Boss 287..
Oakville John Donaldson 195..
Palestine Palestine 44..
.. , T W Daughertv.
. H. L. Bentley, Theo. Heyck.
Jesse \\ HIM, J. B. Posej
..Win Hart. All II II Tolar
. J M Jones, W <• Leach
.11 .1 Brooks, T M Cecil
D M. Morgan, W.T. Eustace.
J. D. Johnson. J. N. si mm . ms.
(. W abort, ‘>’ Leonard
,.W. M. Brown, c. 11. Powell.
.T J Russell, G \V O’Brien
Joi Bralster, H E Bradford
, R BZinu
J. P. Holmes.
Wm. I’. Smith, F. Leltibens
\V K Marberry, <; B Brown
I”‘ Giddlngs, J <; Rankin
.Carl Vincent, A D Moss
.1 W Tabor. S M lieid.n
.Ben K Jones. .1 J Ewbank
.J B King, J F Matihewe
e w Hig’inb’th’ni.H FKellogg
E. J. Mclver, J. B. Moore.
R W Ridley, Tom G Smith
T. J. Towlcs. W. D. Ibonipsou
J. It. Bond, .1 M. Wooiworth.
I. S K.ldins. (J \V Craft
W I’ Jones, L C Warllck
I w Neal, ,1 s McDonough
,.OI Plummer, s c Scurlock
,.W. V. Johnson, T. Q. Mullin.
. Q Mcl orniick, J. .1 Dick.
J. J. Callan, J. M. Williams.
,G O l.indscy, W E Mangum
Geo w Jones, u J Pickett
.11 R Sutherland, M c spann
,R M Collins,
Enoch Braxsnn, J. F. Martin.
J B King, W II Stephenson
V Weldon. George H Law
.1 N /.acbery, J A McGregor
J J Miller. Geo R Fearee
W A Miller. A Edwards
W s Proctor, J D Stewart
.Hugh McKenzie, J.R.Burton.
We Moore
J. T. Harris, L. E. Glllett.
11 H Davis. Wyndham Kemp
John W. Murray.
.WG Blaln, L GSandlfer
,W. C. Agee, A. D. Evans
„T. M. Daniel, S. G. Fleming.
A 1! Eraser, W M M. -Council
.AChamberl’n, M F Waki Held
. .1. M. Wright, W. A. Sims.
,.T N Waul, c Washington
,.M S Stanford
.1 I-: Martin. W H Thompson
W H Say. -IS. II L CJUalls
Wm Hodges. \\” Blassingame
\ G i nay, V M Edwards
…J. A. Formlvalt, I. R. Morris
.. , C c Hatfield
W s Ward, a II Hefner
Vnlnev Ellis, B P Burke
.Baltic Fort. I. A H Smith
,V. B. Thornton, S. Schwara.
J M Mays, C C Doyle
F. J. Barrett, C. B. Patterson.
, Wm W Fields
J II Lynn. John I, I’.allinger
W. Lambert. S. K . Longu.-cker
.1 \i Smlther, !•: E Goree
s w East In, w J Denning
s ii Reeves, A F Anderson
Jos. 1 1 iiflinastcr. E. s. Pipes.
W \ Miller, R W Wvnn
J. F. Puckett. T. J. Foster.
W B Merrill. .1 R Arthur
,K. II. Phelps, N. llolman.
1 1. C. Thomas, T. 11, llaynie
..lames E Hill, A B I .riiii
W. l). Crump, G. W. Shannon
, R Wilej
1 1 \ King, J T < iwen
i’ m vim raj ,G w Tipton
EM Kitchens,
.Robt Donnell, J. W. Adams.
.J. T. Tucker, A. A. Baker.
C L Wals II W Williams
J II llulliiiast.-r, T J Goodwin
T. Turner, B. BlrdweU.
.i ‘. L. Dillabunl v, J. C. Turner.
ic Bean, R. D. Rugeley.
\V II Harris. II W Sadler
T M Scolt, II C Mack.
.W T Gass, J J .Morris
\V E Barry, .las H Freeman
i leo II Bea, T .1 Watlington
r.f. i ‘ox, T. M. Church
J.W.Ewlng, J. M. Fullinwlder
II X \s— Continued.
P. A. Green, Seale, Ala.: I have just finished read-
ing the December oumbei of the Veteran, and wish
that every Southern soldier could have the g I for-
tune to do the same. I feel sometimes thai four of the
best years of my life were us thrown away, and that
the dangers, privations and hardships endured by the
soldiers of our dear Bouthland were not appreciated,
hut when I read the Veteran 1 am cheered with the
hope that, although unsuccessful, history will tell to
future generations the justice of our cause and the un-
dying devotion of the Southern soldier to hie native
land. Please send the Veteran to Capt. Thomas H.
Hardwick, Hatchechubble, Ala. He was one of the
most gallanl soldiera in the Southern army, whose
company captured on the bloody field of Chickamauga
a yankee battery, hut whose affliction has confined
him to his bed for six Long years.
W. Fort Smith, Esq., Brazoria, Texas I am very
much interested in your enterprise, for 1 feel thai we
should educate our children in the true faith while we
live, bo that when we have bivouacked on the other
shore our cause will live. By “ourcause” 1 mean the
right “t’ self government and American manhood.
Let us tea< h them to love the Republic our fathers be-
queathed i” us. the Republic of equal rights for all
the States. Teach them thai the followers of Sidney
and •’. E.Johnston, Forrest, Wheelerand II I. fought
for the preservation of civil liberty againsl centralism
and the downfall of American liberty.
R. W. Crabb, Uniontown, Ky.: Find inclosed my
checl foi II 30, to renew my subscription for the \
bran and for the ” Flags of a Nation thai fell,” framed,
also tin’ Souvenir. I am in time to renew at fifty
cents, but 1 do not want it at that price; it is worth
one dollar 1 feel now that you will make it a sua ■
Now, we have had enough of this surrendering, what
we old Rebs want is a magazine that will stay by us.
and is not for sale; a magazine that will publish our
side” of history as it actually occurred from ’61 to ’65.
without prejudice or partiality. Do this, and we will
stand by you until the last ditch is reached and the
last round is fired.
Sherman, Texas, January 28, 1894. At a meeting
of Camp Mildred Lee, United Confederate Veterans,
last night, these resolutions were unanimously adopted :
Whereas, we have observed with pleasure and profit
the publication of historical and instructive incidents
relating to our side in the late war. in a neat and hand-
some little journal by S. A. Cunningham, at Nash-
ville, Tenh., called Confj i i Veteran; therefore.
Resolved, L, That we commend the spirit and patri-
otic intent of this attractive journal, and send fra-
ternal greetings to Mr. Cunningham, assuring him of
our sympathy and good wishes in his praiseworthy
efforts, and hope the Confederate Veteran will be
well sustained, continue to improve, and publish all
of the truth relating to the history of the “lost cause.”
Resolved, ‘2.. That we indorse the publication of the
Confederate Veteran, and adopt it as the official
organ of Mildred Lee Camp.
Resolved , 3, That this preamble and resolutions be
spread upon the records of this Camp, and the Adju-
tant he instructed to transmit a copy to the editor of
the Confederate Veteran. Long live the Veteran.
Fraternally. Unci. WALKER, Adjutant.
Paradise Pat* ‘lebnme
Paris A.s. .1. illusion 70.
Paint Rock 1.11 Davie ..188
Pearsall “Gotch”Hardemai
Richmond Frank Terry ….
Ripley . ■■• n Hood
Korkwall Rockwall.. 74
Rob] W. W. Lorlng …
\ntonlo A. S.JohnBton .144,
\ ngustine-Jefl Dai la
W P Rogers
Santa Anna L *7 C Lamar 871,
our Bedford I
Sherman Mildred Lee. BO
South Prairie, South Prall
twater. E. c. Walthall.
Sulphur spy* Matt tabcroft.
Taylor \ S lobnatoo 166.
Terrell . . I EH Stuai
\ P Hill
Tyler V.8.Jobnati
in Campl labt ll_.
w aco Pal Llebu
Waxabachle…. w inn
Waxabachle.. ..Parsons > av. Va«
Weatberford ..Tom Gret I
Welllngtoi .”.worth i i
Wharton Bucbell
Wnltesbon R Reevee
A .1 Jones, I. T Ma-otl
■ it e.. n nor. s s Record
W. I . Melton, J.W.Ratcbford.
R M Harkness, Henry Maney
I’. K, Peareaon, B. K. .•smart
W RM Blaaghter,Jno H Hood
M. S. Instln, N. C. Eds
li Bpoer, \ P Kelley
.John s Ford, Jamea < lark
.. . W \ Field
. teorge Hal rts, A I hitman
I M i in \ < na, Will Hubert
T. He. l’ccrv.R.J. Browning.
.1 T WINon. Kohl Walker.
W L Hefner,
w D c. all, 1. H. Freeman.
H.M. Henderson, M.G. Miller.
M Rosa, Pi 1 1 > Ha a
,i \ \iithony. Vic Relnbardt
w .1 \ Men. Charley A Hooks
Harsh, Bid 8 Johnson
8. I Hatcbett, M. D. Davis.
C I. Johnson, W. ‘ . Poopei
T’lin Yates, JPOo
.. . \ M I’.-ilnnan
I. P. Riot . M. V. Kim.
.1 II McDowell. .1 M ‘i ■
I N Dennlr, H T ( ‘otoi
.1 w M
w R Crocki t i . N A IS’
\ N Uford, W V Kenham
n Tit”. A I I hmond
( “ol Jop
Mlcajah Charlott.
■ oir.
Harrison b bbona
Rich re Dd El
mond . i isi
oki w I Ham Watts
Weal Polnl John R ke. 184
Wllllamaburg ..McGl udei i ■
Wlncbestei GenTu rner \-M.\ :’i”
..i i ■
nil Lee Mat tz, J 8 Mi
R N Northern, P
\ w \n h, r. .1 t Btratton
H v Brooke, Hugh W Pry
li. M Miller, W. W. Gret
T l Stubba, II T Jonea
\ m. \ icai
Washlnet’re ^ • I 171 J O Moore, T W Hungi
The Southwestern Journal of Education: The
Southern people have been much dissatisfied foryi
with partisan history concerning their section ami the
part they took in the war. Dally hooks and
pamphlets have been printed in refutation of thi
objectionable hist ut they I [uently bet
extreme on the opposite side. The soldiers of the two
en friends, except now and
then when controlled by partisan politicians, who
have created and continued sectional bitterness for
personal advancement. The Vetera] eal-
ously the cause of the < onfederate soldier-, and is very
diligent to give just credit to Boldiers of the Union
Army “who realize that the war ended in 1865.” The
editor of the Veteran was a soldier and carried a gun.
He has a wide acquaintance throughout the South,
and has the benefit of public confidence. It is refresh-
ing to read a publication so coui is the V
\. and yet so carefully deferential a- never to he
offensive to true men who are equally zealous for tic
Vngus P. Brown, Commander < lamp Columbia, S
The Veteras has been made the official organ of this
ip. Long may you be spared to preside at tl
helm of a magazine that has clone so much to furnish
the facts for the future historian of the South. Suc-
– to you in your great enterprise. It is the duty of
iv Confederal ustain you in your laud-
able work. •
\V. s. 1 lamia, Morrilton, Ark.: But for the very
hard times I would be able to send you another list of
subscribers for the Veteran. 1 will not, however, re-
lax my exertions, and hope to be aide in the near fu-
ture to send vmi additional name-.
S. I ». Van Pelt, Postmaster, Danville, Ky.: In-
closed find 81, for which please place my nam’ 00
your subscription list for the Confederate Veteran.
‘l – ;i w a copy of the Confederate Veteran this
evening for the first time, and read it with a great
deal of interest. I Berved three years in the Federal
army as a soldier. Am a Republican in politics, bul
I hive the true and brave Confederate soldier. 1 am
hi- friend. The truest and best friends I can boast of
are men who served in the Confederate army, and 1
love them. I heartily approve of the publication of
the Confederate Veteran, and wish it success.
J. K. Merrilield. St. Louis. Mo., sends a dollar for
the Veteran and writes: Allow me to thank you for
the kind words you say in your Letter about Opydike’e
brigade. We were always ready and willing to do our
duty, and every historian who has written about the
battle of Franklin gives our brigade the credit of sav-
ing the Army of the Cumberland from destruction.
Had our brigade not charged and recaptured the works
from you after you had possession, you could have
whipped the right or left wing in detail, and what you
did not kill or capture would have been drowned in
the Harpeth River, so that Hood with his army could
have marched to Louisville or to Cincinnati without
a Btumbling-block in their way except what few Home
Guards they might have come across, but the veterans
of your army would have -wept them aside like chaff
before the wind. * * * While they are dealing
out medals in Washington for brave acts done that
accomplished but little, they might give a medal to
every man who was in the charge .with Opydyke at
the battle of Franklin. Tenn.
\V. J. Ervin, Hamilton. Mo.: Asa private I bore an
humble part in the late struggle from <>1 to the close.
Received five wounds, participated in every engage-
ment under the .Missouri State Militia until the
organization of the Fourth Missouri Brigade, C. S. A.,
at Springfield, Mo., in the winter of ’61-2. Arriving
at Corinth a tew days late for Shiloh, participated in
all campaigns and engagements from that to Altoona,
Ga., November-“), 1864, where 1 received my last and
lasting disability.
A. H. Sinclair, Georgetown, Ky.: “Camp Geo. W.
Johnson, at its regular meeting in September, unani-
mously indorsed the ( ‘oxi- kukkatk VETERAN, and rec-
ommends it as the organ of the ( Confederal Veterans.”
It gives me pleasure to bear testimony to your unfal-
tering devotion tO the lost cause, and 1 trust every
Confederate veteran and their friends will become
Gen. John Boyd, Lexington, Ky. : It is mighty lend
work these times to gel renewals a1 any price. In
severa] instances I have paid the renewals for poor old
soldiers whom I knew could not spare the money and
who like the Veteran. I could not think of taking
any remuneration for the little aid 1 have given you.
[only wish I could do more. I pray that God will
bless vou and prosper you in the g I work that you
are doing, and that he will incline all Confederate
hearts to feel that they cannot do without the Vet-
bran. I am always :]: :::
Wm. E. Underwood, Black Jack, Tenn.: * * *
No, I never have seen any thing like a history of the
war that pleases me as well as the Veteran. 1 en-
listed in May. ’61 (SOth Tennessee), and at Chicka-
mauga I lost my left arm.
I!. A. Venable, Bowling Green, Ky., who served in
Company A, Twenty-ninth Alabama: I am glad you
have put the price of the Veteran to $1 per annum.
It is worth five times as much to the old Confederate.
(apt. Andrew l’.rown, Florence, Ala. : A. M. O’Neal,
( lommander of our Camp, which was named for him.
is the Captain of the Wheeler Rifles of this place, and
was a s ril ind year’s cadet at West Point Military Acad-
emy when he resigned to join our army.
Adjutant B. M. Robinson. Orlando, Fla. : Please find
inclosed postotEce order for $7.50 for the Veteran. I
will forward you another order soon. Our city council
recently donated to < ‘amp No. 5 1 a burial lot. We in-
tend to have it taken care of properly, and hope to
erect a monument some time in the future.
Dr. W. M. Yandell. El Paso, Texas: 1 do not feel
competent to advise you as to raising the price of the
Veteran. It is worth a dollar, unquestionably, but
would it not be well to run another year at fifty cents,
until you have run the subscription list to 10,000 when
your advertising patronage ought to be valuable’.’
T. F. Prewit, Killeen, Texas: I have often desired
such a publication as the Veteran to place in the
hands of my children, and they really appreciate it
almost as much as myself and wife. 1 am pleased
with the idea of organizing a benefit association in
connection with the Confederate Veteran Association.
I indorse the suggestion of J. L. Burke.
A. B. McMichael, Healdsburg, Cal.: Inclosed find
renewal for VETERAN. 1 would not take a dollar a
piece for mine. I was a member of A. S. Marks’ regi-
ment, the Seventeenth Tennessee. * * * I think
the troops Ceorge E. Dolton, of St. Louis, refers to
were Longstreet’s men. We lost eighty men. captured,
from our regiment, but we captured some artillery.
J. T. Eason, Coldwater, Mi-s. : Find inclosed live
subscriptions. We are all delighted with the YkteraN.
J served in the Seventeenth Mississippi Infantry from
April. I si ;i, to the surrender at Appomattox.
R. T. Owen. Adjutant John H. Waller Camp, Shel-
byville, Ky.. sends a dollar to the Vetehax and adds:
Like the regiment 1 belonged to, at the end of our first
twelve months we re-enlisted for three yeers or during
the war. Vou can count on me to be with you until
you hand down your colors.
J. Coleman Gardner, Springfield, Mo.: All who take
it here are well pleased. The thirty-seven subscrip-
tions I have sent you were secured at random, or as I
had time to see after introducing it.
A Dallas, Texas, Confederate: Here is a dollar from
Ben. F. Hendricks, an old soldier who served on the
other side in the Eighth Kentucky Cavalry. A good
and true man he is, too. He wants the VETERAN.
W. A. Campbell, Columbus, Miss.: The war journal
was mailed me. I showed it to an old soldier and told
him not to subscribe for it. as it did not at all repre-
sent the old Confederates. He said. “I would not
take il at 25 cents, and would rather pay $3 a year for
the Villi; \v” I le take.- the VETERAN and was a good
soldier. He carried a minie ball received at Chicka-
uiauga for about fifteen years, and is yet lame.
Mis. Keller Anderson, Memphis: Here is a good
word from one of your subscribers. Mr. W. W. Shouse
thanked me for calling his attention to the VETERAN,
and said, “I would not take ten dollars and do with-
out it.”
A Nashville girl is just beginning .1 tour in the
Smith as a pianist, with a record thai will please the
Confederate veteran- on learning that her lather is
one of them. This is from the Washington Pott:
It i- a pleasant task always to record the –
a ymmg American girl in foreign lands, and this is
the good fortune thai Bliss Marie Louise Bail*
Nashville, Tenn., has achieved across the Atlantic.
Though only eighteen years of age, the King of Saxon]
was so delighted with her playing that, alter two or
three performances, he conferred on Miss Bailey the
title 01 Royal Court Pianist, an honor rarely given,
and never, as his majesty himself told her, bestowed
before on bo young. In Leipzig she made her
debut, and it was a decided success, to be repeated at
Berlin, Dresden, and other cities. The best critics
gave her instiuted praise.
Miss Bailey is able to play from memory three hun-
dred solos and concertos, and her repertoire runs from
J !
Bach to Liszt. Chopin is her favorite, for under the
guidance of her Polish teacher she learned to bring
out all the beauties of the great composer, she ex-
pects to make a tour of the Smith, and has already
cd good oflers from well-known managers.
Replying to an inquiry from the writer, her mother
gave briefly an account of her beginning as a pianist.
she herself was teaching, and taxed with the care of
twenty pupils She was impatient with the little
tot’s persistency in getting at the keys of the piano,
and she kept it locked when not in use. Members of
her class, however, were fond of the child, and helped
her. On returning to the house one day after having
been down town. Mrs. Bailey found that her little
Mary was in great glee, playing for the family servants.
That performance created in the mother interest and
hope. Not long afterward the child played at the
Nashville Exposition, when a gentleman offered to
buy her any thing there. Of course she sell .ted a
large doll. The little girl’s ambition was to play an
octave, but her fingers were too short, she happily
overcame that by tying hair pins on the back Of her
little hand so that she could touch the necessary keys.
Bazaab for tiik Stonewall Band. — C. Harry
Haim – tary of the Stonewall Brigade Band at
Staunton. Va., write- ” We are going to hold a bazaar
in this city for the purpose of pun basing new uni-
forms, and we shall appeal to all Southerners, and es-
pecially to all survivors of the glorious Confederacy,
for assistance in our undertaking. 1 mail you a copy
of a little -li. et gott* n out by the band in the in1
of the bazaar.” These things will be of interest, spe-
cially to the old Stomwall Brigade,
Tin ii anagers of the Nashville Keeley Institute
known Southerners. Those who were thrilled
with the “Rebel Yell,” as published last year in the
Vi i iiiAN, will observe the author in the Secretary and
For County Trustee.
W. II. HIGGINHOTHAM hereby announci 1 as a
candidate fur Trustee, subject to the action of the Democratic
party. Your support cordially solicited.
For County Judge.
R. R CALDWELL is a candidate for re-election to the
office et County .hi’l^e, subject >•• Democratic primary.
JX< 1. THOM I’m IN an in. a me- himself a candidate for County
Judge* subject to DemOi r:itie primaries.
For Sheriff.
W. ,1. HII.L is a candidate foi Bherifl l- competent and
solicits your support in Democratic primaries.
For Criminal Court Clerk.
A. B. lEI’SH SPAIN is a candidate for Criminal Curt
Clerk, subject to Democratic primary. Klection first Thursday
in August,
For Circuit Court Clerk.
ALEX J. HARRIS lias announced himself as a camliilate
rcuit Coin ibject to Democratic primary.
Clerk, subject to Democratic primaries 1 lei imn August. 1894.
For County Court Clerk.
T. A. SHELTON is a can. li. late for County Court Clerk,
Bubject to the action of the Dei ratic primaries. Election
August. 1894.
For Register.
JNO. P. HK’KMAN is competent, desires the emolui
an.l solicits your support for County Register.
EWING CHADWE1 I is a candidate for re-election to the
egister of Davidson County, subject to Democratic
primary. m
For Tax Assessor.
Wk are authorized to announce tbe name of JOHNSON V.
LINTON for the office of Tas Assessor of Davidson County.
TIM M. IIANHIN is a camliilate for Tax Assessor of David-
son County, subject to the Democratic primary.
Books Supplied by S. A. Cunningham,
Nashville, Tenn.
John Esten Cook’s complete w.oks. time payments.
“The Southern Cross,” by Mrs. L. K. Messenger. $1.26.
“Four Years in the Stonewall Brigade,” by J. 0, Casler, $2.
“That Old-Time Child Roberta,” by Mrs Sophie Fox Lea,$l.
” Immortelles,” by Maj. s. K. Phillips, Chattanooga, 50 cents.
“The Other Side,” a thrilling poem of !)00 lines, by Virginia
Frazier Boyle, Mr. Davis being her theme. $1.
“Sketch of the Battle of Franklin, and Reminiscences of
Camp Douglas,” by John M. Copley. $1.
“How It Was. or Four Years With the Rebel Army,” a
thrilling story by Mrs. Irby Morgan, of Nashville. This is a
charming book. Si.
‘• Hancock’s I Mary, or History of the Second Tennessee ( ‘av-
airy, a Larg itavo book, with many portraits and biographic
sketches. The frontispiece is a tine steel engraving of Gen.
N. B. Forrest. $2.50.
■■ Bright Skies and Hark Shadows,” by Henry M. Field, I). D.
$1.50. This I k comprises a series of letters on the South.
Fifty pages are devoted to the battle of Franklin, and the au-
thor is especially complimentary to this editor. The closing
chapters are on Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee.
Hancock’s I Mary is as a history of the Second Tennessee Cav-
alry — in I octavo pages, 20 portraits, including a splendid steel
engraving of Gen. N. I!. Forrest, and 36 biographical sketches.
While the work will he read with interest hy any one who may
wish to read the daring deeds of Forrest and his cavalry, it
will he especially interesting to any who served under that
gallant officer during the I a si eighteen months of the war. Mr.
Hancock was a member of Bells Brigade, Buford’s Division.
The price is $2.60.
m us. stonewall jackson’s book.
< ineof the most
hooks ever writ-
ten a ho ut the
war is that of
Mrs. M. A.. lack-
son, the widow
of one of the
most unique he-
roes of his race.
The devoted
wife shrank
from the promi-
nence that the
worthy u n il e r-
taking gave her,
hilt she felt that
the motherless
g ra n d children
of her husband
deserved such
record as she
could leave to
them, She tells
the story of how
two young peo
pie, John Jack-
son and Eliza-
beth Cummins,
u n k n W n to
each other, per-
haps, on embarking from the coast of England to America in
174S, became so much to each other. Fifty years after that
their son George was a niemher of Congress, and Andrew
SacksOU was Senator, when they found, on comparing notes,
that their ancestors Came from the same parish ill Londonderry.
George Jackson was Colonel ill the Revolutionary War. The
second son, Edward, was the grandfather of Thomas Jonathan
Jackson, who was horn in Clarksburg, Va., January 21, 1824.
Further reference may he expected ill BUbsequent issues.
From the elegant book three pictures are herein copied. No-
t>( Stonownll JackBOU.”-
iTj.t-r .* Uroth^rs.
ppyrlght] 1891,
tice the remarkable similar-
ity of expression of the Gen-
eral in the two periods of his
life. The hook will he sup-
plied from this office at the
publisher’s prio
The Life and Times of Sec-
retary C. (.. Me linger,
Confederate Secretary of the
Treasury, by I lenry’ I >, ( a-
pers, of Charleston, is an im-
portant contribution to his-
tory. A. B. Holmes, Jr., 17
Broad St.. Charleston. Price
in cloth, $3; sheep, $3.50.
The Virginia Historical So-
ciety, at Richmond, is the
naosl successfully conducted
institution of the kind in the
South. Membership So. 00,
which entitles the member From “Ti»ijh urn uiu™ or rmo«w«]i !***«>>
to all the publications free …
of charge. Address Philip Monument where Stonewall Jack-
A. I’.ruce, Cor. Sec. Bon tell at ChancellorsvlUe.
Some Rebel Relics, by Rev. A. T. G ih.e. in cloth. Si.
The New Orleans Cfoislian Advoeatt says: “This story of tin-
war will be read with absorbing interest. The record of the
happenings of those dark days will always < imand attention.
Mrs Irhv Morgan’s Story Of “How It Was During Four Thrill-
ing Years Among the Rebels.” Vivid stories recorded after
three decades, from memory. Price, $1.
Dr, D. C. kelley: “It is not a history, it is just a great hig
heart pouring out truthful and touching memories. No history
written compares w itfa it in the trutbfulni ss, vividness, variety,
and the pathos of its pictures. If you want tony fifty times
in one day, and laugh almost as many times, get this hook and
read it. I did not stop when I begun until it was finished, ami
have not cried as much over any book in all my life.”
Thk fact that P. A. Shelton, the popular Broad Street grocer.
has been publicly indorsed for County Court Clerk by the
largest number of the best business, professional and artizan
classes of the city ami county, is substantial evidence of the
gentleman’s eminent fitness for that position.
All classes have called on him to declare himself for that
position, ami it is to he hoped that be will comply with the
almost universal wish of the people.
That office needs just such a reliable and competent man as
is Pal Shelton. and if he becomes a candidate he will lead tin-
field by reason of his personal and husiness popularity am!
high fitness for the ollice. — The Farmers’ I’m/.,, Nashville.
A Strong Testimonial from the Cashier of the
Merchants’ Bank.
‘Phe following explains itself: Nashville. Tenn.. January 1″.’.
1894. My son graduated at Jf.nninos’ Bisimss’ CoLl BOB, soon
after which he secured and is now filling’ I he position of hill
clerk with the firm of Jackson, Matthews .v. Harris, of this city.
I can COD Aden tlv recommend this school to every young man
who desires a husiness education. I regard it as one of the
very best ill the country. J IMK8 McLaI GH1 IN,
Cashier Merchants’ Hank.
This is the Result of a Business Course in
Jennings’ College.
W. s. Corbett, who graduated a few days ago from Jennings’
Business College, writes from Crockett Mills, Tenn. Feb. 8,
1894: “I am keeping hooks here for Robertson & Hamlett,
hut I am offered a position in Memphis at $100 per month,
which I shall accept. My time in your school was well spent.
and you see 1 have good reasons for saying to any young man
that he could not do Letter than take a ionise in Jennings’
College.” When this young man came to Nashville to enter
a husiness college he made inquiries among husiness men, as
all should do before entering any husiness college, and this is
the result.
XTbe IRasbvtlle Hmcrican, the veteran, and
The old, old American, ever true to the people of the South, under it»- new management with
Hon. .7. 14. Head, President, oontlnnee it< helpful Influence t” the Vfteran in the liberal
<pirit manifested by tin- above club rate.
mil estate $\w § fcatticr (l i,’s
Honesty. Solidity. Durability.
The Greatest Southern System.
The route <>f the Qreat Washington and
Southwestern Vestlbuled Limited, composed
only of Pullman Vestlbuled sleeping and
Dining Cars, solid to and from New York,
Including Through Vestlbuled Sleepers be-
tween N«’« i Orleans and New York via Mont-
gomery, Atlanta, rharlotte. Danville,
lottesvllle and Washington. tVlso the ” r. B.
Great Fast Mall.” with Through Pullman
Sleepers, saving twelve hours between New
York and Montgomery, without change;
triple daily trains between the Kast and At-
via Birmingham, the short and direct route
East and weet. All * ‘nnfederalep BOlOg to
the Confederate Reunion, at Birmingham,
should see that their tickets rend via the
Georgia Pacific Railway and Richmond &
iistirllle Railroad.
w. A. TrBK,
General Passenger Agent. Washington. D. C.
Ant. s. H. Habpwick.
General Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Oa,
A Good Point.
Why should yon be idle for one hour? No use in the world
for it. Every moment of the working pari of cadi day ought
to be employed. The busy people are the happy people. B. F.
Johnson & Co., of Richmond, Va., are offering in to-day’s paper
to show von how to turn every hour into solid cash,
Still Open.
The ‘ill model DEN8M0RE is the Lest typewriter now
made. Pronounced by users everywhere to be the “World’s
Greatest,” and a trial by the side of any other machine on the
market will prove it ….
Lightest Touch to Keys.
Perfect Alignment.
Powerful Manifolder.
Paper Fed Backward as Easily and Accurately as
Strength of Material and Excellence of Workman-
Write for our catalogue.
CHAS. E. GIRARDEAU, General Dealer,
203 Union Street, NASHVILLE, TENN.
JOHN ESTEN COOK’S Works of Eleven II Volumes.
Our offer In tin’ Fall was bo eagerlj <l bo many kind
letters received from p tor offering this eel of ma
.1 BUCb tETonll.v r«’«liice«l prices
thai we have decided to continue the offer until the present stoob i*
exhausted. We have onls thirty-four ‘ after tbi
gone we will have no more. These beautiful volumes pres* r
mosl charming manner thai wonderfu itlon in
t he South.
Regular Price for 1 1 Volumes, $ 1 6.50
Our Price for 1 1 Volumes $ 9.00
Payable 12.00 on delivery of complete sets,
days until paid for. Order at onci sentbyexpi
charles mitchell,
Baker and Confectioner.
Orders for Weddings and Parties Promptly Filled.
Home-made Candles Freeh Dally.
323 Union Street, Nashville, Tend.
Leather Woven Link BeltT
Leather • Pulley • Covering^
Ward Seminary, ‘
Conservatory of Music School of Fine Arts.
For catalogue and Information, address,
D. BLANTON. President, Nashville, Tenn.
£ W
1 m
a “J
o> r-
\lv exhibit of Seeds and Garden Vegetables’ was awarded several Premiums and a
Speeial Diploma iiv Piedmont Exposition Judges in 1891. Encouraged by this Buccess,
[gent i [lection of 8eed8 to the World’s Pair, and was awarded Medal and Diploma
for best collection there. This is inch indorsement, for the Seed met In com pet it ion
those great seed houses of this country, i>nt mine got there beautifully. I have had
T. J. KING, Richmond, Va,
We Have What She Wants, and We Sell Reasonably.
There never was a better Beer brewed, and never before has any
Beer obtained such a reputation in so short a time, as
The proof, of course, is
in the drinking. Try it.
Convince yourself.
$12.00 to $35.00 a week can
be mad.- working for us. Parties preferred
who can furnish a horse and travel through
the country : a team, though. Is not tieetssary.
\ few vacancies In town* and cities. Men
ami women of good character will tlnd this
an exceptional opportunity for profitable
employment. Spare hours may be used to
good advant
B. I . JOHNSON A CO., 11th ami Main Sts.,
RICHMOND, V A. l-‘tM-lv
I ■, ,,- eggs s nti beauty.
LIGHT BR VHMAS, for early brollt
Eggs, 81.50 for [5.
Stock for -air In the fall. II
Address MRS. T. E. McDANIEL. Smith’s Grove, Ky,
•• Fine Shoes ••
ADAPTBD To a I.I. was 1 -.
Trunks, Traveling Bags and Umbrellas.
Moderate Prices Best Goods.
Dental Department
Sixteenth Annual Session
Will begin October ~. is:>:s. and continue un-
til Latter part of February.
Infirmary, Southeast enrner llroud and High
Btreets, Is oowopen for tbe reception of pa-
tients. Patients win be charged only for ma-
terial used in operations. Competent In-
structors always present to direct the work.
infirmary open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.
ll-emos. R. B. LEES, M. D., D.D.S., Dean.
for partlculs
To BUY all kinds of
stamps, used or new,
and Confederate mon-
ey. Bend 2 cent stamp
TIIF VHKKAX. l\’n*tlMilli*.
, Bleeding,
coto.. VOGEL’S
233 North Summer Street.
.Nashville. Term.
318’ 2 Union St., Nashville, Tenn.
Jun-ly Tet.kiim.nk 588.
fll ‘-“.l 319 UNION STREET.
Is the
In the
It will Cure
A Man
or his kind more certainly and more
rapidly than any other Liniment on
earth, of Rheumatism, Pains, Swell-
ings, Bruises, Sprains, Soreness,
Stiffness, Sore Throat or Chest, Pain
in Back and Joints. Corns, Warts
and Bunions, InsectBites and Stings,
Frostbite, Cramps, Aches, Cuts and
Wounds. It will as surely cure
A Horse
or his kind of Spavin, Splint, Ring-
bone, Windgalls, Puffs, Swin-
ey, Scratches, Swellings, Bruises,
Sprains, Hurts-Cuts. Wounds, Sore-
ness, Stiffness, Knots, Harness and
Saddle Hurts.
SPURLOCK, NEAL & CO.. Nashville, Tenn.
The Editor’s Investigation,
Home Testimonials Dr. Yowell’s
Mn. Editor— Foi th< past tweotj yean I
suffered from oancer of the face. Con-
Bultod the mosl learned Burgeons of this
country, and have tried alnio iiowd
rented; without effect. M> home physicians
said li would kill me, and my experience
taught me the seal of death «n- stamp*
my face. I am now BOyeara old. Havi
a practicing physician in Nashville for fifteen
years, having retired a yeat ago on ae-
oount of my disease. With doubl and with-
out hope l consulted Drs. Reynolds, discov-
erers of the Oil Cure, l was pleased to And
tin-in honorable physicians and Burgeons,
calculated to Inspire hope In the hearts of
Buffering humanity. After thlrt; days’ ap-
plication <>f the Palnlese Oils I am almost
well, a large ecbar remaining, showing the
once diseased condition. Hoping my Bbotl
letter «iii save the Hi as of man] . I am,
i hfnlly you re,
Db. .1. B. ^ “” i
1221 n. Vine St., Nasbi Hie, I
editor ‘if the Vbtbrab la well nc-
quainted with l>r. Yowell, and would
any statement from him.
I’., mi Press [am a toll-gate keeper, have
Buffered Blnce 1888 with fistula, and hav
totally unable to work. Like all men. I hesi-
tated iiiwtiii- fur the Oil Cure. I oalli
l>rs. Reynolds six months ago and
i meon tbe oils, [am working
day. Have n. in examined by physii
and pronounced well, I»d^ ifferer
to emplo] tl li groat remedy. I suffered nu
pain from tbe treatment, I “Mi be alad to
write to all afflicted, Joskph a. Peach,
Franklin. Tt no.
Hon, S/eal Brown, of San Saba, Tex., writes:
After Buffering (a with five eating
cancers, involving andmoutb,
I learned of Drs. Reynolds’ “ii Cure, and if
my infallibleindorsement can establish trntb
thousands can be s ; i\ed pain, torment and
Mr. I,. M. whiiiikir. of Sunday Times,
Nashville, recommends the <‘ii Cure for ca-
tarrh : The mosl pleasant, safes! and shortest
road in recovery, and ii affords me treat
ure to commend Drs. Reynolds to suffer-
ing humanity as skilled physicians. at]
hearing has been restored.
Wilbur! i erofSnow-CburchCo.,
Baxter Court, Nashville, says: After suffering
iw> nt> years with catarrh of head, hum and
throat, the baneof my existence, I consider
the Oil tun- tbe greatest discovery of tbe
nineteenth century, and having been person-
ally acquainted with l>rs. Reynolds overs
year. I recommend them as honorable phy-
sicians. I am well.
in- Rej : perfected the Oil ( lure
for tbe treatment of consumption, catarrh,
oancer, lupus, ulcers, i-i !–s. fistula, eczema,
sen if n la. rheumatism, Brighfs disease, womb
diseases, and all inflammatory diseases of the
eye, ear, nose, and throat: nervous debility
and excesses treated on the most seientitie
prineiples. Call on oraddress Drs. Reynolds, ‘
H9 North Spruce Street, Nashville, Tenn.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
Invitee correspondence from readers of
rn;i\ having business In this pari of
the State. m/..
119 N. Market St.. Nashville, Tenn.
SoUdU Correxpondriire . Tetrj>h>”:-
All Kinds of Brushes to Order.
Nashville Brush Factory,
I-, i.i r LSOIt, l’KOPKIt ‘
112 South Market Mreet. NASHVILLE. TENN).
■ h.
Tricycles. Velocipedes. Kir.. Rmp Hull.
I . ■■»!■- A (rnqllfl *<•!•.. II I.
HrlflRl nuil Konvenir Present,.
M”M.\ II. orders solicited and carefully filled
309 < ..II.-. fc|., .VRshvillr. Trnn.
BflBorof tbe
” rnabrnik-‘
A Dictionary <>f
English, ‘
A Grand Educator
‘■ Abreast of the Times
A Library in Itself
i Invaluable in tbe
household, and to tbe
teacher, pn flf<
man, self-edu<
t Ask your Bookseller to show it tn you.
■■■ EERIA-MCO.,8prisofikldJI >”.,T\S.a.
fc oy Send for free prospec tus containing specimen
l papes. illustrations, testimonials, etc
ay Do not buy reprints of ancient editions.
W. C. COLLIER, Tr.sldent.
POPE TAYLOR Vice President. J. K. HAHT, Secretary nnd Treasurer.
W. C. Collier Grocery Company,
Nos. 601 and 603 Church Street. NASHVILLE, TENN.
MAXWELL HOUSE, Nashville, Te
.!””-& HA’I’KS. 3J..W
to 85.00 per day
K. BLACK. Malinger.
4 -Pos-i-tive-ly-12
1,. ii?. l\ “*;P . ‘:>'”” T method of leaching Bookkeeping Is equal
»»¥! w KKKS bj the old style. POSITIONS GUARAN-
“•’•” under certain conditions. Our “free” 56 and BOpace cata-
logue win explain all. Bend tor them.
Draughon’s Business College and
School of Shorthand and Telegraphy,
i < i ,, i? A, \ ,, °\ K,> – KoVacation. Eater at any time. \rtiiress
i. K Draughon, President Nashville, Tenn.
^Fosters Webb,
Blank Books,
We make a specialty of printing for Confederate Camps and other
Veteran organizations.
We have in our possession electros of all Confederate Mags, which
may he printed in colors on stationery, etc.
The Confederate Vktekan is printed by our establishment and
Is submitted ;is a specimen of our work.
ou bavi n’l laid In your supply of flower
seed don’t buy any annual*; we propose to
supply you with nil you will want (200 vari-
eties FKEE. We do ii simply to call your
attention to something betti r, which to see
• to want. The brightest and best ot pet 1-
odleals for the home ls”WOMAN” a large
Illustrated monthly, as bright as a new pin
and as charming as a Bprlng I net. it is
brim lull ..I everything a woman minis to
know, mill will brine sunshine to the borne
the year round. It [scut toflt and to please
woman, the home-maker. Now for our offer:
Bend us ten cents (stamps -ir Bllver) and we
will Bend you WOM IH two months on trial
and, m addition, will send you 200 varie-
ties of
This offer is fo
Don’t i • ■ 1 1 n off
receh e the si ed a tid
Immediate acceptance.
■ I to-day, and you will
Woman prompt ly.
-‘” ‘ : ””-‘ RICHMOND. VA
Russian and Turkish Baths
Knights of Dixie.
w : ■ 1 1 1 . . ] a number n( ex-Confed-
erates to act as organizers for the
“Knights of Dixie” in territories
not already taken, ” Dixie ” Is a
purely Boutbern society, lis se-
pret work Isof a high and elevat-
ing character, and recalls mem-
ones ol the sacred past.
Address Col. W. Sparling, Sup. Recorder
«« Aaoressuc
I*” r ■ ^ »;;
No. 317 Church Street, Nashville, Tenn.
I’KACTICAI, . I I \\ I I I It.
215′ ._. Union St . up stairs.
References, “Capt. E. w. Avereii is a
member In good standing of Cheatham Biv-
ouac, U. C. V., T. D. Jno. P. Hickman,
mar-lyr •’ Srcrelai-y.”
^iJr^S^v ON EARTH.
.. < on i \ s ..
BRITISH (oh.ii
Positively the Best made. BAUSAM.
HYAM COHEN, Pharmacist & Chemist, Waxahatchlejx
n CO
Ol c
Horse Shoeing of all kinds Neatly Done.
Dr. Roberg’s Patent Hoof Expander,
For the oureand prevention of Contraction,
Quarter (‘nicks. Corns, etc
&-fcAv* Great EYE RESTORER and
‘< -vj * CATARRH CURE.
inns Sore Eyes, Weak Eyes, Cataracts,
Pterygium, Deafness. Neuralgia, Bronchi-
tis, Sore Throat, Hay Fever, Asthma, Colds
and Coughs. Perfect little pock’ i battery]
II- ii h .lei rleal and chemical in its eileet.
Dictionary of Diseases, treatment nnd testi-
monials i KEKon application.
435 South St., Springfield, Mo
Qopfederat^ l/eterap.
Published Monthly in the Interest of Confedi j/rsHsr u 7 Kindred Topics
Price In Cekts.
Yearly S1.00
} Vol. II. Nashville, Tenn., March, ^94. 8tcorner ™«b. 3. { &A – ( SSJS HA ”
Hbc Jachct of (3va\\
Fold it up carefully, lay it :isi«i«’ ;
Tenderly touch It, look “ii il With pride;
Por dear must it be to oar hearts evermore,
Tin’ Jacket ol gray mir loved soldier boj wore.
ran we ever rorgel when be joined the brave
Who rose In defense of our dear Southern land,
And in ins bright youth harried on to the frnv-
How proudly in- donned it -the jacket of graj I
m- fond mother blessed blm and looked up
Commending to Heaven the child of her love;
What anguish was tier’s, mortal tongue oannol
saj .
When he passed from her sight in the Jacket, ol
Hut her country had called, and she would not
Though costls the sacrifice placed on its shrine ;
tier heart ‘s dearest iH>i>es ,,n its altar she lay,
Winn she si’nt nut her boy in the jacket of graj .
Blonths passed ami Mai’s thunder rolled over
the land.
Unsheathed was the sword, ami lighted the
brand ;
We heard in the distance the sounds ol tin’ fray.
Ami prayed forourboj in the Jacket of graj .
All ! vain. all. all vain were our prayers and nur
The glad slmnl of Victory rang in nur ears ;
tint nur treasured one on the nil battlefield lay,
While the life-blOOd OOBed OUl on the jacket of
His you ug comrades found him, and tenderly
Til lid, lifeless fill 111 tO hlS home bj the si,,, re;
Dh, dark were our hearts on that terrible day,
When wesawourdead boy in the Jacket of gray.
All : spi itt eii ami tattered, ami stained now with
Was the garment which once he so proudly wore;
We til’lv w -pt as we took it away,
A ml replaced with death’s white n.i.e t he jaeket
of gray.
We laid him to rest in his cold narrow I. ‘.1,
Ami graved on the marble we placed o’er his
lira. I.
As the proudest i tbuteour sad hearts could pay,
lie in \ 11 disgraced the jacket of sray.
Then fold it up carefully, lay it aside.
Tenderlj touch it. look on it with pride;
For dear must It be to our hearts evermore,
The Jaeket of gray our loved soldier hoy w ore !
—Mrs. C. A. Ball, Charleston, S. C.
There will be printed
12,000 Copies of the
April “Veteran.’
ADVERTISEMENTS will be given an in-
sertion in that issue and in the SOUVENIR
at the rate of 53.00 per inch.
B. H. ST1EF JEWELRY CO. Position Guaranteed !
I’m.-. !
i n 1 1 …hi]. .tii ion in Quantity, Quality, Styu
ami I’m. e, “i their
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry,
Class and Society Badges and Gold Medals a Specialty
JAMES B. CARR, Manager.
Can deposit your money for tuition In iiank till ixkNiilon is
secured and accepted. This uDer is made to all who enter for gu«r-
anii ourse in
Draughon’s Consolidated Practical Business College
and School of Shorthand and Telegraphy,
N.. Text-booh n*c<l on Book-keeping.
Three weeks by our practical method ol teaching 1 k-keeplng
is equal to twelve uicks by the old style. Eleven «h Faculty.
Bes1 patronized Business College in the Bouth. < – he:»|i Hoard. Bend
for ” free'” Illustrated lair BO-page catalogue, which will explain
why we rati afford to guarantee positions, and why other schools
can not. It also -n .■* taii-s ..f tuition, board, etc. Address,
o, J. 1′. DKAUQHOK, I’re»i<loii(. Nashville. Trim.
The only school in the South devoted exclusively to the training of young ladies and gentlemen in Shorthand anil Typewriting. The
Academy 1b under the personal direction of a veteran teacher and reporter— a veteran in a double sense, having commenced the study of
phonography thirty years ago, while a prisoner of war in Hock Island, Illinois.
Ci atlr Jo r d SvStem TaUCht Send for handsome Souvenir Catalogue, containing much valuable information about short-
hand. Systems reviewed, comparisons made, deductions drawn.
We are determined to put the lives of our
great heroes in the homes of the people.
By that prince of men,
Every man ami boy in th<- Southland should read tin- thrilling story “f this matchless hern’s sti-u^le from nhsi nrity t”
immortal fame. He stands in history like unto Oresar and Alexander, Washington and Napoleon.
This book is written in the must thrilling style. It has been sold at $2.50. We will furnish it, post-paid, at $1.50, and will
furnish free, with each order, the great picture
reproduced in exact colors. It is a wonderful picture ami will he appn ciated in tiny home.
In addition to the picture, we will give to the first ten (10), who order this book, a gold and enamel (in colors) Confederate
flag Scarf Pin. Address,
153-155 South Spruce St., NASHVILLE, TENN.
Qotyfederat^ l/eterap.
Published Monthly in the Interest of Confederate Veterans and Kindred Topics.
Price, in Cents. i V-.1 TT
Ykaki I VOL 11.
Nashville, Tknn., March, 1S94.
I Proprietor.
Enteric! :it thePostoffice, Nashi ille. Tenn.. as Becond-cl :i^ mutter
Advertisements: Two dollars per lncb one
cent last page. page, one time, 10. Discount: Half year,
One-issue; one rear, two issues. This is an Increast >>u formei
Contributors will bleat Tin spaot
important foi any thing thai lias not ttpeclal merit.
The date to -ui la always given to the month i-
en<ls. For instance, lr the Vbtbras be ordered to begin with Janu-
ary, the date on mall list will he December, and the suhs.rii •
ilea to that number.
Tbougb men deserve,
They may not win suet
I’h. brai t will honor lie hra\ e.
Vanquished Done the It bs.
Ok this issue “f tlif Veteran ten thousand five hun-
dred copies arc printed. It is expected that the next
number, April, will l>e twelve thousand, the la
number yet printed. Advertisements wil] l” printed
in it and in the Souvenir both for three dollars pt i
inch. Don’t wait for solicitors, but apply at once.
The Soovenib will contain the cream of the illus-
trations and articles that appeared in the Confeder-
ate Veteran during the past year, hence a valuable
addition to the library of every Southern home. The
publication will doubtless be the most popular ever
issued in the South. As an advertising medium it is
commended. It will he read, reread ami preserved
with care by a class of persons largely consisting of
those who have money to spend, therefor.’ an adver-
tisement in the Souvenir will have a permanent value.
In times of financial stringency like the present it is
Wise to be careful in selecting advertising mediums.
Too late for this issue comes the correction of St v-
eral errors in Camp officials. There are more from
Tennessee than the other States. To be supplied are
numbers 367 ami 432, then from 440 to 16] consecu-
tively. Please report all corrections due. SO that the
veteran list at Birmingham may he fault
Increased interest will lie had in the article by Rev.
J. H. MoNeilly on “Last Days of the Confederacy,”
by the statement that the proof was submitted to Mrs.
Jefferson ]>avis, who replied, “Acceptable, accurate,
and absolutely true.”
<i. \V. t’o.iK, of Chipley, Fla.. in sending suhserip-
tions for himself and s. M. Robertson, sny-: We both
left .me of our arms on the battlefield, one in Tennes-
see, the other in Virginia.
Aiu’t. Gen. H. B. Stoddard, of Bryan, publishes a
card urging a large attendance of Texas veterans at
the annual reunion to he held at Waco on the 5th, 6th,
and 7th of April. The Veteran will be represented.
It is definitely settled that the corner-stone to a
nfederate .Monument, to bi in Capital l’ark.
Birmingham, will be laid during the reunion in April.
.1. T. Br. k. ot Jackson, Miss., an ordnant
ami being at Clarksville to forward ammunition to
Fort Donelson, escaped capture in that surrendt
tine tribute to Maj Jacob Culbertson, who being with-
out a command was in the fort and .lid effective tiring
of oneof thelargt maybe Long Tom — upon the
Federal gunboats, Maj. Culbertson died at his home
near Jackson some years ago. leaving a family.
Comrades in the vicinity of Dover, Tenn. Fort
Donelson . have for a long time been trying to organ-
ize. Last month, on the thirty-second anniversary of
the last day’s battle, a meeting was held and a la
committee was appointed to insure success of a mi
ing for organization the second Monday in April. All
the people of thai section should take a pride in its
i- Fmi Donelson is one of the most noted bat-
tle grounds of the war. Foreign visitors to the plat •
will conclude that all the killing at Fort Donelson was
by Confederates, &e on the high hill in the suburbs of
Dover, there i> a well kept cemetery of the Federal
dead. Maybe the Union veterans will yet send up a
t petition to the National Legislature in behalf of
honoring the Southern hero who gave his life for his
convictions. The Confederate dead at Donelson
should hav. a cemetery fragrant with cultivated Mow-
ers and made beautiful with marble and bronze.
Comrades or others who may wish information about
the meeting may address Dr. Steger, at Dover.
In celebrating Washington’s birthday by the South-
ern Society of New York, speakers waxed warm in
reply to Hon. Ahram S. Hewitt, whose comparison of
the Southern leaders of the present with those of
past generations was disparaging, .lames Lindsay
Gordon of New York, a native Virginian said: “Nor
must it he understood that Southern statesmanship
at a discount to-day. The Treasury is guarded by a
Southern man: the great Navy of Uncle Sam is be-
ing built under the direction’ of a Southern -tates-
man: a Southern man is in charge of the Interior
Department, and a Southern man presides with dig-
nity and ability over the deliberations of the House of
Representatives; a Southern man. great, pure and
spotless, has been raised to the Supreme Court hench,
and a Southern man is responsible for the new tariff
hill. This is the record of the men of the Smith to-day.
They are Southrons, they are statesmen, but above
all they are American citizens.”
“Hurryup, boys I Don’1 you see the Colonel is put-
ting on his sword, and negro Bob lias his horse ready!
Hallo, you boys in that tent! Hurry up, or I’ll re-
port you to headquarters. ‘
Arc these expressions from the Orderly Sergeant
familiar to you? And then from the Captain: “Atten-
tion, company! Right dress! Call the roll, Sergeant.”
If so. note them now for a practical application. Sup-
pose you had not answered to your name? Suppose
you had not done your part as a soldier? What would
have become of the army? You know.
Comrades, don’t forget that life is a struggle from
the first sound of the bugle to the last “tattoo.” One
of the ordinary soldiers in the service happens to have
the responsible charge of presenting that great epoch,
and he is as powerless to accomplish its patriotic and
holy purposes as would have been our army com-
manders to win victories without the co-operation of
the soldiers. This statement must meet your approval.
Your reputation and the memories of your comrades
who never returned are involved. The Veteran is
the most important medium that has ever been printed
to represent the principles for which you suffered. If
it be worthy you should stand by it, and if not you
should protest against its use of the sacred name.
Iloll call is at hand. Do you answer, “Here?” You
can tell by reference to the date of your subscription.
If it indicates that your time is out you should answer,
“Here!” If you can’t pay say so, and the VETERAN
commander will excuse you. He has a limited num-
ber of excuses for comrades who are not prompt at
roll-call, especially if they be cripplied from the serv-
ice. Contrary to business rules, the Veteran will be
sent to comrades who can’t pay, as liberally as possible.
It is useless to appeal to the noble women whose
enthusiasm kept them animated to the end of the
struggle. To the daughters and sons of Confederate
soldiers who answered to their names faithfully, but
can’t do so now, the merit of this plea is made. Let
all who believe in the good faith of Confederates rally
now to their advocate, and the world will yet honor
them more and more in what they did.
This organ of the Southern soldiers in the war of
’61-6 has been amazingly popular from the first issue.
It was started in January, 1893, with an edition of
5,000 copies, and for the past six months more than
10,000 of each issue have been required to meet de-
mands. Every public spirited and patriotic person
South should take pride in its prominence and merit.
Charles Todd Quint aid, Bishop of Tennessee who has
ever been an honor to comrades at home and abroad :
Sewanek, Tenn., March 7, 1894. — Dear Mr. Cunning-
ham: The Confederate Veteran comes to me full of
good things, and I wish to thank you for your faith-
ful work in giving to the Confederate soldiers such an
admirable and accurate record of the days that “tried
men’s souls.” The typography, the illustrations, ami
the whole “get-Up” of the paper, leave nothing to be
desired. The editorials ami letters of correspondents
are full of interest to one who took part in the strug-
gle to preserve the constitutional rights of the States.
1 am yours with all good wishes.
Lt. < ren. S. D. Lee, Agricultural College, Miss. : I con-
sider your last two issues as splendid, and had made
up my mind to write you especially commending the
February number. The material is just what it ought
to be, and 1 wish you eminent success in your work.
I wish you had started such a monthly ten years ago.
Nashville Christian Advocate, organ of the M. E.
Church, South, .March 15: The Confederate Veteran,
Nashville, Tenn., S. A. Cunningham, editor, is well on
the way into its second year. From the first number
it has been a pronounced success, lt is patriotic and
progressive. Cheerfully accepting the present, it at
the same time loyally clings to the memories of the
past. * * * We do not see how any old Confeder-
ate can get along without this periodical.
K. H. Adams. Adjutant. Radford. Va.. March •”>. 1 894 :
At a meeting of (L C. Wharton Camp, No. 28, Con-
federate Veterans, Department of Virginia, the follow-
ing resolutions were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, the Confederate Veteran, published at
Nashville, Tenn., by our esteemed comrade, S. A. Cun-
ningham, is a faithful and true expounder of the
principles dear to us, and for which Lee fought and
Jackson died; therefore, be it
Resolved, That G. C. Wharton Camp, No. 28, Con-
federate Veterans, Department of Virginia, express
our gratitude to comrade Cunningham for such a wel-
come visitor.
Resolved, That this Camp hereby adopts the Confed-
erate Veteran as its official organ.
Capt. R. D. Smith, Columbia, Tenn.: On March 7th
we had a very satisfactory meeting of our old Bivouac.
the first that has been held since March, 1891. We
reorganized, and by unanimous vote made the VET-
ERAN our official organ. On the 17th of this month a
mass meeting is to lie held to perfect the organization
of the county association.
J. A. Smith, of Kaufman, Texas, in a letter of Feb-
ruary 27111. inclosing 810 for ten subscriptions to the
Veteran, names his mess-mates of Company A. Ith
Tennessee Cavalry, and wishes to hear from them.
They are, J. 1*. Tippit, Bass Marlin, Dave. Stanley
and Tom Ivey. He was known as ” Little Bret” Smith.
P. F. Lewis, of Aurora, Texas, inquires of Henry
Dennis, who was about thirty-live years old, was
wounded and being cared for near the line of Loui-
siana when he last heard from him. Does not even
know Dennis’ command.
Among matters deferred for April Veteran are notes
about the Stonewall Jackson medals, of which much
has been published, and about which some contro-
versy as to ownership exists.
A great many official indorsements by Camps will
be acknowledged in the April Veteran.
His prominence in Confederate
matters makes this personal and
official sketch all the more inter-
Gen. Win. L. Cabell was horn in
Danville, Va. ? Jan. 1. 1827. He was
the third child of Gen. Benj. W.
S. and Sarah Eppes Cabell, who
lived to see seven sons and two
daughters grown, six sons held
prominent positions in the Con-
federate Army. The seventh, 1 »r.
Powhattan Cabell, died from the
effect of an arrow wound received
in Florida just before the Confed-
erate War began.
Gen. Cabell entered the Military
Academy at West Point in June,
1846. graduating in 1850. He en-
tered the United States Army as
Second Lieutenant, and was as-
signed to the 7th Infantry. In
June, l s -‘>”>, he was promoted to
First Lieutenant and made Regi-
mental Quartermaster of thai reg-
iment. In March. 1858, he was
made Captain in the Quartermas-
ter’s Department and ordered on
duty on Gen. Pessifer F.Smith’s
Stall”, who was then in command
of the Utah Expedition. After
Gen. Smith’s death Gen. Hat
assumed command, and Capt. Ca-
bell remained on Gen. Harney’s
staff until the close of the expe-
dition, when he was ordered to re-
build Fort Kearney. In the spring
Of I s “”- 1 he was ordered to Fort Arluicklein the Chick-
asaw Nation, and in the fall of that year to build a new-
post about KKI miles west of Arbuckle. high u]> on
the Washita River in the Indian country.
When the war became inevitable Cant. Cabell re-
paired to Fort Smith. Ark., and from there went to
Little Rock and offered his sen ices to the Governor of
the State. On receipt of a telegram from President
Davis he went to Montgomery. Ala., then the Confed-
erate Capital. Capt. Cabell reached Montgomery April
19th, where he found the acceptance of his resigna-
tion from the United States Army, signed by Presi-
dent Lincoln.
He was at once commissioned as Major under the
Confederate < Government, and under orders from Presi-
dent Davis left on April 21st for Richmond to organ-
ize the Quartermaster Commissary and Ordnano De-
partments. He remained in Richmond attending to
all these duties until .Tune 1, 1861, when he was or-
dered to Manassas to report to Gen. Beauregard as
Chief Quartermaster of the Army of the Potomac.
After the battles of the 18th and 19th of July Gen.
Joseph E. Johnston assumed command and Major
Cabdl served on his staff until January 15, 1862, when
he was relieved and ordered to report fc> Gen. Albert
Bidney Johnston, then in command of the Army of
the West. He was assigned to Gen. Van Dorn in thj?
Trans-Mississippi Department, with headquarters then
at Ja< ksonport, Ark.
He was next promoted to the rank of Brigadier
General, and assigned to command of all the troops
on White River, where he In Id the enemy in check
until after the battle of Elk Horn, March 6th and 7th.
After that battle the army was transferred to th<
side of the Mississippi. The removal of this army,
which included Price’s Missouri and McCulloch’e Ar-
kansas, Louisiana and Texas troops, and his own com-
mand, devolved on Gen. Cab,. 11. and was performed
within a single week from points along White River.
Van CornV Armv continued, after reaching Mem-
phis, to Corinth, and Gen Cabell was I I” a
Texas brigade with an Arkansas regiment attached.
He commanded this brigade in several engagements
around Fannington and Corinth, and commanded the
rear of Van Coin’s Army on the retreat from Corinth
to Tupelo.
Gen. Bragg’s Army was ordered to Kentucky
Gen. Cabell was transferred to an Arkansas brigade,
which he commanded in the battles of Iuka and Sal-
tillo in September, and at Corinth on October2 and :’..
1862, also at Hatchie Bridge on the 4th of October.
He was wounded leading the charge of his brigade on
the breastworks at Corinth, and also at Hatchie Bridge,
which disabled him from command. What was hit
of his command was temporarily assigned to the 1st
Missouri Brigade under Gen. Brown. He was ordered
to the Trans-Mississippi I lepartment to recuperate and
inspect the Staff Departments of that army.
When sufficiently recovered for duty in the Geld be
was, February, 1863, placed in command of all the
forces in Northwest Arkansas, with instructions to
augment bis command by recruits from every pari of
the State. He was very successful, and organized one
of the largest cavalry brigades west of the Mississippi.
He commanded this brigade in more than twenty bat-
< >n the raid into Missouri under Gen. Price he
was captured in the open field near Mine Creek inOc-
tober, 1864, and was taken to Johnson Island i in Lake
Erie . and later to Fort Warren near Boston, until re-
leased August 28, 1865.
Gen. Cabell went from Boston to New York, and
thence to Austin. Texas. He subsequently lived at
Fort Smith, Ark., and engaged in the practice of law
until he moved to Dallas, Texas, in Decemher, 1872.
He was Chairman of the Democratic Executive Com-
mittee in Arkansas, and Chairman of the Arkansas
Democratic delegation that went to the Baltimore
Convention which nominated Horace Greely for the
Presidency. He was four times elected Mayor of Dal-
las; was a delegate from the State of Teisas to the
Convention that nominated Mr. Tilden in St. Louis
and President Cleveland at Chicago in 1S84 and 1892.
He served as U. S. Marshal under President Cleve-
land’s first administration.
Gen. Cabell is Lieutenant General of the Associa-
tion of United Confederate Veterans, commanding
the Trans-Mississippi Department, embracing all the
country west of the Mississippi River. He is ever
zealous in forwarding their interests.
Gen. Cabell married the daughter of Maj. Elias
Rector, of Arkansas, a woman of great intelligence and
courage, and noted for her ready wit. During the
war she followed her husband and did much to re-
lieve the sick and wounded. Her name was ” Shingo,”
an Indian name, meaning “Little Bird,” and the sol-
diers thought no name so sweet or more appropriate
as she came from near or far to answer their cries for
aid when in distress. His oldest son Hen. K. Cabell,
was Deputy U. S. Marshal under his father, and is
now Sheriff of Dallas County, Texas, being the young-
est man ever elected to that oilice in the county.
Three other sons, all noble boys, and one married
daughter, Mrs. J. R. Currie, whose husband is a Mis-
sissippian, form his household and share his love for
the South, and prize her noble and wonderful history.
A Georgia private tells a thrilling story of Sergeant
Oakley, who “carried the colors of his regiment two
hundred yards in front of the line” at Murfreesboro,
December :il, 1862. He did this, and waved it con-
spicuously to determine whether a certain battery was
Confederate or Federal. After showing the colors to
assure the identity of his command he deliberately
returned with them to his line. In June of the next
year Gen. Leonidas Folk was on an inspection, and
when at the 1th Tennessee Regiment he called for the
Color-bearer, when he ungloved his hand and said,
“I must shake hands with you.” Then raising his
hat, the General continued with gnat feeling and real
martial eloquence: “I am proud to uncover in the
presence of so great a man.” The effect was fine, and
a great shout rent the air.
Gen. E. D. Hall, of Wilmington, Department Com-
7nander of North Carolina, is very much the type of
Old Hickory. He raised the first volunteer company
in that section, if not in the State, and arrived at Ma-
nassas just at the close of that memorable victory
July 21, ’61. Soon after this he was appointed Major
of the 7th North Carolina Regiment, and so acquitted
himself in the battle of New Berne that he was elected
Colonel of the 46th North Carolina, although a per-
sonal stranger, even to its officers. His regiment was
put in Walker’s brigade, afterward famous as Cook’s
brigade, and it is said they were in every battle in
Lee’s army. Gen. Cook was wounded several times, so
that Col. Hall, being senior Colonel, had to take the
command. This he did at Sharpsburg, Fredericks-
burg, Mary’s Heights, and Bristow Station. He de-
clined the appointment of Brigadier General, although
A. P. Hill insisted upon it, in loyalty to his friend’s
i Gen. Cook) approaching recovery. In December,
1864, he resigned active service an account of disabil-
ity. After his health improved he was elected to the
Senate. He took strong ground, when necessary, in
behalf of his people in the period of reconstruction.
He was nominated as Lieutenant Governor and can-
vassed the State, but with 25,<K>() white people dis-
franchised and the ballot given to the negroes, there
was no chance for success. (Jen. Hall has ever been
zealous for the old veterans, and may be credited with
getting pensions from the State, lie was unanimously
elected President of the North Carolina Veteran Asso-
ciation. In their reunions Gen. Hall has secured re-
markable favors, so much so that veterans could at-
tend practically without money or price.
The pathetic plea by Capt. J. N. Sloan, of Pom
Mis-., has had attention in various sections. The Vkt-
ekan is pleased to note the following contributions
From Nashville, Tenn., Capt. Thos. Gibson $ .50
From Goodlettsville. Trim., (‘apt. .1. « ». Bass, $1; .1. N.
Crosswy, $1; W. B. Clark, fl; K. A. Cartwright, 60
cents: B. F. Myers, 60 cents 5 00
From Morgan City. La., Malcolm Fraserprocured from
father, brother and sister, $•_’ ; D. W. Ha vs. >•_’: Susie
Vinson,*- 1 ; Edwin E. Roby,$l ‘ 00
From St. James. La., \V. B. Calhoun, |2.60; .lames K.
Tucker, $5; Dr.B.F.Chappin,$2.60; John A. Mil
|1: Kmil, $1 ; F!Green,$5; M. McMeana 20 00
From Tolu, Ky., K. A. Moore, in 10 and 26 ” DtB contri-
From Baltimore, Md., George Savage 2 00
From Sharon, Tenn., E. T. Hollis and others 2 SO
From 1 .allatin, Tenn.. .1. W. Blackmore
From Jacksonville, Fla., John A. Brittain l 00
From Mount Pleasant, Tenn., Mrs. Lero Long 4 00
In commenting upon the Bubject the Goodlettsville
parties regard it as worthy a plea as was ever made.
.1. Mai. Fras.r. of Morgan City, La., writes that his
little Jtfalcolm, eleven years old, procured the –
the 1 family. He sent the other amounts.
Folger Green, of St. .lame-. I, a. .St. Patrick, P,
in sending 120, says he is without doubt of ii- right
appreciation, and adds, “Some of us have fought ami
bled, while others are sons of father- who ‘stood the
R. A. Moore, of Tolu. Ky.. Bends $3.75 from “dime
collections,” Btarted while a few friends sat by the fire
in his store, of the contributors there were three
who were Federal soldiers, two of whom gave 25 cents
each. Mr. Moon Suggests that ten cents collections he
started in every village, ami adds that the result would
be amazing, and Capt. Sloan he put above want.
E. T. Hollis, who sends for himself ami others at
Sharon, Tenn., 12.50, says that reading the Vet]
“arouses strong love and sympathy for all old rehs.”
(ieorge Savage, Esq., in remitting, from Baltimore,
?’_’, and adds, I have read with sympathetic heart his
appeal, and wish I could do more for the brave and
worthy old soldier. Mr. Savage served as private in
Otey’s Battery, Army of Northern Virginia.
J. A. Brittain, Jacksonville, Fla., quotes the beautiful
sentence. “Let us share what we have, a- we did our
Mrs. I. em Long adds her “mite,” $4.
In his acknowledgments for these favors Capt. Sloan
writes: ” Please tender my grateful and sincere thanks
bo each contributor. May God bless them!” Again.
in accepting the remittances from St. .lames. La., and
Tolu. Ky., he says. ” I pray t.od’s richest blessings on
each and all.”
The $150 referred to as given by his State was a con-
tribution by members of the State Legislature. The
VETERAN has procured for him only about $100 so far,
and it ought to he at least $1,000.
Dr. Wm. M. Vandell of El Paso, Texas, Bends this
comforting postscript to letter. He is a member of John
C. Brown Camp: “OurJCamp gave $10, and Ferrell
and myself, as committee, raised SoC.l’.”.. total STii.’Jo.
for t’apt. Sloan. Will send you note of it when 1
collect it all.”
Maj. W. 1′. Gorman, agent of (amp Hardee, has
ten out a neat circular to the coming reunion, which
ling broadcast over the country, giving in-
formation about hotel and railroad ral
Adjutant Browne, of Paducah, Ky.: In the pr<
husiness. or want of it. or something, I have neglected
to advise you that our Camp has unanimously voted
the VETERAN an indorsement a- its organ.
Frederick S. Ferguson is a native of 1 1 initsville,
Ala., was graduated at the Wesleyan University, Flor-
ence. Ala., in July, 1859, and until the war taught
school ami studied law. In January, 1861, he was
with the expedition commanded by Col. Lomaz,
which captured the navy yard and forts at Pensacola,
Florida, and soon afterward was appointed Sec. ml
Lieutenant of artillery in the regular regiment raised
by A la ha m a and transferred to the< onfederacy. Hav-
ing passed the examination tor a comi as an
ordnance officer, hi served in artillery, and was staff
officer to Gens. Gardner, Higgins and Page. Luring
the -1 ige of Fort Morg ommanded one of its
Latteries with the rank of Captain, and was captured
with its garrison in August. 1864, from which time
until June, 1865, lie was ; i prisoner at Fort Lafayette.
X. Y., and Fort Warren, M
Born at Charleston, 8. C, September -11. 1833.
Graduated at West Point, in 1854. En the Qnited
States Army until South Carolina seceded when he
ned in 1861. Be was one of the officers who car-
ried Beauregard V demand for the surrender of Fort
Sumpter, and afterward the order to open fire on the
fort. He was Captain of Artillery, Hampton’s Legion,
in Virginia, then Major, Lieutenant Colonel and Colo-
nel of artillery, and was in the battles of the Peninsu-
lar campaign from Yorktown to Richmond, Seven
Pines, Savage’s Station and Malvern Hill. He did
gallant service also in the battles of Second Manassas
and Sharpsburg. He was promoted to Brigadier Gen-
eral and sent from Virginia to Mississippi and com-
manded batteries and garrison of Vicksburg under
Gen. M. L. Smith. He defeated Sherman at Chickasaw
Bayou, in the winter of 1862 and 1863. Three horses
were shot from under him at Baker’s Creek. After
the siege of Vicksburg he was made Major < General to
command all the cavalry in Mississippi, Alabama,
East Louisiana and West Tennessee. He was again
promoted to Lieutenant General and placed in com-
mand of that department. He organized cavalry regi-
ments, confronted Sherman’s army of 30,000 men with
his cavalry force of 2,500 men from Vicksburg to Meri-
dian, fought with General Forrest the battle of Har-
risburg, Miss., against A. <■. Smith’s army, where the
odds were 5,000 against 16,000 Federals. The latter
withdrew toward Memphis. Later he was assigned
to command of Hood’s Corps, Army of Tennessee,
before Atlanta, and was in the battles of 28th of July
and also at Jonesboro. He was with Hood in his Ten-
ne-see campaign, his corps was left at Columbia with
two divisions, artillery and wagon trains of the army,
while II 1 made his flank movement at Spring Hill,
arrived at Franklin in lime to take part with one
division in that terrible battle, having marched from
Columbia after the balance of the army had reached
Spring Hill: was in the battles around Nashville, and
repulsed the enemy in his assault on Overton Hill,
which was held until the left and center of our army
was driven hack in disorder. lie covered retreat of
the army, after its disastrous rout, his corps being
the only one with organization intact. Daring the
next day after the rout, he presented a defiant front,
repulsing every effort of Wilson- cavalry, from early
dawn to lo o’clock at night. So successful was this
persistence that little or no effort was made for battle
afterward. On the second day of the battle, a rear
guard was organized under the command of Generals
Walthall and Forrest, the latter having arrived from
Murfreesboro, but the pursuit was feeble after the first
day, no fight of consequence occurred, and Hood was
allowed to recross the Tennessee River. Gen. Lee was
severely wounded while with the real- guard in the
afternoon of the day after the rout. He surrendered
with his corps, under Gen. ,1. E.Johnston, in North
Since the war Gen. Lee has been a planter, and Pres-
ident of the Mississippi Agricultural and Mechanical
College, which position he now holds. He has repre-
sented his county and district in the State Senate, and
was a member of the convention which framed the
Constitution of his State. He was sixty years of age
September lN’.i:;. He is the third officer in rank of
living Confederates, Generals Longstreet and A. P.
Stewart having older commissions.
He is too modest to speak of his own brilliant
achievements. 1 knew him in the Army of Northern
Virginia. The world knows what S. 1). Lee did at
second Manassas — how with eighteen guns he con-
tributed so largely to win that great victory, -lust after
the bloody battle of Sharpsburg, in ISti’i, when the
army had recrosscd the Potomac, Gen. R. E. Lee sent
for Col. S. 1). Lee and told him he had recommended
him for promotion as Brigadier General, ami that he
wished to place him in command of all the artillery
of the Army of Northern Virginia. A few days after
this Col. Lee was again invited to Cen. Lee’s head-
quarters. On arriving Gen. Lee handed him hi- com-
mission as Brigadier General, saying that President
Davis had ordered him to select the most accomplished
artillerist in the Army of Northren Virginia and di-
rect him to report to Gen. Pemberton, who was then
at Vicksburg, Miss. Gen. Lee told him that he would
be compelled to select him for that duty, as he had
already made him his Chief of Artillery.
H. I>. Watts, Americus, Ga.: I wish I could get a
hundred for you. I believe if you would send a can-
vasser here you could get many subscribers. I do not
have time to attend to it, or I would and not charge
anv thing, for you are engaged in a noble cause. I
came out of the war without a dollar or a change of
clothing, and I have had to work hard ever since to
make a living. Accept this as a token of my appre-
ciation of your noble effort to keep alive the senti-
ment that prompted us to go forth in defense of our
countrv in 1861.
During the civil war it was my fortune to be rather
intimately associated with the Hon. .Jos. K. Davis, the
elder brother of Jefferson Davis. President of the Con-
federate states. He impressed me very much by the
keenness of hip intellect, the extent of his informa-
tion, and the force of his character.
In the fall of 1863 1 was nearly blind from expos-
ure in the campaign around Yiekshurg. 1 was sent to
the hospital at Lauderdale Springs, Mississippi, under
the care of my friend, Dr. Robert Anderson, who had
been, for Beveral years before the war. Mr. 1 ‘avis’ fam-
ily physician. Sir. Davis and his family, finding that
he could not live on his plantation on the Mississippi
River, had moved to Lauderdale Springs. It wa- there
at his home, and at the residence ol Dr. Anderson,
that I met him and frequently heard him talk.
During my stay in the hospital Mrs. 1 >a\ i- died. She
was a lovely woman of devout piety, and a member
of the Episcopal Church. In the condition of the
country at thai time it was impossible to secure the
services of a clergyman of her own church, and Mr.
Davis asked me to conduct the funeral services of his
wife. He was devotedly attached to her and he felt
profoundly her loss, coming, especially, as it did, upon
him in his old age, and away from his home. My
conduct of the funeral, he wa- pleased to say, gratified
and comforted him. and he always afterward ex-
pressed for me the kindest feelings, and admitted me
to a confidence, which, otherwise his gnat superiority
in age, station and ability would have precluded.
\- soon as 1 was well enough 1 returned to my regi-
ment, and was absorbed in the activities of the cam-
paigns of 1864 in North Georgia and Tennesset
seeing Mr. Davis, and only occasionally hearing from
him during that time. After the disastrous ba1
Nashville, 1 was in the rear guard of Hood’s Army.
By incessant marching and lighting, under the genius
<»f such Generals as Forrest, Walthall and W. H. Jack-
Bon, we escaped across the Tennessee Liver. T
found that the terrible exposure had rendered me
nearly blind again. I was again sent to Dr. Anderson,
who was then in charge of the hospital at Tuscaloosa.
Alabama. Mr. Davis and his family were boarding
with Dr. Anderson, and so I was thrown into daily
intercourse with him until the 20th of May, l s ti-“>.
when 1 was finally paroled — a period i>( nearly three
Mr. Davis was a great reader, and as soon a- my
eyes became strong enough. 1 went daily to his room
and read to him. He was at that time reading with
enthusiasm, again, the history of Herodotus. I for-
get in what translation. 1 was constantly imp:
with his wide information and also his breadth of
view. On the political history and principles of our
Government he had thought deeply. Like many an-
other Southern gentleman, he studied history to learn
lessons which he might apply to our own political
He seemed to know and understand all of the great
movements of the day. social and ecclesiastical, as well
as political. One day, in speaking with him, I made
some reference to the disruption of the Church of Scot-
land, and the origin of tin Free Church, in 1843 : and
1 was surprised to find him thoroughly familiar with
the movement, its history and underlying principles.
His affection for his brother, the President, was in-
tense and seemed to deepen with years. I have heard
that Jefferson Davis gave great regard to the opinions
and advice of this elder brother.
Mr. Davis often and freely spoke of the situation of
the country, and of the difficulties with which the
Confederate I’re-ident had to contend. He was a man
■ if positive conviction- anil warm feelings, and he crit-
icised, often sharply. But he -trove to be just in his
judgment-. He wa-. perhaps, eighty years old, and
doubtless age and experience had chastened the order
of his feeling- : yet. one could see even then that he
was a man who held hi- opinions tenaciously, ami
wa- not afraid t” express them. Of course, as was
natural, he entered into the policy and prejudices of
tie I’re-ident. and stood by him firmly.
of the most loveabl* n the characti
Jefferson Davis was his tender love and dee], respect
for this old man. 1 think that nearly every week, in
spite of the huge care- that oppressed him. he wrote
to him — sometimes only a brief not
long letter, discussing the condition of our country.
Mi Davis often permitted me to read these let
and 1 was deeply impressed with the President’s sin-
ceritv and his consuming love of his country. Two
letters especially 1 recall, possibly the last written
from Richmond, that were full of personal tenderm–.
lofty patriotism, and an unspeakable sadness. I can
not pretend to give the exact words, but the substance
1 remember.
In one the President spoke of the harsh criticisms
upon him and his administration. He -aid that num-
bers of his countrymen would think of him as a di<
tor, who substituted his personal judgment and will
for the action of Congress; who refused to execute the
will of the Congress. He said that there had never
been a day that he had not been willing to carry out
the measures approved by the Congress: that where
any action had been taken he had honestly and faith-
fully tried to execute it. But he said the difficulty
was too often that I had no policy of its own
— members could not a<_ r ree among then and
wasted time in fruitless talk — only eager to oppi
his idea-. He -aid that often the condition of the
army or the country urgently demanded some relief
measure; immediate action of some kind was impera-
tive; inaction meant ruin; in such circumstances he
always had his plan, which, of course, he urged upon
Congress. But he w Ways willing, if his plan
was not adopted, to try any other which they might
suggest, but they would not accept his plan, nor
would they adopt’ one of their own. In this emer-
gency, he said that something must be done to a
ruin,” and he was forced to carry out some plan; and
of course he acted on his own ideas in the absence of
any action by Congress. Then he was charged with
being a dictator.
In the other and later letter he was speaking of the
disasters that had befallen our arms, and the terrible
straits to which we were reduced. He felt that the
worst feature of the situation was the tone and spirit
of discouragement among the people. He believed
that in spite of our lack of resources, in spite of our
crippled condition, if the people would make one
mighty effort — would rise to the height of the occasion
and show their willingness to die rather than yield,
then God would interpose for our deliverance. Be
thought that a people showing themselves thus worthy
of independence could not he suhdued. He expressed
his i heerful willingness to die, if by the sacrifice he
might rouse the people to the supreme effort. Then
Bpeaking to his brother the earnest desires of his heart,
he said that he hoped God in mercy would spare him
the Bight of the overthrow of his country, and the
humiliation of his people. He trusted that before the
end came he might have opportunity to give up on
the field of battle the life that he had devoted to the
service of the Confederacy.
Both of these letters impressed me with the Presi-
dent’s unselfish and conscientious devotion of him-
self and all of his powers to the cause which with all
his soul he believed to be righteous.
Before I close these reminiscences, let me speak of
an incident showing Mr. Joseph Davis’ physical cour-
age. While in Tuscaloosa it was his habit to drive
out every day for his health, for he was quite feeble, as
well as very old. lie had a pair of good horses, which
he retained after giving up almost everything else to
the cause. One day he drove out across the Black
Warrior River, northward, accompanied only by his
negro driver. Now the country north of the city was
infested by bands of marauders, who claimed to be
guerrillas, but who were in reality deserters from our
army. They pretended that the}’ took their plunder
for the Government; that they were authorized to
“press” horses, provisions, etc., for the Confederacy.
Often, if they met resistance, they killed the owners
of the property.
On this day Mr. Davis had gone several miles, when
in a lonely part of the road he found himself con-
fronted by one of these lawless bands. The leader,
catching the horses’ bits, threw them back on their
haunches, and Mr. Davis was thrown forward in his
barouche; but, recovering himself, he straightened up
with a pair of pistols in his hands, pointing right into
the face of the leader. The fellow was cowed at once,
for he saw that Mr. Davis would certainly shoot him.
In other words, the old gentleman “had the drop” on
him. He was told that if he attempted to leave he
would be shot like a dog, and that his crowd must
withdraw. He was held there until they had gone,
and then he was allowed to depart, and Mr. Davis
drove back, and in a few minutes was in safety. Of
course the crowd were cowards; but the old man’s
courage was manifest.
After 1 was paroled I never saw Mr. Davis again.
He died not long after the war.
M. Loom an, Esq., of Houston, Texas, writes as fol-
lows concerning the coming East of Albert Sidney
Johnston, referred to at length elsewhere:
I well remember the meeting of Gen. Johnston and
Gen. Baylor, who was then in command of Arizona,
in July 1861, when Gen. Johnston was on his way
from California to Richmond. He stayed with us
about a week resting his animal.
Mr. Looscan refers to confusion of Gen. Baylor’s
name with that of Col. George W. Baylor, who came
East with Gen. Johnston, and was with him as staff
officer when he was killed. Col. Baylor is still living,
and resides in El Paso County, Texas.
Besides sketches of other Major Generals, pictures
of all the lady representatives of states will be in the
April Veteran.
Reminiscences by the “‘Mother of the Confederacy”
are in type for the April Veteran. They are thrill-
ing and pathetic.
An exquisite picture of the lady who said, “I had
rather have my picture in the Veteran than in the
White House,” has been made for the April issue.
Her presence at the Birmingham reunion is fondly
There is an omission from article about postage
stamps, pages 77 and 78, which may be of interest to
some of our people. Local stamps of large cities are
so abundant that they are of but little value, but there
are others of small places like Athens, Goliad, Madi-
son and Livingston, that command high prices, rang-
ing between 25 cents and &100. The Livingston, Ala.,
stamp is in greatest demand, one of which sold for
$576 in New York on March loth.
It seems that the notes about Gen. Lee being or-
dered to the rear had been sufficiently explained in
the last Veteran for there ever to be further reference
to it, yet some correspondence has been received from
high authority, including a letter from Gen. Gordon
and a quotation from Gen. Lee himself, so that some
interesting notes will occur in regard to that.
The people of Murfreesboro are zealous and faithful
in their efforts to build a monument to the Confeder-
ate dead there buried. It is a cause that will enlist
an interest in every Southern State. Has it occurred
that you might raise a fund in your vicinity by some
pleasant entertainment ? The valor of many a South-
ron was immortalized there in the spirit that will live
forever. Let it be symbolized by marble and bronze.
Col. John Anderson, who commanded the Donel-
son Brigade of Tennessee Infantry while Colonel of the
8th Tennessee, tells an interesting story of a man who
belonged to Campany A, and ran away in face of the
enemy during the battle of Murfreesboro. The poor
fellow was sentenced to be shot, and was in jail at
Shelbyville. Maj. Burford, of the regiment, who was
a very sympathetic man, visited the condemned man
and was so affected that he prevailed on Colonel An-
derson to do so. Before going he had a talk with < ten.
Cheatham, and it was understood that although Gen.
Bragg was not to know of it, he, Anderson, would
write his own order for release, which he did, and car-
ried it with him. He called on (‘apt. Charles \V.
Peden, Provost Marshal at Shelbyville, and told him
he must have that man. The prisoner said they
must save his life — that he had a wife and small chil-
dren, and that if they would release him he would
try and make a good soldier for the future. True to
his word, he did the best he could, and improved in
each battle. At Franklin he fell far to the front with
his face to the foe.
.Ino. P. HliUinnn.
Sec r etary,
Enelgll F. A. Moses. Lt Geo. F. Hager.
The General Assembly of 1891 passed an Act ap-
propriating $60,000 annually to the maimed and indi-
gent Confederate Soldiers of the State who could not,
on account of their family relations, receive the bene-
fits of the Tennessee Confederate Soldiers’ Home.
The pensions bestowed under the Act were as follows :
First .lass, a soldier who had lost both eyes, both arms,
or both legs, $300 per year: second class, a soldier who
had lost one arm or one leg, and a disability to the
other arm or leg, $12(1 per year; third class, a soldier
who had lost one arm or one leg, or a disability equiv-
alent thereto, $100 per year. Under the Act it must
clearly appear that the’ disability was incurred from
active service, that the soldier is in indigent circum-
stances, and that bis record as a soldier was free from
Under the Act there are five Pension Examiners,
and they are allowed a Secretary. The Pension Ex-
aminers receive no salaries. The Attorney General
and Comptroller of the State are members of said
Board by virtue of their positions. The Tennessee
Division of Confederate Soldiers name the other three
II >. R. Guild.
id* hi .
Att’j <ien. (V. W. Flekle.
Ja*. A. Harris.
members of the Board, and they are commissioned
by the Governor.
The Board is at present constituted as follows: At-
torney Gen. G. W. Pickle, Com p. .las. A. Harris, Lieut.
.George B. Guild, Ensign Frank A. Moses, and Lieut.
George F. Hager, with private John I’. Hickma
Secretary. Tennessee now has 571 soldiers on its pen-
sion roll, and it has also eightv-six soldiers in the
Confederate Home. None of the latter have families.
A Camp has been organized at Greeneville. N. (‘.,
named in honor of Pitt County’s gallant son.
Bryan Grimes. B. F. Sugg was elected President and
E. A. Maze, Secretary. ” We bad a general good time.
Many war incidents and anecdotes were recited. The
old veterans broke camp to meet again next year. H.”
A comrade, member of the Forty-eighth Tennessee
Regiment, demurs at some statement as to who com-
prised Cleburne’s brigade at Shiloh. His regiment
was held at Decatur, and ” the other regiments of
Cleburne’s brigade were the Second, Twenty-third
and Twenty-fourth Tennessee, and Fifteenth Arkan-
sas Regiments.”
John D. Renfroe has written ;i thrilling story of
Maj. John Pelham, “the boy artillerist,” for the
burnal, from which the following is taken:
lie was of ” Kentucky stock,” but born in Alalia ma.
September 7. l s :>. The London Timet said he ex-
celled any man of hie age, mi either side, in the great
Young Pel ham was at West Point, and would have
received his commission in a week, but he resigned
and came South to enlist for his section. As a
cadet he had dash and soldierly hearing. He always
walked straight as a “bee line,” and never looked
hack, no matter how nmeh noise the other cadets
made in his rear. He was considered the best athlete
at West Point, and was noted for fencing and boxing.
“Then as now,” said the writer, “at the academy, a
cat. with its reputed plurality of lives, would be dead
a dozen times in taking half the chances those laugh-
ing cadets would eagerly seek in the cavalry drill, hut
I’elham excelled them all.” The Prince of Wales was
struck with his horsemanship when he visited the
academy in 1 *<>(>. His horseback riding was marvel-
ous, and went down from class to class as a sort of
tradition, and years afterward the cadets would talk
of John Pelham’s wonderful riding.
It is said he got through the lines into Kentucky
by a fair Indiana maiden whose affections he won,
which were stronger than her true patriotism. He
reported at Montgomery, the Confederate capital, and
was sent to Virginia. At Manassas he so interested
“Jeb” Stuart that he had him organize a six-gjin
battery. Of this battery were forty men from Talla-
dega, under Lieut. Wm. McGregor, now living in
Texas, and others, in charge of his “Napoleon” gun,
from Mobile. This six-gun battery became the nucleus
of “Stuart’s Horse Artillery.'”
At Cold Harbor he advanced one gun a third of a
mile to the front, and for more than an hour it was
the only gun on the Confederate left firing, draw inn
the attention of a whole Federal battery, until Stuart
said to Stonewall Jackson: ” General, all your artillery
on the left is idle; nobody is firing except Pelham.
After the battle the warm pressure of Jackson’s hand
told how well he had demeaned himself. Shortly
after this Pelham drove a gunboat from the “White
House” with one gun. He again received the thanks
of Stonewall at second Manassas, where he thrust his
guns forward almost into the enemy’s columns, and
used them with bloody effect. During this fight Jack-
son said to Stuart, pointing to the young artillerist at
his guns: “General, if you have another Pelham,
give him to me.” He was then twenty-three years
In the Moody repulse at Shepardstown his guns
roared for hours. It was in this gory track that an
instance occurred which illustrates his coinage. He
was with one gun far in advance of the others, when
the enemy almost reached him, and Stuart ordered
him to retire ; but he begged successfully to he allowed
to remain a little longer, but his cannoneers ” scam-
pered away” and left him alone. He loaded the
piece and fired almost in the face of the enemy surg-
ing forward like a great hillow; and then, mounting
one of the lead horses, began to gallop away with the
cannon, hut had not proceeded far when the horse
was shot from under him. Quickly cutting the traces,
to be free from the dead animal, he mounted another.
and it. too, was Bhol down immediately. He ee< aped
with the gun only altera third horse had been shot.
At Sharpsburg he commanded nearly all the artil-
lery mi the Confederate left, and rent the blue lines
with shot and shell.
I !ut it was at Fredericksburg that the zenith of John
Pelham’s renown was reached. The flower of the
Souths young manhood was on the heights in double
lines behind bristling and glimmering guns. Every
soldier knew there was to he a fearful light before the
sun sank behind the western wood. The Federal
army had crossed the Rappahannock, and was form-
ing line of battle under cover of the river hank.
Jackson, Stuart and Lee rode down the Confederate
lines to the extreme right, followed by waves of cheers,
where the Stuart Horse Artillery was parked. Stuart
called to Pelham and said something. Then I’elham
turned and galloped to his guns. Immediately he
dashed down the heights, followed by one gun, at a
gallop. It was the ” Napoleon Detachment ” of Mobile
Frenchmen. Onward they rushed, far down to the
foot of the heights, where the road forks. There they
halted, unlimbered and prepared for action. Soon
they saw moving toward them steadily, with meas-
ured tread, a Long, compact blue Line, their bayonets
glistening in the streams of sunshine. There was a
Hash, a boom; the earth shook around Pelham’s Na-
poleon. Then there was a shrill, hideous, indescrib-
able shriek of shell as it swirled through the charging
lines of blue. The surging mass recoiled, halted, hes-
itated; then, with a demoniacal yell, pressed forward
toward the single gun. The yell ceased, and for a
moment there was a ghastly hush. And then there
came thundering through the -air from across the
Rappahannock boom on boom. From southeast to
east, from east to northeast! Then from the north
came huge shells whirling death in their arms. Pel-
ham had drawn upon himself the concentrated fire of
half a dozen batteries — twenty-four guns; yet his gun
continued to roar, and never failed to slaughter. No
other gun on the Con federate side had yet opened, hut
this lone war-dog howled on. And in the half lull
between the boom of the cannon there floated above
the noise a sound that seemed strange on that day of
multitudinous terrors — the Napoleon Detachment
singing the Marseillaise as they fought their gun.
Like infernal imps in tophet they Bitted about in its
smoke. Two armies looked on while the Mobile
Frenchmen wrote history with blood. Time wore on.
Still the gun roared, and the sound of its roaring
thundered through the air. Gen. R. E. Lee said : ” It
is glorious to see such courage in one so young.” In
his report of the battle he spoke of no one hut Pelham
below the rank of Major General, terming him “the
gallant Pelham.” Pelham delayed the battle an hour.
When his ammunition was spent he retired, and was
assigned to the command of all the artillery on the
( lonfederate right .
Amid shot and shell he bad opened the great battle
of Fredericksburg, and had become immortal. He
was a Major of artillery then. His commission as
Lieutenant Colonel was issued soon after, and only
waited confirmation when he was killed at Kelly’s
death ; and, with a single exception, he was a brilliant
actor in all. The memory ‘>t’ ‘the gallant Pelham,’
Ford, on the Rappahannock, March 17. >’i’.\. He had
gone to visit some ladies in Culpeper Connty, when
he heard the cannonading and hurried to the Bcene.
His artillery had not come up, bul he galloped to a
regiment that was wavering, and shouted: ” Forward,
boys! forward to victory and glory!” and at that
moment was struck by the fragment of a shell that
penetrated the brain, and he died shortly after mid-
Gen. Stuart telegraphed to lion. .1. I,. M. Curry, at
present trustee of the great Peabody Fund, who then
represented Pelham’s Alabama district in the Confed-
erate ( ‘ongress:
“The ooble, the chivalric, ‘the gallant Pelham 1 is
no more. He was killed in action yesterday. Hi-
remains will lie sent to you to-day. How much lie
was beloved, appreciated and admired let the tears of
agony we shed and the gloom of mourning throughout
my command hear witness. His loss ie irreparable.”
His remains were taken to Richmond, and lay in
state at the Capitol, viewed by thousands. He was
buried at Jacksonville, Ala., amid the scenes of his
childhood. Gen. Stuart’s general order to the divis-
ion, announcing his death, concluded:
“His eyefl had glanced over every hatt Iclicld of this
army from the first Mana-sas to the moment of his
exception, he was a hi
ry of ‘ the gallant I’e
his many virtues, his nohle nature and purity of
character are fl sacred legacy in the hearts of all who
knew him. His record was Wight ami spot less, ami
his career brilliant and successful.”
He was calmly and recklessly hrave. ami saw men
torn to pieces around him without emotion, “because
his heart and eye were upon the stern work he was
performing.” Such is the brief bul resplendent career
of the “hoy artillerist.”
The deeds of I’elhain’s nephew, who was a private
in Terry’s Texas regiment, caused the Texas I
lature to enact that, as he, “a hero in more than a
hundred battles,” had fallen while charging the em my
at 1 ‘alton, ( ra., leaving no issue, the name of a certain
child, a nephew, should he changed to Charles Thomas
Pelham, to perpetuate his memory,
Noble Utteran< es From M wnk. — Gen. Charles \V.
Roberts, of Bangor, Me., who commanded the Second
Maim- Regiment, replies to R. F. Dahlgren, of At-
lanta, in which he makes an effort to secure the re-
turn of the Hag of the Fifth Alabama. He writes:
For gome years 1 have tried to trace the whereabouts
of the Fifth Alabama (lag. but have been thus far un-
Bucceseful. At the battle of Gaines’ Mill 1 saw the
color-bearer of the Fifth Alabama fall, and ordered a
private of my regiment to take the colors. He did so.
ami delivered to me. 1 sent them to Bangor, where
my regiment was recruited, and they were deposited
in our city building. When my regiment returned
my colors were deposited in the city building also.
For several years they were paraded through our
streets together. Becoming tired of such an exhibi-
tion, 1 ordered the colors (yours included i to be -cut.
for preservation, to our State house at Augusta. Our
colors were sent, hut yours could not he found, and
what became of them I never have known. If I can
ever find your Hag nothing will give me greater pleas-
ure than to return it to you. for with me the war en-
tirely closed when Fee surrendered.
Confederate Veteran— As you paid me the com-
pliment to copy my letter to the Baltimon v . Burn-
ing Bridg o er Rappahanock,” 1 -end you, from iny aco the battle of Cedar Creek.
I have written 170 pages ot manuscript of the wi
I saw it. and this arti art of a The
battle was fought October 19, 1864.
No one can appreciate operation of this grand
move without closely examining a war map. Having
born and raised almost in gunshot of this field,
very road and defile as I write. Gen, Early lias
been accused of recklessness in fighting this battle.
Such was not the ease, it was a nn essity, as the only
possible way to prevent i rom being sent to
Grant from the Valley. Hazardous? Yea, so was ev-
ery move we mad. Early, one of the best and
bravest Generals of the war, was sent to the Valley to
fight, though a forlorn bone, and uo man in the army
could have done more. Why < on. Sheridan did not
crush him in two weeks has always been a mystery to
in. Four to one were the odds we had t n
with. Sheridan had as many cavalry as we had in all.
Minute description of the surroundings is necessary
for a correct understanding of the move in contem-
plation. Our army was in camp on the old line known
a- Fishi r’s Hill, over a mile south of Strasburg, while
Sheridan was camped north of Cedar Creek, a Bmall
stream Sowing southeast and emptying into the north
branch of Shenandoah River. The Valley Pike ca
Cedar Creek two miles north ot Strasburg, and Sheri-
dan was strongly posted on its high embankments,
rendering a direct attack simply hopeless. Our right
re-ted on the Shenandoah abovi : arg, while our
left was on the same river helow. Upon our right was
Maurerton Mountain, and the Shenandoah River, a
Swift stream, fordable every few miles, hugged tie
of this mountain for several miles. There*
between the river and the mountain, yet Early dared
to separate his army and -end half oi it, undei
man a of the gallant Gordon, in Bingle file, through
the bushes where it was often almost impossible for
men to stand, a distance of over three miles. The
march was made cheerfully in the dead of night when
the only sound was the continued tread of the men
and the oft-repeated command ap.” On this
memorable night our division, under the gallant Pe-
gram i Gordon’s old division I and Ramseur S division.
broke camp (Starvation) and marched to the river,
where wagons had been placed and a bridge made for
us to cross upon. Aft* r crossing we rested some hours
before -tailing in single file for Sheridan’s rear. After
a most terrible march we came out at Pitman Farm,
where we struck the main mad leading from Strasburg
to Front Royal. We were then on Sheridan’s left
dank, hut the river Sowed between t he t wo armies and
had to be forded, so we continued our inarch upon the
main road. Every tree was familiar to me. Asa boy
I walked and rode almost daily over this section. At
Hill’s Fane we tiled to tie left, and it was plain we had
to , ross at Bowman’s Ford. [ 1 used to hunt squirrels
and partridges all over these grounds, hut now I was
hunting men, and found game plentiful.] In this
lane we halted for the men to close up. As soon as
this was accomplished we hurried to the river and
waded through, without considering the disagreeable
wetting to he endured. The cavalry had crossed and
captured the pickets. Gordon’s men followed and
soon struck the extreme left and rear of Sheridan’s
line. It was a complete surprise. Men were captured
in bed. not knowing we were nearer than Fisher’s
Hill. ( rordon’e and Ramseur’e divisions were in front.
and ours in reserve. These two divisions drove every
tiling before them, and while this was being done
Gen. Early had worked his way close up to the enemy
in front, and at daylight he struck a terrible blow,
driving them back upon us only to be pressed out of
shape, a broken, routed army. .On they rushed to Belle
Grove, three miles, where they were in readiness with
a fresh division to meet us. Cpon these fresh troops
many stragglers had rallied. < Mir division was ordered
forward, and in a few minutes were hotly engaged.
Driving the skirmish line in, we struek the line of
battle, and as we got closer found a heavy battery on
our left doing much damage. Our brigade, commanded
by Col. Hoffman, bore to the left and charged, driving
the artillerymen from their guns and the support back.
Here, to my surprise, we were halted and ordered to
reform. Col. Hoffman could not see well, or he would
not have stopped at this point: so I called him as he
was passing, on horse-back, and pointed out our dan-
ger, but he still insisted upon reforming before making
a second charge. Seeing the enemy advancing upon
their battery, which would be turned on us again, I
urged Col. H. to allow me to move with a few men
and hold the battery. To this he consented, and with
about fifty men we charged across the river, captured
the five guns, turned them on the enemy, and held
them until Col. H. came to our assistance. Gen. I’e-
gram came up at this time and Col. H. told him of our
charge, and the General said he would have those guns
christened to my honor; but Sheridan objected, and
in the afternoon the battery was recaptured.
1 was a member of the 13th Virginia Infantry, or-
ganized by Gen. A. 1′. Hill, molded by the bravest of
the brave, ‘Jen. .lame- a Walker, and made invincible
by the courage and example of Col. .lames 1!. Terrell.
No command could boast of three such officers, hence
the reputation it gained. For an opinion of this gal-
lant bodv of men I refer my reader to an oration by
Gen. Walker at the unveiling of the A. P. Hill monu-
ment at Richmond. From this charge we gathered
solidity and moved on, driving the enemy into and
through Middleton. Here we were halted over night
upon Valley Pike, north of the town and at the toll
gate. We remained at this point all day waiting for
orders to move forward. A great victory had been
won only to be thrown away — not lost, as many sup-
pose, and as history claims, by the return of Sheridan
— not one bit of it. The fault lies at our own door.
Our men, feeling victory was complete, gave way to
the disposition to clothe themselves from the enemy’s
cam)), deserted their comrades. Fully one third of
our army could have been found away from their com-
mands, and by so doing sacrificing their country.
Comrade, was you of this number? If so, you caused
the disaster, not Sheridan. Shame, shame! Had ev-
ery man been at his post we would not have lost this
battle, and none of the poetry of Sheridan’s ride would
ever have been written. We held our position until
ordered back, and we ( I’egram’s brigade, commanded
by Pegram in person, also Johnson’s North Carolina
brigade) marched in line of battle from Middleton to
CedarCreek. where we had to break to cross the bridge.
At Stickler’s, south of the bridge, Gen. Pegram ral-
lied about 100 men, and we again checked the enemy’s
cavalry; hut soon a brigade charged us, and we made
the best retreat we could. Knowing the country thor-
oughly. 1 went to the mountain and got into cam]’ at
Fisher’s Hill hy 10 o’clock that night, taking a pretty
good regiment of men with me who were lost in the
stampede. .Most of our artillery was lost near Stras-
burg. occasioned by the breaking of a small bridge,
and could have been saved had any one in authority
known of it. In my retreat that night 1 met with an
officer whom I piloted to the river, where we both
jumped in. ami where the Colonel disappeared, either
killed, drowned or taken prisoner. If he is alive and
sees this article I would like to hear from him. We
retreated up the Valley next morning. My mother
and sisters went over the battle field next day expect-
ing to find my dead body, but I was very much alive,
in a foot-race for safety further South. Gen. Cordon
did some beautiful fighting at Cedar Creek, but when
he is accredited with planning the battle I feel it is an
error. It was Cen. Karly’s plan, and it bore his car
marks-daring in the extreme — fully in keeping with
the man and all of his movements in front of Sheri-
dan. Suppose Early had had as many men as Sheri-
dan, does any sane man for one moment believe the
Valley of Virginia would have fallen into the bands
of the enemy? Never! Many good soldiers criticise
Gen. Early, but one moment’s reflection should change
their harsh judgment to praise and admiration. For
weeks he confronted Sheridan’s hosts with a mere
handful of men. knowing all the time bow he was out-
numbered. His duty was to keep Sheridan from send-
ing troops to Grant, and he did this, but not until
40,000 marched upon 10,000 could Early he shaken off.
Cen. Lee’s letter to him removing him is a deserved
compliment. Early was the only man in the army
.who would have dared to have “taken such chances.
He sacrificed himself for his country, and in future
years will be regarded as one of our ablest Generals.
Sheridan’s loss, according to Maj. Pound’s History
of the Valley Campaign, in this battle, was f>d!i killed.
3,425 wounded, and 1,770 missing; total. 5,764. Our
loss was :-5,l(Ki killed, wounded and missing.
J. T. I. yon, of Forty-third Battalion of Virginia
Cavalry, writes again : Farmwell, Va., Feb. 2. — In my
article published in the January Veteran there is a
mistake. It should have been Ramseur’s division, not
Ransom’s. He too was killed at Cedar Creek, when
General Cordon made that Jacksonian move, surpris-
ing Sheridan’s army, routing and driving them in
ereat confusion toward Winchester. Early’s troops,
instead of following up their victory, fell out of ranks
to plunder the yankee camp. Sheridan promptly
reformed his troops and returned the same day and
deflated Early, and caused him to lose all be had
gained and more too. But if ever soldiers were excus-
able for such conduct Early’s poor half famished men
surelv were. Thev had been marching and fighting
from the first of May, at the Wilderness, at Cold Har-
bor, at Lynchburg, al Salem, West Va., and then to
Washington and return. It is estimated that from
June to September Early bad marched his little army
over four hundred miles.
Mr. F. A. Nast,(P. O. Box 959), New York City, one
of a committee engaged in the preparation of a book
on the postage stamps of the Confederate States, fa-
vors the Veteran with tin- following carefully pre-
pared ” History of Postage Stamps used in the Con-
federate States of America.”
South Carolina seceded Dec. 20th, I860, and was
quickly followed by Mississippi, Alabama, Florida.
Georgia, and Louisiana. Jefferson Davis was i
President, and was inaugurated at Montgomery, Ala..
Feb. 18th, 1861. Up to the tiring on Fort Sumpter
[April 1 1 th ‘. the postal affairs seem to have been ear-
ned on with fair regularity. Letters continued to be
mailed throughout the South, bearing U. S. stamps.
during the first few months of 1861, bul the supply of
the-‘ stamps was booh exhausted, and most of the
Postmasters were soon unable to furnish -tamp- or
envelopes. To those situated in small towns, this
made but little difference, but in commercial centers
much inconvenience was realized.
An agent of a prominent Bank Note Company, of
New York City, was in Montgomery in Feb . L861, for
the purpose of making a contracl to supply stamps to
the new Government, but the bombardment of Fort
Sumpter made it evident that goods could not be de-
! 3 :
livered and negotiations were discontinued. The Con-
federate Government, however, succeeded in buying a
large quantity of paper in New York City, which was
forwarded to Louisville, Ky., and from there run
through to Montgomery, Ala. This paper was
ward used for the manufacture of stamps issued by
the general < Jovernment.
On the 11th of March. 1861, the permanent Consti-
tution was adopted by Congress, and in it a clause
providing that the Postoffice Department must pay
its own expenses, from its own resources, after the first
day of March. 1863.
The Postoffice Department was at once organized,
with John 11. Reagan as Postmaster General, but the
chief work devolved upon H. St. George Offutt, who,
from his long connection with the Postoffice Depart-
18 li
pent, was eminently fitted to perform the difficult
task. Mr. Offutt occupied the position of Chief Clerk
0)’ Auditor’s office, at the secession of South Carolina,
but relinquished that position to join the Confederate
Army, although his native State. Missouri, did not
leave the Union. The valuable library of postal works
(the only complete one in the U. S.), which he took
with him. must have been of incalculable benefit in
starting such a complicated machine as a Postoffice
Department for a large country; however, on the 1st
of June, 1861, we find the Department prepared with
everything necessary for the successful operation of
the offices contained within its territory.
The following gentlemen occupied the principal po-
sitions in the new department : John II. Reagan, Post-
master General ; B. Fuller. Chief Clerk: H. St. G. Of-
futt. Chief of the Contract Bureau; J. L. Uarrell.
Chief of Finance Bureau; B. N. Clements, Chief of
Appointment Bureau; Rolling Raker. Auditor.
Most of the old U. S, Postmasters were retained on
their taking the oath of Allegiance to the Confed
States, and in one case, at least i ‘cut man was
allowed to keep his post without taking the prescribed
oath: the few Union men who held the South
were com] ■ to retain their offices until new ap-
pointments could be made. A majority of the Post-
• rui>tM<-K»v-B. •
: ] l >l »
era remitted the full amount due the United
i Postoffice Department up to the :;ist of June,
and returned all the -tamps and Postoffice property
that was in their charge. < Uhers either kept the prop-
erty, or turned it o bet lonfederate 1 iepartment.
Subsequently, the Department issued a circular or-
dering all Postmasters to -end all U. S. pro]
Stamps, etc., to Richmond, where they were utilized
in various ways: but this was not till after the war
Many of the most enterprising Postmasters in the
South asked and obtained permission to issue stamps
pending the preparation oi those by the genera’ I
federate Government. Probably some of the Post-
masters of the -mailer town- i — tied stamps and
stamped envelopes on their own responsibility. How
many offii d these temporary stamps is not
known, but philatelists ostantly on the watch
for new and hitherto unknown varieti
The following letters will show how and why l’o-t-
masters were obliged to make these -tamp-:
DEAB Sir: In reply to your note of the 12th inst.
1 would say that the stamps you inclosed me were
got up by me here in Memphis. When Tern
passed the ordinance of secession, the old < rovernment
stamps were worthless, and as 1 found it impossible
to get along without stamp I and procured the
consent of the Government at Richmond to get up
temporary stamps until the Postmaster Gent ral could
furnish me with regular stamps. Those you inclosed
me were in u- al months, and were the only
ones used. A stamp was shortly afterwards manu-
factured at Richmond, after which those I issued were
taken in and destroyed. Respi i tfully yours,
Memphis, July 17. M. C. Gali way.
pon “mi. i
* k CXXTB. 5
-•I 25
Dead Sn;: Vours of the 29th inst. is a. band. A>
I happen to have the stamp alluded to, I inclose one
for your benefit. It was used by me expressly for the
llln-.itown ollice, from about August, 1861, to midsum-
mer, 1862, until Confederate stamps were distributed
for general use.
These stamps were used merely as a convenience
during the absence of Government stamps, and of
course were only received at the Rheatown office in
payment of postage. All letters bearing it were billed
“paid in money, 5 cents.” The inconvenience of
country people sending money by servants and child-
ren to pay postage, and the remarkable scarcity of
small change at that time, were the principal objects
for procuring this stamp. Yours truly.
•Jcheatoum, Venn. D. Pence.
The general Government issued the first Confederate
postage stamps on October 18th, 1861, a 5-cent green
stamp i No. 1 of the illustrations). This was soon fol-
lowed by the 10-cent blue stamp (No. 3), the 2-cent
green stamp ( No. 2 ), and the green ink being
exhausted, No. 1 was printed in blue, and No. :! in
red. All these stamps were prepared by Messrs. Hoyen
and Ludwig, of Richmond, Ya. Later on Messrs. De
2 Post Office. l\
Aw r.DAJ’.i-.M ii
La Rue & Co. prepared the plates and furnished the
stamps of the 5-cent blue | No. 7 I, and a 1-cent orange
which was never used. The plates of the 5-eent blue
(No. 7) were afterward used by Messrs. Archer &
Daly in printing the regular supply. They furnished
also the 10-cent blue i No. 6), three varieties, and the
20-cent green ( No. I I.
A short time after the first 10-cent blue stamp ( No.
6) was issued, President Davis met Col. Ofifutt and
asked him if he remembered a W. Brown’s objection
to the portrait. Upon an affirmative answer being
given, the President remarked: ” I was walking across
vinlu.iir riusi J
«f Vlvnua
3 Tasl <»fflcc
3.-I d.ii. r h j.
«-+*+■■ I
85 86
the park to-day, on my way to my office, when I met
a tall North Carolinia soldier, who accosted me: ‘Is
your name Davis?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘President Davis?’ ‘Yes.’
‘I thought so; you look so much like a postage
In addition to their use as postage stamps they
were used as small change by the soldiers and citizens,
just as l . s. postage Btamps were used for the same
purpose at the same time in the North.
Letters were sent through the lines by special
arrangement between the u. S. A and the C. S. A.
The following notice is a sample:
To Those Who Wish to sum, Letters North.
1Ikw”;i ibtbbs, Department oi Norfolk, i
Norfolk, January 9th, 1862. i
Persona wishing to send letters to the United stairs will
observe the following directions:
1. Letters must have on the envelope, in addition to the
address of the person to whom they are intended, ” Via Nor-
folk ami Flag oi Truce.”
l’. Write no inure than one page.
::. Enclose money to pay tin- I’nited states postage.
4. Do not address letters to Gen. Huger.
Ben i. Huger, .Ir.
First Lii “‘. /furl inul V. I>. (‘.
In May. 1865, the plates, stamps, archives, etc., were
surrendered to the l”. S. authorities at Chester, S. (‘..
and were probably transferred to Washington. The
full history of the Postoffice Department of the Con-
federate States cannot be written until these archives
are open for examination.
Six months elapsed between the tiring on fort
Sumter | April 11th, 1861 I, and tin- issue of the stamps
by the general Government (October 18, 1861), and
the mails were transported regularly. Many millions
of letters were forwarded during that time. The bulk
of these were probably destroyed at the time, but there
‘ PA Oi””
id 11 42 4:s
must still be in existence an enormous quantity of
letters bearing the stamps used at that period. Some
of these stamps are quite rare, and possibly there may
be some varieties not hitherto known to stamp col-
lectors. Many of the temporary or “loose” stamps
were used after the general stamps were issued. In-
deed some seem to have been made by Postmasters in
The scarcity of Stamps was, generally, in proportion
to the number of the inhabitants using them. Below
is a list of most of the known stamps, with the num-
ber of the illustration.
Mlii.tritiOD Nil.
Athens, Ua B
Charleston, s. c U-12
Danville, Va 16-1 1
Goliad, Tex in
Kingston, Tenn L9
Lenoir. N.C 21
Lyi cbbunr, Va i’:;
.Mil. lis,, li, l-‘lii »i
Memphis, Trim 28-29
Nashville, Tenn II 12
Petersburg, Va :u
Pleasant Shade, \’:i ::t
Ringgold, Oa 89
Tellico Plains. Tenn -12
lllimrftllon No.
Baton Rouge, La 9-10
Columbia, 6. C 18
Prederlcksburgi Va 16
i.ivini \ Me. Ala 17
Knoxvllle, Tenn 19 20
Livingston, Ala 22
Mm 011, Ha 24-25
Mm V;i 27
Mobile, Ah, 80
NewOrleans, 1 . ^ * mi
Pittsylvania, Va 8G
Rheatown, linn 88
Sal. -in. N. r 111-11
Vlotorla, Tex 48
Of Nos.
General issues. Nos 1,2,3, 1, 5, 6, and 7
(land 7 many millions were used and a large quantity
was in the different offices at the close of the Civil
War. Hence they are often offered, in quantities,
unused. A few of them arc very rare.
Nora—Any information us to the general or special condi-
tions under \\ hich the mails were transported, or any other pos-
tal matters will lie gladly acknowledged. Please address F. A.
Nasi. Bos 959, New York City. He wouM be glad to purchase
the stamps or stamped envelopes. Mr. Nast is commended us
a thoroughly trust-worthy gentleman.
A. M. Chandler. West Point. Miss.: I was engaged
in the battle of Chickamauga, belonged to the Forty-
fourth Mississippi Regiment, Patton Anderson’s Bri-
gade, Hind man’s Division, Our brigade, on Saturday,
September 19, ’63, held the bridge at the Lee and Gor-
don mill until 12 o’clock. Then we were ordered to
the right and forded the river to reinforce other por-
tions of our line near Crawfish Springs, We were
marched from point to point until dark, and then
ordered to the rem- to dry our clothing. At that time
we were nearthe spot where the bravi Gen. Preston
Smith was killed. On Sunday morning w< relieved
Peas’ brigade aftertheyhad carried two lines of log
breast works. In our charge we ran over Deas 1 brigade,
where they were lying down in an old field near where
you have figure il marked on your map. Our regi-
ment captured the Federal battery there. We also
got the colors ol’ the Seventy-fourth Pennsylvania
Regiment, one of our company making a crutch of the
Bag-staff. In this charge we. our brigade led by Gen-
eral Hindman. broke the Federal Line and droyi them
nearly one mile, when we were recalled and reformed,
and marched hack to the old field, which was literally
covered with dead and wounded yankees. There
General Hindman stopped his horse in rear of our
company, when I said to him, “General, we are the
boys to move them”’ He replied, “You are, sir.”
We were then orderd to the foot of B long ridge,
heavily WOOded. After remaining there lying down
for some twenty minute.-, the yankees charged our
brigade, just aa Barksdale’s brigade of the Vii
Army charged On our right. I do not know the name
of this old field we charged through in the morning.
nor the name of the ridge where the yankees chargi d
us at about ‘_’ p. m. 1 hope this may he of some ser-
vice to the history.
.1. A. MATIIK-. BE* vi V, M<>.
(apt. B. H. Teaguc Aiken. S. (‘.: In a recent num-
ber of the Veteran you gave an account of a Virginia
company which had on its roll several brothers of the
same name. Below 1 give you the roll of a company
from South Carolina which 1 think will head the List
for number of relatives and similarity of names in
one company. It had 142 men, and among them were
•2* by the name of (Winter. 13 of JoneB, s of Garwin,
and 5 of Gantt. Of the Gunters it is Baid sixteen
played on the violin. The regiment to which it be-
longed served most of its time on the sea coast of
Smith Carolina, consequently it Buffered little loss, ae
it was not in many engagements: hut during the last
year ol’ the war it was ordered to Virginia, when ii
did hard and nohle service. At tir.-t. not being accus-
tomed, like Lee’s soldiers, to take care of themselves,
and led by tield officers — the “bravest of the hrave”
who encouraged them to “stand Square up in line.”
they suffered terribly in their first tights with the
enemy, losing in a short time their gallant Colonel
and other field officers. Their numbers were so full
when they landed in Virginia that their fun-loving
neighbors in the army called them “the Twentieth
Army Corps.” But the twentieth proved to be of the
“besl metal.” and made an honorable reputation as a
part of the glorious Army of Northern Virginia.
Capt. Teague kindly sends a roster of the company.
giving the names of its membership, and reports the
living and the dead.
I -i i an article in the November VETERAN eorreeting
the account of the battle of Wilson’s Creek. The Fed-
eral were completely routed. They left their Gen-
eral Lyons dead on the tield. lying in the hot sun
with a handkerchief ovei Bailey Armstrong
and comrade \ r. b Sexier discovered him as they were
pursuing the yankees. or Dutch, who ran for their
liv quaintedwith Lyons in St. Louis,
and seeing the epaulets he raised the handkerchief and
recognized him. lie and Armstrong carried him to
a -hade. Our cavalry followed the enemy to the rail-
road at Holla, about fiftj ity-five miles away,
capturing many of them. They Lost two to our
at Wilson’s Creek, although not more than two-thirds
of US were armed.
We were not whipped a1 all at Tea Ridge. Nobody
wanted to fall back but Van Dorn We drove them
from every posit took R. M T my
Captain, heard General Price ask General Van Dorn
for tour hours to rout the !■ ompletely. On
being refused, asked for two hours in which to rout
them, but Van Dorn ordered him to fall back. Gen-
irned his horse with tear- in his i vee
At Prairie Grove w< whipped the enemy from early
morn until dark, driving them from every position.
We killed and wounded as many again as they did of
us, yet at midnight we were ordi red to march by day-
light, when we ret,i ated again. < Ine-third of the army
would go no farther south, a- they could see nothing
to run from, ami they deserted by the fifties. If we
could have had Tap Price in command on this side of
the river there would have been a different tale to tell
to this day.
In permitting the above criticism of General Van
Dorn, so long dead, the explanation is made that the
soldiers often erred in judgment because they could
not tell the numbers and positions of the enemy. In
this instance it seems that when Gen. Sterling l’rice
manifested such anxiety to advance, that with good
reason theBoldiers would have been dissatisfied. Mr.
Mathes’ account is somewhat abbreviated, but is direct
and strong.
A\ old | in from “The hand We Love.” by a lady
of Louisiana, contains some pathetic stanzas
• • • •
All ! different from tlie longed for day.
When back vvimlil come the dear old gray.
With glory crowned, with victory gay,
» * • *
A- hope bad painted them.
Yet tin-si- had fought in Freedom’s caw
\ini known, nor let, nor doubt, nor pause ,
They gloried in the glorious Bears,
That leir souls to liberty.
They rushed in whirlwinds to the fight,
They swept the foe before their might,
They gave t heir blood and lives tor right,
sacred soil and victory.
They fainted in the summer’s heat.
They marked the snow with bleeding ■
They starved and fought in cold aiel sl<
si ■• *
£hc (Confederate Uctcvitn.
One Dollar a Year. 8. A. CUNNINGHAM. Editor.
Office at The American, Corner Church and < lurry Bta.
Thlt. publication Is t h.- personal property of 3. A. Cunningham.
All persons who approve such publication, :m<l realise us benefits
as an organ ror associations throughout the South, are requested to
commend It* patronage and to co-operate la extending It.
“Uncle” John Cox. of Sweetwater, Texas, on being
relieved of a yankee minie ball last month, which he
had carried since Chickamauga, said: “Now, more
than ever, I am ready to makepeace with the yankees.”
The occasion of the remark produced the honest ex-
pression of the man’s heart.
Tin- occupation of editing this popular little monthly
and sending into every State in the Union has brought
in return comment from the ex-soldiers of both armies,
and enables me to testify that “our friends, the en-
emy,” are indeed (hi; riiiKNiis. This evidence comes
from across “the chasm” to an amazing degree. The
VETERAN has looked after the interests of the Confed-
erate side courageously and faithfully. It has even
been so zealous in behalf of those who struggled and
suffered without any pay in the defense of their homes
and their constitutional rights, that it has at least
seemed to show too much disparity in our favor in
the history of battles, yet never a murmur has been
heard from those who overwhelmed us with their un-
limited resourcesand the foreigners imported to save ( ?)
our QniOn. The Southern people have been so mis-
represented that with an available source for expres-
sion they naturally are zealous to get even. They
may do themselves injustice in this way. Union sol-
diers, regardless of party affiliation, are giving Con-
federates unstinted credit in late publications. There
lies in my desk a superb volume with “Charge!” on
the cover, which illustrates this assertion. It is a his-
tory of the One Hundred and Eighteenth Pennsyl-
vania, known as tin “< lorn Exchange” Regiment. A
valiant Confederate who has carefully read it says, ” It
is marvelously free from boasting, and is fair through-
out.” There is in it some sad reports of prison life in
the South. They found that men in the rear on guard
duty were not as gallant and considerate as those who
captured them, and they report many things that seem
Unfair even in war: but history should record the truth.
Other Union soldier publications are similar of late.
In thifi connection reference is made to what the
Veteran has heretofore stated on the subject of prison
life. It appeals to the brave men who captured thou-
sands of us and remained at the front to the end, to
favor a true history of our treatment by those who
never saw Confederates until they were prisoners.
Our true patriots will be gratified all over the South
at the active tendency by Union veterans to show their
appreciation of the manliness and devotion to the
cause that cost s>> much and was lost I ‘.’ I at last. They
will so appreciate a compliment to the VETERAN troin
Michigan it is here recited: A gentleman wdio is hon-
ored wherever known as a minister, a lecturer, and
college professor, who was South last fall, and at Nash-
ville, where he became acquainted with the VETERAN,
» rite- [te editor a cordial invitation t,, attend the an-
nual reunion of the Grand Army Veterans, to occur
atowosso .March ii( )–Jii. He state- thai he has writ-
ten the Department Commander and suggested that
he might invite me, ami the reply was a cordial ap-
proval; also that they would •’gladly welcome the
editor of the Veteran to Michigan and to meet with
the!,. A. H. boys at their evening camp tires during
the encampment,” The author of the letter, though a
private soldier boy and wounded, has been Depart-
ment Commander of the Grand Army of the Republic
for Michigan, arid his politics may be of the popular
side in his State, but in his cordial letter he says: ” I
want you to be my guest at Owosso as well as at my
home in . I hope you can spend Sunday with
us. I want my wife and boys to see a genuine
Confederate soldier.”
This article is intended to apply to Americans only,
and to volunteers, not substitutes.
Mb. Davis was the last of the last to give up and
he honored in his heart those on whom he implicitly
relied to the end. At the dedication of the lien Hill
monument, in Atlanta, Mr. Davis, who was on the
platform, said: “I came here silently, reverently, lov-
ingly, to see unveiled the statue of my friend, as one
who wanted to show him respect. * * * Hut I can
say something of my dead friend. If he was last to
precipitate the States in war he was the last to give it
up. When the South was under the power of a con-
quering enemy his voice rang out the loudest and the
clearest for the^right of State sovereignty. His” Notes
on the Situation” kindled the fires of the people, in-
viting them to renew the struggle. He was one man
upon whom 1 could count in the days of the Confed-
eracy, and upon whose shoulders 1 could put my hand
and feel a pillar of marble. He had nothing to ask,
and much to give.
v ■
Home fob Female Confederates ln Charleston. —
This “oldest” of Homes for Confederates is in its
twenty-seventh year. It is for women only, the moth-
ers, widows and daughters of Confederate soldiers. It
was founded and has been managed by women. It has
housed hundreds of widows and educated nearly a
thousand daughters of Confederate soldiers. The as-
sociation owns a valuable and extensive building, for-
merly the Carolina hotel, on Broad street. At its
twenty-sixth anniversary meeting, January 30th, a
gift of twenty thousand dollars was announced from 7>’u/-
timore. The gift is the finer because the name of the
donor is withheld.
The first John Milledge of Georgia was born in Eng-
land, and came to America with Oglethorpe. He be-
came a man of affairs in the new colony, and held
.several important trusts, civic and military. His
commission as commander of a troop of rangers, dated
March 29, 1742, was signed by -las. < tglethorpe.
In 1768, “while a member of the colonial assembly,
he was one of a committee to correspond with Benja-
min Franklin, agent “ii> arrange the affairs of Georgia
with Great Britain.”
The Captain and liis family had a pew in Christ
Church, Savannah, “in consideration of six pounds
and ten shillings,” receipted July 5, 17<
Milledgeville, the former capital of the State, was
named in honor of Gov. John Milledge.
His son. Got. John Milledge, was born in Savannah
in 17″>7. He commenced the study of law with the
king’s attorney, tie was bo engaged at the breaking
out of the Revolutionary War. when bul eighteen
years of age he was one of the six who broke open
the magazine at Savannah and took away a large
quantity of powder. Some of it was stored in Savan-
nah, some Sent to Beaufort, and a part of it to Boston,
where hostilities had commenced, and with it the
battle of Bunker Hill was fought. The royal Governor,
Wright, offered a reward of 1150 for the capture of the
raiders, hut they, instead of inviting arrest, waited B
month and then captured the Governor in his own
house, wherein they confined him. In this he was a
leading spirit . He was in Savannah when it was taken
by the British, but escaped.
In January, 1780, he was appointed Attorney <
eral. This was the beginning of his civil career. He
served in the Legislature, and was in Congress in 1792
and ”.i:i, from 1795 to 1799, and in 1801 and 1802. He
was immediately elected to the United States senate.
where he served three years, the Last year as its Presi-
dent. In this year, 1809, being only 52 years old, he
resigned his seat and gave up public life.
In April, 1802, he was one of three commissioners
on the part of Georgia who negotiated with thn
pointed by the President, a treaty by which Georgia
ceded the most ol her western territory to the United
states for (1,250,000 and other considerations. Al-
though confronted by three statesmen of the highest
national reputation, the ( reorgians made BO satisfactory
■ settlement of a bitterly contested question that they
received by a unanimous vote the thanks of the Legis-
lature. Governor Milledge retired to his plantation
on the Sand Hills, near Augusta, w here he died in 1818.
While Mr. Jefferson’s epitaph on his tomb is in-
scribed the “Father of the University of Virginia,”
Governor Milledge was the ” Benefactor of the Uni-
versity of Georgia.” Governor Milledge bought and
conveyed to the University at Athens nearly 700 acres
of land. Upon this land the college buildings and a
great part of Athens now stand. Its first commence-
ment was held in 1804.
There hangs in the State Library, Atlanta, a hand-
some painting o\’ this eminent Georgian. It is the
work o( the late Miss Kate Elliott Milledge, the only
granddaughter of Governor Milledge. she was the
daughter of the late Col. John Milledge, and a sister
to the present state Librarian, Capt. John Milledge,
win. was a Confederate soldier, serving as First Lieu-
tenant and Captain in 1st Georgia regiment, and after-
ward Captain of artillery under Gen. Lee.
The public, after thirty-two years, will read with
interest the following extracts from a letter of Gen.
Albert Sidney Johnston, dated Pecatur. Ala., March,
1862, to Mr Davis, concerning movements of the army
under him :
* * * I received the dispatches from Richmond,
with your private letter, by Capt. Wicklifle, three .lays
since, but the pressure of affairs and the necessity of
getting my command across the I” . i , 1 1 . — . . prevented
me from sending you an earlier reply.
1 anticipated all that you have told me as to the
censure which the fall of Fort Donelson drew upon me,
ami the attacks to which you might be subjected, but
it was impossible for me to gather the facts lor a
detailed report, or to spare time which was required
to extricate the remainder of mv troops and save the
large accumulation of -tores and provisions after that
I transmitted the reports of Generals Floyd and Pil-
low without examining or analyzing the facts, and
scarcely taking time to read them.
When about to assume the command of this Depart-
the Government charged me with the duty of
deciding the question of occupying Bowling Green,
Kentucky, which involved not only military, but
political, considerations.
* * * About the middle of September Gen. Buck-
m r advanced with a small force of about 4,000 men,
which was increased by the 15th of October to Ilmhki,
and though accessions of force were received, it con-
tinned at about the same strength until the end of
November, measles ami other diseases keeping down
the effective force. The enemy’s force was then
reported to the War Department at “><l,(MHt. and an
advance- wa< impossible.
* * * Believing it to be of the greatest moment
to protract the campaign, as the dearth of cotton might
bring strength from abroad and discourage the North.
and to gain time to strengthen myself by new troops
from Tern iid other States. I magnified my
forces to the enemy, but made known my true
strength to the Department and the Governors of
States Tie aid given was small. At length, when
Beauregard came out in February, lie expn
uprise at tie smallness of my t> i was
impressed with the danger of my position. I admit-
ted what was so manifest, and laid before him mv
views for the future, in which lie entirely concurred,
ami sent me a memorandum of our conference, a copy
of which I send to you. 1 determined to tight for
Nashville at Donelson, and have the best part of my
army to do it. retaining only 14,000 to cover my front,
and giving 16,000 to defend Donelson.
The force at Donelson IE stated in Gen. Pillow’s
report at much less, and I do not doubt the corn
of his statement, for the force at Bowling < rreen, which
I supposed to be 14,000 effective men (the medical
report showing only a little over 500 sick in the hos-
pital), was diminished more than 5,000 by those who
were unable to stand the fatigue of a march, and made
my force, on reaching Nashville, less than 10,000
Had I wholly uncovered my front to defend I 1
son, Buell would have known it. and marched directly
on Nashville. There were only ten small steamers in
umberland, in imperfect condition — only three
of which were available at Nashville, while the trans-
portation of the enemy was great.
The evacuation of Bowlin was imperatively
ssary, and was ordered Before, and was executed
while the battle was being foughl at Donelson. 1 had
made every disposition for the defense ol the fort my
– allowed, and the troops were among the best of
my force. The Generals, Floyd, Pillow and Buckner,
were high in the opinion of officers and men for skill
ami courage, and among the best officers of m\
mand. They were popular with the volunteers, and
all had seen much service. No reinforcements were
asked. [ awaited the event opposite Nashville. The
result of the conflict each day was favorable. At mid-
night “ii the 15th 1 received new- of a glorious victory ;
at dawn, a retreat.
My column, during the day ami night, was thrown
over the river; a Lattery had been established below
the city ti> secure the passage. Nashville was incapa-
Me of defense from its position, and from the forces
advancing from Bowling Green and up the Cumber-
land. A rear guard was left under Gen. Floyd to
secure the -tore- and provisions, but did not com-
pletely effect the object. The people were terrified,
and some of the troops were disheartened. The dis-
couragement was spreading, and 1 ordered the com-
mand to M urfreeshoro. where ] managed, by assembling
Crittenden’s I hvision and the fugitives from I tonelson.
to collect an army and oiler battle. The weather was
iii’ lenient, the floods excessive, and the bridges were
washed away, hut most of the stores and provisions
were saved and conveyed to new depots.
This having heen accomplished, though with serious
loss, in conformity with my original design, 1 marched
southward, and crossed the Tennessee at this point, so
as to co-operate or unite with (Jen. Beauregard, for the
defense of the Valley of the Mississippi. The passage
is almost completed, and the head of my column is
already with (Jen. Bragg, at Corinth. The movement
was deemed too hazardous by the most experienced
members of my stall’, hut the object warranted the risk.
* * I have given this sketch so that you may
appreciate the embarrasment which surrounded me in
my attempts to avert or remedy the disaster of Fort
Donelson hefore alluding to the conduct of the Gen-
When the force was detached 1 was in hopes that
such disposition would have heen made as would have
enabled the force to defend the fort, or withdraw with-
out sacrificing the army. On the 14th 1 ordered Gen.
Floyd hy telegraph, ” If he lost the fort to get his
troops to Nashville.” It is possible that this might
have been done, but justice requires us to look at
events as they appeared at the time, and not alone by
the light of subsequent information. It appears from
the information received that Gen. Buckner, being
the junior officer, took the lead in advising the sur-
render, and that Gen. Floyd acquiesced, and they all
cdncurred in the belief that their force could not main-
tain its position- all concurred that it would require
a great sacrifice of life to extricate the command.
Subsequent events show that the investment was
not SO complete as their information from their SCOUtS
led them to believe. The conference resulted in the
Surrender. The command was irregularly transferred,
and devolved upon the junior ( ieneral. but not appar-
ently to avoid any ju>t responsibility, or from any
want of personal or moral intrepidity. The blow was
most disastrous, and almost without a remedy. 1.
then fore, in my lirst report, remained silent. This
silence you were kind enough to attribute to mv gen-
erosity. I will not lay claim to the motive to excuse
my course. 1 observed silence, as it seemed th<
way to serve the cause of the country. The facts were
not fully known, discontent prevailed, and criticism
and condemnation were more likely to augment than
cure the evil. I refrained, well knowing that heavy
Censure would fall upon me. hut convinced that it was
better to endure such lor the present, and defer to a
more propitious time the investigation of the conduct
of the Generals, for. in the meantime their services
were required ami their influence useful. For these
reasons Generals Floyd and Pillow were assigned to
duty, for I still felt confidence in their gallantry, their
energy, and their devotion to the Confederacy.
I have thus recurred to the motives by which 1 have
been governed, from a deep personal sense of the
friendship and confidence you have always shown me.
and from the conviction that they have not been
withdrawn from me in adversity.
All the reports requisite for a full official investiga-
tion have been ordered. Generals Floyd and Pillow
have been suspended from command. ::: * *
The test of merit in my profession, with the people,
is success. It is a hard rule, but I think it right. If I
join this corps to the forces of Gen Beauregard 1 1 con-
fess, a hazardous experiment), then those who arc now
disclaiming against me will he without an argument.
Your friend. A. S. JOHNSTON.
This letter was read to the Congress, at Richmond,
by Mr. Barksdale, of Mississippi. In connection with
it he said :
“1 hold in my hand an unofficial letter, probably
the last written by the lamented deceased, to the chief
executive of the Confederacy, to whom he had long
been united by the ties of friendship, and with whom
he had enlisted at an early day under the tlag of a
Government, which, together they had abandoned
when it became the symbol of a monstrous despotism.
These facts triumphantly vindicate his fame as a true
patriot, and an able and skillful military leader. This
letter, written undermost trying circumstances, shows
that no trace of passion was visible in the awful sever-
ity of the pure, brave and undaunted spirit in which
it originated. It is a simple recital of tacts in justifi-
cation of his actions, before which the calumnies of
the ignorant or the wicked will flee like mist before
the brow of day. lb- has left a noble example of mag-
nanimity in the midst of unjust complaint, and ot
courage and fortitude amid disaster.”
Will Hubert, Adjutant Camp L.Q.C. Lamar,Santa
Anna, Texas: At a called meeting of this Camp the
Confederate Veteran was adopted as its organ.
Send some sample copies; it will help to secure more
The Baptist and Reflector, Nashville: The Confeder-^
ate Veteran for January is full of interesting inci-
dents and descriptions of the late war. Whatever
one’s sympathies as to that unhappy period, he can
but enjoy reading the amusing scenes and the stories
of valor which occurred on either side.
It was known that the Federals situated at Beverly,
West Ya.. could easily be captured if taken by Bur-
prise, ami Gen. Rosser, encamped at Swoope’s depot,
undertook it. EI is brigade was composed of the 7th.
11th and 12tb Virginia cavalry regiments, and also
White’s Battalion, known formerly as Turner Aahby’s
Cavalry. Rosser was appointed Commander after the
battle of Gettysburg. He ordered an inspection of
all our horses, and finding there were not enough able
horses in his brigade, he
sent to other commands’
for volunteers. Some
North Carolinians, and
maybe some South Car-
olinians, joined us until
we were :’.(«» strong. Our
camp was twelve miles
from Staunton, in Au-
gusta County. On the
L2th of January. ’65, we
took up our march, going
westward. Thesnow was
six inches deep on the
Mart, and we ramped ;it
the head of the ” COW-
pasture Valley ” the first
night. On the loth we
continued w est w a rd .
through the mountains.
That night we camped
at Medowel, in High-
land County, on ground
where stonewall Jack-
son fought in ’62. The 1 Ith being Sunday, we remained
in camp. That evening, while on dress parade, (011.
Rosser made a speech, explaining what he wished us
to do. and that w c might have all the Spoils. Monday
morning we passed through Monterey, and on to the
small village of Hightown, where each man tilled his
surcingle with hay. That night we camped on the
east side of the Alleghenies. Oh! how it did rain and
We had trouble getting tires started, but with
hay for pine and split rails for kindling, we succeeded.
We had a ration of Hour hut no cooking utensils, bu1
overcame that by spreading out gum blankets and
pouring on the flour, the
rain being sufficient to
make dough, then tak-
e dough .-ind press-
ing it on a fence rail he-
tore the tire to bake, with
broad rai I- to cover it to
.no We
enjoyed thai stlppcr. We
stretched out I
the lire for the night .
Tic following morning
w as clearand bright, but
a cold wind was hl<>\\ nig.
We arrived on top of the
heney Mountains
after hard travel, hut
found it moredifficult to
id, a- t he snow was
‘ .and had melted
in places and fro/en into
great sheet- of ice. After
■ A lleghe-
nies and arriving at the
1 of ( heat Mountain.
we halted .and fed our
horse-. The -now here was two feet and a half deep.
ami we met with the same difficulty in decending it
sis the Alleghenies. Arriving at the foot we still had
Tiger Mountain to cross. When on top of that and
in descending it, the hardest hail storm I ever saw
came pelting down upon us. Our horse- stopped and
turned around, causing si complete stand-still for some
minutes. When in the little valley, we stopped sit a
farm house close to the roadside ami fed our hi
It was now between sundown and dark, and
as our horses had eaten we resumed our inarch,
although we had nothing to eat. Before reaching
Beverley, we left the pub-
lic road and traveled by
paths, and were bo strung
jout that our line was per-
haps a mile long. Fi-
nally, coming to an open
space, we were halted un-
til all the command came
up, when we again moved
in order to within a short
distance “t tin- Federal
camp. Their houses were
of logs and in rOWB, with
narrow alleys between. It
wa< now about 5 o’clock
in the morning. We dis-
mounted and tied our
horses – no number fours
were allowed. We fell in
line on foot, the com-
mand being whispered
alone the line. When
within fifty yards of the
30Uth end of their quar-
ters, and when sufficient men had passed the last row
of houses, making the number about equal for each
alley, the command was given in loud tones, “left
Hank, charge’ ”
The yell that we instantly set up echoed from
mountain to mountain in the still, dark night, and
made the yankees think that live thousand Johnnies
and night. <)n the I8tb we started for home, hut
returned by a different route, and camped one night
at Warm Springs, in Bath County. When we arrived
at our own camp with our prisoners, we turned them
over to that part of the command that are left in
camp, for we were nearly worn out.
were at their doors. In less than twenty-live minutes
ile \ were our prisoners, and they numbered five hun-
dred and ten. Now came the leant sure enough, and
we had plenty to eat and plenty to drink. Alter our
hunger was satisfied, we found that, there were five
stores in Beverly belonging to the Federals, and we
opened store for awhile. We sold hats, caps, hoots.
shoes and clothing at a ” very low profit.” That fore-
noon we moved I he prisoners on about two miles west
■of Beverly, and remained there the rest of that day
Friday, February 9th,
Gen. Lucius B. Northrop,
aged S’2 years, died at the
Confederate Home, Pike-
ville. He was horn Sep-
tember 8, 1811, in Charles-
ton, S. (‘., and was the son
of Amos Boyd Northrop,
a lawyer of Charleston.
When seventeen years old
he entered the Military
Academy at West Point,
and was graduated in 1831.
Ile was a class mate at
West Point of Jefferson
I (avis, and the friendship
formed lasted through Mr.
I ‘avis’ career as President
of the Confederacy.
When South Carolina se-
ceded from the I’nion
Captain Northrop was
among the first to resign
his commission in the I ‘.
S. Army. After the Pro”
visional Government was established at Montgomery,
Ala., President Davis offered him the post of Commis-
sary < reneral, which, after declining twice, he accepted.
He accompanied President Davis and the Confederate
Cabinet to Richmond in May, l.SGl, and he proceeded
to organize the Commissary Department. He re-
mained at the head of the department until a few
weeks before the surrender at Appomattox Court
House. Upon the close of the war he went to farm-
ing in North Carolina. In July, 1X65, he was arrested
by order of Secretary of War Stan too, and was con-
fined in Libby Prison, at Richmond, until the follow-
ing November, when he was discharged and paroled
mi condition that he would not leave Virginia. He
purchased a farm in Albemarle County, near Char-
lottesville, Va., and lived thereuntil February, 1890,
when he was stricken with paralysis. He was then re-
moved to Baltimore County, and lived there until his
death. He handled large sums of money in his offi-
cial position, with clean hands, and was poorer at the
close of ilif Civil War than at its beginning.
Among the floral offerings at the funeral there was
a large cross of roses and lilies from the Maryland
Line Confederate Soldiers’ Home.
B1 1. D, m’amv. trABBKNSBl’BG, TENS.
(Jen. Hardee’s Corps was ordered bj Gen. Joseph K.
Johnston from Dalton, <c.t.. to Demopolis, Ala. in
April. 1864, to reinforce Gen. Leonidas Polk
Rice, of the Twenty-ninth Tennessee Regiment, was
ordered to take Provost charge of the town with his
regiment. The court house was our headqua
We found a few Confederates under guard for insu-
bordination. Among them was a fine Looking young
fellow who had on a beautiful bright, new gray uni-
form, and was very hadsome. He said his name was
I*. K. 1 »rew, and that he was b Lieutenant of a Louisi-
ana battery. We remained on posl duty about a week.
when we were ordered hack to Dalton. During this
time Lieut. Drew, by his refined manner, had become
a great favorite with us. When informed thai our
regiment had orders to return to Dalton he expi
his attachment, earnestly asked us to let him g<> with
Us. and said he would go in the ranks as a private
we took young Drew with us to Dalton. He joined
Company G, and was in the front rank in every charge.
At Rosacea, Cenesaw Mountain. Dead Angle, Peach-
tree Creek, he was conspicuous, <‘n the 22d day of
July our Corps (Hardee’s) moved to the right of At-
lanta and surprised Gen. F. P. Blair’s Corps and cap-
tured 3,000 prisoners, with twenty-eight field pieces of
artillery. He showed great bravery in this en)
ment, and also in the battle of Jonesboi
<>n Hood’s campaign to Tennessee young Drew
rushed into the jaws of death at Franklin. As we
neared the second line of breastwork-, after five color
hearers had been shot down, he dropped bis gun, caught
the colors from the ground and rushed forward With
them. He was pierced through the heart just as he
reached the second line of works. Thus ended the
life of this noble and brave young man. He was
buried the next day with his comrades. My recol-
lection is that he said he was raised in New Orleans.
If you will publish this in the Veteran his people
may learn by it his fate. I would cheerfully give them
information in detal.
Company G went into the battle of Franklin with
eighteen guns. Fifteen of the men were killed, and
the sixteenth was shot through the bowels and died
the next day, so only two were left. Only seventy
of the brigade were present and answered to their
names the next day. Lieut. Shipley was the ranking
officer present, and he took charge of this remnant of
the brigade.
Gen .Inn B < tonkin, General Commanding Atlanta. Qa.
n Ueo Moorman. Adjt Gen and Chief of Staff. New Orleans, l.a.
d Fred B l immander Montgomery
Col Harvej i Joi a and Chief of Staff…… Monfaj
iull Williams, Brgladler General
.1 no M McKleroy, Brigadier General lunlston
POSTOl ‘ CAMP. so.
r PO ..Oapl W A Hand:.
Albertvllle I amp Miller
a li xandrls \ lexandris
Alexander City I •■
Andalusia Harper
Annlston .Pelbam.
A-hiai .1 Henry l>. Claytoi
Athena . Tboa I. Hobbe 4im
Auhurn Annum
Bessemer.. Bessemer 1ST.
Birmingham W J Hardee »
Bridgeport. Jo Wh< • l< i Ml
Camden. Franklin K. Beck —t
ollton. Camp Pickens ‘W
Carthage Woodmfl
i ‘oalburs I atbam . iM
Dadei ill. Crawf-Klmbal.
Edwardsvllle. Camp Wlggonton ..«*
Evergreen < apt Wm Lee
nee i \ • • \. .
Port I’ayiif W N 263.
Km ma Sanson
Gaylesvllle John IVIhain 411
nsboro Mien c. Jonas 2w
ovlhi Ham ‘I l. Idame
Ouln Ex-Confederate 116
Guntenn llle Mom. GUbreatb
Hatnllton Marlon ( onnu
Hartai i Friendship
Hnntsvllle Egbert I Jones
Jacksonville Ool. Jas. B. Martin, .vj
LaFayelte A. A. Oreeni
Livingston i amp Snmter Xti
Low’i I
Lowndeaboro TJ Bullock
id I W Garrett S77
Madison Bts a \ Ruast u
Mobile.. Kapha* i Bemmes, 1 1
More rg. W Foster 4n7
I omai 161
Opellk:, I . . ■ i ountj
Oxford I
Osark Ozark
p St. wart
Pearee’s Mill … Rob< till.
Roanoke. .. \tkan-8mltb 2«3
I-..TI S|.r Mi K. Ithl ■
Rockfnrd. II. i.r\ \\ i ..v zri.
asboro HB I 4:m
lame* F. Waddel
Selma. Catesbj R Jones.. . HIT.
Bprlngvllle . Bprlngvllle
Stroud i lamp McLei
st. Stephens .. John Jamei
Bummerfleld. „Ool. Garrett 981
TalladegH Charles M. shell.
Thom eander McFarland 878
Tuscumbla.. James Desbler SIS.
Tusksloosa i amp Rodi -. 382
Tn.y Camp Ruffln
Vniontown Tom Calema
Verbena . i amp Uracil
Vernon CampO’Nes
Wetumpka Elmore < ounty,
Wedowee Randolph 316.
OFFll’t E18.
M V Mulllns, H A Brown
W II \sa Rav
i Martin, V. Tciark
i; M l bomas, \ a smiih
J do. F. Thomas, J, M. Robin-
son, 8r.
John M. McKleroy. W. H.
v – Stockdale, 1> 1, Campbell
John W. Inner. Jas. I>. Truss
li. Ii Smith, James H. Lane
w. i; Jones, N. H. Bewail
K E Jom a, P K McMUler
.1. H. Johnson. R. A. Jones
R. Galllard. J. I- Foster
M. L. Staosel, B. Cpchurch
Jno S Powers. .1 A Blllotl
J H Brock, his W Barnhart
\V i Mcintosh. Wm. L. Rowe
w P Howell. T J Burton
H. Cole. F. H. Mundr
I’ I) Bowles.
\ M i I’Neal, J. m. Crow
J N Davidson, A PMeCartney
Ja*. Aiken. Jos |; |h: L
B r « I, ‘• W H Bel!
\ M tverj . I . I. Pasteui
I i < t. nshaw, v E l ley
w N II
. R T Coles. J I. Burke
A J Hamilton, J F Hamilton
Matt K Mali an. T J Simpson
Tuni. r, W M Krskine
.1 H Caldwell, L. W. Grant
.J.J. Robinson, Geo. H. Black
…B t bapman.
. B li p..rt i«. N J McDonnell
J I. II i n son. c [i Whitman
J cal Moore, Tbomas Hudson
w T Garner, Robt F. Wiggins
TIiiibT Roche. Am E Mlckle
w w McMillan, D I. Neville Llebels, J H Hlgglns
R. M. Greene. J. y. Bin
Tboa H Barrv. John T Pearoe
W R Painter. J I. Williams
J N Hood, T. Ferguson
Jim Fearce. F M 1 lark
W. A. Hamlley. B. U. Mi
1 K Jones, W li Whetstone
F. I. smith, W. T. Johnson,
I H Yonng, J P Harris
R. H. Bellamv. P. A l.reene
Whltbj . F.dw PGalt
A. W, Woodall, W. J. sprulell
A J Thompson..! I. Strickland
\ I Hooks. I M IMham
Ed Morrow. R B Cater
W J Rhodes. J T Dye
Jas N Callahan. Geo B Hal]
A. H. Keller, I. P. Guy
A C Hargrove. A P Prime
W. Ii. Henderson. L.H. Bowles
. , c c Cnrr
K Wells, J. A. Mitchell
I I’ ‘i ne. T M w
J t- Mauil. Hal T. Walker
ii I aloe, R. 8. Pate
Ma] Gen D M Moore, Commander Forts
i ..] .1 I Jones, Idlntanl General and i !hiel of start Van lluren
Jno M Harrell, Brigadier General Hot springs
J M Bobart, Brigadier General Bentonvllle
Alma Cabell 202
Benton David O. Dodd SS5
Bentonville l amp Cabell 89.
Booneville Camp Evans….
Centre Point .. Haller im-j
Charleston Pat clchnrne 191
Conwaj . .1. n Dai Is SIS
Ka\etteville W. H. Brooks -216.
Fort Smith Ben T DuVal ….
Greenway „ Clay Co. V. v-‘n 875
Greenwood. Ben McCuIlocb 1!M.
Hackett city…. stonewall
Hope Gratiot 218.
Hot Springe Albert Pikt MO
Huntington stonewall
Little Rock r B Weaver MM
Morrilton Robert W Harper..2H7.
Nashville Joe Neal
Newport Tom Hendman.
James K. Smith. J. T. Jones
s H Whltthorne. C E Shoe-
N s. Henry, v J. Bates
G W Evans, H BCastleberry
J. M. Somervell.,!, c. Ansley
\ 8 Cabell,
..A. P. Witt. W. D. Cole
T. M. Gnnter, I. M. Patridge
M M Gorman, Ool R M Fry
. J R H
.Dndley Milum, M stroup
..I. B Lake.
N. W. Stewart, John F.Sanor
Gen Jno M Harrell. A Curl
.L B Lake. A H Gordon
Win PCampbelljJ H Paschal
W. s Hamia. R. W. Harrison
W K Cowling. E Q Hale
. T. T. Ward
Having been one of the Merrimac’e officers, and with
her daring her whole career, I am somewhat familiar
with her history. <>n March 8, 1862, the Merrimac,
with ten guns, destroyed the Cumberland, twenty-four
guns; Congress, fifty L’tliis: riddled the Minn. -Mia.
forty-eight guns, and put to flight the St. Lawn no .
fifty guns, and Roanoke, forty-eight guns. In the en-
counter with the Monitor on the following day, after
a fearful combat of five hour.-, when they were fre-
quently only a few yards apart, the Merrimac having
only shell, whieh were not effective against the iron
turret of the Monitor, succeeded in dislodging her
pilot-house and blinding and otherwise disabling her
commander. The .Monitor then hauled over the bar
into shallow water, where the Merrimac could not fol-
low her. The Merrimac returned to Norfolk and went
into the dock for repairs, two of her guns having had
their muzzles shut off, her armor considerably dam-
Aged, her prow wrenched off, and her steam pipes and
smoke stack completely riddled.
On the 11th of April the Merrimac returned to
Hampton Roads. The Monitor was plainly in sight,
together with the iron battery Naugatuek and other
war ships. Seeing no disposition upon their part to
engage, the Merrimac, to provoke them, sent in two of
her tenders, the Jamestown and Raleigh, and they cut
out and brought away one brig and two schooners
in plain sight of the Federal fleet and of the French
war ship I rapendi, and of the British Corvette Rinaldo.
On the 8th of May following, while the Merrimac
•was at the (iasport Navy Yard, a tremendous lire was
opened upon the battery at Sewell’e Point by the iron-
clads Monitor and Naugatuek, and the United States
steamers Susquehanna, seventeen guns; Dacotah, six
guns; Seminole, five guns, and San Jacinto, twelve
guns. The Merrimac immediately got under way and
proceeded to the scene of conflict, regarding the a I’, ark
as an invitation to come out and fight. Upon getting
in full view of the situation, we saw just beyond the
attacking scp.adron the Hag ship M innesota, forty-eight
guns; Cayuga, six guns: Jamestown, twenty two guns;
St. Lawrence, fifty guns, and the powerful steamers
Yanderbilt, Baltimore, Illinois and Asago, especially
arranged and equipped for running the Merrimac
down. The Merrimac continued on at full speed, and
when within about a mile of the nearest vessel, they
all, with one accord, got under way and ran below
Fortress Monroe.
The Merrimac continued the pursuit until the shots
from the Rip Raps (Fort Wool) were living away be-
yond her. She steamed slowly about the Roads until
nearly dark, and then returned to ber anchorage.
The above facts are matters of record. I challenge
any one to show by any aut bent ic record or statement
i hat the Merrimac was ever defeated, thai she ever de-
clined an engagement, regardless of the number or
strength of her adversaries, or thai she ever lost an
opportunity to bring on an engagement if possible.
In a personal letter Mr. Littlepage says: Please pub-
lish the inclosed regarding the career of the Merrimac.
It seems to be so little 111 i( lerstood, and yet no ship
ever did as much to revolutionize naval warfare and
to rebuild the navies of the world.
ARK LNB \- Continued.
Paris Ben McCullougta 888…J <> Sadler, Win Sm.kI.h
Prairie Grove Prairie or. .\,- 881… . Wm Mitchell
Prescotl Wnltei tffl W J Blake, O 8 Jones
Van Bureo lobn Wallace 209 John Allen, J El
Waldron Sterling Prloe in I. P Puller, A M Fuller
SVooster losepb EJobnston-481. W A Milam, w .1 Sloan
■ I. i .1 Dlcklson, Commander. < leala
Col Fred 1. Robertson, A.hi Qeueral and Chief ol Btaff Brooks\ llle
w 1 1 . hlpley, Brlgadtei ‘ leneral Pensacola
ij :.. Brigadier ■ leneral i leala
» i.’ii s g French, Brigadier < leneral Winter Park
Bartow Francis 8 Bartow. 284 WHReynolds.JA Armlstead
Brookvllie w. w Lorlng 18 ..J, C Da van t, K. 1.. Robertson
Chlpley McMillan 217 BW l; nsomG WCook
i m.i. ■ ‘ it.v l’;i-.-.. C. V. Iss’n…. 67 ..Jas E Lee, a ll Ravesles
Defnnlak Sp’gs.E. Klrby-Smltb 282 J. T. Stubbs, D. «.. m.-i.. od
Fernandlna Nassau 104… W. n. Thompson, r. a. Ball
i ii vi- r n i-m. i…… T. Ward 1*8… W CZImmerman.W STurner
Jacksonville K. K. Lee iv Win lia\a. W W Tucker
Jacksonville Jed Davis 280…C. E. Merrill, C. J. Colcock
Jasper. Btewart 155. ..H. .1. Stewart. J. K. Banns
Juno Patton Anderson. ..244… . .1 F HlghHmltb
Lake City Columbia County. ..150…W. K. M .-. \v. M. Ivee
Marian. in Millon 182. W li Barnes, v Philips
Montlccllo Patton Anderson…. 69.. W.C. Bird, B. W. Partridge
Ocala Marion Co. C. V. A… 56…BajEn’l F Marshall, Win Fox
i irlando Orange Co 51… W i i Johnson. It M Robinson
Palmetto Geo. T. Ward 68.. J. C Pelot, J. W. Nettles
Pensacola ….Ward C. V, Ass’n m . w K Anderson, R J Jordan
Oulncy D. L. Kenan 140.. H. ll. M. Davidson, D. M. Mc-
st. Augustine… E. Klrby smiiii 176…J \ Enslow, Jr..
Sanfoi-il Gen. Jos. Flnnegan..! I8…A. M. Tbrasber, C. ll. Lefler
SI. Petersburg.. C |. Colquitt 808 W. C Dodd, D. I,. South* lok
Tallahassee Lamar llil …David Long, R A Wliitlleld
Tampa Hillsl.oro Si… F. W. M.-rrin. 11. L. Crane
TltUSVllle Indian Hiver 47. …las. l’rit.ha i-.l. A Dl’uben
Umatilla Lake Co. C. V. A 279…T H Blake,
Maj Gen Clemen! a Evans, Commander Carters^ ille
Col A .1 West, Adjutanl General and i thief ..f Staff. Ulimla
Atlanta Fulton County 159… Clement A Evans.J F Edwards
Augusta Con. sniviv. Ass’n. ..486.. .F E Eve, F M Stovall
Carnesvllle MlllganConf. Vet….419 ,J C McCarter, J M Phillips
Uedartown Polk Co. Con. Vets. ..403 .1 M Arlington, .1 S Stubbs
Clayton Rabun Co. Con. Vet..420…S M Beck, w H Price
Covington Jetl’erson Lamar :>ll5…G 1) Heard. . I W Anderson
Dal ton Jos. nli E Johnston.. S4…A. P. Roberts, J. A. Ulan ton
Dawson Terrell Co.Con.Vet 404…J w F l.nwr. y. Win Kalgler
Harrlsburg Chattooga Vel 122…— . LB Williams
Jefferson Fackson County …. im Thos l. Ross, T ll Nlblocb
LaGrange Troup Co.Con. Vete..405…J 1. Scbaub. E T Winn
Morgan i :altaounCoConVet,..406.. l’ E Boyd, A .1 Munroe
lining Ringgold 206 ..W .1 Whilsilt. K HTriiin r
I! • Floyd i … (‘. V. A. 898 .ii. Yelser, .1 T Moore
Spring I’lace .In… B. Gordon 511… K. E. Wilson. W. II. Ramsey
Thomasvllle w d Mitchell 428…B a Mitchell, T N Bopklns
Tolbotton I. ll smith 102 ..BCurley, W 11 l’lillp.n
Washington lohn T Wlngfleld ,..891.. .C E [rvln, Henry Cordes
Waynesboro … .Gordon 869 Tbos B Cox, 8 R Fulchei
Zebulon Pike Co. Cout Vet_421…G w Strickland, w Gwya
Maj Gen .In., i (Tnderw I, Commander ‘ tbloago
Col Baml Baker, Chief ol siatl Chicago
Chicago Ex-Confed. Ass’n S….I W White, r Lee France
Jerseyvllle Beuev. ex-Confed….804…Jos. 8. i air. Morris R. Locke
Maj Gen N P Guy, Commauder McAlester.
Col R B Coleman, Adjutant General and Chief of Staff McAlester
.in.. I. Gait, Brigadier General drdmore
D m Baley, Brigadier General Kaebs
POSTOI PICE, i ami-. NO. 01 i ii i RS
Ardmore I no II Morgan 107. ..W W Byden, FG Barry
McAlester Jeff Lee 68.. .N. P. Guy. K. II. Coleman
Ma. Gen John Boyd, Commander Lexington
Col Joe M Jones, Adjutant General an. I Chief Of Btaff. Paris
Augusta lohn li. Bood 288 Jno. 8. Bradley, J. II. Wilson
Bardstown Thomas H. Bunt.. .288. ..Tbos. H. Ellis, Jos. F. Uriggs
Be a Alfred Johnston 878 .1 P Brlen, W J Wilson
Hethel Pal. H. Cleburne .•-‘.-… .1. Airasmith, A. W. Il.-isi-om
Bowling Green Bowling Green 148 .W. F. Perry, Jas. A. Mitchell
. in. p I.. ii George W Cox I88…Jos C l.v kims. C C Hanks
Carlisle … Peter Bramblelt. …844 Thos Owen, H M Taylor
Cyntblana Ben Desha 99.. .D. M. Bnyder, J. Wm. Boyd
Danville L Warren Grigsby…214 I-‘.. M.Green, J. II. Ua ugh man
Eminence K. K irhv Smith 261. ..W. L. Crabb, J. 8. Turner
Flemlngsburg ..Albert s. Johnston. .»i2…Wni Stanley, Jno W Heflln
Frankfort Thomas B Monroe..lKS…A W Macklin. .Ii >e) KS.-olt
Georgetown George w John son.. 98…A H Sinclair, J Webb
Barrodsburg…. Wm Preston B6…Bush W. Allln, John Kane
il..|ikliisville Ned Merriwether …241. ..c F Jarre’ t, Hunter Wood
Lawre iburg…Ben Hani in Helm…l01…P. H. Thomas, j- P. Vaughn
Lexington J. c. Hreck i nridge. ..luo… John Boyd, G. c. Snyder
Mi. Sterling Roy 8. pluke 2»l…Thos. Johnson, W.T. Havens
F. H. Mundy, Adjutant Camp Sanders, Eutaw, Ala.:
I indorse every word that H. I!. ELogan -ays in the
Yktfhan concerning the Eleventh Alabama at Fra-
zier’s Farm. The Eleventh never fought under false
colors. The flag taken by the yankeee was their own,
captured by the Eleventh at the first charge. They
simply recovered their own again. It was a desparate
hand tb hand conflict. [ V . < -filet’ly Sei \
of Company B, Eleventh Alabama, at that time, and
distinctly remember calling the battle roll befo
tering the fight. Our company had been thinned in
previous engagements, bo thai we entered the fight
with only twenty-eight officers and men all told. Of
those twenty-eight eight were killed on the field, in-
cluding our Captain, Bratton, and fifteen were wounded.
The other- had slight wounds, or were shot through
their clothing. Every field officer and Captain pres-
ent was either killed or wounded, and the regiment
was commanded by a Lieutenant the next day. One
of our men. Alex. Gibers, hid under the puns when
we were forced to fall haek. hut we resetted him in our
next charge. One of our Lieutenants. \Y. S, Boyd,
was attacked by two Federal officers, and while en-
gaged with them was run through the body with a
Bayonet. We recovered him next day alive, and he
is alive yet. A Federal Genera] rode into our lines
after dark, and was captured by JohnBOIl Ridgeway.
1 our company, who was promoted to Courier for
our Brigadier General, Wilcox. 1 was captured at the
second day’s tight at Gettysburg.
[On tlie By-loaf of the copy of the Iliad given by the lata I
Derby to Qeneral use.
The grave old hard, who never dies,
Receive him in our native tot I
I send thee, l>nt with weeping o
The story that he sunt:.
Thy Troy lias fallen; thy deal land
Is marred beneath the spoiler’s heel ;
1 cannot trust ni> trembling hand
To write the griei 1 feel.
1 Hi. home of tears! But let her hear
This blacon to the end of time :
No nation rose so white and fair.
None fell so pure of crime.
The widow’s moan, the orphan’s wail,
Lre around thee: hut in truth he strong.
Eternal right, though all things fail,
Can never he made Wrong.
An angel’s heart, an angel’s mouth
1 Not Homer’s 1 , could alone for me
Hymn forth the great Confederate South ;
Virginia first— then Lee.
L. 1′. X., in a poem on Virginia:
Her SWOrd is shattered, not sheathed in shame :
• * e * *
Thank God her honor is spotlt 88 yet.
• * • *
What is left to no? A deathless name —
Honor. The foe can never defame
Hearts unconquered and lives without stain,
Memories of heroes who. lied without blame,
Whose spirits are now in heaven.
POSTOl 1 I’ll’. HO. OFFI
NlcholasvHle.. Hnmpb’y Marshall. 1st Geo. Ii. Taylor, E. T. Lillard
Paducah A P Thompson 174… WU Bullitt. J. M. Brown
Paris Inlin H. Morgan 85 AT. Forsyth, Will A.oaines
Richmond. Thomas R Collins .215 Jas. Tevts, N. B. Deatbi
:vliie John W. Oaldwell…l89…J. H. Brlges. W. 1
byvllle… John H. Waller 287 W. F. Beard, R. T. On
Wlnchestei W.Hanson – I I Curtis, J. L. Wheeler
Versailles \t.i Buford 97.. J C Bailey. Jus w Smith
louisi w \
d « …. i • w/at ‘ v ‘ \ sandria
i lol T I, Mao Staff. …… New Orleani
i el. -.i p.
Alexandria Jeff DaT is
Anno ■ It \ tii It.- City
Baton Kent*’ Baton R 17.
■! I “« nm
Bern irk \\ i… baetei Hal
Compte ‘ ap Perol
Donaldson vt lie. .Vi. tor Mioiriii
-ii • I. l;i’ llbson
Farmers Hie C.V. ». or Union P
Florlan O
Uonsali 8 P. 1 n ‘I N I ‘-■
Jack — . ■
Lake ehai
I.. Pri i ik- |’ r ..\
Mandervllle Get .Moormai
Mansfield Moaton 41
Merrick Isalali Norwood 110.
Monroi Hi nrj u * ! ‘ ‘
Natchitoches, Natchitoches. 40
New \rmy of N. Va
New Orleans… Army ofTenn.
New ‘ Irleans v. t . ion Btates *
New Orleans. Wash, trtlllen
New Orleans .Henry St. Panl
i lakley John Peck
Opelousas, R. v.. Lee 14.
Plft«)iiHinini- Ibervllli
Rayville Kli-hland…
Rnstln Huston
TaneipalloB Camp Moore 80.
Thlbodaux.. Braxlon Brace…
H Stuart, Commander ..Baltimore
1 Sykes, \-i rod Chief of Staff Columbus
Robert Lowry. Brl eral
.1 R Biuford. Brigadier neneral 1 luck Hill
Amorj – rail Jackson 127 w \ Brown,
BooneviUe « n ii i – 1, J. W.Smith
Brandon Rankin 206 Patrick Henrj . 1; s Maxev
Brookhaven.. ..SylTesterGwin. 239 J. A. Hoshlns, J. B. Daughtry
Canton. E. Giles Henry 812 I C. Postell. J. M. Mills
Chester RGPrewiti cm J H Evans, W M Roberts
Coin ml mis Ishain Harrison 27. ..C I- Lincoln, W \ ‘ am
ilSp’gs. Ben 1 1 mi i pi. C. Humphries, J. M. B
Edwards w A. Montgomery ‘-‘>; W. A. Montgomery T. H. w.
Faveite i..i Whilney. 22 W L Stephen, T B Hammetl
Greenwood Hugh A Reynolds. 218 i: W Williamson, w a Gil-
Greenvtlle W.A.Percy n.w. Verger
trrenada W. R. Barksdale 188 .1 W Young, Julius ash.
Harpersvillr Patrons Union 272 MWStamper.l \
Hattiesburg.. Hattiesburg 21 u. H. Hartfleld, E. H. Harris
Hernando – DeSoto -•.’• i 3am Powell, i it Robertson
Hickory Flat Hickory Hat 219 W. A. i rum, J. .1. Hicks
luka Tishomingo ‘ Vi P Hamm. re
Holly Springe Kit Mott
Jackson.. Robert ^ Smith 24…
Lake Patrons l”nii>n
hards.G. W.Banks ton
James Bi loe, John A. i idea
J. McGrath, r. w, Heromao
s M Thomas. B K Nash
TJ Royster, FOl
i Pi mi.T ii Hamilton
SA1 ii
wm. m. r,u,ii, i. c. Johnson
.1 K Ramse; , D A out
W l; I ..Mills. I’ll..- .1 sinner
1 1 T. Brown
Each Lea, l; ii. McClelland
W.A.Knapp.W. I.. Huteiiings
..J. C. Baas, I. P McCan
Dicks, R ‘ i. Picsetta
II Merrick, J. J. Tavlor
w. R Roberts, II Mo
J A Prudbomme. W H Mar-
W. R I.yman.T. B. O’Brien
Gen .1 B vlnel Nicholas Cony
Win. I.aiiL-lilin. E. R \»
II I shelman, I. A Adams
T1..1 \ B I ‘.in .tii
W. 8, Peck, .1. w. r.o.
I D I’., -.nil. I’.. B mfleld
! liardenne
I i- Bummerlln, i . T. smith
A. Barksdale, I. 1,. Bond
W Kinney, W H Tunnard
■ ‘ r tmacker.O. R Tavior
– i Orlsamore, H. N. Conlon
Lexington .Walter I Kelm
Li Wert y \m it.* County .
Louisville lohn M Bradlej
Maben Stephen D. Lee
Macon James I
Magnolia Mo.kdale
I. F. Eant.S. H. Pi
W Ii Holder. Win Hi n
M. W. Stamper, i . a. Hod-
it .1 It.-i.i. V \ Howell
p t: Brewer, Geo A MoGenee
M \ Mm-. Jno B . ■
271.. ii. B. Cooke, J. I.. Sherman
H, W. 1 “”ii . J. I. Griggs
H H Felder, B A Matthew
Meridian Walt I, all 26., W. F. Brown, P.. V. White
Miss. City Beauvoir 120. ..(on. . I. R. I Hewes
Natchez. Hatches 20 F. J. V. LeCand, E. L. Hopkins
New \ ten M P Lowry… 843I…C S Robertson, M RBo
Port Glbsoa I’lail.orn. li.T.A. K. .lones, W. W. Moore
Rolling Fork …Pal R ‘ lebume 180.. .1 < Hall. .In,. B Jooi
Rosedale Montgomery ,: ^ A Montgomery, C C Farrar
sar.lis Jno R Dickens 841…B H Taylor, .1 BBootbe
Senatobla Bill Feeney 158 Q D Sbands, T P Hill
Tupelo John M – I M stone. P M 8a very
Vaiden Frank Liddell 221…S. C Balnea, W. J. Booth
Vlcksburg Vickeburg .’42…1″ A Campbell, .1 I’ l.anchlin
Winona M. Farrefl ..
Woodville Woodville
Ya/.oo City., Yazoo 178,
Maj Hen .1 1 1 Shelby, i I’lioniinpcr Adrian
Kansas City Kansas City 80. ..Jos W Mercer, Geo B Spratt
.1. R Bin ford, i ‘. H. Campbell
.1. ii. Jones, 1’. M. Stocketl
S D Robertson, i ‘ .1 KuBuisson
The correspondence in December Veteran concern-
ing the recapture of the Fifty-first Pennsylvania flag
by tin- Federals brings out this interesting reminis-
cence: Mi– White May. whose name is worthy in the
VETERAN, gives an account which will he very satis-
factory to all concerned. Some years ago. while on a
visit to Old Point Comfort, she was in company with
Mrs. Gen. Ord, whose husband was first In command
at Richmond after the surrender. Mrs. < Ird addressed
her, Baying, ” you arc a rebel ; 1 am too.” [ she was a
Virginian!] “Come and go with me to my cottage, I
have something to show yon.” On arrival at the cot-
tage this flag, which has been so much discussed, was
tie- “something” to which she called attention.
It is reported that the commander of this regiment,
in an enthusiastic address of response to the presenta-
tion of this fiag, pledged the lady donors that it should
never fall into the hands of the rebels: that if they
should be captured he would bury the flag rather than
have it so “polluted.” It happened that it was cap-
tured in the first engagement of the command. It is
reported again by a gentleman who, on seeing it after
the war at the house of Mrs. Ord, expressed great sur-
prise, and stated that this same regimental com-
mander, in a patriotic (?) address, said that his com-
mand had been true to its pledge, and that the flag
was buried by them on finding that they must sur-
James <ireacen, Kalkaska, Mich., Feb., 19, 1*’.»4: My
Dear Friend and Comrade (for I love a true soldier,
no matter on which side he fought) — I have just re-
ceived December CONFEDERATE VETERAN, and I find
an article on the Chickamauga battle, in which my
regiment Ls mentioned. The map is the most perfect
of the battlefield I have ever seen. My regiment, the
Twenty-second Michigan, and the Eighty-ninth Ohio,
fought” on Thomas’ right, on that terrible Sunday
afternoon, September 20, 1863. We occupied a posi-
tion near Figure 10 on map. We made and resisted
charge after charge during that afternoon, until about
dusk, when the Confederate infantry closed up in
front to within bayonet reach, and the cavalry in our
rear to about the same distance; and what was left of
us surrendered with our colors, which we have never
seen since. The regiments to whom we surrendered
were the Thirtv-fourth Virginia and the Sixth Florida,
and gallant soldiers they were, gallant and humane to
us, their prisoners. About a year and a half afterward,
as 1 returned from prison, I met quite a portion of
both those regiments (the Thirty-fourth Virginia and
the Sixth Florida) at Louisville as they were return-
ing from prison at Camp Chase. We spent much of a
day visiting each other, and I would go a good way
to One of their reunions now, as old as I am. I was
in Granger’s reserve, and in the division commanded
by ( ren. Stedman.
Gen. H. B. Stoddard, Bryan, Texas: The Com-
mander of Camp J. B. Robinson, Maj. J. W. Tabor, is
working for the Veteran, and at the last meeting it
was made the official organ of the Camp. Come to
Texas in April to our reunion, and we will all help to
increase your list.
Maj (ieii B I’ Hull, i mender Wilmington
Col Junius Davis, AdJI General and Cnlel of start Wilmington
Kiifus Barrlnger, Brigadier General Charlotte
w l’ Roberts, Brigadlei General Uatesvllle
POSTOl PICK. ■ nil 1 . No. OFKl’
Brvson City Vndriw Coleman. ..H01..R. Everett, li. II. lalhey
Charlotte Mecklenburg SS2… . .1 Roeasler
Clint. in Sampson 183 ..R ll Bolllday, Jim A lieaniau
Co nl In l, a rill- Cci.C. V. A .212.. .J. F. Wllleford. C. McDonald
Hickory Catawba 182..J. Q. Hall, l.. K. Wblteoei
I. luli-lon lunliiN lianifl 32ti John P. 1 oh
Plttsboro i.i • inula- .i Merrltl )87 w i. London, H A London
Ryan Confederate 117… . T McBj rde
Salisbury I harlesF. Fisher. ..808.. Jno F Ramsay, J C Bernhardt
Salisbury Col Chas I- Fisher ..819. ..Col .1 R Crawford, C R Barker
Btatesvlfle Col R Campbell . 884. PCCarlton,
Washington ….Bryan Grimes (21…R R Warren, CC Thomas
Wilmington ..Cape Fear 264.. . W L. DeRosset, Win. Rianka
Winston Norfleel 188 T J Brown, Bam’I H Smith
Maj lien Sam T Leavj . Commander Norman
El Reno El Reno 818
Gutbrle Camp Jamison ; it
Norman John B Gordon 200. T J Johnson. W C Rinfro
Oklahoma rity D II Mammons 177… J W Johnson, J O easier
Maj Gen S 8 Crittenden, Commander Greenville
Col Tin- s Moorman, Adit General and chief .■( stall Columbia
Jno Hi an. m. Brigadier General Wlunsboro
Abbeville Secession ti6… . W A Templetou
Aiken Baruard E. Bee 81… B H. Teague. J. N Wigfnll
Anderson Camp Benson S87…M P Trlbbc. J N Vandlver
Beaufort Beaufort SGB…Thos s White,
Charleston Caniji Sumter 250 ..Rev. J. Johnson, . I. W. Ward
Charleston Palmetto Guard 315. ..Geo LRuist. A Baron Holmes
Cheraw I B Kershaw 418…Tbeo T Malloy. s G Godfrey
Columbia Hampton 3K9…A P Brown, I) R Flennlkln
Duncans Dean 437… A H Dean. .1 V High
Easle\ Jasper Hawthorn… .2X5… U. E. Bowen. J. H. Bowen
Edgefield C H …Miner Perrln 389. ..J H Brooks, Thos W Carwlle
Elorence Pee I 390… E W Lloyd. Win Quick
Glymphvllle Glymphville 3H9…L P Miller.
Greenville R. C. Pulllam 297. ..J. W. Norwood, P. T. H
Greenwood n Wyatt Aiken 482…
Mi Pleasant Thos M Wagner 4iu. ,.s Porches, Jas u Tomllnson
Newberry James D Nance 3S8…J \V Gary. (‘ E Boyd
Pickens Wolf Creek 112 Jas A Grillln, H B Hendricks
Rock Hill Catawba 278…Cadr Jones. W B Dunlap
Socastee Confed. Suv. Ass ‘n.. 418… Jeremiah smith, —
Spartanburg ….Camp Walker 335. ..Jos Walker, A B Woodrufi
Siinmieiville Gen .las Connor 874 …Geo Tapper, P 11 Hutchinson
Sumter Dlch Anderson 334… J D Graham, l’PGaillard
St. Georges Stephen Elliott 51… R W Minus, J Otcy Reed
Mai Gen W li Jackson, Commander Nashville
Col Jno P Mick ma n. Ailjl General and i hiel of stafi’ Nashville
.1 a Vaughn, Brigadier General Mamphli
Frank A Moses Brigadier General Knoxvllle
Brownsville Hiram s Bradford. ..420… , H 3 Livingston
Chattanooga N. B. Forrest 4…L. T. Dickinson,
Clarksvlllc Forbes 77. ..T. H. Smith, Clay Slacker
Faye|.teville….s!iiickclford-Eulto!i. .114. ..Jas D Tillman, W H Cashion
Franklin Gen.. I. W Starnes …131. ,.S V Wall. T G Snilthson
Jackson Jno Ingram 87…W Holland, M B Hurl
Knoxvllle Felix K. 7.ollleofler…4ii…Jno F Home, (‘has Ducloux
Knoxvllle Fred Anil 5…E. A. Moses, . I. w. s. Friersou
la-wishing Dlhrell 55… W. P. Irvine, W. G. Loyd
MoKenzle. ., Btonewall Jackson.. 42…MarshAtkls8on,J. P.Cannon
Mem phis (unfed. Hist. Ass’n.. 28…C. W. Frazer, R..I. Black
Murfreesboro. Joe B. Palmer 81…W.S.McLemore,W.Ledbetter
Nashville Frank Cheatham…. S5…Thns II Smith, J P Hickman
Shelbyville Wm. Frlerson 83. ..J. M. Hastings. J. G. Arnold
Tullnhomn Pierce B. A nderson..l73….1 no P Hickman, W J Trails
Winchester Turney 12. ..F B Terry, J J Martin
Tr&fw-JkttMittppi Department.
I .ii nt Sen w L Cabell. C nander Dallas. Texas
Brig Gen A T Walls, A.IJI Gen anil Chief Of Staff. Dallas, Texas
Nom in astkkn Texas division.
Maj Gen w N Itnsh. Commander McKlnney
i ol .1 U Pearson, Adjutant I leneral and I Ihief of Staff McKlnney
North WESTERN Div ision.
Maj Gen Richard Cobb, Commander Wichita Fails
Col Wm Porke Skeeno, a.iji i len and chief of stair Wichita Fails
Joseph Benedict, Brigadier Genera] Graham
W I’. Plemmons, Brigadier General Vmurlllo
Maj Gen W G Blain, Commander Fairfield
Col Thos .1 Gibson, Adjutant General and Chief of Staff Mcxln
M li I ‘.none, Brigadier General Navnsota.
D H Nunn, Brigadier General Crockett
Southwestern Division.
Maj Gen W H young, Commander.’ Ban Antonio
Col I) M Poor, Adjudant General and Chief of Staff San Antonio
Hamilton P Bee. Brigadier General San Antonio
Thos W Di.d.l, Brigadier General Laredo
S 9
They Honored His Grandfather. — The First
Arkansas Infanty was sent to the defense of Richmond
early in the war, and placed with Kate’s First Tennes-
see, in Holmes’ Brigade, at the mouth of Aquia Creek,
near the memorable city of Fredericksburg. Captain.
afterwards Colonel, Robert W. Crockett, a grandson of
the heroic Davy Crockett, commanded one of its com-
panies. That fact was made known along the route,
and crowds assembled to greet Captain Crockett, the
grandson of the famous backwoodsman, whose picture
had illuminated the almanacs of nearly a century ago.
Captain Bob had an exhaustlera fund of humor and
anecdote, and enjoyed a joke Seeing that the admir-
ers of his grandfather w ere dubious ox him in his trim
uniform and modish appearance, he got somewhere an
old coon-skin and shaped it into a rude cap, with the
tail hanging down behind, and on suitable occasions
produced it as his grandfather’s, to the immense delight
of the spectators, saying, “Those old fellows had largei
heads than are fashionable at this time,” as tl
came down over his ears ami eye-, and flowing,
black locks. At Fredericksburg he soon became a
social as well as military lion. Dr. Blackmail, a hos-
pitable old citizen, took a great fancy to this grandson
of the Tennessee Congressman and hero of the Alamo.
He went around with him, always introducing him as
such, and invariably adding thai “he knew his grand-
father intimately.” On one occasion Captain Bob
introduced one of his men to Dr. Blackman a- “Mr.
Crusoe, grandson of Robinson Crusoe.” The good old
Doctor greeted voung Crusoe with his accustomed
Warmth, remarking that “although he did not know
randfather personally, he had read about him,
and was proud to make the acquaintance of his patri-
otic descendant. .1 M. II.
Tribute to \ 801 dier who w \~ Shot Th rntv Times.
Cant. T. B. Beall, Salisbury, N. C, writes: It is my
sail duty to note the death of one of Our Wave-, the
bravest of the brave, Robert Humphreys, of Lexing-
ton, N. C. I knew him well. He was one of the first
to respond to his country’s call, when the mightiest
army of the world was marshaling against the South-
ern States. He went in a men’ boy and cai »ut a
broken down man. He was in the defense of York-
town, and that terrible retreat to Richmond; fought
the battles in defense of that city, and afterward fol-
lowed Gens. Lee and Jackson through their wonderful
campaigns. He was ghot by the enemy twenty or
more times, Which shows that he was always in” the
thickest of the tight. When his cause went down he
accepted the situation and, like the true and brave
man that he was, went earnestly to work to repair his
fallen fortune, and prove himself in time of p(
BUCCessful and useful man. Mr. Humphreys was a
member of Company 1. Fourteenth North Carolina
Troops, of which the writer was Captain.
Front Royal and Riverton. Va.. G It might
well he called a “History of a Nation that Fell.” It
is the only publication that strives to give authentic
record of the events of the late war between the States.
It cannot hut meet the hearty indorsement of every
true friend of the Confederacy, and as it deal- in
things as they happened, it will find the sincere ap-
proval of those who wore the blue. We love our
our memories, we cherish our institutions, and our
dead are sacred. Then rally to the help of the enter-
prise that is to be the custodian of our glorious past.
TEXAIs— Omtinura.
1 E H Bean, Commander Cameron
Ool W M McGregor, Adjutant General and Ul – I ..Cameron
H E Sbelley, Brigadier G< Ausiin
Donnell, Brigadier General Meridian
P08TOFFICK. ca>ii . ifo,
Abilene Abilene
Abilene Taylor Oo 69..
Alvarado Uvarado 160.
Alvin Wn 11 . :
Alvord Stonewall
AreherCic – ewall Jackson«249
Athens Howdy Martin .
Atlanta Stom wall Jackson. 81.,
Aurora R Q \i , –
Austin In” B Hood
Beaumont \ S Jobm
Ileli Oo. ex-Con. As.,122
Bontiam SulRose UU
Brazoria ‘ ‘on
Breckinridge Stephens Count]
Brenbam Washington
Brownwood stonewall.’
Brvai J. I!. Robertson … 134..
Buffalo Gap i Mine m i>
Caldwell I amp
rl w r rownsend .in
Cameron Ben McCnlloch
i amplx II t ‘amp Rose
Canton i ‘
Chico. ‘ amp Mi I
Cblldn — los EJobnsI
I eui Prei eaux
rne Pal < l<
Colorado Albert 8 Jol iton..i 18.
Columbus Shropshire- 1 pton…U2.
ko jno Pi than
Commerce R.
i.’ hnsti Jost pb E Ji ihnsti
ana C. M. Winkli
Crockett ..141..
Nsville I
Cuero Emmett Lym 242,
_ertteld ‘
|,, , ,,.. i’,, ,, m. , i Hocb .. si
DeKalb Ion, Wall:,.
Denton Mil Ross
Dodd City Camp Maxej
Dublin I’ll li a ‘ ‘omani
Fninia Lone Star..
Fairfield Wm I.. Moo
Floret . i. Wilson County
Forney Camp Bel 1 :o>
Fort Worth l: I I , •
K. O, Mill-
Gainesville J
Qatesville Ex-< \ Oorj ell I
Goldthwaite Jeff Davis
Uoncalea >ohn CO Key
Grabam Voung ‘ -unity
Granbury Granbnrj .
i \ i. w I I- Johnston.
\ ille Jos* | I
HallettSVllle …Col .lames Walk.
Hamilton A. B. Johnston 1 IK
Hem-lead Tom Green
Heuderson Ras Redwlni
Henrietta sul Hi,..
Hillsboro Hill County
Homy Grove. ..Logan Davidson …294..
Houston Dick Dowllng 197..
Btuntsville Iohn C Dpto
Jacbsborougb …Camp Morgan „
Jacksborougb Camp Hughes 885..
Kaufman Geo. D. Manlon
Kilgore. Buck Kllgore
Kingston A. S. Johnston Tl
Ladonla Robt. E. Lee
LaGranget Col. 1!. Tlmmons. 81
Lampasas R. K. Lee
l.M ingston Ike Turner
Lubbock F. R. Lubbock…
Madisoni Ille inn <; Walk
Marlln Willis L Lang
Memphis Hall Count]
Mi nardviile Menardville
Meridian \. B. Johnston U5.
Merk.l Merkel 70
Mexla J” Johnston
Minneola Wood County
Mt. Enterprise..Rosser.
Mt. Pleasant Col. Inid Joi –
Montague Bob Stone
McGregor i amp Mel h
McKinney Collin County Hw
Mt Vernon Hen Mcculloch
Navasota Hannibal H Bom
New Bo-ion . .. sul l;.,”
Oakviiie .iohn Donaldson 185.
Palestine Palestine J I
Paradise . Pal el. I. urn
oi i [
. T W Daugbertv.
H. L. Bentlev. Ttaeo. Heyck
Jesse w iii.i..! K
Wm Hart. A If H H Tol’ar
.1 M ,r >nes, W” i . Leach
11 .1 Ilriinlis T M ‘
D. M. Morgan, w. T. Fustace
,.J.D. Johnson, J. N. Simmons.
i. W Short, ‘ i Leonard
W. M. Brown, c. H. Powell.
Tom .1 W i ‘Brien
…lor Bralsti i. 11 E Bradford
. , K BZlnn
.1. P. BtOUD
Win. F. Smith. F. LeRibens
W F Mmli.rn ,GB Brown
‘ Qtddlngs, 1 Q Rankin
.Carl Vincent, A !• Mow
.1 w l» SM Dei
n, n 1 Jones, .1 .1 Fwhank
J B Kim;. .1 i Matthews
CWHlg’lnb’th’m.H FK
Mclver.J ‘
I; w Ridley, Tom 3 Smith
W. li. rhompson
J R Bond, J M Woolworth.
I w Neal, .1 s McDonougb
OTPlumm ock
W V ; .;. Mnllin.
1 feo. \i.i ormlck, .1. .1 Dick.
Inn. .1. M. Wilh:
‘ •’ ” W i ~, R .i Pickett
HRSt MC spann
l: M ‘ olllns,
Bl ‘li. .1. !■’. M
I 11 K -on
V Weldon, ‘ leorge H Law
.1 N Zacbery, .1 A McGn
w A Miller, \ l a ■
w s Proctor, .1 I’ Stev.
HiiEh Mi Kenzle. .I.K.Burton.
W ‘ M
.1. T. Harris, I E. Gl ‘
..Iohn W. Mim
W i. Ill:, in. I. o San, lifer
W i Airee. A. D. I
i M. Danlt i. s. G. Fleming.
A 11 W M M.ionnell
\ c hainberl’n. M F Wakefield
..I M. Wright, W. A. s
T N w ani. i Washington
a ford
.1 E Martin, W II Thompson
Ml ‘.nail.
Wm Hodges, w Blasslngame
Y M Edwards
.1. A. Fortnivalt. I. R. Morris
, ((‘ Hatfield
W S Want. A H II
Volnev Ellis, B F Burke
l’..,itl. | ,,,i. 1. ,\ || Smith
V. B. Thorn ,varz.
.1 M Maj s. i i Doyle
F. .1. Barrett, i . B. Patterson.
. Win W 1
.1 H Lynn.. Iohn L Ballinger
W.Lambert, s.K . Longnecker
.1 M Sin It her, 1 K I
s w i ::isi ni. w .1 Denning
s ii Reei es, \ K \ nd< i
Jos. II uffmac pes.
w \ Miller, R W Wynn
.1. F. Pnckett. T. .1. Foster.
w BMen 11, J R Arthur
R. II. Plo Ips, N. Iloiman.
D. C.T1 M. Havnie
B Green
W.D. Crump. (.. W. shannon
. R Wiley
‘. A King, .1 T i ‘wen
F M Murray. Q W Tipton
FM Kitchens, , .
.Robt lionnell. J. W. Adams.
flicker. A. A. Baker.
C I. Watson, H W Williams
.1 H Hufiniast.’T’.T J Goodwin
T. Turner. B. Blrdwell.
c. L. Dlllahunty, J. I ‘. Turner.
i, R. D. Rugeley.
W II Hams. II W Sadler
– ‘tt. 11 c Mack.
,W T liass. .1 .1 Morris
w E Barry, Jas H Freeman
‘..” ii !;• ,. T.I Watllngton
C.C Cox. T. M. Church
.I.W.Kwing. .1. M. Fullinwider
A J Jones, L T Ma.ou
John A. Tholens, Syracuse. N. Y.: I am a veteran
of the Union army. I am glad that sectional bitter-
ness, which has existed to some extent in the past, i-
t’ast passing away. The time, I believe, hag come that
the Union and Confederate veterans can sit down ami
talk over the noble deeds of the past, giving each due
■credit for the victories won. No better Boldiers ever
buckled on the armor than those who fought in the
Mr. .1. \V. Joplin, of Elizabethtown, Ky.. eighty-
seven years “hi. writes: I am wonderfully pleased
with the Veteran. I owned the firm in Franklin
County, Virginia, at the close of the war on which
Gen. -I. A. Early was horn. The General often called
on me after the close of the war. 1 furnished him
with a fine saddle horse. He left Virginia and went
south on horseback. He crossed the Mississippi River
above New < Orleans, took a ship, I think, at < ralveston,
and went to Mexico. 1 do not think he stayed there
long. He went from there to ( anada, and stayed there
until he was at liberty to return to the United States.
He has lived in Lynchburg, Va., much of the time since.
I had six sons in the Southern army, all in cav-
alry. They were in the first battle of Hull Run and
the last battles under H. E. Lee and Joe E. Johnston.
None of them were absent from their commands with-
out leave during the war.
Richard H. Adams, Radford, Va., writes: I read with
at interest your synopsis of an article of Col. Abe
Fulkerson in October Veteran, especially that part
relating to the six hundred officers sent from Fort
Delaware to Charleston, S. C, and placed on Morris
Island under fire of their own guns. Being one of the
■ six hundred,” I can never forget the trip on board
the steamer Crescent, where the six hundred were
packed in the “hold” of the vessel “a la sardine,” and
also when the vessel ran aground, how anxious the
•• hoys ” were to make a capture of the vessel. Assisted
by the brave and liig-hearted Pete Akers, who was
known to everybody, 1 made an alphabetical list, ar-
ranged according to States, giving name, rank, com-
mand, date and ]ilaee of eaj it ure of prisoners so confined.
•On my return to Fort Delaware I gave the list to Rev.
Dr. Handy, who was confined as a prisoner there, and
who after the war published it in his 1 k. I also
kept a list myself, which I now have. * * * I take
great pleasure at times in pulling out my list and read-
ing over the names, all of whom, with few exceptions
those wdio could not stand the pressure and “took
the oath ” I, I formed a great attachment for; many of
them intimate friends of about my own age. No men
could he more admired by the bravest and truest of
men than were Col. Van H. Manning, of Arkansas,
and Col. Abe Fulkerson, of Tennessee, by these re-
maining six hundred, whose hearts were knit together
by intense and continuous suffering and privations.
These two officers were always brave, possessing all
•the qualifications necessary for leaders, and always
ready to give wise council, being continually ap-
proached for that purpose, consequently the suffering
was borne as men, true men, only can suffer for prin-
ciples so dear to their hearts.
[Col. Manning was in Congress some years after the
war, and on leaving public life resumed the practice
■of law at Washington, buying an elegant suburban
home just across the Maryland line. He died within
the past year. — Ed.]
TEX AS- Continued.
Paris A. S. Johnston
Paint Rock Jell Davis
Peanall “lintcli” Hardeman.
Richmond Frank Tcrrv
i Gen Hood.
Rockwall Book wall.
Body W. W. Loring 164
Ban Antonio A. S. Johnston in
Ban Augustine Jeff Davie 888.
san Saba W P lingers
Santa Anna LQ C
Seymour Bedford Forrest 88.
Sherman Mildred Lee 90..
Smith Prairie South Pram
swr.twatcr. K. c. Walthall 92
sulphur Bp*gs…Matl Asbcrofl 110
Taylor A s Johnston 166..
Terrell I E li Stuart IE
Texarkana A 1* Hill 268
Tyler \. s. Johnston 18.
Vernon Campi label) 125.
Waco Pat Cleburne 222
Waxahaohle Winnie Da vie 108
Waxahachie I ‘arson-. Cav, Ass’n 286
WVathel-ford Tom (tree 11 168
Wellington ( ‘olliugsworth ( ‘<> …. S<~
Wharton Bucbell
Whlteeboro . .Geo R Reeves 288
WlOblta Falls. ..W..I. Hardee 73
Will’s Point Will’s Point
Ma] i “ti Tims a Brander, < Sommander Kiehmond
r<ii Joe V Big 1. Adjutant Qem n I Chief of Staff.. Kiel nd
I s Qarnett, Brigadier General Norfolk
.Mien i ah Woods. Brigadier General i Charlottesville
Harrisonburg …s K (iililmns .Ills l> H Mart/., J S Messerly
Radford <; C Wharton ti: (J C Wharton, l: ll Adams
Reams station.. J. E. K. Stuart J11…M A Moneure. A U Mourn re
Richmond Geo E Pickett 204…R N Northern. P McCnrdy
Richmond R E Lee I81…A w Archer. .1 T Btratton
Roanoke William Watts 206 ..SB Bi ke. Hugh W Fry
West Point John R. Cooke 184. ..H. M. Miller. W. W.Green.
Williamsburg. .McGruder-Ewell 210. ..T J Btubbs, H T Jones
Winrhester Gen Turner Ash by ,Jlii..,t has \v Me Vicar, E G Hnllls
Romney C’nfed’r’te Veteran. .in; . W M Montgomery
Washington Wash. City Confed..l71….I <; Moore, T W Hungerford
No. oiril’EBS.
. 7o…»i C Connor, ss Record
188 W.’l. M.lton. J. W.Ratchfnrd.
.280.. .R M Darkness, Henrv M
.227…P. F. Peares ll. F. smart
280 w K M BlaughterJno H Hood
“I M. s. Austin. N. C. Edwards
D Speer, A P Kellev
John S Ford, .lames Clark
. . W a Field
i li urge Hams. .\ Doggan
I. M Cravens, Will Hubert
T. H.i . Peery, R..I. Browning.
.1 T Wilson. Kohl Walker.
W I. Hefner,
W. D. Beall, .1. H. Freeman.
li.M.ll. uderson, M.G. Miller.
M Roes, Perry Hawkins
.1 A Anthony, Vic Relnhardt
,W .i Allen, eiiaries a Hooka
..Bryan Marsh, sid s Johnson
S. E. Hatchett, M. D. l>n\ Is.
.<‘. L. Johnson. W. C. Cooper
..Tom Yams, .i I’ i looper
… , A M 1 Iiinan
…I. P. Rice, M. V. Kinnisou.
.1 li McDowell. J M Yates
.1 N Deiinir. H T ( oinpton
.1 W M Hughes. B M \\
„W R Crockett. N A Robinson
..A N Alford. W A Heiiham
This singular bit of history is copied from a Phila-
delphia dispatch:
February i>, 1894. — Grand Army Posts Nos. 2 and
l’.t last night entered a protest against the introduc-
tion of Ellis’s complete History of the I’nited States
into the public schools. The grounds on which the
protest is made are in brief that its tone is biased in
favor of the cause of the South; that it belittles and
detracts from the fidelity, courage and patriotic work
performed by the soldiers of the Union Armies, and
seeks to ennoble the soldiers of the Confederacy: that
it Suppresses, in many instances, the names of Northern
heroes and conspicuously depicts, in strong colors, the
achievements of Confederate commanders; that the
portrait of Jefferson Davis is given preference by some
pages over that of Lincoln, as well as that of Lee over
Gen. Grant. The protests were sent to the Board of
Education this afternoon.
I’ll give you a good one on a member the Fifth Vir-
ginia Infantry, Stonewall Brigade. He stole a skillet,
broke the handle off, and burnt grease over the frac-
tured end. The owner of the spider found his mess
using it, and had him up before the Colonel and
proved it clearly. The Colonel asked the prisoner
what he had to say in his defense, and he said he
knew it was his because his mother sent it from home
to him in a letter. The Colonel told him to go back
to his quarters, and added after he started: “A man
who can deliver as ready a lie as that will make a
good soldier.”
J. A. Wheeler, Salado, Texas: 1 like the Veteran
better than any paper I ever read. It tells the truth.
The Veteran thanks Miss Ruby Beryl Kyle, of Bir-
mingham, for reunion notes interesting and helpful to
all concerned. The following are published now:
Birmingham is again enthusiastically engaged in
preparing to entertain the great gathering of veterans
for the reunion. April 25th and 26th. We are expect-
ing many thousands of veterans. The tableaux of
States, iii which each that was of the Confederacy will
be represented by one of its most beautiful unmarried
women, is a unique feature. Mr. Robert Chisholm
conducts this plan. The following ladies hav<
selected to represent the states named: Virginia, Miss
Lizzie Clark, of New Port News: North Carolina, Mise
Kate Cant will, of Wilmington; Kentucky, Miss Ele-
n ora Graves, of Lexington ; Florida, Miss Lizzie P
of Monticello; Arkansas, Miss Lizzie McGee,of Van
Buren; Alabama, Miss (anie Cochran, of Eufaula;
Louisiana. Miss Adah Vinson, of Bhreveport ; Mis60ui,
Miss (Catherine Turner, of Columbia; Smith Carolina,
Mise Hell a Hayne, of Greenville; Mary la ml. Miss Lelia
Montague, of Baltimore; Tennessee, Miss Adelle Mo-
Murray. of Nashville: Mississippi. Miss Ktta Mitchell;
Texas. Mis. Mary Muse Banks, of Houston.
The visiting veterans may secure lodgings and
meals in private boarding houses at 25 Many
opened to visitors. The Winnie
Davis Wigwam. 185 x _”>ii feet, and centrally located,
ially for the reunion purposes. Camp
Han – the following:
Camp Hardee, of Birmingham, will be pleased to
hear from each Camp in the United States as to the
number nf delegates that will be pr nt at the reunion
in A pril, so that preparations may be made accordingly.
immitteeof I ting about for a plan to
establish a home for disabled veterans in Birmingham.
l>r. Caldwell i- a member of the committee, and it is
almost certain that the question will be ably realized
under his administration. This is a worthy 1
ment, and the citi much interested, notwith-
standing the financial condition of our city.
As a matter of general interest the V] 11 BAH makes this inquiry so a* to complete historic records of the
Confederate soldiers who now live in Texas. | immanders and Adjutants will pit ittention to
this report at once, bo it may be published complete. Please fill out report for ymir Camp below and report.
\i Isoellai ■
Location ash N™ oi ( LHP.
– I
3 7
•z r
2 –
Bolton— Bell Co. Ex-Oonfed. Ass’n
Breckinridge Stephens County 1 temp
Ki Paso — Jno. < . Brown < temp
Gainesville Joseph E. Johnston Camp….
Graham— Young Count; Bivouac
Grand view- J, v.. .1 elm Men Camp
Houston- Dick Dowllng
Marlln— Willis I.. Lang Camp
Memphis— Hall Count; Camp
south Prairie— J. K. H. smart Camp
Sweetwater- E. C Walthall Camp
Terrell— ,1. E. H. Stuart tamp
Tyler— . \Um n Sidney Johnston 1 temp
Wills Point — Wills Point Camp….
There are 1,615 subscribers in Texas at 320 postofnees. Please compare your list with the names at other
postoffices. Surely all Camps will become interested in the Veteran if they can see it. The Veteran has
been made the official organ of many Camps in Texas and in every other Southern State.
Comrades and brothers, why do you delay? Prepaid envelopes with printed blanks, at considerable ex-
pense, were sent to every Camp. Let each send statements similar to the above without delay.
Mr. Cunningham, Editor of the Yetkkan. expects to attend the reunion at Waco. April 5-7, and begs that
every delegate and visitor will seek to aid him in the above and in increasing the Veteran list.
9 2
The following list includes the subscriptions at
I – named where there are four or more. Thereare
8,168 paid subscriptions, at 1,921 postofficee, in 13
States and Territories, and to 3 foreign countries.
There are printed of this edition 10,500 copies.
-ton 5
Am. ae
on i
Birmingham ‘Ci
Carrollton 6
Elkraonl 11
ire. 4
Arkadelphla 4
Beiitimvllle II
\ ill- B
i lamden 7
Fayettevllle 21;
\iina. California..
. I>. C
Eutaw 4
Florence 13
Franconla 4
Knllerton 4
Ureenvlue in
Guntersvlile 5
Huntsvllle 28
11.. i Springs 20
Little Rock..
Prairie < ■ i ■ -\ t
I (Owndesboro 1 1
Lower Peacnl ree.. 11
Montgomery 4.”>
Monndvllle 5
Piedmont 14
scottsboro Hi
Belma ‘
Snowdoun 6
Talladega 6
Pre ” 19
Searcy 6
sprtngdale 27
\’;ui Buren 5
Brookgvllle 41
Fernandina 1 1
Inverness 4
Jacksonville LIS
Lakeland 3
Lake Weir ■”>
Mariana Hi
Acwortb 4
A I neiiR 4
Atlanta 25
Augustf 11
Canton 17
Cartersvllle 4
Montlcello 17
Ocala 24
Orlando. 21
Palmetto 8
Pensacola 20
Banlord l!i
Eagle Cliff 4
Eatouton 17
Greensboro *
La* Irange v
Macon ‘ii
St. Augustine 18
Tallahasse 4
Tampa 57
Titusi He 10
Welaka i
Welborn 4
Madison 12
Rohlc 5
s.i \ auiiaii 81
Union Point 1 1
Washington 31
Chicago. Illinois IX
Evansvllle 10
Ardmore 18
Coffeyvllle 22
Adairville 5
Anthoston 4
Augusta 4
Bell s
agGn … … 21
Covington 4
Ellzabethtown 5
rgetown 7
Harrodsburg 17
HenderBon ii7
Hopklnsvllle (1
Berwick 9
Jackson 18
I.. I.. Charles 2U
Lake Providence 7
Baltimore 56
Cheltenham 4
St. Paul, Minnesota…
.lustier I)
Lawrenceburg 5
Lewlsburg 7
Lexington 2E
Louisville 59
Mlilwav 1
Morganfleld 8
i iwensboro -I
OwlngsvlUe 4
Parts 15
Pembroke 21
Mansfield 24
Morgan City ii
New i means 25
Cumberland 17
Indianapolis 5
M. -.Ulster 11
Hutchison 5
Pine Grove 4
Richmond hi
Russelh ille 10
Shelbyvllle 5
Stamping Uround 6
SturKis Ill
Toler 16
lniontown 5
Versailles 12
Winchester 28
Bhrevepnrt IB
Pat tereon 4
Rayvllle 4
Plkesvllle 6
Anding i
Caul. .n 7
Centrevllle 7
Coldwater 10
Columbus.. I'”
Cr,\ stal springs II
Brookline l
Cenl lalia K
Dexter 7
Golden City 24
Hamilton !l
Higglnsvllle i
HunUvllle 22
New York City, New York..
Edwards 4
Payette 7
i ; reenwood 8
Jacl sou 4
M.i tomb City 6
Mil Idlan 15
1 udependence 20
Kansas ( it v I
Lamar 7
I s Summit 5
Lexington 7
Louisiana 1
Marsh Held 5
Cass i ibrlsl Ian 5
Benatobla. 7
I n.a 6
Walthall 5
W villi- 21
JTaz Iltj 20
Moborly 10
Nevada Ii
Palmyra 12
Se, lalia in
Seneca 5
Springfield M
St. Louis 28
Ashevllle 40
Bryson * “it\” 6
Ml. Airy 4
Raleigh »
Salisbury 82
Waynesvllle 18
Wilmington 11
Winston 16
Oklahoma City 22
Portland, I iregon
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania..
Norman B
Alkln 28
i lolumbla
Darlington 27
Edgefield 18
• . reenwood 21
LoDgmlns 5
Manning 5
Newberry 4
Ninety-Six 9
. 12
. 5
. 5
. 1
. 4
1 • Ilettsvllle
11 v
Harts\ ille
Holt’s Corner
Lawn- burg
1 .- banon
Mel\ in
1 ane\ Springs
( “art hage
1 lastallan Springs
i towan
i hat tanooga
1 III. |. el Hill
( ..1 lege Grove..,
. 11
. 5
1 lumberland 1 llty.
1 IJ el
. 4
11, |
I’ll.. \ ille
El in
Poplin’s X K Is
Rankin’s Depot ,.
El l’aso
Fayel’i vllle.
Flat Rock
. R
Archer CltJ
Austin …
Coil Worth
Caddo Mills
i lalvert
i lanadlan
Grand View
.’. IS
1 caler l’oinl
.. 5
Coesfleld ..
Del n
i lulpeper 7
Fredericksburg 7
Lynchburg 21
Huntington n
Norfolk 15
Portsmouth 20
Radford 4
Richmond 89
Orangeburg 1 B
Sally T
Sumter 10
Trent. .11 4
Itiddlcton 6
Roekolll 4
Rogers> Ille 5
Sadlersvllle 5
Saundersville 5
Sewanee 6
Sharon 6
Sh< Ibyvllle 24
Sherwood 4
Sho mi’s X Roads. 4
Sllvertop 5
Smyrna 5
south Pittsburg
Springfield 11
Stanton 1,
Station c anil, li
Sweetwater. 7
Tennessee Ridge 5
mvllle 11
T< , I, ace, port 5
Tracy city 9
Tullahoma is
I ni.mvillc 5
Verona 1
Wart race 9
Waverly 9
White Bluff 4
w Lucbester 17
Woodland Mills… 4
Woolworth.. 14
Wrencoe 4
Yorkville 8
Memphis 7
Mexla 20
Mllford 37
Montague 4
c mi Rock 5
Paradise 4
I’carsall 9
Petty 11
Rav 4
Rockwall 30
San Antonio 11
Sherman 22
south Prairie 4
Sulphur Springs… 8
sw 1 et water 6
Tehuacana 15
Temple 5
Terrell 24
Trent 4
Tulip 5
Tyler 12
Vim Alstvnc 12
Yiesea 8
Waco Hi
Walder 4
Waxabaehle 21
Weatherford s
Whiles!,,,, o 11
Wilis’ Point ‘.’ii
Wrlgbtsboro 12
Warm Springs..
West l’oinl ……
Williamsburg .,
Romney 8
t’lncinnati, Ohio 11
Reuben Campbell Camp, Statesville, X. (‘.: I see id
tiic December Veteran that you give Maj.S. A. Jonas
as the author of ” The Confederate Note.” The news-
papers “1′ our’ State bave recently hail quite a lengthy
controversy as to the author, ami bave finally decided
that the author was a North Carolina lady. Will you
kindly give me any facts you may have as to the true
author of the lines? The “Reply from across the
chasm” — did you coin the beading? — was written to
me, and I have the original manuscript.
The only son of
Dr. P. R. Bailey, <>i
Nashvill e, Tenn.,
disappeared Nov. 22,
1893, and bas never
been 1 1 <-*: 1 1-< 1 from by
his family since.
Twelve years old,
blue eyes, 1 1 l’n w ii
hair, small black
mole on t em y 1 e.
This picture is a
very pood likeness,
though made when
tlif lad was cipht.
His only sister is
Miss Marie Louise
Bailey, whose su-
perb reputation as a
pianist was reported
in February Vi ri r
an. The father was
look out for his boy.
Let us all
24 Out of 25.
A prominent citizen of Martin, Tenn., came to the city re”
cently to enter hia son in some one oi tbe business colleges
here, It was suggested to him thai the best judges on that
subject would !«• the business men ol the city. 01 these lie
inquired to the number oi twenty live, ami be reported that
twenty-four of that number recommended Jennings’ Business
College as being the most practical, the other gentleman ex-
pressing no preference, I >f course Mr. Jennings got the young
man. 8traws always show how the wind blows.”
Two More Positions.
H. Blair Smith, son of R. McPhail Smith, of the faculty of
Vanderbilt Law School, has secured a position in the office oi
the Cumberland Telephone Company, and W. A. Farriss has
a good position with the Sun Life Insurance Company. They
are both recent graduates of Jennings’ Business College Ask
business men and bankers about business colleges. They are
good judges.
An Allround Book-keeper. — A letter to Mr. R. W. Jen-
nings, of Nashville, from W. W. McDowell, of Chicago, on the
27th tilt., says: “I was glad to know that you had not lost sight
of me. I am keeping books for Armour & Co., and my brother,
Horace, another one of your graduates, is with Nelson. Morris
»fe Co., of this city. I keep the Country Ledger, from I) to G.
and for the past three months have been the tirst to get my
monthly balance.” When Mr. McDowell graduated at Jen-
nings’ College he at once secure. 1 a position with the Capital
City Bank, Nashville, where he occupied successively the posi-
tions of teller and book-keeper until the bank closed. The
fact that he is now a hook-keeper in a large mercantile house
is evidence that his course in this noted school made him an
“allround book-keeper.”
Co*.. J. A. Joel, whose advertisement appears in this Yet-
KRAN.iswell known as the editor of the Grand Army
National Guardsman. Much credit is due for his fearless arti-
cles on pensions, in showing up frauds. Although severely
WOUnded live times during the war, the war ended with him at
Fortune or Mies-FORTTJIW. — Tf you have no employment, or
are being poorly paid for the work you are doing, then write
to B. F. Johnson & Co., of Richmond, Y.v, and they wNl show
you how to transform Miss fortune into Madamc-fortune. Try it.
Spring Races at Cumberland Park.
The people oi Tennessee may expect to witness ti
racing this spring at Cumberland Park that has ever beet
in the South. There will si one thousand great race
horses here. The tirst day, Friday, April 27th, will he Derby
Day. The Cum if the richest stakes in the
will be run that day. It will he worth nearly $5
the winner, and all the great three year “Ids in the West are
entered in it. It will be a great race. The management have
again decided to make it free entrance to the Geld, –
Bee this great race without paying one cent unless you want to.
The management is confident of an immense gathei
use it monopolizes for the time an area in which
five other associations had a divide Last year. The Cumber-
land Park track has secured such universal recognition
of highest merit, that owners of the hest horses will be dili-
gent to Becure its advantages. The officers are so favorably
known that strangers will at once be convinced of fair dealing
in every bi use. In the racing department Van L. Kirkman is
• -nt of the Board of Governors, and Walter 0. Rainier is
the Secretary.
For County Trustee.
W. it. HIGGINHOTHAM hereby announces himself as a
candidate for Trustee, subject to the action of the Democratic
party. Your support cordially solicited.
W. B. t 1 . Ab’K is a candidate for County Trustee, BUbjed to
action of Democratic primaries, after registration. 1 i
August 2, 1894.
For County Judge.
R. R. CALDW1 11 Is a candidate for re-election to the
offio ■• County Judge, subject to Democratic primary.
i Nt i. THOMPSON announces candidate for County
Judge. BUbject to Democratic primaries.
For Sheriff.
\V J HILL is a candidate for Sheriff. Is competent and
so]i, it* your support in Democratic primaries.
For Criminal Court Clerk.
A. B. (Bl -II BPAIN is a candidate for Criminal ‘
Clerk, subject to Democratic primary. Election August. 1894.
For Circuit Court Clerk.
ALEX. J. HARRIS has announced himself as a candidate
for Circuit Court Clerk, subject to Itemocratic primary.
WILLIS J. SULLIVAN is a candidate for Circuit Court
Clerk, subject to Democratic primaries. Election August, 1 v >4.
For County Court Clerk.
P. A. SHELTON is a candidate for County Court Clerk,
subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. Election
August. 1894.
JAMES Y. LIPSCOMB announces himself as a candidate for
County Court Clerk, subject to action of Democratic primaries.
For Register.
JNO. r. HICKMAN is competent, desires the emoluments,
and solicits your support for County Register.
EWING CHADWELL is a candidate for re-election to the
office of Register of Davidson County, subject to Democratic
W. A. DONELSt >N, of the Fourth District, is worthy of your
consideration, and hopes to have your approval for Register at
the ensuing primary election.
For Tax Assessor.
TIM M. HANIFIN is a candidate for Tax Assessor of David-
son County, subject to the Democratic primary.
We are authorized to announce the name of JOHNS’ >N V.
LINTON for the office of Tax Assessor of Davidson County.
Patented July 18, 1888.
Sleeve Buttons, Pins.
Charms, Etc.
mmended by < Sonfederate Commanders, and received by veter-
an* everywhere as the most expressive and tasteful souvenirs of the
lost cause.
Send for description and price lis! to
FRANK EDWARDS & CO., Dallas, Texas.
We do the engraving for the
XTbc IRasbvtlle Hmerican, the veteran, AND
The old, old American, ever true to the people of the South, under its new management with
Hon. J. M. Head, President, continues its helpful inliuenee to the Veteran’ in the liberal
spirit manifested by the above club rate.
it fis. 8
Honesty. Solidity. Durability.
Every Confederate Soldier and His Family should use
A store-house of medical force, totally different from all other
frills: a simple, effectual, precious preparation. Restores the equl-
Lbrium of the molecular motion of the affected tissues. No shock to
the system, uo reactionary effect. Deranges no function, produces no
nausea, no griping, ao purging. Experience bas shown them extra-
ordinarily efficacious In diseases of tne stomach, liver, bowels ami
iu*rv«’H widely adopted wherever Introduced. Prepared from pure
vegetable extract.* only, and sugar- coated. Bead what is said by chose
who have used i hem.
CASE Ne. 18.
Torpid Liver,
CASE No. 3.
La Grippe.
CASE No. 53.
Liver & Nerves-
Franc. M. Paul. Nashville, Trim., writes: I take
pleasure In stating that I have been greatly relieved of
i he t roublesome effects of a torpid liver, indigestion and
flatulency by your Stockell Liver Pills. They are mild
hut effectual in t heir action, and a hw doses taken 111
the early spring have so cleansed and stimulated the
natural channels and functions of the system aa to se-
cure tomes far more healthy and buoyant condition
than I have enjoyed for a number Of 5 ears.
Mrs. writes: I was confined to iny bed for
eks with la grippe. A permanent cure was effected
a few days with your Stockell Liver Pills.
J. F. McDevitt. Huntsville, Ala., writes: Your
stockell Liver Fills have no rival as a remedy for
chronic diseases of the liver and stomach. Arenewer
of the entire nervous system.
Try Them. Ask for Stockeir* Liver PI lift, and take no other.
If your drugglsl does not have them, we will mail them on receipt of
25 cents, or rive boxes for 81. in stamps or currency. Address the
AiHEKlCAN >n i»i< im COMPANY, or the Coxtedkbate Vkt-
eran, Nashville, Tenn. Always mention the Vktkhan in ordering.
S. Z
The Greatest Southern System.
The route of the Great Washington and
Southwestern Vestibuled Limited, composed
only of Pullman Vestibuled Sleeping and
Dining Cars, solid to and from New York,
Including Through Vestibuled Sleepers be-
tween New Orleans and New York via Mont-
f;omery. Atlanta, Charlotte, Danville, Char-
ottesviile and Washington. Ali>othe”U. S.
Great Fast Mail,” with Through Pullman
Sleepers, saving twelve hours between New
York and Montgomery, without change;
triple daily trains between the Bast and At-
via Birmingham, the short and direct route
East and West. All Confederates going to
the Confederate Reunion, at Birmingham,
should see that their tickets read via the
Georgia Pacific Railway and Richmond A
Danville Railroad.
W. A. Turk,
General Passenger Agent, Washington, D. C.
Annl. S. ][. Hakkwick,
General Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga.
For the meeting of the Confederate Veterans
to be held al Birmingham, Ala., April, ‘-‘”>- ‘JU.
The”CoTTOs Belt Route” will make a rate
from all points on its lines, of oiip Io»«*t
Ural ClA>«S tare lor tile roun|» lrl|».
Tii-iots to be sold
APRIL 22 and 23, 1894,
1 tor thirty (80) days returning.
The Cotton Belt route is ti”‘ only Uni
with through ear service from the Great
sunt 1 1 west to M cm phis, ami no change oi oars
from Ft. Wort h, Waco or intermediate points,
two dally trains carrying through ooaohes,
free reclining ohalr cars, and Pullman sleep-
ers. All lines connect with and have tickets
on sale via the ” i iottoh Belt route.”
Address the following agents for all In-
formation you may desire concerning a trip
and rates to the reunion of Veterans at Birm-
Ft. Worth, Tex. Tyler, Tex.
St. Louis, Mo.
W. G. ADAMS, Nashville, is Trav. Pass. Agt.
3- TU
,UUU I, ]K!I|. \\ •,. -,,,
: to i
cash prized November I, i -:« i . • >i . each ol the
following vegetables, vis.: i. Tomato (Favor-
ite) — ¥’«mi for a ripe tomato in sixty daj s from
the tinif the Beed Is sown ; 150 eacb for the
four earliest raised In 1884. 2, 125 each forthe
twenty heaviest beads “f Surehead cal
ea< h foi i he live 1 1 • ■: ■ -i. leal Ki j atom
watermelons: R5u for a Keystone weighing
iihi pounds or over. i. 8600 for the
Moon Pansy blossoms raised In 1804, making
thirty-two cash prizes of 12,000. This is done
simply t Lvertlseoui business. Bend nfiv
cents in silver or P. O. note, and we « I
package of each of the above rourveg-
etabfes ana pansy seed, lyournarae
forcompetlon on prizes. Terms for compe-
tition, two witnesses Is all thai Is necessary.
{■■04-21 Towanda, I’m
Tin- BEST PLACE t.. purcl
Flags, Banners, Swords, Belts, Caps,
and all kinds “f Milliard I <|iii|iiii<iii
J. A. JOEL & CO..
s* Nassau BU, (JEW t( IRK.
” We would like to see the 1 –
< \ i lamp room, and carried by i hem * hen
i»n parade ‘ I battli see rred ^ ■
Bend i’ u i” lot list.
– OjTOs B Y jj(.j. 5 HULTZ
Leather Woven Link Belt?
Leather • Pulley • Covering?
Ward Seminary,
1 CD
o W
co r-
Draft and Bottles,
Conservatory of Music School of Fine Arts.
i oi Mteloffui ind Information, min 1 n
J D. BLANT0N. President, Nashville, Tenn.
M>- c\liii it oi Beeds and Garden Vegetables was awarded several Premiums and a
Special Diploma by Piedmont Exposition Judges In 1881. Encouraged by tins success,
[sent a collection of Seeds to the World’s Fair, and wn> award* M md Diploma
for besl collection there. This is high Indorsement, for the seed met in com petit ion
those a rent see, I houses .if this country, but mine gut there beautifully. I hnvehad
experience with tbe various s is offered the farmers, ami my judgment Bays the
collection he low is the beat. The collection is a choice selection of Garden Vegetable
seeiis. and Is gotten up wit h the Idea of establishing a s 1 business: 28 papen
large) of choice Vegetable Seed ; 1 package i atning 200 Annuals Flower : 1 pack-
age of my I Istton, ” Kings Improved ; ” I package ol my Corn, ” Kings Improved “—
all postpaid for 81.00. Circulars telling all aboul my Beed free.
-M.t iddresa, T.j. KING, Richmond,Va.
$12.00 to $35.00 a week can
he made working for us, l’artles preferred
win. oan furnish s leu— and travel thn
the country : ;i team, t bough, is not nee.
\ few vacancies in towns and cities. Men
and women of good character will find this
an exceptional opportunity for profll
employment, spare hours may be need to
B. I i”ll Ns, IN a ru.. nth and Main si-..
1 mono. v \. l-IM-ly
IKn . 1 . I V I It VM, ,1R.
11 e. vi ,1 t unn
1 HAS I I –
16 18 Wai LSraawr, NEW VOBK.
1 .1 beauty.
LIGHT BF \HM \s. toi earij br
•or 15.
•i I he fall. It
Address MRS. T. E. McDANIEL. Smith’s Grove. Ky,
•• Fine Shoes ••
I iv w. IMEN wo ‘ II 1LDREN kXD
TO A 1.1. V >
Trunks. Traveling Bags and Umbrellas.
M,.i, 1.1. prit •
Dental Department
Sixteenth Annual Session
ontlnue un-
til Utter pnrt of February.
Infirmary. tSouttieaal corner Brood and High
now open for tit’ -f pi>-
I lent* “ill I– charged –
hi petent in-
Btrud I 1 be work.
Infirmary open from M a. in. to 4 p. m.
Ll-taoa. R B. LEES, M. D., DBS., Dean.
Is sold under a positive guarantee to
Blind, Bleeding, Itohing
and every form of
I or money refunded. \\\ drug.
< Price. 50 eta.
DR. W.F.GRAY 4 CO. Nashville tenn.
9 6
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Invitee correspondence from readers of
. in-: business In Ibis pal I ol
the State. ‘ \ at. 2 ft Sank,
119 N. Market St., Nashville, Tenn.
Solicits’ Correspond* nee. Telephone 1082.
All Kinds of Brushes to Order.
The Editor’s Investigation,
Nashville Brush Factory,
P. I.I.KV-nv, 1’Kol’KlETOR.
112 South Market Street. NASHVILLE. TENN.
I Largesl Block in the South.)
Tricycles, \.I<hi|iii1is. I Jr.. Has,- Bull,
l*ii ii is .V Croquet SetB, IIiiiiiiii’k Us.
Krlflfll ami Souvenir PreneulH.
S®~MAIL orders solicited and carefully filled
30» «’olle|ce M-, -Nashville, Tenn.
Pullman Vestibule Bleeping Car line, ,iack-
sonvlUe, l-‘ia.. to Nashville, Tenn., via F. (‘. &
P. R. R. Lake City, Macon, Atlanta, over
W. A- A. R. K. to Chattanooga, and N. < ‘. A si.
I., to Nashville, leaves Jacksonville every
evening and arrives at Nashville next even-
ing, making direct connections with trains
carrying Through Bleeping Cars t”
CHICAGO, st. Mil ‘is. ciNi -inn ATI.
Etc. This line gives day light ride through
the picturesque mountains and eld battle-
fields of Georgia and Tennessee, and is fam-
ous lor ” always being on time.” ■ -.*
Berths reserved through al F. C. <& I’, ilcket
offices in Jacksonville. Address
Gen ‘I smith, l’ass. Agt., Atlanta, Ga.,
GenT P. AT. Ag’t, Nashville, Tenn.
Home Testimonials Dr. Yowell’s
Mit. Editor- For tin- pas) twenty years I
have suffered from ca ‘of the fare Con-
sulted the tin ist learned Burgeons of tliis
country, and have tried a i must every known
ret ly without effect. My borne pbysli
said it would kill me, ami my experience
i a ug lit me the seal of death wasBtamped od
my face. I am now 60 years old. Have been
a practicing physician in Nashville tor fifteen
years, bavlug retired a year ago mi ac-
count of my disease. With dOUbt and with-
out hope I consulted Drs. Reynolds, dlscov-
. rers of thr nil Cuiv. I was pleased lotind
tiirin honorable physicians and Burgeons,
calculated to inspire hope in the hearts of
Buffering humanity. After thirty days’ ap-
plication of tin- Painless oils 1 am al Bt
well, a large eehar remaining, showing the
once diseased condition. Hoping my short
letter will save the lives of many, I am,
Faithfully yours.
Dr. J. E. Yoweli.,
1221 N. Vine si.. Nashville, Teun.
Thr editor of the Veteran Is well ac-
quainted with Dr. Yoweli. and would accept
any statement from him.
To the Press— I am atoll-gate keeper, have
suffered since 1888 with fistula, and have been
totally unable to work. Like all men, I hesi-
tated to write for the Oil Cure. I called on
Drs. Reynolds six weeks ago, and they
placed me on the oils. I am working every
day. Have been examined by physicians
and pronounced well. I advise every sufferer
to rmploy this great remedy. I suffered no
pain from the treatment. I will be glad to
write to all atllicted. Joseph A. Peach,
Franklin, Tenn.
Mr. L. M. Whitaker, of Sunday Times,
Nashville, recommends the oil Cure for ca-
tarrh : The most pleasant, safest and shortest
road to recovery, and it affords me great
pleasure to commend Drs. Reynolds to suffer-
ing humanity as skilled physicians. My
hearing has been restored.
Hon. Neal Brown, of San Saba, Tex., writes:
After stitl’ering ten years with five eating
cancers, involving my eyes, nose and mout h,
I learned of Drs. Reynolds’ oil Cure, and if
my Infallible indorsement can establish truth
thousands can he saved pain, torment and
Wilbur Close, manager of Snow-Church Co..
Baxter Court, Nashville, says: After suffering
twenty years with catarrh of head, nose and
throat, the baneof my existence, I consider
thr iiil Cure the greatest discovery of thr
ninrtrrnt b century, and having been person-
ally acquainted with its. Reynolds over a
year, I recommend them as honorable phy-
sicians. 1 am well.
Drs. Reynolds have perfected the Oil Cure
for the treatment of consumption, catarrh,
cancer, lupus, ulcers, piles, fistula, eczema,
scrofula, rheumatism, Bright ‘s disease, womb
diseases, arnd all lnllammatory diseases of the
eye, ear, nose, and throat: nervous debility
ami excesses treated on thr most scientific
principles. Call on or address Drs. Keynolus,
H9 North Spruce Street, Nashville, Tenn.
Bend stamp for reply.
Goto.. VOGEL’S
233 North Summer Street.
Nashville, Tenn.
318S Union St., Nashville, Tenn.
Jun-ly Telephone 588.
de-at 319 UNION STREET.
Dr. Hodge’s
the Best
of the Age.
Purifies the blood, eliminates all poison-
ous and dangerous matter, restores the
health, builds up and strengthens the
system, aids digestion, corrects an un-
healthy and deranged stomach. A cer-
tain cure for all blood and skin diseases;
rheumatism, scrofula, old sores, pimples,
blotches, eruptions, itching humors,
boils, swollen joints, aching bones, sore
eyes, tetter, scald head, dyspepsia, gen-
eral debility, tired and sore feeling in the
body and limbs.
For sale by Druggists.
Qo pfederat^ l/eterai?.
Published Monthly in the Interest of Confederate Veterans and Kindred Topics.
fSKti™ } Vol. II. Nashville, Texn., April, 1894.
N-. . IS. \.i i-nnini;
°- 4- 1 Proprietor.
Entered at the Postoffloe, Nashville, Ti-nn.. as seoond-olau matter
Advertisements : Two dollars per Inch one time, or s-jn a year, ex-
cept la*t page. Oue pae^ one time, special, 940. Dtsoount: Bialfyear,
one-Issue; one 3 ear, two iBsuea. This is an Increase on former rate.
Contributors win please ‘”■ dlllgenl t<> abbreviate. The s ,: is too
Important for any wing 1 hat has doi sp<
The datr to ■abseiiptlnns is always given to the month ‘<■
emls. For Instance, if the Vktf.kan be ordered to begin with Janu-
ary, the date on mail list will be Deoember, and the subscriber enti-
tled to that number.
Though men deserve, they nuiv not win BUCt
The brave will honor the brave, vanquished none the less.
Td SOBSi RIBEBS. — Kindly look at the date of your
subscription. If the time is out please write at once.
If you ‘iin’t Bend renewal and want it continued, ~ay
so. Statements of accounts will not be sent nor plea
made ill any Other way than this. Tin Vt 1 1 1: w can-
tint lie sent without pay, ami yet BubBcribera can take
advantage of getting it beyond the time- paid for until
1 sii.ii] fee] obliged, however reluctant, to discontinue.
The present is a very important period with the pub-
lication. The tost of Souvenir is a very large Bum,
the stringency in finances considered Please let me
have a reunion by mail with all who have BO kindly
worked for the VETERAN, Von can’t eonecive tie
efit that will accrue if you will write Jin letter* toadver-
Who would do well to use the V lit I; AN Tell BUCb
advertisers how devoted are patrons of the Veteran,
and that they, as a rule, feel especially friendly to
those who advertise in it. If you don’t i- r ” to Birming-
ham send greetings to me therewith such wot,]- of
commendation and encouragement as you feel. Ad-
dress all letters to Nashville except Buch as would not
reach here before the – )th. then tor two days let me
hear at Birmingham. As you believe in the Veteran
let it he known individually or by organizations at
Birmingham, if not at Nashville before reunion time.
Extracts from “Roll Call” published in last Vi 1 1 1, w
Comrades, don’t forget that life is a struggle front
the first sound of the bugle to the last “tattoo.” The
B w is as powerless to accomplish its patriotic and
holy purposes as would have been our army com-
manders to win victories without the co-operation of
the soldiers. This statement must meet your approval.
Your reputation and the memories of your comrades
who never returned are involved. The VETERAN is
the most important medium that has ever been printed
to represent the principles for which you suffered. If
it be worthy you should stand by it. and if not you
should protest against its use of the sacred name.
Roll call is at hand. Please answer, “Here!” You
can tell by reference to the date of your subscription.
If it indicates that your time is out you should answer,
‘”Here'” TheV] rERANwill be sent to those who can’t
pay. a- Ion- as practicable, but they should write.
It is useless to appeal to the noble women whose
enthusiasm kept them animated to the end of the
struggle. To the daughters and sons of Confederate
soldiers who answered to their names faithfully, but
can’t do so now. the merit of this plea is made. Let
all who believe in the good faith of Confederates rally
now to their advocate, and the world will yet honor
them more and more in what they did.
This organ of the Southern soldiers in the war of
‘■l 5 ha- been amazingly popular from the first
It was started in January, 1898, with an edition of
5,000 copies, and for the past six months more than
b>.(KKi : ,\. ie have been required to meet de-
mands. Every public spirited and patriotic person
South should take pride in its prominence and merit.
Don’t respond to this w ith simply good intentions.
/’.;/.. <!,, money from vket and tend U. The writer
knows full well his own fault in this respect, and for
this reason he earnestly a-ks ot you. Commend others
to join you.
To Correspondents Accept profound thanks for
what you have Bent t” go in the Veteran. He patient
for literal production or liberal extracts I’o ferenoe
has been given so fai Bpt ■ ially to those who had I
written for publication. It is the greater compliment
for them to write, and they seem to remember better
than the educated. The Veterak does not intend
partiality toward any person or any section of our
own dear Dixie. It prays for long life in the faith of
doing great good. Write concisely, and only fat t-.
Editor Henry Ci n F airman, of th< • South,
will recite his poem, ” The Veterans of the Smith,” to
the United Confederates at Birmingham. Mr. Fair-
man has written a thrilling serial, entitled, “The
Third World; a Story of Romance and Strange Ad-
venture,” which will begin in the •nth with
the issue of April ‘Jlsi. Write for a free sample copy
of the number containing the opening installment.
CAPT. B. F. Ham, Santa Ana. Cal., who recently
sent six subscribers to the Veteran, says in his letter:
•■ I commanded Company A. 56th Tennessee Regi-
ment, Quarles’ Brigade, Walthall’s Division, in the
battle of Franklin. Every man of my company who
went into the fight was either killed or wounded ex-
cept myself. Most of them lay in front of the old
gin not far from where the brave Cleburne fell.
Me. Robert Chisolm, of Birmingham, formerly of
Smith Carolina, and who had charge of the tableaux
to be comprised of a young lady from each Southern
State, wrote, after the Veteran had secured a picture
of Miss Chisolm: “My daughter Lelia had been se-
Lected to represent Smith Carolina. * * I have
finally persuaded the South Carolina people to select
a resident, and consequently Gen. S. s. Crittenden
writes me that he has selected Miss Delia Hayne, a
“lant of the great Hayne who was a compeer of
Webster and other great lights in the days now gone,
and a daughter of Paul Tropier Hayne. Sin- is about
seventeen years old, and a blonde.” In the changed
arrangemenl .Mi– Lelia Laurens Chisolm is to repre-
“< olumbia,” in the reunion tableau.
Maj. Robert Chisolm, of Alabama, Chairman of the
Entertainment Committee at Birmingham Reunion
Tniti’il ( ‘onfederate Veterans.
Commanders and Adjutants in Texas have not re-
sponded as fully as was expected to the request for in-
ition “I’ where their Camp members served in the
war. In the outlet $5. ‘2’) was expended in postage to
secure the statistics. It would be a most interesting
table, but only about one third of the 131 Camps have
responded. The figures they furnish will be interest-
ing in the aggregate. One month more will be given.
The aggregate reports are as follows: Camps, 42; to-
tal membership, 6,201. Of these 2,519 enlisted from
Texas. 660 from Alabama, 540 from Mississippi, 523
I see, 311 from Arkansas, 357 from Florida,
211 from Missouri, 219 from Louisiana, 160 from Vir-
ginia, II:’. States unknown. The next report will give
names of the ( amps and number from each State, and
must then be dismissed.
Maj. lien. Stanley S. Crittenden, commanding the
Division of South Carolina, United Confederate Vet-
erans, is a native of his State, and is sixty-three years
old. His father, Dr. John Crittenden, was one of the
early settlers of Greenville. His grandfather, Na-
thaniel Crittenden, of Connecticut, was a Lieutenant,
and one of six brothers in the Continental Army.
The mother officii. Crittenden was Miss Stanley, a
member of that well known family in the old North
State, lie was educated in Greenville and at Eliza-
beth, N. .1.
In IS;”)”) (Jen. Crittenden married Miss Eliza E.
Lynch, of Virginia, who died in 1868, leaving one son
and three daughters. He afterward married Mrs. C.
A. Bedell, of Columbia, S. C. a lady eminent for her
(Jen. Crittenden was a planter. He volunteered at
the first call for troops, and was elected First Lieuten-
ant of a company that became part of the 4th South
Carolina regiment under Col. J. B. E. Sloan, and par-
ticipated prominently in the first battle of Manassas.
This regiment and Wheat’s battalion, forming Evans’
brigade, on our extreme left, commenced the great
battle and held the hosts of the enemy in check for
two hours before being reinforced. The regiment suf-
fered severely in killed and wounded. The day after
this battle Lieut. Crittenden received the appoint-
men t of Adjutant in place of the gallant Samuel I).
Wilkes, of Anderson, who was killed.
In the great battle of Seven Pines, in May. 1862,
when many iif tin- gallant regiment were killed. Adit.
Crittenden was wounded by a minie ball in the left
breast while in front of his command. During his
absenci b© ause of this wound Gov. Pickens appointed
him Lieutenant Colonel of the 4th Regiment of Re-
serves then forming for the di the Carolina
Coast. At the expiration of this service on the*
I a- a private in Gen. Gary’s mounted
regiment, Hampton’s famous legion, for servici around
Richmond. He also served on the stall of < • ■ n < !ary.
[Miss Delia Hayn* South Carolina in Reunion ‘
1′. i’. V. :it Birmingham.]
After the war ( .en. Crittenden returned to planting.
but for ten years served in his State Legislature as
Repi esentative and as Senator. He was Postmaster at
Greenville fouryeare during Mr. Cleveland’s first ad-
ministration. He succeeds Gen. Ellison Capers, now
Assistant Bishop of South Carolina, and has devoted
much time and attention to the interests of the broth-
erhood, and the number of Camps has increased from
six to more than thirty. He hopes to meel the repre-
sentatives Of at least fifty Camps Of United Confeder-
ate Veterans from the Palmetto State a1 Birmingham.
Born in Monroe County, Va. At an early age he
was sent to South Carolina, and educated in that State.
When of age he engaged in business in Georgetown,
s. t . and for several years did a large business as a
cotton merchant. While a resident of Georgetown he
was Adjutant and Inspector General of Cavalry, which
position he filled creditably to himself and his adopted
16 he removed to Florida, w
planter until the secession of the State. Early in ’61 he
i an artillery company, and was elected First
Lieutenant. Preferring cavalr be organised a
cavalry company, «> • lei ted Captain, and served un-
til near tl je oi the war. when he was pron
lonel. Alter the war he served four years in the
state Legislature of Florida With the restorati
the Democratic party to powei ippointed Ad-
jutant Genera] oi : nd served four
As a i onfederate officer he was, in the high’
faithful to duty.” Hi- efficient and faithful
services are recognized throughout Florida, and his
name household word in every home, identi-
fied with that – ause.
■ The historical narrative of “Dickisonand his Men,”
or “Remit – oftheWarin Florida,” is a tribute
of affection and gratitu a valuable contribution
to the history of the Confederate War. It portrays
many brilliant achievements and soldierly qualities
of that gallant command. True, “the luavest are the
tenderest,” a fact illustrated by his ever watchful in-
in the”soldier boys” confided to his care by
patriotic mothers. He gave his own son. a noble youth
of eighteen, who was killed in an engagement with
the Federals near I’alatka. August 3, 1864. In dis-
of spirit the bereaved father and victor, though
dearly bought, carried on horseback the lifeless form
of his noble son, the blood still flowing from the
wound, to the encampment -i\ miles distant. This
affliction was peculiarly trying, as tin- I son
was the only surviving child of hi- first marriage.
Other sketches of Major Generals and young lady
representatives in last pages of this issue.
John Cox Underwood, eldest son of the late Judge
Joseph Rogers Underwood and his second wife Eliza-
beth Threlkeld Cox, was bom September 12, 1840, in
in Georgetown, D. C, while his father was a member
of Congress from Kentucky. His early instruction
Congress, in raising a regiment of Kentucky cavalry,
lit’ which Hodge was to be Colonel, Underwood receiv-
ing the provisional appointment of Lieutenant Col-
onel, lie did not go with Buckner to the Trans-Mis-
sissijijii Department, as had been intended, but re-
turned to Tennessee early in 1863, and. having ty-
phoid lever he Cell into the hands of the enemy on
Bragg’s retreat from Tullahoma. After several months
he was taken by his father to Bowling Green, Ky., and
was paroled. Before he got well Vicksburg had fallen,
Gettysburg had been fought and lost to the Confeder-
ates, and the Federal Secretary of War, Stanton, refused
further exchanges.
Underwood played the “citizen dodge,” and was or-
dered through the military lines South, but Gen,
Granger, at Nashville, objected, and he was placed in
the military prison at Louisville, lie was afterward
sent to Cincinnati, and several months later was sent
to Fort Warren, near Boston. This was in October,
’63, and he was kept there until the fall of ’64.
Through the personal influence of United States
Senators who bad served in the Senate with his father,
President Lincoln directed that he be paroled, hut
” not to enter an insurgent State without permission
from the Secretary of War.” He went to Washington
three times, the last in February. 1865, in attempts to
secure his exchange, hut was unsuccessful, and he was
a prisoner on parole at the close of the war.
He became a planter, and later followed his profes-
sion as a civil engineer and architect. He was Mayor
of Bowling Green, State Commissioner, and Lieuten-
was from bis admirable mother, from the schools of
Bowling Green, Ky., and at a high school in .Jackson-
ville, 111. Later he took a four years’ course at the
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute of Troy, New York.
He graduated with distinction as a civil engineer in
in June, 1862. While a student at the Polytechnic,
through his relative, Maj. John Todd, U. S. A., then
on duty at West Point Military Academy, he secured
the military text books used at the “Point” and
studied the course in military engineering and the art
of attack and defense as taught there.
II is emphatic Southern sentiments, boldly ex pressed,
got him into trouble with his Northern associates on
the fall of Fort Sumter. After his graduation he re-
turned to his home in Kentucky, but that section was
overrun with Federal soldiers. Resisting all appeals
to the contrary, for his father was a Union man, he
mounted his horse and, running the Federal pickets,
came farther South. Through his brother-in-law, Maj.
A. M. Rutledge, of Gen. Polk’s staff, he was given a
staff position by Gen. 8. B. Buckner. and afterward
at Murfreesboro tendered another staff appointment
by Gen. Breckinridge. On Buckner’s written recom-
mendation he was appointed a First Lieutenant of
Engineers. He joined Hon. Geo. B. Hodge (after-
ward a General), then a member of the Confederate
Miss Etta Mitchell, representative tor Mississippi in Reunion
r. i ■. v. ;.i Blrmingnm.l
ant (iovernor of Kentucky. He was also a member of
the State Democratic Committee.
Cen. Underwood is one of the most prominent Odd
Fellows living, having been Grand Master of the Juris-
diction of Kentucky, (irand Sire of the entire Order
throughout the world, and for the past eight years the
General commanding the military branch thereof.
He has resided in the Northern States for -ix or
seven rears, and is the Major General commanding
the Division of the North, I’. C. V. Through his
efforts the ten thousand dollar monument in Chicago
has been erected over the 6,000 Confederate soldiers
buried in Oakwooods Cemetery. It is the only Con-
federate memorial on Northern ground, and is a
beautiful matt-rial tribute to the soldier dead of the
“left cause.” The money was principally raised by
dormtions from the liberal citizens of « Ihicago. It will
be formally dedicated May 3< ‘.
In addition to his division command, he is Com-
mander of the Northern Department, (J. C. V., em-
bracing the States of Kentucky, West Virginia, Mary-
land, tin’ District of Columbia, and all the Northern
cast of the Mississippi River. He is collecting
data relating to the Confederate dead buried in the
North. He organized the (“.(‘. V. in Kentucky, se-
lected and appointed Gen. Boyd to command that
division, which has since grown so rapidly, and has
done much toward perfecting the federation of Con-
federate veterans.
Gen. Underwood married Miss Drue Duncan, of
Warren County. Ky . in 1867, and they have three
grown children, a son and two daughtt
Commander Georgia Dn ision U. C. V., is one of the
most remarkahlent’ living Confederates. At eighteen
he was a lawyer, at twenty-two a judge, at twenty-live
a State Senator, and at thirty-one a Major General in
the Confederate Armv. One of the most successful of
his heroic exploits was in leading the charge whereby
Marye’s Heights were recaptured. His deeds of valor
secured for him rapid promotion from Colonel to Major
General in the Army of Northern Virginia. Before
the end of the struggle his heart turned away from
for military conquest, and he said: “I deter-
mined to enter the ministry when the war -hould end,
for it was better to save men than to destroy them.”
Evans is personally very popular with tie
people. A Georgia paper, of the many that i
him, si it( –
“The people love Gen. clement A. Evans be
they recognize in him all the elements that ennoble
M M \ D| I Rial IvefOl I
in Reunion I ‘. C. V. j, t BlrmlDgti&ni.
the patriot, and all the instincts that consecrate the
Christian gentleman. They love him because his
voice and his pen oquent and polished in ad-
ing every thing that will build up the moral and
i’ — of the community, a- hi- record of
service on the battlefield in behalf “t In- i ountry and
section is spotless and glorious. They love him be-
cause he magnifies any position he occupies, and is
typed in the line- .
“The bravest are the tender*
The loving are the daring.”
VARIOUS error- that have occurred in the VETERAN
are to he corrected in the next number. Of the
article about tight at Paducah, and of ( apt. 8. I>. Buck,
of Baltimore. Some changes should have been made
in young lady representatives at reunion. Miss Laura
Boone takes tie’ place,,) Mi— Banks, of Texas, and a
substitute, Dame not given, takes the place of Miss
Cantwell, “f North Carolina.
The Camp list, revised carefully to reunion date,
will he at reunion for general reference. Its reappear-
ance in the Veteran may he expected hereafter.
W. N. BUSH, MA.I. GE.\. U. C. V.
\V. N. Bush, Major General commanding North-
eastero Division “1” the Texas U. C. V., i- a native of
Kentucky. He was born in Clark County. May 27,
1833, and was married to Miss I’.cttie Ranev, of the
same county, on April 17, 1856. They removed goon
thereafter to Collin County, Texas, where he engaged
in fanning and stuck raising. lie enlisted as a private
in Company G, Alexander’s Regiment of Cavalry,
which served in the Trans-Mississippi Department.
The regiment was dismounted in L862, after doing
hard service in Arkansas. Missouri and the Indian
Territory. While in cavalry his horse was shot under
him. At the reorganization of the regiment in ’62, he
was elected 1st Lieutenant of his company. Erelong
In- was promoted to Captain. Early in ‘<;:’> his regi-
ment was removed to Louisiana and put in Gen. Pol-
[gnac’s Brigade, Mouton’s Division, where he served
until the close of the vvar. This division did efficient
service in meeting and repulsing Gen, Banks on his
expedition up lied River. The Alexander regiment
captured the Xiins battery of Hanks’ army. It was
the first capture of cannon at Mansfield, and (leu.
Bush was the first man to reach the battery. In the
second day’.- light at 1’leasant Hill lie received a wound
in the leg. In this engagement Banks was driven
back to the Mississippi, hnt with heavy loss to the
Confederates. He held the confidence of officers and
comrades as a man and commander. At the close of
the war he returned to his home in Collin County,
Texas, and with renewed energy rebuilt his interests.
In 1870 he was elected Sheriff of his county, served
faithfully and efficiently for four years, when he re-
turned again to his farm, where he has remained, be-
ing financially successful. In January, 1892, he was
commissioned Major General by Gen. Gordon to com-
mand the Northeast Texas Division, U. C. V. That
division has increased to fifty-eight Camps from three
( amps since his appointment. He has spared neither
time nor money in trying to get the old Confederates
in touch with each other. He is thoroughly devoted
to these interests.
(ien. I’.ush is nearly six feet high, weighs two hun-
dred and ten pounds, and is still a very active man.
Late advices from Texas are that “(ien. I’.ush will
attend the reunion at Birmingham with a full force
from all of the Camps in North Texas.”
April 25th.— Convention called to order at !i a. m., at Winnie
Davis Wigwam, by Maj. Gen. F. S. Ferguson, Alabama Divi-
sion; Prayer by the Chaplain General; Address of welcome by
His Excellency Thomas G. Jones, Governor of Alabama; Ad-
dress of welcome by Hon. David J. Fox. Mayor of Birming-
ham ; Response by < ien. John B. < lordon, Commander-in-Chief
I’. C. V.; Enrollment of Delegates and permanent organiza-
tion of Convention.
Afternoon, 2 p.m. — Annual Oration at Wigwam. Resump-
tion of business by Convention.
Evening, 7:30 o’clock. -Tableau of States and Concert, at
Wigwam; Reception for Mrs. Davis and Miss Winnie, and
Other invited guests, at the pallors of the Caldwell Hotel.
■•• :
1 i
‘ \
.M i-s Carrie T. Cochrwn, Kufaula, representative for AJabaina
in Reuulon U. G. v. at Birmingham.]
Second day, April 26th.- Convention meets at ‘J o’clock A. M.
at the Wigwam ; Business, of tin- Convention resumed.
Afternoon, 2:30 o’clock. — Column formed for review,
pass the Commander in-Chief, who will occupy tbe reviewing
stand at the Dark ; Laying of Corner-stone of ( on federate Mon-
ument at City Dark; Address by Hen. Stephen l>. Lee.
Evening, 7:30 o’clock,- Tabli aux ol the States and Concert at
Wigwam; Reception of young ladies representing the states at
Southern ( Hub.
Note. — Delegates and visiting veterans are requested to call
at the Headquarters of Camp W. .). Hardee, No. 2014 First
Avenue, and register. They will be furnished with badges.
Souvenir badges will he sold at a small price.
The first specific answer to “roll call” in March
Veteran, was from Richmond, \*a., by B. W. Richard-
son. It was ” Here! ” with one dollar pinned to the
answer. Comrades, is it your time to answer?
Sam. T. Leavy was bora near Lexington, Ky., in
1842; was raised on a farm and received a common
school education. He enlisted. July, 1862, in Com-
pany I, of Gen. John H. Morgan’s Kentucky regiment.
In September of thai year he was appointed 2d Lieu-
tenant in Company 6, 9th Kentucky Regiment, com-
manded by Col. W. c. P. Breckenridge. In 1863 the
9th Kentucky remained under orders with the Aim\
of Tennessee, while the reel of Morgan’s cavalry were
on the Ohio raid. During the fall of 1863 the 1-1. 2d
and 9th Kentucky were formed into the 2d Kentucky
Brigade, attached to Gen Wheeler’s corps, and si
to the close (it the war with the Army of Tenni
On Sherman’s march to the sea this brigade was
active, and did much valiant service.
December 1, 1864. (‘apt. Leavy was danerously
wounded while leading a charge in a cavalry
near Bethel church, in Brock County, Ga. His was a
remarkable recovery, as he was shol through the bow-
els and hip. There is only one other case on n
where a man received a similar wound and survived.
After the war he studied law and was admitted to
the bar, hut later followed his fancied occupation,
stock raising and farming, In 1887 he was elected
State Senator for the 22d Kentucky Senatorial District,
composed of the counties of Woodford, Scott anil Jes-
samine. He went to Oklahoma City and located in
April, 1890, and in June, 1890, was appointed Demo-
cratic member of Townsite Hoard. No. L He was
chosen as tii’st delegate from Oklahoma Territory to
the National Democratic Convention at Chicago in
1892, and east his ballot for Cleveland and Stevenson.
In October, 1874, he was married to Miss Lizzie,
daughter of Col. Willis P. Jones, of Woodford County,
Ky.. who was killed in 1864 near Richmond, Va,,
while serving on the staff of Gen. Chae. W. Field.
Cant, and .Mr-. Leavy have three children, two l>o V s
and a little girl, and are now living in Norman. 0. T.
Gen. heavy i- diligent for the wellbeing of conn
R0L1 RT COBB, MA.I. 01 V.
Robert 1 obb, Maj. Gen. U. C. Y. for Northwestern
Division of Texas, is a native of Caldwell, now Lyons.
County. Ky. At the age of twenty-three he joined
1 Kentucky Infantry. He was booh elected First
Lieutenant ami then Captain of In- company, which
assigned temporarily to artillery duty. When
retransferred the 3d Kentucky was continued in artil-
lery Bervice. and he wa- promoted by Gen. J, E.
From an “lil pb<
Johnston to Major of artillery, an to the
command of battalion with Breckinridge’s dh
Hi participated in the hatti – lloh, tin
siege of Vicksburg in 1862, Baton Rouge, then Harts-
ami Tenn.. and Jack-on.
He was at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, and that
ipaign of fighting every day between D
and Jonesl (iii, Winn the war was over he was
married to Miss Virginia Walker, and after a few years
of planting in Monroe County be removed to Ken-
tucky, and thence to Wichita Palls, Texas, about eight
years ago, where he is engaged in the practice of law.
Ceii. Cobb is very popular with comrades, and is
zealous for promoting the important interests of veter-
ans. His daughter, Miss Virginia I. coma, was alter-
nate with Miss Laura Gaston, of Dallas, in represent-
ing the great State at the reunion in New Orleans.
rin swine back to Dixie, do more toe gw Ine i”
My heart’s turned back to Dixie, I can’t staj
here n<> Longer.
i mi>- de ole plantation, my borne and my rela-
My heart’s turned back t” Dixie, and I musl ■-•’■
CHORl 8.
I’m gwlne back to Dixie, I’m gwine back to Dixie,
[‘m gwine where di orange blossoms grow,
i ,,i i beai de cbildreu callln’,1 Bee Bad tears 8
My heart’s turned back t” Dixie, and I must go.
I’ve hoed in fields of cotton, I’ve worked upon
I used to think if [got off I’d go back dare no
nebber: . , ,
Hut time inis changed de ole num. bis heaa is
bending low,
His heart’s turned back toDlxie,and be must go.
I’m travelin’ back io Dixie, mj step Is slow and
I pray de Lord to lielp me, and lead me from all
And should m\ strength forsake me, den kind
friends come and take me,
My heart’s turned back to Dixie, and l must go.
Mia Kli/n
to reprise
Laurens Chls
ni < lolumbla
lin. Birmingham,
i Hie Tableaux.
Mrs. W. D. Gale, i»ei Miss Mela hit
selected before her marriage t” repre
nessee iii Birmingham Reunion.
sent Ten-
Mrs Albert Akers.
The sweetest rendition of Dixie
ever heard is that which begins,
“I’m gwine back to Dixie.’ – The
following lines, sung in the Taber-
nacle at Nashville in the presence
of thousands of people recently, fur-
nished a treat that would please a
multitude of veterans.
I am going buck to Jesus,
l can no longer wander ;
My heart’s turned back to Jesus,
i cannot grieve blm longer.
r miss thesweel communion,
The peace and heavenly anion;
My heart’s turned back to Jesus,
And I must go.
I’m going back to Jesus,
I’m going back to Jesus,
in. going where the living waters now ;
Fori bear Ills sweet Voice Calling,
Repentant tears are falling ;
M.\ heart’s turned back tO .lesiis.
And I must i;a.
i lived in sinful pleasure,
1 n riot spent in v I reasiire ;
I dreamed the world was joyful
For me wltboul my savior.
Hut c i when Satan found me,
Willi bitter chains he bound me ;
My bean’s turned back to Jesus,
And I must go,
I’m trav’lln’ back to JeSUB,
My step is stow and feeble;
I pray the Lord Io had me
A lid keep me from all evil :
And should my strength forsake me.
Ileal- Jesus, c and take me ;
My heart’s till I back to Jesus,
And 1 must no.
…. ?i
Mrs. Alice Pickett Akers, on greeting the founder of
the Veteran in the dazzle of the National Capital,
used the above language in a manner so natural and
sweet that her picture is given. Her handsome, elo-
quent, and courageous father gave his life to the Con-
federacy, and her husband, Maj. Albert Akers, was
shot many times, and twice entirely through the
body. They now reside in Washington City.
The venerable Mr.-. Sallie Chapman Gordon-Law, of
Memphis, Tenn., dedicatee sonic ” Reminiscences of the
War of the sixties” to her children, grand children
and friends, in a neat pamphlet of sixteen pages. Al-
though ” Mother of the Confederacy,” she still li’
testify in behalf of a people who dared perform their
duty as they saw it. regardless of cost, comfort or life.
The story she tells concisely begins with woman’s
work for our armies in Memphis. Every day but
Sunday the women met and sewed for the private BOl-
diers. When her own son went home from school,
threw down his hooks and said. ” Mother, I have enlisted
for the war.” she replied, ” You did right, my son.
In the narrative she says: ” My home has ever been
in thi’ Sunny South : my paternal ancestors, the Gor-
dons of Virginia, my mother’s, the Kings of South
Carolina, were all rebels of the first revolution; my
father. Chapman Cordon (in his teens 1, with two elder
brothers, Nat and (‘lories, fought in the battle at
King’s Mountain, and through the entire war.
” My mother’s father, too old lor the war. sent all his
sons and sons-in-law. They fought in and belo
to the command of Generals Marion and Sumpter.
My second brother, Wyley -1. Gordon, was an officei
in the U: 8. Army, in the War of 1812. My brother,
Gen. G. W. Gordon, of Columbia, Tennessee, with three
sons, fought in the Confederate Army of 1861. My
nephew, Gen. John B. Cordon, whose record for valor
and heroic deeds is too well known to call 1 for com-
ment, with his three brothers, all fought in the Con-
federate Army. My nephew, Maj. Augustus Gordon,
was killed at the age of twenty-one. while leading a
charge at Chancellors ville, Virginia. My brothers,
Charles’ grandsons and Harvey’s sons, were in the Con-
federate Army. My cousin. Gen. .lames B. Cordon, of
North Carolina, was killed at Brandy Station, near
Richmond, in Confederate service. And 1 know of
over thirty brave, heroic privates of my kindred who
belonged to the war of the ‘Sixties.’
•• Alter the battle of Shiloh, many of the wounded
were brought to our hospital. 1 carried many articles
of clothing, etc.. beyond the lines t” our soldiers.
“In our hospital at Memphis, we had domestic
wines, lemons, pickles, clothing, and I proposed taking
them to cur sick soldiers at Columbus, Kentucky. 1
had large boxes packed and carried them to the hos-
pital there. I made the second trip a few weeks later
with more supplies for the sick. The morning
my arrival the battle of Belmont came oil’. We were
on the steamer ‘ Prince,’ at breakfast, when Capt. Butler
‘.• in, saving: ‘ Ladies, finish your breakfast, but
the yankeee are landing their gunboats above.’ We
jumped up and ran out on the guards and saw the
wildest confusion soldiers running to andftotoget
ready for the battle ; then the cannonading commi
from the federal gunboats, with Confederate artillery
from the high hlutl’s. The cannonading was sublimely
grand. My own dear boy was there in Gen. Cheat-
ham’s command, marching out to battle. It was a
grand, victorious halt’ * *
“‘I’he steamer ‘Prince,’ on which we were staying,
carried over many wounded Confederates, and among
them the brave, heroic ion. William II. Jackson,
whom it was our privilege to nurse and attend He
wa- dreadfully wounded, ami that night many officers
M is^ Idelle McMurray, Nashville, representative fori
Reunion IJ.C. Birmingham.]
came in to see him, Dr. Bell, Surgeon, from Memphis,
among the number. Young Dr. Yandel came in, and
Dr. Bell said to him, ‘ Yandel. I want you to go and
detail so many men i I forgot tic m o ith huek-
ets of water, and go to the battlefield and give those
wounded and dying men water.’ I went to Gen. Polk
and got an order to have four yankee surgeons taken
out of prison to go to the battlefield to attend their
wounded, and every one of them refused to go, but ours
*\\”(»1 1 1 *•* * “**
“Standing in the pilot-house with us was a young
girl who had gone up to see her brother. She had
always lived in Cincinnati with an aunt, her mother
|Mlss Mary Muse Hanks, Houston, representative for Texas in Kc”
union r. <‘. v. at Birmingham.]
being dead and father and brother living in Memphis;
when the war commenced her lather had gone and
brought her home. Young Star had enlisted in the
same company with my son. All the way going up
on the boat she had been defending the I’nion; and
while the battle was raging, ami the musketry mowing
down thousands, with tears streaming down her face,
>he said, ‘Oh! I wish I had a gun. Oh! for a gun!’
‘What do you want with a gun. Alice?’ ‘To kill
the yankees.’ After the battle was over I went to the
bdspital to see if 1 could do anything for the wounded.
I was invited in to see the apparently mortallj
wounded Federal officer, Col. Dorrity. At sight of the
wounded man I lost sight of the enemy of my country.
I made a glass of lemonade and fed him with a spoon,
as one arm was cu1 off and the other paralyzed. 1 said
to him, ‘Col. Dorrity, have you a wife?” He replied.
‘Yes, :ii Cape Girardeau.’ At that mi sn1 Col.
Bethel, Gen, Polk s Adjutant, came in, and I said to
him, ‘Col. Bethel, will you please take my compli-
– to Gen. Polk and ask him, as a special favor, to
let Col. Dorrity’s wife be scut for.’ He Left immedi-
ately, and a courier and a Hag of truce were sent for
her, by order of the magnanimous, heroic (Jen. l’olk.
At tWO o’clock P. M. the next day. the wife of the
prostrate, paralyzed, wounded husband, was with him.
“The morning after the battle of Belmont, 1 called
at Gen. Pillow’s office, on business, when a little boy
came in with a message. He was dressed up in (‘on-
federate uniform, with a military cap. I asked. ‘ Why,
my little boy, what are you doing hen’.” lie said,
very modestly, ‘ I belong to the army.’ ‘ What can
you do here?’ ‘ Well, yesterday I was on the battle-
field, and got down in a sink hole, when 1 saw a yan-
kee with his gun pointed right at my Colonel, and I
fired away and killed him — now, that is what I am
doing hero-‘ ‘How old are you ‘ ‘Twelve years
old.’ ‘ Where were your father and mother to let you
come here?’ ‘Oh! I ran away, and am staying at
my uncle’s tent, and if you don’t believe I killed the
yank, come with me and see his watch.’ He said to
Gen. Pillow. ‘Now. I want a furlough to go home
and see my father and mother.’ * * He got it.
“Alter the Federals occupied Memphis, I heard that
my deal- brother, G. W. Gordon, a prisoner from John-
son’s Island, was on a boat anchored out in the Miss-
issippi River, very ill. I walked up and down the river
hank from nine till live, trying to get permission to go
to see him. At last 1 met Col. Oaks, a Federal officer,
who politely said he would send me in a skit}’, and 1
was taken by two Federal soldiers. On reaching the
boat, it was filled by Confederate officers, prisoners
from Johnson’s Island, hound for Yicksburg to be
exchanged. I found my hrother very ill, so ill I re-
mained with him that night, and Col. Johnson, an
elegant gentleman from Kentucky, proffered his berth
to me, he sleeping on a blanket in the cabin. * *
I left for Yicksburg next day to nurse and attend to
him, driven by a ten year old grandson; but when 1
arrived at Mrs. Vernon’s, sixty miles from Memphis,
I heard the sad news that he had died in ten minutes
after landing at Yicksburg.
“My noble, patriotic hrother, the Christian soldier,
tried to lead souls to Christ. Regularly, night and
morning, he had prayers, and invited all who were
disposed to attend.
” Our hospitals all broken up, I felt I must seek a
new field in which to work. In our Southern Moth-
ers’ treasury was $2,500 in Confederate money, and,
with the aid of Mrs. W. S. Pickett, we laid it all out
for quinine, morphine and opium, and I carried it into
the Confederacy, on my person, distributing it in the
• . ■ !>
[Miss Kate Cantwell, Wilmington, representative for North CaroUna
in Reunion i.e. v. at Birmingham.]
hospitals at LaGrange, Ga., and there I had the com-
pliment of having a hospital called for me (The Law
Hospital), which many Surgeons and old soldiers still
recollect. :;: * * * * :: ‘
“Miss Anna Hardee, General Hardee’s daughter.
went the rounds daily with me. We made egg-nogg
every day for the pneumonia and typhoid pati
and carried coffee to sick patientB.
“While at Columbus, Ga., I heard of the terrible
destitution 1 if t lie soldiers at Dalton, Ga., in Gen. J. E.
Johnston’s division. Thousands of soldiers were hav-
ing to sit up all night round a log fire, for want of
Mi” [da H. Vinson, Shreveport, n Louisiana In Re-
union r. c. V. :ii Birmingham
blankets. 1 wae 90 greatly troubled to hear of the
gnat Buffering of the brave heroes who wen •
tng like a “stone wall ” between the women and chil-
dren of the South and the enemy, thai afti
Less night, 1 went directly to a Ladies’ Aid Society,
where a nuniher of patriotic women of Columbus,
Ga., were at work for the soldiers. 1 told what 1
had heard of the suffering, for want of blankets, by
the soldiers, and made an appeal to them for aid,
telling them if they would furnish the blankets, 1
would go in person to Dalton and distribute them to
the soldiers. With generous liberality, boxes ol
thing — chicken, ham, sausage, butter, pickles, bread
and cake were packed, and 1 carried them to our Mem-
phis soldier boys at the time 1 did the blankets.
“On Christmas night 1 left for Dalton, accompanied
by the noble, patriotic President of that Aid Society,
Mrs. Robt. Carter. At Atlanta my boxes had to he
ked to Dalton. 1 met Dr. LaGree, of New Or-
leans, who proposed to telegraph Dr. John Erskine to
meet us on our arrival at Dalton, at three o’clock
in the morning, and he did SO
“At Dalton 1 sent a note to Gen Hardee, Gen. John-
ston being absent, telling him my mission. He came
immediately. A courier and carriage were sent to us.
and our first visit was to the old 1”) 1th Regiment
Preston Smith’B. That night we had quite a levi
officers. ( .en. Hardee said that he had in his division
fifteen hundred men without a blanket; Gen. Hind-
man, one thousand; Gen. Cheatham, hundreds; and
many other divisions in a similar condition.
Pat Cleburne said socio were a luxury his men did
not know: he had not had a pair on for five months.
“That evening a wagon was sent, with twenty sol-
ive the blankets I had brought. The
1 by order of l>r. Erskine: and
1 distributed the blankets and clothing to those who
needed them. * * *
” I then returned to < lolumbus, wrote and published
in the papers what 1 had Been and heard at Dalton, of
real need of blankets for the Confederate soldiers,
and made another appeal to that Ladies’ Aid Society
for more blanket-. And they again nobly responded
to my request, and went to work with zeal mil
dented, working night and day. taking the last blanket
from their beds, cutting Up carpets and lining them.
1 went out and in one hour 1 collected twenty-five
hundred dollars from the business houses, and laid it
out in the Columbus me and coarse
cloth. ‘I’Ih women and children worked night and
day, and in ten day- I returned to the army in Dalton
with seven la’ roods boj each for Ten-
■ . Kentucky, Mississppi, Louisiana, Arkane ic Mi
souri. and Texas, all packed with five hundred ay
thirty blankets an and sixteen liundr
pairs of socks, tor the soldiers. 1 then went up to
Tunnel Hill where Gen. Cleburne had his divi
k- of corn, for a freight train carried the
Arkan-a- box to h Had the boxes opened
at the General’s quarters, ami a- he was verj
to mak< 1 speech to his men on re-enlisting, said the
boa of blankets would do more than any tiling he could
Bay, showing them the interest the women at home
felt in them. But for the generous aid of the noble.
patriotic women of Columbi I would hav<
pOW( lie– to take t I blankets and
Bocks to our suffering sold
” After the second effort by the ladies of Columbus,
and expecting to 1, nd trip with blankets,
M Ise LIzkIi 1 i.i rke, Wi 1 in Re-
in U. C. V. a
I wrol n Johnston of my intention, and asked
him to s The difficulty in
having to travel with so many boxes, and they to be
transferred at Atlanta. anions and annoying.
Gen. Johnston sent tie escort immediately and we
left again for the seat of \v;ir, this time accompanied
by three ladies, Mrs. Sallie Wilkins, my niece, and a
daughter and grandaughter of Gov. Forsytbe. We
wen- invited to dine with Generals Johnston, Hind-
man, Cumming and others, and my escort to dinner
ilia Montague. Baltimore, representative for Maryland in Ke-
union i.e. V*. at i;i) hi Ingham. 1
at Gen. Cumming’s was the Rev. Dr. Stilt-. We had
four o’clock ( lonfederate dinners, and were always sent
for by tin’ Adjutant of the General with whom we
were to dine, with a carriage, and always escorted by
Dr. John. Gen. •). C. Brown gave a party in honor of
my lady friends. His headquarters were out about
two miles in a large eight room brick house. The
rooms were handsomely draped with Confederate Hags,
with a splendid band ‘if music in the wide hall. There
the Episcopal Bishop ami the Presbyterian Rebel
woman stood on the same platform under the Confed-
erate flag. Gen. Johnston ordered a grand parade-
thirty thousand brave, tattered troops — in honor of
my mission to his soldiers. .Mrs. Johnston invited
me to take a seat in her carriage. :;; * *
” My poor services to my struggling, bleeding coun-
try I know was only a drop in the ocean of that gigan-
tic, cruel civil war. Still, for all those year- of the
‘Sixties,’ they were most cheerfully, lovingly, and
gratuitously given. In all my trips with supplies for
the soldiers, 1 paid all my own expenses, never asking
or receiving so much as a railroad pass or ticket. No,
no; my whole heart and thoughts and deepest sym-
pathies were all ahsorbed in the destiny of my people.
For that just cause I would have died, could that sac-
rifice have brought peace, instead of a surrender, in
which all was lost, save honor.
“Could I write all the incidents of my war record
of the ‘Sixties’ a book could not contain them — the
many reminiscences of those sad, gloomy, sorrowful
years of terror and gloom. Perhaps at fifty years 1
might have accomplished it. hut now. at eighty-seven
years. 1 feel inadequate to the task ; still, memories of
suffering, blood, and tears at the bedside of the
wounded, dying soldier, is indelibly stamped on my
memory, and will probably last until the dream- w
this fitful, checkered life are over, and I am transported
to that ‘House of many mansions.’ prepared for all
who love and serve God. I have had the honor of
being called the ‘Mother of the Confederacy.’ a com-
pliment I esteem higher than any that Could he con-
ferred upon me.”
if pe
Confederate Monument.* 1 ]
When falls the soldier brave,
Dead at the feet of wrong,
The poet sings and guards his grave
With sentinels of song.
Songs, march! he gives commaed,
Keep faithful watch anil true;
The living and dead of the conquered land
Have now no guards save you.
Gray ballads, mark ye well!
Thrice holy is your trust!
Go! halt by the fields where warriors fell ;
Rest arms! and guard their dust.
List, songs! your watch is long,
The soldiers’ guard was brief ;
Whilst right is right, and wrong is wrong,
Ye mav not seek relief.
rray !
ird the chief.
ro! wearing the gray of grief!
I rOl watch o’er the dead in g
jo! guard the private and guar
And sentinel their clay !
And the solids, in stately rhyme,
And with softly-sounding tread,
( rO forth to watch for a time, a time,
Where sleep the deathless dead.
And the songs, like funeral dirge,
In music soft Rnd low,
Sing round the graves whilst hot tears singe
From hearts that are bomes of woe.
What though no sculptured shaft
Immortalize each brave!
What though no monument, epitaphed,
Be built above each grave!
When marble wears away
And monuments are dust,
The songs that guard our soldiers’ clav
Will still fulfill their trust.
With lifted bead and steady tread,
I, ike stars that guard the skies.
( io watch each bed. where rest the dead,
Brave songs, with sleepless eyes.
M LBS Minnie Harris, of Westmoreland, Tenn.. writes
of the successful extraction of a ball from the arm of
her father, W. T. Harris, that he carried from Shiloh,
April <i, 1862, His brother, T. G. Harris, was wounded
at ( ‘hickatnauga in September, 1K(>:>. They both be-
longed to Battle’s JOth Tennessee.
Mr. Wm. Longworth. of Nashvsllc, who came from
England, in ordering copies of the Veteran sent to
his native England, explains that “I want my friends
over there to know the truth.”
Montgomery will always enjoy the distinction of
having been the first < ‘apital of thi < onfederate States,
for there, February I. 1 561 . delegates from sis Bei eding
States assembled to organ i fovernmenl of that
Republic; there-its Constitution was adopted in the
same year, and there, February 18, 1861, on tin Bteps
of the Capitol, Jefferson Davis was inaugurated I'” si-
dent and Alex. Stephi ns Vice President of a power
which has passed from among tin- nations of the earth
forever; but whose brief existence was like some bril-
liant meteor, and the record of whose armies is marked
with ;i fortitude and daring unsurpassed by the trained
Napoleon, or the serried columns of the Iron I hike. —
/.’ u’s Hand-book of Alabama.
[Affectionately dedicated. April 9th, to tbe Confederal V’etei
.Mrs. F. <;. De Fontaine, Read on Memorial l>»> al Charlea-
tOD, 8. I
All, yes! this is the saddest >!:»>■ of all the bli ssed j ear,
For still the echo of ihose mournful words 1 Bei m to h<
“Stack arms. !>o\ s. all IS
Though three decades have passed since then, 1 hear them still.
As through the portals of the past they come my,eoul to thrill,
‘Stack arms, boys, all is o’er.”
They gave the death blow to our hopes, and left naught in
their stead
Save love for those who guided us. and reverence for our dead.
“Stack arms, boys, all is o’er.”
As thus with heads low l«>«ed we stood, a mist came o’er our
And something on our gray coats fell, that falls when loved
one dies.
“Stuck arms. bOJ S, all is
For through the vista of the future years looked grim despair.
And desolated homes, in which were vacant chairs Bt 1 there;
” Stack ai ma, I” >ys, all is o’i r.”
And now the old gray coat and hat must hang upon the wall,
For ne’er again shall wearer answer to the bugle call.
“Stack arms, DOJ s, all is o’er,”
Aye, yes! this is the saddest day of all the blessed year,
I il -till the echo of those fatal words I seem to hear,
“Stack arms, hoys, all is o’er.”
Griffin. Ga., February 3, 1894— His Excellency,
Turney. Nashville, Tenn. — My Dear Sir: 1 write
to ask if you are the Col. Turney who commanded a
regiment in James Archer’s Brigade, and lit, bled and
died in the same. If you ate not. excuse me foi
passing upon your time, hut permit me to say that
you need oot get a hump on your hack for being taken
for that Col. Turney, whether he i- dead or alive, for
no Turney was mot-.’ gallant and honorable than whom
when I knew him. If you are. by any possibility, or
freak of fortune, the same Col. Turney that I la-
in the charge upon Burnside’s Corps
at Sbarpsb ow Capt. Flynt, of the L9th G<
nent, to shake your hai i ly. and then
ike and shake again, and congratulate you upon
the honors which you have achieved, or had thrust
upon you, [f you are my old comrade of the war.
and would like to hear any thing about one so huni-
ble and obscure in the war and since, drop a !
T. W. Flynt. Griffin, <ia.. and he will endeavor to p. -.»
voke yon into bim an account of youi
those days, so that he shall ha for boring
you with a short history of himself. Bui suffice it for
the present to say that he had a romantic adventure,
and pa-sed through terrible ordeals after you all left
him at Sharpsburg to
Richmond, looking toward Pet< I ones
■•So n Things Were.”— The widow of Col. John C.
Thompson, who gave his life at Shiloh, wrote of how
” such things were.” from which the followingisa ‘
‘ T was here a tender husband strove
To keep my happiness in view ;
I Broiled beneath a mother’s love.
Whose fond compassion evi r knew
In them all the virtues comb i
( *n them with faith I could rely.
To them my heart and soul were joined
By Btrong affection’s primal tie.
He smiles in heaven exempt from care,
While memory tells me such things were.
Mrs. Thompson died at Bowling Green, Ky., in 1885.
Mr. Geo. \V. Trabue, who was telegraph operator at
headquarter- i>( tin- Western Army, and was general
manager for the Western Union in the South when he
died ten years ago, bad among his papers quite a large
batch of original telegrams from prominent Confeder-
ates. ‘I’ll’ Veteran is gratified with the opportunity
of copying and making extracts from them. First
are telegrams from Gen. Johnston, at Shelbyville,
dated February 6th, 7th and 8th, 1863. They show
something of the details in the Army Commander’s
service and responsibilities :
Dispatches of February 6, 1863:
< ren. Bragg, Tullahoma: I am required to furnish ;i list of nil
ental, brigade and division ( inlanders, with the regi-
ments, brigades and divisions commanded by them ; also a list
of quart* rraasti re, commissaries and assistants, with the brig-
ades, divisions, regiments, posts and depots where assigned.
i send such a statement as soon as possible to Col. B. S.
.well, Chattanoi
Gen. S Coop r, Richmond, Va.: The reports you require are
due in lepartmenl commanders. I have ordered them to
he made forthw ilh.
i mii. S.Cooper, Richmond: Brig. Gen. Donelson was ordered
io ECnoxville on the 4th, and is on his way. The order was
given on information from Brig. Gen. Heth.
Col. Lee, C. S. A., commanding Atlanta: Ascertain if hand
mills for coin ran be made at Atlanta, and at what rale, and
report to Col. B. 6. Ewell, at Chattanooga.
Col. U.S. Kwell, Chattanooga: Send the letters to Gen. Bragg.
Let Brogden report at Richmond and Maj. A. 1>. Banks at Chat-
tanooga, Transfer the Burgeon who accompanies Brig. Gen.
hoiielson to Department of Kast Tennessee.
Dispatches of February 7th.
Gen. Bragg. Tullahoma : Has not Brig. Cen. Donelson gone
to Knoxvilh’.’ If not, let him go at once and get his orders at
i ‘hattanooga.
Maj. Gen. 6. B. Buckner, Mohile: Is distress or inconven-
ience ill Mobile produced by any order of Gen. Pemberton as
to transportation of corn by railroad’.’ Cannot tin- rivers sup-
ply the city \\ ith corn .’
Dispatches of February 8th.
Gen. W. w. Mackall, Mobile: Gpv. Shorter told me that the
corn crop is very large in Southern Alabama. 1 desired Gen.
Buckner to procure his supplies there. The city can do so too
sooner than hv waiting the result of inspection. Tell the
Mayor so.
Col. B. s. Ewell, Chattanooga: Telegraph to the Chief En-
gineer the size of pontoons our wagons can carry. It Brown
knows any thing of the supplies of corn and meat when- he
has been let him write it immediately to me at Tullahoma.
Cen. Bragg, Tullahoma : If the 2d Kentucky Regiuienl is in
your con iniand order private John A . Lee, Company C. 2d Ken-
tucky Regiment, to report to the Secretary of the Navy, he
having been appointed Midshipman.
Lieut. Gen. Pemberton, Jackson, Miss. : Your dispatch of the
6th February cannot be deciphered. Repeat.
R. 11. slough, Esq., Mayor of Mobile: I cannot, at this dis-
tance, interfere with Cell, l’enihei ton’s mode of supplying his
troops. The State of Alabama, especially southeast of the Ala-
bama River, can certainly furnish Mobile with corn.
‘U? CA^A^’
jL&&^U~~. fZ ^^y. /ffS-
&O r ‘L-€^*< ,
Hon. J. Gill Shorter, Montgomery, Ala.: The Mayoi of Mo-
bile complains that Gen. Pemberton’a order iu regard to corn
in Mississippi produced distress in Mobile. I cannot meddle
with Gen. Pemberton’a mode oi supplying bis troops at tins
distance. Have suggested to the Mayor that Southeast Ala-
bama can Eurnisb abundance of corn. Will you suggest to him
how Mobile may be supplied?
Dispatch of February 17th.
Tullahoma, Tenn., March 2, 1863.- To Geo. 8. Blackie, Med-
ical Purveyor, Atlanta, Ga.: Forty barrels of good old apple
brandy can be bought at ten dollars per gallon, shall it be
sent to you.’ E. A., Medical Director.
Tullahoma, March 15, 1863, Capt, I. 8. Morphia, Okolona,
Miss. : Veil arc authorize. 1 to enlist, men in Confederate service
in all counties of West Tennessee [bh im i i. Harms,
Gov’r of Te.
Tullahoma. March. 23, ’63.- To Burgeon I”. M. McMillan,
Pulaski, Tenn. : Send requisitions for medicine to Chattanooga,
accompanied by this telegram. Send sick and wounded to
lluntsville as fast as possible. F. A. Flbwbllen,
Medical Director.
Headquarters Department of the West, Tullahoma, Tenn.,
April 14, 1863.— The telegraph operator must send all official
telegrams for Gen. Johnston or the Adjutant General’s office
inclosed in sealed envelopes. By command of Gen. Johnston.
I’.i \.i. S. Fw kix, A. A. (.en.
Tullahoma, April is, 1863.— Telegraph < Iperator, Tullahoma:
Please have the dispatch to Gen. Jackson, which was sent by
me to-night, repeated to Chattanooga. His headquarters are
(here. Kespect fully, J, F. Johnston.
Raleigh, N. C, April 29th. — Gen. Bragg: I unite with Mrs.
Anderson, Tate, Miss Cameron, and many friends here in ask-
ing an extension of Capt. Wilkes Anderson’s leave. They
have been married one week. Answer. Tnos. Brago.
Tullahoma, May 1, 1863. Honorable Thomas Bragg, Raleigh,
X. C. : Granted for one month. See seventh verse, twentieth
chapter, and tifth verse, twenty-fourth chapter, hook ol
teronomy. Bba \ ro» Ba u i
Tullahoma, May 5, 1868.- < lovernor .Ino. nil I Shorter, Mont-
gomery, Ala.: By a rapid concentration of forces in North
Alabama 1 have driven out the heavy oi.lunin of the enemy
recently maraud ingt here. Some I , soil cavalry, however, ;
our left and made a desperate dash to destroy our communica-
tions and depots in Georgia. By a hold and brilliant move-
ment not surpassed in the war Forrest, with half their num-
1m r. pursued rapidly and fought them running For live days,
without f”i id, except what he could hastily gather in
that wild mountain region. He has finally killed
the whole part v. Will yon receive as civil pris re, under the
President’s order, such officers as were taken in your State
serving with armed slues inciting insurrection?
Braxton Bra
Jnne 17, 1864.— Telegraph operator, Columbus, Mist
If any telegraph dispatches come for me you will [lipase send
them to Mr. Richard Sikes and obi Yours,
N B I 0RRE81 . Maj i ten.
Press of Georgia, Proclamation :
Corinth, Miss . No vem her 18, 1864. -People of Georgia: Arise
for the defense of your native soil! Rally around your patri-
otic Governor and our gallant soldiers’ Obstruct and d
all roads in Sherman’s front, thinks and rear, and his army will
soon starve in your midst. Be confident, be resolute, tn
an overruling Providence, and success will crown youi efforts.
I hasten to join yon in the defense of your homes and fin
I .. T. BBAUBBOABD, ‘ iell.
Chickamauga, October 9, 1863.— To Mrs. Jefferson Davis,
Richmond, Va. : Arrived here comfortably and well.
(Sign Jkkf’n Da\ is.
JThe (Confederate Uctcvun.
One Dollar a Year. S. A. CUNNINGHAM, Editor.
Office at Tbe American, Corner Church and Cherry St8.
This publication is the personal property of s. A. Cunningham.
All persons who approve such publication, and realize its benellts
as an omau far aasoclatlone throughout tbe South, are requested to
commend lis patronage and toco-operate in extending It.
At one of the first of < Ion federate reunions there was
»e gathering ;it Pulaski, Tenn., and tlie eminent
General John • ‘. Brown, whose name is over to be
honored in Tennessee and at tin- South, was very
active for tin- success of the entertainment. It was
after his service as Governor. I wrote him a note
suggesting that steps be taken there that day to desig-
nate our great war. whereby the Southern people at
[feast would have the same expressive term. He did
not get the note in time i” submit it, but expressed
sincere regret at failure. One of his most gallant regi-
mental commanders, Col. J. I’. McGuire, who has since
died also, concurred heartily in the suggestion.
Let steps he taken without longer delay to abandon
such terms as ”the late unpleasantness,” “the late
war.” Even “the civil war,” and “the warhetween the
States.” are terms hardly fitting in dignity. “The
Revolution” characterizes, with proper effect, the
struggle of our ancestors, “The Mexican War,” recalls
history of which the soldiers who participated are
proud. Think of “the late unpleasantness,” or ” the
late war” as the terms sound to mature men and
women who were born after that great struggle ended.
The VETERAN proposes that we adopt “The Confed-
erate War” as our term, and exercise diligence for it.
All the world would accept it, and the “rebellion”
would not he remembered as a disloyal epoch when
the pride of the term • ■ > 1 » ( – understood by new
Then we Confederates talk and write about “the
lost cause.” Are we not wrong in this’.’ Rev. .Mr.
Degen, who came South from Boston, and now has
charge of the Advent Episcopal Church in Nashville,
used an illustration in a sermon in which he demurred
to the expression and said, “What the people of the
South fought for they gained.” The same constitu-
tional principles of the fathers are maintained, slavery
ibolished, but the Southern people did not make
all their sacrifice for the value of slaves. True, the
issue of “State rights” may he regarded as “lost,”
but we are too apt to refer to these things as if we had
been vanquished. Dr. Degen meant that the changes
brought about by the war were of greater value to the
South than to have continued the former regime.
Let us continue up and doing, fellow-citizens, with
other tax payers and voters in the Union. Even if
“all was lost save honor,” that was not tarnished.
Faithful and true Maryland! In the appropria-
tions for the next two years, for this year and next,
which aggregate $125,000 annually, the -. oond largest
sum is to the Maryland Line Confederate Soldier-
Ho $7,500 each year.
M wi I ‘on federate Vetera in-an becoming thoroughly
aroused to the benefits of organization. Every man
who served in the war can be helpful to his unfortu-
nate comrades better through organization than other-
wise, and no appeal, whether made in word or through
hi- own eye-, should bestir a fortunate veteran as
those of his comrades who have tried without being
successful. If they have the fault of dissipation even,
they have suffered long enough to bestir his helpful
Dr. .1. (‘. Stegee, of Lover, Tenn.. spoils -a good
story” which relates to the appearance of a woman
among the Federals in the battle of Fort Donelson,
with a sword in one hand and the stars and stripes in
the other, by relating how inconsistent it is through-
out. There are thrilling incidents related by both
sides that will not be beneficial to the historians of the
future. The Veteran seeks the truth and nothing
else for its columns. If there be exaggerations, let them
be unimportant as history antl only for fun.
In a recent personal letter Mrs. Maggie Davis Hayes
states: I have just opened the March number of your
to me deeply interesting magazine, with its pathetic
title page. I, too, have reverently laid aside a suit of
Confederate gray, priceless to me in that my father
wore it when he was captured. I shall keep it for my
children as more precious than jewels, and onlj wish
they could share with me the memory of how he
looked in it as he stood a defiant, gallant Southern
gentleman, proud of the cause he had striven for, and
willing to be a martyr since he could not lie a saviour.
* * * I am still weak from a prolonged illness —
this fearful ami mysterious la grippe — and a slight
heart trouble, which change it is hoped will relieve’.
I deeply regret being unable to go to Birmingham on
this account, as the doctor has ordered me to go to
Southern California as soon as I am able to travel,
which I hope will lie very soon.
Mr Louis F. Bossieux, of Richmond, Va., has kindly
sent the VETERAN a register of the dead in Hollywood
Cemetery. It is a volume of 117 pages, and the names
are alphabetical, with company, regiment, State and
date of death. 1 will cheerfully reply to any inquiry
on receipt of stamp. The book was published in 1869,
hence copies are hardly procurable. There are about
ii/)(>ll interments, about -VI’) of whom are unknown.
The Souvenir, to appear this month, is expected to
be the most popular publication ever issued for 25 cts
The fall down some steps by the Lynchburg, Va.,
postoffice, February 16th, was the cause of Gen. Jubal
A. Early’s death. It was pitiable t<> see that tlie gal-
lant old hero was bo dazed by the fall as to object to
leaving tin’ carriage on arriving home, saying it was
not his home. II” was taken out in awheel chair
several days in succession, but he died in two week-.
Cen. Early was horn in Franklin County, Virginia,
November I. 1816. His father, Jacob Early, was a
farmer, his mothers Mi– Hair-ton. who inherited a
large number of slaves.
While Early trass student at West Point he and
Joe Hooker, who made high reputation in the bat-
tles for the the Union, had a difficulty that grew out
of s debate in which Early excepted to Hooker’s speech
upon “the atrocities of slavery.” Earl} was a Whig
of the old BChOOl, and defeated a candidate “who ad-
vocated disruption of the Union” in the memorable
convention of 1861. He was the extreme member of
the convention in favor of the Union, and the last to
sign the secession ordinance, and then entered upon
the journal his special reasons for concurring.
Gen. Early’s career after the war was so identified
with the Louisiana State Lottery Company that its
enemies made much war upon him ami <ien. Beaure-
gard. There is a singular feature in connection with
this powerful corporation which might he mentioned
to their credit, now that both of them are dead and as
both were such prominent < lenerals in the war. Much
a- they were abused, and anxious a- were good people
to defeat the legalized gambling, there was no taint of
dishonesty from first to last. The Veteran will not
he misconstrued. Its edit >r has always been opposed
to every species of gambling, hut this i- a creditable
characteristic in the career of these two veteran officers
that should not lie forgotten by honest men. however
much opposed to the occupation by which they made
much money.
Dr. -1. W’m. Jones, Chaplain of the University of Vir-
ginia, writes : But now that he has “passed over to the
great majority.” let us forget his faults ami remember
hi- great ability, his stern patriotism, his unpurchasa-
ble integrity, his love for truth, his hatred of skulking
“during OT since the war.” his unwavering devotion
to the land and cause he loved BO well, and his aide
defensi of the truth of Confederate history, and manly
vindication of the name ami fame of our Confederate
leaders and people.
A- a soldier, lie was unquestionably one of the
men we had. His Bervice in command of Swell’s old
division at First Fredericksburg, Second Fredericks-
burg, Gettysburg, ami the campaign of 1864, from the
Rapidan to Cold Harbor, and the ability with which
he handled A. 1′. 11 ill’s corps when in temporary com-
mand of it at Spottsylvania Court House, during the
sickness of Gen. Hill, gave the army and the people
the highest opinion of hi- ability as a soldier, ami
there was no surprise when it was announced that
Gen. had put him in command of E well’s corps
i the old ” Stonewall ” corps), and bad sent him to meet
Hunter at Lynchburg.
[f Gen. Early had fallen at Cold Harbor in June, ’64,
or in front of Washington. .Inly 8th, he would un-
questionably have gone down to history as one of the
ablest federacy. The subsequent
disasters in the Valley did dim his fame, for the time
at least, hut when the futUl ■ – to -can
all of tin’ facts, he will do justice to this able ami
sturdy soldier.
• ■en. always spoke in high ten irly’s
“ability, zeal, and devotion to the cause,” and of “the
fidelity and energy with which he always supported
his (Lee’s) efforts, and the courage and >n he
i manifested in the service of tin- country.”
I p. .ii several occasions I heard President Davis
speak of i ,en. Early as among the ablest soldiers whom
the war produced, and there can he hut little doubt
that this will he the calm verdict of history.
The Pat Cleburne Camp. No 88, U. C. V., Cli burne,
|. sas, concerning the character of Lieut. Gen. Jubal
A. Early, resolved that “it i- with deep sorrow we
have learned of the death of Lieut. Cell. Jubal A.
Early; that we will cherish hi- memory as one of the
gnat soldiers of the late war who -,> nobly fought to
|m rpetuate the rights ami liberties of the Southern
people; and that we commend hi- example as a pa-
triot to our >ons as worthy of their emulation, and
that we shall commit his fame as an able, pure and
fearless chieftain to the keeping of the chivalrous
young manhood of the South, who will he just to his
memory. Al-o that it he published in the CONFEDER-
ATE Veteran. M s. k un i . Adjt
Capt. Charles W. Frazer, a brave soldier of the Fifth
derate, wasa prisoner on Johnson’s Island, and
his wile, through an influential triend, procured a pass
t” see her husband, which was written by President
Lincoln’s own hand on a visiting card. After an at-
tempted escape by the prisoners this privilege was cur-
tailed, ami she was only permitted to see him at rare
intervals, at a distance, which she endea\ ored to par-
tially Overcome by using an opera glass. It was on
one ot these occasions that the Captain’s baby took
her first step and uttered her first expression, ” I’se a
l’ehel,” having before made her lirst journey in an
army wagen. Capt. Frazer wa- one ot’ a detail to cut
the grass off the graves of the prisoners who had died.
and his wife, who remained in Sandusky to he as near
to him as possible, having heard in some mysterious
manner when he would serve, crossed to the Island
and was watching him from a point a- close a- she
was permitted to go, when the bal nizing her
father from the picture her i showed to her
daily, clapped her hands and crawled toward him: a
guard planted his bayonet between them, and as the
baby pulled up by it to better reach her father, ordered
peremptorily, “Take that child away!” “I do not
understand the order,” said Mrs. Frazer; “I thought
thai this was a war of men, not one against women
and babies.” “Slit- may have papers,” suggested a
Federal. “Well,” said Mrs. Frazer. “if you think
that, take her and search her.” The sarcasm had its
effect, and the baby was not removed, though the bar-
rier was still held between father and child.
The poem. “MySouth! My South!” printed here
first, and which ha- been justly styled her autobiog-
raphy, was written by this “Captain’s baby, and is
one of the many tributes from her, whose love for her
country has been to her a precious heritage.
my sot in ! in south !
Bend low, thou loved one, I y song of love,
Thy child of battle, daughter of the storm,
Whose infant years were cradled “ii thy shield,
Wll08e wondering eyes saw lirst thine armored form.
For I must sim; thee, though thy fallen state
l.oii but a Bword gleam for a trusting smile,
And gave the Brat print of my baby feel
Into the prison earth of Johnson’s Isle.
Yea, I will Bing thee, though my pipes forget
An. I voice s time the strain thou knOWCSt well;
Remember love, thou couldst not close my ears
Against the music of the « hizzing shell.
But if I pain thee witli a martial prayer,
Mim- lirst in war, mine last, in mantling peace,
Lay thou thy soft hand on my throbbing heart,
And hid the plaining of thy minstrel cease.
Thou art mine own, my beautiful, my love!
I blame thee not, what cloud may come to me;
1 give my faith into thy trustful arms;
All that 1 am, or hope, I yield to thee!
Thy foot rests on the fairest spot of earth,
Thine eyes are full of heaven’s holy hlue,
The sunlit kiss of peace is on thy blt>W,
() thou, mine own, the beautiful, the true!
lad my right hand forget her tricks of art
Ere I conceal the faith that lies in me,
And let my tongue forget to utter love
If I pay homage unto aught but thee!
I trim my taper, hut to seek the shrine —
With thee 1 smile, with thee I breathe my sigh ;
Yea. as thou goest, loved one, I will go,
And when thou diest, Beautiful, 1 die!
Virginia Fka/.kk Boyle.
1>k. M< Murray Sang Undeb Fibs. — Henry K. Moss,
Company 11. “J<ith Tennessee Infantry: The heroism
and bravery shown in our war time by Lieut. W. -I.
McMurray, of Company R, ’20th Tennessee Infantry,
at the battle of Resaca, Ga., in the summer of 1864,
should be recorded in the VETERAN. The 20th Ten-
nessee and “>7th Ceorgia regiments were in reserve in
a ravine in the rear of Lewis’ celebrated Kentucky
“Orphan ” brigade until about the middle of the after-
noon, when the enemy advanced in our front for the
purpose of making a charge, when this reserve force
was ordered forward. The federal artillery com-
menced a fierce cannonade upon our works, and just
as the 20th Tennessee came within range of the shot
and shell of the enemy, Lieut. McMurray. then a beard-
less youth, sang the following portion of “The Ronnie
Blue Flag,” which was very popular in our army:
And now, young men, a word to you,
If you would win the fair
i io to the field where honor calls
And win your lady there.
This gallant young officer, who had shed his blood
on other fields, passed unscathed through that day,
but was wounded the next day. and lost an arm at At-
lanta afterward. At the close of the war he returned
to Tennessee, where he won for a bride one of “the
fairest of the fair.” lie is now one of the most prom-
inent and prosperous physicians of Nashville. Dr.
McMurray has been a leader in Confederate matters
in Tennessee. He is an ex-1’resident of the State As-
sociation, First Vice-President of the Tennessee Con-
federate Soldiers’ Home, for which he has done much
valuable service, and is the father of the young lady
who is to represent Tennessee at Rirmingham Reunion.
Tullahoma, Tenn., Guardian, after mention of Feb-
ruary VETERAN in its leading editorial, says: “It is
working its way to a substantial patronage that is well
deserved. It has continually grown in interest and
popularity until it has come to be a welcome guest in
thousands of Southern homes, and is watched lor with
i leeling akin to that which thrilled the hearts of the
‘folks at home’ thirty years ago, when a letter was ex-
pected from the loved ones in the tented field. Brother
Cunningham is doing service in recalling from his
own experience and that of his correspondents many
incidents of the war for the benefit of the veterans
and their descendants that would otherwise soon have
passed into oblivion, and also in correcting many
wrong impressions likely to go into history as facts if
not now placed in proper light before those who were
participants shall have gone from earth. Its pages
teem with reminiscences of that stirring time, ‘ dur-
ing the war.'”
I.. I’. Hailing, 19th South Carolina Infantry: 1 send
you a short account of a little scrape that I was in at
Snake Creek Gap. When Johnston left Resaca there
was a detail made from our division (Ed. Johnson’s)
to hold the Cap until the troops could get away. We
were posted there in the morning and spent a quiet
day, but late in the evening it was reported that the
enemy was coming and we were moved a little farther
back. I was one of thirty videts deployed on each
side of the road. It was dark and cloudy, and we lay
on watch, until we began to hear sticks cracking.
They crawled and sneaked right up to us, when they
rose up and made for. US, but when they got there we
were like the Irishman’s Ilea, gone. According to or-
ders we fell back to the main line, the yanks following.
We did not have long to wait, as they soon came on
us in force, making three charges on our lines during
the night, but we held them back. When day came
they made preparations to wipe us up, but they had
made a miscount. We were in breastworks built by
McPherson in the spring when he was Banking John-
ston at Dal ton. They made charge alter charge on us,
but we held our own until in the afternoon, having
killed and wounded scores of them. About three
o’clock we found that we were being flanked by a force
of cavalry, when we withdrew. I think it was one of
the best lights of the war. It is said that there was a
corps of yankee infantry, but we had not more than
five hundred men, commanded by Gen. Rrantley.
We marched all night, but the yankees, seeming to
lie satisfied, did not follow. I would like to hear from
some comrade who was in that fight.
There was no uncommissioned soldier in the Con-
federate Army more faithful and constant in all
duties than Charley Herbst, of the 2d Kentucky Regi-
ment. He is worthy of high place in the VETERAN.
An intimacy with its editor since prison life at Camp
Morton in l 862 enables him to give this positive testi-
mony, and he docs it with special pride and ..’latitude.
It was intended to surprise him with the picture and
sketch last month. The hundreds yel Living of the
four thousand fellow-prisoners at Indianapolis will
recall the Cultured gentleman who was BO quick and
so accurate in his detail work at the little postoffice in
Cam]) Morton during the spring and summer of 1862,
and how their hearts throbbed when he would call
their names on letters from home. Everybody knew
“Charley.” The writer introduced himself, and after-
ward Charley’s unselfishness and friendly devotion
secured many returns in hospital and in camp.
When he had four holes shot into his body at Hal-
las, ( la., on the Johnston Sherman campaign, and was
located in a hospital, although lying on his back, he
sent this message: “Now that my opportunities are
better for writing, 1 will send you two letters for one.”
Early alter the war he was engaged for months in
marking graves ot Confederate dead between Dalton
and Atlanta, and wa- helpful in identifying many a
noble martyr who gave his life for Pixie’. A letter of
Mr. Herbst to some nieces furnishes the following data :
At the opening of the war he was in the hardware
trade in New York City. He returned to Kentucky
in April. 1861, and joined Company II, 2d Kentucky
Regiment, the first regiment formed at Camp Boone,
Tcnn. He was made Commissary Sergeant. He was
captured with his regiment at Fort Donelson and
sent to Indianapolis, Indiana. While in Camp Mor-
ton he was made Sergeant of Hi vision 13. He was
appointed assistant to Mr. Evans, the camp postmaster,
by Col. Owen, commandant of the prisoners. Later
he was assigned to duty at the Sergeant’s h<
H. was with his regiment in the battles of Mur-
boro, Jackson, Miss., Mission Ridge, Rocky Face
Gap, Resaca, and Dallas, Ga., where he was severely
wounded, and was on crutches for about six month-.
While convalescing was assigned to office duty under
Lieut. Battey, in Macon, Ga In Novemb
ported to the regiment at Stockbridge, Ga., where he
saw Atlanta burning, and with his mounted regiment
led to Ma., m. Ga. Later he was a bearer of dis-
patch,- to Dalton. Ga., for Col. Hiram Hawkii
the 5th Kentucky Infantry. Again he was ase
to duty, under Col. John F. Cameron, who appointed
him Sergeant Major of the detachment, with whom
he remained several months. Then he rejoined his
regiment and remained with it up to the surrender
under Gen. Johnston, April 26, 1865.
For twenty-three years he served as Librarian in
Atlanta and Ma en. Ga., \\ here he now lives. II
lived in that state nearly ever since the war, but has
ever registered as “of Kentucky.”
M. T. I.edhetter. Piedmont, Ala.: I desire to pav an
humble tribute to my Captain in the war. now Rev.
E. T. Smythe. lie resides in Anniston, Ala. The
following incidents illustrate the love and ;-
tween him am! the privates of hie company. <>urs
was Company C. Fifth Alabama Battalion. In \.>-
vember, 1861 (before the battalion was organized
company was ordered from Richmond to Yorktown.
We traveled by tail to West Point. Where we Went
aboard an open top schooner on the York River. A
Virginia winter was upon us in full blast, rain
Bleet, leaking tlie weather extremelv disagreeable.
We reached Yorktown just at nightfall. The wind
was blowing al a furious rate, ami the waves W(
high that we found it impossible to land, and were
Forced to cast anchor at a sale distance from the shore.
We were without shelter, food or tire, and the elements
fairly raged. After anchor was cast the Captain of the
boat came around ami invited Captain Smythe into
his cabin t<> supper, hut he very politely expressed his
thanks for the invitation, saying hi- men had nothing
I i eat, and he would fare just as they did, and al-
though the Captain of the boat and many of us ■
him we could not induce him to change his mind, or
to take even a cup of coffee, while hi- men were with-
out food. I have known him, when weary and worn
with marching, to positively decline the cordial, ur-
gent appeals by superii to ride, those officials
proposing to walk themscl
In the winter of 186] we were in winter quarters on
the hanks of the Potomac near Dumfries, fine Sun-
day, when the ground was covered with snow to the
depth of about eighteen inches, a requisition was made
upon (apt. Smythe for a detail from his company to
assist in building a stable for the horse of Adjutant
(>. Hooper. When the requisition was made and Capt.
Smythe was informed of the purpose, he said to the
Sergeant, “T,il Capt. Hooper my men do not build
stables on Sunday. It is not a military necessity, and
I do not allow them imposed upon in that way.”
Col. John T. Crisp, of Independence, Missouri, tells
the St. Louis Republic an interesting story of the late
<;<-n. John II. Baylor, of Texas. Cri3p Baw Baylor in
El Paso not long after the war. ami was so attracted to
the stranger that In- Introduced himself and then
became so interested in conversation with him that
In- forgot an engagement with his wife.
Baylor said that at tin- beginning of the war he had a
company in North wesl Texas, and was surprised one
morning when tin 1 picket reported to him the capture
of a man who had “attempted to steal tin- horses of
the camp ” He was much surprised that a man “so
far from civilization should want to steal horses.”
The man was ordered before him. and was asked why
he wanted to steal horses away out there.
” 1 was not stealing them.’ the man replied, in the
very best tone and intheopenesl manner. “] wanted
them for a particular purpose and was taking them.”
Continuing, Gen. Baylor said: ” His coolness struck
me with particular force, and 1 asked him what |>art
of the country he was from, when he -aid California.
For day- I had been looking to the West as for a mil-
itary Messiah in the person of Albert Sidney Johnston,
with whom I had served in the army of the United
State-, and who was one of my chosen friends. Gen.
Johnston was in California and 1 wanted to know
whether or not he was coming to the Easl in the aid
of the Southern cause. Well, when this fellow told
nc he was from California, I felt a renewed interest.
“I asked ‘diil you know any of the prominent men
of your State?’
■■ 1 know them all,’ he replied with confidence.
“‘ I ‘id you ever hear of Albert Sidney Johnston?’
“‘Very often,’ was his calm response.
” ‘ When did you see him?”
■■’The day before I left California.’
Did you talk to him?’
“‘ Yes. and at great length.’
“• Did you hear him or any one say whether or not
he was coming East to engage in this conflict?’
“The man looked earnestly at me for two or three
minutes, and then he asked, ‘ What is your name?’
•• I told him ‘John R. Baylor. 1
“‘Well,’ he proceeded, ‘ you may or you may not be
the man you say you are. But 1 will tell you that
Gen. .1 oh list on is not three miles from here, and it was
for him that I was taking your horses.’
“We saddled up and rode oil’ with tin- stranger.
After going about three miles we went up the skirt of
a mountain, ami when we reached the summit our
guide pointed to a camp about a mile distant and below
us. At the Mime instant the camping party noticed
us. Gen. Johnston stepped to one side to get a hetter
look at us. and as he raised his glass he recognized me
and I recognized him. We rode rapidly to each other,
and we actually embraced in tears for minutes.”
Gen. Baylor and Gen. Johnston met there on that
occasion, and they stood in that vast empire like two
William Wallaces on the hills of Scotland. Hut one
died at Shiloh, the other lost courage when the war
was over, and, like a mighty oak riven and torn by a,
storm, was broken in body and spirit, it seemed hope-
lessly. But he went West, where he recuperated, and
there, surrounded by his multiplying herds, became
a figure in the great domain of Texas.
Gen. Baylor was a famous Texan and a powerful
man in every way. He represented his State in the
Confederate Congress, and was recognized long hefore
the war as one of the brainiest, as well as the bravest
physically, of its many heroic Bons.
F.O., Chapel Bill, Tenn.: During the latter days
of the great war ( ‘apt. Swame. his brother .lames, and
Tims. Britton, of Forrest’s cavalry, concluded to slip
oil’ from the command, which was below Huntsville,
and make atrip home. They took their halters and
bridles and constructed a raft and launched it Crusoe
style, hut were carried among the rock- by the current
and the rait wa> demolished. Tiny were left on a
large Hat rock, covered ahout two feet with water.
Britton could not swim, so the Captain and his brother
had to leave him for the night. They urged him not
to go to sleep, and said they would swim over and
rescue him afterward, hut they found they had only
reached an island, with no means of relief, so they all
had to spend the night where they were. They could
hear the prayers of Britton on the rock out in the
river. The next morning sonic of the command fol-
lowed after them, heard Britton and went out to his-
relief. lie dates his conversion from that hour, and
is one of the main pillars of the church to-day. The
Swame brothers, seeing that Britton was safe, started
for another swim. They again reached shore, to find
that they were on another island, and that the main
stream was still hefore them. Hungry and wet, they
walked around until evening, when to their joy they
saw a ferry-boat coming over, in which there were
several men and some women. These people pulled
to the shore, and the Captain, without knowing whether
they were friends or enemies, very politely asked to
be carried over, but they showed utter indifference to
his plea, and walked off, leaving one man to watch
the boat. Seeing an axe in the boat, the Captain
asked if he could get it to cut some wood. lie slipped
a motion to his brother, and they both leaped into the
boat, cut the rope and pulled for the other shore, and
were soon beyond the reach of gunshot. When over
they turned the boat loose and made it home safe.
The Captain is now one of the leading magistrates of
.Marshall County and the father of nineteen children.
He is a good swimmer still. Now, if any of that sipiad
on the island should read this he will please tell how
they got hack home.
Caspar W. Bell, Salisbury, Mo.: 1 sympathize very
much with the enterprise, and desire its success. M\
humble efforts will he cheerfully given to it. The
federals fought for the preservation of the Union,
and the Confederates for the preservation of constitu-
tional liberty as bequeathed to us by our revolutionary
fathers. The federals were successful in securing the
victory for Union, and God grant that the Confeder-
ates, by their patriotic efforts, may cement that Union
with the principles of constitutional liberty, thereby
securing to the country Union and constitutional lib-
erty, one and inseparable forever.
Since the above Mr. Bell has sent four, and expects
more subscribers.
In 1886 the survivors of this company met al I
n, Miss., and appointed a committee to raise funds
for a monument to their fallen comrades. This com-
mittee, as then formed, and afterward employed, met
on the 26th of Inst February at the Hotel Royal, in
New Orleans. Present — George Harvey, Wiley N.
Na-h, W. II. Kowcott, Wallace Wood, George Shelby,
Scott Field and .lames L. Goodloe. These gentlemen
hail from Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Teni
see. The committee has collected, principally from
the surviving scouts, $1,500, and accepted the design
of F. II. Venn, of Memphis. It will be of valley
granite, massive and classic, decorated with the Con-
federate battle Sags, the Confederate Statee seal and
sal ires in copper, with appropriate wreaths and inscrip-
tions; notably the name- of those killed in battle. A
young daughter of one of these soldiers, Miss Evelyn
Nash, had collected copper cents since her early child-
hood, and donated five hundred to the fund. It is
now proposed to fuse these coins into medallion, and
ii\ it iii the granite with word- to indicate that it i-
her memorial to her father’s comrades. This, proba-
bly is the only monument erected by one company to
its dead, and will hear record of undaunted bravery.
1 think it is the only company especially mentioned
by Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, and Gen. Claiborne de-
voted several chapters to it in his History of \|i-
sippi, the records of which were lost by tire: hut tl”
chapters were saved in the hands of Wiley N. Nash,
u ho. fortunately, hail the proof sheet-.
With from forty to seventy men, this command has
the record of 1,969 federal soldiers killed and cap
tured within less than two year-. It does not Seem
that these ever were ” buttermilk rangers,” as nearly
every one of the original forty-six were either killed
or wounded. The New i Orleans Picaywrn gave accounts
of the deliberations of this committee in its issues of
February 27th and 28th, and March 1st, ami the bril-
iant “Pearl Rivers” — Mrs. Nicholson- extended to
them numerous courtesies. The original command
was of picked men men from Wirt Adams’ brigade,
and served, mostly, under the heroic Maj. Gen. Wm.
II. Jackson, Josepb E, Johnston, and Forrest. They
were young, venturesome and successful: and tin
dignified lawyers, hankers and planters, of the -ur-
vivors. hardly remind us of that hardy looking, reck-
less hand of the fearful war time. The monument
will be unveiled at Canton. Miss., next August. The
survivors and their families will attend. .1.
The Chattanooga Times: The Confederate Vet-
bran is of concern to every one of the brave men who
were engaged in that great struggle between the North
and the Smith, and so fair, so honest, and so impartial
is its conduct that one becomes deeply interested in
it. no matter whether he wore the blue or the gray.
The last two numbers of the journal have been un-
usually interesting, and it is pleasing to note the grow-
ing circulation of Mr. Cunninghams paper.
The Woodville Miss.. Camp. No. 49, V. C. V: Re’
solved, That this Camp approve the CONFEDERATE
Veteran, published by S. A. Cunningham, at Nash-
ville, Tenn., and we hereby adopt it as the official or-
gan of this Camp. P. M. Stockett, Adjutant.
Geo. W. Voungl.lood. Golden City. Mo.: I saw in
the November Veteran how Woolford was driven by
the inch, a- it were, from Loudon to Knoxville. Here
is what 1 want to say: I belonged to Forrest’s old hri-
gade, Company A. 11th Tennessee Cavalry. After
the battle of Chickamauga we were camped at Cleve-
land. Tenn.. and Woolford at Philadelphia, eight
mile- south of London We -tailed one morning,
and rode all day and all night. The next morning
lirrounded Woolford. He was ready for “the
tun.” The 11th was in line behind the artillery, the
1th in our rear, the 8th on our right, the 9th ami 10th
on the road between Philadelphia and Loudon to cut
Off their retreat. Forrest hadn’t occupied a road run-
west, and when it got too hot for the hoys in
Mue th.y started west. Forrest -aw the gap, and
ordered our n the llth to dash across the
road. It was abont half a mile from us. At the same
time the 4th took our place in the line. We got in
about 200 yards of the road whin Col. Hoi man ordered
my compan] A and Company II to charge. We
went at tin m like wild men. tiring our revolvers, and
with tin old Confederate yell wi went through their
lim. still shooting and yelling. Col. Holm an at the
same time coining down on the other ride “f the road.
Tin y whirled hai k tor town. With the old llth T( n-
still after them, they rushed through Phila-
delphia for Loudon, lien tiny met the 9th and 10th.
nly thing they could do was to surrender. We
got 500prisoni re, 7 pieces of artillery. s i? wagon-. 600
stand of small arms, with all of their camp equipage.
This was In lor. the Beige at Knoxville. l.ongstrei t
was tin non his man h from Chattanooga. He came
up in a lew day-. Then we drove them into Kimx-
ville, w In n we cut their line in two. After tin battle
1 saw Minn <h ad yank- m the 1. ranch and pulled –
of them out.
In receipting for the $77.75 so generously contrib
from Fl I’aso, TexaB, and the other sums received and
forwarded since issue if th< March Vi ipt. J.
N. Sloan, of Pontotoc, Miss, writes: “What shall I
say to these good p> 0] l< Cod hies- you. my friend.
and each contributor. I am proud that 1 was a Con-
federate soldier and did my duty in behalf of our
beautiful Southland. Please Bay ‘ that I do
tiio-t assuredly thank them for their generous contri-
Judge Wyndham Kemp, Adjutant of Jno.C. Brown
Camp, El I’aso, Texas. March 1 •”> ■ At the meeting of
• 1 no. C. Brown (amp. !’. < . \\, held the 2d inst
(‘propria ted for the relief of (apt. .1. N. Sloan, of
Pontotoc, Miss., whoBe appeal was published in the
Confederate Veteran, and :i committee of two ap-
pointed to solicit aid from tin- people of Fl Paso. As
the result I inclose you New York draft, to your order
for Capt. Sloan’s benefit, of $77.75, receipt of which
please acknowledge. I also inclose a Mexican paper
dollar, which Capt. Sloan may wish to preserve a- a
souvenir. It was contributed by a friend. We are
greatly indehted to Dr. W. M. Yandell and W. .1.
Few ell for raising among outside friends the assistance
for Capt. Sloan contributed outside of our Camp.
There was perhaps no honor paid a regiment in the
service of the Western Army greater than that to the
20th Tennessee by Gen. John (‘. Breckenridge. Mrs.
Breckenridge was with her husband at his army quar-
ters much of the time, and became deeply interested
in it- -‘ cess in every way. It occurred to her t>>
make a flag from a handsome silk dress that she had
worn in state at Washington and present it to the
“bravest regiment of her husband’s’ corps.” Col.
O’Hara, the Adjutant General, said at its presentation:
“I have a duty devolved upon me to-day which I
esteem with honor and perform with pleasure. lam
deputed to present to you a flag, wrought by the
hands of the ladies of Kentucky. The inquiry may
suggest itself why the distinguished gentleman charged
to bestow this banner has not chosen to present it to
a regiment from his own State. The noble Kentueki-
ans who have relinquished all the ties and almost all
the hope of home to devote their lives and their all to
the cause are contented with the assured appreciation
of their illustrious commander and countryman, and
with the proud consciousness of having nobly done
their duty, and their constant and equal devotion to
the cause leave no criterion by which their General
might distinguish among them. He and they feel
that it is to a regiment of some other State that the
honor of bearing this flag will be more appropriately
confided, and the General lias felt a delicacy and diffi-
culty of making a selection among the various regi-
ments which constitute his command, and many of
which have won his admiration by their gallant con-
duct under his own eye on many a stricken field.
After mature consideration, however, in view of its
uniform gallantry and length of service under bis
command, he has concluded that it is upon the ‘_!<>th
Tennessee Regiment that these colors will be most
properly bestowed.
” In the first memorable battle on the soil of Ken-
tucky, in this war. the _!<»th Tennessee was signalized
by its devoted patriotism, discipline and valor. At
Fishing Creek, when the sternest were dismayed, and
the timid yielded to the panic, the gallantry of the
20th Tennessee shone forth with conspicuous lustre
At Shiloh. when the reeling battalions of the enemy
confessed the superiority of Southern valor, the ban-
ners of the L’nth Tennessee were among the fnivino-i
in that struggle. At the bombardment of Vicksburg,
throughout the sulphurous carnival that raged so
many days and nights around that heroic city, the
•Jdth Tennessee Stood, baring its scarred front to the
storm of shot and shell. At Baton Rouge, where our
Southern chivalry rushed upon the insolent invaders
of their country, the 20th Tennessee was again seen in
the van of the battle. At Murfreesboro, whether on
lie left of Stone’s River among the bloody cedars, or
on the right in the fearful charge, on the I’d of Janu-
ary, which Laid low many a noble spirit, the 20th Ten-
nessee maintained its bright renown, and plucked new
laurels from the jaws of death.
“In view of this record of its heroic service and pa-
triotic devotion, it has been decided. I feel sure with
no offensive discrimination, to confer upon the 20th
Tennessee Regiment this beautiful banner, wrought
by the fair hands of the most distinguished women of
Kentucky. I feel that 1 may safely undertake to de-
clare that it is the opinion of those ladies that to no
more deserving and loyal custody could this emblem
of our eaiiM- be confided, and let me, fellow-soldiers,
assure you that the men of Kentucky share their
opinion and indorse their award. They feel, also.
that it is to HO alien hands this trust IS confided :
while there is pulse in the breast of a member of the
20th Tennessee they feel assured that this emblem
will be cherished and guarded as more precious than
life itself. In this confidence I, as their representa-
tive, commit this banner to your keeping. 1 believe
that history has already determined the common
political fate of Kentucky ami Tennessee, and that
this simple ceremony here to-day is but the symbol of
the affections of two million people with the fortunes
and destiny of the Southern Confederacy.”
The following response was made by Col. Thomas
Benton Smith, whose sad calamity before Nashville,
after he surrendered, in having his head horribly cut
by a saber until he was blinded by the blood, and was
led to the rear to sink down in a line of prisoners, will
be remembered. Col. Smith was the gallant com-
mander of this regiment. He said :
“Colonel, in behalf of the officers and soldiers of my
regiment, I accept this beautiful Hag. My language
doe- not permit me to express my feelings on this
occasion. This unexpected compliment is doubly
pleasing, coming as it does from Kentucky, the land
of chivalry, and from the noblest of her daughters. It
comes from a State whose name is linked with the
brightest jewels of American history. Her women ari-
as lovely as her mountain flowers. For my officers
and soldiers I thank you. When the storm of battle
rages fiercest, amid the wildest conflict, we will think
of the fair donors ami cling to this banner. For the
complimentary manner, sir, in which you have pre-
sented it, I thank you.
” Soldiers! to you I commit the gift. In its folds rest
your honor. Let it never be contaminated by a foe-
man’s hand. Let the Confederacy ami the world set-
that in the hour of her darkest trials Tennessee will
stand by the colors of Kentucky as they would by the
standard of their native State. They feel that their
honor, their safety, their people arc one.”
The pool- foot-sore, battle-scarred boys of the 20th
fit proud that day, being the chosen few of many
thousands. And they would every one have died be-
fore yielding that Hag. Yet it was and is lost to them
at last. It was put iii a trunk and started from North
Carolina to Tennessee, but never arrived. It is in
some one’s possession. To them it is a Hag and noth-
ing more. To the :20th it is a glorious heritage he\ ond
value. It is made of heavy silk, alternate bars of
white and red, the colors being in triangles, and the
points of the triangles meeting at tin- center, clasping
a large shield.
This Hag hail as many sacrifice- as tin- old one. At
Eoover’s Gap, the first battle it entered, in its defense
was slain lien Ycargin and .liinmic Callender, and
wounded Wallace F.vaiis and John Fly. AtChicka-
mauga John Fly was wounded again, and Ike Hyde,
Tom 1’.. Roach and Hilly Cant, and at last was carried
out by John W. Morgan. At Jonesboro the coloi
guard were killed or wounded, when Maj. John Guth-
rie, in command of the regiment,, seized it, and tearing
it from the staff, wrapped it around his body to carry
it off. But this was the cause of his death, for no
.sooner bad he ‘lone it than be became the mark of the
enemy, and lie was soon mortally wounded. But In-
got away with it. This officer is one whose merits
have never been fully recognized in public. Of retir-
ing disposition and bashfulnese to a fault, he kepi
himself as much out of observation as possible. But
Ney was not braver on the battle-field, At the vari-
ous battles following the flag was borne as gallantly as
ever, lmt there is no record of it until at the fatal bat-
tle of Franklin, where the color guard were all killed
or wounded, and the flag was brought off by Joe J.
Smith, who accidentally stumbled over it during one
of tin- repulses. Any information about it would be
gratefully received by members of the regiment, and
the Y ktik ln would give out the good news with pride
.1. I., (ice, of the 20th, Franklin. Teim.. kept th-
above record. Be kept a roster of his company through
tie war, noting who were in the battles and tie casu-
alties. It was he and his friend, I’. G. Smithson, now
in charge of the Tennessee Confederate Home, with
whom Gen. Breckinridge divided his two biscuits at
Shiloh, :is reported in February Veteran.
Isaac T. Moreland, Fine Apple, Ala.: I have the
Confederate gray uniform which I wore at Gen. Fee’s
surrender. Peace to bis ashes! When 1 returned to
my desolate home 1 laid this suit carefully away, in-
tending to keep it so long as 1 lived as a relic of that
devastating war. When I occasionally take a look at
it it recalls to memory manj day- and nights of pleas-
ure and sorrow — of days of trial and privation. Never
will I disown or scorn the name of rebel, if the word
“rebel” implies a Southern soldier.
“Far from me l>e that spirit” which would engen-
der or open afresh any bitterness between the blue
and gray. I have a high estimate of the soldier who
wore the blue as well as the gray. The Federal sol-
dier who was actuated by deeds of patriotism is as
much entitled to honorand respect as his enemy. In
many cemeteries they sleep side l.y side. The loving
hands and patriotic hearts which decorate the South-
ern soldier’s grave, in a like loving and kind Spirit
decorate the graves of tie Northern soldier who fell
and was buried far from home and friends defending
a cause which he felt was right.
BY ‘(INK OF I.KK s’.l l s.” FORT WORTH. TK.\.
When firs! I put this uniform on,
A Hotspur of fifteen,
Mother and sister had 1 none ;
Brothers? Hal was the only one ;
1 was th.’ Benjamin youngest son
Sighing lor victories to be won
Ere I had turned six
\s we marched proudlj away.
\t Petersburg my brother died,
In the crater’s aw fill zone ;
Iii thai red hell
of flame an, I shell,
He breathed farewell,
As be foremost fell ;
I trod war’s path alone,
Aiel 1 marched Badh mi.
Capt. E. Lewis Moon, of Framingham. Mass.. wrote
a letter last < October inquiring about Maj. .lames Reilly,
to whom he wished to restore a sword captured at Fort
Fisher, which he wore “so honorably in the two
tights there and in the Army of Northern Virginia
Maj. Reilly replied requesting the sword by express,
“collect,” Baying:
“You, my brave and gallant opponent in war. fully
illustrate the magnanimous character of a good soldier
and a gentleman. I fought you with a determination
that afternoon from the time Gen. Whiting and Col,
Lamb were wounded, about 3 o’clock p. m., command
devolved on me that would he hard to excel, but it
was like unto a mole and a mountain— up-hill work.
Your troop- were all around my gallant little hand of
Tar Heels, fighting from travel-, to traverse, with no
hope hut lighting to the last ditch. At dark, when I
fell hack from Fisher, I had only forty-four men and
two officers with me. I formed my little command
■and moved to Battery Buchanan. When | saw the
condition of affairs there I called Maj. Hill and Capt.
Van Benthueen, and held a consultation and came to
a conclusion to surrender. After waiting some time
I observed the skirmish line of your troops advancing
toward the Point. Wethreewent forward about I
hundred yards and stopped. I took my handset
and placed it on the point of my Babre ami aw
your coming, when the surrender was made about s
o’clock e. m. It was a distressing time to us. When
I surrendered my sabre to you it was with a lnart of
tic deepest depression. A- a brave soldier you trt
nrteouslv, and showed no bravado over our de-
feat, for which accept my Bincere thanks, < If the other
others that were with me on that memorable occasion
Major Mill is ‘had. and I have not heard from Capt.
Van Benthueen sit urrender.
“Captain, if you have time come t and we
will visit the Fort, and Bee it- ruins.”
The Camp at Chattanooga has 12~> members, with
an interesting attendance at the monthly meetings.
At Fait on. Ga., there is a membership of 75, They
are doing a good work in lookin ck ami Buffer-
ing Confederate veteran- Quite a patl cident
occurred last month. Mr. G. W Hamilton, an old
soldier who was wounded in the war. and who never
entirely recovered, died without a relative near him.
Mis wife had been dead ten year- or more, and his
children were ail married and living at a distance.
But h ed after him and gave him
every attention, (‘apt. Roberts, who commands th’
Post, is one of the best known men in the ‘ ounty.
There are other citizen- of Dalton, too young to he
veterans, hut who are interested in the welfare of the
(‘”Mi. Veteran. Among them is Rev. J. G.
Orr, Presidenl of Dalton Fein;, Mr. A.
IF Shaver, the genial editor of the Dalton Argue, who
ilways a good word for this periodical.
Gen. W. L. Cabell, “Old Tige,” has appointed com-
rade John (‘. Fox, from u hom a yankee bullet was ex-
tracted and referred to in last Veteran, a member of
his staff with the rank of Brigadier General. It is an
honor that will gratify his friends.
Capt. Stockton Heth, during the Confederate War,
served on the staff of his brother. General Harry
Heth. (in the eve of the battle ot the Wilderness
Captain Heth had a good many orders to transmit
from the General to his subordinate commanders, and
wa< vitv active. Hen. Jno. B. Gordon stopped to
breakfast with General Heth early that morning, and
was requested by General Heth to hold family prayers,
era! H. was calling in his staff and other officers
about headquarters, and saw his brother passing on
horseback in discharge of his duties, when he beckoned
him to stop for prayers. The gallant Captain mistook
the signal for something else, and shaking his canteen,
said, “No. 1 thank yon. brother Henry. I have just
had ‘one.’ ami mv canteen is full.” The General
•■ smiled.” and his head was soon bent in devotion to
the Cud of battles. The battle was fought that day,
and Captain Heth acquitted himself with great gal-
lantry. A.
Gen. Heth was asked about the above and he re-
plied: ” During the fall, when on the lines around Pe-
tersburg, \’a.. I suggested to Gen. Lee that 1 he per-
mitted to make an attack on a certain point of the
enemy’s line. He consented, and sent Gen. John B.
Gordon’s command to assist in the proposed attack.
Gen. Cordon and I were riding ahead of our com-
mands, accompanied by our stalls and couriers; we
came to the point where we had to leave the Boydton
plank road, where was situated an old cabin, or school
house, where we halted for our commands to come up.
Gen. Cordon suggested, as we were about going into
battle, that we go into this house and have prayers,
and both direct our stall’s and couriers to go into the
house. Looking down the road I saw my brother and
aid, Capt. Stockton Heth, talking to some one. I
beckoned to him to come and go into the school house.
He replied. ‘Thank you, brother Henry, 1 have just
had one.'”
Rev. .1. R. Deering: I had rather rear my boys bare-
footed than have them grow up without veneration
and affection for the memory of the men who fought
and lell under the tri-barred flag! Let them have the
truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth.
.Mrs. lielle Parkins, Landsdown, \’a.: Some one
in October VETERAN gave the credit for Confederate
victory at Leesburg— Ball’s Bluff, called by the Feder-
als — to South Carolina troops. It is an error. There
were were no troops there from the I’almetto State.
This victory was won by the Kighth, Seventeenth and
Eighteenth Mississippi Regiments. The Thirteenth
waE near the mouth of ( loose ( leek, keeping in check
1. in ID of the enemy who would otherwise have crossed
then and turned their flank. My home was near
enough the battle for the windows to rattle fearfully.
We took some Howitzers from the enemy
and turned on them. My brother, David L. Hizon,
after being in the fight nearly all day, was one of the
volunteers who was out until midnight taking prison-
ers. Tell W. Cart .lohiisiin to write again. The in-
closed wooden button was worn by one of Pickett’s
men, and was in the bravest and most daring charge
made during the whole war, that of storming Ceme-
tery Heights at Gettysburg, Pa.
The Souvenir for 1893 of the Veteran is not stereo-
typed, and those who wish copies must order them
soon or they may miss it.
Vic Keinhardt. Terrill. Texas, sends the following:
” It rejoices me to see for once some prominence given
the Army of Tennessee, which 1 find in the Veteb \n.
Not that I would in the least tarnish or diminish the
wonderful achievements and bravery of our brethren
in the Virginia Army, but 1 want to sec more men-
tion of those boys who, without shoes, clothing, or
food, almost, endured the hardships and faced the en-
emy in the Army of Tennessee. 1 have so often heard
it said that the yankces left their rations at the fire of
the first volley. Such was not tin- ease with those
blue-coated fellows facing us from Shiloh to Benton-
ville, N. C. The exception is not sufficient to make
it respectable. We long for statements from this
branch of service because those who were in distant
iie-lils have hardly a conception of the bravery dis-
played during the four years all along the line of this
army. They knew very little of the courage of Shiloh,
Murfrcesboro, Perryville, Chickamauga, New Hope
Church. Franklin, and an hundred engagements where
valor unexcelled crowned the ragged, half fed army,
without murmuring or discontent, save rare excep-
tions. These men have so long stood by, and many
of them gone on into eternity, without hearing the
commendation their valor bought and the bravery
and heroism their richest blood paid for. 1 rejoice,
too, with all other veterans in their marvelous achieve-
ments, even though our flag is now lost in the folds
of the stars and stripes.”
This steamer was built to run from Aspinwall on
the route to California. She was the first vessel char-
tered by the Cnited States Government to take troops
and provisions to Fort Sumpter, in Charleston harbor.
At daylight on the morning of January 9th, 1861, she
crossed the bar at Charleston and was fired on by the
Confederate steamer “Cen. Clinch.” Failing to re-
lieve Fort Sumpter, she returned to New York, and
was again chartered by the Government to proceed to
lndianola, Texas, to bring oil’ the Cnited States forces
that were being withdrawn from Texas, but was cap-
tured on April 17, 1861, by ( ‘on federate volunteers from
( lalveston ; was taken to New < trleans, and there loaded
with stores for Yickshurg, and was subsequently sent
up Yazoo River to prevent capture by the Federals,
and finally sunk at Fort l’emberton, on the Talla-
hatchie River, to prevent the Federal fleet from passing
down into the Yazoo Kiver. It still lies at Fort l’em-
berton, ami has, for many years, been a serious obstruc-
tion to steamers navigating that river. Capt. 1′. R.
Starr, i n command of the United States snagboat “John
R. Meigs,” has succeeded in removing a large portion of
this wreck, and now there is a good and safe channel
around it.
The “Starof the West” carried Walkerand his filibus-
ters to Nicaragua; it was the lirst vessel chartered by
the Cnited States Government in the Confederate War;
it was the first vessel fired upon by the Confederates;
and it was the first vessel in the service of the United
States Government captured by the Confederates.
John Boyd, Major General I.e. V. for Kentucky,
was bom in Richmond, Ky., January 7. 1841. At
eleven years’ he emigrated to Texas and resided about
a year in [ndianola, and afterward the same time in
Richmond. He was at the latter place during the
yellow fever Bcourge in 1853, bis family suffering
great loss. He returned to Lexington, Ky., in 1854,
where, with tile exception of tile war. lie has e\ei
since resided. His education was limited, and ob-
tained wholly from the public Bchools. Hi jo
the army of the Confederate States at thi I ime it occu-
pied Central Kentucky, in 1862, and served asapri-
vate in the Buckner Guards of Cleburne’s division
throughout the war. He participated in every battle
in whicb that illustrious division was engaged, and
was surrendered with the Army of Tennessee by Gen
Joseph E. Johnston at Greensborough, N\ C. His
parole is dated May 1. 1865, and he has preserved it.
In addition to being the commander of the Ken-
tucky Division, 1′. (‘. V.. he is also the President of
the Confederate Veteran Assoeiation of Kentucky, an
organization which has done and is still doing a vast
amount of good in aiding the Living and burying the
dead Confederates of his State. This Association has
a liberal admission fee, and its hank account has
hardly been under two thousand dollars at any time
for years. He has recently done a work for the South
that entitles him to the gratitude of every man who
honors the cause for which the Southern people sacri-
ficed so much. He has a complete list of the Confed-
erate dead Imried in the Confederate cemetery at Lex-
ington, and has recently begged the money and erected
a beautiful monument over them. He has had their
names cut on the monument ami numbered, and a
corresponding number at the head of every grave.
■ Tv Soul 1
State i
s renre^cnted.
MiRG i ti uora Oravi r, i « ulnglon, pepre-enlattve f<>r Kentucky
in Reunion r. < ‘. v. »i Blrmtngna
Cen Boyd is 90 diffident that the Veteran thanks
him for the sacrifice of allowing this prominence. He
rarely evei ‘rom home. lie stays there and
works for his devoted wife. and. as indicated above,
for Confederates living and dead.
Gen. John C. Underwood write- from Washington
City. April 12, that the dedication of the ( onfederate
Monument at Oakwoods Cemetery, Chicago, will take
place on May 30, 1894 Gen. Wade Hampton, of South
Carolina, will deliver the dedicatory address, and Maj,
Henry T. Stanton, of Kentucky, will read a poem. :ind
other ceremonies will he announced in next
He adds: “The monument C08l ten thousand ($10,000)
dollars, and is the only ( onfederate mODUtril I
in a Northern state. By authority of the United
states Government four cannon will he parked, and
piles of shot made on the Government plot in -aid
cemetery in additional ornamentation thereof, a i
nition which should he fully appreciated by the veter-
ans. I will announce railroad transportation rates, by
circular, in the near futur>
The superintendent of transportation at New Or-
leans will give round trip ticket to Birmingham for
•*7. and the Trans-Mississippi agents have promised
to meet any railroad rates made east of the M ississippi.
This would make the round trip from Dallas to Bir-
mingham ahout fl. r >. It is expected that an Alabama
State organization of Sons of Confederate Veterans
will be effected at time of the Birmingham Reunion.
Camp Clayton, of Birmingham, is sending many let-
ters to the Camps throughout Alabama, and is d
ing with most cordial responses. This is ; i> it should
be. The Sons of Veterans must he able to take up the
work as the older men lay it down.
Camp Clayton has chosen the Veteran for its or-
gan, and the State organization is expected to do so.
The division of Texas United Confederate Veterans
had an interesting and profitable gathering al Waco,
April 5th, *Uh and 7th. The parade was seriously
dampened by a shower of rain, hut in the Assembly
Hall spirit- revived. Rev. Frank Page, one of the
vnungest Confederates, bavin;.’ been sworn in as a
cadet at the Virginia .Military Institute. Chaplain of
K.liz Hi Pii’CO, MnntlPH
in Reunion r. C. V
i.». representul Ive for l’l<
at Birmingham.
the Pat Cleburne Camp, at Waco, introduced the ser-
vice with this significant prayer:
Almighty God, the creator and governor of the
world, we ask thy blessing and direction upon this
assembly. We thank thee for the love of country and
of home with which thou hast endowed mankind,
made in thine own image. We thank thee for the
noble men thou bast given us in times past, and that
so many of their companions are with us to-day. May
the memory of our fallen heroes ever be dear to us.
Ma v we always honor i hese brave soldiers of our coun-
try who survive. Our Father, comfort and bless them
in their declining years. Look with mercy upon them
and their families, and supph their wants, We have
no bitterness against any. We pray for all the soldiers
of our common country, both North and South. Bless
this country, especially this great commonwealth. (),
Lord, Save the Stale, and mercifully bear us when we
call upon thee. Give peace in our time, Lord, for it
is thou, Lord, only that maketh us to dwell in safety.
And as in times past these men bave been faithful, so
may they be true soldiers of the cross in the great bat-
tle of life, follow ing Jesus Christ, the great Captain of
our salvation, against sin. the flesh and t he devil, and
may peace and happiness, truth and justice, religion
and piety, flourish in our borders. We a.-k it all for
Christ’s sake.
The welcome by Judge George Chirk so emphasized
the position taken by the Veteran on the “Lost
•Cause” that it is given in full :
Comrades and Confederate veterans, I need not say
friends. I need not extend to you a formal welcome to
Waco, because you knew in your hearts that you bad
thai welcome before you came in our midst. The
pleasant but unnecessary duty has devolved upon me
to open to you the hearts and the homes of this good
city, and 1 stand here, comrades, to bid you a royal
welcome to royal hearts that beat in the home of
Granbury and of Harrison and of Ross,
As I look upon this sea of faces, and hear the yell
that is not unfamiliar to my ears, my thoughts, fellow-
soldiers, go back many, many years. Without bitter-
ness and without malice I stand here to claim the
proud honor which belongs to us all— that we were
< lonfederate soldiers.
It is sometimes said that our cause is lost. Some
causes are never lost. They may be crushed in defeat.
they may go down in seeming ignominy, but in the
end. like truth crushed to earth, they rise again. The
Confederate soldier is always and under all circum-
stances true to principle. There was do selfishness in
his thought of the morrow with him. He
put all upon his country’s altar, and went forth and
gave bis time and bis heart and his life to the i
What did that cause represent ‘.’ 1 said it was not lost,
and I repeat the assertion. It could not be lost.
It stood first for the rights of the States. I’pon its
solid foundation bangs the liberty and prosperity of
the whole of America. Inside of eleven years after
the surrender of our armies, before the grandest tri-
bunal that ever sat upon earth, it was decided that
the States were supreme in this nation. We are QOf
indebted to our friends, soldiers, for this decision, but
it came from those who had been our enemies.
They went upon record with the solemn declaration
that no matter what might be the action of a State in
the selection of a President its action was final. So
that part of our cause, instead of being lost, is tri-
umphant throughout the north and the south, the
east and the west as the highest law in the land.
There was another great principle for which we stood,
and that is that we fought against the interference of
the government with the rights of the property of the
individual. Our contest was broad upon the idea of
individual rights of life, liberty and property. The
light is still upon us, fellow-soldiers, the tight for con-
stitutional guarantees in this country, the fight for tin’
enjoyment ol our lives, the right of the enjoyment of
our liberty and that equal dignity of right to enjoy
the fruits of our labor. Tell me not that the cause is
lost when hosts of Americans are marshaling in de-
fense of these rights, and that Hag [pointing to a Con-
federate banner], the Bag of the old Confederates,
typifies the fight. Turn it loose and let them all see
it! [The man holding the Hag shook it out. and the
whole building rang with cheers.] Brave men have
followed it. patriots have died under it, lovely woman
has blessed it with her prayers and consecrated it with
her tears. It stood for the rights of life, liberty and
property from 1861 to 1865. It didn’t tell a lie then.
It speaks no lie to day.
We stand to day with our brethren of the whole
country, marshaled now under a different flag [taking
hold of the I’nion banner], and we will be as true to
this as we were to that. With our faces firmly set, fel-
low-soldiers, against the aggressions of government,
against the aggressions of anarchy, against the aggres-
sions of communism in every shape, come from what-
ever qujirter it may, standing true to the Constitution
and the flag of our country, in defense of the rights
and liberties of this people, we would not join any
band that would inarch upon Washington now. We
marched upon Washington once before in a manly
fight and under the true (lag. and the next time we
march upon Washington we will take this Hag with
us [pointing t<> the United States Bag amid cheer-
ing] to cover us, and we will raise it against the hosts
of communism, let them be led by whom they may.
Am I not right when I say it’s a misnomer to call our
cause lost ? It could not be lost. ( rod, in his inscruit-
able wisdom, if we were untrue t<> principle for which
we cini tended, ami of which we are qoI ashamed, would
raise up another rare that would prove better men
than we were. The cause 1- triumphant, and the
Confederate soldier will go down into hi-tory occupy-
ing the proud page he should occupy, and we every
year will turn aside one day at least 1″ weep over our
dead and talk over the trying times of the past.
We meel in no spirit of malice or of Midi-, standing
as we have ever stood, true to the Sag of our country
and to the institution- “f our government, and I
know we will ever stand true to the principles of our
cause, which are etei rial.
Now. welcome again to Waco; welcome t” our
homes. I.rt enjoyment rule all of our heart-: but.
i omrades, lot us not forget in our moment of joy those
old heroes who have CTOSSSed lie inn Let us make
it a point, according to our means, to rear to their
memories grand monuments, to show t” all future
eyes the deeds done by them, thi for which
fought and the cause for which they died.
Gen. I., s. Ross, an honored ex-Governor of Texas,
delivered a verj interesting address upon thi
of Texas, remembering when the first cal in was built,
and when the post office was in a ” bee gum ” hat. lie
paid beautiful tribute to his faithful comrades of the
war. .1 udge Reagan, who was Postmaster < ieneral, and
i> the only in ember of the ungual Confederate Cabinet
living, gave an address, held over foi Maj Vi rERAN.
This issue of the Yktk.i; \n grei of thousands
who will consider for themselves its merit. It is largely
biographical, and in coneequenci ha- less of general
Confederate history, humor, etc., than usual. With
an increase of eight pages over any former number
there ismuch lefl over unavoidably. Its indorsement
by Camps is so extensive that their reports are with-
held, except a I’m which were in type before SO many
individual sketches were prepared. One Camp in
Texas report- that a member objected to adopting the
VETERAN to “avoid partiality between the two.” The
name of this comrade, as reported to me, docs not ap-
pear on the VETERAN list, and he is ignorant or un-
true. 1 reply to two letters of inquiry from the Camp
by comrades w ho .spoused the VETERAN. This would
be w ritten t” them instead of publication being made,
but this issue will be read by thousand- w ho are not
familiar with the facts, and a brief review seems best.
The VETERAN was started in January of last year.
Its purpose was to make sure and clear record of sa-
cred funds put into my hands that could in no other
way have been so clearly established. The first issue
was without cover, or any advertisements, but the
sentiment of its need inspired the projector to do what
he could to supply a creditable periodical. The nan
as in letters of tire, thrilled patriots throughout our
Southland, clubs of from three to over one hundred
were raised by friends, and most loyal devotion v
manifested to the little CONFEDERATE VETERAN.
”Across the chasm ” there are people noted for en-
terprise in making money as well a- noble men who
fought us and delight now in our honor. Then there
i- a rendezvous at the national Capitol for people who
have feasted on government patronage. The “long-
felt want” that has been written to this offices mul-
titude of times, caught the attention of the Frank
I ■ -lie printing concern, and it began to remodel pic-
ture- from plates made at great expense which ani-
mated foreigners during the war who flooded the coun-
try as substitute- ‘lb. Leslie people got a “Confed-
erate Brigadier” who had been favored by appointment
in the War Records Department to appear as editor.
This was one of the m
evei irted. The ii eof palm
oil’ • uul hand pictures upon the intelli-
gent or •’illiterate South.” wa- undertaken deliber-
ately. The idea of making “big money” was full of
promise. Tie price was put at double that “f the
\ 1 rERAN, on inferior paper, and but half tie
Now that the Veteran ha- been increased to €1, in-
cluding Souvenir, it furnish.- about five hundred
pages, with original Southern picture-, while the other
contains in a year but one hundred and ninety-two
pagi .over. But it
lint captlll’ed the Southern people. –
were deeply concerned l» it.- immense Bupply
of pictU ! ‘ ial. their mi .ml the
ad\ if the Co « ho had ” 1″ en
aged to writi lally.” The] that it
could pay in commissioi more than the sub-
scription 1 nice t” tie V 1 rERAN, but I belie \ ed in I
Confederate soldiers and their families a- I do
nal justice. 1 believed they would repudiate the in-
solence to them if the til.- of truth COuld be made to
de-troy these falsehoods, and I have made them burn
a- the God who lias spared me through many dan.
has given me the wisdom and the strength.
The tiling has a diversity of locations. It- Repub-
lican “Associate,” located at Lexington, Ky.. wrote me
very fraternally (?) apprizing me that our interei
did not conflict, and that he wished the VETEB w SUC-
-.. and I printed his letter in the Ykteran. They
pursued patrons of the Veteran through its published
subscription list. The gray paper, with false print,
showed its cloven foot at – manner of com-
menting on the “rebellion.” etc., until resentment of
those who saw it South subdued its tone, but it could
not make the old war pictures appear except a- be-
hind the yankee lines. Through the zeal of noble
men and women the Vktkkan has been able to sling
it- -hot, like David of old, BO that in every section of
the South and in every State of the Union it has as
loyal BUpport as was ever given to a periodical.
Last fall an entertainment was given in its in-
• in the parlors of a large hotel at the national
capital, and this man who poses a- “of the late C. S.
A so threatened to make things unpleasant if any
thing was said for the Veteran, that the managers of
the entertainment, there being many ladies present.
did not even present the guest in whose honor it was
given. This aggravating circumstance may have in-
duced severer personal comment than it was wise to
print from motives of policy. The soldier record of the
man who has given his name to these false repre-
sentations for more than a year, has been shown in
some degree, and this unpleasant duty has been per-
formed exactly as like duty was done in the war.
The Vktkkan has never had a more sacred duty be-
fore it than to expose that infamy. The “Associate,
w hose partisan sentiment as a Republican] have never
heard questioned, stays at Lexington, Ky., and has
published that ht is the moat capable person living to
write a great Confederate war book, of which a pros-
pectus indicates that he has the co-operation of all
the great Southerners who lived in that war period.
Lexington, Ky., is advertised as the place whence
these “great” things emanate, “or 111) Fifth Avenue,
New Vork.” That is the Judge Building — Judge!
The Leslie concern moved into the Judge Building
when it was finished several years ago. While that
is the office, the principal part of the work has been
done down town near Franklin Square. 1 make these
statements from knowledge obtained in person. A
Union veteran, who believes in the truth, and was
long with the Leslie house as an engraver himself,
took me to the places and introduced me to the
publishers who are doing the work. They explained
how very simple the process of making reductions
from the old plates, flood friends say don’t advertise
the thing any more, but it seems well now to make
these explanations. The patronage of those who sym-
pathize with that thing is not wanted. It is the most
insolent and hypocritical sheet in existence, and 1 had
rather he found, if dead on the battle field, covered
over with playing cards, than for a scrap of that lying
sheet to be about me. Such a thing called Confed-
.Mention of that man has been made where he left
his command during time of danger, did not return,
and could not be found. Men are so differently consti-
tuted that some have not the nerve to go through bat-
tle, but there is no excuse whatever for being a traitor,
and on that score the Frank Leslie people cannot in-
duce the South to accept their remodeled pictures
through the influence of any man who sells to them
the use of his name, even though they pretend that
tie publication is issued from another city. Months
ago the Veteran asserted thai if these people would
print the truth about themselves it would let them
alone. 1 ‘lease do not mention the Confederate Vkt-
kkan in comparison with any thing so infamous’
Miss Li It if, Vmh iiiinn, representative for
Arkansas in Rtunlon U. C. V. al Birmingham.]
Charles Todd Quintard, Bishop of Tennessee who has
ever been an honor to comrades at home and abroad:
Sewanee, Tkn.v, March 7, 1894. — Lear Mr. Cunning-
ham: The Confederate Vktkkan comes to me full of
good things, and I wish to thank you for your faith-
ful work in giving to the Confederate soldiers Buch an
admirable and accurate record of the days that “tried
men’s souls.” The typography, the illustrations, and
the whole “get-up” of the paper, leave nothing to be
desired. The editorials and letters of correspondents
are full of interest to one who took part in the strug-
gle to preserve the constitutional rights of the States.
I am yours with all good wishes.
Lt. Gen, S. D. bee, Agricultural College, Miss. : I con-
sider your last two issues as splendid, and had made
up my mind to write you especially com riding the
February number. The material is just what it ought
to be, and 1 wish you eminent success in your work.
I wish you had started such a monthly ten years ago.
A singular publication appeared recently in the New
Vork World. It is dated as a telegram at Atlanta, and
said, “Judge Samuel 15. llcrit, who is now seriously ill
at Suwanee Springs, Fla., while reclining upon his
bed to-day,” etc. He then goes on to repeal what
Mr. Stephens is reported to have said about the Hamp-
ton Roads Conference, viz., that Mr. Lincoln would
agree to any terms the South would make, provided!
the Union was restored. How a correspondent in At-
lanta could hear a conversation that day in Florida
strengthens doubt concerning reports which are so
resolutely denied. Of one thing all honest men must
agree, that Mr. Davis believed that the cause of the
South would ultimately prevail.
In consequence of the rapid growth of the I nited
■Confederate Veterans, the department east of the Mis-
sissippi River, formerly commanded by the late Gen.
E. Kirby-Smith, will, al the Birmingham 1 stii
the Federation, probably be divided into two, and maj
be three, departments, and in view of Bucb possible
Legislation it may be well, and can certainly do no
harm, to consider the following suggestions. It seems
.to me that the territory easl of the Mississippi River
should be divided into three departments, as follows:
1. The “Atlantic” Department, representing in the
main the Armyol Northern Virginia, and comprising
the States of Smith Carolina, North Carolina, Vir-
ginia, West Virginia, Maryland, the District
lumbia, and the Northern States easl of Ohio, to be
commanded by either of the distinguished Generals,
Wade Hamilton, of South Carolina, or Fitzhugb Lee,
of Virginia,
■_’. The “Gulf” department, largely representing the
Army of Tennessee, and composed of the States ol
Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and
Louisiana, to be commanded bj our of the 1 minent
Generals, W. II. JackBon, of Tennessee, or Stephen D.
Lee, of Mississippi.
3. The “Northern” Department, embracing Ken-
tucky and the Northern States easl of the Mississippi
River and wesl ol Pennsylvania, to be commanded by
Gen. S. B. Buckner, of Kentucky.
At present I command the provisional department
<>f the North, comprising the States of Kentucky,
WY-t Virginia, Maryland, the District of Columbia
and the Northern States east ol the Mississippi River,
and having in a manner introduced and organized thi
I’. (‘. V. where possible therein. 1 think it propitious
to divide my department, and in fact all the territory
easl of saiil river, as outlined above, and to pla
command the most distinguished and popular of the
living Confederate Generals, that the F. (‘. Y. Federa-
tion may receive the benefit of their official Connection
with it as members high in command.
The ” Trans- M ississippi ” 1 department should remain
as now organized, with its several divisions, in the
large State of Texas, where the I’. (‘. V. membership
is SO numerous as to make Mich an organization not
only possible, hut advantageous and desirable; and
(Jen. \Y. I,. Cabell, who has done so much toward re-
cruiting the Federation and perfecting its organiza-
tion, should he made a full < ifiH fa 1 in recognition of
his services: and besides retaining his departmental
command, he should be made second in command to
the illustrious Gordon, who, for the present, a1
ought to he kept at the head of the Federation.
The reason for making a fourth permanent depart-
ment by adding Kentucky to the Northern States pre-
viously designated is, that thereby there will be em-
braced a first-class division of living Confederates
with the scattered Camps throughout Northern States;
and, all being under the command of the officer hav-
ing charge of the many thousands of dead Southern
soldiers buried at Indianapolis, Columbus, .lohnson’s
Island, Chicago. Madison. Rock Island. Alton, etc.,
he will, by Buch means, l”- the better enabled to <:ire
for their graves and the cemetery grounds in which
they are located.
The C. C. V. Federation having become a great or-
ganization throughout all the Southern States and the
entire country where Confederate veterans are resi-
dent, 1 believe the present to be the proper time for
bringing to the front the greatest pos-il>le number of
the living Confederate heroes who, b« their
illustrious deeds, possess extraordinary military re-
nown, ami thereby will be enabled to work the ad-
vancement of the Federation more successfully than
if they were less distinguished personag
Personally, 1 have lost none of my enthusiasm, zeal
and willingness to labor for the advancement of the
movement, but, recognizing the advantage to be de-
rived by placing the Generals named in command, 1
am perfectly willing to surrender my department com-
mand to tin’ chivalric Buckner. I do not think that
the selection of division commanders should be made
alone on the basis oi the past honorable services and
Cm military renown of officers, but more particularly
on account of the availability of the men and I
activity ami enthusiasm in recruiting and otherwise”
working for the Federation.
i. gain, the life of the organization is undoubtedly
1 in the annual meetings of the regular council
of the Federation and general reunion of veterans
from all sections of the Southern country, and in fur-
therance of such necessity a centrally located and
thoroughly Southern city should be sib, ted a- the
permanent headquarters of the Federation. With
that object I would suggest New Orleans as the most
advantageously located point, and the week previous
to “Mardi < . r.i- ” as the propitious time for holding
such annual reunions. By such a course the meetings
of the us would always take place in a large,
conveniently located city, commodious in its appoint-
ments, liberal in its hospitality, and lavish in its truly
Southern pulsations. By selecting the time named
for the reunions, the veterans and their families could
enjoy the Mardi Gras festivities, meet during the most
nil month of the year in the South, and easily
avail themselves of the half rate for round transporta-
tion, always made for tie New < Irleans Mardi Gras oi –
ns throughout the whole South and larger por-
tion of the North, and thereby insure a greater at!
ance than could possibly be obtained any other way.
I trust that these suggestions will : uch favor
as to secure place in your valuable column-.
Notices of a few of the many brave men of the Con-
federate Army have appeared in your columns. I
send you a record of on* whose name 1 have forgotten,
if I ever learned it. in the burly burly of the day. ami
I write with the hope that the recital of the incident
may recall it to sonic- of the actors in the scene.
About eight or ten days before Gen. Lee evacuated
the lines at Petersburg he had been preparing for the
inevitable by throwing boards across the trenches,
covering them with earth and blankets, and quietly
withdrawing his guns from the lines. These were
parked near the reservoirat Petersburg, and the prepar-
ations would have been completed for a successful re-
treat if the judgment of the President had not
ruled that “t’ the < leneral. I >eserters, however, reported
these preparations to the enemy, and they opened a
fire upon us that lasted some time before we made any
reply. When our batteries and mortars responded the
enemy concluded that they had beeD deceived. A
South Carolina battery was stationed about where the
plank road crossed our Lines, and it did splendid serv-
ice. A Lieutenant was in command of the guns, and
in the heat of the fight a shell fell a shorl distance in
advance of this officer, and plowed up the ground un-
der him, so that he Beemed to have had hi- Legs cut
off as he fell into the hole. As he sunk down he no-
ticed that i in i of his guns hung fire; he gave the com-
mand which sent the proper man to the front of the
gun with his priming wire, and 1” fore he touched the
vent the gun was discharged, and nunc of the gunners
were hurt. 1 have often told the story as an evidence
of the cool gallantry of an officer who saved the Lives
or limbs of his men, whin he thought himself to be
ally wounded. He escaped, however, unhurt.
What is his name?
I >in- iif the nmst interesting incidents of the winter
hi 1892 -93 tn tin- veterans of Charleston has been the
in nvery of the long lost regimental colors of the Lsl
Regiment Snath Carolina Regular Artillery and their
presentation by the surviving officers of that command
to the city of < lharleston.
In the rarly days of the civil war the ladies of
Charleston, by the hands of Mrs. Gen. R. S. Ripley,
gave a handsome silk Hag to the artillerists who then
garrisoned Fort Moultrie. During the bombardment
of Fort Sumter the hot shot fired from Moultrie
caused Mai. Anderson’s surrender of Fort Sumter to
tin- Confederates, April 1:1, ‘(‘,1. A detachment of
these artillerists was then placed in charge of Fort
Sumter, and was thenceforth known as the 1st Regi-
ment South Carolina Regular Artillery. The flag
w<nt with them, and was used daily on parade.
Iron-plated ships of war are now in use all over the
world, hut they were first tried in Charleston harbor,
April 7, 1863, when Ericsson’s fleet of monitors at-
tacked Fort Sumter. They were confident that they
would take Charleston, hut our artillerists gave them
sin-h a warm reception that in the course of two hours
the much vaunted iron-clad fleet withdrew from the
contest badly worsted.
Fighting for Charleston began again on July Id,
L863, and the guns of Sumter were employed by day
and by night until that fortress was reduced to the
condition of a silent, dismantled earthwork, when it
was placed in charge of an infantry guard, and the
artillerists were withdrawn and sent to man other
I latteries around the harhor, after forty-eight days of
continuous service, ex posed to hunger and great fatigue.
(o n. Ilea u regard, in recognition of their services, issued
the following complimentary order:
Charleston, S. C, August 27, 1863. General — The
Commanding (leneral has witnessed with genuine
pride and satisfaction the defense made of Fort Sum-
ter by Col. Rhett, his officers and the men of the 1st
Regiment Smith Carolina Regular Artillery, noble
fruits ot’ the discipline, application to their duties,
and the soldierly bearing of officers and men, and of
the organization of the regiment. In the annals of
war no stouter defense wa- ever made, and no work
ever before encountered as formidable a bombardment
as that under which Fort Sumter has been suco —
fully held. Respectfully your obedient servant,
Tim ma- Jordan, Chief of Staff.
To Brig. Gen. Ripley, Commanding First Military
District Smith Carolina. Charleston, S. C.
When Charleston was evacuated in 1865, Lieut. Col.
Yates, who commanded the regiment (Col. Alfred
Rhett being in command of the brigade of regulars),
Left the flag in Charleston, no other flag than the
Confederate battle flag being allowed in the field,
Upon his return to that city, after the surrender of
Johnston’s army, he was informed that the llag had
been hidden in a garret for sale keeping, and had been
destroyed by rats. Recently it was found in the
hands of a relic seller, ami was immediately bought
by two of the officers of the 1st Artillery for $100.
Col. Yates 1 widow resides in Bessemer, Ala., with
her daughter, Mrs. Roberts, who was born on the 13th
of April, 1861, and was baptized Belle Sumter, in
memory of her father’s participation in the capture of
Fort Sumter. No sooner did these noble women hear
of the finding of the old flag than they claimed the
right as Col. Yates’ representatives to hear the expense
of procuring it for the city of Charleston, and for-
warded the money for that purpose. The recovered
emblem of the 1st Regiment South Carolina Regular
Artillery was then formally presented to the City
Council, and has been placed alongside of tin full
length portrait of Gen. Beauregard, and just above
Charleston’s proudest historical treasure, the sword of
Lean regard.
REV. J. ii. m’, nasmvii.le, tknn.
( >ne of the pressing needs of our whole country is a
history of the United States, for schools and for popu-
lar use, written from the Southern standpoint. We
do not want a prejudiced, partisan account of our po-
litical and social life, and of our civil war, hut a clear,
vivid story of the difficulties, efforts and growth of
our people, in the light of those great ideas and prin-
ciples which controlled the actions of Southern states-
men from the origin of the Republic.
Hitherto Northern men have written the history,
ami naturally in the light of Northern ideas and prin-
ciples. < »f course our great civil war has been treated
as a “wicked and causeless rebellion,” as a war stirred
up by a few ambitious spirits for personal ends, and
for the maintenance and extension of the institution
of slavery. < >ur children arc taught to Relieve that we
were rebels and traitors against “the best government
the world ever saw.” Now, a movement so widespread,
so nearly unanimous, and which called forth the en-
i husiast ii de\ oti md I he heroic efforts of millions
of people for four years, is not causeless. But the
causes lie far hack in our history. The contest was
between two different conceptions of the nature of our
government. The Southern people made their des-
perate struggle to maintain the government which
they believed its founders established. When they
were defeated they accepted in good faith the govern-
ment as it now is, and are loyal to it, but they do not
believe that it is the government according to the idea
of tlic framers of the Constitution. It may turn .nit
to be better. Certainly they have do idea of trying to
establish by force their idea ol State’s rights But
thej will always contend that they fought for the
Constitutional rights of the people, as originally guar-
anteed to them.
Now, the histories written by Southern men, as far
as 1 have seen, do not set forth clearly the idea and
purpose which animated the South in all the years
I Mil i, when it con trolled the government. Our
historians are usually content to give our side of the
civil war, with soi f the causes that led up to it;
but for all the period preceding that fearful co
they differ little from Northern writers.
How few of our children know that Jamestown,
Virginia, was settled before the Pilgrim Fathers came
to this country, or that the vast domain which forms
four-fifths of the United State- was won by Southern
men, or that slavery was forced upon this country by
England, seconded by New England, or that in I860
one-tenth of the slaves were communicants in churches.
\\ hat we need is a histon of the country from the
beginning, which shall show the wonderful part the
South had in its conquest and development, and the
patriotic spirit and gnat sacrifices made by the South
for the Union. It can only be written h\ one in thor-
ougn Sympathy with the idea- of the South, a- u
with thorough knowledge of the great facts of history.
The history of this country to the close of the civil
war is not the “History of the Rise and Fall of the
slave Power,” as Vice President Wilson wrote it, hut
the history of the overthrow of the Constitution a- it
was originally adopted. While giving hearty devo-
tion to the government as it now is, and while labor-
ing to make it a glory and a blessing to the world, we
yet owe it to our ancesters, ami to our dead, to .show-
in history that government, as w e believe it was in-
tended by its framers. and as it made BUch wonderful
progress under our administration of it until the op
posing idea triumphed.
Upon our Confederate veterans lies the duty of
securing this vindication o( their cause from tie
of all our past history. We owe it to our fath
ourselves and to our children that the history of our
common country should not he left to be told by thos<
wdio arc out of sympathy with our spirit ami princi-
ples, and so are unable to dojustice to our motives or
actions; and who therefore fail to record the glorious
part we had in winning and developing the country,
and fail to understand the meaning of the heroic strug-
gle we made, not to preserve slavery, hut to preserve
our rights under the Constitution.
Map .1. W. Thomas, President of the Nashville, Chat-
tanooga <& St. Louis Railway, one of the most important
systems in the country, and noted for its success and
popularity, responded to a toast given to Alabama
Guests, in Nashville recently. The event was brought
about hy the Nashville Board of Trade, and in compli-
ment to business men and their families living be-
tween the Tennessee and Coosa Rivers in Alabama.
“Upon my return from New York ye-tenlay. 1
found my friends of the Board of Trade had compli-
mented me with an invitation to address you upon
the Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway. I
presume they thought as I hail been connected with
that road for thirty- five years, I might he able to ti
something about it, or, it is more probable they thought
as 1 had been on that road SO long I did not know
anything 1 shall not. however, speak of the
Nashville,* hattanooga & St. Louis Railway, hut shall
-peak oi’ a more remarkable railroad, the Tenn< ssee &
-a, upon t he line of which 01 A
d oi’ which was felt and appreciated eighty
rs before it was built. After the slaughter at Ft.
.Minims, volunteer- w I tor and 2,500 Teni
scans responded. A leadei was needi d, and ‘ rovernor
Blount asked Jackson, who was confined at tic II
mitage with a broken arm from Benton’s bullet, if he
would take charge of the volunteers. Jackson re] died.
” It’s no time for a man to he Bick when hi- country
needs his services, and I will . ive to be carried
on i Jackson with his ssed the
Tennessei Rivei near Gunter’s Landing and marched
aero– thi Mountain to Double Springs, now Gadsdi
and he -o felt the need of thi- road, that in 1813, he
immended the building of a road
wat. rs of the Ti ! md in 1819,
an appropriation was made by Co to aid in 1
; of this road, which howevei was not
chartered until 1844, not commenced until 1854, and
not coi. ‘itil 1893 1- d not remarkable that
the need of this little road wat ghty years bef<
it was built, and -■ car- before there «:.-
mile of railroad in the United Stat’-, and that forty
hould elapse during it- cohstruction, lor.
than the people of Nashville have been waiting for a
Union Depot? [Applause]. It is remarkable, too,
from the t.nt tliat it connects more mile- of w
transportation than any road of equal length in the
World. The water-ways Connected by this little road,
furnish wat’ >ortation 1″ more than one-half of
tlic State- of thi- great country, and in length more
than three times across the Atlantic ( icean. A steam-
boat leaving Guntersville, down the Tent *hio
and Mississippi Rivers to New Orleans, through the
Gulf, Up the Alabama and COOSS Uivr- to Cadsden.
would make a distance Of Over 1,600 mile-, and lack
only thirty-seven miles of reaching the starting point.
“Thi- little road i markable from the topog-
raphy of the country through which it run-: h:r- i –
Gunter’s Landing, we pass five miles through a valley,
then climb the mountain over rugged cliffs and deep
ravine- seven mile-, until an altitude of 1,040 feel IS
reached : thence along the table land- with fine timl
and well tilled farms ten mile-, and then descend
through a narrow gorge known a- the Dungeon, on
Ount of the rugged wall- on either side, through
which Line Creek runs and over which we pass four-
teen times, until Wills Valley is reached, through
which we go nine miles to Gadsden, at the southern
base of Lookout Mountain.
“This road is also remarkable for the products of
the section through which it passes; corn, wheat, cot-
ton and fruits ai I in abundance, and there are
also large deposits of coal, iron ore and magnificent
forests of timber. So diversified are the product*
this section, it ha- been said that the people along this
line make what they live on, and live on what they
make The annual product of cotton ia about 25,000
bales, and the annual trade about 17,000,000, and it is
this tiade which the merchants of Nashville should
endeavor to secure, by offering the best goods at the
Lowest prices, and the Nashville, Chattanooga & St.
Louis Railway will aid them to do so. by giving the
lowesl possible rates. We shall endeavor, not only to
bind these sections together with bars of steel, hut with
the stronger and more enduring honds of mutual
The Veteran presents to its readers the picture and
», short sketch of this young lady, who has done so
pouch for the Veteran, and who is so prominently
identified with the great organization of the United
Confederate Association.
M iss Childress’ family are originally from Nashville,
Tenn. She was horn in New Orleans, and is the
.daughter of a veteran. Her father, Mr. Geo. P. Chil-
dress, was a mem-
ber of Scott’s Cav-
alry, and served in
the army from the
beginning to the
end of the war.
Like many other
Southern women,
to whom the war
is as a dream, she
is an ardent be-
liever in the sa-
cred principles
her father and
friends fought for,
is a worshipper of
the memories of
the “lost cause,”
and is devoted to
the story of its
victories and de-
feats, and the val-
or of its brave sol-
diers and heroic
Possessed of a good mind, well educated, being an
expert in figures, a rapid and tireless worker, she is a
very valuable assistant in the organization of such a
great enterprise. She had exceptional advantages for
this peculiar work, having assisted Adj’t Gen. Moor-
man through all his labors in the organization of the
Veteran Confederate States Cavalry Association, which
was bis conception, and embraced a division in each
Southern State, commanded by a Vice-President, with
one President commanding the body. That organiza-
tion was effected by him in L888, and the two great
covalry reunions, under his direction, took place in
New Orleans in 1888 and 1889, bringing together vet-
erans from every State. Miss Childress, as stenogra-
pher and Secretary, assisted in these memorable reun-
ions, familiarizing herself with names and places of
all leading veterans. When Gen. Moorman was ap-
pointed Adj’t to Gen. Gordon he at once secured her
valuable services, and to which duties she has applied
herself ever since with the devotion of an Eastern wor-
shiper. She reported the proceedings of our last great
reunion at New ( Orleans.
A sketch of Gen. Moorman was requested, with pic-
ture, and lie replied: ” I do not send mine, as I natu-
rally feel modest about it. My work will speak for
me — only thirty-three Camps when 1 took hold, now
over live hundred. I have done it simply out of my
devotion to and love of the old veterans and our glo-
rious cause.
S. \V. Meek, Manager and Treasurer Southwestern
Publishing House, Nashville, Tenn., January 1, 1894:
In answer to request for verification to your assertion
that you have the most influential publication in the
South, I would say that my only experience has been
with your advertising department. 1 have used nearly
every large paper in the South, and the Veteran is the
best medium that I have used.
Books Supplied by S. A. Cunningham,
Nashville, Tenn.
John Esten Cook’s complete works, time payments. $9.
“The .Southern Cross,” by Mrs. L. K. Messenger. $1.
“Four Years in the Stonewall Brigade,” by .1. (). Casler, $2.
“That Old-Time Child Roberta,” by Mrs. Sophie FoxLea,$l.
“Immortelles,” by Maj. S. K. Phillips, Chattanooga, 50 cents.
“The Other Side,” a thrilling poem of 300 lines, by Virginia
Frazier Boyle, Mr. Davis being her theme. SI.
“Sketch of the Battle of Franklin, and Reminiscences of
Camp Douglas,” by John M. Copley. $1.
“How It Was, or lour Years With the Rebel Army,” a
thrilling story by Mrs. Irby Morgan, of Nashville. This is a
charming hook. $1.
“Hancock’s Diary, or History of the Second Tennessee Cav-
alry. A large octavo hook, wit ii many portraits and biographic
sketches. The frontispiece is a tine steel engraving of Gen.
N. B. Forrest. $2.60.
“Bright Skies ami Dark Shadows,” by Henry M. Field, I). I).
$1.50. This book comprises a series of It-tiers on the South.
Fifty pages are devoted lo the battle of Franklin, and the au-
thor is especially complimentary to this editor. The closing
chapters are on stonewall Jackson and Robert E. bee.
“The Civil War.”
(Jen. Stephen I >. bee, Agricultural College, Mississippi,
writes to Mrs. Ann E. Snyder, author of “The Civil War”:
Your history has very important information in it. The facts
are pleasantly and Strongly presented, and I think it should be
used as a supplementary reader in all classes studying the his-
tory of the civil war.
Confederate Veterans’ Reunion, Birmingham,
Ala., April 25-26, 1894.
The Richmond & Danville Railroad and the Georgia Pacific
Railway will make special reduced rate of one fare for the
round trip for all persons attending the Confederate Veterans’
Reunion at Birmingham, Ala.. 26th and L’tith of this month.
This is going to be a great gathering of the oil soldiers and
their friends, and the people of Birmingham are expecting
many thousands to be in attendance.
The Richmond A Danville and the Georgia Pacific are mak-
ing preparations to handle the veterans from all along the line
in Virginia, the Carolinas, Georgia Alabama and Mississippi,
and the low rate of one fare offered makes it within reach of
all to enjoy the great pleasures on that occasion.
Call on ticket agents of the lines named for full information
Qopfederat^ l/eterap.
Published Monthly in the lnn,\ ^* r 8t ^Wif^’ <7/V Veterans and Kindred Topics.
Price, $1.00 pkr Year. | \r_i tt
lOcts. a Copy. | * Ol. li.
Nashville, Tenn., May, 1894.
The young lady represents) i
Btates al tlie reunion oi United Con-
tederate Veterans al Birmingham, are
8R follow S
The top row of five in picture, from
left to right.
A \mi: McDoUG si i>. Ga.
CARBla < ’01 HBAN, Alii.
Lizzie Ci.arkk, Va.
Eleanor Graa bb, Ky.
Ei 1/ 1 iiki n Paw o, Kla.
The middle row of five, from
left to right
1.1 I I \ M”\ I »GI B, Mil.
l’.TT S Mill IIKI I . Ml8S.
A HI ! I 1 I VI St
I. \ri; s I’.. . \ t. |. \as.
\ o \ \ iswis, La.
is., lower ill front.
A dei k Mi Murray, Tenn.
r.i 98ii Hbndi rsov, N. C.
This list does not comprise all
who were selected bat simply
lit and par-
m In Quantity, Quality, stvli
and Price, of th.-ir
Watches Retailed at Wholesale ricts
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry,
Class and Society Badges and Gold Medals a Specialty
Price 25 ett.
JAMES B. CARR, Manager.
131 Gay Street, KNOXVILLE. TENN.,
Proposes to sell to the n adei – i
the VbtbkXn, a watch of anj <i
-■■i 1 1 ii it >ii ai w ii< ilesa le prlce.w b l<
less than tl lej •■■■
In boughi from any retal i dealer,
Such an offer Is not made i \ era
rtaj and you may not meel with
this opportunity again, so do not
delay, but seud al <»i for price
list. Every watch warranted :i*
-. n ted and will be sen tto any
address C.O. D., with prlvilegi o!
examining before’paj Ing.
will be given to any charitable institution in Nashville,
— if it is not a fact that —
did have, in the pasl 12 months, more h ritten applications for Bookkeepers
ami Stenographers than any other Business College in Middle Tennessee
has had for past ten years.
Comparison invited. It has more, stronger and better indorse-
ments from merchants and bookkeepers than any other Business College
in the South.
Four weeks by Draughon’s method of bookkeeping is equal to I welve
by the old plan. Positions guaranteed, under certain conditions Eleven
teachers. Six hundred students in the past year. No vacation. Enter any
time. Cheap board. Senil for free (Hi-page catalogue. Address
i. F. DRAUGHON, President, Nashville, Tenn.
N. H. \\V have recently prepared hooks on Bookkeeping, Shorthand
and Penmanship, especially adapted to ” Home Study.” Sent on
sixty days trial. Hundreds have been benefited hundreds of dollars
by ordering our publications. Why not you?
Address as above.
/ ^SSsy/tCS’
Oldest Association and Best Fair In the State.
September 11 – 16, ’94.
*5,ooo.ookIvi-h in premiums, purses and prizes.
Three trotting and pacing races per day.
IfOn account of its nearness to the battlefield
of Stone will lie specially attractive
to war veterans, ah ‘lay trains stop at the
grounds during Fair week. Grounds situated
Just one mile from the historic town of Mur-
freesboro, and cannot be excelled for beauty.
AddrcRS .1. W. SPARKS, ,1k., the Secretary
at Murfreesboro, for an attractive catalogue.
Whitehall and Alabama Streets.
Circulars and Catalogues Mailed Free to Any Address.
Zbe IRasbville Hmerican,
THE VETERAN and its Souvenir,
The old, old American, ever true to the people of the South, under Its new management with
Hon. J. M. Head, President, continues its helpful influence to the Veteran In the liberal
spirit manifested by the above club rate.
Qotyfedera t^ l/eterap.
Published Monthly in the Interest of Confederate Veterans and Kindred Topics.
Prick, 10 Cents. I \7 ~\ TT
Yearly, 81. f VOL II.
Nashville, Tenn., May, 1S94.
■VT_ . rs. A. ( lNNINUHAM,
1-NU. 5. \ Proprietor.
Entered at the Pofltoffloe, Nashville. Tenn.. as seconil-elass matter
Advertisements: Two dollars per inch one time, or 8*20 a year, ex-
cept last page. One page, one time, apodal, WO. Dlsoount: Half year,
one-issue; one year, two Issues. Tins is an Increase on former rate.
Contributors will please be diligent to abbreviate. The spai
important for any thing ttiat has not special merit.
The date to subscriptions is alwaya given to the month bt
eii’ls. lor instance. If tin- Vktf.ras be ordered to begin with Janu-
ary, tin- date on mall list will he December, and the subscriber enti-
tled to that Dumber.
Though men deserve, they may not win BUI
The i, rave will honor the i ‘rave, vanquished none the less.
Many beautiful testimonials to the merit of the
Souvenir have been received, ami extracts of commen-
dation would he cordially approved by patrons M
present bul one testimonial is given. It i- from Mr.
John C. Latham, Jr., of the well-known Southern Hank-
ing House in New York. Latham, Alexander & Co
In sending a yearly advertisement to the Vbti
the extraordinary complimenl is paid it. being al-
most the only journal used by that firm to advertise
in a quarter century. They advertise annually by a
Buperb volume tilled with valuable cotton statistics.
etc. Mr. Latham erected, at a cost of about ten thou-
sand dollars, a few years ago, a monument to the “un-
known dead” in the cemetery at his old home. Hop-
kinsvjlle. Ky. In a congratulatory letter about the
Souvenir, he says: ” You are doing an excellent Berv-
iee iii thus attractively compiling the records of those
memorable days when romance and tragedy combined
under the name of the Civil War to make the most
eventful epoch in American history. Your magazine
must commend itself to every surviving Confederate
The Souvenir is due to all subscribers who pay $1.
Those who paid 50 cents will, on renewal at the dollar,
he entitled to it as lone; as the edition lasts.
Tin State Association of the Sons of Confederate
Veterans of Alabama, organized April 26th at Bir-
mingham, is composed of wide-awake, energetic voung
men. who will do a good work in perpetuating the
memory of their fathers’ valor. The Veteran would
like to print a full report of the organization, but it is
unable to give the required space this issue. That the
Association will be a success goes without saying, with
such officers as Commander Rufus K. Rhodes, In-
spector General Roundtree, Second Brigadier General
R. P. Kelly and others.
I\ ■ onversation with Judge George I!. Sage, United
States District Judge tor the Southern district of
Ohio, who is now holding Court in Nashville, he
>aid that he was quite interested in an article in
the last number of the CONFEDERATE Veteran un-
der the title “The Name of Our War.” The Judge
1 it -truck him that it would be very ditlicult to
lix upon any new name that would be generally recog-
nized and adopted, and that, in his view, “The Re
hellion” wa- the best and strongest nam. lb said
there wa- something sturdy ami brave and manly in I
word “Rebel,” and that it indicated one who had the
courage of his convictions and was ready to tight for
them; that he never liked the term “Confederate”
because, especially to a lawyer, there was a suggestion
of something concealed or furtive or in tie nature of
a conspiracy about it. while “Rebellion” was open
ami abovi -board.
The Judge further remarked that the difference be-
tween Rebellion and Revolution was simply the dif-
Failure and success; that the govern-
ment of the United state- wa- born of rebellion and
baptized in repudiation; that our forefatl all
rebels until they -u and the war they waged
was a Rebellion until by then they made it a
Revolution. 11. -aid that of course he was not think-
ing of the terms Rebellion and Rebel as expressive of
derision or reproach, but simply as difinitive of tie
leal condition.
In the same conversation with the distinguished
itleman — he was an old line Whig, ami is a con-
servative Republican — he related these singular facte
” The oath of office was administered to me by United
Stat.- Judge Hammond, of Memphis then holding
court in Cincinnati’, on the 7th of April, L883, the
anniversary of the battle of Shiloh, in which Judge
Hammond fought on the Southern side. When Lord
Coleridge, Chief Justice of England, was making the
tour of the United States in the fall of that year he
Stated, at Cincinnati, that Queen Victoria would ha
made Mr. Judah P. Benjamin, Confederate iry
of State, who went to England after the war and en-
gaged in the practice of law, a judge of the Chic, i
Bench but for the suggestion by Mr. Gladstone that it
might be regarded by the United Si an un-
friendly act. When the fact that the iron clad oath of
e had that very year been administered to me by
United States Judge Hammond, an ex-Rebel, was men-
tioned to Lord Coleridge, he was greatly surprised and
gratified, and said that such a thing could not happen
in any country on the globe except the United St
For many months I have believed that should an
emergency come one thousand persons would volun-
teer to furnish five dollars each as substantia] support
1″ the Veteran. There are more than a thousand in
arrears now on subscription account, and, besides, ex-
– are crushing these had times. Thousands of
comrades seem to have forgotten the countersign, and
the Sergeants have neglected roll call, although twice
summoned. Now, comrades, this won’t do.
Attention! Note this extraordinary fact: This lit-
tle Veteran is commended officially, yea, sacredly,
by more organizations of noble men than has ever
any periodical, no doubt, in history. Refer to
the list comprising nearly three pages, with but our
line to an organization, with many more to come, and
think of the thousands all over the South who. after
bending the stiffened knee in prayer during their busi-
i — proceedings, while providing Cor afflicted com-
rades and other sacred duties, say, upon their love of
i ountry and sacred honor, that the Confederate Vet-
eran deserves the support of all good men. Think,
then, of your duty. Are you getting the Veteran
: nd letting the time for renewal pass month after
month without a word in explanation’.’ Don’t you
know that disaster would follow quickly upon such
Comrade, answer, ‘”Here!” If you can’t pay say
so. There are about 500 whose subscriptions are in
single wrappers, and with the wrapper goes tin- date
of subscription. If yon have neglected to observe the
date write at once for information. All others can
tell at a glance below their names whether it is time
to renew. Now for a remembrance roll :
1 appeal for a thousand volunteers who will furnish
$5 with six name- to whom the Souvenir | now ready i
and VETERAN lor a year may he sent. To you who
have supplied many subscriptions, as well as to you
who have done nothing beyond paying your own sub-
scription, 1 appeal to write me at once and say that
you will secure a half dozen subscribers within thirty
days and remit So for the six. Are you too busy to
attend to it? If so, confer with friends and decide
upon some one who ought to have the VETERAN hut
can’t pay for it, and see that he or she secures live
subscriptions at 81 each, and an extra copy will be
sent to him or her free, including Souvenir.
Friend, this is to you. Please send your name for
my remembrance book. I couldn’t tell you in a sin-
gle Veteran the good that would come through such
co-operation. Your general co-operation is necessary
now. Your co-operation can, in a week, place the
Veteran in royal attitude from a husiness standpoint.
To you, good friends, who. have already done much,
write me. if only to Bay you can do no more.
To you who have done nothing hut hand fifty cuts
to a voluntary solicitor, please come to the front now
and send your name to be entered on my remembrance
hook, saying you will secure six subscriptions and
-end 15 right away, ‘fie- Souvenir to 1.,- sent as above.
Let there he no exceptions in this appeal, [f each
friend of the VETERAN will do what he or she can to
promote its interests during the first week in June, in-
cluding the ninth, and report by’that day. the result
will put the Veteran on a ha<is commene
with its high indorsement throughout the South.
Comrades, brothers, friends, will yov act in this
ter? Will vnr write and report, if only to say you
could do nothing in the time designated? You was
asked to write five letters to advertisers in last Vet-
eran. If you did so report it. and a year’s subscrip-
tion will he credited to anyone you will name. [£
this co-operation he given I can make the Veteran
far better than it has yet been. .May I have from YOU
the letter containing assurance of your continued de-
votion to the greatest of issues in our generation? The
Vetehan, by such co-operation, would glisten in the
sunlight of truth, and its popularity would make it
an honor to Southern and to American patriotism.
Answer, “Here! ”
Gen. John (‘. Underwood sends out under date of
May 11th. special order No. 1, in which he states that
owing to the fact that the monument erected over the
Confederate dead buried in Oakwood’s Cemetery,
Chicago, has a debt upon it of nearly $2,500; and be-
cause of late subscriptions to the said monument fund
by various (amps. r. (‘. V., aggregating over $1,800,
with promises of enough more to enable the -paying
off’ of all obligations, when collections shall have
been made, it is deemed expedient to defer the dedi-
catory ceremonies. ”Therefore, the public dedication
of the Confederate monument in Oakwood’s Ceme-
tery is hereby postponed, from May 30, 1894, as origin-
ally contemplated, until such time as the structure
shall befr f debt.”
Map. J. B. Briggs, Commander of the John W. Cald-
well Camp I’. C. V. at llussellville, Ky., reports assur-
ing plans for a reunion of the Orphan Brigade at
Russellville, Sept. 4th. The organization includes
Morgan’s Cavalry. Commander Briggs was directed
by the Camp to invite the Tennessee [ )i vision of Con-
federate soldiers specially as its organization has ever
been embraced in its annual and official reports. Ar-
rangements are being made for a royal entertainment
to every Confederate who can be then’.
Col. R. B. Coleman, of Me A lister, Indian Territory,
reports the death of Comrade Treadaway, who served
in the 4th Mississippi Cavalry and was a member of
the l”. C. Y. Camp at McAlister.
It was the purpose of the Veteran to print, in
ular order, the proceedings of the Tinted Veterans at
Birmingham, official. Request was made of 1
Moorman, who did not reply, but a few days since the
– cretary wrote that his “accident was of a most seri-
ous nature, and unless the greatest care is exerted he
will lose his eye-sight.” Cause of accident oot given.
Reasons are given elsewhere why a full, fresh, spir-
ited i< was I1( ,i prepared at the time. The notee
that do appear, however, will be inti f them-
selves, and ere long it is expected that all the trans-
tions of importance will Hud place in the Veteran.
It is with pride and gratitude that this number will
contain sketches and pictures of comrades who, from
the body of the I tion, secured thi opportunity
for the brotherhood to declare it- wish in behalf of
this little periodical. The precise record ha- !
mpiled through much expensi and care. It was
fully intended to give thi leading points in the report
of Historical Committee, hut a revised reporl has not
been procured.
I M’.l I \l \ I \ I ERT \1\MI N I \ I MIK WI’.W \M.
Concerning the tableaux entertainment there was
disappointment by the veterans, who exp< om-
plimentary admission both niglits. It was so ordered
the Becond night. The original purpose in charging
admission was evidently for protection against an
over-crowded audience, as well as for revenue. The
receipts were about 11,600, with about – ipenees.
The reunion cost about $2,500, aside of private help.
The entertainment given in the two evening
Wigwam was novel object lessons in history. Four-
teen Southern states each sent an attractive young
lady to take her place in the tableaux of the States.
in the laudable desire to illustrate the history of
1860-5, in the secession 1860-1. Then byanotherand
most beautiful tableaux, representing the condition of
the Confederate States after Lee crossed the Potomac
from the disaster at Gettysburg. In this the eleven
states appeared in deepest black. As the curtain rose
they were seen working in sadness of spirit for the
Boldiers in the army. Georgia had grown restive and
threatened to withdraw, when beautiful Majestic Vir-
ginia was seen to approach her sister State and gently
draw her hack again. At the time the dead were be-
ing brought home, a silver cross descended over the
body, by which five of the afflicted States wen –
to kneel, two at the foot and head each, one on the
side, while the rest of the states, with eyes cast above,
showed whence alone hope could come. It was an
impressive, beautiful scene, and could not fail to illus-
trate its meaning to those who remembered that event-
ful time in our past. The ladies next appeared after
the war was over, when reunited to Maryland. Ken-
tucky and Missouri, appeared the “Solid South.” In
this picture each lady was dressed in the beautiful,
simple Greek costume, with new hope — Peace in the
Union. That there should he no lingering suspicion
of disloyalty to the old Hag, the whole ended with a
union of the gray and the blue. Maj. Tate, in an
old. tattered Confederate uniform, resting his hand
upon the stacked arms, with Maj. Hunter, G. A. R., in
blue, on tlie other side. Above, and in the rear, with
the stars and stripes unfurled, was thi- beautiful
lumbia,” resting her left hand on a shield of gold, on
which was painted the eagle and coat of arms of the
I’nited St
This entertainmi md beautiful
feature in future reunions :in ,| cannot fai
(‘apt- (reed Milstead, of Ohio, had pn n ad-
a- requested, hut -aw 1 ! ntion w
busy he simply paid ! .re of his
not. –
I have been Burrounded, but this is the fin
aptured, and if I had had the assuram
ing the same hearty and generous treatment
during the war that ha- been I me hv .
you old sold • my arrival in Birmingham, I
don’t know hut what 1 should have let you scoop me
up in my fir-t ent.
Comrades, 1 am here in response to a cordial inv ita-
ist June by your Honorable Adjutant
mi. Moorman, of New Orleans, La., in whi<
me earnest i with the I’nited Cot
B, at thi- reunion He i me
every assurance of receivings hearty welcome by the
hrave survivors of the Southern Army. All of his
promises have been more than verified.
I am here to commingle with the hrave survivors of
your army who marched and fought for a cause with
a- holiest .on ,nd a- pure motive- a- were my
own. But the primary cause of my coming here is to
one of the bravest survivors of the Southern
Army, a man. who to-day i^ fighting life’s haul-
one limb — the other he gai
he loved. I allude to (apt. R. H. Phelps, of I. at.
– whom I found on the field in the 1
the battle near Lynchburg, Va., on June 17.
Our go…! Chaplain, Joseph Little, who long yeai
I the dark river, and to-day is bivouaced on
•■Fame- eternal camping ground.” and I, kepi Capt.
Phelps at our headquarters, and did all we could
through the long hours of that eventful night to alle-
viate his Bufferings. We cut his hoots off Ids feet, and
kept his frightful wounds bathed constantly in cold
water. We were lying close up to your line
indeed, that we could not build fires without having
them extinguished by had from your guns. The
next morning we fell back into a woods to reform our
for the Becond day’s battle, and with as wi
ried Capt. Phelps, whom we delivered to our hospital
department, and we went on into the fight of another
day. That afternoon our army was forced to r<
towards the Kanawha Valley, and our Confederate
friend was left behind.
Nearly thirty years have elapsed since we. in the
dismal who. Is in front of Lynchburg, delivered (‘apt.
Phelps into the hands of the hospital attendants, and
this is the first time we have had the pleasure of meet-
ing each other, and to-day w are as happy “Johnny”
and “Yank” as the most fastidious could wish to
Every 17th of June, from 1864 to 1891, I have never
failed to think of this incident, and would wonder
J 32
whether my friend Phelps had survive! witli his
(rounds and was still living.
On Juno 30, L891. I Bent a detailed accounl of the
incident to the Wheeling, West Ya.. Register, which
was published, and Sergeant Joseph c. McMohen, one
of Capt. Phelps’ comrades, seeing it. wrote me at once,
giving iii>’ his post-office address. The remainder of
this history is easily told. We have Keen correspond-
ing with each other regularly ever since 1891, have
exchanged photographs of ourselves and families, and
our correspondence will he continued as long as we
both live.
While hen- and before yon. comrades, I desire to say
a word for the Union soldier. Eaving had the honor
of serving two consecutive years as Inspector of the
Department of Ohio, during which time I have met
and conversed with nearly every soldier in the State,
and yon may believe me. when I say that 1 have yet
to meet one who bears any animosity or ill feeling
towards the true soldiers of the Southern Army.
We Stand ready and willing to receive you as broth-
era of our Tinted Republic.
1 shall hear to my Northern home hut the pleasant
recollections of the courteous manner in which 1 was
eived and treated by the members of your organi-
zation, and trust that our commingling together may
be instrumental in producing a good effect.
It has afforded me great pleasure to he with you on
this occasion. The years are rolling rapidly by; in a
very short time the last soldier of the two great arm-
ies that confronted each other in battle from 1861 to
65, will have received orders to report on the parade
grounds of heaven, there to march in grand review
Before the great Commander of us all. who will judge
alike both the blue and the gray.
Gen. Jackson, of Tennessee, eloquently introduced
to the audience Gen. Miller, the Department Com-
mander of the Grand Army of the Republic of Ala-
bama, who was there with a token of regard for Gen.
Gordon, who saved the life of Gen. Francis C. Barlow.
Commander .Miller presented, in the typical manner
of an American soldier, a cane cut from the place
which is known as Harlow’s Hill, to Gen. Gordon,
[All during this time continued cheers for the blue
and the gray.]
Gen. Gordon, in accepting the cane, said :
‘on. Miller, it would he idle for me to attempt to
express in words what I feel upon this presentation.
1 can only Bay that in that war there did never come
into my breast or in the breasts of any of these brave
men here to-day, a single feeling of animosity, hut
that they were inspired by that one word, duty, only
duty. And now, looking hack over that war I can
say. and I know 1 express the sentiment of all these
veterans, that it matters not what flag a soldier fol-
lowed, it matters not what uniform he wore, since he
was there through a conviction of duty and conscious-
ness of the call of his country had inspired him, ami
he was willing to laydown his life at the call of duty.
As such we welcome you here to-day. I welcome you
as a one time foe hut now a friend, and I stand to
pledge to you the loyalty of as brave a people as the
sun ever shone upon. And now, sir, in behalf of this
brotherhood I bid you most hearty welcome.
Gen. Gordon”s reply to Gen. Miller was pathetic and
most appropriate.
Upon notice of his re-election as Commander of the
United Veterans, Gen. Gordon said:
Comrades, I have no language at my command ca-
pable of conveying to you the sentiment which wells
up in my heart at this honor you have given.
It had been my purpose to retire from this office and
leave it to some one worthier than myself. [Voi( • –
“Couldn’t he found.”] I accept the honor, comrades,
with all the love and loyalty to you and your cause
that ever throbbed in a Southern heart. 1 want to
say one thing before I take my seat: I won’t detain
you long. [Voices: “Go on, go on.”] In my opin-
ion, and this opinion is based upon long thought and
investigation of history and inquiry, there never ex-
isted in the history of the world, ami there may never
exist in the history of the world, an army that, from
a standpeint of courage and in other particulars,
equaled the Confederate Army of the South. Whether
led by great leaders or not, whether thirsty or hungry
or haggard, they marched into the gloom with a cour-
age unparalleled in the history or all the ages that
have passed. That reminds me of an occasion when
a one-legged old Confederate veteran had been dis-
charged on account of the loss of his leg. He went
into a prayer-meeting where Brother Brown was lead-
ing in prayer, and in the course of that prayer Brother
Brown said: “Heavenly Father, we pray thee to give
us more courage in this strife that is now going on.
give us more manhood,” when this old soldier cried
out, unable to contain himself any longer, and said,
“Hold on, Brother Brown, hold on there, you are all
wrong. Pray for more ammunition and provisions,
we have manhood and courage enough.”
Every man of that army, a hero, was willing to
march to the front ami w in victories, whether he had
a leader or not. May God care for and protect each
of these Confederates to the day of his death. The
man who marched into front of battle and made his
leaders and his Generals.
God go with you when you leave here, and remain
with you through the days that are to be yours. May
his luight skies cover you, and his sunlight gladdi
your old hearts through those days.
Commendable zeal is exercised by the people at
Calhoun, Ga., in caring for the Besaca Confederate
deail buried near there. That is a cemetery in which
Southerners from many sections should be interested.
Mr. .1. ( ). Middleton sends the following list of some
of the Tennessceans buried therewith their company
and regiment: .1. 11. Waddy. 32d; F. Russell, Co. A.
and .1. A. Gihnore, Co. B, 45th; -I. W. Lester, Co. I
29th; .1. II. Savage, 20th; A. Thelton, 18th; A. Y.
Simonton, and three unknown soldiers belonging to
9th; .1. Lipsheets, Co. G, John Ingles, Co. D, and J. W.
Rathens, Co. C, 8th.
(five something to this worthy cause, no matter how
small the amount. J. 0. M.
The nephew of the gallant John lVlham, whose
name was changed by the Legislature to Charles
Thomas Pelham, is a resident still of El l’aso, Texas.
An error in printing notes by L. B. Giles, who was
one of Terry’s Texas Rangers, suggests this note.
Mark Cockrill, Jr. : ” * * * Ifes, we are indeed
a good ways off, but the Veteran comes like a voice
from Dixie.” He writes from Lucille, Montana.
On Saturday. May 5, 1894, request was mailed to the Confederate organizations for written information as
to whether represented at Birmingham in the Convention of United Confederate Veterans, and if so. whether
they voted for the VETERAN as official organ of the United Veterans; also as to whether they had made the
Veteran their own organ, or contemplated doing so. It will he seen, on examination, that there is not one
word of unkindness expressed from any BOUTce. The ‘don’t know.” “think not.” etc., don’t in a single in-
stance indicate disfavor. The only declination to make the Veteran “it- own organ ” by any Camp is by
one of 23 members, whose Secretary states that while it appreciates the good work the VETERAN has done
.ind is doing, it declines since the action of 1’nited Confederate Veterans at Birmingham to vote for an]
official organ. Its reason for such position is misunderstood. Theirs is the only report not in the list.
if i ■ pi • sented
No. at Bfrm’gham Has It made I( it bat
Pobtoffice. \vm> oi ‘ vmi’. Mem- <li>l It vote for the Veteran Its doeeltcoi Nami ■•> “incra.
ben. Veteran as Its own organ? plate doing »o?
official organ?
Alexandria Alexandria 14 ves ves C. Martin. Com.
Anniston Pelham 110 ves no action K. M Sight, Com.
Auburn Auburn -41 ves ye- Gen. Jae II Lane, Adji
Bessemer Bessemer !«i ves ves W. R. -lone-. Com.
Birmingham W. .1. Hardee.. 850 Ves ves K. E. Jones, Com.
Coalburg Frank Cheat ham 15 ves ves F. P. Lewis, Com.
Dadeville Crans-Kimbal 150 no action may do so W.C. Mcintosh, Com.
Florence E. A. O’Neal 131 ves ves A. M. O’Neal, Com.
Fori Payne W. N. Eetee 80 ves yes 1. M. Davidson, Com.
Hartselle Friendship 76 ves yes Matt K. Mahan, Com.
Greenville Sam Adams 11 didn’t vote …not vet yes Ed. Crenshaw, Com.
Lowndesboro T. -I. Bullock 42 don’t know ves C. I>. Whitman. Adjt,
Lower Teach Tree….R. H. 0. Gaines 34 ves ves B. 1>. Portis, Com.
Moundville Woodruff is it did we have Fohn S. Powere, Com.
Oxford Camp Fee !I7 ves ves Thomas H. Barry, Com.
Pearce’s Mills R. E. Fee I” ‘. don’t know .1. Pearce, Com.
Piedmont Stewart 78 yes ves .1. N Hood. Com.
Roanoke Aiken-Smith 194 ves ye- W \ Handler. Com.
Scale J. F. Waddell 36 not vet yes R. IF B< llamy. Com.
Springville Springville 68 ves yes A. W \\ oodall, Com.
Tnomasville Leander McParland… 92 don’t know … not yet yee G. B. Hall. Adjt.
Wedewee Randolph 74 don’t know don’t know …can’t say… C. C. Enloe, Com.
Hope Camp Gratiot 80 think bo.. N. W. Stewart, Com.
Hot Springs Ubert Pike 125 yes A. Curl, Adjt.
Huntingdon Stonewall Jackson…. 210 ves L. B. Fake, Com
Morrilton Robert W. Harper 136 no yes W. S. Hanna, Com.
Oxford Oxford 25 can’t say… F. M. Gibson, Com.
Prescott Walter Bragg 125 yes W. J. Blake. Com.
Brooksville W. W. Loring 44 ves ves Fred I.. Robertson, Adjt.
Chiplev McMillan 135 ves yes S. M. Robertson, Com.
DeFuniak Springs.. .E. Kirby-Smith 40 ves no not sugg’st’d.F T. Stnbbs, Com.
Jacksonville R. E. Fee 1051 ves ves G. T. Maxwell, Com.
LakeCity E. A. Perry 109 yes yes W.Ives, Adjt.
Ocala ” Marion Con Ass’n….lO0 ves J. M. Mays. ( om.
Pensacola Camp Ward 110 yes W. E. Anderson Com.
Sanford Gen. Jos. Finnegan… 30 ves ves C. H. Leffler, Adjt.
St. Augustine E. Kiiby-Smith 32 yes yes L \\ Spitler, Com.
Tallahassee Thomson B.Lamar… 28 can’t sav 1> Lang, Com.
Carnesville Millican 75 no no don’t know J. C. McCarter, Com.
Dalton J. E. Johnston 67 ves ves \. P. Roberts, Com.
Hawkinsville Con. Vet. Associat’n..l50 W. L. Once, Com.
LaGrange Troup County Camp. 97 yes yes J. L. Schaub, Com.
Macon… Bibb County 100 C. M. Wiley, Com.
Rome Con. Vet. Associat’n..l25 don’t know F. G. Yeiser, Com.
Summerviiie Chattooga Co. Ass’n… 32 no no don’t know L. R. Williams, Com.
Talbotton L.B.Smith 115 yes not yef hope so …B. Curley, Com.
Augusta Inlm B. Hood <; yea John s. Bradley, Com.
B( iUmi Alfred Johnston 4U little interest ‘. I. I’. Brian, Com.
Bethel Pat Cleburne 12 ves ves In. Arrasmith, Com.
Campton George W. Cox 6 ‘. ves (‘. C”. Hanks. Adjt.
Carlisle Peter Bramblett 8 ‘. ves Thomas Owens, Com.
Eminence E. Kirby-Smith 6 W. L. Crabb. Com.
Georgetown George W.Johnson… ‘■’»’> ves A. X. Sinclair, Com.
Barrodsburg William Preston 20 ves ves Bush W. Allen. Com.
Henderson Con. Soldiers’ Ass’n… 64 ‘. ‘. yes R. H. Cunningham, Adjt
Hopkinsville Ned Merriwether 17 yes C. P. Jarrett, Com.
Lexington John c. Breckinridge.200 yes has indorsed it John Boyd, Com.
Paducah Lloyd Tighlman……. in ‘. no action 1. V. Greif, Adjt
Paducah \. i’. Thompson 71 ves yes I. M. Browne, Adjt.
Russellville John W. Caldwell yea yes I. B. Briggs, Com.
Bi Qton Loudon Butler 52 ves yes S. M. Thomas. ( lorn.
Bernick Winchester Hall 15 Ves it wifl do so
Compte Cap. Perot yes Leopold Perot, Com.
Jackson ‘ Feliciana 45 yes Z. Lea. Coin.
Lake ( harles Calcasieu 250 yes yes Dr. W. A. Knapp, Com.
Merrick Isaiah Norwood 22 ‘no ‘no don’t know 1>. T. Merrick. Com.
Lay vi lie. Richland 47 ves yes I. S. Sum merlin, Com.
Ruston Con. Vet. Associat’n..l05 don’t know will lay before Camp.. A. Barksdale, Com.
Tangipahoa Moore < >. I’. Amacker, Com.
Anguilla Patrick R. Claiborne.. 19 not yet yes I. C. Hall, Com.
Canton E. Giles Henry 75 ves ves lames M. Grafton. Adjt.
Chester R. G. Prewitt.. 20 don’t know think not … will see ….I. H. Evans.’Com.
Columbus Isham Harrison 46 yes yes YV. A. Campbell, Adjt.
ada W. R. Barksdale 50 would like to do so I. \V. Young, Com.
Hickory Flat Hickory Flat 35 yes think so I. D. Lakey, Com.
Iuka Lamar 102 will bring before Camp….G. I’. Hammersley, Com.
Kosciusko William Barksdale … 04 …can’t say C. H. Campbell, (om.
Lexington Walter L. Keirn 65 don’t know… try to do so next meeting.. II. J, Reid, Com.
Maben Stephen D.Lee 10 yes sir 0. B. Cooke, Com.
Okalona W. F. Tucker 50 don’t know B. J. Abbott, Com.
Senatobia Bill Feeney 90 think it will G. D. Shands, Com.
Woodville Woodville 21 yes yes P. M. Stockett, Adjt.
Exeter Sterling Price II yes yes lames Montgomery, Com
Morley Maj. James Parrott… 50 not present : ‘. it may A. J. Gupton, Com.
Charlotte Mecklenburg 15 hope so I). G. Maxwell, Adjt.
Clinton Sampson 22 hope so R. II. Holliday, Com.
Hickory Catawba lln yes yes 1. G. Hall, Com.
Pittsboro Leonidas .1. Merritt… H» hope so ‘. W. L. London, Com.
Salisbury Col. Chas. T. Fisher…l78 yes ves C. R. Barker, Adjt.
States vi lie Col. p. (:ii i, pi, ell :;7 yes yes P. C. Carlton. Com.
Wilmington Cape Fear 143 yes not formally yes W. L. DeRosset, Com.
Aiken Barnard E. Pee :io<i ves ves B. H. Teague, Com.
Charleston Palmetto Guard In ‘ves yes A. W. Lanneau, Adjt.
I “l ui n liia Hampton 91 yes yes A. P. Brown, Com.
Edgefield C. H V.bner Perrin 75 yes ves I. II. brooks, Com.
Greenville It. c. Pulliam 130 yes yes P. T. Hayne, Adjt.
Hyman Hampton 22 don’t know M. L. Munn, Com. ”
Newberry lames I). Nance 186 yes yes C V. Boyd, Adjt.
Pickens C. H Wolf Creek 59 yes not yet ‘. J. A. Griffin, < lorn.
Rock Hill Catawba 52 yes I. Jones, Adjt,
Simpsonville Manning Austin :’.li yes not yet ‘. W. P. Gresham, Com.
Spartanburg Camp Walker 85 don’t know, will bring before Camp loseph Walker, Com.
Summerville Gen. .lames Conner…l 12 yes George Tupper, Com.
Alamo Joseph E.Johnston… f>”> yes J. B. Humphreys. Com.
Brownsville H. 8. Bradford 68 not yet George C. Porter. Com.
Chattanooga N. B. Forrest V>2 ves yes L. T. Dickinson, Com.
Clarksville Forbes 17<> yes yes Butler Boyd, Com.
Fayetteville Shackleford-Fulton . . . H x i not advised. . n<> expres-‘n W. A. Miles, Com.
Knoxville Felix K. Zollicoffer… 56 yes Charles Ducloux, Adjt.
Lewisburg Dibrell 52 ves yes *. s. T. Hardison, Com.
McKenzie Stonewall Jackson…. 56 yes Ves J. 1’. Cannon. Com.
Nashville Frank Cheatham 350 yes ves lohn P. Hickman, Adjt.
Pikeville II. M. Ashby 87 ves yes L. T. Billingly, Com.
Winchester Turney ‘. 1 1 1 don’t know yes I. K. Jones. Com.
Abilene Abilene 92 has not think bo…T. W. Daugherty, Adjt.
Alvarado Mvarado 55 ves ves 1. R. Posey, Adjt.
Archei City stonewall Jackson…. 65 ‘. ves T. M. Cecil, Adjt.
A.urora R. (}. Mills 20 ves yes 6. W. Short. Com.
Bonham Sul Rosa yes ‘. ves J. P. Holmes. Com.
Brazoria Clinton Terry 36 yes yes W F. Smith, Com.
Calvert W. P. Townsend 200 yes yes I W Higginbothani.Com
Canton 1. I.. Hogg 1 4n ‘. ves W. D. Thompson, Adjt.
Chi. o Mcintosh 86 yes L. S. Eddins, Com.
Cleburne Pat Cleburne 7<» ves think so yes I. D. Mitchell, Coin.
Coleman lohn Pel ham til yes yes 11 1 Lewis, (
Commerce II. E. Lee 38 yes think so G 6. Lindsey,Com.
Corsicana Winkler 120 ‘. don’t know li. M. Collii
Crockett Crockett 182 ves not yet yes Enoch Braxeon, Com.
Dallas Sterling Price 316 yes ves ‘. Geo R. Fearn, Adjt.
Dodd City •■■■■ Maxey 20 ‘. fia’s not can’t tell…W < Moore, I
Forney Camp’ Bee VJ ves ves T. M. Daniel. Com.
Gonzales lohn C. G. Key 1 r> yes ‘yes H. L. Quails, Adjt.
Gordonville 1. G. Hodges… •_'<» don’t know yes Wm. Hodge*. Com.
Graham Young County it has I. T. Gay, Com.
Henrietta Sull Ross W yes some time ago.. J. C. Skipwith, Com.
Hillshoro C. C. Y. Association. .450 yes think it will.]’.. Knox. Com.
Houston Hick howling 200 yes yes Will Lambert. Com.
Ladonia Robert E. Lee 176 yes not vet can’t say T < Reed, Adjt.
Lagrange Col. B. Timmons … 35 … yes it will “… R. H. Phelps, Com
Lampasas R. E. I.e.. 132 yes D. C. Thomas, Com.
Marhn Willis L. Lang 205 yes yes ……G. A. King, I om.
Menardville Menardville 20 has not been considered. .F. M. Kitchens. Com.
McGregor McGregor 100 ves ves V.’. H. Harris, Com.
Merkel Merkel 40 ves J. T. Tucker. Com.
Navasota H. H. Boone 100 no action W. E. Barry, Com.
Oakville lohn Donaldson 24 not yet yes Uex Coker, Com.
Palestine Palestine 60 has not eaii’t say ..J. W. Kwing. Com.
Paradise Pat Cleburne 4<» suppose so yes …..L. T. Mason. Adjt.
Paris C S. Johnston 380 yes yes 0. C. Connor. Com.
Richmond Frank Terry no can’t say. ..P. E. Peareson, Com.
Ripley Gen. Hood! -_>1 it will*. John C. Hood, Adjt.
San Antonio \. S Johnston 110 suppose so yes Taylor McRae, Adjt.
Santa Anna 1.. Q. Pa mar 27 yes 1 Will Hubert Adjt.
Seymour Bedford Forrest 25 yes T. H. C. Peery, Com.
Taylor V. S. Johnston 50 yes yes M. Ross, Com.
Terrell J. E. B. Stuart 75 ‘. yes *. Vic Reinhardt, Adjt.
Texarkana V. P. Hill 35 not action yet : C. A Hooks. Adjt.
Vernon Camp Cabell 56 …can’t say. . no action …can’t say ..S. E. Hatchett, Com.
Waco Pat Cleburne 151 contemplates doing eo. J. G. Fennel, Com.
Alexandria R. E. Pee 132 ves W. A. Smoot, Com.
Charlotteville 1. B. Strange 100 don’t know J. M. Garrett, Com.
Harrisonburg S. B. Gibbons 50 can’t tell. ..P. II. Lee Martz, Com.
Petersburg \. P. Hill 280 don’t know W. G. McCabe, Com.
Radford (C C. Wharton 81 yes yes R. IP Adams. Adjt.
Reams’ Store J. K. IV Stuart :’.”> “….not yet.. ..’..will he considered. .A. P.. Moncure, Adjt.
West Point lohn R. Cooke :’.’_’ yes ‘ yes W. W. Green, Com,
Williamsburg Magruder-Ewell 48 yes H. P. Jones. Adjt.
Charlestowo Fohn W. Rowan G. A. Porterfield.
Ardmore Fohn II. Morgan 120 yes yes W. W. Hyden, Com.
McAlester Icff Lee 77 yea not yet yea It. B. Coleman, Com.
Norman John B. (Jordoi
…. 34
yeB B. .1. Wilkins. Adjt.
As a matter of general interest the VETERAN made these inquiries so as to furnish historic record of the
Confederate soldiers who now live in Texas. Inaction on the part of many Camps prevented its completion.
X 1
Location ami Name of Camp.
= 1
Alvarado— Alvarado Camp
Helton— Bell I’d. Kx-Confed. AJss’n
21 i
• r >
Breckinridge— Stephens County (amp.
El Paso — Jno. C. Browu Camp
Gainesville Joseph E. Johnston Camp….
Gateavllle— Ex-i ‘infederate Veterans
Gonzales— .1. c. (i. K>v Camp
Graham — Young County Bivouac .
Grandvlew— J. K. Johnston (‘amp
Houston— DV k bowling
L.adonia — Rohert K. LeeOamp
Madlsiiuvllle John CJ. Walker ( amp. .
Marlln— Willis L. Lang Camp
Memphis— Hall County Camp
Hezla — Joe Johnston Camp
188 Z
“2 1 ‘.’.’.
Ml. Vernon— Camp Ben HcCullocb ….
Paint Rock— Jeff Davis Cam]
Paradise— Pal Cleburne (amp
Polk county -Ike Tinner Camp
Ripley -Gen. Hood Camp,
Seymour— Bedford Correal ( amp
Sherman Mildred Lee (amp.
South Prairie-J. E. B. Stuart (amp
Sweetwater k. C. Walthall Camp
Terrell— J. E. B. smart camp
Tyler— Albert Sldnev Johnston (amp
Van Alstyne— Winnie Davis Camp.
Waoo -Pat Cleburne Camp
Waxahaehle— Wl utile 1 lav is Camp
Wills Point—Wills Point Camp
The 44 out of 131 Camps in Texas furnish the above record. Confederates inherit Texas.
Chipley, Fla., May 12, 1894: Camp McMillan, No.
217, U. C. V., unanimously adopted the VETERAN as
its official organ. R. B. Bellamy, Adjt.
J. W. Wright, Commander of the Joseph E. John-
ston Camp at Gainesville, Texas, in reply, wrote: The
delegates to the reunion at Birmingham have not yet
returned, and therefore I am not prepared to say what
they did in reference to indorsing the VETERAN, but I
am sure of one thing, and that is they will indorse
the Veteran every time they are called upon. You
can be assured that my Camp will do all that we can
to aid you and the great cause that you are so ably
It is said that the last shot was fired on the Confed-
erate side by C. H. Montgomery, at West Point, Ga.
Springfield, Mo., May !», 1894. — You will please stop
the Veteran. I see the time is out in this month.
Mr. Granade died the 13th of September last — was
sick fifty-four days with typhoid fever, and being left
with two children to care for, and but little to live on,
I will have to give up the dear Confederate book as we
did our dear old Southern home after the war was
over. May Cod bless all the old Confederate veterans.
My husband was with the first company that left
Memphis, and was a faithful soldier to the last.
Mrs. J. A. Granade.
A great deal has been written about Shiloh, but
there is much to 1″‘ known yet, aa plainly appears
from the following interview by a friend of the Vet-
eran with Gen. F. A. sin mi p. Gen. Shoup has resided
al Sewanee, Tenn., as a professor most of the time
since the war, and although he has been repeatedly
requested to give the public the benefit of his unu-
sual opportunities for knowing the inside history of
the Confederate war, he lias heretofore quite Bteadily
declined. He has lately taken charge of the Columbia
Institute for Young Ladies, and ro has been brought
in touch with tlic “lil Confederates of Maury County,
which be seems to enjoy very much. Readers of the
Veteran will be interested in the following chatty
story of sliiloli :
“General, you were Chief of Artillery at Shiloh?”
“Not exactly. 1 was tin- Chief of Hardee’s Corps.
and was the senior artillery officer on the field. There
was no army organization of the artilli
” Was tbr enemy surprised at Shiloh ?
“I’ll till you about it. if you like. Things were
looking pretty blur We bad lost all of Kentucky
and Tennessee \ concentration of all the available
troops in the West bad been made at Corinth to re-
sist tin- gravitation of the Federal- toward the Gulf,
and something bad to be done. Gen. Sidney John-
ston had long before foretold that a decisive battle
would be fought somewhere in that locality. The
question was whether we should wait and receive the
enemy or advance upon him. Tin- art of war was in
an exceedingly plastic state in ’62, and it wat
‘ pot and kettle’ between the two sides. Tin Federals.
under Grant — though he did not select the place— had
[nit themselves in a very exposed position. In the
oral place, they were on the wrong side of the river
for a rendezvous encampment. In a beautiful open
country, only a little over twenty miles from us. and
without the slightest artificial protection in the way
of field works or grand guards, they simply invited
attack. Our Generals »w this, and determined to
take advantage of it. Hut there was a Berious trouble
at tbe start, which 1 do not think has been made pub-
lic It was tb” distrust on tbe part of tbe corps com-
manders of tbe military capacity of Sidney Johnston.
I came to know it through lien. Hardee, with whom
1 was on tin most confidential term-. Johnston’s loss
of all that region from Howling Green down to tbe
Mississippi line bad set tbe press bowling to Buch an
extent that be wanted to resign bis command. There
never was a grander man. and I love bis memory, but
bis movements are open to serious criticism. He was
not a man of expedients, and bad been SO long used
to the slow routine methods of tbe old army that be
did not adapt himself readily to tbe new. extraordi-
nary condition of tilings. He was too magnanimous
and modest, and did not know bow to seize authority
and knock people over. At any rate, tbe corps com-
manders were nervous about going into battle with
him in command. They patched up a curious expe-
dient. They got Bragg appointed Chief of Staff with
plenary powers Bi gg accepted upon condition that
hi’ should retain tin- immediate command of bis own
corps. It does not seem that any use was made of this
extraordinary arrangement. I find only one com-
munication in the War Records from Hardee, dated
Camp near Mickey’s, April 4th, to Gen. Braxton I
Chief of stall’. Beauregard, however, says in his re-
port, thai “Bragg, in addition to hie duties as Chief
of Staff, commanded bis corps.” I think every one
Either ashamed of tin- thin e, and
let it quietly drop.
” Well, a plan of operation was worked out by Beau-
regard, and we were to surprise tbe enemy at
It was known that Buell was moving down from Nash-
ville to join Grant on the Tennessee River. He was
making a “forced march,” but bis rapidity was very
like our-. What could have been done, and would
have been done toward tbe latter part of the war in a
few days, took week- We at la-t got under way on
the morning of tin- 3d of April, ami it was 1 \|
that we should be able to surprise tin- enemy on the
5th, and a- we had only about twenty miles to march
it did not seem unreasonable. Our methods of sur-
prising the enemy, however, were— or rather are now
— amusing enough. It rained during tin first night
out, and as tbe men were not ir guns would
go off after a wetting, they proci 1 ded to try them, in
which operation they were assisted bytheofficei
the tiring was by volley: and then tbe general ofl
one would think, wanted to make sure that the enemy
still there, since 1 reconnaisance in force was
r them up and keep them on tin- alert’ The re-
sult was a great row in front of the enemy. A pi’ ket
stand, six or eight men. was captured and a heavy
was sent out to recover them, and Sherman, who
lay with bis command nearest us. sent out an addi-
tional cavalry force, and finally followed in pi
with two regiments of infantry. There was quite a
little battle in front, in which some fifteen rounds
were exchanged. Tbe cavalry drove our people in
upon the main army, which, by Ibis time, tie second
day. bad got as far as Mickey’s bouse, -i\ miles from
the battle-field. The Federal cavalry ran in upon us,
and we opened upon them with infantry and art!
killing and wounding some of them and taking some
prisoners. I. myself, opened lire with the artillery.
It was random work, under excitement, and tic
cution was not much. Sherman reports all tl
Gen. Grant that night, and says. ‘1 infer that the
enemy is in some considerable force at Pea B
IF- goes on to give excellent re. Ins opinion.
” Now comes the almost incredible part. ( >ur confu-
sion has got itself Btraightened out down at Mickey’-,
and on the 5th we move oil with the quiet assurance
of troops moving out to a practice ground. Hat
Corps is in front, and we move by the flank, two
abreast, along a common woods road, tin General and
his glittering stall’ in front. When we wen- within
about three miles of the enemy’s camps theGeneral
and his staff were brought to a sudden halt at the
command of a gentleman in front of us half hidden
in the bushes, with a gun pointing in our direction in
a very suggestive way. The question was. ‘Who is
that ‘ We agreed that he was too polite for an en-
emy, and that it must be one of our own men on
picket duty; but the more important question was
how to get past him without an accident. After a lit-
tle parley I sung out. We are all right, meet me half
way!’ IK- assented, and when we were within easy
distance I Baid, ‘This is Gen. Hardee and his Btaff,
and the whole army is following.’ ‘Well, haven’t
you got the password?’ ‘No,’ I said, ‘but you don’t
intend to Btop an army?’ ‘Well,’ he answered, ‘I
BUppOSe I’ll have to 1ft’ you pass, but 1 wish you had
the word.’ I don’t remember that I thought at the
time that there was any thing particularly tunny in a
single man on outpost halting an army. As a “result
of this episode I suggested to lien. Hardee that it
might lie well to cover our advance with some light
troops. Be replied that he intended to throw out
skirmisher- a- – as we hegan to form line. In the
course of time Hardee became one of the most care-
ful, and in every way best, corps commanders we had.
1 don’t remember that 1 ever reminded him of this
extraordinary incident. He would have Keen amusi d,
and readily granted that we were all very green.
” We continued our advance along the narrow coun-
try road, winding like a snake through the woods to
within a mile of the Federal camps, and without en-
countering another soul. The General then deployed
Borne light troops, and the column filed to the right,
and we quietly tonne, 1 line of battle, extending from
Lick to Owl (reek. This was about the middle of the
day. The first line consisted of Hardee- Corps, to-
gether with a brigade from Bragg’s Corps. The resl of
Bragg’s Corps, with part of Polk’s, strung out, made
a second line. The remainder of Polk’s Corps and
Breckinridge’s Corps were held in reserve. The front
was rather more than three miles in length, and only a
little over a mile from Shiloh Church, which was on
the edge of the Federal camps.
” N”w. the puzzle is to know what Gen. Sherman and
the Federals were doing on the 5th of April. Sher-
man had reported to Grant that the Confederates were
in force within six miles of his encampment the day
before, and yet we were permitted to move up and
form, as 1 have described, without seeing or hearing
a single blue coat. If we had Keen resisted with any
of spirit it would have gone hard with us; i’t
would have been impossible for us to gain the posi-
tion we did. Indeed, I don’t know what would have
been the result.”
“Do you mean to say that the Federals did not
know a whole army was forming in line of battle
within a mile of them ?”
“That ISJUSl what took place. Hardee’s Line Was
fullj formed, batteries in place, and everything ready
for action by the middle of the afternoon, and we lay
on our arms all the rest of that day and all night long,
and there was not a soul seen or heard of from the
yankee camps.”
” Hadn’t you driven in any pickets or outpost- .'”
” Not one. They seemed not to have had any that
day: or if they had they did not extend out a mile
from their camps. This has always been a wonder to
me, and especially so when it is remembered that they
wcii- West Point men in command.”
“Are not you a West Point man yourself?”
“Yes; ami I am not saying any thing against West
Point, 1 am showing you the seamy side of things,
and it is simply tomfoolery to deny that we were all
ignorant of war, in spite of our training, in tie begin-
ning. Nothing but experience will teach that busi-
ness. But it is marvelous that common sense and
natural timidity should not have taught Grant and
Sherman to look out for danger when they had reason
to know it was so close at hand.”
” 1 (id not Sherman expect an attack that morning’.’ ”
“Sherman certainly did not expect attack on the
morning of the 6th, as may he seen from his report.
The reports of Grant, Sherman, and all the rest oi
them, -how that not a step had been taken in any di-
rection in anticipation of an attack. They knew noth-
ing of our being in front of them until early in the
morning. They were simply surprised, in spite of all
we did to let them know, ami they did the best they
could. Grant says somewhere that he was not sur-
prised, because he knew the rebel forces were in his
front in force two day- before. That is true, and it is
just what make- the surprise Bo inexcusable for him
and Sherman.”
“Well, we lay all the aiternoon in line of battle,
and had plenty of time to look at the dogwood blooms,
of which the woods were full. 1 never see them now
that I do not think of Shiloh. We lay all night, and
heard distinctly the drums beating in the enemy’s
camps. They kept up a continuous rattle almost all
night, and we wondered what in the world could he
the meaning of it. It has since Keen explained. The
innumerable military hands were serenading their
officers, and everybody was having a merry time with-
out a thought of our thirty or forty thousand men
who were listening with such peculiar interest.”
“Didn’t you yourself expect them to he all ready
for you in the morning?”
“Well, that was an anxious question. I could
hardly hope they did not know that we were encir-
cling them, though there was not a sign of any sort
to show it. The general officers thought that the
‘surprise’ business was all up, at least Gen. Beaure-
gard told Cen. Polk so iii a rather excited interview
late in the aiternoon of the 5th that is. some time
after we were in line of battle. Beauregard was taking
Polk to task for his delay in getting into position.
Polk, in his report, say- ‘ lie Beauregard i -aid he re-
gretted the delay exceedingly, as it would make it
necessary to forego the attack altogether: that our suc-
cess depended upon our surprising the enemy, and
this was now impossible, and we must fall hack to
Corinth.’ Pate at night a conference of the corps
commanders was held, ami at it (as Gen. Hardee told
immediately after the conference! the general feel-
ing was that the attack was then hopeless, especially
as the men were without rations. After listening foi
some time- Gen. Johnston cut them short by saying,
‘Gentlemen, return to your commands; the attack will
he made at dawn. If the men have no rations t hey
must*take them from the enemy.’ We came that near
turning tail, even at the last moment.
” Well, we did move at dawn. It seems that the en-
emy was just sending out some scouts, at any rate our
skirmishers were engaged very early. Sherman acted
promptly, and by the time we got to the outer edge
of their camps we found a line formed against us, and
the resistance was very creditable for an impromptu.
We had no particular difficulty, however, in pushing
the greaterpart of the army out of their camps. It was
all haphazard — line against lim — patching up weak
places with troops from anywhere they could lie got.
For several hours the tiring was constant. 1 dare -a \
there was more powder burned both by infantry and
artillery at Shiloh than on any field of the war.
Luckily it was very wild, or the carnage would have
been more awful than it was.
“One little incident will show how ignorant we
were practically of the effect of Hank fire. We knew
enough about it theoretically. I was on the lookout
for advantageous positions for the artillery, and I saw-
that by a little detour a raking tire could he got on the
enemy’s right. I ventured to take a section of Sweet’s
Mississippi battery, and conducted it to where the
position could be seen, and they came into action. I
1 returned at once. The enemy’s right gave way about
this time. When the guns got hark the officers said
they did splendid work for a few minutes, bul that
the enemy fell hack so that they couldn’t get at them.
They did not claim, and I did not suggest to them,
that their tire had had any thing to do with their
change “I position. It was a long time after, when I
had seen the immediate effect of even a little Sank
fire, that I put things together. However it may have
been, tin enemy’s whole right fell hack, hut the center
and left held. The bend was at the little eminence
held by ‘ on. Prent lse
“About this time Gen. Beauregard ordered me t”
attend to removing the captured artillery, which lay
ittered in every direction, to the rear. 1 put a num-
ber of parties at work, using stragglers chiefly. They
<lid remove a large number of pieces, which we finally
Becured; but I have always thought if we had finished
up the work that day we could have removed them at
our leisure. I went to tin- front as soon as 1 could.
and struck the point from which the enemy’s line
bent hack toward the landing. There was a little old
field just to the right of t ti i- point. I saw the oppor-
tunity for some more think fire, and set to worl
gather the fragments of our battel ies, .-■ attered about
in all directions, and held them under cover of a skirt
of wood- on the further side of this little Held until
all were ready, I suppose there were over twenty
pieces, but hardly a whole battery to The or-
der was that when the piece on the left advanced and
fired all were to come into action. The fire opened
beautifully, but almost immediately the blue coat- on
the heights over against us began to break to the rear.
and we soon saw white flags. It was here that Pren-
tiss surrendered his command. Really, I did not at
the time, nor for a long time after, think that this ar-
tillery lire had much to do with the enemy- confusion.
I remember a distinct sense of disappointment, feel-
ing that if they had only stayed there a little while
We should have punished them handsomely. Later
we all learned that a Sank tire like that took effect
with great rapidity. By the way. I find in the War
Records that < ion. Ruggles claim.- 1 he credit of making
this concentration of artillery. I remember thai
was there at the time, hut I thought lie was a specta-
tor, and 1 was really under the impression that I con-
ceived and executed it myself. 1 had told the story
that way so long before I saw (ien. Ruggles’ report
that I had at least come to believe it myself. The
sin t . ii, . – referring to this in (ien. Ruggles report ap-
pears in italics, With an explanation that it was an
amende, 1 report, the amendments being in italics, and
made a year after the original. No reports were called
for until a long time after the battle, am! I was then
in the Trans-Mississippi Department, and so never
made any report at all.
“When we found the enemy retiring 1 limbered up
this composite battery and followed up at a gallop,
coming into battery again across the road leading
down to the landing. Gen. Breckinridge’s infantry
occupied the line at this point. They were in two
lines, in line condition. As I was coming Into battery
(ien. Breckinridge said, ‘Hold on, I am going to
charge.” I said. ‘All right, I will shake them up for
you till you move.’ We could sec the Federal colors
clown the road four or five hundred yards off. There
happened to bea great stack of fixed ammunition just
in rear of us which fitted our guns exactly. We tired
away in the direction of the enemy furiously for some
time, when I said to Gen. Breckinridge, ‘ If you are
going to charge now is your time.’ He moved his
line forward a few paces beyond our pieces and halted.
This was the mo-t advanced position occupied by us
on the field.”
“Do you think you could have finished up the Fed-
erals if you had moved upon them’?”
“Without doubt. The sun was still about an hour
high. I do not doubt that we could have Keen in
possession of the landing in twenty minutes, with
very small loss.”
“Do you think Gen. Beauregard was to blame for
not following up the victory’.'”
” Beauregard was sick, and in truth he seemed not
to know the condition of affairs, lie was hack at
Shiloh church. At least Col. Sam Lockett, of the
Engineers, told me that he was therewith him, and
heard th< order given which closed the action on the
first day. lie repeated the very words, which were
about a- follow s : ‘Order the firing to cease The vic-
tory is sufficiently complete. I no need I
the men to the fire from tin gunboats. 1 However,
Beauregard knew that Buell was al hand, and that no
time was to hi’ lost in preventing a junction with
Grant. There was really nothing to he feared from
the gunboats, tor. a- 1 am informed, tie bluff
high their lire would have had very little effect. It
was a tearful blunder, and the way in which it was ex-
ecuted made it worse. I took I – bat-
■ hack to what 1 thought a tance and pre-
to camp for the night, hut I found the infantry
whirling past me to the nar. ami I had to move far-
ther back till I got sonic infantry camps in front of
me. Nobody knew where anybody < I waited
a long tin- an orderly or staff officer to give
information as to where headquarters were, and call-
ing the Generals together for consultation. A:
tired to death though 1 was. I mounted my horse and
started out to find somebody’s quarters. 1 rode up
ami down in every direction, hut the only General 1
found wa- Pat Cleburne. He was Bitting on a stump
drinking coffee out of a bucket, and was a- utterly in
irk a- I was. He knew where nobody was. had
a few of his own men with him. and didn’t know who
wa- next to him. 1 gave it up and went hack to my
Camp. The tact is, there was no conference of any sort
that night.”
“Do you think it would have been different if John-
ston had lived
“It would indeed. He would have been up with
the line, ami In- would mu have hesitated a moment
about pushing on. In my opinion Johnston was a
new man from the moment In- sent his Generals whirl-
ing to their posts with orders to advance at dawn. In
his humility he had deferred too much to them in the
past. That battle won. he would have shown himself
the great man he was.”
“From what you say we must have been at great
disadvantage the second day.'”
“That we were. The commands were all mixed up.
We were simply blown into line by the enemy’s fire.
I wanted to find Gen. Hardee. 1 made my way to
Shiloh Church, where I found Beauregard with an
enormous Btaff. Just as I arrived Pickett, Hai
Adjutant, rode up with a message to the commanding
ral. He had a hard time trying to make the
General understand where Hardee was. I-
was astonishing how well we fought, and how well we
held them, considering the horrible state of case with
11- the second day, and the new troops they had.
Buell seed the river in the night, and
Lew Wallace had found hie way to the field. They
really did not drive us from the field. It was plainly
impossible for us to regain our advantage, and so we
simply retired.”
” was there any pursuit ?”
■■ Not the least in the world. The fact is, there was
something comical in the way we got off, at Least on
our part of the line. Hardee told me he was going to
retire, and directed me to keep up a cannonading to
cover his retreat. I had six oreight batteries, or parts
of batteries. Luckily, the enemy stopped firing and
fell hark out of sight at the same time. That left me to
do the sham firing at my leisure I fixed prolonges —
that is attached long ropes between the trails 01 the
guns and the limbers— so that the firing could goon
while the puns were moving to the rear, and in case
of emergency could get away rapidly. I then retired
the batteries alternately, ‘it was ‘very interesting.
Level ground, open woods, no fire to dodge, we were
very much absorbed in a movement we never hefore
had had a chance to practice on the field. All at once
I bethought me of our supports. I looked to the rear
and there was not an infantryman or cavalryman in
sight. To make it worse then- was a ravine to cross
on a causeway. 1 didn’t even know what one of the
many road- the infantry had taken. Selecting the
most promising one. I put spurs to my horse, think-
ing the besl way would he for me to find out for my-
self while my train was crossing, hut in a few minutes
1 found myself hack where I had started from. There
I was, abandoned bj the army and at the mercy of the
enemy, w ith all those guns! V”Y once in my life I
experienced that feeling of ‘goneness’ called loss of
mind. Every thing was a blank for a moment, hut 1
took the same road 1 had started on and avoided the
turn that had carried me hack on myself. I nearly
jumped out of my boots with joy when we came up
with the infantry. There was not a gun fired by way
of pursuit, ami we made our way through rain and
mud with loads of poor wounded men, painfully back
to Corinth.
(APT. W. P. klOM I A.i I . BA1 I IMOHK.
Col. William II. Stewart. Portsmouth, Va., April
27th: I have read your editorial on a name for our
Confederate war with great interest. I have often
thought of the many objections to “Civil War.” ” War
between the State-.” As it was a war between the
Northern and Southern sections of the United States,
I have ventured to suggest ” Enterse* tionai. War” as
an appropriate name, which ought to he unobjectiona-
ble on both sides of the sectional line. If our G. A.
R. fellow-citizens would adopt some such name in-
stead of ” War of the Rebellion,” it would be a fraternal
greeting worthy of the chivalry of American soldiers,
and a lasting peace offering which Confederate soldiers
would prize.
Since ti the Kearsarge on Roncador Reef so
much has been resurrected relative to the Alabama-
Kearsarge fight, and almost without exception inaccu-
racies and misstatements forming the Bubject- matter,
that one almost despairs of having any tiling approach-
ing truth about it. Indeed, we have been forced to
tic conclusion that very much of history is a fairy
tale, first, we have it the 1 1-inch guns that did such
pood service on that memorable 19th of June, went
down with the old Kearsarge, when in fact the real
ones are now at Mare Island Navy Yard. A- the old
ship has had her batten changed several tine– since
this eventful action, any number of her 1 1-inch guns
are to he found scattered here and the)’ “ticketed” at
the New York Navy Yard, Annapolis, etc., like the
peddler’s razor straps, “a few more left of the same
sort.” While all this commendable affection for the
old Kearsarge and Hartford is occupying the nation’s
heart, what has become of “old ironsides” Constitu-
tion 1? It cannot he our people would nurse the mem-
ories of fratricidal war and forget the glories of 1812.
Hear how the London Telegraph, of February 9th, has
it, editorially: “On the morning of .June 19th, 1864,
the Alabama, with her wooden sides covered with
chains ami scraps of old iron, came out of Cherbourg
Harhor to accept the challenge of war.” Now how
-hall we dispose of this statement? The Telegraph
must confess to most lamentable ignorance of history,
or stand self-convicted of spite and malice, or at least
an unworthy desire to find favor with the winning
side. Charity would cover the editoi with the folds
of ignorance, for a filthy toad is the sycophant.
Another English correspondent states, “Mr. Lan-
caster, owner of the yacht Deerhound, succeeded in
saving forty-odd officers and men of the sinking Ala-
bama, and most dishonorably refused to deliver them
up to the Kearsarge.” Need the reader’s attention he
called to the utter ignorance of international law dis-
played by this writer, or else his dull perception of
what constitutes honor’.’ Does this writer suppo-e Mr.
Lancaster would lend himself to (‘apt. Winston in the
saving of life only to turn these men, struggling in
the water for their lives, over to the tender mercies of
an enraged nation’.’ And so we find it here and there
in our own press. Is it possible, Brother Jonathan,
you have established, with John Bull, a mutual ad-
miration society? No. there is glory enough attached
to the old ship, whose bones are now bleaching on
Roncador, by sticking to truth. In the endeavor to
belittle your enemy you rob yourself of proportionate
glory. ” *
Dr. A. Clarke Emmert, Bluff City, Tenn., May 1st:
1 showed the Veteran to a Federal soldier this morn-
ing, and he borrowed my entire file, and said that he
wa- certainly going to subscribe for it. I wish to make
a correction in your article on Wolford’s capture at
Philadelphia, Tenn. It was the 12th Tennessee Cav-
alry instead of the 11th regiment in the engagement.
I was a member of Company A of said 12th battalion,
and have a scar on the head from a sabre cut received
there in the field on the center of our lines.
Mrs. O. M. Spofford, of Tennessee, sends her check
for ten dollars to pay for subscriptions for friends.
Among the Southern veterans residing in the
National Capital are some noble women, whose sacri-
fices and devotions tn our cause have never been re-
corded in history. The Frosts of time have whitened
their heads like the old soldiers, but the purity and
beauty of their hearts is not marred. One of these,
Mr-. Letitia Tyler Semple, daughter of Ex-Presideni
Tyler, established the first hospital in the Smith.
When the war commenced Bhe was in New York with
| • *
her husband, who was Paymaster in the United States
Naw, stationed at New York. They immediately
came South and cast their fortunes with our people —
he taking a position on the Alabama and slip on
another, and sometimes the more trying battle ground.
In Philadelphia, on her way south Mrs. Semple met
a friend who suggested to her that more soldiers died
from sirkness than the bullet, and that she inaugurate
a movement for the establishment of hospitals, which
she did a- -non as she reached Richmond, in May
1861. She arrived there the day the blockade set in.
There she met her father who was a member of the
Confederate Congress, and he obtained permission of
Mr. Pope Walker. Confederate Secretary of War. to
establish a hospital at Williamsburg. Mrs. Semple’a
appeal to the ladies of Williamsburg was heartily
responded to. Col. Benj, S. Ewell wasincommai
the Peninsular, and with other gentlemen encouraged
and assisted the move. The Female Seminary which
stood upon the site of the Colonial Capitol, was selected
for the purpose desired. The ladies went to work dili-
gently. Mrs. Semple making the first bed with her own
hands. Very soon seventy-five cots were in place.
Dr. Tinsley, now a practicing physician in Baltimore,
and Dr. W. C. shields were the surgeons in charge.
Very soon troops from different points were centered
there. About that time Mr-. Semple left Williams-
burg and returned after the battle Of Bethel, .’line Id.
There were then BO many refugees from Hampton and
other places, and go many siek soldiers 1 none wounded
as yet needing attention and comfort-, that William
ami Mary College, the Court House, ami several
churches were taken for hospitals, Dr. Willis West-
moreland in charge Dr. Westmoreland sent a mes-
her t” inspect
the situation, which she did, and when -he found SO
many needing more than the kind citizens could
immediately supplv, -he went to Richmond the next
day for supplies. General Moor ed all the assis-
he could, and the people of Petersburg, Pittsyl-
vania and other p atributed liberally of food,
clothe- and bedding. The first death in the hospital
wa- that of young Ball, < ‘ompany A of Fairfax County.
Ya. The young hero gave up his life for his country.
and that was all that was known of him there, hut the
lady who received the tender look from the soft blue
• ye-, and smoothed hi- golden hair for the last time
■ forgot him. It i< to he hoped his family found
his remain-. The New < >rhan- French Zouaves, and
Captain Zachary’s troops were stationed thereat that
time, and the ladies made and presented a tlag to
them, the address being made by Mr. Edwin Tallia-
ferro. General Magruder now took command of the
troops. Among them was a brigade from Ceorgia
under General McClaus. Colonel Ewell also was there
with his regiment awaiting orders. All of them gal-
lantly assisted the ladies in their work. Knowing the
part Mrs Semple had taken in the noble work. Colonel
Ewell asked General McClaus if he had called upon
her. He answered, ‘ No, but I’ll go directly.” When
turned from his visit to Mrs. Semple and the Col-
onel a-sk.’d him what he thought of her, he said. ” Why
sir, I hadn’t been in that room five minutes when, if
she had -aid to me, ‘McClaus, bring me a hucket of
water from the spring.’ 1 would have done it.”
So the women of that day helped the cause by cheer-
ing the living and caring for t