Confederate Magazine 1896 Volume 4

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Posted : November 15, 2019

Confederate Magazine 1896 Volume 4



Three Buildings. Rooms for 200 boarders. Forty Officers, Teachers and Lecturers. Session begins September 2. 1895. Privileges

in the Vanderbilt University. Eminent Lecturers every season.

In Music two first-class musicians are in charge of the instrumental
and vocal departments. With them are associated other teachers
of fine culture and great skill in the production of the best musical
compositions. Pupils enjoy advantages in hearing the highest style
of music.

Our Art Department is in the finest studio of the city, beautifully
lighted, and amply supplied with models. Pupils enjoy from time
to time advantages for seeing and studying best art works, such as
can be found only in a progressive and wide-awake city.

For Scientific Studies our classes have the privilege of attending the
lectures of Vanderbilt Professors in the Laboratories of Chemistry,
of Physics, and of Natural History, giving access to the splendid
resources of the leading institution of the South.

our Gymnasium is fully equipped for its work. Every species of
apparatus requisite for full development of the bodily organs iB
here provided for our flourishing classes. Both the Sargent and the
Swedish Gymnastics taught.

Our Literary* Schedule embraces a Bcheme of education extending

over a period of four years, and a mode of training which is in

advance of competition.
A Kindergarten is in connection with the College; also training class

for teachers and mothers who desire to learn Frccbel’s principles of

The Best Elocutionary Training under the care of Prof. Merrill, of

Vanderbilt University, who enjoys anational reputation. Teachers

desiring instruction are invited to try this course.
Practical Education is provided for pupils who desire to learn Dress

cutting and fitting. Stenography, Typewriting and Bookkeeping.
Magnificent New Building 108×68 feet, facing on Broad and on Vaux-

hall streets, five stories, grand rotunda, line elevator, steam heat.

ample parlors. This completes and crowns the work.
An Unparalelled Growth from obscurity to national fame, from fifty

pupils to begin with to over 4,000 from half the Union.


REV. GEO. W. F. PRICE. D.D., Pres., 108 Vauxhall Place. Nashville, Term.

Two ears on the Alabama.

By Lieutenant Arthur Sinclair, Confederate
States Navy. With 32 Portraits and Illustra-
tions 8 vo. Price $3.00. Leather $5.00.

The publishers say: In his history of the
“Alabama” Commander Semmes carefully con-
fined himself within the limits of legal and pro-
fessional statement, and as it cannot be doubted
that a cruise so unique and remarkable had its
share of incident and adventure, the surviving
officers have induced Lieutenant Arthur Sinclair
to prepare this graphic account of that cruiser. It
is needless to say that Mr. Sinclair has made an
interesting book, whatever the sympathies of the
reader in regard to the merits of the great strug-
gle. We are introduced to the officers and men
and taken with them to share their everyday life
and adventure on board. It is a book that will be
eagerly read by all lovers of adventurous story.
The appendix contains historical matter, biograph-
ical notices of the officers, statistics, etc. Photo-
graphic illustrations, many of which are portraits,
from original photographs, are freely used to give
value to the work.

This superb volume in cloth for seven sub-
scriptions, in leather for twelve, or either will be
sent and the Veteran for one year at 25 cents
above the publishers rrice. Address,


Nashville, Tenn.

^oi^federat^ l/eterar;.

Published Monthly in the Interest of Confederate Veterans and Kindred Topics


Nashville, Tenn., January, 1896.

Entered at the postoffice, Nashville, Tonn., as second-class matter.

Advertisements: Two dollars per inch one time, or $20 a year, except
last page. One page, one time, special, $40. Discount: Half year, one
Usne; one year, two issues. This is an increase on the former rate.

Contributors will please be diligent to abbreviate. The space is toe
Important for anything that has not special merit.

The date to a subscription is always given to the month before it ends.
For instance, if the Veteran be ordered to begin with January, the date on
mail list will be December, and the subscriber is entitled to that number.

Though men deserve, they may not win success.

The brave will honor the brave, vanquished none the Lesa

The “civil war” was too long ago to be called thn “late” war and when
correspondents use that term the word “great” (wan will be substituted.


The Vktkkan has, in its career of three full years,
had a steady, solid growth. It has been the best
general advertising medium that was ever printed,
doubtless, with a circulation from 5,000 to 12,000.

It has been courageous for truth regardless of
policy, but it has not been duly diligent in exclud-
ing unworthy advertisements. The most positive
resolve for the new year by its management is that
its advertising pages hereafter shall be as diligently
considered as the editorial. Friends who are zeal-
ous will kindly give notice when they may happen
to know of advertisers being unreliable or unworthy.
In this connection, appeal is again made to friends
of the Vktkkan, in order that this improvement
be carried out without loss, that they commend the
Vktkkan as a worthy medium for reaching the best
people in the entire South — the capitalist in the
city and his equally worthy fellow citizen who labors
with his hands in the country. When favors of this
kind arc rendered, notice would be>appreciated.

In this connection, business reference is made to
subscriptions. It occasionally happens when the
time has been extended, the smart Fellow gives
notice through the postmaster to discontinue. If a
faithful Confederate Veteran has ever done this, it
is not known at this office, and it is never continued
on assurance of ability to pay, or likewise discon-
tinued through knowledge of inability. It is nearly
nine times in ten that upon renewing an apology is
made for the delay. In answer to many who feel
obliged to discontinue for utter lack of ability, the
rule is to offer such concession as must be satisfactory.
Of you request is made. Please look to your
name on the Vktkkan and see whether the date is


in ’96 or beyond, and let us know what to expect
about its renewal.

The VETERAN has been published so far from pa-
triotic motives, but its bills must be paid, and if you
are its friend, give attention to the above request.
Write when you can renew, and do not delay it.

( By D. S. Morrison, i

“Let us cross over the river and rest under the
shade of the trees.”

“Over the river. ”a voice meekly said.
Whose clarion tones bad thousands obeyed,
As in ranks upon ranks they grandly rushed on.
To bailie for liberty, country and home

• Hit the river.” immortality’s plains,
In verdure eternal, where peace ever reigns.
Rejoice witfa their beauty his vision of faith.
As his spirit approaches the river of death.

•’Over the river.” Oh I glorious sight.
An escort celestial awaits with delight.
In the glittering armor Of glory arrayed,
They welcome him over to rest in the shade.

“Over the river,” no more to command
The drum-beat to arms in a war-stricken land;
No bugle call summons the brave to the fray.
Nor squadrons leap forth in battle array.

“Over the river.” now a heavenly guest.
‘Neath the shades of I he trees forever at rest-
His memory and fame to ages belong,

And his lofty deeds live in story snd song.

This poem
is a revision
by the author
of the origin-
al, published
in the Rich-
lii o ii d E n –
quircr in
1865. It was
set to music
in New O r –
leans, and
sung at the
unveiling o f
t h e Jackson
monument at
Chancellors –
ville, Va.

Mrs. Jack-
son’s Life of
her husband
has all been


Confederate l/eterarj.


By Daniel Bond, of Nashville, Term.

•’When falls the soldier brave

Dead at the feet of wrong 1 ,
The poet sing’s — and guards his grave

With Sentinels of Song.

“Go Songs,” — he gives command —

Keep faithful watch and true;
The living and dead of the Conquered Land

Have now no guards save you.’

‘And ballads! Mark ye well.

Thrice holy is your trust;
Go out to the fields where warriors fell,

And sentinel their dust.’ ”

The recent Southern tour of the old man, Daniel
Emmett, the author and composer of “Dixie,” and
his warm reception, shows how fixed in the hearts
of its people is the simple old tune. As the seasons
roll by, and the memories of the fierce struggle for
four years to repel an invading- force fade out from
the minds of the old and the recital of battles and
sieges are interesting to the young only as matters
of history, this tune — which inspired the Rebel yell
at Manassas — is as fresh to-day as it was on that
memorable Sabbath morning thirty-four years ago.
Every Southerner feels the pulse-beat quicken and
the heart thrill with emotion whenever and wher-
ever he hears the air. And so will it be until the
end of time. It is but an illustration of the powerful
influence upon a people of a song born of sentiment.


Fletcher of Saltoun, a wise man himself, said
that he knew a very wise man who believed that if
a man were permitted to make all the ballads he
need not care who should make the laws of a country.

The songs of the Hebrews, breathing adoration
to the great Jehovah, the God of Israel; the Iliad
of Homer, with its struggle of Greek and Trojan,
are monuments that inspired generations to deeds of
devotion and arms far more effective than all the
texts of the law givers. The Song of the Niebel-
ungen — with its legend of Siegfried of Chrimhild,
and Brunhield — is responsible for much of the liter-
ature as well as the martial spirit of the German.
Who will den}- that the ballads concerning King
Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, those
heroes of the ancient romances — lion-hearted in
combat with worthy foes, mild and gentle towards
woman — had its effect upon that great race, made
up of Dane, of Saxon and of Norman, and their
descendants, the brave and tender cavaliers who set-
tled this South land.

The Robin Hood ballads, commemorative of that
bold man’s deeds, and his struggle against the
domineering aristocracy of the Normans, kept the
spirit of liberty alive in the land, carrying its sen-
timent through centuries, influencing the heart of
the nation, and finding fruition at Runnymede and
Naseby — the heritage of the English speaking race.
Yes, indeed, song and ballad have had their share
in the history of all peoples. Dear were they to the
followers of Cromwell in the struggle with Charles.
The ecstacy with which the “Scots who hae wi*
Wallace bled” is received by the Scotchman of to-
day; the wild enthusiasm of the Frenchman under
the strains of the Marseillaise — sometimes, during
exciting periods, aroused to such a pitch as to
cause an interdiction of its music by the legal au-
thorities — prove that sentiment and not reason rules.
While the Irishman steps off gaily in his march
to the “Wearing of the Green,” let a rival band strike
up the “Battle of the Boyne,” and a fight is on at
once. Whenever the Englishman hears “God Save
the Queen,” he raises his hat, and the German will
ever add his voice to the song of the “Watch on
the Rhine.” The heart and not the mind governs.
The tune “Dixie,” endeared to us first by victory
and afterwards doubly so by defeat, was originally
a negro-minstrel song, with words of little mean-
ing. It was Albert Pike, I think, who first gave
the present version with the refrain “To live and
die for Dixie!” The word “Dixie” now is every-
where accepted as meaning that part of the United
States consisting of certain states that seceded from
the union in 1861.

There is no ballad or tune, 1 believe, that so warms
the hearts of the people of the Northern States as
this tune of “Dixie” does those of the people of

“Yankee Doodle” belongs to the whole country,
and is commemorative of another period and anoth-
er war, in which George Washington, Light-Horse
Harry Lee and other’Southern worthies acted a part.
Mrs. Howe’s “Battle Hymn of the Republic” is too
elaborate. In the true ballad nothing of mere
poetical adornment is allowable. This hymn,
though beautiful, can never be popular with the
m sses.

Possibly the grave and stern soil of eastern Puri-
tanism is not so suitable to the growth of such sen-
timental songs as sprung up in the more excitable

Confederate Veterap,

South. “John Brown’s Body” and “Marching
Through Georgia” had a temporary popularity
there during the exciting period of the war,, like the
“Bonnie Blue Fla^” at the South; but I think they
have no song that inspires the same feeling that
“Dixie” produces in Dixie.

Harrj- McCarthy, an actor of some ability, com-
prised and sang ibis “Bonnie Blue Flag” in the
theatres of the Southern cities during the first year
of the war. He waved, during the chorus, a blue
silk flag that bore a single star in its centre: and at
the words “The single Star of the Bonnie Blue Flag
has grown to be eleven.” he shook out the folds,
and the flag opened, disclosing the single star sur-
rounded by ten sisters. The song was very popular.

James R. Randall’s “Maryland My Maryland,”
to the college tune of “Lauriger Horatius,” was
also much sung in the armies of the Confederacy as
well as by the firesides at home. It was first pub-
lished in a New Orleans paper in April, 1861. It
possessed literary merit and is one of the best of the
poems of the war.

Possibly the most popular of the camp songs were
the negro melodies smacking of Southern soil, such
as “Uncle Ned.” “Way Down South.” “Old Folks
at Home,” “My Old Kentucky Home,” “Oh Su-
sannah,” “Nellie wasa Lady,” all written by Stephen
C. Foster, a native of Pennsylvania, but evidently
thoronghly acquainted with Southern sentiment.
There is a tone ol sadness about them all, as with
“Suwanee River,” “Alice, Ben Bolt,” “Lorena,”
and “Listen to the Mocking Bird!”

No other soul; in its pathos is so sweet or ap-
peals so tenderly to the Southern heart as this last.
“Annie Laurie,” “Douglas,” and “Home, Sweet
Home” belong to the whole world, but this soul; of
the mocking-bird appeals alone to Uixie’s lard.
Already popular at the commencement of the Civil
War, this sa<?, sweet song was heard in every South-
ern home. Carried into the army by the soldiers,
its echoes thrilled the souls of thousands of young
patriots in the camp and on the march, during lour
years of terrible war. Oh I matchless songster oi
the orchard and the Farm-yard, no other bird ap-
proaches you in delicious harmony! The music ol
the nightingale, the lark, and the mavis is all yours.
The twittering of the canary is all unworthy of
your imitation. And your home is Dixie, and there
alone do you abide. Associated with all recollec-
tions of the old South, bringing to the heart

dear memories ol childhood and vouth, of sweet

communion of lovers neath the leafy bowers as the
old, old story is repeated — of dreamy moonlight
walks, of tender partings, of the dear old gray-
haired mother, sitting on the wide balcony, while
this heaven-inspired singer was vocalizing the sum-
mer air long will you be dear to every one who
loves the Sunny South, and fixed in his affection
will be this favorite air.

How sad it is that this sweet and gentle bird
our companion at every period of life the loving
witness of every joy, every sorrow — who has whistled
at the laughing baby in the cradle, and poured
forth its melody as the ^rand-sire was borne to his
resting- place under the magnolias — should be des-
tined to extermination!

Oh! men of the New South, with your business
enterprise and your mad efforts at financial success,
let into your hearts a little sentiment, and help save
the life of the mocking-bird!

Of the poems born of the war, the following are
examples: “Ethnogenesis,” “Charleston,” “A Call to
Arms,” “Spring,” and “The Unknown Dead” by
Henry Timrod: “Our Martyrs.” “Stonewall Jack-
son.” “A Sonnet on the fallen South,” and the
prize “Poem in Laudation of the Confederate Sol-
dier” by Paul H. Hayue: “Lines,” written for
the Memorial Association of Fredericksburg, Ya.,
“Prayer of the South,” “The Conquered Banner,”
“Sentinel Songs,” “The Land of Memories,” “Our
Dead,” and “‘file Sword of Robert Lee,” by Rev.
Abram J. Ryan. The following is the closing verse
of Sentinel Songs:

“ though no sculptured shaft

Commemorate our bravi
What, though no monument epitaphed

i te built 11 hove their grave?
When marble wears away

Ami monuments are dust.
The songs that guard our soldiers’ elav

Will still fulfill their trust.”

All are Familiar with the words of “The Con”
quered Banner,” and there is nothing more sublime
in the English language than this verse trom “The
Sword of Robert Lee.”


“Out of its scabbard! Never hand
Waved sword from stain as free.

Nor purer sword led braver band.

Nor braver bled for a brighter land.

Confederate l/eterap.

Nor brighter land had a cause as grand,
Nor cause, a chief like Lee!”

J no. R. Thompson gave us “Lee to the Rear,”
“The Battle Rainbow,” “The Burial of Latane,”
“Gen. J. E. B. Stuart,” and “Music in Camp.”
Mr. Thompson was editor of the old “Southern
Literary Messenger” at Richmond, Va. He was a
man of a most charming personality. After the
war he moved to New York, and there became a
contributor to various periodicals. He died a few
years after his removal.

John Esten Cooke, better known by his delight-
ful books than his poems, has written “The Band
in the Pines,” and “The Broken Mug.”

“The Band in the Pines.

(Heard after Pelkam died.)

Oh, band in the pine-wood, cease!

Cease with 3’our splendid call;
The living’ are brave and noble,

But the dead were bravest of all.

They throng to the martial summons,

To the loud, triumphant strain;
And the dear, bright eyes of long dead friends

Come to the heart again.

They come with the ringing bugle,

And the deep drum’s mellow roar;
‘Till the soul is faint with longing

For the hand we clasp no more.

Oh, band in the pine-wood cease!

Or the heart will melt in tears,
For the gallant eyes and the smiling lips

And the voices of old years.

The following poems are by Jas. R. Randall,
“John Pelham,” “The Cameo Bracelet,” “The Lone
Sentry,” and “There’s Life in the Old Land Yet;”
these by A. J. Requier, “Our Faith in Sixty-One,”
“Hymn to the Dawn,” “The Oriflamme” and
“Ashes of Glory.”

Mrs. Margaret J. Preston wrote “All’s Well,”
“The Soldier’s Prayer,” “Virginia,” “Song of the
Snow,” “A Hero’s Daughter,” “The Color Bear-
er,” “Slain in Battle,” “A Dirge for Ashby,”
“When the War is Over.”

While in prison in Camp Chase, Ohio, Col. W. S.
Hawkins, of Tennessee, wrote the following beauti-
ful poems: “The Victory of Faith,” “Captain
Beall,” “The Last of Earth,” “The Hero Without
a Name,” “My Friend,” “True to the Last,” and
“Exchanged.” He was exchanged near the close
of the war but to reach home and die.

The poem “Somebody’s Darling,” written during
the war by Miss Marie Lacoste, of Savannah, Ga., has
found a place in one of the school readers.

L. T. Wallis, of Baltimore, confined in Fort
Warren for “treasonable utterances,” wrote “The
Guerillas,” “The Blessed Hand” and “A Prayer
for Peace.”

Mrs. C. A. War field, of Ky. : “Fort Donelson,”
“On the Death of Stonewall Jackson,” and “Our

Major McKnight (Asa Hartz) of Gen. Loring’s

aff, while a prisoner of war at Johnson’s Island,
gained some reputation by his “In Prison on Lake
Erie,” “Mail-day in Prison,” and “A Confederate
Officer to his Ladye Love.”

The following poems of a high order of merit are
by Dr. Frank 6. Ticknor, of Georgia: “The Vir-

ginians of the Valley,” “Page-Brook,” “Mary,” and
“Little Giffen of Tennessee.”

Harry L. Flash wrote the memorial poems, “Jack-
son,” “Zollicoffer,” and “Polk.”

Miss Mollie E. Moore is the author of “Of very
Faithfulness,” and “Minding the Gap.”

The “Lines found written on the back of a Con-
federate Bill,” beginning,

“Representing nothing on God’s earth now

And naught in the water below it,
As a pledge of a Nation that’s dead and gone,

Keep it, dear friend, and show it.”

were written by Major S. A. Jonas, of Louisiana,
Chief Engineer of Gen. S. D. Lee’s staff.

Mrs. Fanny M. Downing, of North Carolina, wrote
“By the Camp Fire,” “Confederate Gray,” “Deso-
late,” “Dreaming,” “Dixie;” while Mrs. Mary Ba-
yard Clarke, of the same state, gave us: “General
Lee at the Battle of the Wilderness,” (descriptive
of the same event also so graphically written of by
Thompson in his “Lee to the Rear,”) “The Rebel
Sock,” and “Robert E. Lee.”

The poem, “My Father,” much sung in Southern
homes during the war, was written by Brigadier-
General Henry R. Jackson, of Georgia. The first

“The tattoo beats — the lights are gone.
The camp around in slumber lies,

The night with solemn pace moves on,
The shadows thicken o’er the skies;

But sleep my weary eyes hath flown,
And sad, uneasy thoughts arise.”

“First Love” is by Col. Buchring H. Jones, and
was written by him while at Johnson’s Island: “The
Empty Sleeve” is from the pen of Dr. J. R. Bagby
of Virginia, and “The Soldier in the Rain,” by
Julia L. Keyes. Dr. J. W. Palmer, of Maryland,
was the author of “Stonewall Jackson’s Way.”

William Gilmore Simms, of South Carolina, an
author once very popular, gave us among other
poems, “The Sweet South.”

“Yes, Call us Rebels,” was written by Albert Pike
of Arkansas.

I do not know the authorship of the following
beautiful poems, so full of pathos and tender senti-
ment. Will not the readers of the Veteran assist
in naming these sweet singers of the South? The
lines “Enlisted To-day,” were said to have been
found on the body of a young soldier belonging to
one of the Alabama regiments in the army of North-
ern Virginia. The first verse,

“I know the sun shines, and the lilacs are blowing,
And slimmer sends kisses by beautiful May —

Oh! to see all the treasures the spring is bestowing,
And think — my boy Willie enlisted to-day!”

“The names of the authors of “A Picture,” “The
Return,” “The Brave at Home,” “Your Mission,”
“Missing,” and the “Unreturning,” are all desired.
“The Bivouac of the Dead,” was written by Col.
Theodore O’Hara, of Kentucky, a gallant soldier,
who served on the staff of Gen. Breckenridge. The
lines were written by him before the Civil War, and
were in memory of the Kentuckians who fell at
Buena Vista. Col. O’Hara died a few years after
the close of the war, but not before he had seen
lines from his poem engraved on hundreds of mon-
uments. In every United States cemetery ‘in the

Qoqfederate l/eterar;.

country are to be found tablets with verses from this
noble poem.

The above poems have been gathered byme, some
from scrap-books, some from Miss Emily Mason’s
“Poems of the War,” and many have been given
me by the writers themselves. The material is
abundant, but I have mentioned those only that
possess a hiyh order of merit. Heavy calamities
and crushing sorrow wring from bruised hearts
words that live. The trampled Bower gives forth its
sweetest odor, the swan sings its divine notes only
when dying. Much of this Southern poetry will yet
find a place in the hearts of its people. The trials
and the suffering endured and the heroism display-
ed by a people during four years of bloody war are
more faithfully portrayed in these verses than in
any history. It is only in poetry and song- that the
emotional nature declares itself without reserve.

Why our Southern school readers are not full of
these beautiful poems is something hard to under-
stand. That Head’s “Sheridan’s Ride,” and Whit-
tier’s “Barbara Freitchie,” (the scene described by
the first having but little foundation, and the latter
none at all) should be read in preference to Thomp-
sons “Music in Camp,” and Miss Moore’s “Minding
the Gap,” is a reflection upon our public schools.

Has the old time sentiment of the South departed
from its people. ? Has the old time patriotism and
love of truth that characterized the old South given
place to business expediency in the New? One
would surely think so from the carelessness, not to

say indifference, with which it accepts the school

histories tilled with misleading and false statements
concerning the civil war.

Why should not a true history of that war be
written thirty years after its ending?) •

Why should the South be charged at this day
with going to war in defense of slavery? This in-
stitution was a mere incident of a sectional animos-
ity. Measures for the gradual emancipation of the
slaves were being considered in the South before
the war began. Gen. Lee suggested the freeing of
them and the enrollment of the men as soldiers.
The character of the two peoples of the North and
the South, the habits and customs, the adverse in-
terests, the belief that the legislative power would
be used by the North to foster that section at the
expense of the South, produced a desire to leave a
union which was no longer considered desirable.

The Southern people believed they had both a
moral and a constitutional right to withdraw from
a union into which they had voluntarily gone. In
defense of this abstract principle of right they free-
ly gave their lives and fortunes, and for four years
resisted the overwhelming forces of the North.

Who shall say they were wrong?

Mr. Webster said our forefathers of a hundred
and twenty vears ago “went to war against a
preamble.” The South withdrew from the Union
for a sentiment. Our ancestors rebelled against
the king of Great Britain, We rebelled against
nobody we had 110 masters. We attempted but
to dissolve a union which we ourselves had
helped to form. The agreement made among the
States to concede certain rights to the general gov-
ernment — to reserve forever other rights to them-

selves — being broken by encroachment on those re-
served rights, why should not the States withdraw?

Why should we teach our children that we were
wrong, when we know we were right?

Grant, if you will, that such action on the part of
the South was unwise and ill-advised, and must, have
inevitably resulted in its destruction. The charac-
ter id’ the Southerner was not such as could calmly
consider the expediency of coercing his quick-tem-
pered cavalier brother of South Carolina.

By all means should the true story of the mighty
conflict be written. There is nothing so good as
truth. The heroic struggle of the South, and the
Southern veteran will be a theme of inspiration to
the youth of future generations; and shall we of the
present for one moment, in our upbuilding of the
New South, forget the glorious memories of the Old?
“Gather the sacred dust

(If the warriors tried and true.
Who bore the flag of our nation’s trust,
And fell in a cause, though lost, still just,

And died for me and vou.

And tin’ dead tints meet the dead.

While the Living o’er them weep;
And tlie men whom Lee and Stonewall led.
And the hearts that once together hied.
Together still shall sleep.”

“Oh, the sweet South! the sunny, sunny South!

I. and of true feeling, land forever mine!
I drink the kisses of her rosy mouth.

And my heart swills as with a draught of wine:
She brings me blessings of maternal love:

I have Iter smile, which hallows all my toil;
Her voice persuades. Iter generous smiles approve.

She sings me from tile sky and from the soil.
iih! by her lovely pines that wave and sigh,

Oh! by her myriad flowers, that bloom and fade,
By all the thousand beauties of her sky.

And the sweet solace of her forest shade,

She’s mine sin’s ever mine!

(Hi! by her virtues of the cherished past

By all her hopes of what the future brings —

I glory that my lot with her is east.

And my soul flushes and exulting sings:
She’s mine she’s ever mine!”

This article on Southern Songs will be continued in
the February number of the Veteran under the
heading Southern Sentiment.

Send the names at once. — Request comes from
Farmington, Tenn., worthy of attention:

In October ’63, during Gen, Joseph Wheeler’s
raid in Tennessee, a part of his command engaged
the enemy at Farmington, Marshall County, at
which time he lost several men who were buried on
the field of battle. Their names are unknown, but
their graves are well cared for, being enclosed by
a stone wall, and a nice monument lias been erected.
These graves are decorated annually by the noble
women of our county.

We are anxious to get the nanus of those who
were killed, with their Company and Regiment, so
that we can have them engraved on marble slabs.
Will comrades or others who know send this infor-
mation? Address, with particulars, B. F. Chapman,
Farmington, Tenn.

QD^federate l/eterap.


Miss Claudine Rhett, of Charleston, paid tribute
to the memory of Capt. John C. Mitchel some time
ago, which paper was promptly forwarded to the
Veteran by Miss Martha B. Washington, Corre-
sponding Secretary of the Daughters of the Confed-
eracy in Charleston. Capt. Mitchel was of the
First South Carolina Artillery, and lost his life
while in command of Fort Sumter.


Capt. John Mitchel was a native of Ireland, and
came to America under peculiar circumstances. His
father was a leader of the home rule party in his
own country, and was tried for high treason against
the Crown, along with Smith O’Brian and General
Meagher. Their estates were confiscated, and all
were sent to Australia. John Mitchel, Jr., although
a mere lad when his father was brought to trial,
manfully stood by his side in the dock, and even
accompanied him to the prison in Australia, to
prove to him that a faithful heart was willing to
share evil, as well as good, fortune with an honored

After his arrival in the United States, young
Mitchel received his education at Columbia College,
New York, and from that school of engineering
went to Tennessee, where he was engaged in laying
out a railroad when a call to arms resounded through
our land. In obedience to this martial summons,
the young engineer at once engaged in the military
service of the South, embracing the cause of consti-
tutional liberty with ardent enthusiasm. In the ag-
gressions of the North upon the rights of the South-
ern States, he saw reflected the same unjust desire
of domination evinced by England towards Ireland,
which had been so often resisted in his native land;
and, with the generous zeal of an earnest nature, he
gave to the country of his adoption the full support
of an intrepid spirit and a warm heart, not stopping
+ o count the possible cost to himself.

Appointed a Lieutenant in the Battalion of Ar-
tillery stationed at Fort Sumter in the winter of
1861, John Mitchel entered upon the discharge of
those duties which were to end onl}’ with the close
of his life, three years later.

Major Anderson, having retired to Fort Sumter
twith the United States troops, it became incumbent

upon the Confederate forces to drive him thence and
to get possession of that post, the key of Charles-
ton Harbor. In accordance with this intention,
by order of Gen. Beauregard, the Commander-in-
Chief of this military district, at about 3 o’clock on
the morning of April 12, ’61, a bombshell was fired
from Fort Johnson as a signal to the other forts and
batteries around the harbor to begin the attack. No
sooner had the roaring meteor sped across the bay,
than an answering light was run up to the head of
the flagstaff at Fort Moultrie, and behold! the fight-
ing for Charleston, which was to continue until
Feb. 19, ’65, had begun.

The following day, April 13, about 8 o’clock, in
the thickest of the bombardment, a thin smoke was
observable curling up from Fort Sumter. It grew
denser and denser as it steadily rose in the air, and
it soon became apparent that the wooden barracks
within that Fort had been set on fire “by a red hot
shot, thrown from an 8 inch Columbiad gun at Fort
Moultrie by a detachment of Company B,” (Mitchel’s
company, reports Gen. Beauregard). This confla-
gration occasioned Major Anderson’s surrender, as
it endangered his powder magazine.

As soon as the Fort fell into our possession, this
same Company B was sent over to Sumter, and
Mitchel, therefore, formed one of the first Confed-
erate garrisons of that post.

At the capture of the Union gunboat, “Isaac
Smith,” he commanded a battalion of infantry, and
for this brilliant affair, Col. Yates, who commanded
the entire expedition, received the thanks of the
Confederate Congress, for himself and for his gal-
lant comrades.

On the ever memorable 7th of April, 1863, when
the ironclad fleet of monitors advanced to the at-
tack of Fort Sumter, Capt. Mitchel’s company not
being directly engaged, he volunteered his services
in the defense of this important post. It is hardly
necessary to state that the “Keokuk,” one of the
best monitors, was sunk by the guns of Fort Sum-
ter, and that the others were triumphantly repulsed
by the Confederates. J j

Four months later, Aug. 10, on a terribly hot
morning, the Union forces opened fire upon Morris
Island, the out-post of Sumter. This attack lasted
three hours, and was made with more than four
times the number of guns and troops we had; fifty-
five cannon, of the heaviest caliber, poured shot
and shell upon our small force, (the monitors as-
sisting with their cross-fire in enfilading the posi-
tion of the Confederate batteries). Our soldiers
fought as long as their posts could be held, Capt.
Mitchel commanding the artillery. In killed,
wounded and captured, we lost in this action 294
men. Among the mortally wounded was that fine
young officer, Lieut. John Bee, also Capt. Chas.
Haskell, who was as handsome and accomplished
an artillerist as the State could ever hope to pro-
duce. His last words to a comrade were, “Tell my
mother that I died for her and for my country.”

The Confederate forces, having been obliged by
superior numbers to retreat to Battery Wagner,
were not allowed much rest, for that very night the
Union troops made their first assault upon this im-
portant position. Capt. Mitchel on this occasion

(^otyj-ederate l/eterap.

commanded the Confederate Artillery, and, as was
always the case, the guns in charge of the First
Regular South Carolina Artillery were remarkably
well handled by those extraordinarily skillful gun-

Some of the Union soldiers actually g-ot within
Battery Wagner during this attack, but the assault
failed and their forces were repulsed, they having
lost 330 men by death, wounds and capture.

After this, Capt. Mitchel was assigned to the
command of the Confederate Batteries at Shell
Point on James Island, whence he kept up a sus-
tained fire until February, 1864

When Col. Stephen Elliott was promoted and
sent to the field in Virginia, Capt. Mitchel was se-
lected by those in authority to succeed him in the
command of Fort Sumter- the most important mil-
itary post in the Harbor of Charleston May 4, 1864.
Here, by his untiring energy, administrative ability
and vigilance, Mitchel proved himself worthy of the
confidence of his superior officers, and of this high

Major John Johnson, the resident engineer officer
stationed at that post, thus writes: “Capt. Mitchel
was unremitting in the discharge of all his arduous
duties. Allowing- himself but little rest in the day-
time, he was particularly alert to guard against as-
sault by night; and the constant watchfulness of
this spirited young officer became imparted to his
whole garrison.”

During the morning of July 20, 1864, the sentinel
on the parapet of Fort Sumter requested permis-
sion to withdraw into the shelter of the bombproof
sentry box, on account of the extraordinary severity
of the firing- by the enemy from Morris Island. At
first. Capt. Mitchel refused to permit him’ to leave
his post of observation, deeming a seeking of safety
whilst on duty a bad precedent to establish; but
when the soldier sent him a second message, he as-
cended the ramparts to ascertain for himself if the
man should indeed be withdrawn.

Mitchel had been there but a short time when a
mortar shell of the largest kind was thrown from a
Union battery, and came on its awful mission of
destruction, roaring- and hurtling through the clear
summer sky, towards Fort Sumter and its doomed
Commander, who could, however, have found securi-
ty from this terrific projectile by simply stepping
within the adjacent sentry box. But, with a high
sense of honor, Capt Mitchel considered it his duty
to stand his ground upon the ramparts, having
Obliged the sentinel to remain for a time exposed to
similar danger, and, with his elbow resting on
the parapet, and his field glass raised to his eyes,
which were fixed upon the fleet, he ncer moved
from his original position. None, save those who
have heard the appalling sound made by a bomb-
shell, can fully appreciate the cool courage shown
by the young officer in thus disregarding that voice
of woe. Bursting overhead, a large fragment of
this shell struck Capt. Mitchel to the ground, and
he wasborneto the hospital below mortally wounded.
He lingered in great agony nearly four hours, and
expired about five o’clock of a bright summer’s
afternoon, having died, as he had lived, a true sol-
dier, repressing every outward manifestation of suf-

fering, solicitous that he might teach his garrison
by his example how a brave man should meet death.
Once, when the pain overcame him and he groaned
aloud, checking himself, he looked up, attempted to
rise, and gave command that the men should not be
allowed to pass and repass the hospital as they
were then doing-, lest they should overhear some
other expression of suffering. Later on, upon being
asked by Major Johnson what could be done for
him. he replied. “Nothing, except to pray forme.”
All in Charleston were greatly pained when the
fall of the gallant Commander of Fort Sumter was
announced. His remains were brought to the city
that night, and lay in St. Paul’s Church under
guard of the Cadets until the following after-
noon, when the burial service was read by the late
Bishop Howe. A large concourse of friends gath-
ered there, mingling with the military and naval
officers, who were anxious to do honor to their de-
parted comrade.

Quiet and still in death lay the soldier, “life’s
fitful fever o’er,” the star-crossed Fort Sumter flag
his pall, upon which rested his sword, a wreath of
laurel and some white roses.

When the solemn burial service was concluded,
the fine brass band of his old regiment, the First
Artillery, played a plaintive dead march, and, es-
corted by the Cadets, bearing their arms reversed,
Gen. Jones and Staff, Gen. Ripley and Staff, and
many other officers, dressed in full uniform, the
cortege wended its way to Magnolia Cemetery,
where he had desired to lie laid.

A peculiar gloom was added to this sad scene by
the approach of a heavy thunder storm. The sky
had a dark and lowering appearance; fitful yusts of
wind swept through the church; brilliant flashes of
lightning gleamed incessantly, whilst loud report?
of heaven’s artillery reverberated from on high and
mingled their awe-inspiring fury with the organ
tones and the wailing cade nces of the dead march.
Some years later his comrades of the first Artil-
lery placed a granite column over the grave of their
brother-in-arms, at the suggestion of Lieut. Henry
Frost; but. as long as the waves beat against the
ruins of Fort Sumter, that war-worn fortress will
be John Mitchel’s best and most enduring monument.

Col. Samuel McFarland, of the Nineteenth Iowa
Regiment, was killed in the battle of Prairie Grove,
Arkansas. His sword was found by Captain J.
H. McClinton, of the Thirty-fourth Arkansas In-
fantry, and was presented recently to members of
that regiment. At a reunion they returned formal
thanks to Captain McClinton. and gave the sword
to a son of the former owner, an editor at Marshall-
town, Iowa.

In answer to inquiry in Veteran for July, Com-
rade T. F. Moriarty, of Natchez, Miss., names Dr.
Wm. Maguin as author of poem, “The Soldier
Boy,” and makes reference to Ford’s National Li-
brary, Ballad Poetry of Ireland, Vol. 1, No. 3, p. 161.

At the regular meeting of Camp Isham Harrison,
No. 27, U. C. V., Columbus, Miss., on November
7th, Dr. A. C. Halbert was elected Commander and
Thomas Harrison, Adjutant.

Confederate l/eterai).


J. B. Polley, Floresville, Tex., sends another treat
in excerpts from another yellow-stained letter to the
same lady referred to on page 362 December Vetek an :
Bull’s Gap, Tenn., March 25, 1863.

Charming Nellie: — By a masterly stratagem, a
ragged private secured a seat at a table on which
was spread a bountiful dinner, prepared especially
for a pompous Confederate General. The officer
made no objection, but wishing to be sure that the
soldier knew what distinguished company was pres-
ent, very condescend ingly asked: “Do you know,
Sir, with whom you are dining?” “Indeed I do not,”
answered the soldier, “I used to be particular about
such matters, but now, so the dinner is good and
abundant, I don’t care a who eats with me.”

You would have complimented me on my resem-
blance to that private had you seen me hobnobbing
with General Jenkins last Christmas Eve. There
was a symposium at his quarters, “a feast of reason
and flow of soul,” under the exhilarating influence of
unlimited quantities of apple jack, and the Colonel
and Inspector-General of the Division invited me
and others of his old company to attend. After the
third drink, a Brigadier-General sank in my estima-
tion to the level of a private, and I sought and ob-
tained an introduction to my host. He treated me
with distinguished consideration, talked with me
until I got sober enough to be ashamed of much that
I had said, and invited me to call again. I alluded
to a former interview with him concerning a hog
that met death and destruction by my hands at Chat-
tanooga, but he waived all further discussion of the
subject, saying kindly: “That was official inter-
course, Sir; this is purely social.”

Three weeks ago, while we were at New Market,
twenty-five men under command of Lieut. Crigler,
were sent over to the French Broad to capture some
Federals who were depredating on our side of the
river. Ed. Crockett and Pengra were sent ahead as
scouts with instructions not to show themselves or
make an attack, the rest of us following leisurely.
Arrived within a quarter of a mile of the river and
hearing nothing from the scouts, we deployed into
a skirmish line with its center on a road that led to
the ferry the Federals were in the habit of using,
and advanced slowly and cautiously.

To the right of the road, on a hill and about a
hundred yards from the water’s edge, stood a large,
roomy house, surrounded by a plank fence. My po-
sition in the line was such that, going straight for-
ward and keeping the proper intervals between me
and comrades on right and left, I marched toward
the back door of this house. I was within fifty feet
of the fence and was deliberating whether to g-o
around or through the mansion, when the sound of
two rifle shots at the river broke upon my ears. A
moment afterwards a volley was fired from the op-
posite bank — several of the balls striking the house
— a woman screamed, and I rushed forward. I had
not gone ten feet when a very handsome girl, prob-
ably eighteen years old, sprang out of the open

door, ran to the fence and climbed it without regard
to ankles and other unmentionables, rushed down
the hill toward me. Frightened out of her wits,
she ran squarely into my arms, which of course were
in proper position to hospitably receive such a love-
ly bundle of womanhood. In fact, they had been
extended as instinctively and involuntarily as they
closed when she came within their circle and — as
confidingly as I hope she will some day — throw her
own around my neck.

“Save me! — save me!” she exclaimed in terror-
stricken accents, and not a bit unwilling to be a
savior of such a beautiful creature, but honestly
glad of the opportunity so unexpectedly afforded me
of acting in that capacity, I bent every energy to the
delightful task, and drawing her closer to me, as-
sured her of absolute safety as long as she stayed
right there. She evidently believed me and seemed
to find as great comfort in doing the clinging as I
in being stay and support, and we stood there in the
attitude of lovers just met after years of separation,
until the enemy was driven to shelter beyond gunshot.
The one drawback to supreme felicity was my
gun. Too wary a soldier to drop it — much as 1 de-
sired to do so in order to have both hands free — I
clung to it and the girl to the last, but held the piece
of ordnance in such a position I imagine that it would
have puzzled a man to decide which was holding it.
One time in my life the enemy’s retreat was too
precipitate — one time in my career as a soldier I
prayed that the fight should continue; for as long as it
lasted the captive was content to find shelter in my
fervent arms, but when it ceased, blushingly and with-
out the least aid from me, she released herself and left
me only the cold, inanimate gun to hold.

She was no bashful country girl. The moment
we got far enough apart to obtain a fair view of each
other, she said: “Please excuse me, Sir — I was so
frightened by the guns and balls that I didn’t know
what I was doing, and I fear have given you a great
deal of trouble.”

“Not a bit, not a bit,” I hastened to reply. “It
was a delight that I would suffer much to enjoy
again,” and noticing that she found it difficult to
stand on the uneven hillside, I pretended great solici-
tude, and asking: “Are you sure you no longer need
support?” stepped toward her with extended arms.
She blushed like a rose, but by a graceful motion
of a little hand waived further assistance, and then
glancing roguishly at me, said : ‘ ‘Thank you, I do not
need to trespass again on your endurance and gallan-
try. Will you not go to the house and let me intro-
duce you to my sisters and mother, and tell them how
kind you have been? Sister Mary looked out of the
door while you had your — I mean while we were
standing so close together.”

I had not seen- Sister Mary at all, for the maid
with whom I had been so pleasantly engaged came
at me with such force that her momentum swung me
around with my back to the house. But I was still
game and said — quite impudently, I reckon you will
think — “You must introduce me as your lover then,
for that I am now and forever. You are the cap-
tive of my arms, and I will not consent to waive a
single right or privilege.”

My fair captive was good pluck too. Her black

Qogfederate Ueterai>.

eyes flashed with mischief as she said: “Let us go
to the house— and we can discuss your rights there.”

As we walked slowly up the hill, she turned to the
right, as if to go around the yard fence, and when
I demurred and suggested climbing it, shook her
head in protest and remarked: “No, indeed — fright-
ened as I was a moment ago, I got over it with more
speed than gracefulness, I fancy; but now the dan
ger is past, I fear to attempt it again.”‘

By the time we entered the house — it took us
fully twenty minutes to walk the twenty yards — we
knew each other’s name and I was introduced to her
mother and sisters, nice attractive and intelligent
ladies, wife and daughters of a Baptist minister by
the name of . Sister Mary smiled signifi-
cantly as I took her hand and the erstwhile tenant
of my arms showed her colors most charmingly. * *

Much against inclination, I said good-bye; not,
however, without giving the late occupant a panto-
mimic invitation to return to my arms, at which
Sister Mary laughed merrily. My comrades, who
had been too intent on war, anxious to learn of my
good fortune, looked puzzled, and my charmer,
blushed, smiled invitingly and gave me her hand.

Remember, please, that I relate this incident for

your entertainment alone — not to be told to .

She might discover treachery and disloyalty in it,
when, really and truly, it is the first and only ad-
venture I have had since this cruel war began, in
which lovely woman had a part.

EORGIA is doing nicely in
the cause of the Veteran.
The following article is
copied from the “Nashville
American.” It has not been
the custom to reproduce any
thing 90 complimentary to
the Editor, but there is a
business motive in doing it.
It is proper for him to attend reunions, to mingle
with comrades as often as practicable, and he often
goes at sacrifice of time and comfort. On such oc-
casions he is ever greeted by leaders, but rarely pre-
sented, and afterwards comrades write to express
regret at failure to see him. Since his work is so
prominent and so universally approved, his presence
at reunions ought to be made known so that comrades
might at least attend to business that could not be
so easily- transacted by mail. It requires unceasing
diligence to maintain the Veteran.
Here is the article:

A letter to “The American” from a “A Georgia
Vet.” at Atlanta, Ge., gives an interesting account
of the visit of S. A. Cunningham, editor of the CON-
FEDERATE Veteran, to the Confederate Veteran
Camp in that city. Gen. Evans was presiding, and
he made a felicitious speech in welcoming Mr. Cun-
ningham. He spoke of the great work of the Con-
federate Veteran in the most praiseworthy man-
ner. The introduction of Mr. Cunningham was re-
ceived standing, with applause. Mr. Cunningham
responded with feeling and earnestness, saying that


his work on the Confederate Veteran was a labor
of love, and that he was trying to make it worthy
of the brave people and the memory which it repre-
sented. For three years the Veteran had been go-
ing into Southern homes, and he spared no pains to
make it an acceptable visitor. He felt that he
could honestly receive the praises which had been
given to his Confederate Monthly, for he knew the
pure motives of the undertaking, as well as the labor
which had been bestowed to make it successful.
Gen. Evans sends out this order to Georgians:
Headquarters Georgia Division, U.C.V., /
Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 20, 1895. \
General Order No. 1 1 . * * *

3. — The CONFEDERATE Veteran, published at
Nashville, Tenn., at the low price of $1.00 per an-
num, is such a worthy and valuable medium of com-
munication among Confederates and Confederate
Camps, that it is hereby selected as the official organ
of this Division, and the Commanding General would
be pleased to have it taken and read by the members
of all Camps in this State. Clement A. Evans,

A. J. West, Maj.-Gen. Commanding.


Morrisiown, Tenn., Gazette: The Confederate
VETERAN is, beyond question, second to none of the
war magazines published in the country. It is his-
tory for the younger generation, teeming with stir-
ring incidents recounted by eye-witnesses and par-
ticipants in many thrilling scenes of the Lost Cause.
To the Veterans themselves it is a treasure book
filled with reminiscencies of heroic deeds of broth-
ers in arms, intermingled with humor and pathos
of the environments of the times. Mr. Cunning-
ham is one of the best known newspaper men in the
South, and richly deserves and enjoys the gratitude
of his comrades and the South at large for claiming
from oblivion and preserving to posterity such val-
uable contributions to Southern War literature as
is contained in his Confederate Veteran.

In his salutatory as editor of the National Senti-
nel, just started at Washington, D. C, Prof. J.
Fraise Richard says:

Our purpose is sincere. The Sentinel realizes that
it has a mission, and expects faithfully and conscien-
tiously to discharge its obligations. Its field is
broad; its resources for gathering material are am-
ple; and its loyalty to those who patronize its pages
will never be questioned.

We invite the co-operation and sympathy of all
who love truth, justice and good government, in our
effort to make the paper a power for usefulness in
the land. With the desire to instruct, to bless, to en-
courage, to elevate humanity, we send forth this
sheet and invoke upon its mission the blessing of
Him who delights in justice, mercy, and truth.

Surely the professions of Grand Army Veterans,
since what they have seen and felt within the last
six months, will encourage such a publication in
preference to the ugly ultra sentiments contained in
some other Grand Army papers. Another right spir-
ited journal is the Grand Army Gazette in New York.


Confederate Veteran.


John Shirley Ward, Los Angeles. Cal.

Prejudice is said, by one of our modern writers,
to be unlike Achilles in that it has no vulnerable
part. Prejudice is often transmitted from sire to
son ajid i; based entirely on hereditary transmis-
sion, regardless of the facts of co-temporaneous
history. Majority do not like to have the dreams
of their lives dispelled, even by *he light of truth;
they are read}’, like the Jews of old, to cry out,
“Crucify him! Crucify him!” and take the chances
of believing a lie.

The treatment of “prisoners” during our Civil
War, except so far as it may be necessary to estab-
lish the responsibility for the thousands of deaths
which occurred in our prisons, will not be discussed
in this article. The question as to who was respon-
sible for most of the deaths of prisoners, is speci-
fic, and can only be answered by the facts and
official actions of both Confederate and Federal
Governments at that time, and we propose to treat
of the authoritative acts of each government, in-
cluding such acts of officials as have been endorsed
and sanctioned by their government.


The South made no preparation for keeping pris-
oners. Her idea was to, as far as possible after
every battle, exchange the captured, man for man,
and officer for officer, thus avoiding the necessity of
prison-life with all its attendant horrors. The
United States Government, believing the war would
be over in ninety daj*s, and knowing, from its popu-
lation, it could put three or more men in the field
to each one of the Confederates, expected, by hold-
ing every prisoner, to close the war by having cap-
tured the entire Confederate Army. With this idea
dominating the Federal Government, the question
of exchange- of “prisoners” was hardly thought of.
This theory was based on the supposition, after-
wards verified by the facts, that, with an enlist-
ment of Union soldiers of 2,778,304, after capturing
the entire Confederate Army there would still be a
United States Army of 2,168,304 soldiers. This
was a fine theory, if the 600,000 Confederates had
made up their minds to be captured, but their pro-
tests against this idea at First and Second Manas-
sas, around Richmond, Fredericksburg, the Wilder-
ness, Gettysburg, Shiloh, and Chickamauga, proved
that they would not submit to being captured upon
that plan.

From the inception of the war, the South thought
it better to fight her enemies than to feed them,
and she began paroling Union prisoners before any
Cartel for their exchange was agreed upon by the
respective governments. A proposition to exchange
prisoners was first made by the South, and at the
time the Cartel was signed by the two govern-
ments the South held a large excess of prisoners
over the North. The Cartel was dated July 22,
1862, and its terms were to exchange “officer for
officer of same rank, and man for man, and to pa-
role all officers and men then left in prison on either
side, till they should be regularly exchanged.” The

South, holding at that time a large preponderance
of Northern prisoners, was the loser by such agree-
ment; but she liberated her excess of Northern pris-
oners and sent them home. By this means the
prisons were empty, but, governed by her sense of
honor and common humanity, she stood by the Cartel.
Exchange went on with some degree of regular-
ity till July 3, 1863, when it was known that on the
next day the entire Confederate Army in Vicks-
burg would become prisoners, and thus give the
Nonh an excess of prisoners; then the following
order was issued:

War Department, Adjutant General’s Office,
Washington, D.C., July 3, 1863.
“It is understood that captured officers and men have
been paroled and released on the field by others than com-
manders of opposing- armies, and that the sick and wound-
ed in hospitals have been so paroled and released, in order to
avoid g-uarding- and removing them, which in many cases
would have been impossible Such paroles are in violation
of general orders and the stipulations of the Cartel, and
are null and void. They are not regarded by the enemy
and will not be respected by the United States. Any officer
or soldier who gives such a parole will be returned to duty
without exchange, and moreover, will be punished for dis-
obedience of orders.”

(Signed) E. D. Townsend, A. A. G.

In regard to the above order from the Federal
War Department, we deny that the Confederate au-
thorities ever failed to recognize the validity of
paroles given by their sick and wounded when cap-
tured in Confederate hospitals by the Federal Army,
and demand the proof. If such a thing occurred
during the War, it is an easy matter to state time
and place. An order from the War Department,
while a Cartel for the exchange of prisoners,
mutually beneficial to both sides, was still in exis-
tence, says that “Prisoners who have been paroled
by other than the commander of an army,” and that
the “sick and wounded in hospitals” who have
been paroled, because, perchance, their captors could
not remove them, “shall be disregarded,” also that
the poor wounded soldier who had done his best
for his country, and the officer who led him, accept-
ing such parole, shall be ‘•’■returned to duty without
exchange and, moreover, will he punished for dis-
obedience.'” If the mere fact of surrender is a stain
on a soldier’s honor, then the bravest men who ever
walked the sulphurous edge of battle in all the
armies of the world, bear it

International law, as laid down by Vattel and
other recognized Publicists, have said that soldiers
captured in battle and beyond the control of their
government and beyond any relief from their gov-
ernment, had the right of self-preservation, and
hence the right to give a parole not to fight against
their captors till they were regularly exchanged.
The laws of civilized warfare recognized the right
of the captors to send sick and wounded prisoners
to the rear, even if at the cost of much suffering.

The United States Government, claiming not
only to be a civilized nation, but a Christian Nation,
assumed to absolve honorable soldiers captured on
the field from their paroles given to an enemy re-
cognized as belligerents by the usages of Wu.r!
Moreover, these officers and soldiers, though they
may have been captured when charging the guns
of the enemy, and then paroled, were to be “pun-
ished for disobedience of orders.”

Qopfederate Ueterai).


Preposterous the idea that if a brave soldier, who
had perhaps fought fifty battles with the stars and
stripes in his hand, having- always been ready to
march upon the enemy at the tap of the drum, if in
a great battle his eye should be shot out, or his ley;
should be taken away by a cannon-ball, that he
should be “punished for disobedience of orders,”
simply because he gave his parole of honor not to
fight against his opponents until he might be ex-
changed! It was Andersonville, or a parole, with
the captured. Having done all that bravery and
endurance could do, was it not adding insult to
their condition to propose to punish them, because
they preferred to give the parole of an honorable
soldier, to taking their chances in prison life?

Under the order of the War Department, which
was dominated by Secretary Stanton, neither officer
nor soldier captured on line of battle was allowed
the benefit of a parole, and if they accepted it they
were dishonored for disob :dience and sent back into
the ranks to be treated by the laws of war, as trait-
ors if they should be re-captured by the Confed-

The Confederates captured nearly 6,000 prisoners
at Gettysburg”, and proceeded to parole them on the
field, but when ihiv had given parole to about
2. into, this order of the Dark A.ges from Secretary
Stanton came to hand, and the other 4,000 had to
foot it to Richmond, a weary march of several hun-
dred miles, to undergo the discomforts of Libby or
Andersonville. Was this torture needed to make
these brave men respect the dignity and power of
their government, when each one knew that such
an order was a violation of the solemn honor of his
government, which it had willingly carried out
whenever the South In Id more prison, rs than it did?

Aiter thousands of Union prisoners bad been pa-
roled and allowed to go home till they were ex-
changed, the War Department of the federal Gov-
ernment modified the Cartel, under which a general
exchange of prisoners was agreed on, and limited
the exchange to “these held in confinement.” This
order could only mean, to people of ordinary com-
mon sense, that those who had been paroled are
safe at home, and we will not allow the Confeder-
ates to use them as exchanges for prisoners after-
wards captured. Hail the Confederates not regard-
ed i be honor of these they would have kept them in
prison. The Confederates expected that the United
States Government would stand by the obligations
of her soldiers, many of whom had been captured
close by the cannon’s mouth. But this order send-
ing them back to the army, though their parole of
honor was then in the hands of the Confederate
War Department, and, if violated, would bring them
to the gallows or other ignominious form of death,
by the laws and usages of war.

The 4,000 prisoners captured at Gettysburg were
marched back to Richmond under all the hardships
of a Government unable to furnish anything, ex-
cept the scantiest supplies to her own soldiers, and
were sent to their necessary doom at Libby or
Andersonville, when, according to the Cartel, they
should have been sent home to their families, as
brave soldiers of the Union, until the number of
prisoners on each side justified an exchange.

We do not desire to avoid any question which
gave the Federal Government a plausible excuse
for not carrying out the Cartel. One reason given
by its authorities for a failure to carry out the con-
ditions of the Cartel, was that the South had vio-
lated it in refusing to exchange negroes equally
with white soldiers. Did this refusal to recognize
the late slaves of the South as legitimate prisoners
of war justify the Federal Government in permit-
ting her brave white soldiers in Southern prisons
to die, in-order to force the Confederate Govern-
ment to exchange as prisoners some of their former

The South’s position on this question is best es-
tablished by a review of the expressed animus of
the United States Government at the beginning of
the war and its aims.

When Mr. Lincoln was on his way to be inaugu-
rated, and also in his inaugural address, he denied
any desire to interfere with slavery in the States,
and his Proclamation of War against the South
was not because of her acceptance and endorsement
of slavery, but because of her effort to dissolve the
Union, It was this call to save the Union which
thrilled the heart of the North from Maine to the
Pacific. If these thousands had been called to blot
out negro Slavery there would never have been a
Union Army. Even after the war was under full
headway and the Federal Army had crossed into
Kentucky, there was no evangel in its front, pro-
claiming the emancipation of the negro, ami there
was not a day in the year 1862 when a Kentucky
slave-holder, who was raisins’ a regiment to save the
Union, could not have sold his own negroes on the
block without molestation. Mr. Lincoln, in his
first annual message, asked Congress to pass an
Act for the abolition of slavery in the year nineteen
hundred, each slave-holder to be compensated for
his slaves. This he thought would save the Union.
He closed this message with a paragraph that all
the loyal of the South “should be compensated for
all losses, by acts of the United States, including
losses of slaves.”

In the first part of this message, Mr. Lincoln was
in favor of paying for all slaves emancipated, brought
about by the United States Army, in addition to
the value of the slaves. Mr. Lincoln in his Eman-
cipation Proclamation did not offer to every slave
the guerdon of freedom, as he excepted thirteen coun-
ties in western Louisiana, the City of New Orleans,
all of West Virginia, and several counties in old Vir-
ginia. The fact that he did not offer freedom to
the slaves in this territory is proof conclusive that
any man or set of men who were enlisted in the War
for the Union had the legal as well as the moral
right to hold their slaves. To every mind capable
of a logical deduction of this, it meant at that time
the moral obligation of slavery depended on the loy-
alty of the owner to the Union. This fact led the
Southern Government to decline to recognize ne-
groes as prisoners of war who had been decoyed from
their homes by promises of large bounties for en-
listment against their old masters; and it was in-
tended by the Cartel that it should include the ex-
change of only free soldiers. This was not a ques-
tion of color, for the South was willing to regard as


Confederate Uecerag,

prisoners free negroes who had been captured in
the Union Arm}-.

It follows, therefore, at the time of making- the
Cartel neither Congress nor Mr. Lincoln had made
any movement looking to the emancipation of the
slaves, and ever}’ reasonable mind must conclude
that the negro soldier, ivho under the law was yet a
slave, was used as a mere subterfuge in order to
prevent all exchanges. This ma}- have been com-
forting to the captured negroes, but it peopled the
graveyards of the South with thousands of the
North’s best white soldiers. If the widows of those
who died at Andersonville, or the children of those
who died in Libby, can extract any comfort from
their death, from the fact that they died as martyrs
to preserve the military equality of the negrowith
the white soldier, then a Pantheon should be erect-
ed to protect their remains when they die, as speci-
mens of the loftiest self-abnegation the world has
ever known.

General Butler, while Commissioner for exchange
of prisoners, an intense hater of the South, know-
ing there were only a few hundred negro soldiers
who were prisoners, and knowing they were accus-
tomed to a Southern climate, and the “hog and
hominy” diet of the Southern soldier, insisted on
the United States Government waiving their ex-
change in order to release thousands of her bravest
white soldiers, leaving the question of the status of
the negro soldier to be settled in the future. We
ask, was it better that ten white soldiers should die
in prison than one negro should fail to be exchanged?

We propose to show who was to blame for failure
to exchange prisoners, and consequently who is re-
sponsible for the thousands of graves under the
pines of Georgia.

1st. The South was opposed to all prisons — pre-
ferring to exchange all prisoners on the field.

2nd. The South first proposed to enter into a Car-
tel for exchange of prisoners, and at a time when
she had thousands more prisoners than were held by
the North.

3rd. She carried out this Cartel faithfully — deliv-
ering thousands of prisoners, on their parole, be-
cause the North did not have prisoners to exchange
for them.

4th. The North, then having many of her paroled
prisoners at home, and on the eve of the surrender
of Vicksburg, knowing the Confederates to be capt-
ured there the neit day would give her a prepon-
derance of prisoners an order was issued by Secre-
tary Stanton, disallowing and revoking all paroles
by other than the commander of an army, of either
sick, well or wounded, ordering them back into the
ranks to be punished for disobedience of orders.

5th. The North, after getting an excess of prison-
ers on hand, proposed to continue the exchange, con-
fining it to prisoners then in confinement, thus at-
tempting to evade an honest compliance with the
Cartel by declining to exchange paroled prisoners
for those of the Confederates then in their prisons.

6th. The South humiliated herself by parading
before the United States Government the unhappy
condition of Northern prisoners and which she was
powerless to mitigate.

7th. The South, after confessing her inability to

furnish Northern prisoners with proper food and
medicine, and not wishing them to die in prison,
submitted to Major-General Hitchcock, the Federal
Agent for exchange, the following proposition:

Confederate War Department,
Richmond, Va., January 24, 1864.
Sir: In view of the present difficulties attending the ex-
change and release of prisoners, I propose that all such on
each side be attended by a proper number of their own sur-
geons, who, under rules to be established, shall be permit-
ted to take charge of their health and comfort. I also pro-
pose that these surgeons shall act as Commissaries with
power to distribute such contributions of money, food, cloth-
ing and medicine as may be forwarded for the relief of pris-
oners. I further propose that these surgeons be selected
by their own governments, and that they shall have full
liberty at any and all times, through their agents of ex-
change, to make reports, not only of their acts, but of any
matters relating to the welfare of prisoners.

Robert Ould,
Confederate Commissioner of Exchange.

When Judge Ould offered the United States Gov-
ernment the right to send by her own surgeons and
medicines for Union prisoners, the medical supplies
in the South had long been exhausted.

Quinine was then worth in the South $60.00 per
ounce, while it was worth onl} T $5.00 in New York.
As thousands of Union prisoners died from malarial
diseases incident to the Southern climate, who might
have been saved with the proper medicines, does
not the refusal to furnish such medicine fix the
responsibility of their deaths upon the United States

This broad Christian offer was never noticed by
the Federal Government. Finding that the United
States Government paid no attention to this Christ-
ian proposition, then the Confederate Government
ordered Judge Ould to propose to the United States
Government to furnish, without equivalents, 15,000
of their sick and wounded at the mouth of the Sa-
vannah River as soon as they would furnish trans-
portation. This offer was made early in August,
1864, but not a vessel reached the mouth of the
river to receive these prisoners till late in the fol-
lowing December, thus allowing death to reap its
greatest victories during the months of September,
October and November. The South turned over to
the North on the arrival of the first ship 13,000 sick
and wounded, and many strong, healthy men, re-
ceiving only 3,000 sick soldiers in lieu thereof.

Prompt acceptance of this humane proposition
would have returned to their country and families
thousands of those who now sleep under the pines
around Andersonville.

8th. The South, moved by the sufferings of Union
prisoners, and being utterly without medicine, pro-
posed to the” Federal authorities to buy medicines
from them, paying in gold, cotton or tobacco, at
even two or three prices for the same, for the Union
prisoners, pledging the honor of the South not to
use one ounce of it for Southern soldiers. This was
declined or never accepted.

Was it Christian to refuse to sell medicine to their
own men who were dying for the want of it? If it
was, the Sermon on the Mount ought to be relega-
ted to the land of fable.

9th. We now come to the final” reason why it was
best that Union prisoners should die in prison, rather

Qopfederate Ueterai).


than to be released to their homes. It is the argu-
ment of military necessity. It zvas a question of the
few dying for the many.

General Grant had said in his dispatch to General
Butler, August 18, 1864:

“// is hard on our men held in Southern prisons
not to exchange them, but it is humanity to those left
in the ranks to fight our batt/es. At this particular
time, to release all rebel prisoners North -would insure
Sherman’s defeat, and would compromise our safety
here.” 1

Did any one ever think that if the ‘)5,000 Confed-
erate prisoners then in Northern prisons had been
released, it also released 95,000 Union prisoners?

If General Grant regarded each Northern soldier
equal on the field to each Southern soldier, what
difference would this exchange have made in the
relative numbers of the two armies? The truth is.
General Grant never hoped for success except in
overwhelming numbers. Asa General he was wise,
prudent and brave, and knew that the greater mill-
stone must ultimately wear away the lesser.

Military Necessity. The refusal to exchange pris-
oners and the enlistment of negroes were a military
necessity, and this won the fight.

The battle of Gettysburg ended on July 3, 1863.
On the next day, General Lee, finding himself en-
cumbered by many thousands of prisoners, addressed
General Meade, proposing to exchange them. To
this note General Meade replied by telegram to
Major-General Halleck:

A proposition made by General Lee, under flag of truer.
to exchange prisoners was declined by me.”

(Sig-ned) Gkorgk C. Meade,

Gettysburg-, July 4, 10 p.m.

Was this not the day of all the days in the year,
when a General, who, for three days, on inaccessi-
ble heights, with ”5,000 men, had hardly held at
bay an army of 65,000, should, knowing his inability
to prevent General Lee marching these prisoners to
Libby or Andersonville, have gladly accepted an
opportunity to exchange them on the field, and thus
save them from the long tramp and prison life?

In October, 18(>4, General Lee wrote to General
Grant as follows: “To alleviate the sufferings of
our soldiers, I propose the exchange of prisoners of
war taken by the armies operating in Virginia, man
for man, upon the basis established bv the Cartel.”

On the next day General Grant replied as follows:
“I could not of right accept your proposition further
than to exchange prisoners captured within the
last three days, and who have not yet been delivered
to the commanding General of prisoners. Among
those lost by the armies around Richmond were a
number of colored trocps. Before further negotia-
tions can be had upon the subject, I would ask if
you propose to exchange these men the same as
white soldiers?”

General Lee said, in rejoinder: “Deserters from
our service, and negroes belonging to our citizens,
are considered as subjects of exchange.”

Jefferson Davis in 1864, seeing the distress and
death among the Union prisoners, which he had no
power to avert, sent a commission of Union officers
from Audersonvilre to Washington to presenl their
situation to Mr. Lincoln and insist on an immedi-

ate exchange, but they failed to get an audience
with Mr. Lincoln, it is believed by the influence of
Mr. Stanton, and no satisfactory results were ob-
tained. All the reasons heretofore given are subsid-
iary and lead up to the one reason in the mind of the
United States Government against the exchange of

It was set forth in General Grant’s reply of April
1, 1864, in which he forbade General Butler, “To
take any step by which any able-bodied man should
be exchanged till further orders from him.”

Taken in connection with his order to General
Butler heretofore referred to, it was the enforce-
ment of the idea of military necessity — that last plea
of despots all over the world. Here was the wisdom
and cunning of a Bismarck allied to the utter dis-
regard of human life or suffering which character-
ized many of the Generals of the Dark Ages. Here
was the policy of the Spanish Inquisition to murder
the innocent rather than give equal advantage to
the enemy.

Mr. Lincoln, in his great heart, was ready to do
justice to friend and foealike, butbaekof him stood
Phillip II. of Spain in the person of Stanton, who
said by every act* “It is better to have every Union
soldier die in prison than to turn loose an equal
number of Confederate prisoners.”

This military necessity grew out of the fact that,
whereas the South had enlisted in her armies 600,-
000 soldiers, the North had only 2,778,304 soldiers on
her rolls.

Search the annals of warfare from the days of
Xenophon down to this, and there cannot be found
one instance where an army numerically four times
as strong as its ememy has deliberately allowed its
own soldiers to die in prison rather than liberate
an equal number of the captured.

Without any regard to the “treatment of prison-
ers” by either side during the war, and it was bad
enough on both sides, we ask every sane, thinking
man to fix the responsibility for deaths occurring
in prison where it belongs. Tf the South held her
captives in order to persecute and tortute, she
ought to be anathematized by the Nations, but if
the South was always ready to give up and parole
her captives, and thy Union Government was not
willing to receive them, because every Rebel releas-
ed meant a recruit to the Southern Army, then his-
tory must aflix on the United States Government its
lastimr condemnation.

Comrade Marsh Atkisson, Commissioner of the
General Land Office at Seattle, Washington:

Enclosed I send S3 with which to pay one
year’s subscription for Vhtkkan, and give balance
as “Contribution for Monument to be Erected in
Honor of Samuel Davis.'” I notice that Stonewall
Jackson Bivouac, of McKenzie, Tenn., to which I
have the honor to belong, and served two terms as
President, has made a contribution to the Monu-
ment Fund. Let every ex-Confederate soldier in the
world, who is able to do so, make a contribution for
this noble purpose; — to commemorate the heroism of
one of our gallant soldiers, who performed the
grandest act which’is possible to be done on ( ;irt1i

” To die for liis country.”


Qopfederate l/eterao.


B. L. Ridle} 7 , Murfreesboro, Tenn., writes:
I want to ask old veterans about the best shots
they saw or heard in our great war. Let sharp-
shooters, musketeers, cannoneers, all tell of some of
the shots worth reading- about. Shots that now
and then turned the tide of battle perhaps. It is
stated that the Texas Rangers could knock out an
eye from on or under his horse. Quantrell’s men,
they say, could cut a ribbon or strike a ke}-hole on
a dead run. They used to entertain themselves
shooting- at doorknobs on entering a hamlet or town.
Champ Ferguson’s Company of Confederate Bush-
whackers could place a ball at any given point, and
his antagonists, Tinker Dave Beatty’s Company,
were cracksmen of the mountains equally good.
How was it with the old squirrel hunters of the
armies? Bogardus is said to be the crack shot of
to-day at close distance in civil life, but I want the
Veteran to have in its pages, for the future histor-
ian, some examples of the marksmanship of soldiers
in action, who had no improved weapons, but who
learned to use an old musket with the skill of a
“Wild Bill,” and the unerring aim of a Boone. In-
stances speak more forcibly of the. perfection at-
tained in this art than anything else. Here is one
related of Porter’s Battery at Fort Donelson:
A sharpshooter, about three fourths of a mile off
on the Federal side, had climbed midway a large
tree and was picking off Porter’s gunners. A six
pounder was aimed at him and he fell to the ground
dead. At Belmont, Maj. Stewart (afterwards
Lieut. Gen. A. P. Stewart), who commanded the
forts and water batteries, directed the famous gun,
known on the Southern side as “The Lady Polk,”
at a column headed by a horseman, who afterwards
turned out to be General Grant. These shots
turned the tide of that battle, and caused the Fed-
erals to retreat to their gunboats.

At Rocky Face Ridge, near Dalton, John King of
the Twentieth Tennessee Regiment, raised his tel-
escope to his Whitworth, and dismounted an officer
commanding a skirmis’h line a mile away. Gener-
als Johnston and Stewart estimated the distance for
him and saw the shot. It is said that Captain An-
derson, of Quantrcll’smen, would, in a charge, take
his bridle reins in his mouth and use his pistols in
both hands, to perfection. They claim for him such
coolness under fire that he could strike any button
on a man’s coat that he wanted to. At Adairs-
villc, two Yanks behind a tree got one of our skirm-
ishers in a similar position. When his body by his
movements would appear out from the center, they’d
fire and shoot his coat sides, until that garment was
in shreds. Notwithstanding this, that old soldier
watched his chance, and finally, in an unguarded
moment killed both, and coolly said: “Now, I
reckon } T ou’ll quit your foolishness.” At Resaca,
Brown’s Brigade displayed fine marksmanship over
a disputed battery that both sides were trying to
hold, but neither could get away. The Federals
would raise a hat from behind their breastworks on
a stick, and the Brigade would shoot it into atoms.
On the march to Tennessee, a herd of frightened
deer rushed through French’s Division; several

were killed while at full tilt, on the jump and run,
although the Division was in panic with “Buck
Ague.” Some of John Morgan’s boys could get a
bird on the wing with pistols, and this was not
uncommon with the Arkansas, Missouri and Texas

In the First Tennessee Regiment at Shelbyville,
in 1863, a target in the shape of a man was put up
at 800 yards, and a medal was offered for the best
five shots; Wm. Beasly, of Ledbetter’s Company,
put three shots out of the five in the target, any
one of which would have proved fatal. He not only
got the medal, but was detailed as one of the five in
his division to sharpshoot with a Whitworth.
One of Ward’s pickets, in John Morgan’s Cavalry,
near Monticello, Ky., one dark drizzly night heard
an awful rustling in the leaves near him; he was in
Tinker Dave Beatty’s beat, and this sound raised
the hair on his head. He hallooed out, “Who
comes there?” There being no answer, he fired
and fled. The next morning it was found that at
this shot he had fired at the sound had pierced a
hog through the heart, killing him “too dead to
squeal.” At New Hope Church, a Texas Brigade
(Granbury’s) rushed for a hill on our flank; they
poured one volley into a Federal Brigade, which
had just reached the crest, and their unerring aim
left seven hundred and seventy bodies on the field.

The secret of marksmanship is not in the practice
alone, but in the perception and education as to dis-
tance. At Missionar}’ Ridge and Lookout Moun-
tain we found that we invariably overshot the
enemy from high eminences, and that they in the
valley overshot us. It takes judgment from posi-
tion and experience as to the inflection and deflec-
tion of a ball from the force that propels it to per-
fect one in this science. One day near Kennesaw
Mountain, the writer witnessed three Federal Bat-
teries playing on one of ours, endeavoring to silence
it. They shot down the horses, cut down the
wheels of caissons and carriages, and were so ex-
pert in marksmanship that every gun but one was
dismounted. The killing of Gen. Polk at Pine
Mountain was an exhibition of marksmanship on
the part of the Federals. At Stevenson, Ala., Gen-
Forrest sighted a man on top of a stockade, half a
mile off; he seemed to be so defiant, ’tis said that
Forrest dismounted, got hold of one of Morton’s
pieces of artillery and took aim; he cut that man
half in two. At Shiloh, the Twenty-third Tennes-
see, in resisting a charge, poured a voile}- into the
enemy. At this time there was a Major on horse-
back in hot pursuit, some distance ahead; although
the whole of Captain J. A. Ridley’s Company fired
on him, yet one of the soldiers of said Company
alone claimed to have killed him. The Company
challenged his right. The soldier said: “If you
find that the ball entered under the right arm pit,
he’s mine; if not, I’ll give it up.” On investigation,
the shot was found there. Abbe Hill, also a sharp-
shooter from the Twentieth Tennessee, made a fine
shot at Decatur, Ala., in cutting a soldier down as
he walked across a road 800 yards away. Also,
Green, of Florida, from behind the same log killed
a man 1,200 yards off. In the estimate, he had to
consider the speed of his walk as well as distance.

^oofederate l/eterai).


At Ringgold Gap, the well directed shots of Cle-
burne’s Division beat back and mowed down Sher-
man’s Army and saved the Army of Tennessee.
That was General Pat Cleburne’s great right, the
Major General who was afterwards killed at Frank-
lin, and who died the “death of honor in the arms
of glory.” At Bainbridge, the gunboats made a
desperate attempt to strike Hood’s pontoons and
impede the crossing of the Army of Tennessee.
Our land batteries knocked those gunboats into
smithereens. During the siege of Vicksburg, one
of the Yankee Signal Corps planted himself on a
high stack chimney, and was signaling with his
flag. Sam Rayburne, of Montserrat’s Battery, got
permission from the Captain to direct one shot at
him, the distance being estimated at one mile. At
the crack of his Napoleon, the ball knocked the
chimney off eight or ten feet, and down came the
Yank, brickbats and all.

Nor was our Naval Department behind. It is
said in the engagement between the Confederate
steamer Alabama and the Federal steamer Kear-
sarge that Admiral Semmes directed a shell to be
placed in the most vulnerable place in the Kear-
sarge. It turned out afterwards that his gunner
had done as directed, and if the shell had exploded,
the Alabama would have added another star to her
already brilliant crown of victory. The little Bat-
tering Ram Arkansas was the grandest achieve-
ment in the way of a gunboat that the world has
ever witnessed, absolutely baffling an organized
fleet. Neither Decatur in his feat of burning the
Philadelphia on Tripolitan shores, in lso4. nor
Capt. Richard Somers in his dare-devil attempts to
blow up the Tripolitau Beet, was more daring than
Capt. Isaac Newton Brown, Commander of the Ram
Arkansas, in his drive out of the mouth of the Ya-
zoo, thirty miles to Vicksburg, to destroy Uncle
Sam’s Navy.

In a number of the VETERAN, an article from
some one states how effective the sharpshooters were
in Lee’s Army; but instances attract an old soldier.
and a comparison between the old dead shots of the
armies and the pretended headlights of to-day in
that line, is the most interesting. Veritable facts
during the war almost equal Munchausen’s myths.
At Harrisburg, Mississippi, just after the battle
Morton’s Battery sighted a Yankee one and a
quarter miles off, ascending a ladder from the road-
side. Capt. Morton directed a gunner to pick him
off. At the crack of the gun, the ladder and the
fellow came down. It was discovered afterwards
that he was prowling around a widow’s corn crib.
At Paris landing, before Johnsonville was destroyed
— a gunboat approaching, two guns of this same
battery open fire. The boat in motion — guns chang-
ing position. Boat over shooting and the guns
striking in the broadside all the time until she
handed in her checks.

At Nashville, Gen. Hood, Stephen D. Lee and a
group of general officers were on Ridley Hill, two
miles south of Fort Negley. A citizen warned us
that they would attract a fire from Negley. By the
time thev moved down the hill a shell exploded on
the spot’that they had left.

At Athens, after Campbell surrendered the fort of

1,800 men to Forrest bluff game), a Dutchman
commanding a block house filled full of negro sol-
diers refused to surrender to Morton’s Battery. The
first shot struck a port-hole, killing a number. The
second shot did likewise — the third brought out the
Dutchman with the white Hag.

[An article from Lee’s Army in February. — En.]


W. Gart Johnson, Orlando, Fla. : The article of
J. B. Policy, in the October VETERAN, is calculated
— as the boys say — to ” bring on more talk.” Who
saved the army at the Wilderness? In the first
place, it was not lost. In the second place — for the
sake of argument— if it was. no one regiment or
brigade can claim that honor.

As I understand it. the VETERAN is the medium
through which we. who were on the ground, and
personally participated in the e-reat struggle, may
communicate the incidents as we saw them, and
thus bring out the truth of history.

Mr. Cayce was unfortunate in saying that two
Mississip] i regiments saved the army at the Wil-
derness; and Mr. Polley is equally unfortunate in
giving that credit to the Texas brigade.

It Mr. Policy will take the trouble to examine tin
VETERAN of July, 1893, he will see an article headed
“Bark.idale Humphreys Miss. Brigade,” in which
the author, in describing the movements of that
brigade on that memorable morning of May, ’64,
uses almost identically the same language he him-
self does in telling the movements of the Texas

Our brigade had done some good lighting before
that, but 1 thought we rather reached the climax on
that occasion. My own company lost one lieuten-
ant and sixteen men killed ami wounded’ out of
thirty-four in about live minutes. I think the
other companies and regiments suffered likewise.
In that dense thicket we got all mixed up with the
Georgians and the South Carolinians, and every fel-
low seemed to be doing his best. So I concluded
we all had a hand in making Mr. Grant get out of
the Wilderness. And I still think we ought to
“kinder divide up” the honors. Seems to me it
would look better in print, and I think it would ac-
cord better with the facts.

“Battle Above the Clouds.” R. J. Dew,

Trenton, Tenn. : Comrades, we hear so much these
latter days about the great battle above the clouds,
that I am anxious to read a true account by
some comrade who was on Lookout Mountain
and knows the facts. We are all aware of the fact
that Gen. Hooker maneuvered and carried Lookout.
We could see the whole thing from afar. Our com-
mand, Cheatham’s Tennesseans, being at the time
stationed on Missionary Ridge. What command
was it up there, and what was the Confederate loss
in killed, wounded and missing? I am impressed
that our force was small. Am I mistaken? It has
been a long time (thirty-three years), and we are
forgetful. Now, who will treat us to the true
story of that “Battle Above the Clouds?”


Confederate l/eterap.

(^federate l/eteran.

S. A. CUNNINGHAM, Editor and Prop’r, S. W. MEEK, Publisher.

Office: Willcox Building, Church Street, Nashville, Tenn.

This publication is the personal property of S. A. Cunningham. All
persons who approve its principles, and realize its benefits as an organ for
Associations throughout the South, a^e requested to commend its patron-
age and to co-operate in extending ; t.

The movement inaugurated two months ago to
erect a monument to the memory of Samuel Davis,
the Confederate scout whose honor and whose cour-
age in submitting to an ignominious death before
he would reveal a secret involving his word — and
by the manner of which act put to grief the United
States Arm)’ encamped about Pulaski, Tenn., on
that eventful, fatal day, Nov. 27, 1863 — is the theme
above all others with the Veteran.

It asks the consideration of the men who were
his fellow Confederates, of the women who toiled
and prayed for success of the cause; it asks the ear-
nest co-operation of their Sons and Daughters indi-
vidually and collectively; it asks the co-operation of
the Union Veterans, to whom indebtedness is freely
admitted, for the inspiration that his career gives;
aye, it asks the co-operation of every American,
and of every man and woman who believes in truth,
honor and Christianity to study the character and
example set by this young man.

We comrades, under the flag that he honored,
may now well look at life as a sentiment. All else
fades and disappears. Many of us have to labor
hard for every dollar that comes into our possession,
and there are ever pressing demands upon us.

True, a monument to Samuel Davis the third of
a century after he certainly was called to a higher,
holier sphere, can do him no good, but for our com-
fort, and as an example in honor for the greatest
sacrifice ever made, the extraordinary circumstances
considered, let us construct a memorial and have
our names enrolled as contributors. Let us thereby
testify our sincerest admiration and affection for a
private Confederate soldier who stood firmer than
“the boy stood on the burning deck,” and with a
heart in deepest heaviness cried in his anguish at
the charge of being a “spy” and the execrable gal-
lows, but who midst it all, against earnest pleading
in the black night of death, stood firm in his tracks,
remembering the holiness of truth and of honor, and
as the tempter appealed again in behalf of his lib.
erty and restoration to his command, where he would
not have had to suffer alone, he had the Christian
courage to declare that his word was of greater
value than his life, and so went to his God.

Many a man has given his life for his country,
and loyal as was young Davis in this dark period,
when it seemed that the cause of his people would

be lost, he still maintained his honor, given in
his’ woid and to it he was firm exactly after divinity.
Tennessee has the honor of this perfect hero, it
being hare that he was born and here that he died,
but this appeal comes from a source regarding the
entire South and her faithful people as sharing alike
in his glory. Let the top line of his epitaph be


the next should be that he was a faithful and


Blank notes will be sent, payable July 1. 18%, to
any who will subscribe, and to those who will solicit
subscribers. The writer would like the tribute of a
simple granite block, when dead, with the words,
“Founder of the Confederate Veteran,” but he
Pleads for this tribute to the greatest man of the
war. Let us, comrades, see that a worthy monu-
ment is built, and take the matter in hand now.

Ever since the Veteran became established, the
editor has felt that if he ever achieved enough
through its influence to make comrades and South-
erners anxious to honor him, he would ask their
contributions for a monument to his Brigadier Gen-
eral O. F. Strahl, killed at Franklin, but this theme
to crown a private soldier who had not the unavoid-
able ambition of an officer, who had only the motive
of faith to his word and honor induces a surrender
of other aspirations for the time. It cannot be
more gratifying to receive money for the Veteran
than to this most worthy cause.

With pathetic anxiety to print just what ought to
be on this subject, and no more, the appeal is ear-
nest that all who are moved by it co-operate at”
once. Notes payable July ’96, gives abundant time
so that thousands can act at once. Such co-operation
as could be given in thirty days would be an honor
to the Southern people and to all others who may
want to co-operate with them.

Since the above has been in type much additional
thought has been given the subject and the conclu-
sion is clear that it is not well to prolong the plea
in succeeding numbers, for all who have ■read the
wonderful story know its merits, and if they intend
to co-operate they can do so at once. On the note
plan they can do what they intend. Let every one
who will join in this sacred cause write for blank
notes during this January. On the next and suc-
ceeding pages the cause is renewed carefully. The
father, mother and grand-mother, whose pictures
are given, rest in the same enclosure with the true
soldier and true man, under an Italian marble shaft.
There are no other graves at the place. Efforts
have been futile for years to secure his picture.

Confederate l/eterap.


An embarrassing’ and a ludicrous error occurred
in the December Veteran by crediting the address
of Mrs. Judge Clopton of Alabama to Mrs. C. Helen
J. Plane of Atlanta. Mrs. Clopton is the eminent
lady who added to the fame of Clement C. Clay
and who has maintained distinction as wife and
widow of Judge Clopton. This is a final note for
the January Veteran. It was delayed in the hope
of procuring the address of Mrs. Plane — which
created a profound and patriotic sensation on
Daughters Day at the Atlanta Exposition.

Hon. James D. Richardson of Murfreesboro,
Tenn., has presented a bill in Congress looking to
the establishment of a National Military Park to in-
clude the battle ground of Murfreesboro or Stones
River and the National Cemetery there.

This movement ought to meet with universal ap-
proval if any other National Parks upon the battle-
fields of the South are to be established. The his-
toric worth of the place, to the arms of both sides,
the accessibility, the natural advantages and the
evident economy to the Government in the purchase,
argue well for this patriotic movement.

Many readers will be surprised at the denial of
statement in last Veteran that the building on $20
Confederate note on its title page is not that of the
Tennessee Capitol. It is so much like it that but one
reader has written about it. This matter will have
attention next month.

St. Louis comrades have inaugurated active
methods to prevail upon United Confederate Veterans
to have their reunion in that city in 1897. Baltimore
is ahead, having- gone to Houston equipped with
beautiful souvenirs and made a plea for that
splendid city in 1897. Their special argument for
next year is that it will be their centennial. Members
of the Baltimore committee weakened their cause by
advocating Richmond-tor this year, as it woukl bring
the two reunions so nearly to the same locality-.

The present Congress of the United States has
shown a very patriotic spirit in repealing prescrip-
tive legislation against the men who fought in Con-
federate armies. It is well. If they had done it
thirty years ago, and other matU 3 of State had
been done likewise, there would have been better
results already than can be expected in the future.

Kerrville Encampment, U. C. V. No. 699, at
Kerrville, Texas, has seventy-six members, R H.
Colvin, Commander; G. W. Colvin, Adjutant; 7,. I.
Williams, Quartermaster. Meetings are held the
last Saturday in each month. Veteran interests
are well represented by Comrade D. G. Home.

Dr. J. A. Wyeth of New York City adds to a sub-
scription letter: “I will contribute fifty- dollars to
the Sam Davis Statue in Nashville.”

The Chicago Tribune sent out this sagacious’
suggestion upon the Venezuela question, in which
war with Great Britain is threatened:

“To the Confederate Soldier! Johnny, gfet your

A gentleman living far away from Nashville
treasures in memory one of the inscriptions upon
the Confederate monument here: “It is the magnan-
imous verdict of mankind that he who lays down
his life for a cause he deems just is a hero.”

A Chicago lady- who was much interested in the Con-
federate relics in the Atlanta Exposition, seemed sad-
dened at the lack of care given the old uniforms, and
said: “Union bullets were more considerate of them
than Southern moths.”

Vivid accounts of the Union soldiers homage to
Sam Davis when his body was brought home and
buried and the experience of his sister-in-law are to
be in the next Veteran.

An omitted note about Capt. H. I. Smith, whose
pathetic tribute to Samuel Davis in December Vet-
eran, is that he was a Captain in the Seventh Iowa
Veteran Infantry, that he is a member of C. H. Hunt-
lev Post 42, G. A. R., Society of Army of the Ten-
nessee, and that he belongs to the medal of honor
legion. All honor to heroes of the Union who have
the heart to pay such tribute to Confederates!

Captain Smith was not at the execution out of
curiositv. It was the sad assignment of his com-
mand to be on duty there.

At a regular meeting of the Daviess County Con-
federate Association, held in Owensboro, Ky., Dec.
20, 1895, the following resolution was unanimously
adopted, viz. :

“Resolved, That the Daviess County Confeder-
ate Association recommends to the members, and to
all lovers of truthful history, the CONFEDERATE
VETERAN, published at Nashville, and we appoint
Comrade J. II. Bozarth agent for the same.”

C. N. Pendleton, See.

Such commendation is ever pleasing, but this is
more. It is gratifying that comrades so enterpris-
ing and exacting for the truth’s sake give such
hearty endorsement and commendation to the work
of the Veteran. C. H.

The Lucy Minton Otey Chapter Daughters of the
Confederacy at Lynchburg is in a prosperous con-
dition. Mrs. Norvell Otey Scott is President and
Miss Ruth Jennings the Secretary. Nine new mem-
bers were reported at the meeting’of November 23rd.


Confederate Ueterag.



Which has been advertised splendidly in the Vet-
eran, is the most elaborately illustrated book that
ever came to this office. There must be one thous-
and Southern beauties in it.

Send to the Sponsor Souvenir Compan}’, Houston,
Texas, $3.00 or S4.00, or get clubs of subscribers to
the Veteran for it. For ten subscriptions and
$10.00 the $3.00 book will be sent, or thirteen sub-
scriptions with as many dollars sent during- Febru-
ary and the finest edition will be sent.


Gen. John C. Underwood has about completed the
preparation of a magnificent volume which is to re-
port proceedings incident to the erection and dedi-
cation of the Confederate Monument; reception and
entertainment of distinguished Southern Generals
at the banquet at Cincinnati, and the greeting at
Fort Thomas, Ky.

This is perhaps the handsomest volume of its kind
ever published. In nearly every instance there are
two pictures of the General or other person; one an
etching at war time age, and the other a modern
photo engraving of the finest possible quality.

The expense of this work is so great that the
author is not taking the risk of a large edition.
The Veteran commends it unstintedly and urges
every friend who desires a copy to order it at once.
The price is but S2.50, and that includes the stamp-
ing of the name in gold on front page of cover.
Gen. Underwood richly merits orders from thou-
sands. If the book is not ordered quickly it cannot
be procured at any price.

It will be sent with the Veteran subscription for
$3, but will have to be ordered immediately.

The monument to Second Minnesota Infantry in
Chickamauga Park eclipses all others.

This regiment went into the battle with 384 men,
had thirty-four killed, 114 wounded, and fourteen
were sent off on detail. “There was not a man un-
accounted for.” The motto of “Old Hickory”—
“The Union, it must and shall be preserved” — is
engraved upon it.

Another handsome monument there is to the
Sixty-fourth Ohio Infantry which was organized by
John Sherman.

The monuments tell of the fighting qualities of
the Confederates in that terrible battle. The Six-
teenth United States Infantry had nineteen officers,
289 men, and lost in killed and wounded, fourteen
officers and 187 men.

The 15th United States Infantry, with fourteen
officers and 262 men, lost eight officers and 158 men.

In the Eighteenth United States Infantry 587 men
were engaged, and lost over half, as follows: killed,
forty-five; wounded, 159; missing, ninety-one.

James Clayton, Murfr^esboro, Tenn.: Being fa-
miliar with the military record of the late Dr. James
A. Ridley, and knowing him to have been a patriot
and soldier, I wish publicly to add my testimony to
his worth. For a long time I was associated with
him, the gallant James Neal and Col. Richard H.
Keeble, as messmates. In every battle from Shiloh
to Chickamauga, the tall form of the noble Captain
Ridley could be seen always leading that band of
gallant soldiers.

After the battle of Chickamauga the regiment
was sent with General Longstreet to Virginia, but
Captain Ridley, being afflicted with rheumatism,
went to his sister’s house in Georgia, and remained
there until he was again able to assume his duties as
a soldier, when he joined the First Tennessee Regi-
ment, in which he had a favorite nephew. He re-
mained with that regiment, where he was in the
front ranks at every battle, from Mission Ridge to
the close of the war. M3′ long and intimate acquain-
tance and close relations with him, in the army and
since the war, gave me opportunities to know him
well, and it affords me pleasure to say of him that
he was an accomplished gentleman, as brave a man
and soldier as ever espoused the cause of his beloved
country, or drew a sword in defense of its rights.

In connection with Comrade Clayton’s tribute, the
extraordinary fact should be recorded that after
going through the battles as described, he was ac-
tive as physician and surgeon on the battle field,
doing what he could to alleviate pains of the


In a very entertaining address to the Frank
Cheatham Bivouac upon the great battle of Chick-
amauga, Dr. W. J. McMurray stated: “When the
struggle had been to the death f&r quite a while,
and many had met it, the Confederates saw light
ahead and then with shot and shell they over-
whelmed the confused and terror stricken ranks of
Rosecran’s magnificent army, as it retreated in
the direction of Chattanooga.

“When this was done there was a Rebel yell that
went up from Bragg’s Army, the like of which has
never been heard before nor since on this earth.
The mountains and valleys seemed to take it up
and echo it and re-echo it, as if the thunder of the
great mountains was giving praise to the great God
of battles for this grand victory.”

Dr. M. S. Browne, Winchester, Ky., would like to
hear from any member of Captain Roddy’s Company,
37th Tennessee Infantry.

Rev. A. T. Goodloe contributes ten dollars from
sales of his books through the Veteran for the
monument. Order it and help the cause.

Dr. S. W. Brown, Waverly, Mo., reports the or-
ganization of Camp John Percival, No. 711, at that
place, with H. J. Galbraith as Commander.

^opfederate l/eterap.




Samuel Davis rests by a
erected by his sorrowing father, back of the little
garden at the old home. The parents are under the
sod in the same enclosure, but there should be a mon-
ument in the most prominent spot in Tennessee, so
grand that people passim,’- will ask about it, and
where all of the population will know to tell in
brief the story of his noble life.

Under the bold heading “Kept His Word,” and
“even unto death the Confederate boy was faithful,”
the Cincinnati Enquirer states:

The Confederate Veteran is engaged in a

noble work in its effort to have a monument erected
to the young hero, Sam Davis, who died the death
of a spy rather than betray a secret that would have
saved his life, but doomed another to the same
death. Sam Davis was a special agent for General
Bragg, and he had obtained valuable information
given him in confidence, and on the promise that

he would never betray the source of his.information.


His life and a
safe escort into
the Confederate
lines were
promised to him
if he would give
the name of the
informer, but
he chose to die
instead. He
was but a boy,
and the tempta-
tion must have
been powerful.
But he was a
hero. No mar-
ble shaft or stat-
ue in bronze
towers over the
pieck of sam itkl davis’ vest. dustof a nobler


handsome monument life than that of this fair-haired stripling who kept

his faith and his honor, and died rather than break
a promise.

Hon. C. H. Bailey, Clarksville, Tenn.: At a meet-
ing of Forbes Bivouac held to-day, I brought the
matter of the Sam Davis Monument to their atten-
tion, after a hearty endorsement on the part ol each
member who addressed it, a motion by J. L. Lockert
was unanimously carried, appropriating’ $25.00, and
the choice of location was Capitol Hill Nashville.
There was also a committee appointed to solicit con-
tributions from the citizens to the SamDavis Fund.



aci-iia. Jtegt. ojVoleuteers

Born Oct”. 6, 1842
Died JVW- 2 7 I8 6«3

ZIYrs iJU.on.rh &Zl~Da.^

He i&id cloiruJus ttje
For bis C ouatry

J\ Teutr Soldier, a puvtr-
Patriot, a insider mtn.’naic
lined. He Sobered dedrh
o;it”he $L6be.t. tathecthm
btttay /ii’sjrien&s ar\d Countiu

Banner: The
Con federate

V E T E B A N i s
making strong
appeals in be-
half of its move-
ment to erect a
m o n u m e n t to
the memory of
the hero- mar-
tyr, Samuel
D avis, the
young Confed-
erate soldier
who gave up his
life rather than
betray a trust.
M r. Cunning-
ham, of the
Veteran, has
entered with all
earnestness i n
this cause and
there should be
a general and
generous re-

The press generally commends the movement.

^ogfederate l/eterap.





Hon. J. E. Washing-ton, M. C, of Tennessee: I
heartily approve of your undertaking-. It is most
laudable, and I sincerely hope that your noble ap-
peal will meet with such a hearty and g-enerous re-
sponse that a handsome and appropriate monument
will soon be a reality — a thing- to worthily perpet-
uate the memory of a brave and heroic man.
There can be no more heroic act than to voluntarilv
lay down one’s life, that a principle may live. I
cheerfully enclose my check for the fund.

Gen. Joseph Wheeler, M. C, from Alabama: I
recollect very well the circumstances attending- the
death of young- Samuel Davis. You are doing – a
noble work. I enclose my mite.

Judg-e L. B. Hall, Dixon, Kj., in remitting sub-
scription, sends a dollar to the monument fund, and
votes “Nashville, Tenn.,” as the place to erect
same, as a greater number of people would see if
there, and be reminded of the virtuous manhood of
him to whom it is erected. Laud his name and
memory to the world, for such traits of character;

Judge Hall was at the Chickamaug-a Park’s dedi-
cation, and is gratified with the addresses of Bate,
Walthall and Oates. His regiment, the Eighth
Kentucky, was there under Forrest. His company
went into the war 116 strong – , but at the last roll
call there were but nine.

Col. A. T. Gay sends four subscriptions, and adds:
Also Young- County Camp No. 127, U. C. V., at

Graham, Texas, sends $5 to aid in building- a mon-
ument to perpetuate the memory of the noble deeds
and sad fate of Samuel Davis, whose illustrious and
conspicuous example — such as never before adorned
and illuminated the annals of history — is an honor to
the soldiers of our Sunny South. Private as he
was, in the bloom of his youth, with loved ones at
home, and everything- to live for, he said he had
rather die a thousand deaths than commit one dis-
honorable act. He belonged to ■ L he Confederacy and
was a perfect tvpe of Southern manhood. My
Camp says build the Monument on the Capitol
grounds in Nashville, near the South entrance to
the State Capitol. I know the chivalrous sons and
soldiers of Tennessee will not object, but if this
can’t be done, then build it in Richmond, Va., near
the Monument of Jefferson Davis, that the two may
unite in honoring- the cause they served so well.
He concludes, “trusting that it will be built and that
the Confederate Veteran will live forever.”

The above group represents Capt. Shaw — known
as ‘ ‘Coleman” — and seven of h is men. The one stand-
ing in rear and center of Dr. Shaw is an older
brother of Samuel Davis. This picture was taken
soon after the war — in 1867. Captain Shaw and
John Davis were killed by an explosion on steam
boat owned by Davis and his father.

It is doubtful if anv picture of Samuel Davis will
ever be procured. He was vigorously rigid in ex-

Confederate Ueterai).


acting; justice. At school he would interfere with
boys getting – advantage of smaller ones, and he
would catch and hold a larg-er boy that the smaller
might avenge wrong doing.

He maintained this principle of fairness even to
parental disobedience. He wis so devoted to his
senior brother John, for instance, that he refused to
come to school at Nashville, unless both could come.
It resulted so seriously that he left home and re-
mained until the father sent for him. A compro-
mise of the matter was effected by John going to
Franklin College whiie he came to the State Uni-

Col. Bennett H. Young, Louisville, Ky., Dec. 24,
1895: My mother once entertained Samuel Davis at
her home during the war. When, a few months
later, she heard of his tragic death, her heart was
touched with deepest sorrow and grief. She often
told me he was one of the most attractive and win-
some young men she had ever seen, and she never
ceased during life to mourn his sad fate. After my
return from the war and subsequent exile, in 1868,
oftentimes, with tears in her eyes and soul oppressed
with grief, she told me the circumstances attending
her acquaintance with him. He deserves a monu-
ment in recognition of his heroic courage — none
surpassed his. He gave his life, not only for the
cause of his country, l>u( also in the discharge of
honorable obligations to those with whom he came
in contact. I send my mite. The Confederates of
his native State (Tennessee) ought to designate the
location where shall be erected the stone to com-
memorate the splendor and grandeur of his character.
He gave all he had ■- his life; none could have done
more and, in so doing, glorified Southern manhood.

V. Y. Cook, Elmo, Ark.: I enclose $2.00 to ap-
ply to Sam Davis Monument Fund.

He was a patriot in the real sense, and died for a
principle worthy of any honorable sacrifice. The
principle and not the mode of dying made the
sacred consecration, and its true patriotism is en-
titled to reward here on earth. Surviving Confeder-
ates and their friends owe his memory a monument.

The now venerable G. W. Petway, of Pulaski,
had the opportunity, and improved it, to visit Samuel

Davis while in jail at Pulaski, previous to his exe-
cution. His recollections of the occasion have been
requested for the Veteran, and in a brief letter of
January ‘), he states:

I was cashier of the Branch of the Planters’ Bank.
The bank was in possession of the commissar)* de-
partment, and only one room of my residence, in
rear of the bank, was allotted to my family. Provis-
ions were to be had only through the commissary
and, under the circumstances, I was forced to board
some of the officers. Among them were two Meth-
odist preachers, I. Teter and T. Audus, Chaplains.
Davis had just been captured, tried and sentenced to
die. Much excitement prevailed and sympathy in
his behalf was general. Mine was deeply stirred
and, procuring access to the jail, which was closely
guarded, only through one of these officers, I sug-
gested to Teter, who was in sympathy with Davis,
that we visit him and offer such spiritual comfort as
was possible to a man under sentence of death. Per-
mission was granted us. We found him sitting on
the floor of his cell, which was too dark to reveal
his features distinctly or to rend to him. I can’t
recall the conversation I had with him further than
his reply to a question as to his spiritual condition.
With tears streaming down his face, he said: “I
don’t fear death, but it makes me mad to think that
I am to die as a spy — I am not a spy.” I made some
comment on the spirit evinced by his words, “it
makes me mad,” but don’t remember his repl v. After
praying with him, I left, deeply impressed by the
interview, that he possessed the elements of great-
ness— of a brave, generous and self-sacrificing pa-

Col. J. II. McDowell, Union City, Tenn: I en-
close one dollar for the Sam.. Davis Monument.
Everj Confederate soldier should feel it a duty and
honor, to aid in erecting a monument in memory of
a comrade whose unsurpassed heroism, integrity
and high sense of honor caused him to deliberately
die the death of a martyr rather than divulge a
secret confided to him. * * *

Let it be erected at our State Capital, where vis-
iting thousands may drink of the inspiration that
his memory gives.


Reported in December Vetbb in, $300.26.
M. II. Nelson, Hopkinsville, Ky . $1,
Gen. Joe Wheeler, Washington 1> 0. Si.
Capl H.I. Smith, Mason City, Iowa,$l.
John int-ram Bivouac, Jackson, Tenn,

$5 60

Daviess County Con. Vet. Ass’n.Owens-

boro. Ky . *(i 66.
Judge l. 1′. Hall, l>ixon. Ky . $1.
Dr. W. P Minis. Cock rum. Miss . n.
Marsh Atkisson. Seattle, Wash , $’-‘.
W.N Street, Murfreesboro, $1.
H .1. Street. Dpton, Ky . $1.
.’ M Arnold. Newport, Ky., $1.
W. S Duckworth, Nashville, fl.
J. C. Neiison. Cherokee, Miss., H.
R, M. Knox. Pine Bluff. Ark $6.
J. II McDowell. Union City. Tenn., $1.
T. A Russell, Warrior. Ala, $1.
W. II. Pierce, Collinsville, Ala., *1.

Col Bennetl Young, Louisville, Ky.,.$5.
Capl .1. T. 1) . Marion, Ark . >l.
Roherl Walker. Sherman, Tex.. $1
1> Z Goodlett, Jacksonville, Ala., $2,
Roland Gooch, Nevada, Tex . $1.
.1 II Rudy. Owensboro, Ky., $1
II. Ashbrook, St. Louis, Mo., SI
(i N. Albright. W A. Ross, A lonzo Gil-
liam Stanton. Tenn., 50ctseach; I. C.
Newman, II M. Nasi). J. W. Murnan,
d Sehafer J. T Coppedge. J. K. Gibson,
St anion. Tenn . 26 ets each.
W T ‘I hen as. (tin, I.. City, Tenn.. $1.
J>r. M S. Browne, Winchester, Ky , |1.
B I. Dnrrett. Springfield, Tenn., %1.
Bailey Hatler Bolivar, Mo., fi.
J. T. Cargile ^ Leonard Johnson. Mor-
risville. Mo., each send 60 cents ad-
ditional. V-
B i . Jenkins. Nolensville, Tenn., $1.
A (‘. Goirion, Ah Ki nzie. Tenn , *L.
Geo. W. Wright. MrKerzie Tenn., $1.
W W li. ton. McK. nzie. Tenn. $1.
Dr. J, 1′ Cannon, McKenzie, Tenn., $1.

Dr P. I’. Lewis, Coalburg, Aln., $1. rcnj
Young County Camp, < rraham, Tex . $5.
Wm. Montgomery, Arrow. Tenn., ■$ 1 .
E. S. Mallory, .la’el; son. Tenn.. $1 .

Rev. A. T. (too. line, station Camp,

Tenn.. $10.
Cash. ( E T.,1 Nashville, $1 .
J. E. Davis Wesl Point. Miss. $1
Paul D.” Cunningham, Mexican Bor-

.Icr. $1.
W. T. Davis. Nashville. $1,
.1. Ryan, ChicBgo, III $5,
C s. Hayes, Mineola, Tex . $1.
E. II. Welburn, Nashville. $1.
J. A. Templeton, Jacksonville, Tex., $1
Br J. A. V yelh New Yotk. $60.
Toial Amount, $62040.

Later the entire list of subscriptions
Will appear in the Yi’iru.vN from nil
v ho send !f I ( d orover. Item, ml or cer-
tificates of slates will be issued lo all
Vi ho pay as much as one dollar. Let all
who sre raising funds report as soon as


Confederate Veterai).


Since the meeting- in Atlanta of the Daughters
from the various States that were Confederate,
the sentiment for general organization as it is
with the soldier veterans, assures that with ‘proper
direction of energies the United Daughters of the
Confederacy will be of great usefulness.

Mrs. John C. Brown, of Nashville, the President
— widow of the gallant General, who was after the
war prominent in Councils of State, a Governor of
Tennessee, and who was eminently efficient in the
railroad development of Texas — enters upon her re-
sponsible duties with business sagacity and zeal.

Mrs. L. H. Raines, of Savannah, Ga., the Vice
President, labors without ceasing in the cause.
To her indefatigable energy the life of the organi-
zation may be attributed. This assertion is made
with due deference to many other workers in the
cause. Of the other officials mention may be ex-
pected hereafter. Each one of them was selected
with confidence in her zeal and capacity.

The Veteran attaches the
highest importance to the or-
ganization, and will give space
and labor without stint to its
permanent establishment.

The next meeting will occur
in Nashville during the Ten-
nessee Centennial Exposition,
and it is expected that many
Chapters will be added to the
organization before that time.
Request is made in this con-
nection for a report of every Chapter that has been
organized, with names of President and Secretary.

Texas illustrates what may be done by the
Daughters. In March, 1894, Mrs. J. R. Currie
called a meeting of the Dallas ladies, asking those
who felt an interest to organize as Daughters of the
Confederacy, “The prime object then being to secure
a worthy resting place for Confederate heroes.”

The call was responded to unanimously and in a
short time three hundred ladies were organized.

Each member was assessed one dollar to be paid
annually, and each agreed to use her best endeavor
to increase its membership.

The membership dues were to be used only for
organization or burial purposes. And all money
coming in from non-residents of Dallas to be used
as the ladies deem best, to form a monument fund.
The officers are: President, Mrs. J. R. Currie; Vice
Presidents, Mrs. J. C. Myers and Mrs. Travis Hens-
ley; Treasurer, Mrs. J. S.. Miller; and Secretary,
Mrs. Sallie Cabell Lewis. Officers are elected an-
nually. The Secretary writes that no stone has
been left unturned to make their efforts a success,
“and now, after a little more than a year’s labor,
we have, as a reward, deposited in the National
Exchange Bank of Dallas fully five thousand dol-
lars, and with bright expectations in the near fu-
ture for its increase.

“It is our earnest desire to complete arrangements
so as to be able to receive bids for our proposed
monument as early as June next, and as speedily as
possible thereafter to place in the City Park of

Dallas a fitting token of the esteem we Southern
women bear for the ‘ Lost Cause.” At the. last
Dallas Fair on Confederate Day, which was a great
success, the most charming feature of the enter-
tainment was the singing – of Mrs. L. L. Jester.


Every member of the Daughters should become
interested in the general organization. Copies of
Veteran containing the constitution will be sent
from this office for the asking. The officers, in ad-
dition to the President and Vice President, are Mrs.
I. M. Clark, Nashville, and Mrs. J. Jefferson
Thomas, Atlanta, Secretaries. Mrs. Lottie Preston
Clarke, Lynchburg, Va., is Treasurer.

The following list of Chapters has been reported
in the order that they were chartered:

No. 1. Nashville, Tenn., Mrs. Jno. Overton.

No. 2. Savannah, Ga., Mrs. L. H. Raines.

No. 3. Charleston, S. C. Mrs. A. T. Smythe.

No. 4. Wilmington, N. C, Mrs. E. H. Parsley.

No. 5. Jackson, Tenn., Mrs. R. A. Allison.

No. 6. Dallas, Texas, Mrs. Kate Cabell Currie.

No. 7. Alexandria, Va., Mrs. Philip Yeatman.

No. 8. Baltimore, Md., Mrs. Louisa Wigfall

No. 9. Warrenton, Va., Miss Mary A. Smith.

No. 10. Lynchburg, Va., Mrs. NorvellOtey Scott.

No. 11. Appomattox, Va., .

No: 12. Lexington, Ky., Mrs. C. L. Brady.

No. 13. Gallatin, Tenn., Mrs. I. F. Wilson.

No. 14. Franklin, Tenn., Miss Susie Gentrv.

No. 15, South Pittsburg, Term., Mrs. Will E.

Confederate Ueterap.

No. 16. Fayetteville, Tenn., Mrs. F. Z. Metcalfe.

No. 17. Galveston, Texas, Mis. H. L. Ballinger.

No. 18. Atlanta, Ga., Mrs. C. Helen Plane.

No. 19. Jacksonville, Fla., Mrs. M. C. Draysdale.

No. 20. Washing-ton*, D. C, .

No. 21. Norfolk, Va., Mrs. Fannie J. Leigh.

No. 22. Augusta. Ga., Mrs. Ida Evans Eve.

No. 23. Covington, Ga., Mrs. V. B. Conyers.

Mrs. John Overton of Nashville, Tenn., Presi-
dent of Chapter No. 1, calls for a meeting of dele-
gates from all Tennessee Chapters to meet here.
January 28, ’96, for the purpose of organizing a
State Division, United Daughters of the Con-

The Executive Committee of the Rouss Memorial
Committee expects to hold a session in Nashville at
that time, and other matters of much importance to
Tennessee Confederates are to be considered and
a large delegation of Daughters throughout the
State is urgently requested.

The Georgia State Division will meet in Augusta,
February 4th, for the purpose of framing Constitu-
tion, By-Laws, etc., for State work. The commit-
tee selected to present these papers is composed of
the following ladies:

Mrs. L. H. Kaines, Savannah; Mrs. Hattie Gould
Jeffries, Augusta; Mrs. Virginia B. Conyers Cov-
ington and Mrs. J. K. Ottley of Atlanta.

The Savannah Daughters are to give an enter-
tainment on Lee’s birthday, and the veterans of
that city will be their guests.

Mrs. L. II. Raines the diligent Vice President, is
having printed very handsome certificates for mem-
bers which will be signed by the President and Sec-
retary, officially stamped and supplied to members
for ten cents each. There should be co-operation
by Chapters in ordering these beautiful lithographs,
suitable for framing, which are to be ready about
February 1st.

The history of Virginia Chapters by Mrs. James
Mercer Garnett, has been mislaid. Its substance
is requested again. The Veteran will be impar-
tial among all persons who honor its name and
organize for the purposes indicated by Confederate


James Macgill, Pulaski, Va., Nov. 2″, 1895: In
the former Journal of Comrade B. L. Ridley, July
Vetkkan, I find (May 2nd to 5th) that he mentions
the name of Peter W. Haister in several places. It
should be Major Peter W. Ilairston. As Comrade
Ridley says, bis house was the home of all South-
ern soldiers who passed that way, and his entire
family were as true friends to the cause as any in
the South. Major P. \V. Hairston was a member
of General J. E. B. Stuart’s Staff. His first wife
was a sister of J. E. B. Stuart. Her name was Col-
umbia Lafayette Stuart. She died in 1857, leaving
her husband, one son and one daughter. Both the
children died in 1S(>7. Major Ilairston married bis
second wife. Miss Fannie Coldwell, of Salisbury,
N. C., about the beginning ot the war. and lived at
Cooluma Hill, by the Yadkin River in North Caro-
lina. Major Hairston died about six years ago in
Baltimore, Md. His wife and children are now
living- in North Carolina.

The following tribute to “The Soldier” is from
the pen of Hon. M. T. Bryan, of the Nashville bar.
It was written as a school declamation for his son:

The soldier is the guardian of liberty, the pre-
server of peace, the foe of anarchy, and the hope of
the oppressed. For the contest he lives — for vic-
tory he dies. His blood has crimsoned the sod in
every land; his sword has flashed ‘neath every sun.
Loyal to his commander, he follows where he leads,
laughs at danger, and halts not before a soldier’s

Though he has fought under every banner, has
upheld the tyrant on his throne, and oft defended
the wrong, yet through him has right triumphed,
and in him found its ablest defender. His victories
mark the milestones along the road from Paganism
to Christianity, civilization and enlightenment, un-
til the history of every nation may be read in the
prowess and character of its soldiery.

In this fair land, where the skies are ever blue,
where the flowers in sweet perfection bloom and
gentle winds blow health to all, the ideal soldier
has stamped forever his personality upon the ample
page of history. He was great in war, but gentle
in peace; pure in life, but, with purpose strong, he
lived and died the embodiment of all that was noble
in men. A soldier and patriot, his sword gleamed
in the sanguinary glare of battle, to be sheathed
only when his country’s cause was lost. But

” Never hand
Waved sword from stain us free,
Nor purer sword led braver band,
Nor braver bled fur a brighter land,
Nor brighter land lnid a cause so ^rand.
Nor cause a chief like Lee.”


The visit of Gen. Fitzhugh Lee, says the Louis-
ville Courier Journal, has started a story which he
told on himself several years ago, and which is a
good illustration of the love the Confederate sol-
diers bore toward Gen. Robert E. Lee. As it is
well known, Gen. Fitzhugh Lee was at the head of
the cavalry, and these were much envied by the in-
fantry men, who had to walk through the mud and

After Gen. Robert E. Lee had surrendered, Gen.
Fitzhugh Lee rode away from Appomattox. While
riding through a lane he met an old North Carolina

“Ho, there,” cried General Lee, “where are you

“I’ve been off on a furlough, and am now going
back to join Gen. Bob Lee,” replied the soldier.

” You needn’t go back, but can throw your gun
away and return home, for Lee’s surrendered.”

“Lee’s surrendered?”

“That’s what I said,” said General Lee.

” It must have been that damned Fitz Lee, then.
Rob Lee would never surrender,” and the old sol-
dier put on a look of contempt and walked on.


Qopfederate l/eterai).


A. S. Horsley writes from Abingdon, Va., Dec,
’95: I enclose $1 for the Sam Davis Monument
Fund. I remember Sam Davis well. He was a
rosy-cheeked, handsome boy, and N. B. Shepard .
used to kiss him “because he looked like a girl.”
He belonged to the Rutherford Rifles. The Com-
pany was a large one, and its ranks were always
full when the battle came on. The company was
like a lot of neighborly country bo3 T s. While our
regiment, the First Tennessee, was camped at
Hickory Grove, on the south bank of Duck River, a
few miles south of Shelbyville, Tenn., the Ruther-
ford Rifles resorted to athletic sports. A favorite
game was ” Leap Frog – ,” the entire company of 110
men getting in single line and leaning over in front,
with bowed head and hands on knees. Felix Col-
lier was the tallest, Jones next, Dave Sublett next,
and Dock Butler next, and so on down to little Mar-
ling Carr. Marling made the leap over Sublett,
Jones and Felix Collier all right, as he was light
and active, although they were immense in bulk,
especially Jones and Sublett. Sam Davis once
stumbled on Dave Sublett’s broad back, and fell
sprawling over Jones on Collier. This was great
fun, and he would laugh and try it again, with like
results. If Edison could invent a camera that
would take pictures from the mind, I could give
you a mind picture of that scene at “Hickory
Grove.” It is now Sam Davis’ tenth trial. He
jumps safely over Marling- Carr, and King, and
Murfree, “the Senator” Wade, the Beasleys, and
bravely mounts Dave Sublett’s great back. Dave
assists him, and he gets over in a stumbling way.
He falls stumbling over Jones’ great bulk, and
Jones keeps him from falling. Big Felix is the
last, and he turns a double summersault and falls
sprawling upon the ground.

Tom Butler, of the Martin Guards, was the cham-
pion wrestler of the Army of Tennessee. I have
seen him throw down a dozen men in one day. He
was a fine fellow and good soldier. I do not believe
he was ever thrown. I wonder if he is still living?

Daring the past summer and fall I passed over
roads that the First Tennessee Regiment went over
from August to December, 1861, in Greenbrier, Po-
cahontas, Randolph and Battle counties. I walked
to the spot where General Lee’s tent stood on Val-
ley Mountain, and from a point near which I could
see Mingo Flats and Cheat Mountain, along whose
great sides we clambered for several days, and
where we had our first fight or skirmish on the
summit, in a blackberry patch. I could also see
where old Colonel John H. Savage marched along
in a deep valley, and captured thirty Yankees by
himself one foggy morning, Sept. 11, 1861. They
were in a house, and their guns were stacked out-
side. His men had captured the Vidette, and he
rushed ahead of the advance guard and, getting be-
tween the Yankees and their guns, made them

The Valley Mountain country has’ greatly
changed, an English colony having bought it and
cleared off the timber and made stock farms. It is

a fine bluegrass country. At Big Spring I found
our old camp, through Major Cam. Gatewood, who
pointed out the cold spring, from which I drank
after an absence of over thirty-four years. A store-
house stands where our regiment camped. There
a big white frost fell in August, and one of the
company (Jack Butler’s captain) accidentally dis-
charged his gun while cleaning up for Sundaj^’s in-
spection, and it killed one of Colonel Hatton’s men,
of the Seventh. I saw his grave on the hill in a
grove of locust trees. I remember well his burial
with military honors, the band playing Pleyel’s
Hymn, or funeral march. Sitting here by the cold
spring, I could also see in the distance up the creek
and valley a tree which Captain Hume R. Field —
afterwards colonel — used to shoot against with his
Colt’s repeating rifle, with which gun he killed
and wounded half a dozen Yankees while on a
scouting expedition with Lieutenant Randolph.

I followed the trail of our regiment 140 miles and
stopped at all our old camps. The decades had
made many changes.

I have read with much interest Brom. Ridley’s
narrative. Some mistakes occur, one of which is
where he says Lovejoy Station is where President
Davis visited the Army of Tennessee. “Palmetto”
is the station. I went three miles to hear Mr. Davis
and Howell Cobb speak. Mr. Davis was a charm-
ing speaker, and impressive. But General Cobb was
more impassioned. He was a large, fleshy man, while
Mr. Davis was of the Cassius sort — lean. In a few
days we started on the unfortunate campaign into
Middle Tennessee, which resulted so unfortunately.

While at Meadow Bluff last summer I saw the
spot where we camped on our return from Sewell
Mountain. We put up our tents during a rain, or
water spout, and Corporals Phifer and Schwartz, of
Captain Harsch’s company, had a terrific fist fight
during the heaviest part of the rain. Schwartz had
stolen Phifer’s ten-pound tallow cake out of his
knapsack and replaced it with a fifteen-pound rock,
which Phifer carried all da} r . I was also reminded
at Meadow Bluff of an eighteen-mile foot-race
Billy Whitthorne ran between Meadow Bluff and
Lewisburgh. This is now West Virginia.

Col. Savage was interviewed about the foregoing
and although he replied “not for publication, “history
claims the extraordinary incident. He said: “I cap-
tured three squads (pickets & officers) before captur-
ing the main body — as now remembered, 56 men.’ I
did not get between them and their guns — I rode
rapidl v through them, got in their rear and, drew my
pistol, I commanded them to lav down their arms,
with threats to have them all killed if one of them
fired. It was a rash act. I would not try it again
for all the money of the Rothchilds.” Referring to
the story published in Head’s Campaign of the Six-
teenth Tennessee Regiment, which accuses Coi.
Savage of swearing, he says: “I suppose I did
swear, but I regret it. My speech and manner
saved mj life.”

D. L. Durrett, Springfield, Tenn., member of the
14th Tennessee Regiment, Archer’s Brigade, makes
inquiry for W. A. Motes of the 38th Georgia Regi-
ment, who was a prisoner with him at Ft. Delaware.




Confederate l/eterai).


Thos. H. Edgar is popular and well-known. He
was born on Galveston Island, Republic of Texas,

away back in 1837j
of Scotch and
American parent-
age. His great-
grandfather and
grandfather were
Revolutionary sol-
diers and his fath-
er a Texas soldier.
At the age of nine-
teen he was assist-
ant Deputy Post-
master; at twenty-
one married to
Miss Sarah Fields,
daughter of Hon.
Tom Fields, State

On the first of
February, 1861,
when Texas seced-
ed from the Union, he resigned from United States
Postal Service, took the oath of allegiance to the
Confederacy, and gave instructions for a time in
postoffice department, until others were competent
to take charge. He then resigned and enlisted in
the Twenty-sixth Texas Cavalry, commanded by
Gen. X. B. Debray.

[T’He was in active service at the front in every
campaign and battle in which his command partici-
pated, including the Red River campaign of lSt>4,
against Banks. His regiment was disbanded on
the 23rd day of May, 18f>5; since then he has farmed
and served in official positions. He has lived in and
has seen Galveston city grow from three shanties to
a commercial city with a population of 40,000, and
his State from a “population of 20,000 to 3,000,000.

DC F. Waldron, Sergeant Company F, 20th Regi-
ment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry: If alive, I would
like much to know the address of the Confederate
who made me a prisoner at the battle of Chancel-
lorsville about 2 p.m., on Sunday, May 3, ’63.
When the Union Army broke up near the Chancel-
lor House, and went in direction of the Rappahan-
nock River, with a comrade I took a path leading
along the hank of a small stream. After some dis-
tance, we crossed over, and were halted as soon as
we got in a field by a Confederate Sergeant, who
stood near a small house on an elevation. I looked
for a chance to get away, but saw the field was
lined with dismounted .cavalry, and some very near
us. At the second command to “Throw down your
arms,” we tossed our muskets, muzzle down, in a
boggy place, and went up to the Sergeant. He had
some more prisoners there, and soon started us to
the rear under guard. In conversation he said,
“Well, Sergeant, this is hard.” I replied, “It is one
of the fates of war.” He was about my age then,

Judge L. P. Hall, Dixon, Ky. : We have no or-
ganization in this county, and but few Confederates
survive. It saddens me to realize that so many
have gone to the final camp ground. Company A,
Eighth Kentucky Regiment, was made up of my
neighbors and friends in this section. We mus-
tered 116 when we left for the South. We were or-
ganized promptly, with other companies from Ken-
tucky, into a regiment, and served as infantry un-
til we were assigned to General Forrest. Then we
would go into action as infantry or cavalry, as the
case demanded. At the end of the conflict there
were but nine left of the original company.

I was at the Park Dedication at Chattanooga, and
heard the orations and went over the battleground.
Who could doubt our loyalty to the conviction that
we were defending our constitutional rights, our
homes and liberties? Kentuckians could have had
no other motive. Bate, Walthall and Oates were
to represent the Confederates there.

W. H. Ogilvie, Allisona, Tenn., gives this remi-
niscence: When the tocsin of war sounded in ’61,
two neighboring villages, C. G. and E., each began to
form companies. The C. G. boys, fearing that hos-
tilities would cease before they reached the front, con-
ceived the idea of expediting matters by forming a
union with the E. boys. They arranged for a meeting
and conference at E. After much martial music,
speeches were made to arouse the enthusiasm of the
E. boys. But they wouldn’t enthuse, ami declined
the union proposition. C. a hopeful youth of the
C. G. Company, full of enthusiasm, patriotism and
indignation, mounted the stand and declared that
he could drink all the blood that would be spilled,
telling the E. crowd that they could stay at home
and take care of the women and children. The C.
G. Company became a part of the Twentieth Ten-
nessee Regiment, and the E.’s of the Twenty-
fourth. While the Twentieth bivouaced at Mur-
freesboro, after retreating from Fishing Creek, and
the Twenty-fourth passing them, Captain L., of the
E. Company, noticing a tall, pale, “before-taking”
youth, leaning against a tree, the picture of de-
spair, remarked: “I have seen him before — who is
he?” Being told it was C, he exclaimed; “Oh,
yes; he is blood-foundered.” I am glad to record
the fact that C. became a wiser man; that his views
were slightly modified as to the relative fighting
value of himself and a Yankee; also, that he recov-
ered, ami is now a portly, prominent lawyer of
Nashville, Tenn., and always ready to do service
for the old Twentieth.

Gen. R. B. Coleman, of the Indian Territory, sends
a curious document to the Veteran. Coh A. C.
Gould, commanding the Twenty-third Texas Cav-
alry dismounted, discharged his soldiers instead of
surrendering to be paroled. He copies that of D.
L. H. Spugh. Each soldier was “hereby honorably
dischargeil from the Army of the Confederate States,
having remained true to his colors to the last.”
The discharges were dated at Hempstead, Texas,
May 27, 1865.


QDQfederate Ueterai).


Active co-operation even in these hard times for
the successful execution of the worthily named
Rouss Memorial is being- had generally through
the South. Wherever the opportunity has been
given subscriptions have quite approximated $1
per member for Veteran Camps. That means as
much as $10 for many of them as the few have ever
to carry financial burdens for the many, and charac-
teristic appeal comes from “Old Tige” of the Trans-
Mississippi Department, U. C. V.

Headquarters Trans-Mississippi Department,
United Confederate Veterans.

Dallas, Tex., Dec. 27, 1895.
Comrades — Our comrade, Charles Broadway
Rouss, now a citizen of New York, proud of his
Southern birth, proud of the fact that he was a
Confederate soldier — a private in the Black Horse
cavalry regiment of Virginia — proud of the unself-
ish and dangerous service in which he shared with
his comrades the hardships and perils of a long and
bloody war, unconsciously becomes the typical
Southern soldier whose name and fame will be con-
spicuous in history, in poetry and song, as long as
the people of this great Southland of ours continue
to admire true courage and true patriotism. To
carry out these feelings of patriotism, of pride and
of love for the cause he believed to be just and
right, and to see that a true history of the heroism,
hardships and sufferings of the Confederate soldier,
and that of the noble women of the South, shall be
handed down to posterity in a correct and proper
manner, but be a truthful history of Southern valor
by historians who can write honestly and at the
same time sympathize with a brave people in their
heroic struggle for constitutional liberty, he has
therefore, in the declining years of his life, proposed
the erection of a Confederate Memorial Association,
a great “Battle Abbey,” in which should be col-
lected, preserved and displayed relics of every kind,
archives containing records and documents of every
kind useful in compiling history. The Memorial
Association is to be composed of Confederate sol-
diers, their wives, children and friends under the
control of the Confederate veterans. He sent to
Houston, Tex., a check for $100,000, which was
presented by Col. Robert C. Wood, and to be deliv-
ered to the Confederate Veteran Association when-
ever $100,000 was raised by our people as an endow-
ment fund and chartered by the Confederate Veter-
ans’ Association. The Association of Confederate
Veterans in session at Houston, Tex., appointed a
committee of one member from each State and Ter-
ritory where Confederate organizations existed.
The committee met at Atlanta, Ga., in October,
and after being organized and adopting certain
plans, appointed an executive committee consisting
of Col. J. R. Mcintosh of Mississippi, Gen. J. A.
Chalaron of Louisiana, and Capt. W. R. Garrett of
Tennessee, who are charged with the execution of
the plans adopted by the committee. The plan is
that all Confederate sympathizers may become
members of the Association by subscribing and pay-
ing for stock (membership) the sum of $1 for each

share. Agents appointed to solicit subscriptions
will give you receipts for all moneys collected, on
prescribed forms, which will be deposited in local
banks to the order of the United Confederate Asso-
ciation; for the use of the Memorial Association.

My old comrades, glorious women, noble sons and
fair daughters of the Trans-Mississippi Department,
this is a grand and noble proposition on the part of
Comrade Rouss— one that should be responded to in
the same spirit that it is tendered to you. I, there-
fore, appeal to you by the memory of the Confeder-
ate dead, who lie buried on ever}- battlefield from
Gettysburg to Fort Frown on the Rio Grande; by
the memories of the sufferings, hardships, trials and
tribulations of our Southern women; I appeal to you
by the luster and glories of our arms, made resplen-
dent by the heroism of both the living and the dead,
to assist in erecting this splendid “memorial hall,”
where the sacred relics of our great struggle for
constitutional liberty may be deposited and proper-
ly cared for. I know you will respond cheerfully
to the sacred duty. And in after years, when this
splendid temple is raised in one of our Southern
cities, it will be the “Mecca” of the South, where
the descendants of the bravest men and the grand-
est women that ever lived in any country or in any
age, will make annual pilgrimages to make their
offerings of love and to breathe the spirit of true
patriotism and true love of country. The com-
manding general of the United Confederate Veter-
ans has by general order designated Maj r 1, 1896,
as memorial festival day, to be set apart for the
wcmen of the South to raise funds for this great
memorial hall or battle abbey. I recommend that
every Confederate camp in the Trans-Mississippi
Department meet on the 1st day of Ma}-, 1S96, and
that every camp take as many shares as they have
members on their rolls. I therefore request and
direct the commanders of every State and of every
division (both State and Territory) in the Trans-
Mississippi to issue the necessary orders and circu-
lars and make the proper arrangements to carry out
the above instructions, and to call co your aid and
assistance every Confederate soldier, their good
wives, their sons and daughters of the Confederacy,
so that we may be able to transmit to Richmond on
the 30th of June, 1896, when our great reunion
meets, the result of your work.

A happy New Year to the brave old Confederates,
their families and friends.

By order of W. L. Cabell,
Lieutenant General United Confederate Veterans,
commanding Trans-Mississippi Department.

Official: A. T. Watts.

• Adjutant General and Chief of Staff.

Comment upon this appeal and order is copied
from the New Orleans States: The eloquent order
of the department and division commanders of the
U. C. V. are bearing full fruit. We present to-day
the order of Gen. W. L. Cabell, commander of the
Trans-Mississippi Department. It is a reflex of ‘ ‘Old
Tige” himself. There is no mistaking his senti-
ments in the earnestness with which he gives ex-
pression to them. Whether with the sword or pen,
this gallant veteran always strikes straight and
with effect.

Qogfederate Vetera r>.


Persons interested in the Rouss Memorial may
address any one of the committee whose names and
addresses are:

General George H. Steuart, South River, Md.

Colonel J. R. Mcintosh, Meridian, Miss.

General Geo. D. Johnston, Tuscaloosa. Ala.

Colonel J. B. Cary, Richmond,’ Va.

General J. A. Chalaron, New Orleans, La.

Captain B. H. Teague, Aiken, S. C.

Major W. R. Garrett, Nashville, Tenn.

Colonel John O. Casler, Oklahoma City, Okla.

General W. D. Chipley, Pensacola, Fla.

Colonel J. C. Cravens, Springfield, Mo.

Captain John H. Carter, Avon, Fayette Co., Ky.

Colonel Howard Williams, Atlanta, Ga.

Hon. W. C. Ratcliffe, Little Rock, Ark.

General W. L. Cabell, Dallas, Texas.

Major Thomas S. Keenan, Raleigh, N. C.

Dr. L. C. Tennent, McAlester, I. T.

Captain John M. Hickey, Washington, D. C.

Captain C. S. White, Komney, W. Va.

A “Memorial Festival Da)'” has been designated
and Friday, May 1, ’96, the date “to be set apart
for the use of the women of the South in raising
funds for this great Memorial Hall.”

All the details and exercises of this “Memorial
Festival Day” are to be planned, conducted and car-
ried out entirely under the orders, control, ideas and
management of the women of the South in their re-
spective localities.

This “Battle Abbey” will not be dedicated alone
to the history and deeds of the civic and military
heroes of the greatest of civil wars, but “within its
sacred portals sufficient and conspicuous space will
be reserved for the names and fame of the Heroines
of the South.”


Some Rebel Relics From the Seat of War. — A
handsome 12 mo. Memorial Volume of 315 pages,
commemorative mainly of the spirit, speech and
manner of life of the invincible “Old Reb” of the
Rank and File throughout the war, and of the
genius and splendor of his Dixie Land. This in-
teresting hook is by Rev. A. T. Goodloe, who was a
Lieutenant in the Thirty-fifth Alabama Regiment.
C. S. A. Those who order this book of us will con-
tribute to the Samuel Davis Monument fund.

M. Dcadv, 132 Yale Strcv t, Akron, O. : After the
battle of South Mountain, Md., September, is<>2, I
was detailed to bury the dead. Among them I found
a Confederate officer, on whose coat was pinned a
paper with these words written in pencil: “Capt.
H. Y. Hyers, Mad River Lodge, North Carolina.”
I am quite sure he was a member of the 12th or 23rd
North Carolina Infantry, as I heard that those two
regiments were in our front. He must have placed
the paper there himself so he might be known if he
fell. He was buried as tenderly as could be under
the circumstances. I cut on a board, letter for let-
ter, what was on the paper and placed it at head of
his grave. This notice may be seen by some of his
relatives, and I shall be glad to supply further infor-
mation. I was a member of Company A, Twenty-
third Ohio Volunteer Infantry.

The following letter written by Gen. I. R. Trim-
ble to the father of Lieut.-Col. Fulton, of Stokes
County, N. C, on occasion of his son’s death, was
printed in the Greensborough Patriot, October 17,
1862, and the bleached clipping comes from Judge
D. C. Thomas, of Lampasas, Texas, to whom it
was handed by E. C. Fulton, a nephew of the hero.

“Front Roval, Va., October 1, 1862.

Samuel Fulton, Stokes County, N. C.

Dear Sir: — The names of those who nobly die tor
their country have ever lived in a people’s grateful
memory. He who falls in battle incribes his name
upon the records of his country’s glory in charac-
ters which can never perish while freedom lives.

Such a man was Lieut-Col. Fulton. At an early
period he entered the army, and joined the Twenty-
first North Carolina Regiment in which, by promo-
tion, he had obtained the rank of Lieutenant Colo-
nel. His regiment was attached to the brigade
commanded by me, and brought into every action
which took place in Northern Virginia from the
battle of Winchester on the 28th of May, to that of
Manassas, on the 28th of August, including all of
Jackson’s battles near Richmond. I knew him
well, and can therefore speak from personal knowl-
edge of his merits. He blended, in a remarkable
degree, kindness and civilty with discipline and
military duties. He was the favorite of every sol-
dier. His merits were exhibited without preten-
sion; and his courage, the chief element of his char-
acter, was shown without bravado.

In many charges against the enemy, the battle
flag was seen in his hands leading the regiment to
victory. His death wounds were received while
thus bearing the colors in the charge at Manassas
on the 28th of August. He expired the next day
with the same \]a^ waving over him, which he had
borne in triumph against the foe.

I have felt constrained, my dear Sir, to offer this
faint tribute of respect to the virtues and gallantry
of your son, whom I considered one of the most val-
uable officers of my brigade, and whose honest and
gentlemanly deportment gained my warmest es-
teem. Accept, Sir, my sincere and deep sympathy
in the distress you and your family must feel forthe
loss of such a son. May this testimony to his
merits and manner of his death, assuage in some
degree, the pangs of those who knew him and loved
him well!

His State should be proud of his name and ever
cherish his memory. Her sons should now and
hereafter emulate his virtues and his patriotism.

I write this from a sick bed. where I am suffer-
ing from a wound, or I would write more at length.”

Dr. M. S. Browne, Winchester, Ky., in sending
contribution for Sam Davis Monument, writes:

I served in ‘<>1 and ’62 in Roddy’s Company, 37th
Tennessee Regiment of Infantry. If any member
of my old Company, “D” is living, I should like to
correspond with him. Lastly, if more is needed
for monument, I shall help. The Vetekan is in-
tensely interesting to me.


Confederate 1/eterar?.


N. V. Randolph, President of the above named
Home, reports to the Governor of Virginia, Jan. 1.
This institution, under the direction and super-
vision of R. E. Lee Camp, No. 1, C. V., has contin-
ued to watch over and provide for disabled Confed-
erate soldiers as far as it was in their power with
the limited means at their disposal.

The main object in the establishm?nt of the Sol-
diesr’ Home was to prevent honorable and brave
Confederate soldiers, who by wounds and disease
contracted in the service of their country, and now
in their old age are unable to support themselves,
from dying in the county almshouses. A few men
from Lee Camp determined that they would build a
Soldiers’ Home, and do all in their power to avert
such a calamity. We have simply tried to do our
duty to our comrades in arms to the best of our

The Soldiers’ Home was bought, paid for and
equipped by R. E. Lee Camp, No. 1, C. V., of Rich-
mond, and for two years supported by their private
funds. In ’92 we entered into a contract with the
State of Virginia, by which we would receive $30,-
000 a year for a period of twenty-two years, and at
the expiration of that time the Home should be-
come the property of the State. * * *

The present income, $30,000 a year, was intended
for the support of 200 men, but the demands have
been so great that we have been compelled to in-
crease the number until we have now present 253
men. Fifty-six are now in the Hospital for treat-
ment. The expenses of the Hospital are about
double the cost of the support of a man in the

It, therefore, becomes absolutely necessary to ap-
peal to the Legislature of Virginia for additional
assistance; otherwise we must restrict the number al-
ready present, and decline to admit new men except
as a vacancy occurs by death or resignation.

The State has appropriated in eight years $173,-
805.55, while Lee Camp and its friends have appro-
priated $149,563.94. The general hard times have
reduced our income from private donations, and for
the years ’94-95 we have only received $7,216.85
from this source. Every economy has been exer-
cised that was possible, and from tables submitted
in this report you will see that with .a few excep-
tions we have supported this institution at less
than any of the National Homes in the United

We have now thirty-five applications on hand be-
fore the Committee, awaiting admission to the
Home. These men cannot be admitted unless the
State comes to our assistance. In the first in-
stance, we must have $6,000 to build an additional
house and to furnish the same. This will increase
our capacity eighty or one hundred men. We then
must have an additional appropriation of $10,000 a
year for the support of the Home. As the number
of men increase, the percentage or cost decreases, as
the fixed charges of the Home, such as salaries,
steam, heat, &c, remain the. same whether we have
200 men or 300 men.

I believe this appropriation of $10,000 will be
necessary for at least four to six years, as the num-
ber of applicants is constantly increasing, but I be-
lieve that at the end of six years, or 1902, that the
number will begin to decrease, and we could then
support the institution for the balance of the time
for the amount of $30,000 a year. Of course, it is
for the Legislature to say how many men we shall
take care of.

The Board of Visitors serve without compensa-
tion. The only salaries paid are the officers and
employees of the institution.

The Confederate Association of Washington. D.
C, has endowed two cots at $1,000 each, which en-
titles them to keep two men in the Home as long as
the institution shall last. The Board would be
glad to have other cots endowed at the price of
$1,000, and they will enter into a contract with the
donor that he shall have the privilege of naming one
man to occupy the same.

Besides the money appropriated to the Home di-
rect, R. E. Lee Camp, No. 1, C. V., has spent $40,-
000 since its organization in providing for the
widows and orphans of Confederate soldiers, and
for their own indigent comrades who are so situated
that they could not be entered at the Home.


The Commanding General United Confederate
Veterans, by his Adjutant General, has issued an
order appealing to all Camps to use their influence
in behalf of a movement inaugurated by Confederate
and Union Veterans at Vicksburg for a National
Military Park there. The following appointments
as Aides-de-Camp. with the rank of Brigadier Gen-
eral, have been made:

Frank Phillips, Marianna, Fla.; E. G. “Williams,
Waynesville, Mo.; Peyton Wise, Richmond, Va. ;
Thos. E. Davis, Page M. Baker, H. J- Hearsey, and
Wm. T. Blakemore of New Orleans.

Dates for the re-union this 3’ear are now fixed for
June 30, July 1 and 2, at Richmond, Va.



The softest whisperings of the scented South,
And rust and roses in the cannon’s mouth.

And where the thunders of the fight were born
The wind’s wild tenor in the tinkling corn ;

With song of larks low-lingering in the loam,
And blue skies bending over love and home.

And far away — somewhere, upon the hills.

Or where the vales ring with the whip-poor-wills,

Sad, wistful eyes, and breaking hearts that beat
For the loved sound of unreturning feet;*

And when the oaks their leafy banners wave,
Dream of the baltle and an unmarked grave!

A subscriber wishes to procure two C. S. A. but-
tons, size used on sleeves. “Will pay well for them.
He wishes to get their history, with name, regi-
ment, company, battles, etc., of their owner. Ad-
dress the Veteran, stating price.

Confederate Veteran.



[ John H. McFerrin, Collierville, Tcnn.: By re-
fering to the label on my Veteran, I find that I
am in arrear for 1895. This reminds me that when I
attended school at Florence Wesleyan University in
“ante bellum” time, we published a monthly maga-
zine, edited by the students chosen from the two
Literary Societies, and in the course of time, it was
ascertained that there were a good many delin-
quents; so one of the editors wrote a nice editorial
on the subject and I recollect distinctly that he
closed by saying he hoped his friends, who wished
indemnity for the past, would pay up, and security
for the future, pay down. So I send two dollars
to pay up and also to pay down, please give me
credit for ’95 and ’96.

I have been a subscriber of the Veteran ever
since it was issued. I must confess that while I
was delighted with it when it first came out, I did
not think it could last long, as such beautiful re-
miniscences as you gave would soon be exhausted.
but I declare that instead of decreasing in interest,
it is certainly better and better every publication.
I must also confess that I have not done my whole
duty in assisting the Veteran, but I have given
out many of the copies advantageously. Among
the number was Mr. T. F. Jones, one of our most
prominent merchants, who, although, he was not
old enough to “don the gray,” yet of all the soldiers
that I know, no one takes a greater interest in read-
ing about the war, than Mr. Jones,. lie never
fails to speak a good word for the Veteran, and,
although we live in quite a small city, and our Con-
federates are rapidly passing away— still he has se-
cured about twenty-five subscribers and I really be-
lieve he will advance the number to fifty.

Comrade E. O. Sykes, of Aberdeen, Miss., who mar-
ried a niece of Colonel Rogers sends a photograph
to be engraved herewith, with interesting data con-
cerning Colonel William P. Rogers, of the Second
Texas Regiment Confederate States forces, who fell
at the storming of Battery Robinett, at Corinth,
Miss., Oct. 4, 1862. No braver or nobler soldier
ever gave up his life to his country’s cause
than this brave man. and he quotes from General
Van Dorn, commanding the Confederate troops at
this battle, reported on page 318 of the “War Ar-
chives,” Series 1, Vol. XVII, Part 1: “I cannot re-
frain from mentioning the conspicuous gallantry of
a noble Texan, whose deed at Corinth is the con-
stant theme of both friends and foes. As long as
courage, manliness, fortitude, patriotism and honor
exist, the name of William P. Rogers will be re-
vered and honored among men. He fell in the
front of battle, and died beneath the colors of his
regiment in the very center of the enemy’s strong-
hold. He sleeps, and glory is his sentinel.”

Surely the promised sketch will be in the Febru-
ary Veteran.

James Howard Bush, of Hemstead, Texas, a mem-
ber of J. A. Wharton’s Texas Rangers, died in
Nashville during the war. Miss Sallie McCallum,
of Pulaski, Tenn., has print of a poem found in his
pocket. It is pathetic.

Dr. T. R. Meux, formerly Assistant Surgeon,
4th Confederate Tennessee Regiment, writes from
Fresno, California: There are several hundred ex-
Confed’s in this (Fresno) County. We have an or-
ganization here, Sterling Price Camp, with about
175 members on roll. We have an annual festival
in April, at which time officers are elected.

The other officers are (besides Dr. Meux. Com-
mander): O. J. Meade, Vice Commander; R. G.
Harrell, Adjutant; W. M. Williams, Quartermaster;
T. L. Reel, Commissary; Dr. Alexander, Surgeon;
and J. R. Kirkpatrick, Chaplain. The Doctor
writes that the “gallant Gen. T. H. Bell of Forrest’s
Cavalry, whose Brigade led the charge at Fort
Pillow, is living here, and is hale and hearty,
though beginning to show the weight of years.”

“I lived in Haywood Co., Tenn., where I enlisted
in May, 1861. and served four years continuously in
Cheatham’s Command until May 3, ’65, when 1 was
paroled at Greensboro, N. C. and returned to West
Tennessee. I practiced medicine there until seven
years ago and then came here.”

Comrade James Bailey, foreman of Iron Mountain
Railroad Shops, at Argcnta, Ark., sends the names
of his associates there, and the command in which
they served, representing his own State, South Car-
olina, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee. He
commends the VETERAN ” to every one who served
under the folds of our Confederate banner.”

Comrade Ben C. Smith, of Macon, Ga., desires in-
formation about Arastus B. Maxey. an ex-Confeder-
ate soldier, who served from Tennessee.

H. T. Sinnott, of Mosby’s Cavalry: In the VET-
ERAN of December, I notice an article on the death
of Captain William Griffin Waller, in which it was
stated that his brother, John Waller, was killed in
the battle of Williamsburg. That is incorrect.
John Waller was killed near the Plains Station on
the Manassas Gap Raiload, Fauquier County, Va.,
in the latter part of March ’65, by a detatchment of
the Eighth Illinois Cavalry in a skirmish. I was the
only person with him when he was killed. We were
hemmed up in a lane and were ordered to surrender,
but Waller refused and we both commenced shoot-
ing, when Waller was shot through the head and 1
n ade my escape. The officer in command of the
detachment said that Waller was the bravest man
he ever saw, and he refused to let any of his men
touch anything on Waller’s person.

C. H. St. Clair, Morgan City, La.: Although I
was on the Federal side during the war, I take
great interest in reading the articles in the VET-
ERAN relating to its events, and I find those of
which I have anv knowledge correctly stated. I
would be greatly obliged if you would ask for an
authentic statement of the armament and support
of Grand Gulf at the time of its evacuation by the
Confederates, made necessary by the forces of Gen.
Grant threatening their rear and Admiral Porter’s
fleet in front. There surely must be some Confed-
erate veteran living who has a knowledge of the


Confederate l/eterap.

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Confederate l/eterarj.




The Rev. Samuel Francis Smith, a noted Baptist
minister-author, died recentl}- in his native State,
Massachusetts. He was born in Boston, and always
lived in New England. He was the author of many
spiritual songs, some of which are: “Sister, thou wast
mild and lovely,” “The morning light is breaking,”
“To-day the Savior calls.” His famous song-, that
will live on and on, is:

”My country ! ‘I is of thee,
Sw I’d land of liberty,

Of I hee 1 sing ;

Land where my rat hers died ;

band i if I lie pilgrim’s pride ;

From every mountain Bide
bet fredom ring.

My native country! thee
band of the noble free,
Thy name I love ;
1 love thy rocks and rills.
Thy woods and templed hills;
My heart with rapture thrills
Like that above.

bet music swell the breeze.
And ring from all the trees
Sweet freedom’s song ;
bet mortal tongues awake.
Let all that lireal he partake,
bet rocks their silence break,
The sound prolong.

(tm- lathers’ God ! to Thee

Aut hor of liberty !

To Thee we sing ;

Long may our land be bright

Willi freedom’s holy light;

Protect us by Thy might,

(irenl God our King ”

At its meeting December 2, ’95, the following
officers were elected for A. S. Johnston Camp, at
Beaumont, Texas:

Dr. 15. V. Calhoun, Captain; W. E. Rogers, First
Lieutenant; G. \Y. Kidd, Second Lieutenant; W.
L- Rigsby, Adjutant; Lovan Hampshire, Ouarter-
master; Dr. A. N. Perkins, Surgeon; V. W. Myrick,
Color Bearer.

The Confederate VETERAN was unanimously
adopted as the official organ for this camp.

A vote of thanks was extended to the retiring
Commander, Capt. T. J. Russell, for his faithful
and zealous manner of commanding and conducting
the affairs of the camp the past two years.

Thanks to the Lee Camp Soldiers’ Home, Rich-
mond, for invitation to their Christinas dinner.
The menu does not say hardtack and corn meal col-
fee, but “Stewed Oysters. Roast Turkey, Cranberry
Sauce, Brunswick Stew, Roast Shoat, Apple Sauce,
Baked Ham, Wheat Bread, Corn Bread, Sweet and
Irish Potatoes, Mixed Pickle, Celery, Cheese and
Crackers, Oranges, Apples, Bananas, Nuts, Rai-
sins, Mixed Candy.

Mince Pie, Fruit Cake, Pound Cake, Currant
Cake, Chocolate Cake, Sponge Cake. Tea, Coffee,


Size, 66×46 Inches.

One side shows ageneral map of the United States,
portions of Canada and Mexico, and a special map
of Alaska, while a table shows the population of
the principal cities of the United States for census
years 1890, 1880, and 1870.

States are separately colored and the boundaries
of counties are shown.

The plates show all the new railroad lines and
extensions, county changes, etc.

All the principal rivers and lakes, mountain
ranges and peaks are plainly indicated, as are also
the leading cities and towns.

The Canadian section of the map gives the prov-
inces of Ontario, Manitoba, and British Columbia,
while the Southern portion includes the Northern
States of the Republic of Mexico, and the Bahama


is “the largest and most accurate map on Mercator’s
Projection ever produced.”

The political divisions are correctly defined and
beautifully outlined in colors.

The ocean currents are clearly shown and named.

A marginal index of letters and figures enables
one to easily locate every country in the world.

Short articles in alphabetical order are printed
around the border of this map in large, clear type,
containing valuable information about agricultural,
mining, and manufacturing.

The area, population ami form of government of
every country in the world is given up to date.

The population of over one hundred of the most
important cities of the world is shown in a table
specially prepared for this map.

The map also contains diagrams showing com-
parative lengths of the principal rivers, and heights
of principal mountains in the world, and an insert
map showing the North Polar regions.

“This new reversible map is the best ever publish-
ed,” say the publishers, for the following reasons:

It is unrivailed in clearness.

The United States side is a complete railroad map
of the country.

It is the largest map of the United States and
world combined ever printed on one sheet.

The best quality of heavy map paper is used,
while the edges are bound with tape, mounted on
sticks at top and bottom ready to hang on the wall.

The VETERAN offers this beautiful map for sale
at $2.25 postpaid. Regular price $5.00. For a
club of six new subscribers it will be sent free.
Order now.


Nashville, Tenn.


Confederate l/eterap.


As an extra inducement for renewals and to aid in circu-
lating Southern literature, the following list of books will be
furnished on terms designated.

The Other Side, by Virginia Frazer Boyle. A poem. Will
be sent as premium for four subscriptions, or with I he Vet-
er*n for $1.75. Price $100 This is a remarkable poem,
Jefferson Davis being the theme of the gifted author.

Christ in the Camp. 4524 pages is illustrated and character-
istic of the eminent author. Rev J. William Jones, D.D. Price
$2.50. Given as premium for five subscribers.

The American Epic, a Concise Scenic History of the
United States and other poems by Drummond Welburn
Cloth, $100. Sent with four subscribers, or with one and
the Vkteran for $1 50.

Virginia Before and During the War, by H, H. Fariner.
Price 25 cents, paper. 102 pages. Sent with. two subscrip-
tions, or with Veteran for $1.12.

A Tribute in Song from Virginia to Georgia, by Virginia
women, edited by Mary Stuart Smith. Price 50 cents. Sent
with two subscriptions for the Veteran.

Rebel Rhymes, and other Poems, by Elizabeth J. Here-
ford, of Texas, $1 00. Sent with three subscribers.

Four Years in the Stonewall Brigade, by John 0. Casler.
Reduced from $2. 00 to $1.50, now supplied with the Veter-
an for $2.00.

Hancock’6 Diary, or History of the Second Tennessee
Cavalry. A large octavo volume, $2 50. This book can be
had for $1 50 if a club of twenty-five can be secured.

The Civil War from a Southern Standpoint, by Mrs. Ann
E. Snyder, of Nashville, can be had for three subscribers, or
with the Veteran for $1.50. Price $1 00

Rebel Relics, by Rev. A. T. Goodioe. Price $1.00 .Supplied
with the Veteran for $1.50, or for three subscribers.

The Sponsor Souvenir Album, advertised on back cover
page by the Souvenir Co., Houston, Texas will be supplied
from the Veteran office also at the publishers prices.

Memoris of Jefferson Davis, by his wife, in two elegant
rolumes containing 1,640 pages. This most entertaining and
valuable book will be furnished by the Veteran with a years
subscription for $5 25.

Campaigns and Battles of the Sixteenth Tennessee Con-
federate Regiment, from its organization, at Camp Trous-
dale, through its campaigns in West Virgina, South Caroli-
na, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and
Georgia, together with sketches of other Tennessee Regi-
ments, by Thomas A. Head. Five hundred octavo pages.
Twenty illustrations. Price $1 00.

The World and How to Take it, by Rev. A. J. Baird, D.D.,
an eminent minister of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, who was associated with the Confederate Army
from the beginning to the close of the war. Prefaced to the
work is a sketch of the life of the au’hor. by John M. Gaut.
The book is discussed in most attractive style, and illustrates
with interesting incidents, most of the practical problems of
life. Home, Society. Business, Personal Virtues and Vices,
and Life’s Closing Scenes are all treated in the author’s pe-
culiarly fascinating style. The book contains 400 pages with
a fine steel engraving of the author ; is printed on fine paper,
and beautifully bound in cloth, embossed in coiors and gold ;
an apppopriate gift book. Price $1 50 Given with the
Veteran for $2.25 or for five subscriptions..

Annals of an Invertebrate, by Laurette Nesbet Boykin.
“This book is a marvel.” Rev. Dr. Vance, Nashville, Tenn.,
says: ”It is a weird and exquisite poem in pure prose. Dr.
A. J. Battle, President of Shorter College. Rome, Ga , men-
tions it as “the work of a child of genius.” Charles J.
Bayne, Editor Augusta, Ga. Chronicle, asserts that “George
Eliot would have been proud of it.” Lilian Whiting, of
Boston, writes that “It is a wonderful book — as sympathetic
as a human presence.” This book is one dollar. It will be
furnished with the Veteran a year for $1.60, and free for
four subscriptions.

Life of Lee, by Fitzhugh Lee. This excellent book needs
no commendation. Thousands have been sold. It will be
sent as premium for six subscriptions, or with the Veteran
for $2.00.

How It Was, by Mrs. Irby Morgan, Nashville. An account
of thrilling experience during the ever memorable Four
Years. Given with four subscriptions, or with the Veteran
for $1.50.

Southern War Songs. A good collection of songs, ever
popular in the South, neatly bound in cloth. Sent for four
subscriptions, or with the VETERAN for $1 T5. Price $1 25.

Songs of Dixie. Giving words and music, well bound in
paper. Given as premium for t hree subscriptions, or with the
Veteban for $1 50. Price 65 cents.

The Bugle Call. Words and music composed by Col John
Jlilledge^o’ Atlanta. Sent as premium to subscribers sending
a new one with their renewal.

Cooper’s Leather Stocking Tales. Well bound in paper,
clear print. The five volumes will be sent as premium for
three subscriptions, or with the Veteran for $1 50. Price 75c.

Captain Phil and Yaller Phil, by Terah Ewin. A story of
love and war. Well bound in paper. Will be given as pre-
mium to any one sending a new subscriber. Price 25 cents.

The following list of Southern books, either by Southern
authors or about the South, will be perused with interest.

The prices are attached to each and friends, who wish any
of them may order in renewing or sending new subscribers,
at one-fifth less the prices as quoted For instance, any book
worth $1.25 will be sent with the Veteran, postpaid, for $2 00.

Hereafter, Veteran subscribers may expect to secure any
Southern book through the Veteran at reduced prices-
Frances Courtenay Baylor— Claudia Hyde, 16mo., $1.25;
Jean and Juanita. Square. 8vo., $1.50.

William Hand Browne — Maryland. 16mo., $1.25.

Kate Chopin— Bayou Folk, 16mo., $1 25.

John Esten Cooke — Virginia, 16mo., $1 25; My Lady Poka-
hontas, 16mo..$l 25.

Charles Egbert Craddock — In the Tennessee Mountains,
16mo., $1.25; Down the Ravine, 16mo., $100; The Prophet of
the Great Smokv Mountains, 16mo., $125; In the Clouds,
16mo.,$1.25; His Vanished Star, ltimo , $1 25 ; The Mystery
of Witch-Face Mountain, 16mo., $1.25; The Story of Keedon
Bluffs. 16mo., $125; The Despot of Broomsedge Cave, 16mo..
$1 25; Where the Battle was Fought, 16mo., $1 25.

Katharine Floyd Dana — Our Phil, and Other Stories, 16mo.,

M. E. M. Davis— Under the Man-Fig, 16mo., $1.25.

Rueben Davis — Recollections of Mississippi and Mississip-
pians, Svo., $3 00.

Parthenia A. Hague — A Blockaded Family, 16mo., $1.00.

Joel Chandler Harris — Little Mr. Thimblefinger and His
Queer Country. Square, 8vo., $2.00; Mr. Rabbit at Home.
Square, 8vo., $2.00: Uncle Remus and His Friends, 12mo.,
$1 50; Night with Uncle Remus. 12mo.. $1 50; Mingo, l6mo.,
$125; Balaam and His Master. 16mo., $1.25.

Charles C. Jones..! r.— “History of Georgia. 2vols , 8vo , $10 00
net; Biographical Sketches of the Members from Georgia to
the Continental Congress, 8vo., $2.00 ; Negro Myths from the
Georgia Coast, lrimo., $1.00.

Henry Cabot Lodge— George Washington, 2 vols., 16mo.,
$2.50; half morocco. $5.00.

Andrew C. McLaughlin — Lewis Cass, 16mo., $1 25.

James Phelan — History of Tennessee. Crown, 8vo., $2.00.

Rev Charles C Pinekney— Life of General Thomas Pinck-
ney. Crown, 8vo.. $1 50.

Margaret J. Preston— Colonial Ballads, Sonnets and Other
Verse. 16mo., $1.25.

F. Hopkinson Smith— Colonel Carter of Cartersville, 16mo.,

Octave Thanet— Knitters in the Run, 16mo , $1 .25 ; Otto the
Knight, 16mo.$l 25.

Maurice Thompson— A Tallahassee Girl, 16mo., $1.00;
paper, 50 cents

Moses Coit Tyler-Patrick Henry, 16mo., $125; half
morocco, $2 50.

Dr. H. Von Hoist— John C Calhoun, 10mo., $1.25; half
morocco, $2.50

Henry Watterson (editor)— Oddities in Southern Life and
Character. 16mo., $1.50.

George E. Woodberry— Edgar Allan Poe, 16mo., $1.25; half
morocco, $2 50.

Messrs. B. F. Johnson & Co., publishers. Richmond. Va.,
whose advertisement has hardly ever failed to appear in the
Veteran, favor it with ”three great books.”

“Southern States of the American Union.” by Dr. J. L. M.

“Lee’s School History of the United States,” by Mrs. Si’san
Pendleton Lee. of Lexington, Va.

“Southern Literature,” by Miss Louise Manly, of South

Qpijfederate l/eterai).

These three books are already attracting much attention.
Although but recently issued from the press, it is said that
they have been more extensively adopted and are being more
generally used than many popular text-books that have been
on the market for many years. Two of them— Curry’s’ Soul h”
and Manly’s ”Literature” — supply important places in the
school curriculum. “Lee’s History” is full, fair and satis-
factory. Advanced teachers generally are enthusiastic in
their praise.

Gleanings From Southland. — Miss Helen Dortch, Assistant
State Librarian, Atlanta, Ga., states, wisely and well that
Miss Cumming’s good work for the soldiers of the “Lost
Cause” deserves to be held in grateful remembrance by the
people of the South. Her book, “Gleanings From South-
land,” should have a place in every library in the South.

Gen. S. D. Lee writes: I have rend “Gleanings From South-
land” with pleasure, and it recalled many of the s:nl scenes

and sacrifices incident to Southern society during the great
war between the States.

J. L Warren, in Old Homestead, Atlanta: It unerringly
delineates t he character of the important events which trans-
pired under the author’s personal observation.

This book will be sent as a premium for live subscriptions
to the Vetkran Address,

The Confederate Veteran, Nashville, Tenn.



On the front cover of this Veteran there is a picture of

Arlington near Washington, I>. C, the home of ‘Our I, or’ as
it was before the war — in all its old Southern granduer.
From that porch may be seen in its magnificence the Cap
ital City of the country.

On the 19th of January 1S07, Robt. E. Lee was born. The
Veteran has ever taken pride in presenting the granduer of
his matchless character. In all the world’s history no
greater and purer character has enriched its pages. His
biography should be used as a text-book in our schools —
Gen. Fitzhugh Lee has written a charming life of Gen. Lee,
and the Veteran has been zealous to commend this book.
Its large edition has nearly all been sold. The small rem-
nant will be closed out for $1.25 post paid. The book and
Vetkran one year $2.00- The regular price of the book is
$1.50. Order soon or you will miss it.

Confederate Veteran,

Nashville, Tenn.


Rev. Wm. S. Brown, Beersheba Springs, Tenn : The gold
watch received ; it is more than you claimed for it, and I feel
more than paid for all my work.

Rev. II. M. Skinner and wife, Lapeer, Mich. : The beautiful
watch at hand. Myself and wife join in thanking you.

Rev. W. A. Watts, McEwen, Tenn. : The watch received.
I compared it with a $52.00 one, and all pronounced itequally
as good. “I want another for my wife.

Rev. E. M. H. Fleming, Woodbine, Iowa. : The premium
watch received, it is beautiful and a good time keeper.

Rev. D. McCracken, Dunganon, Va. : I am greatly pleased
with the premium gold watch, accept my thanks.

Rev. J. A Duvall, Rural Retreat, Va. : I have this day re-
ceived the premium gold watch, it is a real beauty.

Rev. H- T. Richards, Monticello, Wis : The gold watch at
hand, and it is a beauty in every respect.

Rev. T. D. Brown, Oxford. Miss. : The gold watch received,
it is much better than I expected, I am thankful to you. It
is all you claim for it-

Lieut. N. M. Berryman, of the First Texas Regi-
ment, writes from Kemp, Texas: In the Vetekan
in a list of lia^s captured is reported that of the
First Texas, claimed to have been captured by the
Lieutenant of a New York regiment mi the 8th of
April ’65, the day before General Lee surrendered.
Having the honor of being one of the eight thou-
sand who “stacked arms” on the 9th of April, I
deny the statement.

After the First Texas learned that General Lee
bail agreed upon terms of surrender, we held a con-
sultation, whether to cut the old flag up and each
take a piece for a relic, or take it with our guns.
The majority favored leaving it “with our arms,”
which was done.

In tliv same number of VETERAN mention was
made of the capture of Hood’s Brigade ll;ii, r , at
Sharpsburg. We never had a brigade flag ami the
flag mentioned there was a blue silk flag, with the
Texas star in the upper corner next to the stall. It
was made of a silk dress and presented to the First
Texas by Miss Wigfall, when the regiment was
first formed at Richmond, in 1861. Her father,
Lewis T. Wigfall, was made Colonel of the Regi-
ment, and the Hag was not captured. The flag-
bearer and all the guard were killed, and the t\.\£
lost in a dense cornfield as we made the charge, and
was picked up after General Lee withdrew from the
field the next day.

W. P. B., St. Louis, relates this true story: In
the bloody cavalry charge at Hartsville, in South-
west Missouri, private Billy Conklin, of St. Louis,
and horse went down with many others and was re-
ported killed. The next day, when retreating, the
Federals pressed our rear guard sharply and Capt.
Jno. W. Howard, of St. Louis, was sent on for re-
inforcements and overtook Billy, on foot, carrying
his saddle, bridle and gun. As there was danger of
capture, Captain Howard offered to carry the sad-
dle and gun. “No, I’d better stick to “em.” “Don’t
you wish this war was over, Billy?” “I’d have you
to understand, Sir, that I’m a warrior of gentle
blood, and peace troubles my soul! If you want
to help me, rustle around and git me a hoss.” And
Billy trudged along, indifferent to the increasing
fire just in rear.

Ira A. Bache, Kansas City, Mo. : During the
naval campaign along the Atlantic seaboard, our
flat bombarded and reduced the Confederate garri-
son at Beaufort, N. C. Among the captured was
Major II. M. Dillard, of the Artillery. While trans-
ferring our unparoled prisoners at Fortress Monroe,
the Major, an intelligent and chivalrous fellow,
about twenty-live years of age, failed to enter the
fort, but took the road toward Richmond. I have in
my possession his commission, his watch, a plan of
the fortifications at Beaufort and some valuable
papers and love letters entrusted to me, all of which
I have been anxious to return for years. The Major
was raised in or near Lynchburg, Va., and was a
student at the University of Virginia in 1S57-8,
1 see from data in my possession. Who can locate
him or his friends for me, if living?


Confederate Ueteraij.

NasMe, \Mam & SI. Lis By.




The equipment and service of this line is equal to
any in the country, and carries the traveler through
the most picturesque portion of the South. More than
fifty famous battlefields and five National cemeteries
are located on and near this great railway’system be-
tween Hickman, Ky., Nashville, Tenn.,and Atlanta, Ga.

For information with reference to the resources, cl:-
mate, soil, water power, timber, location for manufac –
tories and for colonies or homes for thrif’y settlers’
write J. B. Killebrew, Immigration Agent. Nashville,

“Dixie Fi.tek”

Sleepers, to and from Florida without change.


Lv Nashville N. C- & Bt.JL 9 15 am

Lv Chattanooga. . . . \V. & A 3 00 pm

Lv Atlanta C R. R. of Ga 7 50 pm

Lv Macon G. S. & F 11 28 pm

Lv Tifton Plant System 3 10 am

Ar Waycross Plant System 5 10 am

Ar Jacksonville. .. .Plant System 7 30 am


Lv Jacksonville Plant System 6 50 pm

Lv Waycross Plant Svstern 10 15 pm

Lv Tifton G. S. & F 11 35 pm

Lv Macon 0. R. R. of Ga 4 15 am

Lv Atlanta W.& A 8 05 am

Lv Chattanooga N. 0. & St. L 1 15 pm

Ar Nashville N. C. & St. L 6 45 pm


Sleepers between St. Louis and Jacksonville, Fla.


Lv St. Louis L. & N 7 50 am

Lv Nishville N. C. & St. L 9 15 pm

Lv Chattanooga W. & A 2 45 am

Lv Atlanta C R. R- of Ga 7 30 am

Lv Macon G. S. & F 11 10 am

Lv Tifton Plant System 3 10 pm

Ar Waycross Plant System 5 10 pm

Ar Jacksonville Plant System 7 30 pm

Lv Jacksonville Plant System 8 30 am

Lv Waycross Plant Svstern 10 35 am

Lv Tifton G. S. &F 12 50 pm

Lv Macon C. R. K. of Ga 4 35 pm

Lv Atlanta W. & A 8 20 pm

Lv Chattanooga N. C. & St. L 1 14 am

Lv Nashville L. ft N 7 00 am

Ar St. Louis -.L. & N 7 20 pm

For information as to rates, through car service, etc.,
write R. C- Cowardin, Western Pass. Agent, Railway
Exchange Building, St. Louis, Mo. ; Briard F. Hill,
Northern Pass. Agent, 328 Marquette Building, Chi-
cago, 111. ; D. J. Mullaney, Eastern Pass. Agent, 59 W.
Fourth St., Cincinnati, O. ; J. H Latimer, South east-
ern Pass. Agent, Atlanta, Ga- ; J. L. Edmondson, South-
ern Pass. Agent, Chattanooga, Tenn.

G. P. & T. A. Nashville, Tenn. .





(100 Days, Excluding- Sundays.)

J. W. Thomas, President, E. C. Lewis, Director General,

V. L. Kirkman, Vice-President, A. W. Wills, Com-
j tnissioner General, Leland Rankin, Press Rep.

Confederate Veteran.




Thomas Edmonston, in the London
Times: It was my fortune to reside for
some little time ill South Carolina while
that evilly-treated State was held in
subject ion by a colored legislature, con-
trolled by a legion of Northern carpet-
baggers, and supported by Federal
troops, contrary to the plainest terms
of the United States Constitution, That
was in 1873; and the conditions of life
for the while population were becoming
so utterly unendurable that the alterna-
tive presented to civilized natives of
the State was to regain possession of
the executive and legislative govern-
ment, or to quit the country in a body.
There was literally no other course,
since men who are of Anglo S:i.vifi and
Huguenot blood, inheriting the tradi-
tions of freemen, could not submit to
live and suffer under a government
scarcely differing in any respect from
that of Hayti and Han Domingo. The

Conflict H’BB bitter, but victory was won
— by what means and at what cost we
must not too closely inquire

We cannot afford to shut our eyes to
facts as I hey exist It is degrading and

demoralizing to a high-spirited race, BC

Customed from old lime to fair ami
constitutional methods of government,
to compel them to resort to electoral

tricks and mean devices because there

happens to exist within their borders
an alien and inferior race, possessing.
indeed, t he right before t he law to equal
political privileges wit h the white popu-
lation, but utterly incapable of using
the electoral franchise for any other
than evil and corrupt purposes. We
ought to wish our kinsmen in South
Carolina all good speed in their efforts,
since these are directed toward true ion a 1 ism. and not to its reversal


The Centennial Waltz, dedicated to
the management of t he Tennessee ( !en-

tennial 10 x posit ion. by its yout hful com-
poser. Miss Sadie Bishop, promises to
become one of the popular waltzes ol
the day. It is a lively, catchy air. in
waltz time, with but medium difficulty
of execution. The arrangement of the
chords is unique, and it argues well
for the fill ure of this young daughter of
the South. The daily press. Prof. Schem-
niel, of the Nashville Conservatory of
Music, where the young lady is being
educated, and ot hers who have heard
her performance on the piano, expect
much of her.


We offQr one Hundred Dollars reward foranj
oaeeof Catarrh t hat cnmmt, be oared by Hall’s
Catarrh Curt’.

K.J. chunky & 00., Toledo, O.

We, thenariersigned, have known F.J. Cheney
for the Ihhi to years and believe him perfectly
honorable In all business transactions and flnan-
olally able to carry out any obligations made by
their Drm.

West & Tun ax. Wholesale Drngglste,Toledo,0.

wai.ih\i;,kis,\an ,v m Aie i\.\\ uolesale Drug-
gists, Toledo, 0.

Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, act-
ing directly upon the and mucous sur-
taoes of the system. Testimonial sent free.
Price 76c. per bottle. Sold b« all Druggies.

The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway Company owns and operates ii,-
169 miles of road. It operates its own
Bleeping cars and dining cars. It trav-
erses the best portions of the Stales of
Illinois, Wisconsin, Northern Michigan.
Iowa, Missouri, .Minnesota, Sooth and
North Dakota. Its sleeping and dining
Car 8ervice 18 first-class in every respect.

lr runs vestibuled, Bteam-heated and
electric-lighted trains. It has the abso-
lute block system. It uses all modern

appliances for the comfort and safety of
its pal ron s. Its I rain employees are civil
and obliging. It tries to give each

passenger “value received for his
money, and its! leneral l’assenger Agent
asks every man, woman and child to
bit j tickets over t hi’ Chicago, Milwaukee

& si. Paul Railway — for it is A Great


VI litis ttCATED.)

Story of the Ghost that Haunted the Bell
Home in Robertson County. Tcnn.

Most Startling Recital Now in Print, Giving

tin Authenticated Account of the

Strange and Mysterious


Tins is one of the strangest horks ever written.
By all means gel u Soni by mail prepaid,oa

receiptor $l.oo. i.v i lie publishers,


511 Church St. Na.SBVII.LE, TENN.

Frank A. Owen, Kvansville, Indiana:

‘Two Years on the Alabama” came to

mo on New Year’s day. and I am pul-
ling in every spare moment trying to
master its contents, before leaving home

for I lie spring business. We know less

of this part of our history than any oth-
er. The book is a beauty, and iis con-
tents written in such a plain, straight-
forward Btyle thai il carries conviction
of its truth wiih every page.

— o f —

Stonewall Jaekson,



and ski-tcim s by Generals Gordon, Fitzhugb
Lkk. French. MoLaws, Sutlkr, Bradley
Johnson, Lanf. Taliaferro, McGowan.Hkth,
Mi’kk, [if v. ,1 w . Jones, Viscocnt (uenerai.)
Wolsei.ey, and others, a bookof nearli 700


illustrated. A.ORNTS wanted in every town
a ml county. Liberal pat. Address,


LOO 1st ille, h y.
,\” /,’. — Veterans, Sons <> mf Daughter* <>/ Vet’
< ran* and trtu admin r* oj gre itness every m
tend for descriptive circular.


The undersigned will pay spot cash for Ait-
tograph Letters <>f famous persona from Colonial
times up i” ami Including tin’ civil Wa>*, also
tor correspondence oi historical nature \\ rite,
elating generally what yon have or know about.
liberal commission paid to any one who will
Bearcli and help me obtain such manuscripts.

W. E. BENJAMIN, 10 West 22nd St., New York City.



A RaTcnons Appetite. Good Digestion,

;iml Cheerful Countenance

Ginned by Its Use.

The Maryland Construction Company
of Bait inn. re City, Huilding the Balti- Holt Railroad North Avenue and
Oak Mreet. Baltimore. Md., Nov. 19,
Electrolibration Company, No.
1132 Broadway, New York, N. V. — Gen-
tlemen: On Oct. 23 last, you will re-
member, 1 sent you a check and order
for an Eleetropoise. Since that time I
have applied the instrument to my
ankle ten i imes. Previous to that time
lile was held light ly by me, not being
considered worth living under such a
!• md 1 1 ion of suffei ing as fell to my lot.
My friends know and rejoice in the
change effect ed in me. presumably by
the use of I he Kleel ropnise. 1 no longer
starve myself, but have a ravenous ap-
petite, a good digestion, and if my
friends are to be believed, a cheerful
countenance, but this is all aside from
my main purpose in writing, which is to
order two more of your instruments,

with book of direct ions, etc , of course.
for which you will liud enclosed my
check for $50.

l’leasc send as soon as possible, as one
of my friends wants to die or thinks he
lines, and I want to show him that life
is altogether worth living, in company
wit h the Elect ropoise-

He will not be hard to convince, as he

saw me every day before I owned an

Eleetropoise, and he sees me every day

since. The argument is unanswerable.

Yours truly. JOHN B. BATT.


For Two Month’s Rent,

wit li liberal terms for the ult imate pur-
chasing alter rent ing. Those who are
not familiar wit h the wonderful curat ive

work of the Eleetropoise should write
for booklet giving full particulars. The
Eleetropoise indorsed by thousands in
every walk of life all over the country.

Dubois & webb,

Chamber of Commerce Il’lding,

In these days of progress and the build-
ing of gieal iioiises. it will be an item of
interest to know that “the largest plate
glass mirror in the world” was brought
from Belgium to New York City recent-
ly. It is V2x\’i’/i feet and V/i inches


Confederate l/eterap.

[Notice* under thia heading will be inserted
at 20 cents per tine each insertion.]

TJLL kinds of adveitisins; matter carefully dis-
r\ trhiuted. Cards, etc.. nailed lip. Satisfac-
tion guaranteed. Write for terms and referen-
ces. Jambs L. Hill, Manager, 3l6|i Deaderick
61., Nashville, Tenn.

WAN’TED-The public to know that we are
headquarters for the sale of all kindsof fer-
tilizers, nnd Hint we also pay the lushest prices
for dry bones. J. F. & W. H. Sinuer, »SJ North
College Street.

\A/TIM r I 7 I7n A ” good Southerners to con-
VVrUN I EJU, tinne to secure first-class
Teachers— Music. Literary and Art— from THE
618 S. College St., Xa-hviile. Tenn. Positions
filled in twenty-four hours from receipt ojyonr
letter or telegram.

Ladies and
Ge tlemen:

If you would liv to a
ripe old age, au be
healthy all th, e,

remember this fa .


makes pare red blood,
a clear skin, and gives
you perfect health.

Write for article on
the blood, and testi-
monials of cures.

Hodge’s Sarsaparilla,


$1 Per Bottle.

For sale by all druggists, or delivered upon
receipt of price.

i-94-iy. Nashville. Tenn.

The Miami Medical College,

Of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Regular Session Begins Oct. 1, 1895.

Send for Catalogue. All inquiries receive
prompt attention.


under reasonable conditions. Do not say it can
not be done, till yon send for free catalogue of



Nashville, Tenn.

This College is strongly endorsed by banker
and merchants. FOUR weeks by Draughon’s
method of teaching bookkeeping is equal to
TWELVE weeks by the old plan Special ad-
vantages in Shorthand, Penmanship and Teleg-
raphy. Cheap board. Open to both sexes. No
vacation. Enter now. Railroad Fare Paid.

lift MB CTniW We have recertly prepared
flUUlLi OlUUI. books on Bookkeeping,
Shorthand and Penmanship especially adapt-
ed to “home study.” Write for ■’ Home Study ”
circulars at once.


lylr) e/irjrjuetl ©taferrjerji

INSURANCE CO., and in connec-
tion therewith the following


Insurance written in 1894, – $6.2S4.713.n5
Increase of Assets. – – – – {400,87494
Increase of Surplus. – – – – $32,i’21.75
Total amount paid Policy Hold-
ers since Organization, – – $5,264,936.55


0. R. LOOKER. President.
JAS. H. CUMMINS. Secretary.

Agents wanted throughout the State. Liberal
commission. Apply for literature to

J. H. JAMESON. General Agent.

Nashville. Tenn.

‘ublislier of The Veteran carries a
$10,000 policy in this Company.

Helen’s Transfer and Storage Co.


Special atteution given to Roxtng Pianos,
Packing Furniture, Pictures, Fine China, etc.,
for Shipment, and Moving Iron Safes. Tel. 941.

Residence: — 420 S. Front St., Nashville, Tenn.
Office:— Manlove it Co., 212 N. College.

(Established Nashville, Tenn., 1868.)



,!« Florida Fruit Gum, or
u Cld Fashioned Sweet Gnm.

Val. is an old Confed. soldier, 7th Ga. Reg., Co. K.



Will pay as much as $260 00 each for
some varieties. Remove none from en-
velopes. Send stamp for illustrated
catalogue. J. M. BARTELS,

7-6t. Alexandria, Va.


(Main Office, Memphis.)

A home company for home people. By insur-
ing only the b”st people, the losses are lessened.
Advisory Board in each county aids agents in
selecting best moral risks.

Are you tired of being put on ”the general
average?” Policy holders participate in the
Profits with stockholders. Profits yon have
helped to send Kast have largely made it rich.

Investigate, it will pay yon. For information
call at the company’s oftice.
231 N. College McLESTER & CO., Agts.


With all the latest known improvements, at
greatly reduced prices. Satisfaction guaran-
teed. Send for circular. G.MATTHEWS,
Cor. 4th Ave. & Market St., Louisville, Ky.

[Firms and Institutions that may, be depen-
ded upon for the prompt nnd safisfnetorp trans-
act/On of business.] Mention the Veteran.



Room 54, Chamber Commerce Building,


BUNDLE & SON— Dealers in Furniture,
Mattresses, nnd House Furnishings, No. 214 N.
College St.. Nashville, Tenn.

TEETH— Extracted, 25c; filled with silver
75c; gold,?l to $2; with white filling, 75c: good
set upper or lower. .$5: very finest, fully war-
ranted and repaired without charge if broken,
$7.50. For these, others charge $20. Teeth ex-
tracted without pain. Representatives will vis-
it monthly. Bell Buckle, Shelbyville, Franklin,
Columbia. Clarksville. Watch local papers for
dates. Persons from abroad can come to city
in morning and wear new teeth home same day.
Mention the Veteran. New York Dental Par-
lors, Nashville, Tenn.

ICE CREAM— The leading ice cream dealer
of Nashville is C. H. A. herding. 417 Union St.
Caters to weddings, banquets, and occasions of
all kinds. Country orders solicited.

:: C. BREYER, ::

Russian and Turkish Bath

No. 318 Church St., Nashville, Tenn.

Nashville Spice Mills,

J. W. THOMAS & SON, Proprietors,


To Oc/r Southern Friends :

We would suggest that a useless expense is
incurred by buying 50 cents Baking Powder.
Tlie highest priced ingredient is Cream Tartar,
to-day selling for 24 cents to jobbers. Thomas*
Pure Baking Powder, manufactured bv J. W.
Thomas & Son corner Cedar and Cherry Streets.
Nashville, Tenn., is sold for 25 cents a pound
and guaranteed the best. Try it. Agents wanted.

Mention Tbe Veteran.

Your Stationery

^2 May be an indication of your g^~

– ~m business judgment. If you £X-

-^g want it neat” and tasty and *^-

-sm cheap. Get it done by 2^~



AU puiu banished by Br. Miles’ Pain P’lls.


and Head Noises relieved by using
Wilson’s Common Sense Ear Drums.

New scientific invention; different
from all other devices. Theonly safe,
simple, comfortable and invisible
Ear Drum in the world. Helps where
medical skill fails. No wire or string
attachment. Write for pamphlet.


fl – ra , I SIO Trust Bld ff ., LouUvllle, Ky.
0itteeiu \ 1123 BrwiwaS , Bew \orlu

Confederate 1/eteran.

..THE.. 5

(jtfgia fbnn Induce


Strongest and Largest Fire
Insurance Company in the

Cash Assets Over One Mil-
lion Dollars.

Agents throughout the South
and the South only.

Patronize the Home Com-

c party, l-nr.-iy –

thru LnxLTLnj-Lnju uu utj utj-u-u-u-ltu-u mro

]>elix (SJetliey, •

InteriDT’DEcnratDT end

FrESCDing. Painting and Deco-
rating nf ChurchES. Puhlic
Halls, nr REsidEnces.


Portraits in Oil and Character Paint-
ings from Life.

Highest Testimonials.

Correspondence Solictted.


vkniwmk urn. dim;.





h:is boon the standard for forty years and ‘
Is more popular Ui-dny than ever before.


I Is tho oomplexloD powder— beautifying
. lotraly, hoaiihfui and harmless.
| A delicate, Invbllilo pmtppi lun to the face.

With evorj- box of POZZOKT8 n mas-

iifCii-ciif Scovlll’fl (i(ILI> Pl’IT
BOX Is plve-i frre of chnreo.


This pretty T.apel Button

50 Cents,

$4.50 per do/.en. Also, a nice
line of Pins. Charms, Cuff
Buttons, and other Confed-
erate Kmhlems. Sen i for
revised price list to jj^^M
Dallas, Texas’

©ne Country,
. . . ®nc jFlacj.”


to Purchase

Flacjs, Banners, Swords, Belts, Gaps,

and all kinds of Militabt Equipment i — at

J. A. JOEL & CO.,

88 Nusiu Street, … NEW YORK.



W. & R. R. R. I












The Atlanta Exposition will be thepreat- |

5 est exhibition ever held in the United §

I States, excepting the World’s Fair, and I

I the Round Trip Rates hare been made very §

? low. l>o not fail to go and take the chif- |

I dren. It will be a great education fur |
I them.

«#~For Map?, Folders and any desired f
5 Information write to


Trav. Pars. Agt., Trav. Pass. Agt., |

Chattanooga, Tenn. Atlanta, Ga. |

I Jos. M. Brown, T.M., C.E.Hakmon,G.I\a., |
Atlanta. Ga.

doooooop MK>ooooooxM>ooooo™MiK)oooa)ox)oooowrrfH)04KKh’i



Real Estate and Commercial Taper.

i| 230 N. College St- Nashville, Tenn

1- Weekly Stock Letter ott Applicati


•For Charity Suffereth Long.

Mrs. Laura C. Phoenix, rtllwaukee. Wis.

“Statron of a Benevolent Home

and knowing the goo’d Dr. Miles’ Nervine
has done me, my wish to help others, over-
comes my dislike for the publicity, this
letter may give me. In Nov. acd Dec, 1893,
Tlie inmate* had the “LaGrippe,”
and I was one of the first. Resuming duty
too soon, witlj the care of so many sick, I
did not regain my health, and in a month
I became so debilitated and nervous
from sleeplessness and the drafts made on
my vitality, that it was a question if I could
go on. A dear friend advisod me to try
Dr. Miles’ Restorative Kervine.
I took 2 bottles and am happy to say, I am
In better health than ever. I still continue
Its occasional use, as a nerve food,
as my work is vory trying, A letter ad-
dressed to Milwaukee, Wis., will reach me.”
June 6, 1894. Mas. Laura C. Phoenix.

Dr. Miles’ Nervine Is sold on a positive
guarantee that the first bottle will benefit.
All druggists sell it at bottles for 15, or
it will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price
by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.

Dr. Miles’ Nervine

Restores Health

The Girl is Out of Date that
, Can’t Sing



written since ‘-After the Rail.” Sunt; byJJbbev •

Jaxvis. Cora Routt, and ail star Bingera? Bong
In England.


and already Introduced Into every state in Mie
Union. Sung in the phonographs. Send 10 cents
and got a copy while it i> new. No discount to

Confederate Veteran,

Nashville, Tenn.


IW. US, And l.M N.

rv 84. (Ciiiiil.eil»u.l
I’le-IOlrnHti I’llbll.lllo.

Block), Nashville, Tonn.


A practical school of estnblished reputation. Bubu
n«M nieu lecinuujeiid Ujih Uullese, YVnie fur free Uuia-
logu«. Addnm E. W. J£NNINU8, PmoiriL,


Confederate Veteran.


Thefollowingeditorial paragraph from
the Atlanta Constitution, was written
by Wallace P. Reed, of whom John Tem-
ple Graves wrote : ‘ His is the most elo-
quent of Southern pens since Heury
Grady’s rested.”

In all the long list of holiday novels
there is not one which excels in thril-
ling interest, and which equals in the
fascination of its style, “The Third
World,” Mr. Henry Clay Fairman’s
wonderful romance, which has just
been issued in book form. It will de
light thousands of readers.


If you want to know how to make, in
a few minutes on your kitchen stove, at
a cost of about 25 cents per gallon, a
maple syrup pronounced equal to the
‘•Only Pure Old Vermont,” which sells
at $1.25 per gallon, send $1 with pledge
to keep the same secret, and get the
receipt. Address J. N. Lotspeich, Mor-
ristown, Tenn. The* Gospel Advocate
says : We have tried this syrup and
recommend it.


AT LAW, — -v

ROOMS 53 AND 54,





Amer’cfln National Bank, Nashville, Tenn.
Union Hank and ‘trust Co., Nashville, Tenn.
Geo. W. Me A I pin <o., Cincinnali, O.
Col. H. E. Huntington, Gen. WananerN. N.&M.
V. Co., Cincinnati, O. 9 94 ly

The public will be pleased to learn
that Mr. J. \V. Johnson, who is so well
known to the patrons of the Market
House, has leased the Southeast corner
of that building in addition to his regu-
lar stalls, and will in the future keep a
sjock of fresh meats, hams, sausages,
etc., unsurpassed by any. The Nash-
ville Packing House supplies him,
which fact tells that everything will be
first-class. Free delivery, urbane sales-
men, low’ prices and the best the mar-
ket affords will be the motto, of Mr.
Johnson. may ly

OXYSAL 5.<*> BPiwioM,

■verr liousriioM. Thn. ,- n-.- iu upplleatlon or harmful In iti, , ihupvlll I I In iK« kl – – «b» lm dtamMd

…,,…. iciho. . ■ ■ i l . appljtncU I B \l’-
ICATE8 WRINKLES n ■ in ■ I u ■■ flrj & ■ ■■ ■■ III IfVrafci ill»Uoai

Pimples. Tan, Blackheads and Sunburn

I ..i .1


noihiig in IfiR o wl Iiiitraftw«rr«n40r. .._.

covering uo linmir!it<” Tun rllrftottahi tor use mmibpim Oxwwn — bymoiL

One Month’s Treatment Only 25 cents,

or CO ceiitt I will send one month ‘i treatment ntid Bell tbcMCh* ,vl{1 ‘ full dlrre-
i tons tor mtt Kin ■ and inln?, rou trill then be aWe to prepare the Oxv*alt« youmlf
»m.oontoll;»ilia.i^»caTrnr. L. U LaLUUUE, Station C, St- Louis, Mo.

A G-ood-Natured Musical Instrument.


“The Autoharp encourages
the musical effort of the per-
son who is least musical, and
will respond with harmonious
chord to the touch of any-
body It never is ill-tem-
pered; practice cannot dis-
turb those who listen, for it.
knows no discords. People of
more or less musical skill find
it i harming in its simplicity,
delightfully easy to become
acquainted with and com-
paniot able at all times, while
it bathes the attempt of the
skillful to find its. musical
limitations ”

The Veteran will be sent

one year free to any one

ordering an Autoharp at any

of the prices given. Nothing

% could be more suitable for a

(Style No. 2%,\ Price $5.00. Christmas gift.


Send us 50 cents for six months sub-
scription to the Busy Bee, a handsome
sixteen-page illustrated weekly, and we
will send you by mail, charges prepaid,
your selection of any three of the fol-
lowingbound volumes: “Black Beauty,”
“The Reveries of a Bachelor,” ‘”The
Scarlet Letter,” “Whittier’s Poems,”
“Premium Cook Book,” “Paul and Vir-
ginia,” “Litlla Rookh,” “Longfellow’s
Poems.” The books are 16mo size, with
large sized type and printed on good
paper. These books on market, would
cost 25 to 50 cents each. Send 50 cents
for 6 months subscription to the Busy
Bee, and we will send your selection of
any three of the above, volumes by mail
postpaid and absolutely free. Address,
Globe Press Bureau,
14-11 South Penn Square,

(City Hall Square.)

Philadelphia, Pa.



A red hot book by the unique and
original Sam Jones. Will sell at sight.
Outfit consisting of full copy of book
sent on receipt of $1.00. Agents wanted.

Nashville. Tenn





Reaching the principal cities of the
South with its own lines and penetrat-
ing all parts of the Country with its


Unexcelled Train Service.
Elegant Equipment, Fast Time.

Short Line Between the East, the North,
the West and the South.

W. A. Turk.G. P. A., Washington, l». C

S. H. IIardwiok, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga.

C. A. Bensooter, A.G.P.A., Chattanooga, Tenn.

The Youth’s Companion



Both one year for only $2 00 and a 50-cent Cal.
entlar free. This offer is only to new subscribers
to the Companion, but those reuewiug for the
Veteran can take advantage of it

Confederate tfeterai).



It is in Easy Words and Illustrated with Colored Plates, and is “Just the Book that has been Wanted.”



” rM I ML-

‘.,- nvl

0- (v

mi* M * >

Kill. I. It I A.M. 11 I. > -IK • ! II 1 li SJ A I. 1 I.N I. I ■< III A 1>1.1\ Hi.

Address CONFEDERATE VETERAN. Nashville. Tenn.

i ill

iV r “J

Tripe of this
book Toots., sent
pos( paid, with
the Veteran
— rene wals or
new subscrip-
tions for $1.40.

Sent free for a
club of four sub-

T li e Soul hern
C h u r c li in a n
says: In writ-
ing t his “Life of
General Lee” for

the children
W h s e fill hers
wore the gray,
&1 r s. William-
son, who is, liy
the way a niece

of Dr. Gessner

I larrison. of t he
U n I vers it y of
Virginia, and a
cousin o f J| rs.
M ary Stun r t
Smith, lias done
an ex ee 1 1 e n t
thing in an ad-
mirable way.



To the iirst[2,000 Veteran workers or subscrib-
ers, wlin between this and June 1st, 1896, send in nine-
teen vearlv subscribers with SI. 00 for each name sent —
and thirty-five cents extra to pay postage and registra-
tion, we will send free one of the VETERAN Watches.

This watch is 14, K., Gold filled. .It is Elgin
movement, Chronometer balance, seven jewel, stem wind,
stem set, hunting case.

It will wear a lifetime, and is an elegant, valu-
able timepiece. It will be furnished in either ladies’ or
gent’s size.

For three additional we will send watch and chain.
Any hoy, or girl for that matter, can secure this
premium in a few days’ work — write for sample copies
and subscription blanks immediately.





Qopfederate l/eterao.


nj^JXTLTLnj^n ruTJTTUTJTJTnnn oruTjxnjTJTJi nr^^


JAC^Ofl, JOflWpTOpl AflD LEE.

THEREWITH is a good illustration of the
J^ fine engraving – of the three famous
Generals, Lee, J. E. Johnston and
“Stonewall” Jackson. The price of
the engraving, the print surface of which
is 18×24 inches, in heavy panel 27×32, is
$7.50. We will be pleased to supply this
picture to camps or individuals at the price
designated, or it will be sent as premium
for fifteen subscriptions.

This splendid picture would be the pride
of every Confederate Veteran Camp in ex-
istence, and nearly all of them could easily
secure fifteen subscriptions for it.


Nashville, Tennessee.




Are the Sole Representatives of the








‘■ I


That received the highest award of merit at
the World’s Fair. Chicago.


They are also Representatives of other Leading Makes of


And sell direct to purchasers at factory prices, thus saving them all middle men’s profit.
Write to them before purchasing. A two-cent stamp may save you many dollars.


]>ieissl~i ville, TerT.ri


I ■ ■ ■ ■ »«»MM»»»» ■■■■■■■■■■■I




Qopfederate l/eterap.


PaiCK Jl 00 PKR YEAR, |

in Advance. I

Vol. IV.

Nashville, Texx., February, 1896.

No. 2.



Circulation: ’93. 79.430. ‘94.121.64*. ’95. 154.992. $1.00AYEAR.


United Confederate Veterans,

United Daughters of the Confederacy,

Sons of Veterans and other Organizations.

Embracing Nearly 1.000 Camps and Chapters with over 60.000 Members.

^ ~’-‘-»’ i I i i i i i > i ‘ ■■ i m ■ ■ mimmIU h


Tennesseans”are to have, at their Annual Reunion this Fall, the Orphan Brigade, Morgan’s Cavalry, and other Ken-
tucky Confederate. Organizations. They will have, also, for General Reunion, United Daughters of the Confederacy.

„.».»l».^*J rfWW^WWNW >;»i«Ht.» i» ^i » .»i».».».» . »iW i» .»* « . ».W. »i » i mwrnwrn T i


Confederate l/eteraij.


ac\? &• Pendleton

Ranl<ers and Rrol<ers

45 Rroadway, New V ork

/V\ embers -.— …muuimiiiiudllllli..

New york S tock E*c han g e
New y° rk Produce Exchange
New V ork C otton E xchan se
New VJork Coffee Exchange

Ruy and sell S tocks . Ronds, Cotton, Grain and Coffee,

for cash or on margin, allow interest on balances

subject to sight draft ;

Correspondence invited



Situated in the heart
f Che fat* h inn able
hopping and annuo-
unit districts, one
ick from Broadway
at Union Square, in
the quiet and aristo-
cratic neighborhood
of Gramercy 1′ a r k.
\ n ideal family hotel.
On the American plan.
Cuisine noted for its

Rooms single or rn
sinlr, with p r i v a te
bath. Rates moderate.


Irving Place and n>ih
91 . NK\v ‘i OttE.

K. N. as\ih,k. Prop.
II. \V. SWOPK, of Ivy.,


Three Buildings Rooms lor 200 boarders. Forty Officers, Teachers and Lecturers. Session begins September 2. 1895 .

in theVanderbilt University. Eminent Lecturers every season.


In Music two first- class musicians are in charge of the instrumental

and vocal departments. With them are associated other teachers

of fine culture and great skill in the production of the liest musical

compositions. Pupils enjoy advantages in hearing the highest style

of music.
(»nr Art Department Is in the finest studio of the city, beautifully

lighted, and amply supplied with models. Pupils enjoy from lime

to time advantage* for seeing and studying best art works, such as

oan be found only in a progressive and wide-awake city.
For Scientific Studies our classes have the privilege of attending the

lectures of Vanderbilt Professors in the Laboratories of Chemistry,

of Physics, and of Natural nistory. giving access to the splendid

resources of the leading institution of the South.
i>ur Gymnasium is fully equipped for its work. Every species of

apparatus requisite for full development of the bodily organs is

here provided for our rjouriahiug classes. Both the Sargent aud the

Swedish Gymnastics taught.
SEND FOR CATALOGUE, FJEV. GEO. W. F. PRICE. D.D., Pres., 108 Vauxhall Place. Nashville, Tenn

Our Literary Schedule embraces a scheme of education extending
over a period of four years, and a mode of training which is in
advance of competition.

A Kindergarten is in connection with the College; also training elaot
for teachers and mothers who desire to learn Frcebel’s principles of

The Best Elocutionary Training under the care of Prof. Merrill, ol
Vanderbilt University, who enjoys a national reputation. Teacher’
desiring instruction are invited to try this course.

Practical Education is provided for pupils who dei ire to learn I>res*
cutting and fitting. Stenography, Typewriting and Bookkeeping.

Magnificent New Building 108×68 feet, facing on Broad and on Vaux
hall streets, live stories, grand rotunda, fine elevator, steam heat,
ample parlors. This completes aud crowns the work.

An Unparalelled Growth from obscurity to national fame, from flfn
pupils to begin with to over 4,000 from half the Union.


To the first 2,000 VETERAN workers or subscrib-
ers, who between this and June 1st, 1896, send in nine-
teen yearly subscribers with SI. 00 for each name sent
and thirty-five cents extra to pay postage and registra-
tion, we will semi free one of the VETERAN Watches.

This watch is 14, K., Gold filled. It is Elgin
movement. Chronometer balance, seven jewel, stem wind,

stem set, hunting case.

It will wear a lifetime, and is an elegant, valu-
able timepiece. It will be furnished in either ladies’ or

gent’s size.

For three additional we will send zvatch and chain.
Any boy, or girl for that matter, can secure this
premium in a few days’ work— write for sample copies
and subscription blanks immediately.




<?09federat^ V/e tera 17.

Published Monthly in the Interest of Confederate Veterans and Kindred Topics.

Price, 10 Cents. / ,. , T y
TEiRLT,*!. I v ol. 1\ .

Nashville, Tenn., February, 1896.

No. 2.



Entered at the postoffice, Nashville. Tenn.. as second-class matter.

Advertisements: Two dollars per inch one time, or $20 a year, except
last page. One page, one time, special. $to. Discount: Half year, one
tasoe; one year, two issues. This is an increase on the former rate.

Contributors will please be diligent to abbreviate. The space is too
Important for anything that has not special merit.

The date to a subscription is always given to the month hrforr it ends.
For instance, if the Veteran beorder’ed to begin with January. the data on
mail list will be December, and the subscriber is entitled to that number.

Though men deserve, they may not win success.

The brave will honor the brave, vanquished none the less.

The “civil war” wa9 too long ago to be called the “late” war am) when
correspondents use that term tin- word “great” (wari will l»e substituted.

So many persons have recently sought for com-
plete files of the Vetkran that an offer is made to
extend the subscriptions of any who have preserved
their files as many years ahead. If those who
have partial files that they would spare, and will
kindly give notice of the dates, the same arrange-
ment may be made.

The superb auditorium on front page will interest
comrades who contemplate reunions in Nashville.

The Orphan Brigade, Morgan’s Cavalry, and oth-
er Kentucky Confederates, and the United Daughters
of the Confederacv have engaged to hold their re-
union here this fall. And the next reunion of Uni-
ted Confederate Veterans will be urged at Richmond.

The eminent evangelist, Dwight L. Moody, hold-
ing a meeting here now, spoke of the “splendid
building,” without which he “should not have
thought of coming to Nashville.” He told of its
value to the city, and the pride that all should
take in it. He held a meeting in the Carnegie Hall
sometime since, and the expense was $600.00 per
day. A hall for a thirty days’ meeting in Chicago
cost $.}(», 000— $1,000 per day. As a matter of local
importance friends of the Tabernacle are reminded
of the great need for completing the gallery whereby
sittings for 2,000 more people will be secured.

To Capt. T. G. Ryman is Nashville indebted for it.

Recent deaths of Southern men remarkable and
well-known are recorded in the Veteran. Wm. M.
Cocke, of the old family for which a Tennessee
county was named, a refined, elegant, Christian
gentleman, died in Nashville recently. Col. Cocke
was a member of Congress fift\- years ago, of which
membership there are but a half dozen or so now
living. His last visit to the Veteran office hap-
pened to be when “Uncle Dan” Emmet was present,

and the two octogenarians enjoyed a long confer-
ence with each other.

Rev. Dr. T. C. Blake, eminent for many years in
the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and whose
nephews, W. S. and Ed. R. Bearden, were valiant
Confederates, died at his home, near Nashville.

Bishop Atticus G. Haygood, of Georgia, one of
the ablest advocates the Southern people had, is of
the list. His death was not unexpected for he had
previous attacks of paralysis to the fatal one, but it
was a great loss to the M. E. Church, South, and
to his race.

He was criticised for expressions in “Our Brother
in Black,” but his independent and heroic vindica-
tion of and loyalty to his own people, regardless of
advantage to himself, reacted to his honor and
those wo knew him best honored him most.

Mr. Shadrach Inman, of Atlanta, but a native of
Eastern Tennessee, died this month, in his eighty-
fourth year. This has been a remarkable family-
It is of Scotch-Irish origin. Before the war he had
accumulated a fortune of perhaps $100,000, but he
was prosecuted by East Tennessee Unionists for sixty
thousand dollars “for giving aid and comfort to Con-
federate soldiers.” He once had an encounter with
forty bushwhackers, who robbed him of all he had.
His older sons, Samuel M. and John H. Inman were
Confederate soldiers.

After the war the family reunited in Atlanta, and
with them James Swann, a young Confederate, from
the Dandridge vicinity, (East Tennessee). Mr. Wm.
H. Inman, a brother, and Gen. Austell, opened a
cotton house in New York City, taking with them
John II. Inman and James Swann as clerks, who
have for several years past been the largest cotton
dealers in the world.

These Inmans have been the most successful
family, in a business way, that ever belonged to the
South. The late Wm. H. Inman, brother of Shad-
rach, told the writer of having made $125,000 the
dav that he was sixty years old. The accumulated
millions of the two generations have enabled them
to control larger corporations than any other men
of the South in the history of the country. The
three sons, John H., of New York, Samuel M. and
Hugh T. Inman, of Atlanta, are all of large wealth,
and prominent actors in the affairs of life.


Confederate Vetera?.

There are 235 separate subscriptions to the Sam-
uel Davis Monument Fund and the amount is seven
hundred and one ($701.40) 7 4 ff dollars.

Comrades: Are you content to omit contributing
a share to the honor of that private Confederate
soldier whose sacrifice was complete? The great
war did not furnish a record that will shine so
beautifully in the ages to come. A subscriber said,
on giving his dollar recently, that it was the first
opportunity he ever had had of contributing- to the
honor of an individual private soldier and he would
not miss it. Do let us do what we can in this.

The ladies of Richmond in charge of the Jeffer-
son Davis Mansion — the Confederate White House
— will soon have it open to the public.

A recent issue of the Times announces that
Mrs. Joseph Bryan, the president, has appointed a
committee, consisting of Mrs. Hotchkiss, Mrs. Col-
ston, Mrs. Grant, and Mrs. Putney, with Mr.
Hotchkiss, Judge Christian, and Colonel Cutshaw
as an advisory board, to report a plan for the ap-
pointment of rooms to the various Confederate
States. Their report was received and approved.

The Southern Historical Society has been invited
to occupy two rooms on the first floor, and the invi-
tation has been accepted.


The Veteran digresses from its rule in makinar
notes about comrades, their wives, who suffered with
them, and their children, to pay tribute to Miss
Harriet Marshall, who died recently in Nashville.
Although of New England parentage, this fair
girl, born in Tennessee, was ardently devoted to the
adopted home of her parents, and while a traveler
in nearly every part of the civilized world, it was
known to be her wish that she be buried here in her
native Tennessee, should she die elsewhere. The
first number of the Veteran, three years ago, was ed-
ited from a sick room [this one from circumstances al-
most similar] when this good girl and her mother were
quickly thoughtful, as was their custom, in sending
expressions of sympathy and delicacies to the editor’s
hotel. Besides, her ever constant expressions of
interest and pleasure in the Veteran make it fitting
that tribute be paid to her noble character.

Although advanced in the twenties, she is still
remembered as a child on some sunny slope among
daisies in the spring time, an ideal picture of happi-
ness. Although an only child, without knowledge
of want, save continued health— which had delayed
her marriage — she was considerate of the poorest
and seemed ever anxious to give good cheer, espe-
cially to such. This appreciation was shown at her
funeral, the aisles even being filled with friends,
rich and poor, white and black.

After completing a three years’ ‘course at Vassar
College, where her accomplishments in literature
and in music were very high, she made several

journeys to Europe and an extensive tour of the
Holy Land, from which she brought a multitude of
large photographic views, and these she would
take up in the order of the tour and describe so
vividly that friends became interested next to hav-

ing been with her there. She was a diligently-
studious traveler and ever seemed anxious to impart
to others a share of the benefits she had received.
Her father, Mr. Andrew Marshall (of Marshall
and Bruce) is widely known through the South.

Omission occurred of the South Carolina Gen-
erals from the list furnished by Charles Edgworth
Jones, page 47, until too late for insertion in its
place. There were three Lieutenant-Generals, four
Major-Generals, and twenty-seven Brigadier Gener-
als — thirty-four in all.

In Mr. Jones’ “Barriers Burned Away,” page
43, “so” should appear just a^ter the first word in
last stanza.

Corrections in the Hogan sketch of Marengo, Ala.,
Rifles likewise are made. James Boozer was killed
atPetersburg, John Carter was killed at the “Crater”
and Sam Carter was killed at Frazier’s Farm. Henry
Brame was paroled.

It is painful to chronicle the death of Dr. W.
M. Hoover, an old Confederate soldier. His first
service was with the Eighteenth Tennessee, after-
wards transferred to the First Confederate Regi-
ment as assistant Surgeon. He was faithful and
true to the end. Born, married and died in Ruther-
ford County, Tennessee. All who know him attri-
bute to his memory the greatest of all earthly dig-
nities — that of having been “a good citizen.”

Confederate Vetera^.



Testimony to his Noble Character — Honors
Paid to His Memory B\ r Union Soldiers.

At the January meeting- of the Tennessee Histor-
ical Society, Mr. John C. Kennedy told the story of
events in connection with Samuel Davis’ death and
burial at his home, which he states as follows:

By request, I write, after a lapse of thirty-three
years, my recollection of the scenes and incidents at-
tending- the going for, the taking- up, and conveying
of the body of Samuel Davis to his parents near
Smyrna, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Davis were not cer-
tain that it was their SOD who had been executed at
Pulaski. The} – had made diligent efforts through
various channels to trace the “Grape Vine” story
that it was their Sam, but were not assured. At List
the time was set to start on the search; Mrs. Davis
gave me a piece of plaid linsey of that used for his
jacket lining, and also described his boots, and told
of other things that only a good and loving- mother
could have thought about. She was interrupted oc-
casionally by suggestions from Mr. Davis.

The start was made with two mules hitched to a
very heavy carryall. We had a meal sack containing
a boiled ham and about a half bushel of corn pones,
on which their son Oscar, a small boy who was
to accompany me, and I were to live while gone.

We reached Nashville that evening too late to yet
a pass, but I procured a metallic case and box and
had them put in the conveyance. The next morn-
ing I went to Gen. Rousseau, who declined to give
me a pass and sent me to Gen. Grant’s Adjutant
General, who kindly and politely, but positively re-
fused also, replying- to all my pleadings for his
mother’s sake: “No sir! No sir! No sir!”‘

I then returned to Gen. Rousseau, whom I had
known in Kentucky in my boyhood days, and again
asked for a pass, which, alter some boyhood remi-
niscences not necessary to repeat, he supplied me
for myself, the boy ami team to Columbia, which
was as far as his lines extended, telling me that was
all he could do. I gladly accepted the pass, which
was written on a piece of paper elegantly printed,
and looked like a large bank note.

We entered the lines at Columbia and drove
straight through town, not stopping until we reached
the picket on the other side, who, after looking over
our pass, but could not read it, and seeing- the coffin
and small boy, permitted us to goon. The same
thing- occurred when we reached the picket at Pu-
laski, who permitted us to enter the town. When
near the Square, I left Oscar to hold the mules while
I went to the Provost Marshal to get a pass or find
out what he would do with us. His office was in
the court house. He asked how I got into Pulaski,
and I handed him Gen. Rousseau’s pass. He looked
Up and curtly remarked: “This is no account here.
What do you want?” I told him I had come for the
body of Sam Davis who had been hanged: that his
parents wanted it at home.

His manner at once changed and, extending his

hand, he said: “Tell them, for me, that he died the
bravest of the brave, an honor to them and with the
respect of every man in this command.” He then
asked what more he could do to help me. I requested
return passes and a permit to take up the bod}-,
which he cheerfully gave. I also asked if he
thought I would have any trouble or interference
while I was at the graveyard: and he replied: “No
sir. If you do, I’ll give you a company — yes, a reg-
iment if necessary.”

Taking: advantage of his cordial words. I asked
him how Sam was captured; as Mr. Davis had re-
quested me to spare no pains to find out how and
when he was taken. lie said he did not know any
of the particulars, but showed me two books in
which records were kept in his office, and the only
entry, after giving his name and description, was, as
I remember, “Captured on the Lambs Ferry road by
Capt. McKenzie’s scouts.”

Before leaving home I was referred tor assistance,
if necessary while in Pulaski, to a Mr. Richardson,
who had been I if not then I the County Court Clerk.
We found him willing and ready to aid all in his
power. The grave digger agreed to take the body-
up for $20. The next morning he, together with
his assistants, Mr. Richardson, Oscar, and I were
busy at the grave when four or live Federal
soldiers came up. One of them advanced to me,
raising his cap politely, and, in a subdued tone of
voice, proffered for himself and comrades to assist,
if desired. I thanked him sincerely, for I did not
know what their presence might mean, but declined
their services. When the box was raised and the
lid removed the cap of white was still over his head
down to his neck, tied with long strings, which
were wrapped around his neck two or three times
His boots were on, but the legs cut off at the ankles,
I took from my pocket the piece of his jacket
lining and saw that they were alike. When I re-
moved the cap I found the face was black, but
recognizable. We then transferred the body to the
metallic case. During all the time the body was
being examined and transferred the Federal soldiers
stood in line with < .i]>s oil. paj ing tribute in acts, ii
if not words. Upon our return from thecemetery, the
Provost Marshal said the Chaplain, who was with
Sam at the gallows, had some keepsakes for the
mother and father. He gave me a little book, in
which was a farewell message to his mother, and
the buttons from his coat and vest.

The Chaplain told me that when at the scaffold,
sitting on his coffin, he talked to him about meeting
his God, that he showed no fear nor uneasiness.
While in the conversation an officer came up an
said: “Mr. Davis, I suppose you have not forgotten
(‘.en. Dodge’s offer.” Sam. not raising- his head,
said: “What is that?” The officer replied: “Your
horse and side arms, and an escort to the Confed-
erate lines, if you will tell who gave you those
papers.” Sim then replied, still not raising- his
head: “I’ll die a thousand deaths before I will tell.”

The officer then said: “Mr. Davis, I have one
more question to ask.” Sam said: “What is it?”
“I want to know if you are the man my scouts
chased so close on Tuesday night that you crossed
the road in front of them, beating their horses in


Confederate l/eterai).

the face with jour hat, but got away? Were you
the man?”

The Chaplain says he threw his head back and
looking at the officer said, in a quick, sharp tone of
voice, “How do you know that?”

The Captain answered, “Its sufficient I know

it. Are you the man?”

Sam dropped his head in a moment and replied
quietly, “I have nothing to tell you.”

Sam’s deliberation was clear even then, that if he
confessed it was he, it would implicate some one
who had been kind to him.

In a few more minutes, without sign of fear or
weakness, was ended a life that was an honor to his
family, country and to the human race.

After leaving Pulaski some miles. Oscar com-
plained of being hungry, but the child was sickened
by the odor from the unsealed casket, on which
we were seated.

He tried the bread and meat, but his stomach
would not retain it. Before we reached home, how-
ever, he had lost his squeamishness — hunger pre-

We stopped the first night near Lynnville. When
we got to the river near Columbia, we found the
officer in charge of troops at this point had ordered
ferry boats stopped, and there was no way to cross
except by fording, as the pontoon they were con-
structing would not be ready that morning.

I left the conveyance and mules with Oscar, cau-
tioning him not to talk to any body while I would
go and see the officer. He was standing on the
river bank when I approached him and explained
my errand.

He immediately turned to an orderly and said,
“Go down and order the ferry boat to take that
team and corpse over the river.”

I thanked him and started back, when I saw the
conveyance completely surrounded by soldiers. It
was a very steep descent to the ferry, and I went to
the head of the mules, taking hold of the bridles to
hold them back while going down the hill, when
the soldiers said, “Stranger, we know who this is.
You get in the wagon; we’ll see it goes down safe,”
and so they did. They practically carried the
wagon aboard the boat, and would not leave it
when we landed on the north side. The hill was
steeper to go up than the one we came down. They
ordered me to sit there and drive, and again they
all got a hand or a shoulder somewhere and pushed
us to the top of the hill, and when thanked them
they quietly raised their caps. Without further in-
cident we reached Nashville, and drove to where
the Adams Express Company’s office now is, which
was then where our present townsman, Mr. Cor-
nelius, had his undertaking establishment, and
turned the body over to him, with specific instruc-
tions about the shrouding. Mr. Davis had said to
me, “If you think it is best that Jane and I should
not see him, do as you think best about the matter.

On the evening of the seventh day after leaving
home we drove in the big gate, some distance from
the house. Mr. and Mrs. Davis were watching,
and when they saw the casket, Mrs. Davis threw
her arms above her head and fell. All was sorrow
in that home. I had a boy catch my horse to go

home to see my old mother and father, and change
clothing, etc., but Mr. Davis prevailed upon me to
stay and send for what I needed.

The next morning, while standing out in ths
yard, Mr. Davis came to me, hesitated, then catch-
ing his breath almost between each word, said,
“John, don’t you think it’s hard a father can’t see
the face of his own child?”

I replied that I thought it best that he and Mrs.
Davis should remember him as they saw him last.
He turned and left me. I drove the carryall that
afternoon, with the body across the creek to the old
family grave-yard where he was buried.

In a short time my mother died, and Mr. Davis
sent over the same vehicle that had brought Sam’s
body home to take her body to the grave, and when
the boy who drove it over started to get up to drive
it to the grave, Mr. Davis stepped up and, shaking
his head, said, “No — no — nobody but I can drive
that. Get down, and let me get up there,” and he
did. He was a worthy sire of a noble son.

Supplemental to Mr. Kennedy’s reminiscence,
Oscar Davis has written to the Vetekan his recol-
lections of that event. They concur closely with
those of Mr. Kennedy. He states that while Mr.
Kennedy was gone to the hotel to get some things,
some of the Federal soldiers drove up and asked if
that was the body of the young man who was hanged
not long since, and being told that it was, some of
them shed tears, and said: “He ou^ht not to have
been hung, and we will have to suffer for it sooner
or later.”


Mrs. Kate Kyle of LaVergne, Tenn., who was a
Miss Patterson and married John G. Davis, an older
brother, writes:

Sam Davis came on his last trip from the South to
my home Nolensville Pike a little before day-
light Sunday morning. He said he would then go
to Rains’ thicket and that I must take his breakfast
and horse feed; also my cousin Miss Robbie Wood-
ruff must go with me, and spend the day.

We found him up, looking as bright as if he had
slept all night, and, oh, he did enjoy his good warm
breakfast, for we rode fast and had his coffee in a
jug to keep it warm.

Two of my little brothers brought our dinner and
we spent a nice, pleasant Sunday together — the last
he spent on earth but one.

On Monday, Oscar Davis, Sam’s brother, carried
him a lot of nice things to eat. He found Sam fast
asleep with his head resting on a grape vine for a
pillow, but he was up in a minute with his pistol in
hand, ready to defend himself.

Sam gave me a list of article* to get for him in
Nashville. I got in my buggy with cousin, and
started for Nashville, got everything he wished,
also a lot of the latest newspapers. We lived nine
miles from Nashville, got back about sundown, and
that night Sam started for the South.

In the large seat of my buggy I would often bring
out cavalry saddles, bridles, boots, spurs, gray cloth,

Confederate Ueterap.


and I smuggled medicines such as quinine, mor-
phine, etc. I
have brought
$500 and $600
worth of medi-
cine out at one
time around my
waist. Quinine
and morphine
were very high.
I always kept on
the good side of
the Commanding
General and
could get passes
when I desired to
do so.

I went to Nash-
ville very often,
so I always kept
posted; had many
friends t h e r e,
always ready to
help m e wli e n
asked. After the
war, Capt. H. B.
Shaw, or “Cole-
man,” made our
house his home
until the fall of ‘(>’>, when he persuaded Sam’s father
and my husband, John G, Davis, to purchase a steam-
boat called the David White, a very large, tine
steamer valued at $150,000, and in 18i>7. February
17th, this boat was blown up on the Mississippi
River below Helena, Ark., and many lives were
lost, among the number my precious husband and
Captain Shaw. Before the war Shaw was a steam-
boat captain.

He told us that from his cell window in the Pu-
laski jail he saw them start with Sam Davis to the
gallows. He said the papers that Sam had were
stolen from Gen. Dodsre’s table, while he was at a
meal, by a negro boy that once belonged to Mr. Bob
English, near Lynnville, gave them to him.


In subscribing fifty dollars to a monument for
Samuel Davis, President Thomas, of the Nashville,
Chattanooga and St. Louis Railway, desires its use
at Murfreesboro, Davis’ native county town, and
offers any spot that may be selected in the park
about the depot there. The Veteran has stated:

“Then a beautiful granite monument might be
erected in the town of Murfreesboro, the county seat
of Rutherford, honored by his nativity. That
should be located close by the railway station hav-
ing the nicest park of any depot in Tennessee. If
there, tens of thousands could see it. Let that be
as fine as contributions of outsiders who choose that
location, together with county and town pride can
make it.”

lion. John II. Savage, offers five dollars and adds:

I suggest a suitable place for this monument

would be on the battlefield of Murfreesboro, on the

north side of the railroad, at a place equally distant

from the point where Stones River turns northeast
from the railroad to a point opposite to, and on the
other side of, the railroad from the Federal cemetery.
The Veteran has already stated that there shoud
be monuments in Murfreesboro and Pulaski, but it
concurs with three fourths of the contributors that
the principal monument should be at the Capital of
Tennessee. It is sentimental to contribute to the
perpetuation of that noblest character in American
history. Thousands would have done as Sam
Davis did, no doubt, but he, only, was put to such a
test, and he was equal to the demand.

J. A. Enslow, Jr.. Jacksonville, Fla.: Enclosed
find one dollar to help perpetuate the fame of the
hero, Sam Davis.

Dr. L. T. Jones, Commander of Camp Walker,
Franklin, Ky., reports that at their last meeting, it
was resolved to contribute to President Jefferson
Davis’ Monument, Richmond; the Samuel Davis
Monument, Nashville; and to the Southern Battle
Abbey, wherever located.

J. S. Lauderdale, Llano, Texas: I send my mite
of one dollar (wish I could send one hunlred) for
the Sam Davis Monument, than which none otha
ever was, or will he orrlrd to commemorate a purer
patriot, hero or man. Old Tennessee, (my native
State i, ought to be, and doubtless is, proud of her
Hero Son, for he was the peer of any other, either
■ >! ancient or modern days.

N. P. Davidson, Wrightsboro, Texas, sends a
dollar for the Monument, and says: While I am
fully conscious that Pulaski has good reasons for
wiahing the Samuel Davis Monument located there,
at the same time, I think it should be placed where
it would be seen by the greatest number of people,
thereby inspiring future generations with that same
spirit of patriotism and constancy to friends that
caused Samuel Davis to give up his life. There-
fore I will name Nashville as the proper place.

J. F. Maull, Elmore, Ala., in sending renewal
for himself and G. G. Jackson, of Wetumka, Ala.,
sends also a dollar each for Sam Davis Monument,
and writes: It is useless for me to say that you can
always count on me and Jackson for any and every
thing that is connected with the Confederate
Veteran. We “fought, bled and died” together dur-
ing our army life; were captured together, were to-
gether in our prison life, and when that life became
too severe for us, we simply made our escape like
good soldiers ought, from Elmira, N. Y., and walk-
ed home together. Thus it is that you find our
money going in together, and it will be so until
one or the other goes to be with the immortal heroes
who are “resting under the shade of the trees.”

No more honored list of names can be collected
than those who give money to his monument, and
the more remote from Tennessee the more honored.

The following named subscribers to the monu-
ment Fund are omitted from list on page 38:

Cayce, J. K , Hammond, Texas, 50 cents; Beers,
B. F. and Rowan S., Burton, Ala., collectively $1,
and Hughes, E. S., Allisona, Tenn., 25 cents.

It is very desirable that all contrbutors try and
make the sum as much as a dollar.


Confederate l/eterag.


Allen. Jos. W., Nashville $100 00

Arnold, J. SI., Newport, Ky 1 00

Arthur, James R., Rockdale, Tex…. 1 00

Asbury. A. E., Higglnsvllle, Mo 1 00

Atkisson, Marsh, Seattle, Wash 2 00

Ashbrook, S., St. Louis 100

Askew, H. G.. Austin, Tex 1 00

Barry, Capt. T. H., Oxford, Ala 1 00

Bell, Capt. W. E., Richmond, Ky 1 00

Biles, J. C, McMlnnvllle, Tenn 3 00

Blakemore, J. H.. Trenton 100

Bonner, N. S., Lott, Tex 1 00

Browne, Dr. M. S., Winchester, Ky… 1 00

Brown, John C. Camp, El Paso, Tex. 5 00

Brown, H. T., Spears, Ky 1 00

Brown, W. A., St. Patrick, La 1 00

Bruce, J. H., Nashville 5 00

Bush, Maj. W. G., Nashville 2 00

Carglle, J. F.. Morrisville, Mo 1 50

Calhoun, Dr. B. F.. Beaumont. Tex… 1 00

Calhoun, F. H., Lott, Tex 1 00

Calhoun, W. B., St. Patrick, La 1 00

Cannon, Dr. J. P., McKenzie, Tenn.. 1 00
Carnahan, J. C, Donnels Chapel,

Tenn 1 00

Cassell. W. H., Lexington, Ky 2 00

Chadwick, S. W., Greensboro, Ala…. 1 00

Cheatham, W. B., Nashville 100

Cheatham, Maj. J. A., Memphis 1 00

Coffey, W. A., Scottsboro, Ala 100

Cohen, Dr. H., and Capt T. Yates col-
lected, Waxahatchie, Tex 14 00

Coleman, Gen. R. B., McAlester, I. T. 1 00

Cook, V. Y., Elmo, Ark 2 00

Cooper, Judge John S., Trenton 1 00

Cunning-ham, P. D., Mexican Border. 1 00

Cunningham, S. A., Nashville 5 00

Dargan, Miss Alice W., Darlington,

S. C 1 00

Davis, Lafayette, Rockdale, Tex 1 00

Davis, R. N., Trenton 1 00

Davis, J. K., Dickson, Tenn 2 00

Davis, J. E., West Point, Miss 1 00

Davis, W. T., Nashville 100

Davidson, N. P., Wrightsboro, Tex.. 1 00
Daviess County C. V. Assn, Owens-

boro, Ky 6 55

Dean, J. J., McAlister, I. T 1 00

Dean, M. J., Tyler, Tex 100

Deason, James R., Trenton, Tenn 1 00

Deerlng, Rev. J R., Harrodsburg, Ky 1 00

Dixon, Mrs. H O., Flat Rock, Tenn.. 1 00

Douglas, Mrs. Sarah C, Nashville…. 1 00

Doyle, J. M., Blountsville, Ala 1 00

Duckworth, W. S., Nashville 1 00

Dudley, Maj. R. H., Nashville 25 00

Durrett, D. L., Springfield, Tenn 1 00

Dyas, Miss Fannie, Nashville 100

Eleazer, S. D., Colesburg, Tenn…. 100
Ellis, Capt. and Mrs. H. C, Harts-

vllle. Tenn 2 00

Embry, J. W.. St. Patrick, La 1 00

Emmert, Dr. A. C, Trenton, Tenn…. 1 00

Embry, Glenn, St. Patrick, La 100

Enslow, J. A., Jr., Jacksonville, Fla.. 1 00

Farrar, Ed H., Centralia, Mo 1 00

Finney, W. D., Wrightsboro, Tex 1 00

Fletcher, Mack, Denison, Tex 1 00

Forbes Bivouac, Clarksvllle, Tenn.. 25 00

Ford, A. B., Madison, Tenn 1 00

Ford, J. W., Hartford, Ky 1 00

Forrest, Carr, Forreston, Tex 2 00

Foster, A. W., Trenton 1 00

Foster, N. A., Jefferson, N. C 1 00

Gay, William, Trenton 100

Gibson, Capt. Thos., Nashville 1 00

Giles, Mrs. L. B., Laredo, Tex 100

Gooch, Roland, Nevada, Tex 1 00

Goodlett, D. Z., Jacksonville, Ala 2 00

Goodlett, Mrs. M. C, Nashville 5 00

Goodloe, Rev. A. T., Station Camp,

Tenn 10 00

Gordon, D. M., Nashville 1 00

Gordon, A. C, McKenzie, Tenn 1 00

Graves, Col. J. M., Lexington, Ky…. 1 On

Gray, S. L., Lebanon, Ky 1 00

Green, Folger, St. Patricks, La 3 00

Hall. L. B„ Dixon, Ky 1 00

Hanrlck, E. Y.. Waco, Tex 100

Hardison, W. T., Nashville 5 00

Harmsen, Barney, El Paso, Tex 5 00

Harper, J. R., Rosston, Tex 1 00

Harris, Maj. R. H., Warrington, Fla. 1 00

Harris, J. A., Purdon, Tex 1 00

Harrison, W. W., Trenton, Tenn 1 00

Hartman, J. A., Rockwall, Tex 1 00

Hatler, Baily, Boliver, Mo 100

Hayes, E. S., Mineola, Tex 1 00

Herbst, Chas., Macon, Ga 1 00

Herron, W. W., Mckenzie, Tenn 1 00

Hickman, Mrs. T. G., Vandalia, 111… 1 00

Hickman, John P., Nashville 1 00

Hoppel, Dr. T. J., Trenton 1 00

Hoss, Rev. Dr. E. E., Nashville 1 00

Hows, S. H., Newsom Station, Tenn.. 1 00

Hughes, Louis, Dyersburg, Tenn 1 00

Ikirt, Dr. J. J., East Liverpool, O…. 1 00

Ingram, Jno. Bivouac, Jackson, Tenn 5 60

Irwin, Capt. J. W., Savannah, Tenn.. 1 00

Jackson, G. G., Wetumpka, Ala 1 00

Jackson, Stonewall Camp, McKenzie. 5 00

Jenkins, S. G., Nolensville, Tenn 1 00

Johnson, Leonard, Morrisville, Mo…. 1 50

Keerl, G. W., Culpeper, Va 1 00

Kelly, J. O., Jeff, Ala 100

Kelso, F. M., Fayettevllle, Tenn 1 00

King, Dr. J. C. J., Waco, Tex 1 00

Kirkman, V. L.. Nashville 5 00

Killebrew, Col. J. B., Nashville 5 00

Knoedler, Col. L. P., Augusta, Ky… 1 00

Knox, R. M., Pine Bluff, Ark 5 00

Lauderdale, J. S., Llano, Tex 1 00

Lewis, Maj. E. C, Nashville 25 00

Lewis, Dr F. P., Coalsburg, Ala 1 00

Levy, R. Z. & Bro., Nashville 5 00

Long, J. M., Paris, Tex 100

McAfee, H. M., Salvisa, Tex 1 00

McAlester, J. J., McAlester, I. T 1 00

McDowell, J. H., Union City, Tenn… 1 00
McGregor, Dr. R. R., Covington,

Tenn 2 50

McLure, Mrs. M. A. E., St. Louis 5 00

McMillln, Hon. Benton, M. C. Tenn.. 5 00

McRee, W. F., Trenton, Tenn 100

McVoy, Jos.. Cantonment, Fla 1 00

Mallory, E. S., Jackson, Tenn 1 00

.Marshall, J. M., Lafayette, Tenn 1 00

Ma’ull, J. F., Elmore, Ala 100

Meek, S. W., Nashville 5 00

Meek, Master Wilson 1 00

Mims, Dr. W. D., Cockrum, Miss 1 00

Mitchell, A. E., Morrisville, Mo 1 00

Montgomery, Wm., Arrow, Tenn 1 00

Morton, Dr. I. C, Morganfield, Ky… 1 00

Moss, C. C, Dyersburg, Tenn 1 00

N. C. & St. L Ry, by Pres. Thomas. . . 50 00

Neal, Col. Tom W., Dyersburg, Tenn. 1 00

Neames, M. M., St. Patrick, La 1 00

Neilson, J. C, Cherokee, Miss 1 00

Nelson, M. H., Hopkinsville, Ky 1 00

Norton, N. L., Austin, Tex 1 00

Ogilvie, W. H., Allisona, Tenn 1 00

Overton, Col. John, Nashville 10 00

Owen, U. J., Eagleville, Tenn 1 00

Owen, Frank A., Evansville, Ind 100

Pardue, Albert E., Cheap Hill, Tenn. . 8 00

Patterson, Mrs. T. L.. Cumberl’d, Md 1 00

Payne, E. S., Enon College, Tenn 2 00

Pendleton, P. B., Pembroke, Ky 1 00

Pepper. W. A., Stirling. S. C 1 00

Pierce, W. H., Colllnsville, Ala 1 00

Pointer. Miss Phil. Owensboro, Ky. .. 1 00
Pryor, J. T.. (Terry’s Texas Ranger),

Belton 100

Raines, R. P., Trenton, Tenn 100

Rast, J P., Farmersville, Ala 1 00

Reagan, Hon. John H., Austin, Tex.. 1 00

Redwood. Henry, Asheville, N. C 1 00

Reeves. Dr. N. P., Longstreet. La…. 1 00

Ridley, Capt. B. L., Murfreepboro 50 00

Ritchards. Sam, Rockdale, Tex 1 00

Rohhins, A. M.. Rockdale, Tex 100

Rose, S. E. F., West Point, Miss 1 00

Rudy, J. H., Owensboro, Ky 1 00

Russell. T. A. Warrior, Ala 1 00

Rutland. J. W., Alexandria, Tenn 1 00

Ryan, J.. Chicago, 111 5 00

Sage, Judge Geo. R., Cincinnati 5 00

Sanford, Dr. J. R., Covington, Tenn. 5 00

Scruggs, John, Altamont, Tenn 2 00

Sevier, Col. T. F.. Sabinal, Tex 1 00

Sexton, E. G, Dover, Tenn 100

Simmons. Col. J. W., Mexia, Tex 2 50

Sinclair, Col. A. H., Georgetown, Ky. 1 00

Slatter, W. J., Winchester, Tenn 1 00

Smith, Capt. F. M., Norfolk, Va 1 00

Smith, Capt. J. F., Marion, Ark 1 00

Smith, Gen. W. G., Sparta, Tenn 1 00

Smith, Capt. H. I., Mason City, la…. 1 00

Stone, Judge J. B., Kansas City, Mo.. 5 00

Story, Col. E. L., Austin, Tex 1 00

Speissegger, J. T., St. Augustine, Fla 1 00

Street, H. J., Upton, Ky 1 00

Street, W. M., Murfreesboro, Tenn…. 1 00

Taylor, R. Z., Trenton 1 00

Tavlor, Young, Lott, Tex 1 00

Templeton, J. A., Jacksonville, Tex… 1 00

Thomas. W. T.. Cumb’d City, Tenn.. 1 00

Tollev, Capt. W. P., Rucker, Tenn…. 1 00

Trowbridge, S. F.. Piedmont, S. C… 1 00

Tucker, J. J., St. Patrick, La 1 00

Turner, R. S., Ashland City, Tenn…. 5 00

Tvree. L. H., Trenton, Tenn 1 00

(T. E.) cash, Nashville 100

Van Pelt, S. D., Danville, Ky 1 00

Voegtlev, Edwin B , Pittsburg, Pa… 2 00

Voegtley, Mrs. E. B., Pittsburg, Pa.. 2 00

Walker, Robert, Sherman, Tex 1 00

Washington, Hon. J. E., M. C. Tenn.. 2 00

Webster, A. H., Walnut Sp’s, Tex…. 1 00

Welhurn, E. H., Nashville, Tenn 1 00

West, Jno. C, Waco, Tex 1 00

Wilkerson, W. A., Memphis 100

Williams. Rolert, Guthrie, Kv 1 00

Wilson, Hon. S. F., Gallatin, Tenn… 1 00

W’lson, Mrs. S. F.. Gallatin, Tenn…. 1 00

W ; lson, Dr. J. T., Sherman. Tex 1 00

Wilson, Capt. E. H.. Norfolk. Va…. I 00

Wheeler, Gen. Joseph, M. C. Ala 1 00

Wright, Geo. W., McKenzie, Tenn…. 1 00

Wyeth, Dr J. A., New York City 50 00

Young, Col. Bennett H., Louisville… 5 00

Young County Camp, Graham, Tex.. 7 85


I. K. Clark, R. E. Grizzard and M. M.
Mobley, Trenton, Tenn.: Cant.
Chas. H. May and J. W. Fielder,
Benton, Ala.; Dr. E. Young and W.
W. Power?. Greensboro. Ala.: J.
W. Oilman and H. Heverin. Nash-
ville; G. N. Alhrifht, W. A. Ross
and Alonzo Gilliam, Stanton,
Tenn.: John W. Green and cash,
Dversburg, Tenn.: E. J. Harwell,

Stonewall, La 7 A)



C. W. Higglnbotham. Calvert, Tex.;
T. O. Moore, Comanche, Tex.; L.
C. Newman, H. M. Nash, J. W.
Mnrnan, G. Shafer, J. F. Coppedge,
J. K. Gibson, Stanton, Tenn.; J. T.
Bryan, Mariana, Fla

2 25

^federate Ueteraij.



Something of the Origin of the Daughters of
the Confederacy in the Old Dominion.

In May 1894, at a meeting of the Ladies Confed-
erate Memorial Association of Charlottesville, Va.,
a letter was presented from the John Bowie Strange
Camp of Confederate Veterans, Col. Garnett, Com-
mander, requesting the ladies to become an auxil-
iary of the Camp, to aid in its work of caring for
all needy Confederates and their families.

Mrs. Garnett, having the matter much at heart,
wrote a letter to the Camp offering to form an aux-
iliary, confident of the sympathy of many members
of the Memorial Association, which had recently
erected, near the University of Virginia, one of the
most beautiful Confederate Monuments in the South.
The proposition to the Camp brought the following
response: “At a meeting of the Camp on May 22.
1894, it expressed to Mrs. Garnett its high appre-
ciation of her proposed plan of a Ladies Auxiliary
Association to assist the Camp in its efforts to re-
lieve the necessities of dependent Confederates, and
that she be requested to take such steps as she and
her associates thought best, within the formation
of sucli an Auxiliary Association. A society was at
once formed under the name of “Daughters of the
Confederacy,” and they believe it to have been the
first society in the country to bear that name.

The National Society was not organized at Nash-
ville, Tennessee, until September ID, lS’M.

The Veteran for October 1S94, contained an ac-
count of the Nashville Society.

On October 15, 1894, our by-laws were adopted.
After the Charlottesville Chapter was organized,
at that first meeting, the following officers were
elected: President, Mrs. James Mercer Garnett;
Vice President, Mrs. C. C. Wcrtcnbaker; Secretary,
Miss Cynthia Berkeley; Treasurer, Miss Mary Van-
degrift. Executive Committee: Mrs. N. K. Davis,
Miss Gillie Hill, and the late Mrs. William South-
all, — whose place is now filled by Mrs. Lav.

Letter from the President.

In addition to the benevolent feature, this Society
is historical. Original papers, giving personal re-
miniscences of the war. and other events of that
time to be read at the meetings. Valuable Con-
federate records are being collected and preserved,
and every effort is made to perpetuate the memory
of our Confederate heroes, [twill also be the aim
of the Society to have used in our schools only true
histories, that the youth of the South may under-
stand for what their fathers Fought and died.

The badge oi the Society consists
of an open circle of white enamel
bearing in letters of gold, “Daugh-
ters of the Confederacy, l861-’65.”
In the open centre are crossed the
first and last flags of the Confeder-
acy, the colors being beautifully
brought out in red, white and blue
enamel and gold. This badge has been patented,
and is now used as the official Virginia badge. It is
worn b) r our members in Washington, D. C, in St.

Louis, Missouri, and in the States of Montana, Geor-
gia and Washington, and other places. The Albe-
marle Chapter of the “Daughters of the Confedera-
cy,” which began with a little band of earnest Con-
federate women, has, in a short time, attained a mem-
bership of over a hundred. At a meeting of the Ex-
ecutive Committee held April 30, 1S<»5. it resolved to
use every effort to establish other Chapters in Vir-
ginia. The Chapters in the order of organization
with the names of their officers are as follows:

1. Albermarle, formed May 25. 1S’»4. First
meeting held October 15, 1894. President, Mrs.
James Mercer ( iarnett; Vice President, Mrs. C. C.
Wertenbaker; Treasurer, Mrs. N. K. Davis; Secre-
tary. Miss Fanny Berkeley.

2. Newport News, organized in May, 1895.
President, Mrs. Geo. W. Nclms; Vice President,
Mrs. J. Shelton Jones: Treasurer, Mrs. W. Geo.
Kcnier; Secretary, Mrs. W. Filmore Turnbull.

3. Petersburg, organized August 27, 1895. Pres-
ident, Mrs. Robert T. Meade; Vice President, Mrs.
J. W. Roseboro; Treasurer, Mrs. R. L. Watson,
Secretary, Mrs. Richard B. Davis.

4. Roanoke, organized August 27. 1895. Presi-
dent, Mrs. Thomas Lewis; Vice President, Mrs.
Terry; Treasurer, Mrs. Trout; Secretary, Mrs. Grey.

5. Woodstock, organized October 5, 1895. Pres-
ident, Mrs. James H. Williams; Vice President,
Mrs. Miley: Treasurer, Mrs. John Grabill; Secre-
tary, Mrs. Campbell.

6. Staunton, organized October 23, 1895. Pres-
sident, Mrs. J. E. B. Stuart; Vice President, Mrs.
G. P. Wilson; Treasurer, Mrs. E. P. Lipscomb;
Secretary, Mrs. S. T. McCullough. ‘

7. Lexington, organized January 18, 1896. Pres-
ident, Miss Mildred Lee; Vice President, Mrs. A.
D. Estill; Treasurer. Miss Mary Nelson Pendleton;
Secretary, Mrs. Win. Allan.

8. Richmond, organized January 27, 1896. Pres-
ident, Mrs. N. V. Randolph: Vice President, Miss
May G. Baughman; Treasurer, Mrs. Frank T.
Cramp; Secretary, Mrs. Austin Brockenborough.

‘”. Radford, organized February 1, 1896. Presi-
dent, Mrs. Win. R. Wharton; Vice President, Mrs.
Mclngles; Treasurer, Mrs. .1. R. Eakin; Secretary,
Miss Julia V. M. Tyler.

10. Waynesboro, organized February 3, l,s ( ><>.
President, Mrs. Elliott Fishburne; Vice President,
Miss I’.elle Patrick; Treasurer, Miss Annie Fish-
burne; Secretary. Miss Loula Bush.

11. Christiansburg, organized February 5, 1896.
President. Mrs. T. W. Hooper; Vice President, Mrs.
T. W. Ellett; Treasurer, Mrs. M. C. Wade: Secre-
tary, Mis. Sue Hogan Phlegar.

12. Harrisonburg, to be organized on February
7. 1896. President, – ; Vice President, — — ;
Treasurer, ; Secretary, .

Officials of Harrisonburg Chapter not yet received.

With a half dozen Chapters in process of organi-
zation, this Division will number over two-thirds
of all the Chapters formed in the entire South.
The memberships are from twenty-five to Kit). A
more concise report will be given in March Vet-


Qoijfcderate l/eterai).

EREN. Such a result from the Albemarle Chapter,
the parent Chapter in Virginia will no doubt sur-
prise many readers of “the Veteran,” though the
hi. un facts have been communicated to some of the
officers of the United Society.

These Chapters will soon be organized into a Di-
rision. The five Chapters in Virginia: Alexan-
dria. Warrenton, Lynchburg, Appomattox and Nor-
folk, chartered by the United Society, are most cor-
dially invited to co-operate with us in forming a grand
Virginia Division, established on a sure foundation.

“And their deeds — proud deeds — shall remain for us,
Ard their names — dear names — without stain for us.
And the glories they won shall not wane for us.

In legend and lay,

Our heroes in gray,
Though dead, shall live over again for us.”

Kate Noland Garnett.
University of Virginia, February 5, 1896.


Clark Chapter of the Daughters of the Confed-
eracy was organized October 28, 1895, under the
direction of that energetic and enthusiastic worker,
Mrs. Snyder. It has enrolled already twenty-six
members, and is doing good work. The officers
are Mrs. S. F. Wilson, President; Mrs. B. D. Bell,
Vice-President; Mrs. Addie Cherry, Treasurer; Mrs.
C. W. Meguiar, Secretary, and Miss Martha Rogan,
Corresponding Secretary.

If energy and a true interest in the glorious cause,
such as is felt by these efficient officers, be taken as
indicative of our future, Clark Chapter will soon be
in the advance guard.

The name was given in honor of one of our grand
old families, the homestead of which is upon the
identical spot of one of our pioneer forts, and from
which family went out four gallant sons to face the
dangers of a ruthless war in the cause of kindred
and of home. Three of these went down to death
true to the sentiment of a noble patriotism.


The annual meeting of the Jacksonville branch
United Daughters of the Confederacy, was held on
Monday, January 20th; the nineteenth, General
Lee’s birthday, having fallen on Sundaj’. The
election of officers was as follows: Mrs. T. H. Hart-
ridge, President; Mrs. W. M. Davidson, Vice-Presi-
dent; Mrs. R. L. Cooley, Corresponding Secretary;
Mrs. W. D. Mathews, Recording Secretary; Mrs. F.
P. Fleming, Treasurer.

This branch has in hand the marking of all
graves of Confederate soldiers now unmarked, and
the erection of a Confederate monument in some
prominent place in Jacksonville.

Prospects are very bright for other chapters and
a State organization. Those who suffered and lost
feel it a sacred duty to properly instruct their chil-
dren in the history of those sad years, and also a
duty to protect and preserve such mementoes as will
6how to future generations the great sacrifice of
luxury and pleasure cheerfully given up for a great

The Widow’s Moan. — Mrs. D. C. Harrison writes
from (1619, 17th Street, N. W.,) Washington, D. C:
Can you tell me if there is any one in Nashville to
whom I could apply for information concerning the
burial spot of Capt. Dabney C. Harrison? He
was with his Regiment, 56th Virginia, Company- K.,
at Fort Donelson, and was carried, after being
wounded, on a boat to Nashville. The boat reached
that point, but further than that, in all these years,
I have not known, notwithstanding my unwearied
efforts. * * * Capt. Harrison was my husband.
I need not say how grateful I will be for any infor-
mation concerning this subject.

If the good women who had to do with the burial
of dead from Fort Donelson can give Mrs. H. some
information, it will gratify them as well as her.


The above picture of Comrade Otis S. Tarver, of
Sanford, Florida, will be all the more appreciated
because of the flag which so many thousands revere.
He stood, ran and fought for that flag from August
8, 1861, until the final surrender, and has ever since
kept it at the head of his bed. He is in his six-
tieth year. This comrade is a Georgian, but has
lived in Florida the past fifteen years.

Confederate Ueterao.




By John A. Wyeth M. D.

(Extracts from the Life of Lieutenant General N. B. Forrest.)

General James R. Chalmers, in his address before
the Southern Historical Society,* August, 79, says:

“In February, 1841, when I was but ten years of
age, I remember well a small company of volunteers
which marched out of the town of Holly Springs,
Mississippi, to the relief of Texas, then threatened
by invasion from Mexico. In that little band stood
Bedford Forrest, a tall, black-haired, graj-eyed
youth, scarce twenty years of age, who then gave
the lirst evidence of the military ardor be possessed.
The company saw no fighting, for the danger was
over before they arrived, and the men received no
pay. Finding themselves in a strange country,
without friends or money. Forrest, with the char-
acteristic energy which distinguished bun in after
life, split rails at fifty cents per hundred and made
the money necessary to briny him back to his family
and home.” *


Lieutenant-General N. B. Forrest, who was my
immediate commander during the first year of the
war, if not the greatest military genius, was cer-
tainh the greatest revolutionary leader on our
side, lie was restrained by no knowledge of
law or constitution; he was embarrassed by no pre-
conceived ideas of military science. His favorite
maxim was: “War means fighting, and fighting

*dee southern Historical society Pftpors, Vol. vii, p, 464.

means killing.” Without the slightest knowledge
of them, he seemed by instinct to adopt the tactics
of the masters of military art. *

On December 28th, 1861, Forrest, with 300 men,
met the enemy for the first time, about 450 strong,
near Sacramento, Ky. This fight deserves special
notice, not only because of its success and the con-
fidence inspired in the raw Confederate cavalry, but
because it displayed at once the chief characteristics
and natural tactics which were subsequently more
fully developed and made Forrest famous as a cav-
alry leader. He had marched bis command twenty
miles that day when he found a fresh trail where
the enemy’s cavalry had passed. Putting his com-
mand at a gallop, he traveled ten miles further be-
fore be struck the rear guard. His own command
was badly scattered, not half up with him. but with-
out halting be rushed headlong at them, leading
the charge himself. When be bad driven the rear
jjuard on to the main body, and they turned on him
with superior force, be quickly dismounted his
men and held the eneim in check until his command
came up, and ordered them to attack in Hank and
rear. This movement was successful, and the re-
treat of tin- Federals soon began. Quickly mount-
ing his men. he commenced one id’ his terrible pur-
suits, fighting band to baud with pist’d and sword,
killing one and wounding two himself, continuing
this for miles, and leaving the road dotted with liv-
ing and dead. * * * * ”

Major I>. C. Kelly, who then for the first time saw
his superior under (ire. describing the wonderful
changt took place in bis appearance, says:

“His face Hushed until be bore a striking resem-
blance t<> a painted Indian warrior, and his eyes,
usually So mild in their expression, Hashed witll the
intense glare of the panther about to sprire on its
prey. In fact, be looked as little like the Forrestof
our mess-table as the storm oi December resembles
the quiet ol June.”

General Chalmers relates: “Some of the notable
points in Forrest’s manner of fighting, were I 1 |
reckless courage in making the attack, a rule he in-
variably followed and which tended to intimidate
his adversary; (2 I the quick dismounting ol his men
to fiarht, showing that be regarded horses mainly as
a rapid means of transportation for his troops; (3)
his intuitive adoption of the Hank attack, so demor-
alizing to the enemy even in an open field, and so
much more s-0 when made, as Forrest often did, un-
dercover of woods which concealed the weakness of
the attacking party; i 4 | his fierce and untiring pur-
suit, which so often changed retreat into rout ami
made victory complete; (5) following, without
knowing it, Napier’s precept of the art of war. he
was always in front making personal observations.
This practice brought him in many personal con-
flicts and exposed him to constant danger, and he
had 27 horses killed and wounded under him in bat-
tle. This practice led to imitation by his general
officers, and at Hart’s cross-roads, the day before the
bittle of Franklin, I witnessed Forrest with two
division and three brigade commanders, all on the
skirmish line.

“At Shiloh, Forrest, without orders from any-
superior officer, bad pushed his scouts to the river


(^federate Ueterap.

and discovered that reinforcements of the enemy
were coming-. I was then in command of an infantry
brigade, which by some oversight had not received
the order to retreat; about midnight, Forrest awoke
me, inquiring for Generals Beauregard, Bragg and
Hardee, and when I could not tell him, he said in
profane but prophetic language, ‘If the enemy come
on us in the morning, we will be whipped like h — !’
He carried this information to headquarters and,
with military genius, suggested a renewal at once
of our attack; but the unlettered colonel was or-
dered back to his regiment.” *

I recall an anecdote strikingly illustrative of the
esteem in which Forrest was held by the people, and
he always told it on himself with great delight.
When Bragg was retreating from Tennessee, Forrest
was among the last of the rear guard. An old lady
ran out of her house to the gate as he was passing,
and urged him to turn back and fight. As he rode
on without stopping, she shook her fist at him and
cried, “Oh! you great, big, cowardly rascal! I only
wish old Forrest were here; he would make you
fiu-ht!” *****

One of the greatest secrets of Forrest’s success
was his perfect system of scouts. He kept reliable
scouts all around him and at great distances and
often, even daj’s in advance, he was informed of
movements that were about to be made. *

Near West Point, (1864) Forrest soon came up to
where I was standing on the causeway, leading to
the bridge, and, as it was the first time I had ever
been with him in a fight, I watched him closely.
His manner was nervous, impatient and imperious.
He asked me what the enemy were doing, and I
gave him the report just received from Colonel Duff,
in command of the pickets. He said sharply. “Well,
I will go and see myself.” He started across the
bridge, which was about thirty yards long and then
being raked by the enemy’s fire. This struck me
at the time as a needless and somewhat braggadocio
exposure of himself, and I followed him to see what
he would do. When he reached the other bank, the
fire of the enemy was very heavy and our men were
falling back, one running without hat or gun. In
an instant Forrest seized and threw him to the
ground, and, while the bullets were whist’.ing
around him, administered a severe thrashing with a
brush of wood. * *

General Joseph E. Johnston said if Forrest had
been an educated soldier, no other Confederate
general would have been heard of.

Dr. J. B. Cowan, of Tullahoma, Tenn., who was
chief surgeon to Forrest’s Cavalry during the war,
and was intimately associated with Forrest, says
that at the battle of Okalona, where Forrest’s
brother Jeffrey was killed, his grief was overpower-
ing when he realized that the brother whom he
idolized, and who, being a posthumou-s child, had
been tenderly reared and carefully educated by the
elder brother, was mortally wounded. Although
the Federals were in flight with Forrest pursuing,
he seemed for a moment to forget the great respon-
sibility of his position as a commander, in the asrony
of this sudden affliction. He dismounted, picked
up his dving brother and held him in his arms as
he would a child, until his lifeblood was spent.

The wound was of such a character that surgical
relief was impossible, and he bled to death within
a few minutes. The rough soldier kissed his dead
brother tenderly, with tears streaming from his
eyes, laid him gently upon the ground, took one last
look, and then his expression of grief gave way to
one of almost ferocity; he sprang to his horse,
shouting to Goss, his bugler, “Blow the charge!”
and swept ahead of his men in the direction of the
retreating enemy. Dr. Cowan followed as close be-
hind him as he could keep in the pursuit, and the
faithful escort were well up with their great leader.
Half a mile or so down the road they suddenly came
upon the enemy, who had determined upon a stand.
A piece of artillery was placed to sweep the road by
which they must approach, and the Federals, dis-
mounted, had taken a strong position on either side
of the road. As soon as they were observed, the
Federals fired upon them, and Dr. Cowan remon-
strated with the General for thus exposing himself.
Forrest remarked, “Doctor, if you are uneasy, you
can ride out of range;” and the General continued
in this position, making a careful survey of the
enemy’s position. His horse was killed under him,
and he mounted another, belonging to one of the
escort who had just then ridden up. While For-
rest was riding a little further on, on the side of a
little eminence, this horse was also killed. Satis-
fied with the recunnoissance. which had only oc-
cupied a few minutes, he drew his saber and shout-
ed to the escort, “Move up!” This plucky body of
sixty men followed with equal bravery their daring
and now reckless leader.

“It seemed to me then that the General, madden-
ed by grief at the loss of his favorite brother,
wanted to go with him. It was only the matter of
a moment when the General and his escort were
mixed up with the Federals in a fearful melee. I
put the spurs to my horse, ran back in the direction
from which we had come to hurry up help, met
Colonel McCulloch with a portion of his Missouri
regiment, and said to him, ‘Colonel, for God’s sake
hurry down the road as fast as j-ou can. The Gen-
eral and his escort are down there in a hand to hand
fight, and I am afraid he will be killed before you
can get there!’ Forrest slew three men with his
svv’ord in this terrible fight before the Federals
yielded and fled from the field.”

General Richard Taylor, who later in the war
was placed in command of the department in which
Forrest operated, says in his book, “Destruction
and Reconstruction,” (see p. 19).

“Some months before the time of our first meet-
ing * * * he had defeated Sturg-is at Tishi-
mingo, and he soon repeated his defeat of General
Grant at Okalona.

“Okalona was fought on an open plain, and For-
rest had no advantage of position to compensate
for great inferiority of numbers, but it is remark-
able that he employed the tactics of Frederick at
Leuthen and Zorndorf, though he had never heard
these names. Indeed, his tactics deserve the clos-
est study of military men. Wnen asked to what he
attributed his success in so many actions, he re-
plied, ‘I got there first with the most men.’ * * *
I doubt if any commander since the time of lion-

Qogfederate Vetera p.


hearted Richard, has killed so many of his foes as
Forrest. His word of command was unique,
‘Move up, and mix with ’em!’ While cutting-
down many a foe with long-reaching arm, his keen
eye watched the whole fight and guided him to the
weak spot. Yet, he was a tender-hearted, kindly
man. The accusations of his enemies that he mur-
dered his prisoners at Fort Pillow and elsewhere
are absolutely false. These negroes told me of
Forrest’s kindness to them.”

In the closing- campaign at Selma, in April, 1865,
General Taylor says, (see p. 21′)):

“Forrest ordered his brig-ad es to the Catawba cross-
ing, leading one in person. He was a host in him-
self, and a dangerous adversary to meet at any
reasonable odds. With one brigade, Forrest was
in Wilson’s path; he fought as if the world depend-
ed on his arm, and sent to advise me of the decep-
tion practiced on two of his brigades, hoping to
stop the enemy if he could with the third, the ab-
sence of which he could not account for. After
Selma fell, he appeared horse ami man covered with
blood, and announced the enemy at his heels, and
that I must move at once to escape capture. I felt
anxious about him, but he said he was unhurt and
would cut his way through.”

If Forrest was terrible and relentless in battle, he
was by nature gentle, tender and affectionate. His
love for children was very strong. My personal
friend, Colonel R. B. Kyle, of Gadsden, on the 25th
of June 1895, gave me in writing the following- per-
sonal reminiscence of the greatsoldier:

“About May 7th, 1863, as Forrest was returning
from the capture of Streight, at Rome, he stayed
all night at my house. Forrest’s terrific pursuit of
Streight, and the capture of his large command with
a force only one-third as numerous as the enemy, had,
of course, tilled the country through which Streight
had passed with the idea that Forrest was a tre-
mendous fighter, and gave me the impression that
his mind would be occupied only with things con-
cerning the war; but the only thing that seemed to
concern him while in my house for almost a day
and all night, was my little two-year-old boy, to
whom he took a great fancy, holding him on his
lap and carrying him around the place in his arms.
The little child showed great fondness for him and
loved to stay with him. The next day, when For-
rest rode away in the direction of Guntersville, he
took the little fellow two or three miles on the road
with him, holding him on the saddle in front of
him, and I rode along with Forrest this distance
in order to bring the child home to his mother.
He kissed the little fellow tenderly as he bade him
good bye and. turning to me, said, ‘My God, Kyle,
this is worth living for!’

“I again met Forrest in the fall of ’65’ on board a
train en route to Montgomery, Ala., to meet Presi-
dent Davis, with whom he had some correspon-
dence, and who had asked Forrest to come to Mont-
gomery, as he wanted to see him personally. We
renewed our acquaintance, and in conversation he
told me he would not serve longer under Bragg.
He said that he was not competent to command any
army; that the army had whipped the Federals
badly at Chickamauga, and that he, with his com-

mand, had followed them almost to the suburbs of
Chattanooga; that they were demoralized, and
could have been captured, and that he rode back
himself, after sending couriers and getting unfa-
vorable replies, and found General Bragg asleep.
He urged that they move on in pursuit of the enemy
at once, as their capture was certain. Bragg asked
how he could move an army without supplies, as
his men had exhausted them. Forrest’s replv was,
‘General Bragg, we can get all the supplies our
army needs in Chattanooga.’ Bragg made no re-
ply, and Forrest rode away disgusted.”


A Blue and Gray commingling was in successful swine;
The fraternizing boom” was on. and all thai sort of ihiig —
When, as it chanced, an old Con fed fell chinning with a Yank
Who proved, in sooth a caution as a reminiscence “crank.”

“How pleasant ‘lis.” the latter cried, “to grasp the hand of him
That through four long and bloody years faced us in battle

grim !
And. by the way, was it your luck to fight at franklin? eh!”
“Well, [ should smile,” quoth Stars and Bars; “I lost an ear

that day.”

“Ah ha ! in I hat event I know ’twill please you much to hear
That ’twas a rooster of my size who Bcooped y.-u r missing ear.
1 shot il oil ; it all Comes back ;” bin ere hi’ could conclude,
The Con fed loomed before his gaze in no uncertain mood.

“And ’twas you that did the job. you wretched little Yank I
I’vi’ often wondered if I’d meet the man I had to lliank
For this depletion — as al length I see your form once more,
Take thai, and that, and that, for what you did in Sixty-four!”

Chas Edqb worth .Jones.

AuRU»t».’Gm.. J»n. 14, ’96.

A comrade writes from the Palmetto Home Land-
ing on Yazoo River, Mississippi: On January 25rd,
at 5 a. m., Comrade George W. Daniel answered the
last roll call. No braver or truer patriot ever fought
beneath the stars and bars. He enlisted at Duck
Hill, Miss., when sixteen years old. in Company E,
Fifteenth Mississippi, in which company he served
two years. The last two years he served in Com-
pany II, Twenty-ninth Mississippi. Walthall’s Divis-
ion; was never absent from roll call but once during
the four years, and never had a furlough. He was
in many battles, among them Shiloh, Corinth, Chick-
am iuu r a. Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge,
Dalton, Kennesaw Mountain, Allatoona, Atlanta,
Peachtree Creek, Franklin, and others. He never
knew what fear meant, was true to his God, true to
his family, and true to his country. He loved to
talk of the war, and had a remarkable memory. He
was laid to rest at Mount Olivet Cemetery, Yazoo
County, Miss., wrapped in the Hag he loved and

Mr. J. Ryan, who served in the Twenty-first
Indiana Battery, and was close enoutrh in great
battles to appreciate Confederates, writes from Chi-
cago, January ‘ s . ’96: I enclose live dollars, which
please credit to the “Sam Davis Monument Fund.”
Think it should be erected in Nashville

I only wish I was able to contribute in proportion
to my admiration of the true manhood displayed by
this man.



Confederate l/eterap.


J. B. Polley, Esq., Floresville, Texas, sends an-
other old letter dated, Camp near Richmond, Va.,
May 19, 1S62. An account of the first battle:

Charming Nellie: * * * Arrived at York-
town, we camped about a mile and a half to the
rear and right of that dilapidated old town. It was
here, you know, that Cornwallis surrendered. The
embankments thrown up during the Revolutionary
War are yet in a fair state of preservation, and
would likely have been very interesting to me had
not the present war, in the shape and terror of a
bomb from a Federal battery, furnished a more
practical subject for reflection. Sutne of my com-
rades grew very enthusiastic over the fact that we
were on historic ground, made sacred by Washing-
ton’s great victory, and eloquently insisted that the
scene should inspire us with extra courage and pa-
triotism. I suspected, however, that the larger part
of their enthusiasm originated in the canteen of
whiskey they bought from a blockade runner. I
tasted it, but it aroused no corresponding senti-
ments in my breast. * * * About two o’clock,
on the morning of May 4th, the pleasing informa-
tion was communicated to the Texas Brigade that
to it had been granted the proud distinction of serv-
ing as the rear guard of the Conlederate Army.
In fact, all the other troops had folded their tents
and, without giving us the slightest hint of their
intention, marched away, hours before, toward
Richmond, and even the compliment paid our bri-
gade failed to relieve us of exceeding lone’someness.

Just as day appeared the gallant Texans took
up the line of march and. anxious to put as much
distance as possible between it and a presumably
fast following enemy, stepped out in their very live-
liest manner. However, either because the Yan-
kees knew that Texans were the riar guard and
feared to attack such desperadoes, or were not fleet-
footed enough to overtake them, they were not mo-
lested, and overtook the main body of the army
about four miles from the old Colonial town of Wil-
liamsburg — the proud and inspiring consciousness
thrilling their bosoms of duty well-performed by
heroic efforts to get beyond reach of a dastardly
enemy. Terribly tired by a rapid eight mile
march over the muddiest road imaginable, we yet
halted not, but, leaving Williamsburg to our left,
went swiftly on. After an hour or two of hurried
tramping, the roar of artillery and the roll cf mus-
ketry, fortunately many miles behind us, smote
upon our unaccustomed ears and gave us an oppor-
tunity to reflect proudly and exultinglv on our good
fortune; the honor and glory of being the rearguard
was ours beyond dispute, and yet we had escaped
all the dangers.

Gen. Hood neither halted, changed the course
of the march, nor furnished us with a single partic-
ular as to his intentions, but hurried the command
on with a speed that indicated a strong desire on
his part to reach a haven of complete safety, a pro-
ceeding which met our hearty approval and co-oper-
ation. At any rate, camp was made that night
in heav}- timber about four miles from Eltham’s

Landing on York River. Here we remained until
the 7th, when before daylight we began moving to-
ward thelandingand the enemy. Gen. Hood and his
Staff were a hundred yards in advance ol the Fourth,
and Company F. next to the leading company. We
were approaching a large, deserted house, situated
on an eminence overlooking the wide valley of
York River. Between us and the house were some
cavalry pickets, who, like veritable dummies had sat
on their horses and permitted a company of Yankee
infantry to shelter itself behind the building. Hood
reached the picket line — which was scarcely a hun-
dred yards from the house — and immediately twen-
ty or more blue coats stepped out in plain view and
poured a volley into us — doing no greater damage,
however, than to give u- a terrible scare.

We were marching at will, in column, and, except
that of John Deal, not a gun was loaded. It was a
complete surprise. We were in a newly cleared
field, full of pine stumps, and, with the instinct of
self preservation, every man, except Deal — who im-
mediately knelt, fired, and mortally wounded the
Sergeant of the attacking force — hastily sought the
protection of a stump, loading his gun as he ran to
it. Hood came dashing back, shouting to the regi-
ment to fall into line, and as every stump I made
for was appropriated by a quicker man — and I had
managed to load my gun, I had no option but to be
among the first to obey orders and place myself in
approved battle array. Not half a minute elapsed
though, before every man of the regiment was in
rank, and then came the order to charge. Rushing
bravely to the crest of the eminence, we were over-
joyed to see the enemy fleeing across an open field
to a skirt of timber half a mile away, but not a man
of the fifty or more in sight and range escaped
wounding or death.

To the right of the house srrew heav}’ timber and
there, after deploying into skirmish line, a number
of Yankees were killed and c iptured. After awhile,
the brigade moved forward across the field and into
the woods beyond, but the Yankee skirmishers
were driven back so rapidly by ours that not a
single enemy capable of doing duty came within
my view. But as long as I kept out of their sight
I was thoroughly content. The other two Texas
Regiments had hot fights, which they won by gal-
lant charges, and in two hours the Yankees were
forced to take refuse in transports, protected by
gunboats which shelled the woods until night.

Thus, Charming Nellie, began and ended your
friend’s first experience under fire. He did not dis-
tinguish himself, but finds consolation in the re-
flection that neither did the enemy, nor the

Cavalry, who by their carelessness almost caused the
Fourth Texas to show the “white feather” in its
first engagement. Here I looked for the first time
on the dead and wounded of a battle. After the

fighting ceased. Jack S and I went to a poor

fellow who was mortally wounded, and filling his
canteen with water, did what we could to make him
comfortable. He admitted being from Wisconsin,
but absolutely refused to tell his command, saying
that was against orders. He was just about my
age, and it was not a pleasant thought that some
day soon I ma}-, like him, be mortally wounded and

Confederate 1/eteraQ.


left in the hands of the enemy. I do not often in-
dulge such grim fancies, but in his presence could
not avoid them.

Three days rations had been issued the da.y be-
fore we left Yorktown, and on the morning of the
8th, being- without rations, four ears of corn were
dealt out to each man. Parched, it was no bad
eating – to hungry soldiers, and we soon became gen-
uine Cornfeds. About two o’clock on the morning of
the ‘Hh, the regiment was aroused and informed that
it was to be carried, right under the. noses of the
enemv, out of very dangerous quarters, and that
the most profound silence must be maintained and
not a cup or plate suffered to rattle. Thus en-
joined, we marched out of camp as silently as
Arabs, taking the road to Richmond. The country
was open, but a heavy log enveloped it To the
right ami very near our line of march, we could dis-
tinguish the shadowy forms of horses and riders,
standing quiet and motionless — cavalry pickets,
whose close proximity to the road should, according
to military usage, have indicated the near approach
of the enemy. When, however, it was learned that

the pickets were Cavalry, our fears began to

subside, for we felt that the gallant sabereurs would
keep a careful lookout for their own safety. Never-
theless, the speed of the inarch suffered no abate-
ment, until broad daylight and the lifting of the
fog, furnished ocular demonstration of safety.
Then I drew a long and heartfelt sigh of relief;
for I am philosopher enough to derive much conso-
lation from that noble, soul-inspiring sentiment of
the poet —

He who lights and runs away,

Will live to fighi anol her day.

At ten o’clock a. m., we passed the White House
— the home of the Lee family and the place where
Gen. Washington “caught a Tartar” by marrying
the widow Custer. But as no member of the bri-
gade cared to make historical researches, we pushed
rapidly on until half the Confederate Army lav be-
tween us ami the Yankees. Then, about noon, we
won our most appreciated laurels — being- permitted
to camp in a thicket of those shrubs. In truth, we
deserved them; for little gallantry as we displayed
at Elthatn’s Landing, the Yankees showed less, and
our bold trout prevented the debarkation of Frank-
lin’s Corps and the capture of our immense wagon

What do you think? After going into camp in
the laurel thicket. I witnessed the performance of
a strange feat by a sleeping man — he caught a live
rabbit. It is a solemn undeniable fact, which lean
prove incontestably by a hundred men who failed
to catch the little animal. It was this way; the
rabbit jumped out of a hollow in a stump that some
soldier wanted for firewood, and the moment it was
seen, an immense shout went up and half a thou-
sand men began chasing and grabbing at it. It
ran hither and thither, and finally jumped squarely
on Dansby’s breast, just as his hand, moving- uncon-
sciously, descended to rest on the breast. The two
acts — that of the rabbit and that of the man — were
so nearly simultaneous, that the rabbit evidently
thought it had found a hiding place, for it made no
effort whatever to escape. Dansby drew a long

breath, opened his eyes with astonishment, looked
a moment at the captive, and then sprang- to his
feet, saying with a smile of delig-ht, “By gum —
I’m hongry.” In less than five minutes that little,
trusting- rabbit \,as stewing in a quart cup.


War anecdote by C. C. Cummings, Commander R.
E. Lee Camp, Ft. Worth,

B. L. Ridley, Murfreesboro, tells of some “Re-
markable shots in lite army” in the Februay num-
ber of the VETERAN, which are good, but a longer
and higher shot than he tells of I recall while
we were at Yorktown, in May, 1S(>2. A party
of my regiment — Seventeenth Mississippi — visited
this historic old town, by leave of absence from our
post on the Warwick (Warrick) River, to see the
monument where Cornwallis surrendered his sword
to Washington at the last battle in our first revolu-
tion. Also to witness the fun with the Yankee
balloonist who had been trying to spy our lines.
Just before we arrived that evening, the balloon
with the Yank in it had started up above the tree
tops from the lines of the enemy, some mile or more
in our front. The battery boys of the breastworks,
however, made him slide down again very quickly
when they tired a broadside at him. The crowd at
the breastworks around the battery were anxiously
awaiting the reappearance of this novelty. The
gunner stood with his hand on the lanyard ready to
bt drive whenever the thing would rise again.
Meantime night grew on apace — the stars crept out
one by one. as if afraid of being shot by the reckless
battery, and the scene was enlivened by the pickets
of both sides rushing to and fro around the monu-
ment of marble standing sentinel between our lines,
first one side ami then the other desecrating it by
talcing shelter behind it. Presently the commander
of the battery exclaimed, “There he s again, boys!
give it lo him good this time!” Bang-! bang-! boom!
boom! roared the battery. The boys raised the reb-
el veil and waited for the smoke to clear away to
see the damage done. Imagine our chagrin when
all we saw was the pale-faced moon riding serenely
above the tree tops and looking calmly down on us.
When we saw the joke our boys guffawed very
coarsely at the artillerymen, which made the battery
boys heartily ashamed of what they had done — had
shot at the man in the moon!

Camp Giles No. 708 U. C. V.. at Union, S. C,
begun the new year in a properly patriotic and en-
ergetic way. Commander J. T. Douglas presided
and the State Constitution of United Confederate
Veterans was read by W. H. S. Harris, and adopted
in its entirety. A committee of five on pensions
was appointed, comprised of Y. S. Bobo, Wm. A.
Nicholson, A. E. Fant, T. J. Hughes, and Com-
mander Douglas.

The Confederate Veteran was ordered for the
Camp. Sixty-six names were enrolled. The next
regular meeting of the Camp will be held the first
Monday in April. Comrade J L. Strain, Adjutant
of the Camp, is at Etta Jane, Union County.


(^federate l/eterap.


Henry E. Claflin, of Arbington, Mass., sends inter-
esting data about our Confederate Generals. While
it is unusually accurate for data of the kind, he ad-
mit ; that it is not absolutely so, because many Con-
federate records were destroyed. His list is as fol-
lows: Full Generals, 8; Lieutenant- Generals, 17;
Major-Generals, 82; Brigadier-Generals, 313; total,
420. He gives the Command and brief sketch of the
full Generals and that of the ranking subordinates
in their order of appointment:

It is sing-ular that so great a discrepancy occurs
in the number of Confederate Generals. Will com-
rades report errors which they ma}- discover?

Samuel Cooper, of Virginia, General Confederate
States Army, May 16, ’61; Adjutant and Inspector-
General C. S. A. from May 16, ’61, until the close of
the war; died Dec. 3, 1876.

Albert Sidney Johnston, of Texas, (a native of
Kentucky), General Confederate States Army, May
30, ’61; killed April 6, ’62, at the battle of Shiloh;
commanded Department No. 2 by special order No.
149 A. and I. G. O., Sept. 10, ’61, known as the Army
of the Mississippi.

Robert E. Lee, of Virginia, Major-General com-
manding- Virginia State Forces, ’61; Brigadier-Gen-
eral Confederate States Army, May 14, ’61; General
Confederate States Army June, 14, ’61; died Oct. 12,
’70. Commanded in Western Virginia, ’61; Coast of
South Carolina and Georgia winter of ’61 and ’62;
assigned to duty at Richmond and charg-ed with the
operations of the Confederate States Army, March 21,
’62; commanded the Army of Northern Virginia from
June 1, ’62, to the 9th of April ’65; Commander-in-
Chief of the Armies of the Confederate States of
America by general orders Feb. 6, ’65.

Joseph E. Johnston, of Virginia, Major-General
Virginia State Forces, April 26, ’61; Brigadier-Gen-
eral Confederate States Army, Ma}’ 14, ’61; General
Confederate States Army, July 4, ’61; died March
29, 1891. Commanded at Harper’s Ferry, May
24, ’61; assumed command at Bull Run July 20, ’61;
commanded Department of Northern Virginia and
Department of Norfolk and Peninsula from Oct. 22,
’61, +o June 1, ’62; commanded Department of the
West, including commands of Bragg, Kirby-Smith
and Pemberton, Nov. 24, ’62; commanded Department
of the Mississippi, March 9, ’63; assigned to the com-
mand of the Army of Tennessee, Dec. 13, ’63; remov-
ed July 17, ’64; reassigned Feb. 23, ’65, and com-
manded until the war closed.

Pierre G. T. Beauregard, of Louisiana, Brigadier-
General Confederate States Army, March 1, ’61;
General Confederate States Army, July 21, ’61;
died February 20, 1893; assigned to command at
Charleston, S. C, March 1, ’61; assigned to com-
mand Army of the Potomac, May ’61; commanded
Army of the Mississippi from March 5, ’62; in com-
mand of the Department of South Carolina and Geor-
gia, Aug. 29, ’63; commanded at Petersburg and
Drewry’s Bluff April 23, ’61; commanded Military
Division of the West Oct. 17, ’64; commanded oper-
ations at Charleston, S. C, winter of ’64 -’65; an-

nounced as second in command to Gen. J. E. John-
ston, Feb. 25, ’65.

Braxton Bragg, of Louisiana, Brigadier-General
Provisional Army Confederate Slates, March 7, ’61;
Major-General P. A. C. S., Sept. 12. ’61; General
Confederate States Army, April 12, ’62: died Sept.

27, ’76. Assigned to command of Army of Louisiana,
Feb. 22, ’61, to defences of Pensacola’Oct. 29, ’61, to
to Department of Alabama and Florida winter ’61-‘2,
to right wing Army of the Mississippi at Shiloh
April ’62; commanded Army of the Mississippi March
’62 to Nov. 12, ’62; commanded Department of Ten-
nessee, Aug. ’63 to Dec. 22, ’63; assigned to duty at
Richmond, Feb. 24, ’64; commanded Department of
North Carolina, Nov. 24, ’64.

E. Kirby-Smith, of Florida, Brigadier-General
June 17, ’61; Major-General Oct. 11, ’61; Lieutenant-
General Oct. 9, ’62; General Feb. 19, ’64; died March

28, ’93. Chief-of-Staff to Gen. J. E. Johnston, June
and July, ’61, Division composed of Brigades of
Trimble, Taylor and Elzey; commanded Depart-
ment of East Tennessee, afterward Trans-Missis-
sippi Department, Feb. 11, ’63.

John B. Hood, of Texas, Colonel 4th Texas Infan-
try, Sept. 30, ’61; Brigadier-General P. A. C. S.,
March 3, ’62; Major-General Oct. 10, ’62; Lieutenant-
General Sept. 20, ’63; General (temporary rank),
July 18, ’64; died Aug. 30, ’79. Commanded’Brigade
composed of the 1st, 4th, 25th Texas and 18th
Georgia Infantry and Hampton’s Legion, Army
of North Virginia; Division composed of the Bri-
gades of Robertson, Law, Benning and Jenkins,
Army of Northern Virginia; commanded Army of
Tennessee, July 18, ’64, to Feb. 23, ’65.


James Longstreet, of Alabama, the senior Lieu-
tenant- General, is reported as follows: Brigadier-
General, June 17, ’61;Major-General Oct. 7, ’61; Lieu-
tenant-General Oct. 9, ’62; commanded Brigades com-
posed of the 1st, 7th, 11th and 17th Virginia Infan-
try, Army of the North Potomac, ’61; Division com-
posed of the Brigades of Kemper, Pickett, Wilcox,
Anderson, Pryor and Featherstone, Army of North-
ern Virginia; commanded First Corps of Northern
Virginia from Aug. 13, ’62, to Aug. 14, ’63; com-
manded left wing of Army of Tennessee from Oct.
to Dec. ’63; commanded from Dec. 5, ’63, to April
12, ’64, Department of East Tennessee; commanded
First Corps, composed of Pickett’s, Field’s and Ker-
shaw’s Divisions of Infantry and Alexander’s Divis-
ion of Artillery, Army of Northern Virginia, from
Oct. 4, ’64, to the close of the war.


David E. Twiggs, of Georgia, was the senior Ma-
jor-General May 22, ’61; died Sept. 15, ’62. He was
assigned to the Command of the District of Louisiana
April 17, ’61, with headquarters at New Orleans.

Barnard E. Bee was the senior Brigadier of South
Carolina who named the great Jackson “Stonewall.”
Brigadier-General June 17, ’61; killed at Bull Run
July 21, ’61. His Brigade was composed of the 4th
Alabama and 2nd and 11th Mississippi and 1st Ten-
nessee Infantry and Imboden’s Battery, Army of the

Confederate Veteran.



Charles Edgeworth Jones, of Augusta, Ga., has
taken much pains in a compilation of statistics about

Missouri — Four Major-Generals and twelve Briga-
dier-Generals — 1<> in all.

Tennessee — Two Lieu tenant-Generals, eight Ma-
jor-Generals and thirty-four Brigadier Generals — 44
in all.

Kentuky — One Lieutenant- General, five Major-
Generals and sixteen Brigadier Generals— 22 in all.

Maryland — Three Major-Generals and six Briga-
dier-Generals — V in all.


our Confederate Generals. He reports the total as
474. Mr. Jones gives them by States and as follows:

Virginia — Three full Generals, five Lieutenant-
Generals, seventeen Major-Generals, and fifty-four
Brigadier-Generals — 79 in all.

North Carolina — Two Lieutenant-Generals, seven
Major-Generals, and twenty-nine Brigadier-Generals

38 in all.

Georgia — Three Lieutenant-Generals, seven Ma-
jor-Generals, and fortv-two Brigadier-Generals — 52
in all.

Florida — One General in Provisional Army of Con-
federate States, three Major-Generals, and ten Briga-
dier-Generals 14 in all.

Alabama Due Licutenat-Ceneral, six Major-
Generals, and twenty-nine Brigadier-Generals — 36
in all.

Mississippi — Five Major-Generals and thirty Brig-
adier-Generals 35 in all.

Louisiana Two full Generals, two Lieutenant-
Generals, four Major-General.., and twenty-two Brig-
adier-Generals -30 in all.

Texas One full General with temporary rank,
three Major-Generals, and thirty-six Brigadier-Gen-
erals — 41 in all.

Indian Territory— One Brigadier-General (Stand

France -One Major-Genera] (Camille J. Polignac).

Arkansas — Four Major-Generals and eighteen
Brigadier-Generals — 22 in all.


Father A. J. Ryan wrote the New OrleansTimes-
Democrat soon after dedication ol the recumbent
figure of Gen. Lee, in the Chapel of Washington and

Lee University, an account of John W. Daniel’s ora-
tion, stating:

He began his oration in a simple, yet striking,
way, alluding to the home of Lee before the war.
It was only the preface to a glorious oration.

He rose as he proceeded as a man in climbing the
slopes of a mountain to see the setting sun. Half
wav Up the slope he seemed to rest, but you could
see in his face and hear in the tremor of his voice
and his graceful swaying gestures that he rested
for a purpose. I think it was the glory-hour of his
address. When he swung back his classic head, he
alluded to President Davis, with his heart in his
voice and in words that were royal.

It was the grand Southern amen to words grand
as they were, and grandly spoken of a man grander
than any words. Some eyes were moist with tears
then- tributes to our president, who suffered for us

God bless him. The orator went on, rising high-
er and higher in his eloquence, and when he con-
cluded there was one man in that audience who
said to himself “the orator equals the occasion.”
Then General Early spoke briefly. He commanded
your humble servant to come forward and face a
crowd already entranced witli glorious eloquence.
I obeyed, said a few words, recited the “Sword of
Robert Lee,” and stole away. Stonewall Jackson’s
daughter. Julia, unveiled tin- statue. Crowds went
in and came out, and the faces of many were sad.
Clouds were gathering way over on the mountains.
The sun went down and Lexington will never see
such a day again, because the world will never know
another Robert Lee.

A. Forrest, Sherman, Texas: I have in my pos-
session one pocket Bible which I would like to re-
turn to the original owner, if he can be found.
There is written in the back “Water Valley, Miss.”
“I had rather lie a minister of the gospel than to
be king over all this earth” is also written on it,
“Shelbyville, Tenn.,” and signed “Hugh.” He
was, I think, in 29th Illinois Regiment, which was
captured at Trenton, West Tennessee, early in 1863,
by one of General N. B. Forrest’s men. I am one
of them, and stuck to Forrest when the others left
him at Plantersville, twenty-two miles North of
Selma, Ala., near the close of the war.


Qopfedcrate l/eterai).

Confederate l/eterao.

S.A.CUNNINGHAM. Kdhor and I’rop’r. 8. W. MKKK. Publisher.

oiHce: Willcox Building, Church Street. Nashville, Tenn,

This publication is the personal property of s. a.. Cunningham. All
persons who approve its principles.aud realize its benelits as an or^an for
Associations throughout the South, a’e requested to commend its patron-
age and to co-operate in extending ; t.


Tennessee Confederates have not shown greater
patriotic zeal since the war than is now being- man-
ifested in behalf of the Confederate Memorial Asso-
ciation. Col. Robt. C. Wood, of New Orleans, in
special charg-e of the work for promoting- this great
enterprise, will occupy many pages in the Veteran
for March in this interest. Abundant space has
been tendered and he will give an account of what
is being done. In a note he says: “I thank you for
the kind proffer which you make. Appreciating-
the value of the Vetekan as a vehicle of communi-
cation with the Confederate element of the country,
and having a higti estimation of its influence, it
will afford me pleasure to prepare for your March
issue a statement of the progress of the work of the
Confederate Memorial Committee.”


It will be interesting to Confederates generally to
know that twenty thousand Union veterans are be-
ing provided with homes by the general govern-
ment. They are located at the following- places:
Dayton, O., 5,189; (Northwestern) Milwaukee, Wis.,
2,448; Leavenworth, (Kan.), 2,492; Hampton, Va ,
3,126; Augusta, Me., 1,977; Marion, lad., 1,501;
and Santo Monica, Chi., 1,455. There are twenty-
two Soldiers’ Homes in as many Northern States.

With the seven National Homes there are 422,770
acres of land which cost $234,577.84, and the im-
provements cost $4,461,190.30.

The aggregate cost of maintaining these homes
from the beginning to June 30, ’95 was $38,487,700.

The expenditures in the seven branches are be-
tween $2,500,000 and $3,00.000 a year.

All the foregoing is independent of pensions. It
is estimated that four-fifths of the benificiaries of
the National Home draw pensions averaging $10
each per month. Pensioners getting less than $16
are entitled to the benefits of support at this Na-
tional Home without any deduction from their

The writer had the courtesy, recently, of escort
through the various departments of the Milwaukee
branch by Col. Cornelius Wheeler, Governor. There

were present that morning- 2,448 inmates while
300 were absent on leave. It was most interesting
to go through so many large buildings so thoroughly
provided for comfort. Ah! the memories of those
four terrible years which were aroused!

It was gratifying- to see such liberal provision
for the maimed old men, and the impulse to com-
mend the unstinted liberality of the government in
so providing was checked by taking a broader view,
in which equally unfortunate American citizens en-
gaged in that same great war with juster cause —
the defense of home and other property guaranteed
by the constitution of the country — were known to
be destitute. What mysteries in this world!

The Veteran for January solemnly commended
the action of Congress in repealing the “prescriptive
disabilities” of Confederates, but an omission of a
story occurred which was not intended. It was to
have been an illustrative comment, and is here given:
In the writer’s regiment eight men deserted while
stationed at Port Hudson, La. They were arrested,
returned to their command, kept under guard and
on extra duty for months. During- the siege of
Jackson, Miss., they were released and given three

The above mentioned circumstance furnishes a
reminiscence: On a hot August day during the
siege, when fifty volunteers had been called out to ad-
vance our skirmish line, and hnddone so, one of these
eight was lying near the writer on the South side of
a fence, when he began to murmur, saying volunteers
had been called and he was detailed. Soon one of
the hard, harsh minie balls struck the small fence
post back of which he sought protection. The un-
fortunate soldier was struck and, glad of an excuse,
started to the rear. When he had gone but a short
distance he fell upon his face in the plowed ground
— dead.

The Governor of Texas, Hon. C A. Culberson, is
wisely giving to the people of his great State an ac-
count of what had been done through the year by
legislative enactments, and an account of his own
(the executive) department says:

The Confederate Home was formerly supported
by fees received from several State departments.
As these fees were uncertain and varied in amount
from time to time, the efficient maintenance of the
home was doubtful and precarious. By an act of
the last legislature all question is removed, and the
home has been established upon a permanent basis
by appropriation from the general revenue, where
disabled veterans of the Confederacy are generously
provided for.

Confederate l/eteraij.


Mrs. Jolin A. Jackson, of Pulaski, has been re-
ferred to in connection with the execution of Samuel
Davis. She ardently espoused the Union cause and
was specially favored by its general officers. She
had influence with the authorities, and she often
used it effectually in behalf of Southerners. Gen.
Dodge, in his deep anxiety to save the life of Samuel
Davis, sought to have Mrs. Jackson visit him. and
in a recent thrilling accountof those days and nights
of anguish she writes to the Giles County Record,
after referring its readers to the VETERAN con-
taining an elaborate account, states:

“With moisture in his eyes. General Dodge spoke
of Sam Davis as no common young man — one full of
energy and promise, and one he would be glad to
save from so sad a fate. He urged me to go and
see Davis. I felt it would be useless. Nor would I
have tried to influence him in his strong determina-
tion, and contrary to his ideas of right. 1 knew
his sympathies were intense in the Southern cause.
Peril could not daunt his manly courage; and if. as
he said, he had given his promise not to betray, be
would give his life to shield the betrayer. Vet it
has been one of the regrets of my life that I did not
visit him in his prison cell.

The thought has come to me since those dark-
hours, freighted with terrors, siyhs and tears, that
I might, in kindly ministrations, have lightened the
gloom of his surroundings, and brought comfort to
the poor boy in a strange place, away from his loved
ones, fettered in chains and looking an ignominious
death in the face. The human heart sometimes
grows faint, sick, and weary; and feels powerless,
however the will may urye, to goastep farther, and
thus it was with the writer. How little I feel able
to explain myself. However, out of this seeming
wilful neglect of duty, to human eves, came deep
regrets that so preyed upon my heart, 1 determined,
God willing, that all other poor sufferers similarly
situated should have all the aid that I could bring
to lessen the ills of life.”

Sam Davis is tried and condemned to death as a
spy. The citizens shudder. The sound of the saw
and hammer are heard. The gallows is built on
East Hill. All eyes involuntarily turn and look once
on the hideous thing. The day of execution has
come. The windows and doors of every home are
closed. The deepest agonies fold their wimrs in the
soul. The young soldier’s fate has been heard with
tears, pity, and sympathy wherever the English
language is read.


General and Governor Churchill, of Arkansas,
who telegraphed Senator Berry at Washington to
offer his services to the President in the event of a
war with England, explained:

“I did this to show that the South and all the
old Confederates .are loyal to the Union and are
willing and ready to defend the Government from
all foreign foes. The crisis has come when we must
either uphold the Monroe doctrine or abandon it
altogether, and I am in favor of enforcing it.”

This Veteran acknowledges an interesting letter
from Hon. J. 1). Tillman, Minister to Ecuador.
While Colonel of the Forty- first Tennessee Regiment
to which the writer belonged and served much as
Sergeant-Major there was much that created memo-
ries winch last. Col. Tillman’s temper could be de-
tected by his address to the Sergeant-Ma jor. If all
went well “Sumner” was the pleasantly familiar
term used but if he was angry with anybody in the

regiment he would emphasize “Sergeant C .”

Minister Tillman writes from Quito, beginning
his letter in this good-natured way:

Legation of the United States, Ouito, Nov. 12,
1895. The sound of the brass bands for six months,
of the roll of the kettle drums night and day, and
bugles at all hours almost of the night, have caused
me to think frequently of our campaigns of thirty
years ago, and with these thoughts of the great re-
bellion have come memories of many id’ my old com-
rades. As these memories have passed through the
mind, I have now and then written a few lines to
some ol the old soldiers of our regiment and brigade.
If I could have forgotten von under the circum-
stances the s i o’ 1 1 1 of the CONFEDERATE VETERAN
would have brought you to memorv. I have received

in the last tour months all the numbers of the Vet-
eran except October, which I expect to receive to-
morrow, and with it, or in it, a full accounted’ the
dedication id” Chickamauga Park. That park is a
great work and I am glad that ourcountrv has been
so generous and impartial in committing to bronze
and marble the names anil deeds of heroism of the
men who have contributed to all the great achieve-
ments of the North American people in commerce.
agriculture and manufacture and in eloquence
and art, added a reputation for courage and devo-
tion to principle not excelled even by Rome or
Greece. A man. who leaves the United States to re-
side in other countries, old or young, needs no other
incentive to patriotism than absence from his native
land, but it is well to keep alive, by monuments and
literature, the recollection of the struggles for liberty
and principle in our own country.

Basil L. Neal. Cleuese, Ga., color bearer of Com-
pany I), 12th Georgia Battalion, or 6th Georgia
Regiment, S. T. writes: I would like to know who
has the flag of tht» 6th Georgia Regiment. I have
the belt and sword I carried when we disband-
ed. Our Colonel’s name was Henderson, of this

E. A. Perry Camp, No. 150, U. C. V, of Lake
City, Florida, held memorial services on the 20th of
January, commemorative of the birth of R. E. Lee.
About seventy-five Veterans were in line. A din-
ner was served at the Watz House, and from
1:30 to 4 p. m., the old soldiers enjoyed the oc-


Confederate Veterai).



The first Company organized in Marengo County,
Alabama, was the “Marengo Rifles,” which became
Company A, Eleventh Alabama Infantry on being
mustered into the Confederate service at Lynchburg
Virginia, earl)’ in June, 1861.

This Company was composed principally of school
boys from the Linden Academy and other schools
of the county, though subsequently receiving a num-
ber of recruits to fill vacancies occasioned by the
casualties of battle and the ravages of disease, and
but a few of these recruits were married men.

I well remember, on the day the Company was or-
ganized and as the boys, one by one, attached their
signatures to the Company roll, while old man Jim
Welch (my cousin) beat the long roll upon the old
drum he had used in the Mexican war, how I
was so thrilled with excitement that I trembled as I
ascended the stairway of the old court house in Lin-
den to place my autograph along with those who
were offering their lives in defense of their homes
and loved ones. I was just seventeen years of age,
and the youngest member of the Company.

When the Company was organized (in the early
spring of ’61) the volunteer spirit was so great that
it had to be announced long before the close of the
day that no more names could be enrolled. There
were 105 names on the list. The Company was or-
ganized under a call from G. M. Moody, a hotel-
keeper of Linden, and he was made Captain. Thos.
H. Holcombe was elected First Lieutenant; John B.
Rains, an attorney, Second Lieutenant; and Wm. B.
Young, a seventeen-year-old Tuscaloosa cadet,
Third Lieutenant. All these are dead now except
“Billy” Young, who is a Circuit Judge at Jackson-
ville, Florida. I want to say here that no greater
hero ever unsheathed a sword than this young officer,
and it was owing to ‘his thorough knowledge of
military tactics and manly bearing that the Company
gained such proficiency in the drill, on the skirmish
line and amid thunder and carnage of battle.

After Rains became Captain he would take the
Company on the drill ground and, having no knowl-
edge of military tactics, soon got the boys all “tan-
gled up,” and not knowing how to “straighten ’em
out,” would say to Lieutenant Young, “Oh, — !
Billy, take the Company; I can’t do anything with
them.” Billy would give one. or two commands and
every man would be in line.

After the election of officers preparations were at
once made for going into camp. The citizens of
the count} 7 contributed money to buy tents and all
necessary camp equipage, besides a handsome and
costly gray uniform for the Company. The women
(God bless them) presented us with a fine silk flag
at a cost of $150.00, which was never allowed to trail
in the dust.

A beautiful location was selected at the Hogan
Spring, two miles east of Linden, for our Company
camp ground. We pitched our tents, run our flag
up to the breeze and went into military life in
earnest. During the spring and early summer we
were marched twice a day to the drill grounds and





\ ^W s;


■ -J ‘

under the training of Lieutenant Younsr became one
of the best drilled companies in Lee’s Army.

On the 17th day of June, 1861, we broke camp and
set out for the front and it was not many days un-
til we got a scent of the smoke of battle.

While doing
picket duty on the
Rappa h annoc k
above Fredericks-
burg, beating
time in the snow,
a letter was hand-
ed me bearing the
postmark of Lin-
den. I opened it
and it contained a
letter from Miss
Susie Marshall.
On one of the
sheets of paper
she had printed a
facsimile of our
flag, and under-
neath it had writ-
ten, in matchless
chirograph} – , these
n. b. hogan. memorable lines:

”For me A soldier’s true friend,
Nobly your glorious banner defend-”

Susie, (I dont want to say “Miss”) had capital-
ized the “A,” giving it such emphasis as led me to
conclude that she was the “true friend” ol some par-
ticular “soldier.” Ever after the receipt of this
missive, when the conflict raged in merciless fury’
around me, those lines would come unbidden to
mind, and under the influence of their magic words
I would be urged on, thinking only of home, coun-
try, that glorious banner and Susie

To the devotion, fortitude and self-sacrificing
spirit of the women is due most of the credit for the
glory that surrounds the soldiery of the South.

In a former article I have told of our confronting
Patterson at Winchester, of the march to Manassas,
and the wounding of our Brigade Commander,
Kirby-Smith, on July 21st, near the Henry house.

There is a singular coincidence in my own depart-
ure and return home. On the 17th day of June, 1861,
I left home for the front, and on June 17th, 1865,
just four years afterwards, I left Fort Delaware,
where I had been held a prisoner since ‘he battle of
Gettysburg, July 2nd, 1863. I had never been home.
The roll of this Company illustrates forcibly the
ravages of war.


Adams, J. E. (“Dock”), killed at Seven Pines.

Adams, Chas. J., killed at Seven Pines.

Adams, John J., killed in Texas.

Adams, J as. E., badly wounded at Seven Pines.

Adams, Thos. J., died.

Brown, Albert, killed in Petersburg.

Bruce, Henry, wounded at Petersburg, Oct. 22nd.

Brady, Wiley, died.

Brame, Henry, died.

Brasswell, Elias, died.

Qoijfederate Ueterap.


Breckenridge, John, died at Richmond.
Breckenridge, E., died at Bristo Station.
Beasley, Benj., mortally wounded at Gettysburg-.
Boozer, Harry, killed at Petersburg.
Bullock, Jas., transferred to Georgia Reg’t; killed

at Frazier’s Farm.
Carter, Sam’l, killed at the “Crater.”
Coats, John, killed at Sharpsburg.
Crawford, Lucius, killed near Petersburg.
Crawford, James, killed at Frazier’s Farm.
Cleland, Jas. H., discharged; died.
Daniels, Nathan, discharged.
Doss, C. W., killed at Gaines’ Mills.
Daniels, L., killed at Gaines’ Mills.
Daniels, Jesse, killed at Gaines’ Mills.
Elmore, Benj., killed at Gaines* Mills.
Eskridge, Nathan, killed at Gaines’ Mills.
Filer, John, killed at Frazier’s Farm.
Ford, Henry, died near Centerville, lSf>2.
Gamble, Joe, killed at Sharpsburg.
Heath, Wm., only deserter in Company.
Holcombe, T. H., Capt., killed at Frazier’s Farm.
Heard, J. F., died a prisoner at Ship Island.
Heard, T. S., died in St. Chas. Hotel, Richm’d, ’62.
Hogau, N. B., wounded and captured at Gettysburg’.
Hayes, Win., killed at Petersburg – .
Hawkins, .las., killed at Petersburg.
Jolly, John, killed at Frazier’s Farm.
Jolly, Thos., killed at Appomattox.
Johnson. Thos., killed at the “Crater.”
Johnson, A. A., killed at Gaines’ Mills.
Johnson, M. M., death wound at Salem Church.
Keller, Jas., taken prisoner at Gettysburg.
Land rum, E. D., died at Williamsburg.
Mcintosh. Win., killed at Frazier’s Farm.
McLaughlin, W. A., captured at Cettvsburg.
McDonald, .las., killed at the “Crater!”
McNeil, Chas., killed at Frazier’s Farm.
McNeil, Wm., killed at Frazier’s Farm.
Moody, Y. M., Capt., resigned, raised 43d Ala. Inf.
Moore, Moses, died.
Morgan, P., died at Mt. Jackson, Ya.,
Morgan, M. J., died from wound ree’d atPetersb’g.
Nored, Wesley, killed at Seven Pines.
Nored, Marshal, killed at Seven Pines.
Nieols, Moses, died at Richmond.
Ogletree, Jas., died at Richmond.
Ogletree, Benj., paroled at Appomattox.
Ogletree, S. D., paroled at Appomattox.
Post. Ceo., a New Yorker and good soldier.
Pearl, Thos., died of wound ree’d at Frazier’s Farm.
Poellhitz, Jas., discharged.

Rogers, Hugh, made prisoner at Frazier’s Farm.
Rogers, Henry, killed at Frazier’s Farm,
Ross, T. F.. killed at Frazier’s Farm.
Ross, W. C, killed at Frazier’s Farm.
Sollie, F. E., taken prisoner at Gettysburg.
Singleton, Jas., killed at Gettysburg.
Steadman, John, wounded; discharged.
Spivey, Jas., killed at Spottsylvania.
Stephenson, W. H., hospital steward.
Shaw, Paul G., killed at Petersburg, June 22, 1S(.4.
Thomas, “Dock.” discharged.
Tyce, Dan’l, killed at Frazier’s Farm.
Tyce, Frank, killed near Asheville after surrender.
Tucker, Henry, died.

Tucker, James, died at Manassas.

Tucker, Thomas, died in Fort Delaware.

Yarner, James, killed at Frazier’s Farm.

Yarner. Sam., killed at Frazier’s Farm.

Wade, Thos., killed at Frazier’s Fram.

Walker Nath., woune’ed at Petersburg, died.

Wade. Wm., died of wound received at Richmond.

Worthington, Wm.. died.

Witherspoon, Thos. M., Adjt. Gen. forW. H. Forney.

Williams, Joe, died.

Williams, Wm., wounded.

Woodson. Rev., lost an arm at Manassas.

Woodson. Lev., killed.

The following were paroled at Appomattox:

John B. Rains, Captain: Wm. B. Young, First
Lieutenant: John Adams, Second Lieutenant; Thos.
M. Witherspoon, Adjutant General; Henry Brame,
John Llaekwell, John Hlakenev, W. C. Morgan,
Frank Tyce, Ben McClinton, Wm. Griffith. Robert
Allen. S. I). Ogletree, Benj. Ogletree, and William

These additional names are given without report
as to what became of the men.

Allen. Robt.; Llaekwell. John; Bush, Dock.; Blake-
ne\ , John; Carter, John: Eskridge, J. ; Earniss, Wm. ;
Fifer, Chas.; Griffith, Wm.; Gilmore, Thos., Basil
and Alban; Huckabee, Lucius: Jones, Wm.; Jolly.
Wm.; Lee, Jas. E. ; McFarlane, Thos. ; McClinton,
Benj.; Morgan, W. C. and A. J.; Norris, Frank;
Pearl, Jas.; Rogers, E. ; Reeves, Wm.; Rains, Jno.
B., Captain; Suggs, Simon, Smith, Wm.; Stevison,
Frank; Yarner, John; Walker, Wm.; Wilkerson, J.;
Wayne, Alex.; Witherspoon, Dr. Wm. ; Young, W.
B., First Lieutenant.

Comrade Hogan resides at Springfield, Mo.

Confederate Relics fob the Centenni m.. –Com-
rade W. J. Travis, Tullahoina. Tenn., has a collec-
tion of some 300 Confederate relics which will be on
exhibition at the Tennessee Centennial. In the lot
there is a “well-preserved pie” in a glass case, baked
by a Confederate soldier in 1863. There are spe< i-
mens of carpets woven during the war, and a piece of
the tree under which Gen. Starucs was mortally
wounded, near Tullahoina, in 1863. Friend Travis
has a large apartment of old guns, sabers, shells,
canteens and many historical documents. This relic
feature should be very prominent at the Centennial.

W. G. Whitefield, Paducah, Ky.: I wish to know

the name of Confederate officer who was killed at
Wautaga, Tenn.. Sept. 29, ‘<>4, live miles below Car-
ter’s Station, in a hand-to-hand encounter with the
Fifteenth Pennsylvania and Sixteenth Kentucky
Cavalry, Gi Hem’s Command. He was tall and slender,
wore long black whiskers, and rode a black horse.

Comrade Geo. D. Branard, Secretary of Hood’s
Texas Brigade Association skives to the press that
“already the old members of the brigade have begun
planning to attend the next reunion, which will be
held in Huntsville, June 27, and that many of the
old soldiers wall go from there to Richmond, Ya.,
to attend the reunion of the United Confederate


Qopfederate l/eterai?.

By Daniel Bond, Nashville, Tenn.

(Continuation ol Article in Januftr; Vltkban.)

The South again having- entered the Union, sur-
rendered all that was claimed of her. To the new
Amendments of the Constitution she is as loyal as
she was to the old. In fact, the Constitution rinds
its true defenders from this section. It is as much
our Union and our flag- as it ever was. Brave sol-
diers will spring- forward from this section as quick-
ly as from any other to defend it against foreig-n foe.

Tennessee is to-day as much an integral part
of this Union as Vermont, and is just as proud of
our great Republic; yet the Governor of this State
was quite rig-ht when he told the Governor of that,
at the dedication of Chickamaug-a Park, we would
certainly teach our children that in the great
struggle — in which thousands gave up their lives
at Chickamauga and elsewhere — we fought for
the right. And our war Governor was right
in his reply when President Lincoln, on the 15th of
April, 1861, called upon the Governors of the sev-
eral States for militia — 75,000 in the aggregate — to
suppress ‘-certain combinations” in the seceding

“Tennessee will vol furnish a single man for coer-
cion, bit t jo, ooo, if necessary, for the defense of otcr
rig his or those of our Southern brethren.’ 1 ”

Yet, I think all resentment against the North on
the part of the people of the South died with the
closing of the war. Having submitted their cause
to the arbitrament of the sword, and the decision
being against them, they quietly submitted. In
place of this, there was a warm feeling of friend-
ship for the Northern soldier who had fought so
bravely for a restoration of the Union.

On the contrar}-, I think a hatred of the South
began at the North only with the close of the war.
Else, why the hanging of the helpless man Wirz,
for not feeding sufficient!) – the prisoners of war that
were refused exchange by their own people, when
our own soldiers were starving? Why the hanging
of poor, innocent Mrs. Surratt? Why the order com-
manding every rebel soldier to cut off the buttons
from his old gra\ jacket? Why the manacling and
chaining of Jefferson Davis in a casemate of a fort
from which there could be no possibility of escape?
And yet they dared not submit the question of his
treason to the courts!

What a commentary it would have been — after
fighting four years to make treason odious, after
destroying the South — to find there had been no

Why such expressions from representative men of
the North like this from Henry Ward Beecher, who
said in a sermon: “Those who suffered in the South
were not mart}’rs in a good cause, but convicts in a
bad one,” and “who shall comfort them that sit by
dishonored graves?”

Why should our brothers at the North approve
the attempt by the old fanatic, John Brown to
massacre the slave holders of Virginia with the help
of their slaves? Why do they eulogize him as the
noblest of heroes? Why should the conquen d South
have been subjected to the bitterness of reconstruc-

tion, her people refused the privilege of the ballot,
and the heel of the ignorant negro placed upon the
neck of the proudest people of all America? Why
should the Secretary of Staie have inlormed the
Pan-American Congress that there was nothing
worth visiting South of the Potomac River?

It has been said that the injured one can always
forgive, but that he who maliciously wounds
another can never forgive his victim.

The writer saw armed Federal soldiers guarding
the graves of the few Confederate soldiers buried in
a corner at Arlington, on the 30th of May, 1868, to
prevent the Southern ladies of Washington from
placing flowers on their grazes.

Is there any one in the whole South who can un-
derstand the wild frenzy and rabid utterances of a
Governor of a Western State at the prospect of a
return of some old flags to certain organizations in
the South — who wished them as souvenirs — twenty
years after the war was over? Why is it that par-
tisan school books and histories must be continually
written, filled with such falsehoods, when the au-
thors could easily discover the truth if they desired

Why should continual effort be made to impress
the seeker after truth with a belief that the South
attempted to destroy the government by making
war upon it, when that South attempted peaceably to
secede from a contract after the conditions were

The South to-day thoroughly appreciates Abra-
ham Lincoln, and is proud of him as an American
citizen. The children of the North are still taught
the silly old lie of Jefferson Davis’ capture in women’s
clothes. That it has been disproved again and
again, by his actual captors, and never had any
basis except a waterproof cloak, seems of no conse-

A prominent statesman, afterwards a candidate
for the Presidency, declared on the floor of the House
of Representatives that the Southern leaders in the
war were more cruel than the Duke of Alva in the
Lowlands, and further stated that he fully realized
the awfulness of such a charge.

He knew, of course, that there were fewer deaths
and more prisoners in the South, more deaths and
fewer prisoners at the North; that food and medi-
cine was scarce in the former, and plentiful in the
latter. He thought the horrible lie would be useful

I have never seen a solitary instance, in the
Northern so-called histories, of a battle in which the
Union army was defeated but what the relative
strength of the two armies was falsely given At
Chickamauga recently a Northern statesman, in his
speech, draws the inference from the number of reg-
iments engaged on each side, that the Southern troops
outnumbered their adversaries, while scarceh a
Southern regiment contained more than three hun-
dred men. Vol. 50, fficial War Records, show the
Federal force to havi been fullv 90.000 men: while
Gen. Bragg’s report and Maj. Falconer’s statement
Vol. 52, War Records, show the Confederate forces
to have been 48,000.

The surrender at Appomattox is a favorite theme
for misrepresentation and falsehood. (The truth

Confederate l/eterap.


Yacht Deerhound
(Royal Yacht Squadron.)

Tliis fast blockade runner (Engraving from Lieut. Sinclair’s Two Years on the Alabama) lay in the
dock at Galveston, ready to carry money to Cuba lor President Davis, who expected to escape From I
gia to that Island, and then join Kirbv-Smith in Texas to make a final struggle tor the Confederacy, when

it was ascertained that “.ill was lost save honor.

there can never suffice the average Northern writer. >
That Lee’s small army of less than 2(>,ililii men, the
most of whom had been without food lor two days,
should have been all that were conquered there by
the great Army of Grant, seems rather to reflect a
glory on the Rebels than upon the Northern soldiers,
and will not do.

Gen. Grant says he recognized the famishing con-
dition of Lee’s Army and offered to supply it with
rations, which were gratefully accepted by Lee.
Upon inquiry by him as to the number of men in his
army, Gen. Lee replied about 25,000 men. It was
afterwards found that there were i ot nearly so many,
as some thousands had straggled off during the re-
treat in search ol food. AreGenerals Lee and Grant
to be believed ?

The scenes connected with the surrender must
also lie productive of false and foolish fiction.
The average school boy can dramatically recite how
Gen. Grant refused to receive the tendered sword of
Gen Lee: but with noble mein and gesture bade him
keep it. as he knew no one more worthy to bear it.
The fact that both of these Generals denied that any
such incident occurred, that any sword was either
offered or returned, goes for naught. Lately, the
Secretary of the Navy, a Southern man, gave his
high authority to this silly tale.

Lit us have a true history of the Civil War. It is
quite time, since that war ended more than thirty
years ago. Let every statement be verified by its
author. If the total strength of the Southern
armies was less than 700,000 men, ami that of the
Northern armies was greater than 2,700,000; if the

disparity in regard to arms and supplies wis infin-
itely greater; il one army was well clothed, well
fed. and well paid; while the other was clothed, not
by the Government, but by friends at home, with
homespun cloth woven in their looms, was p. orly
fed, and not paid at all. i or what amount-
nothing, the little pay that was finally given the
soldiers being treated by them as a joke); if the
smaller army resisted the greater for four years and
was the victor in nearly every contest where the
forces were anything like equal if these are facts,
then by all means let the generation growing up be
duly informed.

There is nothing so good in this world id’ ours as
the truth.

If it is true that the Rebels killed more men than
they had in their own entire army before they sur-
rendered ; if it is true that the ( lovernment is pa ying
pensions to more persons than were in that army,
let it be so written.

If the number of Northern soldiers who were
wounded, Frightened or badly demoralized during
the war. and if persons who were dependent upon
them, amount to more than nine hundred and sixty
nine thousand, and may soon reach a million, and
the amount ptid them fast year was more thai
hundred and forty million dollars, let the historian
note the fact that the last gun was fired more than
thirty years ago. Many id’ these pensioners must
have reached the age of a hundred \ears, in fact, all
of them who entered the army at sixty-live. Mar-
velous fact for the future historian lo note! All
who enlisted at the commencement of the war at


Confederate l/eteran.

the age of thirty-five must now be three score and

Commissioner Win. L. Lochren, of the Pension
Office, in his late annual report, and commenting on
above figures, says:

“Those men who entered early and fought the
battles of the war were not moved by mercenary
considerations, and unless actually disabled did not
show the haste in applying for pensions manifested
by those who enlisted near the close of the war for
large bounties, and did little active service and who
are now the noisiest in clamoring for more pen-
sions. As compared with this latter class, the real
soldiers of the war have been modest in preferring
claims for pensions.”

Now, if Mr. Lochren is telling the truth, make a
note of it, and if he speaks falsel}-, let it be shown.

We must not forget the glorious memories of the
Old South. The “business interest” must not be
allowed to destroy all sentiment. Enterprise and
thrift are well enough, but there are some signs in
this desire for an exchange of old ideas for the new
that stem but taking the false for the true.

The old time Southerner, with all of his exagger-
ated pride and pompous manner, was a man of un-
flinching probity and would not lie nor steal.

Some of the financial agents of the New Regime
can do both. The defaulting trustee, the “piomo-
ter” and the tramp, unheard of under the old dis-
pensation, are very much in evidence under the new.

And the old time hospitality of the South! It is
going too. Perhaps there is none of this charac-
teristic mark of the dear old days left — so illustra-
tive of a warm, unselfish heart — save in portions of
old Virginia and the Carolinas.

Business suggests that we entertain those who
entertain us, or worse still, that we do it as a stroke
of business advertising; and selfish greed is now
really the basis of this old Southern virtue. There
is not much of it left but a conventional fiction.

A very large immigration to the South is not, I
think, to be desired. The occupation of this fair
land by millions of people not to the manner born, as
is the case in the northwest, means an end to pa-
triotism and noble sentiment. Though we stock
the land with people as thickly as China, though
we build factories upon every hillside and pollute
every beautiful stream with their refuse, though
we erect palaces for the men who own the factories
and possess a hundred million dollars and ten thou-
sand slaves, — whom they do not even feed or clothe
— the tin-bucket brigade, who work in factories —
yet the change is hardly to be desired.

There is something better than wealth, some-
thing dearer than success. Let us cultivate and
renew the virtues of the Old South, while we gather
from our Northern brethren whatever they can give
us that may be of present use. And let us ever
keep fresh in our hearts proud recollections of the
patient endurance, the indomitable resolution, and
the matchless heroism of the Rebels of ‘7f> and ’61.

There will come a time when justice will be done
Southern song. Southern sentiment, and South-
ern heroism. Wise statesmen will 3 r et arise who

will realize, as Charles Sumner did, that since the
Union has been restored, it is not the part of the
patriotic lover of that Union to attempt to perpet-
uate by emblem, device, or statute the fact that one
part of the country had subjugated another part,
that brothers of the same race had once been en-
gaged in bloody Civil War.

Is there any distinction made to-day in England
between the descendants of – the followers of the Red
Rose of Lancaster and the White Rose of York?
Those who followed the Duke of Monmouth and those
who remained true to King James the Second have
become merged into one family. This, despite the
fact that King James, with the help of JeiTrys the
brute, seemed determined to hang every one of the
“base rebels.” Again, when this same James is con-
quered in turn by the Prince of Orange, does our
mother country attempt to brand the adherents of
either with shame? Though Cromwell’s body was
removed from its grave to be brutally mutilated by
royal authority— that treason be made odious — the
English historian of the present day writes him
down the hero that he was.

Can there be any doubt that the future will do
full justice to the South’s heroic struggle, her brave
soldiery, and her great Captain?

The Southern soldier gets no pension from his
Government, and does not wish it. The graves of
our bravest are unmarked, while those of the Union
soldier are grouped in beautiful cemeteries. But
these very differences serve but to defeat the pur-
poses — to place a false stigma upon the South and its
heroes. Love is stronger than hate, the touch
of nature that makes the whole world kin warms
the heart, and universal sympathy is poured out for
the unsuccessful and the vanquished, and not for
the fortunate and the conqueror.

The monuments at Chiekamauga Park, which
show the position of the various Union regiments
and batteries at the time of the battle, serve but to
cause the inquiries: “Who were the troops who
opposed them? Where were the men posted who
drove this great army from that field? It is of
these I desire to hear.”

Oh! Men of the South, only be true to yourselves,
and your vindication is as certain as the final tri-
umph of truth itself.

Let your loyalty to our Government be unques-
tioned, but do not for one moment forget the dear
and tender memories of the old time.

In your enthusiasm for the old flag, and an

appropriation, do not stultify yourselves by one sin-
gle word against that cause for which the noblest
heroes that song or story ever recorded so freely
gave their lives.

How could Phelan, in his history of Tennessee,
written more than twenty years after the war, omit
all mention of that mighty struggle, and the part
borne in it by Tennesseans! Great tragedy of
Hamlet, with the part portrayed by the Prince of
Denmark omitted!

Let us unite with generous Mr. Rouss in build-
ing a beautiful Memorial Abbey, wherein may be
treasured the dear mementoes of our glorious strug-

Confederate l/eteran.


gle and the records of heroism displayed by the gen-
tle and brave Confederate soldier;

“The knightliest of l he knightly race,

Who since the days of old.
Have kept 1 he lamps of chivalry

Alight in hearts of gold —
The kindliest of the kindly band

who. rarely hating ease,
Yet rode with Smith around the land

And llaleigli round the seas.”


In connection with what I have written about
Southern sentiment, I’desire to ask the assistance of
the veterans in preserving the life of that glorious
songster of the Southland, the mocking bird.

He has been well nigh exterminated. The young
negro with gun and pebble-shooter makes continual
war upon him. He seeks the society of man for his
protection, but is no longer afforded it. The nest
near the country farm house and in the village gar-
den becomes the prey of the small boy, who has
found that the Northern visitor is willing to pay a
small stipend for a young one. Every spring the
Northern visitor, returning to his chilly climate,
must take home one of these birds in a cage. The
poor exile soon dies — he cannot live outside of
Dixie. The “business interest” of the English
sparrow does not permit a song bird in the towns,
and every year the mocking bird becomes scarcer.

Will not every Southern Veteran assist in putting
a stop to the extermination of this bird?

There is a provision in the laws of this State —
Tennessee — applying to a few counties only, which
make it unlawful to kill or capture any song bird or
destroy the nest or eggs of same; but it does not
serve the purpose for which it was intended, even
in the few counties to which it applies, because a
prosecutor is required.

What is needed is a statute making such an out-
rage a misdemeanor, for which a grand jury can
present an indictment, and the penalty should be
fixed at a fine not less than ten dollars.

Let us unite in saving our sweet singer from de-
struction, whose notes so faith lull v translate and
portray the mj-steries of human sentiment— its
joys, its hopes, its bright aspirations, its sorrows
and its miseries in tuneful melody. Let us ask the
help of every member of every Legislature of every
Southern Slate, and the Governor of each State to
save the mocking bird before it is too late. Once
gone, he is gone forever.

Maj. R. G. Cross of Rome, Ga., who was Adju-
tant of the Twentv-fifth and Forty fourth Tennes-
see Regiments under Bushrod Johnson in Lee’s
Armv. writes a vivid account of a visit by citizens
of Richmond and refugees who were stopping
there, to the front, and of Gen. Lee’s gracious atten-
tions to them. It was a beautiful autumn after-
noon and, as it happened, all was quiet at the front.
Gen. Lee was gracious in his greetings, and as his
visitors bade him adieu his manner indicated his
implicit confidence in his army. It was a pleasant
and certainly a memorable event to those who were

Mrs. M. C. Saufley sends the following note and
original official letter:

As one of the ladies of McMinnville who found a
genuine pleasure in contributing in any way to the
advancement of a beloved cause, I send this paper
for publication in the VETERAN. I was at that time
a very young girl, and have preserved this paper as
a highly prized relic of the war.

Headquarters Ninth Texas Infantry, [
McMinnville, Dec. l, 1862. I

The Colonel commanding the Ninth Texas Infan-
try, desires, upon leaving, to express in behalf of his
Regiment the sincerest thanks for the kindness and
patriotic treatment they have experienced at the
hands of the citizens of McMinnville and vicinity.
And especially are we grateful to the ladies fur their
kind attention to our sick.

The remembrance of our stay at McMinnville will
long continue to be a bright ground of the privations
and hardships of war. In return, we can only
promise that we will vie with the boldest and brav-
est of your noble sons ami brothers in defence of
your altars ami firesides. By command of

Col. Wm. II. Young.

R. T. LUCKETT, Adjt.


A Confederate comrade requests the following:
Capt. J. C. Dodds, Company “D” 177th Regiment,
New York Infantry, and his wife celebrated their
golden wedding on the 20th of Nov. mber last.

Capt. Doilds was born in Scotland in 1820, came
to the United States in ’44, c ist his tirst vote for Gen.
Tavlor for President. On President Lincoln’s call for
troops, joined the Regiment named above, which
embarked for New Orleans. He was wounded at
Port Hudson. Capt. Dodds considers that the war
ended at Appomattox, and is a true friend to all
poor worthy Confederates. To them, as well as to
the old Union soldiers, he is a comrade in every
sense of the wo r d. Capt. Dodds has resided in St.
Louis for fifteen years.

H. M. McAfee, Salvisa, Ky., in renewing his
subscription and sending contribution to Sam Davis
Monument, says: I loved the Confederate cause,
and mv heart was almost broken when it went down
in defeat. I belonged to Gen. John II. Morgan’s
Command, and was with him on the raid through
Indiana and Ohio. Was one of his scouts that cap-
tured the two steamboats by which he crossed the
Ohio to the Indiana shore.

I was captured in Ohio and languished in a
Northern prison nineteen months, two lon>. r , cold
winters at Camp Douglas. Was sent around to
Kichmondjust before Lie surrendered, and walked
from Richmond, Ya.. to Danville, Ky., across the
mountains where there was hardly enough to feed
a bird, and had no one to help me along but the
bushwhackers, and they assisted me very often by
shooting at me from high places.


Confederate Ueterap.


Comrade C. H. Vandiver, who was a lieutenant in
the Seventh Virginia Cavalry, writes from Page
City, Mo., Aujc. 2Uth ’95: The cavalry fighting be-
tween our brigade (Rosser’s) and the Federal cav-
alry under Custer, the 4th of Way, 1864, on the
Catharpin road, just preceding the Spoltsylvania
series of engagements between the torcesof Lee and
Grant, was one of the hottest in which we partici-
pated during the war, and as the fight was attended
with incidents that ma)- interest the old soldiers
and amuse some, I relate what memory retains of
that thrilling conflict. Early in the morning of
that day our pickets were run in and the stirring
bugle call summoned us “to horse.” As it turned
out, General Custer, with a heavy body of cavalry,
was making a reconnoissance on this road. General
Rosser met him with White’s Battalion, supported by
our regiment and followed by the Eleventh and
Twelfth in the order named, li was a running fight
for several miles, and principally a charge in col-
umn of fours, the head of the column doing most of
the fighting, the flanks being so obstructed by thick
Undergrowth that rapid advance was impossible.
And as the Federals were falling back, the line of
battle receded faster than the flanking squadrons
could move in the brush.

Owing to the capture and imprisonment of Capt.
Kuykendall and Lieut. Parker, I commanded Com-
pany F. As we charged down the uneven old plank
road, the rattle of small arms, and shouts in front,
indicated where the worst of battle raged, and the
wounded being carried back, the prisoners under
guard, here and there a dead blue or gray draped
cavalier, told of the execution in front.

We continued to near the rear of active partici-
pation as the head of the column was worn off, or
retired to reload, and give place to the fresh sup-
porting followers. I kept my men well in line,
knowing our time would come, and shortly we
reached an old field dotted with scrubby pines, sage
grass and sumach bushes. Here the enemy had
formed a line of battle, throwing out squadrons on
both sides of the road, that with carbines enfiladed
the column coming out of the timber. Gen. Rosser
and Staff were in a group to our left. He was wav-
ing his saber and directing the charge as new forces
emerged in the wake. Those in advance of us were
scattered and disorganized, and it was’ with a feel-
ing of pride I brought my company into the arena,
every file in its place ready for the onset. I soon
observed that the Federal line began to waver and
that it was a good opportunity for Company F. to
win glorv. Riding- to the front. I said to my men:
“Now, Company F., lets make a wedge for them;”
and drew my saber to lead. Just then a ball struck
my horse, a magnificent bay – , in the jugular vein of
his neck. The blood gushed out in a stream, he
fell, and I escaped to terra firma. My noble steed
rose to his haunches, lunged, floundered around and
straightened out, to die.

Sergeant Kain quickly brought me his horse and I
was quickly rcmounled. We were within two hun-
dred yards of the Yankees, and I had noticed that as
their line wavered, a squadron commander bravely

exhorted his men to stand, but they broke away.
He rode deliberately to our front with uplifted hand
in token of surrender. Several revolvers covered
him; however, there was no harm meditated and
when near enough be exclaimed, apparently livid
with rage, “I surrender. I had rather be a prisoner
than command any such a d set of cowards.”

At that moment the Eleventh came out of the
woods on a charge led by Major Ed. McDonald, and
away we all went with a j-ell into the now broken
ranks of the foe, wounding and capturing many in
the rout. As we were scouring the timber through
which the enemy fled, picking- up prisoners, loose
horses, and accoutrements, scattered on both sides of
the road, my eye rested upon a Federal officer
crouched behind a tree. I called upon him to come
out, and he crept from his hiding place, cowering
with fear. He wore the stripes of a lieutenant.

After taking his arms I called for the canteen, a
newly covered and handsome trick. He hesitated
and gave up the canteen with more reluctance than
his arms. When the demand was repeated, he
begged the privilege of taking “one more swag.”
I then discovered it contained fighting whiskey.
The lieu’enant was himself pretty well charged.
I told him to take “one more,” but touch it light, as
he was then under its influence. He gave the
mouth a prolonged kiss and handed it over. I de-
livered him to the prisoners’ guard and saw him no

Custer and Rosser were old classmates, and when
the latter ascertained who confronted him, he wrote
a note which was left at a farm house when we with-
drew, addressed to “Fannie Custer” (Fannie was
his nickname at school, because he wore long yellow
hair). The note was in effect:

“Headouar. &C,

Dear Fannie: Come over to see me and bring
your people. Rosser.”

Custer’s reply was substantially*,

“You return my call made this morning.



Hon. John H. Savage, of Smartt. Tenn., accepted
the explanation made for use in the last Vetekan
of his extraordinary venture upon a company of
Federal troops:

“I suppose you did right to publish my brief reply
concerning the capture of the Federal pickets on
Stewart’s run. I treated them kindly. Some of
them seemed mortified and said to me, ‘We are not
cowards; we could have killed you as you rode by
us.’ I replied, Y’es. I know that; but I did not think
a whole company would fire upon one lone man.’
This pleased them. Thie company and its regiment
was at Smithville some days while Buell and Bragg
were marchings in parallel columns for Kentucky.
The citizens informed me that 1(J0 regiments placed
a guard at my law office to protect it, saying that
nothing belonging to me should be injured. 1 found
my books and fine clothes all safe, while trespasses
upon others were committed.”

Roofed era te Vetera p.



There is in Texas what is known as the Rogers’
Monument Association, created for the purpose of

erecting’ and maintaining’
a monument to Col. W. P.
Rogers, whose heroic
death at the head of his
command, the Second Tex-
as Infantry, in storming
Fort Bobinett, Corinth,
Miss., October 4, 1862,
gives lustre to the courage
of the American soldier.
Membership in the Asso-
ciation may be secured
upon the payment of five
dollars -and it may be
paid by installments. Jno.
N. Simpson, President of
the National Exchange Bank, of Dallas, Texas, is
the Treasurer.

In a sketch of Col. Rogers, Chas. I. Evans, of Dal-
las, pays fine tribute to his high character.

Col. W. P. Doran, of Hempstead, Texas, states:
“On the morning of the first days fight atShiloh,
the regiment was forming a line of battle when
Lieut. -Col. Rogers dashed up on his fine horse. He
had been absent from the regiment a month on sick
leave. He rose from a sick bed to go into the bat-
tle and went through the two day’s tight unwell.
The whole regiment gave a Texas yell, which the
officers tried to check, because it would reveal the
location of our army to Grant’s troops. A similar
yell was made when Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston
visited the Texas troops the day before the battle
(Saturday), but he waived silence with his hand.”

“The children of Col. Rogers are J. H. Rogers,
Corsicana, Tex.; Mrs. H. G. Damon, Corsicana,
Tex.; Mrs. F. A. Harris, San Saba, Tex., and Mrs.
John T. Bolton, Wharton, Texas.”

Extract. from a letter of Mrs. H. N. Bringhurst,
daughter of Gen. Sam Houston to Mr. Covner:

“Recalling your tribute to Col. W. P. Rogers
two or three years ago, I send you one of the circu-
lars which you may not have seen. Please let me
know whether you have a copy of an article of yours
in the News entitled ‘The Gallant W. P. Rogers,’—
about a column in length? I wish you would re-
produce the main points in another sketch — bring-
ing out the various tributes from officers on the field.
Col. Rogers was my mother’s cousin. Now, please
prepare something in aid of the monument under
way. One of your sketches would arouse sleeping
patriotism more than many circulars.”

To Luther Coyner, of San Diego, Texas, the
Veteran is indebted for many notes about Col.
Rogers. He has written thrilling accounts in prose
and poetry. The Second Regiment went from
Houston Texas in March, ’62, and was at Corinth.
Col. John C. Moore commanded the regiment, but
upon his promotion to command a brigade, the
Lieut. Col., W. P. Rogers, was likewise promoted.
General Van Dorn, in his official report of this

battle, has this clause about the gallant Colonel
Rogers: “I cannot refrain, however, from men-
tioning here the conspicuous gallantry of a noble
Texan, whose deeds at Corinth are the constant
theme of both friends and foes. As long as cour-
age, manliness, fortitude, patriotism and honor
exist the name of Rogers will be revered and hon-
ored among men. He fell at the front of battle and
died beneath the colors of his regiment, in the very
center of the enemy’s stronghold. He sleeps, and
glory is his sentinel.”

Gen. D. H. Maury writes, in his official report oi
this battle: “General Moore took his brigade into the
main part of the town of Corinth, * * and a
part of his brigade, including the Second Texas
Regiment, led by Colonel Rogers, entered the in-
nermost works of Corinth.”

Gen. William L. Cabell, in his official report of
this battle, writes: “The ground in front of the
breastworks was literally covered with the dead and
wounded of both friend and foe, the killed and
wounded of the enemy being nearly, if not fully,
two to our one.”

Gen. Rosecrans, in an address to his men, stated:
“You killed and buried 1423 officers and men, some
of their distinguished officers falling, among whom
was the gallant Col. Rogers, of the Second Texas,
who bore their colors at the head of his storming
column to the edge of the ditch of Battery Bobinett,
where he fell.”

And in his report this Federal General wrote: “I
shall leave to pens dipped in poetic ink to inscribe
the gorgeous pyrotechny of the battle and paint in
words of fire the heroes of this fight. I will only
say that when Price’s left bore down on our center
in gallant style, their force was so overpowering
that our wearied and jaded troops yielded and fell
back, scattering among the houses. I had the per-
sonal mortification of witnessing this untoward and
untimely stampede. Riddled and scattered, the
ragged head of Price’s right storming columns ad-
vanced to near the house, north side of the square,
where it was greeted by a storm of grape which sent
them whirling back. * * * *

About twenty minutes after the attack on our right
the enemy advanced in four columns on Batterj
Bobinett, and were treated to grape and canister
until within fifty yards, when the Ohio brigade
arose and gave them a murderous fire of musketry,
before which they reeled and fell back to the woods.
They, however, gallantly reformed and advanced
again to the charge, led by Colonel Rogers, of the
Second Texas.”

There are many thrilling accounts.

J. L. Mayo, of Dickinson, Texas, a year ago
sent a vivid story to the Alabama Press of the
rivalry between the Second Texas, commanded by-
Col. Rogers, and the Forty-second Alabama, com
manded in that battle by Col. J. W. Portis. The
Alabamians were fresh then, while the Texans fell
as Veterans. “Captain George Foster, of the For-
ty-second Alabama Regiment, declared: ‘They
sha’n’t beat us to those breastworks,’ and they did’nt.
While Col. Rogers was with us the order to charge


Qopfederate l/eterai).

sounded, and the brigade sprang- to its feet. Col.
Rogers, unsheathing- his sword, cried, ‘Forward
Texans!’ Our gallant Captain, raising his sword,
echoed, ‘Forward Alabamians!’

“The timber had been felled so that Col. Rogers
could not use his horse, and he sprang from his
horse, and he and Foster, side by side, led their
men, and, though nearly half were killed and
wounded, Bobinett was soon ours. It was only for
a few minutes, however, for a fresh line of reserves
was hurled against us and we were forced to aban-
don it. When this fresh line approached, Col. Rog-
ers and Capt. Foster were standing together on the
earthworks. With a look of despair, Foster turned
to the remnant of his company and said: ‘Boys, you
had better get away from here.’ Just then the ad-
vancing Federals fired a volley, and those brave
spirits sank down, riddled by bullets. A photo-
graphic view of the dead revealed that Col. Rogers
and Captain Foster lay dead almost in touch of each

Comrade Mayo wants Alabama to honor her noble
Captain, George W. Foster, with a monument.

So many, man}’ sketches have been given of Col.
Rogers’ heroism and death, the Veteran will not
undertake, as was at first intended, to give an elab-
orate account.

A Northern writer for syndicates had this to say:
A Federal officer who was present says of the
Confederates: “When our infantry opened on them
the}’ marched steadily to death with their faces
averted, like men striving to protect themselves
from a driving storm of hail. The assailing col-
umn pressed on and captured the battery, throwing
the whole of Davies’ Division into confusion. * *
“On the left there was another desperate conflict.
It was essential to the success of the Confederates
that they should take battery Bobinett. To do this
they weie compelled to march across a rugged
ravine, through dense thickets and over an abattis,
exposed all the way to the concentrated fire of bat-
teries Bobinett and Williams. The attempt seemed
audacious, and the daring was something sublime.
One of Maury’s brigades is in the lead, and they
push forward, stumbling over the wounded and the
dead. Col. W. P. Rogers, of the Second Texas,
reaches the parapet, with his revolver in one hand
and battle flag in the other, and for an instant it
floats side by side with the flag of the Union, then
the brave officer falls dead in his tracks. Another
brigade swarms over the breastwork and fills the
redoubt. And now a terrible hand to hand conflict
ensues. Bayonets are used, muskets are clubbed,
and men are even knocked down with fists. Finally
the Confederates give way and hurriedly fall back to
the cover of the woods. Over 200 had fallen in the
assault, and the ditch in front of the redoubt was
literally filled with the dead. Col. Rogers, who
had been a Captain in the First Mississippi Rifles
in the Mexican war, was buried not far from the
spot on which he fell, and his grave was inclosed
by the Federals and marked with a slab to testify
their admiration for his gallant charge.”


Comrade J. L. McCollum, a most remarkable man,
has presented his Camp, theN. B. Forrest, of Chat-
tanooga, a gavel made from a spoke originally in-
tended for the permanent carriage to the bell. In
a letter to J. W. Bachman, Chaplain of the Camp
— and, by the way, to whom readers are indebted for
a much worn copy of “Marse Robert is Asleep,” in
this number — he gives some notes about the bell:

“It contains, as you know, historic and valuable
relics from every nation of the world. There
were 22,000 contributions from the different battle
fields of the world, the door keys of Jefferson Davis’
old house, a silver spoon used by John C. Calhoun,
Simon Bolivar’s watch chain, hinges from Abraham
Lincoln’s; old home, George Washington’s surveying
chain, Thomas Jefferson’s old copper kettle, and flint
lock of his old musket, even to the widow’s mite, dug
up from the pool of Bethesda, joined with a coin which
was in circulation during the life of Christ, with the
image and superscription of Ca;sar upon it; thimbles
used by the women of ’76, in sewing the garments of
men in the revolution, with many old and precious
souvenirs contributed by our Southern women, such
as ear rings, finger rings, old coins, etc. There were
in all 250,000 pennies contributed by the children of
the world. These, with two bullets, one from the
blue and one from the gray, intended for victims,
which met in mid-air and welded together, were all
melted in one mass, poured into the mold that shaped
the great Columbian Liberty Bell. I have conceived
the idea of having a g-avel made, and, as its bears
such close relationship to the monument that marks
our comrades’ graves at Chicago, thought the mem-
bers of N. B. Forrest Camp would appreciate it, and
therefore it gives me great pleasure to present it
through you to the Camp. The cord attached was
used by the noble women referred to as decendants
of Washington and Jefferson, who rang the bell at
Chicago on the occasion of the unveiling of the Con-
federate Monument there on the 30th of May, 1S95.

Dr. Joe H. Jennings, who was Surgeon of the
Nineteenth S. C. Infantry, sends a batch of sub-
scribers from Plum Branch, S. C, and a report of
the James Tillman Camp of Confederates organized
at Parksville January 31st.

Rufus Hurling, of Clark’s Hill, and Eugene Free-
land were elected Commander and Secretary. J. B.
Stone, J. R. Blackwell and James Freeland were
chosen Vice-Commanders, Dr. J. H. Cummings, Sur-
geon, and Rev. G. W. Bussev, Chaplain.

The Camp was named for Captain James Tillman,
who died from battle wounds. The Veteran was
made official organ of the Camp.

Dick Dowling Camp and the Daughters of the
Confederacy at Houston, Texas, with a joint enter-
tainment in “Professor Morris’ Illusion Show,”
cleared $175.90 and agreed to build an iron fence
around the graves of some Confederate dead in the
old cemetery there.

Confederate Veteran.



Gen. Lee’s birthday, January 19, was not forgot-
gen in his own Virginia.

At Staunton the Stonewall Jackson Camp march-
ed in a body from their hall to the Methodist
Church under the direction of Commander S. D.
Timberlake. The celebrated Stonewall band was
located in the gallery, and contributed richly to
the services. Rev. Dr. J. Hill Boyd delivered an ad-
dress upon the life and character of Gen. Lee,
choosing for his text, “A good name is rather to be
chosen than great riches, etc.”

At Roanoke, on Monday, Gen. T. L. Rosser made
an address at the Y. M. C. A. hall, under the au-
spices of the Watts Camp of Veter.ins.

In Fredericksburg there was a large military

At Alexandria there was a largo banquet in com-
memoration of the event by the Lee Camp.

Charlottsville “kept Sunday hours” and the banks
were closed.

Ashland gave highly creditable observance The
W. B. Newton Camp of Veterans had a special
meeting. It was “old soldiers day” with the Con-
federates. Pending the arrival on noon train of
Bishop Cranberry, interesting stories were told by
comrades, Commander Irley conducting the exer-
cises. The Bishop told of his life, his boyhood,
his service in the Federal Army, afterward in the
Confederate Army, and his manner of life as a pri-
vate citizen. The audience rose in commendation
of the address which concluded “* * returned

the sword which he had promised never to draw
save in defense of this good old Commonwealth, our
loved mother, retiring in simple majesty of soul to
the quiet walks of private life, content to share the
fortunes of his people and setting the example of
uncomplaining submission after surrender, as he
had set the noble example of heroic resistance dur-
ing hostilities; who. disdaining an old age of idle-
ness, served his State and country to the latest
hour, guiding her youth to fame in letters as he
had once led them to fame in arms, teaching them
the virtues of the civilian as he had once taught
them the virtues of the soldier; whoso glory, like
the sun at his setting, grow larger and more splen-
did toward its tranquil close, and whoso reward, so
far as earth can bestow it, is neither sordid lucre
nor empty fragments, but the unanimous venera-
tion and love of his countrymen- sentiments which
shall not die with this generation, but bo taught
our children and transmitted from ago to age as
long as Virginia and the South are honored names.”

At Lexington, Virginia, most appropriate regard
for the day was manifested. It was by Suspension
of all Lectures at Washington and Lee University,
the closing of the banks, the intermediate celebra-
tion of Graham-Lee Literary Society of Washing-
ton and Lee l T uiversitv. and a special session of
Lee-Jackson Camp Confederate Veterans, No. 22, at
which appropriate addresses were delivered by prom-
inent Confederate officers and privates who fol-
lowed the fortunes of Lee and Jackson.

The anniversary falling on Sunday, the Virginia
Military Institute suspended all duties on Saturday

in honor of the day, but the University, as did the
State at larg-e, observed Monday.

The tomb of General Lee, in the mausoleum of
the chapel of Washington and Lee University, and
the sarcophagus, were appropriately strewn with
flowers. General Lee was president of the Univer-
sity at Lexington from the close of the war until
his death, and his name is linked with it — Wash-
ington and Lee University.

At Petersburg there was a parade by the A. P.
Hill Camp of Veterans. At night they built camp
fires. Talks were entertaining by General Battle
of North Carolina, General Stith Boiling-, Mr.
Simon Seward, Dr. John H. Claiborne, Georg-e S.
Bernard, R. B. Davis, Hon. Charles F. Collier, and
by Comrades B. B. Vaughan, Freeman W. Jones,
James W. Claiborne, and Antrobus Bond.

Georgia, having made the date of Lee’s birth a
legal holida v, observed the event with high credit in
many places. Ex-Governor Cameron came to At-
lanta and made an address. He said, “* * In
all that memorable career, there is not an act nor
an utterance which sug-gests a motive less noble
than a sense of duty.

“That his resignation from the United States
Armv was a step taken in sorrow and after severe
conflict of mind, is not to be doubted by any who
read the calm yet mournful letters in which, at this
juncture, he announced his decision to his sister.

“He severed the ties and relinquished the aspira-
tion of a lifetime to enter upon a contest which pro-
mised nothing- but loss and danger to him.”

Outlining General Lee’s war record up to the
close of 1S(>4, the speaker said:

“Dark days wore upon us. The shadows of the
inevitable wore beginning to obscure the brow of
hope. It was as the winter fell that I first observed
the deepened lines of care that not all the serenity
of a soul at peace with God and itself could smooth
from the countenance of General Lee.

“The raven hair of four years before was already
bleached into silvery, and, though too much a gen-
tleman to betray abstraction, his speech, except on
business, was rare.

“In fact, at this period the peril and privations
of the troops were never absent from his thoughts.
So patient of privation himself, he was indignant
at what he believed to b ‘ the neglect of the supply
department in furnishing clothing and provisions to
the men.”

In closing, Governor Cameron said.

“He laid aside his stainless sword with less re-
luctance than he had drawn it, and, without a
sigh for the past, turned to the duties of the present.

“Patiently instilling the lessons of virtue into
the mind id’ the Virginian youth, presiding at the
vestry meetings of his church, foremost in unher-
alded charities— so parsed the tew years that re-
mained on earth to Robert K. Lee.”

North Carolina honors the memory of Gen. Lee’s
birth. A legal holiday at Raleigh was observed
Monday by the closing of State offices, and the dis-
play of Hags on the Capitol, also by the closing of

There were no parades or meetings. Several pas-
tors in their sermons on Sunday made allusionr to


^opfederate l/eterap.

General Lee, his life and character, an object lesson.

The Contederate Veteran Camp of New York
City had its annual dinner in honor of the occasion.
There were present many distinguished Union vet-
erans. At the first table, presided over by Com-
mander Col. A. G. Dickinson, were Union Generals:
Anson G. McCook, Daniel Butterfield, Daniel E.
Seckles, Fitz John Porter, and Col. Fred D. Grant.

There were 175 seated at seven tables in St.
Denis hotel. At three of them J. T. Dickinson,
Chairman of the Reception Committee, Maj. Ed-
ward Owen, Chairman Dinner Committee, and Ad-
jutant Thos. L. Moore, presided.

Every Southern State could well enough and
most appropriately make January 19th a legal holi-
day, whether they had Confederate men in the Vir-
ginia army or not.

The Texas Baptist Herald, Dallas, says: No
man in American history has so symmetrical a
fame as Robert Edward Lee. It is remarkable that
during all his campaigns of successes and reverses,
he attributed his victories to the skill of his lieu-
tenants and the courage of his troops, while in all
his reverses he took the blame invariably upon
himself. Magnanimity was his nature; duty was
his watchword.

The George Doles Camp, No. 730, of Milledge-
rille, Ga., passed resolutions severely condemning
the Virginia legislature for not adjourning through
respect for the birthday of General Lee. They
held worthy exercises at the college. Rev. Dr. J.
Harris Chappell, made the address. The camp
upon motion of Capt. T. E. Newell, selected the
Veteran’s young friend, Miss May Miller,
Daughter of the Camp, with all the privileges of
honorary membership. Thousands will recall her
pleasant face as engraved for the back page of De-
cember Veteran.


All the People Asked to Co-operate for the
South’s Battle Abbey.

Mrs. John C. Brown, President of the United
Daughters of the Confederacy, has published an
earnest plea in behalf of the Rouss Memorial. After
quoting at length from the General Commanding
United Confederate Veterans, in which he states
that the movement is to be planned and executed
entirely under the order and management of South-
ern women, she says:

Shall this confidence be misplaced? Shall this
appeal be ignored? Women of the South, let us
prove ourselves worthy of the appeal. Let us unite
in a patriotic, earnest, systematic effort to promote
this sacred cause. Let us show our devotion by
making a contribution which shall far exceed the
expectations of the veterans who have thus confi-
dently appealed to us to vindicate the memory of
their heroic struggle in the greatest civil war of
history. Let us devote our thoughts and prayers to
devising the plans, and to performing the work

which is needed to seize this favorable opportunity
for securing the noble contribution which the Al-
mighty has placed in the heart of Mr. Rouss to
offer, and which will afford the means to hand down
to posterit}-, in its true light, the memory of our he-
roic fathers and husbands and brothers and sous.
If we work sj-stematically and persistently, as Gen.
Gordon suggests, “in every cit} – , town, hamlet and
neighborhood of the South,” the result will astonish
our friends, and will be in itself a monument to the
devotion and the power of Southern womanhood.

In order to give unity and system to our efforts,
it is necessary to perfect some plan of organization.
The following is purposed and urged:

1. In every state and territory in which there is
an organization of the Daughters of the Confeder-
acy let the State President and the presidents of
the local chapters go to work at once. See that an
organization is put to work in every county and
town in the state. Correspond directl}- with suitable
ladies in each locality. Notify Col. R. C. Wood, 44
Perdido Street, New Orleans, La., and notify this

2. In every state in which there is no organiza-
tion of the Daughters of the Confederacy let every
true Southern woman go to work at once to estab-
lish an organization. Correspond at all points in
the state. Furnish this office and Col. R. C. Wood
with lists and names and information. Co-operate
with the camps or bivouacs of the United Confeder-
ate Veterans.

3. Let any true Southern woman who may be un-
connected with any organization not hesitate on
that account, but go to work at once to promote this
sacred cause by such means as may be within her

The following general plan of work is suggested:

1. To secure subscriptions; this is the first and
immediate work. Secure all you can independently
or in co-operation with the agent of the United Con-
federate Veterans.

2. Memorial Festival Day — May 1, 1896 — has
been set apart for Memorial Day, and is placed en-
tirely in control of the women of the South. Work to
make this a great day, long to be remembered in every
“city, town, hamlet and neighborhood of the South.”

In many places two or three days may be devoted
to out-door exercises at the fair grounds, or at some
enclosed park. Tournaments, athletic sports, sham
battles, May Day Exercises, tables for the sale of
mementoes, lunch stands, etc., will yield pleasure
to the people and handsome profits from gate fees
and other fees. From time to time lectures, con-
certs and other entertainments will aid in the gen-
eral receipts.

If the women of the South in every locality will
enter promptly, zealously, continuously upon this
work, its success will be assured, the Battle Abbey
will be erected, the noble confidence which the Con-
federate Veterans repose in the women of the South
will be justified and we shall have the satisfaction
of feeling that we have discharged a sacred duty.

The Jeff Davis Camp, No. 1 17, of Star, Texas, at
their last annual meeting elected D. S. Kelley, Com-
mander, and G. W. Barr, Adjutant.

Qopfederate Ueterap. ei


O. H. P. Catron, West Plains, Mo., in sending
renewals, writes: The Veteran is liked by all
Confederates and Southern sympathizers. There
are but few Confederates in this portion of Missouri,
but we have now forty- three Camps organized in
this State. Through their organization we expect
to maintain the Confederate Home at Higginsville.
It has been almost an impossibility to get an organ-
ization without something like the United Confeder-
ate Veterans. Our Home has now 128 inmates,
with sufficient funds to run it until our annual
school meeting in April (first Tuesday), when we
will ask contributions from all charitably disposed
persons. Gen. J. O. Shelby, Commanding the United
Confederate Veterans of Missouri, has issued a gen-
eral order requesting all members to give one day,
that of the annual school meeting, to soliciting
funds for the Home. We feel that it is now in bet-
ter condition than it has ever been. The women,
God bless them! have nobly done their part in build-
ing and maintaining it. Without them the Con-
federate Home of Missouri would never have been


Mrs. R. H. Dudley, of Nashville, Tenn. : Think-
ing this little incident might be read and enjoyed
by some of your comrades. I send it to the Veteran.

Soon after the battle of Murfreesboro (or Stone’s
River) 1863, Mr. Charles Eckles, of— – Illinois
Regiment, was sent as a guard to the home of mv
father, (Mr. KitBcesley). He remained there sev-
eral months and was then sent to Rosecran’s Army
at Chattanooga, just before the battle of Chick-
amauga. Mr. Eckles told my mother, when he bade
her good-bye, that if he i hould be fortunate enough
to meet her boys on picket and they would give
him a letter he would send it to her. She had not
heard from them in a long time.

Fate decreed they should meet. While on Fed-
eral picket duty he hailed the Confederate picket
and asked what command he belonged to. His re-
ply was “First Tennessee Infantry, Cheatham’s Di-
vision.” He then asked his name and was told,
“Win. Beesley.” The Federal picket said, “I am
just from your father’s house and they have not
heard from you in a long time. I told your mother
if I was fortunate enough to meet her boys on picket
duty and they would give me a letter, I would send
it to her.” My brother wrote the letter, gave it to
him and my mother received it in due time. It was
hailed with joy, of course.

That was the last we heard of Mr. Eckles until
the opening of Chickamauga Park last Septem-
ber. He is a member of the G. A. R. and stopped
over at Murfreesboro and went to see my mother
and brother whom he had met on the picket line in
lS<o. lb’ was gladly received by all.

This is one of the most extraordinary incidents of
the war, and it would not be expected to occur again
in a thousand wars where the armies were so large.

In answer to inquiry in January Veteran, F. M.
Bunch, Pulaski, Tenn., writes that Tom Butler of
the Martin Guards, First Tennessee Regiment, is
still living and resides now in Giles County, Tenn.
“He is in good health, and can throw down any
man of his age, or in ten years of it”

J. M. Long, Esq., of Paris, Texas, sends with his
contribution these splendid words: Grand old Ten-
nessee and the United Confederate Veterans will
honor themselves by erecting a monument to the
memory of Samuel Davis, for his is one of the few
immortal names that were not born to die.

Giles County, Tennessee, has made a practical
beginning to raise funds for the Rou^s Memorial.
Committees of three representative citizens in each
of the twenty-two districts of the county have
been appointed. The central committeemen are: R.
A. Mitchell, J. Mace Thurman and F. Arrowsmith.

Mrs. Jennie Catherwood Bean writes from Win-
chester, Ky. : I have been through the deepest af-
fliction in the death of my dear sister. Miss Martha
W. Catherwood, a zealous member of the Associa-
tion of Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy. She
left us January 29th. There was a full attendance
of the Association at her funeral and burial.

A “Daughter of the Confederacy” states that
Erastus B. Maxey. enquired for by Comrade Ben. C.
Smith, of Macon, Ga., was a prisoner in Baltimore,
about 1864. She thinks that he served with Morgan,
and was from Tennessee. He was, later, consider-
ably deafened by the explosion of a shell. This is
not intended as a reply to “Comrade Smith’s” en-
quiry, but as a supplement to it, from another ques-

W. C. Wilkinson, Crystal Springs, Miss. : It gives
me great pleasure to say that the Veteran is a
welcome visitor each month, and is eagerly read by
old and young in my household. The old Confed-
erate who misses reading the VETERAN loses a patri-
otic reminder of his youthful days. It ought to be
in the hands of the children and grandchildren of
Veterans everywhere, and all the time. May your
efforts bring you fame and fortune.

W. B. Tilghman of the Forty-seventh Tennessee
Regiment, Cheatham’s Division, inquires from Ruth-
erford, Tenn., about Miss Bell Jordan, of Barnes-
ville, Ga. : After a lapse of more than thirty years,
who can tell anything of this good woman?

In front of Atlanta, July 20, ’64, I was badly
wounded. Soon afterward I was sent to Flewellen
Hospital (Dr. Carmack in charge”!, at Barncsville,
Ga. This young woman with five others came to
the hospital to select for special attention some of
the worst cases. Mine was a hopeless case, and
this noble young lady took me. I had gangrene.
By her sisterly care and attention I was nursed
back to life. Hope revived and to-day I am, as I
believe, a living monument of her special care and
attention. Is she living? Who can tell?


Confederate l/eterap.

T. F. Jones, Collierville, Tenn., whose efficient
services for the Veteran have been mentioned with
pride in these pages, sends the following- notes:


It has been said that all the private soldiers were
killed. Chas. T. Smith, the “lone private,” has been
discovered by the Veteran correspondent at Collier-
ville, West Tenn. Private Smith is a native of Jef-
ferson County, Miss., and enlisted in Withers’ Regi-
ment of Light Artillery at the beginning of the war,
continuing in service with that Regiment until Lee
surrendered. Private Smith was a great favorite
with his command, and was often complimented by
his superiors for conspicuous gallantry while under
fire. The famous “Conner” Battery, of which Private
Smith was so long a member, was in many hotly
contested battles of the West, Grand Gulf, Port
Hudson, Bayou Lafouch, Donaldsonville, Franklin,
La Miliken Bend, Lake Providence, Red River,
Pineville, Grand Ecore and a number of other severe
engagements west of the Mississippi River.

The old comrades of Private Smith will be pleased
to “know” that he has resided in Collierville for the
past twenty years. He is an active, strong man yet.

Withers’ Regiment was composed of twelve com-
panies of artillery, each having four guns, forty-
eight cannons in all. This Regiment was made up
in different parts of Mississippi, and was “one” of
the best volunteer organizations in the Confederate


Among the many gallant and brave soldiers of the
Confederate States’ Armies, perhaps few were more
conspicuous for gallantry and devotion to the South-
ern cause than Lieutenant Wade Allen, who was
one of the first to respond to the call for volunteers.
Early in the spring of 1861, Mr. Allen enlisted in
Company ( L ) 30th Tennessee Infantry Regiment,
and served in that gallant command until its reorgan-
ization afterthe battleof Shiloh (April, ’62), when he
was transferred to Capt. Pete Williams’ Company (I)
15th Tennessee Brigade, Forrest’s Cavalry.

Lieutenant Allen participated in nearly all of the
great battles fought by Forrest and his brave fol-
lowers, and was many times complimented for gal-
lantry displayed in battle. He was made Lieuten-
ant of Company (I) immediately after joining the
Regiment, which was then at Tupelo,-Miss., in which
capacit}^ he ever served with distinction. When Gen.
Forrest raided the city of Memphis, Aug. 21, ’64,
Lieutenant Allen was at the head of the charging
column which came so near making a “prisoner” of
the Federal General, Washburne. It was Lieu-
tenant Allen who captured Gen. W.’s fine horse soon
after he escaped to Fort Pickering in south Memphis.
Lieutenant Allen rode this fine horse to the end.

Wade Allen is now a prominent citizen of Collier-
ville, Tenn., where he is engaged in mercantile and
agricultural pursuits, but he has been a resident of
Shelby County nearly all his life — 57 years.

The Veteran has for publication, by Hon. John
H. Reagan, of Texas, a comprehensive story of the
great war. He promises another upon the “Confed-
erate States Mail Service.”

Some Rebel
Relics, b\
Rev. A. T.
Goodloe. A
volume of 315
pages; price
SI. 00. Com
memo rates
mainly t h e
spirit, speech
and manner
of life of the
in v i n c i b 1 e
“Old Reb o1
the rank and
file during
the war,” and
of the genius
and splendor
of “D i x i e
Land.” Dr.
Goodloe serv-
ed from Ala-

Buy this
book and
help the Sam
Davis fund.

**• 9


£&~ ■ mm*








v m ‘


**S !


All lovers of oratory will learn with delight that
Mr. Levin Irving Handy^a descendant of the great

orator, Patrick Henry,
will make his first appear-
ance in Nashville at Wat-
kinVHall, March 7th. His
theme, Patrick Henry. He
enthralls his audience
from the opening- sentence
till the grand close with
that breath of eloquence
that is born into but few
men, and not often to a
generation. Looking
backward as we are, study-
ing men and scenes of a
hundred years ago, it is
peculiarly fitting that Mr.
Handy should appear just at this time with his su-
perb oration on one of the greatest moving spirits
of the Revolution. It is an education to the boys,
fresh light to the student, and an inspiration to
every listener.

Mr. Handy is, by competent critics, regarded as the
greatest orator now on the American platform.

The Baltimore Sun speaks of his lecture as most
eloquent and entertaining.

Hon. Thomas Bayard, now Minister to England,
authorizes the following commendation: “I am glad
that you have prepared a lecture on ‘Patrick
Henry,’ — a subject so interesting to your country-
men and entirely akin to your capacities. *
You are thoroughly competent to comprehend and il-
lustrate the genius of ‘the forest born Demosthenes. ‘ ”

Confederate Vetera^.


THE SPIRIT OF *61-’96.
by j. b. k. smith, Atlanta Camp, TJ.C.V.

We’ve met again, comrades bold,

To grasp each other’s hands,
And lalk of timps that, tried each soul

All o’er these Soul hern lands;
We’ve closer grown thro’ lleeting years

since we together stood,
And bared our breasts to leaden storms

On fields baptized with blood.

Our land’s been filled with widow’s
weeds ;

We’ve heard the orphan’s sigh —
While comrades long since disappeared

Are marching through I lie sky.
We’ll write their names on fame’s proud

As heroes in the strife.
And cherish those they loved and left

As long as we have life.

Our banner, with its triple bars,

No more ‘mongsl Bags is seen ;
The bat t lefields once drenched in gore,

With waving grass are green —
Nor rude commands resounding now

Hist orb the warriors’ rest;
Their forms asleep in camps of deal h.

Their souls are with the blest.

But though our flag lies folded now,

To kiss the breeze no more.
Ami though no more we grasp the arms

We once so proudly bore,
We walk again with Freemen’s tread

The land that gave us birth;
And glory in the Sunny South,

The grandest spot of earth.

And when all hate shall ease to burn,

And truth shall grasp the pen
To write our country’s history down

She’ll say this of our men :
That truer patriots never lived.

Nor lilled more honored graves,
Than those who fell in Freedom’s cause —

Our own Confederate braves.

We’re not ashamed of what wedid,

We battled for the right ;
And though by numerous foes o’er-

We yielded to their might.

We walk again with freemen’s tread

The land that gave us birth;
And glory in our Sunny South,

‘flic grandest spot of earth.

And while we do not brag or boast

( >f how our comrades Fought —
‘rin 1 pension rolls you know full well

The lac-ls of this ha\ e taught ;
And if these pension rolls be t rue.

And none have prnffd they lied.
We must have crippled all the world

And half the Coons beside.
My song I’ll close with homely phrase

That has a statement true.
Of how the tight ended and —

I’ll prove it by llie bine.
The Yankees didn’t whip us, boys.

No — let that ne’er be snid ;
We wore ourselves out whipping them;

Then stopped for want of bread.

Then let us sing till Heaven shall sing

To our departed braves.
And let us pray each passfng day,

Among their silent gravis.
That when our time to fall shall come,

And we must pass away.
We’ll rise with them to reign

In one eternal day.



Before his foes the captive stood.

And many a pitying eye
Benton him, when they knew that he,

So young, so brave, must die.
And many a heart responsive beat,

While gazing on that face,
Where dauntless courage blended with

A soldier’s youthful grace.

“I offer,” thus the leader spoke,

“Thy life and liberty :
The traitor tell, (o honor dead.

Who gave t hese notes to t hee.
Knowesi thou not a direful death

Awaits 1 1 as a spy ?

And thou art young ; a soldier brave

More gloriously should die.”

Deep sadness for one moment fell

l’ pun 1 he i’Mpt i\ e’s face :
Then linn resolve, ami courage high,

And valor look its place
“The life you’d give is far too dear

Thai would involve a friend ;
1 spurn an offer that would bring

So infamous an end.

“I thought to serve my native land.

When from the oppressor free ;
In colors fair. I hoped to write

My name in history.
But honor is more dear to me

Than is this lleeting breath.
And ere I would betray a friend,

I’d ten times sutler death.”

When ready for the dreadful doom

Thai wail ed him that day.
\ courier swift was seen to ride

This nies S :iL;e to convey.

“Our General sends me still to sa>

It is not yet too late ;
He grieves that one so young must die ;
Too brave for such fate!”

With Hushing cheek, and kindling eye.

The captive turned to say.
“I thank your leader for the care

He’s shown for me this day :
Tell him, bad I a thousand lives,

I’ll bow to duty’s call ;
Before these lips betray a friend,

I’d freely give them all.”

Then to the waiting Chaplain, said,

“I’m ready : pray you send
These tokens to my niol her dear,

When my bi ief life shall end.
And write her thai her hoy’s hist thought

Was of his childhood’s home ;
And that lie hopes to meet her in

A brighter world to come.”

He ceased ; the sun’s la-t parting r.i\

Played round his knightly head,
And glorified the i hrilling scene ;
But not a radiance shed

So bright, as I hat which illume-,

\ ml shall unto I he end .
The name of that young martyr who

Would not betray a friend.

“Too brave to die I” his captors said :

And it is even so ;
The glory of his sacrifice

Through coming years shall grow.
The brave die not — a prouder fate

Succeeds dread Azreal’s dart ;
They but exchange their country’s arms

For more— their country’s heart.
And on the roll of honor, shall

His name emblazoned be

With glory that is due lo him
In his country’s history.

Sai.lie Jones
Camden, At i.

Bubbles or Medals.

” Best sarsaparillas.” When you think of it how contradic-
tory that term is. For there can be only one best in anything one
besl sarsaparilla, as there is one highest mountain, one lonj

river, one deepest ocean. And that lust sarsaparilla is ? ….

There’s the rub I You cm measure mountain height and oi
depth. but how test sarsaparilla? You could it you were chemists.
But then do you need to test it? The World’s Fair Committee
tested it, — and thoroughly. Thcv went behind the label on the
bottle. What did this sarsaparilla test result in ? Every make
of sarsaparilla shut out of the Fair, except Ayer’s. So it was
that Ayer’s was the onlv sarsaparilla admitted to the World’s
Fair. The committee found it the best. They had no room for
anything that was not the best. And as the best, Ayer’s Sarsa-
parilla received the medal and awards due its merits. Remember
the word ■■best” is a bubble any breath can Mow: but there are
pins to prick such bubbles. Those others are blowing more
■best sarsaparilla” bubbles since the World’s Fair pricked the
old ones. True, but Ayer’s Sarsaparilla has the medal. The
pin that scratches the medal proves it gold. The pin that pricks
the bubble proves it wind. We point to medals, not bubbles,
when we say : The best sarsaparilla is Ayer’s.


Confederate l/eterai}.


[A Grey Coat relates to^his friend, a
Blue Coat, the following incident of the
late war. Gen. Lee, sorely fatigued by
a hard day’s march, sat down to rest at
the road side, when he soon fell into a
deep sleep. His soldiers, who observed
him as he slept, whispered warnings to
their nearest comrades not to disturb
him. The whisper was then passed from
man to man along the line of march.]

Had you heard the distant tramping

On that glowing summer day !
Had you seen our comrades running

To meet us on the way !
Oh ! the wondrous, sudden silence,

Th’ unmilitary creep,
As down the line that caution ran,

“Marse Robert is asleep!”

Give me your hand, Old Blue Coat,

Let’s talk of this awhile.
For the prettiest march of all the war

Was this rank and file ! —
Was the passing of that army.

When ’twas hard. I ween, to keep
Those men from crying out, “Hurrah !

Marse Robert is asleep !”

There lay that knightly figure,

One hand upon his sword,
The other pressed above his heart,

A vow without a word !
Two laurel leaves had fluttered down,

For flowers their vigils keep,
And crown’d him, though I think they

“Marse Robert was asleep !”

In glorious old Westminster,

No monument of war,
No marble story half so grand

As this, our army saw !
Our leafy old Westminster —

Virgina’s woods — now keep
Immortal that low whisper,

•’Marse Robert is asleep !”

As we clasp hands. Old Blue Coat,

List, brother of the North,
Had foreign foe assail’d your homes,

You then had known his worth!
Unbroken vigil o’er those homes

It had been his to keep:
Step lightly o’er the border then,

“Marse Robert is asleep !”

He’s yours and mine, is Robert Lee,

He’s yours and mine, Hurrah !
These tears you shed have sealed the

And closed the wounds of war!
Thus clasping hands, Old Blue Coat,

We’ll swear by the tears you weep,
The sounds of war shall muffled be—

“Marse Robert is asleep.”
Riehmond. Va., May, 1883.

One of the most embarrassing errors
that has yet occurred in the Veteran
was that of crediting the beautiful ad-
dress, at the reunion of the Daughters
at Atlanta Exposition, of Mrs. Virginia
Clay Clopton of Alabama, to Mrs. C.
Helen Plane, the President of the
Daughters of the Confederacy in Geor-







With Fifteen Maps, in Colors, and
Twenty-Nine Portraits and other Il-
lustrations. About 700 octavo pages.
Cloth, plain edges, $*.00; sheep,
sprinkled edges, $5.00; half morocco,
marbled edges, $5.50; full morocco,
gilt edges, $7.00.


A Great Contribution to the History of the Civil War of 1S61.’65, by
Lieutenant-General James Longstreet, Senior Living Com-
mander of the Confederate- Armies.

A distinguished Confederate officer writes: “I have found the
work is fair and honorable in all criticisms, and, allowing for dif- j
ferences in judgment, is just. I think all who read it will recog-
nize this feature and its lack of bitterness generally.

“I was in all of the most important battles, and so far as my
knowledge extends, I am pleased with the general fairness of the
writer, and believe the book will be popular on both sides.”

Sold by Subscription. Agents Wanted.


715 & 717 Market Street, Philadelphia.

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Got Something for Nothing!

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T ~-^ — — ■- — – — – — –

MARCH, 1898



Qopfederate l/eterap.


Pkick $100 per Year, ( *r t\t

in Advance. f v UL ” – 1 ” •

Nashville, Tenn., March, 1896.

No. 3.


Circulation: 93. 79.430. ‘94.121.644. 95.154.992. $1.00 A YEAR.


United Confederate Veterans,
United Daughters of the Confederacy,
Sons of Veterans and other Organizations.

Embracing Nearly 1.000 Camps and Chapters with over 60.000 Members.


MUNTMKXT AT JACKSoX. Miss. Erected where Pemberton Surrendered to Grant JuW 4. is,,v

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Confederate l/eterai?


ac\} &• Pendleton

Ranl<ers and Rrol<ers

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Ruy and sell S tocl< s,Ronds, Cotton, G ra ‘ nant! C offee

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Correspondence invited


Situated in the heart
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shopping and amuse-
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An ideal family hotel.
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Cuisine noted for its

Rooms single or en
siii{‘\ wit h private
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“rvtng Place and Kith

R. N\ Anaiu.k, Prop.
B. W. SWOPE, of Ky..




rhree Buildings. Rooms for 200 boarders. Forty Officers. Teachers and Lecturers. Session begins September 2. 1895

in the Vanderbilt University. Eminent Lecturers every season.

Our Literary Schedule embraces a scheme of education extending
over a period of four years, and a mode of training which is in
advance of competition.

A Kindergarten is in connection with the College: also training class


Music two first-class musicians are in charge of the instrumental
and vocal departments. With them are associated other teachers
of fine culture and great skill in the production of the best musical
compositions. Pupils enjoy advantages in hearing the highest style
of music.

Our Art Department is in the finest studio of the city, beautifully
lighted, and amply supplied with models. Pupils enjoy from time
to time advantages for seeing and studying best art works, such as
can be found only in a progressive and wide-awake city.

For Scientific Studies our classes have the privilege of attending the
lectures of Vanderbilt Professors in the Laboratories of Chemistry,
of Physics, and of Natural History, giving access to the splendid
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Our Gymnasium is fully equipped for its work. Every species of
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here provided for our flourishing classes. Both the Sargent and the
Swe-dipb Gymnastics taught.


for teachers and mothers who desire to learn Frcebel’s principles of

The Best Elocutionary Training under the care of Prof. Merrill, ol

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desiring instruction are invited to try this course.
Practical Education is provided for pupils who def ire to learn lire**

cutting and fitting. Stenography, Typewriting and Bookkeeping.
Magnificent New Building lONxli-s feet, facing on Broad and on Vaux-

hall streets, five stories, grand rotunda, line elevator, steam heat

ample parlors. This completes and crowns the work.
An Unparalellcd Growth from obscurity to national fame, from fifiT

pupils to begin with to over 4.000 from half the Union.

PRICE. D D., Pres., 108 Vauxhall Place. Nashville, Tenn.




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They are also Representatives of other Leading Makes ol


And sell direct to purchasers at factory prices, thus saving them all middle men’s profit.
Write to them before purchasing. A two-cent stamp may save you many dollars.


ISIeisWville:, Tenn

(Mention Veteran when you write.)

^opfederat^ l/eterap.

Published Monthly in the Interest of Confederate Veterans and Kindred Topics.

Crick, 10 Cents.

^KARL’S”, $1.

Vol. IV.

Nashville, Tenn., March, 1896.

No. 3.



Entered at the postoflice, Nashville, Tenn., as second-class matter.

Advertisements: Two dollars per inch one time, or $20 a year, except
‘aat page. One page, one time, special, $40. Discount: Half year, one
Issue: one year, two issues. This is an increase on the former rate.

Contributor? will pleaBe be diligent to abbreviate. The space is too
important for anything that has not special merit.

The date to a subscription is always given to the month before it ends.
For instance, if the VkTkran be ordered to begin with .January, the date on
mail list will be Decern ber, and the subscriber is entitled to that number.

Though men deserve, thev may not win success,

The brave will honor the brave, vanquished none the less.

Tho “civil war” was too long ago to be called the “late” war and when
correspondents use that term the word “great” (wan will be substituted.

The Florida Reunion of our Veterans at Ocala,
was not largely attended, but of much interest.
Copies of addresses and some illustrations are in
hand for the April number. Comrades in the Land
of Flowers are ever loyal to these sacred interests.

Report of the Georgia Division United Daughters
of the Confederacy, at Augusta, as reported by the
Chronicle, should have bad extended notice in the
Veteran. Revision of the report was submitted
and copy is not received in time for this issue.

It was one of the best meetings yet bold by the
Daughters, and much may 1>c expected from Georgia.

Another chapter for the United Daughters of the
Confederacy was organized recently at Victoria,
Texas, with Mrs. J. M. Brownsou, President; Mrs.
Belle Martin and Mrs. W. A. Wood, Vice Presi-
dents; Mrs. James Koger, Secretary; and Mrs. 11. 1).
Sullivan, Treasurer. Dallas and Galveston have
strong chapters. If the good women of Texas or-
ganize as generally as have our Veterans, thev will
exhibit an amazing- strength.

The report of the Virginia Daug-hters in Febru-
ary number was slightly abbreviated. Whatever of
error occurred in the report may be charged to the
editor. He does the best possible with everything
used in the VETERAN, but all errors are chargeable
to him as he always makes changes in manuscript
that he thinks will improve without changing- facts.

In this connection contributors and especially old
comrades are urged to prepare articles with special
care. They should write with ink, giving wide
space, and re-write, as a rule, so as to condense farts.

A Veteran writes to the Lynchburg News an ap-
peal that all Daughters of the Confederacy unite in
one grand organization. He mentions the twelve
Chapters recently organized at Charlottesville into

“Grand Division of Virginia.” and then he mentions
the four Chapters that belong to the United
Daughters, an organization with Divisions in var-
ious Southern States and now growing rapidly.

The VETERAN understands
that the Chapters organized by
Mrs. Garnett are not averse to
membership in the general organ-
ization. It will be disappointed
if the good women in Virginia
do not co-operate with their
sisters generally in the South.
vwni.D~WhtersB.dge .. Veteran” very wisely states;

The requirement of membership and the object of
both are almost identical, and there’s no reason why
the two should not be united and act in harmoin
thereby insuring the success, and prosperity of the
cause both have in view, for. ‘united they’ll stand,
divided they’ll fall.”

The death of two noble women, which occurred
recently at Gallatin, Tenn., deserves mention in the
Veteran. One oi these was Miss Emily Peyton,
only daughter of the distinguished Bailey Peyton.
Reminiscences of her have been in the Veteh \n.

The other was a Miss Kwing of an honored Ten-
nessee family and the wife of Hon. J. W. Black-
more, who has been active with open pursefor every
cause honoring the South, since having done a
thorough share for the glory of Southern arms in
the ever memorable four years.

The writer grieves in the loss to that community
of such good friends, and for this comrade in his
desolation. At the Tennessee reunion of Veterans
the charming Mrs. Blackmore entertained quite a
company of them — Ah, and some of these have
preceded her into the unrealized beyond!

As the notice in February Veteran about back
numbers seems not to have been fully understood,
another is made in explanation. We want any of
the numbers of ’93, any before July of ’94, and those
for March, May, July, October, November, Decem-
ber of ’95, and January ’96. Those who are willing
to part with these numbers will be credited on sub-
scription one month for each number returned.

Additions to sketch and portrait of Col. J. W.
Dunnington, on page 84, next month.


Confederate l/eterap.

The editorial on page eighty refers to the gath-
ering in New York City, July 4, after reunion at
Richmond June 30, July 1-2. It is generally known
now that no such “gathering” will occur. It is
presumed, however, that Confederates will not be
prevented from going to New York if they wish.
But Comrade, Rev. John R. Deering is quoted by the
Harrodsburg (Ky., ) Democrat as saying about what
Confederates in general feel in regard to it:

“Well, I think we will survive it,” said the Doc-
tor. “Indeed it suits us if it suits them. * * *
We are so conscious of our rectitude, so satisfied
with our record, so sure of the vindication of pos-
terity, that we are content. We have gained already
so largely the world’s admiration for principle,
prowess, endurance, moderation and moral worth
that we are not wanting G. A. R. favors. But we
get honest tributes in every book they print, in
every song they sing, in every eulogy they speak,
in every monument they set up, in every pension
they draw. They can’t glorify themselves without
witnessing to the patriotism, valor and constancy of
the Southern people. They may not love us but
they are bound to respect us. We need not turn
coats and go into the parade business. It does seem
sad, however, that thirty years of peace have not
grown enough generosity in our Northern friends
to afford this scant recognition of Southern sincer-
ity, heroism and love of country. And there was
no possible peril to the Union, nor even an implica-
tion of bad intention, in the gray uniform or its
battle scared wearers.”

Referring to Grand Army men in Louisville and
through the South last year, he says:

“They wore the garb in which they fought, for
they marched in the character of Federal soldiers.
But Confederate soldiers must march in some other
costume or not at all! Very well! We can stand
the snubbing. The day isn’t distant when all men
of soul, who admire valor and love liberty, who
value patriotism and respect devotion to duty, all
who bow to moral worth and venerate good citizen-
ship, all who appreciate the sublime in self-sacrifice
for political principle, when all who stand for the
right of local self-government will exalt the men of
the South, and uncover their heads in honor of our
stainless Davis, our sainted Polk, our dauntless
Simms, our terrible Forrest, our modest Ashby, our
mighty Jackson, our knightly Johnston, our gallant
Pelham, our peerless Lee. They were as worthy as
our Henry and Jefferson, our Marion and Washing-
ton. The same land gave them birth, holds their
ashes and guards their fame. We can wait!”

Mrs. M. A. E. McLure, of St. Louis, writes: En-
closed find five dollars for poor — no, not poor, but
rich Samuel Davis. The history of that boy’s sac-
rifice of life should be told to every boy in the
land. Every mother in the South should have the
privilege of contributing to the perpetuation of this
act — death rather than dishonor. I have thought
much on the behavior of this boy; it haunts me. I
sometimes wish I did not feel so deeply, but that is
better than callousness.

Solicitors are engaged for the Veteran in pre-
paring sketches of distinguished Confederates,
whether by official position or for valor as soldiers.
All data published will have editorial revision, and
it is anticipated that the reunion number (July) to
contain these, will be the most attractive yet.

It is intended to publish the list of officials in
United Confederate Veterans next month. That
of 650 camps prepared for use at the Houston reun-
ion must be depended upon, hence a revised list
of Commanders and Adjutants is especially de-
sired. Comrades can save the office days of labor
and man} r dollars expense by reporting the names of
these officials. In the same number of the Veteran
it is designed to print a list of the United Daugh-
ters of the Confederacy. If the name of each Chap-
ter, the President and the Secretary shall be fur-
nished promptly, it will be a great favor.

In a letter from Carrollton, Ala., March 3rd, en-
closing twenty subscriptions and Si from her father,
Judge O. L. McKinstry, for the Samuel Davis Mon-
ument, Miss Hettie May McKinstry writes:

Papa belonged to the Forty-second Alabama Vol-
unteers, and was very near Col. Rogers, of the Sec-
ond Texas, and Capt. Foster, of the Forty-second
Alabama, when they were killed at Corinth, Miss.
His brother, Jas. A. McKinstry, who now lives at
Wyeth City, Alabama, was standing by them and
was shot through the body in three places by the
same volley that killed them, and although only a
boy seventeen years old and weighing but 96 pounds,
he did not fall, but made his escape from that ter-
rible place. He was discharged from the army in
consequence of his wounds, but remained with his
command and was in several hard battles with his
discharge in his pocket.

Loss of Eyesight from Overwork. — A news-
paper reports that Mr. Charles Broadway Rouss re-
cently said: “I will give $1,000,000 to any man
who will restore to me my eyesight. I will walk
out of the store and hand him the keys.” The store
is a ten story granite building on Broadway. Mr.
Rouss’ eyes had been failing for some time, and day
by day it was with greater difficulty that he csuld
distinguish objects until his eyes had almost totally
failed him. “The only thing visible to me,” he said,
“are the huge pillars. I can just discern the hazy
outlines of two,” pointing to the supports immedi-
ately before him. He is paying the penalty of
twenty years of overwork. Mr. Rouss, whose for-
tune is roughly estimated at $10,000,000, is now sixty
years old. He was born in Woodsboro, Frederick
County, Maryland, fought under “Stonewall” Jack-
son, and after the war came to New York penniless.

M. T. Ledbetter, of Piedmont, Alabama, sends a
batch of subscriptions. This veteran comrade has
been zealous for the Veteran almost from its be-
ginning January, ’03.

Qorjfederate Vetera g.



Review by Manager of the Confederate Memo-
rial Association.

New Orleans, March, 1896.
5″. A. Cunningham, Editor Confederate Veteran,

My Dear Comrade: In compliance with my prom-
ise, I submit the following statement of the origin
and progress of the movement to establish a grand
Confederate Memorial Association:

A short time after the glorious struggle of the
South for constitutional rights had been terminated
by the sad surrender at Appomattox, the attention
of Confederate Veterans was directed to the im-
portance of securing a truthful history of the war
and of the causes that led to it. To this motive
was added the loving desire to perpetuate the memory
of gallant comrades who had lost their lives in the
discharge of high patriotic duty. This combined
sentiment of love and duty found substantial ex-
pression in different parts of the South. Memorial
institutions and depositories of records and relics
were planned and some of them, through the con-
tinuous exertion of earnest men and women, grew
to fair proportions. None of them, however, en-
tirely fulfilled the purpose for which thev were

More than thirty years have elapsed since the
close of the war, yet, despite urgent and repeated
appeals for contributions, and despite liberal re-
sponses, there is not in existence to-day a Confed-
erate memorial institution that does not require
assistance to insure its perpetuity. There is not
one of such extensive proportions and which com-
mands such general approval and support from the
Confederate element of the country as to invest it
with national dignity and importance.

The support of these local institutions depends
mainly upon the contributions of our veterans, and
as their ranks are depleted by death, the burden of
the survivors constantly grows heavier. They have
been taxed to the limit of their capacity and in-
clination. There has been no cessation of the de-
mands upon them. As the establishment of the
Confederate Memorial Association wi’l accomplish
all that they desire in the direction of perpetuating
the (glorious memories of their past, and as they
will be relieved from further demands upon their
slender purses, the proposed institution appeals to
them with peculiar force.

The failure of the local institutions to accom-
plish all that had been anticipated, and their doubt-
ful fate when the veterans, their supporters, had
passed away, excited the grave concern of Comrade
Charles Broadway Rouss, who had been a most lib-
eral contributor. After careful and intelligent
study, he reached the conclusion that unity of action
and concentration of means were absolutely essential
to the establishment of a memorial institution of
whose maintenance and perpetuity there would be
no doubt.

Acting upon this conclusion, in 1894, Mr. Rouss
placed himself in communication with the veterans

by circular letters, submitting to them the outlines
of a plan of commemoration, and soliciting their
views. The theory of this plan was declared to be:
“That every Confederate Veteran should have a
proprietorv interest in the institution; that each
one of them should feel he had contributed some-
thing toward perpetuating the memories of the
great struggle in which he had borne a part.”

Comrade Rouss demonstrated that a moderate
contribution from each would aggregate a sum
amply adequate to all requirements, and he appealed
to them to unite in an effort “to pay deserved tribute
to the heroic deeds of their fallen comrades; to
furnish an inspiring object lesson to their descend-
ants, and to leave to posterity endearing proofs of
the courage, loyalty and devotion to duty of the
Confederate soldier.”

The plan and appeal went straight to the hearts
of the veterans, and except in rare instances, in
which local interests were held superior to all other
considerations, the response was prompt and favor-
able. Veterans, Daughters of the Confederacy.
Sons of Veterans, and Confederate sympathizers
generally, were warm in expressions of approval and
liberal in assurances of support. Gens. S. D. Lee.
W. L. Cabell, and other distinguished officers of the
United Confederate Veterans, in turn gave their ap-
proval by official endorsement.

When Mr. Rouss became fully aware of the ex-
tent and strength of the sentiment favorable to his
plan, he submitted it formally to the veterans as-
sembled in reunion at Houston in May last. The
enthusiastic manner in which it was received left no
doubt of its final adoption, and his munificent con-
tribution of $100,000 gave assurance of its success.
The immediate result oi his proposition was the ap-
pointment of a committee to examine and report
upon the accompanying plan. This committee
composed of one from each division of the United
Confederate Veterans, met at Atlanta on the 19th
of October last. The composition of this body was
of the highest order. The deliberations were care-
ful, calm and conscientious. Every feature of Mr
Rouss’ plan was given thoughtful and intelligent
study, which, with slight modifications, was unani-
mously approved. These modifications were in the
direction of insuring to each division of the United
Confederate Veterans a representative of its own
selection upon the Board of Administrators and of
increasing eligibility to membership and, at the
same time, reducing the cost.

Before adjournment, the Memorial Committee
perfected arrangements for the execution of the
Rouss plan. An Executive Committee was ap-
pointed and provision made for a manager to take
charge of the important matter of securing the
necessary funds. Work was commenced without
delay, and has continued to be prosecuted up to the
present with zeal and vigor. The results have been
most gratifying, but being constantly cumulative,
it is impossible to express them in positive figures
or terms. It may be said, however, that they have
been entirely satisfactory.

The first efforts of the Committee were directed
to enrolling every surviving Confederate soldier as
a subscriber in order to demonstrate to the world

Confederate l/eteran.

that our veterans are a unit in loyal remembrance
of the cause that they upheld and in loving- memory
of their comrades who died in its defense. To this
end subscription books were prepared and have been
placed in the hands of the Commanders of the 747
existing Veteran Camps. The process of securing
individual subscribers is necessarily slow, as a num-
ber of Camps meet at long- intervals and their mem-
bership is scattered over a wide area of territory.
This is notably the case in the Trans-Mississippi
Department. In a number of instances Camps have
appropriated amounts to cover their entire member-
ship. This has been the case in Louisiana, Ten-
nessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Washing-ton and New
York City. With but few exceptions Camp Com-
manders report satisfactory progress.

Provision having been made for the enrollment of
the veterans attached to Camps, the Committee en-
larged its field of operations and appealed to all
Confederate sympathizers for co-operation and sup-
port. The manner in which this appeal has been
received is best conveyed by the statement that
hundreds of subscription books have been applied
for and that the demand is constantly increasing.
There are now over 1,200 books in the hands of ac-
tive and zealous agents and the work of enrollment
progresses without intermission.

As has been stated in official publications, the
subscription of $1.00 entitles the subscriber to mem-
bership in the Memorial Association. Every dollar
thus secured finds its way into the memorial fund
without the payment of one penny for cost of col-,
lection, commission, or for any other purpose what-
ever. The subscription of $100,000 by Comrade
Rouss does not measure the extent of his magnifi-
cent liberality, for in addition he has made ample
provision for the expenses of the memorial work
from its inception up to its completion. The assur-
ance is thus given to subscribers that the money
paid by them is applied solely and exclusively to the
purpose for which it was solicited.

As gratifying – as have been the responses of the
Confederate Veterans to the appeal made to them,
their substantial support of the Memorial Associa-
tion will not reach the amount that may be relied
upon from the noble women of the South. The}-
have engaged in this movement with the ardor and
enthusiasm that always characterizes their efforts
in the prosecution of good works. They are in-
creasing interest and stimulating exertion. They
are securing subscriptions to membership and are
preparing to celebrate Memorial Festival Day in
the most magnificent manner. On the first day
of Ma)-, every town, city and hamlet in the South
will bear eloquent witness to their intelligent and
patriotic efforts. As they will command the ser-
vices and support of all true Southern men in the
land, there can be no limit placed to their success.

It will be remembered that the $100,000 subscrip-
tion of Comrade Rouss was conditioned upon a like
amount being assured from other sources. It was
estimated that $200,000 would accomplish all that
was necessary to the execution of the original plan
of commemoration. We have already passed the
$200,000 limit, and are now looking forward to the
establishment of an institution wider in scope,

grander in proportion and more impressive in even-
respect than the one at first contemplated. If con-
tributions continue to be as liberal as they have
been heretofore, the Battle Abbey of the South will
be the most magnificent memorial edifice of the age.
To secure such an institution, all who prize heroic
deeds in the past, and hope for their emulation in
the future, should be glad to contribute. When it
shall have been established, and when it proves to
be a grand beacon light and an impressive object
lesson to all who love liberty and right, the saddest
reflection that could come to a Southerner would be
that he had contributed nothing to its establishment.

The warm competition for the location of the Bat-
tle Abbey by so many cities evidences the existence
of a widespread sentiment favorable to the memorial
work in which we are engaged. Although location
will be determined by a Board of Administrators yet
to be appointed — one member from each division of
the United Confederate Veterans — our veterans
have declared that they will acquiesce in whatever
decision may be reached. To their credit be it said
that to secure an object of general desire they will
subordinate all feelings of local preference. There
could be no surer guarantee of success.

The Memorial Committee will report the result
of their labors to the veterans at the Richmond
Reunion. They are encouraged to hope that
their report will prove satisfactory. In the mean
time they urgently invoke the active cooperation
and support of all who have at heart the realization
of the hopes of commemorating our glorious past,
in which we have indulged for so many weary years.
Fraternally, Robt. C. Wood,
Manager Memorial Association Committee.


— g

J-rJiii^W-i^ ©►

Photo-engraving of handsome Membership Cer-
tificate. Orders must be sent through Chapter Pres-
idents. Remit ten cents for each certificate to Mrs.
L. H. Raines, 142 Henry Street, Savannah, Ga.

Ike S. Harvey, Lexington, Miss. : I was a member
of Harvey’s Scouts, Jackson’s Division; was cap-
tured near Adairsville, Ga., May 18, ’64, and sent
to Rock Island, III., where I remained until June,
20, ’65. Would like to see something from some
old Reb who was there. I was a C. K. 7.

Qogfederate Uecerat).


On Christmas morning, with a bright sun-
shine and a Sabbath stillness resting upon the
scene, there were laid to rest iu the burying- ground
of the Goss family, near Stony Point, the remains
of a gallant soldier of two wars — Andrew J. Grigsby.

COL. ANDREW .1. QBIGSBY— A brave soldier and fniiliful citizen.

Colonel Grigsby was born in Rockbridge County.
Va., November 2nd, 1819. When war with Mexico
was declared, he was residing in Missouri, and he
enlisted in Colonel Doniphan’s well-known regi-
ment which distinguished itself in that war. In
the spring of 1861 he was living in Giles County,
Va., and at once entered the service of his State.
becoming successively Major, Lieutenant-Colonel,
and Colonel of the Twenty-seventh Virginia Regi-
ment, — one of the five regiments of the noted
“Stonewall” Brigade. He served with this brigade
through the campaigns of 1Si>1 and 1Si>2, becoming-
its commander after Colonel W. H. S. Baylor was
killed at “Second Manassas.”

At the battle of Sharps burg, after the retirement
of General J. K. Jones — injured by concussion from
the bursting of a shell — and the death of Gen. W.
E. Starke, who was killed early in the action, he
became commander of Jackson’s old Division, and
led it with conspicuous ability and gallantry. In-
deed, the gallantry of Col. Grigsby was conspicuous
on every field on which the “Stonewall” Brigade
was engaged, so that his regiment acquired the
sobriquet of “The Bloody Twenty-seventh.” At
the battle of Port Republic his sword belt was shot
away, and he was wounded in a later engagement.

In the fall of 1863, after ihe promotion of Gen.
E. F. Paxton. former Major of his regiment, and at
that time Adjutant-General of Jackson’s Corps, to
the command of the ‘Stonewall” Brigade. Col.
Grigsby resigned. He was then in feeble health
and unable to endute further active service.

He retired to the home of his relatives, the Goss
family, in Albemarle County, where he afterwards

Col. Grigsby was a brother of John Warren Grigs-
by, who was Colonel of the Sixth Kentucky Cavalry,
and commanded a brigade in Morgan’s Cavalry
Division. He was a man of great force of character,
and impulsive; he was brave almos* to rashness
ard in battle exposed himself with a reckless disre-
gard of his own safety. He never said “go,” but
always “come.” While a stern disciplinarian, his
regiment was devoted to him, and would follow him
anywhere. His kindness of heart was shown in
later life by his habit of carrying apples in his
pocket to give to children and others whom he met

At the unveiling ol the Jackson Statue at Lex
Lngton, in 1891, Col. Grigsby rode at the head ol
the remnant of the “Stonewall ‘ Brigade, and he
was manifestly delighted as the leader, on this
peaceful occasion, of the men whom he had so often
led in battle.

At the unveiling of the Soldier’s and Sailor’s
Monument in Richmond, in 1894, notwithstanding
his seventj -five years, he marched on loot, side by
side with the commander of John Bowie Strange
Camp, the whole distance.

Col. Grigsby was taken with pneumonia on Wed-
nesday, December 18, and died on Monday, Decem-
ber 23, in the seventy-seventh year of his age.

Manj- neighbors and friends assembled in num-
bers to pay respect to his memory, among- whom
were his comrades, Gen. Wm. McComb of Louisa
County, Capt. Philip W. Nelson and others. The
services were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Farrar,
and the pallbearers were Messrs. Samuel Edwards,
Wm. A. Marshall, George Webb. Alex. Taylor,
John B, Minor and Commander James M. Garnett,
representing John Bowie Strange Camp, Confeder-
ate Veterans, of which he was formerly a member.

Having served his country well in war and in
peace, he now rests from his labors. J, M. i ;

Charlottsville, Va., December 2(>th, 1895.

An additional note to Col. Grigsby states that
he was commissioned Major by Gov. Letcher in 1861,
and joined Col. Echols’ Regiment, mustered into
service at Lynchburg. Va.. and served in the Army
of Northern Virginia. He was a brave officer and
popular with his men.

Some of Col. Grigsby ‘s nephews came to Nash-
ville early after the war — mere boys — and made
prominent citizens ever true to Confederate memories

W. H. Calhoun, Granger, Texas, makes inquiry
for the Cealey family, to which his mother belonged.
She was a Miss Mahala Cealey and married his
lather, W. M. Calhoun in Independence Co., Ark.,
about ’42 or ’43. Information will be appreciated.


Confederate Uecerap.


negro cottages and cabins extend quite beyond
the battle lines at time of siege. Recently in some

A recent visit to the old battle grounds about
Jackson and Vicksburg furnishes much that would
be of special interest to veterans who were there,
but subsequent issues will have to be depended upon
for the reminiscences. At Vicksburg, Capt. D. A.
Campbell, now Brigadier General of the United Con-
federate Veterans, made the day as pleasant as pos-
sible in introducing comrades and in a drive over
the hills to places ever to be remembered by soldiers
of both armies. Comrade Campbell is deservedly
proud of their Confederate monument — heretofore
illustrated in the Veteran The National Ceme-
tery, is the largest in the country except the one near
Nashville. He pointed out the monument erected
where Grant held a conference with Pemberton con-
cerning the surrender, July 4, 1863. It is photo-
engraved on front page of this Veteran, and rep-
resents him with hand upon the shaft, while several
fellow Confederates and the sexton stand in the
picture. The monument was so defaced that it has
been placed in the cemetery grounds.

At Jackson comrades were cordial in their greet-
ing. Mr. John C. Rietti, who is preparing a valu-
able history, rendered many special favors. An ef-
fort to get to the battle ground of Raymond had to
be ‘abondoned for lack of time. In the suburbs


sewer work many bones were exhumed. They were
both of Confederates and Federals.

THE STATE CAPITOL OF MISSISSIPPI— (Built in 1840; now condemned. It is historic A new one is to be built.)

confederate monument at jackson. press and people at the time, and its dedication was

An event of semi-national interest was the dedi- the most notable event that has occurred in that

cation of the Confederate Monument erected at Jack- State since the war. It stands in the southern part of

son It was also called the Davis Monument by the Capitol grounds, and is sixty feet high, sur-

Qopfederate l/eterar?.


mounted by a typical Confederate soldier. Tht
concrete base is 20×24 feet. It is dedicated


The vault, as will be seen in the picture, is oc-
tagonal and seven feet in diameter. The feature of
this beautiful monument most interesting and at-
tractive cannot be seen in the above illustration. It
is the life-size statue of Mississippi’s most distin-
guished character in all history. It is of exquisite
workmanship in Italian marble. He stands in ora-
torial pose, holding a manuscript in his hand, while
books are piled about his feet. The inner part of
the vault is of highly polished marble.

The Jackson Clarion-Ledger so well reports the
visit to that city that the following is copied:

* * * Mr. Cunningham was a boy soldier of
the Forty-first Tennessee Infantry. and with his regi-
iinent at the surrender of Fort Donelson and ex-
changed at Vicksburg, in the fall of 1862. His
command was reorgaui/.ed at Shepherd Springs,
near Clinton. It was sent back to Vicksburg in
part of the siege, then sent to l'<»rt Hudson where
it remained until May 1st, 1863. At that time it
was ordered to Jackson, where the nun expected to
remain in camp for some weeks, but the command

was hurriedly ordered to Raymond to check a large
force of Federals marching on Jackson. The small
brigade under command of Gen. John Gregg, of
Texas, held from six to ten times as many in check-
all day, but in the evening it was about to be “swal-
lowed up'” when it made good its retreat to within a
few miles of Jackson, and on the following day, al-
though considerably reinforced, and with Gen. J.
E. Johnston in command, it abandoned the city
and went up the Canton road a few miles, where it
remained unmolested for several days.

The (light of citizens, along with the army.
through rain and mud, on that eventful May morn-
ing, is mentioned by Mr. Cunningham as one oi
the most pathetic sights of the war.

Again, when Vicksburg had fallen and Grant
pressed Johnston and the siege of six days was on,
he came into the city one evening, and in a walk of
many blocks saw but one person, an old black man.
Elegant homes had been despoiled, the furniture
being scattered as if the owners had started to re-
move it, but gave up all effort through peril of shot
and shell. It fell to his lot. as assistant to the
officer in charge of the skirmishers, or advance
pickets, to crawl along the line and whisper how
they were to yet away. Each man was to conform
to the action of the one to his right in moving by
the flank or directly to the rear. This regiment, so
deployed, lost its way to the bridge across Pear]
River, and for safety of the main army itwas set on
fire, but in the early twilight they escaped and
joined the main army.

Another one has s^one to the soldier’s last rest!
J. R. Reynolds, Company A, Phillips’ Legion,
Georgia Volunteers, died July 16th, ’94. Age 54
vtars, i> months. lie went with the first company
from his county and served through the war in the
Virginia army. He never had a furlough: was in
the Richmond Campaign; the arduous marches and
battles through Maryland and Pennsylvania; trans-
ferred to Missionary Ridge, was wounded the third
time in the charge upon the fort at Knoxville, and
was left on the battlefield. He was captured, and
with his wounds, was sent to Fort Deleware, where
he was held eleven months; but surrendered with
Lee’s army. No truer soldier ever died. The last
reveille has been sounded: Sleep on brave heart!

The foregoing is from a comrade — and the wife
writes, sending remittance to VETERAN from
Siloam, Georgia: It was ever welcomed and
eagerly read by him as long as he could read, and
after that he would often have me read for him. It
seemed to give him new life.

Burton R. Elliott. Keller, Texas: I was a Con-
federate soldier and fought under Gen. Price, Tenth
Missouri Infantry. I was captured atHelena, Ark.,
4th of July, ‘<>.>, and taken from there to Alton, 111.,
where I stayed eight months. From there I was
taken to Ft. Delaware and remained twelve months,
so I knew how the Confederate prisoners were treat-
ed. The period of my prison life was the most un-
endurable part of my army life; we suffered so much.
I would be very glad to hear from any comrades
who knew me there. My barrack was No. 17.


Qogfederate l/cterai).


The New Orleans States gives the following:
War Department, j

Washington, D. C, August 8, 1864. \
Major General Burbridge, Lexington, Kentucky:
Last December Mrs. Emily T. Helm, half sister
of Mrs. L. and widow of the Rebel General, Ben.
Hardin Helm, stopped here on her way from Geor-
gia to Kentucky, and I gave her a paper, as I re-
member, to protect her against the mere fact of her
being General Helm’s widow. I hear a rumor to-
day that you recently sought to arrest her, but was
prevented by her presenting the paper from me. I
do not intend to protect her against the conse-
quences of disloyal words or acts spoken or done by
her since her return to Kentuck}% and if the paper
given her by me can be construed to give her pro-
tection for such words or acts, it is hereby revoked
pro tanto. Deal with her for current conduct just
as you would with any other. A. Lincoln. [

It is not generally known that the Mrs. Emily T.
Heltn, referred to above, is at this time wintering
in New Orleans, and occupies, in company with
two charming daughters, a neat little cottage on
Carondalet street. Mr. Ben. Helm, the popular
freight contracting agent for the Louisville and
Nashville road, a son of Madame Helm, is also a
resident with his mother and sisters, in fact, as
Mrs. Helm says so pleasantly, “We are Ben’s
guests, and want to see how we shall like living in
New Orleans, for the winter at least.”

The other day it was the privilege of the writer
to spend a delightful hour or two in company with
the Helms, and he took the liberty, in the course of
the evening, to show Mrs. Helm the clipping from
Mr. Lincoln. The lady read it carefully, and said:

“This dispatch is a surprise to me, as I was never
arrested or had any trouble with the United States
authorities. The circumstances of that protection
paper given to me by President Lincoln occurred in
this way: Two of my brothers had been killed, one
at Corinth, the other at Baton Rouge, and the third
one was slowly dying from a wound received at
Vicksburg; and at the battle of Chickamauga my
dear husband had fallen. I had accompanied my
husband South, and after his death I was given by
Mr. Lincoln a permit to return to Kentucky by flag
of truce. Upon reaching Fortress Monroe a United
States officer come on the boat and told me that he
had orders to require an oath of allegiance to the
United States from every one who landed. I asked
a parole on to Washington, quietly stating that I
would return in case I was called upon to take the
oath. I had just left the friends of my husband
and brothers in arms against the United States, ill-
fed and poorly clad, and with tears in their eyes
and sorrow in their brave hearts for me over my
great bereavement, and they would have felt that I
had deserted them and had not been true to the
cause for which my husband had given up his life.
It was therefore not bravado on my part.

“Soon after my conversation with the officer, I
was allowed to go on to Washington, and when I
arrived at the capital I immediately called on Presi-

dent Lincoln. Both the President and Mrs. Lin-
coln, who was my half-sister, received me with
every affection and kindness. Since I had seen
them, they had buried from the White House a little
son who had loved me very dearly, and we on each
side had overwhelming sorrow that caused our
meeting to be painful and exceedingly agitating.

“I told Mr. Lincoln my object in coming to the
White House and explained my position to him,
and I told him I did not intend to embarrass or
make myself conspicuous in any way in case he
allowed me to proceed to my home in Kentucky.

“I was his guest for several days, and when I
left he gave me a paper, which was worded so as to
protect me in person and property, except as to
slaves, and as I thanked him, he said: ‘I have
known you all your life and I never knew you to do
a mean thing.’ I answered Mr. Lincoln and told
him I would not embarrass him after I arrived in
Kentucky. I was exceedingly careful that no word
or act of mine should make Mr. Lincoln regret be-
ing so considerate to me.

“Every one was ver}’ kind indeed to me in Ken-
tucky, irrespective of party or opinion, and I do not
think that I made any enemies on account of my ac-
tions. I had no occasion to use the paper Mr. Lin-
coln gave me, except once when asking a Federal
officer to keep his men, who were camped near my
home, from trespassing upon our grounds and tak-
ing our meals as they were cooked from our kitch-
en, which the officer did in the kindest manner

“It is possible that this officer made a report as
to my possessing the protection paper given me by
President Lincoln, to General Burbridge, who was
his superior officer, and this officer possibly desired
to have orders from President Lincoln as to what
to do in case I made myself conspicuous. I was not
arrested, for I gave no cause. I could never have
been so lost to my word of honor to President Lin-
coln as to have annoyed him under the circum-

“That he did not believe that I had been impru-
dent is evidenced by the fact that in March, 1865,
under the escort of his son (my nephew), with Mrs.
Bernard Pratt, a relative of General Zachary Taylor,
and General Singleton, of Illinois, I was allowed to
go South on some private business of my own, but
finding it impossible to go further than Richmond,
Va., and being advised by friends, I returned to
Baltimore, where I had only been a short time when
Richmond fell.”

Mrs. Helm was a widow when only twenty-three
years of age, and left with three small children.

General Helm was only thirty-three years of age
when he fell, leading his brigade in battle. He
was a brave, chivalrous Kentucky gentleman, de-
scribed as grave, thoughtful and studious; he
went to West Point and graduated ninth in 1851.
Lieutenant Helm was assigned to the Second Dra-
goons. One year’s service saw Helm out of the
Army and immersed in the practice of law. Then
he went into politics and was in the Kentucky Leg-
islature in 1855. In 1856 he married Miss Todd.

Helm fully appreciated the kindly nature and
quaint wit and force of expression of Abraham Lin-

Qopfederate l/eterap.


coin, while the other formed a deep attachment for
the thoughtful, scholarly, handsome and polished
grandson of Old Ben Hardin.

In April, 18bl. Helm received an invitation from
President Lincoln to visit Washington, although a
Southern Rights Democrat, and Lincoln knew it.
On the 27th of April, Mr Lincoln called to his
brother-in-law, and handing him a sealed envelope,
said: “Ben, hero is something for you. Think it
over by yourself, and let me know what you will do.”

The envelope contained Helm’s nomination as
paymaster in the United States Army. This was
the opportunity of his life. By this offer the step-
ping stone to almost any honorable ambition lay at
Helm’s disposition. This was one side of the pic-
ture. On the other lay exposed the call of duty to
his State. It didn’t take Helm long to make up his
mind. “I will try to do what is right.
You shall have my answer in a few days,” sai 1 the
gallant Kentuckian to the President.

Of course when Helm got to Kentucky he found
the State in the midst of a patriotic furore of mili-
tary enthusiasm. He wrote to Lincoln declining
the position of paymaster.

“Helm, Ben Hardin; nominated i<>r paymaster ni
the United States Army, April 27. 1861. Declined.”
is a record in the War Department. No more; no
less. It tells the story of honor and emolument
sacrificed on the altar of duty. By a coincidence,
it was on the very day that Robert E. Lee resigned
his commission in the United States Army, to
throw in his lot with his State, that Helm was tend-
ered the position ol pa j master by President Lincoln.

Lincoln and Helm never met again this side oi
the “great divide.” Helm plunged into the strife
with his whole soul. He organized the First Ken-
tucky Cavalry for the Confederate Armv, reporting
in October, 1861, to Albert Sidney Johnston for

March 19, 1Si>2. Col. Helm was gazetted Britra-
dier-General, and then he organized the First Ken-
tucky Brigade in the Tennessee Confederate Armv.
Twice, in 1861 and 1862, General Helm thought of
his would-be benefactor, Abraham Lincoln, and
sent the President kindly messages.

And then the end came to the bright chivalrous
soldier’s life. At Chickamauga Helm’s Brigade,
composed of the Second, Fourth, Sixth and Ninth
Kentucky and Cobb’s Battery, was attached to
Breckin bridge’s Division. The Forty-first Alabama
was also added to the brigade On September 19,
the battle commenced with 150,000 men of arms op-
posed to eacb other.

On the evening of Sept. 20th while leading his
command against General Thomas’ Corps, General
Helm fell from his charger mortally wounded, and on
the morning of the 21st, in the earliest watches of
the breaking day he was dead. How brave a
soldier the Confederacy lost that day. history re-
cords. Ben Hardin Helm wasin the highest sense
of the word, one of nature’s noblemen. He was a
patriotic Southern gentleman. As he understood
it, his line of conduct was clear, and he unhesitat-
ingly trod the path of duty, lie was a scholar, a
true friend and devoted husband, and as long as the
world shall last, in the hearts and affections of

Southern men and women, the name of Ben Hardin
Helm will be reverenced and his memory honored.
When Lincoln heard of General Helm’s death, it
is recorded of him. that the martyr president locked
himself in a private apartment and there gave vent
to uncontrollable irrief.

.”•■ q

Captain F. S. Harris read Captain Ridley’s let-
ter, and reports remarkable shots from Virginia.
Considering the kind of guns used, these inci-
dentsaro wonderful. While there were a few Whit-
worth rifles that passed the blockade at Wilming-
ton, those mostly in use were captured, Enfields.

This paper was designed lor the February number.

I remember a shot by a Tennessee lieutenant in
L864, which I have never yet seen equalled.

Soon after Crant’s mine exploded near Peters-
burg in the summer of 1864, an officer in Archer’s
Tennessee Brigade observed a party of horsemen
ascend an eminence tar in rear of the 1- ederal lines.
He called Capt.Slade, Chief Engineer of A. P. Hill’s
Corps, who was passing at that moment, and asked
him to calculate the distance. Capt. Slade esti-
mated it to be 2.250 yards, .lust as one of the men,
apparently a general, rode away from the group
and stopped on the highest point, the lieutenant
took a Whitworth rifle belonging to one of the
sharpshooters in that Brigade, trained the gun on
him with globe sight, deliberately aimed and tired.
The officer fell from his horse, and his staff gath-
ered around him quickly. Two more shots were
fired in rapid succession, and three men were car-
ried from that place. A few days later a Northern

paper announced that General . I forget the

name, and several of his staff were killed by Rebel
sharpshooters at long range.

Fran. Bass, of Company I., Seventh Tennessee,
and a sharpshooter lor Archer’s Brigade, made a
remarkable shot. A Federal sharpshooter had
wounded several of our men from an ambuscade.
Bass, with a pair of field glasses, finally located
him in a dense tree, protected by its body. Load-
ing his Enfield carefully, he requested me to go
with him to the left to uncover the Yankee. We
finally, with the aid of glasses, located him about
580 yards off. At the crack of Bass’ gun, he fell
from the tree. Jack Lain, another sharpshooter
for Archer’s Brigade, and Fran. Bass both made
wonderful shots on June 2, ‘<>4, at the second battle
of Cold Harbor, just below Richmond.

Grant kept sliding to his left, but invariably
found Lee between him and Richmond. On that
day Archer’s Brigade occupied the extreme left of
the army, with the sharpshooters at right angles
and considerably advanced. Lain and I were be-
hind an impromptu breastwork at an exposed
point. Only one of the enemy seems to have dis-
covered us, but in a very few minutes his bullets
were scraping the top of our pile of dirt. Lain
held up his hat and Mr. Yank promptly put a bul-
let through it. His handherchief on a stick caused
a like result. The enemy evidently knew the
strength of our breastworks for he put a ball at


Confederate tfeterai).

least a foot below the top, passing just in front of
Lain’s nose, and filling’ his mouth and eyes with
Virginia sand.

That shot made Lain mad and put him to fuss-
ing. Telling me to lie low and amuse Mr. Yank
with the handkerchief act, he crawled on his face
out of range and disappeared. It was not long be-
fore Lain came up smiling. He had killed him
over a quarter of a mile distant, and was determined
to get his gun and haversack. We found him be-
hind a pile of corded wood with a bullet through his
head, while a bright new gun and well-filled haver-
sack were lj 7 ing beside hiin. Joining Fran. Bass
on our return, we had hardly reached our former
position, when Lain’s keen eye discovered a head
just above the same pile of corded wood. Bass took
the new Enfield and fired at that head. Soon Joe
Hamilton, of Company 7 H., Seventh Tennessee, came
to us as “mad as a wet hen.” Said it was his head
we saw. He was looking at us, saw the flash of
Bass’ gun and dodged just in time, as the bullet
cut a chip from the stick where his chin rested. He
had got in there by mistake.

That brave J. P. Hamilton boy is now a college
professor in Tennessee. Poor Bass lost his valu-
able life a few months later below Petersburg by a
long range shot.

Capt. W. B. Harris, of Eighth Tennessee, in-
forms me that Sam Gordon, of Quarle’s Company,
Eighth Tennessee Regiment, could successively hit
the bottom of a pint tin cup 1,000 yards with an
army rifle. Sam now lives at Gainsboro, Tennes-
see, but his hand is too shaky and his eyes too dim
to do it again.

Hon. Wm. Amison, of the Forty-fourth Tennes-
see, relates that a young man named Brock, of
Hawkins’ sharpshooters, Buckner’s Division, was
killed by a Yankee over a mile away. Brock and
the Yankee, only, were firing just previous to the
battle of Perryville. Brock finally exposed himself
carelessly and bit the dust. The battle was just
opening, and soon the death grapple commenced.

Mr. Amison speaks feelingly of Brock’s faithful
servant who had “promised ole Marse to fetch that
chile to him and ole Mistis.” Hearing of his young
master’s death, he made his way to the front line
while the battle raged, and safely bore the body to
the rear. How this faithful servant succeeded in
passing, with Brock’s dead body, out of Kentucky,
through Tennessee, and to South Mississippi, is
not known. But he did, and brave young Brock’s
grave was watered with the tears of a loving family.
If this should meet the eye of anyone who can give
the after-history of Brock’s servant, the Veteran
would be glad to hear of him.

On the 27 of August, ’62, “Old Jack,” (Stone-
wall), suddenly (as was his custom) appeared on the
plains of Manassas in rear of Pope’s Army with
Archer’s Tennessee Brigade in advance.

Nearing the railroad, Adjutant George A. How-
ard called Gen. Archtr’s attention to a body of
troops in front.

The General knowing his Tennesseans were the
nearest Confederates to Washington, instructed Ad-
jutant Howard to have Shoemaker’s Battery turn
loose on them, which he promptly did. A move-

ment was here made, said to have been suggested
by Adjutant Howard reversing the rules of war.

The battery charged with Archer closely support-
ing. They stood their ground for a while, but could
not long stand Shoemakcrs’s grape and shell, and
broke in wild panic. Maj. Shoemaker, pressing
closely, selected a position commanding a ridge
over which they must retreat. I think he killed
nearly all of them.

This is not remarkable for long distance shoot-
ing, but it is more difficult, artillerists know, to cut
accurately short than long fuse. Maj. Shoemaker
could not have been more than 100 yards from them.
But a mile or so east, another column of Yan-
kees appeared, who at about three- fourths of a mile
piled up Bob Jackson, John Tucker. J. T. McKen-
zie, John McDonald and one other of the Seventh
Tennessee, like rails bj- a storm.

At the battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, ’62.
Maj. Carter Braxton commanding, the Braxton
Battery, made up in Fredericksburg, saw a line of
men with a stand of colors standing in his mother’s
3’ard. Knowing his family were gone, he brought
a twelve lb Napoleon to bear with solid shot. The
distance being 1,600 yards. The first shot cut
down the man on the right. The next lowered the
flag. It was a singular combination of circum-
stances that Maj. Braxton was assisted by his brave
Lieutenant (afterward Captain), L. S. Marye.
The gun they were firing was standing in the yard
of Capt. Marye’s mother and sending shots into the
yard of Maj. Braxton’s mother — a remarkable co-

In the same battle (Fredericksburg), Pelham’s
Horse Artillery was stationed next to Archer’s Ten-
nessee Brigade on Stonewall’s extreme right and al-
most at right angles to the Tennesseans, and the
left of Sumner’s (?) Grand Division. The Federals
were at first about twelve or fifteen hundred 3’ard.s
distant. The officer in command, I suppose Maj.
Pelham, cut his fuse so correctly that his shells
burst exactly in the right place.

When Burnside’s general forward movement com-
menced about four p. m., the left of his line passed
not over fifty yards from Pelham’s Battery. So ac-
curately were his calculations made that his shells
continued to explode in the Federal lines until they
were close enough to use grape. When Sumner’s (?)
lines were opposite and at right angles to Pelham,
his enfilading- fire was terrible, so Pelham also did
excellent work in cutting fuse for close range.

R. W. Oakes writes to the St. Louis Republic an
interesting story as told by an “old ex-Confederate”
soldier about the heroism and the humanity of Gen.
M. P. Lowry, who was at first Colonel Thirty-sec-
ond Mississippi Regiment, in battle near Marietta.
The Union troops had charged again and again
leaving their dead and wounded, of course, in each
repulse. The woods caught fire and the appeals
of the Union wounded who could not getaway were
pitiable in the extreme. Unable to withstand their
pleadings General Lowry mounted the breastworks
and called out to the Union commanders: “For
God’s sake stop and send men to put out that fire!”

Confederate Ueterap.


Address By Hon. John H. Reagan, of Texas.

After the reunion in Waco, part of the address
was given in the Veteran. It is now published in
full. Mr. Reagan, the only Confederate Postmaster

General and now the only Cabinet Minister living,
reviews the causes of the war for posterity.

Comkades, Ladies and Gentlemen:

This presence revives many hallowed memories of
the past. It calls to memory the days when hus-
bands were separated from wives and children;
sons separated from fathers and mothers, brothers
and sisters; when loving 1 and loved ones left their
homes to enter the armies of the Confederacy, with
hearts proudly responding to the calls of patriotism
and aching tor those who were left at home. It re-
calls the forming of military organizations, and the
Commencement of the march to the seat ot war,
buoyant with hope, under bright new banners, in
the presence of smiles which came through tears,
the waving of handkerchiefs, the silent prayer of
hope and love, and the soulful “Good-bye, God bless
you,” followed by the parting cheers of friends; a
few of those departing to return, but many to sleep
in honorable graves on the field of glory, to which
duty called them. It calls to mind the long marches,
the scenes around the camp tires, and anxious prep-
arations for battle; it brings before the mind anew
incidents of campaigns, the forming of the lines of
battle, the moving of the skirmishers into position,
the rattle of small arms, the advance of the infantry,
the rapid movement of the cavalry into position, the
thunder of cannon, the shriek of shell, the roar of
battle, amidst the shouts of the living and the
groans of the wounded and dying. It calls up the
memories of First Manassas, of Seven Pines, of the
seven days in front of Richmond, of Fredericksburg,
of Second Manassas, of Sharpsburg, of Gettysburg.
It reminds us id’ Fort Donelson, of Shiloh and Cor-
inth, of Murfreesboro or Stone’s River, of Chickamau-
ga, of Lookout Mountain, of Elkhorn, of Vicksburg,
of Atlanta, of Franklin, where Pat Cleburne and
other heroes fell, and of an hundred other fields on
which Confederate skill and courage and constancy
were displayed. It causes a renewal of our admira-
tion and love for such great captains as Robert E.
Lee. Stonewall Jackson, Sidney Johnston, Joseph
E.Johnston, Beauregard, Bragg, Longstreet, Hood,
Kirby-Smith, Gordon, Cleburne, Polk, Price, Breck-
enridge, Ben McCulloch, John Gregg, Tom Green,
Granburv, Randall, Scurry, Ector, Cabell, Ross,
Waul, W. H. F. and Fitzhugb Lee, J. E. B. Stuart.
Forrest, Wheeler, and an hundred other heroic lead-
ers in “the lost cause”. Great as was the ability
and courage and purity of life of our generals, who
deservedly achieved a world-wide fame, and proud
as we were and are of their characters and virtues.
we turn with still greater pride and holier reverence,
if such a thing be possible, to the memory of the
subaltern oflicers and private soldiers, who, for four
weary years of privation, suffering, carnage and
death, carried the banners of the Confederacy, and
offered their lives for their country’s liberty, because

they served and suffered without the incentive of
office or rank, animated solely by their love of home
and country, for their devotion to a cause dearer to
them than life.

There were features in the struggle of the Con-
federacy which must hold place in history as long
as the admiration of genius, and courage, and virtue
shall survive. Its people entered the contest with-
out a general government, without an army, with-
out a navy, and. without a treasury; they organized
all these during the existence of the war; they
provided a few naval vessels and brought hundreds
of thousands of men into the field, by which they
bid defiance to a well-equipped government for four
years, which required more than two millions of
men to subdue them. During this time many g
battles were fought and victories won and lost, in
which tens i-^i thousands of men were engaged.

The existence of state governments facilita
this wonderful achievement, but this could not have
been accomplished except for the great devotion oi
the people to their cause, guided by the consummate
ability and patriotic devotion of President Davis and
his cabinet ministers and the members of the Cor.
federate Congress.

Of late years we occasionally hear the inquiry as
to what caused this great war, with all its sacrifices
of life and property. Sometimes the inquiry is made
by those seeking information, again others make it
in order to belittle those who were engaged in it.
A struggle which cost hundreds of thousands of
valuable lives, and by which many billions of money
was spent and property sacrificed, could hardly have
been engaged in without a sufficient cause. And
those who assume that it was not. only show their
own ignorance of the history of our country. With-
out raising the question as to who was right and
who wrong in that struggle, I think our children
should know why their fathers engaged in so great
a war.

During colonial times in this country the political
authorities id’ Great Britain, Spain ami France, and
the Dutch merchants planted African slavery in all
the North American colonies. At the time of tin
declaration of American independence, 177<>, Afri-
can slavery existed in all of the thirteen colonies.
At the date of the adoption of the Federal Constitu-
tion. 17><7, African slavery existed in all of the
States except one. The commercial reason for
the planting of African slavery in this country was
no doubt stimulated by the hope of ease and gain.
It was at the same time justified by the church on
the ground that the negroes were taken from a
condition of heathenish barbarism and eannabalisin
and brought to where they could be taught the arts
of civilization and industry, and where they could
be instructed in the doctrines and practices of the
Christian religion. I am not discussing the ques
tion now as to whether this practice and these views
were correct; I am only telling you what was done
and thought to be right by our ancestors and by the
great governments of the world.

When the Constitution of the United States, the
compact of union, was adopted it recognized the
right of property in African slaves. The trade was
still being carried on, and the Constitution of the


Confederate l/eterar?.

United States provided that it should not be prohib-
ited by Congress prior to the year 180S, twenty years
after the adoption of the Constitution. It also pro-
vided that slaves escaping- from one State into an-
other should not be discharged from service or labor.
but should be delivered to their owners. There were
differences of opinion as to the rightfulness of slav-
ery among the men who formed the Constitution.
Subsequently, and before 1S61, a number of North-
ern States, where slave labor was not profitable,
abolished that institution. And by degrees a strong


prejudice grew-up against slavery :”first among phi-
lanthropists and religionists; and then, in a number
of States, it became a political question. The agi-
tation of this question was not at first entirely sec-
tional, but it became so subsequently. Its agitation,
as early as 1820, threatened the perpetuity of the
Union, and it continued until it caused bloodshed in
Kansas, also the invasion of Virginia by John Brown
and his deluded followers for the purpose of inau-
gurating civil and servile war in that State. When
he was executed for his crimes Northern churches
were draped in mourning, and their bells tolled in
sympathy for him and sorrow for his fate.

In the Thirty-fifth Congress, when the agitation

was threatening the peace of the country, thirty
odd propositions of compromise were made, for the
purpose of averting the danger of disunion; all of
these without exception were made either by South-
ern members or Northern Democratic members, and
every one of these propositions was received by the
Republican members with hooting and expressions
of derision. The Southern members were often told
that they had to submit to the will of the majority.
The Constitution was denounced by some of the agi-
tators as “a league with hell and a covenant with
death,” and the agitators claimed that there
was a higher law than the Constitution.

In the campaign of I860 the Republicans
nominated as their anti-slavery ticket both
their candidates for President and Vice-
President from the Northern States; a
ihing which had not occurred before that
time, except in the election of General
Jackson as President and Mr. Calhoun as
Vice-President, both from Southern States,
in 1828, when there was no sectional issue.
In 1832 the peace of the country, if not the
integrity of the Union, was threatened on
the question of the revenue policy of the
government, which led to the steps taken
by South Carolina to null.fy the acts of
Congress by which duties on imports and
tor the protection of home industries were
levied in a way which it was believed did
not bear equally on the different parts of
the country, and which was believed to in-
volve a violation of the Constitution.

Both these were questions which came
up under the broader and greater question
of the proper construction of the Constitu-
tion of the United States. In the Federal
Convention of 1787, which framed the Con-
stitution of the United States, the question
as to the character of the government we
were to have, and of the powers which
were to be conferred on it. and in the con-
ventions of the States, which ratified the
Constitution, were very ably discussed,
some of the members in each preferring a
strong Federal Government, and others,
jealous of the rights of the States and
more solicitous for the liberties of the
people, preferring a government with lim-
ited powers.

The States represented in the Federal
Convention were each free, sovereign and
independent. The Constitution formed by that con-
vention and ratified by the States conferred on the
o-overnment, so formed, certain specified and limited
powers necessary to enable it to conduct our for-
eign and Federal relations, reserving to the States
respectively and to the people all the powers not
so delegated. The question was discussed in the
convention as to what should be done in case of dis-
agreement between the Federal Government and one
or more of the States. A proposition was made by-
Alexander Hamilton to confer on the Federal Gov-
ernment power to coerce refractory States; and was
voted down. So this power was not expressly given by
the Constitution, nor embraced in the powers given

Confederate Ueterap.


During President Washington’s administration.
the first under the Constitution, the question as to
whether the Constitution should be strictly con-
strued, so as to preserve the reserved rights of the
States, or should receive a latitudinous construction
looking to strengthening the government beyond
the powers delegated by it, was sharply made be-
tween Thomas Jefferson, the Secretary of State,
contending for its strict construction, and Alexander
Hamilton, contending for a broader construction.

During the administration of the elder Adams
the Congress, with the approval of the- President,

i. Km; 1. 1 MOORM IX, Idjutant-General United Confederate \ i

^kc-l.’ti in \ BTKRAN lor \m ’ember.)

passed what is known in tin- history of the times as
the Alien and Sedition laws. The strict construc-
tionists, under the lead of Mr. Jefferson, denied the
constitutionality of these laws, and charged that
they endangered the liberty of the citizens. Upon
this issue the American people agreed with Sir.
Jefferson and elected him President in the year 1800,
and again in IS114.

In tin- year L793 the legislature of Kentucky, ami
in the vear 1799 the legislature of Virginia, passed
resolutions denouncing the Alien and Sedition laws
as violative of the Constitution, as dangerous to
liberty, and asserted the ri^’lit of the States to pro-
tect themselves against unconstitutional laws and

acts of the Federal Government. And in these res-
olutions they asserted the right of the States to
protect the people against the unconstitutional acts
and arbitrary power of the Federal Government, that
they were the judges of their rights and remedies,
but that this power was not to be exercised bv them
except in extreme cases when there was no other

remedy. £~ __.; *” ‘_

Fnder this issue what was known as the Federal
party went out of power and out of existence. And
under this, asunder the doctrine of the then Repub-
lican party, which afterwards became the Democratic
party, Mr. JclTerscn, Mr. Madison and
Mr. Monroe successively held the office of
President of the United States for twen-
ty-four consecutive years. It was always
the doctrine of the Democratic party, down
to 1860, and was specifically endorsed by-
its national conventions in several can-
vasses tor President and Vice-President
preceding the war.

1 am not saying whether this is or is
iint the doctrine of the Democratic party
now; I am only reciting these facts to
show the opinions which prevailed before
the war between the States, and in a large
measure guided the people of the South-
ern States whi 11 they passed their ordi-
nances of secession. They believed a
public opinion had been created in the
Northern States which threatened the
peace of the country and the rights of the
people. They believed the constitution
of the United States had ceased to
shield for their protection, also that their
safety anil welfare made it necessary for
them to withdraw from the Union, and to
form a government friendly to their peo-
ple, and under which their rights would
be secured to them.

They were in part led to this conclu-
sion by the tacts I have stated ami because
the people of the Northern States had re-
pudiated the provisions <>t the Constitu-
tion, and ol the acts of Congress which
were intended to protect them 111 the en-
joyment ol their local, social and domes-
tic institutions, and which were intended
to protect three thousand million dollars
of property in slaves; also that they had
repudiated a decision of the Supreme
Court of the United States which affirmed
the doctrine of the Constitution and laws of Congress
on this subject; that some of the Northern States
had passed laws forbidding their authorities and
people from aiding to execute the provisions of the
Constitution and laws requiring the rendition of fu-
gitive slaves.

These things and others of like character caused
the Southern States to attempt to withdraw from
the Union. And the principles I have called to
view, and the facts I have referred to, led to the
great war which cost so much blood and treasure.
These principles and events are answers to the new
generation as to why their fathers gave their servi-
ces, their property, and their lives in that war: why


Qopfederace l/ecerao.

brave men fought and died, and why holy men,
and pure and noble women prayed for its success;
why senators and representatives in Congress, and
officers of the army and navy surrendered their
offices and emoluments and abandoned a condition
of peace and securit}’ and offered their fortunes and
their lives in so unequal a contest; and why the
people at large in these States, with remarkable
unanimity, staked every earthly thing – which was
precious and dear to them, in so unequal a war,
rather than submit to the degradation of living un-
der a violated Constitution and laws, and being
compelled to accept only such rights in the Union
as might be accorded to them by the grace of a hos-
tile popular majority.

Some persons, who were specially wise (?) after
the war, say we had better have compromised than
have accepled battle with such a preponderance of
population and wealth and the power of an organ-
ized government against us. Can any one point to
an instance in history where principles of such
magnitude, and property of such value, were settled
by compromise? As well have asked why our revo-
lutionary fathers did nut compromise with King
George. It was one of those cases which, under all
the circumstances, could only be settled by an ap-
peal to the god of battles. And those who think a
settlement could have been made by a compromise
certainly cannot have been familiar with the facts
which led to the war.

Horace Greely, in the preface to his history of
what he calls the rebellion, said: “The war might
have been brought on a little earlier, or it might
have been postponed to a little later date, but sooner
or later it was inevitable.” And he spoke the truth.
It is unreasonable to assume that statesmen, philan-
thropists, citizens in the ordinary peaceful walks of
life, the ministers of religion, and the women of the
country, would needlessly and without provocation
have consented to engage in a war of such magni-
tude, and that, too, when numbers, the materials of
war, and a powerful organized government, were to
be encountered by people without a general govern-
ment, without an army, without a navy, and with-
out a treasury. I do not believe that any people in
any age ever entered into a war with higher or
purer or holier purposes; nor do I believe that any
people in the world’s history ever displajed more
patriotism or made greater sacrifices, or exhibited
greater endurance and courage than the soldiers and
people of the Confederate States.

You will all understand that in making these
statements I am not doing so to renew the passions
and prejudices of the war, or to question the patriot-
ism of the men who fought for the Union. I doubt
not that their patriotism was as pure and their be-
lief that the}’ were in the right was a$ strong as
ours. lam discussing thei-e things as facts of his-
tory, which if not kept in view by our people might
make posterit} 7 question the patriotism and virtue of
the noble men who fought in that war, and of the
pure women who worked and prayed for their suc-

No one can feel more gratification that the war is
ended and that peace and fraternal good will are re-
stored between the people North and South, than I.

And I can meet and greet the soldier who wore the
blue as a friend and a brother, and am glad that
many of them have made their homes among us.
We are now under the same government and flag;
we have the same laws and language; we read the
same Bible and worship the same God; we are the
same people, with the same hopes, aspirations, and

One of the proudest memories of that great war is
of the conduct of the women of the Confederacy,
who willingly gave their fathers and husbands and
brothers to the service of the Confederac} 7 . In very
many cases they took upon themselves the burden
of supporting their families, both aged parents and
children, by their own labor. And in the struggles
to take care of home affairs they would spin and
weave, and knit, and make up garments for their
loved ones both at home and in the ranks of the
army. They denied themselves the ordinary com-
forts and the necessaries of life in order to help sup-
ply the army, to take care of the sick and wounded
soldiers, and to feed and clothe such as were in their
reach. Man} 7 good women — who before the war
were only engaged in such indoor and delicate em-
ployments as the customs of the country had as-
signed to women — in the absence of the male mem-
bers of their families in the army, in order to sup-
port their families, planted and cultivated and gath-
ered the necessary field crops, chopped and hauled
wood, fed and attended the stock; cheerfully per-,
forming such duties as their part of the sacrifices
necessary to achieve the independence of the Con-
federacy. If time permitted this might be illus-
trated by many striking instances of the grand he-
roism of our women, a moral heroism even greater
and grander than that of the soldier who fell in the
excitement of battle. I mention one such instance,
as told me by Governor Letcher, of Virginia, dur-
ing the war. He had visited his home at Staunton,
and returning had stopped at the house of an old
friend. Seeing none but the good lady at home he
inquired for the balance of the family. Her reply
was that her husband, her husband’s father, and her
ten sons were in the same company in the army.
He said to her that having been accustomed to have
a large family around her she must feel very lonely.
This noble matron replied, “Yes. it is very hard to
be alone, but if I had ten more sons they should all
be in the army.” Can any one be surprised that a
country, whose women were capable of such sacri-
fices, and sufferings willingly endured, and devotion
to and prayers for their country’s cause, should have
prolonged the struggle for independence after its
army had been reduced by causualties in battle and
otherwise to a mere skeleton, whose money had been
depreciated until it had but little purchasing power,
whose soldiers were half naked, with barely food to
sustain life, and whose country had been desolated
by the ravages of war?

The world’s history can hardly show an instance
in which such courage and constancy and devotion
have been shown by both men and women in the
face of so powerful an enemy. And I predict that
in the not distant future, some Macaulay will be
found who will do justice to their patriotism, and
skill, and courage, and that the citizens of all parts

^opfederate Ueterap.

79 .

of the Union, North and South, will feel a iust
pride in the fact that such men and women and their
descendants form a part of the population of this
great Republic; as we of the South shall feel a iust
pride in being- citizens of a country which produced
a Davis and a Lincoln, a Lee and a Grant, a Stone-
wall Jackson and a ; and their respective


With all our pride on account of the qualities ex-
hibited by our people during- the war, perhaps the
most striking- illustration of their capacity for self-
government is shown by their conduct since it ended.
Their county desolated by the war; their wealth
and resources exhausted; tens of thousands of their
best men filling- honorable graves on the fields of
battle; their social and domestic institutions de-
stroyed; their local g-overnments annulled under the
policy of reconstruction; denied the blessings of
civil government; the military made paramount to
the civil authorities; the right of the writ of habeas
corpus suspended; arrests without affidavits of guilt
and without warrant; citizens liable to be tried by
drum head military courts; freedmen’s bureaus es-
tablished everywhere, under the control of the mili-
tary and a set ol lawless camp followers of the army,
stimulating- the negroes to hostility to the whites;
with an alien race made dominant who were unused
to the exercise ot the duties of citizenship, and un-
qualified for self-government, with no security tor
life, person, or property. Overwhelmed by all these
calamities, that the people should have been able t”
reorganize society, and to re-establish civil govern-
ment, revive the ordinary industries of the country;
and, in less than thirty years, reach the condition of
general prosperity which now prevails throughout
the Southern States, furnishes the strongest possi-
ble proof of the capacity of our people for the pres-
ervation of social order and self-government, and
cannot fail to secure for them the good opinion of
the civilized world.

I wish to say something about reunions, like the
present, of the soldiers of both the Southern and the
Northern armies. Some persons object to them lie-
cause they fear the effect will lie to revive and per-
petuate the passions and prejudices of the war. I
think this is a mistaken view. That they cause a
revival of the memories of the war is true. But it
does not necessarily follow that such meetings will
revive the passions and prejudices of the war.
Many instances have occurred in both the South and
the North in which the soldiers of the two sides
have met together, and in fraternal kindness re-
counted the triumphs and gloriesof their respective
armies, those of the one side feeling that those ol
the other were entitled to their respect, and all feel-
ing that they were now fellow citizens and brethren.

That war will go down in history as one of the
great wars of the world. The officers distinguished
for skill and the soldiers distinguished for courage
rarely equalled in ancient or modern times. As
long as patriotism and love of country and admira-
tion lor skill and courage survive, the memory of
the achievements on both sides will gratify Ameri-
can pride, and stimulate American patriotism and

A people without a history cannot command re-

spect. One of the offices of history is to perpetuate
achievements in the arts, in the sciences, in arms,
in government, and in religion, and so to cultivate
the love of country and the g’lory of a people.

Whatever lingering prejudices may still exist,
preventing any of the people of either side from do-
ing justice to the memory and motives of those on
the other side, must in a few more decades entirely
give way, and then the sons and daughters of the
late Confederates will be proud of the valor and
achievements of the Federal officers and soldiers,
and the sons and daughters of those who served in
the Federal armies will be equally proud of the
achievements of the late Confederates. And each
side, in my judgment, does well to perpetuate the
remembrance of the virtues, the skill, the courage,
and the achievements of its statesmen, its generals,
its soldiers and its noble women.


The Boston Evening Gazette, established in 1813,
has an article under the above caption. Read it.

A tew members of the Grand Army of Republic
in Woburn are complaining that the text- books used
in leaching history to the public school children of
that town are robbing them of some of their hard-
earned laurels. They seem to advocate a return to
the style of book in vogue twenty-live years ago
when pupils were taught that Jefferson Davis was a
little bit worse than old Satan himself, and that
Southern chivalry meant cowardly brutality. How
can it detract from the glory of brave men to tell
their posterity that the foes they conquered were
among the finest soldiers that the world has ever
seen? What generous Northern veteran would
strive to rcd> the South of that which belongs to
her as the mother of those interpid heroes who fol-
lowed Pickett to annihilation at Gettysburg? Our
united country is proud of them. The fame of their
unsurpassed valor is part of our national heritage.
Every truly patriotic American hopes that the
mighty race is not extinct, and that when the call
comes for the men of Virginia, of South Carolina
and of Alabama to stand under the old flag, shoulder
to shoulder with the men of Massachusetts, of Penn-
sylvania and id” Illinois, there shall arise another
Lee, another Jackson and another Johnston. What
stainless knight of mediaeval romance can claim
precedence over these’/ To east one false slur upon
their fame is to insult the memory of Grant, of Sher-
man and of Sheridan.

To that editor: May you live long and prosper.

M. O. Brooks, Ilarpeth, Tenn.: At the battle of
Franklin, 1864, a Lieut. Dunningman, (or some
such name), member of a Texas regiment, was
wounded in the front part of the body, and was
taken to Douglas Church, four miles from Franklin,
then used as a hospital. From there he went to the
residence of Dr. Hughes, in the neigh borhood,
where he remained until his recovery, when he re-
turned to the church and reported having: been pa-
roled. He afterwards made his escape. I can have
the sword returned to him or to any of his relatives.


Confederate 1/eterag.

Qopfederate l/eterai).

8. A. CUNNINGHAM. Editor and Prop’r. S. W. MEEK. Publisher.

Oilice: Willcox Building, Clmrcli street, Nashville. Tenn.

This publication is the personal property of S. A.Cunningham. All
persons who approve its principles.and realize its benelits as an organ for
Associations throughout the South, are requested to commend its patron-
age and to co-operate in extending ; t.


It will be seen that the list of subscribers to the
Samuel Davis Monument is arranged alphabeti-
cally and without regard to States. This record is
designed to honor the contributors in the highest
possible way. These names are electrotyped sep-
arately, so that additions can be put in their proper
places, and it is the purpose of the Custodian of the
fund to print a book when the work is finished,
giving a brief history of the movement whereby the
entire list of contributors of one dollar and over, will
be preserved by them and their families as a per-
petual memorial.


This roll of subscribers attests that they honor the
memory of Samuel Davis, whose record for truth,
and faith to his promise, has never been excelled;
it attests that they pay tribute to a private soldier
in the Confederate Army, dead for a generation,
and desire that through the indefinite future they
would be remembered as giving their substance and
their influence, that characters yet to be formed ma}-
have the unparalleled lesson set by his nobility of
soul; they establish by this action the grandest
patriotism. But above country, and above everything
that belongs to this world, the}’ commend sacrifice
that kills the body, if need be, that the soul be
kept pure and worthy its place in the celestial.

Do not delay action about this matter. Send the
dollar, or dollars if you desire, that you and your
children ‘may be in this record, or, send for blank
notes, payable next July. Let us co-operate, at
once, in a way that will amaze those who are sor-
did and induce them to inquire into the history of
Samuel Davis.

Mr. Joseph W. Allen, of Nashville, whose contri-
bution is, so far, the largest, and who would not
hesitate to make it ten times greater— an octoge-
narian honored second to no man by those who
know him — suggests uniform action by the South-
ern people. He named July 4th, but as so many
veterans will be away from home because of the reun-
ion at Richmond and subsequent gathering in New
York, he names the anniversary of the first great
battle of the war that cost the noble Davis his life.
Upon calling at this office he suggested such move-

ment and that the notice be continued in the Vet-
eran to the time, and he volunteered to “father” it.
“I suggest that on July 21st, all Confederate sol-
diers, their children and grandchildren, gather at
their Bivouac, or some central place, and each one
contribute a dime to the Sam Davis Monument
Fund, and whoever receives the money shall record
the names of the donors, and forward to S. A. Cun-
ningham. These names to be printed on parchment,
bound in brass, and deposited in the corner stone of
the monument, to hand down to future generations
as a tribute to the greatest hero the world ever saw.
I abo suggest that we erect on Capitol Hill in Nash-
ville a monument that will stand until ‘Gabriel
blows his horn.’ ”

The list of subscriptions of the Sam. Davis Mon-
ument from people, many of whom have to labor
hard for all they get, is a remarkable showing. One
man is mentioned in illustration. Albert E. Par-
due, at Cheap Hill, on the Cumberland River, was
seen last summer peddling apples around a steam
boat, selling to the deck hands five cents worth, and
so diligent was he that perspiration was dripping
from him. This faithful Confederate Veteran sent
eight dollars for the monument.

Maj. J. A. Cheatham, Memphis, Tenn., in renew-
ing his subscription, writes: I also send my mite
for the Samuel Davis Monument. I can, I hope,
send another one later if needed. There was no
grander sacrifice made by man or woman during
the terrific struggle between the “States” than this
deliberate, unflinching giving of his young life to
keep his promise true.

This act of heroism removes him, his memory
and his fame, from the narrow confines of family or
neighborhood claims and leaves name and fame to
the whole Southland, and in the cherished keeping
of the old veterans. ‘Tis as well to leave his dust
in the family vault — that is nothing now — but the
emblem of his sacrifice — the monument — should
stand alongside some public highway. I say at
the northeast corner of the Capitol grounds, Nash-
ville, and should a statue ever crown the shaft, let
it face “Old Hickory” high up the hill, as if appeal-
ing to him for his approval.

Major Cheatham is the only surviving brother of
Gen. B. F. Cheatham, the revered “Mars Frank.”

Dr. W. H. Hancock, of Paris, Texas, writes in
commendation of the Veteran, wishes it long life,
etc., and adds: I am going to give and work for
the Sam Davis Monument. * * * All Ameri-
cans, and particularl}- his old comrades, should give
freely and at once to put a statue equal to any in

Confederate l/eterap.


existence on Capitol Hill in Nashville, near Andrew
Jackson, where it would do homage to the old hero.
I am sure if Jackson could speak he would say, “1
want his company.”

T knew Sam Davis, also his lather, mother and
grandmother the}- were my blood kin. Your
photos of the old people are lifelike just as they
looked when 1 visited them soon after the war. the
old man then declining- with age. bowed down with
grief on account of the loss of his two sons. He re-
counted to me with tears and pride how nobly Sam
died. I have read with much interest the varied
accounts in the VETERAN, and found them similar
to what Mr. Davis told me.

Yes, I’m an old Confederate, now in my sixtieth
year, was wounded at the battle of Shiloh,, on Sun-
day evening; was a member of Bate’s Regiment,
Capt. Butler’s Company A., was discharged on ac-
count of my wound never recovered, never can. 1.
and Capt. Humphry Bate. I Gen. Bate’s brother), who
was mortally wounded, were taken off the field to-
gether — Captain B. knew he would die- gave me
messages of love to carry to his family, if he should
expire before we should reach the Colonel’s quar-
ters where he lay wounded. My recollection is that
Capt. Bate died soon alter we reached the tent. I
gladly testify to Capt. Bate’s bravery and loyalty to
the Southern States. You will excuse me when 1
repeat, you have caused my old enthusiasm to rise.


Virginia Chapters Form \ Division.


Mr. Charles Broadway R0USS has written to Mrs.
John C. Brown, President United Daughters of tin
Confederacy, whose appeal in behalf of tin- South-
ern Battle Abbey appeared in last Veteran. It
concludes as follows: * * *

The recent meeting’s in Nashville greatly expand-
ed m\ hopes of successful results in Tennessee, and
your eloquent and patriotic appeal to the women of
the South removes all limits to my expectations. I
am confident that your call will meet with a cheer-
ful and hearty response from all parts of the South.
Tlie plans of work which you recommend are so ad-
mirable in detail and so easy of execution that
unity of action must surely result. I congratulate
you in advance upon a success which cannot fail to
be gratifying to you. The Confederate Veterans
will hold you in the greatest esteem and affection
for having enabled them to realize the hopes in
which they have indulged for so many years past.
I will esteem it a privilege- and a pleasure to be per-
mitted to assist in your good work in any way you
may be pleased to indicate. I am entirely at your
command, with great respect.

\Vm. A. Obenchain, President of Ogden Colleg-e,

Bowling Green, Ky.. lacks but No. 1, of Vol. 1, to
have his VETERAN tile complete. If any one can
accommodate him, the favor will be reciprocated
liberally by the VETERAN.

1 >elegat» s assembled at the 1 Fniversity of Virginia
February 1 2th. to form a State Division .if Daugh-
ters of the Confederacy. There were present Mr-*
General J. K. B. .Stuart, Staunton, and Mrs. Guy,
from Staunton; Mrs. Norman V, Randolph. Rich-
mond; Mrs. Dr. A. D. Estill, Lexington; Sirs. Geo.
W. Helms and Mrs. W. F. Turnbull. Newport N< ws;
Mrs. Kobt. T. Meade. Petersburg; Mrs. Elliott C
Fishburne. Waynesboro, and four delegates from the
Charlottesville Chapter Mrs. C. C. Wertenbaker
and Miss G. Hill, of Charlottesville: Mrs. N. K.
Davis and Mrs. Carnett, ol the Fniversity.

A constitution based on that of the “Grand Camp
of Confederate Veterans, Department of Virginia,”
ami on the by-laws already used by the chapters
was adopted, and the following officers were elected:
Mrs. James Mercer Carnett. President; Mrs. Gen.
.1. I-!. B. Stuart, first Vice-President; Mrs. Norman
Y. Randolph, second Vice-President; Mrs. Thomas
Lewis, third Vice-President; Mrs. Robt. T. Meade,
[nspector; Mrs. Dr. A. 1). Estill, Treasurer; Mrs N
K. Davis. Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. W. F
Turnbull. Recording Secretary; Mrs. p II. Smith.

Cordial invitation was extended to the live chap-
ters in Virginia, chartered by the “‘United Daugh-
tersof the Confederacy, “namely: Alexandria, War-
re.nton, Lynchburg, Appomattox and Norfolk, to
unite with them. As a large majority of the camps
of the “Grand Camp of Confederate Veterans in
Virginia” are not connected with the United Con-
federate Veterans, these live chapters of the
“Daughters of tin- Confederacy” could unite with
the Grand Division in Virginia, and yet retain their
charters in the “United” organization. It was
agreed that the next meeting should be held in
Richmond the last of June, at the time of the meet-
ing of the United Confederate Veterans,

Mrs. Stu.irl thirty of the voting
ladies of the Virginia Female Institute had formed
,i Chapter of ‘ ‘Daughters of the Confederacy, “among
themselves manifesting great interest in the work.

Altera most agreeable session, the meeting ad-
journed and an informal reception was held at Prof.
Garnett’s residence, University of Virginia.

Hon. J. II. Reagan, who was invited bv 1 ‘vol. A. I’.
Bourland, Managerat Monteagle,Tenn., todeliveran
address to the Assembly on Confederate Day, writes:

I can hardly (ell von what gratification it would be
to me to meet at the Assembly the noble men who
gave their services ami offered their lives for a cause
then so dear to us all; and who have won such great
civic honors bv their course of action since the war, in
the preservation of civil society when all was ch
and in restoring good political government under
the most adverse circumstances. God bless the old
veterans for what they were and for what they are.
It is a source of grief to me that I shall not be able
to meet and to o-reet them.


Qopfederate Vetera^.


Capt. H. J. Cheney, who was upon the staff of
Gen. W. B. Bate, now United States Senator for
Tennessee, tells a good story about how he got
back to camp when absent without permission. He
is the most typical Southerner in Tennessee unless
Hon. John G. Ballentyne, of Pulaski, be the excep-
tion, and one of the cleverest men alive. He is the
present obliging postmaster at Nashville:



In the summer of 1861 the Second Tennessee Reg-
iment, commanded by the gallant Col. W. B. Bate,
was encamped near Stafford. Court House, Va., for
the purpose of supporting the batteries planted at
Evansport, and to prevent the enemy from landing
at the mouth of Acquia Creek, which was the ter-
minus of the railroad leading from Richmond.

In recalling this famous old regiment as it
then appeared, I think it was the finest body of men
the eye ever rested upon. Most of them were young
men who left their homes actuated by but one im-
pulse, to repel the invader from their soil and to
protect their homes and loved ones from violence, or
die in the attempt. All were from the blue grass
section of the State and had the blood of heroes in
their veins.

As my memory reverts to those summer days on
the Potomac, it lingers over the recollections of the
gallant spirits with whom I mingled, most of whom
now fill bloody, but honorable graves.

The monotony of camp life was broken by an oc-
casional alarm that the enemy was landing at Ac-

quia Creek, and sometimes a skirmish with the
gunboats, when they ventured too near, but all
were pining for an opportunity to meet the enemy
and show them what kind of stuff we were made of.
The truth is, we were afraid the war would close
before we had a chance at the enemy, and the
thought of returning to our homes without a story,
to tell to our sweethearts and our wives, of battles
fought and won was shocking to our soldierly pride.
But alas! alas! * * * *

On one of those summerevenings our Lieut. -Col.,
Goodall, asked me if I did not wish a good supper.
How could a Confederate soldier have replied oth-
erwise than as I did— “Yes, sir!” “Well,” he said,
“I have an engagement to take supper with a farmer
in the neighborhood and I want you to accompany
me. Take Major Doak’s horse and come right along.”
Visions of good hot coffee, delicious hot biscuit
with fresh yellow butter, and, may be, fried chicken,
filled my mind, and I actually forgot that my time
as Officer of the Day would come on at 7 o’clock, un-
til I had ridden some distance. When it occurred
to me I checked my horse and sadly said: “Colonel,
I thank you for your kindness but I must return, as
I have just recalled that I am Officer of the Day at
7 o’clock.” “Oh, come along,” he replied, “your
Lieut. -Colonel will protect you.” While I doubted
his ability to make good his promise, yet that fried
chicken and other good things so controlled my im-
agination that all scruples were overcome, and we
rode cheerily along, I breathing a silent prayer that
no harm might result from m}’ escapade.

Upon reaching the farm house our host gave us a
warm welcome, characteristic of the Virginia gen-
tleman; introduced us to his wife and daughters;
ushered us into the dining-room — what a spread
lay before us! The fried chicken was there, the
sweet yellow butter, with the whitest, lightest and
most transparent bread I ever saw, and numerous
other good things. How sorry I felt for the poor
devils in camp! I had just taken a biscuit in my
hand when boom! boom! roared the artillery from
our batteries. I knew this meant business, so I
sprang to my feet and on to my horse and went fly-
ing toward camp. All at once the horrible thought
occurred to me that I was Officer of the Day, outside
the picket line and without the countersign. If I
was taken in as a prisoner a court-martial and inev-
itable disgrace would certainly follow. I at once
made up my mind that probable death was prefera-
ble to certain disgrace. I knew that our men were
green soldiers — had never encountered an enemy,
and believed if I dashed suddenly upon them I might
stand a chance to get through without being shot,
especially as it was very dark, hence with a wild
yell I sprang into their midst and had passed before
a shot was fired. As I lay flat on my horse I could
hear the bullets whistling harmlessly by. After
tying my horse where I found him, I proceeded into
camp and heard the Col. inquiring in a loud and, it
seemed to me, angry tone, “Where is the Officer of
the Day?” I replied, just behind him, and I think in
rather a faint tone, “Here he is, sir.” “Where
have you been, sir?” he replied. “I do not under-
stand your question,” I answered, “where should I
have been but here in camp.” “Do j-ou know that

Qoijfederate Veteran.


a Yankee rode through our picket into our quar-
ters?” “Yes, sir,” I said, “I saw him and am after
him now.” “And do you know the enemy is re-
ported landing – at Acquia Creek?” “Yes, sir, so I
am told; and we will whip them too.”

The next morning’ the Colonel sent for me and
said: “You were absent from your post last night
and Officer of the D.iy, too. You trv that again and
I will have you court-martialed. Your Lieut. Col.
being with you is all that saves you now.”

I was thankful to escape as well as I did, and
I am sure the lesson wis beneficial, as I think I
made a fair soldier after that.

I do not know whether General Bate knows to
this day who the Yankee was that rode into camp
that night, and I have been afraid to ask him lest
I might be court-martialed yet. You know it is
said General Jackson, after the battle of New Or-
leans and the war was over, had several soldiers
court-martialed and shot.


A comrade writes from Mathews, Va., February
8th: I have seen nothing from this section in the
Veteran. We have Lane-Diggs Camp No. 39,
Confederate Veterans, and since our organ zation,
about a year ag<>. some interesting facts have been
wrested from oblivion.

The poor widow of a fallen comrade, when called
upon for fuller information in regard to him, mis-
took the object of her visitor, she supposing that he
came to procure for her a pension. She at once said
that she did not want, and would not receive, a pen-
sion, and only desired that a stone be placed over
the grave of her deceased husband to show that he
hist his life in the service of his country.

May God bless the good women of Virginia.
They steeled the hearts of our men for battle and
carnage, and taught them that the brave alone de-
serve the fair. Whenever practicable, they miti-
gated the sufferings and ministered to the spiritual
comfort of the dying soldier, bedecked his grave
with (lowers and bedewed it with tears. One lady
from this county, because of her generosity and hu-
manity in ministering to the sick and wounded,
when her private means were depleted, wascominis-
sioned a Captain in the Confederate Army by Presi-
dent Davis. As an officer she drew pay which she
expended in the same works of patriotism.

There has been preserved and entered upon our
records a roll of the officers and men belonging to
one company from this county, numbering seventy-
four, who were present for duty at Appomattox on
April 9th, 1865. Remarkable record.

Geo. P. Waddell, Websterville, Texas: Maj. H.
M. Dillard, advertised lor by V. S. Naval Officer
Bache. in the January VETERAN, resides at Merid-
ian. Texas, and is of the law and real estate firm of
H. M. & H. S. Dillard. As 1 was one of the pris-
oners captured at the time and made the sea voyage
to Fortress Monroe, I saw Maj. Dillard. coat less, hat-
less, and in tatters, taken on the flagship of the old
Commodore, and afterwards saw him in new attire
by. the courtesy of the commanding officer.

Prof. J. H. Brunner, lliwassee College, Tennessee:
John Landers was a farmer, my next door neigh-
bor, as honest as sunshine. When the great war
between the States came on. he was beyond the age
of enrollment in the State militia, but his son Wil-
liam was among the first to volunteer in the Confed-
erate service, and fought in many battles, up to the
finish, without ever being captured or receiving a

One night between one and two o’clock I heard a
“hello,” at tny gate. Going out to see what was
wanted, I founl my friend John Landers. He said
the “Yankees” were coming into the neighborhood,
that it would be impossible for him to remain at
home in peace, and that he was going to join his
son Will in the army. He had called to say good-
bye and to ask me to see after his family as far as I
could in his absence.

This was the last I ever saw of him. He found
his son at the front, just before the bloody engage-
ment at Chickamauga. Supplying himself with
arms, he rode with his son, to “feel the enemy’s
line.” ‘l’iie command was given to dismount, leav-
ing every fourth man to hold horses, while the
Others were to drive the enemy’s picket line from its
brushy position. It fell to the lot of John Landers
to hold horses and to his son to go into the skirmish.
To this the father objected. He said, “Will, you
have always obeyed me: obey me now: you hold the
horses, I am going forward with the rest.” This
he did against the remonstrances of his son. He
was as brave as Caesar. At the first crack of a
Yankee sharpshooter, a ball pierced John Landers’
neck, severing an important blood vessel. In a few
moments he was dead.

How strange that he should fall at the lirst fire of
a hostile gun, and that his sou should go unharmed
through so many battles during four years of active

But such mysteries occur in all wars. My grand-
father served three years in the Revolutionary war
without a scratch; his son died en route to help Jack-
son at Xew Orleans. Will Landers seemed to have
a charmed life, while his father went down at the
first chance.

Co-operative efforts are being made to yet rid of
the Barnes’ School History in Virginia. The G. E.
Pickett, the R. P.. Lee and the John Bowie-Strange
Camps have taken active measures— 1he latter tak-
ing the lead. The committee on history of the
Grand Camp at its meeting in January, officially

Resolved, That this committee heartily endorse
the action taken by the John Bowie-Strange Camp,
and request that similar action be taken by (.very
camp in Virginia, and also recommend that the
county and city School Hoards throughout Virginia
shall select from the following histories to be
tauifht in the schools, viz.: Hansell’s Histories, by
Professor Chambers; History of the American Peo-
ple, by J. II. Shinn, and History of the United
States, by Professor Holmes. These histories are
on the list fixed by the State Board of Education.


Confederate Ueterao.

United States Steamer kearsarge
The above engraving is from Lieutenant Sinclair’s “Two Years on the Alabama. 1 ‘


The brilliant John W. Dunnington, a Kentuckian,
was appointed from that State a midshipman in the
United States Navy, April 10, 183”). He became a
passed midshipman June 21, 1845; master September,
1852; lieutenant October, 1856. Capt. Dunnington
resigned April 2<>, 1861, and entered the Confederate
navy. He commanded the Pointquartrain on the
Mississippi, and after the capture of Fort Pillow
went up White River, where he rendered efficient
service. With two guns on White River, June 17th,
he proved to the world that Federal gunboats are
not invincible. He commanded Fort Hindman, or
Arkansas Post, when it was attacked in January,
’63. The fort mounted eleven guns and was a bas-
tidned work, 100 yards external sides, with a deep
ditch fifteen feet wide and a parapet eighteen feet
high. The enemy had three ironclads, eight gun-
boats and one ironclad ram under Admiral Porter.
Gens. McClernand and Sherman commanded a land
force to aid in the attack. The next morning after
the attack, with his guns all silenced, the flagstaff
shot away, Dunnington awaited the enemy with
450 muskets, and as they approached, arose from
concealment at twenty yards distance, fired and drove
them back. The land forces of the Confederates at
this point raised the white flag. Some one hoisted
it on Dunningtonls fort. He ordered it down and
continued the fight; and, said Admiral Wilkes,
U. S. N., in his official report: “Even when he
(Dunnington) was told that their army had sur-
rendered, he ordered it (the white flag) down from
his flagstaff and renewed the fight, and declared he
would not strike his colors.” Admiral Porter re-
ports: “No fort ever received a worse battering,
and I know of no instance on record where every

gun in a fight was silenced.” Dunnington was with
the Confederacy at its fall, commanding, February
18, the Virginia in the reorganized Confederate
navy. He died in 1882.

This hero was brother of the eminent Tennessee
journalist, F. C. Dunnington, whose family save
Mrs. R. M. Carmack, of Memphis, reside at Colum-
bia, Tenn. His widow, Mrs. Sue Gray Dunning-
ton, ever faithful to the cause, resides at Columbia.


Continually pleasant reminders of the Chicago
monument occur in connection with work for the
Vktekan. The writer had a long telegraphic invi-
tation to be guest on that occasion. He could not
accept the hospitality proffered, but called at the
office of his friend, who happened to be absent.
On returning from the great banquet at 1 o’clock
the night of May 29th, he found a group serenading
his room at the hotel, and here are two verses of
the song led by Dr. T. F. Linde, who is a proud
Confederate, to tune of “The Old Oaken Bucket:”

Grant landed his forces above and below,
Determined to take them by one fatal blow:
But charge after charge our heroes repelled,
While thousands of Yankee’s on the battlefield fell.

Hut the bold Mississippi rolls on to the sea,
Fit emblem of children resolved to be free.

Now, alas for the Confederates, the struggle is o’er.
The flag of the Confederates will float there no more,
But the stripes of the Yankees will wave there instead,
While hearts of the Confederates are broken, but not dead.


Qopfederate l/eterar?.



This sketch is by Thos. F. Anderson, now of Den-
nis Mills, La., who was A. A. G. to Watie’s Division.

I have concluded to contribute an account of the
part taken by our Southern Indians in the war be-
tween the States, but have to depend on memory.
Strange to say, my recollection of what took place
under my observation in the war with Mexico in
1845 and ’47, is more vivid than that of our last
war. But few dates are remembered.

Being more intimately connected with the Chero-
kees, what I have to say will principally concern
them. We must glance back and refer to the causes
which led to a division in thai tribe into two par-
ties, between whom the feeling ran as high as that
between the Democratic Party South, and the Abo-
lition Party North, previous to and at the outbreak
of our Civil War.

At the time of the discovery of America, the
Cherokees, then a powerful tribe, occupied much of
Georgia, parts of Tennessee, North and South Car-
olina and a small strip of Southern Virginia. They
gradually withdrew from Virginia, moving South,
and during Gen. Jackson’s presidency, resided prin-
cipally in Georgia.

As white settlers occupied that State, the usual
crowding out process began, and laws were passed
bearing hard and injuriously upon the Cherokees.
Their principal chief was John Ross, a man of lib-
eral education, crafty and unreliable. To secure
pea< e and quiet propositions, from the United States
had been made to purchase their lands east of the
Mississippi River and set apart to them a reserva-
tion west of the State of Arkansas. These propo-
sitions were bitterly opposed by Mr. Ross and his
party, numerically the strongest, but composed prin-
• i pally of uncivilized and ignorant full bloods.

On the other hand, Major Ridge, founder of the
party subsequently named after him and composed
of intelligent half breeds and slave owners, among
whom was Elias BoudinOt, one of the ablest and
most cultured of his people, saw that eventually his
people would have to sell or be driven off, and with
his followers concluded a Treaty with the United
States, disposing of all their lands east, and airree-
iii!, r to take a reservation west of the Mississippi.
The Treaty was ratified by the United States Sen-
ate, and the removal of the Cherokees began in
1828. Previous to this, however, a small body of
Cherokees, afterwards known as Old Settlers, had
removed and settled in western Arkansas.

John Ross, st’ll the principal chief, now began
oppressing the Ridge party, and had their princi-
pal men, such as the Ridges, Boudinot, Jim Starr,
the Ad.iirs and others murdered. Stand Watie,
now the leader of the Ridge party, had attempts
made upon him, but they all failed. The last at-
tempt was made by a noted bully named Foreman,
who was himself laid out by Watie.

In 1860 there were unusual local disturbances. A
secret organization, known as the Ketowah Society,
had lonir existed among the followers of John Ross.
The object of this organization was destruction to
half breeds and white men living in the nation.
The badge of membership in this association was

two pins crossing one another and fastened to the
lapel of the coat, vest or hunting shirt. Hence
they received the name and were known as Pins.
We captured all their papers during the war. I
have them and the Kansas Jay hawkers to thank for
the burning of my house and the destruction of all
else that 1 possessed.

In May, 1861, Gen. Albert Pike came as Commis-
sioner from the Confederate States Government au-
thorized to make treaties with the Southern In-
dians. At first Chief K<>ss refused and insisted on
his nation remaining neutral, and would not allow
enlistment of Cherokee troops into the Confederate
service. Stand Watie had. however, in a quiet way
enlisted a regiment in readiness to join the Con-
federates. John Ros– was evidently holding oil for
further development. This was before the battle
of Springfield, on Wilson’s Creek, as the Yankees
called it. Success crowning our arms there, Ross
hastened to treat with Gen. Pike and agreed to put
in the Confederate service a regiment to be armed
and equipped by the Confederacy, and he did so.
In making that treaty he would allow none of the
leaders of the Ridge partv to take part in it.

Previous to this Gen. Hen MeCulloch authorized
Capt. John Miller and myself to raise an independ-
ent company to serve for three months. We were
known as the Dixie Rangers and we were to occupy
the neutral land in part of the Territory and South-
ern Kansas. In that company served the after-
wards noted William Ouantrell, about whom I will,
at some future time, take occasion to say some-
thing, to correct stories abou this death, etc. I will
only say here that, when you knew Ouantrell, you
knew a kind-hearted man, an intrepid soldier and
a gentleman of whose friendship I was, and am,

The Third Louisiana Regiment came up to us.
Many of us saw that Regiment under tire at Spring-
field and Pea Ridge, where it made its mark as well
as at other points, wherever it served, in fact.
When that Regiment left us after the Pea Ridge
fight, our Indians were distressed, and to the end
of the war they never ceased to regretthe separa-
tion from them of the Third Louisiana.

At the expiration of their three months’ term of
service the Dixie Rangers were disbanded, and
nearly all, myself included, joined Company K,
First Cherokee Regiment. Capt. Thompson Mayes,
a brother of the late principal Chief Joel B. Mayes.
Capt. Mayes was a man of superior education and a
fine officer. This was Colonel Watie’s pet company.
There was but the one company in the First Chero-
kee Regiment, composed of and officered by Indians.
In the other companies, whites and Indians were
mixed as well among the officers as in the ranks,
and it worked well and smoothly. In the Choctaw
regiments some companies were either all whites
or all Indians, which caused more or less friction
and jarring. But the plan had been adopted by
Col. D. N. Cooper and could not well be changed.

Many of Col. Watie’s Regiment took part in the
battle of Springfield, but went there with his per-
mission as individuals and not as an organized

A number of Missourians came to us and took


Qogfederate l/eterag.

part in the fight. Some came unarmed and others
armed with their shotguns and rifles. Among
them was an old, lean and lank Baptist preacher
with a Flintlock rifle about seven feet long. He
would kneel on one knee, take deliberate aim, and
say: “May the Lord have mercy on that poor crit-
ter’s soul,” and pull the trigger. Then he would get
up, reload, get down on one knee again and repeat
his prayer, fire. I stood and looked at him fire five or
six times, and I believe he made every bullet count.

Very little was done between that fight and the
battle of Pea Ridge, except a fight that took place
in December, 1861, between our Cherokees and the
forces of Opothleoholo, the leader of the so-called
Loyal Creeks, Seminoles, Wichitas, Kickapoos and
Delawares. The weather was extremely cold. We
found Opothleoholo occupying a strong position in
the mountains near Chustenola. We commenced
driving them from the start, captured their bag-
gage and papers, and followed them for three days
up into Kansas to the big bend of Arkansas River.
The Pin Regiment came up the second day, but
took no part in the fight. Many of the enemy were
killed. Here and there we would strike bunches of
their squaws huddled together. These we sent
back to our camp and fed. In their flight they had
thrown away their infants, which were frozen stiff.
Altogether it was a sickening sight.

After this, nothing worth noting- took place until
we were ordered to Pea Ridge, where the Cherokees
distinguished themselves capturing a battery.
Here one of the Yankee artillerymen was lying
stretched out, face down, between two of the pieces
apparently dead. One of our full blood Cherokees
took out his knife, got his fingers in the Yankees
hair and cut out and jerked off a scalp nbout the
size of a dollar. Thus resurrected, Mr. Yank got
him on his legs in a hurry, and ”he ran like a
quarter horse,” not a gun was fired after him, but a
yell went up: “Go it, Yank, we have a lock of your
hair.” Thisscalping business, however, brought
on more or less correspondence between opposing
commander}-, and our Indians were strictly ordered
to keep their fingers out of white men’s hair, leav-
ing it optional with them to take such mementoes
from other Indians or let it alone.

At this time we were in the Department of Ar-
kansas, first under Gen. Holmes and next under Gen.
Hindman. We were then put into a. department of
our own, called the Indian Department, and under
Gen. Steele. Colonels Cooper and Watie were
made Brigadier-Generals. Gen. Watie had the
command of the First Indian Brigade, consisting of
the First and Second Cherokee Regiments, com-
manded respectively by Colonels J. M. Bell and
W. P. Adair, Scales’ Battalion, Major J. A. Scales
and Quantrell’s Battalion, the latter the most of the
time on detached service in Missouri and Kansas.

The Second Indian Brigade, Gen. Cooper, was
composed of two Choctaw regiments and the Chick-
asaw Battalion.

The Third Brigade consisted of First Creek Reg-
iment, Col. D. N. Mcintosh, and the Second Creek,
Col. Chilly Mcintosh, and the Seminole Regiment.
Col. John Juniper, and commanded by Brig. -Gen.
Sam Checoti.

In the summer of 1S62, I was sent out West to en-
list for the Confederacy, and succeeded in raising
one battalion of Osages, Major Broke Arm, one
large company of Caddoes and Arnipahoes, Capt.
George Washington, and one company ol’Comanches,
Capt. Esopah or Esc Habbe, their Chief. All of
these reported to Gen. Watie and were of good serv-
ice to us, as they rambled between Kansas and the
Texas Panhandle and prevented any invasion from
Kansas, which otherwise would undoubtedly have
taken place- After the Pea Ridge fight. Gen.
Price’s Missourians and the Third Louisiana Regi-
ment were ordered east of the Mississippi River, and
we were left to ourselves, all Indians, except Wills’
Battalion and a Texas infantry regiment, which
were stationed at our depot of supplies and saw no

In the summer of 1862, Chief Ross and the Pin
Regiment deserted to the Yankees. From that on
we saw no rest, and hardly a week passed but what
bushwhacking engagements between us and the
Northern Indians and Yankees took place. Early
in the spring of 1863 the military authorities in
Kansas conceived the idea of returning the Northern
refugee Cherokees to their homes in time to plant a
crop. They had furnished them with horses, seeds
and necessary agricultural implements, and they
came escorted by Gen. Blount, commanding Kansas
troops, and Col. Phillips, commanding the old Pin
Regiment. But Gen. Watie did not propose to let
them alone. We routed them from settlement to
settlement and they, together with Col. Phillips’
Regiment, had to shut themselves up in Fort Gibson.
We were quite beholden to the Yankees for the sup-
plies thus furnished by them, which mostly fell
into our hands.

Gen. S. B. Maxey now took command of the De-
partment. He was the Indians’ idol. His free and
easy manner suited them exactly; besides, he was a
fighter and kept us moving. When Red River
Banks started on his expedition, which terminated
at Mansfield, Federal Gen. Steele was to move out
from Little Rock, and Gen Thayer from Fort Smith,
to join Banks in Texas. The greater part of our
Indians were waiting for Thayer to come out from
Fort Smith, but he concluded best not to show him-
self and he acted wisely, for our boys were spoiling
for a fight. Part of the Indians commanded by
Gen. Maxey met Steele at Poison Springs, captured
his train, and sent two Negro regiments to the
happy hunting grounds. We followed Steele on
his retreat to Saline River, where we fought in mud
and water, belly deep to our horses, and felt very
much relieved when Parsons’ Brigade of Missou-
rians, who had force-marched it from Mansfield,
came up in double quick, and one of them called
out: “Stand aside, you critter companies, and let us
at them.” Well, we critter companies stood aside,
and Parsons’ men went at them sure enough.

I must pass over numerous small engagements we
had with the Northern Indians. They gave us the
most trouble. Had we not had them to fight, we
would have had a comparatively easy time of it.
But the}’ knew the country as well as we did and
took advantage of that knowledge. Their losses,
however exceeded ours.

Confederate l/eterao.


Among- our captures from the enemy, I will men-
tion one steamboat loaded with dry -goods, near
Webber’s Falls, for Fort Gibson, and a train of
about 200 wagons loaded principally with ready-
made clothing, on Cabin Creek, Cherokee Na-

The last winter of the war, Gen. Maxey was or-
dered to Texas, Gen. Cooper took command of the
Indian Department, and Gen. Watie <>f the Indian
Division. This was the first time that we saw some
rest for a little over a month, when we had gone
into winter quarters near Red River in Choctaw

About a year previous to this, messengers had
been sent to the Western ami Northwestern Indians
to meet us in Council at Walnut Springs. The ob-
ject of this council was, first, to make peace between
the different tribes. The next programme was for
these tribes, thus united, to invade Kansas from the
north and west, whilst we would meet them from
the south, and leave but a greasy spot of Kansas.
We had, during that winter, prepared a number ol
packsaddles, as we would not be incumbered with a
train. Unfortunately, den. Lee’s surrender took
place but a short time before the meeting of this
Council. Hence, we thought best to confine the pro-
ceedings to peace-making between the Indians, and
I have heard of no war between them from then un-
til now. Tribes from Idaho, Dakota and Montana
were present. It was, perhaps, the largest Indian
Council that ever met.

The disbanding of the Indian troops took place in
April, 1865. The Choctaws, Chickasaws, Creeks
and Seminoles returned to their respective bonus,
which had not been desolated. With the Southern
Cherokees it was different. Their houses bad been
burned, their stock stolen and driven into Kansas.
Many of them who, at the outbreak of the war,
counted their stock of horses and cattle bvthe thou-
sands, could barely raise a pony to go home on.
Their country was now in possession of the Federals
and Pins, and they were therefore compelled to re-
main as refuges in the Choctaw Nation and keep
up a quasi military organization until after the
meeting of the United States Commissioners and
Southern Tribes of Indians at Fort Smith, in June,
1865, when peace was declared.

I have thus endeavored to give a mere outline of
the campaign in the Indian Territory. But I can-
not conclude this hasty and incomplete sketch with-
out words of praise to our Indian allies, especially
the Cherokees, under their able leader, Stand Watie,
and our Seminoles, under that good man and strict
disciplinarian, Col. John Juniper.


Col. Bennett H. Young, Louisville, Ky., sends
renewal with the following encouraging words:
You arc doing a great work for the South in the
VETERAN. The memorials of the valor of the Con-
federate soldier are the most priceless treasures of
the South, and he who garners them in is a bene-
factor. The courage, heroism and sacrifices of her
people are something money cannot buy, which the
ages will ever repeat, and the history of which
will bring imperishable fame wherever told.

It was a bright clear day and we had halted to
rest, and to eat our slim rations. I overheard Col.

S say to a woman in the doorway of a small

house: “A chicken will be brought to you iu a tew
moments: cook it at once with dumplings. How
soon can I get it?” Her reply escaped me. Tired
and Famished as I was. I almost tasted that odorous
chicken and those steaming dumplings, as my
weakness was chicken stew and dumplings. In-
stantly I resolved to have that stew. Impatiently I
saw a chicken delivered. In a short time I drew
water from the well with its old sweep, I took a
drink from the handy gourd and had hung- it up,
when I heard the s^-irl say to the mother. “That
chicken is tender now; the man might come.” With
me it was now or never. I walked into the ho
••Please let me have that chicken as soon as it
cooks.” “Did the man send you?” she asked, “Yes.”
I replied boldly. She took it up steaming hot and 1
held my haversack open. She folded the fowl in a
paper. “Now, how can you take the dumplings?”
the girl asked. I dared not wait, having not a mo-
ment to lose, so I instantly disappeared in the
crowd. A moment later the Colonel appeared, and
a blue flame followed his adjectives.

I divided that chicken with my chum and I never
dared to tell the Colonel, until many years after the
war, that I was the thief.

He enjoyed the joke then, but says he believes In
would have killed me at the time.

An interesting correspondence appears in the
Albany. New York. Journal concerning a sword sur-
rendered to the late Captain McDow, of Texas, by
Captain P. II. White, of Albany.

(.’apt. McDow’s daughter, Mrs. J. M. Bronson,
offered him the sword in a beautiful patriotic letter,
and anticipating it, Capt. White wrote her that he
would be ” the happiest man in existence.”

A sentimental feature of the surrender is reported
that Captain White on being “hemmed iu by the
Confederates” agreed to surrender to an officer but
declared he would die before he would surrender to
a private; and these conditions are placed to his
credit as “a man of unusual courage.” The gallant
Captain White ma\ congratulate himself that pecul-
iar conditions surrounded him for such was not the
rule. A Confederate private was not only the equal
of his Captain, but his Colonel and his General, and
many a one would not have waited to accommodate
his preference to surrender to an officer.

Mrs. Branson’s patriotism is appreciated. In a
recent letter she states: “I feel like taking the field
and putting the VETERAN in every Southern home.
You may send the VETERAN as long as my husband
and children are alive.”

J. J. Jones, Plaintield, Mo., asks for the address
of “one Dr. Boyd, who was surgeon for the Forty-
eighth Tennessee. I do not remember his given
name. lie cut live and a half ounces of lead out of
my shoulder at Kingston, Ky. I was wounded at
Richmond, Ky.. while in Col. Nixon’s command.
Was in Forty-first Tennessee until the fall of Donel-
son, after which I went into Col. Hill’s Regiment.”


Confederate l/eterap.


In a recent address the Committee on a Southern
Battle Abbey for Memphis, says: *

Geographically considered, your committee feels
warranted in saying- that Memphis offers the most
favorable and central location of any city in the
South. The territory within which the Abbey will
beerected is south of the northern boundary of
Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky and Missouri. Be-
sides our more favorable geographical position, we
have a concentration of railroads from all directions
and the great Mississippi River to facilitate trans-
portation to and from the city — ten railroads and an
“inland sea.”

We earnestly appeal to every ex-Confederate sol-
dier residing within 200 miles of Memphis to- send
at least SI. (in to the chairman of our finance com-
mittee, Capt. W. W. Carnes. Every Confederate
should feel that he has a positive and personal in-
terest in the great building, and when he visits it,
he will have the proud satisfaction of knowing that
he personally contributed to its erection.

We are going to have an imposing equestrian
statue of Gen. N. B. Forrest to decorate and ani-
mate Court Square. No doubt about that. Let us
also have the splendid edifice in question to orna-
ment the bluff, just south of the Cossitt Library and
to overlook the might}’ Mississippi from the same
spot from which the dauntless De Soto first beheld
it in its turbid grandeur, 355 year;; ago. To this
end, then, let everybody in Memphis and the sur-
rounding country contribute something to this mag-
nificent enterprise. Let us see who is proud of
Memphis, who is patriotic, who is aesthetic, who is
sagacious enough to promote the public and his in-
dividual interest by the generous espousal of an en-
terprise that will confer alike a great commercial
advantage and a patriotic distinction upon his own
home and city — a city whose future proportions (it
has been predicted) will transcend those of her famous
namesake upon the fertile banks of the ancient Nile.

Messrs. G. V. Rambaut, James Dinkins, and Geo.
W. Gordon, are the Committee. At a public gath-
ering of Confederates and others, Capt. Dinkins said:

“In the spring of 1861, (thirty-five years ago
there lived in the South a people whose character
for chivalry had never been questioned. These
people passed through the fiery furnace, but came
forth after four years of bloody’ war enshrined in
‘glory,’ and ‘they will live in song and story’ for-
ever. We want their virtues perpetuated. We want
the story of the war told truthfully.

“There was a sentiment at that time which pre-
vailed with great unanimity among our people. It
called for resistance to what we believed was an in-
justice to our section and an encroachment on our
rights. The j-outh and flower of the South volun-
teered to fight this wrong, and they were encour-
aged and inspired by the cheers and enthusiasm of
the Southern queens. Those charming girls and
iheir mammas made flags and presented them with
admonitions — ‘they must never go down in dishonor.’

“After four years of war which shocked this
country and paralyzed the interest of Europe, they
were forced to lay down their guns, and furl their

silken flags; but, thank God, not in dishonor. Think
of it! During four years of carnage they stood
with less than 600,000 men, including every depart-
ment, teamsters, hospital forces, etc., with a teni-
tory about one-third of the whole country to pro-
tect, every port closed against us, with a hostile
fleet of 500 vessels and 35,000 sailors in possession
of our coast, our rivers and bays packed with men-
of-war, cut off entirely from all the world, contend-
ing in the field against an army 2,865,00<) strong,
equipped with the finest weapons, and supplied
with every comfort a soldier could ask, and with
the world to draw on for as much more. Do you
realize this? Will future generations believe the
story? Will they S3 r mpathize with us? Will our
descendants understand and enjoy the heritage to
which the sacrifices and heroism entitle them?

“Monuments have been, and will continue to be,
erected to our leaders, and this is right. They de-
serve them. But the reputation which the South
made for genius and daring belongs to the private
soldiers, and we owe it to them, to the dead and the
living, that their glorious deeds shall be perpetuat-
ed in imperishable memorials.

“We owe it to ourselves, and it is a duty to our
children that this be done.

“When the generations of the future shall read of
the sufferings and the bravery of our people, when
they read of how we resisted those mighty hosts of
men and resources for four years, with so few men,
without food very often, and with no arms except
those captured from the enemy, with no chances to
recruit, they will be astonished. They will read
the story over and over. We do not want to detract
from the other side — There were some grand Fed-
eral soldiers, but we want the truth told. We want
our desendants to give us credit for what we did.

“Those of us who were participants, whether in
the field, or caring for the sick and wounded;
whether weaving cloth and making clothes for the
soldiers, or cheering them by our smiles, should go
to work with all our might to build this great ‘Ab-
bey.’ We owe it to the memory of those heroes who
died in prison from cold and disease rather than
surrender a principle.

“We owe it to the men who stood in the ditches
with scarcely enough to eat to prevent starvation
and fought four 3 7 ears an army so powerful in num-
ber and resources. And, above all, we owe it to
the incomparable women of those days, who with-
stood the hardships and sufferings of the war with
a fortitude unknown before, who had never felt the
want of any comfort, but with that spirit of devo-
tion and bravery which characterized them, and
which was unknown even to the ‘Spartan Mothers.’
I say we should husband these truths.

“And we must build the ‘Battle Abbey.’ We
look to our women for everything good. I do not
believe there was ever in the world a man who rose
to distinction or above his fellows to whose mother
was not due the praise. No man ever acquired
goodness or greatness unless he had a good, sensi-
ble mother — and were I able I would build the tower
of the ‘Battle Abbey’ as high as the clouds, and write
on the dome in golden letters, ‘To the memory of
Southern Women and the Confederate Soldier.’ ”

^or?j”ederate ueterai?.



Rev. Jno. R. Deering wrote the Nashville Chris-
tian Advocate sometime since, from his Kentucky
home, about the Confederate graves in the cemetery
at Lexington. Some of his notes are:

On the hill, not far from the towering shaft that
supports the noble image of “the great Commoner.”
Clay, which, from its elevation of 132 feet, seems to
be looking upon the old “Ashland” home, away
across the city there, a little to the statue’s rieht


| Born in Huntsville, Ala.. January 1. 1825. but wont t.’ Kentucky
in his early life. Raised a company ami joined the Confederate
Army In 1861. He rose to the grade of Major-General, having an
eventful career. The story of hisescape from theOhio peniten
tiary is thrilling-, lien. Morgan was killed at G reenville, Tenn. ,
September 4. 1864. ]

and somewhat back of that, a modest marble slab
marks the sleeping dust of Kentucky’s cavalier
the immortal Morgan. It bears no word or sign
upon it of those stormy scenes in which he moved
like lightning flash, and amid which his heroic
spirit sank down to rest. These dates alone are
upon it:

July 1, 1825. September 4. 1864.

When placed there that may have been enough.
Their loneliness was eloquent. It is suggestive
still — but not of his deeds, nor the honor in which
his country holds him. The time is coming when

this simple stone must give place to a memorial
worthy the man, his native State and the reckless
riders who obeyed his bugle horn. In all our civil
war no soldier was more admired and loved by his
command: none better illustrated the strategic gen-
ius, the military daring, the genial disposition, the
patriotic pride, the soldierly sacrifice and endurance
of the Kentucky Confederate cavalry. Gen. Duke.
who served under him, and was in his deepest coun-
cils, is surely a competent critic, and he declares
him “the greatest partisan leader the world ever
saw, unless it were the Irishman, Sarsfield.” His-
tory may not accept this opinion, but I think will
include him in the first three Southern cavalry
commanders, whose names will live through com-
ing ages, .md perhaps, in this order: Forrest,
Morgan. Stuart. Holding this opinion, remem-
bering the ignominious treatment endured in a
felon’s garb and cell, though as a prisoner of war,
recalling the brutality inflicted upon the dying
and helpless chieftain, mindful of the two inter-
ments and removals of his poor maltreated body ere
it reached its final rest in his own bluegrass bed,
I cannot doubt that some day his kindred, his
command, his countrymen, will build him a fit-
ting memorial. Let it be a bronze horseman,
large .is life, armed and mounted, hale, wary,
warlike as near as can be, the image of Morgan
and his mare!

Hut I intended to tell what is. rather than what
shall be. * * *

In the center of the “Confederate lot,” which
is a well-chosen spot. . . n rolling ground and of
triangular shape, stands the costliest monument
in honor of the boys in gray. It is a crosstree of
sturdy sort and rough hewn surface in imitation
of natural growth, having no Other design than a
broken flagstaff and the drooping banner of the
Southland leaning against it.

The cross is about ten feet high, so that base
and cross are seventeen feet. On the front of the
upper row of stones hangs an unrolled scroll,
yet uninscribed also. Whether it is to remind of
a broken Constitution, or to hold the record of
heroic dead. 1 know not. but its blank face im-
pressesone. The broken sword meanshard blows,
both given and taken, whilst the ivy and fern,
the lily and oak, adorning the sides and rear,
proclaim a people’s appreciation and affection.
Two words tell their tale of woe, but the\ are
Messed words, high and lifted Up; “Our Dead.”
Those who recall the phrases, “The Nation’s

Dead, ITie Nation’s Wards,” will feci the

deeper, dearer significance of “Our Dead.”
It cost about 81, Suit, and was given largely by
.las. 11. Grinstead, of Lexington. This memorial is
about twenty years old. It was dedicated before
a vast audience by Cell. William C. Preston.

The other monument on this lot is one recently
erected at the point of two diverging roads. It rep-
resents the Confederate soldier in full uniform, and
standing “at rest.” The dress is of better style
and fit than the real soldier ever wore or saw in his
proudest day. and included a wide-brimmed hat
and “store” overcoat. The statue is life size and
of white marble. It is a young man with “head


Confederate l/eterao.

up,” “eyes front” — i.e., toward the “Government”
lot, where 846 Federals sleep their last sleep. The
pedestal holds the names of 133 men, representing’
ten of the States. These include “citizen prison-
ers,” as well as “soldiers.”

The Woman’s Honorary Confederate Association
has in charge these lots, and expends each year in
their care and decoration the sum of S50. The
“Veterans” themselves see that every comrade dy-
ing, however poor, has decent interment, as well as
medical skill and all needed attention.

The thirtieth Memorial Day closed upon a charm-
ing scene. The monuments were garlanded. The
graves were marked by white crosses, the crosses
bearing crimson and white streamers, with legends
poetic and patriotic — the grass, clean and velvety,
being covered with many-hued flowers. As the
sun’s slanting rays lay lovingly upon these tokens
of woman’s sympathy and sorrow, I felt in my heart
that I had rather rest here, if it please God, than
anywhere else in creation.



Comrade Doctor J. C. Loftin sends an old dingy
print to the Veteran, copy of which will be read
with interest and pride by survivors and the fami-
lies of those who are not of the survivors:

The Louisiana brigade, including the 9th Regi-
ment, made the last charge at Appamattox, and
drove the enemy before them until called back,
when Gen’l Gordon paid them a high compliment
for the gallantry displayed under such adverse cir-
cumstances. After that last heroic effort to stem
the tide of Grant’s swarming legions, the curtain
falls over the small but heroic band, as the follow-
ing address to the Louisiana troops will show:

It is dated at “Head-Ouarters Evans’ Division,
Appomattox Court House, April 11th, A. D. 1865,”
and addressed to Col. Eugene Waggoman, Command-
ing Hays’ and Stafford’s Brigades:

The sad hour has arrived when we who served in
the Confederate Army so long together must part,
at least for a time. But the saddest circumstances
connected with the separation are that it occurs un-
der heavy disaster to our beloved cause. But to
you, Colonel, and to our brother officers and brother
soldiers of Hays’ and Stafford’s Brigades, I claim to
say that you can carry with you the proud conscience
that in the estimation of your commander* you
have done your duty. Tell Louisiana, when you
each her shores, that her sons in the Army of
Northern Virginia have made her illustrious upon
every battle ground, from first Manassas to the
last desperate blow struck by your command on the
hill of Appomattox, and tell her, too, that as in the
first, so in the last, the enemy before the valor of
your charging lines. To the sad decree of an all-
wise providence, let us bow in humble resignation,
awaiting His will for the pillar of cloud to be
lifted. For you, and for your gallant officers and
devoted men, I shall always cherish the most pleas-
ing memories, and when I say farewell, it is with a
full heart, which beats an earnest prayer to Almighty
God for your future happiness. C. A. Evans.

Brig. Gen. Com. Division.

The following is a continuation of the letter to
Charming Nellie published in the last number of
the Veteran, dated May 19, 1862:

What an unconsciously long letter I am writing,
or, rather, have already written! Luckil}-, I am at
no expense for postage, having, in common with
members of Congress, the franking privilege. You
may find the reading a sore tax on your patience,
but I must bring my story up to date nevertheless.
There is no telling how long we will remain here,
or when I will again be as comfortably fixed for
writing. I have driven four stakes into the ground
in position to hold a board covered by a blanket at
the proper height, to allow me to sit on the ground
and write. Another reason for not closing and
marking at the bottom “to be continued,” is that I
may not live to do the continuing. Ever since re-
ceiving your last letter, the child’s prayer, para-
phrased to read, “If I should die before I write,” has
been ringing in my head. I am not silly enough, I
assure you, to fancy it a premonition. On the con-
trary, I feel certain of escaping death. But I know
death is a possibility, and so, holding a letter re-
ceived an obligation to be honorablj* met only by
full and complete answer, I must trespass on your
endurance a while longer.

We rested in the laurel thicket several days, dur-
ing which the recruiting officers, who left us at
Dumfries, rejoined the brigade, bringing batches of
raw recruits and many letters from home folks.
When the order came to march it was raining heav-
ily and continued to rain until midnight. Troops
were passing by for six or eight hours before we
moved, and we were beginning to fear that Gen.
Johnston proposed to make us a rear guard again.
It was a great relief, therefore, to be marched a half
mile further from the enemy and left standing in
mud and water two full hours. Then we began a
system of alternate marching and standing still un-
til past midnight. By this time order and disci-
pline were at an end. No one could tell who was
next to him, the different commands having become
inextricably intermixed in the darkness, rain and
mud. Officers on horseback rode back and forth
along the road, begging, praying and ordering the
men to go forward as fast as possible and get across
the Chickahominy Bridge. “If that’s all you want
me to do,” thought I, “it shall be done,” and, ac-
cordingly, I resolved myself into an independent
command and set out for the bridge.

Near the bridge, and stretching from one side to
the other of the road, was a terrible mudhole.
Some provident fellow had hung a lantern near it,
that disclosed not only its length and breadth, but
a narrow way around it, and that way was being
ing followed by the soldiers. Gen. Whiting and I
reached the loblolly about the same time, but I was
much the wiser man of the two. I followed the
current, he endeavored to change it. “Go right
through that place, men,” he commanded. “It
isn’t deep.” One of the soldiers, marching in single
file around, said in the sarcastic tone so easily
adopted in darkness and confusion: “You go

Qopfederate Veterat).


through it yourself, Mr. Man, if you think it ain’t
deep.” “Do you know, sir, that you are talking- to
Gen. Whiting?” angrily demanded the officer.
“Maybe so,” responded the unknown, now almost
around the mudhole, and. at any rate, too far away
to be identified, “but d — d if I believe a word of it.
You are more likely a courier, taking advantage of
the darkness to order your betters around. If you
are a General, you are a d — d small one.”

“Arrest that man!” shouted Whiting, furiously,
so beside himself with rage that he spurred his
horse into the hole and was splashed from head
to foot with its contents. “Oh, dry up. you d d
old fool,” came hack* through the darkness, and in
a moment more Whiting was laughing heartily at
the ridiculous position into which he had put him-

While this colloquy was taking place, 1 was
tramping around the mudhole. and a lew minutes
later arrived at the bridge, “(let across at once,
men, and get out of the road,” was the constantly
reiterated order of the field officer who stood there.
Obeying it, I went over and going a half mile
further dropped down cm the first moderately dry
spot to be guessed at. When I awoke the sun was shin-
ing upon thousands of men who. like myself, had
sunk down exhausted. Within three feet of me
lay Brahan, fast asleep. Neither of us could tell
who got there first, nor where anybody else was.
But the men around us soon began to move, order
to resolve itself out ol ‘confusion, and by 10 o’clock
A. M. the Fourth Texas was once more a regiment
under control of its officers.

That was day before yesterday; on the same daj
we made this camp. Yesterday I received your let-
ter and one from my mother, and having already
answered hers, have only the conscience to add to this
a postscript.

A great deal is being said in the papers about
England and France recognizing the Confederacy.
I do not think I am less brave and patriotic than
other men, but I frankly acknowledge that if such
recognition will bring peace and give me the privi-
lege of going home, the announcement of the fact
will he the sweetest music on earth to me. A little
while back I was foolish enough to nurse a few
dreams of military glory and distinction, but hard
rubs against the realities of soldiering have reduced
every dream into the thinnest and most unsubstan-
tial nothingness. If permitted, I shall henceforth
and forever more be content with such victories as
are to be won in time of peace.

Confederate Heroine at Williamsburg, V v
C. C. Cummings, of Fort Worth, Tex., notes the
article of his old friend of “befo’ de wall” — J. B.
Policy, of Floresville, Tex., about the retreat from
Yorktown in May ’62, and is reminded of the fol-
lowing as occurring at the historic old town of Wil-
liamsburg on this retreat:

As the Regiment of the writer 17th Mississippi slowly defiling through the streets, away from
the boom of cannon and the rattle of small arms at
the other end of town,

“A maiden fair, with golden hair,”

rushed out from a splendid mansion and began to
scold the soldier boys for going the wrong way.
She cried, “Don’t you hear the guns and the shout-
ings of the Captains, and don’t you see they are
pressing our boys hard in the battle? Turn back,
men! turn back! and defend this old town, the cradle
of American freedom!” and other fine things too
numerous to mention. The boys trudged on, how-
ever, seemingly unmoved by the eloquence and ardor
of this fair Amazon. Presently she sailed in again
with “Turn back, men! turn back ‘.and fight the Yan-
kees as our forefathers fought the “red coats” along
lure! If your Captain won’t lead you, 1 will be
your Captain!”

Just at this juncture the command ran down along
the lines: “About lace and double quick!” Then
arose the Rebel yell at the prospect of another tussle
with the “blue boys.” The fair heroine, all ablaze
with excitement, rushed out of the gate to the head
of the charging column, fully convinced that it was
he,- patriotic appeal that had turned the tide back-
ward in defense of her home. But all the ardor
and enthusiasm was taken out of this Joan of Arc
when one of the boys exclaimed “Oh no. sis, don’t
go— you might tear your dress!”

We left her standing mute and motionless, while
the boys raised a yell in honor of “the girl we left
behind us.” She must have gray in her hair now.
if she is still on this side of the River. Who she
was 1 never knew but here’s to that dear woman in
the “olden time and golden!”

In a personal note Comrade C. refers to J. B. Pol-
lev, and adds: Policy, ex-Gov. Sul. Ross. Fdrington,
< >. S. Ki nnedy, of this place, and I were all at Flor-
ence, Ala., together at school before the war. This

joke is true to the letter and witnessed by myself,
While we did not gel into the fight, we wereordered

back in the way I state, and the i^irl really thought
she did it.

Captain Mays Wants His Horns. Capt. Samuel
Mays, ot Nashville, is anxious to recover a pair of
very handsome Texas horns, left “for safe keeping”
near Tullahoma, in January. 1863.

The horns were engraved very handsomely with
a deer followed by hounds on one, and a fox darting
under a log with four or five dogs after him on the
other. Capt. Mays name, Company G, Fifteenth
Tennessee Regiment, was also engraved on one of
the horns, and thatof his brother, J. F. Mays, on the
other, with the postoffice, “Tank, Davidson Coun-
ty, Tenn.,” on each.

Capt. Mays would be much gratified in the pro-
curement of these horns or of either of them.

Camp Tom Moore, No. 556, Confederate Veterans,
Apalachicola, Fla., at their regular monthly meet-
ing, held their first annual election, resulting as
follows: Commander. Robt. Knickmeyer: First
Lieutenant, R. C. Mahon; Second Lieutenat, Pat-
rick Lovett; Third Lieutenant. F. G. Wilhelm;
Adjutant, A. J. Murat, Quartermaster, W. H.
Neel; Sergeant Major. R. i;. Baker. The officers
and committee for 1-896 remain the same as before.
This Camp has thirty members, all of whom appre-
. iate the value of the CONFEDERATE VETERAN.


Qopfederate l/etera^.


The list oi’ contributors to the Samuel
Davis Monument Fund, it will lie seen
is growing beautifully. There is not
much space given to the theme in this
number, but zeal is unabating.

Mr. Cunningham intends to muke a
personal canvass as soon as practicable
and he requests fellow solicitors from
everywhere. There is no commission
and no pecuniary compensation of any
kind. Not a cent, of the contributions
has been used in any way. But there
is great reward — a reward above money .

This monument will honor the firm-
ness of A private Confederate sol-
dier in as great a trial as ever a human
being was subjected to, and who re-
membering the counsels of worthy
parents, and the instincts of his God
given manhood — in the ordeal that was
to dash him to death, in that dark and
withering moment when nothing was
left save honor, and when tempted with
liberty and a return to his friends if he
would do a dishonorable act, grieved,
and in his anguish he wrote to his
mother words of counsel to the other
children “to be good,” but never hesi-
tating he stood firm unto his death.

Confederate comrades, you will never
have the opportunity to honor the
equal of Samuel Davis. Let us give
testimony to our approval of his act.

Remember the tribute of his enemies.
They honored him worthy.

The sum is now about $811.00. It
must be thousands. If you will help,
subscription lists will be sent and notes
payable in July next. What say you
brother— sister? Let us rally together.

Allen, Jos. W., Nashville $100 00

Amis, J. T., Culleoka, Tenn 100

Arnold, J. M., Newport, Ky 1 00

Arthur, James R., Rockdale, Tex 1 00

Asbury, A. B., Higginsville, Mo 1 00

Atklss-on, Marsh, Seattle, Wash 2 00

A»hbrook, S., St. Louis 100

Alkew, H. G., Austin, Tex 1 00

Barry, Capt. T. H., Oxford, Ala 1 00

Beckett, J. W., Bryant Sta., Tenn.. 100

Bell, Capt. W. E., Richmond, Ky…,. 1 00

Biles, J. C, McMinnville, Tenn 3 00

Blakemore, J. H., Trenton 100

Bonner, N. S., Lott, Tex 1 00

Boyd, Gen. John, Lexington, Ky 1 00

Browne, Dr. M. S., Winchester, Ky… 1 00

Brown, John C. Camp, El Paso, Tex. 5 00

Brown, H. T., Spears, Ky 1 00

Brown, W. A., St. Patrick, La 1 00

Bruce, J. H., Nashville 5 00

Burges, R. J., Sequin, Tex. 1 00

Burkhardt, Martin, Nashville 5 00

Bush, Maj. W. G., Nashville 2 00

Cain, G. W., Nashville 3 00

Cargile, J. P., Morrisvllle, Mo 160

Calhoun, Dr. B. F., Beaumont, Tex… 1 00

Calhoun, F. H„ Lott,Tex. … 100

Calhoun, W. B., St. Patrick, La. 1 00

Cannon, Dr. J. P., McKenzie, Tenn . 1 00
Carnahan, J. C, Donnels Chapel,

Tenn . . .

Carroll, Capt. John W., Henderson,

Tenn ■• 1™

Cassell, W. H., Lexington, Ky 2 00

Cecil, Loyd, Lipscomb, Tenn i uo

Chadwick, s. W., Greensboro, Ala…. 1 00

Cheaiham. W. B., Nashville 100

Cheatham, Maj. J. A., Memphis 1 UO

Cherry, A. G., Paris, Tenn 1 00

Clavton, Capt. It. M., Atlanta, Ga…. I 00

Clark, Mrs. I. M., Nashville, Tenn.. i 00

Coffey, W. A., Scottsboro, Ala 100

Cohen. Dr. H., and Capt T. Yates col-
lected. Waxahatchie, Tex 14 00

Coleman, Gen. R. B., McAlester. I. T. 1 00

Cook, V. Y., Elmo, Ark 2 00

Cooper, Judge John S., Trenton 1 00

Cowan. J. W., Nashville 100

Cunningham, P. D., Mexican Border. 1 00

Cunningham, S. A., Nashville 6 00

Curry, Dr. J. H., Nashville 100

Curtis, Capt. B. F., Winchester, Ky.. – 50

Dailey, Dr. W. E. p Paris, Tex 5 00

Dargan, Miss Aiice W., Darlington,

S. C 1 00

Davis, J. M., Calvert, Tex 100

Davis, Lafayette, Rockdale, Tex 100

Davis, K. N., Trenton 100

Davis, J. K., Dickson, Tenn 2 00

Davis, J. E., West Po.nt, 1 00

Davis, VV r . T., Nashville 1 00

Davidson, N. P., Wnghtsboro, Tex.. 1 00
Daviess County C. V. Assn, Owens-

ooro, Ky 6 65

Deaderick, Dr. C, Knoxville, Tenn.. 1 on

Dean, J. J., McAlister, I. T 1 00

Dean, M. J., Tyler, Tex 1 00

Deason, James R., Trenton, Tenn 1 00

Deering, Hev. J. R., Harrodsburg, Ky 1 00

Dink.ns, Capt. James, Memphis 100

Dixon, Mrs. H O., Flat Rock, Tenn.. 1 00

Douglas, Mrs. Sarah C, Nashville — 1 00

Doyle, J. M., Blountsvllle, Ala 1 00

Duckworth, W. S., Nashville 100

Dudley, Maj. R. H., Nashville 25 00

Durrett, D. L., Springfield, Tenn 1 00

Dyas, Miss Fannie. Nashv.lle 1 00

ifileazer, S. D., Colesburg, Tenn 100

Ellis, Capt. H. C, Hartsv.lle, Tenn.. 100

Ellis, Mrs. H. C, Hartsvllle, Tenn…. 1 00

Embry, J. W., St. Patrick, La 1 00

Emmert, Dr. A. C, Trenton, Tenn…. 1 00

Embry, Glenn, St. Patrick, La 100

Enslow, J. A., Jr., Jacksonville, Fla.. 1 00

Farrar, Ed H., Centralia, Mo 1 00

Ferguson, Gen. F. S., Birmingham.. 1 00

Finney, W. D., Wrightsboro, Tex 1 00

Fletcher, Mack, Denison, Tex 1 00

Forbes Bivouac, Clarksville, Tenn.. 25 00

Ford, A. B., Madison, Tenn 1 00

Ford, J. W., Hartford, Ky 1 00

Forrest, Carr, Forreston, Tex 2 00

Foster, A. W., Trenton 1 00

Foster, N. A., Jefferson, N. C 1 00

Gay, William, Trenton 100

Gibson, Capt. Thos., Nashville 1 00

Giles, Mrs. L. B., Laredo, Tex 100

Gooch, Roland, Nevada, Tex 100

Goodlett, D. Z., Jacksonville, Ala 2 00

Goodlett, Mrs. M. C, Nashville 5 00

Goodloe, Rev. A. T.. Station Camp,

Tenn 10 00

Gordon, D. M., Nashville 1 00

Gordon, A. C, McKenzie, Tenn 1 00

Gordon, Dr. B. G., McKenzie, Tenn.. 1 00

Graves, Col. J. M., Lexington, Ky…. 1 00

Gray, S. L., Lebanon, Ky 1 00

Green, Folger, St. Patricks, La 3 00

Gwin, Dr. R. D., McKenzie, Tenn 1 Of)

Hall, L. B., Dixon, Ky 100

Hanrick, E. Y., Waco, Tex 100

Hardlson, W. T., Nashville 6 00

Harmsen, Barney, El Paso, Tex 5 00

Harper, J. R., Rosston, Tex 1 00

Harris, Maj. R. H., Warrington, Fla. 1 00

Harris, J. A., Purdon, Tex 1 00

Harrison, W. W., Trenton, Tenn 1 00

Hartman, J. A., Rockwall, Tex 1 00

Hatler, Bally, Boliver, Mo 100

Hayes, E. S., Mineola, Tex 1 00

Herbst, Chas., Macon, Ga 1 00

Herron, W. W., Mckenzie, Tenn 100

Hickman, Mrs. T. G., Vandalia, 111… 1 00

Hickman, John P., Nashville 1 00

Hillsman, J. C, Ledbetter, Tex 100

Hoppel, Dr. T. J., Trenton 1 00

Hoss, Rev. Dr. E. E., Nashville 1 00

Hows, S. H, Newsom Station, Tenn.. 1 00

Hughes, Louis, Dyersburg, Tenn 1 00

Ikirt, Dr. J. J., East Liverpool, O…. 1 00

Ingram, Jno. Bivouac, Jackson, Tenn 5 60

Irwin, Capt. J. W., Savannah, Tenn.. 1 00

Jackson, G. G., Wetumpka, Ala 1 00

Jackson, Stonewall Camp, McKenzie. 6 00

Jenkins, S. G., Nolensville, Tenn…… 1 00

Jennings, Tipton D„ Lynchburg, Va. 1 00

Jewell, Wm. H., Orlando, Fla 1 00

Johnson, Leonard, Morrisville. Mo…. 1 60

Jordan. M. F.. Murfreesboro, Tenn… 1 00

Keerl, G. W., Culpeper. Va

Kelly, J. O., Jeff, Ala

Kelso, K. M.. Fayettev.lle, T. n
Kenni dy, John C, Nashville

King, Dr. J. C. J.. Waco. Tex

Kirkman, V. I… Nashville

Klllebrew, Col. J. B., Nashville

Knoedler, Col. L. P., Augusta. Ky.
Knox, R. M . Pine Bluff. Ark

Lauderdale, J. S., Llano, Tex

Lew.s, Maj. E. C, Nashville

Lewis, Dr F. P., Coalsburg. Ala

Lew, R. Z. & Bro., Nashville

I .iii. l-\. .Nashville

Long, J. M., Paris. Tex

ove, Mai. W. A., Crawford, -Miss.
I. mm, E. W.. Harrodsburg. Ky

McAfee, H. M., Salvisa, Tex

McAlester, J. J., McAlester, I. T

McArthur, Capt. P.. and officers of

Steamer A.R. Bragg, Newport, Ark

McDonald, J. W„ Krai, Tenn

McDowell, J. H., Union City, Tenm..
McGregor, Dr. R. R., Covington,

Tenn •

McKinstry, Judge O. L.. Carrollton.


McLure^Mrs. M. A. E., St. Louis

McMillin. Hon. Benton, M. C. Term..

McRee, VV. F.. Trenton, Tenn

McVoy. Jos.. Cantonment, Fla

Mallory, E. S.. Jackson, Tenn

Marshall, J. M., Lafayette, Tenn

Maull, J. F., Elmore, Ala

Meek, S. W., Nashville

Meek, Master Wilson

Miller, Tom C, Yellow Store, Tenn..

Mims, Dr. W. D., Cockrum, Miss

Mitchell, J. A., Bowling Green, Ky..

M tehell. A. E., Morrisville, Mo

Montgomery. Wm., Arrow. Tenn

Morton, Dr. I. C. Morganfleld, Ky…

Moss, C. C, Dyersburg, Tenn

N C & St. L Ry, by Pres. Thomas…
Neal, Col. Tom W., Dyersburg, Tenn.

Xeames, M. M., St. Patrick, Da

Neilson, J. C, Cherokee, Miss

Nelson, M. H., Hopkinsville, Ky

Norton, N. L., Austin, Tex

Ogilvie, W. H., Allisona, Tenn

Overton, Col. John, Nashville

Owen, U. J., Eagleville, Tenn

Owen, Frank A., Evansvllle, Ind

Pardue, Albert E., Cheap Hill, Tenn. .

Parish, J. H., Sharon, Tenn

Patterson, Mrs. E. H., Sequin, Tex…
Patterson, Mrs. T. L., Cumberl’d, Md

Pavne, E. S., Enon College, Tenn

Pendleton, P. B., Pembroke, Ky

Pepper, W. A., Stirling, S. C

Perkins, A. H. D.. Memphis, Tenn..

Pierce, W. H., Collinsville, Ala

Pointer, Miss Phil, Owensboro, Ky. ..
Pryor, J. T., (Terry’s Texas Ranger),


Raines, R. P., Trenton, Tenn

Randall, D. C, Waldrip, Tex

Rast, J P., Farmersvllle, Ala

Reagan, Hon. John H., Austin, Tex..

Redwood, Henry, Asheville, N. C

Reeves, Dr. N. P., Longstreet, La. …

Richardson, B. W., Richmond, Va

Ridley, Capt. B. L., Murfreesboro….

Ritchards, Sam, Rockdale, Tex

Robbins, A. M., Rockdale, Tex

Rose, S. E. F., West Point, Miss

Roy, G. W., Yazoo City, Miss

Rudv, J. H., Owensboro, Ky

Russell, T. A. Warrior, Ala

Rutland, J. W., Alexandria, Tenn

Ryan, J.. Chicago, 111

Ryan, Frank T.. Atlanta, Ga

Sage, Judge Geo. R., Cincinnati.

Sanford, Dr. J. R., Covington, Tenn.

Scott, S. P., Dresden, Tenn

Scruggs, John, Altamont, Tenn

Sellers, Dr. Wm., Summerfleld, La…

Sevier, Col. T. F., Sablnal, Tex

Sexton, E. G., Dover, Tenn ■••••••

Shannon, Col. E. S., Clover Croft.

Tenn ■•

Simmons, Col. J. W., Mexia, Tex …..
Snclair, Col. A. H., Georgetown, Ky.

Sinnott, H. T., Nashville

Sinnott, Harry M., Nashville

Sinnott, Sidney L., Nashville

Slatter, W. J., Winchester, Tenn

Smith, F. P., Seguin, Tex

Smith, Capt. F. M., Norfolk, Va

Smith, Capt. J. F., Marion, Ark

Smith, Gen. W. G., Sparta, Tenn

Smith, Capt. H. I., Mason City, la….
Stone, Judge J. B., Kansas City, Mo. .
Storv, Col. E. L., Austin, Tex

1 00
1 00
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5 00
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Qogfederate Ueterap.


Hpeissegger, J. T., St. Augustine, Fla 1 00

Street, H. J., Upton, Ky 1 00

Street, W. M., Murfreesboro, Tenn…. 1 00

Taylor, R. Z., Trenton 1 00

Taylor, Young, Lott, Tex 100

Templeton, J. A., Jacksonville, Tex… 1 00

Thomas, W. T.. Cumb’d City, Tenn.. 1 00

Tolley, Capt. W. P., Rucker, Tenn…. 1 00

Trowbridge, S. P., Piedmont, S. C. … 1 00

Tucker, J. J., St. Patrick, La 1 00

Turner, R. S., Ashland City, Tenn… 6 00

Tvree, L. H., Trenton, Tenn 100

<T. E.) cash, Nashville 100

Vance, R. H.. Memphis, Tenn 1 00

Van Pelt, S. D., Danville, Kv 1 00

Voegtley, Edwin B., Pittsburg, Pa… 2 00

Voegtley, Mrs. E. B., Pittsburg, Pa.. 2 00

Walker, John, Cage City, Md 2 00

Walker, Robert. Sherman, Tex lit

Wall, Drs. W. D., Sr. and Jr., Jack-
son, La 2 00

Washington, Hon. J. E., M. C. Tenn.. 2 00

Webster, A. H., Walnut Sp’s, Tex 1 0»

Welburn, E. H., Nashville, Tenn 1 M

West, Jno. C, Waco, Tex 1 00

White, J. H., Franklin, Tenn 1 00

Wllkerson, W. A., Memphis 1 00

Williams, J. Mat, Nashville 10 00

Williams, Robert, Guthrie, Ky 100

Wilson, Hon. S. F., Gallatin, Tenn… 1 00

Wilson, Mrs. S. F.. Gallatin, Tenn…. 1 00

Wilson, Dr. J. T.. Sherman, Tex 1 00

Wilson, Capt. E. H., Norfolk, Va 1 00

Wheeler, Gen. Joseph, M. C. Ala 1 00

Wofford, Mrs. N. J., Memphis, Tenn. 1 00

Wright, Geo. W., McKenzie, Tenn…. 1 00

Wyeth, Dr J. A., New York City 50 00

Young, Col. Bennett H., Louisville… 6 00

Young County Camp, Graham, Tex.. 7 85

Brownlow, J. E., Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. 50
DwigTTt, Dr. R. Y., Pinopolls, S. C… 50
Fleming, S. N., Mt. Pleasant. Tenn. 50
r. E. Clark, R. E. Grlzzard and M M.
Mohlev, Trenton, Tenn.; Capt.
Chas. H. May and J. W. Fielder.
Benton, Ala.; Dr. E. Young and W.
W. Powers, Greensboro, Ala.; J.
W. Gilman and H. Heverin, Nash-
ville; G. N. Albright, W. A. Ross
and Alonzo Gilliam, Stanton,
Tenn.: John W. Green and cash,
Dyersburg, Tenn.; E. J. Harwell,
Stonewall, La 1A

Collins, Mrs. Geo. C, Mt. Pleasant,

Tenn 25

C. W. Hlgginbotham, Calvert. Tex.;
T. O. Moore, Comanche, Tex.; L.
C. Newman, H. M. Nash. J. W.
Murnan, G. Shafer, J. F. Coppedge,
J. K. Gibson, Stanton, Tenn.; J. T.
Pryan, Mariana, Fla 2 26

Too late for classification :

Judge Jno. M. Lea, Nashville % 10.00

E, II. Brown, Baltimore 1.00

Dr. W. 11. Hancock. Paris, Texas 1.00

W. H. Reid, Sandy Springs, N C. L.OO

A. B. JoneB, Dyersburg, Tenn… 1.00
J.W. McGinnis, Dyersburg, Tenn 1 on

I S. Wall, Abbeville, La 1.00

Or. O. H.Todd,Owensboro, Ky.. 1 00

Joe Lehmann. Waco, Texas.. . . LOO

J. A. Ayers Nashville 1.00

Hon. Z. W. Ewing. Pulaski, Tenn 2 00

Capt. J. II. George, Howell, Tenn 1.00

B. R. Brown. Bhoun’s X Rds,Tenn 1 00
Total subscription $811.00

One of the best treats ever given in
the VETERAN is promised next month in
a picture and sketch of a maiden lady of
Nashville. She is well known here, and
is a remarkable woman ; she tells her
age and has not, had a picture made in
fifteen years and then never but one
other time. That was for the Centen-
nial celebration of Nashville, 1SS0. She
will pardon the Veter is tor mentioning
that she possesses her faculties in a re-
markable degree. She is very amiable
and ever of good cheer. She is devout
and attends church quite regularly ;

even at night she goes without an escort.
As much might be said of others, but
all would be junior to her. She was old
when taking part in’ the great war, and
her recollections of that period in Vir-
ginia and Tennessee hospitals, will be
given. She is .Miss Jane Thomas, and
she was born in 1800!


The second edition of the January
number, volume 1. number 1, of this
excellent magazine is just issued from
the University Press. This second edi-
tion was rendered recessary by an un-
expected demand from all sections of
the country and especially from the
North. The first article “The Father of
Representative Government in Amer-
ica,” written by the editor, is well worth
the subscription price of the magazine.
Everything in this magazine merits
careful reading. The editor. Maj W.
R. Garrett is well fitted for this impor-
tant work. Its circulation deserves to
lie general in its great field— America.
Address John W. Paulett, Genera]
Agent, Nashville. Tenn.


Has on its mailing list the names of
8,000 distinct, solvent merchants, scat-
tered through Tennessee, Kentucky.
West Virginia, Virginia. North and
Boutfa Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Ala-
bama. Mississippi, Louisiana and Ar-
kanas. It is a readable periodical whose
chief aim is to impress upon the run
mercial world Nashville’s right to the
title Of the Gateway Of the South \-

an advertising medium it reaches re

merchants than any one periodical in
this sect ion. Subscription price 50 cent s

per annum, Sample Copies free. Ad-
dress, J. c. Bunch, Manager, Nashville,
Tenn. Business Chut and the Vkteran
one year, $1.10.


Hugh S. Hood writes from the Chat-
tanooga, Tenn,, Savings Bank to the
Wilson Ear Urum Company, at Louis-
ville, Ky.: Several years ago I had
trouble with my hearing and went nn
der treatment of a specialist who gave
me Some relief at the time, but since
then I have been growing worse. I t ried
the Auraphone, but it gave me no re-
lief whatever, and I thought I would
never try such a thing as an Ear Drum
again, but on seeing a cut of your “Com-
mon Sense Ear Drum,” last July I sent
for a pair, as my hearing was getting so
“very much worse. And now. after a good
trial, I will say they certainly are what
deaf people need. and. then, they are
invisible, so that there is no embarrass-
ment in connection with wearing them.
1 have worn mine for six months and
but I wo persons know that I am wear-
ing them. * * » From now on 1
shall recommend them to my friends
and any others who are afflicted. Be-
fore using your drums I suffered inde-
scribable Strain, of which I have been
greatly relieved since using, and as I
am doing stenographic work this relief
has been of great benefit tome.


The tribute to Miss Marshall in last
Veteran elicited more general expres-
sion of gratitude locally than anything
ever yet been published in it. It was a
surprise to the sorrowful parents. Af-
ter referring to the “lovely and tender
offering,” the mother wrote: “It is a
little memorial that will go down
through the years, for who is there that
will not cherish and preserve the inter-
esting pages of the Veteran? Harriet
said while arranging the numbers for
binding, ‘I shall always keep these vol-
umes in my library, and every year
they will be more valuable and inter-
esting.’ I shall always subscribe for
the Veteran. • * *

“Our hearts are broken, our home is
desolate. She was our sunshine our
idol our all. * * Time and God

may dull the keen sharpedgeof anguish.
* * * It is well with her, but 0, this
empty world I”

The following extracts from an arti-
cle in our daily press of March 5.
will be gratifying to patrons of the Vet-
eran, since promotion of the interest
mentioned is beneficial to it and the edi-
tor’spersonal friends will be gratified.

A telegram was received in Nashville
yesterday by s. A. Cunningham, editor
of the Confederate Veteran, from
Hon. Joseph E. Washington, M. C.,
congratulating him upon the appoint-
ment, by Secretary of War, Lamont, of
his son. l’anl D. Cunningham, an Engi-
neering Clerk I o Col.. I. W. Barlow, Hi vis-
ion Engineer of the Southwest, the ter-
ritory embracing the States south of the
( ihio.— not including the Atlantic Coast
St.’ites, and of Missouri. Arkansas and
Texas west of the Mississippi. Mr.
Cunningham feels special indebtedness
to Mr Washington for zeal in behalf of
his son. whose application was consid-
ered with worthy and active competi-
tors. The junior Cunningham has had
remarkable success as an engineer.
Beginning for the Government with a
survey of the Tennessee River, from
the mouth of the French Broad to Chat-
tanooga, he so made favor that he was
given a good position by the Interna-
t tonal Boundary Commission in itsgreat
survey of the Mexican border, from El
I’aso to the Pacific Ocean. Then, when
that work was completed, and he was
en route home, a telegram detained him
to receive a proposition from Col. An-
son Mills, in charge of the water bound-
ary, the Rio Grande, which was accept-
ed. He is now engaged upon that
work, and the only person who has par-
ticipated in both surveys. The Gov-
ernment maps of the Rio Grande are
credited to him as Assistant Engineer.

In connection with that important
survey “The American” gave an ac-
count over a year ago of an important
assignment, in which he was sent to
Arizona to make some triangulations
and to do some other intricate work de-
sired by thi’ commission, being fur-
nished with an escort from the army.
lining Cunningham was congratulated
by a member of the commission in
charge of field work, “upon the prompt
and satisfactory manner” in which he
completed it.


Qor?federate tfeterap.


The Veteran gives herewith a repre-
sentation of the two sides of the Cen-
tennial Chimes Souvenirs which have
been provided by the Children’s Cen-
tennial Chimes Committee to be sold
as a memento of the centenary of Ten-
nessee and for the benefit of the fund to
purchase the musical chimes. The plan

to raise a sufficient fund to purchase a
set of chimes, to be kept as a permanent
memorial by the State, meets with gen-
eral approval. It is proposed to raise
the most of the money by the contribu-
tions of the children of Tennessee, but
there will be need of other aid. and these
Chimes Souvenirs will be sold for the


•&•’ >*& N>-

purpose of adding to the fund. The
souvenirs are beautiful ; they are pen-
dant from bar-pins, and can be worn as
an ornament or kept in the neat boxes
which go with them as relics of the Cen-
tennial year. They will be sold for
25 cents each, and will be supplied by
S. A. Cunningham, (Nashville, Tenn.).
member of the Committee.

A Confederate comrade suggests, as a
fine feature of the popular subscription
to the Battle Abbey fund now being
made throughout the South, which will
be the greatest of all Southern memori-
als, that “the crowning glory to that no-
ble work would be the making of these
chimes from contributions of suitable
metal or relics hy men, women and chil-
dren who feel an interest in this great
work, to contribute Con federate Relics.”

“Of course,” said the comrade, “this
chimes movement, having been inaugu-
rated as a Tennessee enterprise, could
not be utilized unless the Battle Abbey
be located here. There being no settled
place for locating the chimes perma-
nently, it would seem indeed most ap-
propriate to consider well the comrade’s

Engravings from a silver coin
belonging to General John Boyd,
of Lexington, Ky. Comrade
Boyd recently visited Nashville,
and has engaged to furnish illus-
trations of many Kentucky heroes
who gave their services, and many
of them their lives, to the Confed-
erate cause. A list will be printed
in April Veteran.


Capt. Will Miller, Arcadia.
La., writes March 7th: I am
sorry to say we buried our
chaplain, Rev. George N.
Clampitt, yesterday, in his
eighty-third year. One by one
we are passing away, and no
more veterans coming on.

This veteran sent club after
club of subscribers to the Vet-
eran. He was a Cumberland
Presbyterian preacher, and al-
most isolated from the church
in general by his location.

Gen. R. B. Coleman, of Mc-
Alister, I. T.. reports the death
of private William C. Sparks.
at that place, ”an honest, up-
right citizen,” who wasof Com-
pany D. 41st Mississippi.

Don’t fail to write for the
wonderful story of Samuel
Davis, in June Veteran, sent
free of charge.




Best. Rest. Test.

There are two kinds of sarsapavilla : The best — er.d the
rest. The trouble is they look aiikc. And when the rest
dress like the best, who’s to tell them apart? Well, “the trie
is known by its fruit.” That’s an old test and a s:ifo one.
And the taller the tree the deeper the root. That’s another
test. What’s the root, — the record of these sarsaparillas ? The
one with the deepest root is Ayer’s. The one with the richest
fruit ; that, too, is Ayer’s. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla has a record of
half a century of cures ; a record of many medals and awards —
culminating in the medal of the Chicago World’s Fair, which,
admitting Ayer’s Sarsaparilla as the best — shut its doors against
the rest. That was greater honor than the medal, to be the only
Sarsaparilla admitted as an exhibit at the World’s Fair. If you
want to get the best sarsaparilla of your druggist, here’s an
infallible rule: Ask for the best and you’ll get Ayer’s. Ask
for Ayer’s and you’ll get the best.


Confederate Veteran.




The Summer Home and Assembly,

On the Summit of Cumberland Mountain.
Invigorating Climate.

Purest Freestone Water.

Beautiful Views on all Sides.

Gordon, Rev. Sam Jones, George W.
Bain, Col. Marchbanks, Louis Fa-
vour, Arinii Ladies’ Quartette, Grif-
fin Concert Co., Tyrolean Trouba-
dorusaml Ransom, tne Magician, and

many others. More this si i

Tin: NUMBER of star attract inns
offered previous seasons.

SUMMER SCHOOLS. Art, Elocution, Mu-
sic. Literature, Berlitz School of Lan-
guages, Latin, Science. Mathematics,
Stenography, I’rimnry School, Do-
mestic Keonomy, Yanderbill Sum-
mer School of Physical Culture, etc.
Noum m Institute for teachers.

GYMNASIUM, finely i ipped, full Fac-
ulty, Great Swimming Pool of purest

water with numerous bath houses
Bowling Alley. Free Library art’
Reading Room, daily papers, maga
zines, latest hooks, etc . Tennis
Courts. Croquet and P.all Grounds.

SUPERB NEW HOTEL, modern conveni
ences, crowded ;\11 last season — its
lirst. Homes, Boarding Houses,
Furnished Cottages can be rented.

CO-OPERATIVE CLUBS, and families, re-
duce living often to $l”i per month
and less.


GREAT DAYS: “Veteran’s,” “Woman’s,” “Centennial.”
Special Excursions.

For Programs and any information address,

A. P. BOURLAND, Manager,


Mention Veteran when nrriiing.


Pansv … 40 kinds

. Poppv . . . SB kind

Nasturtiums 10 ”

Canriytnfte. 10 ”

Phlox . . , 20 ”

Hoi nineGlorv 15 ”

Verbena . . is

>\\ eet Peas . 86 ”

Pinks . . . IS

•• U ignonette 5

Petunia . . 12

” Allvsum . 5 ”

Asters . 17

Portal aca . 16

Balsam . . ]0 ‘•

Zinnias . . 10

The above Ifi pkg.

\nnu:ils 10c.

HILLSIDE NURSERY, Somervllle Mass.

The Miami Medical College,

Of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Regular Session Begins Oct 1. 1895.

Send for Catalogue. All Inquiries receive
prompt Attention.

W \l.l. PAPEB

If any of our readers nerd \Y;i

per. i he \ en n not do better than to write
to Mr Robert Montanus, 212 West
Market Street, Louisville, Ky.. whose

Card appears in this issue lie has

been in i he business a long time, and is
in it to stay.


UL, I If*. f the South.

The st. Louis PoBt-Dispatcn Bays: l The naive
exposition of the real thoughts, aspirations
emotions of the Southern K r iri is one *»f the

1 r the Btory.”

Beautifully printed on heavy lai<l papi i

§a£ee, h uh handsom \.r. Hailed Co an
reason receipt otii nts. Stamps I

Charles tl. Kerr & Company.


56 Fifth Ai-e. , Chicago.


in : Head No Ftea relieved hj* .us-
ing Wilson Common Sens* 1 Ear
Drums- Now Bcien title inven-
tion ; differ en 1 from ;ill other
device?, rhi
comfortable and invisil
Drum in ( he n orld. ; I
where medical skill tails No

■ i or string attachment,
w rite for p impti lei .
ist Bldg.. Louisville. Kv



From 3 C a rollup *
Gilt, 6 C a roll up ;

New and e legant j
d< sign – <

;iii<l book 1 I I

Paper, “maili ]

2,2 «aSSSrftr. ROBT, MONTANUS. j



, pnper.













Confederate l/eterap.


There are many thousands of people
:attered all over the East and North
who can amply afford to escape the se-
vere winters which are shortening their
lives, and whose rigors are a constant
menace to the most robust constitution.
To such, the trip to Gal fornia, via the
Southern Pacific, would be a perpetual
delight. Snow never falls upon the Sun-
set Line of the Southern Pacific to in-
terfere in the slighest degree with its
service, and while the trip by more
northern routes carries with it the possi-
bility of delays from blockades, no such
interference need be apprehended by
the Southern Pacific line. Besides its
double daily train service, the Southern
Pacific’s Semi-Weekly “Sunset Limited”
service is the most luxurious exempli-
fication of modern travel. The road
runs through the beautiful Bayou Coun-
i ry of Louisiana, across the high plains
of ^Texas, New Mexico and Arizona,
where the novelty of the landscape is a
perpetual charm. Crossing the Colorado
at Yuma, the traveler finds himself in
California, where groves of orange,
lemon and olive greet his eyes as a verit-
able vision of paradise. There is such a
wide diversity of scene and climate in
California that the tourist can, and, in
fact, must choose what he will. If he
seeks the seaside resorts, Santa Monica,
Santa Barbara, Santa Catalina Island,
Del Monte. Santa Cruz or a score of
uthersinvitehim. Or, perhaps, the val-
leys where Redlands, San Bernardino,
Riverside. Los Angeles, Pasadena, Paso
del Robles, or Fresno lie, or higher north
by the Sacramento, will claim attention.
The scene is everywhere bewilderingly
beautiful. It is all one dreams about
in connection with the Mediterranean —
the opalescent skies, the sweep of low-
lands and hillsides covered with vine-
yard and orchard; the softness of the
air that brings health in every zephyr.
Annually, the streams of Eastern tour-
ists grow larger, because of the glories
and beauties of this wonderland of the
Continent are each year better known.
And usually the thousands who go there
fur the first time resolve to go again and
tike their friends with them. For fur-
ther particulars write to any Southern
Pacific Agent, or to S. F. B. Morse, Gen-
eral Passenger and Ticket Agent, New
I Means, La. For 20 cents in stamps to
defray postage, the Southern Pacific will
send you a magnificent book, just issued,
descriptive of the whole route.

Will Give Permanent Employment.

Apply by letter addressed to

Southwestern Publishing Housk.

Nashville. Tennessee.


mi’ I ‘!> ii ■ r u.r ,’,,.i,i, in -. In,! , ,i,i,|,|,- ,l,,iii i, ,li

. , r, l,.„-,l„l,| Til.,,, la rxoII,in.-,,ii..r.,,,l,lc in il- i,,., harmful l„ it’.

. ihangu will bo noil I In th„ skin In on. daj When nwi i,.,,„,„,i

,[. I,, i :, „i kill, but Mil, rrlulion lucd In applying it MM!’

11 s WRINKLES and left* I 1 …. lir… .V si.„».ih. After ft ftw application.

‘implas, Tan, Blackheads and Sunburn

,i r During lb! 0« all pnwden ftnd lollims are to bo „,„il,,l.

, ‘I,, is i, ,,,.- ,i..„t i,nr poftviteraTid OmrKALTfl, Mr it l.ri [■.,,,.– ,,i, 1

J ■■ puritlM. Full direction! for wo accompany , K v- , i ,.— >,, in.i, I

One Month’s Treatment Only 25 cents,

I I ill lend oaomonth’otnfttmentftndnellthoiocipewlth full direo-

tklncftod mine. Ton rill then fad able in prapare tin- u\, «*i,T”yomT,i;ll

stnanSOonjcnw. K. f. LnlOMBE, Station C, St, Louis, JLo,

The following good one is told cm the
Colonel of the Forty-eighth Georgia
Regiment by the Atlanta Constitution :

As the Regiment was on the march to
Gettysburg some of the soldiers stepped
out of the ranks and confiscated a cou-
ple of geese, and one of the drummers
unheaded his drum and stowed away
the birds.

Shortly afterward the Colonel came
along and, noticing the drummer failed
to give his usual drum whacks, rode up
and. said: “Why don’t you beat that

“Colonel,” said the startled man, “I
want to speak to you.”

The Colonel drew close to him and
said: “Well, what have you to say?”

The drummer whispered: “Colonel,
I’ve got a couple of geese in here.”

The Colonel straightened up and said :
“Well, if you are sick, you needn’t play,”
and rode on.

That night the Colonel had roast goose
for supper.

State of Ohio, City of Toledo, t

Luc as County, ( ss

Frank J.Cheney makes oath that he is the
senior partner of the Arm of F.J. Cheney & Co.,
doing business in the City of Toledo, County and
State aforesaid, and that said lirni will pay the
sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and
every case of Catakrh that cannot be cured by
the use of Hall’s Catarrh Ct’RK.

Sworn to before nie and subscribed in my
presence, this 0th dav of December, A. D. 1886.

JSotary Public.

1 SEAL. |

Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally and
arts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Send for testimonials, free.

F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.

WirSold by Druggists, 75c.

51 i Church Street,



Dealer in New and Second Hand Books
of all kinds.




Stonewall Jaekson,


and Sketches by Generals Gordon, Fitzhugh
Lee, French. McLaws, Butler, Bradley
Johnson, Lane.Taliaferro.McGowan.Heth,
Ditke, Kev. J. W r . Jones, Viscount (general)
Wolseley, and others. A book of nearly 700
paues, beautifully bound and handsomely
illustrated. Agents wanted in every torwn
and county. Liberal pay. Address,
Louisville, Ky.
N.B. — Veteran&iSons and Daughters of Vet-
erans and true admirers of greatness cvery-
xvhere send for descriptive circular.

(Mention Veteran when you write.)

Entirely Recovered.


Immediate Benefits Resulted From Its

Application — The Boy Grew and

Fleshened in a Short Time.

I purchased an Electropoise of you
two years ago to be used on my son.
He was confined to his bed during the
spring and summer of ’94, and the doc-
tor who was called in said that he was
suffering from extreme nervousness.
He began the use of the Electropoise,
and immediately commenced to im-
prove in health. He has now entirely
recovered from that disease, and I have
never seen any one grow and fleshen as
he has done. The Electropoise also
helped me.

My neighbors all know what a great
change it has made in my son Eugene.

Respectfully, Sallie J. Poe.

“Estill Springs, Tenn., Jan. 9, ’96.

For Two Months’ Rent

With liberal terms for the ultimate pur-
chase after renting. Those who are not
familiar with the wonderful curative
work of the Electropoise should write
for booklet giving full particulars. The
Electropoise endorsed by thousands in
every walk of life all over the country-

Dubois -&- webb,

Chamber of Commerce Building,



Rooms 53 and 64,
Chamber of Commerce Building




Amencan National Bank, Nashville, Tenn.
Union Bank and Trust Co., Nashville, Tenn.
Geo. W. McAlpinCo., Cincinnati, O.
Col. H. E. Huntington, Gen. ManagerN. N. A M.
V. Co., Cincinnati, O. 9 94 ly


>*— -^—*— ——”—”— ~—~—- -— -—■^– “-;—- — – — ^j^ r *m*^*M- —



Qopfe dera te l/ete ra p .


Prick Jl.oo per Year,
in Advance.

Vol. IV.

Nashville, Tenn., April, 1896.

vr,. , IS.A. ITN-MSUHAM.

1,u ‘ H – I EDITOR.




L £*%±




Substitute for Defaced MONUMENT at VICK8BURG, Where Grant and Pemberton Met. July 4, 1868.

Confederate l/eterar?


S.A.L. I




The Only Line Running Solid A est i billed Trains r=s

S^ From Atlanta to Richmond. 3



| Grand . Re= Union j

£§ Can Find no Such Accommodations or Attractions

§= by Any Other Route. 3§

H Special Trains, Special Coaches, Special Schedules ||

H Over the N. C. & St. L. Railway, W. & A., S. A. L., via 1

«£ Chattanooga, Kennesaw, Chickamauga, Alatoona Pass, At-

§= lanta, Abbeville, S. C, Raleigh, N. C, Petersburg, The Cra-

§£ ter, thence through numerous battlefields to Richmond. i^s



ATLANTA, GA., No 6, Kimball House- B. A. NBWLAND,
Gen. Agent i’.iss. Department, w.m. B. i’i imi m \ .
i’.ls^. Ac-Hi. K. .1. w \ r, Ticket Agent.

AUGUSTA, QA. P. Tennant, Trav. Pass. A.fni.

( IIVKI ISION.S. C , 150 E. Bay St.— W. A. 1’ii.ot. Trav.

r.iss. a rent.

CINCINNATLO B. S. Terhtjne, Commercial Agent, Room S,
FosdlcR Building.

HOUSTON, I I V i \. Wi-mk. Trat. p.i^. Agent.

LAI KINS. s. c— J. N. Wright, Trav, Pas-. Agent.

ni w 0RL1 INS, LA., to:i Camp St.— R. H. Tate, South-
Western Pass. Agent

MONTGOMERY, 41. A. -J. H. Griffin, Trav. Pass. Agent. XS

N VSUVILLE, TNEN.— J is. G. Cani ri i i . Trav. Pass. Agent. — •

NORFOLK, VA., 11 .Mnin St. J. w. Brown, Jr., Citj Pass. ~ZZ

Igent. —•

PORTSMOUTH. VA.— Geo. McP. Batte, Trai rent. ‘ZZ

RALEIGH, N.C. H. S. Leard, Trav. Pass. Lgent. ~»

RICHMOND, VA. H. M. Boykjn, Citj Pass. Agent. ^S

ROME. G A. J. G. Ramey, Trav. Pass. Agent ~»

ST. LOUIS, MO— H.I. Norvell, Com. Agent, room 407, Mer- ^S

chant’s Exchange -—•

WILMINGTON, N. C. Thos. D. Meares, General \ Z£

II. W. B. GLOVER, Traffic Manager. T. J. ANDERSON, Gen. Pass. Agent.

I.. ST. JOHN, Vice-President and Gen. Manager, Portsmouth, Va.

H en | Ion \ eteran when yon « rite.

Qotyfederate l/eterai).


ac\) &r Pendleton

Rangers and Rrol<ers

45 Rroadway, New Vork


New york S tock E xcnan g e
New york produce Exchange
New \Jork Cotton Exchange
New Vork Coffee Exchange


Ruy and sell Stocks, Ronds, Cotton, Grain and C of fee.

for cash or on margin, allow interest on balances

subject to sight draft ;

Correspondence invited


situated in the heart
<>f the fashionable
shopping and amuse-
ment districts, one
block from Broadway
at Union Square, in
Che quiet and aristo-
cratic neighborhood
of Gramercy I’ a r k.
An ideal family hotel.
On the American plan.
Cuisine noted for its

Booms single or en
suite, with p r i va te
bath. Kates moderate.


trving Place and 16th

E. N. Asable, Prop.
B. W. Swope, of Ky.,


Three Buildings. Rooms for 200 boarders. Forty Officers, Teachers and Lecturers. Session begins September 2, 1895. Privileges

in theVanderbilt University. Eminent Lecturers every season.

Our Literary Schedule embraces a scheme of education extending
over a period of four years, and a mode of training which is in
advance of competition.

A Kindergarten is in connection with the College: also training class
for teachers and mothers who desire to learn Friebel’s principles of

The Best Elocutionary Training under the care of Prof. Merrill, of
Vanderbilt University, who enjoys a national reputation. Teachers
desiring instruction are invited to try this course.

Practical Education is provided for pupils who defire to learn Dress
cutting and fitting. Stenography, Typewriting and Bookkeeping.

Magnificent New Building 108×68 feet, facing on Broad and on Vaux-
hall streets, five stories, grand rotunda, fine elevator, steam heat,
ample parlors. This completes and crowns the work.

An Lnparalelled Growth from obscurity to national fame, from fifty
pupils to begin with to over 4,000 from half the Union.

In Music two first-class musicians are in charge of the instrumental

and vocal departments. With them are associated other teachers

of fine culture and great skill in the production of the best musical

compositions. Pupils enjoy advantages in hearing the highest style

of music.
Our Art Department is in the finest studio of the city, beautifully

lighted, and amply supplied with models. Pupils enjoy from time

to time advantages for seeing and studying best art works, such as

can be found only in a progressive and wide-awake city.
For Scientific Studies our classes have the privilege of attending the

lectures of Vanderbilt Professors in the Laboratories of Chemistry,

of Physics, and of Natural History, giving access to the splendid

resources of the leading institution of the South.
Our Gymnasium is fullv equipped for its work. Every species of

apparatus requisite for full development of the bodily organs is

here provided for our flourishing classes. Both the Sargent and the

Swedish Gymnastics taught.
SEND FOR CATALOGUE. REV. GEO. W. F. PRICE. D.D., Pres., 108 Vauxhall Place. Nashville, Tenn.



Are the Sole Representatives of the







OOOOOO-O <>CH>C>00<>CK>0<>00<>0-0-0




That received the highest award of merit at
the World’s Fair, Chicago.


They are also Representatives of other Leading Makes of


And sell direct to purchasers at factory prices, thus saving them all middle men’s profit.
Write to them before purchasing. A two-cent stamp may save you many dollars.


(Mention Veteran when yon write.!

^opfederat^ l/eterap.

Published Monthly in the Interest of Confederate Veterans and Kindred Topics.

thick, 10 Cents.
Vkablt, $1.

Vol. IV.

Nashville, Tenn., April, 1896.



Entered at tbe postoffice, Nashville, Tenn.. as second-class matter.

Advertisements: Two dollars per inch one time, or $20 a year, except
‘ast page. One page, one time, special, MO. Discount: Half year, one
Issue : oue year, two issues. This I- )l n in e ith -e 0D bhG 1’ inner rale.

Contributors will please be diligent to abbreviate. The space is top
important for anything Ihat lias not special merit.

The date to a subscription is always given i<i the month before ii ends.
for instance, if tbe Vktkkan be ordered to begin with January, the date on
mall list will be December. and the subscriber is entitled to that number.

Though men deserve, they may not win success.

The brave will honor the brave, vanquished none the less.

The “civil war” w ;i* too long ago to be called the “late”‘ war and when
correspondents use that term the word “great” (war) will lie substituted.

Response to request for hack numbers of the Vet-
kk an has been so liberal, notice is now made that no
more copies are wanted, except those numbers to
August ’93, of which hut few copies have been re-
ceived and for which there is greatest demand.

Requests have been made so frequently for copies
of the Constitution now in vogue by the officials oi

the United Confederate Veterans, that its lull text

may lie expected in the May number.

The Florida account of the United Confederate
Veterans’ reunion and the Confederate Monument
to lie erected as a gift from Comrade C. C. Hem-
ming, of Gainesville, Texas, is again deferred
through unexpected delaj of correspondence, and
because Mr. Hemming; is changing- his plan ahout it.

Much is being said by comrades in different sections
in behalf of a general election day in all Confederate
Camps. Let this lie discussed and mavhe some plan
will be promulgated at Richmond. It suggests a
pleasant idea that perhaps one thousand Confed-
erate organizations have a g-eneral election day,
the Daughters and Sons doing- likewise.

It will seem old to repeat monument locating the
site of Pembcrton and (1 rant’s place of conference
looking to the surrender of Vicksburg, upon the
title page of VETERAN, hut the monument was
changed, inasmuch as relic hunters had defaced the
marble shamefully, and the sing-ular error was made
to designate it as at Jackson, in March VETERAN.

The engraving upon the marble shaft, now in the
National Cemetery, is as follows: Taken from the
site of the interview between Maj.-Gen. U. S. Grant
and Lieut. -Cen. Pemberton, July 4, 1863.

The printing of the page in blue is done to
work it with the Virginia flag- on back of number
— its propel color.

A suggestion kindly furnished by Cen. Ceorge
Reese, of Pensacola. Fla., in regard to a reunion
mark is revived for the Richmond gathering. It is
that delegates wear a card or badge on the hat or
in some conspicuous place, indicating especially
their regiment in the service.

The writer recalls his first journey through the
Carolinas and Virginia. It was in war times. He
had metal letters. “Tenn.,” on his hat. and the
gr< etings in nearly every section created a pride in
his native State. This method was practiced at
Houston through suggestion in the VETERAN.

The VETERAN is making a test of friendship for
the cause it represents by application to railway
presidents and managers in the South:

It represents itself a peculiar publication in hav-
ing the entire South lor its territory, and that al-
though published in Nashville, it hardly belongs to
Tennessee more than to Texas. Missouri, Mary-
land. Virginia, the Carolinas, Louisiana, or any
other Southern State. It represents to them that
ditor is frequently called to reunions without
having- time to arrange for transportation, and asks
favors whereby delay may be avoided. IleolTers to
keep standing acknowledgment of the railroads so
favoring him. and claims that this favor will be
appreciated by the thousands who indorse the Vkt-
■. and support it unstintedly.

In cordially responding to this request, A. E.
Haehlield. President of theOconee A- Western Rail-
road says: This road was built with Northern cap-
ital and is controlled by Northern men. but 1 will
always be glad to recogmize any man who did his
duty according- to his honest convictions. Shall be
glad to have you make use of the pass.

The railway official who has done more than any

other in the way mentioned was a soldier ol the

Union Army. He controls a large system. The

ran is determined to show who its pronoun* ed

friends are in this respect.

Gen. Stephen D. Lee. of Mississippi, has accepted
the invitation of the Jefferson Davis Monument As-
sociation to deliver the oration on the occasion of
laying- the corner stone of this monument in Rich-
mond on the 2nd of July, reunion time.


Confederate l/eterap.

In describing- the “Rebel Yell,” the New York
Sun tells of the exhibition on canvas of Stonewall
Jackson’s picture before an audience of Southerners
in Chickering Hall recently, and adds:

No sooner had the heroic Southern leader’s fea-
tures been flashed upon the sheet than they leaped
to their feet and let out that rebel jell as if it had
been lighting: to get out for years. It sounds more
like ”Yi-yi-yi” than anj^thing else, but any adequate
description of it is impossible. There is a sort of
soul-shaking- cadence about it that strikes in deep.
The best tribute to the effect with which it was
given last night is that a policeman, who had
stepped into the lobby, came up the stairs, four
steps at a time, when he heard it.

The Veteran objects to the “Yi-yi-yi,” and de-
nies the assertion that “If you see it in the Sun, it’s
so.” The Rebel Yell is only like — the rebel yell.

The Wilmington Messenger demurs to a state-
ment sent out from Richmond by the “Confederate
Memorial Society,” that “The Old North State
gave more soldiers than almost any other State,”
and it inquires “Why qualify it by almost?”

It is certain that she sent 126,000 men. The Ad-
jutant General of the State says 130,000. There
are some errors in the published Roster of North
Carolina troops by repeating names — men who were
transferred from infantry to cavalry or to artillery
or vice versa. The Roster in this way makes it
more than 131,000 soldiers. But omitting all care-
less errors, this State sent to the war not less than
125,000, and we think 126,000 would be nearer the
mark. The War Records, published by the Federal
Government, show that over 16,000 of her men were
killed or mortally wounded, and that over 41,000
died from various causes. A State that lost 41,000
men can well claim to have sent more than any
other State. In fact, neither Georgia, nor Tennes-
see, claims to have sent so many soldiers as North
Carolinians know that their State gave to the noble
and glorious cause. So it is not “almost,” but al-
together the State that had most soldiers.

An Arkansas paper bearing the inelegant name of
“Kicker” is credited with this proffered welcome to
those who seek this sunnier clime:

It is the same old South that was created in the
beginning by God Almighty and endowed with the
richest resources of the creative hand.

When you come South, take the people as you
find them — smash your egotism and act like a
sensible man, and you will find a hospitable recep-
tion. Don’t come down here with notions of teach-
ing our people what fools they have been, for you
are liable to get fooled yourself. Throw your prej-
udices aside, come and go to work and get acquaint-
ed with the people. It requires honest work to make
a living here as well as anywhere else, and if you
are looking for a “soft snap,” we don’t want you.
But if you are honest, gentlemanW and industrious,
you can succeed better here than anywhere else.

“They Are From My Home.” — The Veteran
seizes opportunity to mention the name, Miss Eliza-
beth F. Price, of Nashville, now in Berlin, Germany,
who contributes an exceedingly interesting article
to the Daily American. Miss Price has been sec-
ond to no other in zealous advocacy of the Veteran
since its beginning. She is a pupil of Moritz
Moszkowski. The Miss Kirkman mentioned is also
from Nashville. In the article Miss Price states:

* * * It is music all the time, everywhere.
One cannot help being musical in such an atmos-
phere. It struck Jeannie Kirkman and myself as
being rather comical that we sallied forth upon a
stormy night of snow and slush and general dis-
comfort to hear the Jubilee Singers at the Hotel
de Rome, on the Linden. We pay 12/4 cents to
hear Nickish’s great orchestra, but 50 cents to hear
our Jubilee Singers. It was so like home, the be-
loved South, to hear the colored people sing, that
the tears came to my eyes. It made me so home-
sick I had an irresistible impulse to say to the Deuts-
chers around me, “They are from my home.”
“Swing Low, Sweet Chariot’ and “Steal Away”
never sounded half so sweet at home as they did in
this far off land.


In the tribute to the
gallant Dunnington,
page 84, in March
Veteran, there were
some errors. Col. J.
W. Dunnington was
appointed Midship-
man, April 10, 1849,
received commission
as Past Midshipman,
Jan. 12, 1855, commis-
sion as Master, Sept.
1855, and commission
as Lieutenant in 1850.
Semmes’ ” Service
Afloat” page 803, re-
cords that in reorgan-
ization of the James
River Fleet in 1865,
Capt. Dunnington was
incommandof the Vir-
ginia, ironclad flagship, five guns. The blowing up
of that flagship (Virginia) April, 1865, was ordered
by Semmes and executed by Dunnington. After the
blowing up of the James River Fleet, Semmes re-
organized his naval forces into two regiments and
Dunnington was appointed Colonel of one of them.
Surrendered with Semmes at Greensboro, N. C, 1865.

Mrs. Emma Schiller, of Goodlettsville, Tenn.,
desires information in regard to her brother, West
Northcutt, who enlisted in ’61 at Woodbury, Tenn.,
joining Capt. Jeff St. John’s Company. Mrs.
Schiller has never learned the fate of her brother.

Confederate 1/eteraD.



N. V. Randolph, of the R. E. Lee Camp, Rich-
mond, Va. , gives some reminiscences of experience
with the Philadelphia Brigade. That brigade had
extended some courtesies to the Virginians at Get-
tysburg and an invitation was extended the Penn-
sylvanians to come to Richm >nd. He says:

When the arrangements were all made for their
parade from the Capitol Square to Hollywood, the
Philadelphia Brigade refused to march in line with
Lee Camp’s flag-, and gave as a reason that the
United States tlag that they bad was borrowed, and
the party lending stipulated that it should not
march inline with a REBEL FLAG (it appears
that the Philadelphia Brigade did not own a Bag,
therefore, borrowed one). After more than an
hour’s delay and considerable bad feeling, they sent
their Bag back to the Exchange Hotel and borrowed
,i United States Bag in Richmond. They did, how-
ever, march with the Lee ramp Bag, and. if my
memory serves me right, also with the old colors of
the Seventeenth Virginia. When they returned to
Philadelphia the accounts given of this episode in
the Pennsylvania papers were simply outrage »us.
The hospitality extended them was not appreciated,
and one paper that I saw gave as a reason that the
“unreconstructed Rebels hated the Union uniform,
and had never become reconciled with the boys in
blue.” **** * * *’*

For my part, I have no animosity against any
American who, from a sense of duty, served in the
Union army, and Lee Camp, the organization to
which I belong, has perhaps spent as much as
$10,000 in entertaining various Grand Army posts
who have visited Richmond in the past twelve
years. In fact, one of the principles of our organ-
ization is “to extend the right hand of fellowship
to our late adversaries on all fitting occasions.”
But when we entertain any body of Northern men
who misrepresent and insult us, I, for one, do not
propose to be in the same situation the second time,
and I trust that the old soldiers of Richmond, at
least, will let the Philadelphia Brigade Association
alone. Our recent experience with General Walker,
of the Grand Army, ought to be sufficient to pre-
vent any ex-Confederate from participating in a
blue-and-gray reunion as long as such men are at
the head of affairs. I dislike to stir up bad blood,
but we have nothing to be ashamed of in our past
record, and can well afford to let the Philadelphia
Brigade alone to celebrate their own glorious deeds
on the battlefield of Gettysburg. We can afford to
rest on our laurels for the deeds of the Confederate
soldiers on that memorable occasion without cele-
brating it with a body of men that accepted our
hospitality, and then vilified us on their return.

i:k ax deplores its inefficiency in serving him in his
laudable desire, while. detracting not from the valor
of any, to have the truth known as to the merits of
all. It was too late to avoid using that map, after
testing its inefficiency on line paper. This is better.

The paper of Hon. Andrew J. Baker, Land Com-
missioner of Texas, in regard to certain commands
at Gettysburg, has a ma]’ page too much reduced
to be of any service. This patriotic comrade has
given much attention to this subject and the Vet-

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In a letter upon the subject Mr. Baker si.
The truth is. 1 wanted to show so clearly. 1>\
reference to the position of Davis’ Brigade in my’
letter, together with the Bachelor Map, that the
error which has crept into the public mind was due
to failure of a division’s report, and, as a fact, known
to myself and others that at least some of my re-
giment, the Eleventh Mississippi, part of Davis’
Brigade, went over the stone fence and upon the
ridge where the first line of Federal batteries had
been stationed, but now completely demolished.

The accuracy ot that map is accepted by both
sides as satisfactory, anil it sustains Mr. Baker’s
statements. In conclusion, hi’ is kind enough to say:

Now, ray dear comrade, I know too well that
your great desire is to obtain the truth and that y ■ >u .
in the light of that fact, will appreciate what I
have written simply as an effort to magnify the
question up to its real merit, and no more, and not in
any spirit of complaint, because I have no complaint
in any possible way.


Confederate l/eterai?.


In a letter by Mrs. Ben Hardin Helm, while at
New Orleans, she added the postscript: “I am to
have a visit from Mrs. Braxton Bragg this morning.
It will be interesting. ” The statement was interest-
ing. The Veteran did dot know of her existence.
Subsequently, the opportunity to visit the wife of
that distinguished officer was gladly improved, and
realizing how much of pleasure a visit from her
would give, he assured her that the people of Nash-
ville would be gratified to make her a guest of the
city She replied, “I would gladly have accepted
an invitation to the Chickamauga Park dedication.”
Astounded at the omission, he turned to the other
ladv present in the hope of an apologetic word
from her, and realizing that she, tco, had been
neglected — not to say ignored, although represent-
ing one of the noblest families in the South, and
for whose husband the government had consecrated
a monument, although he gave his life for the
Confederacy, — greater diligence for the recognition
of our women in the war was resolved upon.

spent the first four years at Jefferson Barracks,
afterward at Fort Gibson and Wachita.

The following sketch of General and Mrs. Bragg
is by Mrs. Emily Todd Helm, of Elizabethtown, Ky. :

Braxton Bragg, son of Thomas Bragg, was born
at Warrenton, Warren County, N. C, the 21st of
March, 1817, and died at Galveston, Texas, aged
fifty-nine years, eight months and five days. His
■death was sudden. The papers stated at the time,
that he died of heart failure, but his family physi-
cian said it was paralysis of the brain.

Gen. Bragg entered the Military Academy at
West Point in 1834, and graduated in 1838, among
the distinguished five in his class, and was appoint-
ed Lieutenant in the Third Artillery, United States
Army. His first military service was rendered in
Florida, under General Zachary Taylor, in the Semi-
nole War, and at its close he was stationed at Fort
Moultrie, South Carolina.

In 1846 Gen. Bragg was ordered to Corpus Christi
to join his old commander, General Taylor, whose
forces were then assembled against Mexico. Gen.
Bragg was engaged in all the battles and was par-
ticularly distinguished at the battle of Buena Vista,
when Gen. Taylor reported that by the skilfullness
of his artillery, Gen. Bragg had “saved the day.”
After the Mexican War, he resigned the position of
Lieutenant Colonel, to which he had been promoted.

On June 7, 1849, he married Eliza B. Ellis, the
eldest daughter of Richard Gaillard Ellis. The
marriage took place at the family residence, “Ever-
green Plantation,” Parish of Terre Bonne, La., the
Rev. John Sandel officiating. Mrs. Bragg was a
beautiful girl, as the pictures taken of her at that time
testify. Her father was a sugar and cotton planter.
She was born in Adams County, Miss., and was
a schoolmate of Mrs. Jefferson Davis, who was born
in the same county. Mrs. Bragg’s girlhood was
chiefly spent at Natchez. After her marriage she


It was in the fall of 1855 that Gen. Bragg left
the United States service and settled on a sugar
plantation in Lafourche, La. They made that their
home until the beginning of the war between
the States, when he was elected, in Louisiana, Com-
missioner of Public Works of the Second District,
and inaugurated a complete system of levees and
drainage. This position he resigned to accept a
position as Brigadier General, which was one of the
first of President Davis’ military appointments after
the organization of the Southern Confederacy. He
first served at Pensacola.

In 1862, Gen. Bragg was engaged in the battle of
Shiloh, and after the death of Gen. Albert Sidney
Johnston, he was made a full General. When Gen.
Beauregard was called to the defence of Charleston,
S. C, Bragg succeeded to the command of the
Army of Tennessee and made the memorable march
into Kentucky, and afterward fought the battle of
Chickamauga, where he gained a decisive victory.
He was afterward Military Adviser of President
Davis, stationed at Richmond.

At the time of General Bragg’s death he was In-
spector of Railroads in Texas. He had no children.
His widow is now living in New Orleans with her
brother, Major Ellis. She lived on her plantation
at Lafourche during the war, until she was com-
pelled to leave by the invasion of Weitzel’s troops.
After December, 1860, Gen. Bragg never returned
co or saw his home again, as it was confiscated and
sold. Mrs. Bragg made an effort to re:over it, as it

Confederate l/eterao.


was her patrimony, but she was “not regarded as
his legal heir!” She said to me:

“I remained on the plantation until a few hours
before the enemy came, leaving- about 120 or 130
negroes on the place. The officer said he could not
restrain his men, but at all events the house was pil-
laged and everything broken up, even the feather
beds cut open and carpets torn from the floors
and every animal that was not killed was carried
away. After a few days I returned to the scene of
desolation and asked the officer why he had not
burned the house, and he replied that he had saved
it to shelter the poor oppressed negroes in my ser-
vice. There was nothing’ to be done, so I joined
Gen. Bragg a few days before the battle of Mur-
freesboro. I had not then seen him for a year and
a half (while he was at Pensacola I had paid him a
visit). I was taken ill with typhoid fever after
this, and my life was despaired of at Tullahoma,
where I was carried. Gen. Btagg returned to New
Orleans afterj the surrender and died, as has been
stated, in Galveston, Texas.”


Mrs. Bragg, since his death, has lived in strict
retirement, spending the winters in New Orleans;
the summers in the mountains of Virginia. Stately,
dignified, a handsome woman, remarkably courte-
ous and elegant in her manner, a fine conversa-
tionalist, she interests herself in all the topics of
the day— in other words an up to date woman.

The writer knew General Bragg personally.
Under a very reticent, reserved manner hi’ had a
kind heart, lie had little to say, hut his conversa
tion was marked by dignity. His only hope for the-

country, he once said, was the “Northern Demo-
crats,” which, if they failed to impress proper ideas,
left the South no alternative but to “fight it out.”
He bore the loss of his own private interests with
an undisturbed demeanor and asked no sympathy
when he was criticized, nor would he ever answer
any attack made upon his war record, saying, when
urged. _ “Some day the truth will be known, and my
acts will appear in a different light.” The mem-
ory of Gen. Bragg has yet to obtain the meed of jus-
tice to his merits as a soldier, never fully accorded
to him during- life. He had a single hearted pa-
triotism; no one could doubt the purity of his stain-
less honor or his unflexible integrity. With high
moral, as well as physical courage, regardless of
self, incapable of falsehood or duplicity, no tempta-
tion could divert him from that which he deemed
the path of duty. Gen. Bragg was buried at Mo-
bile, Ala., where he had an older brother, Judge
John Bragg. The late ex-Governor Thomas Bragg,
of North Carolina, was also a brother.

<;en. bragg’s interest in his suffering soldiers.
It is fitting in connection with the brief but care-
fully prepared sketch of General and Mrs. Bragg-,
to show something of his interest in the sick and
wounded of his splendid army. The letters pay
tribute specially to his Medical Director, Dr. S. H.
Stout, and are given the more cordially because of
his eminent merit to distinction. It must have been
an oversight that stronger recognition has not been
given him in the United Confederate Veterans. Dr.
Stout has carefully preserved all these years the
official reports belonging to his department, and
there certainly ought to be provided means to ena-
ble him to put them in proper condition to be pre-
served in the South’s Battle Abbey, that certainly
will be erected at no very distant day. Comrades
should look to this important matter with diligence.

I’TKKS FROM .,] M i: \I. BB M.’l.

Warm Springs, Ga., 2nd Jan’y, 1864.

M\ Dear Sir: Among the many kind expres-
sions of regret and confidence received by me since
retiring from official position, none have excited a
livelier interest or given me more pleasure than your
note. To have secured the good will and esteem of
those who have suffered most in our cause and of
their humane and self-sacrificing attendants, whose
only return is a consciousness of duty well done, is
no small reward to one whose stern discharge of
duty more often offended than propitiated.

Your note will be preserved as a treasure I did not
expect, and do not even claim to deserve, but which
is the more grateful therefor. The operations of
the Hospital Department of our Army of Tenn.,
especially since systematized by you. I have always
claimed as perfect, so far as our means allowed, and
1 have every reason to belii > e it is considered b]
government as superior to any in the count n
hope you will find it agreeable to continue your ser-
vice, so grateful to the soldier and so beneficial to
the army.


Confederate l/eterai}.

Rest assured. Doctor, that one of the most pleas-
ant associations of my official life has been with
you and your corps of able assistants, and that it
“will be my pleasure and my duty to bear that testi-
mony. In this connection I enclose you a short ex-
tract from my report of Chickamauga. It expresses
in but feeble terms my appreciation of your services.

May you ere long- enjoy the plaudits of the coun-
try, and continue to reap the reward of faithful
stewards. I am very respectfully and truly yours,

Braxton Bragg.

To Surg. S. H. Stout, Med. Direct, of Hospitals,
Atlanta, Ga.

The “extract” mentioned is as follows:

“The medical officers both in the field and in the
hospitals, earned the lasting- gratitude of the sol-
dier, and deserve the highest commendation. The
great number of wounded thrown on their hands
taxed every energy and every faculty, with means
greatly inadequate, especially in transportation,
they soon reduced confusion into order, and by as-
siduity and skill, afforded to the sufferers that tem-
poral relief for which they might look in vain to
any other source.”


N. Orleans, 20 June, 1870.

Dear Doctor: In conversation with some of
your friends here, I have been gratified to learn that
you saved the greater part of the valuable records,
mostly medical, which you made with so much labor
during the war.

There was no part of the organization of the
Army of Tenn. so satisfactory to me as the Medi-
cal Department, and especially of the Hospital De-
partment. When I left the army and went to Rich-
mond, such was the contrast, and so strong were my
comments, that the Surgeon General sent to obtain,
information, and one of the lady matrons there, Miss
Emily Mason, of Va., came out to see and be in-
formed. She returned full of enthusiasm, and reor-
ganized her hospital. It has occurred to us that a
connected history, based on your records, would be
very valuable. I should take great pride in it, and
believe it would reflect great credit upon the Army
of Tenn. ‘Very truly yours,

Braxton Bragg,
Prest. So. Hist. Society.

note from dr. stout.

447 Lewis Ave., Dallas, Tex., Mar. 10, 1896.

It has been a cherished object ever since the close
of the war to do just what Gen’l Bragg suggests in
the above “extract” from his letter of June 20, 1896.
But the necessity of my winning daily bread, and
inability to hire a clerk or an amanuensis have pre-
vented me. Now that I am 74 years of age I have
no hope of accomplishing the proposed task without
pecuniary assistance.

S. H. Stout, M.D., LL.D.

In his personal memoirs Gen. Grant wrote of
Gen. Bragg: Bragg was a remarkably intelligent
and well-informed man, professionally and other-
wise. He was thoroughly upright. A man of the
highest moral character and the most correct habits,
yet in the old army he was in frequent trouble. He

illustrated with this funny story: In the old army
he was in command of his company and made a re-
quisition of the quartermaster — and he was himself
that official also. As quartermaster he declined to
fill the requisition, and in his dilemma he referred
the whole matter to the commanding officer, who ‘
exclaimed, “My God Bragg, you have quarrelled
with every officer in the army, and now you are
quarelling with yourself!”

Gen. Bragg’s record brightens with the passing
decades. Speakers and writers become the fonder
of ‘paying tribute to his high character. Some
time ago Capt. George B. Guild, ex-Mayor of Nash-
ville, in addressing the Forbes Bivouac at Clarks-
ville, concluded his remarks with a tribute to him:

* * * He died without giving us any written
account of his campaign, as Gens. Johnston, Hood
and others did. The most noted battles fought by
the Army of Tennessee were when he was its Com-
mander-in-Chief — Perry ville, Murfreesboro and
Chickatnauga. That these battles were well planned
and all of their immense details executed with skill,
soldierly courage, none can deny. Every soldier in
his army knows that when Bragg made his ar-
rangements to fight, somebody was sure to be hurt.
That he failed to take advantage of his victories
was a seeming weak point in his military character,
but we might be mistaken in this. Take Chicka-
mauga, for instance. He had to commence with
42,000 men; on Sunday night after the battle 17,000
of these were dead or wounded. After two days of
hard fighting, soldiers know there are large num-
bers of stragglers even from a victorious army.
Some regiments were almost annihilated, with all
of their officers killed or wounded, and heavy details
were necessary to care for the killed and wounded,
as well as prisoners. All of these causes certainly
reduced his fighting force to one half of the 42,000,
so he could not have marched to the attack of the
fortifications at Chattanooga on Monday with more
that 20,000 muskets. * * *

When Bragg was relieved of the command of the
Army of Tennessee it must, indeed, have been hu-
miliating to his proud, patriotic spirit, but he con-
tinued to render efficient service to the cause of the
South to the end. One of the most brilliant affairs
of the war was accomplished by him at Kingston.
N. C, but a short time before the surrender, and
when the Confederacy was staggering to its fall.
With a small force he attacked a superior number
of the enemy under Gen. Cox and driving them
about three “miles, captured 1,500 prisoners and
three field pieces.

Had the South succeeded, no name would have
stood higher on the roll of honor and none would
our people have taken more hearty pleasure in hon-
oring. The cause is lost and the questions origi-
nating it are forever settled. Still there are sweet
and living memories arising from its dust that will
forever embalm in sacred remembrance the names
of those who shared with us our triumphs and de-
feats, our sorrows and privations. And to no name
will memory oftener recur with patriotic pride and
true Southern devotion, than Gen. Braxton Bragg.

Confederate l/eterar?



have remained steadfast and true these thirty years.”
A copy of this picture adorns the Veteran office.

The Daughters of the Confederacy at Savannah,
ever diligent in the good work that belongs to them,
held an important meeting that should have had
attention in the February Veteran.

The programme opened with an instrumental
solo by Miss Bates. Mr. Samuel Baker recited an
original poem on Gettysburg – . A song, “Two Old
Maids,” by little Misses Dora Rawls and Bessie
Proctor, was so well received that they had to
respond a second time, rendering the “Kissing
Song.” Mrs. Finnie sang very sweetly, “O Prom-
ise Me.”

Father Ryan’s “In Memoriam,” by Miss Laura
Baker, was so much appreciated that she was called
to the stage a second time. Miss Georgia Howard
and Mr. James Beal sang Schubert’s Serenade.

In behalf of the Daughters of the Confederacy,
Hon. Pope Barrow presented to the Confederate
Veteran Association a handsome steel engraving
of Gens. Lee, Jackson and Johnston.

“I have the honor now to present you the picture
of three of your comrades — Lee, Johnston and
Jackson. Lee, the peerless soldier and incompara-
ble man; Jack-sou. the enthusiastic warrior, with
whom military affairs were an instinct, and John-
ston, the Fabius of the Confederacy.

“It is yours; a gift of the Daughters of the Con-
federacy. May the day never come when a loyal
citizen of the South, man, woman or child, shall
look on those faces without a feeling ol veneration.”

“The Confederate Veterans 1 Association will cher-
ish and prize this picture not simply be< ause it rep-
resents the trio of the greatest soldiers the world
lias ever seen, but because it shows that the women



CONFEDERATE Mom mini \i -\\ \s\\ll.

There was a large number of the Daughters ol
the Confederacy present, and a delightful entertain-
ment was given. The Veterans were their guests.

At their recent annual
meeting the Daughters of
the Confederacy eld
the following officers for
the ensuing year: Presi-
dent. Mrs. L. H. Raines;
Vice-President, Mrs. II
S. Dreese; Secretary, Mrs.
Horace Crane: Treasurer,
Miss Anna Harmon.

Mrs. Raines and Mis>
Harmon were re-elected,
they having served since
the society was organized.
Mrs. Raines presented the
society a gavel which was
cut from a tree in front of
the house of Gen. R. E.
Lee, when he was presi-
dent of the Washington-
Lee 1’niversity at Lexing-
ton. This was a counter-
part of the handsome gavel
which she presented to the
United Daughters of the
Confederacy on the occa-
sion of their meeting in
Atlanta, Ga., on Novem-
ber 9th.


Confederate l/eterap.

By B. L. Ridley, Murfreesboro, Tenn.

General Stephen D. Lee, who was most loyal to
the Stars and Bars, when asked by a Federal offi-
cer, after his surrender at Vicksburg, why the
Southern people did not give up, is reported to have
replied: “Because the women of the South would
never agree to it.” General A. P. Stewart speaks
of them -“as a race unsurpassed for heroism, for
deeds of charity and loving kindness, for self-sacri-
ficing and patriotic devotion to the cause of their
country, for unswerving constancy and perseverance
in what they knew to be right, and the uncomplain-
ing fortitude with which they accepted defeat and
all its adverse consequences.” To show the blood
that was in them, from wealth they met the condi-
tions that confronted them and submitted to sacri-
fices cheerfully, going to the wash tub, the spindle
and the loom to support the widowed mothers and
crippled fathers and kindred, until our Southland
blossoms with a heroine in nearly every home.

I have read of the heroines in Napoleon’s Court,
“Families of Cleopatra’s enchantresses who charm
posterity, who had but to smile at history to obtain
history’s smile in return;” Mesdames Tallien, De
Stael, Recamier, Charlotte Corday, of the deeds of
Joan d’Arc, of Mollie Pitcher and Deborah Samp-
son of our Revolution, and Florence Nightingale of
England, but when I draw the line of comparison I
can point to women whose names and fame “in the
War between the States” will surpass them in acts
and deeds that will only die with the echo of time.

The battle of
Nashville gave
us a heroine
whose name
General Hood
placed on the
roll of honor,
“Miss Mary
Bradford,” now
Mrs. John Johns.
When Thomas’
Army was pour-
ing the musketry
into us and
Hood’s Army
was in full re-
treat, she rushed
out in the thick-
est of the storm-
cloud and beg-
ged the soldiers

MRS. MARY BRADFORD JOHNS. tO Stop and fight.

The famous raid of General Streight with two
thousand men, near Rome, Ga., resulting in his
capture through the intrepidity of a Miss Emma
Sanson, was an instance of female prowess long to
be remembered. Amidst the flying bullets, thrilled
with patriotism, she jumped on behind Gen. Forrest
and piloted him across the Black Warrior. The Leg-
islature of Alabama granted her land, and the peo-
ple lauded her to the skies. When Hood’s Army,
on the Nashville campaign, passed Gadsden, this


young lady stood on her porch

and the army went wild with

cheers in her honor.

Another heroine in General

Morgan’s cavalry tramp, on the

line of Kentucky and Tennes-
see, grew to be a terror in her

section. She was as expert in

horsemanship as a Cossack,

dressed in men’s clothes and

handled a gun with the skill of

a cracksman. She bore the

name of “Sue Munday,” had miss emma Sanson.

many encounters and her career was exceedingly


The old scouts in the West

■ will renumber two other her-
Joines through whose aid we
Hwere ofien saved from attack
?and told when and where to
•strike. Miss Kate Patterson,
J now Mrs. Kyle, of Lavergne,
jTenn., and Miss Robbie
i Wood ruff, who lived ten miles
‘from Nashville. They would
jgo into Nashville, get what
information was needed and
place it in a designated tree,
stump or log to be conveyed

to us by our secret scouts. I have often wondered

if the diagram of works around Nashville found on

the person of Sam Davis was not gotten through

them, notwithstanding the impression received

that it was stolen from Gen. Dodge’s table by a

negro boy. Miss Woodruff thrilled the scouts by

her many perilous achievements.
But I have a

heroine of the

mountains who de-
veloped in war

times, yet on ac

count of her ob-

scure habitation

and the bitter

heartburnings ex-
isting between the

two factions, so

nearly divided in

her section, that

history has not yet

given her name

merited fame. I

got her record from

the Rev. J. H.

Nichols, who lived

in her section of

Putnam C o u nty,

three miles from

Cookeville, Tenn.

Her name was

Miss Marina Gun-

ter, now Mrs. Joe

Harris. Her fath-
er, Larkin Gunter,

was a Southern

man, and some


Confederate l/eterar;


bushwhackers, claiming- to belong- to the Federal
Army, resolved to kill him. One nig-ht three of
them, Maxwell, Miller and Patton, visited his home
and told him, in the presence of his family, that his
time had come to die. They took him out from the
house and in a short time this maiden of seventeen
heard the licks and her old father’s groans, when
she rushed to the wood- pile, got an axe and hur-
riedly approached the scene. The night was dark
and drizzly, and the men were standing- by a log-,
on which they had placed her father and he was
pleading for his life. She killed two with the axe
and broke the third one’s arm. He got away at
lightning speed, but afterwards died from the
wound. She lifted up her father and helped him
home. Soon she sought and obtained protection
from the Federal General at Nashville. She said
afterwards, that upon hearing her father’s groans
she grew frantic and does not know, to this good
day, how she managed it, nor did she know any-
thing until she had cleaned out the platter. This
is the greatest achievement of female heroism of its
kind that has ever been recorded, and places Miss
Gunter on the pinnacle of glory that belongs not
alone to patriotism, but to the grandeur of filial
affection “the tie that stretches from the cradle to
the grave, spans the Heavens and is riveted through
eternity to the throne of God on high.”

They talk about Sheri-
dan’s ride but let me tell of
one that strips it of its grand-
eur — the famous run of Miss
Antoinette Polk, displaying
a heroism worthy of imper-
ishable record. She was on
the Hampshire Turnpike, a
few miles from Columbia,
Tetin., when some one in-
formed her of the Federals’
contemplated visit to her
father’s home on the Mt.
Pleasant Pike live miles
across — said pikes forming
in obtuse angle from Col-
umbia. She knew that
some soldier friends at her
father’s would be captured
unless they had notice, and
in order to inform them, she had to go across the
angle that was barricaded many times with high
rail and rock fences. There was no more superb
equestrienne in the valley of the Tennessee — and
she was of magnificent physique. She had a thor-
oughbred horse trained to her bidding. The young
lady started, leaping the fences like a reindeer, and
came out on the pike just in front of the troopers,
four miles from home. They took after her, but
her foaming steed was so fleet of foot, that she got
away from them in the twinkling- of an eye, and
saved her friends from capture.

Anthony Wayne, of Revolutionary fame, and who
was Comander-in-Chief of the army at the time of
his death, and whose father was a son of a brave
officer in the French and Indian war, while his di-

Mlss \V|(iI\KTT> POLK.

[Supplemental to the above iii” following is furnishi
a lady who has known the Countess Bince their girlhood.

Antoinette Wayne Van Leer Polk is the full name
of this brave girl, given in honor of her maternal
grandfather, who was a nephew of Major ( leneral

rect ancester was a distinguished soldier in the
Battle of the Boyne, so that on both sides she was
of heroic blood.

She was not fully grown when she took this
famous ride. After the war she went abroad with
her father and mother ami finished her education in
Europe. The health of her father, Andrew Jack-
son Polk, having failed when in the Confederate
Army, he grew worse and died in Switzerland.

Miss Polk hail a most brilliant young- ladyhood
abroad, principally in Rome, where she was beloved
by the Princess Margarite, and universally admired.
She married a distinguished French soldier of the
old regime, the Marquis de Charette de la Contrie,
like herself, of Heroic stock, and has her home in
France. She has one son, a youth of great promise.

I recollect another heroine, a Lieut. Buford of an
Arkansas regiment. She stepped and walked the
personification of a soldier boy; had won her spurs
on the battlefield at Hull Run, Fort Donelson, and
Shiloh, and was promoted for gallantry. One even-
ing she came to General Stewart’s headquarters, at
Tvner’s Station, with an order from Maj. Kinloch
Falconer to report for duty as scout, but upon his
finding that “he” was a woman, she was sent back
and the order revoked. She has written a book.


Confederate 1/eteraQ

.^i’^i^y^ ^


In point of devotion and of nursing – our soldiers
in distress, the sick, the wounded, the women of
the South were all “Florence Nigh ting-ales.” It
would be invidious to discriminate, but I will men-
tion some of the other noteworthy deeds. I have
another heroine — bless her sweet soul. I have for-
gotten her name. One day General Morgan sent a
squad of us on a scout and we were pursued by
Col. Funkerhauser’s Regiment in Denny’s Bend of
Cumberland River, near Rome, Tenn. My heroine,
a little girl of fourteen, directed us to Bradley Is-
land for safety — a place of some sixty acres in cul-
tivation, but on the river side it was encircled by a
sandbar, with drift wood lodged on an occasional
stubby sycamore. This sweet, animated little girl
brought us a “square” meal, and watched for our
safety like a hawk during the day. Thinking it
was a foraging expedition, and that they were
gone, we ventured to leave late in the afternoon,
but ran into them and a running fire ensued. After
eluding pursuit, we concluded to go back. In a
short time a company of Federals appeared on the
island, evidently having tracked our horses. We left
the horses behind the driftwood, without hitching,
and took shelter under a big fallen tree. The
troopers were in ten steps of us at times. We could
hear them distinctly, and one fellow said: “If we
catch ’em boys, this is a good place to hang ’em.”
Another said, “Let’s go down in the driftwood on
the sandbar, and bag ’em.” Hearts thumped and
legs trembled! We thought we were gone. One
of our squad said, “Let’s give up,” but the rest of
us were too badly scared to reply. A frightened
rabbit stopped near us, panting, watching and
trembling with fear, producing a mimetic effect on
our feelings. Ah, if a painter could have pictured
that scene, and if a pen could describe that occasions
We lay there until nightfall. They did not hap-
pen to see our horses and, through a kind Provi-
dence, we escaped. Our heroine came to us after
nightfall, signalled and we answered. She was so
happy over our escape; told us that she saw them
leave and that they had no prisoners. She mount-

ed her horse, followed on behind them to the toll-
gate, two miles awaj r . and learned that they had re-
turned to Lebanon, after which she returned to us,
brought our supper and put us on a safe road.

Such heroines the Southern soldiers met with
often in the disputed territory of contending armies.
They evidenced a devotion to country that only
might and not right could subdue.

There was another class more nearly comporting
with female character; sock knitters, clothes makers,
needle pliers, God servers, revelling in sentiment in
touch with the times. From wealth they drank
the dregs of poverty’s cup, until now, for over thir-
ty years, by frugality and dint of perseverance,
they have been instrumental in our Southland’s
blessed resurrection. Female clerks, teachers,
“Graph,” ‘phone and type machine operators, and
other callings. From authoresses to cooks they at-
test a courage and praiseworthiness that exceeds
bellicose valor. To the old stranded Southern craft
they have been mariners that make the world pause
to see us moving again amid the councils of our
common country, resuscitated, regenerated and dis-
enthralled. Posterity will do them justice, histor-
ians, poets and dramatists will chronicle their
praises. Charlotte Corday’s epitaph was “Greater
than Brutus,” but that of the Southern women will
be, “Greater than Jackson, the Johnstons or Lee,
greater than Jefferson Davis, greater than any other
heroines of time.”

To impress more forcibly my idea of our women,
I have a friend who has risen as a poet — Albert
Sidney Morton, St. Paul, Minnesota, who has writ-
ten, to go with this tribute, a poem on “The Women
of the South.” It is beautiful, thrilling and true.
I give it through the Veteran to the public, to be
handed down to posterity.

Albert Sidney Morton, St. Paul, Minn.

Not Homer dreamt, nor Milton sung

Through his heroic verse,
Nor Prentiss did with wondrous tongue,

In silver tones, rehearse
The grandest theme that ever yet

Moved hrush, or tongue, or pen —
A theme in radiant glory set

To stir the souls of men —

Of nascent charms that thrall the gaze.

Of love’s most pleasing pain,
Ten thousand tuneful, lyric lays

Have sung and sung again ;
But I would sing of souls, of hearts

Within those forms of clay,
Of lives whose lustre yet imparts

Fresh radiance to our day —

When battle’s fierce and lurid glare

Lit up our shady glens ;
When slaughter, agony, despair.

Or Northern prison pens,
Were portion of the sturdy son

Of Southern mother true,
Who prayed the battle might be won

Of grey against the blue? —

Our lads were true, our lads were brave,
Nor feared the foemen’s steel,

Confederate l/eterar).


And thousands in a bloody grave

Did true devotion seal ;
But brightest star upon our shield,

Undimmed without a stain.
Is she who still refused to yieH

Refused, alas, in vain —

We had no choice but to tight.

While she was left to grieve
We buttled for the truth and right

Our freedom to achieve —
Assured deal h we could embrace —

But there is not yet born
The Southern man who dares to face

The silent withering scorn

Who bade us go with smiling ti
who scorned the renegade?

Who. silencing t heir t rembling fears.

Watched, cheered, t hen wepl and prayed ‘.’
Who nursed our wounds with tender care,

\ ml then, when all was lost,
Who lifted us from our despair

\nd counted not t lie cost ?

Then glory to the Lord of Hosts, —
i es, glory to t he Lord,

To Father. Son and Holy GllOBl
And glory to 1 1 is Word ;

To us is giv’n creation’s prize —

The masterpiece of I lim
Who made the earth, the stars, i he skies.

The war cloud’s golden rim : —
THE WoM F\ 01 ‘I’ll E SOUTH.

A. S. Morton,

Disbursing’ Aud-
itor of the North-
ern Pacific R. R.,
St. Paul, Minn, j,
is becoming emi-
nent in prose as
well as poetry. Mr.
Morton has just
published a novel
entitled, “Beyond
the Paleocrystic
Sea.” a legfend,
beautifully told, of
a land b e y o a d
” i Greenland’s lev-
Mountains. ” It is
well planned,
unique in its pre-
sentation and an
entertaining’ book.
His poems, which
have appeared in
the Veteran, on
“My Southern Home,” “Too Brave to
‘The Women of the South,” i in this

Die,” and

number |, are an index to his literary worth.
Mr. Morton was reared in Richmond, Va.,

is an ardent Southerner, but went West early.


The following lines were penned by John Ulen-
denning and copied from the New York Dramatic
Journal. While highlj complimentary, and de-
servedly so, to the fair lady named, they should not
appear in the Veteran without an explanatory note.

The event occurred during the “stampede” of

Hood’s Army, and was not to the discredit of Con”
federates The odds in numbers were so great that
they could hardly have withstood the onslaught of
the enemy in front, but that which created utter
dismay was that they could see they were being
flanked rapidly on their left, and they saw that
nothing under the sun could save them from capture
but their feet, and that they must be quick. All
honor to the “Southern Heroine” who appealed to
them, although to escape was their patriotic duty.

“Stop, stop, stand firm. ( lonfederates ‘
Stop, stop, and give them light!

Halt, for the honor of your homes.
Halt, halt, for God and right !

What tlio’ ye are outnumbered,
Think of Thei mop]

You have three hundred Soul hern swords.

While the] i hi 3 had but three.”

Thus spake brave Mary Bradford,

While bullets rained around,
Holding, despite the Federal fire,

Unflinching!] her ground
Herbright eyes glowed with valor

Beneat h her I resses dark.
\> she stood befi ire t lie foemen

Like a in idem Joan of Arc.

Vgain her clarion notes rang out,

■• I rait, men of Tennessee,
For the dear honor of I he South,

For the fame of Robert Lee’

Halt, halt . and send I hese Yank.
With Minie bullets bach ;
; for the fame of Dixie’s land !
I lharge I Whip i bis Northern park

In vain t his Southern heroine

Implored her men to St and,

A lethargy numbed ever] heart

And palsied every hand.
I ler fair form stood out proudl]
v^ainM the Yankee brood,

And tho’ a bullet grazed her cheek.

She still undaunted ~iood.

She cried, “Oh, brother Southerners.
1 mourn lor your dismay ;

You might have turned the tide of war,

You might have gained I lie day.
God LTiuit in future battles

Your hearts will stronger grow,

And make you Southwards turn your backs,
Your laces to I lie Eoe.”




Since this article on Heroines of the South was
written by Comrade Ridley, he has discovered his
“unknown heroine.” She was Formerly Miss Helen
Price, but is now Mrs. Cato, and lives at Rome, Tenn.


Confederate l/eterai>

According- to promise, the picture of Miss Jane
Thomas is given in this VETERAN. The sketch in-
tended has to be abbreviated, but other remi-
niscences of the remarkable woman may be expected.


Miss Thomas’ father arrived where Nashville
now is, Dec. 24, 1804. She, the fifth child, was a
little tot four 3 ears old— born Sept. 2, 1800.

During- nearly all of her eventful life she has
lived in this County, when not in Nashville proper.

She has known many of the National Presidents,
and nearly all of the Governors of Tennessee. She
kissed Lafayette, and Sam Houston was as her
own brother.

Away back in the other century, her father
boarded in the house of Wm. Henry Harrison as a
school boy, and his brother, Carter Harrison, vis-
ited the Thomas family, coming across the country
from Russellville, Ky. “Miss Jane,” as she is fa-
miliarly called, has given reminiscences of war
times from which extracts are made:

After the battle of Manassas I visited the hospi-
tals in Virginia, stopping first at Lynchburg and
then at Charlottesville. I then went to Staunton,
to Bath Alum and thence to Warm Springs. Dr.
William Bass went to Virginia with me.

I remained at Warm Springs two months. Gen-
eral Lee was camped on Gauley River near Cheat
Mountain and Rosecrans was fortifying on the other
side. Cheat Mountain was forty miles from Warm
Springs and the sick soldiers were sent there in
wagons. One day there ^ere three wagons full of

soldiers, all with typhoid fever. Dr. Crump was the
phisician in charg-e of the hospital and he asked me
to go and see them. In one cottage there were
only three beds and six patients. The men were
surprised at seeing a lady. One of them was an
elegant young physician. Dr. Robert Taylor, from
Richmond, Va., and he belonged to Fitzhugh
Lee’s company of cavalry, made up of the aristo-
cratic young men around Richmond. They were
the “Virginia Rangers.” I told to the young
gentleman that I was an old lady, sixtj–three years
old, and had gone all the way from Nashville to
care for sick and wounded soldiers.

Dr. Taylor was so very ill that I got a room in
the hotel and had him moved to it and nursed him
carefully for seven weeks. Afterward his sister,
Mrs. Gen. Wickham, wrote me a beautiful letter,
begging me to go and see them. Her brother had
told them that I had “saved his life.”

I met many distinguished, elegant people while
at Warm Springs — among them Gen. Lee’s wife and
daughter, Maj. Baskerville, Dr. Paul Carrington,
Dr. Hunter, Lieut. Bassett, Col. Morris Langhorn.

I went from there to Hot Springs, where Dr. J.
R. Buist of Nashville had charge. Dr. Goode
owned the place and his mother, in her beautiful
home, made chicken soup and bread which I dis-
tributed among the soldiers every day. Before I
left home the ladies of Nashville had given me a
large supply of clothing, food and medicines.

Gen. Hatton was at Healing Springs, where I vis-
ited also, but did not stay long. Our own boys
who # were sick, and whom I nursed were Cad Polk,
Sam* Van Leer, Jim Cockrill, Robert Moore, Robert
Phillips and others. Bishop Cjuintard was there
helping to nurse the soldiers, also. Capt. Beau-
mont died at Warm Springs. His wife and niece,
Miss Mary Boyd, were with him.

Comrades would like to see “Miss Jane”at the Rich-
mond reunion. The writer once offended our Presi-
dent by asking his age, and again had bitter response
when having ashed our first Secretary of War his
age, though has he rarely made the mistake to discuss
age with a lady. But he asked “Miss Jane” if she
seemed old in those days, and she replied spiritedly,
“No, sir, and I am not old now!”


Mr. Ben La Bree, of Louisville, refers to the dis-
agreement in numbers of Confederate Generals re-
ported in February Veteran: I notice twoRosteis
of “Confederate Generals” compiled by Henry E.
Claflin, Abington, Mass., and Charles Edgeworth
Jones, Augusta, Ga., respectively, in which Mr.
Claflin states that there were 420 Confederate Gen-
erals. Full Generals, eight; Lieutenant Generals,
seventeen; Major Generals, eighty-two; Brigadier
Generals, 313. Mr. Jones states that there were
474. * * * I find that there were 475 Generals
who received an appointment, andranked as follows:
Full Generals, eight; Lieutenant Generals, nine-
teen; Major Generals, eighty-one; Brigadier Gen-
erals, 367, total 475, many of these officers received
their appointment toward the close of the war, but
their rank failed to receive official confirmation.

Qopfe derate l/eteran



In the latter part of May. 1895, a few patriotic
women of Vicksburg, daughters of Confederate sol-
diers, issued invitations to their sisters to meet
them at the residence of Miss Anne Andrews to
consider a subject of importance.

Ml” ES M.I l.K I 01 KM AN, \ 11 esburg, Miss.

Accordingly quite a number assembled, and after
discussion formed an organization under the title
“Daughters of Confederate Veterans.” Miss Es-
telle Coleman was elected President; Miss Ruth

Shearer. Vice-President; Mrs. Emily K. Smith,
Recording Secretary; Miss Louise Mann, Corres-
ponding Secretary; Miss Halpin, Treasurer. All
are daughters Of well-known veterans. Charter
members included the above officers and also tin-
Misses Walthall, Adams, Askew, Maganas, Shel-
ton. and Mrs. Geo. Rector.

Miss Anne Andrews, the devoted and loyal woman
who first suggested the organization, though her-
self not a daughter of a veteran, was -unanimouslj
elected an honorary member, with the distinct stip-
ulation that she was to be the only one over ad-
mitted into the Association.

Like similar organizations, the chief aim of the
“Daughters” is to keep alive the memory of South-
ern heroism and preserve Southern history; and
this it will endeavor to do by collecting valuable
incidents and relics of the war, by visiting the sick
and relieving the wants of any Confederates in our
midst, and, if possible, build a home for them.
Already we have several valuable relics, and have
started a “chain – * for our “Home.”

No one is entitled to membership unless a daugh-
ter of a Confederate veteran, and can prove the
same indisputably, so. though many applications
for membership are being received, “the growth of
the Association is necessarily slow. Our member-
ship carries an honored prestige-.


As this.number will be’ sent to many who never saw
a copy, a few of the multitude of notices by press
and comrades are given. The complimentary notes
from subscribers would fill a numberof the VETERAN :

This from the Nashville Christian Advocate, Rev.
Dr. E. E. Hoss. Editor: We are glad to see thai our
friend, and everybody’s friend. Mr. S. A. Cunning-
ham, is making a great success oi hisCoN] EDERATB
i RAN, which is a thoroughly patriotic publica-
tion, designed, not to inflame’ sectional prejudices,
but to collect and preserve the floating reminiscences
of tin- Civil War. We do not >ce’ how any old Con-
federate can afford to do without this wonderfully
interesting publication.

The Virginia Free’ Press, Charleston. W. Va.,
volunteers ral notice’ and copies the above

with comment: A great paper, and one that would commend a publication without merit.

Prof. J. H. Brunner ex-President Hiwassee Col-
lege, in East Tennessee: The Confederate Vi –

i k \\ is an honor to our Southland.

The Chri tian Index. Atlanta, i ia. : The Confed-
\x is not only growing in favor, but
is rendering a genuine service. It is gathering
materials for future history. It is eminently fair
in its treatment of disputed themes and shows, by
frequent responses from the North, that it circulates
among both armies.

The literary editor of the Memphis Scimitar. : In
summing up the needs of the- South, and the enter-
prises which she should encourage, among the- most
desirable might be mentioned magazines and strictly
literarj journals; such as would fully represent the
life of the- section and its literary development. All
efforts in this direction should be encouraged in the
most generous manner, and since the Com EDERATE
I RAN is making a brave light along this line, it
should command a me>st enthusiastic support.

W. L. Mack writes from Lamar, Mo.: Wc organ-
ized a Camp, on the 10th, with about twenty-five
members, and hope to increase to fifty before the
year is out. The following officers were elected:
R. J. Tucker, Commander: .1. W. Calleron, Lieut. –
Commander; W. I.. Mack, Adjutant. The Camp
was named ior Ed Ward, one of Barton countv’s
oldest citizens, who was a brave and gallant Con-
federate soldier.

O. S. Green writes from Hill City, across the
Tennessee In m Chattanooga, that if the widow or
children of Ouartermaster Kesterson. of the’ Second
Arkansas Infantry, will write to him. he can give
them information concerning the Captain’s death.


Qo^federate l/eterai)

Qopfederate l/eterai).

S. A. CUNNINGHAM. Editor and Prop’r, S. W. MEEK. Publisher

Olllce: Willcox Building, Church Street, Nashville, Tenn.

This publication is the personal property of S. A. Cunningham. All
persons who approve its principles. and realize its benelits as an organ for
Associations throughout the South, are requested to commend its patron-
age and to co-operate in extending : t.

The Veteran, while duly deferential to the
authorities to be in charge at the Richmond reunion,
will be excused for earnest reference to arrangements.
These reunions occur but once a year. Delegates
attend at some inconvenience, and many of them at
much expense; hence, they should be enabled to do
the best for themselves and the objects in hand.

A letter from Gen. Fred S. Ferguson, Command-
ing the Alabama Division, illustrates the need of
attention to these things. He states: I have been
doing my best to keep the Division in good order so
that it can make a creditable showing at Richmond,
but it is hard work indeed. It will be well repre-
sented in Richmond, but, at present, I do not think
I will go. Under our organization, the most useless
thing in the world is the Division Commander at
one of our annual conventions. He has absolutely
nothing to do, and at Houston last year I was un-
able to obtain admission to the Convention Hall,
except to the gallery. If I could do any good by
going I would cheerfully go, but as a pleasure trip
I would prefer something more quiet.

What a spectacle! The first Division Commander
in the list unable to secure admission to the hall!
As has been stated in the Veteran, lack of organ-
ization detracts seriously from the benefit and
pleasure of these assemblies. A general head-
quarters, however well indicated the state quarters
may be, is not suitable. If Richmond will locate
headquarters in different buildings as nearly to-
gether, however, as possible, and the Convention
will appoint certain hours for reunions at these
quarters, when Veterans and friends may meet,
the result will be an improvement upon any plan yet
adopted, and would certainly be the best conceiva-
able from much careful consideration.

However admirable and thrilling the events con-
nected with female achievements in the war, there is
an instinctive revolt at the contemplation. Publi-
cation has been made that there were about four
hundred women in the Union Army. Some were
wives, some sweethearts, and some “romancers.”

A Mrs. Brownell, born in Africa while her father,
a Scotchman and an officer in the English Army,
was stationed there, it is said, was the only one in
the Federal Army who enlisted as a woman. Brow-
nell and wife belonged to the First Rhode Island.

A young girl of Brooklyn was a soldier, and her
life blood ebbed away under the shadow of Lookout
Mountain. She thought she was to save the coun-
try. A note to her parents reads: “Forgive your

dying daughter. I have but a few moments to live.
My native soil drinks my blood. I expected to de-
liver my country, but the fates would not have it so.
I am content to die. Pray, pa, forgive me. Tell
ma to kiss my daguerreotype. Emily.

P. S. Give my gold watch to little brother.”
Miss Anna Carroll, lineal descendant of “Charles
Carroll of Carrollton,” was in close friendship with
Mr. Lincoln, and she is credited with having plan-
ned the Tennessee campaign. An appropriation
was pressed before Congress, but it failed. “The
generals did not want to divide the honor with her.”
Francis Hocks wanted to go with her twin brother;
there being no one to object, she enlisted as ” Frank
Miller.” She was captured at Chattanooga. In an
effort to escape she was wounded and then her sex
became known. She was favored in prison.

Extraordinary space is given in this April Vet-
eran to Confederate organizations. The list of
United Confederate Veteran Camps comprises, doubt-
less, the largest number of organizations ever em-
bodied in six pages of similar size. The labor
necessary to present it can hardly be appreciated
except by publishers. The unstinted zeal of Miss
A. C. Childress, whose labors are so generally
known by the general organization of veterans, de-
serves continued recognition for her gratuitous aid.

It will be seen that the Daughters are rallying in
nearly every section, and the Veteran’s prediction
for them is being fulfilled. They bhould work to-

They are looking to one general organization and
that is very important. In some of the States Vet-
erans have their separate State Associations, and
United Confederate Veteran Camps are members of
them, but the outside world looks to the general
brotherhood only.

The interests are of too great consequence to
avoid standing together as in the sixties. The
Veteran honors every organization bearing the
sacied name Confederate, and would be helpful to
all in their special needs in every locality, but it
pleads for unity of action in fraternal spirit.

In this connection it refers to the unique organi-
zation at Vicksburg of “Daughters of Confederate
Veterans,” (elsewhere reported) and it fancies the
blue lodge order for sentiment, but there ought to
be a chapter in that famous city of Daughters of
the Confederacy.

Capt. L. H. Denny, Blountsville,Tenn., sends one
dollar to Sam Davis Monument Fund, and writes: I
could not die satisfied if I failed to contribute my
mite to erect a monument to perpetuate the fame
of that heroic, youthful soldier boy T .

Confederate Veteran.


The Franklin (Term.) Press has exercised com-
mendable zeal in behalf of a monument to com-
memorate the heroic deeds of the Confederate Army
in the terrible battle there, Nov. 30, 18b4. The
effort should not be abandoned. There was no
test of heroic valor more valliantly met in all the
war than the responding to Hood’s order to “make
the fight” at Franklin. His arm)- — peerless except
by other Confederate forces — rushed on and on,
over a smooth plain for a mile, subsequent lines of
battle stumbling over dead comrades, but on and
on, parting the chevauxdefris with their hands, in
fifty feet of well built breastworks and then
struggling with ball and bayonet until the outer
intrenchments were filled with their dead. And
they certainly would have stampeded or captured
the Federal army there but for the heroism of
Opdyke’s Brigade. Yes, build a monument at
Franklin and let county pride do it, with volunteer
contributions from other sections.

Giles and Kutherford counties have commendable
enterprises in hand for the Samuel Davis monument.
It will tax their resources to do what they should
in that. No spot of earth can be more sanctified
than that whereon he died, and no people can claim
with greater pride the birthplace of a truer patriot
and a nobler man.

Let Tennessee pride arouse Confederates yet liv-
ing, and the Sons anl Daughters of those who are
dead, to establish with granite and bronze their
nobility. Let this centennial year of the Volunteer
State be made memorable by these testimonials.

In his appeal to Kentuckians for the “Battle Ab-
bey,” Gen. John Boyd says:

I believe it to be the dutj- of every veteran who is
proud of his record as a Confederate soldier, proud
of the brave deeds of his comrades, proud of the
self-sacrifice and untiring zeal of his mother and
sisters during our struggle for constitutional liberty,
to do all in his power to aid in this noble work.

I believe it is a sacred duty we owe to ourselves,
our children, to our dead comrades and to this glo-
rious Southland in which we live, to see that this
plan, which originated in the great heart of Com-
rade Rouss, be at once accomplished. To this end
I request every veteran camp in Kentucky to take
active measures to forward the good cause: call to
your aid the local press, ever friendly to us; enlist
the services of our noble women; interest every
friend of the South, until a public sentiment is
created which will find expression in subscriptions
to our memorial fund.

Comrade Boyd has devoted more gratuitous ser-
vice to his fellows, perhaps, than any other man.

David A. Ross, M. L. C, of Quebec, Canada, who
was the recipient of some gold sleeve links with the
Confederate flag enameled as an ornament, wrote
some verses beginning:

Are these the flags which were unfurled

Before a sympathetic world.

Borne by the bravest of the brave

To victor; or a warrior’s grave?

Accompanying this in a letter, Mr. Ross, says:
“Opinions may vary as to the merits of the great
war, but all can join in admiration of the heroic
endurance, the ardent patriotism, and the unflinch-
ing courage of the Confederate troops.”

Geo. A. Branard, Secretary of Hood’s Texas
Brigade Association, Houston, sends correction of
his name and number of Regiment as given in Feb-
ruary Yktkr \n, which should be 5th instead of 25th
Texas. He adds: I would like to hear from the 1st,
4th and 5th Texas Regiments, as I am trying to
find out how many are now living. Would also be
glad to hear from some of thelSth. G«0. Hampton’s
Legion, and the 3rd Arkansas.

I was color-bearer of the First Texas, and while
my Regiment was passing through Frederick City.
Md., tiie wind blew my flag so it became strongly
wrapped around a lady who was standing on a gal-
lery near, and I had to leave the ranks and give her
time to get out of it. Is that lady still living? I
understand some one from that city has written
about it. If the lady can recall it she will retnem-
ber thai it was a silk flag with a single star — the
“Lone Star” flag of Texas — and I was in my stock-
ing feet at that time and had been so before and in
the battle of Manassas — no shoes to be had!

A gentleman, of Nashville, was a Union soldier
and at Frederick City, Md., in *i>2, together with a
comrade, proposed to buv some fruit in front of a
comfortable looking home. The price was named,
and a greenback dollar was proffered in payment.

“I don’t want that,” said the lady. “It will soon
be of no value.”

“It is all we have,” replied the soldiers.

“It is all right, take the fruit,” replied the lady,
and she added, “I have some of that money that you
can have if you wish it.” She went into the house
and returned with nineteen paper dollars that she
gave to the two men, saving it would be no account
in a month or so.

Comrade W. A. Campbell writes of the organiza-
tion of a Chapter of Daughters of the Confederacy
at Columbus. Miss. He says: At the first meeting
there were some twenty- two ladies present, and a
number who could not attend sent in their names.
The following officers were elected: Mrs. Jno. M.
Billups. President; Mrs. K. T. Sykes, Vice-Presi-
dent; Mrs. J. O. Banks, Treasurer; Mrs. Thos. B.
Franklin, Secretary. All are among our most promi-
nent ladies socially, and all are most hearty in love
for our cause.

At the last meeting of our Camp we had the Bat-
tle Abbey question Up lor discussion, and we will
co-operate heartily with the Daughters of the Con-
federacv in this movement.


Confederate l/eterap


Hon. Andrew J. Baker, at present Commissioner
in the General Land Office of Texas at Austin, has
taken much pains to adjust history relating to the
battle of Gettysburg-. He has furnished the Vet-
eran some statistics that he was anxious to have
produced at the United Confederate Veteran reunion.

In a letter to his “dear old General,” Harry Heth,
Comrade Baker states:

It is not my purpose to detract from the heroism
and renown of the gallant and brave troops of Gen.
Pickett, whose historic fame was sanctified by the
blood of the immortal Armistead and the glorious
courage of the unknown rank and file whose bones
now lie under the edge of the stone wall, but I do
feel that some whose lives were spared, even though
wounded themselves, should do justice to the mem-
ory of the other dead who, also, made the same
charge and under a more galling and deadly fire, by
at least having their memories perpetuatedy along
with those of General Pickett’s command.

I write now to ask you to do me the special kind-
ness and your brave dead soldiers the justice, to
write me if, as a matter of fact, Davis’ Brigade and
Pettigrew’s do not appear on the Bachelor map as
having gone up on the heights where the first line
of batteries had been, and if the map does not show
that thus they took a position at least as
far in advance, if not farther, which lat-
ter fact I believe the map will show,
than was Gen. Armistead’s when he fell,
whose death it is said marked the high
watermark of the Confederacj’.

When you consider how soon we who
went to Pennsylvania are to join those
who are still thereon that field, and that
none will be left to do justice to your
brave boys, you will appreciate how im-
portant to history must be the urgency
of this effort.

He had been informed by Gen. Heth
that he had refrained from writing any-
thing about any engagement in which
he was not present, and that having been
wounded in that battle, that Gen. Rey-
nolds being wounded, also, and General
Pettigrew, who commanded the division,
having been mortally wounded at Fall-
ing Waters, no report was made.

Gen. Heth, however, sent some maps
which he regarded as very accurate and
the following drawing is from the one
showing position of the commands in
question. Unhappily the engraving is
brought to too small a scale.

Casualties in Heth’s Division.

Pettigrew’s Brigade: 11th, 26th, 47th
and 52nd North Carolina, killed 190,
wounded 915; total 1,105.

Brockenborough’s Brigade: 22nd,

40th, 47th and 55th Virginia, killed 25, wounded
123; total 148.

Archer’s Brigade: 5th and 13th Alabama, also
1st, 7th and 14th Tennessee Provisional Army,
killed 16, wounded 144; total 160.

Davis’ Brigade: 55th North Carolina, 2nd, 11th’
and 42nd Mississippi, killed ISO, wounded 717;
total 887.

Aggregate in Heth’s Division, killed 411, wound-
ed 1,809; total 2,310.

Pender’s Division.

McGowan’s Brigade: 1st South Carolina (Provis-
ional Army). 1st, 12th, 13th and 14th South Caro-
lina Rifles, killed 100, wounded 477; total 577.

Lane’s Brigade: 7th, 18th, 28th, 33rd and 37th
North Carolina, killed 41, wounded 348; total 389.

Thomas’ Brigade: 14th, 30th, 45th and 49th
Georgia, killed 16, wounded 136; total 152.

Seales’ Brigade: 13th, 16th, 22nd, 34th and 38th
North Carolina, killed 102, wounded 322; total 425.

Aggregate of Pender’s Division, killed 259, wound-
ed 1,283; total 1,542.

Pickett’s Division.

Garnett’s Brigade: 8th, 18th, 19th, 28th and 56th
Virginia, killed 78, wounded 324; total 402. ‘

Armistead’s Brigade: 9th, 14th, 3Sth, 53rd and
57th Virginia, killed 88, wounded 460; total 548.

Kemper’s Brigade: 1st, 3rd, 7th, 11th and 24th
Virginia, killed 58, wounded 356; total 414.

Qor?federate l/*eteran.


Ag-gregfate of Pickett’s Division, killed 224, wound-
ed 1,140; total 1,364.

Hood’s Division.

Law’s Brigade: 4th, 15th, 44th, 47th and 48th
Alabama, killed 74, wounded 270; total 350.

Anderson’s Brigade: 7th, 8th, 9th, 11th and 5’»th
Georgia, killed 105, wounded 512; total 617.

Robertson’s Brigade: 3rd Arkansas; 1st, 4th and
5th Texas, killed 84, wounded 393; total 477.

Aggregate in Hood’s Division, killed 2i>5, wound-
ed 1,181; total 1,444.


Hood’s Division: Composed of three Brigades,
total killed and wounded as follows:

Heth’s Division, four Brigades: Pettigrew’s 1,105;
Brockenbrough’s, 148; Archer’s, 150; Davis’ 897.
Total 2,310. ‘

Pender’s Division, four Brigades: McGowan’s,
577; Lane’s, 380; Thomas’ 152; Scales’ 425. Total
1,54 2.

Pickett’s Division, three Brigades: Garnett’s
4H2; Annistead’s. 546; Kemper’s, 414. Total 1,364.

Law’s, 55<t; Anderson’s. 617; Robertson’s, 477.
Total 1,444.

Largest Losses by Brigades.

Pettigrew’s, Heth’s Division, 1,105; Davis’, Heth’s

Division, S ( »7; Annistead’s. Pickett’s Division, 548;
Anderson’s, Hood’s Division, i>17; McGowan’s, Pen-
der’s Division, 577.

our sainted ones, and be “gathered unto the fath-
ers,” even as my own” bright rolling river, the noble
Tennessee, joins yours, the great Ohio, and thence
are gathered tog-ether unto the Father of Waters.


W. L. Culley, Wartrace, Torn., scuds a letter
from Gen. John R. Coffee of Wannville, Ala., who
was horn in Bedford County, Tcnn., and was a colo-
nel ill the Mexican War. During the Confederate
War the Federals took his sword and llao-. as the
letter explains:

Wannville, Ala., Feb. 22, ’96.

Mr. S. Y. Miller, College Corner, Ohio. Your
letter received: also the sword, which is mine.

I shall instruct my only surviving son to hang it
on his “cottage wall,” where, I trust, the yellow
sunlight of peace may shine upon it until tine last
sand shall have drifted through the hourglass of
time. During the Civil War, about the time I lost
the sword, I also lost my regimental colors, which
were presented to me at Bellefonte, Ala., on the
Mil day of June. ’46, by Mrs. John A. Morrison. It
bore this inscription:

“From the fair to the brave. Go, your country calls.”

I have read, with deep regret, the obituary notice
of your daughter. The separation is but

short, and, truly,

“There is no death, the stars go down,
I’n shine upon some fairer shore.

And there, in God’s immortal crown,
They shine forevermore.”

How sensibly do I feel these lines as I write them
with a hand palsied by age! Yes, my dear friend,
for I feel that we are friends, though we have never
met you and I shall soon join each other, with


The inquiry has recently gone the rounds of the
press of the country, Why do not Southern women
write more of the war. A Southern woman answers:

Thej bid us tell the slory

i M our nation’s golden past .
And Bine her hymns of, conquest

\ n,l chant her dirge at last .
Bui when the wounds are fresh and quiv’ring,

Is there any place for art ‘.’
I an we print the slories >_’ra\en

t >n the tablets ot t he heart ?

Women hide t heir dearest t reasures
from tin’ public’s curious gaze ;

When her thoughts are of her lover

I ‘oes a maiden speak his prai^>
Nay. the brown lark hides her secret

In her faithful frightened hreast.
And she llutters farthest from it

When the school hoy seeks her nest.

So we sing of other nations

\ml the glories they have known.
But our pride is in our Southland

\ nd our hearts speak of our own.
When we sing of lofty irage

And of knightly chivalry.
We may write the name of Sidney

But we think the name of bee.

We may w rite of reckless Roland

As he led his gallant hand.
But we t hink of dashing Morgan,

In our i rle-s southern land.

When we praise all England’s Stuarts,

Tis our own we hi in would sing —
There was none so gay and gallant.
There was none more truly kinu’

We laud the hold crusader

Wit h the red cross on his breast,

Who sought t he Holy City

From the Moslems grasp to wrest.

Hut a knight hood no less noble

Claims now our pride and love —
The gray-clad ranks of Southrons

With their red cross high above.

It may be a woman’s folly

That she guards her treasures so,
Bui shall History’s page be blotted

By our tear- so quick to llow?
Let our children tell the story

Of the cause their fathers led,
for our sorrow seals our utterance,

Ami our silence shrines our dead.

J. J. Coulter writes from Luling, Tex.: Just be-
fore the close of the war, early one morning when
fighting was going on in the piney wood of North
Carolina, I chanced to meet with a young soldier;
he was alone and weak from loss of blood, his arm
having just been amputated. I dismounted, assist-
ed him into my saddle and went two or three miles
with him to a little village — Bentonville, I think—
and left him in good hands. I was unable to find
out his name, but he told me that he belonged to a
South Carolina regiment. Is this comrade still liv-
ing? If so. he will please answer.


Confederate l/eterap.


The Indianapolis News gives this flag- history:

“Thirteen is not an unlucky number when it is
embodied in flags and national emblems.” The
colonies were thirteen, and all the early devices for
the American republic were planned upon the idea.
Thirteen stripes were placed upon the flag and thir-
teen vessels were built for the first navy. Thirteen
arrows, grasped in a mailed hand, were among the
seals of state; later the ariows were transferred to
the claw of the eagle, but their number remained
the same. Thirteen mailed hands grasping an end-
less chain of thirteen links was another emblem of
the colonial days.

The first flags used by the American colonies
were naturally those of the mother Britain. Then,
when the spirit of freedom began to sweep over the
land, these were displaced by flags of various forms.
Prominent among these were the rattlesnake flag,
the famed pine tree flag and the palmetto flag, and
at the time Bunker Hill and Lexington were fought
these were the flags of the colonists. The stars
and stripes had not come into existence.

After the rude devices of the palmetto, the pine
tree and the rattlesnake, the next step in the evolu-
tion of the flag was a tri-colored banner, not yet
spangled with a union of stars, but showing thir-
teen stripes of red and white, with the united
crosses of St. George and St. Andrew done in blue
in one corner. This standard was first established
in Washington’s Camp, at Cambridge, Jan. 2, 1776.


Nearly a year after the Declaration of Indepen-
dence, the American Congress resolved: “That
the flag of the thirteen United States be thirteen
stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be
thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a
new constellation.” Merely the resolution is left
for us to read; the record of the interesting debate
which must have preceded this measure, and the
reason for its adoption, are missing. Writers on
the topic believe that there was an intimate rela-
tion between the resolution and the escutcheon of
George Washington, which contained both stars
and stripes.

It is an established fact that the stars and stripes
waved over the colonial troops at the battle of the
Brandywine, September 11, 1777, and henceforth,
throughout the Revolution, the flag was carried in
every battle. The pennon was hoisted over the
ships of the navy soon after its adoption by the
army. The ship Ranger, Capt. Paul Jones com-
manding, arrived, floating the new banner, at a
French port about December 1, 1777; and on Feb-
ruary 14, 1778, the RangerV colors received the first
salute ever paid an American flag by the vessel of a
foreign nation.

It was claimed that a Mrs. John Ross, who was an
upholsterer and lived in Arch street, Philadelphia,
sewed the first flag made of stars and stripes. Her
descendants have asserted that a congregational
committee, headed by Gen. George Washington
himself, called upon her in June, 1776, and engaged
her to make a flag from a rough drawing which

they had. At the woman’s suggestion, General
Washington made another sketch of the design.
Drawing out his pencil, he seated himself in her
back parlor and traced the outlines of the flag,
which she soon sewed from the sketch.

Thirteen had not proved an unlucky number, but
when Vermont was admitted to the sisterhood of
the Union in 1791, followed by Kentucky in 1792, it
became necessary in the opinion of statesmen to
change the number of stripes and stars. Accord-
ingly a measure was adopted by Congress establish-
ing fifteen stars and fifteen stripes, instead of thir-
teen; this law not to take effect until May, 1786.

Capt. Samuel C. Reid suggested a new design
for a national emblem that would represent the
growth of States and not destroy its distinctive
character. In accord with his suggestion a new
law was passed, and on April 4, 1818, the flag of
the United States -was permanently established.

The act provided that “from and after the 4th
day of July next, the flag of the United States shall
be thirteen horizontal stripes, alternate red and
white; that the union have twenty stars (white) on
a blue field ; that on the admission of every new
State into the Union, one star be added to the union
of the flag, and that such addition shall take effect
on the 4th day of July succeeding such admission.”

The national emblem in the war with Mexico
bore twenty-nine stars in its union: but the flag of
the civil war contained thirty- four.

The same issue of the News states additional:

At the beginning of the struggle, the South ex-
perienced difficulty in determining a distinctive flag
for its forces. The stars and stripes were as much
a part of Southern history as of Northern; and
many people in the Confederacy were loath to part
with the old banner. When they chose a flag, they
selected the stars and bars, a design so like the old
emblem of an unbroken country, that it was fre-
quently mistaken in the battle for the Federla flag.


Previous to the adoption of a rebel flag, and dur-
ing a heated discussion on the subject, Professor
Morse, inventor of the telegraph, made the sugges-
tion that the flag be cut in two, and a half given to
North and to South. “Referring to this as dn a
map,” he said, “the upper portion being North and
the lower portion being South, we have ihe upper
end of the division of the blue field, and then six
and a half stripes for the North field, and the lower
diagonal and division of the blue field and the six
and a half of the stripes for the Southern flag, the
portion of the blue field to contain the stars to the
number of States embraced in each confederacy.
The reasons for such a division are obvious. It
prevents all dispute on a claim for the old flag by
either confederacy. It is distinctive, for the two
cannot be mistaken for each other, either at sea or
at a distance on land. Each flag, being a moiety of
the old flag, will retain something at least of the
sacred memories of the past for the sober reflection
of each confederacy, and if a war with some foreign
nation or combination of nations (all wars being
unhappy), under our treaty of offense and defense,
the two separate flags, by natural affinity, would
clasp fittingly together, and the old, glorious flag

Confederate l/eteran


of the Union, in its entirety, would be hoisted once
more, embracing- all the sister States.”

No provision has ever been made for the arrange-
ment of the stars since the placing- of them, as sug-
gested by Captain Reid, passed out of practice.

Some confusion exists in the arrangement of the
stars, and on any great public occasion, when the
people parade, one may see a variety of American
flags. The early custom was to insert the stars in
parallel rows across the field of blue. This custom
has always been followed in the navy, since the
President’s order of 1818 directing such arrange-
ment. In the army, the stars have always been ar-
ranged in parallel, horizontal rows, although not in
vertical rows. Hereafter there will be no difference
whatever in the design of the flag used in the navy
and the one in the army.

The national flags flying over army camps and
forts are made of American bunting. They are of
three different sizes — the storm and recruiting flag,
eight feet long and four feet two inches wide; the
post flag, twenty feet long and ten feet wide; the
garrison flag, thirty-six feet long and twenty feet
wide, hoisted on great occasions. The size of flag’s
used in the army and navy is not fixed by law, but
established by army and navy regulations. The
colors carried by infantry and artillery regiments
are silk, six feet six inches long, six ieet wide and
mounted on staffs. The field of stars is thirtv-one
inches long and extends to the fourth stripe.

C. H. Smart, Nashville, Tenn., furnishes this in-
teresting contribution on the subject.

In the State Library at Indianapolis, Ind.. is a
Confederate flag of interest to Nashville people, a
brief description of which is here given, as well as
an illustration of it. The flag is that .if the Third
Regiment, Tennessee Volunteers. This was the
late Gov. John C. Brown’s regiment, who at Fort

Donelson, where th e
arf>» , flag- was captured, com-

j fl «« »*,>;;

! ! 2£)(Kti i ■* th’e’Ke’ginient”d
®L— !_*.J. inff the battle, but’

manded t h e T bird
Brigade, of which the
Third Tennessee- form-
ed part. Lieut. -Col. T.
M. Gordon command-
: be-
ing wounded, the com-
mand devolved upon Maj. N- F. Cheairs. The re-
mainder of the Brigade was made up of the Eigh-
teenth Tennessee, Col. J. B. Palmer; Thirty-second
Tennessee. Col. E. C. Cook; Kentucky Battery, Capt.
R, E. Graves; Tennessee Battery, Capt. T. K. Por-
ter, who was wounded, and the command fell to Lieut.
John W. Morton; and the Jackson (Ya.) Battery.
The flag is 5×10 feet in size, made of silk, but is in
a poor state of preservation. One side of the blue
field has a painting of a knight in full armor on horse-
back, the work of W. Hearn, of this city. This is
now nearly rotted out of the tlai;-, and can hardly be
deciphered from the part still remaining. The words
“My life” are still to be seen, but the balance of the
inscription is effaced by time’s ravages. On the re-

verse side, in gilt letters, are the words, or rather ab-
breviations, “Third Kegt. Tenn. Vol.” On the re-
verse of the blue fie i are eight stars in a circle, sur-
rounded by a wreath of honeysuckles. The body
of the flag on this side contains a picture of a ship
between the words “Agriculture” and “Commerce.”
probablv intended to represent the coat of arms of
the State.

In a room in the War Department at Washing-
ton is stored a number of captured Confederate flag i,
which areof all shapes, sizes and materials, ofoneof
which mention

will be made. It
is the flag of the
Guard. It is evi-
dently mad e o f
dresses of women,
who thus showed
their lo3 – alty to
the Southern
cause. The ma-
terial is blue, with
the stars, seven in
cream-colored silk.


ky -VMS:


number, and other designs in
I rpon it is an eagle carrying in
his beaka scroll, upon which is inscribed “Our rights
we will maintain.” Below the eagle are the words
“In God is our trust.” The flag has been rent in the
center, as if by a shell.

In a room in the residence of Mrs. Robert Ander-
son, on Rhode Island Avenue, Washington, D. C,

hangs a picture of her hus-
band — the gall ant Ken-
tuckian who defended
Fort Sumter. Draped
around the picture are the
two flags of the fort, the
garrison flag and the storm
flag. The latter was the
one which for forty hours
was the target for every Confederate gun in and
around Charleston on April 12 13, ’61, and was pre-
sented to Maj. Anderson upon his arrival at Wash-
ington after his evacuation of Sumter, and is still
preserved by his wife. A cut of this Mag is here
presented, as it appears now.

The Hopkins County, Ky., Ex-Confederate Asso-
ciation, Camp No. 528, United Confederate Veterans
of Madisonville. was first organized May 27th, 1893,
under the nameof “Hopkins County Ex-Confederate
Relief Association.” and at a call meeting April 1,
1895, was reorganized under the name ot “Hopkins
Countv Ex- Confederate Association”, and attached
to the United Confederate Veterans under the fol-
lowing officers: Capt, L. D. Hockersmith, Com-
mander; Thos, II. Smith. Adjutant; Capt. T. B.
Jones, Treasurer.

The National Sentinel of Washington, D. C,
makes pleasant reference to the VETBRAN, and adds
along with commending it to its readers: We welcome
the jouruai to our table because it dares express,
with proper courtesy and propriety, its sentiments
on questions about which honest differences exist.


Qopfederate l/eteran.


Thanks again and again for the continued supply
of letters by J. B. Polley, Esq., of Texas:

In Camp Somewhere, June 24, 1862.
Charming Nellie:

Hood’s Texas Brigade and Jackson’s troops are
lost in the wild, tangled wilderness surrounding
Ashland, the birthplace of Henry Clay. We have
been here a couple of days, but when and where we
are going next, only the Lord and Gen. Jackson can
form any definite idea. There may be free agency
in religious matters, but experience teaches a pri-
vate soldier that there is none in military affairs —
to him. He is an automaton, guided, directed and
controlled by wires pulled by superiors. *
While never confronted by a body of the enemy,
the Fourth Texas was actively engaged during the
better part of the two days battle of Seven Pines,
dodging minnie and cannon balls and shells fired by
the Yankees. Webber, a German of Company F. ,
was the only man of the regiment who actually re-
fused to duck his head at every invitation. “Vat
for doadge?” he would say: “Ven ze time coom, ve
die any vay — ven zetime no coom, ze ball, he mees.”
However, we were doublequicked back and forth
from one end of the battleground to the other, in
futile effort to reach the enemy. The ground was
low and swampy, the rain fell in torrents, and when
night came, he was a lucky man who found a rail
or log on which to sleep and keep out of mud and

During the engagement, the Sixty First Pennsyl-
vania was driven so hurriedly out of its well ap-
pointed camp as to leave all of its baggage and com-
missary stores. Fortunately for the Texans, the
troops who did the driving were denied the time to
take possession of the captured property, and it was
promptly confiscated to our use and benefit. Some
one looted the tent of Maj. B. F. Smith of the afore-
said Sixty First, and seized upon his commission
and a bundle of letters — among them one of recent
date from his sister. In the division of the spoils,
this fell to me, and was so charming and homelike
that I read it over and over again and then lest it
should fall into unappreciative hands, burned it.
Judging from the letter, the writer is a highly ac-
complished young lady — a daughter of a member of
the Legislature from West Chester County, Pa. It
differed essentially from the others I read from
Northern ladies, for it contained but one allusion to
the Rebels, and that by no means bitter. It would
please the gallant Major, no doubt, if he survived
the discomfiture of his regiment, as well as his
lovely and lively sister, to be assured of my grati-
tude for the pleasure afforded me; the Major, by a
hasty retreat, and the lady, by writing a letter so
interesting, newsy and humorous as to charm a
stranger and Rebel, and remind him of his own
loved ones in far off Texas. While perusing it, the
Rebel sat on a chunk of wood at the foot of a tall
pine tree, with his feet in the water. A heavy
shower had just fallen, and dry places were not
easily to be found. Every now and then a cannon
ball or shell, fired from a Federal gun, would crash

through the top of the tree; but I was inside of the
range of the gun, and any damage done by it was to
people far back in the rear.

On the eleventh of the month, the Texas Brigade
was ordered to Staunton to reinforce Stonewall
Jackson. The day after reaching Staunton, how-
ever, it marched back across the Blue Ridge toward
Charlottesville. Early in the day Gen. Hood halted
each regiment in turn, and gave his orders. To
the Fourth, he said: “Soldiers of the Fourth: I
know as little of our destination as you do. If,
however, any of you learn or suspect it, keep it a
secret. To every one who asks questions, answer,
‘I don’t know.’ We are now under the orders of
Gen. Jackson and I repeat them to you. I can only
tell you further, that those of you who stay with
the command on this march will witness and parti-
cipate in grand events.”

Such an address, such orders and such a predic-
tion,, not only astonished the soldiers, but inflamed
their curiosity to the highest pitch. Many were
the conjectures — some sensible, some ludicrous, but
none probably near the truth. There were many
stills in the sequestered nooks of the mountains,
and by noon many of the men were in an exceed-
ingly good humor — a few staggering — and apple
jack and peach brandy could be had out of hun-
dreds of canteens. To prevent the men from get-
ting liquor, Gen. Hood authorized a statement,
which was industriously circulated and really be-
lieved, that smallpox was raging among the citi-
zens. Whether true or not, it had a good effect; I
did not straggle.

Riding along by himself, half a mile in rear of
the Brigade, General Hood discovered, lying in the
middle of the road and very drunk, a soldier of the
Fourth. Checking his horse, the General asked,
“What is the matter with you, sir? Why are you
not with your company?” The stern and peremp-
tory voice sobered the man a little, and rising to a
sitting posture and looking at. the General with
drunken gravity, he said: “Nossin’ much, I rekon,
General — I just feel sorter weak and no account.”
“So I see, sir,” said Hood, “get up instantly and
rejoin your company.” The victim of John Barley-
corn made several ineffectual attempts to obey, and
some men coming along just then, Hood ordered
them to take charge of him and conduct him to his
company. But as they approached with intent to
carry out the order, the fellow found voice to say
between hiccoughs, “Don’t you men that ain’t been
vaccinated come near me — I’ve got the smallpox —
tha’s wha’s the masser with me.”

The men shrank back in alarm, and the General,
laughing at the way his own chickens had come
home to roost, said: “Let him alone, then — some
teamster will pick him up,” and rode on.

Gen. Jackson gave strict orders against depredat-
ing on private property. Apples were plentiful,
and it was contrary to nature not to eat them. Jack-
son saw a Texan sitting on the limb of an apple
tree, busily engaged in filling his haversack with
the choicest fruit. He reined in his old sorrel
horse, and in his customary curt tone, asked: “What
are you doing in that tree, sir?” “I don’t know,”
replied the Texan. “What command do you be-

Qopfederate l/eterar?


long- to?” “I don’t know.” “Is your command
ahead or behind you?” “I don’t know.” And thus
it went on — the same “I don’t know” given as an-
swer to every question. Finally, Jackson asked:
“Why do you give me that answer to every ques-
tion?” “‘Cause them’s old- Jackson’s orders,” re-
plied the man in the tree, and the officer had to ride
on, disgusted at a too literal obedience of his own

Joe Wright Crump, Harrison, Arkansas.

The Confederate soldier made a record for dar-
ing and devotion to his cause that is without par-
allel, but when a mere boy, like the “clansman for
his chief,” risked his life and liberty for a superior
officer, it was evidence of a chivalric friendship that
bade defiance to circumstances brought about by
military rule.

It was in the early days of May, ’63, when Grant’s
Army encircled the doomed City of Yicksburg, that
Pemberton crossed Big Black River, and marched
through Edwards’ Station to Baker’s Creek to meet
the enemy. The battle opened about in o’clock,
and the fighting continued until about sundown —
one of the bloodiest of the war.

On Champion Hill, Gen. Greene ordered his
brigade, including Sterman’s Battalion i First Ar-
kansas Dismounted Cavalry i, to charge the federals
who were in possession of the Hill. This charge
was successful, but the enemy reinforced and re-
captured the position. The second charge was or-
dered by the gallant Greene, and the enemy was
again driven from the Hill. In this charge Lieut.
Jack Steele, who was in command of Company E, of
Sterman’s Battalion, received a minie ball in his
shoulder inflicting a dangerous wound. His men
begged him to retire, but with an unquailing spirit
he changed his sword to his left hand and, waving
it over his head, led his men on to victory. The
loss of blood soon forced the exhausted hero to re-
linquish his sword, and kind friends carried him to
the rear.

F Lieut. Manning Davis, next in rank, took com-
mand and led the company in repeated charges,
but he too received a wound which disabled him,
being shot in the thigh. There being no other
commissioned officer, Sergt. Free took command.
Night was approaching and the Confederates were
ordered to the fortifications at Yicksburg.

This boy friend, Hugh R — , had a horror of
his officer falling into the hands of the enemy, and
with the assistance of others, he improvised a litter
with blankets and poles and carried Lieut. Davis off
the battlefield. The army left our young hero
with his Lieutenant in an old out-of-the-way house,
where they remained till morning, the boy, under
cover of the night, carrying water and dressing his
officer’s wound.

When daylight came the faithful attendant re-
connoitered the situation and found they were near
an old plantation. Uncle Abe, “agemmen of color,”
was sole custodian of this deserted place, and when

the boy asked him for a mule, he said: “Jist hep
yo’self; the Yankees will git ’em anyway.” The
mule was blind, but it answered the boy’s purpose,
and it was not long until he and his lieutenant
were muleback and jogging along after their com-
mand in the direction of Yicksburg. Instead of
following Pemberton, our travelers took the trail
of Gen. Loring, who marched around Grant’s Army
and joined Gen. Jos. E. Johnston at Jackson, Miss.

Near the middle of the afternoon they saw a troop
of cavalry marching towards them and they were
not long in discovering that they were Federals.
Hugh could have escaped to the woods, but would
not leave his Lieutenant.

“Hello, Johnniesl which way?” was the greeting
given by the officers in front.

“We are attempting to overtake our command,”
replied the Confederates.

“You have fallen in with the wrong command,
haven’t you?”

“From your garb, we think we have,” said the
boy. dryly.

“We’ll take good care of you,” said the officer,
and ordered the prisoners to the rear, where Lieut.
Davis” wounds were properly cared for. He was
then put in an ambulance under guard, Hugh be-
ing allowed to stay with him. They were taken to
the battleground of the day before, arriving there
at one o’clock at night, when the lieutenant was
placed in the hospital and Hugh in the “Bull Ring,”
and there they remained three days with one cracker
per day each.

The fourth day the Federals marched down the
Y.i oo River, where they met transports, and where
the half famished men went almost into transports
of happiness over the rations received. The re-
freshments were divided with the prisoners, after
which they were placed on one of the boats and con-
veyed down to Young’s Point, on the west bank of
the Mississippi, opposite Vicksburg.

Here they were retained as prisoners of war for
ten days in hearing of the bombardment and de-
fense of Yicksburg. During this time the Cincin-
nati, a Federal gunboat, was sunk by the Confeder-
ates at Yicksburg. Part of its crew escaped and
passed the point, where our Confederate friends saw
them in their saturated condition.

The only means our Confederate prisoners, held
there then, had of cleansing themselves and
their clothes was in a pond, where the}’ waded knee
deep, and to which only five hundred had access at
a time. The “Crescent City,” a transport, was
brought near the camp, and Lieut. Davis and Hugh
so. m found they were to be carried to Fort Delaware.
The privates were separated from the officers, and
crowded on the lower decks like sheep going to

When the transport arrived in Memphis it an-
chored in the middle of the stream all night, and
there the boy, who had faithfully followed and
shared the privations of his officer, resolved to es-
cape, and, as a freeman, fill a watery grave or wear
the laurels he had so defiantly “plucked from the
brow of fate.”

P. S. — Will tell of his escape in another sketch.


Confederate l/eterar).

Annie Barnwell Morton.


B. F. Harris, who served in Company I, Thirty-
sixth Alabama Regiment has written in the Sunny
South an interesting account of his. command while
crossing Shoal Creek on Hood’s retreat from Ten-
nessee, in which he states: * * *

Some divested themselves of their pants, while
others went on as they were.

The creek was about 150 yards wide and the swift-
est current I think I ever saw. I thought it impos-
sible to wade or swim the stream. It seemed that a
steamboat could have easily run on its waters. S.
P., who had a poor old mule, told his company,
which was Company C, that he would carry over
all their blankets for them. The suggestion was at
once complied with and he took blankets up before
and behind him, until he was scarcely visible.

All things being ready, we started in. The water
was very cold and so swift that it compelled us to

Aye, rear a monument, Tennessee,

To the soldier-boy whose life
Was laid bravely down to make you
In those dark years of strife.
But not you alone— let the whole
In the glorious task unite,
And each Southron give, with a willing
To the sacred cause, his mite.

There were many as young and brave
as he,

Who for Dixie gladly died ;
Who left home and friends to follow

And with Stuart and Hampton ride;
Under Stonewall Jackson’s lead to fight,

Or advance to meet the foe,
‘Neath Beauregard, ourgallant Knight,

Or the soldiers’ friend, “Old Joe.”

1 l the battle’s shock they bravely fell,

With their comrades close beside ;
With the music of the Rebel yell

For their requiem, they died.
No nobler death could a patriot crave,

Than to yield, in fearless strife,
Back to our God the gift He gave,

A brave and stainless life.

But this hero boy died all alone,

In the midst of that cruel band ;
With no farewell word, no loving tone,

No grasp of a friendly hand ;
With no gun or sword, on the battle

With no comrade at his side,
For he, whose life had been free from

On the shameful gallows died.

Aye, rear to brave Davis’ memory

A lofty burial stone.
Type of our Southern chivalry,

We build, not to him alone,
But sacred to honor, truth, and right,

Let it point from Dixie’s toeast,
Up to God’s Home of eternal light,

Where the hero found his rest.

go by two’s, holding each others hand for support.
I was somewhat in advance of my friend who rode
the mule and had discovered that the bed of the
creek was a-mass of round, slippery rocks, so it was
with great difficulty that we managed to retain our
footing. All at once I heard a deafening shout go
up from the boys.

On looking around, I saw Smith Powell, the old
mule and Company C’s blankets going down the
stream with the rapidit} T of a train of cars. Powell
finalty gained his footing, but the poor old mule and
the blankets were a total loss, without any insurance.

Comrade Harris would like to know of Powell.

Dr. J. C. J. King, Waco, Tex.: If Thos. Bruce
Stribling, of Company “A,” 2nd Texas Cavalry, is
still living, I would be very thankful for his address.
Would also like to locate J. W. Tucker, of same
company, last heard from in Arkansas.

Qopfederate l/eterai?.



Furnished by the Confederate Veteran Office, Nashville, Tenn.

Comrades and other friends will at once see that to
prepare this long list of Camps was a great task.
Changes are ever occurring in the officers — Command-
ers and Adjutants. There must be many errors in this
as it has not been revised recently. Please give notice
on postal card, or if in letter, note the corrections
on separate slip of paper on which no other business
occurs. Let every friend correct any known error ; also
fill in blanks where the officers names are not given.


Gen. John B. Gordon, General Commanding, Atlanta.

Maj. Gen. George Moorman, Adjutant General and
Chief of Staff, New Orleans.

Gen. S. D. Lee commands the Department East of the

Gen. W, L. Cabell commands the Trans-Mississippi

Gen. John C. Underwood commands the Northern De-

The Camp “officers” in the following list are Com-
mander and Adjutant:


Maj. Gen. Fred S. Ferguson, Commandi r, Birmingham.
Col. H. E. Jones, Chief of Staff, Montgomery.
James M. Williams, Brigadier General, Mobile.
William Richardson, Brigadier General. Anniston.

Abner P. O.— Handley- SO— M. V. Mullins, H. A. Brown.
Albertville— Camp Miller— 3S5—W. H. McCord. Asa Ray.
Alexandria— Alexandria— 395— C. Martin, E. T. Clark.
Alexander City— Lee— 401— R. M. Thomas, A. S. Smith.
Andalusia— Harper— 266— J. F. Thomas, J. M. Robinson, Sr.
Anniston— Pelham— 258— F. M. Hight, Addison Z. McGhee.
Ashland— Clayton— 327— A. S. Stockdale, D. L. Campbell.
Ashville— St. Clair— 308— John W. Inger, Jas. D. Truss.
Athens-Thos. L. Hobbs— 400— E, C. Gordon, B M. Lowell.
Auburn— Auburn— 236— H. C. Armstrong R. W. Burton.
Bangor— Wheeler— 492— R. H. L. Wharton, W. L. Redman
Bessemer— Bessemer— 157— N. H. Sewall, T. P. Waller.
Birmingham— Hardee— 39— R. D. Johnson, W. F Smith.
Bridgeport— J. Wheeler— 260— I. H. Johnson, I,. B. Burnett.
Brookwood— Force— 159— R. D. Jackson. J. IT. Nelson.
Calera— Emanuel Finley— 498— John P. West. W. H. Jones.
Camden— Franklin K. Beck— 224— R. Gaillard, J. F. Foster.
Carrollton— Pickens— 323— M. L. Stansel. B. Upehureh.
Carthage— Woodruff— 339— John S. Powers, J. A. Elliott.
Centre— Stonewall Jackson— 65S—R. T. Ewing.
Clayton— Barbour County— 193— W. H. Pruett, E. R. Quillin.
Coaiburg— F. Cheatham— 434— F. P. Lewis, J. W. Barnhart.
Cullman— Thos. H. Watts— 489— E. J. Oden, A. E. Hewlett.
Dadeville— Crawf-Kimbal— 343— W. C. Mcintosh, Wm. L.

Decatur— Horace King— 476— W. A. Long, John T. Banks.
Edwardsville— Wiggonton— 359— W. P, Howell, T. J. Burton.
Eutaw— Sanders— 64— Geo. H. Cole, F. H. Mundy.
Evergreen— Capt. Wm. Lee— 33S— P. D. Bowles, H. M. King.
Fayette— Lindsey— 466— John B. Sanford, W. B. Shirley.
Florence— E. A. O’Neal— 29S— A. M. O’Neal, C. M. Crow
Fort Payne— Estes— 263— J. M. Davidson, A. P. McCartney.
Gadsden— Emma Sanson— 275— Jas. Aiken, Jos. R. Hughes.
Gaylcsvllle— John Pelham— 111— B. F. Wood, G. W. R. Bell.
Greensboro— A. C. Jones— 266— A. M. Avery, W. C. Christian
Greenville— Sam’l L. Adams— 349— E. Crenshaw, F. E. Dey.

Guln— Ex-Confederate — 415 , W. N. Hulsey.

Guntersville— M. Gllbreath— 333— R. T. Coles, J. L. Burke.
Hamilton— Marion Co— 346— A. J. Hamilton, J. F. Hamilton.
Hartselle— Friendship— 3S3—M. K. Mahan, T. J. Simpson
Holly Pond— Holly Tond— 567— Geo. W. Watts, S. M. Foust.
Huntsvllle— E. J. Jones— 357— Geo. P. Turner, B. Patterson.
Jackson— A. C.V.A.— 497— E. P. Chapman, S. T. Woodward.
Jackson— Clarke County— 475 —
Jacksonville— Martin— 292— J. H. Caldwell, W. L. Grant.

Lafayette— A. A. Greene— 310— J. J. Robinson, G. H. Black.
Linden— A. Gracie— 50S— John C. Webb, C. B. Cleveland.
Livingston— Camp Sumter— 332— R. Chapman, J. Lawhon.
Lower Peachtree— R. H. G. Gaines— 370— B. D. Portis, N. J.

I.owndesboro— Bullock— 331— R. D. Spann. C. D. Whitman.
Luvergne— Gracy — 472— D. A. Rutledge, B. R. Bricken.
Marion— I. W. Garrett— 277— J. Cal. Moore, YV. T. Boyd.
Madison Stat’n— Russell — 40S— W. T. Garner, R. E.Wiggins.
Mobile— Raphael Semmes— 11— W. H. Monk, W. E. Mickle.
Mobile— M. M. Withers— 675— Gen. Jas. Hagan, F. Kiernan.
Monroeville— Foster— 407— W. W. McMillan. D. L, Neville
Montevallo— Montevallo— 496 — H. C. Reynolds, B. Nabors.
Montgomery— Lomax— 151— Wm. B. Jones, J. H. Higgins.
Opelika— Lee County— 261— R. M. Greene, J. Q. Burton.
Oxford— Camp Lee— 329— Thos. H. Barry. John T. Pearce.
Ozark— Ozark— 3S0—W. R. Painter. J. L. Williams.
Piedmont— Camp Stewart— 378— J. N. Hood, L. Ferguson.
Pearce’s Mill— Robt. E. Lee— 372— Jim Pearce, F. M. Clark.
Prattvllle— Wadsworth— 491— W. F. Mims, J. M. Thompson.
Roanoke— Aiken-Smith— 293— W. A. Handley, B. M. McCon-

Robinson Spring— Tom McKelthen— 396— J. E. Jones, W. D.

Rockford— H. W. Cox— 276— F. L. Smith, W. T. Johnson.
Seottsboro— N. B. Forrest— 430— J. H. Young, J. P. Harris.
Scale— Jas. F. Waddell— 268— R. H. Bellamy, P. A. Greene.
Selma— C. R. Jones— 317— John C. Reid, Edward P. Gait.
Sprague Jun’n— Watts— ISO— P. B, Masten. J. T. Robertson.
Springville— Springville— 223— A. W. Woodall.W. J. Spruiell.
Stroud— McLeroy— 356— A. J. Thompson, J. L. Strickland.
St. Stephi ns John James— 860— A, T. Hooks. J. M. Pelham.
Summerfleld— Col. — G 1 -E. Morrow. R. B. Cater

Talledegu—C. M. Shelley— 846 w R Miller, D. R. Vanrelt.
Thomasville— Leander McFarland— 373— J. N. Callahan. Dr.

J. C. Johnston.
Town Creek— Ashford— 632— J. j. Beemer, w. J. McMahon.
Tuscumbia— James Deshler— 313— A. H. Keller, I. P. Guy.
Tuskaloosa— Rodes— 262— J. R Maxwell, A p, Prince.

Camp Ruffln— 320— W. D. Henderson, L. H. Bowles.
‘I Coleman— 129— T. Mnmford. B. F. Harwood.
Union Sp’gs— Powell— 499— c. F. Culver, ,\ H, Pickett.
Verbena— Camp Gracie— 291— K. Wells, J. A. Mitchell.
Vernon— Camp O’Neal— 358— J. P. Young, T. M. Woods.
Walnut (i rove-Forrest— 467 A .1 Phillips, B. W. Reavis.
Wetumpka Elmore Co.— 255— J. F Maul], H. T. Walker.
Wedowee— Randolph— 316— C. C. Enloe, R s Bate.


MaJ Gen. John G. Fletcher. Commander, Little Rock.

K ii Haynes, Chief of Staff, Van Buren.
John M. Harrell, Brigadier General, Hot Springs.
J. M. Bohart, Brigadier General. Bentonvllle.

Alma— Cabell— 202— James E. Smith, J. T. Jones.
Arkadelphia— Moore— 574— H W McMillan, C. C. Scott.
Benton— Dodd— 325— S. H. Whitthorne, C. E. Shoemaker.
Bentonvllle— Cabell— 89— D. R. McKissack, N. S. Henry.
Berryville— Fletcher— 63S-J. P. Fancher, N. C. Charles.
Booneville— Evans— 355— G. W Evans, D. B. C;.
Brinkley-Cleburne-537-M. II Vaughan, I , ri ner

Centre Point-Haller-192-J. M. Somervell, J. C. Anslev.
Charleston-P. Cleburne-191-A. S. Cabell. T. N. Goodwin.
Conway— Jeff Davis— 213— G. W. Rice, W. D. Cole.
Dardanclle— Mcintosh— 531— \V II c,,e, J. I,. Davis.

Bttevllle— Brooks— 216— T. M. Qunter, I, m. Patridge.
Fort Smith— B. T. DuVal— 146— M. M. Gorman, R. M. Fry.
Forrest City— Forrest— 623— J. B. Sanders. E. Landroight.
Gainesville— Confederate Survivors— 606— F. S. White.
Greenway-Clay Co. V. A.-476-E. M. Allen, J. R. Hodge.
Greenwood— B. McCulloch— 191— Dudley Milum. M. Stroup.
Hackett City-Stonewall-199-L. B. Lake. A. H. Gordon.
Harrison— J. Crump— 713— J. H. Williams, J. P. Clendenln.
Hope— Gratoit— 203— N. W. Stewart. John F. Sanor.
Hot Springs— A. Pike— 340— Gen. J. M. Harrell. A. curl.


Confederate l/eterap.

Jonesboro — Confederate Survivors— 507 .

Little Rock— Weaver— 354— W. P. Campbell, J. H. Paschal.
Morrilton— R. W. Harper— 207— W. S. Hanna, H. V. Crozier.
Nashville— Joe Neal— 208— W. K. Cowling, E. G. Hale.
New Louisville— Sam Dill— 444— R. H. Howell, B. P. Wheat.
Newport— Tom Hindman— 318— J. R. Loftin, T. T. Ward.
Oxford— Oxford— 455— F. M. Gibson, Ransom Gulley.

Paragon— Confed. Survivors — 449 , .

Paris— B. McCullogh— 3SS— J. O. Sadler, Win. Snoddy.

Paragould — Confed. Survivors — 449 , .

Pine Bluff — Murray — 510— J. T. Landers, C. G. Newman.
Pocahontas— Con. Vet — 447— W. F. Besphan, R. T. Mackbee.
Prairie G ro ve— Do.— 3S4— W. E. Pittman, Wm. Mitchell.
Prescott— Walter Bragg— 428— W. J. Blake, O. S. Jones.
Rector— Rector— 504— E. M. Allen, J. W. Taylor.
Rocky Comfort— Stuart— 532— F. B. Arnett, R. E. Phelps.
Searcy— Gen. Marsh Walker— 6S7—D. McRae, B. C. Black.
Stephens— Bob Jordan— 6S6— J. W. Walker, C. T. Boggs.
Star City— B. McCullogh— 542— J. L. Hunter, T. A. Ingram.

Ultima Thule — Confed. Survivors — 448— , .

Van Buren— John Wallace— 209— John Allen, J. E. Clegg.
Walcott — Confed. Survivors — 505 — Benj. A. Johnson.
Waldron— Sterling Price — 114— L. P. Fuller, A. M. Fuller.
Warren— Denson— 677— J. C. Bratton, John B. Watson.
Wilton— Confederate Veteran— 674— J. A. Miller.
Wooster— J. E. Johnston— 131— W. A. Milam, W. J. Sloan.


Maj. Gen. J. J. Dickison, Commander, Ocala.

Col. Fred. D. Robertson, Chief of Staff, Brooksville.

W. D. Chipley, Brigadier General, Pensacola.

Wm. Baya, Brigadier General, Jacksonville.

Gen. S. G. French, Brigadier General, Winter Park.

Apalachicola— Tom Moore— 556— R. Nickmayer, A. J. Murat.
Bartow— Bartow— 2S4—W. H. Reynolds, J. A. Armistead.
Brooksville— Loring— 13— F. E. Saxon, F. L. Robertson.
Chipley— McMillan— 217— Gen. Wm. Miller, R. B. Bellamy.
Dade City— Pasco C. V. A.— 57— J. E. Lee, A. H. Ravesies.
DeFuniak Sp’gs— Kirby-Smith— 282— J. Stubbs, D. McLeod.
Fernandina— Nassau— 104— W. N. Thompson, T. A. Hall.
Inverness— Geo. T. Ward— 14S— S. M. Wilson, J. S. Perkins.
Jacksonville— Lee— 58— W. D. Matthews, J. A. Enslow, Jr.

Jacksonville— Jeff Davis— 230 , C. J. Colcock.

Jasper— Stewart— 155— H. J. Stewart, J. E. Hanna.

Juno— P. Anderson— 244 , J. F. Highsmitk.

Lake City— Columbia Co.— 150— W. R. Moore, W. M. Ives.
Lake Buller— Barney— 474— J. R. Richards, R. Dougherty.
Marianna— Milton— 132— M. N. Dickson, F. Philips.
Milton— Camp Cobb— 538— C. R. Johnston, John G. Ellis.
Monticello— P. Anderson— 59— W. C. Bird, B. W. Partridge.
Ocala— Marion Co. C. V. A.— 56— J. J. Finley, Wm. Fox.
Orlando— Orange Co. — 54 — W. G. Johnson, B. M. Robinson.
Palmetto— Geo. T. Ward— 53— J. C. Pelot, J. W. Nettles.
Pensacola— Ward C. V. A.— 10— J. R. Randall, L. M. Brooks.
Quincy— Kenan— 140— R. H. M. Davidson, D. M. McMillan.
Sanford— Finnegan— 149— C. H. Leffler, E. W. D. Dunn.
St. Augustine— Kirby-Smith— 175— W. Jarvis, M. R. Cooper.
St. Petersburg— Colquitt—303—W. C. Dodd, D. L. Southwiek.

Tallahassee— Lamar— 161 , R. A. Whitfield.

Tampa— Hillsboro— 36— F. W. Merrin, H. L. Crane.
Titusville— Indian River — 47— A. A. Stewart, A. D. Cojien.
Umatilla— Lake Co. C. V. A.— 279— T. H. Blake, .


Maj. Gen. Clement A. Evans, Commander, Cartersville.
Col. A. J. West, Chief of Staff, Atlanta.

Americus— Sumter— 642— A. S. Cutts, J. P. Pilsbury.
Athens— Cobb-Deloney— 478— J. E. Ritchie, J.W. Brumberry.
Atlanta— Fulton County— 159— C. A. Evans, J. F. Edwards.
Augusta— Con. Survi. Ass’n — 435— F. E. Eve, F. M. Stovall.
Canton— Skid Harris— 595— H. W. Newman, W. N. Wilson.
Carnesville— Miligan C. V.— 419— J. McCarter, J. Phillips.
Carrollton— Camp McDaniels— 487— S. W. Harris, J. D. Cobb.
•Cedartown— Polk Co. C. V.— 403— J. Arrington, J. S. Stubbs.

Clayton— Rabun Co. C. V.— 420— S. M. Beck, W. H. Price.
Columbus— Benning— 511— A. A. Dozier, H. F. Everett.
Covington— J. Lamar— 305— C. Dickson, J. \V. Anderson.
Cumming— Forsyth— 736— H. P. Bell, R. P. Lester.
Cuthbert— Randolph Co.— 465— R. D. Crozier, B. W. Ellis.
Cussetta— Chatahoochie Co.— 477— E.Raiford, C. N. Howard.
Dalton— J. E. Johnston— 34— A. P. Roberts, J. A. Blanton.
Dawson— Terrell Co. C. V.— 404— J. Lowrey, W. Kaigler.
Decatur— C. A. Evans— 665— H. C. Jones, W. G. Whidby.
Griffin— Spaulding Co.— 519— W. .R. Hanleiter, J. P. Lawlett

Harrisburg— Chattooga Vet— 422 , L. R. Williams.

Jefferson— Jackson County — 140— T. L. Ross, T. H. Nibloch.
Lafayette— Camp Little— 173— W. A. Foster, R. Dougherty.
LaGrange— Troup Co. C. V.— 405— J. L. Schaub, E. T.Winn.
Macon— Bibb County— 4S4— C. M. Wiley, S. S. Sweet.
Madison— H. H. Carlton— 617— C. W. Baldwin, J. T. Turnell.
Monticello— Newton— 483— W. Newton, T. H. Kennon.
Morgan— Calhoun Co. C. V. — 106— J. J. Beck, A. J. Munroe.

Milledgeville— Geo. Doles— 730— C. P. Crawford, ..

Oglethorpe— Macon Co.— 655— J. D. Fredrick, R. D. McLeod.
Ringgold— Ringgold— 206— W. J. Whitsett, R. B. Trimmier.
Rome— Floyd Co.— 368— A. B. Montgomery, A. B. Moseley.
Savannah— Con. Sur. Ass’n— 596— Dr. T. E. Bessellen.
Sparta— H. A. Clinch— 470— H. A. Clinch, S. D. Rogers.
Spring Place— Gordon— 50— R. E. Wilson, J. A. McKamy.
Summerville— Chattooga— 422— J. S. Cleghorn, L. Williams.
Thomasville— Mitchell— 523— R. G. Mitchell, T. N. Hopkins.
Talbotton— L. B. Smith— 402— B. Curley, W. H. Philpot.
Washington— J. T. Wingfleld— 391— C. E. Irvin, H. Cordes.
Waynesboro— Gordon— 369— Thos. B. Cox, S. R. Fuleher.
West Point— W. P. V.— 571— R. A. Freeman, T. ‘B. Johnston.
Zebulon— Pike Co. C. V.— 121— G. W. Strickland, W. O. Gwyn.


Maj. Gen. John C. Underwood, Commander, Chicago.
Col. Samuel Baker, Chief of Staff, Chicago.

Chicago— Ex-Con. Ass’n— S— J. W. White, R. L. France.
Jerseyville — Benev. Ex-Con.— 304— J. S. Carr, M. R. Locke.


Maj. Gen. R. B. Coleman, Commander, McAlester.

, Chief of Staff, McAlester.

John L. Gait, Brigadier General, Ardmore.
D. M. Haley, Brigadier General, Krebs.

Antlers— Douglas Cooper— 576— W. H. Davis, V. M. Locke.
Ardmore— J. H. Morgan— 107— W. W. Hyden, F. G. Barry.
Chelsea— Cherokee Nation-Standerati— 573— W. H. H. Scud-

er, Col. E. L. Drake.
McAlester— Jeff Lee— 68— J. W. McCrary, R. B. Coleman.
Mildrow— Standwater— 514— W. J. Watts, L. S. Byrd.
Ryan— A. S. Johnson— 644— R. G. Goodloe, J. F. Pendleton.
South Canadian— Hood — 4S2— E. R. Johnson, J. M. Bond.


Maj. Gen. John Boyd, Commander, Lexington.
Col. Jos. M. Jones, Chief of Staff, Paris.
J. B. Briggs, Brigadier General, Russellville.
James M. Arnold, Brigadier General, Newport.

Augusta— J. B. Hood— 233— J. S. Bradley, J. R. Wilson.
Bardstown— T. H. Hunt— 253— Thos. H. Ellis, J. F. Briggs.
Benton— A. Johnston— 376— J. P. Brian, W. J. Wilson.
Bethel— P. R. Cleburne— 252— J. Arrasmith, A. W. Bascom.
Bowling Green— Do.— 143— W. F. Perry, J. A. Mitchell.
Campton— G. W. Cox— 433— J. C. Lykins, C. C. Hanks.
Carlisle— P. Bramlett— 344— Thos. Owens, H. M. Taylor.
Cynthiana— Ben Desha— 99— D. M. Snyder, J. W. Boyd.
Danville — Grigsby— 214 — E. M. Green, J. H. Baughman.
Elizabethtown — Cofer— 543 — J. Montgomery, F. H. Culley.
Eminence— E. Kirby-Smith— 251— W. L. Crabb, J. S. Turner.
Falmouth— W. H. Ratcliffe— 682— G. R. Rule, C. H. Lee, Jr.
Flemingsburg— Johnston— 232— W. Stanley, J. W. Heflin.

Qopfederate l/eterap.


Frankfort— T. B. Monroe— 1SS— A. W. Macklin, J. E. Scott.

Franklin— Walker— 640— Dr. L. J. Jones, .

Georgetown— G. W. Johnson— 9S— A. H. Sinclair, J. Webb.
Harrodsburg— W. Preston— 96 — B. W. Allin, John Kane.
Henderson— J. E. Rankin— 55S— Gen. M. M. Kimmel, R. H.

Hopkinsville— N. Merriwether— 241— C. F. Jarrett, H. Wood.
Lawrenceburg— Helm— 101— P. H. Thomas, J. P. Vaughn.
Lexington— J. C. Breckinridge— 100— J. Boyd, G. C. Snyder.
Maysville— J. E. Johnston— 442— Dr. A. H. Wall, J. W.


Madisonville — Con. Survivors— 52S— Hon. P. Laffoon, .

Mt. Sterling— R. S. Cluke— 201— T. Johnson, W. T. Havens.
Newport— Corbin— 6S3— M. R. Lockhart, G. Washington.
Nicholasville— Marshall— 1S7—G. B. Taylor, E. T. Llllard.
Paducah— Thompson— 174— W. G. Bullitt, J. M. Browne.
Paducah— L. Tilghman— 463— T. E. Moss, J. V. Grief.
Paris— J. H. Morgan— 95— A. T. Forsyth, Will A. Gaines.

Princeton— Confed. Vets— 527— T. J. Johnson, .

Richmond— T. B. Collins— 215— J. Tevis, N. B. Deatherage.
Russellville— Caldwell— 139— J. B. Briggs, W. B. McCartj
Shelbyville— J. H. Waller— 237— W. F. Beard, R. T. Owen.
Winchester— Hanson— ISC— B. F. Curtis, J. L. Wheeler,
Versailles Abe Buford— 97— J. C. Bailey, J. W. Smith.


Maj. Gen. W. G. Vincent, Commander, New Orleans.
Brig. Gen. J. A. Chalaron, Chief of Staff, New Orleans.

Abbeville -Vermilion— 607— G. B. Shaw. L. C. Lyons.
Alexandria— Jeff Davis— 6— F. Belp, W. W. Whlttlngton.

Amite City— Do.— 7S— G. H. Stains. J. M. De Saussure.
Arcadia— Arcadia— 229— Will Miller, John A. Oden.
Basti”!’ R. M, Hinson— r.TS — J. M. Sharp, James Ford.
Baton Rouge— Do.— 17— J. McGrath, F. \V. Heroman.
Benton— Lowden Butler— 409— S. M. Thomas, B. R. Nash.
Berwick— Winchester Hall— 178— T. J. Royster, F. O. Brien.
Compte— Cap Perot— 397— Leopold Perot, T. H. Hamilton.
Conshatta— Henry Gray— 490— O. T. Webb. O. S. Penny.
Crowley— G. T. Beauregard— 62S— D. B. Hays. .1. M. Taylor.
Donaldsonville— V. Maurin— 3S— S. A. Poche, P. Gaul, Sr.

Eunice— Confed. Veteran— 67— D. P. January, – .

Evergreen— R. L. Gibson— 33— I. C. Johnson. W. H. Oliver

Farmervllle— C. V. A. Union Pr.— 379— J. K. Ramsay, .

Franklin— F. Cornay— 345— W. R. Collins, Thos. J. Shaffer.
Gonzales P. O.— Ogden— 247— J. Gonzales, Sr., H. T. Brown.
Homer— Claiborne— 54S— Col. T. W. Poole, F. C. Greenwood.
Hope Villa P.O.— Ogden— 247— J. Gonzales, Sr., H. T. Brown.
Jackson— Feliciana— 264— Zach. Lea, R. H. McClellend.

Jeannerette— Alcibiade De Blanc— 634— A. L. Monnot, .

Lafayette— Gardner— 5S0— J. C. Buchanan, D. A. Cochrane.
Lake Charles— Calcasieu C. Vets— 62— W. A. Knapp. W. L.

Lake Providence— Do.— 193— J. C. Bass, T. P. McCandless.
1. “transport— Gamp Hood— 5S9— G. W. Sample, E. Trice.
Magnolia P.O.— Hays— 451— J. B. Dunn. J. Z. Underwood.
Magnolia— Livingston— 451— J. B. Dunn. J. Z. Underwood.
Mandervllle— Moorman— 270— J. L. Dicks, R. O. Pizzetta.
Mansfield— Mouton— 41— John W. Potts. T. G. Pegues.
Merrick— I. Norwood— 110— D. T. Merrick, J. J. Taylor.

Mlnden— Gen. T. M. Scott— 545 Goodwill, H. A. Baraes.

New Iberia— Confed. Veteran — 670 — Jules Dubus, .

Monroe— H. W. Allen— 1S2—W. P. Rennlck, W. A. O’Kelley.

Montgomery— Confed. Vet. Ass’n— 631— H. V. McCain, .

Natchitoches— Do.— 40— J. A. Prudhomme, C. H. Levy.
New Orleans— Army N. Va.— 1— F. A. Ober, T. B. O’Brien.
N>\v Orleans— Army of Tenn.— 2— W. E. Huger, N. Cuny.
New Orleans— V. C. S. C— 9— G. H. Tlchenor, E. R. Wells.
New Orleans— Wash. Artillery— 15— Col. A. I. Leverlch,

E. I. Kursheedt.
New Orleans— Henry St. Paul— 16— J. Lyons, A. B. Booth.

v— John Peck— 183— W. S. Peck, J. W. Powell.
Opelousas— R. E. Lee— 14— L. D. Prescott, B. Bloomfleld.
Timothea— Henry Gray— 551— W. A. Elliott, T. Oakley.
Plaquemlne— Iberville— 18— A. H. Gay, L. E. Woods.
Pleasant Hill— Dick Taylor— 546— J. Graham, I. T. Harrell.
Rayville— Richland— 152— J. S. Summerlin, W. P. Maghan.

Rustin— Ruston— 7— A. Barksdale, J. L. Bond.
Shreveport— LeR. Stafford— 3— W. H. Tunnard. W. Kinney.
Sicily Island— John Peck— 1S3— W. S. Peek. John Enright.
Tangipahoa— Moore— 60— O. P. Amacker. G. R. Taylor.
Thibodaux— B. Bragg— 196— S. T. Grisamore. H. N. Coulon.
Zachary— Croft— 530— O. M. Lee, W. E. Atkinson.


Maj. Gen. George H. Stewart, Commander. Baltimore.
Baltimore— Herbert— 657— J. W. Torsch, R. M. Chambi
Baltimore—]’. Buchanan— 747— H. A. Ramsay, W. Peters.
Towson— Harry Gilmore— 673— Col. D. R. Mcintosh, S. C.


Maj. Gen. S. D. Lee. Command) i . Starke

Brig. Gen. E. T. Sykes, Chit f ol Staff, C ilumbus

Robert Lowry, Brigadier Jackson.

J. R. Binford. Brigadier General, Duck Hill.

Pi iSTi >FF1, ‘!•:. ■’AMP. NO OFFII !ERS.
Amory— Jackson— 427— T. J. Rowan. J. P. Johnston.

irille W. II. 11. Tison— 179— D. T. Beall, J. W. Smith.
Brandon— Rankin— 265— Patrick Henry, R. S. Maxey.

[haven— S. Gwln— 235— J. A. Hosklns, J. B. Daughtry.
Byhalia- Sa — • , H. H. Stevi

G. Henry— 312— I. K. Kearney, J. M
Carrollton— Llddell- 661-J. T. Stanford. \V. J. Wondell.
Centrevllle Centreville — 161— H .J.R.Jones.

H G. Prewltt— 439— J. H. Evans. W. M
Clarksdale Sam Cammack— 550— N. L. Leavell, L. c. Allen.

Harrison— 27— J. W. Gardner, w . A. Campbell,
crystal Sq’gs— Humphreys— 19— C. Humphreys, S. H s-by.
IMw a rds— Montgomery— 26— W. Monti rrett.

■.. i.. Stephi ns, H Met Had
Greenwood Reynolds— 218— L. P. Forger, W. \. Gillespie.
Greenville ‘.’.. \ Percy— 238— F. w. Anderson, W. Yerger.
fl P.. Barksdale— 1S9— J. W. Young, Julius Ash.
Harpersvllle— Patrons Union— 272— M. W. Stamper, C. A.

Hattiesburg Hattlesburg— 21— J. P. Carter. E. II. Harris.
Hazlehurst D 1 Brown 544 -W. 3 Rea, Tom s Haynle.

Heidelberg— Jasper c ‘.ami y- 694 . E. W. White.

Hernando— DeSo C Dockei I ison.

luka— Lam p Hammersley, .1 B McKinn

Hickory Flat— Hickory Flat— 219— J. 1>. Lekey, J. .1 Hicks
Holly Springs— Kit Mott— 23Sam II. Pryor, W. G. Ford,
lndianola — A. S. Johnston 549— U. B. Clarke-, w. H. Leach.
Jackson— R. A. Smith 24 \Y. D Holden, G. S. Green.
Kosi iusko— Barksdale— 445— C. H. Campbell. J. P. Brown.
Lake Patrons Union— 272— M. W. Stamper, C. A. Hud-


igton W I. Keim— 398— H. J. Reid. F. A. Howell.
Liberty— Amite County— 226— P. R. Brewer, G. A. McGehee.
Louisville— Bradley— 352— J. T. McLeod, .1 n Cornwell.
Maben— S. D. Lee— 271— O. B. Cooke. J. L. Sherman.
Macon— J. Longstreet— ISO— H. W. Foote, J. L. Griggs.
Magnolia— Stockdale— 324— R. H. Felder, S. A. Matthew.
Meridian Walthall— 26— W. D. Cameron. B. V. White.
Miss. City Beauvoir— 120— E. Henderson, F. S. Hewes.
Natchez Natchez— 20— F. J. V. LeCand, C. A. Bessac.
Nettleton— Simonton— 602— J. C. Blanton, W. J. Spark?.
New Albany— Lowry— 342— C. S. Robertson, M. F. Rogers.
Okolona— W. F. Tucker— 152— B. J. Abbott, W. D. Frazee.
Pittsboro— J. Gordon— 653— R. N. Provlne, J. L. Lyon.

ixville — Pearl River— 540— J. J. Moore, W. D. Woulard.
Port Gibson Claiborne— 167— A. K. Jones. W. W. Moore.
Ripley— Tippah County— 453— T. D. Spight. W. G. Rutledge.
Rock Hill— Catawba— 278— C. Jones. I. Jones.
Rolling Fork— P. R. Cleburne— 190— J. C. Hall, J. S. Joor.
Rosedale— Montgom’y— 52— F. A. Montgomery, C. C. Farrar.
Sardis— J. R. Dickens— 311— R. H. Taylor, J. B. Boothe.
Senatobia— Bill Feeney— 353— J. H. Womack, T. P. Hill.
Tupelo— J. M. Stone— 131— Gen. J. M. Stone, P. M. Savery.
Vaiden— F. Llddell— 221— S. C. Baines. W. J. Booth.


Confederate l/eterai),

Vicksburg— Vieksburg— 32— D. A. Campbell, J. D. Laughlin.
WaterValley— F’stone— 517— M. D. L. Stephens, S. D. Brown
Walthall— A. K. Blythe— 494— T. M. Gore, Sam Cooke.
Wesson— Carnot Posey— 441— A. Fairley, J. T. Bridewell.
Winona— M. Farrell— 311— J. R. Binford, C. H. Campbell.
Woodville— Woodville — 49— J. H. Jones, P. M. Stock’tt
Yazoo City— Yazoo— 176— J. M. Smith. C. J. DuBuisson.


Mai. Gen. J. O. Shelby. Commander, Adrian.
Col. H. A. Newman, Chief of Staff, Huntsville.

Belton— Col. D. Shanks— 734— R. M. Slaughter, J. M. White.
Booneville— G. B. Harper— 714— R. McCulloch, W. W. Trent.
B’ling Green— Senterry— 739— M. V. Wisdom, A. E. Genterry.

Butler— Marmaduke — 615 — C. B. Lotsprich, .

Carrollton— J. L. Mlrick— 6S4— H. M. Pettit, J. A. Turner.
Carthage— Jasper Co.— 522— G. R. Hill, J. W. Halliburton.
Clinton— N. Spangler^67S— W. G. Watkins, W. F.Carter.
Columbus— J. J. Searcy— 717— M. G. Quinn, Col. Eli Hodge.
Exeter— S. Price — 456 — K. Armstrong, G. G. James.
Farmington— Crow— 712— S. C. Fleming, T. D. Fisher.
Fayette— J. B. Clark— 660— S. B. Cunningham, A. J. Furr.
Hannibal— R. Ruffner— 676— S. J. Harrison, T. A. Wright.
Higginsville— Edwards— 733— R. Todhunter, J. J. Fulkerson.
Huntsville— Lowry— €36— G. N. Ratliff. J. S. Robertson.
Jefferson City— Parsons— 71S— J. B. Gantt, Jas. Hardin.
Fulton— Gen. D. M. Frost— 737— J. N. Sitton, J. M. Bryan.
Kansas City— Kansas City— 80— J. W. Mercer, J. J. Hatfield.
Keytesville— Gen. S. Price— 710— J. G. Martin, J. A. Egan.
Lee’s Summit— Lee’s Summit— 740— O. H. Lewis, J. A. Carr.
Lexington— Lexington— 64S— J. A. Wilson, T. S. Chandler.
Liberty— McCarty— 729— J. T. Chandler, P. W. Reddish.
Madison— Bledsoe— 679— J. R. Chowning, J. S. Dunoway.
Marshall— Marmaduke— 554 — J. A. Gordon, D. F. Bell.
Memphis— Shacklett— 723— W. C. Ladd, C. F. Sanders.
Moberly— Marmaduke— 6S5— J. A. Tagart, W. P. Davis.
Mooresville — Mooresville— 541— J. M. Barrow, Nat Fisher.
Morley— Mai. J. Parrot— 160— A. J. Gupton, J. W. Evans.
Nevada— Nevada— 662— C. T. Davis, J. D. Ingram.
Odessa— S. Price— 547— C. J. Ford, W. H. Edwards.
Paris— Monroe County— 689— J. M. McGee, B. F. White.
Platte City— Platte Co.— 72S— T. B. George, J. L. Carmack.
Plattsburg— J. T. Hughes— 696— J. B. Baker, E. T. Smith.
Pleasant Hill— Do.— 691— H. M. Bledsoe, T. H.’ Cloud.
Rolla— Col. E. A. Stein— 742— H. S. Headley, J. L. Buskett.
Richmond— S. R. Crispin— 727— J. C. Morris, B. F. Baber.
Salem— Col. E. T. Wingo— 745— W. Barksdale, J. E. Organ.
Springfield— Campbell— 4SS—F. C. Roberts, N. B. Hogan.
St. Louis— J. S. Brown— 659— C. J. Moffltt, B. F. Haislip.
St. Louis— St. Louis— 731— S. M. Kennard, F. Gaiennie.
Sweet Springs— Do.— 635— V. Marmaduke, W. C. Hall.
Vienna— J. G. Shockley— 744— J. A. Love, A. S. Henderson.
Wanda— Freeman— 690— J. W. Roseberry, H. W. Hamilton.
Warrensburg— Parsons— 735— W. P. Gibson, D. C. Woodruff.
Waverly— J. Percival— 711— H. J. Galbraith, A. Corder.
Waynesville— Howard— 688— C. H. Howard, E. G. Williams.
West Plain— J. O. Shelby— 630— W. Howard, D. F. Martin.
Windsor— Windsor Guards— 715— R. F. Taylor, A. C. Clark.


Mai. Gen. W. L. DeRossett, Commander, Wilmington.
Col. Junius Davis, Chief of Staff, Wilmington.
Rufus Barringer, Brigadier General, Charlotte.
W. P. Roberts, Brigadier General, Gatesville.

Asheville— Z. Vance— 681— Mai. J. M. Ray, W. W. West.
Bryson City— A. Coleman— 301— E. Everett, B. H. Cathey.
Burlington— Ruffin— 4S6— J. A. Turrentine, J. R. Inland.

Charlotte— Mecklenburg— 382 , D. G. Maxwell.

Clinton— Sampson— 137— R. H. Holliday, J. A. Beaman.
Concord— Cabarrus Co. C. V. A.— 212— J. F. Willeford, C.

Hickory— Catawba— 162— J. G. Hall, L. R. Whitener.
Littleton— Junius Daniel— 326— John P. Leech.

Pittsboro— L. J. Merritt— 3S7— W. L. London, H. A. London.

Ryan— Confederate — 117 , T. McBryde.

Raleigh— Junius Daniels— 515— P. E. Hines, J. C. Birdsong.
Salisbury— Fisher— 309— J. F. Ramsay, J. C. Bernhardt.
Salisbury— C. F. Fisher— 319— J. R. Crawford, C. R. Barker.
Statesville— Col. R. Campbell— 394— P. C. Carlton, T. M. C.

Washington— B. Grimes— 424— R. R. Warren, C. C. Thomas.
Wilmington— Cape Fear— 254— W. L. De Rosset, H. Savage.
Winston— Norfleet— 136— T. J. Brown, S. H. Smith.


Maj. Gen. Edward L. Thomas, Commander, Norman.
Col. John O. easier, Chief of Staff, Oklahoma City.

Dale— Camp Dale— 706— R. M. Broome, E. A. Bush.

El Reno— El Reno— 34S , .

Guthrie — Camp Jamison— 347— , .

Norman— J. B. Gordon— 200— T. J. Johnson, S. J. Wilkins.
Oklahoma— Hammons— 177— J. W. Johnson, J. O. Casler.


Maj. Gen. C. Irvine Walker, Commander, Charleston.
Col. J. G. Holmes, Chief of Staff, Charleston.
John Bratton, Brigadier General, Winnsboro.

Abbeville — Secession — 415— J. F. Lyon, W. A. Templeton.
Aiken— B. E. Bee— 84— B. H. Teague, J. N. Wigfall.
Anderson— Camp Benson— 337— M. P. Tribbe, W. T. McGill.
Bamberg— Jenkins— 627— S. P. H. Elwell, W. A. Riley.

Beaufort— Beaufort— 366— Thos. S. White, .

Bradley— E. Bland— 536— W. E. Cothran, E. W. Watson.
Buckville— Con. Sur. Ass’n— 529— H. L. Beaty.
Camden— R. Kirkland— 704— J. D. Kennedy, Joel Hough.
Charleston— Camp Sumter— 250— V. C. Dibble, J. W. Ward.
Charleston— Pal’ to Guard— 315— G. L. Buist, A. W. Lanneau.
Cheraw— J. B. Kershaw— 113— T. T. Malloy, S. G. Godfrey.
Columbia— Hampton— 3S9— A. P. Brown, D. R. Flennikin.
Duncans— Dean — 437— A. H. Dean, E. J. Zimmerman.
Easley— J. Hawthorne— 285— R. E. Bowen, J. H. Bowen.
Edgefield C. H— A. Perrin— 367— G. B. Lake, R. S. Anderson.
Florence— Pee Dee— 390— E. W. Lloyd, Wm. Quirk.

Glymphville— Gylymphville— 399— L. P. Miller, .

Greenville— Pulliam— 297— W. L. Mauldin, P. T. Hayne.
Greenwood— Aiken— 132—C. A. C. Waller, L. M. Moore.
Hyman— Hampton — 450— M. L. Munn, R. F. Coleman.
Kershaw— Hanging Rock— 73S— L. C. Hough, B. A. Hilton.
Laurens— Garlington— 501— B. W. .Ball, B. W. Lanford.

Lexington — Lexington— C6S—M. D. Harman, .

Manning— H. Benbow — 471— C. S. Land, S. J. Bowman.
Marion— Camp Marion— 641— S. A. Durham, F. D. Bryant.
McKay— J. Hendricks— 535 — W. A. Evans, J. E. Lowell.
Mt. Pleasant— Wagner— 410— S. P. Smith, J. R. Tomlinson.
Newberry— J. D. Nance— 336— J. W. Gary, C. P. Boyd.
Ninety-Six— J. F. Marshall— 577— G. M. Miller, J. Rodgers.

North— Con. Vet— 701— G. W. Dannelly, .

Orangeburg— Orangeburg— 157— J. F. Izlar, S. Dibble.
Parksville— J. Tillman— 741— R. Harling, S. E. Freeland.

Pelzer— Kershaw— 742 — , .

Pickens— Wolf Creek— 412— J. A. Griffin, H. B. Hendricks.
Piedmont— Crittenden— 707— F. J. Poole, J; O. Jenkins.
Rock Hill — Catawba — 278 — Cade Jones, I. Jones.

Sally’s— Confed. Vets— 697— A. O. Sally, .

Simpsonville— Austin — 454 — W. P. Gresham, D. C. Bennett

Socastee— Con. Suv. Ass’n — 41S— J. Smith, .

Spartanburg— Walker— 335— J. Walker, A. B. Woodruff.
Summerville— Jas. Connor — 374— G. Tupper, W. R. Dehon.
Sumter— Dick Anderson— 334— J. D. Graham, P. P. Gaillard.
St. Georges— S. Elliott— 51— R. W. Minus, J. O. Reed.
St. Stephens— Do.— 732— A. W. Weatherby, R. V. Matthews.

Union— Giles— 70S— J. L. Strain, .

Walterboro— Heyward— 462— A. L. Campbell, C. G. Hen-
Waterloo— Holmes— 746— R. N. Cunningham, A. E. Nance.
Winnsboro— Rains— 698— W. W. Ketchin, W. G. Jordan.
Yorkville— Confed Vets— 702— Maj. J. F. Hart, .

Confederate l/eterar;



Maj. Gen. W. H. Jackson, Commander, Nashville.
Col. J. P. Hickman. Chief of Staff, Nashville.
J. A. Vaughn, Brigadier General, Memphis.
Frank A. Moses, Brigadier General, Knoxville.

Ni >.



Bristol— Fulkerson— 705— A. Fulkerson, N. D. Bachman.

Brownsville— H. S. Bradford — 126 , H. J. Livingston.

Chattanooga— Forrest— I— L. T. Dickinson, T. P. Wells.
Clarksville— Forbes— 77— Butler Boyd, Clay Stacker.
Dyersburg — \V. Dawson — 552 — W.C. Nixon. L. C. McClerkin.
Cleveland— J. D. Traynor -690 S. H. Day. L. Shingart.
Fayetteville— Shackelford-Fulton— 114— J. T. Goodrich, \V.

H. Cashloh.
Franklin— Gen. Starnes— 134— J. R. G. 1. Cow
Gallatin— Donelson- 539 J. A. Trousdale, T. I.. Vinson.
Jackson— John Ingram— 37— Clifton Danccy. .1. W. Gates.
Knoxville— Zollicoffer— 46— J. F. Home, C. Ducloux
Knoxville— Fred Ault— 5— Col. J. E. Carter. I!. \
Lewlsburg Dibrell 56 S, T. Hardison, w Q oyd

Maynardvllle— Johnston 722 b. L. i hew, J, .1 Sellers

McKenzie— S. Jackson— 12— J. P. Cannon. J. M. Null.
Memphis— Con. His. Ass’n 28 C. W, Frazler, J. P, Young.
Morristown W. B. Tati 726 — , J. H. McCllster

Murfreesboro— Palmer— SI— \Y. Ledbetter, H. II. Norman.
Nashville Cheatham 36 R. Cave, J. P. Hickman.
Nashville— .1. C. Brown 520 \v C. Smith, Jos, H. Dew.
Plkevllle— H. M. Ashby— 15S I.. T. Billlngsly, /.. M. Morris
Pulaski— Wooldrldge 686 J. M. Bass, .1. K. P. Blackburn.
Shelbyville— W. Frierson— S3— B. F. Smith. I.. A. Ruse

South Pittsburg— Con. Yets— 672— J. Bright, ■ -. .

Sweetwater Con Vets 693 — , W, W. Morris.

Tullahoma— Anderson— 173— J. P. Hickman. W. .1. Travis.
Winchester Turnej 12 r B Terry. N. l: Martin


1. 1 ei it Gen. W, I., i ‘abei i, Command’ i Dallas,

Brig. Gen. A. T. Watts, Chief .if Stuff. Dallas, Ti xas


Divisions and Commanders t.. bi suppl i

Abll.ll. Abilell. 72 C \. I. .like. T. \Y . Dallgh.rtV.

Abilen. -Taylor Co.— 69— H. L. Bentley, Theo Heych
Alvarado- Alvarado 160 J. M. Hill, .1. R. Post
Alvin Win. Harl 286 Win ii.ii i. Alfred H. H. Tolar.
Almi— J. A. Wharton— 286— 1. T. Cobb, S M Richardson.
Alvor.l Stonewall— 362— J. M. Joins. W. G. I. each.
Antelope Christian 708 s. Cornelius, W. E. Wallaci
Anson Jones Co., T. \ 612 J D. Pickens, T. Blan.l.
Archer City— S. Jackson— 249— A. Llewellyn, T. M. Cecil.
Athens FT, Martin 66 w T Eustace, T.J. Foster.
Atlanta— S. Jackson :’l W. P. Edsley, .1. N. Simm…
Aurora R. Q Mills 860 I ■ W. Slew t. . ! C Leoi
Austin— J. B. Hood— 103— W. II Richardson, .1 S. Blaine.
Baird— A. S. Johnston 664— John Trent, 3 E. W. Lane.
Bellinger McCulloch— 667 -J. M. Crosson, II. i> Pearci
Bandera Bandera— 643 V. T. Sanders, V I Scott.
Barli ii Doi k Bell 646 1 •. B. F. Belt, W. .1 ■ la
Basti.. i> Bastrop 569— R. J. Price, .1 C Buchanan.
Beaiini.ini v S. Johnston— 75— T. J. Russell, G.W .’linen

111 v,.,! on -575— W. S. Duggat, K. W. A
Bells J. w hi i li i 69 P r I Ills .i I Pi
Belton Bell Co. C. A.— 122— J. Boyd, H i Bradford
Hardi •’ 663 Tom Hollls, J A. Skipper

tonvllle Cabell 89 D. R. McKissack, N, i. Henry.

BellvlUe Austin Co. 606— W. L. Springfield, K. W. Reese.
Big Spring! .i w n. • i i 330- J. W. Barnett, K. B. Zinn.

on J. Pelham 629— W. E. Mo. .re. A. w. Black

Boequeville— G. B Q , .1 B Waddell.

Bonham— Sul Boss— 164— S. Lipscomb, J. r. Holmes.
Bowie The Bowie I’.iii. mis 672 P. D Rugeley,

iira.iv B. McCulloch- S63 G. L. Beatty, L. Ballou.
Brazoria Clinton Terry— 248 W F. Smith, J, r Taylor.
Breckinridge— Stephens Co 314— J. T. Camp. G. B. l’.rown.

Brenham— Washington— 239— D. C. Giddings, I. D. Affleck.
Bridgeport— Do.— 56S—S. W. Cawling, T. W. Redman.
Brownwood— J’kson— US— J. T. Rankin, J. C R – borough.
Bryan— J. B. Robertson— 124— H. B. Stoddard, S. M. Derden.
Buffalo Gap— Camp Moody— 123— R. C. Lyon. L. F. Moody.
Blum— Polignac— 509— J. M. Pogue, R. W. Sawyer.

. Mills— Caddo Mills— 502— W. L. i T. Hulsey.

Caldwell— Rogers— 142— W. L. Wommack, .1. F. Matthews.
Calvert— Townsend— 111— J. C. Roberts, W. J. Purdom.
Cameron— B. McCulloch— 29— J. H. Tracey, J. B. Moore.
Campbell -Camp Ross— 1S5— R. \Y Ridli ‘• . T. G. Smith.
Canton— J. L. Hogg— 133— T. J. Towles. \Y. D. Thompson.
Carthage— Randall— 163— J. P. Forsyth, J. M. Woolworth.
o Camp Mcintosh— 861— L. s. Eddins, ■ ; W. Ci

. amp Texas— £67 T, B. Johnson, N I. Griffin.
Childress— Johnston— 259— E. .1. McConnell, G R Ulen.

Camp Preveaux— 273— T. AY. Neal, J. s McDonough.

– ker.
Clarksvilli -J C. Burks— 656— R. C. Graves, A. I

Cleburne- Tat ciel.ui n i I’ \l I. M S. Kable.

hi i bj . T Q. Mullln.
Columbus— S’shire-Upton 112— G. McCormick. B. M. Raker

in .1 i’. in mi ;•■ .1 .1 c Ulan, M M. Callen
Conroe— P. P. Poi ler— 60S— L. E. Dunn. W. A. Bennett

ngs San Jacinto 599— G. W. McKellar, G I,
nsville— B’regard— 306— J, B, King. W. 11. Stephenson.
… h. 1 I 65 .1. T. Tunnell, T. ‘ (. Moor.

Commerci R. E Lee 231 >’■ G. Ltndsey, w, 1: Mangum,

234- .1. N. Boyd, B. B. Taj
1 :orpus Chi I Downey, M. C. Spann.

mi C M Winkler 147— A. F. Wood, 11 G Damon,
n— Joe Wheeler— 681— J. R. Lay, W. M Crook.

;.. it 111 1 1 W D Prltchard.

Emmett Lj m Hardt, G( 01 g< n Law.

Daliu 10I 307 J. N. Zachery, .1 \ tfcGi

Dallas S. PrlCl D I. Slnait. .1 J. Ml

\Y A. Mill. 1. \i D S< Mars.
DeKalb— Tom Walla 1 — “W s. Proctor, J. D. Stewart.

Denton Sul Ross L29— J. R. Burton, R B Uidei

1 .. 1 me .1 \y. Whltfiel ‘i hompi on, 1 I \ Knight.

1. .1 r, jo w 1 1″» ..1 .i. 1 D Daj

Del 1 616 S 11 Barton, J, K Pii 1

Deport -W. N. Pendleton- 579— C. ( J n kson, J. R. Tride.
Dodd City Camp Ma WC Moore, —

m. Yet— 591— R. H. Williams, II. R. McCoy.
Dublin 1:1 .Mi 5 c.e, .1. t. Harrl I 1 • :illett.

Dublin A s Johnston— 661 w L. Salsberry, L 1: cillett.
Eagle Lake— S. Anderson 619 , J B.Walker.

Eastland S II. Stoul 583 -J. Kimble. R. M. .buns

Edna C. 1. Owen i W. P. Laughter, G. 1. Gayli

Elgin Jake Stai F. s, w ade, R P. Jo

. .1 C. Brow n 168 W. !<• mp, P. F. Edw

Emma— Lone Star— 19S— J. W, Murray, .

Fairfield— W I .. M In ^T G. T. ] I G. Stan. lifer.

Flatonia K Hough 593 R I’aires, R. R. Harrison.
Floresville Wilson Co.— 225 W.C. Agee, A D. Evans.

Forn. v Camp Bei 130— T. M. Danii S.G.I I

Fort Worth— Lee— 158— C. C. Cummlngs, W. M. McConnell.
riMsi r … Mills— 106— A. lain, m r Wakefield,

uvilli J. 1:. Johnston— 11U-.I. M. Wright, W. A. Sims.
CaU 1— 105— T. N. Waul, c. Washington

Gatesvilli C. A.— 135 W. L. Saunders, P. C West
Georgetown— Lessure— 663— S. K. Brown, R. H. Montg’m’ry.

Gilmer— Con. A’, t. Ass’n 622 , J. E. Rawlins.

Gilmer— Upshur Co. 646— A. B. Boren, J. B. Kawlins.
Glen Rose Private R Wood— 584- S. Milam, G L. Bo

I 1: Martin. M. .1 Doyle.
Goliad II. 11. Brown— 597- .1. P. Kibbe, 1
Gonzales— K.y -156 -W. B. Sny,rs. M. M. Fitzgerald.
Gordonvilli H lg< >’ ‘ I odges, W. Basslng 1

Graham— Young Co.— 127— A. A. Timmons, A .

I Irani’ ■ ‘ Wich, I. R. M

i View—Johnston -377— s. N. Hones, W. 1. Stewart.
Greenville .1 E. Johnston— 267 S. 1: Etter, \ H. H
Haskell Con. Vets W. W. Fields, s. L. Robertson.
Hallettsvilli Col. J. Walker— 248 \ Ellis, B 1 Burke.
Hamilton— A. S. Johnston— 116— 1′.. Fort, I. A II. Smith.
1 1. msti ■ml— Tom Green— 136— V. B. Thornt.e s s iwarz.
1 1. n.lerson— Ras Redwine— 295— J. M. Mays, C. C. Doyle.
Henrietta— Sul Ross— 172— J. C. Skipwith, C. B. Patterson.
Hillsboro— Hill County— 166— J. P. Cox, Dr. N. B. Kennedy.


Qotyfederate l/eteraij.

Honey Grove— Davidson— 294— J. H. Lynn, J. L. Ballinger.

Houston— Dick Dowlingr— 197— W. Lambert, B. R. Warner.

Huntsville— J. C. Upton — 13— J. T. Jarrard, K. K. Goree.

Jacksborough— Morgan— 864— S. W. Eastin. W. J. Denning.

Jacksborough— Hughes— 365— J. A. Hudson, F. R. Aston.

Jewett— R. S. Gould— 611— J. E. Anderson. J. W. Waltmon.

Kaufman— G. D. Manion— 145— J. Huffmaster, D. Coffman.

Kerrville— Kerrville— 699— R. H. Coivin. G. vv. Coivin.

Kilgore— Buck Kilgore— 2S3—W. A. Miller, R. W. Wynn.

Kingston— A. S. Johnston— 71— J. F. Puckett, P. G. Carter.

Ladonia— R. E. Lee— 126— W. B. Merrill, B. \V. Cummens.

LaGrange— Col. B. Timmons— 61— R. H. Phelps, N. Holman.

Lampasas— R. E. Lee— 66— D. C. Thomas, T. H. Haynie.

Laredo— S. Brunarides— 637— T. W. Dodd, E. R. Tarver.

Lexington— Lexington— 648— J. A. Wilson, T. S. Chandler.

Livingston— Ike Turner— 321— T. H. Williams, A. B. Green.

Liberty— E. B. Pickett— 626— B. H. Cameron, .

Lexington— T. Douglas— 555— T. S. Douglas, E. A. Burns.

Llano— Johnston— 647— J. S. Atchison, E. H. Alexander.

Lockhart— Pickett— 570— M. R. Stringfellow, J. X. L. Curdy.

Longview— J. B. Gregg— 587— S. E. Nelson, Ras Toung.

Lubbock— Lubbock— 138— W. D. Crump, G. W. Shannon.

Lufkin— Camp Lowe— 614— A. W. Ellis, E. L. Robb.

Madisonville— Walker— 12S— J. C. Webb, G. H. Hubbard.

Manor— Manor— 664 , .

Martin— Willis L. Lang— 299— G. A. King, J. T. Owen.

Marshall— W. P. Love— 621— E. J. Fry, W. G. Rudd.

Mason— Fort Mason— 61S—W. L. Leslie, Wilson Hey.

Memphis— Hall County— 245— F. M. Murray, G. W. Tipton.

Menardville— Menardville— 32S— L. P. Sieker, H. Wilson.

Meridian— Johnston— 115— T. C. Alexander, S. G. Harris.

Merkel— Merkel— 79— J. T. Tucker, A. A. Baker.

Mexia— J. Johnston— 94— J. W. Simmons, H. W. Williams.

Minneola— Wood Co— 153— J. H. Huffmaster, T. J. Goodwin.

Jit. Enterprise— Rosser— S2— T. Turner, B. Birdwell.

Mt. Pleasant— D. Jones— 121— C. L. Dillahunty, J. C. Turner.

Montague— Bob Stone— 93— R. Bean, R. D. Rugeley.

McGregor— McGregor— 274— J. D. Smith, W. P. Chapman.

McKinney— Collin Co.— 109— Col. F. M. Hill, H. C. Mack.

Mt. Vernon— B. McCulloch— 300— W. T. Gass. J. J. Morris.

Navasota— H. H. Boone— 102— W. E. Barry, J. H. Freeman.

New Boston— Sul Ross— 2S7— G. H. Rea, T. J. Wattington.

Nacogdoches— Camp Raguet— 620 , R. W. Chapman.

Oakville— J. Donaldson— 195— A. Coker, T. M. Church.
Orange— W. P. Love— 639— B. H. Nosworthy, P. B. Curry.
Palestine— Palestine— 44— J. W. Ewing, J. M. Fullinwider.
Paradise— P. Cleburne— 363— A. J. Jones, L. T. Mason.
Paris— A. S. Johnston— 70— O. F. Parish, S. S. Record.
Paint Rock— Jeff Davis— 16S—W. T. Melton, J. A. Steen.
Pearsall— Hardeman— 290— R. M. Harkness. H. Maney.
Pleasanton— Val Verde— 594— A. J. Rowe, J. R. Cook.
Pilot Point— Winnie Davis— 479— O. A. Heme, A. M. Doran.
Quanah— R. E. Rodes— 661— II. \V. Martin, W. H. Dunson.
Richmond— F. Tern— 227— P. E. Peareson, H. L. Somerville.

Ringgold— J. C. Wood— 719 , I). L. Wright.

Ripley— Gen. Hood— 2S0— W. R. M. Slaughter, J. H. Hood.
Rising Star— J. McClure— 559— B. Frater, J. T. Armstrong.
Rockwall— Rockwall— 74— M. S. Austin, N. C. Edwards.
Roby— W. W. Loring— 154— A. P. Kelley, V. H. Anderson.
Robert Lee— R. Coke— 600— J. P. Hutchinson, H. H. Heybey.
Rockport— Rockport— 610— P. H. Terry, G. F. Perreno, Sr.
Rusk— Ross Ector— 513— M. J. Whitman,’ T. S. Townsend.
San Antonio— A. S. Johnston— 144— D. M. Poor, T. McRae.
San Augustine— J. Davis— 386— F. H. Tucker, G. E. Gatling.
San Saba— W. P. Rogers— 322— G. Harris, A. Duggan.
Santa Anna— Lamar— 371— B. D. Portis, N. J. McConnell.
San Angelo— S. Sutton— 605— M. Mays, J, R. Norsworthy.
San Marcos— Woods— 609— W. O. Hutchinson, T. J. Peel.

Seguin— H. E. McCulloch— J. E. LeGette, .

Sealy— San Felipe— 624— Sam Stone, N. P. Ward.
Seymour^B. Forrest— 86— T. H. C. Peery, R. J. Browing.
Sherman— Mildred Lee— 90— J. H. Dills, Robert Walker.
South Prairie— South Prairie— 393— W. L. Hefner, .

Sweetwater— E. C. Walthall— 92— J. M. Foy, J. H. Freeman.
Sulphur Sp’gs— Ashcroft— 170— R. Henderson, M. G. Miller.
Taylor— A. S. Johnston— 165— M. Ross, M. B. McLain.
Terrell— J. E. B. Stuart— 45— J. A. Anthony, V. Reinhardt.
Texarkana— A. P. Hill— 269— J. M. Benefield, J. D. Gaines.
Trinity— J. E. B. Stuart— 603— W. W. Dawson, I. N. Parker.
Tupelo— J. M. Stone— 131— Gen. J. M. Stone, P. M. Sareny.
Tyler— A. S. Johnston — IS— J. P. Douglas. B. W. Roberts.

Uralde— John R. Baylor— 5S5—0. Ellis. W. H. Beaumont.
Van Alstyne— W. Davis— 626— C. J. McKinney. J. W. Pattle.
Velaseo— Velasco— 592— J. R. Duke, Thos. E. Donhitt.
Vernon— Camp Cabell— 125— Eugene Easton. M. D. Davis.
Victoria— Scurry— 516— R. N. Weisiger, W. L. Davidson.
Waco— Pat Cleburne— 222— J. D. Shaw, Tyler D. Ham.

Waxahachie— Parsons C. A’n— 296 , A. M. Dechman.

Waxahachie— W. Davis— IDS— J. N. Gill. A. M. Dechman.
Weatherford— Green— 169— <J. L. Griscom. M. V. Kinnison.
Wellington— C. County— 257— J. H. McDowell, J. M. Yates.
Wharton— Buchell— 228— Bat Smith, R. M. Brown.
Whitesboro— Reeves— 2S8— J. W. M. Hughes, B. M. Wright.
Wichita Falls— Hardee— 73— W. R. Crockett, N. A. Robinson.
Will’s Point— Do.— 302— A. N. Alford, W. A. Benham.
Woodville— Magnolia— 588— J. B. F. Kincade, J. D. Collier.
Yoakum— Camp Hardeman— 604— F. M. Tatum, T. M. Dodd.


Commander and Adjutant General to be supplied.
T. S. Garnett, Brigadier General, Norfolk.
Micajah Woods, Brigadier General, Charlottesville.





Abingdon— W. E. Jones— 707— A. F. Cook, T. K. Trigg.

Appomattox— Appomattox— 700— , .

Berkley— N’yer-Shaw— 720— L. M. Wingfleld, R. Randolph.
Gordonsville— Grymes— 724— C. L. Graves, R. H. Stratton.
Hampton— Lee — 485— J. W. Richardson, W. T. Daugherty.
Harrisonburg— Gibbons — 438— D. H. L. Martz.J. S. Messerly.

Independence— Grayson Vets — 669 — R. G. Bourne, .

Jenkins’ Bridge— H. West— 651— F. Fletcher, .

Pulaski City— J. A. Walker— 721— J. Macgill, R. H. Stewart.
Radford— Wharton^43—G. C. Wharton, R. H. Adams.
Reams Station— Stuart— 211— M. A. and A. B. Moncure.
Richmond— Pickett— 204— R. N. Northern, P. McCurdy.
Richmond— R. E. Lee— 1S1— J. T. Gray, J. T. Stratton.
Roanoke— W. Watts— 205— S. S. Brooke, Hugh W. Fry.
Staunton— Jackson— 169— T. D. Ransom, S. T. McCullough.

Tazewell— Confed. Veteran— 726 , Jas. O’Keefe.

West Point— Cooke— 1S4—D. A. T. Whiting, J. H. Phanp.
Williamsburg— McGruder-Ewell— 210— J. H. Moncure, H. T.

Winchester— T. Ashby— 240— J. J. Williams, P. W. Boyd.
Woodstock— Shenand’h— 680— P. D. Stephenson, G.W. Miley.


Romney— Hampshire— 446— C. S. White, J. S. Pancake.


Washington— Washington City Confed. Ass’n— 171— D. J. A.
Maloney, W. Z. Lord.

Abbreviations were made when possible to get all in one line.

It is desirable to have the full list of chapters Uni-
ted Daugnters of the Confederacy, after the above order,
as soon as practicable. They should have Presidents
and Secretaries names where Commanders and Adju-
tants names appear in the foregoing.

Sons of Veterans should also be given and it is desir-
able that organizations under these three heads in-
clude every Confederate Camp and Chapter in exist-

The purposes of these organizations being the same
everywhere, and as the veterans are fast passing away,
charity and patriotism appeal for vigilance in demon-
strating to the world the unamnity of sentiment and
eternal devotion to the integrity of character that cost
so much sacrifice of comfort, treasure and of blood.

The Confederate Veteran is diligent to this end,
and will no more cease in its zeal than would the true
soldier to stand by his colors to the bitter end.

Qorpfederate l/eterar?.



That ever faithful Confederate, Chas. Herbst,
sends this story from an old Richmond Enquirer:
“Charlie,” well known in Kentucky and in Geor-
gia, has contributed much of value to the VETERAN,
and his comrades know he will be faithful “always:”

The following- spicy and characteristic poetic
epistle, from the versatile pen of “Asa Hartz,” was
recently received by flag- of truce b} T Judge Robert
Ould, Commissioner for the exchange of prisoners]
and is sent us to be preserved in “glorious diurnal.”
“Asa” has been a prisoner of war for nearly a year,
and no wonder he is getting tired of “rusticating on
Johnson’s Island.” His case deserves the attention
of the authorities. It wont do to let such a “trump”
go “up the spout”:

Block 1 . Room L2, Johnson’s [si ind, Ohio, I

April 26, 1864 |
Dear Unolb Bob

I fear your head
Has gone a thinking I am dead ;
Thai ice and snow and doctors’ arts
Had stopped the breath of “‘ I»a Bartz!”
1 write this in poe( ic lingo,
To let .you know I LIVE, by jingo;
And ask if 3 OU can bring about
Some certain means to gel me out?

Haven’t you got a Fed’ral “Maje”

\n\\ resting in some Dixie Cage,
Who longs to see his loving mann,
Or visit once again his farm,
Or gaze upon his “garden sass,”
( )r sec once more his bright eyed lass?
Haven’t you one of these. 1 say,
Whom you would like to swap away
For me, a man of vim —of “parts” —
Swap him. in short, for “Asa II
I’ve been here, now, almost a year.
And sigh for liberty, so dear ‘
I’ve tried by every means 1 knew
To bid this Isle a fond adieu ;
Hug holes, sealed walls, passed through the gate,
..With Yankee cap upon my pate.
And when 1 went out on I lie ice,
\ud thought I’d got awa\ so nice,
1 met a blue coat in my route.
Who quickly made me face about:
Marched me, with diabolic grin,
Back to the gate, and turned me in !
I’ve swallowed BVery rumor strange.
That had a word about exchange:
Grew fat with joy and lean with sorrow,
Was ‘up” to-day, and “down” to-morrow !
Implored, w ith earnest ness of soul.
To be released upon parole !

Wrote ben. I>. B. aspicy letter.
And told him he could not do better
Than let me out for thirtv days.
I read his letter in amaze !
He said that “things” were mixed up now
In such a way. he knew not how
I he favor that 1 asked about
Could well be granted. Had no doubt
That “things” would soon be so arranged
That all of us would be exchanged.
That ended it. I wrote to Prentice,

Who several times had kindly lent his
Purse and name to those who chance.
And “pomp and glorious circumstance,”
I lad sent to rust ieate aw hile
Wit bin the “pris— on John son’s Isle,”

Well, George D. wrote to Gen. Terry,

Commandant here — a good man, very,

And told him if he’d let me out

For thirty days — or there about,

He’d take me down into Kentucky —

See that I didn’t ‘cut my luck] :”

Would go my bail, in any sum.

That, when they wanted me—I’dco

(4en. Terry wrote him back

That he must walk the beaten track.

“1 really thought ” said he, you knew it.

That Stanton, and he alone, can do it !”

Thus ended that plan — I’ve no doubt

That I’m almost “gone up the spout.”

i can devise some means
To give me change of air and scenes.
By special swap.

Now . I Hcle Bob,

!:■ pal ienl w it h me ‘ Do not rob

Me of t he hope 1 fondly cherish

1 >,. not [ea\ e me here to perish !

I’m- sh Milled, cut the cards, and dealt,

Have played mj bower, (its loss isfelt

More t han t he i..>> of filthy lucre .

Please play my hand, save me the euchre’

And when your latest breath departs.
You’ll die bewailed bj ” [sa Harts!”

p. a

When you, in answering this, shall write.
Address me— ”Major Geo. McKnight,
l’ris. War.” Be cautious, very,
And add on— “care of Gen’l Terry.”

1 ii, -I.- BobV ‘ i llaru ‘.)

Pine Grove, Juns 23, 1864.
Editor Clarion:

Fearing that “Asa Hartz’s” Uncle Bob may not
have time to reply to Asa’s recent letter in equally
“poetic lingo,” and knowing that he would much
prefer to do so, I have made bold to write for him
the following, which he cut use as his own and no-
body will be the wiser.

With the assurance that you and “Asa” and
“Uncle Bob,” ami the re^t of mankind, are the re-
cipients of my most distinguisned consideration, I
have the honor to be, Yours truly.

Jack O’Sp vdES.
Dear SlSA 1 1 u

Your letter’s come,

And I have though! and pondered some
To find a new and special plea

l’,\ w Inch to gain your liberty.
“Pis very true Our “Dixie cages”
Have inan\ a score of Yankee “Majes”
Thai would delight, I have no doubt.
To aid in get! mg \s:i out
Hut Lincoln thought awhile ago
“lie had us dead.” “I gue-s” you know.
And so he put his pedal down
\ml swore, w ii h diabolic frown,
That nary “Reb” should ever slip
Who once was gobbled in his grip.
When told about the rule-…!’ w ar.
lie only laughed a loud Haw I Haw ! !
And told bill seward. Chase, and Stanton.
To listen how the Rebels i ant on
“Those silly rules;” then, with a poke
Into their ribs, he told a joke.

But Chiekamauga came, you see.

V ml Abraham, to himself, said he,

■’Gosh dang it, how these Rebels fight!

1 guess I’ve been a /. . Ii, tight

D”pon these ‘Rebs,’ who might some day
Gel even with me in this way.”
\ nd I hen the Yanks began to swear
About Confederate prison fare—


Qopfederate l/eterap

And every Dutchman had his ”vrow”

A writing to Old Abr’ni how

Her lusty lord was getting thin

“As never was.” Oh, such a din

‘Twas really quite a treat to hear!

So Abe, he said, “send better cheer.”

Or else they’ll all “go up the spout.'”

Oh, then such loads of Sour Krout.

And Lager Beer and Apnle Sass,

And dessicated ”films,” too.

Was sent by every marie and lass.

You never saw ; but ‘twouldn’t do

I sent them back, and told the Yanks

They couldn’t play that sort of pranks.

And nary “Fed” should have a drop

Until they made an even swap.

Then Mumford came and said he’d do it.

“But ’twas our fault, and well we knew it.

As how we hadn’t swapped before.”

But when we talked the matter o’er,

The everlasting “nigger” got

Slightly cross-wise in the plot.

And stopped the plans for your exchange.

I hope you will not think it strange.

What ! Swap a “nig” for Asa Hartz ! !

A man of so much vim and parts?

“Forbid it, Heaven ! !” I hear you say.

“I’ll be a pris’ner till Judgment Day ! !”

Then Abraham sent B. F. B.,

And thought he’d fool Mars Jeff and me.

Because the sneaking, cunning “Brute”

Had been so sly and devilish “cute”

He’d cheated even the Yankee nation.

Well, Butler, with insinuatian.

Sleek, smiling face and ogling eye,

Came down his tricky hand to try —

We spurned him like a filthy thing.

What ! let so foul a creature bring

Dishonor to our country’s fame?

He ! the “Brute” with cursed name.

The blear-eyed “Beaste,” with reaking hand

That shetl the best blood of our land,

The outlawed, foul and hated demon,

That dared insult our Southern women,

Hold intercourse with such as he?

Forbid it. God of liberty ! !

No ! better let the prison chain

Still rankling in your heart remain ;

Better to bid a long farewell

To earthly joys, and in your cell

Lie lingering out Eternity.

Than on such terms gain liberty.

But. Asa dear, you need not fear
So hard a lot ; I ‘spose you hear
How Mr. Grant has set a day —
‘Tis July 4th (the Yankees say) —
To have a mighty barbecue
In Richmond town ; but when he’s

With our boys and Robert Lee,
I think Mars Abe will willing be
To set you and all others free, ‘
That have for such a lengthy while
Been pining ‘way on Johnson’s Isle.

Spades are trumps now, in these

But none forget old Asa Hartz ;
And when the “hands” are running

We sorely miss so good a card.
Give my love to Mister Terry,
And tell him not to be contrary
And keep you always in the jail ;
I’ll “jine” George D. in giving bail.
“Yours.” till cruel death shall rob
One of the other,

Uncle Bob.
Since the above was put in type the
manuscript copy in an autograph album
has been sent to the Veteran. More of it


Singular proceedings occurred at a meeting of
the joint Legislative Committee in Boston a few
weeks ago. A motion was being considered to erect
an equestrian statue to Hooker. Col. Greeley S.
Curtis, opposing the plan, denounced Gen. Hooker
as having been a “deserter for resigning on the
eve of the battle of Gettysburg,” and said he was
“unworthy of a statue.”

Ex-Gov. Boutwell, Gen. Francis A. Walker, Chas.
CarletonCoffinfCarleton, the war correspondent), had
spoken in favor of the memorial, and the Committee
was about to adjourn without remonstrances, when
Col. Curtis asked to be heard. He said: “Hooker
was so inert and unaggressive that Lee withdrew
troops to fight elsewhere against Sedgwick at the
battle of Chancellorsville. Three days before Get-
tysburg this patriot resigned. When a private
leaves an army on the eve of a battle it is called de-
sertion; the penalty is death. When a General
leaves in this way, do we reward him with a statue?
I hope not.” During Col. Curtis’ address there were
hisses, and afterward several speakers defended the
memory of Gen. Hooker in eloquent terms.

The foregoing is copied simply as news — Editor

G. J. Alexander, of the 41st Tennessee Regiment,
inquires from Fayetteville, Tenn., for two Misses
Read, of Eatonton, Ga., and two cousins, from East
Tennessee: “Col. Jones and I stayed all night with
the father of the two first named in the spring of
1884. I know the father and mother have passed
over the River. These ladies will always hold a
place in my memory.”


You can’t judge of the quality of a book by the binding,
nor tell the contents by the title. You look for the name
of the author before you buy the book. The name of
Robert Louis Stevenson (for instance) on the back guar-
antees the inside of the book, whatever the outside may be.

There’s a parallel between books and bottles. The
binding, or wrapper, of a bottle is no guide to the quality
of the medicine the bottle contains. The title on the bot-
tle is no warrant for confidence in the contents. It all
depends on the author’s name. Never mind who made the
bottle. Who made the medicine ? That’s the question.

Think of this when buying Sarsaparilla. It isn’t the
binding of the bottle or the name of the medicine that
you’re to go by. That’s only printer’s ink and paper ! The
question is, who made the medicine ? What’s the author’s
name ? When you see Ayer’s name on a Sarsaparilla bot-
tle, that’s enough. The name Ayer guarantees the best,
and has done so for 50 years.

Confederate l/eterap.



Readers, male and female, who see the Veteran
are commended to the movement for a monument to
the peerless character of Samuel Davis who was
executed at Pulaski, Tenn., as a spy Nov. 27, 1863.

Samuel Davis was a Confederate soldier and a
young man twenty-one years old. He was an up-
right, intelligent, brave fellow and had been select-
ed to do perilous service for the Confederacy. Zeal-
ous for success, he had given his word of honor not
to betray somebody who had gotten valuable infor-
mation and papers for him and, with proud heart, he
was on his way to Gen. Bragg when captured.
The Federal authorities determined to ferret the
source of information and undertook to intimidate
him, but they were astounded at his nerve to main-
tain his honor. When he had been tried by court-
martial and condemned to death, the soldiers learned
the situation and, according to their testimony,
“the Federal Army was in grief” at his impending
fate. The heart of the Commanding General,
Dodge, was evidently much moved, and a courier
was sent in haste after he had been taken to the
scaffold to plead with him, once again, to save his
life by telling who had aided him, but firm as the
granite mountains — after having written his noble
mother how very, very much he grieved that he
must die, and love messages — he said no, he could
not tell because he had promised not to do so.

For these reasons, the appeal is not to Confeder-
ates alone, but to all persons who feel that so peer-
less a character should be perpetuated before gen-
erations to come. It is the finest model in existence
for the human race. He was loyal to the Confed-
eracy, and he knew that one good soldier would be
spared to it if he would tell the source of his infor-
mation — suppose it was the simple hearted negro
mentioned herein by Mr. Webb — and there was not
to be a Union soldier exchanged, but his patriotism,
even then, would not allow him to falsify his word.
See to it that your name is on the honor roll of con-
tributors. That record will be preserved hundreds
of years, and generations ahead will refer to this in
the VETERAN with pride in the ancestral act.

In sending four dollars, half for the Veteran
and the other for the Samuel Davis Monument,
Hon. ‘/,. W. Ewing of Pulaski did not mention loca-
tion and inquiry was sent to which he replied, “Use
mv subscription for the Nashville Monument. I
will give something additional here.” Thanks to
Comrade Ewing for this patriotic note. Like Hon.
John H. Reagan and others he evidently hopes that
“all three places contending for the honor” may
have a monument.

Capt. B. F. Smith, a conductor on the Nashville,
Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway, an ever faithful
comrade, writes from Shelbyville, Tenn., March 22,
about Sam Davis’ boyhood.

I became acquainted with the family while I was
station agent of the Nashville & Chattanooga Rail-
road at Smyrna, Tenn., some years before the war,
and as I got to know them well, classed them among
my warmest friends. The pictures of the father
and mother, so faithfully reproduced in the VETER-
AN, carry me back to that time and review many
pleasant memories, including with that family many
dear friends.

My recollection of Sam Davis as a boy is not so
vivid as I wish. I fondly remember him as he ap-
peared at that time, small, rather diffident and re-
served in manner, but kind and affectionate; was
ardently devoted to his mother. His younger
brother, Oscar, who was very mischievous, was his
constant companion, and they would frequently
come over to the depot for a romp. One day ( )scar,
pretending to be in a great hurry, rode up to Ben
Tompkins’ store, called him and asked him if he
had “all kinds of nails.” “Yes.” says Ben, “what
kind do you want?” and he replied: “Give me a
pound of toe nails,” and before Ben could recover
from his surprise Oscar was gone.

When our company (Capt. Butler’s) was organ-
ized, none of us knew anything of military tactics,
and cadets were sent from the Nashville Military
Institute to drill us, and among the first of the
cadets sent was Sam Davis.

He joined Capt. Ledbetter’s company of the First
Tennessee Regiment, known as the “Rutherford
Rifles,” with which he served in all of our hard
marches, fighting and privations, until detailed
as a scout.

T. S. Webb, Esq., Knoxville, Tenn., sends check
for S108 for himself and others, and writes:

When this monument was first suggested I was
much impressed with the unparalleled heroism of
our Tennessee boy, and have intended ever since to
give the matter some attention. The last number
of the CONFEDERATE Veteran was a strong re-
minder that I had been derelict, and I noted with
surprise and regret that there had been no contribu-
tions from East Tennessee, as I know that our
mountain people admire true heroism as much as
any people on earth.

The grand sacrifice of his life by Sam Davis was
not induced by his desire to sustain his reputation
as a great officer or a great public man, for he was
neither, but only a private soldier and a mere coun-
try boy. It was not induced by his desire to save
wife or child, or his mother or his father, or any of
his kindred, or even his friend, as none of them
were involved. The person involved was a lowly
negro boy, whom he had persuaded to secure the
papers from Gen. Dodge’s desk. Davis was caught
with the papers and condemned to be hanged as a
spj. IK- was offered both life and liberty on con-
dition that he would betray the negro. The negro
had absolutely no claim on him, except the moral
obligation of good faith.


Confederate l/eterai).

Sam Davis held steadfastly to this obligation of
good faith, and refused to betray the negro, even at
the cost of his liberty and his life. No greater ex-
hibition of unselfish heroism can be found in histor}-
or romance, and every American should feel proud to
honor the memory of Sam Davis.

Dr. C. H. Todd, Owensboro, Ky., March 9, 1896:
The incidents you have published relating to the
life of Samuel Davis are truly touching. Histon’
does not tell us of any other such hero! Enclosed
is my mite to the Monumental Fund.

The Veteran is doing more than all else to keep
bright the memory of those days so sad, yet so dear.

Dr. John A. Wyeth, New York City, who sub-
scribes fifty dollars: The Sam Davis Monument
ought to be in some public square in Nashville, in
a conspicuous place; if not there, in the Southern
Battle Abbey, wherever that may be located. I do
not know but what the Battle Abbey would be the
best place for it, for many pilgrimages will be made
there if it is properly gotten up and supported.

Capt. J. F. Smith, Marion, Ark. : Enclosed you
will find one dolllar each from A. B. Rieves and
Frank G. Smith for the Sam Davis Monument.
They are not ex- Confederates, but sons who esteem
it a privilege to honor such a hero. The same love
for this dear sunny Southland pulsates their hearts
that did yours and mine in 1861.

Tipton D. Jennings, Lynchburg, Va., sends con-
tribution of one dollar for Sam Davis Monument,
and says: I would vote for placing his monument
at the late “Capital of Southern Confederacy,” as
Sam Davis’ immortal name and fame are a legacy
to the entire South. His was one of the sublimest
acts of true heroism recorded in History!

Responding to a letter of invitation to visit Ten-
nessee, Hon. John W. Daniel, the “silver tongued”
orator of the “Old Dominion,” after stating it
would be impossible to come, adds: “I feel great
interest in the Confederate Veteran and would
gladly do anything that would promote its success.”

Here is an inscription from a Confederate Monu-
ment: “It is the magnanimous verdict of mankind
that he who lays down his life for a cause he deemed
just is a hero.”

J. L. Dougherty, Norwalk, Cal,, March 4, 1896:
Enclosed $1.00 for Sam Davis Monument, to be
placed anywhere the committee or majority of do-
nators may see fit.

Capt. W. H. Pope, Superintendent Maryland Line
Confederate Soldiers Home, Pikesville, Md. : En-
closed find one dollar for the Sam Davis Monument.
Wish I could send you one thousand.

Mrs. Robt. L. Morris, of Nashville, who has trav-
eled much in her own and foreign lands, sends an
epitaph for the Samuel Davis Monument. Mrs.
Morris compares Davis to Nathan Hale, “the young
Revolutionary officer who, when he came to die at
the hands of the British, like Davis, regretted that
he had only one life to give to his country.” But
Hale had not, like Davis, the offer of life for a price.

The Epitaph suggested is as follows:
To the memory of Samuel Davis, and his heroic

The grateful citizens of his country have erected

this monument.
Not to express their unavailing sorrow for his death,
Nor yet to celebrate the matchless valor of his life,
But by his noble example to teach their sons to em-
ulate what they admire,
And like him, when duty requires it, to die for their

Three cheers for Columbia, Tenn! Mrs. E. H.
Hatcher undertook an entertainment recently for
the Sam Davis Monument and reports as net $125.
Her devotion as daughter of a Confederate Veteran
is suggested as a model. Her father, Captain Chas.
W. Phillips, on the secession of his State, Louisi-
ana, raised the Phillips’ Rangers, equipping those
who needed aid, and this gallant command served
under Wert Adams in the Western Army. The
ladies who took active part in assisting Mrs.
Hatcher are Mrs. A. S. James, Mrs. W. P. Morgan,
Mrs. Harry Arnold, and Miss Bessie Hendley.

F. M. Kelso, of Fayetteville, was appointed by
the Shackleford-Fulton Bivouac to raise funds for
the monument. He sends eleven dollars and will
get much more.

A memorial service at the grave of Samuel Davis
is being considered by comrades from different
Bivouacs in Tennessee, to be held some time in
May. His burial place is twenty miles South of
Nashville, near the N. C. & St. L. Railway.


The above picture will be interesting to every
Confederate who served at Vicksburg during the
war. The superb structure is as handsome as ever.

Confederate l/eterap.



Name* and residences of persons who
honor, with their substance, the peer-
less fidelity of the noble Samuel Davis.

Akers, E. A., Knoxville, Tenn 1 00

Allen, Jos. W., Nashville J100 00

Amis, J. T., Culleoka, Tenn 100

Anderson, Dr. J. M., Fayetteville, T.. 1 00

Arnold, J. M., Newport, Ky 1 00

Arthur, James R., Rockdale, Tex…. 1 00

Asbury, A. E., Hlgginsville, Mo 1 00

Atklason, Marsh, Seattle, Wash 2 00

Ashbrook, S., St. Louis 100

Askew, H. G., Austin, Tex 1 00

Ayres, J. A., Nashville 1 00

Baldwin, A. B., Bardstown, Ky 2 00

Barlow, Col. W. P., St. Louis, Mo 1 00

Barry, Capt. T. H., Oxford, Ala 1 00

Beard, Dr. W. F., Shelby ville, Ky. .. 1 00

Beazley, Geo., Murfreesboro, Tenn… 1 ixj

Bee, Robert, Charleston, S. C 2 00

Beckett, J. W., Bryant Sta., Tenn.. 1 00

Bell, Capt. W. E., Richmond. Ky 1 00

Biles, J. C, McMinnville, Tenn 3 00

Blackmore, J. W., Gallatin, Tenn…. 5 00

Blakemore, J. H., Trenton 100

Boansr, N. S., Lott, Tex 1 00

Boyd, Gen. John, Lexington, Ky 100

Bringhurst, W. R., Clarksville, Tenn. 1 00

Browne, Dr. M. S.. Winchester, Ky… 1 00

Browne, E. 11., Baltimore, Md 100

Brown, John C. Camp, El Paso, Tex. 6 00

Brown, 11. T., Spears, Ky 1 00

Brown, B. R,, Shoun’S \ Rds, Tenn.. 1 00

Brown, W. C, Gainesville, Tex 100

Brown, W. A., St. Patrick. La 1 00

Brown, B. R., Shonn’s X Rds., Tenn.. 1 On

Brucs, J. H., Nashville BOO

Burges, R. J., Sequin, Tex 1 00

Burkhurdt, Martin. Nashville BOO

Bush, MaJ. W. G., Nashville 2 00

Cain, G. W., Nashville.. 3 00

Cargile, J. P., Morrlsville, Mo 1 B0

Calhoun, Dr. B. F., Beaumont, Tex… 1 00

Calhoun, F. H., Lott, Tex 1 00

Calhoun, W. B., St. Patrick, La 1 00

Cannon, Dr. J. P., McKenzle, Tenn.. 1 00
Carnahan, J. C, Donnels Chapel,

Tenn 100

Carroll, Capt. John W., Henderson,

Tenn 100

Cassell, T. W., Hlgginsville, Mo 100

Cassell, W. II., Lexington. Ky 2 00

Cates. C. T.. Jr.. Knoxville, Tenn BOO

Cecil. Lioyd, Lipscomb, Tenn 100

Chadwlck, S. W., Greensboro, Ala,… 1 00

Cheatham. \V. B., Nashville 100

Cheatham. W. B., Nashville 5 00

Chsatham. MaJ. J. A.. Memphis 1 00

Cherrv. A. G.. Paris, Tenn 100

Clayton, Capt. R. M.. Atlanta. Ga…. 100

Clark, Mrs. I. M.. Nashville, Tenn.. 100

Coffey, W. A., Scottsboro, Ala 100

Coffman, Dan, Kaufman, Tex 100

Cohen, Dr. H., and Copt T. Tates col-
lected, Waxahatchle, Tex 14 00

Cole, Whiteford R., Nashville 10 00

Coleman, Gen. R. B., MoAlester, IT. 1 00

Comfort. James, Knoxville, Tenn 5 00

Condon, Mike J.. Knoxville, Tenn 5 00

Ceok, V. Y., Elmo, Ark 2 00

Cooper, Judge John 9., Trenton 1 00

Cowan, J. W., Nashville 100

Cowardln, H. C. Martin, Tenn 100

Cunningham, P. D., Washington. D.C.. 1 00

Cunningham, P. D., Mexican Border. 1 00

Cunningham, 9. A., Nashville BOO

Curry. D. . J. H., Nashville 1 00

Curtis, Capt. B. F., Winchester. Ky.. 2 B0

Dalley, Dr. W. E., Paris, Tex BOO

Dance, J. H.. Columbia, Tex 100

Dargan, Miss Alice W., Darlington,

B. C 1 00

Davlo, Capt. G. J., Nevada, Tex 1 00

Davis, J. M., Calvert, Tex 100

Davis, Lafayette, Rockdale, Tex 1 00

Davis. R. N., Trenton 1 00

Davis, J. K., Dickson, Tenn 1 00

Davis, J. E., West Point, Miss 1 00

Davis. W. T.. Nashville 100

Davidson, N. P., Wrlghtsboro, Tex.. 1 00
Daviess County C. V. Assn, Owens-

boro, Ky « U

Deaderick, Dr. C, Knoxville, Tenn.. 4 00

Deamer, J. C. Fayetteville. Tenn 1 00

Dean, G. B.. Detroit, Tex 100

Dean, J. J., McAllster, I. T 1 00

Dean, M. J.. Tyler. Tex 1 00

Deason, James R., Trenton, Tenn 1 00

Dtering, Rev. J. R., Harrodsburg, Ky 1 00

Denny, L. H., niountsvllle, Tenn…. 100

Dinklne, Lynn II.. Memphis, Tenn…. 1 00

Dinkins, Capt. James, Memphis 1 00

Dixon, Mrs. H O., Flat Rock, Tenn.. 1 00

Donaldson, Capt. W. E., Jasper, T… 100

Douglas, Mrs. Sarah C, Nashville…. 1 00

Doyle, J. M.. Blountsville. Ala 1 00

Duckworth, W. S., Nashville 1 00

Dudley, MaJ. R. H., Nashville 2*00

Duncan, J. C, Knoxville, Tenn 5 00

Duncan, W. R., Knoxville, Tenn…. 100

Durrett. D. L., Springfield, Tenn 100

Dyas, Mlas Fannie, Nashville 1 00

Eleazer, S. D., Colesburg, Tenn…. 100

Ellis, Capt. H. C, Hartsville. Tenn.. 1 00

Ellis, Mrs. H. C, Hartsville, Tenn…. 1 00

Kmbry, J. W., St. Patrick, La 1 00

Emmert, Dr. A. C, Trenton, Tenn…. 1 00

Embry, Glenn, St. Patrick, La 100

Enslow, J. A., Jr., Jacksonville, Fla.. 1 00

Eslick. M. S., Fayetteville, Tenn 100

Ewing, Hon. Z. W.. Pulaski, Tenn… 2 00

Farrar, Ed H., Centralis, Mo 1 00

Ferguson, Gen. F. S., Birmingham.. 1 00

Finney, W. D., Wrlghtsboro, Tex 1 00

Fisher, J. F., Farmington, Tenn 100

Fletcher, Mack, Denlson, Tex 100

Forbes Bivouac, Clarksville, Tenn.. 26 00

Ford, A. B., Madison. Tenn 1 00

Ford, J. W , Hartford, Ky 1 00

L, Sherman, Tex 100

Forrest, Carr, Forreston, Tex 2 00

Foster, A. \Y., Trenton 100

Foster, N. A., Jefferson, N. C 1 00

Gay, William, Trenton 100

Gaut, J. W., Knoxville. Tenn BOO

George, Capt. .1. 11., HOWell, Tenn…. 1 00

Gibson, CapL Thos., Nashville 1 00

Giles, Mrs. L. B., Laredo. Tex 100

Gooch, Roland, Nevada, Tex 1 00

Goodlett, D. Z., Jacksonville. Ala 2 00

Goodlett. .Mrs. M. C, Nashville 6 00

Goodloe, Rev. A. T.. Station Camp,

I ,ii 10 00

Goodner, Dr. D. M., Fayetteville, T

Goodrich, Jno. T.. Fayi tievllle, Tenn. 1 Oil

Gordon, D. M., Nashville 1 00

Gordon, A. C, McKenzle. Tenn 1 00

Gordon, Dr. B. G., McKenzle. Tenn . 1 00

Graves, Col, J. M.. Lexington. Ky 1 00

Gray, S. L., Lebanon, Ky 1 00

Green, W. J., I

I, Jno. W., Knoxville, Tenn

Green, Folger, St. Patricks, La 3 00

lain, W. H., Park Station, Tenn. 1 00

Gudgell, D. E., Henderson, Ky 100

. Isaac. Detroit, Tex 100

Guest, Isaac, Detroit, Tex 1 00

Guest, Isaac, Detroit, Tex 100

Gurst, troit, Ti \ 1 00

Gwln, Dr. K. P., McKenzle, Tenn 1 00

II. ill, I.. H., Dixon. Ky 100

ick, l>r. W. 11. Paris, Tox 1 00

Hanrlek. K. Y., Waco, Tex 100

Hardlson, W. T., Nashville 6 00

Harmsen, Barnev, El Paso, Tex BOO

Harper, J. R., Rosston, Tex 1 00

Harris, MaJ. R. H., Warrington, Fla. 1 00

Harris, J. A., Purdon, Tex 100

Harrison, J. A. Pardon, Tex 100

Harrison, w. W., Trenton, Tenn 1 00

Hartman, J. A., Rockwall, Tex 1 00

Hartzog, H. G., Greenwood, S. C 100

Hatcher, Mrs. E. H., Columbia, Tenn.

(entertainment) 125 00

Hatler, Bally, Boliver. Ho 100

Hayes, E. S., Mlneola, Tex 100

Haynie, Capt. M., Kaufman, Tex 1 00

Hemming, C. C, Gainesville, Tex…. 10 00

Herbst, Chas., Macon, Ga 1 00

Herron, W. W., Mckenzie. Tenn 1 00

Hickman, Mrs. T. G., Vandalla, 111… 1 00

Hickman. John P.. Nashville 1 00

Hlllsman. J. C, Ledbetter, Tex 100

Hodges. S. B., Greenwood. S. C 1 00

Hohnan. Col. J. H., Fayetteville, T.. 100

Holman, Col. J. H., Fayetteville, Tenn 1 00

Holman, Col. J. H., Fayetteville, Tenn 1 00

Holllns, Mrs. R. S., Nashville 100

Hoppel, Dr. T. J., Trenton 1 00

Hoss. Rev. Dr. E. E., Nashville 1 00

House, A. C, Ely, Nev 2 00

Howell, C. C, Knoxville. Tenn 5 00

Howe, S. H., Newsom Station. Tenn . 1 00

Hughes, Louis, Dyersburg, Tenn 100

Ikirt, Dr. J. J., East Liverpool. O…. 1 00

Inglis, Capt. J. L.. Rockwell, Fla 5 00

Ingram, Jno. Bivouac, Jackson, Tenn B 60

Irwin, Capt. J. W., Savannah, Tenn.. 1 00

Jackson, G. G., Wetumpka, Ala 1 00

Jackson. Stonewall Camp, McKenzle. B 00

Jarrett, C. F., Hopklnsville, Ky 100

Jenkins, S. G., Nolensville, Tenn 1 00

Jennings, Tipton D., Lynchburg, Va. 1 00

Jewell, Wm. H., Orlando, Fla 100

Johnson, J. W., McComb City, Miss.. 1 ml

Johnson, Leonard, Morrlsville. Mo… 1 50

Jones, Reps, Knoxville, Tenn 5 00

Jones, A. B., Dyersburg, Tenn 100

Jordan, M. F., Murfreesboro, Tenn… 1 00

Jourolman, Leon, Knoxville, Tenn… 6 00

Justice, Wm., Personville, Tex 100

Keerl, G. W., Culpeper, Va 1 00

Kelly, J. O., Jeff, Ala 108

Kelso, F. M., Fayetteville, Tenn 1 00

Kennedy, John C, Nashville BOO

Key. J. T., Baker, Tenn 100

King, Dr. J. C. J., Waco, Tex 1 00

Kirkman, V. L., Nashville S 00

Killebrew, Col. J. B., Nashville 6 M

Knapp, Dr. W. A., Lake Charles, La.. 1 00

Knoedler, Col. L. P., Augusta, Ky. .. 1 00

Knox. R. M.. Pine Bluff, Ark 5 00

Lea, Judge Jno. M., Nashville 10 00

Lauderdale, J. S., Llano, Tex 100

Lehmann, Joe, Waco, Tex 1 00

Lewis, MaJ. E. C, Nashville 26 00

Lewis, Dr F. P.. Coalsburg, Ala 100

Levy, R. Z. & Bro., Nashville BOO

Loftin, BenJ. F., Nashville 100

Long, J. M., Parle. Tex 108

Love, Mai. \v. A.. Crawford, Miss… 1 00

Luckey, C. E., Knoxville, Tenn 6 00

Luttrell, J. C, Knoxville, Tenn 6 00

Lyen, E. W.. Harrodsburg, Ky 100

• .», II. M., Salvlsa, Tex 100

McAlester, J. J., McAlester, I. T 1 00

McArthur, Capt P., and officers of

Steamer A.R. Bragg, Newport, Ark 6 00

McClung, Hu L.. Knoxville, Tenn…. 5 00

nald, J. W., Erin, Tenn 100

McDowell, J. H., rninn City, Tenn… 1 00

Dyersburg, Tenn…. 1 00
McGregor, Dr. R. R.. Covington,

Tenn JB0

McGulre, Dr. C. B;, Fayetteville, T.. 100

McKinney, w. K.. Greenwood, S. C. 100

iBtry, Judge O. L., Carrollton,


McLure. Mrs. M. A. E., St. Louis S 00

McMlllln, Hon. Benton, M. C. Term.. 6 00

McRee. W. F., Trenton, Tenn 100

. Knoxville, Tenn…. 5 00

McVoy, Jos., Cantonment. Fla 100

Mallow. I in, Tenn 1 00

Marshall, J. M.. Lafayette, Tenn 1 00

Maull. J. P.. Elmore, Ala 100

Maxwell. Miss Mai v I •:., Na sli ville 5 00

Meek, S. W., Nashville 6 00

Meek. Master Wilson 1 00

i on…. 1 00

Miller, Tom C, Yellow Store. Tenn.. 1 00

Miller, Geo. 1″.. Raymond, Kan 100

Minis, Dr. W. D . C ickrum, Miss 1 00

Miiilnll. J. A.. Bowling Green, Ky.. 2 00

M.tchell. A. E., Morrlsville, Mo 1 00

Montgomery. Wm., Arrow, Tenn 100

, S. C 1 00

Morton, Dr. I. C, Morganfleld. Ky… 100

I… Nashville 1 00

Morris, Miss N. .1 Fl -ihnrg, Md.. 100

Moss, C. C Dyersburg. Tsnn 100

N. C. & St. L Ry, by Pres. Thomas. . . 60 00

Neal, Col. Tom W., Dyersburg, Tenn. 1 0»

Neames, M. M., St. Patrick. La 1 00

Nellson. J. C, Cherokee, Miss 1 00

Nelson, M. H., Hopklnsville, Ky 1 00

v r man S Cullen, Kn ix\ Ille, Tenn.. 5 oo

Norton, N. L.. Austin. Tex 1 •»

Ogllvle, W. H.. Alllsona. Tenn IN

Overton, Col. John, Nashville 10 00

Owen, U. J., Eaglevllle. Tenn 1 00

Owen, Frank A.. Evansvllle, Ind 1 00

Pardus. Albert E., Cheap Hill, Tenn. . I M

PartlOW, J. S.. Greenwood. S. C 50

Parish, J. H.. Sharon, Tenn 100

Patterson. Mrs. E. H.. Sequin. Tex… 1 00

Patterson, Mrs. T. L., Cumberld, Md 1 N

Payne, E. S., Enon College, Tenn I M

Pendleton, P. B., Pembroke, Ky 1 ••

Pepper, W. A., Stirling, S. C 1 •»

Perkins, A. H. D., Memphis, Tenn.. 100

Perrow, H. W., Noeton, Tann 1 00

Pierce. W. H., Colllrene, Ala 100

Pierce, W. H., Collinsville. Ala 1 00

Pointer, Miss Phil. Owensboro. Ky. . . 1 t*

Pollock, J. D., Cumberland, Md 100

Pope, Capt. W. H., Plkesvllle, Md 100

Prunty, Geo., Boston, Ky 10*

Pryor, J. T.. (Terry’s Texas Ranger).

Belton 1 •»

Raines. R. P., Trenton, Tenn 1 00

Randall, D. C. Waldrlp, Tex 1 00

Rast, J P., Farmersvllle, Ala 1 00

Rast, P. J., Farmersvllle, Ala 100

Reagan, Hon. John H., Austin, Tex.. 1 M

Redwood. Henry, As/.evllle, N. C 1 00

Reeves. Dr. N. P.. Longstreet, La…. 1 »»

Rl Id, W. II., Sandy Springs, N. C 1 »

Richardson, B. W., Richmond, Va 1 00

Ridley, Capt. B. L., Murfreesboro… 60 #•

Riley, T. v.. Greenwood, S. C 1 Of


Qopfederate l/eterap.

Rttchards, Sam, Rockdale, Tei 1 0*

Rieves, A. B., Marion, Ark 1 00

Roach, B. T., Fayetteville, Tenn 1 00

Roberts, W. S., Knoxville, Tenn 5 00

Robbins, A. M., Rockdale, Tex 1 09

Rose, S. E, F., West Point, Miss 1 00

Roy. G. W., Yazoo City, Miss 1 00

Rudy, J. H., Owensboro, Ky 1 00

Russell, T. A. Warrior, Ala 1 00

Rutland, J. W., Alexandria, Tenn 1 00

Ryan, J., Chicago, 111 BOO

Ryan, Frank T., Atlanta, Ga 1 00

Sage, Judge Geo. R., Cincinnati 5 00

Samuel, W. H. Black Jack, Tenn…. 1 00

Sanford, Dr. J. R., Covington, Tenn. C 00

Scott, S. P., Dresden, Tenn 100

Scruggs, John, Altamont, Tenn 2 00

Seawell, J. B., Atlanta, Ga 100

Sellers, Dr. Wm., Summerfield, La… 1 00

Sevier, Col. T. F., Sabinal, Tex 1 00

Sexton, E. G., Dover. Tenn 1 00

Shannon, Judge G. W., Lubbock, Tex. 1 00
Shannon, Col. E. S., Clover Croft,

Tenn 1 00

Shields, Jno. K., Knoxville, Tenn 5 00

Shields, S. G., Knoxville, Tenn 5 00

Simmons. Col. J. W., Mexia, Tex 2 50

Sinclair, Col. A. H., Georgetown, Ky. 1 00

Sinnott, H. T., Nashville 100

Stnnott, Harry M., Nashville 100

Sinnott, Sidney L., Nashville 100

Slatter, W. J., Winchester, Tenn 1 00

Smith, F. P., Seguin, Tex 1 00

Smith, Capt. F. M., Norfolk, Va 1 M

Smith, Capt. J. F., Marion, Ark 1 00

Smith, Gen. W. G., Sparta, Tenn 1 00

Smith, Capt. H. I., Mason City, la…. 1 00

Smith, Miss M. A., Warrenton, Va…. 1 00

Smith, Frank G., Marion, Ark 100

Smythe, A T.. Charleston, S. C 100

Speiasegger, J. T., St. Augustine. Fla 1 00

Staggs, Col. E. S., Hustonville, Ky…. 1 00

Stark, J. W., Bowling Green, Ky…. 1 00

Stinson, Dr. J. B. Sherman, Tex 1 00

Stone, Judge J. B., Kansas City, Mo.. E 00

Story. Col. E. L., Austin, Tex 1 00

Stovall, M. B., Adairville, Ky •„. 100

Street, H. J., Upton, Ky l 00

Street, W. M., Murfreesboro, Tenn…. 1 00

Symthe, L. C. MC, Charleston, S. C. 1 00

Taylor, R. Z., Trenton 1 00

Taylor, H. H., Knoxville, Tenn 5 00

Taylor, Young, Lott, Tex 1 04

Templeton, J. A., Jacksonville, Tex… 1 00

Templeton, Jerome, Knoxville, Tenn. 5 00

Thomas, A. S., Fayetteville, Tenn.. 1 00

Thomas, W. T., Cumb’d City, Tenn.. 1 00

Thomas, J. L., Knoxville, Tenn 1 00

Thomason, Dr. B. R., Era, Tex 1 00

Todd, Dr. C. H., Owensboro, Kv 100

Tolley, Capt. W. P., Rucker, Term…. 1 00

Trowbridge, S. F., Piedmont, S. C… 1 00

Tucker, J. J., St. Patrick, La 1 00

Turner, R. S., Ashland City, Tenn…. 5 00

Tyree, L. H., Trenton, Tenn 1 00

(T. E.) cash, Nashville 100

Vance, R. H., Memphis, Tenn 1 00

Van Pelt, S. D., Danville, Ky 1 00

Voegtley, Edwin B., Pittsburg, Pa…. 2 00

Voeertley, Mrs. E. B., Pittsburg. P».. 2 00

Walker, C. A. C, Greenwood, S. C… 1 00

Walker, John, Cage City, Md 3 00

Walker, Robert, Sherman, Tex 1 00

Wall, Drs. W. D., Sr. and Jr., Jack-
son, La 2 00

Wall, F. L., Abbeville, La 100

Ward’s Seminary, by J. D. Blanton,

President 10 00

Washington, Hon. J. E., M. C. Tenn.. 2 00

Webb, T. S., Knoxville, Tenn 5 00

Webster, A. H., Walnut Sp’s, Tex…. 1 00

Welburn, E. H., Nashville, Tenn 1 00

West, Jno. C, Waco, Tex 100

White, J. H., Franklin, Tenn 1 00

Wllkerson, W. A., Memphis 100

Williams, J. Mat, Nashville 10 00

Williams, Thos. L., Knoxville, Tenn.. 5 00

Williams. Robert, Guthrie, Ky 100

Wilson, Hon. S. F., Gallatin, Tenn… 1 00

Wilson, Dr. J. T., Sherman, Tex 106

Wilson, Mrs. S. F.. Gallatin, Tenn… 1 N

Wilson, Dr. J. T., Sherman, Tex 1 00

Wilson, Jesse P., Greensboro, Ga 100

Wilson, Capt. E. H.. Norfolk, Va 1 00

Wheeler, Gen. Joseph. M. C. Ala 1 00

Wofford, Mrs. N. J., Memphis, Tenn. 1 00

Wright, W. H. DeC, Baltimore, Md.. 1 00

Wright, W. N, Fayetteville, Tenn… 100

Wright, Geo. W., McKenzle, Tenn…. 1 00

Wyeth, Dr J. A., New York City 50 OO

Young, Col. Bennett H, Louisville…^ I 0*

Voung County Camp, Graham, Tex.. 7 H

Brownlow, J. E., Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. 50
DwigTil, Dr. R. Y., Pinopolis, S. C… 50
Fleming, S. N, Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. 50
1. E. Clark, R. E. Grlzzard and M. M.
Mobley, Trenton, Tenn.; Capt.
Chas. H. May and J. W. Fielder,
Benton, Ala.; Dr. E. Young and W.
W. Powers, Greensboro, Ala. ; J.
W. Gllman and H. Heverin, Nash-
ville; G. N. Albright, W. A. Ross
and Alonzo Gilliam, Stanton,
Tenn.; John W. Green and cash,
Dyersburg, Tenn.; E. J. Harwell,
Stonewall, La 7 A

Collins, Mrs. Geo. C, Mt. Pleasant,
Tenn 25

C. W. Hlgginbotham, Calvert, Tex.;
T. O. Moore, Comanche, Tex.; L.
C. Newman, H. M. Nash, J. W.
Murnan, G. Shafer, J. F. Coppedge,
J. K. Gibson, Stanton, Tenn.; J. T.
Bryan, Mariana, Fla 2 26

Total amount, . $1,1 72.50


Fanny H. W., writes: At his residence in Wil-
liamson County, on Sunday March the Sth, 1896,
there passed to his final reward another of the old
soldiers — Samuel Houston Moran — in the sixty-
ninth year of his age. Comrades are fast falling-.

He was a brave soldier, a true citizen, an honor-
able man, one who had the courage of his convic-
tions, and his word was sacred. As a friend his
friendship knew no limit.

With a bright mind and a true heart in the cause,
the incidents of the war made a deep impression
upon him. The last conversation I had with him
betrayed the deep love he had for his comrades and
especially for his old commander, Frank Cheatham.

His efforts in life were crowned with success
He leaves a good estate, and a large family of wor-
thy decendants to share the inheritance of his life’s
record, so honorable and free from blemish.

Miss Hettie May McKinstry sends this unique
note from Carrollton, Ala., March 13th, 1896: I
have received the watch and it is a beauty. I prize
it very highly because it will be a constant reminder
that I have done something to circulate a journal
whose mission is to see that justice is done to the
gallant heroes who wore the gray, who fought, suf-
fered and died for a noble cause and from patriotic
motives. I have been sick; as soon as I am recover-
ed I will go to work and try to get up another club.

Ben LaBree, Box 507, Louisville, Ky. : I would
like to obtain the names and addresses of all living
ex-Confederate officers, sailors and marines of the
Confederate States Navy, Blockade Runners, etc.
Can Vetkran readers aid me?

Dr. C. R. Armistead, Prescott, Ark., on January
11th, announced the death of two comrades of Camp
Walter Bragg, United Confederate Veterans: C. C.
Black was a member of the Sixth Arkansas Regi-
ment and was wounded in the battle of Chickamau-
ga in his left leg; he carried his wounded leg 30
years, which was finally amputated the 7th of last
August. This was followed by a succession of ab-
scesses and he died 30th of December, ’95. His re-
mains were taken to his former residence. The oth-
er was First Lieut. W. L. Gaines, formerly of Gads-
den, Alabama, where he enlisted in Capt. Ray’s
Compan3’^Nineteenth Regiment, Wheeler’s Cavalry
— which he commanded part of the time. Comrade
Gaines died suddenly, January 7th, of a paralytic
stroke. Col. W. J. Blake, commanding Camp Wal-
ter Bragg, made a call and 44 Veterans responded,
marched in procession, divided into two platoons
and fired successively two volleys over his grave.

D. B. F. Belk, of Bartlett, Texas, is now in his sev-
entieth year. He enlisted May, ’61, and served in
the Sixteenth Alabama Infantry. Was at Fishing
Creek, Shiloh, Chickamauga, Ringgold, Rocky Face,
and on to Atlanta, etc., and surrendered at Iuka, Miss.
He organized the Dock Belk Camp at Bartlett — or-
ganized May 11, 1895, and, although a private in
the war, he has ever been its commander.

Comrade T. P. Waller, of Bessemer, Alabama,
wishes to procure a cop)’of “The Charge of Rhodes’
Brigade at Seven Pines.”

E. L.
tive of

Pennington of the Dock Belk Camp, a na-
Missouri, born in 1820, died January 20,

Confederate l/eterap.



Mrs. Kate Noland Garnett, University, Virginia,
reports the following’ Chapters added to Grand Di-
vision in Virginia, Daughters of the Confederacy:

Harrisonburg, formed February 14th: President,
Airs. Frank J. Brooke; Vice-President, Mrs. Geo.
G. Grattan; Treasurer, Mrs. Jno. T. Harris, Jr. ;
S« – etary, Mrs. Meyers.

Fredericksburg, formed February 28th: President,
Mrs. J. N. Barney; Vice-President, Mrs. J. H.
Lacy; Treasurer, MissSallieN. Gravatt; Secretary,
Mrs. V. M. Fleming.

Danville Chapter, “Anne Eliza Johns,’ – formed
March 9th. President, Mrs. Bergman Green; Vice
President, Mrs. B. W. Flinn; Treasurer, Mrs. Green
Peun; Secretary, Miss Nannie Wiseman.

The “Pickett Buchanan” Chapter, United
Daughters of the Confederacy, at Norfolk, Va.. with
Mrs. James T. Leigh, President, joined the “Grand
Division of Virginia” on March 10th.

Six other Chapters are nearly ready, and will be
duly recorded. The Grand Division of Virginia
now numbers over one thousand members, though
the work of organizing other Chapter from the
‘Albemarle” began less than a year ago.


Daughters of the Confederacy in the State of
Maryland. Board of Managers for 1896: President.
Mrs. D. Giraud Wright; Vice-Presidents, Miss
Kate Mason Rowland and Mrs. Charles Marshall;
Secretaries, Mrs. Hugh H. Lee and Mrs. F. M.
Colston; Treasurer, Mrs. E. S. Beall; Managers,
Mesdames William Reed, von Kapff, Thomas B.
Gresham, B. Jones Taylor, J. F. Dammann, Miss
Dora Hoffman.

The Daughters of the Confederacy in the State of
Maryland are deeply interested in the effort to raise
the fund for the Battle Abbey. To this end the
Board of Managers has secured the services of (leu.
Fitzhugb Lee to deliver a lecture in Baltimore under
the auspices of the Society, on Thursday, May 21st,
at Ford’s Opera House.

The Society expects to have an audience worthy
of the name and fame of the distinguished Confed-
erate soldier. The Maryland Society is a large and
influential organization and much enthusiasm is
manifested bj T the members for the noble work in
which they are engaged. The Society has frequent
meetings at which historical papers and personal
reminiscences are read. Arrangements have been
recently made for the purchase of the bust of Gen.
Robert’ E. Lee, byVolck, at a cost of $550. This
magnificent work of art is to be the property of the
Daughters of the Confederacy in the State of Man-
kind, and will be temporarily placed in the Histori-
cal Hall of the Johns Hopkins University until a
place shall be selected for its pi .manent disposition.

At the organization of the Society last May, an
address was delivered by the President and has been
published as outlining the objects of the Society.

The membership is now about 300 and is con-
stantly increasing. It is known as Baltimore Chap-
ter No. 8, in the United Daughters.

A Virginia Daughter of the Confederacy states:
I db not understand what is meant hy the “Grand
Division of Virginia,” Daughters of the Confeder-
acy. Of what organization is it a “Division?” The
four Chapters of which you speak in your March
number as belonging to the United Daughters were
formed into a Virginia Division, United Daughters
of the Confederacy, as long ago as last October.
Other Chapters have since been added to the Divis-
ion and we would be glad to welcome any and all
of the Chapters organized by Mrs. Garnett.

Please correct, in your next number, the false
impression likely to arise from Mrs. Garnctt’s state-
ment in your February issue about forming a
“Division,” to which she invites “the five Chapters
in Virginia * * Chartered by the United So-
ciety.” The Division antedates that union of Mrs.
Garnett’s Chapters which took place in February,
by over three months. Yet it is entirely ignored in
her letter, and overlooked, apparently by “Vet-
eran” quoted in your paper as appealing to all Vir-
ginia women to act w T ith the United Daughteisof
the Confederacy.

Charter members of Chap. No. 30, Portsmouth,
United Daughters of the Confederacy, Virginia Di-
vision, elected the following officers: Mrs. Sallie
Magruder Stewart, President; Mrs. Martha C. Ash-
ton, Vice President; Miss Virginia Griffin, Record-
ing Secretan ; Mrs. Alice Hargroves Jenkins, Cor-
responding Secretary; Mrs. Rebecca Marshall Nash,
Treasurer; Committee on By-Laws, Misses Nannie C.
Murdaugb, Esther M. Wilson, and Clara Johnson
Neely; Committee on Finance, Mrs. Octavia Reed
Parrish. Mrs. Margaret J. Crocker, Miss Nancy M.
Reed, Mrs. Mary W. Maupin, Mrs. Mary A. Riddick.

The Shenandoah Chapter, No. 3,2. United Daugh-
ters of ti ederacy at Woodstock Virginia, is
growing in numbers and interest. Mrs. James II.
Williams, President; Mrs. S. Campbell, Secretary.

A; Gainesville, Ga., a Chapter of the Daughters
of the Confederacy has been organized, electing the
following officers: Mrs. Jasper Dorsey, President;
Mrs. B. J. Mozier, Vice President; Mrs. E. M.
Clayton, Corresponding Secretary; Miss Bird Lilly,
Enrolling Secretary; Mrs. Joseph Boone, Treasurer.
The membership is about twenty-live.

Charter mkmbeks of “Black Horse” Chapter.
— The Daughters of the Confederacy, Chapter
No. 9, Warrenton, Va., began with Misses Mary
Amelia Smith, Virginia Lomax, Julia Lomax,
Mary Welby Scott, Virginia Stmmes Payne,
America Semmes Payne, Mary Ellen Scott, Lily
Pollock, Agnes Robb Payne, Lizzie B. Fitzhugh,
Cornelia Sinclair, Constance Tyler, Mary Randolph
Hicks, Alice Dixon Payne, Lily Adams, and Mes-
dames Eppa Hunton, Jr., Wm. C. Marshall, Win.
H. Payne, Wm. M. Spilman, Lily Marshall Green,
Anderson Doniphan Smith, George Stone, Alfred
Forbes, Hugh Hamilton, Walter H. Robertson.
Mary Amelia Smith, daughter of Gov. Billy
Smith is the President.


Confederate l/eteran.

The ladies of Danville, Va., have organized as
Daughters of Confederacy, with the following offi-
cers: President, Mrs. Berryman Green; Vice Pres-
ident, Mrs. B. W. Flinn; Treasurer, Mrs. Green
Penn; Secretary, Miss Nannie Wiseman.

Twenty-three members were enrolled, constitution
and by-laws adopted, and the Chapter starts off well.


Mrs. John C. Brown, President, Nashville, Tenn.
Mrs. L. H. Raines, Vice President, Savannah, Ga.
Mrs. J. Jefferson Thomas, Recording Sec’y, Atlanta, Ga.
Mrs. I. M. Clark, Corresponding Sec’y, Nashville, Tenn.
Mrs. Lottie Preston Clark, Treasurer, Lynchburg, Va.


Camden— 36— Miss Sallie Jones, Mrs. Mary T. Beck.


Hope— 31— Mrs. C. A. Forney, Mrs. T. H. Sims.


Jacksonville— 19— Mrs. M. C. Draysdale, Mrs. R. C. Cooley.


Mrs. C. Helen Plane, President, Atlanta.

Mrs. L. H. Raines, Vice President, Savannah.

Mrs. J. K. Ottley, Corresponding Secretary, Atlanta.

Mrs. Virginia C. Bates Conyers, Rec. Sec’y, Covington

Mrs. B. O. Miller, Treasurer, Augusta.

Miss Rebecca Boggs, .Registrar, Augusta.
.Augusta— 22— Mrs. Ida Evans Eve, Mrs. A. J. Miller.
Atlanta— IS— Mrs. C. Helen Plane, Mrs. J. K. Ottley.
Covington— 23— Mrs. V. B. Conyers, Mrs. R. M. Mcintosh.
Macon— Lanier— 25— Mrs. R. E. Park, Mrs. T. O. Chestney.
■Savannah— 2— Mrs. L. H. Raines, Mrs. W. R. Thigpen.
Rome— 28— Mrs. M. M. Pepper, Mrs. J. A. Gammon.
Waynesboro— 27— Mrs. E. H. Calloway, Mrs. E. E. Blount.


jLexington, Ky.— 12— Mrs. O. L. Bradley, Mrs. J. M. Graves.


Mrs. M. C. Goodlett, President, Nashville.
Mrs. S. F. Wilson, Vice President, Gallatin.
Mrs. J. P. Hickman, Secretary, Nashville.
Mrs. John C. Gaut, Treasurer, Nashville.


.McAlester — 10—

Miss Ida Coleman.


(Baltimore— 8— Mrs. D. Glraud Wright, Mrs’. F. M. Colston.


Meridian— 24— Mrs. E. T. George.

Columbus— 34— Mrs. J. M. Billups, Mrs. Thos. Franklin.

•West Point— 39— Mrs. M.W.Higginbotham, Mrs.D.C. Lanier.


■Wilmington— 3— Mrs. E. H. Parsley, Mrs. Justice Meares.
■Waynesboro— Margaret Jones— 27— Mrs. E. H. Calloway.
Mrs. E. E. Blount.


Charleston— 4— Mrs. A. T. Smythe, Miss M. B. Washington.
Columbia— 29— Miss Kate Crawford, Mrs. Thos. Taylor.
Columbia— 42— Mrs, J. M. Barnett, Mrs. N. Holman.
Marion— 3S— Mrs. M. E. Durham, Miss Kate L. Blue.

Nashville— 1— Mrs. John Overton, Miss Nellie Ely.
Jackson— 6— Mrs. R. A. Allison, Miss A. C. Clark.
Gallatin— Clark— 13— Mrs. S. F. Wilson, Miss M. Rogan.
Franklin— 14— Mrs. M. J. Gentry, Miss Susie Gentry.
South Pittsburg— IB— Mrs. Will E. Carter, Miss Katie Cooke.
Fayetteville— IS— Mrs. F. Z. Metcalfe, Miss M. I . Metcalfe.


Galveston— V. Jefferson Davis— 17— Mrs. H. J. Ballenger,

Misa Ruth M. Phelps.
Dallas— 6— Mrs. Kate C. Currie, Mrs. L. H. Lewis.
Ennis— 37— Miss Kate Daffon, Miss M. Loggine.
Waco— 26— Mrs. John C. West, Mrs. Fitzhugh.
Alvin— Lamar Fontaine— 33— Mrs. Sampson.
Sherman— 35— Mrs. E. W. Brown, Mrs. M. M. Jouvenot.
Victoria — 44 — Mrs. J. M. Brownson, Mrs. J. P. Pool.


Mrs. Lottie Preston Clark, President, Lynchburg.

Mrs. Samuel Boyer Davis, Vice President, Alexandria.

Mrs. C. W. Hunter, Recording Secretary, Appomattox.

Miss Ruth Early, Corresponding Secretary, Lynchburg.

Miss Virginia Beverly Corse, Treasurer, Alexandria.

Miss Belle Hunter, Historian, Warrenton.

Miss M. Morson, Registrar, Warrenton.
Alexandria— Mary Curtis Lee— 7— Mrs. P. T. Yeatman, Mies
M. L. Floyd.

Alexandria— 41 — , Miss Alice E. Colquhoun.

Appomattox— 11— Mrs. G. W. Hunter, Mrs. M. L. Harvey.
Farmvillle — 15— Mrs. H. V. Edwards, Miss E. W. Johnson.
Lynchburg— Otey— 10— Mrs. N. O. Scott, Miss R. Jennings.
Norfolk— 21— Mrs. Fannie J. Leigh.

Portsmouth— 30— Mrs. S. Magruder Stuart, Mrs. R.M.Nash.
Warrenton— 9— Miss Mary A. Smith, Miss M. R. Hicks.
Woodstock— 32— Mrs. J.H.Williams, Mrs. Dr. J.L.Campbell.


Washington -Anna Stonewall Jackson— Mrs. E. T. Bullock.
Washinjrton-^13— Mrs. Bryant Grlner, Mrs. C. M. Payne.

Wm. Gooch, Jr., writes from Perry, La.: Editor
Veteran: At the request of my father, who now
lies silent in his grave — dying March 10, ‘%, after
six days illness — I write you.

James E. Gooch shed his blood for the Southern
cause while a member of Company A, Twenty-
ninth Mississippi Volunteer Infantry, Walthall’s
Brigade. I have his badges; one with the name of
his command, which he wore last May at the Hous-
ton re-union; two others as Official Delegate.

My father joined the army January 15, ’63, the
month that he was eighteen, and fought bravely to
the end. He was wounded once in the “battle above
the clouds.” Of this he wanted to write.

Father made a solemn vow never to be captured,
but he had narrow escapes. Once all his comrades
were captured or killed, and he and his commander
escaped by running. He was ensign at the close of
the war. His flag had a hundred and twenty-nine
holes in it and he tore from it a star and bar.

Additional tribute comes from a brother of the de-
ceased, who was also his comrade in the brigade.— Ed.

Confederate l/eterap


A Lad Wanted to Know. — Mrs. John C. Brown.
President United Daughters of the Confederacy, is
constantly receiving- mail and having visitors whose
theme is Confederate matters, and her little grand-
son, Brown, son of Hon. Benton McMillin, a mem-
ber of Congress, having become much concerned, but
not wishing to seem importunate, said: “There is
one thing I would like to know; was George Wash-
ington an old Confederate?”


ComradeMcLean, President of the Frank Cheat-
ham Bivouac, tells a good one on his Tennessee
comrade, Bennett Chapman, of Lewisburg. Their
company was left on a kind of scout service in a
section of Virginia that had been robbed by the
armies, so that forage was scarce. Some of the boys
got together a half bushel or so of corn and got
Chapman to take it to a mill in the vicinity. That
honest Confederate seeing that no toll had been
taken, asked the miller if he hadn’t made a mistake.
“No” he icplied “I never toll my own corn”.

Capt. James Gwyn died very suddenly of paraly-
sis at the home of his son, Mr. John Gwyn in Bart-
lett, Texas. December 1st. He had gone into his
room when he was heard to fall, which attracted
the attention of the family, and upon entering, they
found him upon the Boor in a dying condition, and
he passed peacefully a way shortly afterwards.

Captain Gwyn was horn in Walton County, Ga.,
Aprils, 1833. In 1836 his parents moved to Fay-
ette County, Tennessee, where he enlisted in the
Confederate service, and was Captain of Company 1),
Fourteenth Tennessee Cavalry, under General For-
rest until the surrender at Selma, May 11, 1865.

Captain Gwyn was a gallant soldier, an honora-
ble citizen. At the funeral there were a number of
his comrades.

Notice of the death of Gen. Thomas Jordan, who
died at his home in New York City, November 27th.
has been delayed. Gen. Jordan was born at Luray,
Va., in 1819. He was roommate at West Point
with William T. Sherman. He served in the Semi-
nole and Mexican wars, and afterward with the
troop’ in California and Oregon.

In 1861 he resigned his Captaincy in the United
States army and joined the Confederate. He was
with Beauregard at the First Manassas and at Shi-
loh as Brigadier General. After the war he was
for a time connected with the Memphis Appeal, and
in the controversy between President Davis and
Beauregard he espoused the cause of the latter.

In 1869-70 he enlisted for Cuba against Spain.
In 1871 he came to the United States to intercede
for the Cubans and was arrested under the Neutral-
ity laws, but was never tried.


Dedicated to the old soldiers and to

I \ IT. \\ . K. <i AliKITT.

11 :l?ll a.m.— Mass Meet inn of the
BR M-v ; A tl it res s by
M r s. Clemen r < ‘ i \ v
I i opton, of Alabama.

As question* pertaining to
the interest of the 01
ganization will lie dis-
cussed it is hoped i hat
large delegations of
Daughters will come
from all tlie S o u t b.
Other meetings will be
held if necessary, n

the organization* striving for

their welfare.
Special Excursions from all

points on tlie X. V. ,(• St.

L. 1\>J. One fare for

round trip.

Full accommodations at
Monteagle for the thou-

s.inils who will come.
Positively no increase
of prices permitted.

Presiding Officer of the Day :

W. K. (i \KRETT,

Professor of American
History, Peabody Nor-
mal College; Ex-Presi-
dent of National Edu-
cational Association.

I in. Regular School
Id :00 a.m. Normal Insti-



Mrs, i . c. Ci.opton.

Gin. John B. Gordon.

2:00 p.m. — Address by General
•Inns B. Gordon, United
stai,^ Senator from Georgia,
and Commander- i n-C h i e f .
United Confederate Veterans: “The Last Days of the Con-
4:00 p.m.— Grand,Concert:
P at r i o t i <• and War
Songs, under the direc-
tion of Miss K s t h e r
Butler, Augusta, <ia ,
assisted by Eiseman’s
Orchestra. Recital by
Miss Emmie Frazier. of
4:45 p.m. — Mass Meeting
of Veterans, Capt. W.
R. Garrett presiding.
Leading topic: “Roues
Memorial Battle Abbey.”
Addresses by prominent
veterans from ‘various
7:30 p.m.— Twilight Pray-
7:50 p.m. — Concert by

Eiseman’s < Irchestra.
8:15 p.m. — Grand BiVouao: Address by Col. George T. Fry,

Chattanooga, Term., an eloquent veteran.
Camp Fire at Warren’s Foint ; Orchestral Music ; Songs and

“The Rebel Yell.”
For Particulars write to A. P. BouRLAND, Nashville. Tenn.

Co: . « ; i-<>. T. Fry.


Confederate l/eterar?.


The Sixth Annual Reunion of the United Confederate
Veterans to take place in Richmond, June 30th to July 2nd.,
promises to be a season of enjoyment to those old soldiers
who for years upheld the Southern cause and did with all
their might, what they considered to be their whole duty.

The pleasure of Veterans who live in Arkansas, Texas and
the Southwest may be greatly augmented by coming through
Memphis and on to Nashville, via the Nashville, Chattanooga
& St. Louis Ry., and from Nashville by the same line to
Chattanooga and on to Richmond. It is the great battle
route upon which there were more than twenty engagements
during the Civil War. The old soldiers, by stopping over in
Nashville for a day, could revisit the beautiful range of hills
lying South of the city, where Hood, after the terrible battle of
Franklin — November 30th 186-1 — planted his army and gave
battle to Thomas, on the 15th and 16th of December, follow-
ing. That was the last desperate struggle in Middle Tennes-
see for supremacy. After this the thunders of battle died
away in the distance and Tennessee lost all hope for the
success of the Southern Confederacy.

Some comrade has offered to write of the cir-
cumstances attending the death of an officer and
staff who fell on the spot that this monument
erected, but his address
can’t be recalled.;
It is located close by
the track of the
Nashville, Chat-
tanooga and St.
Louis railway
near Murfrees-
boro, Tenn., and
where a govern-
ment park would
be seen by many
thousands of peo-
ple. It is near
• Stone’s River.


Near Murfreesboro, 30 miles en route to Chattanooga, on the
N. C. & St. L. Railway, the sternly contested battle between
Generals Bragg and Rosecrans, was fought December 31, 1862,
to January 2, 1863. In this senesof engagements more than
25,000 men were killed, wounded, or missing from the two
armies. General Bragg withdrew to Tullahoma, on the
Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway, and went into
winter quarters. At the battle of Stone’s River or Murfrees-
boro each general seemed to have anticipated the purpose
of the other. Each attacked where he felt himself the strong-
est, and the attack was made where the enemy was weakest.
Ninety thousand men were engaged in both armies. In June
following, active hostilities were resumed. Bragg fell back
from Tullahoma to Chattanooga. General Forrest made a
raid on Murfreesboro, July 13, ’62. and released many citizens
from jail, took 1,700 prisoners, and many army supplies,
valued at $1,000,000 or more. On December “,’61, an attack
was made on tire town by Generals Forrest, Bate and Jackson,
and the railroad was torn up from Lavergne to Murfreesboro.

Shellmound, on the Tennessee River, 129 miles from Nash-
ville, on the N., C. & St. L. Ry., has a heritage of ancient re-
nown and is well worthy of the notice of the old soldier.
Within sight of this station is Nickajack Cave, which played
an important part in the early history of Tennessee. A band
of Cherokee Indians had their headquarters at this oave and,
watched for the boats of the early immigrants who came down
the Tennessee River, with a view to robbing them. A raid
was made upon them in 17S4 by Major Ore, and seventy of their

warriors were killed and their towns destroyed for the sec-
ond time. Ramsey, in his Annals, says that Andrew Jack-
son was a participant in this battle and rendered distin-
guished service.

In September, lSb.’l, Chattanooga became the center of the
greatest military activity. The town was evacuated by the
Confederate forces under General Bragg on the seventh and
eighth of September, 1863, and immediately thereafter was
occupied by General Rosecrans, commanding the Federal

There are many points of interest in and around Nashville
besides the battlefield that would be attractive to Veterans.
The Exposition grounds, growing in beauty daily, with their
magnificent structures will be worth a visit. In a word it al-
ready promises to be the most beautiful exposition ever held.
The surrounding scenes are charming. Towards the East
the City of Nashville appears with its crowded streets, its
many spires and the state Capitol sitting like a queen upon
its elevated throne dominating all the city below.

The Belle Meade Stock Farm, six miles from the city may
be seen as one approaches the city from the West. Here
one may see stallions worth from $10,000 to $150,000 and
scores of the best bred yearling colts in America.

The Vanderbilt University, with its grand piles of build-
ings, stands out sharply against the western sky as one looks
from the dome of the Capitol. There are over eighty schools
and colleges in Nashville. There are several mammoth
manufacturing establishments in the city that would startle
many of the old soldiers and show them how great the advance
in this line has been since they laid down their arms. The
great foundry of the Phillips & Buttorff Company turns out
45,000 stoves annually. This concern employs 450 men.
The large saw mills on the East side of the river handle
more than 100,000,000 feet of hardwood lumber annually,
which makes Nashville the largest hardwood market in the
world. The four cotton mills, with an invested capital of
$1,500,000 employ 2,000 operatives and have 51,000 spindles—
1.500 looms —producing annually nearly 20,000,000 yards of
cloth, will be a grand sight for many. A woolen mill in the
city has 3,000 spindles and employs 200 hands. J*


[Kind of monument at graves of In sight of N. C. & St. L. rail-
Gen. Ben Hardin Helm and other way on point of Lookout Moun-
generals of Confederate and Union taih. This overlooked what is
Armies in Chickamauga National known as “battle above itue
Military Park.] 2) [clouds.. “J

The packing house has the capacity of slaughtering 2,500
hogs, 500 cattle and H00 sheep every day, which work goes on
through summer and winter. This will be a revelation to
these who h ive only seen such work going on in winter.

The old soidiers should, by all means, select the route by
Nashville. Even should they feel no especial interest in the
large manufacturing establishments, the associations of the
various places with the troublous times of the war will am-
ply compensate them for taking this route.

The scenery will also arrest attention. From Cowan to
Chattanooga, the main line of the Nashville, Chattanooga &
St. Louis Railway passes through the most lovely scenery in
that vast region drained by the Mississippi River and its

Rounded domes lifting their heights to the blue empyrean
above, deep chasms, rocky defiles, gushing streams, broad
rivers, dark forests, where the varying tints of the different
foliage add a special charm to tne landscapes, valley farms
embosomed among the mountains; all these have an attrac-
tive influence difficult to describe but full of pleasure to the

i I liHHI


MAY,. 1 8V«.


PKICfc, 10 CHKT.H.

Confederate l/eterap.


PKICK $1 00 PER YKAR, j tl TV

in AnvANflK. I V ULi. XV.

in Advance

Nashville, Tenn., May, 1896.




r^&m*wv^v^*y*v^* l ^v^*w*’^w^vw*^^^&i**^’^*^*^^*****



Qoofederate l/eterap

There is much omitted from this number that was
intended for it. The June issue will contain notes
of much that was intended to appear in a more
elaborate way. The demand for special reunion
space compels these changes. Of the articles de-
layed, that of acknowledgement to railroads will
have special attention.

The Charleston News and Courier (April 24th |
says: “There is still a bit of vanity about the old
soldiers. * * * When General Walker an-
nounced that an artist would take a picture of the
Division for the Confederate Veteran, the old
soldiers could be seen bracing- up and trying to look
as young- as they might have twenty years ago.”


Kansas City, Mo., May 6, 1896.

Adjutant-General Newman sends out General ( )t-
der No. 4, stating that the cost of transportation
from St. Louis to Richmond and return is $19.65;
that they will have as many through cars and
sleepers as may be needed.

The train will leave St. Louis on Saturday, June
27, at 8:30 p.m.. arriving at Louisville at 7 o’clock
next morning, where there will be a reception by
the Louisville Camp U. C. V. At Lexington, Ky.,
there will be another reception They will arrive
at Richmond Monday morning.

The city of St. Louis, through its U. C. V.
Camps, “has resolved to attempt to secure the Na-
tional U. C. V. Reunion of 1897.”

The Major General commanding Missouri Divis-
ion requests each Camp to send its full quota of del-
egates, if possible, to aid in securing the Reunion.

The Marshall. Tenn., Gazette of May 1896, states
that recently while Mr. Henry Pointer, of Spring
Hill, was passing through his premises he discovered
the remains of a Federal soldier which had been
exposed by the overflow of a creek. Various arti-
cles were found in a state of almost perfect preser-
vation. Parts of the army blanket in which he
was wrapped were in evidence and a minie ball
which caused his death, was found between his ribs.
He was killed just previous to the battle of Franklin.

Battle Abbey Meeting at Fayettkvii.i.e,
Tenn.— Mrs. F. Z. Metcalfe. President, Zollicoffer—
Fulton Chapter, United Daughters of the Confeder-
acy, Fayetteville, Tenn., May 9, “96, writes: The
Battle Abbey Tournament given by our Chapter of
United Daughters of the Confederacy, and the
Shackleford Fulton Bivouac — Confederate Veterans,
April 25th, ”»<>, was, I believe, the first Battle Ab-
bey entertainment given in the State, and was suc-
cessful beyond our most sanguine expectations.

The proceeds amounted to over two hundred dol-
lars, and though we had a good many heavy ex-
penses we netted a handsome sum.

We placed one hundred dollars in bank to the
credit of the Confederate Memorial Association, (to
be devoted to the erection of the Battle Abbey . we

donated five dollars to the Samuel Davis Monument
fund, five dollars to assist in rebuilding a fence
around the Confederate burying ground at Resaca
Georgia, and we placed the remainder, amounting
to about sixty-five dollars, in bank to the credit of
our Chapter for future use.

The programme consisted of brilliant attractions,
with inspiring music by the Fayetteville and Peters-
burg bands. The following features were good.

Grand bicycle parade, pony race by boys, bicycl-
ing by bo3’s, from 10 to 15 years old, potato race, by
men of any age, bicycling by little girls, and an
old time game of bull pen, played in the old fash-
ioned way. The entertainment was concluded by
a tournament.


Gen. John C. Underwood’s connection with the
Chicago Monument Movement is widely known.
It has been described and commented upon ex-
haustively. His years of unceasing zeal in its
achievement naturally enough make him feel
pride in it and a desire to make record beyond the
granite ami marble structure, so as a work of love
and pride he has published a volume that richly
merits liberal notice and patronage.

The book contains some 200 elegant half-tone en-
gravings and fine etchings, and it is a complete his-
tory of the ceremonies incident to the dedication
of the Confederate monument in that city, the en-
tertainments afterward to the same guests at Cin-
cinnati. Ohio, and Fort Thomas, Kentucky. The
cover is as perfect a blending of the colors of blue
and gray as seems possible.

The frontispiece is a full page scene in Oakwood
Cemetery in the springtime, showing the highest
artistic skill, while all through the book there are
etchings and half-tone engravings of a high order.
The record of the beautiful service has been pre-
pared with vigilant care, so if the edition of the
book is large enough it will do much good.

Some conception of the work that General Un-
derwood has done for our cause may be had in a re-
view from this book of the Confederates that died
in Northern prisons. He has published largely their
names in pamphlets, and in this work he compiles
the numbers in the various prisons

The aggregate number is 23,532 which are at the following
places in part :

In Illinois, at Alton. 2,218; Chicago (Camp Douglas).
8,229; atRock Island, 1,960.

In Indiana, at Indianapolis, Camp Morton. 1.484.

In Maryland, at Point Lookout, 3,445 : at London Park, 100.

In New Jersey, at Kinnis Point, Fort Delaware, 1 ,434,

In New York, at Elmira, 2,947 ; on Long Island (Cypress
Hills), 488.

In Ohio, al Columbus (Camp Chase), 2,161 ; on Johnson’s
Island nenr Sandusky. 206.

There are in his report in Pennsylvania, 239, and at Madi-
BOn, Wisconsin. 137.

The total outlay for the Chicago Monument is $24,57] 60.

The price of this beautiful volume is S2.50. Send
that, with thirty cents additional for postage,
either to the VETERAN or to Gen. Underwood. In
renewing for the Veteran, enclose $3.00 name
to be stamped in gold. There are not many extra
copies and there will not be printed another edition.
The work is too expensive.

Confederate l/eterai).


Master John Cochran, Columbia, Tenn., is the
first to secure a bicycle offered by the Veteran —
see the lad his treasure and his letter.

Columbia, Tenn., April 27th: “The bicycle receiv-
ed promptly. It is a beauty, and I am well pleased.
I got up the list of subscribers in three afternoons after
school, which turned out at three, and collected the
money the following – Saturday. I would consider
myself well paid had it taken me a month to secure
the list. Please accept my thanks.”

This is a rare opportunity for you to get a wheel
free. The Veteran’s popularity makes it easy to
secure the required number in a very short time.
It is beautifully illustrated with half-tone pictures
of men, women and scenes made famous by heroic
actions. Write immediately for sample copy.
Address, Confederate Veteran.

The Seaboard Air Line, so well presented in the
Veteran has forged to the front in a most enterpris-
ing way. It is owned more largely by Southern
capital, perhaps, than any of the roads in the country,
and its management is enterprising to the credit of
its section.


Recovering and
Repairing. . .


222 N. Summer St., Nashville, Tenn.


The Reunion at Richmond, Va., this year prom-
ises to be one of the best in the history of the
United Confederate Veterans. The committees
are pushing the work on a very extensive scale.
All of the Veterans who go to the Reunion will re-
ceive a welcome that will cause them to feel the
greatest pride in the fact that they followed the
fortunes of the Lost Cause. Among the many in-
teresting features the committees have inaugurated
for the benefit and pleasure of the Veterans, is one
of the handsomest souvenir programmes ever gotten
up for a like occasion, and its contents will prove a
lasting memento of the Reunion. A work gotten
up on such a magnificent scale is obliged to be lim-
ited in edition. There is a great demand for it
already. All those who wish to secure a copy should
apply at once by letter to the J. L. Hill Printing
Company, Richmond, Va., who have the work in
hand for the committee. The price is 50 cents per
copy and 10 cents postage.


“Hancock’s Diary,” a history of the Second Ten-
nessee (Barteau’s) Cavalry, is an octavo volume of
644 pages, containing 20 portraits and 36 biograph-
ical sketches.

It is a history of whatever army the author served
with from the beginning to the close of the war,
including also a history of Forrest’s Cavalry for the
last fifteen months. The author was a member of
Bell’s Brigade, Buford’s Division. The frontispiece
is a portrait of General Forrest, made from a fine
steel plate.

The price has been reduced from $2.50 to $2.00.
Clubs will be supplied as follows: Five at $1.75; and
ten at $1.50 each.

It will be given postpaid as a premium for seven
new subscribers or renewals; and it will be sent
with the Veteran a year for $2.50.

Hancock’s comrades generally are well pleased
with the book.’


The Gulf Messenger, a monthly magazine devoted
to the South, and published at San Antonio, Texas,
offers, as a premium for subscriptions, a trip to the
Reunion at Richmond. Anyone should be able to
obtain the premium on the easy terms offered.
For particulars write to

The Gulf Messenger,

San Antonio, Texas.

<?otyfederal:(> V/etera 9.

Published Monthly in the Interest of Confederate Veterans and Kmarea Topics



Pbick, 10 Cents, j <t , T ,-
Trablt,$1. i Vol. i\ .

Nashville, Tenn., May, 1S96.

No. 5. :

Entered at the postoffice, Nashville, Tenn., as second-class matter.

Advertisements: Two dollars per inch one time, or $20 a year, except
‘fttt page. One page, one time, special, $40. Discount: Half year, one
Issue; one year, two issues. This is an increase on the former rate.

Contributors will please be diligent to abbreviate. The space is to«
important for anything that has not special merit.

The date to a subscription is always given to the month before it ends.
For instance,’ if the Veteran be ordered t«> begin with January, the dale on
mail list will be December, and the subscriber is entitled to that number.

Though men deserve, they may not win success.

The brave will honor the brave, vanquished none the less.

The “civil war” was too long ago to be called the “late” war and when
oorrespondents use that term the word “great” (war) will be substituted.


“You could get enough from this meeting to till
the Vktekan,” said a comrade in Charleston at the
Reunion of United Confederate Veterans in South
Carolina last month. The News and Courier intro-
duced an elaborate account as follows:

If there is one spot under the blue canopy of
Heaven in which Confederate soldiers should feel at
home that spot is Charleston. Not only was Charles-
ton the cradle of the cause for which they fought.
but above all other cities she has kept the faith of
the Lost Cause sacred. She has not faltered in her
devotion to the nation to which she gave birth
when the first gun was fired at Sumter, and she
has never failed to do honor to the men who bore
a gallant part in the great struggle. It is peculiarly
appropriate, therefore, that Confederate Veterans
should assemble here.

The old soldiers of South Carolina have accepted
the invitation so cordially extended to them by the
City of Charleston. The Veterans have come from
one end of the State to the other, and for one and
all of them Charleston has the wannest welcome.

In that spirit the Veterans, Sons of Veterans and
the Daughters of the Confederacy had, through the
efficient and excellent organizations, arranged all
details for thorough hospitality of the South Caro-
linians who had passed through the terrible ordeal
of ‘<>1 ’65 untarnished.

The paper added: And now that the Veterans
are here all that Charleston asks is that they shall
enjoy themselves; that they shall accept the hospi-
tality extended to them in the spirit of friendship
and good fellowship in which it is offered to them.

Attention was given cordially to the writer, men-
tioned by the News as the “first man to successfully
run a journal entirely in the interest of the Confed-
erate Veterans,” and every helpful means conceiv-
able was given in its interests.

‘Tis needless to say that the hospitality of the

city was extended by Daughters of the Confederacy.
On the first day they entertained seven hundred at
luncheon. Their President, Mrs. A. T. Smythe,
had a multitude of co-workers, and though weari-
ness of Severely taxed natures must have laid claim
upon them, there was no lack of animated enthu-
siasm in their happy faces. A happy feature of the
entertainments was in the daily excursions tendered
by the Young Men’s Business League. Its Presi-
dent, Mr. Welch, made a brief address represent-
ing the appreciation of young Charleston of the
valor of those who risked all and suffered much for
the State in years long gone.

(_;ev C. n;\ im. w \i ker.

The Major General commanding U. C. V. in the
Palmetto State, C. Irving Walker, is proud of his
office. Happily, he is exactly fitted for it. While
“one of the boys” socially, he is a fine parliamen-
tarian and a splendid executive officer.

Col. James G. Holmes, the Adjutant General,
ever zealous in the cause, has contributed his full
share of the work to make Confederate orgniza-
tions effective in his State. To no other person is


Confederate l/eterap.

the Veteran quite so much indebted for its beau-
tiful growth. In this connection a memorable
event is recalled. En route to Richmond for the
burial of- Jefferson Davis, at the request of a niece
of Mrs. Stonewall Jackson the writer had gone
through a special car from Charleston to inquire for
a gentleman who was not of the party, when
“Holmes is here,” was announced by one of the
party. Holmes was called, and greeting the editor
of the Veteran, said: “I have just gotten twenty
subscribers for }-ou. Here’s the money.” That was
a gratefully remembered event. Since that night
Colonel Holmes has been faithful to stand for the
interests of the Veteran, and to his zeal and in-
fluence the largest list of subscribers, outside of
Nashville, is that of Charleston.


Gen. Johnson Hagood was called for by his old
soldiers, and though he desisted as the soldier whose
motto is action, they persisted until he responded,
and he did it so as to thrill his audience with the
manly qualities of the Confederate soldier.

A sensation of delight occurred when General
Walker, observing upon the platform at opposite
end of the hall Miss Mildred Lee, announced the
fact, and appointed himself a committee of one to
escort her to the speakers’ stand. It was a very fe-
licitous appointment. Certainty no woman ever
had a more enthusiastic reception. Rebel Yells
have now and then been heard, but this one, mildly
stated, was superbly typical.

The great speech of the occasion, and an oration
that ought to be, in its completion, in the Veteran
and in every Southern home, was made by Gen. Clem-
ent A. Evans, of Georgia. Its production, com-
plete, in the Veteran is desirable.

When General Evars referred to Gen. R. E. Lee so
appropriately as to more than meet the expectations

of his audience, it was made an occasion for ap-
plause again, and the worth)- daughter of “Marse
Robert” witnessed the testimony of South Carolina’s
devotion in a way that neither she nor the gray vet-
erans can ever revert to without content.

Miss Lee had been spending some time in Sum-
merville, and at a banquet Camp Sumter, by reso-
lution, delegated Col. James G. Holmes, Adjutant-
General, to gather up all the flowers and send them
to Miss Lee, and he treasures as a reward her reply:
“Dear Colonel Holmes: — I feel much pleased
and flattered at this graceful rememberance by the
Confederate Veterans of Camp Sumter, and beg
you will thank them for the beautiful flowers and
for the honor they have paid me, with every senti-
ment of devotion to the cause which they represent
— every good wish for them personally.”

The necessary postponement of much that
merits prompt prominence is very much regretted.
Most of all does the Veteran desire to tell of Fort
Sumter and the defense of Charleston Harbor.
The best of good fortune was had in the attentions

□of Rev. John John-
son on a trip to the
‘} famous fort.

The almost ven-
erable gentleman
was then majorand
the engineer in
charge of Fort
Sumter in 1863-5,
and was almost
constantly about
the fort during the
great bombard-
ment. The visit
was interesting to
him as well as it
was his third visit
only since the war.
Readers of the
Veteran may
expect some ac-
count of the “De-
fense of Charles-
ton Harbor,” for

Rev. John Johkeon, D.D. -£>X. Johnson, at

the unanimous request of the Survivors’ Association
of the Charleston District, has published a superb
volume upon the subject. It contains from four to
five hundred pages, and is richly illustrated with its
defenders and with maps.

Incidentally it is stated that this elegant volume
has never been advertised beyond the coast region,
and no doubt those who procure copies through this
notice will be grateful to the Veteran. [It will be
sent free of postage to any one who will procure
eight new subscribers. This valuable and accurate
history, while not sensational, should be in every
library. Those who may be sending renewals for
the Veteran can have it for a year with this book
at the price of the book alone, $4.]

In the June Veteran will be an account of what
Camp Moultrie Sons of Veterans in Charleston are
doing. The work of this camp will be submitted as
an excellent model.

Confederate Ueterai}.


The record made by Samuel Davis, his enemies
being judges, is the finest of all the six hundred
thousand Confederates in service, although “of
just such material was the Southern army formed.”
The subscription inaugurated to build a monument
to his memory seems to have met with universal ap-
proval. Will each man who was a private soldier,
or his descendants, consider the merits of this
cause? Let them all testify their approval of the
movement to erect the finest and firmest memorial
possible to the honor of this private soldier.

The article in April Vetekan about “Heroines of
the South” has revived many thrilling reminis-
cences. Already other reports of “our women in
the war” have been furnished. An old poem has
been resurrected which was written to Madame de
Charette in 1SS2 and was read by the author at a
fete champetre where he was a guest of honor.


Beneath t he sky

Where you and I
Were born ; w here beauty grows,

Up from Ilic soil.
At touch of < Sod,

There sprung ;i stalely rose.

It grew, and men in wonderment

Beheld the beauteous thing
Alas, tor Hope which wooing went.

And Love which Borrow ing,

Learns that tholloworit loves the best.
The one it guards the tondeiost.
The hand of Kale transplants ‘

i >ur Sout hem rose

Now sweetly grow 9
Among the hills of France !

Go search the gardens of Vendee —
Which poets long have sung —
GrO Cull the dowers that blush the hills
( )f 1’ieardie among.
Land of romance ‘
Fair land of Prance ‘
With all your glorious flowers,
Lilies of old

And cloth of gold
Wi needs must lend you ours ‘

Right well. I guess,
For loveliness,

For beauty in repose,
There is no Lily in all France

Can match our Southern Rose I

Dr. John Allan Wyeiii. New York.

Children of The Confederacy. The ladies of
Mary Curtis Lee Chapter, Daughters of the Confed-
eracy, who recently organized the first branch of the
Children of the Confederacy in Alexandria, Va., are
very anxious to have other branches of the new or-
ganization formed throughout that State, and they
ask the aid of the chapters of the United Daughters
of the Confederacy. Already the membership of the
Alexandria branch has increased to over fifty mem-
bers. They will make monthly contributions, and
they will try to enroll the name of every child of
Southern parents in that city.


The Seventeenth Virginia Regiment Chapter of
the United Daughters of the Confederacy was or-
ganized at Alexandria, Va., April 17, 1896.

The objects of the chapter are historical, memorial
and benevolent. Historical, to collect and preserve
memorials of the officers and privates of the regi-
ment, who served during the war, in any branch of
the service, to obtain biographical sketches of them,
or any reliable incidents of the campaigns of the
regiment; memorial, to aid in the erection of mon-
uments, or in any elTort to honor and preserve tin-
memory of the heroes of the Confederacy; benevo-
lent, to succor and befriend all needy members of
the Seventeenth Virginia Keoiment Chapter, orsuch
members of their families as may need assist
also, to co-operate with the K. E. Lee Camp in
their benevolent efforts in behalf of their needy com-
rades. We aow number twenty-five members.

President, Mrs. Wm. A. Smoot; First Vice Presi-
dent. Mrs. K. C. Lowell: Second Vice President