Confederate Magazine 1897 Volume 5
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Posted : November 15, 2019
Confederate Magazine 1897 Volume 5
Confederate Veteran
Nashville, Tenn.
Adams, Jotm, al franklin 295
Adams. Richard 524
Alabama Women Early After the War GIT
Ambrotype from Malvern Hill f
American Valor at Chickamauga 9S
An Alabama Mother 523
Anthony and Cleopatra S
\rra smith, .losiah 33
Ash’by, Turner 151, 613
Attention Forrest’s Cavalry 535
Attention Twenty-Fourth Georgia Regiment 30G
iiallard, B. F
Bass, S D., HI Last Scout 304
Battle ai in’ Clouds 104
Battles Anmnd Corinth, Miss
Battles at Columbus, Ky
Battlefield of Murfrei I 264
Battlefield of stones River 31
is rough i Forrest
Battle of Arkansas Tost 151
Battle of Averysboro, N. C 68
Battle of ChancellorsviUe 2S7
Battle of East Port 13
Battle of Franklin Recalled 600
Battle of Gettysburg 4fi7
Battle of New Hope Church 15!’
l’nttlo of 36
Battle Planned Bui Nol Fought 293
Battle of Wilderness, T< In. 290
Battle of Williamsburg 477
Beauregard and Johnston at Shiloh
Bee, Hamilton P 582
Bell’s. T. H., Farewell 363
Bivouac, A. C. s., .no! i ‘amp 28, t T . C. V 566
Blow Your Horn, Jake
Bolton’s. II. W.. Tribute to Veterans 86
Bonnie Blue Flag
Boots and Saddle, A Reminiscence 163, 109
Boynton. Henry Van Ness 120
I Water
Brothers Knox 251
Brown’s Battalion 619
Bust of Sam Davis
Buttons Made in the Confederals 246
Burke, capl . Daring Deed oi 128
Call for Forrest’s Old Soldiers 2
Camp Chase Confederate Graves 197
Camp Giles, U. C. V. Bamner for 7′.’
Can Do Without It 416
Capitulation at Appomattox 40.”)
Capture of Caleb Cushing 176
Capture of Florence, Alabama Jit
Capturo of Harper’s Ferry 173, 213
Capture of St. Albans 71
Caring for Confederate Graves 176
■Cates, Charles T., Address 126
Cms.’ Not I.,, st, K. E. Lee tt.’T
changes Proposed to Constitution 159
chaplain to Sam Davis 606
Chickamauga, American Valor at 11, 9S
Chief on J. E. B. Stuart’s Staff 133
Cincinnati Sunk at Vlcksburg 200
Cleburne’s Banner 569
• Cobb. J. T 525, 573
Compact With Joe Shelby 522
•Company B, Twelfth Virginia Cavalry 122
Compilation of Historical Statistics 561
Comrades and the Veteran 65
Comrades in the Border Section 12t;
Concerning Battle of Gettysburg 624
•ConcernJn’ of a Hog 56
Confederates at Louisville 77
Confederate Brigadiers in Congress 529
Confederate Candle 267
•Confederate Dead In Maryland 622
Confederate Daughters in Kentucky 223
Confederate Pays in California 274
Confederate Encampment at Pulaski, Va 451
Confederate Flag Not Infamous ‘. 161
Confederate Home in Maryland 114
tiles in East Tennessee 593
Confederates in Georgia 511
3 in Kentucky
Confederates in West Virginia B79
Confederate Memoria.l Association 414
Confederate Mem ui at Columbus, Ohio 155
Confede- M mument at Shelbyville B0
Confederate Monument it Warrenton. Va 69
Confederate of the Old North State, James M Kay 506
rai. Persistency 165
Relit ! ennial 49S
Confederate Vetei 560
Parole to i -^
Banner, Origin of 436
Corinth, .Mis:-. Battli 199
Statistics Wanted so
I 296
Courier at Battl R< u b 297
Crook’s Heroism at Franklin 303
cook. Gustave, Death of 4is
\ tpa ‘ 519
yard 130
Deed of Capt. Burke 12S
Davis. Jefferson 166
Davis, ‘ 63
Davis. S. mi … •:!. 360, 389, 414, 554, 556, 557, 626, 634
at Opelousas, La
if the Confederacy In Texas 131
Dead at New Hope Church 531
Deceased Comrades ,;
Graves 390
DeFontaine, Mrs. Georgia Moore 585
Diary Account o1 r»n Donelson 2S2
(G Q i Brli tide 147
Dodd, David O., A Martyr 364
Douglas Texas Battalion
Early Engagements With Forrest 47^
Early’s Motto 594
Editor of the Veteran Banquetted in Ohio 595
Eleventh Mississippi Infantry 465
English Sentiment in 1861-1865 131
Error in Harris-Adair Article 452
from Johnson’s island 514
Escapes from Prison 215
Erwin. Samuel A 568
Evans. Dr. S. T 82
Experience in Taking Up Deserters 169
Experience of R. H. Lindsay About Florence. Alabama 172
Fairfax, Evelyn Loopoldlno 123
Federal Officer. Tribute to 248
Fidelity of Negro Servants During the War 384
Fifth Georgia at Bentonvllle 621
First Cannon Shot of the War 273
First Confederate to Enter Gettysburg 620
Five Years Service 608
Flag of Sixth Arkansas, Cleburne’s Flag 518
For a Nobler Purpose 157
Forrest. N. B 297
Forrest’s Raid on Padueah 212
Fort Donelson 282, 461
Frazer, Charles W 605
From the t>ld North State 85
From the West Border of Texas 12E
Fry, G. T 590
G eorgla Heroes 4
Gettysburg 551, 624
Oracle, Archibald 429
Qoqfederat^ l/eterai).
Grand Division of “Virginia *°*
Grant on Stonewall Jackson J™
Graves at Danville, Ky 56.
Grave of a Southern Soldier 43i
Graves of Johnston and McCollough 617
Great Seal of Confederate States •»
Griffin, Wiley Hunter – 4|
Harper’s Ferry. Capture of 17:; “3
Harris. Gov., at Close uf War –
Hawthorne-. J. B., Sermon Before the Reunion *U
Hayden, S. A., As a Spy… »•
Heiss, Mai. Henry °_
He’ll See It When He Wakes «»
Henry’s, Mrs.. Compact with Joe Shelby •_■–_
Her Letter Came Too Late [][‘
Heroes of the Great War -»
Heroes of the Old South “‘
Heroic Deed at Shiloh ^
Heroic Mississippians J™
Heroic Remedy for Chills j*’
Heroism at Franklin, W. M. Crook ^ J
Heroism in Third Missouri Battery j»
Heroine of Winchester, Va «»
He Was a Hero if a Pauper 521
His Words Live After Him Jlo
Home for Confederate Women -“‘
Honored by Students and Comrades, W. M. Dwight 2S6
Honor to Worthy Heroes lu
Hood’s Texas Brigade 73. 153, 42 ~. 633
Huguenln, Thomas A 421
Imboden’s Tribute to Gen. Ashby 153
In Dixie Land 579
In St. Louis at Beginning of War 4 <2
Interesting Reply to a Question 2%
In the South • jSo
Johnson’s Island 46/
Johnston at Shiloh W J*
Johnston-Beauregard at Shiloh 9 =
Jordan, Coley, One of Mosby’s Bravest Men 195
Jordan, B. C ;13
Kentucky at the Reunion J°
Kerfoot. Courier and His Deeds 156
Killing of Three Brothers 155
Last Charge of Lee’s Army 565
Last of the Rodney Guards 585
Last Time X Saw Gen. Forrest s3
Last Utterance of Shelby 103
Lawson, Jack i
Lee. Gen., and Three Children ls
Lee, Robert E 66 ‘ 528, w
I.. ii. rs If .in Veterans 81, 133
Magruder Monument
Marsh, John ™
Martin, R. \V. of Virginia ™
Maryland, Confederate Home and Dead II 4 . 622
ffioGowan, Late Gen 43 °
McGregor’s, Henry, Gallantry 214
McLaw’s Old Squadron to Meet 213
Mebane’s Battery I 67
Membership of Organization 560
Mem. .rial Chapel at Fort Donelson 461
Miller. Polk, n Wisconsin 15
Mississippi Boys at Sharpsburg 23
Mississippi Division Q. C. V 433
.Mississippians, Heroic 73
Model Good Time for Veterans 12s
Monument at Charlottsville, Va 150
Monument at Shelby ville, Tenn 480
Monument at Warren ton, Va 69
Monument to Anne Lee 123
Monument to Gen. J. B. Magruder 171
Monument to Prisoners Buried North 485
Monument to Southern Wom.-n 413, 120. 4SS
Moorman, George 116
Morgan’s Capture of Gallatin 577
Morgan’s Scout 76
Morgan’s War Horse 627
Mother of Confederacy, Mrs. A. B. Wilson 20
Mundy, Frank H 4S1
Mute Confederate Soldier 42+
My Uncle’s War Story 1° 2
Nash, J. T., of Sherman. Texas 523
Nashville Rebel Home Guards 4S0
Newman, Mrs. Willie Bettie 87
Northern Ancestral Disloyalty Ill
Northern Boy in Southern Army 5
Novel and L’nique Reception 504
Noyers, John, Testament 38S
Nullification and Secession 59
Old Canteen, The 525
Oldest and Youngest Officers 406. 407
Old General and the Pony 265
Old Guard of Richmond, Va 484
Old South 159
One Hundred Years Old 254
One of Last War Horses 130
One of Morgan’s Scouts 76
One of the Real Heroes 167
Only a Private 461
Origin of the Conquered Banner 437
Otey Chapter. U. D. C 131
Otey. Kirkwood and Lucy Mina 488
Our Veterans 185
Palmer, J. B 571
Patriotic School Histories 450
Patriotism and the Sections 7
Perils in Escaping from Prison 547
Placing Principle After Policy 507
Plea for Richmond Museum 417
Polly to “Charming Nellie.” 217, 425, 470, 569
Prison Life at Nashville 369
Pumpkin Pie for a Sick Yankee 575
Quirk, Thomas, Marvelous Heroism of 16
Ray, James M., from the Old North State 85
Rebel Home Guards at Nashville 184
Record of Personal Services — 615
Reed, Col. Riley M 101
Reminiscences of Ferguson’s Cavalry 621
Report of His Last Scout, L. D. Bass 304
Rescuing Graves in Maryland 206
Result of War in the South 65
Retaking of Railroad at Reams Station 580
Return of a Valued Sword 170
Reunion a.t Louisville 4S6
Reunion at Nashville…. 71. SI. 161, 180, 181, 195, 221, 222, 33S, 427. 463
Reunion at Richmond 221
Reunion at Wilson’s Creek Suggested Ill
Reunion Brigade, G. G. Dibrell’s 117
Reunion of Hood’s Texas Brigade 427
Reunion of U. D. C 499
Reunion Veteran 64
Reward for Faithful Service 294
Robertson. C. W 511
Rode’s Division at Gettysburg 614
Rooster in Camp and Prison 419
Roster of Arkansas Division U. C. V 24
Rouss to New Orleans Ladies 197
Russell, Tillie, Heroine of Winchester. Va 16S
Saunders, Colonel 121
Sayers, Joseph D 69
Scene on Manassas Field 521
Seal of Confederate States 99
Sermon Before Reunion by Hawthorne and Vane- 411, 350
Serious Words With Veterans 464
Service in Arkansas 619
Service of Hood’s Brigade 153
Sharpsburg, Mississippi Boys at 23
She Did What She Could …… 84
She Wouldn’t Call Off Dixie 308
Siege of Port Hudson 175
Six Brother Knox 250
Six Thousand for the Abbey 389
Slavery in Massachusetts 21
Smith, W. G 387
Snowden, Mrs. Mary A 532
Qoijfederate l/eterar?.
Society of the Potomac 583
Soldier in Gray 12fi
Soldiers’ Home in Missouri 1T1<
Southern Girl at Close of War 38$
Stampede at Fisher’s Hill 26
Standlfer, T. C 462
Statistics About Gen. Wharton 530
Still Drink from Same Canteen so
Stories from the Kanks 39
Story of Our National Flag…, 412
Story of the Six Hundred 117, 14S
Strange Paper— Singular Keadi’jg 78
Strife Against Error 463
Sue Munday 3S5
Tanner’ a Story
Tennessee Army In Imjo
Tennessee Centennial 88,
Terry’s Texas Hangers 194,
Trx;ms in Virginia
Texans In Battle of Wilderness
Thackston] B. B
The Bonny Blue Flag
Tin- Old Canteen
JJhi B “i I and the Sooul
The South
‘Til– Spy— His Adventures In Kentucky
The Strife is O’er
The Unknown Dead
Three Patriotic Broth*
Third Missouri, Heroism In
Those Who Cannot Rail}
Tii-kiiin s Great Poem, “The Virginians ol thi Valle;
Time for the Atlantic Reunion
Time to Call Off Dixie
Titles that Perverl Histor]
To Dixie Land
To Native Tennesseans
To Our Dead at New Hope Church
To the Zolney Bronze of Sam Davis
Trans-Mississippi Department
Tribut i Federal Officer, Will im Lytle
Tribute to the Fallen
True i” Theii Oaths
Truth is Sufficiently Thrilling
1 .:•
i C V Camps 37u
U. D. C 601,616
tj. 1>. C. In Baltimore
V. l> c iii South Carolina n
U. D. ‘■ In Virginia 124
i . D. C. :n Opelousas, La 4s,
Unknown Dead 582
U. S. C. V 20, 385, 134, 182. 584
Valuable Hisl iric Suggestions 413
Value ‘i thi Vei ran 22
Valued Tribute to the Veteran 86
Van Dorm ol bhe Eleventh Mississippi 276
M to i 163
lis 135
Virginians of the Va.lley 168
Virginia Reminlsci rices 50
War Time Mall Service 103
Washington Artillery 47 1
Western Border of Texas 125
West Virginia, Confederates in 57:i
Wharton, .John A 417
Where Confederates Are Burled 211, 480
Who Sue Mundaj Was 85
Wilson Creek Reunion Suggested ill
Wilson. .Mis. A. B., Mother ol the Confederacy 20
with Johnston al Shtloh 609
Work of tii, Veteran 624
Wound ot Samuel .v Brwin i6
young Georgia Hero . i
Agricultural Building at Centennial 137
Ai:ii-.ini.i, Confederate States Cruiser 122
Alexander. Va., Confederate Monument at 29
Auditorium at Oentenni&l 137
Augusta, Ga., Monument at 5. 501
Badge of New York Camp 30
Belmont Avenue at Nashville
Burial of Latane’ 49
oun, Ga., Confederate Camp at
p Chasi ■ ‘en* I ery
Camp Chase, Decorating Graves at
Oamp Chase. Four M.. Houi at
House at Franklin
ton 1 1 ii k
M tsville, Va , Co Monument at
Chickamauga .Monument
Chlckamauga Park
Compan; Presenting 9am Davis Drama
Com • in in’ ot ,i Hog 57
Confederate Buttons
Oonfi d< rate Candle
lerate Coal
– man, T< i
Confederate Prisoners In Camp Morton
Daniel Boone, Stiatue of, bj Sfandell
Danville, Kj .. < lemetery
Davis, Jefferson, Accepted Design tor Monument to 94
D Jefferson, Monument
Davis, Solo, – ot
In, vis. Sam. Home of 35i
Tenm Oonfederati \ ooiatlon at Deci
i New Fork Camp 29
Forrest Monument Proposed 280
Sun er 145
Iflle i louse hi imp • ha i
Gin House al Franklin, Tenn
Grant .Mon u tin nt
Green, Tom, Rifles
M mumi nt 32
Jackson, Andrew, S
Last War Horse i3u
[•ewl i . C, i : di v >i
Prison 97
Light Mors. Harry Lee, Burial Place of 279
Maryland Oonfederati Home 114, 149
Maxwi i i
ii ‘ k. John, Residence of
Mi mot la i \\ union ,,i r’o, i Donel lha iel
Memphis Building at Centennial ‘
Mitchell Ho u so ai Murfrei I 261
Monument in Stones River Cemelerj 31
\1 it lo U. S. Grant
Mori; nil’s War Mors.’
i i lat l li meld
Murfreesboro, Tenn
lie Bridge >o er < lumberland
Nashv llle Tab m u le
\ w Fork Confederate M mument 244
Old Guard ol Richmond, Va 401, 184
One of Last War Horses
Parthenon and Commerce Building 136
Pulaski. Va., Camp 129
Registration Quarters at Nashville Reunion
P.. E. Lee Camp Headquarters
Rlalto ii Centennial
Road Cut for Buell’s Army 612
Rooster 4 in
Sam Davis Coat 35s
Sam Duiis Drama Compans 363
Sum Davis Home 35′
Savannah, g.i.. Confederate Monument it… 304,50-
Confederate l/eterag.
■ lederate States
Sherman, Tex., Confederate Monument at
Smith. Col., Monument to. near Munfordsvllle, Ky
Spring Near Church at Shiloh
Stones River ***i
Stones River Cemetery Monument
Tennessee River at Pittsburg Landing
Tom Green Rifles
U. C. V. Reunion Committee at Nashville.
U. D. C. in Georgia
Anderson, W. 206
Ashley. Simeon 179
Benagh, Geo. Win
Bolton, W. H 108, 110
Bostick, Mrs. Margaret 606
Brumby. Wm. T 2″5
Brys n. John ri 10s
Buford, Mis. Elizabeth 203
,pbell, Wm. P HOT
Caster, J. D 206
Chambliss, Nat 110
Chipley, W. D 607
Cooper. W. K 109. 203
Cumming, Jas. R 10S
DeFcntaine, Fe ix 103
Darrington, Dr. Robt 110
Deloney, Wm 110
Egerton, T. M 206
Eli. Jesse 607
Fisher, Thus. B 178
Gardner, Jas. M 108, 110
Howell, R. M 206
Johns, Wm. Nc-al 177
Kelly. J. 206
Lauderdale, B. W 179
Lindsley, J. Berrien 605
1. m, A. 206
M. Kissick, I. G 204
M Laws, Lafayette 415
McNulty, Dr. F. G 607
Moadors. B. B 179
Mulky, Dr. W. A 107
Otey, Kirkwood 415
R bi ris, S 107
Rugglis, Daniel 415
Sh lliy. Gen. J. O
Step-ben, W. L 176
Storey, Dr. Jno. E 17S
Sullivan, Danel A 176
Summerville, W. II 179
Taylor, Newton 109
Terry, W. R 179
Thompson, W. H 179
Tucker, Jno. Randolph 109
Whitney, J. J 177
Wise, Peyton. 206
Yeatman, Phillip T 205
V;iiiiian, Rogers 606
Young, P. M. B 205
A i “I’lK ‘ItS.
Adamsun, Rob 402
Aden, Jas. S 532
Alexander, Ph:pps 2s
Allen. T. F 581
Allison, B. P 101’
Anderson, Chas. W 101
Anderson, Frank 297
Anderson, -tis. Kellar 116
Andrews, Garnet 293
Arnette, R. M. J 85 1
Arnold, T. il 1S9
Arlington, A. W 05
Banks, E. A 75
Baft/ee. J. D 269
Barrett, Dr. B. A Ill
Barton. It. H 2
Baskette, G. H 571 1
Bass, S. D 304
Baylor, Geo. W 609
Beall, T. B 26
Bell, C. R 69j
Bingham, Jno. H 3 IB
Bishop, Jno. Knowles 438
Bishop 151
Black, Jno. L 535
Blackford, L. M 3>5
Blakemore, W. T… 146
Blakeslee, G. H 475
Bond, J. S 462
Bootxm, W. W 6
Boyd. John 209, 254
Bozo, W. C 28
Branard, Geo. 427
Bridgens, R. A 534
Brunette, W. H 534
Button, Chas. W 47S
r re, E. L
Cabell, W. L
c’allan, V. V
Campbell, W. A….
Campbell, Wm
Carter, Mrs. P.. M.
Carter, B. M
Cassidy. M. A
Cates, Chas. T
Chalaron, Gen
Chambers, Henry..
Charlton, Sycmgis.
Claiborne. J. M
Coffin, Jas
Cole, S. H
Coleman, R. B
Collins, J. A. M…
Colston, J. M
Colston, Gen. R. E
Cook, Henry H 117. 148,
I oper, N. G
Couch, J. A
Crook, W. M
Cummings, C. C 23,
Daniel. T. M
Daughtery, T. R
Dawson, F. W
Day, Mrs. Thos
DeFontaine. Mrs. Georgia..
DeMoss, J. C
Dtbrell. W. L
Dick, John A
Dillard, H. M
Douglas, Alfred H
Drake. Ben. S
Drlscol, J. L
DwifrWt, W. M
Kllswi.rth. Geo. A
s, Clement a 5
Falllgant, Robert 4
Farinholt, B. L 167, .ill. 517
Faulkner, E. C 83
Ferguson, Ma], J. D
Fleming, D. G 81
Pordyce, s. W 36.”.
1″ nest 200
Frazer, L L6<
Fuller, D. F 58
Gaines, .1. N
Garnett. Allc • 634
Garnett, Mrs. Jas M rcer.. 121
Gay, a. T 133
Oracle, Archibald 29
Green, Miss Alee T 26?
Grief, J. Y 3 212
Griggs, George B >1S
Hal ■ ‘ii Ill
Hall. J. C I6:i
Hall, Thos. G 112
Hall. Thos 210
Hambright, E. C 88
llamlett, Mrs. N. J 572
Hamleiter, W. B 29
Harley, S. C 296 51
Harris, Capt. P. W 29S
Hawkins, N. S 577
Hawthorne, J. B 411
Hearn. W. C 130
Helper, Alex 149
Henry, Dr. T. J
Herbst, Charley D9
Hewes, M. Warner tl3
Higgs, T. A 162
Hill, A. B 569
Hill, D. H 527
Hinkle, J. A 624
Holmes, Jas. G 532
Hoss, Rev. E. E 59S
Houston, Jno. N J- Q
Houston, Mrs. Belle 513
Howard, W. H 523
Hutton, W. M 3 J
Imboden, Gen 1S1
Jarrard, J. A 366, 621
Jennings. T. D 477
Jones, Chas, Edgoworth. . ., 521
Jones, J. L 569
Jones, Mrs. J. W 437
Jones, Wm. J 7, 53
Johnson, B. F 2. 7)7
Johnson, Mrs. Bradley Ill
Johnson, Rev 42
Johnson, W. A 27S
Johnston, David E 579
Keith, J. F. K 133
Kelly, D. C 2. 161
Kelly. W. S 29
Kennedy, D. C 172
Kflgore, Judge C. 15 221
Kiillebrew, J. B S4
King, G. J 585
King, J 128
Kippax, Matt. F 568
Knaus. W. H 195
Lee, Dr. Edmund Jennings. Ill
Lee, Frank 245
Lesler, Rev. Geo “31
Lillard, J. W 693
Littlepage, H. B 2
Loehr, Alice 207
Loflin, Ben F 81
Lowe, R. G 54
I.ubbock, Gov 530
Luneford, A 206
l.ytk, Wm. 11
Maegill, Jas
Mack e, Franklin ,1
Mag-ruder. Miss M. 11
Mark!.’. Edith II
M i ri in, Jno. D
\V. H
McDowell. E. C
McG \vn. Wm
McKinney, Bufor.i
irin, J. L
MeWhirter, Geo
M.-rrin. F. W
Merrill, C. E
Mill.!’. PoJk
Miller, Wm
. J. B
Monroe, Miss Sue M
Moon. G. B
Moore, J. H
Mo ire, .1. P 165.
Moorman, &eot’:re . 2.
M rr son. W. 1
\l M “ii. A. S
I”- Mrs. M
N well, T. P
O’Nl al, II
son, l’. Josiali
Patters .n. J. T
Pillow, Gideon J
Volley, J. B. 11. 56, 101, 153,
217, 2:0, 125, 470.
Porter. Home
Power, .1. 1
Purvis. Geo. E 98,
Rahn. S. S
Ramsay. J. W :
Ratigan, Jais, E
Ray. Jas. M
Renniolds, Capt. Albert
Reeves. C. S 132,
Rhett, Claudia
Ridley, B. L..36. 76. 221, 265,
Ritter. Wm. L
Ro’fert, Mrs. P. G
Hobinscn, E. H
Rogers, Geo. T
Kouss, Chas. B
Rowland, Miss K it \l is: n.
Ryan, Father
Sandusky, G. C
Soott, Burgess
Sherfesee, Louis
Shie’ds. F. M
Simmons, J. W
Slayback, A. W
Smith. Hen’/ H
Smilh. W. L
Smoot. Mrs. A
Sparks. Jesse W
Spenee. E. L
Spencer, Maj. S
Stanton, Prank L
Stephens, J. M
Stewart, Gabr.elle
Stinson, J. E
Stout. S. H
Stratton, W. D ._
Strode, E. W
Sullins, Rev. D
Sykes, E. T
Teague, B. H
Timberlake, Fannie G
Timberlake, Thos
Tipton, G. W
Thomas, Dr. A. J
. 38
2 ‘,
Qopfederate tfeterap.
‘i iMinas, D. C 213
Thomas, Jrhn A 167
Thompson, John R 50
Thompson, Wm. L 339
Thurman, J. Macie 81,276
Towne. H. H 413
Vance, Jas. 1 351
Vandiver, C. H. lw
V&Ughan, Yv -^. „Vl i . I, I0U
Verdery, Mation J 67
Ward. John Shirley 80, 511
Weakley, T. P 621
Wharton. .7. J 117
\\ li eeli i . Gen Jos 268
Whiteside, Mrs. A 4S0
Whitney, Emmie E…. Pas
Wilcox, Ella Wheeler 457
Williams, G. A 220
Williams. Mrs. Nannie 167
Williams, Mrs 480
Williams. Z. J 546
Wilson, Dr. Lawrence 576
Wils n. J. M 165
Wyatt, J. M
ST nns, Bennett
Young, J. T 277
\ .mm. Rev. Jas 202
/. inaj , Julian
Adams, John ‘.’.’.”J
A. lams, Richard 324
Adair, Geo. w 403
Albright, W. B 166
Allien, John 565
Arrasmlth, Joslah 33
Balrd, Alfred J 106
Ballard, B. F 53:
Barbae, J. D 2.1
Barker, Bessie 63]
Barlow, Frances 371
Bate, \V. B. 2*2
Boal, I’ai’t . and gl ni’l
daughter ‘.
Beauregard, G. T. 29, 99 290,
300, 611
I : i ney, Rebei ”a 370
Billings, Mr ‘6
Binford, B, H WS
Black, Mayor 1 67
Block, S. J
Blake, Luther 1S4
Bolton, n. w *7
Bnsti, k, Mrs. Mary 606
Boynton, Henry V 120
Bragg, Mr. and Mrs. B 270
Bratton, Isabel 3 7 a
Brlnghurst, W. R 130
Brown, Aaron V 260
Brown, Jno. C 280, 283
Brown, Mrs. Jno, C 501
Brown, Neil 26 i
Broussard, Liouise 451
I’.i J s in, John H 1″S
Buckner, S. B 260
Buford, Thos 151
Bulger, M. J 33S
Bush, Bessie 378
Campbell. Wm 63
I’armack. G. C SO
ll:urrington. Henry 514
Carter, Wm. S 630
Cassldy, Mrs. A. C 616
Cave, R. Lin 510
Cheatham, B. F 260
(“heatham, Medora SS0
Cherry, Mary C S4
Chlnn, Ellle 376
Chipl, v. W. D 607
Christian, W. S 516
Oleburne, P. P 484
C.hli. J. F., and Wife 574
Oobb, R. L
i So’ffl , Mi- –
i tolquttt, Gen..
Oolyar. A. S
Cooke, Jno. Esten
Oomk. Gustave 54
< Jooper, w K
Oorbin, win. F
c tottreaux, Josephine
Cr.’Ulzman. Wm
Crook, M. M
Currle, Mrs. Kate Cabell
Cunningham, S. A
Cunningham, Sid
Cussons, Jno
Daniel, T. M
Danley, W. L
I >a.\ is, Jefferson 300,
Davis, Jos. R
Davis, Mr. and Mrs
Davis, Sam 181, ■■ •’■
i ‘ -Fontaine, Fells
E>odd, Dayid
Dodge, G. M
Driscol, J. L
D wight, W. M
Ellsworth. Geo. A
Emerson. Ralph Waldo
Emmett. Daniel D
Evans, C. A
Evans, Samuel T
Farinihoit, B. L
Parish. Roberta D
Feaibherstxme, Elise
Ferguson, Richard
Fitzgerald, O. 1′
Foraker. J. W
Forney, Mrs. C. A
Forrest, N. B 277.
Frazer. C. W
Fry, Geo. T
Gardner, J. Coleman…,
Gary. Louella
Gilmore, Wm
Goodlett, Mrs, M. c
Gordon, Geo. W
Gordon, John B 242,
Grade. Archil aid
Graves, Frank
Graves, Mrs. Jas. M
Griffin, Wiley H
Griggs. Geo. B
. 63
51 S
Grand} . Felix 262
Hall. John M SO
i arris, T S 566
Harris, Isham -102
Hawthorne, J. J
ll.iss, Henry 255
Hickman. Mrs. John P 501
Hill. A. P 300
Hinsdale, Elizabeth 377
II >d. John B 252, 3D0
Hoiist, n. Sam k 260
Huguenln, Thos 4:i
i [uger, Sallie 37:<
I Miildren of 289
Jackson, Mis. Stonewall. 287, 300
[i rnigan, .1. 11 454
Johns, Win. Neal li
Johnston, a s 100, «o;i
.1,, hns:.,n, J. s. E
Jones, Ira P
Jones, Nannie B 376
Jones, Bobt 169
Jordan. Ooiey 196
.lusti. Herman 3
Kirby-Smith. E 280
Kna.uss Win. 11 i
Knox i irothers 250
Kn \, Sue 251
Latane, John s 516
l.alan. ■, Wm 50
Dawson, Jack 3
Lee, Mrs, Fhzhugh 126,500
Lee, Robt, E 66. 300
Lee, Stephen .
I iem s, E C 637
Lewis, Miss Sydney 375
I Jndsiej . J Berrien 606
Little Griffin’s Nurse 245
Long, Miss 252
Long-street. Ja.s 252
l.\ Mr. Wm 24S
Malnr, Hamilton 138
Magruder, J. B 171
Masrh, John 59!)
Martin, R. W 70
McFarland. L. B 37
Mi Kissick. 1. G 204
McLaws, Lafayette 273
Mrl.ur,-,’ Mis. M A 616
Middlebrooks, Miss Claude.. 313
Mill sr, Mamie 281
Moore, Frances M
Moore, J. li 465
Moorman, Geo 116 213
Moorman’s Mother 3sti
Morgan and Wife 273
Morgan, Miss Lewellen 374
Morris, Susie 374
Mundy. Frank II 4S1
Newman, Mrs. W. B S7
( I’Brj an, Jos 194
Otey, Kirkwood 4SS
Overton. Mr. and Mrs 487
i ixf,, nl. Josie 4S7
Palmer, J. B 71
Peaoh. Lewis BO
Pender, w. D 300
Pickett, Geo. E 300, 168
Polk. Jas. K 262
Preston, Miss Sallie
Prj or, Lida B
Pugh. D. F
Purvis, Geo. E
Qulntard, c. T
Quirk, Thos
Raguet, Hattie
R i ,ii s Mrs. L. H..
IS, C. B
Rambaut, Maj
Kay. Jas. M
Ray, Willie Emily..
Reagan, John H
Reed. Wiley M
Retinoids. Albert
Richards, m. J. B
i E. T
Roberts n. C W
Roden, Ola li
Roulhac, Kate
Ross, Bessie
Rowland, Miss Kate Mason.
Roy. John
Russell, Mary E
Savage, J, din H
Sayers, Jos. D Mrs, Norvell
Sealer . Margaret
Shelby, Annie R
Shelby, J. D
Small, R. J
Smith, Howard
Smith, W. G
Sn,n\ den, Mrs M ury A 533
Standifcr 462
Stephens, Alexander 256
Stewart, A. P 297, 458
Storey, John C 178
Strahl, Otto French 600
StribUng, Mamie 379
Smart. .1. E. B 300
Tayliurr. W. W 170
Taylor, Capt 489
Taylor, Sons of Robt. L 406
Terry, Ben F 418
‘IVvis, Jas 630
Thomas, .1 W 136,536
Thomas, Miss Jane 247
Travis, Mr. and Mrs 3S9
Va,nce, Jas. 1 350
Vance, Zebulon 85
\ anpedt, C. B 365
Vaughan, A. J 566
Virden. M. W 630
Wharton. John A i’,7
Wheeler. Jos 26S
Whltelield, Mr. and Mrs. W.
J 27
Wiloox, Ella Wheeler 567
Wilson, Mrs. A. B 20
Wimberly. Clara M 373
Winn. G. W ?69
Worrell, Olive 451
Worsham. Richard 17
Wright, Richard 61
Wright. T. R. B 62
Young, Bennett 457
Young, P. M. B 205
Kbinay, Julian 1S2
Qopfederat^ l/eterap.
Entered al the postoftlce, Nashville, Tenn., as seoond-olasa matter.
Advertising Kates: $1.B0 per inch one time, or $16 a year, except last
■page. One page, one lime, special, $8fi. Discount: Hair year, one issue;
one year, two issues. This is below the former rate-
Contributors will please be diligent i” abbreviate. The space is too
important lor anything thai has not special merit.
The date to :i subscription is always given to the month be/ore it ends,
[For instance, it the Veteran be ordered to begin with Januarj , the date on
mail list will lie December, ami the subscriber is entitled to thai number.
The “civil « ar” ” :is too long ago to he called tin’ “late” war, and when
Correspondents use that term the word “great” [war] will he substituted.
CiiaTi..vnoN: ’93, 79,430; ’94, 121,644; “96, 154,992; ’96, 161,332.
i <\ i–iciau.y represents:
United Confederate Veterans,
United Daughters of the Confederacy,
Sons ..I’ Veterans and other < irganizationa,
The Vstkram is approved and endorsed by a larger ami
more elevatod patronage, doubtless*, than any other publication
in existence.
Though men deserve, they may not win success,
The brave will honor the crave, vanquished le the less.
Patrons of the Veteran from the beginning will
[be gratified to learn that its support starts off with
1897 more zealous and ardent than at any^ previous
period of its historj.
It was so much a question of propriety to print
15,000 as a beginning for the year that some adver-
tising circulars were printed at 14,0(10, but the higher
figure, which was adopted on going to press, is hard-
ly sufficient, and there is good reason to hope that
it will reach 20,000 before the next great reunion.
It is remarkable that the Confederate element — the
Southern people-have sustained this VETERAN above
anything in the history of Grand Army publications,
with their enormous wealth in the aggregate and
membership four or five times the Confederate sol-
dier element. A comrade who had been indulged
for two years paid up recently and ordered his Vet-
eran discontinued — not that he did not appreciate
it, but “rigid economy” was “necessary.” Will all
who are so situated consider how important it is for
each one to stand firm? Wont such as feel they can’t
afford to renew, procure four subscribers, and thus
continue? Do let us all stand together, making a
true record as long as our lights hold out to burn.
Confederate Prisoners in Camp Morton, Indianapolis, Indiana. (See page 33).
Gen. George Moorman gave the greater pleasure
to Christmas by the following — dated at New Or-
leans, December 25. 1846:
S. A. Cunningham, Editor of the Veteran: If
you see at any time anything I can do to aid you with
the VETERAN, and in preparing your issues from now
on to the reunion, I will gladly assist you with any
material or information Headquarters can furnish.
The reunion being held at Nashville will bring
the Veteran into greater prominence than hereto-
fore, and whatever material or information I can
furnish, will be given you cheerfully and promptly.
To a business correspondence, Mr. B. F. Johnson, of
Richmond, Va., adds the following patriotic words:
Let us treat all with the largest hearted liberality.
We have enough substantial things to be proud over
without contending for little and unimportant things
and without splitting hairs. I want to see the Vet-
eran teach the broadest sort of patriotism. You
are beginning to get a hold on the people now that
will make your paper a blessing to every part of the
United States. If the men who want to discuss war
issues in it are not willing to discuss them in a
sweet tempered, kindly way, then such discussions
had better be left out. I am a Southerner, through
and through; I love every foot of the Southland; I
love the North, and East, and West, and I do not in-
tend to let my devotion to the South lessen one iota
of my interest in the welfare of my fellow country-
men wherever they mav be located. I have warm
friends on both sides. I think such a paper as the
Confederate Veteran may be the means of really
making our people better acquainted with each other,
of enabling them to look down into the honest
hearts of each other and to appreciate all of their
excellencies, without one lingering spark of bitter-
ness or selfishness.
A United States District Judge, living in the
North, who had been reading the Veteran, secured
all the back numbers and when he put the bundle
down in his home was impatiently asked by his wife:
“What do you want with that?” and he replied:
“My dear, the time is coming when its bound vol-
umes will be the most valuable in our library, for
they will comprise a correct history of the war.”
In renewing his subscription for two years, Capt.
H. B. Littlepage, of the Naval War Records, Wash-
ington City, writes:
Among all the war literature there is none I en-
joy so much as that contained in the Confederate
Veteran. It seems to be in touch with those whom
all brave men should delight to honor.
Dr. A. J. Thomas, Evansville, Ind., sending re-
newal, adds:
I hope you may receive one hundred thousand
“Christmas Gifts” of this kind. Every one who has
an interest in the days of 1861-65 should spare at
least one dollar to the Veteran. The Southern
people especially should read it and should contrib-
ute .o its columns.
To the Confhderate Veteran: At a recent
meeting of Gen. N. B. Forrest’s staff and escort, in
recounting old war memories, the fact was brought
out that tne writer is the only surviving member of
Forrest’s military family as it was constituted for
the first four months of service. The General’s son
William was frequently with us, but had not at this
date, as I remember, been sworn into the service.
In view of the fact that Forrest is rapidly becom-
ing recognized as the greatest of Tennessee soldiers,
it is eminently proper that his old soldiers should
meet in a grand rally one day during the Tennessee
Centennial. As the oldest survivor of his first mil-
itary family, I write to suggest that we have a For-
rest day, that all comrades who at any time served
with him be present, first in military parade and
then in historic celebration. Gens. Chalmers and
Jackson, who commanded divisions under Forrest,
are both residents of Tennessee and would no doubt
grace the occasion by again commanding the vet-
erans. Presuming that all old soldiers read the
Confederate Veteran, the call is made through
your columns. Let us hear from the old boys, shall
we have the’ rally?
Southern papers please give place in their columns
to this call. D. C. Kelley.
Sometime Colonel, Forrest’s old Regiment C. S. A.
Meredith P. Gentry as an Orator. — A sketch
of the life of Meredith P. Gentry, prepared for the
writer by Alexander H. Stephens, was sent to Rev.
Henry M. Field, D.D., who has ever been bold to
express his convictions of personal merit at the South.
In acknowledfc ment.Dr. Field wrote: Your Southern
Statesmen seem all to have the gift of eloquence, and
it was a happy union in the writer and the subject
that an orator like Gentry should be described by
Alexander H. Stephens, a man who is respected alike
in the North and in the South. Gentry’s eloquence
swayed the House of Representatives in Congress.
He afterward served in the Confederate Congress
from Tennessee.
Comrade R. H. Burton, of Fenner’s Louisiana
Battery, in some interesting reminiscences to the
Veteran, states that Charles D. Dreux, command-
ing First Louisiana Battalion, with which he was
connected, was the first commissioned officer killed in
Confederate service. He does not give the date, but
states: It was in a skirmish near Young’s Mill. We
had ambushed the Federals and they had also am-
bushed us, and we were in a hundred yards of each
other when daylight appeared. Both sides fired
into each other, and the lamented Dreux was killed.
It was a sad day for our Battalion, as he was known
and loved as Charley Dreux.
Jas. M. Vaughan, Graysville, Ga., has recently
come into possession of a silver name plate, found on
the battlefield at Resaca. Ga. It bears this inscrip-
tion: “J. B. Campbell, Fourth Indiana Battery G.”
The owner or his relatives can get the plate by ad-
dressing Mr. Vaughan.
Qopfe derate l/eterar?.
J. V. Grief writes from Paducah, Ky. :
Jack Lawson. an old Confederate veteran, was
born at Newton Le Willows, England, August 18,
1805. He is still hale, hearty, and moves about as
actively and energetically as a man of sixty years
of age. He lives in Paducah. He came to Ameri-
ca in 1825 in charge of, and as engineer of, the
first railroad locomotive run in this country. It was
named “Herald” and was run on a road from Balti-
more to Susquehanna, twelve miles.
After leaving that road, Capt. Lawson came
West and followed steam boating, as engineer, capt-
ain and owner; he was running, as captain and
owner, the steamer “Cherokee” in the Tennessee
River and New Orleans trade when the Southern
States seceded. Instead of running up the stars
and bars, Capt. Lawson made a pure white flag on
which was a picture of a hog. Boats coming in at
the different landings always found a crowd on the
bank to get the news. The “Cherokee’s” flag at-
tracted much attention.
When asked what flag that was, his answer, with
the usual boatman’s emphasis — “It is my flag.”
“Well, what does it mean?” “It means root hog
or die.”
That was the last trip of the “Cherokee” up the
river. On her return to New Orleans, she remain-
ed South until sold to the Confederate government
and converted into a gunboat and was one of the
“Mosquito” fleet at Memphis.
Capt. Lawson soon entered the Confederate ser-
vice and was made Executive officer of the gunboat
“General Polk” and took part in the battle of Bel-
mont. He proposed to run above the Point and
sink or capture the transports that had brought
Grant’s Army down, but his superiors preferred to
lay at the shore.
While the boat was held, the Yankees suddenly
appeared on the river bank and attempted to board
her. Capt. Lawson seized a capstan bar and the
crew armed themselves with anything in reach,
and used such tools so vigorously as to repel the
boarders. It is said that Capt. Lawson scalped, in
that way, several of the enemy.
After the “General Polk” was burned Capt. Law-
son was next placed in charge of the transport
steamer “Chasm” and commanded her up to May,
When the seige of Vicksburg began it became evi-
dent that Red River was the great source of supply,
and Capt. Lawson was ordered, bj- Gen. Pember-
ton, into Red River, but he protested, explaining that
he had never been in Red River, and did not know
‘the channel while other officers did. Gen. Pem-
berton stamped his foot, and said, with an oath;
“B — G — Lawson, you have to go,” and he went.
The enemy had succeeded in passing some gun-
boats by Vicksburg and Port Hudson. Lawson load-
ed his boat with bacon and corn, etc., for Yicksburg,
and ran out just in time to be cut off, Yankee gun-
boats being between the mouth of Red River and
Yicksburg. He ran into Big Black River as far as
he could go, and the stores were hauled by wagons
into Vicksburg.
Soon afterward all the boats in that river were
destroyed. Captain Lawson raised one of the sunken
boats in Yazoo River to recover the machinery,
which he tranported through the country on ox
wagons to Selma, Ala. It was a perilous undertak-
ing. He had frequently to bridge streams in order
to cross, but he got it all through safely to Selma.
On the retreat of the army from Mississippi to
Demopolis, Ala., Capt. Lawson was at Demopolis,
with a corps of sappers and miners, placing a pon-
toon bridge for the army to cross the Tombigbee
River. Capt. Lawson continued with the army un-
til the final surrender, when he returned to Padu-
cah and purchased a small stern wheel steamer, but
did not prosper with it.
Capt. Lawson is a member of Lloyd Tilghman
Camp and of the Confederate Veterans of Kentucky,
and takes much interest in them.
In 1893 he was appointed engineer of ihe Custom
House, at Paducah, but he says he expects to retire
in 1S’»7, when he will visit his old home and people.
After perusing the foregoing, a letter was written
to author of above, stating that the editor of the
Yktekan had from the lips of the late Peter Cooper
— one of the most eminent benefactors o his race
and to whose unfailing purse the world is directly
indebted for the success of ocean cables — that he
built the first railroad engine in America and was
beaten in a race by fast horses, and the comrade
replied: I have had a talk with Capt. Lawson
about the locomotive, who says: “I was ju-t out of
my teens and had been running as an engine driver.
Confederate l/eterao.
Father and I went down to Liverpool on a Saturday;
the locomotive was on the wharf for shipment to
the United States, and the captain of the vessel, the
“Herald,” employed me to come to America and run
her. We sailed direct to Baltimore. The engine
had all large wheels, the forward wheels being as
large as the drivers. The road from Baltimore to
Susquehanna was built of fiat iron bars, one and one-
half inch, spiked down on strong timbers laid on
cross-ties. There were curves on the road and I
had a great deal of trouble in running them, until
I struck on the idea of putting trucks under the
front; then it worked so well that the company had
a special truck made for it when she run the curves
all right. Our engine was named “Herald” for the
ship which brought us over.
There is living in Towson, Md., an old lady,
Mrs. Anna L. Pilson, who came over with her fath-
er’s family in the same vessel; she was then a very
small girl and went out with me the first trip I
made over the road. I am confident that it was the
first locomotive seen in this country, though Mr.
Cooper may have built the first locomotive ever built
here. I think it was in 1825, as I was twenty years
old when I came over.”
Comrade Grief adds the following: F. G. Har-
lan, of Paducah, recalls the account of Maj. An-
derson’s fight with two Federal soldiers in that city,
March 25th, 1864. He says: “It was on Broadway
and when they passed me there was but one Feder-
al, and they went out Broadway fighting.”
On my return from the army in 1865, a cousin
of mine, Geo. A. Fisher, then a boy and living on
the corner of Seventh and Broadway, in speaking
of Forrest, said, “I was standing at our gate when
a Confederate officer and a Yankee came out Broad-
way fighting; both were mounted; the Confederate
shot at the ‘Yank,’ missing him, and just after pass-
ing Seventh Street the ‘Yank’ turned across an open
lot and the Confederate threw his pistol at him. I
walked over to the lot; the Confederate was riding
about looking for his pistol, which I picked up and
handed to him.”
When he first saw them coming out the street
there were three, two “Yanks” and one Confederate;
one dropped out of the fight, and he was of the
opinion that he ran away.
Story Told to Maryland Daughters of the Confederacy.
Savannah, Ga., through Mrs. Thomas Baxter Gres-
ham, member of the board of managers of the Society.
** * * * • * *
While at home recruiting his command in men
and heroes, an old farmer friend came to Colonel
Deloney and said:
“Colonel, my boy here has got the war fever.
His mother and I have tried to get it out of him,
but its no use! He swears he’ll run away if I don’t
let him go; so I’ve mounted him on the best racing
colt I have, and here he is. Take him with you;
but I’ve this much to say; — if he ever shows the
‘dominicker,’ kill him right then and there! Don’t
let him come home!”
The old father was himself a veteran of the In-
dian War in Florida. He raised game chickens,
and fought them, too; and had a contemptfor “domi-
nicker” roosters because he thought they wouldn’t
fight, so to “show the dominicker” was his blunt
way of describing a coward. .Deloney turned and
saw a fair-haired country lad of seventeen, stand-
ing perfectly erect, his lips compressed, but a vivid
fire flashing from his steel-blue eyes. The boy
never said a word, parted tenderly from the old
man, and went to Virginia, to join the cavalry.
Deloney watched with pride the rapid improve-
ment of his young recruit, but had forgotten the in-
cident until the great cavalry fight at Brandy Sta-
tion. When squadrons were charging and counter-
charging with the intrepid eclat and dash of the
Light Brigade, General Pierce M. ti. Young sud-
denly ordered him to attack a Federal brigade that
was forming on the flank.
“Get right among them, Colonel! Break them
up with cold steel and don’t give them time to
form!” was the order. ,
The words were hardly spoken when his com-
mand, Deloney far in advance, was sweeping down
upon the foe, but before he was within a hundred
yards of the enemy something went by him like a
cyclone’s breath. The Georgia boy was standing
on tip-toe in his stirrups, bare-headed, his golden
hair streaming, with sabre high in air, and as he
passed, with the light of battle on his face and eyes
flashing defiance, he turned in his saddle and shout-
ed: “Colonel! here is your ‘dominicker!'” A mo-
ment more, and he struck the enemy’s line like a
cannon shot, [another Wilkenried making way for
liberty], his sabre flashing on every hand, until he
was literally hacked down by the startled foe.
When the fight was over Deloney looked for him.
There he lay in the calm of death, his boyish face
glorified with the dying thought, “They’ll tell
father I never showed the dominicker!”
An object dear to the hearts of our Maryland
Daughters of the Confederacy is the preservation
of the name and fame of the obscure young heroes
who gave up their lives for our cause. None
worthier can be found than James Dunahoo, of
Jackson County, Georgia, whose death is described
by his commander, the gallant Colonel William De-
loney of Cobb’s Georgia Legion. The paper is con-
tributed to the Daughters of the Confederacy in the
State of Maryland by Judge Robert Falligant of
The Pelham Chapter of the United Daughters of
the Confederacy, Birmingham, Ala., was organized
with an enrollment of sixty-two members, with Mrs.
Joseph F. Johnston, wife of the Governor, President,
and Miss Louise Rucker.daughter of General Rucker,
Secretary, and Mrs. Fowlkes, Treasurer. The
special work of the members will be for the Confed-
erate Memorial Institute.
Sketch of Capt. F. N. Graves, by Gen. C. A. Evans:
When the Southern States seceded there were
thousands of young- men in the South of Northern
parentage, and many of them wen born on North-
ern soil. It is an historical truth that this class of
young men were among the bravest sons of the
South and showed patriotic devotion to the land of
their adoption. Families were thus divided into
hostile camps, and although preserving natural af-
fection, brothers were distinctly arrayed in antago-
nism on many fields of battle. I will tell the ro-
mantic story of one of these splendid Northern
boys, partly in my own language and from personal
knowledge, and partly in his own words and in the
language of his friends.
In the fall of 1859 there came to Lumpkin, Geor-
gia, a stout, compactly built Northern lad not quite
grown and fresh from Massachusetts, who instantly
became popular. He came merely on a visit of re-
creation, expecting to return again to his New
England home, but before the term of this vacation
expired his life was totally recast. He liked the
Southerners, formed a business partnership. He
became a Southerner, enlisted as a private in a Con-
federate company; was soon promoted to Captaincy,
fought for the side he had chosen, was captured,
and imprisoned with unusual hardships until June,
18<>S, and then returned to his Georgia home to re-
new the struggle for a living. This soldier was
Captain Frank N. Graves, Sixty-first Georgia Regi-
ment. In a letter to me he says: “Just thirty-six
years ago I first met you in Stewart Countv, the
fall of 1859, I having gone there from my boyhood
home on the banks of the beautiful Connecticut
River in Massachusetts. I had just completed a
hard summer’s work in a clerkship at a fashionable
summer resort, but had been reared on a small rich
river valley farm of which I had entire charge at
the age of seventeen, and had managed to keep the
wolf from the door of a widowed mother and six
brothers and sisters.”
In the South his business prospered, but mean-
while the cloud of war overspread the land, and, as
Graves says in a letter, “In the early spring of ’61
a little occurrence near Charleston disturbed the
minds of the people generally. There was some
talk among us of ‘drinking blood,’ but I sawed wood
and said nothing. Men were wanted for the ‘last
ditch,’ but I realized that men were wanted for the
‘first ditch,’ and I afterwards saw that the bluster-
ers did not fill either ditch first or last.
You and I, with some of the other boys, went
down to Savannah to be mustered in. I remember
the exact spot on which we first lined up, and see-
ing you about ten feet from me. * * * Well,
during the past year I went to Savannah for the
first time since the war, and at sunrise I went out
to find the old barracks where we were enlisted, but
found the new De Soto Hotel instead. In the open
court is the spot where we stood a third of a century
ago and took the oath to support the C. S. A. as
enlisted soldiers.”
For sometime Graves served in the Commissary
Department of Sixty-first Georgia Regiment, but
after a hard campaign one of the companies had
lost every officer and the men remaining in the com-
pany elected him to be their Captain, which office
he had not sought, but accepted, consistent with
what he had often stated that he intended to serve
Georgia faithfully in any capacity that fell to his
lot without asking a favor. He marched at the
head of his company of brave soldiers, with whom
he shared the dangers of the war in Virginia until
the famous battle on the 12th of May at Spottsyl-
vania. Of this battle and his own capture Captain
Graves says: “You doubtless remember the heavy
fog that covered our camp on the night when Gen.
Johnston was surprised at daybreak in the cele-
brated horse shoe bend, and that our regiment slept
on arms in the rear as reserve. Gen. Lee, I well re-
member, called us himself. He touched me with
his scabbard and remarked, ‘We need you.’ I look-
ed up and saw for the last time, the General on his
favorite horse. We were soon in a charge and re-
took the works, but in the dense fog the enemy
came upon us again from various directions and
in great numbers, when parts of my company and
regiment were enveloped and compelled to surrend-
er. As I retired through the army of the enemy I
found that they had thirteen solid columns of troops
massed in our front. We, the prisoners, stood up
all the following night in the rain without rations
and were closely guarded. The next day we were
marched to Acquia Creek, put on a transport for
Point Lookout and thrust into prison after being
deprived of everything we had.”
The fearful march had so blistered his feet that
Confederate l/eterai)
he could not stand, causing- him acute suffering-, and
disabling him from walking without pain for more
than a year. After a month he was removed to
Fort Delaware, where he was drawn by lot as one of
the 600 Confederate officers who were to be sent to
Charleston to suffer for the alleged cruelties at An-
dersonville prison. For four weary months he was
held as a hostag-e, and his fare was “four mouldy
hardtacks for a daily ration.” A soldier says of
the trip: “The transportation both ways was of the
hardest character, all in one small transport,
packed like sardines, four on the floor to every six
feet square, then a bunk eighteen inches above with
four more men, and then another tier above that
making twelve men to about every six cubic feet
during August, with mercury in the nineties. We
were kept in this situation twenty days, and then
landed on Morris Island in a stockade built in front
of Battery Wagner and on a line opposite Forts
Moultrie and Sumter immediately between the
fires of friend and foe. For three months it was a
daily occurrence for the great mortar shells to be
thrown across our camp. Late in the fall we were
moved to Fort Pulaski, where we were fed with kiln
dried corn meal. At length we were returned to
Fort Delaware, after enduring incredible suffering,
resulting in the sickaess and death of many.”
During the time Capt. Graves was imprisoned
and, suffering all these hardships, he had the offer
of relief at any time by merely taking an oath by
which he would abandon the Confederate cause.
As might be expected, his kindred at the North
pressed the issue upon him, but he would not yield:
he held his honor above all price. He had stood
shoulder to shoulder with his Southern comrades in
battle and now, in prison as a hostage exposed to
new hardships and dangers, his noble fidelity won
for him the admiration of all men.
It was two months and more after the surrender
of Lee before Capt. Graves was released from prison.
At length, on June 17th, 1865, he was released
and says: “I left for home via Massachusetts, where
I was urgently asked to locate for life and let the
South work out its own redemption, but I replied,
‘Not for a fee-simple title to the State!'”
After a few weeks Capt. Graves was once more in
Lumpkin and again associated with Mansfield in
business, first at Lumpkin and then in Marietta.
Better still, he married a lovely Southern girl. His
comrades are proud of him and are glad that the
South brings success to so many of his kind.
This sketch closes with a description of his visit
to his aged mother in the old New England home.
Capt. Graves, in 1894, took steamer for Boston, which
he had left thirty-five years before. He found the
old home of his Boston girl, but the girl was not
there. Next day he took train for the old home and
in the afternoon he knocked at the door of his
mother’s home. He found her on crutches, eighty-
five years of age. The seven children were all liv-
ing. He said: “After a careful look at me for a
half minute, she asked, ‘Is this my oldest boy,
Frank?’ I had not notified her of my intention to
call so soon, and the meeting after our long separa-
tion cannot be described. Capt. Graves is still a
Georgian, the same true, candid, noble, man over
whose head many years have gone, but in whose
heart is still the same warm fidelity to every trust
reposed in him.
A Federal Boy Soldier at Corinth. — W. W.
Booton, London Mills, 111., writes that he had just
passed his sixteenth summer and arrived at Corinth,
Mis-., the evening- of the light at Iuka. When the
battle of Corinth opened, October 3rd, he had not
yet received equipments, and, when the Confeder-
ates broke through these lines and entered the town
he was down by the railroad, south of the town,
gathering- autumn flowers.
He adds that a frightened cavalryman came dart-
ing by and shouted, “Get into camp quick! the Reb-
els are coming.” I kept pretty good pace with his
horse, and when I arrived at the camp 1 found every-
thing in commotion. They were packing up pre-
paring to retreat. I had not been there long when
an order came for every man to get a gun and fall
into ranks, and I shall never forget the feeling of
solemnity and gloom that pervaded everyone pres-
ent when the great guns in the fort east of town
and near our camp began to boom forth defiance to
the oncoming and seemingly victorious Confeder-
ates. We were marched to the fort where we ex-
pected to “die in the last ditch,’ – but the cheering
grew fainter and it was evident the Confederates
were on the rttreat.
The day after the battle I took a stroll over the
battleground, approaching the intrenchment north-
east of town. I saw a tall slender Confederate lying
as he had fallen the day before, with his feet on
top of the breastworks. Some one had crossed his
hands upon his breast. As I neared Robinette, I
came to the new-made grave of a Major Moore (I
believe), and a few steps’ southwest I stopped at the
grave of Col. Rogers. I then mounted the parapet,
and on the scarp side of the redoubt lay two Con-
federate soldiers — one a fine looking man with dark
hair, wearing a dark coat, whom I have reason to
believe was Captain Foster. If it was, he did not
fall to the left of .he fort as stated by McKinstry in
his article sometime since.
The group of United Daughters of the Confed-
eracy published in December Veteran contained
many good pictures. The list of names contained
two omissions. The 52 in blank should have con-
tained the name of Mrs. George Nichols, of Frank-
lin, Tenn. The Mrs. Richardson number 56 should
have read Mrs. Marinne Sims Richardson.
A copy of the engraving in red border will be
sent free to any Daughter of the Confederacy who
will send a new subscriber before February 15.
Copies of the large photograph will be sent for SI,
or with a new subscription for $1.50.
Capt. S. D. Buck, Baltimore, Md., corrects an er-
ror in his article as to Shields’ fores at Kernstown,
which should have been 11,000 instead of 1,100.
See Dabney’s Life of Jackson. Col. Patch (not
Palch) reports Shield’s force as 7,000.
Dr. J. Wm. Jones’ Rejoinder to .Mr. .1. ]>. Bil-
I find in (he “Veteran” for November the re-
joinder ni’ Mr. Billings to my reply h> his crit-
icisms on my Chattanooga speech, and I ask
for space to make, what I hope will be. my
final rejoinder
li so chanced thai 1 was in Chattanooga,
in attendance noon the session of the South-
ern liaplisi Convention, when the local com
mittee called upon me and invited mi’ to make
one oi the speeches a1 the raisin;; of ‘he “Stars
and Stripes” on the court house by the school
children of the city, telling me at the same
time that Rev. Dr. F. <\ Wilkins, of Chicago,
had consented to make the oilier speech of
the occasion. I told the committee that while
other duties would preclude my using even the
brief interval remaining for special prepara
lion, yet if they would be satisfied with what
I could give under the circumstances 1 should
be glad tO serve llielu. Hence the speech.
which was made before a \asi crowd — many
of “the Boys who wore the Blue” being pres
i -in was received with enthusiastic applause
beyond its merits, was published in full in
some of ihe papers, and was afterwards copied
in the “Veteran.”
This elicited the criticism of Mr. Billings, in
which, under the garb of very .ureal courtesj
and fairness, he charges me, virtually, with
falsifying the truth of history, and showing
that it is “easier to be a partisan than it is to
be a patriot)” and that 1 had so earnestly
played the partisan that I had not allowed
“partisanship to sink out of sight in the pres-
ence of the national Hag.”
I replied in a tone and spirit which, I think,
was perfectly legitimate and proper 1 1 ask any
one interested to re-read my reply in the Oc-
tober “Veteran.”) and in the November number
my distinguished critic “mends his hold” by
making new criticisms, and introducing new
1. I am perfectly willing to leave the read-
ers of the “Veteran” to decide “who is the pa
Iriol. and who is the partisan.” Bui I insist
that there was nothing either “partisan” or
unduly “sectional” in my showing that Vir-
ginia and the South had a right to claim an in-
terest in the glory of “(lie old Hag.” which they
had done so much to make.
2. T care so little about my incidental state
moid that the Hag was “designed from the coat
of arms of Washington” — a statement which
is made in a number of the histories — that I
shall not take time now to defend it. But I will
say in passing that I by no means accept the
statement of Prof . John Piske, Of Harvard 1’ni
versify, which Mr. Hillings so confidently
quotes, as settling this or any other quest ion in
United States history. 1 have been recently
studying his History of the United States, anil
find it full of the grossest errors, especially
upon points of difference between the North
and the South, as 1 shall have occasion to show
in another connection.
“.. To my claiming for Virginia the owner-
ship of the old Northwestern Territory, Mr.
Billings replies thai “the claims of Connecticut
and Massachusetts covered a generous portion
of that territory, which they, toll iwing the < s
ample so noiih set by the old Dominion, ceded
to the Gent ral < lo\ eminent.”
Yes! Massachusetts and Connecticut, and.
he might have added. New York, and certain
land companies— the Indiana. Vandalia, and
Wabash — all laid claim lo portions of Vir-
ginia’s Westein territory which would have
taken, if made good, not only all of the terri-
tory north of the Ohio, bul thai now occupied
by the States of Kentucky and West Virginia
as well.
New York, Massachusetts, and Connecticut
did go through the farce of “ceding” their
claims 10 the General Government and the
land companies were so powerful and had SO
many members oi Congress who held block
(some of ii presented by the companies) in them
that tiny at one lime got a congressional com-
mittee lo make a report adverse to Virginia’s
Bui the proof is overwhelming thai the
whole of this territory belonged of righl to Vir-
ginia, and could nui he lawfully taken linn
her. Hon. Wm. Win Henry, in his “Life, Cor
respondence, and S| ;hes of Patrick Henry”
(Vol. II.. pp. 76-109), has clearly discussed and
fully settled ihis whole question. Curry, in
his “Southern States of the American Union”
(p. 69), says nf Virginia’s claim thai “as a mat-
ter of legal right, her claim was indubitably
valid,” and Bancroft says that her righl to ex-
tend to the Mississippi was unquestioned.
Piske sa.\s: -New York, after all. surren-
dered only a shadow] claim, whereas Virginia
gave up a magnificent and princely territorj
of which she was actually in possession. She
might have held hack, and made endless
trouble, jusl al the beginning of Hie Revolu
tion; she mighl have refused to mak mmon
cause with Massachusetts; but in both in-
stances her leading statesmen showed a far-
sighted wisdom and a breadth of patriotism
for Which no words Of praise can be loo strong.”
Senator Boar, of Massachnsetts, says: “The
cession of Virginia was the most marked in-
siance of a large and generous self denial.”
Other authorities might be cited, but I will
not lake space to do so, and will only give a
very brief summary of the conclusive points
thai established the claim of Virginia:
Confederate l/eterai)
(a) This territory was hers by a clear grant
in her original charter, and by subsequent royal
(b) It was hers by right of conquest from the
British and Indians who occupied it during the
first part of the Revolution. The Continental
Congress had not a man, or a dollar, to spare
for the reconquest of that territory, and the
British would have held it and pushed the
boundary of Canada down to the Ohio, instead
of at the lakes, had not Patrick Henry, then
Governor of Virginia, commissioned George
Rogers Clark, who raised a volunteer force of
Virginians, and by a campaign which won for
him the soubriquet of “the Hannibal of the
West,” and was one of the most brilliant and
heroic of all history, conquered this territory,
and enabled Virginia to organize it as “Illi-
nois County,” and attach it to the “District of
(c) The Continental Congress distinctly rec-
ognized Virginia’s claim in accepting its gen-
erous proposition — in refusing to adopt the
amendment offered by the New Jersey delega-
tion that in accepting Virginia’s grant Con-
gress did not mean to pass on the validity of
her claim to that territory — and again, in in-
structing the Commissioners of the United
States that in treating with Great Britain
they should insist on Virginia’s title to that
territory on the principle of uti possedetis —
each country retaining the territory she actu-
ally held at the time.
(d) In the treaty agreed upon Great Britain
distinctly recognized the claim of A^irginia, and
admitted that the territory belonged to the Old
Dominion both by charter grant, and by right
of conquest.
(e) The Supreme Court of the United States
several times, in cases growing out of the op-
erations of the land companies, distinctly af-
firmed Virginia’s right to the Northwestern
And yet, while earnestly and successfully
defending her title to the territory against all
other claimants, whether States or land com-
panies, Old Virginia freely brought this mag-
nificent domain, out of which five great States
were afterwards carved, and with princely lib-
erality laid it on the altar of the Union.
These are indisputable facts of the history of
those times, and it is too late now to attempt
to rob the old commonwealth of her honors.
4. The relative numbers of troops furnished
by Virginia and Massachusetts during the Rev-
olutionary War is a question of historic inter-
est which Mr. Billings thought to settle sum-
marily by giving, on the authority of the Sec-
retary of War, Gen. Knox, of Massachusetts,
for 1790, figures which, I candidly admitted,
seemed to settle the point against me, and I
said that I had not access to that report, but
would seek my earliest opportunity of examin-
ing it. I quoted the figures from Gen. Evans,
and from Heitman, not claiming that they set-
tled the question in my favor, but as strong in-
ferential proof that Mr. Billings was mistaken
in his contention that Virginia not only fur-
nished fewer troops than Massachusetts, but
was entitled to rank only as “tenth” among
the colonies in furnishing troops.
The figures of Gen. Evans showed conclu-
sively that the Southern colonies furnished a
larger number of troops than the Northern col-
onies, and my quotation from Heitman showed
that the returns were in great confusion — that
each new enlistment was counted — and that
the figures on which Mr. Billings relied were,
therefore, uncertain, and misleading. Where
the “innuendoes” come in I am at a loss to de-
I regret to say that I have not yet been able
to see the report of Gen. Knox for 1790 on
which Mr. Billings relies — the school with
which I am now concerned is located in the
country, and the library of the University of
Virginia has not been accessible since the great
fire of last year — but I have carefully studied
several authorities who have examined that
report, and they give verv different results
from those deduced by Mr. Billings. As for my
old friend Lossing, whom I used to read with
such interest, and whose pictures I admired so
extravagantly when I was a boy, I do not ac-
knowledge him as authority on any doubtful
Hon. J. L. M. Curry, in his very able, accu-
rate, and entirely reliable book on “The South-
ern States of the American Union” — a book,
by the way, which I would commend to Mr. Bil-
lings for use in his Webster School — quotes
Col. Higginson as saying that the people of
New England “wrote from the very beginning”
and had carefully preserved their annals, and
brings out very clearly the fact that the South-
ern colonies, on the other hand, had neglected
“any adequate preservation of the materials
for history,” and that consequently the South-
ern States “have suffered in failing to receive
the bounties and pensions as well as the his-
torical recognition properly due to them.”
And yet Dr. Curry proceeds to show (pp. 48-
57) “that the South in expense, and battles, and
soldiers, bore her full share in the struggle for
He uses this report of Secretary of War Knox
for 1790, and deduces from it substantially the
same results as those given in the figures of
Gen. Evans. But he quotes from Knox’s re-
port the very significant statement that “in
some years of the greatest exertion of the
Southern States there are no returns whatever
of the militia.” Dr. Curry says that “at the
North nearly every man who served was en-
tered on the rolls,” and I have recently learned
that Massachusetts is now publishing a full
roll of the names of all of her troops who at any
time and in any capacity served in the Ameri-
can Revolution. And yet from those inade-
quate Southern records Dr. Curry deduces from
Confederate l/eteran.
Gen. Knox’s report that “the North sent to the
army 100 men for every 227 of military age, as
shown by the census of 1790, and the South 100
for every 209.” He also shows that “in 1848
one out of every sixty-two of the men of mili-
tary age in 1790 in the North was a Revolu-
tionary pensioner, and one out of every 110 in
the South,” and that “of these pensioners New
England had 3,14b more than there were in all
of the South, and New York two-thirds as
many, though she contributed not one-seventh
as many men to the war.” Dr. Carry also
brings out the well-established fact “generally
at the North the war assumed a regular charac-
ter; at the South it was brought home to every
fireside, and there was scarcely a man who did
not shoulder his musket, even though not regu-
larly in the field;” and that “while sending its
troops freely to defend any part of the country,
it fought, in very large degree, its own battles,
and the losses sustained in supporting this
home conflict were far heavier than any
amount of taxation ever levied.”
In Henry’s “Life of Patrick Henry” (Vol. II..
pp. 9 and 09), it is very clearly shown, from Sec-
retary Knox’s report and other sources, that
Virginia furnished more than the quota called
for from her by Congress, and that while de-
fending her own soil she freely sent her troops
both North and South.
There can lie but little doubt that Morgan
and his riflemen did more than any others to
compel the surrender of Burgoyne at Sara-
toga, and that the crack of the same rifles won
the Important victory at Cowpens, S. C; that
only Virginians were engaged in the conquest
of the Northwest; that of Greene’s forces at
Guilford 0. H.. 2,481 out of his .1,050 were Vir-
ginians; that the hardy Scotch-Irish of South-
west Virginia under Col. Campbell bore the
brunt of the fighting at King’s Mountain; that
Virginians were the (lower of Greene’s army
in his operations against Oornwallis, and that
they contributed more than their share to the
glories of Yorktown.
Greene wrote Washington just after the bat-
tle of Guilford: “Virginia has given me every
support I could wish,” and Oornwallis wrote:
“The great reinforcements sent by Virginia to
(ien. Greene while Gen. Arnold was in the
Chesapeake are convincing proofs that small
expeditions do not frighten that powerful prov-
Surely, then, there is radical error in any
figures which assign Virginia the tenth place
in the column of Revolutionary States, and Mr.
Henry does not put it too strongly when he
says: “An investigation of 1 lie facts shows con-
clusively that Virginia did her whole duty to
the common cause, and she is not liable to the
charge, sometimes heard, that she failed to do
her part of the fighting in the Revolution. She
did her part, and more than her part, during
the whole war.”
And, although the official figures may not be
found which show the exact number of troops
the Old Dominion furnished, yet I think that
I have shown above that as she led the van in
the forum, the Cabinet, and the congressional
halls of the young republic, and gave her Wash-
ington- to command the armies which won our
freedom, so she was in the forefront in furnish-
ing men for the rank and file of this great bat-
tle for freedom.
But I have already consumed too much of
your space, and have left myself no room in
which to reply to Mr. Hillings’ defense of New-
England’s conduct during the war of 1812, the
nartford Convention, and her nullification, and
secession record. You must let me “come
again” on these points, Mr. Editor, for it is an
interesting historical fad, susceptible of the
fullest and most conclusive proof, that while
Massachusetts has denounced Southern “reb-
els.” and the “great rebellion.” she has a rec-
ord in favor of secession, and nullification, from
the beginning down to 1S00.
But I cannot close without cordially respond-
ing to Mr. Billings’ invitation to be his guest
“under the eaves of Harvard,” that when I shall
he able to make a long-promised visit to an old
room-mate, and loved “rebel” friend, now Pro-
fessor in Harvard, if will give me very great
pleasure to accept his hospitality. And I would
say. in return, that if he will come to see me
at this great school, presided over by a former
Captain in the old “Stonewall” Brigade, he will
meet a hearty welcome. Old Virginia hospital
ity. and a full opportunity to “say his say.”
while observing that we are training here .100
young Virginia patriots — teaching them the
truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the
truth concerning Old Virginia, and the Amer-
ican Fnion. instilling into them love for every
foot of this common country of ours, and in-
spiring them with a purpose to make good citi-
zens of the “Old Dominion.” and of the United
States as well.
The Miller School, Dec. 5, 1S90.
Capt. W. H. Parker, who resigned a position
in the Federal Navy to join the Confederate,
in which he became a prominent officer, died
in Washington, D. C, December 30th, 1896.
Captain Parker was engaged by the Vir-
ginia Historical Society to write a history of
the Confederate Navy, and was engaged upon
it at the time of his death. He was author of
a text- book upon Astronomy and of “The
Recollections of a Naval Officer,” published a
few years ago.
E. W. Roberts, of Bretnond, Texas, desires
the address of any one who was at the Battle
of Shiloh, and who was acquainted with Moses
Mathias, of Company K, Arkansas Regiment.
He was killed in the battle.
io Confederate Ueterai)
The mistake made in the Constitution of the
United Confederate Veterans in giving high-sound-
ing and, in many instances, absurd titles to the
officers of the Association we all so love and approve,
to wit, privates commissioned as Major Generals,
Captains (like the writer), as Colonels, is brought
home to us by the absurdity )f these same titles
being assumed by the officers holding the same rel-
ative positions in the “Sons of Veterans” Associa-
tion, thus belittling their praiseworthy order, and
bringing the charge of puerility against their mem-
bers. With the U. C. V. of to-day, a Gordon, a
Hampton, a Lee, dignify the office and sustain
their rank; but as we go down the roster some glar-
ing absurdities appear, and the future historian
will be all at sea when endeavoring to give proper
rank to the soldiers of war. It were better, a thou-
sand times better, that the U. C. V. even now
changed its nomenclature and called our senior
officer General Commander, prefixing department,
division, brigade and regiment, down to simple
commander of camps; and to the staff, giving the
prefix before the designation of duty, but dropping
all military rank; thus making it possible for a pri-
vate in the army or navy during the war to com-
mand the U. C. V. and not feel ashamed of his,
perhaps earned, but not attained, title. The writer
went into the war an ambitious youth of nineteen,
with a military school education of four years, and
came out of the army a captain, as gazetted, but
never commissioned; now he is a “colonel,” and so
commissioned; he likes the rank, and is glad he so
did his duty in war as to have obtained the rank in
peace, but nevertheless he does not approve the
rank, and loving the cause he fought for, and jeal-
ous of its historic memories, he does not want to
see anything connected with “the cause that was,
the principle that is, the memories that cannot,
must not die,” belittled by absurd titles; especially
by our sons, who should dignify their fathers ac-
tions, so strong and self sustaining.
James G. Holmes.
“Col.” A. G. & C. of S., S. C. Div.
An ex- Johnnie, in the Courier- Journal: I want to
suggest that the ex-Confederate soldiers of Kentucky
make a spread of some kind, and show up in style
as well as force on that occasion. I suggest that a
camp be established, say one mile this side of Nash-
ville, about , and that every Kentuckian who
served in the Confederacy, and is able, rally to it,
and that they march across the bridge into the city,
preceded by a drum and fife corps, or other military
music. If something of the kind were concurred in
by all the towns of the State and such a movement
were carried out, the oli State would show up equal
to any of ’em. If anybody can suggest something bet-
er than this, I hope they will do so. Let Old Ken-
ucky has a big representation at the reunion and
give the balance of the world a chance to see it.
Rev. D. Sullins, pastor of a Methodist Church in
Chattanooga, Tenn., in a talk before the N. B.
Forrest Camp illustrating what heroic men can do
when working together, told of the Nineteenth Ten-
nessee Infantry in the battle of Shiloh: * * * *
It was in the afternoon of the first day’s fight.
The great Kentucky chieftain, Albert Sidney John-
ston, had just fallen, but Capt. Lewis, now Judge
Lewis, of Knoxville, who had charge of the ambu-
lances for the reserve corps that day, had taken him
off the field. From early morning we had driven
the Federals from hill top to hill top, till one wing
touched the river. Gen. Bred enridge, with whom
as quartermaster I pitched my tent for many a day,
was commander of the reserve corps, composed of
Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi and Louisiana
troops. He sat upon his horse on the crest of a
long ridge, his staff about him and the soldiers flat
on the ground just back of the hill top. Col. Frank
M. Walker, of the Nineteenth Tennessee Regiment,
sat upon his horse at the head of his command,
within speaking distance of the General. During
the delay caused by the death of Gen. Johnston, the
Federals had planted a strong and well support-
ed battery on a hill in our front, which was raining
death among us. The Crescent Regiment of New
Orleans had been ordered to dislodge it, and the
brave fellows charged down the hill through the
brush and fallen timber, firing and yelling as they
went. They passed the hollow and began the as-
cent of the opposite hill. The watchful and quick
Yankees saw what was coming and, knowing their
desperate opportunity, turned every murderous gun
upon them. All their hearts were aching, and
those large blue eyes of Breckenridge filled with
tears, as through the rifting smoke he saw the line
begin to waver and then to fall back. A fearful mo-
ment! Death shrieking in a thousand sh( lis! Some-
body must go to the help of those brave men and
silence that battery! Breckenridge, turning to his
staff, said: “Is there a regiment here that can re-
lieve those men and take the battery?” Col. Walker,
modest as a woman and brave as he was modest,
spurred his horse forward quickly, and touching
his cap, said: “General, I think the Nineteenth
Tennessee can!” “Give them the order, Colonel,”
came the quick reply, and in another moment a
thousand East Tennesseans sprang to their feet
with a yell and swept down that hill like an un-
bridled cyclone. There they go to death or vic-
tory, my own regiment of noble boys, to whom I
preach when the day’s march is done. See! See!
On they go, their line unbroken still. O God of
Battles, shield the dear” fellows now! See! Up, still
up they go, though many a one has fallen,- O the
horrors of war! But look! The smoke is rifted.
Thank God, they fly! The hill is taken and those
death dealing guns are hushed. Hallelujah! Lis-
ten to that shout! And then the cheer after cheer
from the surrounding heights made the young
April leaves quiver with the vibrations. Well
done, brave men! You assumed fearful responsi-
bilities for home and honor, and have met them.
(Confederate l/eterai?.
Chattanooga, Tenn., Oct. 1, 1863.
Charming Nellie: — I wrote to you last from
Fredericksburg-, Va. Then I sat in a chair by the
side of a table and under the
shade of a maple — soie and
downcast over disastrous de-
feat, but doing mv best to
“keep a still upper lip” and
make light of it; now, elated
by a glorious victorv, I sit in
the shadow of Lookout Moun-
W tain, with my back against a
f tent post, writing on a wide
board held in my lap.
With the details of the long
and tiresome journey in box
cars from Virginia, I will not weary your patient soul
— remarking, however, by way of parenthesis, that
somewhere on the route I not only lost my knap-
sack, but the pair of No. 3 cloth gaiters which, as I
wrote you, I had refused to give to the young lady
in the Shenanc oah Valley. You may think it
just retribution, but I impute the happening to the
meanness of the fellow who did the stealing. :
The battle of Chickamauga was fought, as you
know, on the l’Uh and 2<»th days of last month.
The Texas Brigade got into position early on the
morning of the 19th, and during the balance of that
long and struggling day the booming of artillery
and the roar of small arms on its right and left was
incessant and terrific. Judging alone from the
noise, it appeared to us that every man of both
armies must soon be wounded or killed, and we
wondered much why the sound of the firing seemed
neither to recede nor advance, and why there was
none of the yelling to which we had been accus-
tomed in Virginia. And when at last it was learned
that the opposing lines were simply standing two
or three hundred yards apart, firing at each other as
fast as guns could be loaded and triggers pulled, com-
ments were many and ludicrous — the consensus of
opinion being that such a method of fighting would
not suit troops which in Virginia were accustomed
to charge the enemy at sight. One brave fel-
low said, and voiced the sentiment of all: “Boys,
if we have to stand in a straight line as stationary
targets for the Yankees to shoot at with a rest, this
old Texas brigade is going to run like h — 11.”
It is said that when Longstreet, on this second
day, heard the shouts of his men as the Yankees
were being driven back, he suggested to Bragg that
a general and simultaneous attack should be made
all along the lines. “But I have no assurance that
the enemy has begun to retreat,” objected Bragg.
“Well, I know it has,” replied Longstreet, “for I
hear my men yelling and can tell from it that they are
driving the enemy before them.” But Bragg was
skeptical and waited for actual reports from the
front, and these came too late for a movement which
would have forced Kosecrans beyond the Tennessee
Kiver and given us possession of Chattanooga al-
most without a struggle. As it is, the Lord only
knows when, how or whether we shall ever capture
it; for there is no rainbow of promise yet in the sky
of war that points in the direction of that “devoutly
to be wished” consummation.
The part of the lines around Chattanooga occu-
pied by us begins ?.t a point half a mile from the
foot of Lookout Mountain; the picket line at first
established resting its right on Chattanooga Creek
and stretching across a wide bend to that stream
again. Gen. Hood’s loss of a leg at Chickamaug-a
has devolved the command of our Division upon Brig.
Gen. Jenkins, whose brigade of South Carolinians
joined us at Chickamauga. This brigade has been
heretofore serving on the coast and is composed of
a magnificent body of men whose brand new Con-
federate uniforms easily distinguish them from the
members of other commands. I wis lucky enough
to be on picket duty a few nights ago with my
friends Will Burges and John West, of Companies
D and E of the Fourth, each of whom is not only a
good soldier but a most entertaining companion.
As the night advanced it became cold enough to
make fire very acceptable, and appropriating a whole
one to ourselves, we had wandered from a discussion
of the war and of this particular campaign that
was little tl ittering to Gen. Bragg, into pleasant
reminiscences of our homes and loved ones, when
someone on horseback said, “Good evening-, gentle-
men.” Looking hastily up, we discovered that the
intruder was Gen. Jenkins, alone and unattended
by either aide or orderly, and were about to rise
and salute in approved military style, when, with a
smile plainly perceptible in the bright moonlight,
he said, “No, don’t trouble yourselves,” and, letting
the reins drop on his horse’s neck, threw one leg
around the pommel of his saddle and entered into
conversation with us. Had you been listening for
the next half hour or so. Charming Nellie, you
would never have been able to guess which of us
was the General, for, ignoring his rank as complete-
ly as we careless Texans forgot it, he became at
once as private a soldier as either of us, and talked
and laughed as merrily and unconcernedly as if it
were not war times. I offered him the use my of
pipe and smoking tobacco, Burges was equally gen-
erous with the plug he kept for chewing, and West
was even polite enough to regret that the whiskey
he was in the habit of carrying as a preventive
against snake bites was just out; in short, we were
beginning to believe Gen. Jenkins of South Caro-
lina the only real general in the Confederate serv-
ice, when, to our surprise and dismay, he straight-
ened himself up on h 1 ‘s saddle and, climbing
from “gay to grave, from lively to severe,” an-
nounced that at midnight the picket line would be
expected to advance and drive the Yankees to the
other side of the creek. We might easily have for-
given him for being the bearer of this discomfort-
ing intelligence had that been the sum total of his
offending; but it was not; he rode away without
expressing the least pleasure at having made our
acquaintance, or even offering to shake hands with
us — the necessary and inevitable consequence of
such discourtesy being that he descended at once in
our estimation to the level of any other general.
But midnight was too near at hand to waste time
Confederate l/eterar?
in nursing our indignation; instant action was im-
perative, and, resolving ourselves into a council of
war with plenary powers, it was unanimously de-
cided by the three privates there assembled that our
recent guest was an upstart wholly undeserving of
our confidence; that the contemplated movement was
not only foolish and impracticable, but bound to be
dangerous; and that if a single shot was fired at us
by the enemy, we three would just lie down and let
Gen. Jenkins of South Carolina do his own advanc-
ing and driving. Being veterans, we knew far bet-
ter than he how easy it was at night for opposing
lines to intermingle with each other and men to
mistake friends, and we did not propose to sanction
the taking of such chances.
All too soon the dreaded and fateful hour arrived;
all too soon the whispered order “Forward” was
passed from man to man down the long line, and,
like spectral forms in the ghastly moonlight, the
Confederate pickets moved slowly out into the open
field in their front, every moment expecting to see
the flash of a gun and hear or feel its messenger of
death, and all awed by the fear the bravest men feel
when confronting unknown danger. Not ten min-
utes before, the shadowy forms of the enemy had
been seen by our videttes, and if the line of the
creek was worth capturing by us, it surely was
worth holding by the Yankees. But all was silent
and still; no sight of foe, no tread of stealthy foot-
step, no sharp click of gunlock — not even the rust-
ling of a leaf or the snap of a twig came out of the
darkness to relieve our suspense and quiet the ex-
pectant throbbing of our hearts. Under these cir-
cumstances, West, Burges and your humble servant,
like the brave and true men they are, held themselves
erect and advanced side by side with their gallant
comrades until the terra incognita and impenetra-
bility of the narrow but timbered valley of the
stream suggested ambush and the advisability of
rifle pits. Working at these with a will born of
emergency, we managed to complete them just as the
day dawned, and jumping into them with a sigh of
inexpressible relief — our courage rising as the night
fled — waited for hostilities to begin. But the Yan-
kees had outwitted us, their withdrawal, by some
strange coincidence, having been practically simul-
taneous with our advance — they taking just start
enough, however, to keep well out of our sight and
hearing. West remarked next m^^ning: ”It’s bet-
ter to be born lucky than rich,” but whether he re-
ferred to our narrow escape or to that of the Yan-
kees, he refused to say. * * * * Soon after-
wards, a truce along the picket lines in front of the
Texans was arranged; that is, there was to be no
more shooting at each other’s pickets- — the little
killing and wounding done by the practice never
compensating for the powder and shot expended
and the discomfort of being always on the alert,
night and day.
But the South Carolinians, whose picket line be-
gan at our left, their first rifle pit being within fifty
feet of the last one of the First Texas, could make
no terms whatever. The Federals charge them
with being the instigators and beginners of the war,
and, as I am informed, always exclude them from
the benefit of truces between the pickets. It is
certainly an odd spectacle to see the Carolinians
hiding in their rifle pits and not daring to show
their heads, while not fifty feet away, the Texans
sit on the ground playing poker, in plain view and
within a hundred yards of the Yankees. Worse
than all, the palmetto fellows are not even permit-
ted to visit us in daylight, except in disguise — their
new uniforms of gray always betraying them wher-
ever they go. One of them who is not only very
fond of, but successful at the game of poker, con-
cluded the other day to risk being shot for the
chance of winning the money of the First Texas
and, divesting himself of his coat, slipped over to
the Texas pit an hour before daylight, and by sun-
up was giving his whole mind to the noble pastime.
An hour later, a keen-sighted Yankee sang out:
”Say, you Texas Johnnies! ain’t that fellow playing
cards with his back to a sapling one of them d — d
South Carolina secessionists? Seems to me his
breeches are newer’n they ought to be.” This di-
rect appeal for information placed the Texans be-
tween the horns of a dilemma; hospitality demanded
the protection of their guest — prudence, the observ-
ance of good faith towards the Yankees. The de-
lay in answering obviated the necessity for it by
confirming the inquirer’s suspicions and, exclaim-
ing, “D — n him, I just know it is,” he raised his
gun quickly to his shoulder and fired. The South
Carolinian was too active though; at the very first
movement of the Yankee, he sprang ten feet and
disappeared into a gulch that protected him from
further assault. * * * *
Jack Smith, of Company D, is sui generis. A
brave and gallant soldier, he is yet an inveterate
straggler and is, therefore, not always on hand when
the battle is raging; but at Chickamauga he was,
and, singularly enough, counted for two. Another
member of Company D is constitutionally opposed
to offering his body for sacrifice on the altar of his
country, and when he cannot get on a detail which
will keep him out of danger, is sure to fall alarm-
ingly sick. Jack determined to put a stop to this
shirking, so, early on the morning of the 19th, he
took the fellow under his own protecting and stimu-
lating care and, attacking him in the most vulnera-
ble point, to the surprise of everybody, carried him
into and through the fight of that day. “Come right
along with me, Fred, and don’t be scared a parti-
cle,” Jack was heard to say in his coaxing, mellif-
luous voice as we began to advance on the enemy,
“for I’ll shoot the head off the first man who points
a gun at you. You stick close to me, fire at every-
thing you see in front of you, and I’ll watch out for
your carcass, and after we have whipped the Yanks
you an’ me’ll finish them bitters in my haversack.”
“But I don’t like bitters,” protested Fred in a trem-
bling voice. “I know that, ole feller, an’ I don’t
generally like ’em myself, but these are made on
the old nigger’s plan — the least mite in the world of
cherry bark, still less of dogwood, and then fill up
the bottle with whiskey.”
Needless to say that after the battle was over and
Jack had brought his protege safely through its
perils, quite a number of comrades looked longingly
at the bottle. In vain, however; Jack was loyal to
Confederate l/eterap.
his promise, and he and Fred were the merriest men
in Company D that night.
Discussing- the subject on the picket post the night
Gen. Jenkins interviewed us, Burges insisted that
the influence which carried Fred into the engage-
ment was a spirit of patriotism newly awakened in
his bosom; I gave the credit to Jack Smith’s per-
sonal magnetism, but when West insisted it was the
bitters, Burges and I instantly “acknowledged the
corn,” Burges saying, “You ought to know, West,
for you carry that kind of bitters yourself, don’t
you?” and then, West, not to be outdone in courtesy,
modestly “acknowledged the corn” himself and gave
us a chance to repeat our acknowledgments. That
is the reason Gen. Jenkins got none, for indeed
there was very little in the bottle and the night was
very raw and cold.
The Iuka, Miss., Vidttte:
There are many people who never heard of such
a battle. There are even old citizens of this county
who have no recollection of it, although living with-
in a few miles of the place.
Eastport is situated on the south bank of the
Tennessee River about eight miles north of Iuka.
Forty or fifty years ago it was an important busi-
ness point and had several large stores and a com-
modious warehouse. * * The landing is at
the foot of a bluff of considerable elevation and the
water is deep at all times.
The battle occurred October 14, 1864. General
Forrest had just returned from his celebrated raid
into Middle Tennessee, during which, in twenty-
three days, he had killed, captured and wounded
3,500 Federals and secured a million dollars’ worth
of supplies. He had crossed the Tennessee River
at Colbert Shoals. At Cherokee Station on the
morning of the 13th information was received
through scouts that a large force of Yankees was
ascending the Tennessee River and it was believed
that a landing was contemplated at or near East-
To meet this raid, troops were stationed at differ-
ent points. A force was dispatched to Eastport
under command of Col. D. C. KHley, a brave and
dashing officer, who had ach : .ed distinction on
many hard-fought fields, although by profession a
minister of the gospel. His command consisted of
about 300 men, a part of the Twelfth Tennessee
and Forrest’s old Regiment, together with two pieces
of artillery.
Col. Kelley and his brave troops reached Eastport
on the morning of the 14th, when a fleet of trans-
ports, convoyed by two gunboats, was seen in the
distance ascending the river. Kelley barely had
time to make preparations for battle.
Placing his section of artillery in position where
it commanded the river landing and masking it
skillfully, he had his horses sent to the rear and hid
his troops behind the crest of the ridge, with orders
not to fire until a signal was given.
It was an exciting time. On came the enemy’s
fleet direct to the landing. The three transports
were blue with Yankee soldiers, there being not less
than 3,000 on board, the two gunboats standing to
the north shore.
As soon as the transports were made fast to the
bank, the stage planks were lowered and the sol-
diers began to disembark.
Company after company marched ashore and they
had counted sixty horses and three cannon on the
Then the signal was given, just as the stagings
were covered with troops crowding to the shore. A
sheet of flame burst forth from the crest of the hill
while Walton’s Artillery, stationed in the old fort,
threw a shell into the troops and another into one
of the gunboats, where it was seen to explode with
terrific effect.
The cables connecting the boats with the bank
were cut, the transports drifted back, the stagings
crowded with men dropped into the water, drowning
scores of them.
Nearly 1,200 Yankees were now on the bank and
exposed to a plunging fire from the hill above, with-
out organization and without any chance of protec-
tion from the withering, death-dealing bullets. The
cooler headed ones rushed down the bank except
some fifty, who threw down their arms and surren-
dered. The transports made no effort to save those
who had fallen into the river, but backed rapidly
down the river, played upon all the while by the
Confederate artillery.
Meantime the Yankees on the shore to the num-
ber of about 800 succeeded in making their escape,
after throwing away their guns, knapsacks and
overcoats, by pursuing the retreating boats down the
river about half a mile and out of reach of the Con-
federates, where the transports hove to and took the
frightened wretches on board.
The results of this brilliant battle to the Confed-
erate troops was the capture of 75 Yankees, 250
killed and drowned, 3 pieces of rifled artillery and
60 artillery horses, besides small arms and clothing
in large quantities, also thwarting a raid that was
no doubt contemplated by this expedition. All this
was accomplished without the loss of a man.
The Yankees retired down the river, reporting
that they had been attacked by all of Forrest’s Cav-
alry and made haste to get into safer quarters.
Col. Kelley’s, now Rev. D. C. Kelley, attention was
called to the above and he confirms the story. The
Northern press reported it as “The Eastport Disas-
ter.” Dr. Kelley says:
We had only a single man wounded. We were
unable to pursue the retreating Federals down the
river bank quickly because the high weeds about
the landing obscured their movements and left us
in doubt as to the numbers not joining in the retreat.
So soon as we had made sure of those remaining by
capture, our horsemen began pursuit of those re-
treating, but found the narrow ground between the
river and the bluff impracticable for cavalry, and by
the time we had secured our prisoners, and dis-
mounted our men for the pursuit, the Federals had
outstripped us in distance.
Confederate l/eterap
They Pay Tribute to Four Color Bearers.
The South Carolina Division United Daughters
of the Confederacy held their annual Convention at
Columbia, December ‘), 1896.
Mrs. A. T. Smythe, of Charleston, who has been
a diligent organizer in the Palmetto State and had
been President from the first, declined reelection.
Mrs. Ellison Capers, Columbia, President; Mrs.
C. P. McGowan, Abbeville, Mrs. H. B. Buist,
Greeneville, Mrs. Thomas P. Bailey, Georgetown,
Mrs. C. Rutledge Holmes, Charleston, Vice-Presi-
dents; Mrs. Thomas Taylor, Columbia, Secretary;
Mrs. S. A. Durham, Marion, Treasurer. There is
a generally active membership in the Daughters of
South Carolina.
At the meeting of the Wade Hampton Chapter,
subsequent to the State Convention, Mrs. Thomas
Taylor gave a pathetic story concerning a boy
soldier. The Columbia State gives this account:
We are not working for what is unattainable.
We are not a people of humility. It is unnatural to
us not to strive against inferiority. The Daughters
are honest and vigorous in their effort to cherish the
immortal spirit which will keep working those
activities, which will have to work perhaps as na-
ture does dark work — tbe secret growing of power
below the surface of the earth — until the fullness of
time comes for it to burst out, meet the sunlight
and strengthen life. South Carolina is to go to
court some day and she is not going in a calico
dress. Our men are to take her there in the royal
presence of the world, herself royal in her own
right. Ladies, I think it is our men who must take
her there, but I think they will be partly the make-
up of women’s influences.
It is good for women to do their part; the part we
are now doing as nourishers, and there we stop.
We cannot make healthy manhood by standing in
its place and assuming its obligations.
How are we working? First, we are collecting
relics and records. Relics and records are symbols.
There is a subtle spirit in these, and if we do not
reach it and bind it to our uses we will have bread
without salt.
I was in the Confederate room of the South Caro-
lina College a short time ago when a man entered
and inquired for the picture of a boy, naming him.
He had been told that it was there and had come to
see it. He was directed to where upon opposite
pillars hung two portraits in oil — one to DeSaus-
sure Burroughs, a gallant lad courier to General
Kershaw, killed in Virginia; the other was the por-
trait inquired for. The visitor stood reading the
sketch of the life of the color bearer. He said he
was one of the detail to bury the dead of his com-
mand, who laid side by side upon the ground await-
ing interment.
“A boy hero,” he said to me, “that is what Gen-
eral Gregg called Jimmie when he turned from the
grave where we buried him after the fight. We
buried him in three barrels — knocked the heads
out of the middle one and run the end ones onto it.
The men put a rail around the grave and Bennett
cut l J. H. T.’ in the tree at the head.” I asked why
they made a difference for him and he said: “The
men loved the boy.” He was 15 years of age and
had been their color bearer.
The flag was presented at Torre’s Mill, away up
on East Bay, Charleston, by Mrs. D. H. Hamilton
to her husband’s regiment, to the command of
which Col. Hamilton succeeded when Gregg was
promoted; it went to Virginia. For “soldierly con-
duct” General Gregg made James Taylor color ser-
geant. Before the battle he said to Taylor that he
was not required to take the colors into the fight.
The reply was: “General, you gave them to me. I
will bear them.” The first shot made him shift the
staff to the other arm. The second further crippled
him and his friend took the standard. This was
the second of the four boys of whom I speak to you.
He bore the name of a relative who had remained
in the United States navy. I have heard that his
mother said to him when he was going to the army:
“Shubrick, you have a name to redeem.” Those
who remember Mrs. Isaac Hayne know that she
would naturally speak as would a Roman mother.
Shubrick Hayne was soon in his last rest. Taylor
again took the flag and was mortally wounded. In
unconscious heroism, the third boy, Alfred Pinck-
ney, held the colors until he was summoned, and
resigned them to the fourth, George Cotchett, who
finished the record made by four boys who had
done all that manhood can achieve; they had ful-
filled a mighty responsibility. This record is to
be kept by Time and the Daughters of the Confed-
To me it seems that the social and political history
of the South from the Revolution to 1865 is focused
in the military history of these lads — Taylor,
Hayne, Pinckney and Cotche; t of Gregg’s command
— color bearers.
In the short hours of that battle at Gaines’ Mill
they tell a long story of womanhood, manhood,
statesmanship and the result. They indicate vi-
talities which acted through our past, underlie our
present and which are bound to be emerging in our
future. It was almost the nursery door which was
opened for them to pass through the field of battle
— and to death. It was the womanhood of the land
which opened the door. Women taught boys that
manhood meant responsibility; they taught them
more than narrow consideration for State interests;
they learned that they were to endure restrictions —
constitutional restrictions — and impositions which
were necessary for the interlaced interests of the
United States.
From fathers and clean-minded statesmen of those
days they learned that every citizen owed a charac-
ter to his commonwealth. Election meant that a
man was endorsed by his people because he was
worthy and fit.
Friends, Southerners have to write the history
that will continue to teach these doctrines, and I
Confederate Veterar?
believe these boys can help us. To whom do they
belong-? To the up-country or the low-country? to
this family or to that? to this country or that?
“Epaminondas belongs to Thebes,
Regulus belongs to Rome” —
The boys of the Confederacy belong to us.
“They are not dead; they sleep” —
They will come to us in other boys who in turn will
become the guards of the principle for which we
struggled — the right to hold to the individuality of
the State in the united commonwealths, and her
sovereignty within herself -which individualizing
of responsibility, in my opinion, is the real safcty
of this big body of country with a Federal govern-
ment, and no government over that government ex-
cept the chances of conscience.
Our Chapter, unaided, perhaps, could raise a
mural memorial to the standard bearers of Gregg’s
command; but the State is their mother; therefore,
be it
Resolved, That the State Convention of the South
Carolina Division appropriate . . . . , for a testimonial,
whereby the Daughters of the Confederacy desire to
express their tenderness for and their solemn trust
in the boys who were color bearers in Gregg’s com-
mand at the battle of Gaines’ Mill, Va.
Rkminmschnces of Fort Donei.son. — J. M. Lynn
of Crystal Falls, Texas, writes: I belonged to R.E-
Graves’ Battery, S.B. Buckner’s Division at Fort Don-
elsonin Febuary 18h2. We arrived atDover on Tues-
day and took position on the hill in rear of the Fort,
Col. Hciman’s Tenth Tennessee supported our left;
they were on a V shaped hill and Capt. Maney’s
Battery was on their left. During the attack on the
Fort the shots from the gunboats passed over our
battery and struck the V shaped hill. I can see
them still in my memory. We remained on the
battlefield three days after the surrender.
As we marched on board the steamer to be trans-
ported North Gen. Buckner was in the crowd, the
Yankee band struck up “Yankee Doodle,” and a
Federal officer asked Gen. B. if it did not remind
him of old times, and he replied, “Yes, it also re-
minds me of an incident that occurred in our camps
a few days ago. A soldier was being drummed out
of camp for stealing; the band was playing the
Rogues March, when he said, ‘Hold on! play
Yankee Doodle, as half a million rogues march by
that tune every day.’ ”
Before we got to Louisville, Ky., it was rumored
that we would be mobbed if we landed. The levee
was packed with people who sought a’limpse of
Buckner and his “pets.” I remember George D.
Prentice was severe in his censure of General
We were confined in Camp Morton Prison, and D.
L. Kowell of the Second Kentucky and I escaped on
the night of March 18th 1S(>2, and walked to Owen
County, Ky.. where I left him and have never heard
from him since. I would be glad to know his ad-
dress if living. I joined John II. Morgan’s Cavalry
and was captured again at Cheshire, Ohio; was con-
fined in Camp Douglass Prison till close of the war.
After a description of the beautiful State Capitol,
at Madison, Wis., Polk Miller, of Virginia, adds:
I visited the rotunda, in which are stored the Hags
of different Wisconsin Regiments that served in the
great war. On each there is a card, giving the num-
ber of the regiment, names of its field officers, the
battles in which it was engaged, the number of men
it had in the start, recruits added, and the number it
had when mustered out. I was struck with the num-
ber of men who fell Lorn disease, while few, compar-
atively, were killed in battle. The cards read: “— th
Wisconsin; organized at Milwaukee, July .}, ‘(>2. mus-
tered in for three years.” Then came the list of
battles — two-thirds- of which I never heard of before.
No. of men mustered in 1.180
No. of recruits received B40
2, 130
No. killed or died of wounds . ..US
No. died “f disease ■ . . . .38(3
No. died from accidents 13 512
Mustered out in 1865 i.eis
Just think of a regiment, and there were thirty
or forty just such, which had more men mustered out
of service after the close of hostilities than we had
in a whole brigade of five regiments. Every now and
then I would see where the death roll was made up
of those who died by disease or accident only. There
must have been a haif dozen or more regiments
which did not become engaged in battle at all. * * *
The library and art gallery interested me vcr}- much.
Here was stored a collection of portraits of their
leading- men. All Southerners remember that noble
man, James R. Doolittle, who did so much for us
during the dark day* of reconstruction and carpet-
bag rule in the South. He was then a Senator. We
remember Nat. Carpenter, too, but not so pleasantly,
for he was “agin us” all the time. Daniel Webster’s
priva<e carriage, with the steps folded up on the in-
side of the door, is also there. The driver’s seat is
about ten feet from the ground.
Here, too, is exhibited a section of cast iron breast-
plate, with a bullet hole penetrating it at a point
just over the heart of wearer, and bears this inscrip-
tion: “Taken from the body of Colonel Rodgers, of
the Confederate Army, killed at Shiloh.” If I am not
mistaken, I have seen this very thing before. There
was one in one of our public buildings at the evacua-
tion of Richmond, I think it was the capitol,andit was
taken from the body of a cavalryman, who was killed
by one of our pickets. As one of the Wisconsin regi-
mental Hags h;is a card saving, “this was the first
to enter Richmond and plant the United States flag
on its public buildings,” I think “Colonel Rodgers’
breastplate” was purloined by one of those fellows
and taken home as a relic. I have seen enough wood
from “the apple tree under which the rebel General
Lee surrendered at Appomattox,” in my travels, to
start a first-class lumber yard. There is a show case
full of “captured Confederate flags.” Arrong them
I could not see but two that I could read on account
of the way they were folded. One read “the Cedar
Creek Rifles, presented by the ladies of Virginia, ‘
another “the Mississippi Devils.”
Confederate Veterai).
Confederate l/eterap.
8. A. CUNNINGHAM, Editor and Proprietor.
Office: Willcox Building, Church Street. Nashville. Tenn.
This publication is the personal property of S. A. Cunningham. All
persons who approve its principles, and realize its benefits as an organ for
Associations throughout the South, are requested to commend its patron-
age and to co-operate in extending it.
The change in the cover of the Veteran will be
a surprise after almost four years. It has long been
contemplated in the interest especially of those who
bind it. So many beautiful and valuable engravings
have been injured by the folding and exposure to dust
and handling that hereafter may be preserved. Such
changes have to be experimental, but this one is be-
ing made with care and its acceptance predicted.
The reminiscence of W. C. Boze in tribute to his
comrade and intimate friend, B. B. Thackston, page
28, will surprise many readers. In a personal letter,
Comrade Boze describes their feelings when, after
nearly four years, eventful in peril and hardships,
they were back in the little Stone Church, “on the
floor of which they again rested their tired limbs.”
The story of Sam Davis’ martyrdom, which is be-
coming a theme for illustration in the pulpit, grows
more and more interesting. A lady who witnessed
the execution, after hearing Rev. Collins Denny in
McKendree Church, Nashville, said she could hard-
ly bear even now to recall the tragic event. Her at-
tention was attracted to a crowd of men on an oppo-
site hill with one of them standing on a wagon. She
saw him straighten up as if excited and put his hair
back just as the wagon was driven from between two
posts, and the man was left suspended. She ran into
the house and told that a man had been hanged. Ad-
ditional subscriptions will be given in February Vet-
eran with the first article published after the war.
The sketch concluding this article induced further
inquiry about Captain Quirk, and Gen. John Boyd
procured data from Capt. Ben S. Drake, of which
“every word is true,” and who “was equally as gal-
lant as Qairk ” The pencil memoranda is as fol-
lows, under the heading, “Tom Quirk”:
Left Lexington, September 25, 1861, to join the
Confederate Army, and attached himself to General
Morgan’s Command at Camp Charity, near Bloom-
field, Ky., on the following day. He was mustered
into the army in front of the old church at Woodson-
ville, Ky., early in October, 1861, and was one of
the original sixty-four men who comprised the
nucleus of Morgan’s Command. As a private, he
was distinguished for his fearlessness and daring;
was with Captain Morgan in his first fight at Bacon
Creek, Ky.; was one of the most active of Morgan’s
men on the retreat from Bowling Green to Corinth;
was in the Battle of Shiloh, April 6 and 7, 1862; in
the fight at Pulaski, Tenn., May 3, 1862; and in
several “red hot” skirmishes between Pulaski and
Lebanon, Tenn. In the battle at the latter place,
May 5th, he distinguished himself, and received
special mention by General Morgan in his report.
Took part in the defense of Chattanooga, in May,
1862; was made Sergeant in June, 1862; was in the
fight at Tompkinsville, Ky., July 8th, and at Cyn-
thiana, Ky., July 19, 1862. He was in skirmishes
in Middle Tennessee. In the battle of Gallatin,
Tenn., August 12th (or 13th), Uuirk, with a few
men, attacked and drove away a large force of Fed-
erals; for this he was promoted to Lieutenant of a
company in the Second Kentucky Cavalry. On
August 20th, he took conspicuous part in a fight be-
tween Gallatin and Nashville; and again, August
21st, at Gallatin, he distinguished himself by his
valor and dash.
Quirk took part in many skirmishes during the
time Bragg occupied Kentucky; he assisted in the
capture and destruction of Salt River bridge at
Shepherdsville, Ky. ; he was slightly wounded at
battle of Augusta, Ky., where he had several des-
perate personal encounters and “killed his man” in
each. He participated in the capture of Lexington,
Ky., Sept. 18, 1862, and then he was in many skir-
mishes around Lebanon, Gallatin and Nashville dur-
ing the months of October and November.
In November, 1862, he was promoted to Captain
and given command of a company, afterwards known
as Quirk’s scouts. He was in the battle of Harts-
ville December 8, 1862, and in the skirmish at
Glasgow, Ky., December 24, 1862. Charged a bat-
talion of cavalry with his company Christmas Day
near Bear Wallow, Ky., routed the battalion and
was shot twice in the scalp. In fact, he was in
every fight and skirmish on the celebrated Christ-
mas raid into Kentucky. He saved General Duke
from capture after being wounded at Rolling Fork.
The stream was very much swollen and it was
thought impossible to take the wounded officer
across the river. Quirk took the apparently lifeless
body in his arms and carried it across the river on
his horse. He was in many shirmishes in the vi-
cinity of Liberty, Tenn.; he was in that fight of
Woodbury, Tenn., January 24th; at Brady ville,
Tenn., in February, 1863. At Milton, Tenn.,
March 20, 1863, he brought on fight and during the
battle gained the rear of the enemy and did very
efficient service, capturing about twenty prisoners.
He covered the retreat from the battle of Snow
Hill, April 3, 1863, and prevented a stampede.
Active scouting and skirmishing for the next three
months, with headquarters at Liberty, Tenn. He
was in the battle of Greasy Creek, June 1863, and
was badly wounded in skirmish on Marrow Bone
Creek, near Birdsville, July 2, 1S63 I think he
surrendered at Chattanooga, sometime after the
surrender at Washington, Ga.
Dr. John A. Wyeth, 151 E. Thirty- fourth Street,
New York City, writes: [Don’t fail to send Dr. Wyeth
any suitable data for his Life of General Forrest] :
The portrait of Capt. Thomas Quirk, of Morgan’s
Scouts, given in the October number of the Veter-
an, together with the statement that he was in “a
multitude of battles, and was wounded several times
— twice in the head and severely in the arm,”
brings vividly to my mind two interesting episodes
which I witnessed while I was in his company, in
Qopfederate l/eterai).
one of which he received the two wounds in his
head when I was within a few feet of him.
In December, 1862, I went with Quirk’s Company
on Morgan’s celebrated “Christmas Raid.” I was
then seventeen years of age, and they refused to
enlist me, but said that I might go along as inde-
pendent. We left Murfreesboro about ten days be-
fore the battle, crossed the Cumberland River at
Carthage, Tenn., and went directly to Glasgow,
Ky., where we first struck the enemy. On Christmas
day, 18(>2, about two o’clock in the afternoon, at a
little place which, I believe, is called Bear Wallow,
our company was well in front of Morgan’s Com-
mand, it being the advance guard always, when the
vidette came back with the information that the
road was full of Yankees just ahead. With his us-
ual reckless dash, Quirk drew his six-shooter and,
yelling to his company of about forty five men to
draw theirs, he dashed down the road toward the
enemy. War was a new experience to me, and it
was very exciting as we swept down the road at full
tilt. Right ahead of us, as we swung around a
turn, stretched across the turnpike, and field on
one side of the road, was a formidable line of
Federal Cavalry. The number in sight evidently
checked the tnthusiasm of our plucky Captain,
for, as they opened fire upon us and one or
two of our men were wounded, he told us to dis-
mount and fight on foot, which we promptly did,
leaving our horses with “Number 4,” and advanc-
ing some hundred yards further down the lane. At
this moment the Federals dashed in upon our flank
and rear, having laid an ambush for us into which
we heedlessly rode. They rushed up to the fence
and fired into the horse holders, stampeding the
horses, and closed in on us. Our one chance was to
climb over the fence on the other side of the lane,
which we speedily did. Quirk and I went over the
same panel, with the Federals shooting at us from
the fence across the road, not more than thirty or
forty feet distant. We got over safely without any
delay, and ran across 1he field, making the best
possible time to take refuge in a thicket. Once un-
der cover, I noticed that his face was covered with
blood, and called his attention to it. “Yes,” he
said, “those d — Yankees have shot me twice in the
head; but I’ll get even with them before the sun
sets.” He then said to me: “I want you to go to
the rear as fast as you can. Tell my men that if
they don’t come back here and help me clean those
fellows out. I will shoot the last d — one of them my-
self.” I went to the rear, rather glad of the oppor-
tunity, too, and delivered the message. By this
time Morgan’s advance regiment was coming up.
We gathered our scattered horses and. with the
help at hand, rode into the Federal camp and dis-
persed them. In the running fight which ensued,
Quirk was in the thick of it, as usual, and killed a
Federal officer with his six-shooter.
A few days later he performed a feat which at-
tracted widespread attention. While standing near
our company, which was deployed in covering the
rear at Rolling Fork River, Gen. Basil Duke was
wounded by the explosion of a shell. Although we
were closely pushed and were retreating, and the
Rolling Fork was so high that it swam the horses,
Quirk had General Duke placed astride his horse,
and. mounting behind the unconscious officer,
spurred the horse, a splendid animal, into the river
and swam over with the rest. He then impressed a
carriage, filled it with bedding, and brought the
wounded officer back to Dixie through the bitter cold.
The picture of Captain Quirk is reproduced in connection with the above account of his wonderful
courage, his patriotism, and devotion to his superior officer.
He was an Irishman, joined the company raised by John H.
Morgan in September, ISM, and surrendered at Chattanooga,
M a y 5, 1 8 6 5. He
died at Lexington,
Ky., January 13, ’73.
Other thrill-
ing reminiscences of
Capt. Quirk are de-
for the Vet-
Let his corn-
attend to this
at once.
Richard R. Wor-
sham, of Lexington,
Ky., born in 1 8 3 9,
served in Second
Kentucky and then
with Quirk’s Scouts.
He fought in several
hard battles, and was
killed near Lebanon,
Ky., July 5, 1863.
Confederate l/eterar?.
One evening-, the latter part of November, 1863,
my mother and her younger children, together with
a near and dear
neighbor, were
gathered around an
open fire in the din-
ing room listening
to the tales this
friend was telling
us of her childhood
and old “Sandy,
the Co achman.”
The lamps were not
yet lighted, and
the gleams of the
firelight fell upon
the eager childish faces and my mother’s pale, list-
less features, for her heart was away with her sol-
dier boy in Stonewall’s Brigade. But we children
were happy and eagerly listening to the denoue-
ment of the tale, when slam! went the frontdoor,
and, like a whirlwind, a neighbor rushed in. Her
hair was blown about her face, her eyes were dis-
tended and, wildly gesticulating, she said: “Have
you heard the news? The town is to be bombarded
to-morrow morning at nine o’clock, and everyone
has been warned to leave. Every conveyance that
can be gotten for love or money has been seized
upon. What are you going to do? I leave to-night
at midnight.” She left in as great a whirlwind of
fear and excitement as she had entered, and we
children hardly realized what it all meant, but were
reassured by our mother and friend, who, after
quietly consulting together, saw no alternative but
to trust in the Lord and stay where they were.
They were both helpless, delicate women, with
young children, and no one to look after them;
both husbands were with the army. So we all said
our prayers and went to bed and fell asleep. About
twelve o’clock a thundering rap at the next door
awoke us. It was Captain Beverly, of Spottsyl-
vania Courthouse, who had heard the tidings and
came in with a four-horse wagon to move his sister
and family out to his house, and he was more than
astonished to find us all asleep. “Why, sister, what
do you mean? I expected to meet you on the road,”
said the Captain, but our neighbor refused to go
unless we went with her. My mother argued and
reasoned with her: “You have your children, ser-
vants and household goods to save, and there is no
room for us,” but all in vain. She said if there
was danger for her, there was for us, and she would
not go off and leave us.
So a compromise was made: The first wagon
load was to be hers, and they were to proceed about
three miles from town and unload at any house that
was at that distance, and in the second load we
would come. And so it was; the second wagon was
piled high with furniture and bedding, as much as
could be laid on, and on the extreme top sat my
little sister Fannie, holding on to the ropes the
beds were tied with. In the hind end of the wagon
I and another sat with our feet dangling down, and
above us on a piece of furniture sat our friend. She
had sent her children and servants in the first load,
but refused to go till the second trip, and there she
was; a little woman
with a black sky
scraper bonnet on
over her night cap.
In the hurry she
had forgotten t o
take her cap off,
and put her bonnet
on over it. Some-
where else my little
brother was perch
ed, and my mother
sat by the driver; a
comical load we made,
smiled and cordially
the soldiers we met
our curious party.
At last we arrived at the three mile house where it
was thought best to unload and send back the wag-
on the third time for other household goods.
The house was a small, plain, unpretentious
frame, that was afterwards turned into a hospital
for the wounded in the battle of Fredericksburg,
but that morning there was a brooding quietness
over the place, and we children, hungry, restless
and excited, could not sit still. We wandered
around and wondered to each other when the lady
of the house would have breakfast, and supposed,
of course, she would invite us to it. Had we not
been driven from our homes and breakfasts? But
the wagon and the breakfast still tarried, so we
went into the room. They were cooking breakfast,
and as the oven lid was lifted I saw such nice brown
biscuit, and I knew they were done, but the lid
was put on again,
and, disappointed
and hungry, I felt
she was purposely
putting back
breakfast. So,
hurt and i n d i g-
nant, I went to my
mother and whis-
pered: “Ma, they
don’t want to give
us breakfast here,
for the biscuit are done, and they won’t take them
up. Please let me walk on with Fannie and John-
nie, and when the wagon comes you can get in and
overtake us.” My mother agreed reluctantly, and
I started with my little brother and sister. Now,
I can see that perhaps it was not so bad as I thought
then. Maybe it was not so much a lack of hospital-
ity as that there was not enough to go around such
a large and unexpected addition to the family; there
were nine of us without counting the servants in
the two families. But a hungry and indignant
child, whose heart and hand had ever been open to
every one, does not reason much when giving is in
question. So out we went and commenced our long
At first it was very nice. We were town chil-
dren, and seldom in the country, and everything
was a delight to us — the little acorn cups, the pine
needles, etc. We laughed, we talked, we ran in
and out of the woods that edged the road, and pres-
Qopfederate l/eterai?
ently we met a brigade of soldiers, some of whom
questioned us: “Whither away, little ones? Flee-
ing’ from the Yankees? Never mind, we’ll whip
them for you!” But little Johnnie always said:
“No, we are not running- away.” We felt that we
were having a frolic, and by and by came more sol-
diers, and still more. It seemed as if they would
never stop coming; far as we could see they were
coming, so we thought we would go in the woods
and sit down and wait for the wagon, but the woods
were full of soldiers and the limbs of the trees
brushed off our hats, and the briers tore a long
rent in my dress, so I had to stop and pin it up, and
we couldn’t find the path, and we stumbled over
stumps, and scratched ourselves, and were afraid of
being lost; so out again in the road we came, and
still the soldiers lined the road, and the echo of
their tramp, tramp was heard. My heart began to
fail me, so I went up to one and asked him if there
was any more coming, for they’d been coming for
two miles, and I wanted to go back to my mother,
but he said he thought there were only a few more,
and if I went back I would have to go through
more than if I went on. So on we then plodded,
and the soldiers never stopped coming; brigade after
brigade, division after division. 1 now know it
was Lee’s Army on the march to Fredericksburg to
get ready for the fight there; and, as on and on
they came, I became frightened, and no longer
keeping the side of the road, with my hat pulled
down over ni} r face, my hands crossed in front, de-
spairingly I led my little companions right in the
middle of the road, breaking ranks. Ouestions
were asked on all sides, and many blessed us, but
none could tarry for the answer, which I was too
discouraged to give. One big Irishman grasped
my hand, and said:
“God bless you,”
as he hurried by.
I stood still for a
moment and look-
ed after him, but
was too much
frightened to
speak to him even
if he had waited.
We had now
walked five miles,
and the wagon
teams commenced
coming, and we had to dodge from one side of the
road to the other, for it was narrow here, and some-
times there was room on one side of the road and
sometimes on the other, and we would dodge across
under the heads of horses and mules, which was
still more tiresome.
In a place where the road was wider, I saw, a lit-
tle ways off, one or two tents and several soldiers
sitting under a tree before the tent, but I did not
look at them closely, for little Johnnie was begin-
ning to fag and didn’t answer so blithely that we
were “not running away,” and Fannie was tired
and cross, and I, a fat, chunky child, who nad never
walked half that distance in my life, was not only
broken down, but felt like the lost babes in the
wood, only we were lost in the big road amongst
crowds of soldiers instead of leaves. None of u<=
knew the way to Captain Beverly’s, and the big
white road still
stretched intermi-
nably out, only in
some places it was
red and streaky,
and clung to our
shoes and made
our feet hard to
lift, and the sol-
diers and wagons
kept coming. I
scarcely knew
whether it was all
a dream or not, only I was certain I was tired, so
Then two cavalrymen rode up and, addressing
me as the oldest of the party, said: “Where are
your parents and where are you going? General
Lee was before that tent you passed, and he has
sent us to take care of you and take you where you
want to go.” “Oh.” said I, “I am so glad. Please
take up Fannie and Johnnie on your horses, but I
can walk some
more, for there is
only room for two.”
“No, no,” said one
of them, “all can
ride. I’ll take the
little boy before
me, and you two
get up behind us.”
Brightening up, I
told them my tale
of woe, how “I
didn’t know the
way, and only meant to walk a little way and the sol-
diers had gotten in between me and my mother and
I didn’t know what to do. We were tired and hun-
gry and frightened,” and so I chattered on. My
heart relieved of its load was as light as a feather,
for they sympathized and condoled and said they
would take us safe to Captain Beverly, which they
did, and when the wagon came with my mother,
who had been nearly frightened to death, we joy-
fully ran out to meet her, for we too were soldiers,
and had been on a forced march.
After all, there wasn’t any bombardment for
three weeks, and our six or seven miles walk and
fright were entirely useless. We have cherished
tender recollections of that noble man who, with
the responsibility of a large army upon him, and
whilst planning his battle line, took care and
thought for three little refugee children. We also
had a long wonder, that was never satisfied, if those
biscuit didn’t get burnt.
Mks. B. M. Carter, Stephen City, Va.
The New York Observer refers to the Veteran:
It must make very interesting reading material
for Southern readers. Indeed, no one who had any
interest in the war of the secession can fail to find
his attention engaged by its pages. The editor,
Mr. S. A. Cunningham, does his work with enthu-
siasm and discrimination.
Confederate l/eteran
Mrs. Anne Bowman Wilson and Her Work.
It is nearly a year since the purpose to pay a
tribute to the above named patriotic woman, “the
mother of Confederates,” was determined:
Anne Eliza Bowman, born on Christmas Day of
1812, was taken by her parents to Natchez, Miss., in
1814, her father buying- the Light House property on
the upper bluff. On August 20, 1835, Miss Bowman
became the wife of Andrew L. Wilson, who had come
from Washington County, Penn. Mrs. Wilson was
a widow for a long time previous to her death, which
occurred June 5, 1892 — her eightieth year.
□ Although Northern born and married to a North-
ern man, Mrs. Wilson espoused the cause of the
South and was zealously devoted to it to the end.
Her beautiful home — “Rosalie” — was taken for
headquarters of Federal Commanders; it was oc-.
cupied by Generals Ransom, Gresham, Grant and
Crocker. General Tuttle had Mrs. Wilson imprison-
ed for ten days and then banished her. She went
to Atlanta, Ga., and joined the family of her former
neighbors, General C. G. Dahlgren, but soon she
engaged in active nursing, in hospitals, where until
the war closed. She did much of this service in her
own State Capital and at Natchez. Testimonials
come from many sources in her praise. Comrade B. D.
Guice, who travels much in Mississippi and Louis-
iana, states that many times during the past year he
has had evidences of grateful rememberance of Mrs.
Wilson. Commander of the camp at Natchez, F.
J. V. LeCand, sends a worthy tribute to her memory:
“Although she was surrounded in her community
by others who were as zealous, she was an acknowl-
edged leader, a general in command, ably assisted
by faithful followers. Her exploits in behalf of the
Confederate soldier startle the imagination even at
this late day. Having no children of her own, her
maternal feelings were constantly exercised in car-
ing- for orphans. General Grant and his family came
to her home immediately after the siege of Vicks-
burg and re mained there for several days. One day
his little boy said to his mother: ‘ If these people are
such rebels why is it that they have the United States
flag over them?’ and she, not desiring- to wound
the feelings of those about them, said: ‘ It is not over
them, but is beneath them,’ (on the lower gallery).
From the beginning Mrs. Wilson took an active part
in behalf of the Southern cause, giving her time and
liberally of her means, and by her zeal she inspired
others. She and Mrs. Izod went to Jackson and,
with assistance, fitted up the Blind Asylum as a
hospital. They remained there for several months,
caring for the sick and wounded. On their return
to Natchez, the Marine Hospital was fitted up for
the same purpose, and they spent a considerable
time there in efficient service. So true was her de-
votion to the boys in gray that after their death she
continued to care for their graves, until she, too,
crossed ‘over the river to rest beneath the shade of
the trees.’ She was an ‘Honorary Member’ of
Camp No. 20, U. C. V., and the Veterans of Natchez
paid tribute of affection and gratitude by attending
her funeral in a body. As annually returns the day
for decorating the graves of the Confederate dead,
her grave, too, is spread with these mute emblems
of combined sorrow and love. For more than thirty
years she was one of the managers of the Protestant
Orphan Asylum, and until her death she was one of
the most public spirited women in Natchez, always
ready to lend a helping hand in any good work.”
Prof. A. F. McKissick, of the Electrical Engineer-
ing Department, A. & M. College, Auburn, Ala., re-
ports the organization of a camp of the United Sons
of Confederate Veterans. Mr. C. L. Hare co-cper-
ated actively with him. The camp was named
“Camp Pelham” in honor of Major John Pelham,
the gallant and famous young Alabamian, killed at
Kelley’s Ford. The following are the officers: Com-
mander, Dr. P. H. Mell; Lieutenant-Commanders,
Prof. C. C. Thach, Mr. C. L. Hare, Mr. L. S. Boyd;
Ad-jutaut, Prof. A. F. McKissick; Quartermaster,
Mr. Warren H. McBryd; Surgeon, Dr. J. H. Drake,
Jr.; Chaplain, Dr. J. W. Rush; Treasurer, Mr. J. M.
Thomas; Sergeant Major, Mr. J. B. Hobdy; Color
Bearer, Mr. C. J. Nelson. Various necessary com-
mittees were appointed. Dr. J. W. Rush made a
stirring and earnest talk to the members, which was
highly appreciated. Fifty-four names were en-
rolled, mostly students of the Alabama Polytechnic
Confederate Ueterar?
An old clipping- turns up from the New York Com-
mercial-Advertiser that contains an elaborate review
of a work on slavery in the early days of Massachu-
setts, by George H. Moore, Librarian of the New York
Historical Society, and a corresponding member
of the Massachusetts Historical Society. The man-
ner in which the Bay State gradually adopted abo-
lition views is interesting. The book is “skillfully
arranged and pleasantly written.” The critic states:
Mr. Everett taught us to believe that Massachusetts
was always anti-slavery. He maintained that her
opinions on that point had never changed. He af-
firmed that the South and the North had once co-
incided in their views, and that what ever modifica-
tion had taken place, had been in the South, which
had become more and more pro-slavery, because of
her growing interest in the production of cotton. But
Massachusetts had always been true to her pristine
faith. Mr. Moore destroys that very delightful New
England delusion. “Massachusetts had always car-
ried herself v ith prudish dignity in the family of
States.” Mr. Moore disclosed her doing’s years ago,
and ‘ the pretty pranks she played when a girl.”
Slavery began in Massachusetts with the enslav-
ing of captured Tndians in the Pequod war. Through
fear of their escape and consequent revenge, many
of them were exported to Bermuda, the worthy Puri-
tans finding that traffic very profitable. Governor
Winthrop mentions, that “through the Lord’s great
mere}-,” a number of them had been taken, of whom
the males were sent to Bermuda, and the females
distributed through the Bay towns, to be used as
domestic servants. There is something very amus-
ing in the coolness of these proceedings. Captain
Stoughton, whoassisted in the workof exterminating
the Pequods, after his arrival in the enemy’s coun-
try, wrote to the Governor of Massachusetts (Win-
throp) as follows:
“By this pinnace }’ou shall receive forty-eight or
fifty women and children; concerning which there
is one, I formerly mentioned, that is the fairest
and largest that I ever saw among them, to whom I
have given a coat to clothe her. It is my desire to
have her for a servant, if it may stand with your
good liking, else not. There is a little squaw that
Staward Calacut desireth, to whom he hath given a
coat.” * * *
The expatriation of the Indians led to the com-
mencement of the African slave trade. A vessel, the
Desire, of 120 tons, built in (1630) was used for that
purpose. A letter to the Governor states:
” Mr. Endicott and myself salute you in the Lord
Jesus. We have heard of a division of women and
children in the Bay, and would therefore be glad of
a share, viz: a young woman or girl, and a boy if
you think good. I write to you for some boys for
The Salem slave-ship Desire brought negroes in
exchange for Indians, from the West Indies. Down-
ing, in a letter to his brother-in-law, Governor Win-
throp, (1()4S), writes:
“A war with the Narragansetts is very consider-
able to this population, for I doubt whether it be
not sin in us, having the power in our hands, to suf-
fer them to maintain the worship of the Devil, which
their powwows often do Secondly — if, upon a just
war the Lord should deliver them into our hands,
we might easily have men, women and children
enough to exchange for Moors, which will be more
gainful pillage to us than we conceive, for I do not
see how we can thrive until we get a stock of slaves
sufficient to do all of our business, for our children’s
children. * * And I suppose you know very
well how we shall maintain twenty Moors cheaper
than one English servant. The ships that shall
bring Moors may come home laden with salt, which
may bear most of the charge, if not all of it.”
The colonists tried their hands at slave breeding.
Mr. Moore gives (page 8) an amusing but unsuc-
cessful instance of this kind in the case of Mr. Mave-
rick’s negress. As a result their increase was found
unprofitable. It did not re-imburse the incidental
loss of service. Little negroes “when weaned were
given away like puppies.” The master might deny
baptism to his slaves. They were advertised in the
Boston newspapers for sale in this way: “Just ar-
rived and for sale, a prime lot of negro boys and
girls ”
By the laws of Massachusetts slaves were not per-
mitted to be abroad after nine o’clock at night; they
were prohibited from improper intercourse or con-
tracting marriage with whites.
The}- did not have quick conscience against sep-
aration of famalies. Here is an advertisement:
“A likely woman about nineteen years of age, and
a child of about six months, to be sold together or
Commenting, the Commercial-Advertisersays:
Ah! Boston, Boston! — “or apart’* — and the mother
only nineteen years old ! These advertisements con-
tinued to appear in the newspapers until after the
Declaration of Independence.
The same arguments continued into the Seven-
teenth Century. Judge Sewell argued:
The niggers are brought out of a Pagan country
into places where the Gospel is preacheed.
The Africans have wars with one another, and
our ships bring lawful captives taken in those wars.
Abraham had servants bought with his own
money, and born in his house.
Thus sustained, the slave trade long continued in
Massachusetts. Mr. Moore gives a copy of instruc-
tions of a mercantile firm to the captain of one of
their slave ships, in 1685, directing him to make the
best of his way to the coast of Africa, and invest his
cargo in slaves. They show him how to proceed in a
critical inspection of the negroes before paying for
them; and what he must do for the preservation of
the health of his cargo, since on that the profits of
the voyage depended. His compensation among
other things, is to be four slaves out of every hun-
dred, and four at the place of sale.
The prohibition of the slave trade was at length
effected in Massachusetts in 1788.
Rev. J. C. Morris, D.D., Nashville, writes: Some
six years’ago I was in Salisbury, Md., and in talk-
Confederate l/eterar).
ing with old citizens about war times, the question
of the negroes’ fidelity to the families in which they
had been slaves was mentioned, and this incident
was related to me:
A gentleman of family at Salisbury went into
the Confederate Army, leaving his wife’and chil-
dren at home. One of the servants, a negro man,
became the reliance about the house for protection
and general oversight. Like the great body of the
slaves of the South during the trying times of the
war, he was devoted and true, having in him the
very soul of honor. He felt that his master had
left everything — “ole Miss,” the children and “the
place” in his care. The soldier fell in the war, and
so the negro felt all the more his duties and in-
creased obligations.
The negro’s devo’ ion was quite provoking to
some of the people, white and black, and many ef-
forts were made to get him away from that family.
They tried to get him to enlist in the Federal Army
with promise of a bounty, but he steadfastly de-
clined, giving as his reason that he must stay with
his master’s people and take care of them. They
pleaded and urged, but in vain. At last they plied
him with drink, and while under the influence of
whiskey, he enlisted in the Federal Army. As
soon as he was sufficiently sobered to realize what
he had done, he was heartbroken, and he knew not
what to do.
He was marched away to join the army with other
recruits. At his first opportunity he deserted and
returned home, and told all to his master’s family,
but they could do nothing to relieve him. He was
soon arrested as a deserter and sent to prison.
Overcome by shame at the thought of having de-
serted the best friends he had in the world, he cut
his blanket into strips and hanged himself in jail.
That simple negro’s death was infinitely more
honorable than the life of many a proud man, and
it told of a noble work done by that family who in-
structed and influenced the poor slave cast upon
their hands and hearts by conditions which they
could not control.
In the fall of 1894 I was the guest of a typical
Southern family in Athens, Ala. The venerable
matron upon whose head more than seventy years
had left their frosts; she was a queenly woman
of culture and piety. During an evening’s conver-
sation I told the above incident, and I saw this
precious woman’s face glow as I talked. When
I finished she told me of what had happened in her
own family.
During the war they were living at Huntsville,
Ala. The father was dead — perhaps he died in the
war. During those years somehow the negroes of
the family were sold. This mother of the house
was greatly troubled about their sale, and though
every indication pointed to the certainty of the early
emancipation of all the slaves, she said to her son
that she intended to buy them back again. They
urged prospective freedom, and that if the parties
who owned them learned her purpose, they would
know it was merely a matter of sentiment and
would make her pay well for it. But she could not
rest and went to the men who held them. Sure
enough, they demanded full price, and that in gold.
This did not daunt her, and, making great sacrifices,
she procured the gold, and brought the three negro
men home.
Soon they were all free and the war was over.
This good woman was living with her children in
Huntsville; the three negro men were living in the
country near by and doing well. One morning they
all came to the house where she was living with
her son, and asked to see her privately. When she
came in, the oldest one, speaking for the three,
said to her, “Ole Miss, you’ve been mighty good to
us; we love you, and specially we can’t forget how
you bought us back to the old home jes befo’ the
war was over. Now, we’ve come to try to do some-
thing for you. We’re all doing well— making
more’n a good livin’, and we want to take care of
you as’ long as you live. We’ll rent you a good
house, and we’ll furnish you all the money you need
— so much every month, and you shall be perfectly
comfortable till you die.”
They meant all they said, and were able to do it,
but she nor her children would let them do it, but
the spirit was as true and noble as ever prompted
an honorable white man to gratitude.
These incidents show something of the relations
which have existed for long generations in Southern
homes between master and slave, and their name is
legion, for they are many. How little do even the
least prejudiced people of the North know of this
side of slavery! Does not this account for the un-
paralleled behavior of the whole negro race in their
Southern homes during the war which they knew to
be for their emancipation?
Qor?) t israte l/eterap.
C. C. Cummings, Seventeenth Mississippi Regi-
ments, Barksdale Brigade, Fort Worth, Texas:
Comrade F. H. Venn, of Memphis, Tenn., in the
November Veteran, as a member of the Nineteenth
Mississippi, speaks of Sharpsburg, and it recalls a
part that my brigade took in that most sanguinary
battle. Barksdale’s and Kershaw’s Brigades were
the two forces under McLaws that had the honor of
successfully storming Maryland Heights at Harp-
er’s Ferry on Sunday morning the thirteenth, four
days previous to Sharpsburg, as we call it, from the
town, and Antietamthe Federals call it, from the
creek. This delayed our entrance on the battle-
field till about ten o’clock on the morning of the
17th. Our forces had been engaged all morning
before our arrival, and were resting from a success-
ful repulse of the enemy some three hundred yards
in the rear of the Dunkard Church when, and where.
we were ordered in. My part of the command
charged without halting a moment as soon as we
arrived on the field after an all day’s and all night’s
march to get there from the Ferry. I remember
the part of the field we went on was held by some
Mississippi regiment, and it must have been Com-
rade Venn’s Nineteenth Mississippi, for, outside of
Barksdale’s Brigade, there were few other Mississ-
ippi regiments in the Virginia Army. As we pass-
ed this regiment it was lying behind a rock fence and
I remember distinctly of helping myself to bound
over that rock fence by placing my right foot se-
curely on the rear of some Mississippian there re-
clining. We ran up the slope at a double-quick and
at the crest of the hill, which we gained a little in
advance of the blue boys, we met and routed them
by a single fire. We got in the first work, and blue
jackets lay thick as leaves in Vallambrosa after
that discharge. The old flag fell also, but was
quickly snatched up by a plucky boy in blue. It
fell again and again was snatched up by another.
A third time the flag went down and then we were
pressing them so that it seemed our flag, till a
Yankee ran back and slung it over his shoul-
der and ran past the Dunkard Church, trailing its
staff out in the open, beyond where they had posted
a batter}-. Six of my company followed after the
fleeing flag, seeking to capture it out in the open,
and ran into the jaws of this battery before we knew
we were “in it.” Hamp Woods and Lieut. James
rest there yet; Bill McKaven, Jerry Webb and I
were spared, as you will see. The gallant boy,
McKaven, fell in the peach orchard at Gettysburg.
The last I heard of Jerry Webb he was as good a
civilian as soldier at his old home near Holly
Springs, Miss. “Little Jes” Franklin made the
sixth of this flag party and received a ball in his
leg, but survived the war and died at Santa Bar-
bara, California.
The way that Bill McRaven, Jerry Webb and I
got out of that scrape was rather extraordinary, and
if there had not been so much danger it would have
been quite amusing. As we emerged past the Dun-
kard Church, which stood in the woodland, and
spread ourselves out in the open, for the first time we
discovered on the brow of the hill a battery, vomit-
ing grape and canister at us. This did the work
for those who fell. When the third man fell we
were still running blindly toward the battery, and
for a second or so ve made sure we would take it,
for the gunners had either dodged down or had ske-
daddled over the knoll it stood on. At any rate no
one was in sight, and we thought as we could’nt
catch a flag, we would take a battery. But present-
ly the gunner seemed to rise out of the earth and
that little battery fairly howled blood and death
and double-breasted thunder at us. The grape shot,
shrapnel, and what not, pattered around us so that
if it had been rain we would all have gotten wet.
This caused a blue-coated youth, about fifteen years
old, lying behind a stump in the field, to wince and
move as if to dodge the things slung at us. Mc-
Raven saw he was alive and started to run him
through with his bayonet, saying he “would get
one before they got us all.” Just then the memory
of a home scene on “de ole plantation” away down
South in Dixie rushed up before me quick as light-
ning, and just as quick I determined to act on the
suggestion of “ole Uncle Jake” in a lesson taught
me when a boy.
One morning on the farm. Uncle Jake was going
out to feed the hogs when he saw me with a butter-
fly. The cold, frosty morning had so benumbed it
that it could not fly, and so I had the beautiful
thing a prisoner in my fingers and was in the act
of capturing his splendid pair of golden-hued wings,
when Uncle Jake said: “Mars Carl, doan you know
what de Good Book says, ‘Blessed am be mcrcyful
for dey also shall obtain mercy?’ Dat butterfly lubs
liberty jes de same as you does, chile, or jes de
same as old Jake does, too. Don’t hurt de po ting;
tu’n him loose and let him fly to de skies, and hab
his liberty.” It had never occurred to me that the
pretty thing, or the ugly old darkey either, cared
for liberty. It was a revelation, so I did as he bade
me, and let it soar heavenward. It was this that
came up before me when McRaven would make his
thrust, and so I said: “Bill, give him tome and let
me handle him; he’s my meat!” I sprang to the
boy, in an instant jerked him to his feet with my left
hand, doubly strengthened by fear of death from
the battery, while the gunner was ramming home
another charge, and held him between me and the
battery and retreated, exclaiming to McRaven and
Jerry to get behind us and run for the rock fence at
the edge of the woods in front of the Dunkard
Church. The boy exclaimed: “Don’t kill me! I be-
long to a Maryland regiment; my father is in the
Southern Army!” I had my bayonet drawn on him
to hold him in line between me and the batterv.
The gunner stood amazed, afraid to shoot for fear
of killing the boy in blue. In this way we reached
the rock fence. I was trying to do a difficult act in
holding the boy between me and the battery and at
the same time climb over the rock fence. He wig-
gled out of my grasp just in time to let the gunner
give a pull with his lanyard. A howl of shot en-
compassed me. One ricochetted about twenty
feet in front of me and bounded up against a roil
around my body% consisting of the soldier’s bed, an
overcoat and blanket. This knocked me over the
fence without consulting the order of my going.
Confederate Veterans
and my Yankee escaped never to be seen again — in
the woods beyond the church. McRaven had also
gotten away-, which only left Jerry Webb near me,
ensconced behind the fence. I felt stunned as if I
were shot through, but it was onty a bruise, no
bones broken, which I soon discovered, after work-
ing my legs about the hip joint, preparatory to ris-
ing. I had Jerry to peep over the fence to see what
the Yankees Were doing, and he reported them
slowly advancing — “But, sargint,” said he, “they
seem like they’ve about enough from the slow way
the skirmishers are creeping up on us.” I remem-
ber reading a Texas story, when a boy bact in Mis-
sissippi, about an old hunter who was run in a cave
by some Indians — “Prairie Flower” was the novel —
and how he had the “tender-foot” to run out first
and draw the fire and thus give him time to escape.
This I tried on Jerry, and the good soul got up and
dusted, dodging behind trees, and I followed suit
after the fire had been pretty well exhausted at him.
They did nothing more than bark the trees for
Jerry and me, and I’ll bet I can go there to-day and
put my hacd on those very trees, at the very spot in
front of that old white church, which the books say
still stands there, on our left centre.
Maj. -Gen. R. G. Shaver, Center Point, Comman-
der; Col. V. Y. Cook, Elmo, Adjutant General and
Chief of Staff; Lieut.-Col. J. F. Smith, Nashville,
Assistant Adjutant General; Lieut. -Col. J. J. Hor-
nor, Helena, Inspector General; Maj. T. E. Stanley,
Augusta, Assistant Inspector General; Lieut. -Col.
J. H. Bell, Nashville, Quartermaster General; Lieut.-
Col. S. H. Davidson, Evening Shade, Commissary
General; Lieut.-Col. J. C. Barlow, Helena, Chief
of Artillery; Lieut.-Col. J. M. Phelps, Walnut
Ridge, Chief of Ordnance; Col. L. Minor, Newport,
Judge Advocate General; Major P. H. Crenshaw,
Pocahontas, Assistant Judge Advocate General;
Lieut.-Col. W. B. Welch, Fayetteville, Surgeon
General; Maj. D. C. Ewing, Batesville, Assistant
Surgeon General; Lieut.-Col. Horace Jewel, Lit-
tle Rock, Chaplain GeneraJ. Aides de Camp —
Col. A. S. Morgan, Camden; Majors W. P. Camp-
bell Little Rock; J. M. Richardson. DeValls
Bluff; J. P. Clendenin, Harrison; F. M. Hanley,
Melbourne; S. A. Hail, Batesville; John Shearer,
McCrory;B. C Black, Searcy; B. T. Haynes, Hope;
J. B. Trulock,Pine Bluff; W. T. Bugg, Fort Smith,
J. M. LeVesque, Vandale. Commanders — Brig.-
Gens. J. P. Eagle, Lonoke, First; D. H. Reynolds,
Lake Village, Second; J. E. Cravens, Clarksville,
Third; C. A. Bridewell, Hope, Fourth Brigade.
Randolph Barton, Esq., of Baltimore, who was
Adjutant-General of the Stonewall Brigade serviug
in Virginia: I read the Veteran with very great in-
terest, and the heroic acts of the Western armies
are highly entertaining, but I think you fail to give
to your paper the interest vou might give by not
narrating more frequently Eastern incidents. Vet-
erans are always more entertained by reminiscenes
of events in which they participated.
Col. J. L. Power, the efficient Secretary of State,
of Mississippi, who is thoroughly overhauling that
office, has furnished the following valuable data
totifching the Tennessee Army (Confederate) on
April 24, 1865:
“Col. Kinloch Falconer was Adjutant General of
the Tennessee Army. His name was familiar as
household words in all this section in war times.
He was filling the office of Secretary of State in
1878, and when Holly Springs was threatened with
yellow fever, he went to render what service he *
could, and fell a victim to the epidemic. He left in
this office some very valuable military papers, some
of which have already been given to the public, and
will assist in making up a correct history of the
civil war.
‘ ‘At the windup of the conflict the effective strength
of this splendid army was reduced to 20,821. Com-
paring this with the Federal ‘department of Tennes-
see,’ embracing fifty-two well equipped regiments,
it will be seen how greatly the Confederates were
The report is dated April 26, 1865:
Cheatham’s Division 1,727 2,414
Brown’s Div 1,527 2,102
Hoke’s Div 2,102 2,760
Hardee’s Corps, Cheatham’s Division — Palmer’s
and Gist’s Brigades.
Brown’s Division — Govan’s and Smith’s Brigades.
Hoke’s Division — Kirkland’s, Clingman’s, Col-
quitt’s and Havgood’s Brigades.
Stewart’s Corps, Loring’s Division— Lowrey’s
and Shelley’s Brigades.
Anderson’s Division — Rhett’s and Elliott’s Bri-
Walthall’s Division— Harrison’s and Conner’s
Lee’s Corps, Hill’s Division— Sharpe’s and Brant-
ley’s Brigades.
Stephenson’s Division — Pettus’ and Henderson’s
Three corps. Eight divisions. Nineteen brigades.
Palmer’s Brigade— 18, 3, 32, 45, 36, 10, 15, 37,
2, 30, and 23rd Tennessee Battalions, consolidated,
under Col. A. Searcy; 4, 15, 19, 24, 31, 33, 35, 41,
and 35th Tennessee, consolidated, under Colonel
Tillman; 11, 12, 13, 29, 47, 51, 52, 54, and 50th
Tennessee, consolidated, under Colonel Rice; 1, 6,
Confederate l/eterap.
8, 9, 16, 27, 28, 34, and 24th Tennessee Battalions,
under Colonel Field.
Gist’s Brigade — 46 and 65th Georgia, and 21 and
8th Kentucky Battalions, consolidated, under Colo-
nel Foster; 16 and 24th, consolidated, under Maj. B.
B. Smith.
Smith’s Brigade — 1, 57, and 63rd, consolidated,
under Colonel Almstead; 54, 37 and 4th Battalions.
S. S., consolidated, under Colonel Caswell. * * *
Arkansas and 3 Conf., consolidated, under Colo-
nel Howell; 6, 7, 10, 15, 17, 18, 24, and 25th Texas,
consolidated, under Lieutenant Colonel Ryan.
Kirkland’s Brig-ade 17, 42, 50, and (>(>th North
Clingman’s Brigade — 8, 31,51, 61, 40, and 36th
North Carolina.
Colquitt’s Brig-ade— 6, V), 23, 27, and 28th Georgia.
Havgood’s Brigade — 7th South Carolina Battery,
11, 21, 25, and 27th South Carolina.
Featherston’s Brigade — 1st Arkansas, 1, 2, 4, 9,
25, consolidated, 3 and 22nd Mississippi, and 1st
Mississippi Battalions.
Lowrey’s Brigade —12th Louisiana, 14 and 15th
Shelley’s Brigade -27th Alabama (27, 35, 49, 55,
57). 16, 33, 45th Alabama.
Elliott’s Brigade — 2nd South Carolina Artillery,
22nd Georgia Battery, Manigault’s Battery.
Rhett’s Brigade — 1st South Carolina Artillery,
1st South Catolina Infantry, Lucas’ Battery.
Harrison’s Brigade — 1, 47, 32, and 5th Georgia,
and Bonand’s Battery.
Conner’s Brigade — 2, 3, and 7th South Carolina.
Sharpe’s Brigade Sth Mississippi (5, 8, 32nd
Miss.. 30th Miss. Battery), ‘Uh Mississippi (7. 9,
10. 41, 44, and ‘Uh Mississippi Batteries S. S.l, 24th
Alabama(24, 28, 34), loth South Carolina Battery
(10, 19th S. C. Regiments).
Brantley’s Brigade 22nd Alabama (22, 25. 39
and 50th” Ala.), 37th Alabama (37, 42, and 54th
Ala.), 24th Mississippi (24, 27. 2’», 30, and 34th
Miss.), 58th North Carolina (58 and 60th N. C.)
Henderson’s Brigade — 39th Georgia Regiment
(34. 39, and 56th Ga. t, 42nd Georgia (42, 36,56, 34,
and 36 Ga. ), 40th Georgia Battalion (40, 41, and
43rd Ga.), I Con. Ga. Batt. (ICon. Ga., 1 Batt., (ia.
S. S. (>(>, 39, 29, 25 Ga. Regiments.)
Artillery — Hardee’s Corps — Paris’ and Atkins’
(Manly’s Battery) Brigades, Zimmerman’s and Wai-
ter’s Batteries.
Stewart’s, Anderson’s and Brooks’ (Anderson’s
Battery), Stewart’s Legardeur’s, Rhett’s, Barton’s,
Lee’s, Kanapaux’s, Parker’s, and Wheaton’s.
* Starr’s Battalion — Kelley’s.Cummings’, Ellis’, Bad-
hann’s, Southerland’s, Batten’s, Darden Detachment.
Palmer’s Battalion- -Yates’ Flore’s, Moseley’s,
and Adler’s Batteries (22), (1) detachment.
The following statement of date a few days later:
April 26, 1865:
II \ IIKKK’S CORPS. Eff. Total P.
Cheatham’s Division 1,941 2.513
Brown’s Hi v 1,530 2,124
Hoke’s Div 1.648 2,043
Total corps, inf 6,019 6,680
Artillery, Hardee’s 122 133
Escorts 100 126
Orand total corps 6,241 6,939
Loriup’s Div
Walthall’s Div
Anderson’s I>iv . . sc.
ElV. Total P.
1,976 2.72.’.
1,981 2.777
Total infantry
(.rand total corps.
I- n.
Mill’s Div -j.irai
♦Stephenson’s Div 994
Infantry 8,168
Artillery g]
Escorts 47
Lee’s Corps. 3,301
I’. ‘iin- Brigade omitted, detached ai SanlBbur] <>:i guard.
‘Starr’s Hat. An :;i;,
♦Palmer’s I’.al . \ it -ji;;
Total P.
2 722
Total P.
infantry 12,940
Artillery 1,839
1 – 1^ it;
Cavalry …… 6.486
Hardee’s (all 1 10.981
Stewart’s (alii …. … 88,071
tree’s (all) 16,452
April 10, 1865:
Wheeler’s Corps 1,890 5,473
Butler’s Division 1.917 2.251
Borse artillery 188 2211
Total Hampton’s
Correct from record.
6,496 7.95H
KiNLOtit Kit.eoNKR, A. A. Gen.
Colonel Power takes an active and patriotic in-
terest in these things. He suggests that every
Southern State should take steps, without further
delay, to compile its civil war history, and adds:
“Costly monuments to the great leaders are well
enough, but the name and record of every man who
enlisted in the Confederate Armies should be res-
cued from the oblivion into which they are fading.”
The venerable C. R. Hanleiter, an octogenarian,
of Atlanta, in thanking his son for copies of the
Veteran states: I have before encountered odd
numbers of the Veteran, and think it is a very ex-
cellent publication — conservative and strong — wor-
thy of universal support by all who wore the gray
and their descendants and friends. I would con-
tribute a reminiscence or two to its pages, but for
the loss of my diary, and the feebleness of my mem-
ory to verify names and dates. Letters of high
commendation which I received from Generals H.
R. Jackson, Beauregard, Colton, and Taliaferro,
place our command in the very fore-front of tnose
who patriotically and honestly strove to do their
duty, and that is the only kind of distinction I ever
cared for.
Confederate l/eterao.
General Early’s Army was well fortified at that
place. I commanded the Fourteenth Regiment
of North Carolina Troops, in General Rhodes’ Divis-
ion, General W. R. Cox’s Brigade, and was posted
near the center of
the line at the
moment General
Sheridan’s cavalry
turned our left.
Our brigade was
marched to the
left to intercept
and outflank them,
which we were
in the act of ac-
complishing, when
the line to our
right became de
moralized by an
enfilade fire from
the enemy and
commenced the
stampede which
swept the whole
line from the
and left us to face
the enemy alone on the extreme left. Occupying an
elevated position, we could readily take in situation.
By the prompt action and sagacity of our com-
mander, Brig. -Gen. W. R. Cox, we did not break,
but were marched at once by left flank on the ridge
parallel with the valley and our retreating army,
which was not being closely pursued by the enemy.
General Cox took the first opportunity to leave the
ridge and throw his brigade across the valley, con-
fronting the enemy, where we were joined by one of
our bravest and most gallant cavaliers of the army,
Major General Ramseur, who had been able to rally
a thin line of stragglers. Thus being reinforced,
we made a good line of battle to hold the enemy in
check. We fought them until dark, and then fell
back up the pike. The enemy continued in hot
haste, and General Ramseur placed his men in am-
bush, leaving the turnpike open for the enemy; and
when a good number dashed up the road in blind
haste, a severe fire was delivered into their flank,
which stampeded them at once. We had no further
trouble with them that night, and enjoyed a quiet
march, bringing up our rear in good order. It was not
long before we marched back down the valley, and
had the pleasure of giving General Sheridan and
his grand army a great scare at Cedar Creek; and
we made them do some running.
General Early never received the credit he should
have had for the work he did in his valley campaign
of 1864, where he contended with an army of 5,000
against one of the best equipped in the world.
Early had his faults, but no braver or truer soldier
to his cause existed. If he could have had a fresh
reserve to throw in after he routed them on the
morning of that battle, he would have driven Gen-
eral Sheridan out of the valley.
Captain Beall is a living sample of a Confederate
soldier’s endurance, having been wounded through
the right lung and shoulder broken at the battle of
Cedar Creek, Va. His furlough having expired, he
returned to the army of Northern Virginia just in
time for the surrender at Appomattox, after which,
he marched two hundred miles in one week to his
home in North Carolina, with the wound in an un-
healed condition. He served all four years of the war.
A pleasant story is told of “Uncle Bob” widely
known by fanciers of great horses. It was the oc-
casion of a visit by President and Mrs. Cleveland to
Tennessee. The “first lady” looking at the famous
Iriquois, said, “Isn’t he proud?” and “Uncle Bob,”
raising his hat, replied, “Madam, he knows who is
looking at him.” That “Uncle Bob” is an impor-
tant part of Belle Meade is apparent to visitors.
Graves of Confederates at Hay Market, Va.
The r’ollowingare of the known soldiers buried there:
— Haskins — Wright, Twenty- second South Carolina
Volunteers, killed at second battle of Manassas; Col.
Robt. A. Wilkenson, Fifteenth Louisiana Volunteer;
Lieut. T. H. Waddell, Second Louisiana Regulars;
Capt. Seabrook, South Carolina; Col. Moore, South
Carolina, and Captain Hulsey, Georgia. Quite a num-
ber of Eleventh Alabama are buried there also, but
their graves are not marked. A committee, comprised
of Messrs. C. E. Jordan, R. A. Hulfish and R. J.
Baker, send out a circular letter from St. Paul’s P.
E. Church, in which they offer to sell lots in the
churchyard, 24×24 feet, for $20, and 24×10 feet, for
S 1 0. They are enclosing the grounds with a substan-
tial steel fence. Inquiries addressed to any member
of the committee or the rector, Rev. G. S. Somerville,
are promised immediate attention. Contributions by
those interested in preserving these graves are re-
E. W. Strode, Commander E. B. Holloway Camp,
Independence, Mo., writes of mixing with Federals:
In the winter of ’64 our battery was ordered by
General Maury from Mobile, by way of Meridian
and Jackson, Miss., to or near Clinton, East Louisi-
ana. A cavalry company, or, perhaps two, was
there as an escort. Our orders were to strike the
Mississippi River between Baton Rouge and Bayou
Sara to help cross some troops from the West. The
cavalry lived in that section and most of them
went home. The Federals, finding out our position,
sent out a brigade of cavalry to cut us off. It was
a beautiful starlight night, and in falling back to
Kelly’s Cross Roads, we found the roads jammed
with them. Thos. B. Catron, First Lieutenant,
commanding the company, told us to roll up the
flag, as the situation was desperate. He then rode
up to the Federals and ordered a passage for us,
saying he had orders to take the advance. By mis-
take we took the left hand road when we should
have gone straight on east. Finding- out our mis-
Qoi>federate l/eterar;.
take, we halted. A Yankee officer inquired, “Where
are you going with that battery, anyhow?”
Catron ordered us to about, and as they made
room for us to turn, he cursed at their being in the
way. In an effort to save three of our guns when
we got back to the right road, he sent them on in a
gallop and ordered No. 1 to unlimber and open with
grape and canister right and left. _*
Upon firing the first shot we raised the yell, and
although there were only six or eight of us we
“mixed up with them” — but couldn’t keep from it.
The disorder and confusion we created was awful.
We had to punch and knock their horses to keep
them out of our way. The clatter of sabres, swear-
ing of men, neighing of horses, dismounted men,
loose horses, and our shot and shell, too, created
a thorough panic. In the tumult we got away.
I would like to know the damage done and what they
thougntabout it. The gun was “Lady Richardson.”
In connection with the “Lady Richardson” the
following personal sketches are given:
Sergeant W. J. Whitefield, of Paducah, Kv..
born in Persons Count}-, N. C , 1838 removed to
v. Hopkins-
ville, Kv..
in 1860. In
1861 he en-
listed as a
scout in the
Army, serv-
i n g there
and in the
Ouarte r-
master De-
until the
spring [o f
1 S(>2, when
he was then
to the Ala-
bama Regi-
ment then
at Corinth,
Miss. He
until the
close of the
war. Com-
rade White-
field is very
proud of testimonials to brave andgallant service as
a soldier. d?”*”**’
Kev. A. T. Goodloe, now of Station Camp, Tenn.,
details his conduct at the battle of Corinth, Miss.,
October .^ and 4, 1S62, when the 20 pound Parrot
gun, the “Lady Richardson,” was taken: Mr.
Whitefield was the first man to reach the gun, and
on the next day when volunteers were called lor to
cn S ii S c Fort Williams on College Hill while the
army took up another position, he was the first to
volunteer for that duty. Soon after that battle he
was made First Sergeant of his company, (lood
HHfe *m
: ~ ; ‘
oldiers were “good” foragers as a rule. Tt was
indeed “a C0[d day” when “Whit” went to sleep
In July, 1S’)4.
Mr. Whitefield
through the
National Trib-
u n e informa-
tion of the
“Dare- Devil,”
as the Confed-
erates called
the last Yank
to leave the
“Lady Rich-
ardson” at the
time of her
capture, and
in the follow-
ing « ‘ctober re-
ceived a reply
from William
Creutzman, of
L o u i s t o w n .
Mont., claim-
ing that honor.
He wrote a
long and fra-
ternal letter to Mr. Whitefield, enclosing his pho-
tograph, and they have become quite warm friends.
The “Lady Richardson” belonged to Batterv “1>”
first Missouri Light Artillery, and was under com-
mand of Lieutenant Cuttler when captured.
Mr. Whit e-
field in < ) c t o-
ber, 18<i’», was
married to
Miss Jennie
Brown, of
Montg omeiy
County. Tenn.,
who died in
March, 1 8 7 7.
She was a sis-
ter of Lieuten-
ant Robertson
Brown, of the
Fo urteenth
Tennessee I n –
f a ntry, who
wask i 1 1 ed at
second battle
of Mana ssas
Mr. Whitefield
in Jan. 1ST’),
was again mar-
ried to Miss
Kate, the
youn g est
daughter of
Colonel R. < \
Woolfork, of Paducah, Kv., who, during the war,
with even- member of her father’s family, was ban-
ished to Canada by the Federal authorities on ac-
count of their Southern sympathies.
Confederate l/eterao
W. C. Boze’s Sketch of B. B. Thackston.
I loved, in boyhood, manhood and later years, B.
B. Thackston. He was a noble man, of sterling’
qualities, and of rare mental attributes.
Thackston and I went out together, early in 1861,
to fight for the cause which we deemed right, enlist-
ing in Company B, Seventh Tennessee Regiment,
with John A. Fite Captain, afterwards made Colo-
nel, when Lieut. John Allen was promoted to the
Captaincy. After brief drills at Camp Trousdale,
we were ordered to Virginia; but we got there too
late to participate in the first great battle fought at
. : We were hardened by our sojourn in the moun-
tains of northwestern Virginia, and were eager to
learn something about fighting, but long ere Lee’s
surrender we realized the horrors of war.
From northwestern Virginia we returned to
Staunton with Loring, and proceeded thence down
the Valley of Virginia, driving the Federals
across the Potomac, from Bath (under Jackson) to
Hancocl , next to Romney, to Fredericksburg, to
Yorktown, and then with Joseph E. Johnston, on
his famous retreat to Richmond. Our first regular
engagement was at Seven Pines, where we lost our
gallant and idolized Hatton. We next met the ene-
my in the seven days’ fight around Richmond, begin-
ning at Mechanicsville and ending at Malvern Hill.
At Gaines’ Mill our beloved Lieutenant Colonel —
the princely John K. Howard — fell. It happened that
Thackston and I were among the number to bear
him to the field hospital. After these heroic strug-
gles, Thackston and I were among the eight of
Company B not having received wounds, nor unable
from exhaustion to answer at first roll call.
At Cedar Run I was wounded, and not many days
afterward, Thackston was wounded at Fredericks-
burg, which closed his career as an active soldier.
Both of us were declared unfit for field service, and
assigned to light duty at Charlottesville. Soon be-
coming impatient, we applied, but in vain, for a
transfer to cavalry. Thackston was subsequently
detailed to go with a Capt. Miller to procure horses
for Gen. Lee’s Army, and just before the surrender
I was detailed to help deliver these horses. We
anticipated that we should rejoin our comrades, but
when within six miles of Lynchburg the sad tidings
reached us that Lee had surrendered his depleted
Miller at once released us. Thackston and I re-
ported at Charlottesville, for we wanted to know
whether we could be of further aid to the cause, or
be honorably released. After riding all night and
a part of the next day, we arrived at Charlottesville
— sixty miles in the opposite direction from home —
and awaited orders which never came. After a few
days, having carefully considered the situation
— nearly all the Southern railroads destroyed — we
decided to go to Winchester, a beautiful village in
the Virginia Valley connecting with the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad, hoping to get paroles and free
transportation home; but we were denied the latter,
unless we took the oath. This we refused to do,
contending for the terms of Lee’s surrender.
The officer of the post tried to advise us, saying
that the war was over and we would have to take
the oath when we got home. We replied that we
“went out of the Union with Tennessee, and will
go back with her. If her people take the oath we
will, but we can’t take it for free transportation.”‘
When paroled, we filled our havesacks with cheese
and crackers and turned our faces up the once beau-
Valley of Virginia, but were then 160 miles
further from home than when Miller released us,
but still determined to demean ourselves creditable
to Confederate soldiers. j
On every side were evidences of the devastation and
ruin which Sheridan had wrought. Splendid barns
had been burned and all the fences demolished.
The Virginians were already repairing the damages,
making- crops without fences. Day after cay, for
over two weeks, we tramped on sleeping in out-
houses or under trees, declining beds kindly offered.
By a strange coincindence, footsore and weary,
we reached, about dark one day, the same old stone
church where our regiment had camped in 1861,
which the older residents informed us was erected
long before the Declaration of Independence. In
1861 the citizens hauled our regiment wood to
cook with to save the beautiful oak grove surround-
ing this church. There was a quaint little stone office
near the church and again Thackston and I found re-
pose on the floor. Those trees through those eventful
years, were left, although alternately, Federals and
Confederates had occupied that country. This spot m
alone was spared, with sacred and historic inter-
ests. Around this church there are still traces of
the breastworks thrown up by the American patriots
during the Revolutionary War, against the Tories.
On our way the Virginians were universally
kind, always giving us bread on application. When
we reached the East Tennessee and Virginia Road
at Salem, our longing for home increased. Soldiers
from the Western army returning to Virginia and
North Carolina, told us that it would be extremely
hazardous to attempt to pass through East Tennes-
see, and we had lived through too many horrible
scenes on the battlefield to invite further risks, so
we decided to stop for the time and offer our ser-
vices to some farmer for board. Jacob Woolwine,
who owned a farm on New River, in Pulaski
County, Va., accepted our proposition. Faithfully
we performed the different tasks assigned us. He
had just finished planting corn, and we stayed until ^
his crop was “laid by,” his wheat cut and hauled
up, and his hay safely housed. The fare was ex-
cellert and our stay there was very pleasant. The
Woolwines were refined people and it was especially
fortunate that we fell in the society of such a de-
lightful family. They were devout Christians.
Every night and morning we joined them in family
prayers. Mrs. Woolwine and her daughters wove
and made for us two pairs of pants, each, from
home-spun flax, also two pairs of socks — very ac-
ceptable gifts. We reached our homes about the
middle of August, 1865.
Some incidents from my comrade’s experience will
illustrate his magnanimity and benevolence of spirit.
A man in our company always sought the sheltered
Confederate l/eterary
places in battle. Our brave and generous Captain
placed this timid soldier under Thackston’s charge,
with instructions to use the bayonet if necessary to
force him into battle. He faltered when the “min-
ie” balls began to sing around him, although Thack-
ston repeatedly pushed him with the bayonet. At
length perceiving that neither persuasion nor com-
pulsion was of any avail, the brave Thackston or-
dered the weaker comrade to the rear and turned to
enter the conflict in earnest. At another time an
Irish teamster — an irascible, besotted wretch — who
drove a wagon for Captain Miller with cooking
utensils, tents, etc., one morning when everything
was in readiness for their departure, stolidly refused
to drive his team, and no argument could induce
him to do so. Thoroughly exasperated, Capt. Miller
ordered Thackston to load his gun and shoot the mu-
tinous driver if he continued to persist. The order
was given, “One!” “Two!” “Three!” but when tha
word “Fire!” came, Thackston’s manly heart refused
to execute the command. He lowered his gun and,
turning to his officer, said, “Captain, / can’t kill
him, but I’ll put him in the wagon.” Miller replied:
“Do as you please, Thackston.”
Thackston and I married the same year; we located
within a few miles of each other, and were ever
closely associated. I never knew a more coura-
geous, loyal and honorable man, one who was never
swayed by public sentiment, but always dared to
follow the dictates of his heart.
But my sorrow ovecomes me when I try to write
the last sad details of this noble man’s life. On
Saturday 7 night, November 21, 18%, this friend and
comrade met with us at the Masonic Lodge, Snow
Creek, Elmwood, Tenn. He sat against a low cur-
tained window and, on accidentally leaning, he fell
through the window nearly twenty feet, and sus-
tained injuries from which he died in a few hours.
We were not only fellow-members of that Lodge,
but also of the E. L. Bradley Bivouac, Riddleton,
Tenn. With the physicians and other anxious
friends, I stood at his bedside until his true life
went out at midnight, and I continued my watch
through the remaining hours. On November 22nd,
the Sabbath day, we laid him to rest with Masonic
honors, in the family burying ground. He leaves a
devoted wife and family of interesting children, for
whom he had provided a lovely home.
The Confederate cause we loved so well is gone,
Thackston is gone, and I feel that I am swiftly ncar-
ing the shore of eternal rest!
Col. A. G. Dickinson, of the New York Camp Honored.
W. R. Hanleiter, Griffin, Ga. : At second Frede-
ericksburg I had the honor to be commanded by
Pelham, and while on the field at our right near
Hamilton’s Crossing, General Stewart and Pelham
both came very near where I was, and directly a
tall, black-haired man passed us on a horse, and
went running the gauntlet between our lines. I
asked Major Pelham who he was, and he replied:
“One of the greatest scouts in the Confederacy.
His name is Burks,” or I understood it as that. 1
never learned anything more of the man. Who
can tell us about him?
The following report of an interesting and worthy
event was left over from the December Ykykkan:
A formal ceremony was had in the beautiful
address of Maj. W. S. Keiley. While it is of much
compliment to the Commander of that Camp,
he certainly deserves it, for the beautiful burial lot,
ornamented by a magnificent shaft of granite fifty-
one feet high (.exactly like the Washington monu-
ment in form) upon a broad granite base nine feet
high, and a burial fund in bank for any emergen-
cy, is an achievement deserving high praise. It
will be remembered that the principal donor to that
grand structure was Mr. Rouss.
Mr. Commander: To me, Sir. has been assigned
the pleasant duty to-night of presenting to you this
tastefully bound memorial volume, containing the
resolutions offered by our worthy comrade, Dr.
Winkler, as a slight evidei ce of that esteem and
regard in which you are. and ever will be, held by
each and every comrade in this Camp.
It is only a few :/,
years since, Sir,
that a mere hand-
ful of the rem-
nants of those
who wore the
gray, filled with
the memories of
the past and ac-
tuated by a chari-
ty for the old
comrades who
needed assistance
i n t h e present,
met in the study
of our first and
well beloved
Chaplain, Dr.
Page, and there
planted the seed
from which’ has
sprung this
Camp, the first organized north of the Potomac.
Some of those who were active with us there have
“crossed the river” and sleep that untroubled sleep
of Death which will know no awakening until the
bugle call of Eternity — for them we cherish the
most affectionate remembrance.
Others who then seemed tireless in their well-
doing have since, in the busy mart of Life, where
the hurrying feet lead but to the goal of Avarice
and gain, forgotten the pathetic calls fur charily
for these we feel a sad regret — and yet. Sir. the
Camp has prospered beyond the most sanguine hopes.
They builded wiser than they knew when they
begged you to become their first Commander, and
when, as the years rolled by, you wished that others
should share the honors which you had done so
Confederate l/eterag
much to embellish, while acceding to your wishes,
they still looked forward to the time when you
again would take the helm.
It was in you, Sir, that they trusted, as did the
Children of Israel in the strange land, to be their
pillar of fire by night and cloud by day to guide
and direct their footsteps.
In the lexicon of esteem and regard there are
many apt words and fitting phrases, but I, Sir, am
onl) T a stuttering student of its flowery pages.
Flattery, Sir, is but insipid praise, and the em-
barrassment of my position to-night is accentuated
by my inability to find the words with which to
express my thoughts.
Would that some other had my place — some one
more worthy than I — some one whose silvery voice
m fitting words might weave a chaplet of roseate
hues — some one who could tell in tender phrase that
which I can only say in homely talk. It is not left
for me to say, Sir, what you have done.
In that great Pantheon of England’s dead, where
the ashes of Sovereign and Subject have together
commingled with Mother Earth, upon the marble
slab which marks the spot where lie the remains of
Sir Christopher Wren are these lines:
“Si monumemtum queris circumspice.”
If you seek his monument, look around you — and,
Sir, nor bronze bust, nor stately obelisk, nor gran-
ite shaft, nor marble group that adorns that mag-
nificent “God’s Acre” of London, Westminister
Abbey, tells a more fitting story — and, Sir, borro v-
ing the thought so beautifully expressed upon that
consecrated tablet, I can say to comrades, in speak-
ing of you, “Si monumentum queris circumspice.”
Look around you and see here men who have
sacrificed all and braved everything — men who have
followed the stubborn Longstreet and galloped
with Ashby — men who have marched through the
valley with Jackson and climbed the Round Top
with Pickett — men who rode with Morgan and
charged with Stuart; yea, Sir, men who, with
steady step and without a murmur, were willing to
march into the very jaws of death when Lee gave
the order.
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs but to do and die.
These men you see, coming forward with that
sweet tenderness and abiding confidence that marks
the blushing maiden in her first ecstacy of requited
love, bringing this little testimonial not to be
judged by its intrinsic worth, but by the warmth of
heart that prompts its gift.
And now, Sir, fit and crowning capstone to your
unselfish and untiring work in our behalf is this
granite obelisk whose apex pointing to heaven in
yonder graveyard is there to stand through coming
ages, to perpetuate forever the memory of our dead.
Fit and crowning capstone to your present work,
for, Sir, we pray that the Giver of all good may de-
cree that you shall long remain with us, and that
the years to come shall fall as lightly upon your
honored head as the gentle snowflakes upon the
sturdy oak.
It seems to me but fitting, if
I be pardoned the digression,
to speak one word of praise of
him who has always responded
to your call, and who now is
groping darkly in this world
of light and life, crying by the
roadside: “Jesus, Son of David,
have mercy on me, and grant
that I may see.”
If the prayers of the widow
and the orphan can reach the
heavenly throne, there should
be relief for our afflicted com-
rade, whose heart strings, like
some .Eolian harp, respond in golden notes to the
plaintive winds of sorrow that sweep across the
chords. I need hardly mention the name of Charles
Broadway Rouss.
This obelisk then, Sir, reared upon ground which
was once looked upon by us as the enemy’s land,
and amid a people who once buckeled belt and drew
sabre in mortal combat against us, stands to-day,
and will stand amid the ruin and decay of Time, a
beacon light to the world of that patriotism which
Americans alone can feel.
When the martyred President was shown the field
over which the gallant boys followed Pickett in
the charge at Gettysburg, as the t( ars of mingled
grief and joy coursed down his rugged cheeks, he
exclaimed, “Thank God, these men were my broth-
ers,” and, Sir, that is the sentiment that makes us
Now, Sir, as I said, this obelisk raised as it has
been chiefly through your untiring exertions has
been ineeed a fitting crown to your work, and when
there shall be cut into the granite block some suita-
ble inscription showing that this shaft is consecra-
ted to the Confederate dead — soldiers who com-
manded the admiration of their foes in the hour of
victory and won their esteem in that of defeat, it
should also appear that this granite obelisk was
raised by the Confederate Veteran Camp of New
York through the untiring devotion and unselfish
charity of Andrew G. Dickinson, its first Com-
“Si monumentum queris circumspice.” Look
around you, and each mound consecrated to the
memory of the gallant boy in gray, whose dust is
commingled with Mother Earth in that hallowed
plot, will be a silent witness to the memory of our
first Commander.
My duty is done — accept then, Sir, this little to-
ken in the same spirit that prompts those boys of
’61 in giving it, and let me assure you, Sir, that not
only to them, but to their children, it will- be a
sweet heritage to keep in mind the memory of the
Confederate Veteran Camp of New York and its
first Commander.
Eugene M. Bee, Brookhaven, Miss., wishes to
procure information of John R. Miot, who carried
the flag of the grand old “Palmetto Regiment”
of Charleston in the Mexican war, and who was a
member of the Crescent Rifles in Dreux’s Battalion.
Confederate l/eterai),
The officers and directors of the above named
Association in an address state that the enterprise
has been set on foot by a number of the old soldiers
of Rutherford County, in which the field of battle
is situated. They are about equally divided in
number, as between the Union and Confederate ar-
mies. These veterans think that the best monu-
-*. r ” * –
(TDrt.SlCvJ^ NA&1-H” y i
ment that can possibl} r be erected to the heroism
and devotion, both of the living and the dead, would
be the preservation of the field of battle as a Na-
tional Park under the authority and auspices of
the General Government.
The geographical location of the field is much in
its favor. It is but twenty-seven miles south of
Nashville, the capital of the State, and is easily ac-
cessible from every part of our country. A great
thoroughfare, the Nashville, Chattanooga, and St.
Louis Railway runs midway through the field.
There are three turnpike roads which furnish easy
and convenient access to every part of it. Stone’s
River encircles it on two sides, and its topographi-
cal features are of such character that it will readily
admit of improvement and adornment at moderate
expense. Such a park would possess a permanent
historical value in the preservation of landmarks
and the placing of enduring tablets for battles and
locations of troops, batteries, etc., during that great
The Association has obtained options on the land
embraced in the battlefield. In most cases the
prices asked have been reasonable, and a very lib-
eral disposition has been shown bv owners favora-
ble to the formation of the park. The area is 2,400
acres, embracing, practically, all the land which
was the theatre of important military operations.
The proposed park has the hearty sympathy and
favor of all our people; they cherish a becoming
local pride in the familiar ground, which has be-
come forever famous as the scene of a great conflict.
The following is the language of the patriotic
appeal: In the spirit of the broadest patriotism, we
have proposed a work worthy of a generous and
great people. We are survivors of both armies.
Having long since dismissed from our hearts all the
antagonisms of the past and honoring the brave
men of both sides, looking back sadly, yet proudly,
upon our heroic dead, whose blood made sacred the
field of Stone’s River, we trust that our labors will
receive the approval of our countrymen, and that
this field will be set apart under national authority
as a perpetual witnesssof valor, devotion and chival-
rous feats of arms never surpassed in American
history. The Battle of Stone’s River was one of
the greatest conflicts of arms that ever took place
Confederate Veteran.
on the Western Continent, in which were engaged
more than sixty thousand American soldiers — the
flower of American manhood and chivalry. From
the headwaters of the Mississippi, and from its
mouth on to the Gulf, and from all the States which
lay between, came the men who, on the thirty-first
day of December, 1862, and the first and second of
January succeeding, stood in opposing lines, and
gave fresh proof of the steadiness and devotion of
Southern and Northern troops on the field of deadly
conflict. And that which will ever add a pathetic
and realistic interest to this field, and to the pro-
posed park, is that at its center is the beautiful
National Cemetery, in which repose the heroic dead
of the Union Army. They are the silent witnesses
of the valor and devotion of a people great .of heart
and in arms. Within the sound of a bugle in the
beautiful Evergreen Cemetery rest the soldiers of
the South, unsurpassed in valor in the world’s his-
tory and partners with their sleeping Union com-
rades in the glories of this field. Fitly to perpetu-
ate these glories is the purpose of our Association,
and, therefore, we appeal to the survivors of that
battle and other soldiers, and to the patriotic citi-
zens of our common country, to aid us in carrying
to completion the sacred enterprise which we have
The officers follow; the three first named are
President and Vice Presidents: Charles A. Sheafe,
Captain Fifty-ninth Ohio Volunteer Infantry; Wm.
S. McLemore, Colonel Fourth Tennessee Cavalry,
C. S. A.; Carter B. Harrison, Captain Fifty-first
Ohio Volunteer Infantry; David D. Maney, First
Tennessee Infantry, C. S. A. ; Charles O. Thomas,
Captain Ninth Michigan Infantry; James O. Oslin,
Second Tennessee Infantry, C. S. A.; Flemmon
Hall, Ninety-ninth Ohio Volunteer Infantry; As-
bury M. Overall, Eighteenth Tennessee Infantry, C.
S. A.; Hon/ Horace E. Palmer, son of Gen. Joseph
B. Palmer, deceased, of Tennessee, C. S. A.; Jesse
W. Sparks, Ir., son of Jesse W. Sparks, deceased,
who was Adjutant Eighth Texas Cavalry, Secretary.
Jesse W. Sparks, Secretary of the Association,
writes a sketch from which the following is taken:
About two and a half miles west of Murfreesboro
between the Nashville railroad and turnpike stands
what is known as “HAZEN’S MONUMENT.”
It is constructed of native limestone, smoothly
dressed, is ten feet high, and nine teet square. It
has been enclosed recently in an area at Government
expense, with a stone wall four feet high and nine-
ty by thirty-six feet. Inside this wall are fifty-five
tombs or headstones, marking the graves of four-
teen soldiers Forty-first Ohio Infantry, twtnty of
the 110th Illinois, nine Ninth Indiana, nine Sixth
Kentucky Infantry, with one First Ohio Artillery,
and two unknown.
It was erected while the Federal Army occupied
Murfreesboro in 1863. It was built by artisans who
belonged to the command of rock quarried on the
battlefield, and is the first instance on record. – _^
This is said to have been the initial movement
whereby the United States Government seemed ;to
conceive the idea of gathering up her dead soldiers
and interring them together, and in the establish-
ment of National Cemeteries, such step never before
having been taken, Revolutionary soldiers were not
so honored. ***** *
) msf tn=» to out;
<■_ ■ •
On the South side this inscription is to be seen:
“Hazen’s Brigade, to the Memory of Its Soldier’s
Who Fell at Stone River, December 31, 1862.”
“Their faces toward heaven, their feet to the foe.”
There was inscribed afterward “Chickamauga, Chat-
tanooga.” East side: “The Veterans of Shiloh
have left a deathless heritage of Fame on the field
of Stone River.” North side: “Erected 1863, upon
the ground where they fell, by their comrades.”
It names many there buried with rank and com-
mand. West side: “The blood of one third its sol-
diers twice spilled in Tennessee, crimsons the bat-
tleflag of the Brigade.”
The monument is massive and very handsome.
A. M. Nathans, of First Florida Regiment, now
of 163 East 93rd Street, New York City, inquires
for Col. Larry W. O’Bannon, who was Chief Quar-
termastt r on General Bragg’s Staff until after the
Kentucky campaign. The record assigns him as
Major of First Battalion Confederate Infantry.
When last heard of he was living in Nashville, Tenn.
Confederate l/eteraij.
The picture of Camp Morton is not a good frontis-
piece; a more cheerful reminiscence would be bet-
ter. Ah, the pathetic memories of the survivors!
The dim scenes will revive to them much of suffer-
ing and privation. The writer recalls along with
it Fort Donelson and the bitter days of freezing and
of starvation from the 13th of February until the
16th, Sunday, and of the bitter wail in mud and ice
while each prisoner was being examined to see that
there was nothing “contraband” upon him before
he was sent off to prison; then the 2,200 men on
one boat, with but a single stove to warm by, and
the day on the way from Cairo to St. Louis, when a
genial sun for a few minutes caused so many of us
to go to the sunny side of the boat. The captain
was alarmed lest the boiler burst on the ereened
vessel, and pleaded that we get away from that
side. The only dread of the boat going down was
the cold water, in which blocks of ice as large as
houses were floating.
There is recalled, too, the journey from St. Louis
to Indianapolis by rail, and the goodness of Ouaker
women, who, having been notified of our starving
condition, were ready as the train would slow up
at their towns to run through the snow with frit-
ters and back again for more — as good Samaritans
as ever lived!
Ah, too, the sad contrast is recalled when, on
reaching Indianapolis, thousands of city people
lined the streets through which we marched to
Camp Morton, some two miles, who, instead of hav-
ing hot fritters for us, stood stiffly in their sealskins,
and many ridiculed us in our horrid plight.
Night came on in Camp Morton, as we stood in
mud freezing about our feet, waiting to be assigned
to quarters, which were in the horse stalls of the
old fair grounds. The writer was fortunate enough
to get under a stove located in the central passage-
way of Division ‘>, and slept snugly there.
Weeks followed our confinement before we were
reasonably fed. The entire day’s ration would be
eaten immediately after the issue.
It was not intended to give in this connection
these person -i 1 reminiscences, but the article de-
signed must be deferred.
Formal Resolutions Passed by Pat Cleburne Camp, 252.
Mrs.Hirdie Gleaves Patterson, of 312 N. Vine St.,
Nashville, has conceived a beautiful idea in connec-
tion with no n- resident Tennesseans and the Cen-
tennial Exposition. Those who are proud of their
nativity and would like to have an idenlilv with
the Volunteer State in its worthy rec >rd of achieve-
ments are requested to wriu to Mrs. Patterson for
the plan. The Veteran commends it cordially,
and will have more to say of it hereafter.
Reference was made in the December Vktkkan
to Commander Arrasmith, to whose memory the
following resolutions of respect were recorded:
Whereas, Our Merciful Heavenly Father has this
^\.i\ removed from our midst to “a house not made
with hands, eternal in the heavens,” our highly
nied friend and comrade, Josiah Arrasmith,
immander ol our Camp from its
lization, and who had spent the best years of
his strong young manhood battlintr for the
i held dear, and in his last days was always
to extend a helping hand to unfortunate com-
rades who needed his assistai
‘ t
Resolved, That, recognizing the justice and love
of our Divine Master, we dutifully bow to the wis-
dom of the work of His hand;
That the sad event has brought grief not only
upon the family, but upon the comrades of the
Camp he had so long presided over as Commander;
That as a Camp we mourn his death, and fully
realize that we have lost one of our most useful
members, the community an honorable and upright
citizen, and that we sincerely tender our heartfelt
sympathy to the family of our deceased comrade in
their great affliction, and commend them for com-
fort to that Power which, alone, can give comfort
to the afflicted;
That a copy of these resolutions be spread on our
record book and a copy be scut to the family of our
departed comrade.
A. W. Bascom.J. M. Brother, Win. 1′. Conner. Wm.
Darker. W. R. Deters, Sr., J. T. Young, John V>
Bethel, Ky., Decembers, 1896.
Confederate l/eterar?
Extracts from Concluding: Report Read at the Nashville
Convention of United Daughters of Confederacy.
Mrs. A. M. Raines, acting- President U. D. C,
reported that on May 12, 1896, she received a tele-
gram from Mrs. John C. Brown expressing regret
that she “must resign the Presidency of the U. D.
C,” and that, without favorable reply to request
that Mrs. Brown reconsider the matter, she as-
sumed the duties of President. Mrs. Raines stated
also that she practically assumed the duties of Cor-
responding Secretary as well, that officer having been
in Europe much of the time. There were at that
time sixty Chapters, and the increase was to eighty-
nine. She had written 618 letters and 152 postal
cards, which figures give some idea of her work.
For “efficient aid,” she gave Recording’ Secretary,
Mrs. J. Jefferson Thomas, high praise.
Mrs. Raines called attention to the funds in
the hands of the Treasurer, stating that some dis-
position should be made of this surplus; that “we
are not organized for commercial purposes or for
the accumulation of money. We should decide on
some amount as a reserve fund and let the remainder
ke judiciously distributed.”
“Last July a society called the ‘Grand Division
of Virginia’ decided by vote, at a meeting- held in
Richmond, to seek admission to this order. Their
President, Mrs. Jas. M. Garnett, wrote me stating
the terms and conditions under which they would
join. As these were considered in direct opposi-
tion to our Constitution, I replied that their wishes
would be placed before this Convention. I have re-
ceived letters from different members of our organ-
ization urging me to set aside our Constitution so
as to admit them. But my interpretation of the
duties of a President is to protect this Constitution
under all circumstances. When changes are to be
made it must be by the voice of this body alone,
and no one, whether President or otherwise, has
the power to take from or add to it.
“The conditions named by Mrs Garnett, as
stated before, were such as I could not accept, and
when this subject is discussed, 1 sincerely trust you
may be gu>ded in your decision by your loyalty to
your Constitution, and that nothing will be done to
conflict with the laws therein stated.
“I would suggest for your careful consideration
the importance of rotation of officers and also of
not allowing one person to hold more than one
office at a time, feeling assured that by firmly ad-
hering to this rule you will greatly increase the in-
“And now, before closing, let me ask you all cot
to have the impression that these conventions are
held solely for social enjoyment and a passage of
words. Let none think these four walls are the
only field for work and go home to remain inert
until the time rolls around for our next meeting.
* * * No, my friends, ht us look upon these
gatherings as a place to come to be refreshed, as it
were, and to get renewed courage to go home filled
with the determination to let the year before us
find at its close not one neglected soldier’s grave in
our vicinity.
“Let me thank you for your patience, and ask
that, in all the discussions that may arise, you will
ever keep the holiness of our work before you, re-
membering we are not a body of discontented suf-
fragists thirsting for oratorical honors, but a sister-
hood of earnest, womanl}- women, striving to ful-
fill the teaching of God’s word in honoring our
Mrs. J. Jefferson Thomas, Recording Secretary,
reported the annual convention of the U. D. C,
held in Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 8, ’95, naming the officers
there elected: Mrs. John C. Brown, of Nashville,
President; Mrs. L. H. Raines, of Savannah, Vice
President; Mrs. J. Jefferson Thomas, of Atlanta,
Recording Secretary; Mrs. I. M. Clark, of Nashville,
Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. Lottie Preston Clark,
of Lynchburg, Va., Treasurer.
Mrs. Brown resigned in consequence of ill health
in the early spring, and Mrs. L. H. Raines has acted
as President of the U. D. C. She gave special credit
to Mrs. Raines and Mrs. Lottie Preston Clark, with
whom it had been “a great pleasure to be associated;”
to Mrs. John P. Hickman, of Nashville, Mrs. Helen
C. Plane, Mrs. J. K. Ottley, of Atlanta, Mrs. A. T.
Smythe, of Charleston, and others who had “les-
sened the duties of your Recording Secretary.”
After mentioning the increased strength since
last year, she stated there were applications for other
Chapters. The organization extends over fourteen
States, from Maryland to California, including the
District of Columbia and the Indian Territory.
Last year there were no State Divisions; during
the present year Divisions have been formed in
Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia, Texas, South Caro-
lina and Florida, and Alabama, Mississippi and
Arkansas have the requisite number of Chapters
and will soon form Divisions.
A large number of certificates of membership
have been issued during the year. They are elec-
trotyped and are a beautiful and valuable posses-
sion. Handsome badges perpetuate the memories
of ’61-’65.
The States came into the union of the Daughters
of the Confederacy in the following order: Tennes-
see, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina,
Texas, Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, Florida and
the District of Columbia. Those States were rep-
resented last year by one or more Chapters. Georgia,
Tennessee and Texas have cause to be proud of
their rapid increase during the present year. The
Executive Officers, State Presidents and members
have worked with enthusiasm.
In February, 1896, the first, or charter, Chapter
was formed in Meridian, Miss. They now have
one more than the requisite number to form a State
Division, the Chapters being located at Meridian,
Columbus, Vicksburg, and Greenville. The Char-
ter Chapter in Arkansas was formed at Hope, in
March, and with other Chapters at Little Rock,
Hot Springs and Van Buren, Arkansas has a right
to a State Division.
Confederate l/eterar?
The Stonewall Jackson Chapter was formed at
McAlester, I. T., in March, 1896.
The Winnie Davis Chapter, of Berwick, La., was
granted a Chapter in May, and another Chapter has
been formed in New Orleans, with a large member-
The Albert Sidney Johnston Chapter, at San
Francisco, Cal., was chartered in August, with
Mrs. Wtn. Pritchard, the daughter of Gen. A. S.
Johnston, as President.
Three Chapters are named for Winnie Davis — at
Galveston, Texas, Meridian, Miss., and Berwick,
If the increase in membership is in proportion to
the growth of the present year, the prospect is en-
couraging for as man)’ Chapters of the United
Daughters as there are Camps in the Confederate
Veteran Association.
Report of Mrs. M. C. Goodlett, President Ten-
nessee Division:
In making out my report of the work done by the
Tennessee Division, I am like my friend Judge
Quarles who, when pointing out a Federal cemetery
to some Grand Army men, said: “Gentlemen, I re-
gret there is not more of it to show you.”
While our work does not compare favorably with
some other States in numbers of Chapters organized
during the year, in other respects it is fully equal,
if not greater. Tennessee Daughters raised more
money than for the South’s Memorial
Institute, and besides, quite a large amount was
raised and donated to other memorial work and in
assisting disabled Confederate soldiers, etc. The
Tennesseans are fully alive to the importance of
raising $1(10,000 requisite to secure the same amount
offered by Mr. Kouss, knowing that the building of
that Institute would secure to the South the im-
mortal fame of our heroes; it would be a proclama-
tion to the world that the South never was, and
never can be conquered.
During the present year we have organized some
very flourishing Chapters that have done splendid
■ work. We have ten Chapters at present, and a
number of others would have been organized over
the State, but, this being Centennial year, many of
our best workers have had their hands full getting
up displays for the different counties in the State.
Nashville Chapter, No. 1, has a membership of
120. This Chapter was chartered Sept. 20, ’04, but
has been organized since ”Hi, at which time it was
chartered by the State as an Auxiliary to the Con-
federate Soldiers’ Home, and has worked under the
name of Daughters of the Confederacy since May
10, ’92. This Chapter raised $838.75 for the Me-
morial Institute, and has also expended a large
amount on Confederate work at home.
Jackson Chapter has sixty-five members, and has
donated $127.00 to memorial purposes during – year.
Gallatin Chapter was chartered Oct. 2’». “95, and
has a membership of thirty-eight
Franklin Chapter, chartered Oct. 30, ’95, has
twenty members. Has donated $87.40 to the Me-
morial Institute.
South Pittsburg Chapter, chartered Oct. 31, ’95,
has twenty two members. Donated $95.00 to me-
morial work.
Zollicoffer-Fulton Chapter, of Fayetteville, char-
tered Nov. 2, ”’5, has thirty- four members, and has-
expended $142.00 for memorial purposes.
Maury Chapter, of Columbia chartered June, ’96,
has forty- five members. Donated $200.00 to the
Memorial Institute.
Chattanooga Chapter, chartered Sept., ’96, has
membership of sixty.
Holston Chapter, Knoxville, was chartered in
September, ’96.
Murfreesboro Chapter was chartered in Novem-
ber, ’96.
These Chapters are all enthusiastic in work per-
taining to the history of the Confederacy, the
amelioration of the condition of the Confederate
soldiers, the building of monuments and the care of
Confederate cemeteries.
In concluding, Mrs. Goodlett stated that Sumner
County Daughters have always taken great interest
in the Tennessee Soldiers’ Home, and that their do-
nations have been most generous, and she urged
that each Chapter in the State make this Home its
special charge.
Report of Miss Mary Amelia Smith, President of
Virginia State Division:
The retiring officers of the Virginia Division have
so lately vacated their positions and with the con-
tinued illness of Mrs. Clark, have combined to make
the report very meager.
There are thirteen Chapters in the Virginia State
Division, the membership of the whole numbering
580. Virginia has had a difficulty with v hich to
contend in a rival association, engineered with
greatest activity. After further reference to the
“rival” association, she adds: Time and patience
will doubtless correct this and we may be united in
one grand system of devotion to those who gave
their lives to secure a coveted independence; recall-
ing always, “they never fail who die in a great cause.”
Three hundred dollars have been raised by the L. M.
Otey Chapter of Lynchburg towards a monument to
their own dead, 1,200; fifty dollars by the Mary Custis
Lee Chapter of Alexandria, sending a soldier to the
Richmond Lee Camp; ten dollars by the Alexandria
17th Virginia Chapter toward a memorial window
to President Davis, and $170.00 to Gen. P. Wise,
the accredited agent of the Jefferson Davis Monu-
ment Fund, by the Black Horse Chapter. I may
here be allowed to state that the Black Horse has a
membership of sixty-nine. The white population
of its seat — Warrenton — being- only six hundred,
this gives it the right to claim for itself the title of
“Banner Chapter of the Confederacy.”
The present incumbent of the chair of State in
Virginia is the daughter of a civilian, one of the
early volunteers who figured conspicuously “on the
lefr’at the battle of Manassas — aged sixty four —
and though elected to Congress and as Governor,
did not h-a,ve the field till three months before the
fatal 9th of April. The Vice President is a near
relative of the first Rebel. With such exemplar?,
we hope to prove equal to our obligations.
Confederate l/eterar?
The Dalton-Atlanta Campaign displayed more
military strategy than any in the war between the
States. With the three armies — the Tennessee, the
Ohio and the Cumberland, all under Sherman — con-
fronting Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, and aggregating
two or three times that of his army, there was not
a more skillful game upon the military chessboard.
Being so greatly outnumbered, his only policy was
to strike in detail. Vigilance and boldness, attend-
ed with great risk, had to be employed promptly to
his gigantic foe. It was wonderful to see our
tretched out in skirmish style to confront the
enemy’s solid ranks, and even then a withdrawal of
troops from right to left to meet the flank move-
ments with success, at the same time to be ready
for Sherman’s dashes on our weak points. It was
the cleanest retreat on record, with comparatively
small loss of men and stores.
The Federal General, Joseph Hooker, pronounced
it the greatest campaign of the war, and the finesse
used as establishing the great generalship of Gen.
Johnston, and Gen. Wolsey, of English fame, says
“’twas the most brilliant on record. The result was
a loss of 40,000 to the Federal arms to about 10,000 to
the Confederates in the Hundred Days Fight. There
was one place, though, where Sherman, had he
been the able general many supposed, would have
taken some of Johnston’s glory from him. The
only time he ever got Johnston apparently in “a
nine hole” was at Resaca, on May 15, 1864.
Stewart’s Division of Hood’s Corps occupied the ex-
treme right of Johnston’s Army, his right on the
Connesauga — the Oostanaula in his rear. Stew-
art’s Division, at that time, was composed of Gib-
son’s Louisiana, Clayton’s and Baker’s Alabama,
Stovall’s Georgia, and Maney’s Tennessee Brigades,
and Hoi man’s Tennessee Cavalry. That part of
Stewart’s report touching on the battle will give
our position more fully, and veterans of the Army
of Tennessee will more vividly recall the trials of
that terrible day.
“On Sunday morning, the 15th,” Gen. Stewart
says, “my line was advanced, the risfht of it half a
mile and passing in front of Mr. Green’s house, the
left only a few hundred yards, and the new position
was soon intrenched. About 3 p. m., I received
directions to advance and attack the enemy in my
front at 4 o’clock, provided I had not myself been
attacked by that time. Shortly previous to four,
information came to me of a heavy movement of
the enemy to my front, which information was
transmitted to the Lieutenant General (Hood) com-
manding corps. My instructions were, in advanc-
ing, to gradually wheel toward the left, and I was
notified that Gen. Stevenson, on my left, would
also advance at four precisely. Clayton, on the
left, and Stovall, on the right of the front line,
were caused to make a half wheel to the left to
place them in the proper direction, and were also
instructed to continue inclining by a slight wheel
to the left, in advancing. This, it will be perceiv-
ed, placed them in echelon, the object being to
prevent my right toward the river from being turn-
ed. Maney’s Brigade, which had reported to me,
and a small body of cavalry under Col. Holman
were directed to move out on the right, outflanking
and covering Stovall’s right. Gibson and Baker
were brought forward and placed in position as
supports to Clayton and Stovall, and the order to
advance given. The men moved forward with
great spirit and determination and soon engaged
the enemy. At this moment, an order came from
Gen. Hood, by Lieut. -Col. Cunningham, not to
make the attack, which, however, had already com-
menced. We encountered the enemy in heavy force,
protected by breastworks and logs. The ground
over which Stovall’s Brigade passed was covered
with a dense undergrowth and brush. Regiments,
in consequence, became separated and the brigade
soon began to fall back. Hastening to it and find-
ing it impossible to reform it on the ground it oc-
cupied, it was suffered to fall back to its intrenched
position, Baker’s Brigade retiring with it. Clay-
ton, being thus unsupported on the right and Ste-
venson’s Division not having advanced, also retired,
and Gibson fell back, by my order, as did Maney
This famous order, countermanding the former
order of attack at Resaca, was ever a matter of con-
tention between Generals Johnston and Hood, the
former saying that he had countermanded, the lat-
ter asserting that he had not time to execute it.
Be that as it may, when Col. Cunningham brought
it our first line was charging on the breastworks;
but it was only Stewart’s Division doing this; the
other two divisions of Hood’s Corps had received
the countermand order. The execution of this
order, with our lines in close quarters and fully en-
gaged, was the trying thing for staff officers on
duty. Gen. Stewart sent Lieut. Scott, volunteer
aide, to Clayton, Lieut. Cahal to Stovall, then he
called on the writer to go to Gen. Maney. I felt
as if that parallel ride from left to right of over
half a mile, taking the fire by Clayton’s and Sto-
vall’s Brigades, would be my last. Hooker and
Schofield and McPherson, massed, were pouring
the shot and shell nigh on to a tempest. I spurred
my horse to a run; the balls were so terrific that I
checked up a little, fearing that my horse might
get shot and turn a somersault in falling. The
checking process didn’t suit, for it seemed like
death to tarry. I spurred up again and (how any
human being lived through it I can’t imagine) came
up with some litter-bearers, who hugged the trees
closely and woulcj not talk. Moments seemed
hours. I rode through brush and copse into an
open field, and finally struck the left of Maney’s
Brigade lying- down behind the railroad, holly en-
gaged. Just in rear of them, I spied a staff officer
of Gen. Maney, Lieut. L. B. McFarland, now of
Memphis, Tenn., riding as coolly and unconcernedly
as if no battle were raging. I accosted him with
the query, “Where’s Gen. Maney?” He said, “On
the rieht of the Brigade,” and that Manev had
placed him to look after the left. I told him that
the brigades on his left were falling back, that if a
charge should be made his brigade would be lost,
and to pass the order down the line, from Gen.
Stewart, to retire rapidly. In the meantime I
Confederate l/eterar;.
started to the right, through an open field, to find
the Brigade Commander. Talk about thunder and
lightning, accompanied by a storm of rain and hail!
My experience with bullets through that field was
like to it, for “h — 1 seemed to answer h — 1 in the
cannon’s roar.” Intermingled with musketry, it
created an unintermitted roar of the most deafen-
ing and appalling thunper.
Gen. Maney was working to keep the cavalry
connected with his line. His horse having been
shot, he was dismounted, but he had taken that of
Lieut. James Keeble — his Aide. By this time the
brigade was retiring as ordered.
Win n this order to retire was communicated to
Col. Fiild. commanding the First Tennessee In-
fantn on ihe extreme right, the Federal cavalry
were pressing, vet his regiment was formed into a
hollow square under the galling fire, and thus re-
tired with a palisade of bristling bayonets confront-
ing. It waslike to Napoleon’s battleof the p-v ramids
in squares on ihe march to Cairo, deterrin c the in-
trepid Mameluke cavalry, and also to the English
squarej at Waterloo.
But the problem of getting back confronted me.
Gen. Mam j urged me to stay with bitn — tbat k was
death lo trv the open fi. Id again Willi a detour.
However, I hurried back through the storm, neither
I nor mv light bay getting a scratch. In this short
time three hordes had been shot under General
Stewart and nearly all ihe Staff were dismounted.
Terry Cahal had come bad horseless; Lieut. Scott’s
horse had been shot and had fallen on him, almost
paralyzing»him; Capt. Stanford, of Stanford’s Bat-
tery, killed, jet private John S. McMath was fight-
ing his guns like a madman, and Oliver’s and Fen-
ner’s Batteries dealing the death shots rapidlv. A
Virginia regiment, the Fifty-fourth, of Stevenson’s
Division, the only one that tailed to get the counter-
mand orders, lost a hundred men in a few minutes.
The dead and dying of our first line was heart-
Had Sherman made a charge on us then there
would have been no escape. In this trough, the po-
sition was critical — the Connesuaga to the right,
the Oostanaula in the rear, and both non-fordable.
Whilst Gen. Sherman showed a want of general-
ship in not following, Old Joe displayed wonderful
skill in getting us out. I will never forget Kesaca.
Ofttimes it occurs to me that our bcldness in mak-
ing the attack saved the army- for Sherman,
massed, had given orders to pounce on us, which
was postponed when he saw that we were prepar-
ing as aggressors.
The playing upon the bridges by the enemy’s ar-
tillery all that night when our army was crossing
added to the horror of the event. Visions of For-
rest’s charge over the bridge at Chickamauga, and
of Napoleon’s contest over Lodi, came upon me, but
Old Joe stood there on the ( >ostanaula until all had
safely passed.
The closing of Gen. Stewart’s report gives vivid
conception of it: “During the retreat of the army
at night, the division remained in line of battle,
crossing the railroad and the Dalton and Kesue.t
road, until the entire army had passed the bridges.
The situation was all the while perilous and calcu-
lated to try the endurance of our men. They stood
firm, however, and remained in position until about
three o’clock in the morning, when we retired it*
obedience to orders.”
To confirm the accuracy of his memory. Capt. Kid-
ley submitted the manuscript of his article to Gen-
erals Stewart, Maney and Lieut. McFarland. The
former refers to it as a very creditable production;
McFarland mentions it as a graphic portraiture and
makes the additional statement that when he con-
veyed General Stewart’s orders through Ridley to
Colonel Feild on the extreme right, he formed his
regiment into a hollow square under fire to resist
the Federal cavalry, and thus executed the com-
mand to retire. “This was the more noticeable to
me because it was the only instance in four ^ears of
war that I ever saw this maneuver executid eluring
an engagement.” Gen. George Maney replied:
My Dear Captain— Upon return home, I found
vour very kind letter advising of your article on
Resaca and its having been submitted to Gen. Stew-
art, whoapprovi d, with compliments upon its merits.
With the compliment feature I am most fully in ac-
cord. You are, however, in immaterial error in
stating that I took Lieut. Keeble’s horse after mine
was shot. Keeble’s services at the moment were far
too important for this, and so continued until my
command had been withdrawn. It was an orderly’s-
horse I used after my own was shot.
Qopfederate l/eterai?
Of course I am greatly gratified at your article’s
favorable mention of the ever reliable McFarland
and the intrepid Feild, with his distinguished regi-
ment, and this being only one of many like af-
fairs of the memorable campaign from Dalton to
Atlanta, which do not appear in official reports, it
may be but proper I should say you only saw them
as they were upon all such occasions. It was their
As to yourself, with memory revived of the stormy
hour by your very vivid narrative, it remains but lit-
tle less than a wonder that you are living to write
of the event.
Confederate Society of Army and Navy in
Maryland. — For the present year the splendid
organization, “Society of the Army and Navy of
the Confederate States in the State of Maryland,”
has reduced the number of its officials. There are
only 12 Vice Presidents instead of 17, former num-
ber, and 7 instead of 10 members of the Executive
Com-nittee. The officers now are: President, Gen.
Bradley T. Johnson; Vice Presidents, Capts. Geo.
W. Booth, Wm. L. Ritter, Geo. R. Gaither, Lieuts.
Chas. H. Claiborne, Henry M. Graves, Privates D.
Ridgeley Howard, Hugh Mc Williams, D. A. Boone,
Jos. R. Stonebraker, Wm. Heimiller, George Eisen-
burg, Engineer Eugene H. Browne; Recording
Secretary, Capt. Augustine J. Smith; Assistant
Recording Secretary, Private Joshua Thomas;
Corresponding Secretary, Private John F. Hayden;
Treasurer, Capt. F. M. Colston; Executive Com-
mittee, Sergt. Wm. H. Pope, Privates Jas. R.
Wheeler, R. J. Stinson, D. L. Thomas, August
Simon, Mark A. Shriver, Maj. W. Stuart Syming-
ton; Chaplains, Revs. W. U. Murkland, D.D.
(Sergt. Major), Wm. M. Dame (Private), Benj. F.
Ball (Sergt.), R. W. Cowardi. S. J. (Sergt); Ser-
geant-at-Arms, Sergt. Geo. W. Shafer.
Capt. H. B. Littlepage, ex-C. S. Navy, now in the
Department of Naval War Records, writes from
Washington, D. C, Jan. 2, 1897:
This office is now engaged in collecting, compil-
ing and publishing the Records of the Union and
Confederate Navies during the war. The archives
of the Confederate Navy were in a great part scat-
tered at the close of the war, and its history can only
be made up from such papers as may still remain in
the possession of individual officers, their families,
Confederate Camps or Historical Associations. It
is in the highest degree desirable that these papers
should, as far as possible, be transmitted to this of-
fice, to be embodied in the work now being published.
In justice to the actors themselves in the great
struggle, it is important that each should be accorded
his proper place in its history. I therefore ask of all
individuals, Camps and Associations, if they have
in their possession letters, reports or official docu-
ments of any kind whatever relating to Confederate
Naval operations, whether of press-copies, letter-
books, journals, log-books or other memoranda, they
will kindly inform me or transmit them to me at the
above address, and that they will assist me in getting
information or documents from others. The expense
of transmission will be borne by the Department, and
all papers, after having been copied, will be returned
to the owner if he so desires.
It is hoped that all will give their hearty cooper-
ation in securing the fullest and most accurate record
G. B. Moon, Bell buckle. Tenn., shows his pride
in the Volunteer State: About 2 o’clock, p. tn., on
the 21st day of July, 1861, a brigade of Confederate
recruits was marching at quickstep to the front at
the first fight at Manassas, Va. The battle-smoke
was rolling up in the heavens beyond the hills and
the cannon’s roar was heard in many directions. A
rider, in citizen’s dress sralloped up from the woods
and halting, asked: “What Command is this?” S.
M. Linck, of this place, being near the stranger, an-
swered: “Twenty thousand fresh troops from Ten-
nessee and Kentucky.” Without another word, the
man wheeled his horse and galloped away. About
an hour later, when these re-enforcements had as-
cended the hills so they could see the fight, the Yan-
kees were in full retreat towards Washington. Did
Beauregard and Johnston whip the Yankees, or had
they heard that Tennessee was coming, and con-
cluded that they had better be leaving?
‘ Dixie,” writes from a Northern State: I wish to
inquire, through the Veteran, for one Lieut. Lee
Martin, who, I believe, belonged to Colonel Stone’s
Regiment. He was taken prisoner at Fayetteville,
Ark. , previous to the battle of Pea Ridge, and stayed
at our house fourteen days. I think his home was
somewhere in northern Texas. I should be glad to
hear from him, if living. “i ! *~
Some errors are noted in the article of Comrade
Whitefield, of Paducah, Ky., the first being in his
initials, which should be W. G. instead of W. J. His
native county is Person, not Persons, and Woolfork
should be Woolfolk.”
Gen. G. W. C. Lee, who succeeded his father to
the Presidency of Washington and Lee Univer-
sity, has, on account of ill health, resigned the posi-
tion, to take effect July, ’97. He will be continued,
however, as President Emeritus for life, and it is
understood that he will continue such service as he
may be able. Mrs. Julia S. Bradford, of Philadel-
phia, gives $5,000 to establish a scholarship in mem-
ory of her husband, the late Vincent L. Bradford.
Dr. J. H. Lanier, Claybrook, Tenn., writes that
at the battle of Franklin, Nov, 30, ’64, his Regiment,
the Sixth Tennessee, fought the Forty-fourth
Missouri and captured the color bearer and flag,
and that he would like to know if that color bearer
is living and his name. He states that H. Clay
Barnes — quite a small lad — rushed over the breast-
works and clubbed him with his gun. Brought him
over on our side with his very large and fine flag.
Mr. Barnes yet has some of his flag. The old For-
ty- fourth Missouri are good Christains — they were
terrible fighters. I would like to shake hands with
some of them before we “cross the river # ”
Confederate l/eteran
Let those who see the Veteran occasionally and
“look through it” read carefully one number — any
number ever printed — and they are quite sure to be
interested. There is no promise of improved effort
to make it better in the future, for the best possible
has been done with every column and line since it
started. However, that effort will be continued
In sending- his subscription January 9, 1897, S.
C. V., of Birmingham, writes that he feels he
should apologize to the Veteran for not having
done so during ever}’ year of its existence, “for on
the statute books of his patriotism it is judged a
high misdemeanor to withhold support from any
agency and honor from any effort to perpetuate the
truth of the Southern struggle for the right.”
But while the name of the Veteran has been
casually noted in reading of Confederate gather-
ings, it was not until to-day that it was actually
encountered and its acquaintance formed.
The following numbers of the Veteran for 1896
are needed to complete the volume, and a month’s ex-
tension of subscription will be given for each num-
ber supplied: January, February, March, May, Au-
gust and September, only copies in good condition.
The Daughters of the Confederacy, of Little Rock,
Ark., gave their first annual ball on December IS,
1896. The officers of Chapter are: President, Mrs.
James R. Miller; Vice-Presidents, Mrs. Mary Field,
Mrs. U. M. Rose and Mrs. Gus Blass; Recording Sec-
retary, Miss Bessie Cantrell; Corresponding Secre-
tary, Mrs. Jennie Beauchamp; Treasurer, Miss Geor-
gine Woodruff. The proceeds of this ball will be
applied to the erection of a monument to the Con-
federate dead at Little Rock, Ark. Tickets, admit-
ting gentleman and lady, were $2; extra tickets for
lady, $1. There were on the Reception and the Floor
Committees fifteen each.
Col. V. Y. Cook, of Klmo, Ark., sends the follow-
ing additions to the roster of the Arkansas Division,
published on pasje 24 of this number: Lieut. -Col. A.
B. Grace, Pine Bluff, Ark., As’t. Adj. -Gen. ; Majors,
J. N. Smither, Little Rock; W. D.” Cole, Conway;
R. M. Knox, Pine Bluff; A. H. Jobtin, Batesville;
Richard Jackson, Paragould, Aides-de-Camp.
At their annual meeting, December 5, 1896, the
Zollicoffer-Fulton Chapter of the United Daughters
of the Confederacy, at Fayetteville, Tenn., elected
officers for 1897. They are: President, Mrs. F. Z.
Metcalfe; Vice-Presidents, Mrs. C. N. Gillespie and
Mrs. K..J. Lloyd: Treasurer, Mrs. Sarah Newman;
Corresponding Secretary, Miss Mary Bright; Record-
ing Secretary, Miss Judith Bright.”
John Harrington, box 65, El Paso, Tex., desires
the names of physicians and surgeons who were at-
tending at Anderson ville,Ga. , prison during the war.
A limited number of volumes Confederate Vet-
eran, two and three — for years ’94 and ’95 — can be
had at Si per volume.
United Confederate Veterans,
United Daughters of the Confederacy,
The Sons, and other Organizations.
$1.00 a year. Two Samples, Four Two-Cent Stamps.
Special Ki duction in Clubs with this Paper.
ilia Sense.
So any gj
Please confer with the editor or
publisher of your best paper, and
ask him to write for club rates.
Will furnish electrotype of the
above cut. i
The Nashville Weeklv Sun and
the Veteran one jear, Si. 10.
Any sarsaparilla is sarsaparilla. True
tea is tea. So any flour is flour. But grades differ,
You want the best. It’s so with sarsaparilla. There
are grades. You want the best. If you understood
sarsaparilla as well as you do tea and flour it
would be easy to determine. But you don’t. How
When you are going to buy a commodity
whose value you don’t know, you pick out an old
established house to trade with, and trust their
experience and reputation. Do so when buying
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla has been on the market
fifty years. Your grandfather used Ayer’s. It is a
reputable medicine. There are manysarsaparillas.
But only one Ayer’s. IT CURES.
Confederate l/eterai?
The Veteran appropriates this page
to inquiry about those who expect to
attend the reunion of United Confeder-
ate Veterans at Nashville this year,
June -2, 28,24 — Pale changed from May.
Please detach the part indicated and
fill in the blanks. All persons who
choose can come at the railroad rates,
and the fare will evidently be one cent
per mile each way. Ladies, and men
not in the army, having fathers who
served, might lill in the blanks with the
word: father or ancle served in
Regiment in Virginia, or Tennessee, or
West of the Mississippi. [T^e Confed-
erate Army is considered as having been
in three departments. The Army of
“Tennessee,” or”\Vestern Department,”
implies all the great territory east of the
Mississippi Kiver except Virginia],
(in I be other side of the sheet please
give the names and postollice of some
Southerners not subscribers to the VET-
ERAN, and yet who can afford to take it,
I hen the names of veterans who can-
not afford to take it. Money is sent
in occasionally to be applied to such.
One generous man has a standing offer
to pay twenty subscriptions for such
whenever called upon
Do detach part of this sheet for the
purposes indicated, and send it in.
Preserved files will not be injured, as
this indicates the purposes of detach-
ment, s. a. Cunningham.
Confederate Veteran.
United Confederate \’eterans,
United Daughters of the Confcdcrac} ,
The Sons, and other Organizations.
$100 a year. Two Samples, Four Two-Cent Stamps-
l tuts Paper,
Please I’er wit h editor or publisher
of your mosl friendly and best pnpei
and tell him that the above card of the
Vbtbra’n is eleotrotvped, and thai if he
will run it in his columns, a special club
rale will be given, If he favors |l.
operation, ask him to write for terms.
Some Southerners not taking the Veteran who can afford to subscribe.
Confederate Veterans not taking the Veteran, and who can’t afford to do so
Beautiful lyings
TUB VETERAN will give to every person
20 New Subscribers
either one of the beautiful FINE GOLD RINGS
described here.
No. 1.
No. 1 has a bright and perfect Diamond Cen-
ter, surrounded by four Beautiful I’eana.
No. 2.
No. 2 has a bright and perfect Diamond Cen-
ter, surrounded by four Genuine Almandine
Garnets of a beautiful red color.
These Rings are the newest and most fashion-
able style. The stones in them are of the very
finest quality, and they are equal :n every re-
spect to the’best that could be bought in any
first-class Jewelry Store in New Y ork City.
When ordering, please send a ring made of a
piece of small wire, to show size wanted, to the
Confederate Ueteran,
The above designs and the advertise-
ments were prepared by the manufact-
urer at my request, and specially for the
Veteran. These rings were ordered
through a desire to furnish premiums
absolutely as described and which will
be of permanent value. I have known
the manufacturer since his boyhood,
and would take his word sooner than
rely upon my own judgment about jew-
elry— He is perfectly reliable. I wanted
to name his firm, but he preferred not
as they manufacture for Tiffany and
other leading houses. These rings will
prove to be all that is claimed for them.
S- A. Cunningham.
Confederate l/eterai).
A Trch Story of the Great Battle-
field, April, A. D., 1862.
A widow, charming and fair to see,
Lived close to the banks of the Tennes-
Her negroes were gone ; and the times
were hard ;
And her boys were following Beaure-
‘Round herquiet home Grant his
trenches digs ;
And Sherman steals all of her fowls and
There Sherman tried, on that terrible
To make his last stand ; but his men ran
For the rebels came with their shot and
And whole rows of the Yankee hirelings
The widow sat there ‘mid the smoke and
And she prayed to God for her soldier
When the storm of the battle had passed
Great heaps of the dead around her lay.
Days after the tight . when the hosts were
Three Colonels came there to bury the
They came at the widow’s house to stay
While their men were putting the dead
The widow fed the three Colonels well.
Though she hated their sight and the
Yankee swell.
One Colonel has bowed to the widow’s
For he knows the worth of the widow’s
Wherever he goes, whatever is done.
The Yankee looks out for number one.
So he set him to win the widow’s grace
With a lover’s smile on hi] ugly face.
“It must be tenible. madam I” he said
‘To live here alone ‘mong so many dead.”
Then the eyes of the widow flashed with
And the look she gave him cured his de-
“It does not disturb me at all,” said she ;
“I think that dead Yankees are nice to
“They deserve their fate who would
make us slaves ;
“Would my land was covered with Yan-
kee graves !”
“I wish that our soldiers would kill them
“And I’ll furnish them graves as fast as
they fall'”
The Colonels left, for they thought it
best ;
That widow might plant them with all
the rest.
Henry H. II arris. in.
[Note— An apology 1- tendered to the real
w i.Iom of ShltOb for i h.’ liberl v taken by a mere
acquaintance to telling ber story. Hui the famous
anawer of the fearless Southern woman, alone
anions; her enemies, on the great battlefield, is
one of the things that belongs to history.]
Read of the tenth annual sale of Ten-
nessee Horse Breeders. Every annual
is guaranteed to lie as represented, Mr
Palmer only sells for the breeders and
responsible parties. In no horse sales
ever held in America has more general
satisfacl ion been given.
Calvert Bros. & Taylor,
Photographers and
Portrait Painters,
It is a gootl time to subscribe for this
well-known weekly paper yearly $ 1 75,
as those subscribing now will receive
copies to January 1 . i)7. free, in addi-
tion to the full year’s subscription from
that date. This offer is to n< is subscribers
For $2.00 The Youth’s Companion will
be sent as per above offer, and the Vet-
eran one year. Either renewals or
new subscribers to Yktkran will be re-
ceived in this offer, but only new sub-
scribers to the Companion. Send now
and get Holiday numbers of both pub-
By all odds the best route to Chicago
and the North is the Monon, via tiie
I,. A N. Running as it does through
the rich blue-grass regions of Tennes-
see and Kentucky, and through the best
agricultural portion of Indiana, skirt-
ings the barrens, the coal district and
the hard lands, its lines are truly cast
in pleasant places The scenery to the
very point where the bounds of the
great metropolis are reached is most
picturesque, and the travelers by this
route moreover may secure a stop-over
at Mammoth Cave and French l.iekor
West Baden Springs. Through its
double terminal, Michigan City and
Chicago, the Monon makes direct con-
nections with all Northern. Northwes-
ton and Northeastern lines and the
famous summer resorts of the Peninsu-
lar State and the Great Lake country.
(Mention Veteran when you write.)
illman Vestiboled Train Service wit*
Newest and Finest Day Coaches,
Sleepers and Dining- Oars
rmoM true SOUTH
— <TO»—
erre Haute, Indianapolis,
Milwaukee, St. Paul,
Southern Passenger Agent.
Commercial Agent.
Nashville, Tenn.
Gen. Pass. A Ticket Agent.
Dr. W. J. Morrison,
14(1 N. Spruce St.. Nashville, Tenn.
Opposite Ward’s School. Telephono S92.
Can lie mnde fast
working for us.
Write for partic-
Hygienic Bath
Cabinet Co.,
Nasdvillk, Tenn.
Look well to the books advertised by
the Veteran. Only those of special
merit are furnished by it. and too when
they may be supplied upon liberal terms.
Qoi)federate l/eterai)
J10C—RK WARD— $100.
The readers ol this paper will be pleased i”
learn thai Were is at least one dreaded disease
that science bas been able to cure in all its stages
and that .- I latarrb. Hall’s Catarrb Cine i- tin-
only positive cure now known to Hie medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis-
ease, requires :i constitutional treatment.
Hall’s i atarrh Cure is taken internally, act-
ing directly upon ilie blood and mucous sur-
faces of the system, thereby destroying the foun-
dation of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution and as-
sisting nature in doing its work. The proprie-
tors have so much faith in its curative powers,
that thev offer < Ine Hundred Dollars for any case
that it fails to cure. Send for list of Testimonials.
Address, F. J.CHENEY & CO.. Props., Toledo, o.
•S”Sold by Druggists, 75c.
The above is a serio-comic song, by
Miss Fannie E. Foster, 276 Bank Street,
Norfolk, Va. Miss Foster is the daughter
of a Spartan Southern mother and the
sister of one of the heroes of the famous
Stonewall Brigade. The price is tempor-
arily reduced to 30 cents. The Norfolk
Public Ledger mentions Miss Fannie E.
Foster as a well-known literary lady of
Norfolk and the song as “extremely
melodious ” It has been favorably re-
ceived by music critics and the public
generally. The Norfolk Landmark says
of it: “The production is an excellent
one of its kind, and the melody is strik-
ingly pretty. ‘The Woman New’ should,
and doubtless will, meet with deserved
success,” and mentions it, as an up-to-
date song and is in keeping with its sub-
ject. The Monroe County (\V. Va.,)
Watchman mentions the author as well-
known in this section of West Virginia.
The-chorus is in waltz-time and the piece
is bright and catchy.” At a concert re-
cently given ii Quebec, Canada, “The
Woman New” was well received. The
Norfolk Dispatch : The music is bright
and pleasing and the words, as new as
“The Woman New.” This charming hit
will soon be put upon the stage in sev-
eral cities
a new book, written by a soldier, Elder
James Bradley. A history of the Mis-
souri troops who served in the Army of
Tennessee and Georgia, together with a
thrilling account of Capt. Grimes and
Mis? Ella Herbert, who carried the mail
by underground route to Missouri from
and to l he army. The book is well
bound in cloth, on good paper, illustrat-
ed, and in every respect well gotten up,
and should be in every home in our
country. Price $1.00, per mail. Ad-
dress. G. N. Rati.iff, Hunttville, Mo.,
Sole Agent
L. i\i f7C 1 Upon the receipt of ten cents
i\ UIL~ . in silver or stamps, we will
send either of the following books, or three for
25 cents. Candy Book— 50 recei Is Tor making
candv, Sixteen differem kinds of candy with-
out cooking; ‘id cent candy will cost 7 cents per
pound. Fortune Teller— Dreams &”0 interpre-
tations, fortune telling by physiognomy and
cards, bir h . f children. discoving disposition by
features, choosing a husband by the hair, mys-
tery of a pack of cards, old superstitions, birth-
day stones. Letter Writing— Letters of condo-
lence, business, congratulations, introductions,
recommendations, love, excuse, advice, receipts
and releases, notes of invitation and answers,
notes accompanying gifts and answers.
Bkookk & Co., Dept., V. Townsend Block,
Buffalo, N.T.
Agents Wanted in Kentucky. Tennessee,
and Alabama.
A Story of the War Between the
States. By Gapers Dickson, an ex-
member of Cobb’s Legion. Royal octa-
vo ; 279 pp. ; cloth. Price, $1.00 post paid.
The personnel of the story is charm-
ing, and it is all pure and good —Bishop
A. G. Haygood.
The story is strong in incident, and
is graphically told.— Atlanta Constitu-
The book is valuable for its historical
features. — Macon Telegraph.
The author’s style is attractive, and
the language which he uses is at all
times forceful and chaste. — Augusta
The book corrects many partial re-
ports of battles, and g ves to the South
her true position in history. — Wesleyan
Christian Advocate
Address Capers Dickson,
2in-2t Covington, Ga.
C. R. BAD0UX, 226 II. Summer St.,
Deals in Hair Goods, Hair Ornaments, and
Ladies’ head dress articles of every description
First quality Hair Switches to match any sample
color of hair sent, $2.50. Shell anil Black Hair
Ornaments in endless variety. Headers of the
Vktekan who wish anything in the line of head
dress can ascertain price by writing and de
scribing what is wanted. Goods se t by mail or
express. I have anything you “am for perfect
head dress C. R. BadoDx. Nashville, Tenn.
O. Breyer,
Barber Shop,
Y. M. C. A. Budding. Church St., Na-hvill*
$1 50 in Gold given away for • Id Stamps. » e
lake all kinds. Yon hive a chanc in the prizes
—.film for the six I i rgest numbers of stamps sent
us; and $50 that you may- win by sending only
onestamp. (Every person outtht to tr> for i he
prizes. Costs nothing to try. Write for full
particulars. Send 4 c nts to cover potage,etc.
Box 557. Louisville, Kt,
With all the latest known improvements, :it
greatly reduced prices. Satis! u lion guaran-
teed. Send for circular. B MATTHl
Cor. 4th Ave. & MarkerSt L luisville, K.y.
V ..,-,,,.., it,; ■, i< -i.:i. : .i. 48 col. paper oersted toStonea, H e Iii-cora-
I irolwd, Qaraen, Floriculture, Poultrj, etc., ono
■ i ctic db »nd ■ idj friends.
W09IAVM r Alt.1l JOURNAL, 4«13 Evan* Avth, buiut Luui*, Jllw.
Mention Veteran wb<“» you write.)
Solid Vestibuled
Trains Between
Toledo and Detroit,
Through Coaches and Wagner Parlor Cars on Day
Trains. Through Coaches and Wagner Sleeping
Cars on Night Trains.
The only Through Sleeping- Car line from
Cincinnati. Elegant Wagrner Sleeping Cars.
The “Southwestern Limited” Solid Vestibuled
Trains, with Combination Library, Buffet and
Smoking Cars. Wagner Sleeping Cars, Elegant
Coaches and Dining Cars, landing passengers
in New York City at 42d Street Depot. Posi-
tively No Ferry Transfer.
Be sure your tickets read via “BIG FOUR.”
e. o. Mccormick. d. b. mar i in,
Passenger Traffic Mgr. Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt.
O i n c; i in m ati, O .
Anyone sending n sketch and description may
quickly ascertain, free, whether an invention Is
probably patentable. Communications strictly
confidential. Oldest agency for securing patents
in America. We have a Washington office.
Patents taken through Muim & Co. receive
eoecial notice in the
beautifully illustrated, largest circulation of
any scientific journal, weekly, terras $3.(10 a year;
$1.50 six months. Specimen copies and Hand
Book on Patents sent free. Address
361 Broadway, New York.
rh — — MiiSiH AND KXPKKSKS; expert-
^K / ^1’iiee lllllleuessai’3 ; p»8ili«>” pi’l’ina-
‘+’ ” “lu-m; aril b eher. L’JSASK MVi; t.u..
t. iiiriiinali, u.
Having secured some fine engravings
of Generals Lee. J. K. Johnston. Beau-
regard. Longstreet. Sterling Price, K 8.
Ewell and *. V. Hill, the I’ollowingofifer
is made: Either picture will he s^nt
with a year’s subscription to the Vet-
eran lor $1.25, or as premium for two
subscriptions Pi-ice nil cents each.
These pictures are 21 x 28 inches, and
would ornament any home.
BERKSHIRE. Chester White,
Jeraej K>-<i and Poland Chios
Pigs. Jsreej . Guernsey :””l Hoi
jte sella ‘J horoughbred
Sbosp, 1 an’ v Poultry, Hunting
and House Dogs, I stalogue
hruiivllle, Cheater Co. f 1’cuns.
8. W. fillTIi, >-i
(^opfederate l/eterap
(qeofgia pome Insurance
Strongest and Largest Fire
Insurance Company in the
Cash Assets Over One Mil-
lion Dollars.
Agents throughout theSouth
and the South only.
Patronize the Home Com-
Lpanj . 1-95-1 y 3
Texas Lands.
100,000 acres of riol« farm and pasture
lands in tracts of B0, 160 240.320,640 (or
more | acres, at $250 to $3.50 per acre,
on easy terms, in one of the lies! coun-
ties of Texas, on the T. & P R K . 140
miles west of Fori Worth. Also improv-
ed farms and randies and live stock.
Horses in carload lots cheap. Addres-,
\ G. WEBB,
Bairk. Cm i \ic \n Co , Tex.
•• One Country.
. . . ®nc flaQ.”
to Purchase
plags, Banners, Swords, Belts, Gaps,
Mid all binds of Militart Kuuipmimt is ai
J. A. JOEL <£ CO.,
88 Numh Street. … NEW YORK.
8BND Korjpkick LIST.
Old Confederate States
Postage Stamps.
Many an* valuable aad i pay high prices for
scarce varieties. Old stamps bring mi. re if lefi
entire original envelopes or letters.
Send f i’ stamp boob and pi Ice lUt.
i Ahim A PAHK. D. C.
w Golleue.
2d flooi Pab. Hodm,
i ■ i ibllatwd rapati
ipenny methc < i
mend Lnls Coll<
I ton l h
l;. « rKISCIFAL.
W. & R. R. R.
The Atlanta K i position will be the great –
est exhibition ever held in the United
States, excepting the World’s Fair, and \
the Round Trip Kates have been made very |
low. I>o not fail to go and take the chil- j
dren. It will be a great education for |
MrFor Maps. Folders and any desired 8
information write to
.1. h. BSMOHDBON, .1. W. Htcks.
Trav. Pass. Agt.. Trav. I’ass. Agt.. |
Chattanooga. Tenn. Atlanta. «. a. I
Jos. M. Brown. T.M.. C.B. Harman,UJ\A„ |
Atlanta, Ga.
A useful, personal necessity thai is
needed liy every one, is a pocket knife
For three new subscribers, with $1.00
each, the Veteran will give this beau-
tiful pear handle, four blade knife.
It is the “tree brand,” I’.oker ,v Cos
best steel. It will be sold to any sub-
scriber for $1.50. post paid.
This knife farmers or those who
Wish a heavy knife It is four il
long, four blades I k handle, linker &
t’o’s best i i ‘”Then
i<r knife made ” it will be given for
four yearly subscribers to I he V i-TKiiAN.
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[Firms and Tnstitutfans that may, be ilrprn-
ded upon for the prompt and satisfactory Iran*
of business.] Mentioning r<
ICE CREAM.— Tin- leading ice cream dealer
of Nash\ille i- C. H, ^.Uerding, 1U I’m.
latere to weddings, banquets, and occasions of
all kinds. Count?] orders solicited.
Fitzhugh I.e.’s Life of Gen’l R.
K. Lee is worthy to he in the libra-
ry of every home in America.
Injured copies of this book are all sold
and other copies will be mailed for
$] .50, or as a premium for Bve subscrip-
t ions, posl ag” prepaid,
Address I FEDERATE Vetkran.
The Veteran Souvenir of the Hous-
ton Reunion is an elaborate and beau-
tiful book, containing, perhaps, three
times as many pictures of representa-
tive Southern women as was ever pub-
lished in a single bonk Such books
are rarely reproduced; hence, hose
who wish this for a librarj collection
should order it soo i The price of this
splendid work is $3 and $4, according to
binding, and orders are tilled from this
office with a year’s subscription to the
Veteran free.
Sent as premiums for cubs of twelve
and sixteen subscribers.
The Souvenir of the Richmond Reun-
ion is not so elaborate, but is gotten up in
booklet form so that pases of the many
fine engravings may be detached for
framing without detriment to the other
portions of the volume. There are re-
produced in this number of the Veter-
w plates from its collection, That
on title page of Presideni Davis and
group of generals, thai of Washington
Monument and the new city hall, and
also of the main entrance In Hollywood
I tery . W here
lie buried, comprise the sp» cim
i bis beaul iful Bouvenir
is (iii ce nt-. postage paid. It wi
furnished from i his office al i
wit h the ‘• one year $1 80 ; or
given for thrt i the
i ‘ \ N .
Qopfederate l/eterap,
– American – Review.
The Right Topics.
By the Right Men.
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The Topics are always those which are up-
permost in the public mind— in religion, morals,
politics, science, literature, business, finance,
industrial economy, social and municipal affairs,
etc.— in short, all subjects on which Americans
require and desire to be informed. No maga-
subjects are treated of impartially on both sides.
Tbe Contributors to the Review are the
men and wom>-n to whom the world looks for
the most authoritative statements on the sub-
jects of the day. No other periodical can point
to such a succession of distinguished writers.
The Time when these subjects are treated of
fcy these contributors is the very time when the
subjects are in the public mind — not a month or
two after people have ceased to think of them.
The promptness with which the Review fur-
mishes its readers with the most authoritative
i»formation upon the topics of the day is one of
its most valuable features.
Ahead of any magazine this country has ever
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and the eminence of its contributors.— Alba ny
No other magazine in the world so fully and
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ers and thinkers on all questions of public in-
terest. — Boston Journal.
In its discussions of current topics by dis-
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try. — Dubuque Herald.
Always abreast of the world.— Springfield
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Not only the oldest but the best of our Re-
views. — Rochester Post- Express.
Cannot be ignored by the reader who keeps
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Continues to grow in interest. Its discussion
of topics of present concern are marked by abil-
ity of the highest order; tbe most eminent rep-
resentatives on both sides are chosen to expound
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There is no other magazine that approaches
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This Review is alive, and can almost be de-
scribed as a Preview.— The Christian Advocate,
New York.
50 Cent s a Copy. $5.00 a Year.
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Will accept notes for tuition, or can
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Car fare paid. Novaca-
Mention this paper.
Nashville, Tenn.,
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Bookkeeping, Penmanship, Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy, etc. The most thorough,
practical and progressive schools of the kind in the world, and the best patronized ones in the South.
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tuition. $500 00— Amount we have deposited in bank as a guarantee that we have in the past ful-
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especially for home studv, books on Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Penmanship. Write lor price list.
Prof. Draughon— I now have a position as bookkeeper and stenographer for the Southern
Grocery Company, of this place; salary, J75.00 per month. Ioweitallto your books on bookkeeping
and shorthand prepared for home study.— Ir I Armstrong. Pine Bluff, Ark.
(Mention Veteran when you write.)
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home. Remedy $r>. Cure Guaranteed. Endorsed
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Illinois Central Railroad,
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Qopfederate l/eterap.
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jvTodvtiilk’jTe^vn/. -H
Id reliable firm solicits your shipments of TCqgs,
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Church Street, third door. Nashville, Tennessee
The above is a historic picture, 18×24 inches, t hat should lie in all Southern
homes. The publisher’s price, postpaid, is fifty cents. It will be sent by the
Veteran for a renewal and one new subscription, or with the Veteran for $1.25.
(Mention Veteran when yon write.)
r.v special arrangement, the BBUfl- 11/ E£ –
/.)” .1 HERICAN In club- win be sent with
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Veteran, $1.26, and get both publications tor
one vear.
The Semi-Weekly American <- printed in
Nashville IW times a ‘ear (twice a week), and
will contain elaborate reportsot Centennial Ex
position matters and the Reunion, so that this
w ill be an exceptionall] guod vear tor Nashville
news. This oiler only fasts tor ninety ‘lays,
send prompt 1> •
I A fkw> w»»h th«t »lll rrmoTP ih„ crn.T wnaplrt-
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Confederate l/eterar?
The Muldoon Monument Co.,
322. 324, 326, 328 GREEN ST.
Have erected nine-tenths of the Confederate Monuments
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monuments they have erected. To see these monuments
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Cynthiana, Ky.
Lexington, Ky.
Louisville, Ky.
Raleigh, N. C.
J. C. Calhoun-
Charleston, S. C.
Gen. Patrick R. Cleburne,
Helena, Ark.
Helena, Ark.
Macon, Ga.
Columbus, Ga.
Thomasville, Ga.
Sparta, Ga.
Dalton, Ga.
Nashville, Term.
Columbia, Tenn.
Now have contracts for monu-
ments to be erected at
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Tennessee and North Caro-
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mauga Park.
Winchester, Va.
When needing first-class, plain or artistic work, made from the finest
quality of material, write them for designs and prices.
JOHN M. PATTISON, President.
GAINS IN 1895.
The Annual Report Again Makes the Following
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Surplus, 4 per cent. Standard,
J AS. A. YOWELL, State Agent,
Chamb r u nd i C „° g raraerce NASHVILLE, TENN
3.928.039 00
Devoted to literature, history, fic-
tion and poetry. Short personal
•J^. reminiscences, and contributions
of peculiar interest to the South
(When writing mention Veteran,!
Qo^federat^ l/eterap.
Entered at the postofficc, Nashville, Tenn., :i- sec l-class matter.
Advertising Rates: $1.60 per inch one time, or $1″‘ a j ear, ex :epl lasl
page. One page, one time, special, |8B, Discount: vear,one
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8, 79,430; ’94, 121,644; % ‘\ 154,992; ’96, 1
officials represents:
United Confederate Veterans,
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Smis of Veterans and ether Organizations.
The Veteran is approved and endorsed by a lanrer and
more elevated patronage, doubtless, than any other publii
in existence.
Though men deserve, they may n<>! win snece
The brave will honor the ‘brave, vanquished none the less.
I’l.’in (1.00 I’l 1; V K Mi.
SlNOI.K I n|-\ III 1 I M
Vol. V.
PAIN v] i) in w. it
Tin- burial of Capt William Latane is one of the
most noted events of all the war. The handsome
painting engraved above was copyrighted ami printed
in [866, ami lithographs may he seen in a multitude of
Southern homes, lie lost his life in Stuart’s ride
around McClellan’s army.
Lieut. John l.ataue. a brother, bore the body From
the field, carrying it to the residence of Dr. William
Brockenbrough, Hanover County, Va., and en route
he was met by a body of Federal soldiers, who made
him prisoner and took him away as soon as the body
was placed in friendly hands.
One of tin’ brave-hearted women who took part in
the burial wrote: “We took the body of our pom’ young
captain and buried it ourselves in the graveyard.”
Qor?federate l/eterap.
Gently they laid him underneath the sod,
•*nd left him with his fame, his country, and his God.
Let us not weep for him, whose deeds endure ;
So young, so brave, so beautiful, he died
As he had wished to die— the past is sure!
Whatever yet of sorrow may betide
Those who still linger by the stormy shore.
Change cannot touch him now, nor fortune harm him more.
And when Virginia, leaning on her spear —
” Victrix et Vidua,” the conflict done —
Shall raise her mailed hand to wipe the tear
That starts as she recalls each martyred son,
No prouder memory her breast shall sway
Than thine, our early lost, lamented Latane.
Interesting Meeting of the Wright-Latane Camp.
Surviving comrades about Tappahannock, Va., nur-
ture memories that will add glory to their noble rec-
ords. At a meeting of the Wright-Latane Camp in
the beginning of the Christmas holidays Capt. Albert
Rennolds, of Company F, Fifty-fifth Virginia Regi-
ment, read a paper, which is herein copied almost entire:
Ever since the war I have had a desire to revisit some
of the fields on which I did battle for my country, but
never had an opportunity to do so until last summer,
while visiting relatives in Spottsylvania County, when
my brother proposed to take me to the Chancellorsville
Early Monday morning, the last day of August, we
started toward the Court House; but, leaving that to
The combat raged not long, but ours the day ;
And through the hosts that compassed us around
Our little band rode proudly on its way,
Leaving one gallant comrade, glory-crowned,
Unburied on the field he died to gain,
Single of all his men amid the hostile slain.
One moment on the battle’s edge he stood,
Hope’s halo like a helmet round his hair;
The next beheld him dabbled in his blood,
Prostrate in death, and yet in death how fair !
E’en thus he passed through the red gate of strife
From earthly crowns and palms to an immortal life.
A brother bore his body from the field,
And gave it unto strangers’ hands, that closed
The calm blue eyes, on earth forever sealed,
And tenderly the slender limbs composed :
Strangers, yet sisters, who, with Mary’s love,
Sat by the open tomb, and, weeping, looked above.
A little child strewed roses on his bier,
Pale roses, not more stainless than his soul,
Nor yet more fragrant than his life sincere,
That blossomed with good actions, brief, but whole.
The aged matron and the faithful slave
Approached with reverent feet the hero’s lowly grave.
No man of God might read the burial rite
Above the Rebel — thus declared the foe
That blanched before him in the deadly fight ;
But woman’s voice, in accents soft and low,
Trembling with pity, touched with pathos, read
Over this hallowed dust the ritual for the dead :
” ‘Tis sown in weakness, it is raised in power ;”
Softly the promise floated on the air,
And the sweet breathings of the sunset hour
Came back responsive to the mourner’s prayer ;
Confederate l/eteraij.
our right, came to quite a pretty monument situated in
the fork of the road and dedicated to Maj. Gen. Sedg-
wick, of the Federal army, who was killed on that spot
during the battle of Spottsylvania Court House. 1
had been wounded a short time before in the battle
of “the Wilderness,” and was not in that battle.
En route from there to Chancellorsville we passed by
Screamersville, where the Second Adventists were
holding a camp meeting. The tents looked quite
pretty, and reminded me of the time when the Army of
Northern Virginia dwelt in tents — i. c, when they
could get them.
About eleven o’clock we came to the plank road,
and turned toward Chancellorsville. I felt as if I were
on holy ground, for it was right along here that we
marched the first day of May, thirty-three years ago,
led by Lee and Jackson and A. P. Hill and Heth and
Mallory. It is just about as warm and dusty now as
then. We soon came to the road that we took to the
left by “the Furnace;” but, our time being limited, we
concluded that it was not sufficient to take the route
by which we marched around Hooker’s army, so we
took the right, going by Chancellorsville Court House,
through the battlefield, to the place where the private
road along which we marched runs into the plank road.
It looks now just as I remember it looked then, except
that there is a gate across it now. Everything looked
so natural that I imagined I could see the cavalry pick-
ets standing there still. T got out of the vehicle and
walked down the road toward Chancellorsville, where
we filed to the left, and, a short distance in the woods,
formed line of battle.
The order was given, “Forward, march!” and our
three divisions moved off to strike for all that is dear
to freemen. I went over the same ground that I went
over thirty-three years ago, when a boy soldier of the
brave and gallant Essex Sharpshooters.
My heart beats strong. I forget that I am an old
man now. I glide along, I hardly know how, over the
same ground. Presently the rattle of the skirmishers’
fire is heard in front. The soldiers cheer and go faster.
Here is the field where the enemy left tln-ir supper
cooking. Tn imagination I see the soldiers again dip-
ping real coffee from the boilers and blowing and
drinking it as they move along. Some have junks oi
beef on their bayonets, while their comrades cut slices.
Others are stuffing hardtack in their haversacks as
they go, for no one can stop; all must keep dressed
now. On we go through the woods, dressing our
lines as we pass through the fields and openings.
How proudly the men march! How enthusiastic
they are! How beautifully the emblems of constitu-
tional liberty wave in the breeze! Jackson’s Corps is
sweeping the field. What a grand panorama!
Our gallant brigadier is on foot in front of us. He
turns and salutes his brigade with his sword — a com-
pliment which we intend to prove that we deserve ere
we stop.
And here is where we were when the enemy at-
tempted to make a stand to check us. A volley from a
line of battle is poured into our line to the right of us,
but we make no stop. The volley is returned, and we
go still faster, while the Rebel yell rolls from one end
of our lines to the other and back again. We are
moving too fast. The officers storm at the men for
not moving slower, when they are only keeping up
with the officers. And now the artillery is booming,
shells are shrieking and bursting, rifles are rattling,
and occasionally a volley is fired. The Rebel yell is
now almost continuous, and still on we sweep.
There is the place near those thick bushes where
gallant Lieut. Roane received a shrapnel shot in his
abdomen; when one of his men, whom he had just
given the flat of his sword for showing the white feath-
er, said: “I’m mighty sorry for Lieut. Roane, but he
oughtn’t a beat me like he did.”
We are halted. There is a lull in the fire and up-
roar. The light division has been ordered to take the
lead. It is beginning to get dark. We move again,
and just ahead is where we came out into the plank
road (I coidd not understand before why we came out
of the fields and woods into the road, but it is all plain
now — we went straight, but the road makes a turn).
Ensign Fifty-fifth Virginia Infantry, whose name the Camp
It is there where we saw the deserted artillery and the
dead and wounded horses. The place looks much the
same as it did then. I do not think the trees have
grown a bit ; even the bushes seem to be the same.
We march by the left flank along the road a short
distance, halt, and front. Here is the place. Our left
is near the brow of a low hill or rise. It is so dark that
we cannot see a man across the road. Lane’s skir-
mishers are in front, and open fire just abreast of our
left flank.
In a short while a wounded man is borne along to-
ward the rear just behind our regiment. Several men
were holding him up. and he was trying to walk, when
Confederate l/eterap.
brave Serg. Tom Fogg recognized him and said:
“Great God! it is Gen. Jackson.” Then the order is
given to deploy the regiment as skirmishers, and al-
most immediately the road was swept by such a de-
structive artillery fire as can only be imagined. I
don’t believe the like was ever known before or since.
The darkness and the fire combined render it impos-
sible to execute the movement. The men drop on the
ground. Col. Mallory calls upon the officers to do
their duty (the last words he ever spoke). My compa-
ny, which was the right company of the regiment, was
wheeled to the left and marched through the storm
down to the color line. How beautifully the company
responded to their captain’s orders! The}’ were he-
roes among heroes. The captain intended to deplov
by the right flank as soon as he reached the color line,
but to get there was all that we could do. No man
could stand and live. Being just a little behind the
brow before mentioned, most of the shells which
missed the brow missed us while lying on the ground,
and those which struck the brow ricochetted over us.
It was impossible for us to rise, so the men only raised
their heads to fire; and to add to it all, the men in the
darkness behind us, not knowing that we were there,
opened fire on us. After we had remained sufficient
time for our lines to be established in our rear, Maj.
Saunders gave the order for us to fall back. The old
frame of a house is gone, but there is where it stood,
and it was by the side of this old house, forty yards
from the middle of the road where I was lying, and by
the light of the musketry fire and the bursting of the
shells that I saw Maj. Saunders, and, although I could
not hear his voice, I knew by his gestures that his order
was to fall back.
I was lying on the ground by the side of Tom
Wright at the time. I stood up, gave the order to my
company, and instantly I was wounded by a piece of
shell from the enemy, and Garland Smith, only a few
feet from me, was wounded by a bullet from our own
men in our rear.
Yes, brave old Tom Coghill, you took me to that
very white oak tree with scars on it now from top to
bottom, and there we lay, with Garland Smith behind
us, until the fire slackened. Jackson and A. P. Hill
both being wounded, Stuart was sent for during the
night to command the corps, and our brigadier, Heth,
was put in command of the light division and Col. J.
M. Brockenbrough succeeded to the command of our
And over the same ground our brigade was ordered
next morning (the 3d) to advance in line to near the
same spot and halt — Fortieth and Forty-seventh Bat-
talions on the right of the road and Fifty-fifth and
Twenty-second Battalions on the left — and either by
a blunder or dereliction of duty on the part of some
one when they arrived at the proper place, the Fortieth
and Forty-seventh Battalions were halted and the
Fifty-fifth and Twenty-second Battalions were not halt-
ed, but allowed to keep straight forward and charge
the whole of Hooker’s army alone.
Both together, they numbered about six hundred,
just the number that made the famous charge at Balak-
lava. They had been ordered forward, and could not
stop without orders; so on they went.
Was there a man dismayed?
Not though the soldiers knew
Some one had blundered:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why.
Theirs but to do and die:
Into the valley of death
Marched the six hundred.
And there is the opening that we came to. It is a
valley with the hill next to the enemy rising somewhat
abruptly and crowned with fortifications as far as could
be seen, both to the right and to the left, behind which
were the enemy’s infantry and artillery and within less
than one hundred yards of those breastworks, which
were wrapped in a flame of fire and a pall of smoke,
Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volleyed and thundered.
And when the fire was so severe that the men could
stand no longer, and knowing that it was all the result
of somebody’s blunder, they lay on the ground and
loaded and fired as fast as they could, waiting for orders
to retire. But no orders came.
Officers were falling so fast that no one knew who
was in command. And just at this time T. R. B.
Wright, who was then a private in the Essex Sharp-
shooters, seeing our flag fall, ran and seized it and car-
ried it to the front, calling to the men to follow. Ah,
Tom, Serg. Jasper did not perform as brave an act as
that, but the men couldn’t follow. Had they attempt-
ed it, without an interposition of Providence not one
would have been left to tell the tale, and God alone
spared your life.
A nd when Adjt. R. L. Williams could find no officer
above his own rank to command the regiment he took
Qo federate l/eterar?
the responsibility upon himself and ordered a retreat,
Then they came back, but not,
Not the six hundred.
Casualties: Colonel, dead; lieutenant colonel,
wounded; major, dead; every captain, except one,
either dead or wounded; every first lieutenant either
dead or wounded; every second lieutenant, except
four, either dead or wounded; one-third of the men,
either dead or wounded. And what was left of the
Fifty-fifth Virginia Regiment was commanded by the
adjutant and four second lieutenants.
Cardigan, at Balaklava, left hundreds of prisoners
behind; Pickett, at Gettysburg, left thousands; but
every man of the Fifty-fifth Virginia who could walk
was brought off the field.
When can their glorj fade!
O, t lie wild charge they made’
Capt. W. J. Davis, with several of his men. having
gotten lost from his regiment in the darkness after the
wounding of Gen. Jackson, called out for the Fifty-
fifth, and was answered, “Heir we are;” and, not
knowing any better, walked right into the enemy’s
lines and inquired for his company, when a boy, ap-
parently about sixteen years old, stepped up close to
him, and, looking on his collar, discovered his rank,
and, patting him on the shoulder, said: “Captain. this
is the Fifty-fifth Ohio, and you arc my prisoner.”
At the same meeting Hon. William Campbell, oi
Company F, Ninth Virginia Cavalry, read a paper on
stuart’s ride around m’clellax :
At your request I undertake, after an interventii in i if
more than thirty-four years, to write (from memory)
my recollections of Stuart’s famous ride around Mc-
Clellan’s army in the early summer of 1862; and also
of the death of Capt. William Latane, of the Essex
Light Dragoons, who fell in a charge made by his
squadron upon the enemy near the “< lid Church” in
Hanover County, Va.
(apt. Latane. a son of Henry Waring and Susan
Allen Latane. was born at “the Meadow” em the 16th
of January. 1833, and grew to man’s estate surrounded
by home influences not inferior to any in Virginia.
After receiving such training- as the surrounding edu-
cational institutions could afford, he began the study
of medicine at the University of Virginia in < ‘ctober,
1851. In the fall of 1852 he transferred the scene of
Ins studies to the Richmond Medical College, where
he graduated in the spring of 1853. The following
winter he spent in Philadelphia, taking a postgraduate
course at otie of the medical schools of that city. In
the spring of 1854 he located at “the Meadow,” and .it
once became a candidate for the practice of medicine.
His practice soon became extensive, he doing a large
amount of charity practice among the poor around
him. He gave successful attention also to his large
farm and to the management of the labor on this farm.
Early in 1861, when Mr. Lincoln made his call for
troops to put down what he termed “the rebellion,”
there was a rush to arms all over Virginia, and soon a
cavalry company called the Essex Light Dragoons
was formed, electing as their officers Dr. R. S. Cau-
thorn, captain: William L. Waring, first lieutenant;
William A. Oliver, second lieutenant; and William
Latane, third lieutenant. The company was soon
mustered into the Confederate service for one year.
In the spring of 1862 it became necessary to reenlist
the men and reorganize the company, and in this reor-
ganization, by common consent, William Latani
made captain. About this time I made his acquaint-
ance. He was of small stature and quiet demeanor,
but quick to perceive the wrong and \< r\ assertive in
his opposition to it. lie commanded the confidence
of his men 1>\ his even handed justice to all, but he
never brooked disorder.
Soon after the reorganization Capt. Latane was or-
dered to report with his company at Hicks’s Hill, near
Fredericksburg, to become one of the constituent
companies of the Ninth Virginia Cavalry, of which W.
H. P. Lee, a son of Gen. R. E. Lie, was colonel; R. L.
T. Beale, lieutenant colonel; and Thomas Waller, ma-
jor. The Essex Eight Dragoons became Company F
of that famous regiment, and in the years that followed
few of the recruits knew the companj bj its original
The month of service around Fredericksburg
amounted to little except picket and drill duty, hut Mc-
Clcllan’s landing on the peninsula and his march on
Richmond made it necessary for us to retire to the
lines around that city. Our regiment found a camp
near Young’s mill pond and not far from the P.rook
turnpike. OCCUying a position on the extreme left of
the army defending Richmond.
On Thursday, June 12, came orders to prepare three
days’ rations and hold ourselves ready to march at a
moment’s notice. There was naturally suppressed ex-
Confederate l/eterai?
citement and speculation as to what we were to do or
where we were to go. About one o’clock p.m. the
regimental bugler sounded “Saddle up,” which was
caught up by the company buglers, and soon the camp
was in commotion. “To horse” was soon sounded,
and through the whole camp could be heard the com-
mand of the officers: “Fall in, men!” Our regiment
marched out of camp to participate in the most memo-
rable and daring raid that was made during the war.
We marched in the direction of Hanover Court House,
and went into camp after dark, having marched some
fifteen miles. Early dawn on the following morning
found us in the saddle, the Ninth Virginia in the front,
and our squadron — composed of the Mercer Calvary,
of Spottsylvania, and our company — being in the front
of the regiment, the Mercer being in advance. Capt.
Crutchfield being absent, Capt. Latane commanded
the squadron, riding in front, immediately in the rear
of Col. Lee and staff.
Our march proceeded via Hanover Court House
and on toward the Old Church. Our first indication
of an enemy was the bringing in of a Yankee by one
of our scouts. Soon thereafter Capt. Latane rode to
the rear and ordered four of his own company to ad-
vance and form the first set of fours. This had scarce-
ly been accomplished before Col. Lee ordered Capt.
Latane to throw out four flanks, two on either side,
and four members of his company were at once or-
dered to proceed, two to the right and the others to the
left, and march a little in advance of the regiment. I
was one of those on the left. Moving forward, not
seeing an enemy or supposing one to be near, I sud-
denly heard the command to charge, and then came
the clash of arms, with rapid pistol shots. Riding rap-
idly toward the firing, I found our squadron occupying
the road and two companies of the Fifth United States
Regulars attempting to form in a field near at hand,
and Lieut. Oliver urging his men to charge them.
This was promptly done and the enemy driven to the
woods. Just before reaching the timber I overtook
Lieut. McLane, of the Federals, and he, seeing the ut-
ter futility of resisting, surrendered. As I was taking
him to the rear I met Col. Lee, and was told by him of
the death of Capt. Latane.
He ordered me to turn my prisoner over to the
guard and go and look after my captain. I soon found
his body, surrounded by some half dozen of his men,
one of whom was his brother John, who was after-
wards elected a lieutenant in the company, and the fol-
lowing year he too sealed his devotion to his country
with his life; another was S. W. Mitchell, a sergeant
in the company, and as gallant a spirit as ever did bat-
tle for a country. Mitchell, being the stoutest man
present, was selected to bear the body from the field.
He having mounted his horse, we tenderly raised the
body and placed it in front of him. John Latane then
mounted his horse, and he and Mitchell passed to the
rear, while the rest of us hurried on to join our com-
mand on its perilous journey. I wish I could write
my feelings as I looked upon the form of him who but
a few moments before was the embodiment of life and
duty. I wish I could describe to you the beautiful half-
Arabian horse that he rode, “the Colonel.” and how
splendidly he sat him. John R. Thompson, in his
beautiful poem, “The Burial of Latane,” and William
D. Washington, in his painting of the same name,
have by pen and brush so enshrined the name of Lat-
ane in the hearts of the people of our Southland that it
will endure as long as men are admired for their devo-
tion to duty and for risking their lives upon “the per-
ilous edge of battle” in defense of home and country.
The glorious Stuart continued to ride grandly on
his way, the Ninth Virginia still holding the post of
honor at the front. Passing the Old Church, we
hastened on toward the York River railroad. Soon
it was crossed and night came on, but no halting.
On we marched into the county of New Kent. All
that long night was spent in the saddle pushing our
way toward the Lower Chickahominy, which we
reached in the early morning, only to find that the
bridge over which we intended to pass had been
burned; but Gen. Stuart was equal to the emergency.
He soon had his rear guarded and the men swimming
their horses over, while others were tearing down an
old barn, out of which a temporary bridge was con-
structed. On this the artillery and the few horses that
remained were taken over. The bridge was burned in
order to prevent pursuit. A gain there was an all-
night march, as we hurried up through the county of
James City and on to Richmond, which city we
reached about midday on Sunday, June 15, and went
back to our camp that afternoon.
We brought back many trophies of our raid, con-
sisting of several hundred prisoners and as many
As the years have crept on and I hav- called back
to memory one incident after another of the deeds of
daring and the scenes of danger through which the
cavalry of the Army of Northern Virginia passed in
the four years of conflict, I recall none more splendid-
ly conceived, more dashingly executed, and showing
more favorable results than Stuart’s raid aTOund Mc-
Clellan at Richmond.
I note in the Veteran for January a brief mention
made by Comrade R. H. Burton, of Fenner’s Louis-
iana Battery, of the death of Col. Charles Didier
Dreux, in a skirmish near Young’s Mill, Va. The
writer had lost track of Comrade Burton, or, as he was
familiarly called in the battalion, Dick Burton, and it
will be interesting to the writer to know just where
Comrade Burton at present lives. The little incident
related by Comrade Burton through tn Veteran
touching the death of Col. Dreux in a skirmish near
Young’s Mill omits the date of the occurrence. The
writer, who was a member of the Shreveport Grays,
recalls distinctly the date and circumstance. It was on
the morning of the 5th of July, 1861. The Dreux
Battalion, composed of the first five companies that
volunteered from the State of Louisiana — namely, the
Orleans Cadets, Louisiana Guard, Crescent Rifles,
Shreveport Grays, and Grivot Guards — was encamped
at Young’s Mill on the 4th of July, 1861. A barbecue
was prepared to celebrate the day, at which speeches
of a patriotic order were made by different members of
the battalion. Col. Dreux, or Charlie, as he was fa-
miliarly called by nearly all the members of the battal-
^OQfederate l/eterar?,
ion, was an orator of splendid order. Full of the Cre-
ole fire of his French ancestry, young, and handsome,
with a voice that rang as clear as a trumpet, 1 can re-
call now the closing words of Dreux’s address on the
occasion of that barbecue. Alluding to the political
complexion of affairs at that date, Dreux, touching his
sword handle with his right hand, remarked: “This is
our day, and we will have it.” He alluded to the
Fourth of July, then, as now, claimed by the Confed-
erates to be their day, as well as the day of their North-
ern adversaries. On the evening of that same Fourth
of July a detail was made of twenty men from each one
of the companies constituting the battalion, who, with-
out knowing the purpose of their mission, win
marched t6 a point on the lower peninsula of Virginia,
close to the banks of the James Riv-r, near a farm
known as “Smith’s farm.” It was known to the Con-
federate commanders that a party of Federal officers
were in the habit of coming out from Hampton, then
occupied by the Federals, to breakfast each morning
at Smith’s farm. The purpose of the detail from the
Dreux Battalion above mentioned was to ambus-
cade and capture this Federal detachment. The
officers from the Federal station were usually ac-
companied by an escort from the New York Fire
Zouaves. The march from Young’s Mill was made
during the night, and daybreak found the men con-
cealed by the roadside at a point near where the
road from Hampton crossed the road leading from
Young’s Mill to the lower peninsula. A miscalcu-
lation as to the hour of the approach of the Fed-
erals, through an irregularity on the part of the am-
buscading party, gave the alarm to the approaching
escort, and the command to halt was distinctly heard
by the ambuscading party. It was in the early dawn
of the morning of the 5th of July, 1861. Two scouts
were immediately advanced by the Federal party, who,
discovering Col. Dreux standing up by the side of a
tree, fired and retreated. A musket ball took effect in
the sword belt of Dreux, and he fell, dying instantly.
The confusion created by the death of the commander
of the ambuscading party resulted in the failure of tin-
enterprise. N s stated by Comrade Burton, Dreux
was the first commissioned officer killed in the Con-
federate service, if not the first Louisianian of any
rank who fell in that struggle. The writer was de-
tailed as one of an escort of six who brought back the
remains of Dreux to New Orleans, where he was
buried in great state by the citizens of that place, a
memorable oration having been pronounced over the
remains by Col. Olivier, a Louisiana orator of mark,
and a cousin of the deceased. The occasion was a day
of general cessation of business in the Crescent City,
over thirty thousand people, it was estimated, being in
the procession on the occasion of his funeral. The
city was draped in mourning along the entire line of
the procession from the City Hall to the cemetery,
every mark of respect being shown to the gallant and
loved Dreux, who was the first to offer up his life from
the Pelican State.
Many incidents of a pleasant nature could be re-
called from the records of the Dreux Battalion. The
battalion, in its original formation, did not maintain
itself a sufficient length of time to record any special
deeds of a military nature. This was due to the cir-
cumstance that the battalion was composed of troops
sworn into the Confederate service for a period of
twelve months. The term of four of the companies
expired previous to the passage of the conscript bill,
and, although they remained as an organization in
front of McClellan on the l’eninsula during that offi-
cer’s first advance from that quarter a month after
their terms of service had expired, yet the battalion
broke up in its organized capacity just previous to the
battle of Williamsburg. The four companies whose
term expired immediately took service under Capt.
Fenner, and formed the famous battery which did such
excellent service in the Army of Tennessee. The only
company in the battalion whose term had not expired
upon the passage of the conscript law, the Shreveport
Grays, was attached to the First Louisiana Regiment,
and saw service in many of the important battles par-
ticipated in by the Army of Northern Virginia. An
incident connected with the old battalion may be
worth repeating here. As can easily be conceived,
being composed of the first volunteers from Louisiana,
the best blood of that State was represented in its
ranks. Ned 1 ‘helps (only some few years ago passed
over the riven, a handsome young fellow, tall and
erect, was a private in the Crescent Rifles. On the oc-
casion of one of Magruder’s midnight marches up and
down the Peninsula the gray dawn of a crisp Virginia
morning found Ned Phelps foraging for breakfast. It
seems that Gen. Magruder and his staff had breakfast
prepared at a farmhouse, where Ned, looking out for
the adornment of the inner man, made his appearance.
The General and staff had taken their scats at table,
and were preparing to do justice to the viands set be-
fore them. Without ceremony Ned walked into the
dining room, and, discovering a vacant seat, promptly
took possession thereof. Magruder eyed him for a
moment, and, with the lisping expression which the
General affected, addressed Ned something like this:
“Young man. are you aware whom you are breakfast-
ing with?”
“Well,” said Ned, “before I came soldiering 1 used
to be particular whom I ate with, but now I don’t mind
much — so the victuals are clean.”
This answer so tickled Magruder that he immedi-
ately responded, “Young man, stay where you are and
have what you want,” which Ned did.
From this time on the members of the battalion be
came great favorites with Magruder, and the det
to headquarters were of frequent occurrence. It
would be a pity to let Ned’s unique rejoinder to Ma-
gruder pass unrecorded.
On another occasion, while lying in winter quar-
ters at Spradley’s farm, on the banks of the James
River, near the town of Williamsburg, the Louisian-
ians in the battalion proposed to give the denisons of
that region an idea of what a Mardi Oas celebration
was in the Crescent City. Materials were not very
numerous in that day. but, with the assistance of the
citizens of Williamsburg, some two hundred New Or-
leans boys got up a wonderful procession, rigged out
in as fantastic a manner as it was possible to accom-
plish. The celebration closed with an entertainment
criven to Gen. Magruder and his staff at an inn in Wil-
liamsburg by the members of the battalion. The
same Ned Phelps recorded above was a leader in that
affair. Another member of the battalion from New
Orleans. Billy Campbell (who likewise passed away
^opfederac^ Ueterap
only a few, years agoj, was a splendid make-up of a
young girl. Campbell was perfection in this regard,
it being almost impossible to detect that he was not a
girl. Leaning upon the arm of Ned Phelps, Campbell
entered the apartment where Magruder was dining ill
the Virginia hostelry, and was introduced to the Gen-
eral by his friend Ned as Miss Campbell, of New Or-
leans, on a visit to her brother, a member of the bat-
talion. The scene was most ludicrous to those who
were acquainted with the joke. Magruder, with that
gallantry which always characterized him, placed
“Miss” Campbell on his right hand, who partook lib-
erally of everything that was going, including the liq-
uors. How far this thing would have gone on it is
difficult to say, had not some of the boys ripped up a
feather bed belonging to the landlord ot the hotel and
permitted its contents to fall through an aperture im-
mediately above the dining room, calling out at the
same time: “This is a Louisiana snowstorm.” Dur-
ing the snowstorm Ned and “Miss” Campbell took
their departure, leaving the General in doubt as to
whether he had been in the company of a live lady or
a spook.
Private Soniat and his fife, “the only child Louis-
iana could spare for that eventful picnic party,” may
receive attention in another number of the Veteran.
Chattanooga, Tenn., October 20, 1863.
Charming Nellie: My alter ego, Ben Blank — the Fi-
dus Achates into whose ever friendly and sympathi-
zing bosom I pour all my joys and sorrows, and who, in
return, makes me his confidant and recounts to me all
his “hairbreadth ‘scapes i’ the imminent deadly
breach” — got into a scrape the other day, the results
of which might have been serious, but, fortunately,
were only amusing. I cannot tell the story as graph-
ically as it was related to me, but will present the sa-
lient points. Appetite comes with eating, I have
somewhere read, but the statement is not true as re-
spects us Texans in Bragg’s army. To us it comes
with fasting. Blue beef and musty corn meal have
been the only rations issued to us in Tennessee, and, as
the boys say, “we have soured on them.” Anyhow,
Ben and Jim Somerville, while on picket together, de-
cided that it was a duty they owed both to themselves
and the Confederacy to “variegate their eatin’,” and
on the following day the two were five miles in rear of
the army, engaged in a diligent search for quadrupeds
of the porcine persuasion. Lacking acquaintances
among the citizens, as well as money and credit, they
proposed, as a dernier ressort, a secret impressment;
and, to effect their purpose with speed and dispatch,
one carried a belduque and the other a minie rifle.
Thus armed and equipped, about the middle of the aft-
ernoon they found themselves in a secluded glade and
in dangerous proximity to a couple of fair-sized and
well-fed hogs. Face to face with the brutes, Ben’s
conscience suddenly grew tender, and he suggested
waiting for them to begin hostilities. It was his first
experience (?) in that kind of foraging. Somerville.
however, was built of sterner stuff, and, saying “No”
with energetic emphasis, took careful aim at the larger
and fatter of the porkers and pulled the trigger with
the deadliest intent. But alas tor his hopes: now true
it is that
The best-laid schemes of men and mice
Gang aft aglee.
The cap upon which so much depended failed in the
time of greatest need, and, to their chagrin and morti-
fication, neither of them could find another, look and
feel as diligently as they might into the secret nooks
and recesses of their well-worn garments. Truly it
was an exasperating predicament for two hungry Tex-
ans to be standing within twenty feet of the very game
for which they had tramped and hunted so long and
untiringly minus the one thing needful: a gun cap.
Even the hogs laughed at the poor devils — that is, if a
constant turning up of dirty noses and a succession of
contemptuous grunts can be called laughing. Al-
though too honest and upright ever to have been or to
be an actor in such a scene, my imagination is vivid
enough to reproduce it very accurately. Ben felt the
disaster so keenly that he lost his temper and began
reproaching Somerville for not being better provided
with ammunition; while, silent as the Sphynx, Som-
erville continued mechanically to search and explore
his sturdy person. Suddenly a rapturous smile light-
ed up his homely features, and he joyfully exclaimed:
“By the Holy Moses, Ben, if I hain’t found a cap way
down in the corner of this shirt pocket Fll be derned!”
So, indeed, he had, and in less than half a minute the
body of the larger hog was lying lifeless upon the
sward, and twenty minutes later the carcass, skinned,
except as to the head and feet, and tied up in a linen
tent cloth and suspended between them from a pole,
was being carried to camp.
Before setting ou; on the expedition, the parties had
wisely agreed upon their respective qualifications, and
apportioned the parts to be played by each other.
Somerville’s reputation for hog sense specially adapt-
ed him to command in all matters pertaining to the
search for and capture of and preparing the swine for
transportation ; while Ben’s acquaintance with and flu-
ent use of the English language, as well as his pre-
sumed knowledge of the ways and habits of the enemy
in the case — Capt. Scott’s provost guard — pointed to
him as leader and spokesman in saving the bacon and
its captors from confiscation, arrest, and court-mar-
tial; the last being, now that we were under Bragg, a
contingency well worth dreading. Thus it was ar-
ranged, and when the hog was first lifted upon the
shoulders of the companions Somerville retired to pri-
vate life — in fact, never opened his mouth to advise in
any subsequent emergencies — and Ben assumed com-
mand. “Dressed in a little brief authority,” he forth-
with proceeded to commit a grave and inexcusable
error. Ben should have been bold and selected the
highways. Instead, he chose a road little traveled
by the citizens. As a result, while all went well for
a couple of miles, at the first open ground half
a dozen shining bayonets slowly sinking out of view
behind a hill over which the road ran gave warning of
danger. These were the well-known insignia of prov-
ost guards, and Ben no sooner caught sight of them
than he ordered a halt, and. having deposited the hog
upon a log, said to Somerville: “What had we best do
now, old fellow?” But Somerville was tired, and, hav-
ing done his part of the commanding, was unwilling
Confederate l/eterap
V^clc ret* >V*>^_^
sume further responsibility, and between whin’s at
his pipe only replied: “Damfiknow.” A long silence
followed, and then Ben asked: “Do you reckon any oi
those guards saw us?” “Damfiknow,” replied Som
erville. and, rising to his feet, he gazed at the sun as it
glided down behind Lookout Mountain. A quarter
“i .in hour went by, the journey was resumed, and a
mile of ground covered, when, walking around a point
of timber as unsuspectingly as the “babes in the
woods,” the little procession ran plump into a squad of
the enemy. The unlooked-for encounter was terribly
demoralizing to Ben; and. for the moment at his wits’
end. he cast an appealing glance across the hog at the
stolid countenance of his companion, but found his re-
ward only in a wink, which said as plainly as words: “I
told you so.”
Thus thrown upon his own resources, the emergi
cy restored his composure, and, recognizing the -.
geanl of the squad as a First Texan whom he had once
befriended, he gave him an admirable opportunity to
reciprocate. No ingrate, even if a provost guard, the
sergeant, after inspecting the pass handed him, an-
nounced to his men. “These gentlemen are all right.
boys;” and. stepping to one side, left the way Open,
The much relieved raiders stepped out for camp al
their liveliest gait, and for a while rapidly increased
the distance between them and the leisurely moving
provost guard.
Then the sergeant put more life into his long legs,
and, overtaking them, pointed at the swinging carcass
of the hog, and iit a tone of mingled apology and au-
thority said: “See here, fellows, isn’t that ar hog
skinned? If it is, I’ll have to take you in out of the
wet, or them d Georgians back thar will report
me.” “Can’t you see that it isn’t skinned?” asked Ben
in his turn, pointing- at the exposed head and feet, and
still relying’ a little on the sergeant’s gratitude. It was
leaning upon a broken staff though. The Georgians
had come within hearing, and the sergeant was loath to
exchange his soft berth as a member of the provost
guard for hard sendee in the ranks of his company;
and with a provoking smile he replied, “You can’t
work a game of that kind on me, Mr. Blank,” in a
tone which convinced my friend that instant change of
front was both advisable and unavoidable.
Speaking- with an appearance of the loftiest uncon-
cern, he said: “Well, Mr. Sergeant, as I don’t propose
to do any lying or have my pork flavored with the dir-
ty hands of your followers. I’ll acknowledge straight
out that it is skinned. It takes time to heat water, and
we had none to spare for such foolishness.”
“I’ll have to arrest you. then,” said the sergeant.
Confederate l/eterai).
“My orders is to arrest every feller we catch totin’
skinned meat.”
“All right,” replied Ben, “obey your orders then;
but if you want to reach your quarters before mid-
night, you fellows had better do a little totin’ your-
Ben says that his first thought when the climax of
arrest came was to purchase release by the surrender
of a generous portion of the pork; but while debating
in his own mind how to broach the subject to the ser-
geant he heard one of the provost guard smack his
lips and say to another: “Great Giminy, Tom! but
won’t we waller in grease an’ good eatin’ to-night?”
Action, speech, and look were so unctuously glutton-
ous and revolting that Ben resolved to “die in the last
ditch” and be court-martialed or carry the whole of the
hog to his company. Therefore, on entering the camp
of the provost guard he requested Lieut. Shotwell — as
good and brave a man and soldier as ever lived — not
only to prohibit any interference with the hog, but to
accompany him and his companion in misfortune to
the quarters of Gen. Jenkins, scarcely a hundred yards
distant. The General sat before a fire in front of
his tent, reading by the light of a lantern, which
swung from the limb of a tree, and as the party ap-
proached he looked up with a pleasant smile. Ignor-
ing Shotwell by stepping in front of that gentleman
and respectfully saluting Jenkins, looking boldly and
unflinchingly into his eyes, and caring not that his own
hat was slouched, his trousers greasy, and his big toe
protruding conspicuously from the right shoe — anx-
ious as never before in his life to combine a becoming
suaviter in modo with a convincing fortiter in re — Ben
began his oration: “General, Mr. Somerville and I are
members of Company F of the Fourth Texas, and ev-
ery officer of the regiment, from the colonel down, will
corroborate the assertion that we are soldiers who
never shirk duty, whether in camp, on the march, or in
battle. Yet, sir, Lieut. Shotwell holds us under ar-
rest and charges us with depredating on the property
of citizens, the only evidence against us being that we
have been found in possession of a partly skinned hog.
We come to you for release, sir. When a gentleman
— and, although privates, each of us claims to be that—
buys a hog and pays for it he has a right to skin or
scald it, whichever he finds most convenient.” At this
juncture Col. Harvey Sellers, the adjutant general of
the division, stepped from a tent and approached the
fire; when, taking instant and judicious advantage of
the diversion, Ben continued : “Although not person-
ally known to Col. Sellers, I am sure that he knows my
people and will testify to their standing, even if he can-
not to mine. Colonel, my name is Blank, and my fa-
ther, an old Texan, used to live in County.”
“I know him well,” exclaimed the colonel, inter-
rupting the speaker and extending his hand with the
utmost cordiality, “and I am glad to make the ac-
quaintance of his son, whom I know to be a gallant
and deserving soldier.”
Blushing more at this flattering reception than at
the attempt (in which the colonel — gentleman, soldier,
and Texan to the core that he was — appeared willing
to join) to “pull the wool” over the commanding offi-
cer’s eyes, Ben presented such a touching and pathet-
ic picture of modest merit and suffering innocence that
the General said: “I regret exceedingly, Mr. Blank,
that you have been subjected to the indignity of an ar-
rest for an offense of which I am satisfied that you are
innocent. But, to refute the often-repeated charge
that Hood’s Division is depredating on the citizens, I
shall request you and your companion to remain with
Lieut. Shotwell to-night, and in the morning show
him the party from whom you made the purchase.”
For a moment Ben was fairly cornered; then, gath-
ering his wits together, he replied: “Another day in
the country, General, would be very pleasant; but,
while Lieut. Shotwell’s hospitality is widely known,
present acceptance of it would require us to sleep with-
out blankets or discommode him; and, under the pe-
culiar circumstances, to remain would affect our repu-
tation as good soldiers. Besides, sir, our comrades
are hungry, pork is scarce and high, and that which we
have will spoil unless cut up and salted to-night.”
“O well!” said the General, after a hearty laugh,
“take the meat to camp at once, then, and save your
bacon; but come back in the morning and save the
good name of the division.”
The average soldier’s conscientious scruples seldom
interfere with his enjoyment of the fruits of a com-
rade’s enterprise. The advent of that hog marked an
epoch in the annals of the company and was so timely
that the members of Company F, while frying, broil-
ing, boiling, and roasting their respective shares, also
loosened their purse strings and gladly contributed
more than a hundred dollars to be used in satisfying
the owner, if he could be found. Next morning at
daylight Ben laid the facts before Capt. Kindred, then
serving on the staff of “Aunt Pollie,” which, you know,
is our pet name for Gen. Robertson. The captain
went immediately to Gen. Jenkins and, after consider-
able wrestling and prayer, persuaded him into a rea-
sonably lenient frame of mind — that is, Ben and his
partner in the raid were required to find an owner for
the hog, pay him a fair price for it, and deliver the re-
ceipt for the amount paid to Lieut. Shotwell. That
suited the boys exactly, and by noon they had found
their man and paid him twice the price demanded.
Then, each feeling within himself
A peace above all earthly dignities — ■
A still and quiet conscience,
Confederate l/eterap.
they returned to camp to be heartily congratulated
upon the fortunate and hunger-satisfying issue of the
The congratulations were a little premature. Cal-
houn and Holden, of Company B, stimulated to bold
and daring deeds by the sight of Ben’s hog, were that
very day caught by the provost guard “toting” a little,
scrawny, insignificant shoat toward camp. Unable to
convince anybody of their innocence — the shoat being
too small to divide and the boys too timid to tackle
Jenkins — all except a few pounds of the plunder was
confiscated, and the late owners were sent to camp,
under a guard, for their blankets. Nor was this the
sum total of the misfortunes of the day. Gen. Jenkins
was “riding a high horse,” terribly indignant at this
second offense by members of the Fourth, and the
guards who accompanied Calhoun ami Holden had
orders to rearrest Ben and Somerville.
In the morning Capts. McLaurin and Kindred had
a lengthy and stormy interview with the irate General.
That distinguished officer’s confidence in human na-
ture was at its lowest ebb, and my dear friend Ben the
scapegoat on whom he vented his wrathful spleen.
The captains, however, finally talked him into a good
humor, and, after admitting that he was humiliated
and exasperated at being taken in by Ben, he washed
his hands of both transgressions by delivering the par-
ties over to Gen. Robertson, and requesting that offi-
cer to administer proper punishment. Carried to
“Aunt Pollie,” and that officer made acquainted with
the facts and Jenkins’s request, he put on the sternest
look his mild and benevolent countenance was capable
of wearing, and demanded: “If you want hogs, boys,
why don’t you buy them like gentlemen?”
“Now look here, Gen. Robertson,” instantly blurted
out Bill Calhoun, stepping up closer and looking him
squarely in the face, “if you know or can invent any
way for a private in this Confederate army to be a gen-
tleman and buy his grub, when he hasn’t got the
wherewith to pay for a settin’ hen and when the keen
pangs of a never-dyin’ appetite is a feedin’ on his vitals
like a drove of red ants on a grasshopper, it’s your du-
ty to your Texas constituents, sir, to make her public.”
His public spirit thus appealed to, instead of his
question answered, “Aunt Pollie” forgot Jenkins’s re-
quest and the grave offenses with which the members
of his little audience were charged, and began to abuse
our Confederate Congress for its miserable, makeshift
monetary legislation. Ben, something of a politician,
at any rate very politic, followed his lead, and, for a
wonder, agreed with him on every point, and in a few-
minutes the old fellow was in the best humor imagina-
ble. Then Calhoun put in his oar again: “Look here.
General, isn’t it about time to sorter ‘ten’ to business?”
“Business? business?” repeated “Aunt Pollie” in an
absent-minded way: “O yes! I forgot all about them
hogs. Well, if Gen. Jenkins. Gen. Longstreet, or Gen.
Bragg thinks T am going to punish any of my men for
killing a hog now and then, they’ll find themselves
mistaken. You boys go to camp and behave your-
selves, and the next time you run across the provost
guards flank the d cusses.”
Pray do not draw any unkind and uncharitable in-
ferences from the fact that “Aunt Pollie” had that very
morning eaten broiled spareribs for breakfast: he never
inquired where Capt. Kindred got them, *s for Gen.
Jenkins, Kindred says that while that distinguished
officer was most bitter in his denunciation of my friend
Ben, he was eying, with a look of regretful disgust,
some exceedingly spare and diminutive spareribs then
being roasted on a fire near by. Whether he was
mentally comparing them with those which the con-
fiscation that would have inevitably followed an ear-
lier confession by Ben would have turnished the head-
quarters table is a question I hesitate to decide. But
Bill Calhoun — whose opinion, however, is not entitled
to much weight when one remembers that his pork
was confiscated — said, when Ben told him of this little
circumstance: “O yes! Mr. Gen. South Carolina Jen-
kins wanted to confiscate your hog like he did mine.
He’s in cahoot with the provost guard, I reckon, and
his share of the little shoat I brought in wasn’t half
greasy and juicy enough to suit the fastidious epi-epi-
epicurism of his high mighty mightiness.”
All things considered, and setting aside all thought
of currying favor, it was, to say the least, a grave
breach of politeness in Ben not to offer Jenkins a mess
of pork. Human nature is pretty much the same, in
whatever garb clothed: and a thick, juicy sparerib, ten-
dered in the proper spirit, has a wonderfully softening
effect on an obdurate heart and in an army whose
highest officers are on short commons more, perhaps,
than anvwhere else.
Record of Massachusetts and New England,
l;\ CHA PI. A I \ |. \\ 1 1 II A \l JON I S.
I ask you to allow me to “come again” on these
points, which my distinguished critic, Mr. Billings,
has brought into the discussion between us. I desire
to be brief as possible consistent with clearness and
completeness of view, as I am aware that I have al-
ready taken a good deal of your valuable space: but I
find myself really “embarrassed with my riches” when
I try to cull and condense from the ample material at
hand; and I shall be obliged, therefore, to make this
paper longer than I intended, and to still leave out a
number of things that I wanted to put in.
I shall not now go into the discussion of the relative
number of troops furnished and money raised by Mas-
sachusetts and Virginia for the war of 1812, because
that would take space which I wish for the more im-
portant issue of the nullification and secession record
of Massachusetts: although I am tempted to do so, as
it would be easy, I think, to show that the troops raised
by Massachusetts were chiefly militia for state defense.
which she would not allow to go beyond her borders:
that the money she raised was for local defense, and
that she afterwards made vigorous efforts to induce
the general government to reimburse her, while all of
the men or money which Virginia counted was for the
common defense of all the States.
Northern histories have, with scarcely an exception,
put the odium of nullification on South Carolina, and
Hayne and Calhoun have been held up to execration
and our children taught to despise their memory on
the ground that they invented this great heresy, which
the firmness of Andrew Jackson crushed out. But
whatever may be said of tin wrong of nullification, it
Confederate Ueterai).
unquestionably had its origin in Massachusetts and
New England, and had there its most radical develop-
ment. In its original convention of 1780 Massachu-
setts declared, among other things, on this same line :
“Government is instituted for the common good; for
the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the
people. Therefore, the people alone have an incon-
testable, inalienable, and indefeasible right to institute
government, and to reform, alter, or totally change the
same when their protection, safety, prosperity, and
happiness require it,” and “that the people of this com-
monwealth have the sole and exclusive right of gov-
erning themselves as a free, sovereign, and independ-
ent state, and do, and forever hereafter shall, exercise
and enjoy every power, jurisdiction, and right which
is not, or may hereafter be, by them expressly dele-
gated to the United States of America in Congress as-
Is not the germ of both nullification and secession
— the doctrine of supreme state sovereignty — distinct-
ly contained in this declaration of the rights of the
commonwealth of Massachusetts? Pages might be
quoted from the leaders of Massachusetts and New
England in the early days of the republic to show that
they most distinctly understood that Massachusetts
had the right to judge for herself of the constitution-
ality of laws passed by Congress, and to nullify them
or to withdraw from the Union, as she might see fit.
As early as 1793, when war with one or more Euro-
pean powers seemed imminent, Timothy Dwight
voiced the sentiments of New England when he wrote:
“A war with Great Britain we, at least in New En-
gland, will not enter into. Sooner would ninety-nine
out of one hundred of our inhabitants separate from
the Union than plunge themselves into an abyss of mis-
ery.” Italics are mine. This quotation and others
which follow are taken from authentic records by
Curry, A. H. Stephens, Sage, Bledsoe, President Da-
vis, and Gen. Wheeler; and I make here this general
acknowledgment, without taking space to cite author-
ities on each particular quotation.
When the question of the purchase of the Louisi-
ana Territory was being agitated, Massachusetts and
New England not only took the strongest ground
against it, but threatened to exercise their “unques-
tioned right” of secession if the measure were persist-
ed in. Hon. George Cabot, Senator from Massachu-
setts, bitterly opposed it on the ground that, if Louis-
iana was acquired, “the influence of our [the north-
eastern] part of the Union must be diminished by the
acquisition of more weight at the other extremity.”
Col. Timothy Pickering, who had been an officer
in the Revolution and served in Washington’s cabinet,
was long United States Senator from Massachusetts
and one of the most influential men in New England,
was a leading secessionist, and we might quote from
him by the page to show the sentiment of his section.
In a letter to Higginson, dated Washington, Decem-
ber 24, 1803, he says: “I will not yet despair. I will
rather anticipate a new Confederacy, exempt from the
corrupt and corrupting influence and oppression of
the aristocratic Democrats of the South. There will
be (and our children, at farthest, will see it”) a separa-
iton. The white and black populations will mark the
Under date of January 29, 1804, Col. Pickering,
speaking ol what he regarded the abuses and wrongs
of the then existing administration (Jefferson’s), wrote:
“The principles of our Revolution point to the reme-
dy: a separation. That this can be accomplished, and
without spilling one drop of blood, 1 have little doubt.
. . . I do not believe in the practicability of a long-
continued Union. A Northern Confederacy would
unite congenial characters and preserve a fairer pros-
pect of public happiness; while the Southern States,
having a similarity of habits, might be left to manage
their own affairs in their own way. If a separation
were to take place, our mutual wants would render a
friendly and commercial intercourse inevitable. The
Southern States would require the naval protection of
the Northern Union, and the products of the former
would be important to the navigation and commerce
of the latter. … It [the separation] must begin
in Massachusetts. The proposition would be wel-
comed in Connecticut; and could we doubt of New
Hampshire? But New York must be associated, and
how is her concurrence to be obtained? She must be
made the center of the Confederacy. Vermont and
New Jersey would follow, of course, and Rhode Island
of necessity.”
Changing names, one might suppose that the above
extracts were written in 1860-61 by Hon. Jefferson
Davis, for he never uttered any stronger secession
views. But to show that these were not the mere ex-
pressions of an extreme man, let it be noted that in
1804 the Legislature of Massachusetts enacted the fol-
lowing, which is a clear and emphatic secession utter-
ance: “That the annexation of Louisiana to the Un-
ion transcends the constitutional power of the Govern-
ment of the United States. It formed a new Confed-
eracy, to which the States united by the former compact
arc not bound to adhere.” Has the right of secession
been more strongly put by any Southern State?
In 181 1, in the debate on the bill for the admission
of Louisiana into the Union as a state, Hon. Josiah
Quincy, of Massachusetts, said on the floor of Con-
gress: “If this bill passes, it is my deliberate judgment
that it is virtually a dissolution of this Union; that it
will free the States from their moral obligation; and,
as it will be the right of all, so it will be the duty of
some definitely to prepare for a separation — amicably
if they can, violently if they must.” A t this point Mr.
Poindexter, of Mississippi Territory, called Mr. Quin-
cy to order, and the Chair ruled the point well taken,
on the ground that “the suggestion of a dissolution of
the Union was out of order;” but an appeal from the
decision of the Chair was made to the House, and it
was reversed, and Mr. Quincy allowed to proceed. He
then, in a speech of some length, ably vindicated his
position, and in the course of his argument said: “Is
there a principle of public law better settled or more
conformable to the plainest suggestions of reason than
that the violation of a contract by one of the parties
may be considered as exempting the other from its ob-
ligations? Suppose in private life thirteen form a
partnership and ten of them undertake to admit a new
partner without the concurrence of the other three —
would it not be at their option to abandon the partner-
ship after so palpable an infringement of their rights ?
How much more is the political partnership, where the
admission of new associates, without previous authori-
ty, is so pregnant with obvious dangers and evils!”
Qopfederate l/eterap.
The speeches and writings of the public men of Mas-
sachusetts and New England, the utterances of the
press, the platform, and the pulpit might be quoted at
length to show that Cabott, Pickering, and Quincy
voiced the sentiments of their people. But this is
most clearly seen in the action of Massachusetts ami
New England in reference to the war of i8i-\ which
was really undertaken to defend the rights of their
commerce and the liberties of their seamen.
Lovemor Strong, of ^.Massachusetts, issued a call for
a public fast day on account of the declaration of war
“against the nation from which we are descended, and
which for many generations has been the bulwark ol
the religion we profess.” Stephens, noted for his ac-
curacy in stating facts, says: “Massachusetts and Con-
necticut, throwing themselves upon their reserved
rights under the Constitution, refused to allow their
militia to be sent out of their Slates in what the)
deemed a war of aggression against cithers, especially
when they were needed fur their own defense in repell-
ing an invasion. . . . But what increased the op-
position of the New England States at this time was
the refusal of the administration to pay the expenses of
their militia, called out by the Governors of their re-
spective States for their own local defense. This re-
fusal was based upon the ground that these States had
refused to send their militia out of their limits upon i
Federal call.”
Curry (pp. 114-116 of the “Southern States of the
American Union) shows conclusively that New En-
gland carried her opposition to the war so far that
members of Congress who voted for it were insulted,
and one of them “kicked through the town” of 1’K
mouth: that “by energetic use of a social machinery,
still almost irresistible, the Federalists and the clergy
checked or prevented every effort to assist the war
either by money or enlistments;” that the war was de-
nounced from the pulpit as “unholy, unrighteous,
wicked, abominable, and accursed:” that Boston news-
papers declared that any Federalist “who loaned
money to the government would be called infamous,
and forfeit all claim to common honesty;” that the Su
preme Court of Massachusetts decided that the Gov-
ernor of the state, and not the President or Connies-.
had the right to decide when the state militia should
be called out; that the Governor refused the request
of the President for the quota of militia to defend the
coast, and that the Massachusetts House of Represent
atives declared the war to be “a wanton sacrifice ol
their best interests, and asked the exertions of the peo-
ple of the state to thwart it.”
Prof. John Fiske, in his “United States History loi
Schools” ml 278), says: “John Quincy Adams, a sup-
porter of the Embargo, privately informed President
Jefferson that further attempts to enforce it in the New
England States would be likely to drive them to S<
sion. Accordingly, the Embargo was repealed, and
the nonintercourse act was substituted for it.” This
was in February, 1809.
But when the war with England actually began the
opposition in New England grew and intensified until
it “practically nullified ever\ law passed by Congress
to raise men or money for its prosecution,” and, as we
have seen, “gave aid and comfort to the enemy” in
such emphatic manner that collisions between United
States troops and State militia were avoided only by
the exercise of great prudence and forbearance on the
part of the general government.
I shall not go into the question of the intrigues of
British agents to alienate the New England States and
inveigle them into an alliance with Canada: but the at-
titude of New England is sufficiently proved by the
assembling of the Hartford convention, which was
composed of delegates elected by the Legislatures of
Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, and
irregular delegates From the oilier New England States,
which mel on December 15, 1814, and deliberated with
closed doors. The full proceedings of that conven
tion were never published. It was charged freeh at
the time that it was a secession convention, and that its
object was to take the New England States out of the
Union; and, if this were not true, it would have been
very easy to refute it by publishing the proceedings;
and there has been hot debate over it ever since. John
Quincy Adams always maintaining that it was “,j trea-
sonable convention,” in the sense that it “gave aid and
comfort to the enemy”‘ in time of war. and that its
object was to destroy the Union and form a new con
federacy. Mr. Adams said: “That their object was.
and has been for several years, a dissolution of the
Union and the establishment of a separate confedera-
tion, I knew front unequivocal evidence, although not
provable in a court of law; and that in case of a civil
war the aid of Great Britain to effect that purpose
would be assuredly resorted to, as it would be indis-
pensably necessary to their design.”
Vgain, while President of the United States. Mr.
X.l.nus « rote : “That project, I repeat, had gone to the
length of fixing upon a military leader for its execu-
tion: and. although the circumstances of the times
newer admitted of its execution nor even its full devel-
opment, I had no doubt in 1808 and 1800. and have no
doubt at this time, that it is the key of all the great
movements of the Federal party in New England [and
that party was then in the ascendency in New En-
gland] from that tune forward until its final catastro-
phe in the Hartford convention.”
But we need not speculate as to the secret proceed-
ings of this convention or quote the thin^ concerning
them which are alleged to have “leaked out” from
their secret conclave, for the published official state
ment of their conclusions is amply sufficient to show
the character of their deliberations. Even Fiske, in-
tense New Englander as be is, is forced to say (p. 288)
in his history concerning this convention, which he
mildly characterizes as a meeting of “some of the Fed-
eralist leaders” (ignoring the fact that it was composed
of delegates elected by the Legislatures of three of the
states): “Among other things, they demanded that
custom house duties collected in New England should
be paid to the states within whose borders they were
collected, and not to the United States. This would
have virtually dissolved the Union.” Italics are mine.
The journal of the convention, so far as published (for
copious extracts see Bledsoe’s “Is Davis a Traitor?”),
shows the strongest state rights doctrine, going as
far as and using almost the identical language of the
famous Kentucky and Virginia resolutions of 1708-1 10,
and concluding with the emphatic and significant lan-
guage: “When emergencies occur which are either
beyond the reach of judicial tribunals or too pressing
to admit of delay incident to their forms, states which
Confederate l/eterai).
have no common umpire must be their own judges and ex-
ecute their own decisions.”
The convention appointed commissioners to lay
their grievances before the authorities in Washington,
and adjourned to meet in Boston on the third Thurs-
day of the following June, at which time (there can be
no reasonable doubt) they would have taken immedi-
ate steps for the secession of the New England States.
But die war closed before that time, Massachusetts
and New England entered upon the reaping of their
golden harvest of commerce and manufactures, and
their second secession convention was never held.
The secession and nullification record of Massa-
chusetts and New England had hardly begun, yet
there is only space left me for the barest citation of
other proofs. At the celebration of the fiftieth anni-
versary of the inauguration of President Washington
ex-President John Quincy Adams delivered the ad-
dress, which was hailed with delight by the press, the
pulpit, and the people of New England. In his ad-
dress, among other things on the same line, he said
that if sectional hatred should divide the hearts of the
people of the states “it would be far better for the
disunited states to part in friendship from each other
than to be held together by constraint. Then will be the
time for reverting to the precedents which occurred at
the formation and adoption of the constitution to form
again a more perfect Union by dissolving that which
could no longer bind, and to leave the separated par-
ties to be reunited by the law of political gravitation to
the center.” Italics are mine.
The “Congressional Globe” (Vol. II., p. 977) has this
recorded: “Monday, January 24, 1842. — In the House
Mr. A dams presented the petition of sundry citizens of
Haverhill, in the state of Massachusetts, praying that
Congress will immediately adopt measures to peace-
ably dissolve the union of these states. ‘First, be-
cause no union can be agreeable and permanent which
does not present prospects of reciprocal benefit. Sec-
ond, because a vast proportion of the revenue of one
section of the Union is annually drained to sustain the
views and course of another section, without any ade-
quate return. Third, because, judging from the his-
tory of past nations, that union, if persisted in in the
present state of things, will certainly overwhelm the
whole nation in destruction.’ ” There were strong
protests against receiving this petition, and resolutions
censuring Mr. Adams for presenting it were offered
by Mr. Gilmer, of Virginia, and Mr. Marshall, of Ken-
tucky; but after devoting two whole weeks to consid-
ering the matter, to the exclusion of all other business,
the House, by an overwhelming vote, laid the resolu-
tions of censure on the table, thereby tacitly indorsing
Mr. Adams’s position.
The venerable ex-President made speeches in the
debate which, for ability and strong state rights doc-
trine, would have done honor to Robert Toombs or
William L. Yancey.
When the question of the annexation of Texas was
agitating the country Massachusetts expressed her op-
position in other secession resolutions. In 1844 the
Legislature passed the following:
“1. Resolved, That the power to unite an independ-
ent foreign estate with the United States is not among
the powers delegated to the general government by
the Constitution of the United States.
“2. Resolved, . . . That the project of the an-
nexation of Texas, unless arrested on the threshhold,
may drive these states into a dissolution of the Union.”
A third and fourth resolution provide for transmit-
ting this action to the Governors of the other states,
the Senators and Representatives of Massachusetts in
Congress, and the President of the United States. A
year later the Legislature of Massachusetts, on the 22d
of February, 1845 (was it intended as a patriotic meth-
od of celebrating Washington’s birthday?), passed the
following and transmitted them to the Governors of
the other states, their Senators and Representatives,
and the President of the United States: “Resolved,
That Massachusetts has never delegated the power to
admit into the Union states or territories without or
beyond the original territory of the states and terri-
tories belonging to the Union at the adoption of the
Constitution of the United States. Resolved, . . .
That as the powers of legislation granted in the Con-
stitution of the United States to Congress do not em-
brace the case of the admission of a foreign state or
foreign territory by legislation into the Union, such
an act of admission would have no binding force what-
ever on the people of Massachusetts.”
If this does not mean that the annexation of Texas
would be just cause for Massachusetts to resort either
to nullification or secession, then the language of these
resolutions is utterly meaningless. Well might the
President of the Confederate States, in commenting
upon them, say: “It is evident, therefore, that the peo-
ple of the South, in the crisis which confronted them in
i860, had no lack either of precept or of precedent for
their instruction and guidance in the teaching and the
example of our brethren of the North and Eeast. The
only practical difference was that the North threatened
and the South acted.”
I have already taken too much of your space, and
yet I might use many pages more in quoting the utter-
ances of William Lloyd Garrison, Wendell Phillips,
and other abolition leaders who denounced the Con-
stitution of the United States as “a covenant with
death and an agreement with hell, null and void before
God from the first moment of its inception — the fram-
ers of which were recreant to duty and the supporters
of which are equally guilty;” who proclaimed as their
motto, “No union with slaveholders, either religious or
political;” who declared in convention “that the abo-
litionists of this country should make it one of the pri-
mary objects of this agitation to dissolve the American
Union ;” and who, in their mad rage, rang out as their
cherished sentiment toward the American flag:
Tear down that flaunting lie!
Half-mast the starry flag!
Insult no sunny skv
With Hate’s polluted rag!
And I can now only briefly state the crowning act of
Massachusetts, New England, and the other Northern
States in nullifying the Constitution of the United
States, the laws of Congress, and the decisions of the
Supreme Court by their “personal liberty” bills and
other legislation designated to defeat the rendition of
fugitive slaves.
In his great speech before the United Confederate
Veterans in Richmond last July Dr. J. L. M. Curry
clearly and ably refuted the charges that “Calhoun in-
vented nullification,” and, after bringing out the real
Confederate l/eterar?.
facts, conclusively shows that the threatened nullifica-
tion of South Carolina [no nullification actually oc-
curred, because the obnoxious legislation of Congress
was repealed before the acts of South Carolina went
into effect] was only intended to suspend the execution
of a law of Congress until the tribunal of last resort, a
convention of the States, could pass upon its constitu-
tionality — “to prevent the Constitution from being vio-
lated by the general government, and in no sense to ab-
rogate the Constitution or suspend its authority” —
whereas, the actual nullification of the Northern States
was a plain, palpable, and persistent abrogation and
defiance of the laws of Congress, the plain provisions
of the Constitution, and the decisions of the Supreme
Calhoun and Hayne and others ably argued that the
nullification proposed by South Carolina was really a
Union measure intended to prevent a resort to the State’s
last remedy, secession.
Jefferson Davis, in his eloquent farewell to the Sen-
ate, makes very clear the distinction between nullifica-
tion and secession, and ably argued in favor of the latter.
But, right or wrong, the Southern States had the
clear “precept and precedent” of Massachusetts and
the Northern States and the approval of many of the
ablest men of that section up to the breaking out of
the war. I believe, with all of the intensity of my mind
and heart, that the Southern States had a perfect right
to secede; that they were, with all of the lights before
them at the time, perfectly justifiable in doing so, and
that the war made upon them by the North was one of
the most iniquitous in the history of the world.
The cry of “traitors” and “rebels” served its pur-
pose to “fire the Northern heart” in the days of war,
and may serve very well now for the ignorant partisan
who wishes to “wave the bloody shirt;” but how an in-
telligent man in Massachusetts or New England can
honestly use these terms, in view of their own record,
passes my comprehension.
Miller School, Va., February 4, 1S97.
September 15, 1896, dates the death of Gen. Joseph
R. Davis, at Biloxi, Miss., where he had lived many
years. Gen. Davis was born in Woodville, Miss. It
was his father, Isaac Davis, brother of Jefferson Davis,
who, as a stripling, was sent to report upon the condi-
tion of the garrison at Fort Minis, reaching there after
much peril, and remaining to aid in repelling the In-
dians, who had surrounded it: and it was he who fired
his gun until too hot to be loaded longer, and then used
it as a club. The massacre, however, W’s consum-
mated ; and the gallant lad. after saving two women and
a child, bore the news to his commander, who said of
him: “We could end the war in a week with an army
of such men.”
Gen. Davis’s grandfather, Samuel Emory Davis,
fought through the war of the Revolution in the ranks,
and endured many hardships in the struggle for inde-
pendence, which his gentle breeding and immature age
rendered peculiarly oppressive; but many of his noble
deeds of daring have come down through the tradi-
tions of his fellow-soldiers. Evan Davis, the great-
grandfather of Gen. Davis, was a wealthy Welshman,
a large shipowner in colonial days. His vessels plied
between Scotch, English, and Irish ports and America,
and he was immensely useful to the colonies by trans-
porting emigrants to them. He was the “Evan Da-
vis, Gentleman,” known in the records of Virginia and
Maryland, to whom large grants of land were given
for “public services.”
Joseph R. Davis was educated in Ohio, and gradu-
ated with honor in a law school of that state. While
there he met Miss Frances Peyton, formerly of Vir-
ginia, and married her when he was twenty-one years
of age. He lived upon his plantation, managing it
admirably, until nearly thirty-seven years old. Dur-
ing this period he was elected several times to the
Legislature on the Democratic ticket, and in 1861 he
was urged for a seat in Congress.
The outbreak of the great war found Mr. Davis with
a large property and an excellent law practice. He
was genial, and most agreeable socially. His rela-
tions with his uncle. President Davis, were of the
closest and tenderesl character, and they concurred on
all political theories.
He left Canton, Miss., with the first regiment
equipped from that place, but he was invited to a place
on the staff of the President in his military household,
with the rank of colonel, where he served for a year.
Then he entered the conflict as a brigadier general,
and was put in charge of a brigade of Mississippians
and Louisianians. Gen. Davis fought in nearly all the
battles of Northern Virginia in Gen. Heth’s division.
At the battle of Gettysburg he and his brigade distin-
guished themselves with signal gallantry. His deci-
mated command held the left wing of the Northern
army at bay for two hours. His commanding figure
was in the thickest of the fight.
Some years after the war Gen. Davis went to the sea-
coast of Mississippi, where he had some property, and
he was soon married again, to Miss Margaret Cary
Greene, a descendant of Gen. Nathaniel Greene, of
Rhode Island, by whom he had three children, two of
whom survive: Varina Jefferson and Edith Cary.
(Confederate l/eterar?.
Confederate 1/eterar).
s. a. CUNNINGHAM, Editor and Proprietor.
Office: Wilcox Building, i. lunch Street, Nashville, Tenn.
Thi6 publication is the personal property of S. A. ( aunmgham. All
i£ who approve its principles, and realize its benefits as an organ Eor
Associations throughout the South, are requested to com mem I its patron-
age and to co-operate in extending it.
In the beginning of the Veteran’s fifth year there
are more renewals and more discontinuances than ever
before. It is more painful to lose a subscriber than
pleasing to secure one. While it is reasonable to ex-
pect that some persons who have been persuaded to
try it by some enthusiastic friend, and who, having no
sentiment of pride in personal or sectional interests,
may conclude to discontinue, it is sad indeed to have a
comrade’s name erased from the list. How can a
comrade, who sees the spirit of cooperation by his fel-
lows from everywhere, consent to stop his Veteran,
even temporarily? Is that the way of a soldier? Dixie
is becoming more and more “the enemy’s country,”
and can a faithful veteran agree to drop out of the line
and be left behind while there is an ambulance ready to
carry him? Noble men who were not old enough to
serve in the army volunteer often to pay subscriptions
for such.
The founder and editor of the Veteran can now— –
after four years of faithful service in doing the best pos-
sible for the honor of his fellows and the glory of those
who have already received the plaudit, “Well done,
good and faithful servant!” — strengthened by the vol-
unteer cooperation of thousands equally free from
mercenary motives, mention duty as an incentive to do
what they can to send these truths to all the world, that
they may be as everlasting tablets to those who will
make record of patriotism by men who stood to their
guns, solely for principle, until they were in the last
ditch to which they could rally, and were then finally
surrounded by a paid throng; of the women, too,
equally faithful through that crisis, and who have
never surrendered, because of their faith in the justice
for which their husbands and brothers had fought and
so many of them had died. Don’t you admit, com-
rade, that it is your sacred duty to hold your place in
the line? A large number who cooperated in this en-
terprise are dead already, and although the writer is al-
most as active as a schoolboy on a Saturday afternoon
running for fishing bait, he feels as if the days may
not be long for him to continue this great work, and
that he ought to plead as for his life that the princi-
ples advocated in the Veteran be circulated as wide-
ly as possible. In beginning this fifth volume he is
impressed that if this great work be sustained as it has
been until twelve volumes are completed the record
saved and bound by many thousands will make its im-
press for eternity.
Do, comrade, keep in line while your same old
proud spirit is sustained by the flesh. If you can’t
keep up, instead of stopping by the wayside and get-
ting lost, call for an ambulance in the faith that you
may again carry your own gun — pay your own way.
This appeal is written between two and three o’clock
in the morning, and in meditation there is a peculiar
sentiment regarding the numbered throng dead, as we
call it, and that other element of God’s creatures so
nearly all in sleep for restoration before the duties of
another day which awaits them.
Surely this appeal is in right spirit, and surely while
there is life in this world comrades will continue to an-
swer: “Here!”
Early notice is given of the Veteran for the great
reunion of United Confederate Veterans to occur in
Nashville June 22-24. During all the four years since
the little magazine made its appearance, looking to the
entire South for its patronage, diligence has been ex-
ercised to avoid giving it local prominence. It has
been the policy, however, to make the best showing
possible for the city and community entertaining the
veterans. Some errors have been made in former re-
union numbers that certainly will be avoided in this,
and it is confidently believed that the next one will be
the most attractive and valuable periodical that has
ever been issued.
The reunion Veteran is to be printed on the best
of sized and supercalendered paper; it is to contain one
hundred pages and not less than one hundred photo-
engravings, and over twenty thousand copies are to
be printed for the regular edition, and extra copies
which will be necessary for new subscribers and sales.
So orders for extra copies will constitute the “over”
twenty thousand. The edition will require several
tons of fine paper.
Appeal is made now for cooperation by Nashville
and the state of Tennessee in showing as creditably as
truth will aid the interests and attractions of the Vol-
unteer State. A multitude of engravings of beautiful
buildings in the city and state, scenes of battlefields as
they appeared or as they are now, and the best Con-
federate historical data with pen and camera will be
presented. Schools of the Southern States and South-
ern histories will be made a feature, and general co-
operation in behalf of all these interests is requested.
Although it is a great undertaking, the cause is
worthy. Will Tennesseeans and all others in her
borders who marched and fought for principle help to
make it a beautiful and true record for posterity? Pro-
cure good photographs of places worthy to be exhib-
ited, and give orders for extra copies in advance. Ad-
vance orders will be filled at ten cents each. It is
doubtful if many copies wanted can be supplied unless
ordered before the publication.
Confederate Veteran.
Attention, survivors of the Confederate Army!
The Veteran has not contained very much that
it should not record, but it has left undone much
that should already have been printed. For its
greatest fault, effort will be made henceforth to re-
deem. Thousands of noble and true comrades, true
in all things — even in unstinted support of this pub-
lication — have surrendered their lives during the
past four years, and in a few months word would
come, “You may lake from your list ,
for he is dead,” and the name has been erased
without a line of tribute. Such fact is humiliating’.
Appeal is now made for the name, age and service
of every such deceased comrade to be printed.
Please, by every sacred memory of this world, do
not fail to give brie fly this information. Deceased
Teterans who were subscribers have a right to such
record, and if they have not families to attend to it,
will not their neighbors? Occasionally, when a
comrade dies, his widow gives notice to discontinue.
Is this the proper thing? Are the families of men
whose most sacred legacy was their records as
Confederate soldiers, willing to drop out of existence
in the great organization and forget all history be-
cause their loved and honored husband is dead?
Comrade A. H. Sinclair, a banker at Georgetown,
Ky., who is Commander of Camp George W. John-
son, at that place, sends a list of dead comrades of
that Camp: Capt. A. K. Law, Company H, Second
Kentucky Infantry; Capt. Robt. C. Nunnelly, Com-
pany E, Gordon Missouri Cavalrj ; Private John T.
Smarr, Company D, Ninth Kentucky Infantry; Pri-
vate Ben. T. Sinclair, Company B, Fifth Kentucky
Cavalry; Private J. Webb, Company A, Ninth Ken-
tucky Cavalry.
In a subsequent letter Comrade Sinclair states:
We have just laid to rest in our cemetery upon the
hill, Major Ben F. Bradley, aged seventy- two years.
He was one of our most distinguished citizens and
a member of our Camp. He served throughout the
Mexican war as Adjutant of Col. Manlius Thomp-
son’s Regiment, Fourth Kentucky Infantry, two years
as Major in Gen. Humphrey Marshall’s command in
the Confederate service, and was two years a mem-
ber of the Confederate Congress, was twelve years
Circuit Clerk of this (Scott County) and was a mem-
ber of the Kentucky Senate. He possessed many
erood qualities, brave, generous, and warm-hearted.
Col. Will Lambert writes from Houston, Texas:
Two other worthy members of Dick Dowling Camp
have passed from earth to their final reward on
“Fame’s Eternal Camping Ground.” Comrade
Thos. T. Calhoun, Company I, Twenty- fourth South
Carolina Infantry, was about fifty-four jears old.
He served in Joe Johnston’s Army and was badly
wounded near Atlanta, and carried the bullet in his
body until about three years ago. He had been a
member of our camp over three years, and was much
beloved as a brave and big-hearted Palmetto boy,
who loved his friends and had no enemies. A sur-
viving brother, Dr. B. F. Calhoun, is commander of
Joseph E. Johnston Camp at Beaumont, Texas.
The other comrade who died was F. K. Danish, of
the Confederate States Navy. He served on the
Confederate gunboats “Henry Dodge,” “Webb,”
and others, in Charleston Harbor, on the Red River,
and in other waters. Peace to their memories.
We are going to Nashville strong.
Capt. Thomas T. Calhoun, aged fifty-one years,
died December IT, ’96, at the family residence in
Houston, Texas.
The deceased went to Texas in 1868 and engaged
in the mercantile business at Sandy Point, in Bra-
zoria County. He subsequently went to Orange,
whence he moved to Houston about 1SS4, and has
since made that city his home.
Captain Calhoun was a veteran of the great war,
hiving served from 1861 until the surrender at
Appomattox in Company I, of the Twenty-fourth
South Carolina Infantry. Although very young
he was among the first to ta e up arms in response
to his country’s call.
In the battle of Atlanta, Ga., he received a minie
bullet in his neck, which he carried in his body un-
til a few years ago, when he had it extracted,
mounted, and occasionally wore it on his watch
chain. He was a member of Dick Dowling Camp,
No. 107, U. C. V.
The following lines were written in 1865, soon af-
ter the termination of the war, by the late Judge
A. W. Arrington, of Chicago:
Once il smiled like a garden, elate in the pride
( if a Beaut] so peerless, the Sun calk d it Bride ;
To endow it with jewels of gold and of green,
So resplendent, the stars were not grander in sheen.
All its gardens wore Eden’8 perennial bloom.
Ev’ry rain-drop that kissed it was coined to perfume;
While the rare skies above it, and rich soil below.
Bade the cotton plant whit en its valleys like snow ;
And the hearts of its sons were the bravest in fight,
And the eyes of its daughters the darkest in light —
The darkest and sweetest, yet chaste as the beam
That illumines the love of an innocent dream.
But the Bride of the Sun shall enchant him no more;
All the pride of its green has been purpled with gore,
And its roses are sighing to shed their perfume
O’er a land where each turf hides a warrior’s tomb;
And the hearts of its bravest are still as the stones
Of the battlefields, bleached with mouldering bones.
And so still they may heed not the call of the drum,
Or I e startled by the thunder of cannon or bomb.
And the light in the eyes of its daughters is pale.
And the laugh of its children is turned into wail —
All are weeping alike for the dying or dead.
As they beg from their foemen a morsel of bread.
For the gaunt fiend of Famine now prowls in the sun
To accomplish the ruin that war had begun:
And the moans of t he starving, in pitiless pain,
Pray for mercy, to God or their fellows, in vain.
There is peace, but such peace as the sepulchre knows,
In the desert of death — putrefaction’s repose;
‘Tis the peace of a wilderness wintry and fell,
The peace of a Paradise thrust into hell.
Qoofederate l/eterai)
The annual dinner by the Confederate
Veteran Camp of New York City on the
birthday of Gen. R. E. Lee, was, as is usual,
an interesting occasion.
Col. A. G. Dickinson, Commander of the
Camp, presided. There were 250 guests at
the banquet board including representative
men who were conspicuous in the Union as
well as in the Confederate Armies. J. B.
Wilkinson spoke of Gen. Lee concisely, in
which he said:
If you will follow him in his character as
a son, as a father, in the home circle, as a
citizen — if all of his old soldiers were to
rally round the banner of his example — the
name of Lee would achieve victories more
brilliant and more lasting than were ever
won by his peerless sword.
Some of our Confederate leaders we hon-
ored for what they did, some for what they
suffered, but we loved and admired Lee for
what he was. When he was getting $3,000
a year as President of a struggling college,
we honored him far more than if he had
accepted the munificent offers of the corpora-
tions that tried to buy his fame as a sign-
Capt. White, of the Old Guard, responded
to the toast, “The American Soldier.” He
paid a high tribute to the bravery of the
Confederate soldier, and declared that the
American soldier was the greatest, truest
and most terrible, and yet the mo*t gener-
ous in the world. He concluded by saying:
While the great chasm which rent the
North and South has been closed by mutual sacri-
fices, and closed forever by the returning love of
both sections for the institutions of the country, we
to-day are confronted by the great desire of the
world for peace as represented by the arbitration
treaty pending between this country and England.
Edwin W. Hoff sang several patriotic songs in
■which the diners joined, and Mr. Marion J. Verdery
responded to the toast,
“the ex-confederate.”
“If I were called upon to epitomize my tribute to
the ex-Confederate soldier, I would borrow one
sentence from my friend, Victor Smith, and say as
he did in writing to me recently on the subject:
‘The ex Confederate soldier, faithful to the lost
cause, yet true to the cause that lost it.’ (Hearty
applause. ) Lacking years deprive me of the privi-
lege of speaking to the toast out of a personal ex-
perience, but the fact that I was not born earlier
than I was is not my fault but my fate. I am not a
Confederate veteran, but only a Confederate sur-
vivor; not ‘the survival of the fittest,’ but the sur-
vival of him who ‘fit’ not. (Laughter.) But I am
licensed to speak to the toast through the blood of
my brothers, and my v hole heart is in the subject.
I count mvself happy to pay tribute to that dis-
banded legion of honor, whose every conflict was a
battle for conscience’ sake, whose every victory was
the triumph of an honest cause, and whose final de-
feat developed a heroism and fortitude without par-
allel in the history of conquered peoples. (Great
“The ex-Confederate soldier should feel proud of
his past, satisfied with his present and hopeful of
his future. He has proven himself a hero in war, a
nobleman in peace and an honor at all times to the
land of his birth. His record during the war was
that of supreme courage, and his record since then
has been that of heroic patience. Laying down his
shield and buckler at Appomattox, he buttoned his
parole beneath his faded jacket next to his heart,
and returned home to begin life anew. The battles
he had fought during the four long years of bloody
strusrgle were not half so hard as the one which
now confronted him, and how he has fought that
hardest fight is set forth in the rehabilitation of his
land and the re-establi-shment of his people. He
turned his face homeward after the surrender with
the brave spirit and manly resolution which filled
Qopfederate l/eteran
the heart of that representative member of a Geor-
gia regiment, who said to his comrades when he
got his parole: ‘I am going back to Dixie, kiss my
wife and children, plough up my new ground field
and make a crop, and if the Yankees bother me any
more, I will whip ’em again.’ (Laughter and ap-
plause. )
“The ex-Confederate, standing to-day in unim-
peachable loyalty to our indissoluble Union and
vieing worthily with all others in upbuilding the
strength and glory of our Republic, is also the hero
of a past for which he has neither shame nor regret,
but which he holds as a hallowed memory, more
precious than his birthright and as sacred as his
honor. That past recalls to him a mighty Struggle;
recalls sorrows and sufferings so widespread and in-
tense that his whole land seemed then one vast al-
tar on which all the treasures and traditions of a
people were laid in sacrifice for the faith that was
in them. As a soldier the ex-Confederate needs no
eulogy. His patience through privation outlasted
the war itself, and his behavior in battle gave him
the glory of renown and an indisputable title to
knighthood. (Applause.)
“Since the war he has acquitted himself as a citi-
zen with all the credit which his credit as a soldier
demanded. He has trampled disaster under his feet;
has made the devastation of his native land give
place to ne v-born thrift and prosperity; he has re-
builded her destroyed cities and made the wide fields
that drank the blood of her sons rich again with the
beauty of ripening fruit and the harvests of golden
grain; he has harnessed her rushing waters and
drawn them like millions of laborers into service.
His industry resounds in the ceaseless blows of
heavy hammers on mammoth anvils from which
sparks fly heavenward like stars of promise for his
“He has made his way to the front in every pro-
fessional calling. In short, he is to-day a factor in
all the affairs of our common country, and can well
afford to muster in dress parade before all the world
and count on unstinted praise and esteem. The ex
Confederate soldier is immortal. He has his place
in American history. He has illumined its pages
and enriched its theme.
“While living, he will always so impress himself
upon the material and intellectual developments of
the day as to be a self-evident force in shaping the
destiny of the country, and when dead his memory
will be forever safe in the keeping of all who honor
the true and the brave. The dead Confederate shall
ne’er be forgot, until the splendid shafts which to-
day rise heavenward in his honor crumble to dust;
until the elements are less true to him than they
were at Arlington on that memorable Decoration
Da}-, when the countless graves of the boys who
wore the blue were hidden beneath a wealth of
floral tributes, while the graves of the unknown
Confederate dead, down behind the hill were for-
gotten. Don’t you remember how in the darkness
of the night, when the world was asleep, a great
storm came out of the sky, and the wind dipped
down on those hills and, gathering great armfuls of
flowers from the favored graves, bore them away to
the graves of the unknown dead?
“No Confederate soldier is buried out of mind, for
even those who sleep in the fastnesses of Tennessee
mountains or in the winding Virginia valleys, have
their graves marked, as Harry Flash so sweetly
Though no shaft of pallid marble rears its white and ghast-
ly head,
Telling wanderers in the valley of the virtues of the dead;
Yet a lily is I ln-ir tombstone and a dewdrop. pure and bright,
Is the epitaph an angel writes in the stillness of the night.
“The ex-Confederate soldier is the exponent of
that short-lived government of which a great-
hearted Englishman said:
No nation rose so white and fair,
None fell so pure of crime.
“When I study the heavens by night and contem-
plate the brilliancy of Jupiter, Mars, Saturn and
Uranus. I see in their shining glory a fit emblem of
the matchless record of our peerless Lee, our in-
trepid Johnston, our redoubtable Forrest, and our
gallant Longstreet; and when the bright flashing
meteors blaze their tracks of burning beauty across
the firmament, I see in their shining splendor the
careers of Stonewall Jackson and Albert Sidney
Johnston. But all these do not complete the glory
of the night, but it has its fullness in the countless
myriad of nameless stars as they troop toward the
Milky Way, and in them I see the cohorts of Con-
federate soldiers whose deeds of daring gave new
lustre to the pages of history, and whose splendid
heroism made imperishable impress on the heart
and mind of the world. (Much cheering.)
‘Then till your glasses, Mil them up to the brim.
We’ll drink a deep bumper in honor of him,
i M dear Johnny Keb, in his jacket of gray,
Standing guard o’er thoughts of a bygone day.
01 River of Years, thou hast drowned that day,
Thy deep-flowing current has borne il away;
Bui thy banks still bloom with memories bright,
\nd our toaM is to them and to Johnny to-night.'”
Long continued applause and cheers.)
At the Seventeenth Annual Banquet of the So-
ciety of the Army and Navy of the Confederate
States and the State of Maryland the following
toasts were responded to by the gentlemen named:
Our Infantry. — Congressman Robert Neil, of
Arkansas, “Infantry for work.” Witness, “Stone-
wall Jackson’s Foot Cavalry” at Harrisonburg,
Cross Keys and Port Republic.
Our Cavalry. — Congressman Geo. C. Pendleton,
of Texas, “By intuition, not drills. They fell in at
a gesture, and galloped to victory at a lope.”
Our Artillery. — Congressman D. Gardiner Tyler,
of Virginia, “They gave the first lessons in sharp-
shooting with big guns.”
Our Navy. — Ex Congressman J. F. C. Talbott, of
Maryland, “Buchanan and Semmes only opened the
way for future following.”
Our Dead. — Gen. Eppa Hunton, of Virginia, “A
standing toast, we sorrow still.”
Robert E. Lee. — Gen. James H. Berry, of Arkan-
Confederate 1/eterao
The Menu was better than that served at Camp
Morton or Libby away back in the sixties: Blue
points, celery, olives, consomme; printaniere, sherry;
salmon cutletts, with anchovy sauce; roast turkey,
cranberry sauce, Maryland ham, baked mashed po-
tatoes; chicken croquettes, cream sauce, green peas,
whisky; terrapin, Maryland style; lobster salad,
spiced oysters; fancy ices, assorted cake; fruit;
Roquefort, American cheese, crackers, coffee: cigars.
Comrades of Pat Cleburne Camp at Waco, Tex.,
were diligent to honor the Anniversary of Gen. Lee.
Because of the inclement weather on the nineteenth,
the services were postponed to the twenty -second.
The stage in City Hall was decorated with stacks
of guns, bayonets fixed, surmounted by a Confed-
erate flag, which was given in 1861 by Houston
ladies to a company, by a lone star flag, a Cleburne
Division flag, and a Confederate battle flag. Then
there were two pictures, one of Lee at the Wilder-
ness and the Charge of Pickett’s Men at Gettysburg,
with other less conspicuous pictures of Confederate
commanders. Some young ladies sang “Dixie” and
a. prayer was delivered by Rev. Frank Page. Miss
Kate Hammond sang a solo, “The Battle of Manas-
sas.” Mr. Duncan and Miss Tiney Kent sang “The
Battle of the Wilderness.” The address of the oc-
casion was by Judge G. B. Gerald. It contained
much of value for history. Misses Bragleton, Harn,
Burger, Mills and Kemp sang “Down on the Ohio”
and “Who Will Care for Mother Now.” Miss Don-
nell recited some patriotic pieces, and Miss Prae-
torius sang to the enthusiastic delight of the audi-
ence “The Flag of the Regiment.”
The birthday of General Lee, was celebrated in
creditable manner. Daughters of the Confederacy,
(Mrs. Jennie Catherwood Bean, President), taking
a leading part. The colors, red and white, were
conspicuous. A portrait of Lee draped in Confed-
erate colors, ornamented the speaker’s stand. Rev.
B. B. Bailey officiated and Elder W. S. Keene open-
ed the exercises with prayer. “The Sword of Lee”
was recited by Norman Scales. Almost a score of
good voices rendered the “Star Spangled Banner,”
“Dixie,” “Old Kentucky Home” and “America.”
Comrade Geo. F. Rozell, in Veteran of Decem-
ber, 1896, is in error when he says Gen. Johnston
met and defeated Sherman at Averysboro, N. C.
The battle of Averysboro was preparatory to Ben-
tonville, and occurred Friday, March 17, 1865.
Gen. Hardee was in command, and McLaws’ Di-
vision did the fighting. If I remember correctly,
only Harrison’s Brigade was severely engaged.
The battle succeeded in confusing Sherman’s move-
ments and, as intended, made Bentonville a possi-
bility. Bentonville was fought on Sunday, March
19, and was a Confederate success. On Monday
(20th’) the two armies got in position; Tuesday
(21st) the Yanks, thinking our guns out of order
by the rain then falling, advanced, but were driven
back. Wheeler’s Cavalry was stretched out in a thin
picket line on our left — McLaws’ extreme left — but
could not extend our lines to the river. This is the
breach through which the Yanks poured about
6,000 strong. And now hold your breath — these
‘,000 valiant veterans were hurled back, not by an
equal number, but by 180 men and officers, a frag-
ment of Cummins’ old Georgia Brigade and a South
Carolina battery. I once belonged to that brigade,
and saw them double-quicking in immediate rear
of our line and recognized my old comrades, and
know that they did not exceed 200 in all. While
they were passing in our rear, our skirmishers
were engaged with the enemy’s advance on our
front. As it was, I came near double-quicking off
with the old fellows. But a few minutes later and
our regiment of Fifth Georgia boys had hurled our
assailants to the rear and won a compliment from
Gen. McLaws, Chief of Staff.
In a personal note Comrade Fuller adds:
“Perhaps I was the youngest soldier under Gen.
Bragg in the invasion of Kentucky, 1862. Born
September 17, 1847, I was just fifteen years old; be-
longed to Company E. Fifty-seventh Georgia Infan-
try, Ledbetter’s Brigade, Churchhill’s Division, Kir-
by Smith’s Corps.
“We entered Kentucky by way of Snake Creek
Gap, Big Hill and Richmond. Bushwhackers an-
no ved us much. At Boston, Ky., our advance
guard was fired upon by a miller whose mill was
running. He was killed and his mill left running.
After the forced march to Mt. Sterling to cut off
Federals retreating from Cumberland Gap, I was
taken sick and went to hospital at Lexington. A
few nights after I heard the clatter of horses’ feet
on the streets, and was told our command was re-
tiring from Kentucky. I quit that hospital bunk,
climbed on top a freight car and went to Danville.
Having taken command of myself, I went on foot
to Camp Dick Robertson. A regiment of cavalry,
of which the rear guard (was it Marmaduke’s?),
overtook me, and a trooper allowed me to ride a
horse he was leading. At London two men came
to where we were halted in a lane and climbed to
the top rail of the fence, one of them saying, ‘ We
are tired and sick.’ They were ordered to get
down, when they escaped into the cornfield, and es-
caped amid bullets. That afternoon there was a
lively skirmi-ih. Next day at 5 p.m. I came upon
my command, went to Gen. Ledbetter’s headquar-
ters for something to eat, and was pointed to a pile
of corn and told to help myself. Next day we
crossed Cumberland Mountain, and that night the
big snow fell, when I slept warm under one blanket
and the snow.”
Geo. Robinson, of Belton, Texas, wishes to know
who wrote the poem on the great war entitled
“Rosetta,” printed in booklet form.
Confederate l/eteran
Hon. C. K. Bell,’.M. C. from Texas, writes of him:
Among- the many heroes of the “Lost Cause”
■whom Texans delight to honor, there is none whose
character as a soldier or civilian is a source of more
just pride to them than Joseph D. Savers.
QMajor Sayers was born at Grenada, Miss., Sept.
23, 1845, and in 1851 removed to Bastrop, Tex., where
he still lives. In April, L861, he left school to as-
sist in the capture of Federal troops who were en-
deavoring to escape from Texas to the North. In
August, 1861, he enli>ted in the Fifth Regiment of
Texas Mounted Volunteers, which was a part of
the brigade first commanded by Brig. -Gen. H. II.
Sibley; aft< rwards by Brig.- Gen. Thomas Green, and
finally by Brig. -Gen. W. P. Hardeman. Major Say-
ers was, in September, 1861, promoted to the adju-
tancy of his regiment, and the brigade was ordered
upon an unfortunate expedition to New Mexico. Its
first engagement was on the 21st day of February,
1862, at Val Verde, near Fort Craig-, “N.M., wherein
Brigadier General Canby commanded the Federal
and Col. Thomas Green commanded the Confederate
forces. The Federals, though largely outnumber-
ing the Confederates, were defeated, and a splendid
batterj of light artillery was captured. The cam-
paign was an exceeding-ly severe one; the Confeder-
ates being poorly armed, scantily clothed and badly
fed. After several engagements they were compelled
to abandon the country and return to Texas. On the
30th day of April, 1Si>2, Lieutenant Sayers was
“promoted for distinguished bravery at the battle of
Val Verde,” as the order promoting him reads, to a
captaincy in the artillery service, and was placed in
the command ot the battery which had been captur-
ed and which was thereafter known in the Trans-
Mississippi Department as the “Val Verde Bat-
In the battle of Camp Bisland, on Bayou Teche,
in Louisiana, April, 1863, while he was in com-
mand of his battery, Captain Sayers was severely
wounded and was compelled to use crutches continu-
ally from that time until after the close of the war.
As soon as he could ride on horseback, although
badly crippled, Captain Savers returned to the army
in Louisiana and was promoted to a mayorship and
was assigned to duty as Chief of Staff for Ma j.- Gen.
Thomas Green. He was again severely wounded
at the battle of Mansfield, La., on Aprils’, 1864. As
soon as he was able to again ride horseback he re-
turned to the army, though still on crutches, and
General Green having been killed at Blair’s Landing,
La., he was assigned to duty upon the staff of Lieut. –
Gen. Richard Taylor. He went with General Tay-
lor across the Mississippi River in the winter of 1864
and performed military duty upon the staff of that
general while he was in command of the Depart-
ment of Alabama, Mississippi and Eastern Louisiana,
until his surrender to General Canhy, when Major
Sayers returned to his home in Texas on parole.
He is now serving his sixth consecutive term in
Congress, and has been re-elected for his seventh
term. He has been a member of the Appropriation
Committee during each session of Congress of which
he has been a member, except the first, and during
the Fifty-third Congress he was chairman of that
committee. His public service in the State has been
that of State Senator and Lieutenant-Governor. He
has also served as chairman of the State Democratic
Executive Committee for three years.and has held the
office of Grand Masterof Masons in Texas. Maj. Say-
ers has declined to represent his district in Congress
after the expiration of the term to which he is now
elected, but Texas cannot afford to lose the services
of one who is so worthily distinguished and faith-
ful to every trust in military and in civil life.
Confederate Monument at Warkenton, Va. —
The white marble column has relief in Confederate
flag, cannon, etc. The pedestal is of limestone — a
female figure surmounts the column — holding in one
hand a book. The inscriptions on the column are:
Fast side: “Confederate Dead, five hundred Vir-
ginia’s Daughters to Virginia’s Defenders.”
North side: “Here on the soil of Virginia, they
sleep as sleeps a hero on his unsurrendered shield.”
West side: “Go tell the Southrons we lie here for
the rights of their States; they never fail who die in
a great cause.”
South side: “God will judge the right.”
W. T. Carroll, of Woodward, Ga., wishes to learn
of his comrades, R. C. McCallie and J. M. Morrison,
who served in their company, Third Regiment,
Engineer Corps. Thinks thev were from Aiken,
S. C.
Qopfederate l/eterai).
The first man over the stone fence at Gettysburg-
was Col. R. W. Martin, a. native of Chatham. Pitt-
sylvania Co., Va. — born September 30, 1835. He
was educated at the University of Virginia and at-
tended lectures at the University of New York,
graduating in 1858.
In 1860 he commenced the practice of medicine
in Chatham, but in 1861 he enlisted in the South-
ern cause as a private. He was in all the battles of
his Regiment, the Fiftj-third Virginia, previous to
Gettysburg. In that battle he was promoted to
Lieutenant-Colonel. In May, 1863, he was pre-
sented by his brother officers with a handsome
sword engraved, as a testimony of their love and
admiration. An official report of the engagement
at Gettysburg contains the following: “Fletcher
Howard, (Co. K.) acting as color-bearer, while
gallantly bearing the flag ahead, was cut down by a
shell, when he called for some one to bear it along.
Instantly Col. Martin seized the flag and with
words of encouragement called on all to follow.”
Another report states: “Col. Martin’s gallantry
•was not exceeded by anyone in that memorable
battle.” On July 3, Col. Martin proved himself the
greatest of all the band of glorious heroes. In the
connonading preceding Pickett’s famous charge,
Col. William Aylett, of the Fifty-third Virginia,
was wounded and retired from the field, when the
command thus devolved upon Lt.-Col. Martin, who
led the forlorn hope of Armistead’s Brigade.”
In the charge, the Fifty -third being the “battal-
ion of direction,” Col. Martin was near his intrepid
chief. When they neared the stone fence, and the
advance for a moment halted, Gen. Armistead,
turning to Col. Martin, said: “Martin, we can’t
stay here; we must go over that wall.” Col. Mar-
tin’s reply was to mount the wall and, with the cry,
“Forward with the colors,” leaped down on the
enemy’s side of the fence. He was followed imme-
diately by Armistead leading on his gallant band.
Col. Martin fell almost directly after scaling the
wall, wounded in four places, his thigh shattered,
and crippled for life. He lay almost dead lor three
days amid the horrors of that battlefield; was taken
prisoner and sent to Fort McHenry, and from there
to Point Lookout. After an imprisonment of ten
months, Col. Martin was exchanged and came home
to the joy of his family, who for several months had
mourned him as dead. Unfit for field duty, Col.
Martin was yet active in his country’s services,
having charge of the prisoners at Charleston, S. C,
for some time. Afterward he was sent to the com-
mand of the forces on the Rappahannock. At time
of the surrender at Appomattox, paptrs were in
transit promoting Col. Martin to the rank of Briga-
Returning to Chatham at the close of the war, Col.
Martin resumed the practice of medicine, in which,
and as a surgeon, he is distinguished. In 1867 he
married Miss Ellen Johnson, of Pittsylvania County.
Dr. Martin is a member of Board of Visitors of
the University of Virginia’s Medical Society and
was delegate appointed by Gov. McKinney to the
Pan-American Congress; is also President of the
State Board of Health and State Board of Medical
Whenever sickness or sorrow comes, he is ever
prompt in sympathy and in service. His life illus-
trates that, in truth,
The bravest are the tenderest
The loving are the daring.
Judge J. R. Daugherty of Forney, Texas, writes
concerning that last battle of the war fought in
Texas, May 12, 1865:
The last battle of the great war was fought at
Brazos Santiago or Palmetto Rancho on the Rio
Grande in Texas. Col. J. S. Ford was in command
of the forces of the Rio Grande; I was O. S. of Cap-
tain White’s Company, and we were on picket at Pal-
metto Rancho on the 12th day of May, 1865. We
knew the war was over and were not expecting an
attack, but to our surprise we were attacked and our
camp equipage captured. We made our way to
headquarters, but were ordered back without any-
thing to eat. Early next morning the report was that
the enemy was coming. We took the position that R.
E. Lee took to fight the battle of Palo Alto, May
8, 1846, in the Mexican War. Only thirty of us
held two regiments in check until 11 o’clock, at
which time the main force was ordered out to meet
the enemy. Col. Ford deployed his small force on
either side of the road leading from Brazos Santiago
to Brownsville, with two pieces of small artillery
commanding the road, and when the enemy had ap-
proached as near as it was comfortable to see them,
the Confederates opened fire and the cavalry was
ordered to charge. The enemy beat a hasty retreat.
Some were captured, some killed and several jumped
into the Rio Grande River and were drowned.
Confederate Veteran.
la his official order, No. 182, dated at New Orleans,
January 13, the Commanding General announces of –
ficially the change of dales for reunion of United
Confederate Veterans from May 5 7, to June 22 24,
and elaborately refers to the approaching event:
All Confederate organizations and Confederate
soldiers and sailors, of all arms, grades and depart-
ments, are cordially invited to attend this Seventh
General Reunion of their comrades.
Eight hundred and seventy-five Camps are already
enrolled in the U. C. V. organization, with applica-
tions in for over one hundred and fifty more, and ap-
peals to ex-Confederate soldiers and sailors every-
where to form themselves into local associations,
where this has not already been done; and all asso-
ciations, bivouacs, encampments and other bodies
not members of the IT. C. V. Association are earn-
estly requested to send in applications to these head-
quarters without delay, in time to participate in this
greiwt Reunion, and thus unite with their comrades in
carrying out the laudable and philanthropic objects
of the United Confederate Veteran organization.
He congratulates the Veterans upon their wisdom
in the selection of Nashville, Tenn. , for this A nnual
Reunion, as it is so equally accessible to their com-
rades from every section of the South; and, the date
having been fixed during the holding of the Ten-
nessee Centennial Exposition, he believes that united
and concerted effort will secure the very lowest rail-
road rates, which he has no doubt the generous of-
ficials of Southern railroads will extend to the old
survivors, so as to make this reunion the greatest
ever held. He urees officers and members of all Camps
to commence now making preparations to attend this
great reunion, to be held at the Historic Capital
of the Old Volunteer State, and he has no hesitation
in guaranteeing that, from the world-renowned rep-
utation of the great people of that beautiful city and
State, in the cordial welcome which they will
extend to the U. C V.’s, the grand old veterans of
Nashville and of the entire State of Tennessee will
strive to excel the boundless hospitality so generous-
ly and lavishly extended at all our former Reunions.
He especially urges all Camps to prepare for dele-
gates, alternates and as many members as possible
to attend, so as to make it the largest and most rep-
resentative Reunion ever held, as business of the
greatest gravity affecting the welfare of the old vet-
erans will be transacted, such as the benevolent care,
through State aid or otherwise, of disabled, desti-
tute and aged veterans and the widows and orphans
of our fallen brothers-in-arms.
In this connection the General Commanding calls
especial attention to the increasing age, multiplied
sorrows and corroding cares of the many gallant old
soldiers, who risked their lives and fortunes for what
they considered rightduring theeventful years ‘(»l-5.
Through the mortuary reports received, he is daily
and almost hourly reminded that the lengthening
shadows of Time are fast settling over the old heroes
— reaching out already beyond the allotted span of
human life, many of whom had already passed the
age of manhood when, thirty-five years ago, they so
promptly and nobly responded to their country’s call.
It is the chief mission of the U. C. V. Association
that these unfortunate sick, disabled and indigent
comrades and brothers and their widows and orphans
should have such attention, care and help in their
old age as their more fortunate comrades can pro-
cure and give; and he appeals to all the members of
the U. C. V. Association who are able, for their earn-
est, prayful, patriotic help. He also feels confident
that appeals for employment for the old Confederate
veterans, who are indigentand unfortunate soldiers,
will not be made in vain to any State, municipal
government or citizen of any Southern State, nor to
the rising generation who are themselves the worthy
descendants of heroes; as it would be ingratitude
without parallel, and degradation without predecent,
if they should turn their backs upon the old- heroes
in their dire distress.
Will also demand careful consideration, such as
the care of the graves of our known and unknow..
dead buried at Gettysburg, Fort Warren, Camps Mor-
ton, Chase, Douglas, Oakwoods Cemetery at Chicago,
Rock Island, Johnson’s Island, Cairo and at other
points; seeing that they are annually decorated, the
headstones preserved and complete lists of the names
of our dead heroes, together with the location of
their graves, gotten through the medium of our
Camps, and the handing of them down in history.
To give all the aid possible to the Confederate
Memorial Association in assisting to raise the money
and to complete the grand historic edifice and deposi-
tory of Confederate relics and the history of South-
ern valor, popularly known as the “Battle Abbey.”
Again, the best method of securing impartial his-
tory, and to enlist each State in the compilation and
preservation of the history of her citizen soldiery;
the consideration of the different movements, plans
and means to complete the Monument to the memo-
ry of Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate
States of America, and to aid in building monu-
ments to other great leaders, soldiers and sailors
of the South.
To perfect a plan for a Mutual Aid and Benevo-
lent Association; to make such changes in the Con-
stitution and By-Laws as experience may suggest,
and other matters of general interest.
Each Camp now admitted into the United Confed-
erate Veteran organization and those admitted before
the reunion, are urged to at once elect accredited
delegates and alternates to attend, as only accredited
delegates can participate in the business a) the session.
The representation of delegates at the reunion will
be as fixed in Section 1, Article 5, of the Constitu-
tion; one delegate to every twenty-five active mem-
bers in good standing, and one additional for a frac-
tion of ten members, provided every Camp in good
standing shall be entitled to at least two delegates.
Each Camp will elect the same number of alternates
as delegates, who will serve in case of any failure on
the part of the delegates to attend.
Attention of Camps is called to Section 5, Article
5, of the Constitution. “Camps will not be allowed
representation unless their per capita shall have been
Confederate i/eterat)
paid to the Adjutant- General on or before the first
day of April next preceding the annual meeting.””
A program to be observed at the reunion and all
the details will be furnished to the Camps and to all
veterans by the Local Committee of Arrangements
in due time; and any further information can be ob-
tained by applying to Col. J. B. O’Bryan, Chairman
Reunion Committee; Maj. -Gen. W. H. Jackson. Com-
manding Tennessee Division; Col. John P. Hick-
man, Adjutant-General and Chief of Staff, Tennes-
see Division, all at Nashville, Tenn.
The General Commanding respectfully requests
the Press, both daily and weekly, of the whole coun-
try, to aid the patriotic and benevolent objects of the
United Confederate Veterans by publication of these
orders with editorial notices of the organization.
The General Commanding respectfully requests
and trusts that railroad officials will also aid the old
veterans by giving the very lowest rates of trans
portation so as to enable them to attend.
Officers of the General Staff are directed to assist
Department. Division Commanders and others in or-
ganizing their respective States, and generally aid
in the complete federation of all the survivors in one
organization under the Constitution of the United
Confederate Veterans.
The official paper is signed by J. B. Gordon, Gen-
eral Commanding, and George Moorman, Adjutant
General and Chief of Staff.
The following is the Official Annual Address by
Gen. W. L. Cabell, Commander, and A. T. Watts,
Adjutant General and Chief of Staff, Dallas, Tex.:
I greet you, my old comrades, with much pleas-
ure at the close of another year, wishing you all a
happy new year without sorrow, but with happiness
as bright as a May morning in our own Sunny
South, and with a prosperity that will yield every
comfort and keep your storehouses and granaries
full and overflowing with the necessaries of life. A
kind Providence has extended its sheltering wings
over the old heroes who followed the flag of the
lost cause, the noble women who suffered so much
during the war, and their noble sons and beautiful
daughters, as well as our grand Association, which
is growing: stronger and stronger each year. The
Adjutant General reports eight hundred and seven-
ty-five (875 ) Camps. Out of this number the Trans-
Mississippi Department has nearly four hundred,
which shows that the old veterans are organizing
in every State and Territory in this Department.
The death roll has not been as great as we had a
right to expect, although a number of our bravest
and best have crossed over the river since my last
annual report. The dead, all honor to our noble
women, have been properly cared for and buried in
proper graveyards, and in many instances their
names engraved on marble headstones. The living
Confederate Veterans who have grown old and
those incapacitated by wounds have been properly
cared for by the different States and Territories in
the Trans-Mississippi Department. They have
good homes, are amply provided with good raiment
and shelter, where they can spend their last days
in quiet and peace, as the honored guests of the
great States of Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, and
Oklahoma and Indian Territories. The no ole ladies
in Missouri deserve especial mention for the splen-
did home they have provided for the old and help-
less veterans of that grand State.
I urge you, my old comrades, to continue the good
work; organize Camps and join the Association of
Confederate Veterans, and I appeal to you, noble
sons and fair daughters of the grandest women and
the bravest men that ever lived in any country, to
organize and be ready to take the place of th*se
who will soon ‘crossover the river.’
Apply at once to Gen. George Moorman, Adju-
tant General, New Orleans, La., so that the Trans-
Mississippi Department will send a greater delega-
tion to the T eunion to be held in Nashville, Tenn.,
on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th days of June, 1807, than
any other Department. Let every Camp be repre-
sented by as large a delegation as possible, and let
them be fully authorized to represent their Camps
in all matters. Where delegates cannot attend,
let the Camp appoint proxies, properly signed by
the officers of the Camp. In applying for member-
ship, send a roll of your Camp of all members in
good standing, with your annual fee of ten (10)
cents for each member, and $2.00 as initiation fee,
to General Moorman by the first of April. The
Committee on Transportation, Gens. W. H. Graber,
S. P. Mendez, and Colonels T. B. Trotman, B. F.
Wathen and L. A. Daffan will do all in their power
to secure reduced rates on all railroads leading to
Nashville. Local committees will communicate
with them.
It is with feelings of pride as well as pleasure,
my old comrades, that I am able to say that the
noblewomen of this Department, keeping aiive the
spirit that actuated their noble mothers and sisters
during the war, having organized a Monument As-
sociation, under the auspices of the Daughters of
the Confederacy, are now erecting monuments to
the valor and heroism of the Confederate soldiers
at a number of places in this Department, especially
in Texas and Arkansas. One at Sherman, Texas,
and one in Dallas, Texas, will be unveiled this
spring with imposing ceremonies.
The monument to our great chief, Jeff erson Davis,
is still in the hands of the proper committee. The
corner stone was laid on the second of July, 1896,
in Richmond, Va., in the presence of thousands of
those who revered and loved him.
I would also call your attention to the fact that
all the arrangements to secure and build the Confed-
erate Memorial Hall, where Confederate relics and
mementoes are to be deposited, and where the true
history of the deeds of valor of Southern manhood
and the heroism of Southern womanhood may be
deposited for all time to come, have not been com-
pleted. The gallant old cavalryman, Charles Broad-
way Rouss, proud of his record and that of his
comrades, subscribes one hundred thousand dollars
(3100,000) to this sanctuary of Southern valor.
The commanders of the different State divisions
throughout the Trans-Mississippi Department are
requested to give all the aid possible to the women
Confederate l/eterai).
of this Department who are engaged in this noble
work, and to see that this circular is published to
the different Brigades and Camps.
The President of Hood’s Texas Brigade has
changed the date of their reunion:
Houston, Tex., January 26. — To the Members
of Hood’s Texas Brigade: Owing to the fact that
many of the members of Hood’s Texas Brigade,
Confederate Veterans, are desirous of attending the
grand reunion of Confederate Veterans at Nashville,
Tenn., and owing to the recent change of dates of
the Nashville reunion from May 5, (> and 7, to June
22, 23 and 24, which conflicts with the dates of the
reunion at Floresville, Tex., on June 2.s and 24 of
Hood’s Texas Brigade, therefore the reunion of
Hood’s Texas Brigade has been changed to June
30 and July 1, to take place at Floresville, Wilson
County, Tex. This change was made to enable all
to attend both reunions.
J. E. Anderson, President.
Geo. A. Branard, Secretary, Houston.
President Anderson also appointed the following
committee on transportation: Geo. A. Branard,
Chairman, Houston; H. Brahan, Sugarland, and
J. B. Poliey, Floresville, to look after transporta-
tion matters in connection with the reunion.
Comrade J. W. Simmons of Mexia, Texas, sends
the following valuable contribution to history:
The account in the January Vkthkan of the
death and burial of four color bearers in Gregg’s
South Carolina Regiment who were killed in the
battle of Gaines’ Mill, brings fiesh to my memory
an occurrence in the Twenty-seventh Mississippi
Regiment, Walthall’s Brigade, in that noted “bat-
tle above the clouds” on Lookout Mountain.
When the “Yanks” advanced on us in three lines
of battle, we had but one thin line and no reserve, as
a good portion of the Brigade had been captured
early in the morning while on picket duty by Look-
out Creek, where the pickets had been carrying on
a friendly exchange of papers, tobacco, coffee, etc.
Walthall’s Brigade extended from the perpendic-
ular cliffs near the top down the rugged mountain
side, north, toward the Tennessee River; and as the
ground was covered with large rocks, we were af-
forded fair protection, except from the artillery,
which played on us incessantly from Moccasin
Point across the river.
As the enemy would advance and drive us from
one position, we would fall back a short distance,
reform, get positions behind the rocks, and give it
to them again. Many of our boys were captured
that day on account of our line holding its position
until the enemy were so near that it was almost
certain death to run. This was one of the few
times in battle that it took a braver man to run
than it did to stand; because those who remained
behind the rocks could surrender in safety, and
those who ran would draw the fire of the heavy
Yankee line. It was near the noted Craven House
that our line was formed, when the blue coats
crowded us, and came very close before our line
gave way. Just as we started to fall back, the color
bearer, who had bravely carried our regimental
flag through many hot places, fell dead. One of
the other boys, seeing this, turned back and grasp-
ed the colors, when he, too, went down, and fell
across the former with the color staff under him.
By this time the enemy was almost upon the flag,
when a gallant 3’outh from south Mississippi (I
wish I could recall his name) — turned back and run-
ning to within a few steps of the enemv’s line,
seized the colors, breaking the staff off short, and
ran after his regiment, waving the flag and halloo-
ing at the top of his voice. It appeared that the
entire Yankee line was shooting at him, but he soon
regained his regiment and, with the short flag staff
in his hand, mounted a large rock and waved it as
high as he could reach, at the same time calling out
that old saving so familiar to soldier boys: “Rally
round the flag, boys,” which they were very prompt
to do. The boys loved that old flag better after
that than ever before.
That night we were relieved by other troops, and
the little handful of us that was left was moved
down into the valley, and there, in the shadow of
Lookout Mountain that dim moonlight night, that
little short flag staff was stuck in the ground, and
the boys crowded around it with saddened hearts
and recounted the eventful and dangerous scenes of
the day, some telling where Tom, Jack or Jim had
fallen and others had surrendered. Many of them
showed where minie balls had cut their hats, coats
or blankets. The meeting at that flag was one
never to be forgotten, and many of us joined hands
around it and pledged that no “Yank” should ever
lay hands on it without passing over our dead
bodies, and they never did. Strong men unused to
tears, although accustomed to the cruel scenes of
war, cried like children.
The next day the colors were fastened to a hick-
ory pole and were carried triumphantly until the
crisis came, and then the little remnant that was
left of the Twenty-seventh Mississippi followed that
flag down the Mountain in perfect good order, while
other regiments left the Ridge in disorder.
Col. J. J. Callan, Menardville, Texas: To see the
Veteran what it ought to be and where it ought to
be — the one great Southern magazine — a monthly
visitor to every Southern home, is very near to my
heart. I am too far out on the confines of civiliza-
tion (sixty miles from nearest railroad) to be of
much help, but what I can do will be done cheer-
fully. Menardville is a village of about four hun-
dred—German’;, Yankees, Mexicans. The fourteen
veterans here are as poor as myself. Generally,
they have plenty to live upon, but money is out of
sight. I have had some plowing done recently, be-
cause I was not able. I paid the man with an order
on the druggist for medicine and paid the druggist
by posting his books. We live by barter chiefly.
I see the reunion has been postponed until latter
part of June. That is just as it should be.
Confederate l/eterai),
Of late years, many sketches have appeared in
newspapers, books, and magazines, both North and
South, purporting- to be ” the most daring exploit
of the war.” I submit the following to the read-
ers of the Confederate Veteran as being worthy
of ranking, at least, among the most daring.
In the winter of 1864, Canada was a veritable
” City of Refuge ” for those who were interested,
directly or indirectly, in the great struggle of the
South for a separate and independent government.
By far the most numerous class were the bounty
jumpers, many of whom had enlisted forty or fifty
times, and pocketed a bounty all the way from $100
to $1,000 for each “jump.” Federal recruiting
officers secretly worked as industriously to fill the
depleted ranks of Grant and Sherman, as did Lee
and Bragg to thin them out. The spy, too, was
in evidence, infesting every walk of life throughout
the Dominion.
Among this disreputable aggregation, there were
scattered through the cities of Toronto, St. Cather-
ines, Hamilton, Montreal, and places of lesser note,
about one-hundred and fifty Confederate soldiers,
who had escaped, one by one, and made their way
to Canada rather than take the chance of recapture
in their attempts to pass the Federal military lines,
and being treated, perhaps, as spies. Camp Doug-
las, Camp Chase, Rock Island, and other bastiles —
each furnished its quota.
About this time, the war feeling was at its highest
tension. Johnston’s Army had been driven from its
intrenchments below Dalton, Atlanta had been
given to the flames, non-combatants were forced
through the Federal lines to face famine, and a line
of charred bones marked the track of the invader.
Words would be inadequate to express the rage of
these Confederates on reading the news from the
front, and especially did they execrate the man
who, having dropped the sword of the soldier, had
taken up the torch of the incendiary. Many
schemes of retaliation were discussed, and a move-
ment was put on foot to liberate the prisoners on
Johnson’s Island, which resulted in the capture and
execution of Major Beall. The question of employ-
ing Greek fire, to give Northern cities to the flames,
was discussed in all its aspects, and abandoned as
impracticable. Next, it was proposed to secretly
organize raids, cross the border from time to time
and serve the frontier towns as Sherman was treat-
ing the people of Georgia; but this was overruled
as being impracticable. A few of the hot-heads,
however, who were not convinced, secretly met and
matured a little plan on their own hook, unknown
to the majority, of which the following was the
Like a clap of thunder in a clear sky, one morn-
ing the news flashed over the wires that a “Rebel
horde” had captured St. Albans, Vt. Subsequent
news revealed the fact that the “Relel horde” con-
sisted of twenty- six men under the command of
Lieutenant Young, of Kentucky. By preconcerted
action, they arrived in St. Albans as ordinary pas-
sengers, and the weather being exceedingly cold, it
was not strange that each should be enveloped in a
long ulster. They met in the St. Albans hotel, ma-
tured their plans and, at a given signal the next
morning, each one threw off his overcoat and stood
revealed to the citizens a full-fledged Confederate
soldier, armed cap-a-pie; that is, every man had a
late st improved Colt’s revolver in each hand.
The leader demanded the instant and uncondi-
tional surrender of the city. The mayor and city
officials, after a hurried consultation, acceded to
the demand, and the entire male population was
corralled in the public square. A chain guard was
placed around the prisoners, while four of the at-
tacking party went through the banks and confis-
cated about $5,000,000 in greenbacks and Govern-
ment bonds. Sergeant had a narrow es-
cape. A citizen more combative than the others
drew a bead upon him with a rifle, but was detected
in time to seal his own doom! That was the only
casualty that occurred.
The paity lost no time in making their way back
across the border, and the Federal Government im-
mediately demanded their extradition as marauders.
They were arraigned before the police judge in
Toronto, and pleaded that they were belligerents,
not robbers, being regularly enlisted, or commis-
sioned Confederate soldiers. The very best counsel
was secured and a motion to grant a continuance
for twenty days, in order that they could procure
evidence, was granted. hEU”
Now, while the raid was not endorsed by all, or
even by a majority, yet, as one man, the other Con-
federate prisoners resolved to stand by their com-
rades. Evidence must be procured to prove their
rights of belligerency; and this involved dangers as
great if not greater, than the raid itself. The Fed-
eral lines must be pierced, a messenger must reach
Richmond, procure the necessary documents, and
return within twenty days. Three of the shrewd-
est and most daring among them were selected, and
instructed to cross the Potomac at different points;
each using his best judgment as to his method to
make his way to Richmond and procure the evi-
dence. The object in sending three was that if
one, or even two, should fail, the third might succeed.
The eventful day of trial arrived, and no messen-
ger appeared. It looked gloomy for the prisoners.
Counsel for the defense presented a motion for
further continuance, and was supplementing it by a
carefully prepared argument, when, suddenly a
commotion was observable near the entrance of the
court room. A wiry little man elbowed his way
through the crowd, and came down towards the bar.
The argument was suspended, a hurried consulta-
tion was held, and counsel resumed as follows:
“Your Honor, we withdraw our motion for the
present: we think we have the evidence at hand.
We only ask a few moments for consultation.”
was hustled into an anteroom, where he
took off his boots and ripped the lining at the top,
revealing a bundle of papers which proved to be cer-
tified copies of the commission of Lieut. Young, and
the enlistment papers of the other prisoners regu-
larly signed by the Confederate Secretary of War.
The trial continued to the close; the court held
Qopfederate l/eterar?
that the prisoners were belligerents, within the
meaning of the law; and they were discharged ac-
Secretary Seward brought vigorous measures to
bear upon the Dominion government, the newspa-
pers of Canada set up a howl against the men whose
conduct was calculated to plunge the country into a
broil with the United States, and the upshot was
that Parliament was convened in session extraordi-
nary within a week; and an “alien and sedition”
law, empowering the Governor General to suspend
the writ of habeas corpus in the case of aliens, and
order them out of the Dominion within forty- eight
hours, was railroaded through Parliament.
Inside forty-eight hours after the passage of the
Bill, even- Confederate prisoner was making tracks
from Canada. Some took their chances to pass
through the Federal lines; others drifted into the
North and remained there, incognito, until the close
of the war; while others, the writer among the
number, crossed the water with a view to taking
passage on a blockade runner and entering a South-
ern port. While waiting for a vessel to be fitted
out at Glasgow, Lee surrendered, and each took his
own course in getting home.
If the reader will consider that St. Albans had,
at that time, a population of about three thousand
five hundred, that it had an able-bodied male popu-
lation, fit for military service, of about seven hun-
dred and fifty, that it was located in the heart of the
most populous section of the country, honey- combed
with railroad and telegraph lines, and that this
“Rebel horde” (of twenty-sis men) were many
hundred miles from their base of supplies, he will
agree that, for daring, it stands without a parallel
among daring deeds.
Some of the survivors may be able to give a more
detailed account of that which I have given in a
general way.
Should this meet the eye of Charlie Hemmings,
John Mclnnis, Collins, of Cynthiana, Ky., or
Forney Holt, the writer would like to hear from
any or all of them.
Tribute to Southern Women. — Away back a
quarter of a century ago, soon after the great war,
Col. J. B. Killebrew, of Tennessee, paid a tribute
from which the following is an extract:
* * * But, my fellow citizens, through all,
the women of the South have borne their part with-
out repining, and with cheerfulness. In the gfloomy
days, when all seemed lost, when the very founda-
tions of society were disrupted, the Southern woman
was the bright rainbow of promise that spanned
the horizon of the future. Her privations, her en-
durance, the high spirit with which she met danger
and sent forth her firstborn to battle for what she
conceived the honor of her country, awakened a
note of admiration whose reverberations have
sounded throughout the world. It was woman’s
hand and woman’s heart that smoothed the path-
way of thorny war. After the roaring of the war
tempest, when the winds were stilled, and the
lightning flash had ceased, and the thunder’s roar
had passed away, she gathered the bones of her
kindred, bedewed them with her tears, and conse-
crated them with her affection. This sacred duty
performed, she accepted cheerfully the hardships of
her situation and adapted herself to the changed
condition. Oh! there is an instinct and a world of
affection in a true woman’s heart that is divine!
Buoyed up by love, she will cling to her husband
with a deathless tenacity through all fortunes. In
glory and in gloom, in weal and in woe, in wealth
and in poverty, in sunshine and in storm — ave, even
on the chill deathbed itself, the last pulsations of
her heart will find her faithful to duty, and her
last lingering glance will be turned with affection-
ate interest to the partner of her life.
Dr. E. A. Banks, of New York City, pays tribute
to the memory of Capt. Theophilus S. Fontaine:
Captain Fontaine died at his home in Columbus,
Ga., December 27, 18’if>. He was one of the best
and bravest soldiers of “The Army of Northern Vir-
ginia.” The purpose of the writer now is merely
to record his name and command, that his memory
may, in this appropriate place, be preserved to his
State and section. The father of Theophilus was
John Fontaine, and his mother was Mary Stewart,
a daughter of Charles Stewart, two of the oldest
and best families of the old South. Theophilus
was a student at Princeton College at the outbreak
of the civil war, but returned promptly to his native
State and entered the Confederate Army. He was
chosen as Second Lieutenant in the Twentieth
Georgia Regiment of Benning’s Brigade, Long-
street’s Corps. In all the arduous service and bloody
encounters in which his Brigade was engaged dur-
ing the four succeeding years, Captain Fontaine
was ever at his post and bore a conspicuous part.
He returned to his home at the end of the war with
an enviable reputation as a good and gallant sol-
dier. His last service was at Appomattox, where
he, with a remnant of his Regiment, stood ready to
do or die for the cause they loved. He became a
planter after the war and married Miss Mary
Young, a daughter of Col. Wm. H. Young. Both
are dead, and left no children.
Confederate l/eterai).
door in his face, and hallooed to her “girls,” who
occupied a porch in the second-story, to “ring the
bell and blow the horn!” In an instant, a big old
Did you ever hear of the battle of “Snatch” ? It
was described to me once by a scout in John Mor-
gan’s Cavalry. It was the theme of the cavaliers
who reg’aled it to us around the camp-fire, and its nov-
elty interested me. So I will give it to you as I got it.
“Snatch” is a hamlet in Williamson County, Tenn.
General Morgan’s Cavalry was stationed at Liberty
when Bragg’s Army was at Tullahoma and General
Forrest at Columbia. The commands of these two
Generals guarded for a time the right and left out-
posts of the Army of Tennessee. An order came to
a Lieutenant in Morgan’s Cavalry (George C Ridley,
now of Florence, Tex.,) from the General Command-
ing, to seiect ten picked men to go via Alexandria,
Lebanon and Goodlettsville and as near to Edgefield
as practicable, and to send in a messenger sub rosa
to Nashville to ascertain the location of the Federals,
their force and the approaches. It was of but little
trouble always to find some woman of Southern blood
who was not only willing but glad to do anything to
promote the Southern cause; accordingly, the scout
pursued his way across the Cumberland, near Payne’s
Ferry, and found a trusted youngf lady for the mis-
sion.” They scattered in the vicinity until her re-
turn. In twelve hours she came back with a com-
plete diagram of the Federal works around Nash-
ville, with the location of every regiment and bat-
tery, and the exact force. The Lieutenant, upon re-
ceiving it, started back post-haste for Liberty, but
to his astonishment found out that General Wilder,
with a large force of Federal Cavalry, had marched
from Murfreesboro via Lebanon and was then on his
way, via Alexandria, to meet Morgan at Liberty.
He had received private instructions from General
Morgan that if he should be cut off after gaining the
information, to make his way as rapidly as possible
to General Forrest at Columbia, that the two com-
mands contemplated a dash on Nashville. So he
changed his course, and struck out for Columbia via
Triune. He struck a place called “Snatch,” a little
hamlet in Williamson County, now changed to Pey-
tonsville. It was nearly nightfall when his scouts
reinel up at a farmhouse. The Orderly-Sergeant
was sent to the house for a guide; he made his ap-
proach through a lawn, the house a two-storied frame.
A lady came to the door, and, although the Sergeant
had seen a man on his approach, yet she said there
was no one there to pilot them. It was at a time
when the citizens did not know who was a Federal
or who was a Confederate. His dress did not indi-
cate it, and the Confederate capturing the Federal
would invariably take his overcoat, so that they could
not with assurance tell friend from foe; besides, the
Federals were killing many of those they caught on
suspicion, being in an enemy’s country. The scout
assured the old lady that they were “Rebel Scouts”
trying to get to Columbia, but they could get no
guide. The Lieutenant went up and, notwithstand-
ing his earnest protestation, met with the same re-
sponse. Finally, he told her that he was lost, and
must have a guide, that he had seen a man about
he house, and must have him. She slammed the
farm bell began to nng, sounding like “the bell of
doom,” and a girl blew that horn with the skill of an
old-time chicken-peddler. In the stillness it could
have been heard for miles. The officer said:
“Madam, we are not to be frightened in this way;
the guide must come.” The bell kept ringing and
the horn kept blowing, and there sat the scout par-
leying for a guide, when suddenly a patteriny gal-
lop of horsemen was heard, and the sound of ap-
proaching footsteps. Horses were mounted and
navies were drawn; it was a company charging upon
them, and a running fire ensued for miles. They
run the scouts two hours; it looked like surrender,
but the sudden thought availed, the night being
dark, to sidle off into a woodland and let them pass.
This was done, and the pursuers were evaded; but
they were out in a strange woodland without food or
shelter, lost, and lay there until near daybreak, not
knowing” “whence they came nor whither they were
going.” After parleying over the proposed venture
they saw across the fields which encircled the wood-
land a dim-burning light in a farmhouse. Nothing
daunted, they all ventured to try again for more
light; so as cautiously as possible they approached
this house. A few dimounted and ventured to
knock at the door. A female voice inside answered
in excited tones: “Who’s that?” “Madam, we are
Rebel soldiers trying to get to Columbia; we are lost
and want a guide.” “No guide here! Poke your
head in that door, and I’ll blow your brains out!”
“Madam, we must have a guide, and if you don’t
>pen the door, we will have to break it down.”. Said
she: “Martha Ann, ring that bell!” O, a big bell
again broke forth, a knell-a-clang-a-dole. It was
not the quick tap of the fire bell, but
“Its clanging peals announced the doom,
Lost one ! outcast ! undone ! undone !
Outcast from grace and life and light ! undone!
Outcast from love and prayer and heaven ! undone I
Outcast from hope and (iod ! undone I”
They mounted their horses, and, by the time all
hands were in the saddle, a pattering of horses’ feet
Qo r;y disrate l/eterap.
again beat upon the air. In a moment bang! bang!
went the carbines, and for two solid hours this partj
was scattering down the road pursued by a persist-
ent set of devils bent on their capture. The next
morning the Lieutenant met an acquaintance who
had been to see his son in the Confederate Army,
and was slipping back through the lines home. Af-
ter being toll that they were on the right road to
Columbia, some one of the scout asked him “what
they meant down there at “Snatch” by ringing bells
and blowing horns? – ‘ The old gentleman said that
it was a warning that the Southern citizens gave to
“Cross’ bushwhacking company,” and that our own
men had been firing into us all night.
I ventured to submit this to Sergeant Seth Corley,
and to the First Lieutenant of Company K, Ward’s
Regiment, John Morgan’s Cavalry, to know if what
I remembered was substantially correct, who repled:
“In the main, your account of it is correct, yet you
stop ‘in the middle of the road.’ After we had
reached Columbia and delivered the messages to
General Forrest, we were making our way back to
General Morgan, near McMinnville. On the day
following, about sundown, the scouts dispersed to
farmhouses for something to eat, with a view of af-
terwards traveling all night. The Lieutenant and
Sergeant Corley were watting on the pike leading
from Eagleville toShelbj ville for said scouts tocome
up, when a man dressed in citizen’s clothes came up
to us through a lane approaching the pike. It being
twilight, we halted him, and at once grew suspi-
cious that his accent was not that of a Southern man,
his manner uneasy and demeanor strained. We de-
manded of him to give up. He said that he was a
citizen and that he was going about ten miles above
there to see some of his people. Sergeant Corley
began to investigate him, and discovered that he
rode a cavalry saddle and bridle and a horse freshly
branded U. S. By this time the other men had got-
ten their square meals and reported. This ‘would-
be-citizen’ we found had a pair of saddlebags, and
in one side a Confederate captain’s uniforn, in the
other, a Federal major’s, brand new. We took from
him two finely mounted six-shooters, and prepared
to resume our journey with him to Morgan’s camp.
The Lieutenant concluded to ride side by side with
the captive and pump him a little, the scouts follow-
ing a distance behind. After riding two or three
miles through the country, taking the shortest cuts
for our destination, we came into a dark, thicl place
in a woodland, when bang! went a small Derringer
pistol seemingly in the Lieutenant’s face. The ball
penetrated his hat, and, as quick as .ightning, the
Lieutenant, on the quivive, dropped him, and the
scouts riddled him with balls. One of the men ap-
propriated his boots, and, on examination, found
concealed in the top between the lining and outer
leather, some orders from the Commander at Nash-
ville to go to Shelbyville and Tullahoma and find
out the roads across the mountain and the force of
the enemy. These papers, together with a fine black
mare, were turned over to General Morgan, who,
upon finding the Lieutenant’s horse wornout, had
him keep the mare.”
Thus ended a dangerous scout between the F( d-
eral Army at Murfreesboro and Nashville, their base
of supplies, and would have proven fruitful of re-
sults had not Morgan been so quickly thereafter
called to look after Burnside near Burkesville, and
Forrest been sent to West Tennessee. Both of these
gentlemen, the Lieutenant and Sergeant, recollect
enough of that escapade to have been impressed
with what became of the spy, and of the old woman’s
earnestness when those g rls were made to ring that
bell and blow that horn.
Thk Confederates at Louisviu.k, Ky. — T v e
quarterly meeting of the Kentucky Confederate As-
sociation was held at Louisville, Tuesday evening,
January 12; all the officers and sixty- three veterans
were present. After the regular order of business,
Secretary Osborne read two lengthy communicators
regarding the Confederate Memorial Associaton. A
motion prevailed, by acclamation, directing the Sec-
retary to correspond with other Confederate organi-
zations in Kentucky, with a view to establishing
a. Kentucky Camp at a point not over half a mile
from the north end of the bridge at Nashville, and
march into that city in a body on the morning oi the
day that the general Confederate Reunion will be-
gin, the idea being to concentrate all ex-Confeder-
ates that now live in that State and march into the
citv in a bodv. so that the thousands of strangers
visiting the Tennessee Centennial Exposition can
get a sfood look at a big batch of “corn-crackers”
from Kentucky that were conspicuous in the great
war. “And they say that all individual ex-Con fed-
erates who do not belong to an association will be
heartily greeted at Camp Kentucky and the ranks
on this occasion.” Capt. John II. Waller. Treasurer
Pettus, Col. Bennett II. Young and others made
highly entertaining addresses. At the suggestion
of Colonel Young, President Leathers will, between
now and the next regular meeting, request tw< nty-
five members to write out the must heroic act they
witnessed during the war. If this scheme succeeds
similar ones will likely follow at later meetings. It
was announced that the Association Choir has been
organized with twenty-four of the best male voices
in Louisville, and that hereafter it will sing at the
regular meetings. One interesting feature of this
meeting was the presence of five members of Com-
pany I, Fourth Kentucky Infantry — which was just
one more than responded to the roll call the morn-
ing- after the battle of Shiloh. These men were re-
quested to stand up. and upon doing so, were hearti-
ly applauded.
J. F. Fore, Pineapple, Ala., responds to Col. D.
C. Kelley’s call for Gen. N. B. Forrest’s old soldiers
in January Veteran. He writes: I am proud that
I was one of the first soldiers that joined his old
regiment at Memphis, Tcnn., being a member of
Company A., of the Second Alabama Battalion of
Cavalry. W. C. Bacot was my Captain. I am in
favor of General Forrest’s old soldiers having a
grand rally one of the reunion days at the Tennes-
see Centennial. There are many of Forrest’s old
soldiers through this section of country who expect
to attend the Reunion. Question : Was it this Col.
D. C. Kelley who used to preach to Forrest’s old
regiment in 1862? I knew him well— a good man.
Confederate l/eterap.
Miss Sue M. Monroe, of Wellington, Va., sends
a singular document that she “picked up the latter
part of the war” and lately came across in an old work
basket. The handwriting- is tremulous and bears the
impression of sincerity. It looks as if a first draft
of paper to be copied and then signed officially.
There is a signature to it which is obliterated.
Whose should it be? Who can tell?
To the Hon. G. W. Randolph, Report, &c.
Sec. of War.
Gen. Lee having advised me that orders had been
given to Brig.-Gen. Hood to proceed to some point
near Port Royal, Caroline County, and report to
me, I hastened to that rendezvous, where I found
my assistant, Capt. Page, had already arrived with
the boat, which was capable of conveying forty
persons. That number of my reserves, whom 1 had
ordered to press horses and join me by forced march-
es, soon after made their appearance, and we were
fortunate in getting them in the boat just in time to
seize a steamer which had conveyed some stores
and troops to the enemy at Fredericksburg. By
this means we became possessed also of a very fine
rifled cannon of largest size, with full supplies of
ammunition and every convenience for mounting,
etc. We also found 135 negroes on board and
many valuable stores. The work of crossing the
river now began and was conducted so rapidly that
the men were over almost as fast as they arrived.
I made the negroes and other prisoners drag the
cannon and ammunition, etc., across to Matthias
Point (twenty miles) by means of ropes. At the
first hill one of the Yankee officers professed to give
out, but inasmuch as the Sergeant in charge shot
him down on the spot, we had no further trouble
with the rest. I did not regret this event when I
learned that this man had lately robbed and burned
out a poor widow near Fredericksburg. Among
the valuables taken from the Yankee steamer, there
were several sheets of boiler iron of remarkable
thickness and size, which I ordered to be brought
on wagons in rear of the Brigade, and found invalu-
able for uses hereafter explained.
As soon as I reached the Potomac, I began cap-
turing every vessel that passed. Those which had
valuable cargoes, I sent round to Mob Jack Bay and
the Rappahannock River to be unloaded and their
cargoes sent inland. In this way several cargoes
of coffee, salt, sugar, etc., were sent to Richmond.
The other vessels were used as transports and then
sent up Mashotock Creek.
While our men were crossing, I employed the ne-
groes and Yankees in building an earth and log
work over the rifled gun, leaving no entrance save in
front. Over that opening I had the boiler iron
placed, fastened on an apron of pine logs, and so
hinged as to be raised and lowered over the gun to
protect the men when not firing. By its being ex-
posed to the fire of the gunboats, at an angle of
eighteen degrees, it was capable of throwing off the
heaviest shot.
In addition to this, I had the iron greased, and
pine bushes planted to hide it from observation.
By a little rough treatment, I succeeded in having
this done thirty hours from the time of its com-
mencement. Orders were left that after its com-
pletion several trenches were to be dug connecting
with it and commanding it: each trench was five
feet deep, four feet broad, and sixty yards long;
they were covered with logs and earth, leaving an
opening eight inches wide along the surface of the
ground facing the cannon, from which muskets
could be fired. No access was to be left to these
trenches but through the work which covered the
By this means, and by storing water and provis-
ions, I secured my men against gunboats and a su-
perior force by land, and could command the river
for some days, perhaps weeks. I left only fifty
men in charge of Matthias Point. I must here
mention a successful and daring exploit of Capt.
Grymes, one of my Aids. Having, by mistake,
boarded a gunboat, and finding not more than
twentv five men on deck, and they unarmed, he or-
dered his men to seize her. The scuffle was bloody
and severe, but short. Loss of the enemy, three
officers and seventeen men; Capt. Grymes lost five
killed, and twenty-one wounded; and among them
one of our best men (Sergeant Jos. Smith). We
took sixty-nine prisoners. The gunboat has been
placed in the channel to assist in blockading the
river. She will, however, make some trips down
the Chesapeake to seize and destroy vessels. My
orders were to attack anything but an iron clad, and
to fight only at close quarters. She is chiefly man-
ned by Marylanders; some of them taken from ves-
sels in the river. I left directions to work night
and day in enlarging and strengthening Matthias
Point fortifications; and to this end they take all
materials from the captured vessels. I am just in-
formed they have captured some railroad iron, and
two more guns with abundant stores.
It was only two and a half hours from my arrival
at Port Royal when I stood on the shores of the Po-
tomac. In another hour my advanced and mounted
reserve began to come in and we were soon over on
the Maryland shore. At 11 o’clock p.m., I found
myself with forty-five officers and men, surrounded
and caressed by some hundreds of Maryland gen-
By previous orders the whole county had been
picketed, so that no one could move from his place
and none could signal the enemy. I mounted my
men, and giving orders to have others follow as far
as the country could supply horses, I started for
B. & W. Railroad. We found the road guarded by
a force equal to our own, but as soon as our men
began to come up, I directed Capt. Page to “surprise
them and hold the bridges, and take possession of
trains, etc. Gen. Hood, meanwhile, was advancing
towards Relay House and Baltimore. His force
was already increased to 10,000 men, one-half being
mounted. As we advanced, our prisoners and the
Annapolis Military store provided abundant arms,
and from the latter we brought down some cannon
and began an earthwork at the Junction, like that
at Matthias Point. We only succeeded in taking
Confederate l/eteran.
two trains on B. & W., and one on B. & O. R. R.,
but among- our prisoners were Gens. Fitz John Por-
ter and Banks, and Govs. Curtain, of Pennsylvania,
and Pierpont, of Virginia. We also took a large
mail and specie. I have sent you 677 prominent
Yankees, sixty-five contrabands and $2,769,571 in
specie. Having reached the precincts of Baltimore
via railroad early next morning, I placed my ad-
vance (256 men and officers) with a train packed
full of Baltimore recruits, on cars of B. & Susque-
hanna R. R., (Northern Central) with orders to
picket its whole line and cut off all communication
until my men could be safely forwarded to Harris-
burg. They were to carry U. S. Flag, and act as
if by Mr. Lincoln’s orders. All telegraphic com-
munication here and at Philadelphia and Harris-
burg has already been cut off by my agents, who
preceded me in citizens’ dress. I have also sent
picked men to set fire to bridges around Philadel-
phia and other public property and shipping. If
any of them are caught they are to avow them-
selves my soldiers, acting by orders, and if treated
with cruelty I will retaliate.
I have just issued the following order: “All resi-
dents of Maryland must take the oath of allegiance
to S. C. A., or leave the State in ten hours.”
The General at Fort McHenry is much perplexed.
He cannot fire on the city, inasmuch as I have not
entered it, and he fears to attack me, supposing
that I have an immense army.
T The President is in great consternation at Wash-
ington, and if he attempts to run my blockade via
Harrisburg, I will catch him.
_. I have just received advices from Gen. Hood,
who, with 8,000, reached Harrisburg on the second
night after leaving Port Royal, via railroad. He
had only 311 of his own men with him, the rest
were Marylanders. His men traveled all night
and day from Port Royal, then slept in the cars.
Detachments have gone up to secure York and other
towns, which are near the railroad.
I have ordered Gen. Hood to destroy all public
property, seize all horses, and other goods that can
be sent to Virginia; seize all prominent citizens and
destroy private property, unless the owners redeem
it. He is to say to the people that “their govern-
ment has ravaged and destroyed life and property
in the South; that while we will respect persons,
we will destroy property in order to end the war;
that we have no desire to do such violence, but a
town may be rebuilt, while they cannot restore to
us our citizens who have been murdered.”
He is to seize all bank propertv, etc. In fifty
hours I shall have 1,200 men in Pennsylvania, and
they will send down all the Quartermaster stores
thev can transport. You will expect as many stores
to be delivered at Mob Jack Bay and at Harper’s
Ferry as you can move in many days.
The enemy will no doubt expect me to remain
and be surrounded here, but as soon as I have se-
cured my plunder you will hear of me where they
least expect it.
I reopen this dispatch to advise you that we send
you $4,000,00(1 taken from banks, etc., in Harris-
burg, and 3,000 very fine horses, 7,000 fat cattle,
and 10,000 (here one line of letter worn out in fold)
are en route for Harper’s Ferry. They are driven
by contrabands and prisoners. I hear that the
enemy’s gunboats shelled our earthworks at Mat-
thias Point for fourteen hours without any impres-
sion, but with serious loss to themselves. Our gun-
boat sunk three of theirs and was then abandoned.
Yours tr..
Camp Giles, U. C. V., No. 708, at Union, S. C, is
proud of its new banner, presented by Mrs. A. Fos-
ter McKissick, of Auburn, Ala. They had quite a
formal entertainment in its reception January 4th,
and Comrade J. L. Strain, Adjutant of the Camp,
made a beautiful speech in presenting it:
Fellow Comrades.: The distinguished honor of
presenting to you this token of woman’s love has
been placed upon me, and I realize that this is the
grandest and happiest duty of my life. I regret
that my faltering lips are unable to give expression
to the emotional throbs of my bosom when I look
into your faces and remember that this beautiful
banner is intended as a souvenir which recalls your
heroism and devotion to duty in the darkest hours of
our country’s peril — when a bloody fratricidal war
was being waged against our homes and firesides in
which the combined forces of the world were arrayed
against us, when the arrival of almost every train
brought the intelligence of a murderous battle
fought; other wives made widows, and other chil-
dren fatherless, and our loved ones were often driven
to strangers, and even to our enemies, for a misera-
ble shelter from the inclemency of the season.
You have assembled to-day, fellow comrades, to
accept at the hands of a worthy daughter of South
Carolina, this high testimonial of her admiration of
your valor, which made her native State second to
none of that grand galaxy of States which fought
for Southern rights and Southern independence.
This is the handiwork of Mrs. A. Foster McKis-
sick, Regent of Semmes Chapter, Daughters of the
Confederacy, of Auburn, Ala., and in her name and
in behalf of K. P., A. F., and J. Rion, sons of Gen.
I. G. McKissick, our gallant Commander, I present
this beautiful banner to Camp Giles, U. C. V., and
I ask you to see that it always occupies a prominent
place in the grand old army of survivors as they
meet, from time to time, until the last member has
crossed the river and joined the immortal Lee, Jack-
son and Davis on the unexplored field of eternity.
God bless the noble women of our country, for
they are the mothers, wives, daughters, sisters and
sweethearts of heroes who South Carolina has
taught how to live and how to die!
Let the memories of the past, the responsibilities
of the present, and the hopes of the future bind us
closely together, while we teach our children to bow
to no being or influence save and except our God
and the laws of our country.
And now you will show your appreciation of this
beautiful banner by giving three cheers and an old-
time Rebel yell.
At the conclusion of the address the Adjutant
handed the banner to Commander Jas. T. Douglass,
who accepted it graciously in behalf of Camp Giles.
Confederate l/eterao
The names below comprise a “mess.” It is com-
posed of men who are bound together by the closest
ties; having fought, marched, and starved together
during the great war, and who have been associated
closely, socially and in business, ever since.
They retain the “mess” for more fraternal rela-
tions than they could have at regimental or even
company reunions, and have resolved, while they
live, to meet once a year at the home of one of their
number and spend an evening and night together.
They have business rules in their organization.
The next to entertain the mess is made President
for that year, and he fixes the time for meeting.
They have a Secretary also, and keep a record.
A small fund is ket>t and is lent to the member
who may need it. at “low interest
This year they propose to make a tour of the bat-
tlefields and camping grounds, commencing with
Shelbyville and ending at Columbia, via Murfrees-
boro, Lavergne, Nashville, Franklin, and Spring
Hill; going in regular camp fashion, and will at-
tend the great reunion at Nashville, en route.
The fraternity of these comrades is pleasing.
They are justly proud of their Regiment— the
Eight Tennessee Infantry.
Lewis Peach, the senior of the group, was born
in 1836; the others are nearly the same age. Hall
was born November, 1842; Small, April, 1843;
Roach, December, 1843; and Carmack in April, 1844.
Their experience in the army would be of interest.
The following is copy of a pass given scouts, such
as Sam Davis carried when captured:
Guards and Pickets pass
through all our lines with or without countersign.
Braxton Bragg,
.General Commanding.
Mr. LaBree, of Louisville, gives in your Decem-
ber number some valuable and instructive statistics
in reference to the enlistments of both the Federal
and Confederate Armies, as well as the losses of
each Confederate State, in killed, deaths from wounds
and deaths from disease. One of the chief glories
of the South is in her statistics. While Mr. LaBree
has stated correctly the relative enlistments on both
sides, he has certainly been led into serious errors
in his abstract compiled, as he says, from a tabula-
tion made by General Fry, of the Federal Army, of
the losses by States in the Confederate Army. To
illustrate our objection to this table, we will cite the
facts as shown in regard to both North Carolina and
Virginia. These statements appear in the table:
North Carolina had 70 regiments in the service
Virginia had 89 regiments in the service
North Carolina, officers killed 677
Virginia, officers killed 266
North Carolina, men killed 13,845
Virginia, men killed 5,328
North Carolina, died of wounds, officers 330
Virginia, died of wounds, officers 200
North Carolina, men died of wounds 5,759
Virginia, men died of wounds, 2,519
North Carolina, died of disease, officers 541
Virginia, died of disease, officers 168
North Carolina, men died of disease 20,061
Virginia, men died of disease 6,779
Here we see that seventy North Carolina regiments
lost 677 officers killed on the field wliile eighty-nine
Virginia regiments lost only 299 killed, and that
while North Carolina with her seventy regiments
lost 13,845 enlisted men, killed on the field, Virginia
with eighty-nine regiments lost only 5,328 enlisted
men, killed on the field, and that while North Caro-
lina lost 330 officers who died from wounds, Virginia
lost only 200 officers who died from wounds. When
we get down in this table to the men who died from
disease we find that North Carolina lost 20,061 men,
while Virginia only lost 6,779. This same table
gives us a summary of losses as follows:
Total killed 52,954
Total died of wounds 21,570
Total died of disease 59,297
Grand total 133,821
Though the troops of North Carolina on a hun-
dred fields showed a valor and dash not excelled in
military history, though they charged batteries as
a pleasant military recreation, yet it is hardly prob-
able that out of a total loss to the entire Confederacy
in killed of 52,954 that she contributed 20,612, or that
out of 2,086 officers killed in the Confederate Army
that she furnished to that list 677, or nearly 33 per
cent, of the whole number. This table shows that
North Carolina lost 667 officers out of seventy regi-
ments, while Virginia, Georgia, Mississippi and Ten-
nessee lost only 659 officers out of 309 regiments.
Statistics are dangerous things to handle, and as
the South is now preparing an accurate history, not
only of the Confederacy, but of each one of the States
belonging to it, we should be exceedingly careful
with our figures.
Confederate l/eteran
D. G. Fleming-, Adjutant, Hawkinsville, Ga.
January 27, 1897: The Pulaski County Confederate
Veterans’ Association organized a Camp last spring
and had a splendid representation at the Richmond
Reunion. Capt. R. W. Anderson, of Anderson’s
famous battery of the Tennessee Army, is Com-
mander, and the gallant old Eighth Georgia Regi-
ment, of Longstreet’s Corps, Army of Northern
Virginia, was honored by the election of the writer
as Adjutant. We gave the Camp the name of “J.
M. Manning,” in honor of the lamented Colonel of
the Forty-ninth Georgia Regiment, who illustrated
Pulaski County, and fell at the head of his regiment
at Cedar Run, Va., in 1862. A few of that illus-
trious regiment still reside in this city and com-
munity; also many of the descendants of those who
have since joined the beloved Colonel. Our Camp
will be well represented at the reunion in your city
in June.
I will try in the near future to give a brief sketch
•f the Eighth Georgia Regiment (Bartow’s) for the
columns of the Vetekan. … I hope members
of other commands in the Army of Northern Vir-
ginia will also prepare sketches and other items for
the Veteran. This is the only objection I have
ever found to the Veteran — the principal events
being confined almost entirely to the Tennessee
Army; but, comrades, this is not the fault of the
Veteran or ijs editor. The fault is ours, and let
us remedy the defect by frequent contributions. Dr.
J. Wm. Jones has done his part, and occasionally
another writer from our department has given
an item, which of course we appreciate, but we
want at least half the Veteran each issue filled
with accounts of our experience in Virginia. I am
also thankful to the writer of “Charming Nellie”
series of letters, which I much enjoy, having been
in the same division with the Texas Brigade, and
went through pretty much the same experiences.
Let us “get a move on us,” and help the Veteran
in every way we can.
J. Mace Thurman, who was a member of the
Fifty-third Tennessee Regiment, now of Lynnville,
Tenn., pays tribute to the late Mrs. Wilson: I very
much appreciate the picture and sketch of Mrs.
Annie B. Wilson in the January Veteran. She
waited on me six weeks in the Blind Asylum Hos-
pital at Jackson, Miss. I have often wondered
what had become of her. I value her picture, alone,
above the price of the Veteran for a year. usmvh
Ben F. Loftin, who gave a leg to the Confederacy,
writes, Nashville, Tenn., Januarj- 27: The com-
munication of Comrade J. M. Lynn, of Crystal Falls,
Tex., and this very cold weather remind me forci-
bly of the scenes that transpired around Fort Donel-
son, February, 1862. My Regiment (the Thirty-
second Tennessee) supported Graves’ Battery on the
right, the left of the regiment being in the ditches
under the guns. After completing our breastworks,
I kneeled down in the ditch, with my head resting
against a wheel of Graves’ rifle, to take a nap. I
had slept long enough for my clothes to freeze to the
ground, when the cannon was discharged at a sharp-
shooter. I jumped up, minus part of my pants,
wondering what was the matter. The boys had the
laugh on me. Pants were scarce; after dark I drew
another pair, but don’t tell how I got them.
Gen. R. B. Coleman, McAlester, I. T.: A mem-
ber of Jeff-Lee Camp, No. 68, U. C. V., desires to
know the whereabouts of any of the family of Col.
James Lewis, who was an old resident of Tennessee,
somewhere within about fifty miles of Nashville.
Judge S. E. Lewis, McAlester. I. T., who makes
the inquiry, was reared in this country, his father,
John Thomas Watson Lewis, having come from
Tennessee about 1831. Judge Lewis desires to find
some of his people, and any information given him
will be thankfully received.
J. V. Grief, Paducah, Ky., writes of the event:
In the fall of 1864 a fierce battle was fought at
Pleasant Hill, La., in which the Confederates were
victorious. The Confederate Mounted Infantry
charged through showers of grape and canister on
a battery of 100 guns, riding down or bayoneting
the artillerymen at their guns. Nearly the whole
Federal force was killed, wounded or captured.
General Magruder. Commander of the Confederate
forces, treated the prisoners very kindly and paroled
and sent them under flag of truce into the Federal
lines. Of the Federal force at the battle of Pleas-
ant Hill was the Thirty-fourth Indiana Volunteer
Infantry ”Morton Rifles.) But twenty-five men of
the regiment escaped; the balance being captured,
paroled and sent back into the Federal lines.
General Magruder died some years since and is
buried in Virginia. The survivors of the Thirty-
fourth Indiana Regiment are raising a fund to erect
a monument over his grave. They have now raised
$m>o, and hope to unveil the monument on Decora-
tion day of next year. The inscription will be:
“Erected to the memory of General Magruder, C.
S. A., by the Morton Rifles, Thirty-fourth Indiana
Regiment Volunteer Infantry, mustered into the
United States service September 4, 1861, at Ander-
son, Ind., and mustered out February 3, 1867, at
Brownsville, Tex., as a token of their appreciation
of his kindness to prisoners, of war.”
Mr. R. G. Wood of Cincinnati, O., is Chairman
of the Monument Committee. A Louisville, Ky. t
firm will erect the monument.
Contributors who
have sent long articles
and expect them to be
in the March number,
may be disappointed,
as it will take many
pages to contain the
items and short articles
that should have been
in the February. Do,
please, write concisely.
Confederate l/eterar?
A Noted Soldier who Served with the Gallant Pelham.
Samuel T. Evans was born in Floyd County, Va.,
January 9, 1847. His father, Dr. S. A. J. Evans,
w a s a prominent
physician, and his
mother was Miss
Sallie Jackson, a
sister to Capt. Jas.
W. Jackson who
killed the celebrat-
ed Col. Ellsworth
at Alexandria,
Va , in 1861. Col-
onel Ellsworth, it
will be recalled,
with a portion of
his command took
possession of Al-
exandria, and be-
came offended at
Captain Jackson
for having – a Con-
federate flag- fly-
ing over his hotel.
Ellsworth went to
the top of the
building’, secured
the flag, and was
coming down with
it wrapped around his body — when Captain Jack-
son who was asleep at the time the Federals went
up after the flag, seized a gun and shot him dead;
then he was in turn shot to death.
Dr. Evans was a brother of fighting “Bob Evans”
of the United States Navy — the two engaged on
opposite sides during the great war and Dr. Evans
was an assistant surgeon in the United States Navy
sometime during the seventies, but resigned his po-
sition and resumed the practice of his profession at
Union City, Tenn., continuing until his death, Jan-
Mary 9, 1890. r^ , S’ZT^.
Dr. Evans was educated in the schools of Vir-
ginia, including the University of Virginia, and
graduated at Washington University at Baltimore,
Md. He was married to Miss Sue A. Coffin, a
most estimable lady, in 1875, by which marriage
there are three sons, Samuel T., John C, and Rob-
ley D., all of whom, with his wife, survive him.
dr. evans’ career as a soldier.
When the tocsin ot war sounded in 1861, he join-
ed Pelham’s Battery of Stuart’s Horse Artillery, and
all through the stirring stormy scenes from the
first battle of Bull Run to Fredericksburg he fought
with valor, and was the highest type of soldier.
He had been promoted for meritorious service and
gallantry until he was a lieutenant in this celebra-
ted battery. He was wounded at Fredericksburg
and disabled for several months, by a bursting shell
which made a horrible wound, afflicting him as long
as he lived and which finally caused his death.
Many times has the writer heard from the lips of
this modest and unassuming man descriptions and
reminiscences of battles and noted soldiers and
characters of the Army of Northern Virginia. He
was a man of fine descriptive powers, and one could
almost feel the presence of Jackson and Lee, Jeb.
Stuart, Pelham and Breathed, the brave, chivalrous
leader who succeeded Pelham in command of
Stuart’s Horse Artillery, as Dr. Evans related the
stirring scenes of that eventful and unhappy time.
One section of Stuart’s Horse Artillery was man-
ned by Frenchmen — who always sang the “Mar-
seillaise Hymn” in battle — chief among these was
“Dominick,” who was noted for his cool, invincible
courage, and who is mentioned by John Esten
Cooke in his “Surrey of Eagle’s Nest.”
Dr. Evans and Dominick were great chums. Dr.
Evans, though a mere boy, was very proficient in
artillery tactics — so one day Dominick proposed
that they both assume the position of No. 1 at their
respective guns and see who could load and fire the
gun in the shortest time, of course according to the
manual — the Doctor beat Dominick and thereby
won anew his love and devotion. This intrepid
Frenchman, after fighting through all the fierce
and bloody battles up to Petersburg, suddenly disap-
peared and his fate was never known.
Dr. Evans said he last saw him during the siege
of Petersburg, that he was very despondent, having
been dismounted and deprived of a horse he had
used for a long time. On meeting Evans, Domi-
nick said, “Samtnie, dey take my horse, put me
down in company Q. Damn, me no fight any more.”
Sure enough he was seen no more in that army
where he had fought so bravely and faithfully.
His fate deeply interests those who knew him.
Dominick was as famous in the Army of Northern
Virginia as the big Grenadier who followed
the fortunes of the Little Corporal so long and al-
ways spoke so plainly to Napoleon, even after he
became Emperor of the French. Those who have
read Lever’s “Tom Burke of Ours” will recall him.
courier between president davis and gen. lee.
After recovering from the terrible wound re-
ceived at Fredericksburg, Dr. Evans was made a
a “special courier” between President Davis and
Gen. Lee, and in this capacity he served until the
end of the war. He was the courier who carried
the last dispatch sent by Gen. Lee to Mr. Davis
iust before the evacuation of Petersburg, and that
reached the President while he was attending Di-
vine Services on that fateful Sunday morning in
Richmond. I now have a faded paper, giving Dr.
Evans facilities for transportation as courier. It
reads as follows:
Transportation Office, C. S. A., Richmond, Va.,
June 26th, 1863.
To all Whom it May Concern:
This is to certify that the bearer hereof, S. T.
Evans, of Stuart’s Horse Artillery, has been de-
tailed in this Office and is employed as one of the
regular couriers between Richmond and Staunton,
with dispatches for Gen. Lee, and it is requested
that officers and others will afford him all necessary
facilities in the premises — By order of the Quarter-
master General.
D. H. Wood, Major and Quartermaster.
Confederate Veteran.
Another faded slip of paper written in a small,
beautiful hand reads thus:
Headquarters, Army of Northern Virginia, 1st Oc-
tober, 1863.
Pass Samuel T. Evans, special courier between
these Headquarters and the Adjutant and Inspector
General’s office at Richmond, until further orders.
By command of General Lee,
E. H. Chilton,
Assistant Adjutant and Inspector General.
A beautiful and touching souvenir is a letter
from President Davis. After the Doctor was
stricken with paralysis in 1886, he bought three
copies of ihe New Testament and sent them to Mr.
Davis, requesting him to write in them, and in re-
turning the Testaments, Mr. Davis wrote with his
own hand the following:
Beaiyoir, Miss., 17th December, 1S86.
Dr. S. T. Evans, My Dear Sir: — I have received
the pretty little copies of the New Testament you
sent to me and have written in each, as you request-
ed, the name of one of your sons and under it my
own, and they have this day been returned to you
by post. After reading your letter I had no diffi-
culty in recalling you, and Mrs. Davis also most
kindly remembered you as the handsome, spirited
boy who so often came as a special messenger from
Gen. R. E. Lee. I sincerely regret that your
old wound should have caused your present disabil-
ity, and wish, though you do not encourage me to
hope, that your natural vigor may, by God’s help,
be restored. Time and especially the cruel treat-
ment I endured as a prisoner after the war have
changed me much since we last met, but the decay
of the body has not reached my heart and the affec-
tion I feel for those who dared and sacrificed so
much for the cause of constitutional liberty will
never be less while life endures. Accept my con-
gratulations on your possession of three sons to up-
hold your declining years, and with constant prayers
for you and yours, I am, Faithfully,
Jeffbrson Davis.
After being stricken with paralysis, Dr. Evans
continued to practice medicine and surgery, being
carried about in his invalid chair. He enjoyed the
confidence of all who knew him as a skillful, able
physician. In the latter part of the year L889, a
second stroke of that dread disease overtook him
and hastened his death.
Present Officers Virginia Division, U. D. C. —
The officers elected at the Warrenton, Va., Conven-
tion for Virginia Divison were: President, Miss
Mary Amelia Smith, of “Black Horse” Chapter,
Warrenton, Va. ; Vice President, Mrs. Eliza. Seldon
Washington Hunter, of “Mary Custis Lee” Chapter,
Alexandria, Va.; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. G.
C. Lightfoot, of “Culpeper” Chapter, Culpeper
Court House, Va.; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Sal lie
Magruder Stewart, “Portsmouth” Chapter, No. 30,
Portsmouth, Va.; Treasurer, Mrs. James Williams,
of “Shenandoah” Chapter, Woodstock, Va. ; Regis-
trar, Miss Gertrude Howard, of “Lucy Minor OuV
Chapter, Lynchburg, Va. ; Historian, Miss Kate Ma-
son Rowland, of “Seventeenth Virginia Regiment”
Chapter, Alexandria, Va.
Rev. E. C. Faulkner, Searcy, Ark. :
It was at the battle of Dixie Station, or Ebenezer
Church, in Alabama, April 1, 1S65. The artillery,
Morton’s Battery, I think, occupied the big road lead-
ing from Monte vallo to Selma.the Eighth Kentucky
on the left and the Third Kentucky on the right of the
battery. About forty or fifty of Wilson’s Command
charged over the battery and attacked General For-
rest and Staff a short distance in the rear of the
guns. Forrest was cut across the face with a saber
and his horse shot in several places so that he died
that evening. Forrest stuck his saber through the
man killing him upon the spot. When the hand-to-
hand contest was over Forrest rode up in the rear of
our regiment, the blood dripping from his saber, and
said: “Boys, I have bloodied this old blade again,
and the first man that runs I will stick it through
him.” A private standing near me (regret that I
have forgotten his name) turned upon the General
and said with indignation: “General Forrest, I give
you to understand that this is the Eighth Kentucky.
We are not running stock.” General Forrest made
a most polite bow and said: “I beg your pardon,
gentlemen. I did not know the regiment when I
spoke.” In a few minutes we were into it heavily,
and, as Forrest fell back, about sixty of us were sur-
rounded and captured on the field. The next day
was the battle of Selma, the last battle of Forrest’s
I see in January VETERAN an inquiry from Comrade
J. H. Cottrell, Owensboro, Ky., in regard to Kelley
who escaped from the Federals at Hopkinsville, in
the spring of 1863. His name is J. Ed. Kelley and
he still lives in Cadiz, Trigg County, Ky. We were
reared in the same neighborhood, belonged to the
same Company B, (Eight Kentucky), of Forrest’s
I have often heard him speak of that marvelous es-
cape, and how he tramped that night barefooted,
bareheaded and thinlv clad, until he reached his
home, twenty miles away. His mother was a widow
lady of some means, and when he returned to our
camp in Mississippi he was the best clothed man in
the regiment.
Story by Corporal Tanner. — After concluding
his great speech at the Richmond reunion, Corporal
Tanner (Union Veteran) sat, for a time quite exhaust-
ed, on the rear of the platform. There he met Captain
Teaney, of Pulaski City, as told by the Baltimore
Sun, who served in the famous Stonewall Brigade.
Teaney, who was clad in a worn and faded suit of
gray, said to Corporal Tanner:
“I was offered a new and handsome black suit to
wear on this occasion, but declined it. You see rail-
road accidents are frequent, and I might be killed
in one of them. In this event when I appeared at
the gates of Heaven, Lee and Jackson would charge
me with having deserted my colors, and v>»ould turn
their backs on me. Should I go to the other place,
old Jube Early would spurn me in his usual em-
phatic language for the same reason.”
Confederate Ueterai)
Miss Mary Carlisle Cherry, born at Cherry Valley,
Tenn., in 1815, died at the residence of her half-
brother, Rev. W. D. Cherry, Nashville, January 8,
Her father, Rev. John M. Cherry, changed his
residence from Wilson County, Tenn., to Athens,
Ala., in her childhood. The death of her mother,
in 1826. broke the family circle, and she was reared
by her brother, Gen. Willis Cherry, in North Mis-
sissippi. She was left dependent upon her own ex-
ertions in young’ womanhood, and she entered with
a will upon life’s duties. Favored with a fine voice
and fine social qualities, she soon became a success-
ful teacher. She was a zealous Christian, and often
gave renewed courage to her brothers, Revs. S. M.
and W. D. Cherry, Methodist Ministers. She was
gifted in prater as well as song, and rendered much
valuable service in revivals of religion.
During the great war Miss Cherry was ever active
^- in the cause of the South.
■ ‘.* ‘ -, She visited and administered
to the sick and wounded in
the hospitals at Memphis, and
after its occupation by the
Federals she secured such fa-
vorable regard of their offi-
cials as to be permitted to
take cotton through the lines,
dispose of it, and with the pro-
ceeds do much for Confeder-
ates in Northern hospitals.
It is said that she secured and
applied as much as $30,000 in
this way, while adding – from
MISS MARY C. CHERRY. her Q ^ means ag Ube * ally as
she could afford. She visited President Davis dur-
ing the war and had his expressions of gratitude,
which she ever esteemed. Stacks of letters from
Confederates during and succeeding the war were
preserved, and many times gone over with interest
and comfort.
Many of the Fort Donelson and other prisoners
who were sent down the Mississippi River for ex-
change in 1862 will recall her joyous greetings and
songs of – ‘a better day coming” on the wharf at
Memphis. She died in the comfort of having been
a faithful servant to her people and her God.
Col. J. B. Kjllebrew, who was for years Commis-
sioner of Agriculture for Tennessee, wrote the first
article for public print in regard to Samuel Davis
after the war. For the Veteran he states:
I was in Pulaski on Monday, June 5, 1871. I
rode all over the county gathering information
about its material resources. During this work I
had frequent interviews with Mr. James McCallum,
a leading lawyer of the place, and during one of
the interviews he related to me the story of Sam
Davis. When I returned to Nashville I wrote a
long article on the resources of Giles County, which
was published in three installments in the Union
and American, beginning June 30 and ending July
4, 1871. The last installment contained the writ-
ten narrative of the tragedy of Sam Davis.
The following extracts from that sketch are
herein copied:
* * * He died with the calmness of a philoso-
pher, the sternness of a patriot, and the serene
courage of a martyr. Never did a deeper gloom
spread over any community than did over that of
Pulaski when Davis’ tragic fate was made known.
The deed was openly and boldly stigmatized by the
common soldiers as a needless assassination; men
and women in every part of the town indulged in
unavailing moans, and even the little children,
with terror depicted on their countenances, ran
about the streets weeping with uncontrollable grief.
No man ever awakened a deeper sympathy. His
sad fate is one of the touching themes of the coun-
try; and whenever his name is mentioned, tke tear
rises unbidden to the eye of the oldest as well as
of the youngest. His memory is embalmed among
the people as a self-immolated martyr to what he
conceived a pure and holy duty — the preservation
of the sacredness of confidence. This case fur-
nished a melancholy example of the atrocities still
permitted under the usages of civilized warfare.
By General Order, No. 182, from Gen. John B. Gor-
don, the Seventh Annual Re-union of the United Con-
federate Veterans will be held in Nashville on 22nd,
23rd and 24th of June next. An Executive Com-
mittee on entertainment has been appointed and is
at work making such preparations as we hope will
make the re-union a success.
Those who contemplate coming will do well t°
communicate with the Committee. There is plenty
of vacant ground, convenient to the city and the Cen-
tennial grounds, which is suitable for camps. From
time to time such information as will be of interest
to those who expect to attend will be given out by
circulars and through the press.
It is our wish to make the re-union enjoyable to
all who attend in every respect. A very large crowd
is expected, whereas we may not be able to provide
such accommodations as we would like to give our
visitors, still we hope it will under the circumstances
be satisfactory to all who come and that any short-
comings will be overlooked.
Any communication in regard to the re- union will
receive prompt attention, by addressing
J. B. O’Bryan, Chairman,
Box 439. Nashville, Tenn.
J. T. Lyon, Ashburn, Va. , inquires for the com-
rade who promised an account of the operations of
Quantrell and his noted band. This would certainly
be very interesting.
Confederate l/eterao.
The compila-
tion of historic
truths, by Dr. J.
Wm. Jones, in
this Veteran
will impress
young readers
profoundly. It
will subtluc the
idea that ” might
makes right,”
and it will put
some people to
thinking that
even our fellow-
citizens a t t h e
North may not
be as perfect
as has been
Mr. Billings’s
personal correspondence has been exceedingly pleas
ant, and the Veteran is most cordial in dividing space
between him and Dr. Jones. By the way, Mr. Billings
is “Colonel” now, having been appointed on the Gov-
ernor’s Staff tn the rank, and he may feel all the more at
home in the South at our Exposition.
Comrade James M.Ray, of the Zebulon Vance Camp,
U. C. V., Asheville, N. C, writes an interesting let-
ter concerning the coming reunion in June. He had
an experience somewhat similar to that of the writer
reported in the proceedings soon after the great
gathering at Richmond last year, and suggests that
officials in charge here should be genial and broad-
gauged men :
The greatest complaint of the Richmond manage-
ment 1 heard, was the preference given to “Vir-
ginians” in everything. As the host this was
thought not to have been in the best taste. In the
parade Virginia seemed to have the post of honor; at
the grand concert this same thing, the front and
most desirable seats in many instances being tilled
by Richmond families, children and nurses predom-
inating, and old veterans crowded back to the unde-
sirable standing room. It was here that T lost my
temper.. * * * When anything is given for the
entertainment of the veterans they should have pre-
cedence and not left to scramble and to chance for
seats or positions. Another thing seriously com-
plained of at Richmond was the exhorbitant charges
for certain things, and, for instance, the horses used
in the parade — $5 each was charged — many parties
paying it that were not able, and some going on foot
that should have been mounted, because they could
not pay the charge. Some of the horses furnished,
too, would have been well-sold at S10 or $15. Our
general’s staff had sent them four old heavy- footed
draft horses. Now, will Nashville not do better in
this matter? The work is comparatively light for
horses, they are used possibly three hours, and the
charge should be reasonable — say $2 — no one would
object to pay T ing this. We are trying to work up a
good attendance at next meeting, and I think will
succeed. Many of our Camps are going to take
tents and take it old soldier style. Some of us tried
that at Richmond and enjoyed it immenselv. We
mean to have some old war-time music — fife and
drum —and will take with us an old bullet-riddled
and shell-torn flag that went through fifty-seven
battles, and it is expected that it will be borne by
one of the original color-guards that carried it in
many of the engagements alluded to. We also ex-
pect to have with us a man who served with the
“woman soldier” in the Twenty-sixth North Caro-
lina, then commanded by our Zebulon Vance.
Ray’s criticisms
are given in
part that Nash-
ville and Ten-
nessee may be
all the more dil-
igent to avoid
similar errors.
It has already-
been decided,
however, that
in the order of
parade Tennes-
see will not go
i n front, and
that she will
follow North
‘Carolina — her
noble mother —
and that may be
the occasion for
having the place in the ranks next to the last.
Other comrades will excuse Tennesseans if they
give special prominence to the “Old North State.”
Who “Sue Mi ni.ay” Rkai.i.y Was.— R. M. J. Ar-
nette, Lee, Miss. : I have been very much interested
in Captain Ridley’s letters and especially his account
of the Southern heroines. I have waited for some one
to correct an error he made in regard to ‘.Sue Mun-
day.” Captain Ridley certainly knows enough about
Gen. John H. Morgan’s Command not to have left the
impression that “Sue Munday” was a heroine only in
name. As I understood it “Sue Munday ‘ was Je-
rome Clark, son of the Hon. Beverly L. Clark, of
Franklin, Ky., who died while United States Minis-
ter to Guatemala, C. A. Jerome Clark was a mem-
ber of Company A, the old Squadron, and was noted
for his remarkablv tine and feminine features. The
boys in camp frequently called him “Sissie.” They
dressed him up one day as a ladv and introduced him
to General Morgan as “Miss Sue Munday,” think-
ing they could fool their dashing Chief, but that was
never done. After enjoying the joke with the boys
for a while, he said to them: “We will have use for
Miss Sue” — and he did, too.
The above was submitted to Captain Ridley, but he
had already found out his error.
Confederate l/eterai?
Rev. H. W. Bolton, of Chicago, Visits Nashville.
The picture on this page will be a pleasant sur-
prise to Confederate readers who were fortunate
enough to attend the dedication of Confederate Mon-
ument in Chicago, May 30, 1895. The many emi-
nent Confederate leaders who were present will be
glad to see the face of the Union Veteran who pre-
sided so happily and efficiently on that great occa-
sion in the presence of fifty thousand people.
Rev. Horace Wilbert Bolton was born away up in
Maine, in 1839, did two years service in the Federal
Army, and at the close of the war entered the
ministry in the Methodist Church. He is eminent
as preacher and lecturer, and has published many
books, among which are “Home and Social Life,”
“Patriotism,” “Fallen Heroes,” and “Reminiscenes
of the War.” Dr. Bolton came to Nashville recently
for rest and for change. The Frank Cheatham Biv-
ouac attended services at a Southern Methodist
Church, where he had been invited to preach.
A pleasant surprise came in a letter from him to a
gentleman who is much interested in the Veteran,
in which he signs himself as Past Commander U.
S. Grant Post. No. 28, Chicago, 111. Northern bus-
iness men who seem afraid to patronize the Vet-
eran, might take courage by carefully considering
the above:
Dear Friend: — I have just finished reading the
December and January numbers of the Veteran,
which is so ably edited and published by my personal
friend, S. A. Cunningham. I am more than pleased
with the spirit of patriotism found in every article.
Though a loyal soldier in the Federal Army for more
than two y ears and an active member of the G. A. R. ,
I have long felt there was no cause for strife or feel-
ing between the boys who composed the bravest, best
organized and most loyal armies ever brought into
deadly conflict. There is no issue before the Ameri-
can people now on which they can afford to be divided
territorially. The great problems of to-day are not
local in any sense. The one great central question
now confronting us is, how can we utilize all ele-
ments and the national peculiarities of all persons
so as to strengthen our common brotherhood in de-
fense of the principles and institutions we have in-
herited. Every leader should be able to say with
the immortal Patrick Henry: “I am a Virginian,
but, more, I am an American!” I commend this
magazine because of that spirit. While it is true
to Confederate Veterans and Southerners gener-
ally, it is more; it truly has “charity for all and
malice toward none.” My “reception” in the sixties
was hearty, and I have found no truer, more manly
and Christian friendliness than has been extended to
me by the Confederate Veterans in your city.
The Veteran is certainly doing much towards
a better knowledge of the men who fought, which
is only necessary to the best relations existing among
men. You can trust men who fought for their con-
victions. I wish every man among our G. A. R.
Posts and Bivouac Camps, North and South, who
feels called on to discuss the movements and
motives of the heroes of the civil-war, were a reader
of this excellent magazine. Say to my friend, to
whom I am under obligations for kindness, that if
there is any way I can serve him to command me.
No one thing gave me more pleasure than the pres
ence of Cheatham Bivouac in a body to hear me preach
at Tulip- Street M. E. Church.
Dr. Henri Blakemore, of Saltillo, Tenn., sends a
clipping from the West Tennessee Whig, and the
theme is commended as a worthy one for the pen of
a Southern writer:
In one the battles of Virginia a gallant young sol-
dier had fallen, and at night, just before burying him,
a letter came from his betrothed. The letter was laid
on the breast of the dead soldier, the young comrade
in placing it there using these words: “Bury it with
him. He’ll see it when he wakes.” Shall we not hear
from some capable poet on the theme here suggested :
“He’ll see it when he wakes.”
This is given in the Veteran with the greatest
of pleasure, as it offsets that interesting reply to the
letter of a young lady telling her:
“Your letter came, but came too late,
For Heaven had claimed its own.”
Wm. C. Knocke, 209 Madison Street, Waukesha,
Wis. : Could you possibly give me any information
as to known survivors of the “Albemarle,” or any
that may have seen her destruction?
Granville Goodloe, Arkadelphia, Ark. : Who can
give me the address of Col. Wm. Deloney, or some
member of his family? He is mentioned in the Jan-
uary Veteran as an officer of Cobb’s Georgia Legion,
C. S. A.
Qopf” disrate l/eterat)
A delightful incident occurred
at Nashville at a gathering- of del-
egates from the various Tennes-
see Camps and Bivouacs, who met
to make preparation for the great
reunion in June, in formally hon-
ing a Confederate daughter who
has made fame for herself and
her State as an artist.
Mrs. Willie Betty Newman
was born near the historic old bat-
tleground of Murfreesboro, and
and was a student at Soule Col-
lege in her early girlhood. Later
she attended Greenwood Semina-
ry, near Lebanon, and it was there
that the talent as a genius in art
was developed. .She pursued art
studies with diligence, and eight
years ago she made her residence
in Cincinnati for that purpose.
Her excellent work induced the
Trustees of the Art Museum, of
that city to arrange for her to
study abroad. She went to Paris
in L891, and studied in the Julien
School under Beaugereau and
Constant, errlinent masters.
She brought from Paris some
paintings that have surprised the
local world of art. One of these,
“Le Pain Benit,” .(Passing the
Holy Bread) was being exhibited
in Nashville, and the veterans
were so pleased as to pass resolu-
tions in her honor.
Prof. J. B.* Longman, an artist
of fine repute, writes of them:
The exhibition of three of the
paintings of Mrs. Willie Betty
Newman which attracted so much
attention in the Jackson Building
a few days ago, has been the means
of arousing the art spirit in the
community to a height not equaled
in years. To find among us a
daughter of Tennessee who has
achieved so much in so short a
time and is possessed of so high a
degree of power, awakens in our
hearts not only admiration, but a
feeling of patriotic pride and a de-
sire to assist her in achieving all
that her high endowments prom-
ise, if afforded the opportunity of
full development.
A Cincinnati paper states:
The most notable and beautiful
collection of paintings that has
been put on exhibition here in
years is that of Mrs. Willie Betty
Newman, a resident of Nashville,
Tenn., former student in the Cin-
cinnati Art Academy. The gal-
lery was simply thronged all day
with the most cultured and prom-
inent people of the city, as well as
all of the artists; anil it was with
no little pride that Prof. Noble,
of the Art Academy, her master,
heard extolled the praises of his
brilliant young pupil.
It is interesting to note that
among the several thousand stu-
dents that have been in the Acad-
emy since her entrance eight
years ago, that among the very
few that have given evidence of
extraordinary talent, none have
equaled Mrs. Newman, and among
the women none have shown the
same refinement, the same deli-
cate, womanly feeling or the same
exquisite talent, and her facility
for color was evident in her ear-
liest studies, as is shown in the
figure of the old woman which
was painted under Prof. Noble in
the Academy here, and which was
honored with a place in the Paris
Salon of 1891. * * ‘
The canvas of “The Foolish
Virgin” is also a beautiful concep-
tion, with the figure of a beauti-
ful young woman leaning against
a wall, the light of day falling
from a window across from the
one side, and the warm glow from
the lamps of the wise ones on the
other side makes a beautiful har-
mony of color, and again this pic-
ture leaves nothing of thestory un-
told. The solitary figure tells all.
“Le Pain Benit” (Passing the
Holy Bread i occupies the entire
wall, which was accorded a place
of honor in the Salon of 18’»4, and
was spoken of in the highest praise
by the French journals, is a beau-
tiful work, and shows, like her
others, a most refined conception.
Her wonderful proficiency as a
draughtsman is nowhere better
expressed than in the red char-
coal drawing, which, though it is
much to say, could not be better
accomplished by any master.
There are, besides these can-
vases, a number of marvelously
beautiful heads drawn from life
and several little sketches and
school studies, which show the
progress the artist has made dur-
ing her time of study.
Of the little head, “The Daugh-
ter of the Sailor,” a Salon picture
of ’94, the great Constant, in
praising it declared tha»t it was a
little head that would live after
the artist was gone.
Retiring’ i
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Confederate l/eterai>.
Mr. E. C. Hambright, of the Cumberland (Md.)
News, sends the following- account of an old picture:
Postmaster Kean has received from Mr. E. A. Lor-
beer, of Yallaka, Fla., an ambrotype picture of a
lady apparently about twenty-five years of age. The
picture is in a clasp-case, and was picked up on the
battlefield of Malvern Hill in 1862 by Mr. Lorbeer’s
brother. The picture shows the lady as having on a
plaid waist, with white collar, and two black velvet
stripes from the neck to the waist, which is encircled
by a black belt. A long curl rests on each shoulder,
and tbe rosy cheeks, black eyes and dark brown hair
show her to have been a beautiful woman. Behind
the picture is a lock of hair wrapped in paper, and
written with pencil, in a lady’s hand, are the words:
“Cumberland, Aug. 1862, Monday afternoon, Aug.
The object of Mr. Lorbeer in sending the picture
to Postmaster Kean is to locate the owner, if possi-
ble, and restore the property; or if she be dead, then
to her relatives.
Through the courtesy of Mr. Harvey Laney, the
News will exhibit an enlarged copy, made by him,
and will be pleased to show the same, in hope of dis-
covering the identity of the original.
Its scope briefly stated by Mr. Herman Justi, Chief
of Publicity Department: * * *
The United States Government, by act of Congress,
has provided for the admission, free of duty, all
goods from foreign countries intended for exhibition,
and this information has been transmitted by the
Department of State, together with an invitation to
participate, to all foreign governments, many of
which have already accepted. Every State in the
Union will be represented by exhibits, and most of
them will provide State buildings.
The clamor for space makes sure a vast and inter-
esting exhibition of the industries and resources of
the United States, and as Nashville is in the center
of a rich, fertile and well settled territory, a large
attendance is assured. In fact, Nashville is within
a. night’s ride of a population of between ten and
eleven millions, and in addition to this, between
eighty and one hundred national associations of
every character and kind will meet here in annual
convention between the first day of May and the first
day of November, 1897. * * *
We are having the cooperation of many of the
leading railroad lines of the country, and we are ex-
tremely anxious to enlist them all without exception.
In view of all these facts, I am unable to see why
the attendance at the Tennessee Centennial and In-
ternational Exposition should not exceed that of any
other Exposition in this country, the World’s Fair at
Chicago, only, excepted.
The following poem was written by Gen. Wm. H.
Lytle, U. S. A., who fell at Chickamauga. He
was buried with honors by the Confederates, and
these verses obtained a wide circulation in the South-
ern press with honorable mention of his name.
I am dying, Egypt, dying,
Ebbs the crimson life-tide fast,
And the dark Plutonian shadows
Gather on the evening blast-
Let thine arms, oh, queen ! support me,
Hush thy sobs and bow thine ear,
Hearken to the great heart secrets
Thou, and thou alone must hear.
Though my scarred and veteran legions,
Bear their eagles high no more.
And my wrecked and scattered galleys.
Strew dark Actium’s fatal shore ;
Though no glittering guards surround ma,
Prompt to do their master’s will,
I must perish like a Roman —
Die the great triumvir still.
Let not Oa?sar’s servile minions
Mock the lion thus laid low ;
‘Twas no foeman’s hand that slew him,
‘Twas his own that struck the blow.
Hear, then, pillowed on thy bosom,
Ere his star shall lose its ray —
Him who, drunk with thy caresses,
Madly flung a world away —
Should the base plebeian rabble
Dare assail my fame at Rome,
Where the noble spouse, Octavia.
Weeps within a widowed home.
Seek her — say the gods have told me —
Altars— augurs — circling wings —
That her blood with mine commingled
Yet shall mount the throne of kings.
And for thee, star-eyed Egyptian,
Glorious sorceress of the Nile !
Light the path to Stygian horrors
With the splendors of thy smile.
Give this Caesar crowns’ and arches,
Let his brow the laurel twine.
I can scorn the Senate’s triumphs,
Triumphing in love like thine-
I am dying. Egypt, dying-
Hark ! the insulting foeman’s cry ;
They are coming — quick ! my falchion !
Let me front them ere I die-
Oh ! no more amid the battle,
Shall my heart exultant swell;
Isis and Osiris guard thee —
Cleopatra — Rome — farewell.
A sketch of Gen. Lytle is being prepared for the
March Veteran. His official orders to his soldiers
concerning private property are models.
Diligence will be exercised to give more space to
the Exposition after this.
The John Ashton Story.— Price, $1; by Capers
Dickson, Esq., of Covington, Ga. Mr. Dickson has
caken much pains in the preparation of this book.
The fiction in it is consistent with the conditions.
The story is used as a medium for the conveyance
of historical truths and is intended to enhance the
reader’s interest in the military narrative.
The book gives to the South her true position in
a constitutional and historical argument in favor of
the right of secession, tracing the causes to the re-
sponsible source for the disruption of the Union.
It corrects mistakes that have been made by other
histories concerning some of the most important
Qoofederate l/eterar?.
This is indeed an era of unread books. Few are
the favored individuals who can, in this bustling,
feverish age of ours, lay claim to being “well read.’
The vast majority of educated people finish their
“serious” reading just as they begin to be able really
to appreciate the treasures bequeathed to us by the
master-minds of the past.
There are many, however, who honestly desire a
large acquaintance with the great authors and books
of the world, but the task is so enormous that a life
time would seem too short to accomplish it.
The realization of this fact has produced a unique
“Library of the World’s Best Literature,” the sim-
ple yet daring plan of which is to present, within
the limits of twenty thousand pages, the cream of
the literature of all ages. The lines upon which
this work has been carried out are as broad as litera-
ture itself. It offers the master-productions of au-
thors of all times, irrespective of the personal predi-
lections or tastes of any one compiler or group of
compilers. Although Charles Dudley Warner is the
editor-in-chicf,with Hamilton Wright Mabie, George
H. Warner and Lucia Gilbert Runkle associates, the
assistance has been sought of an advisory council,
consisting of one eminent scholar from each of the
ten of our leading universities, thus insuring the
widest possible breadth of literary appreciation.
The arrangement is not chronological, but alpha-
betical, thus diversifying the matter and avoiding
the heavy monotony of ancient or mediaeval litera-
ture. There aie also elaborate articles upon certain
literature and special subjects, which have been in-
trusted to over three hundred of the foremost critics
and authors of the United States, Great Britain,
France and Germany, and signed by such authori-
ties as Dean Farrar, Andrew Lang, Mrs. Humphry
Ward, Prof. George Santayana, Prof. J. P. Mahaf-
fy, Henry James and many other literary celebrities.
These articles greatly increase the interest in the
contents, and add a tremendous educational value
by collecting for the student the most scholarly lit-
erary judgments of our own time.
One must search long before finding any similar
c ombination of the scholarship of all lands called
into harmonious and effctive collaboration. The
wide range of subjects is indescribable. The reader
may compare the oratory with which Demosthenes
stirred the souls of his fellow Athenians with those
colossal utterances of our own Daniel Webster, the
finest essays of Bacon with those of Emerson, the
style of Herodotus with Macaulay; in wit and humor
the best is to be found, while all that is vulgar or
debasing has been eliminated. In that most popular
form of writings — fiction — the choice of writers ex-
tends from thoseof ancient Egypt to Bunner, Kipling,
Stevenson and Bourget; while in poetry, from Homer
to such modern singers as Tennyson and Longfel-
low. In Politics, Letters, Biography, Science and
Philosophy, Theology and Pulpit Oratory, Drama
and the Theatre, likewise, the names of the greatest
exponents are to be found. There are, moreover, a
host of legends, fables, antiquities, folklore and
The work is embellished with more than a thousand
full-page and vignette portraits of authors, which
enable the reader to obtain a perfect idea of the ap-
pearance of nearly the entire list of literary celebri-
ties. In a word, if one reads at all, the Library is
invaluble. No one with an J aspirations to literary
culture or taste can afford to be without this monu-
mental compendium. With its aid one may acquire
in a season’s easv reading a wider grasp of literature
than could be obtained by the industrious study of a
lifetime, for even the best writers have left behind
them much that is not worth preserving. Although
this proposition may seem startling at first, these
thirty volumes really contain a well-rounded literary
education. The exceptional typographical beautyof
the Library, and the attractive bindings, will en-
dear the edition to the most fastidious book lover,
A limited number of sets is being distributed
through the Harper’s Weekly Club to introduce and
advertise the Library; these sets are at present sup-
plied at less than one- half the regular price and on
easy monthly payments. Club No. 2, now forming,
will close in February, after which the price will be
The introductory sets available will be so quickly
claimed that arrangements have been made with the
Club to reserve a limited number of sets for the
special benefit of Veteran readers. Those who first
apply, mentioning this Magazine, will receive them.
Applications for special prices (and sample pages)
should, therefore, be made at once, to Harper’s
Weekly Club, 91 Fifth Avenue, New York
N. Y.
Qopfederate l/eterap.
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any
case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney
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fectly honorable in iill business transactions and
financially able to carry out any obligations
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West & Trcax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Drug-
gists. Toledo, O.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
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Press comments are very complimen-
tary :
A true story, sympathetically and ef-
fectively told, in a well-written drama.
— Louisville Courier-Journal.
An interesting drama and written with
much dramatic power, and will no doubt
be a success. — Knoxville Sentinel-
It is constructed well, is filled with
good language, has enough of humor,
and not a few of the sentences are thril-
lingly beautiful.— Nashville American.
Mr. Fox has done, in its dramatization,
as tine a piece of work as was ever done
by a Southern man —Chicago Horse Re-
A strong and stirring drama, in which
the horror of war is blended with the
tender emotions that belong to love and
peace. — Nashville Banner.
In its construction and execution of
the plot, its unflagging interest from the
opening scene to the final exciting cli-
max, is simply superb, — Nashville Sun.
Copies of the book can be had of the
Veteran, postage postpaid, for 50 cents.
By all odds the best route to Chicago
and the North is the Monon, via the
L. & N. Running as it does through
the rich blue-grass regions of Tennes-
see and Kentucky , and through the best
agricultural portion of Indiana, skirt-
ings the barrens, the coal district and
the hard lands, its lines are truly cast
in pleasant places. The scenery to the
very point where the bounds of the
great metropolis are reached is most
picturesque, and the travelers by this
route moreover may secure a stop-over
at Mammoth Cave and French Lick or
West Baden Springs. Through its
double terminal, Michigan City and
Chicago, the Monon makes direct con-
nections with all Northern, Northwes-
ton and Northeastern lines and the
famous summer resorts of the Peninsu-
lar State and the Great Lake country.
Old Confederate States
Postage Stamps.
Many are valuable and I pay high prices for
scarce varieties. Old stamps bring more if left
on the entire original envelopes or . letters.
Send for price list.
Mention Veteran.
A Woman Florist.
ROSES *’ ( ‘%’SM
Red, White, Pink, Tellow and ‘
FOR 1 1 gS,
Send 10 cents for the above Five colors of Roses. J
want to show you samples of tho Poses I crow, hen-
this offer.
8 of the loveliest fraprant everbloomins Roses, J>c 5
S Hiinlvliiisi’s, r-iu-h one ditterent, fine tor garden, 25c
s Finest Flowering’ leraniemsdonble or single, 2
8Carnations, tho”I>ivine Flower,” all colors, – ‘J
5 Prize Wmniii^ beaters, 2o
B Lovely Gladiolas, the prettiest flower grown. – 26
8 Assorted Plants, suitable for pots or the yard, – ‘- ‘
8 Uenutiful Colons, will maker, charmingbed, – 2J
lit Superb Lttrte 1 lowered Pansy plants, – – – 25
6 Sweet Scented Double TuPe I; >, – • – – ‘-_>
3 Begonias i:nd 2 choice Palms, fine for house. – -.
3 Lovelv Fuchsias and 3 fragrant Heliotropes, – 26
1U Packets Flower Seeds, a Choice Aassrtment, lOct
SPECIAL OFFER.- AnySsetsf ir S1.00 ; hat I of r ■■
6 sets, 6 Jets.; or the entire lot mailed to ans address i
£’.!.5ll; or half of each lot f or $l.ta. 1 guarantee satisf::
tion. Once a customer, always one. Catalogue ] r
These plants will all grow with proper care. My gr. I
monthly “How to Grow Flower-.”tellshow. Add’-lacU.
to your order for it one year. Address,
MISS ELLA V. BALXES, Bojl52.Sprlne«eld, Ohio
The Veteran Souvenir of the Hous-
ton Reunion is an elaborate and beau-
tiful book, containing, perhaps, three
times as many pictures of representa-
tive Southern women as was ever pub-
lished in a single book. Such books
are rarely reproduced; hence, hose
who wish this for a library collection
should order it soon. The price of this
splendid work is $3 and $4, according to
binding, and orders are filled from this
office with a year’s subscription to the
Veteran free.
Sent as premiums for clubs of twelve
and sixteen subscribers.
The Souvenir of the Richmond Reun-
ion is not so elaborate, but is gotten up in
booklet form so that pages of the many
fine engravings may be detached for
framing without detriment to the other
portions of the volume. There are re-
produced in this number of the Veter-
an plates from its collection. That
on title page of President Davis and
group of generals, that of Washington
Monument and the new city hall, and
also of the main entrance to Hollywood
Cemetery, where 1,600 Confederates
lie buried, comprise the specimens.
The price of this beautiful souvenir
is 60 cents, postage paid. It will be
furnished from this office at the price ;
with the Veteran, one year, $1.30; or
given for three subscriptions to the
(h»>> MONTH AND EXPENSES; experi-
^f^ / Jinnee unnecessary; position perma-
H’ » *-nent; self seller. Pease M’f’o Co.,
Cincinnati, O.
■ffu scad our monlhlj lti-pnge, 48 col. paper devoid h.piom-s. lluine Decora-
tions, Fashions, Household. Orchard, Garden, Floriculture, Poultry, ctr., one
«ar for 10 cent* If you Bend the names and addresses of eU lady friends.
OMAN’S t’AIISl JOURNAL, iHlii Kvuu lu s Saint LouL-s Mu,
(Mention Veteran when you write.)
! TEL.767
Agents Wanted in Kentucky, Tennessee,
and Alabama.
At Birmingham and at New Orleans.
For the occasion of the Mardi Gras
Carnivals to be held at New Orleans,
La. , and Birmingham, Ala. , March 2 and
3, 1897, the Southern Railway will sell
tickets to and return at rate of one first-
class limited fare for the round trip.
Tickets will be on sale February 26,
27, and 28, and March 1. limited fo r re-
turn passage to March 10, 1897. i— ~
From points within a radius of 300
miles Birmingham, tickets will be sold
to that place for morning trains March 2.
Call on any agent for further informa-
Vegetables and Flowers.
By special arrangement with James
Vick’s Sons, the Veteran is enabled to
make the following tempting offer of
seeds: To any one remitting $1.90, we
will send
18 Packets of Vegetable Seeds $1 00
10 Packets of Flower Seeds 75
Vick’s Illustrated monthly, 1 year. . . 50
The Veteran, one year 1 00
Total value * 8 i: ‘
This may not appear again, so it would
be well to take advantage of it while you
A History of the Fourth Regiment
South Carolina Volunteers, from Bull
Run to Lee’s Surrender. 143 pages. By
private J. W. Ried, comprising a diary
kept for four years upon the battlefields
and marches by the author.
It is full of homely wit, shrewd ob-
servation, and truthful description of
scenes in battle and camp, of which he
was an eyewitness, and told now for
the first time from the standpoint of a
high private.
Published and sold for the benefit of
the author, who is still living and in
destitute circumstances. Sent, post-
paid, by mail for 50 cents.
Address, S. S. CRITTENDEN,
Former Adjutant 4th S. C. Vols.,
Greeneville, S. C,
Confederate l/eterai?.
You Can Ha\e It in Your
Own Room.
Sanitarium, Hot Springs,
Turkish. Russian, Medi-
cated, Dry strain. Vapor,
Alcohol. ( ixygen, Per-
fumed. Mineral, Quinine,
or Sulphur Hat lis. at a
coBt of about B cents per
hygienic }|ot ^[apor (Jabinei
RHEUMATISM. LaGrippe, Private Diseases, St rid inc.
FEMALE complaint, skin and Blood Diseases,
Liver anil Kidney, Nervous. Malaria, and
Billons Troubles. Scrofula,
Catarrh, Dropsy.
Cleanses, tones and soothes the entire system- Highly
endorsed l»v tho best physicians everywhere, weight, 5 lbs. So
simple a child can operate it.
erywhere. Weight,
Price in reach of all.
Hygienic Bath Cabinet Co.,
H Willcox Building,
Will accept notes for tuition, or can
deposit money in bank until position
ured. Carfare paid. No vaca-
tion. Enter at any time. Cbeap board. Send for free illustrated catalogue. Mention this paper.
Draughon’s C/Q
Nashville, Tenn,,
‘tfMft#m@0?#1, Telar ‘ k r„ a , Tex.
Bookkeeping, Penmanship. Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy, etc. The most thorough,
Practical and progressive schools of the kind in the world, and thebesi patronized ones in the
Indorsed by bankers, merchants, ministers, and others. Pour weeks in bookkeeping with us are equal
to twelve weeks by the old plan. Their President is author of ” Draughon’s New System of Bookkeep-
ing,*’ which cannot be taught in any other school.
$nfin flfl *>’ vento any college if we cannot show more written applications for bookkeepers and
UUUi UU stenographers, received in the past ticslvr months, than any othei five Business Colleges
in the South, all ** comhmea g can show to have received in ti years. We expend more
money in the interest of our Employment Department than any other Bus. College in Tenn. taki
tuition. $50Q.OO — Amount we nave deposited In bank as a guarantee that we have in the p
filled, and will in the future fulfill, our guarantee contracts. HOME STUDY.— We have pr<
especially for home study, books on Bookkeeping) Shorthand and Penmanship. Write for price list.
Prof. Draughon— I now have a position as bookkeeper and stenographer for the Southern
Grocei r Company, of this place; salary, $75-00 per month, i owe it all to your books on bookkeeping
and shorthand prepared for home study.— frt Armstrong. Pine Bluff , Ark.
£MG£sr*»’>/fosrCofrPLEr££i?G<nr/Ae7VRY o/ffiuim Wavteeor
Our Goods axe the Best
Our Pp/ces the lowest
Having securod some fine engravings
of Generals Lee. .1- E. Johnston, Beau-
regard, Longstreet, Sterling Price. R B.
Ewell and A. P. Hill, the following offer
is made: Either picture will be sent
with a year’s subscription to the Vet-
eran for $1.25) or as premium for two
subscriptions Price 50 cents each.
These pictures are 2’2 x 28 inches, and
would ornament any home.
F.RKsIMRK. Chester Whit–.
Jersey R<-il nml
jPlOS. tal -1 ml Ili’l-
hi tlft, Thoroughbred
1 ,.-i. I Poaltri . 1 lunttng
ami l l-ii g ii- * 1 r 1 1.. ■ m
1 ochrui nil’. I beater Co.*. r. in. n
L* Y\\ T7^ 1 t pon the receipt of ten cents
<■* ” * -a-iO • in silver or Btamps, we w u 1
Mnd either of the following books, or three for
cents. Candy Book— 60 receipts for making
candy. Sixteen different binds of candy with
out cooking; BOceni candjj will cost 7 cents per
pound. Fortune Teller— Dreams and Interpre-
tations, fortune tell lug bj physiognomy and
cards, birth of children, djscoving disposition by
features, choosing s husband by then air, mys-
tery of 1 pack of cards old superstitions, birth-
day stones. Letter Writing Letters oi condo
lenee, business, contra ( u hit inns, introductions,
recommendations, love, excuse, adi Ice, receipts
and releases, notes oi imitation nn.i answers,
notes accompanying gifts and anew ars.
Rrookr A Co., Dept., V, Townsend Block,
Buffalo. N. Y.
Bm I „ ■
t,nl In, ,
A faw vvh that will n>mn« that cw«*rc«inplejV
1 Inn ll Pofl lad whlH In M mlouU* atW
nil plmplM, I.U.-klti-a.ln Ud (ah. hi. | l,,.
11. . polnni Owti
ln<l >U
I. ■ 1 ■
>>, 1 full din
Btn, H. Ill Milt, U1S 1 imi LT..SC Loil* Mu.
(Mpntinn Veteran wh«n von writ*.)
Established 1867.
Telephone 734.
Frank Anderson Produce Co.
No. 204 Court Square.
Nashville. Tenn.
[Comrade Prank Anderson is President oi the
Frank Cheatham Bivouac— Ed. Veteran.]
Of the kidneys CA \ BE CI RED by the
i the CRABTREE \.i Tl i:M
8end for booklet and testimonials of
wonderful cures It is an :i solute
|j for D Beasea and Disorders of
the Stomach, Indigestion Sleeplei
sick Headache, Nervousness of Fe-
males and any Urinary Trouble what-
ever Reliable Agents wanted. For
further information, address
Pulaski. Ya
Anyone sendinsr n sketch and description may
quickly ascertain, free, whether an inves
I patent able ‘ lommunlcal Ions strictly
confidential. Oldesl aftencj for securing patents
in America. We hare a Wasbingi tflce.
Patents taken through Hunn A *->> receive
special not toe lu the
beautifully Illustrated, largest circulation of
■ni i He journal, week 1 pterins 93.00 a rear,
Sl.oOsix months. Specimen copies and Hand
I’.uoK on PATENTS sent free. Address
.'{tit Broad.vny, New York.
rtloH a*4
Hi*, v. ni mli \. 1:11;: 1 mi.,. Aw., si. l^ulsM*.
Confederate l/eterai).
WE Would
to give us ;i CALL when in Nashville,
andgi GOOD WORD when you
can. We will try to merit both.
Mi% Ifl. ttlclqtjjiie,
Human Hair and
icy Goods,
625 (i, ;., NASHVILLE, TENS.
Face Steaming, Massage, Wrinkles
Removed. Hair Dressing.
My Face Preparation will remove
Freckles, “Blackheads,” and Pimples
My Hair Restorative will *toi> hair
from , I, remove Dandruff, and
Invigorate the Sca’p.
I r all the. foregoing I guarantee what
is claimed, submitting any remedy to
chemical analysis. 1 keep a full line of
Hair Goods— such as Braids, Curls,
Wigs Etc, Also Real and Imitation
Tortoise Shell Combs and Pins SIOE
promptly attended to. In ordering
braids send sample of hair.
Patrons of the Vktekan. don’t forget
to call when you vis t the Exposition.
a new book, written by a soldier, Elder
James Bradley. A history of the Mis-
souri troops who served in the Army of
Tennessee and Georgia, together with a
thrilling account of Capt. Grimes and
Miss Ella Herbert, who carried the mail
by underground route to Missouri from
and to the army. The book is well
bound in cloth, on good paper, illustrat-
ed, and in every respect well gotten up,
and should be in every home in our
country. ,Price $1.00, per mail. Ad-
dress, G. N Ratliff, Huntsville, Mo.,
Sole Agent.
Narcotic Habits Cured.
No Cure. No Pay : No Pay TillCured.
Morphine, Opium, Cocaine. Chloral, Tobacco,
ami Whisky Habits Cured in 24 to 48 hours.
Treatment painless anrt private. Write us for
terms and particulars. Bankers, Merchants,
Doctors. Pastors, State and County Officers
given as references if wanted. Treatment
new. One hundred and twenty-three patients
treated; no failures.
Drs. Matthews & Dallas,
Texas Lands.
100,000 acres of rich farm and pasture
lands in tracts of 80, 160, 240, 320, 640 (or
more) acres, at $2 50 to $3.50 per acre,
on easy terms, in one of the best coun-
ties of Texas, on the T. & P R. R., 140
miles west of Fort Worth. Also improv-
ed farms and ranches and live stock.
Horses in carload lots cheap. Address,
Baird, Callahan Co , Tex.
420^ Union St., NASHVILLE, TENN.
Trains Between
Toledo and Detroit,
Through Coaches and Waener Parbr Cars on Day
Trains. Through Coaches and Wagner Sleeping
Cars on Night Trains.
The only Thiouph Sleeping Car line from
Cin< iimaii’. EUgant Waguer bleeping- Cars.
The “Southwestern Limited” Solid Vestilm led
Trains, with Combination Library, Buffet and
Smoking- Cars. Wagn< r Sleeping Oars, Elegant
Coaches and Dining Cars, landing passengers
in New York Cily at 42d Street Depot. Posi-
tively No Ferry Transfer
He sure your tickets read via “BIG FOUR.
Passenger Traffic Mgr. Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt.
din^iirxin&i t-i, O.
(Mention Veteran when yon write )
rrurnrurnjTjn jtji rui. nJTJTJTJxnjini
I^eoi’gia pome Insurance
Strongest and Largest Fire
Insurance Company in the
Cash Assets Over One Mil-
lion Dollars.
Agents throughout the South
and the South only.
Patronize the Home Com-
pany. 1-95-iy 5
oodododo oooooooo oooooooo twoooooo oooo oaommw 3000000*1
I W. & H. R. R.
TheAtlantaExposition will be thegreat-
est exhibition ever held in the United
States, excepting the World’s Fair, and
the Bound Trip Rates have been made very
low. Do not fail to go and take the chil-
dren. It will be a o-r«at education for
them. , ,
WPor Mape, Folders and any desired
information write to
Trav. Paps. Agt., Trav. Pass. Agt.,
Chattanooga, Tenn. Atlanta, Ga.
J08.M.Bbown,T.M., CE.Hakman,G.P.A.,
Atlanta, Ga.
2d floor Cumberland Presbyterian Pub. Home,
A practical Bchool 01 established reputation*
No catchpenny methods. Business men recom-
mend this College. Write for circulars. Men-
tion this paper. Address ^^^
Qopfederate Ueteran
PREMIUM = for = Sixty – Subscriptions.
This elegant cart
has a double-collar
steel axle; the
wheels are four
feet high; the
front dash is
carved ; seats are
cushioned, with
box under the
seat ; it has a “wide, lazy back,” and shafts of (he best hickory
The spring swings in shackles. It will be sent for
60 Subscribers to VETERAN.
Worib Thirty Dollars. Freight (HO pounds) charges added
on delivery from Indi \napolis.
. . THE. ..
Bailey Dental Hooms,
222<4 N. Summer St., Nashville, Tenn.
Teeth Extracted 25cts.; Beautiful Sets of Arti-
ficial Teeth f5: the v. rv i.i-i Artificial Teeth
17.60: Killing-, from 60c up. Crown and Bridge
Work n Specialty. All Work Warranted First-
DR. .1 . P BAILEY, Prop
Summer St.
Deals in Hair G lods. Hair Ornaments, and
Ladies 1 bead dn ss articles w every d> acription.
■first quality J I an- Switches to ma chany Butnple
color of hair Bont.S2.C0. Shell and Black Hair
Ornaments io endless van* ty. Rcadci b of the
Vet sb AN who wish anything in the Jim* ol head
dro«a can ascertain price by writing aol de-
scribing what iq wanted. Goods Rent hy mail or
express. I have- nnvtMngy u want, for perfect
head dress C. R. BAnorx.*Nashvil!c,Tcnn.
Dr. B. McMiller,
Magnetic Healer.
Br I ay i n c on of Hnnds Afflictions of Poor, Suf-
fering Humanity vanish as a dew before the
morning sun. Thousands can be cured who
have been pronounced incurable. Call and b.
Health is Wealth.
Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, Lame Back, Ca-
tarrh, Cancer. Indigestion, Nervous Debility in
att its forma. Headache, nil Female Diseases— all
are cured by his treatments. All Fevers broken
up by a few treatments. NO DRUGS.
vertisement with you, and get one treatment
frco. No rxamhi’ttion made “/ )>■ rson. No
case taken that I cannot relieve that I will know
when En the presence of the sufferer ■ Send for
particulars with two-cent stamp. Adilress 606\
Church Street, third floor, Nashville, Tenn.
The above is a historic picture, 18×24 inches, that should be in all Southern
homes. The publisher’s price, postpaid, is fifty cents. It will be sent by the
Veteran for a renewal and one new subscription, or with the Veteran for $1.25.
< When writing mention Veteran.)
Confederate l/eterai?.
Beautiful IJingg
THE VETERAN will give to every person
20 New Subscribers
either one of the beautiful FINE GOLD RINGS
described here.
No. 1.
No. 1 has a bright and perfect Diamond Cen-
ter, surrounded by four Beautiful Pearis.
No- 2.
No. 2 has a bright and perfect Diamond Cen-
ter, surrounded by four Genuine Almandine
Garnets of a beautiful red color.
These Rings are the newest and most fashion-
able style. The stones in them are of the very
finest quality, and they are equal in every re-
spect to the ‘best that could be bought in any
first-class Jewelry Store in New York City.
When ordering, please pend a ring made of a
piece of small wire, to show size wanted, to the
Confederate Ueteran,
The above designs and the advertise-
ments were prepared by the manuf ict-
urer at my request, and specially for the
Veteran. These rings were ordered
through a desire to furnish premiums
absolutely as described and which will
be of permanent value. I have known
the manufacturer since his boyhood,
and would take his word sooner than
rely upon my own judgment about jew-
elry — He is perfectly reliable. I wanted
to name his firm, but he preferred not
as they manufacture for Tiffany and
other leading houses. These rings will
prove to be all that is claimed for them.
S A. Cunningham.
“®ne Country,
. . . One flag.”
The … .
to Purchase ….
Flags, Banners, Swords, Belts, Caps,
and all kinds of Military EQUIPMENT is at
J. A. JOEL & CO.,
88 Nassau Street, NEW YORK.
C. Breyer,
OBta^Barber Shop,
Y. M. C. A. Building. Church St., Nashville.
Dr. W. J. Morrison,
140 N. Spruce St., Nashville, Term.
Opposite Ward’s School. Telephone 392.
With all the latest known improvements, at
greatly reduced prices. Satisfaction guaran-
teed. Send for circular. B.MATTHEWS,
Cor. 4th Ave. & Market St., Louisville, Ky.
MORPUINF Opium, Cocaine, Whis-
nivnrnmt lv Habits cured at
home. Remedy $r>. Cure Guaranteed. Endorsed
by physicians, ministers and soldiers. Book of
particulars, testimonials, etc. .free. Tobaccoline,
the tobacco cure, $1. Established 1892.
G. WILSON CHEMICAL CO., Dublin, Texas.
One fare for round trip to the inaug-
uration of President-elect McKinley
will be given by the Southern Railway.
Tickets on sale March 1-3, good to
March 8th.
A Bonanza – –
– – For Subscribers.”
By special arrangement, the KE.iri-WEEK-
Ll AMERICAN in clubs will be sent with
new subscriptions to THL VETERAN at the
low price of J1.25 fur t’i« two. S.-nd for Tun
Veteran, $1.23, and get both publications for
one year.
The Semi-Weekly American is printed in
Nashville 1C4 times a >ear (twice a week), and
will contain elaborate reports of Centennial Ex-
position matters and the Reunion, so that this
will be an exceptionally gimd vear for Nashville
news. This offer only lasts for ninetv days.
Send promptly.
(Mention Veteran when you write.)
lllman Vestibuled Train Service wit*
Newest and Finest Day Coaches,
Sleepers and Dlnlnr Oars
f»om rwe SOUTH
— sTOa—
‘erre Haute, Indianapolis,
Milwaukee, St. Paul,
Southern Passenger Agent,
Chattanooga, Tenn.
Commercial Agent,
Nashville, Tenn.
Gen. Pass. & Ticket Agent.
The Wittenberg Optical Co.,
428 Church St., Nashville, Tenn.
We now grind the most dillicult Lenses our-
selves, so you can get your
Spectacles or Eyeglasses
the same day your eyes are examined. Frames
of the latest designs in Uold, Silver. Nickel, Steel,
Look well to the books advertised by
the Veteran. Only those of special
merit are furnished by it, and too when
they may be supplied upon liberal terms.
Confederate l/eterar;
Fruits and
fcv Vegetables.
Sole Acrpnts
SITES’ Pat. Coons.
jyJosh’uiUt’,*Jt/tvri/. -H
This old reliable firm solicits your shipments of Eggs,
Poi’ltrv, Diukd Frujts, Feathers, Wax, Ginseng, and
other Tennessee Products, for which quick returns are
made ni highest market price
Also solicits orders for Cabbage, Potatoes, Onions, Apples,
Orati ■ni”. Pickles, Kraut, tn,<l Everything in the
■ i Line.
Mail orders filled quickly with l»’st goods at lowest
prices. Try them.
R Snuq Fortune,
1 Read his letter:
‘Gentlemen.—] forward picture as requested. Taking in con-
sideration booksordered in the name of C. H. Robinson, Gen-
eral Agent, yuu ran safely .-ay 10,000 volumes Bold En three years
■teadr work, deducting lost time. Of this number there has not been one volume sold ex-
cept by my own personal efforts. The amount I have saved from the abi>\ e work, consider-
ing Increase in value of real estate, is worth to-day $10,000. it is ?till more gratifying t<<
know that four years of of my life have been spent in a way thai will add to my Master’s
aaose. No one can read ‘King of Glory* wlthoul feeling nearer pur Savior. Certainly there
. ;m be no occupation more honorable than the introduction of such literature. Perhaps no
business has been more abused by incompetent and often unscrupulous men than thai of the
canvasser. Your friend in business and olherw ise. W. (‘. M ARRIS.”
“King ol Clary,”
Charming Life of Christ,
Is the book Mr. Harris is selling. It has
just been embellished with a large num-
ber of full page, half tone photographs of
Scenes in the Holy Land
and of the life of Jesus. Very low priee.
beautifully bound, exceedingly popular.
will be sent, inoluding full copy of book.
with all necessary helps, for only
<;:> Cents.
(Stamps taken.) Order at onoe and begin
work. \.Mre.-s
University Press Company,
20S N. College St., Nashville, Tenn.
if^ r==Jr=J/=J (=J,-=’r=J r –
The Leading School and Teachers’ Bureau of
the Smith ami SouthweBt i^ the
National Bureau of Education.
.1. \v. BLAIR, Proprietor, Successor to Mtsa
( riistiiu mt and i. w. I’.i uk.
WlUeoi Building. Nashville, Tenn.
Send -tamp for information.
Fitzhugh Lee’s Life of Gen’l R.
E. Lee is worthy to be in the libra-
ry of every home in America.
Injured copies of this book are all sold
and other copies will be mailed for
$1.50, or as a premium for five subscrip-
tions, postage prepaid.
Address, Confederate Veteran.
Calvert Bros. & Taylor,
Photographers and
Portrait Painters,
(Mention Veteran when you write.)
Confederate l/eteran
f Firms and Institutions thatmay, be depend-
ed upon fit?’ the prompt and satisfactory trans-
action of business.] Mention the Veteran.
ICE CREAM.— The leading ice cream dealer
ol Nashville is C. II. A. Gerding, 417 Union St.
Caters to weddings, banquets, and occasions of
all kinds. Country orders solicited.
Beaching the principal cities cf the
8outh with its own lines and penetrat-
ing all parts of the Country with its
Unexcelled Train Service,
Elegant Equipment, FaBt Time.
Short Line Between the East, the North,
the West and the South.
W. A. Turk, G. P. A., Washington, T). C
S. H. Hakdwick.A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga.
C. A. Benscotkr, A.G.P.A., Chattanooga, Tans
The Miildooii Monument Co.,
322, 324, 326, 328 GREEN ST. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY.
Have erected nine-tenths of the Confederate Monuments
in the United States. These monuments cost from five to
thirty thousand dollars. The following is a partial list of
monuments they have erected. To see these monuments
is to appreciate them. …….
Cynthiana, Ky.
Lexington, Ky.
Louisville, Ky.
Ealeigh, N. C.
J. C. Calhoun — Sarcophagus,
Charleston, S. C.
Gen. Patrick B. Cleburne,
Helena, Ark.
Helena, Ark.
Macon, Ga.
Columbus, Ga.
Thomasville, Ga.
Sparta, Ga.
Dalton, Ga.
Nashville, Tenn.
Columbia, Tenn.
Now have contracts for monu-
ments to be erected at
Jacksonville, Fla.
Tennessee and North Caro-
lina Monuments in Chicka
mauga Park.
Winchester, Va.
When needing first-class, plain or artistic work, made from thv hnc-n
quality of material, write them for designs and prices.
United Confederate Veterans,
United Daughters of the Confederacy,
The Sons, and other Organizations.
$1.00 a year. Two Samples, Four Two-Cent Stamps.
Special Reduction in Clubs with this Paper.
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In anothei
number an account of the removal of this historical old building to Chicago maj be expected.
Confederate l/eterap
It is pleasing, in connection with the tribute to Gen.
H. V. Boynton on page 120 of this Veteran, to quote
from Col. George E. Purvis, in the Chattanooga Times.
an account of the inception of the Chickamauga and
Chattanooga National Military Park in honor of Gen.
Boynton :
. . . It was an inspiration, born of a noble mind,
whose patriotic breadth overlapped the extensive bat-
tle-fields and reached from ocean to ocean, compre-
hending in its scope all the noble attributes that belong
to the very highest American manhood.
It was Gen. Boynton’s aspiration to perpetually and
permanently memorialize in bronze, marble, and steel
the heroism of both armies, causing the children and
grandchildren and posterity through all coming time
to realize the height, breadth, and depth of American
He tells the story of the Heaven-sent conception in a
modest but most pleasing manner of how, on a Sunday
morning in the summer of 1888, he visited the Chick-
amauga battle-field with an old comrade in arms, and,
on reaching the Cloud House, on the northern bounda-
ry of the field, there fell upon the silent summer still-
ness the voice of worshipers in a church near by,
raised in sacred, solemn song. The last music that
they had heard in that vicinity was a quarter of a cen-
tury before, made up of the screech, rattle, roar, and
thunder of a hell of battle, loading the air with horror;
and these sounds had lived through all the intervening
years, making the memory a horrid nightmare.
Now, in an instant, as with a flash, fancy peopled
those woods and fearful scenes with the fearful horrors
of that other Sunday, when the very demons of hell
seemed abroad, armed and equipped for the annihila-
tion of mankind. They saw again the charging squad-
rons, like great waves of the sea, dashed and broken
in pieces against lines and positions that would’ not
yield to their assaults. They saw again Baird’s, John-
son’s, Palmer’s, and Reynolds’s immovable lines
around the Kelley farm, and Wood on the spurs of
Snodgrass Hill; Brannan, Grosvenor, Steedman, and
Granger on the now famous Horseshoe; once more was
brought back to their minds’ eye, “the unequaled fight-
ing of that thin and contracted line of heroes and the
magnificent Confederate assaults,” which swept in
again and again ceaselessly as that stormy service of
all the gods of battle was prolonged through those
other Sunday hours.
Their eyes traveled over the ground again where
Forrest’s and Walker’s men had dashed into the smoke
of the Union musketry and the very flame of the Fed-
eral batteries, and saw their ranks melt as snowflakes
dissolve and disappear in the heat of conflagration.
They stood on Baird’s line, where Helms’s Brigade
went to pieces, but not until three men out of four —
mark that, ye coming heroes! — not until three men out
of every four were either wounded or dead, eclipsing
the historic charge at Balaklava and the bloody losses
in the great battles of modern times.
They saw Longstreet’s men sweep over the difficult
and almost inaccessible slopes of the Horseshoe, “dash
wildly, and break there, like angry waves, and recede,
only to sweep on again and again with almost the reg-
ularity of ocean surges, ever marking a higher tide.”
They looked down again on those slopes, slippery
with blood and strewn thick as leaves with all the hor-
rible wreck of battle, over which and in spite of repeat-
ed failures these assaulting Confederate columns still
formed and reformed, charging again and again with
undaunted and undying courage.
And then, as Gen. Boynton says, thinking of this as
fighting alone — “grand, awe-inspiring, magnificent
fighting” — the project of the Chickamauga National
Park was born in his mind. He says that he stood si-
lently and thought reverently of that unsurpassed Con-
federate fighting, and in his heart thanked God that the
men who were ecjual to such daring endeavor were
Americans. At first, thinking only of the Union lines,
he said to his friend: “This field should be a Western
Gettysburg, a Chickamauga memorial.” But instant-
ly, like a flash forward, the more Godlike, generous
thought succeeded and took instant form in words:
“Aye! it should be more than Gettysburg, with its mon-
uments along one side alone : both armies should be
equally marked, and the whole, unbroken history of
such a field preserved.”
Gen. Boynton should and will receive great honor
throughout all time for this great work. Had his na-
ture not been a nobly generous one, no such conception
could have had birth with him, and from that hour,
eight years ago, he has never weakened or lost sight
of this noble purpose. He began at once to formulate
the plan, and in the summer of that year, after his re-
turn home, he thus publicly first announced the plan:
“The survivors of the Army of the Cumberland should
awake to great pride in this notable field of Chicka-
mauga. Why should it not, as well as Eastern fields,
be marked by monuments and its lines be accurately
preserved for history? There was no more magnifi-
cent fighting during the war than both armies did
there. Both sides might well unite in preserving the
field where both, in a military sense, won such renown.”
He afterward enlarged the scope of this purpose so
as to embrace the notable fields of Lookout Mountain
and Missionary Ridge and the lesser affairs of the battle
of Chattanooga, establishing the whole as a National
Park under the control of the Secretary of War.
He drew up a bill authorizing the purchase by the
government of the entire field of Chickamauga and the
acquirement of the main roads leading to and through
that field and those along Missionary Ridge and thence
over Lookout Mountain, as “approaches.” . . .
The bill passed the House without dissent, and the
time occupied in its passage was only twenty-three
minutes. In the Senate it met with the same prompt
approval and success, there not being a single vote
against it, and it passed in twenty minutes. In its final
shape it provided for the purchase of fifteen square
miles of the Chickamauga field.
Much of the unanimity and success attending the bill
from the moment it was first presented in the House
and referred to the Committee on Military A flairs was
directly due to Gen. Boynton’s management and care.
W. F. Allison, Eagle Cliff, Ga., Commander of Camp
Chickamauga (formerly Camp Little), reports that “a
full delegation will attend the reunion.”
Qopfederate l/eterai).
The above is a photoengraving from a bronze copy
belonging to Charley Herbst, bearing date of 1862.
This Great Seal was “designed by Wyon, of Lon-
don.” It will be examined as all the more interesting
since it has been drawn as a part of permanent cover
for the Veteran. This seal and the conversion of
the battle flag into a shield must be generally satisfac-
tory if the printing and engraving be fine enough.
Mr. Herbst sends this old letter from J. S. and A. B.
Wyon, “Chief Engravers of Her Majesty’s Seals,”
dated London, March (>, 1874:
To all whom it may concern:
Having received from John T. Pickett, Esq., coun-
selor at law, of Washington City, in the United States
of America, a certain impression of the < heat Seal of
the Confederate States of America, obtained by the
electrotype process, we hereby certify that the said im-
pression is a faithful reproduction of the identical seal
engraved in 1864 by our predecessor, the late Joseph
S. Wyon, Esq., of the Royal Mint, for James M. Ma-
son, Esq., who was at that time in London, represent-
ing the interests of the Confederate States, of which the
seal referred to was designed as the symbolical em-
blem of sovereignty.
We may add that it has been the invariable practice
of our house to preserve proof impressions of all im-
portant seal work executed by us; and on a comparison
of the impression now sent us with the proof impression
retained by us we have no hesitation in asserting that
so perfect an impression could not have been produced,
except from the original seal. We have never made
any duplicate of the seal in question.
Maj. H. M. Dillard, Adjutant A. S. Johnston Camp,
No. I 15. Meridian, Tex.:
The allusion in a recent Veteran to the death of
Mrs. Johnston recalls to memory, after more than
thirty years, an impressive incident in the life of the
distinguished soldier, Albert Sidney Johnston. I had
been ordered to Corinth, Miss., upon a specific mis-
sion, soon after Gen. Beauregard took command there,
and was in consultation with him relative to his line
of fortifications when his adjutant general, Tom Jor-
dan, came in with a cipher telegram and handed it to
the General. After reading the message, which an-
nounced that Gen. Johnston’s army was then crossing
the Tennessee River at I lecatur, Ala… and from all in-
dications was going into permanent quarters above the
city, he said to Col. Jordan: “You must go to Decatur
at once and impress Gen. Johnston with the absolute
necessity of a rapid concentration of the whole army at
this point, for reasons in accordance with the plans
discussed and agreed upon last night.”
By invitation of Gen. Beauregard, and for reasons
which he explained, I accompanied Col. Jordan. L T pon
our arrival at Decatur we immediately sought Gen.
Johnston’s headquarters, which we found at the Me-
Carty House in an out office of the hotel yard. I can
never forget the cordial greeting and the soldierly man-
ner in which the General received us. As he stood
before us reading the communication handed him by
Col. Jordan, his whole face aglow with expectation, I
thought that I had never seen so remarkable a per-
sonage. Clean-shaved, except a heavy mustache,
nearly six feet in height, weighing some one hundred
and eighty pounds, and perhaps forty years of age, he
stood mv highest ideal of a soldier. But in that un-
studied pose, which marked him in emergencies, with
Qopfederate 1/eterai?.
an eye that penetrated to the very thoughts of the
listener, and with his whole face mirroring the grave
responsibilities resting upon him — then it was that I
received my profoundest impressions of his greatness.
Finally, in a clear, silvery voice, but marked with a
tremulous emotion, the General, now pacing the floor,
turned to us with the expression: “It is so; the policy
is correct in all its details. We should fall upon Grant
like a hurricane and overwhelm him with our concen-
trated army as soon as he lands from his transports,
then cross the Tennessee River and give Buell battle
on his way with reenforcements, and thus retrieve our
disasters from Donelson down. I am sure,” contin-
ued he, “that the opportune moment is near in which
our cause can be put beyond any contingency; but,
sirs, my hands are tied, for I am ordered to stop at De-
catur, reorganize my army, and await orders.” Then,
in an utterly disconsolate tone: “But this waiting may
be fatal to our purposes, and, if persisted in, may seal
the fate of the Confederacy.”
I never met Gen. Johnston again, but this pathetic
picture at the McCarty House forms one of the fade-
less memories of my war-life. This account is sent
to you at the suggestion of a distinguished Confeder-
ate general, now of Texas, who thinks that it may tie
at least suggestive to the historian hunting facts along
certain controverted lines; but if it has no other mis-
sion than to prompt some old soldier to gather up some
of the golden links of the “bygone,” it will have served
an end.
Comrades of both armies will meet at Shiloh and
Pittsburg Landing for anniversary reunions, as usual.
April 6, 7. While a large attendance is not expected
this year, the interest will not flag, because of the Na-
tional Park movement that is already under way.
Capt. James W. Irwin, who was a Confederate officer
and is now engaged as purchasing agent for the gov-
ernment, has secured about three hundred acres of
land along the river-front and has abstracts for about
fifteen hundred acres, and- the commissioners under
whom he serves — Gen. D. C. Buell, Col. Cornelius
Cadle, and Col. R. F. Looney — hope to procure from
four thousand to five thousand acres eventually. It
will be remembered that the government has already
appropriated $75,000 for National Park purposes at
that place. The officers of the association which holds
annual meetings there are Gen. John A. McClernand,
Springfield, 111.; Dr. J. W. Coleman, Treasurer, Monti-
cello, 111.; Capt. F. Y. Hedly, Secretary, Bunker Hill,
Confederate l/eteran.
111.; and Capt. James Williams, Assistant Secretary,
Savannah, Tenn.
Comrade James Williams, of Savannah, Tenn., Sec-
retary of the association, writes the Veteran that they
will have a good program, and that Capt. Hedly is
pushing matters at the North, and that Gen. McArthur,
of Chicago, will make an address.
Mortally Wounded at Fort Pillow April 12, 1864 s Died
at Jackson. Tenn,, at 2:30 a,m. May 1, 1864.
It has long been my purpose to give the Veteran a
short biographical memorial of the life, services, and
death of Col. Wiley Martin Reed. He was born in
North Alabama in 1827, and was a son of the Rev. Car-
son P. Reed, an able, eloquent minister of the Cumber-
land Presbyterian Church. While yet in his teens the
son determined to follow in the footsteps of his father
and devote his life to the ministry. With this end in
view he entered Cumberland University, graduated in
the class of 1849, an d at once took charge of a church
at New Hope, Ala.
In 1851 lie married Miss Mary C. White, of Mem-
phis, who, with live of their seven children, yet survives.
Their sons are Marshall, of Birmingham, Ala. ; Erskine,
of Nashville; and Wiley M. Reed, Jr., of Port Worth,
Tex.; and their daughters, Mrs. \Y. H. Cooke, of
Smith’s Grove, and Mrs. A. C. Wright, of Bowling
Green, Ky.
In 1856 he was called to the pastorate of the First
Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Nashville, which
position he ably filled until February, 1862, when, be-
lieving it the patriotic duty of every able-bodied man
in the South to fall into line and repel the invader, he
resigned his charge, raised a company, and joined the
Fifty-fifth Tennessee Infantry. He became its lieu-
tenant-colonel, and served with distinction in every
battle in which his regiment was engaged from Shiloh
to Mission Ridge. The decimation of Tennessee reg-
iments by losses in the battles of Shiloh, Perryville,
Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, and Missionary Ridge
rendered consolidation and reorganization a necessity.
In reorganizing them many regimental field-officers
were necessarily left out, among them Col. Reed, who
at once applied for orders to report to Gen. Forrest.
Pending this application, he served as chaplain on the
staff of Gen. A. P. Stewart, and preached to the soldiers
of that corps whenever opportunity permitted. The
Secretary of War having approved his application, he
reported to Gen. Forrest at Columbus, Miss., in Feb-
ruary, 1864, and for the time being was announced as
aide-de-camp on the General’s staff. His first active
service with us was in Forrest’s Kentucky campaign,
in March, 1864, when his readiness for any duty, how-
ever hazardous, so favorably impressed Gen. Forrest
with his merit and efficiency as an officer that he as-
signed him to the command of the Fifth Mississippi
On April 12, while gallantly leading this regiment at
Fort Pillow, his tall, commanding appearance doubt-
less made him a target, and he fell within eighty yards
of the breastworks, pierced by three bullets. As soon
as it could be done Col. Reed was placed in an ambu-
lance and, with proper attendants, was sent to Jack-
son, Tenn. Having been left behind at Fort Pillow to
effect and superintend the parole and delivery of the
Federal wounded to their gun-boat fleet, I was grati-
fied, on reaching Jackson on the 15th, to find Col.
Reed alive and hopeful and quartered at the hospitable
home of Col.W. H. Long. At Col. Reed’s request, Com-
rade W. C. Stewart — a former member of his church in
Nashville, now cashier of the Bank of Commerce at
Memphis — was relieved from duty with his command
and detailed t<> reporl to and remain with him. Com-
rade Stewart has kindly sent me extracts from his diary,
which I would he glad to see printed in full, did your
space permit, as they give a pathetic account of Col.
Reed’s sufferings, fortitude, and faith, of his daily vis-
itors, of the sympathetic attention paid him by the min-
isters of Jackson and its prominent citizens, by Gen.
Forrest in person, and by comrades of the command.
Flowers were sent him almost daily by the ladies of
Jackson with expressions of regard and sympathy.
Col. and Mrs. Long could not have done more for a
son, and their daughters — Mrs. Mann, wife of C~pt.
John G. Mann, of our staff, and Miss Susie Long, now
Mrs. Treadwell. of Memphis — could not have more
tenderly cared for a brother than they did for Col.
Reed. Surgical skill and the unremitting attention
and sympathy of friends and attendants failed to stay
the icy hand of death, and on the 29th Surgeons Jones,
Dashiel, and Clardy held their last consultation, and
Confederate l/eteraij.
their words, “no hope,” went out, spreading sadness
and sorrow throughout the city and the command.
I saw Col. Reed every day, and on the night of the
_30th I saw plainly that the end was near. After mid-
night I was called to his room, and found Col. Long’s
family and the attendants around his bed and in tears.
Col. Reed was lying with his chin elevated and his
head thrown back over his pillow. I gently put my
arm under his head and raised it to a natural position.
His breathing became easier, but in a few moments he
breathed his last with his head resting on my arm.
Thus passed away one of the purest and bravest men
that I ever knew.
On the following day, May 2, the remains, in a
metallic casket, were moved into the parlor. At 4 p.m.,
as appointed, Col. Kelley (Rev. Dr. D. C. Kelley) read
a portion of the burial service of the Methodist Epis-
copal Church, and announced that services would be
concluded at the grave. The Masons took charge,
placed the casket in the hearse, and a long procession
attended it to the cemetery. The citizens moved in
front, the Masons going before the hearse. Capt. Sam
Donelson led Col. Reed’s horse, equipped with his
overcoat strapped behind the saddle, his boots reversed
in the stirrups, and his sword belt and scabbard pend-
ent from his saddle-bow. Gen. Forrest and staff came
next, followed by his escort company and the Sixteenth
Tennessee Cavalry, Col. A. N. Wilson commanding.
The Masonic ceremony was used, and Col. Kelley con-
cluded the burial service, when two rounds were fired
by the military present, after which Col. Kelley spoke
substantially as follows: “I do not propose to pro-
nounce a eulogy upon our beloved friend and late
comrade in arms. He went into the service early and
cheerfully, and while serving his country faithfully at
all times — preeminently so at Fort Pillow — he proved
himself worthy of the high praise bestowed upon him
by his commander. When Gen. Forrest told me of
Col. Reed’s fall, he said of him: ‘He was a good man,
brave and patriotic — a good man.’ This is praise
enough.” The ladies sang,, “I Would Not Live Al-
way,” and the benediction was then pronounced.
In Gen: Forrest’s report of the capture of Fort Pil-
low, he says: “Among the casualties Lieut. -Col. Wiley
M. Reed — conspicuous among his comrades for mar-
tial aptitude, courage, and ardor — was mortally wound-
ed within eighty yards of the Federal works, while
leading and inspiriting his regiment.”
In an address before the alumni of Cumberland Uni-
versity, Gen. William B. Bate, who was familiar with
Col. Reed’s services while in the infantry, paid to his
memory the following eloquent and merited tribute:
“Col. Wiley M. Reed, whether at the head of his
Church or at the head of his regiment, was ever true,
eloquent, and gallant. In peace, a soldier of the cross
of Christ; in war, a soldier beneath the cross of St. An-
drew. While he knelt to the one with a Christian’s
faith, he embraced the other with a soldier’s idolatry.
If in the one instance he led his followers to the Mount
of Calvary and bowed at the foot of the cross, in the
other, with no less convictions of duty, he led his com-
mand to the red line of battle and crowned himself vic-
tim on the altar of his country.”
The congregation of the First Cumberland Presby-
terian Church in Nashville, in affectionate remem-
brance of his faithful services as their pastor, placed a
marble tablet on the wall of that church, with the fol-
lowing inscription :
Rev. Wiley M. Reed,
pastor of this church
from april, 1856, to february, 1862.
Died in 1864.
“His praise in the gospel was throughout all the
“Whose picture is this, uncle? One of your old
sweethearts, I suppose.” These words are spoken by
a bright, rosy-cheeked maiden of sixteen. It is a sum-
mer day on the shores of old Lake Michigan, and the
question occasioned by seeing on the table in the par-
lor of my dear old home, where I have spent so many
happy days, an old-fashioned likeness of some South-
ern beauty.
The eager question is answered in almost as eager a
tone. “No, my girl, not mine, but some other fel-
low’s; and ‘thereby hangs a tale.’ All day long the
battle had raged at Shiloh — ■ on that sunny Sabbath
April day — and all day long we, of the Federal army,
had been driven back from post to post. It was nearly
three o’clock in the afternoon. Johnston was dead,
and the Confederate army was badly shattered. Buell
was coming, and the Southern army must break the
way to the landing before the day was done. As-
sembling the New Orleans Guard and some other
equally as reliable troops, Gen. Beauregard made a
desperate attack on the center of the Federal position.
Bert Webster had massed his artillery there, and Hul-
bert’s remnants were in near support of it. Bravely
the Confederates made the attack; but, swept by the
heavy guns of Webster and enfilading rifle-fire from the
infantry, they were defeated. On Monday morning,
with Buell’s fresh troops, supported by the reorgan-
ized old army, the Federals took the advance. It hap-
pened that my regiment (the Fifteenth Illinois)
marched over the ground where Beauregard had made
his ineffectual attack on Sunday afternoon, and we
passed over a field strewn with the bodies of brave men
that fell there. We halted, and there, close beside the
corpse of Capt. Lindsley, of New Orleans, lay a youth.
He had been shot through the breast, and, while he was
not dead, I could see that he was going fast. He
seemed in a half-conscious condition, for every few
minutes his eyes would open and then wearily close
again. His extreme youth, and the fact that he held a
portrait clasped in his hand, caught my attention. Be-
side him were several keepsakes made by some woman,
probably the same dear one whose picture he held in
his blood-stained hand. I gently raised him in my
arms and carried him a few yards away to a more quiet
spot, where the noise of the rabble could not be so dis-
tinctly heard. There beneath the laurel blossoms, red
as his own blood, he lay, still tightly clasping the por-
trait. I bathed his forehead with cooling water, which
I brought from a spring near by, and soon my care
was rewarded by having him open Lis eyes to con-
sciousness. Great brown eyes they were, and, as his
lips parted into a smile, teeth of a beautiful whiteness
Confederate l/eterap.
glistened through the small dark mustache. ‘Are you
in pain?’ I asked. ‘No; only weary and tired,’ he
answered,. again closing his eyes and resinking away
into unconsciousness. In a few minutes his eyes
reopened, and this time the portrait was feebly lifted
and laid upon his breast, and his eyes eagerly glanced
at me. ‘Could you, would you, find her?’ ‘Find
whom, my dear boy?’ I asked. His only answer was a
deep-drawn sigh, as he turned his head, and for a few
moments there was silence, broken only by the twitter-
ing of the birds as they flew from tree to tree. Not a
soul was stirring; the dead and wounded lay at such a
distance from us that not a sound disturbed the com-
posure of nature. All nature was sedate and serene.
As I knelt beside this dying youth my thoughts wan-
dered, my limbs grew weary, but I patiently bore the
uncomfortable position rather than disturb him. Sure-
ly this uncertain earthly life is not man’s only dwelling-
place. How like a bubble it all seemed, I thought, as
in the distance the twilight shadows slowly gathered.
When first blown they rise up in the air, then fall help-
lessly to the earth. After all, this life is only an educa-
tion to the enjoyments of the life beyond; else these
high and glorious aspirations that at times burn with-
in our breasts would never come. … So my
thoughts ran until, with a start, 1 glanced more closely
at the silent form. He lay so still and his breathing
seemed so faint that I bent over him to see if life had
gone out with the setting sun. No; the great brown
eyes were gazing far off into space. ‘My dear fellow,’
and tears came to my eyes, ‘tell me what I can do for
you,’ I muttered brokenly. ‘Give me some water, and
I think I can tell you.’ I moistened his lips with the
cooling draught, and in a faint voice he began. I can
remember what he said, almost word for word, in spite
of the many years that have passed since those dreadful
times. ‘T was just twenty, and was living with my
grandmother,’ he began, ‘having lost my parents at an
early age, when I met the girl who has been the one
love of my life. I wasn’t like most of the fellows — one
girl to-day and another to-morrow. Such things
seemed more serious to me. And one day there came
rumors of war that disturbed the quiet of our little vil-
lage. I became a volunteer, and it was on the evening
before my departure that I told her of my love. How
well I remember that summer evening! a time when
nature is so beautiful in the South. I can even recall
the exact spot on which we stood, the north end
of the piazza. . . . The next day I joined my
regiment, full of hope and joy for the future. Raise
my head; I can hardly breathe. There, that is better.
This is her picture. She gave it to me just before we
parted. Won’t you take it to her and tell her that my
last thought was of her? And, O! tell her’ — J 1 is
voice died away in a whisper. I tried to revive him,
but the poor fellow was gone; and gone, too, without
telling me the name of his sweetheart or the village
where she lived. I gazed at him in a dreamy way for
some time, not able to realize that his lips had framed
their last sentence and that death, that mysterious
power, had passed by. At last I sank down beside
him, exhausted. How long I sat in this stupefied con-
dition I do not know. Overhead the stars came out,
one by one, and far off in the heavens the moon sent
her bright rays over the silent world, making the trees
east shadows both mysterious and beautiful. Sur-
rounded 8s I was by these seemingly unearthly powers,
I tried to sleep until the dawn should break. But the
long day and march, the touching tale of this soldier
boy, now ended so tragically, had succeeded in getting
my nerves so unstrung that sleep was out of the ques-
tion. So I lay there with many thoughts crowding
through my brain. How vast the heavens looked;
how wonderful the expanse of the sky, dotted with
stars that sparkled like diamonds; and what a solemn
hush seemed to pervade the universe! So I solilo-
quized the night through. With the first signs of an
awakening world I gathered myself together, tried to
refresh my weary eyes by dashing some of the fresh
spring-water into them; then, leaning over the form of
the dead soldier, I took the portrait gently from his
hand and put it in my own breast-pocket, and carried it
through many other bloody battles. I always thought
it a talisman, as I passed through many a hard-fought
field. After seeing that he was given as decent a burial
as was possible at that time, I joined my regiment on
their march. It was days and weeks before I got his
pleading dark eyes out of my thoughts, and it was only
when I swore to myself that I would find the girl and
deliver the picture to her that I had any rest. After
the war was over, and the nation was trying to recover
from her disabled condition, I made efforts to find her.
I inquired concerning his regiment. But the South-
erners had been so completely beaten that day at Shi-
loh that I could secure little information; and the little
that I did get, though it led me to two or three South-
ern villages, never succeeded in helping me to find the
girl. After giving as much time to the search as I
could, I returned home really sad and disappointed.
And that is the picture, my dear, that you are looking
at. I have always wondered if she ever learned about
her lover’s death there underneath the laurel at Shiloh.”
— Edith HallNarklc, in Chapcronc Magazine, St. Louis.
Any one having an idea of the lady by this picture
will kindly report to the Veteran.
Confederate l/eterao.
Camp (near Cleveland, Tenn.), November 16, 1863.
Charming Nellie: A private on picket duty, under or-
ders to allow no one to pass inside the Confederate
lines without giving the countersign, was approached
by his brigadier-general, who asked: “What would you
do, sir, were you to see a man coming up that road
toward you?”
“I should wait, General,” said the private, “until he
came within twenty feet of me, and then halt him and
demand the countersign.”
“Very good, very good,” commented the General;
“but suppose twenty men approached by the same
road, what would you do then?”
“Halt them before they got nearer than a hundred
feet, sir, and, covering them with my gun, demand
that the officer in command approach and give the
“Ah! my brave fellow,” began the General in his
most flattering voice; “I see that you are remarkably
well posted concerning your duties. But let me put
still another case. Suppose a whole regiment were
coming in this direction, what would you do in that
“Form a line immediately, sir,” answered the pri-
vate unhesitatingly and without a smile.
“Form a line? form a line?” repeated the officer in
his most contemptuous tone. “What kind of line, I
should like to know, could a single man form?”
“A bee-line for camp, sir,” explained the picket.
Your pictures of Texas home life are so attractive as
to almost persuade me to “form a line” myself, but with
Texas as the objective point, instead of a hateful camp.
Joyfully indeed would I say farewell to
All quality,
Pride, pomp, and circumstance of glorious war,
could I do it without desertion and disgrace. After
reading your letter, I was for a while inclined to think
that there was both sense and philosophy in the behav-
ior of a Confederate at Chickamauga. When the bat-
tle was at its height and the bullets flying thickest he
stepped behind a tree, and, while protecting his body,
“What in the dickens are you doing, Tom?” asked
an astonished comrade.
“Just feeling for a furlough,” replied Tom without a
blush, and continuing the feeling process as if his life
depended upon it.
While few soldiers actually seek wounds of any char-
acter, fewer still regard a. parlor wound — that breaks
no bones, yet disables one temporarily, and requires
time, rest, and nursing to heal it — as any very serious
misfortune. Such accidents necessitate furloughs, and
these the ladies of the South, by their kindness to both
the sick and the well, have made blessings to be hoped
for, prayed for, and — within safe and patriotic limits —
struggled for.
extended his arms on each side and waved them fran-
tically to and fro, up and down.
POOR fellow! his finger was getting well.
“Why, sir, that handsome widow and her curly-
haired daughter couldn’t have been kinder to a son or
a brother. They gave me the pleasantest room in the
house, brought my meals to it, fed me on chicken and
sweet cream with their own hands, dressed my wound
half a dozen times a day, and were always ready to play
and sing for me or read and talk to me. I wanted to
stay a month longer, but my darned old finger healed
in spite of me.” That, and a great deal more to the
same purport, was said by Lieut. L when he re-
turned to duty after losing half the nail of his little fin-
ger at Sharpsburg, getting a furlough on the strength
of it, and, fortunately, falling into the hands of a
wealthy and patriotic Virginia lady. Can you blame a
poor fellow if, after listening to such a story, he is a
little inclined to “feel for a furlough?” . . .
Only Longstreet knows certainly where we are
bound, but general opinion favors Knoxville as the ob-
jective point, Burnside as the victim. Should these
surmises prove correct, you may hear from me next in
good old Virginia, for it is whispered confidentially
that Bragg and Longstreet are at outs, and that this
movement is intended to make their separation per-
I have often boasted that the Fourth Texas never
showed its back to an enemy, but I am more modest
since that little affair of October 28, known as the bat-
Qopfederate l/eterar?.
tie of Raccoon Mountain. There the regiment not
only showed its back, but stampeded like a herd of
frightened cattle, it being one of those cases when
“discretion is the better part of valor;” and, instead of
being ashamed of the performance, we are merry over
it. Raccoon and Lookout Mountains, you must know,
are separated by Lookout Creek. Between the creek
and Raccoon are half a dozen high, parallel ridges,
whose tops are open and level enough for a roadway,
and whose thickly timbered sides slope at angles of
forty-five degrees into deep, lonely hollows. Hooker’s
Corps, of the Federal army, coming up from Bridge-
port to reenforce Rosecrans, camped on the night of
the 28th in the vicinity of Raccoon. Imagining that
here was an opportunity to experience “the stern joy
which warriors feel in foemen worthy of their steel,”
and at the same time to win distinction, Gen. Jenkins
proposed to Longstreet to march Hood’s Division to
the west side of Lookout Mountain and by a night at-
tack capture “Fighting Joe Hooker” and his corps.
Longstreet, of course, offered no objections; success
would place as brilliant a feather in his cap as in that of
Jenkins, while the blame of defeat would necessarily
rest upon the projector of the affair. As for us poor
devils in the ranks, we had no business to be there if we
hesitated to risk our lives in the interest of commanding
The plan of operations appears to have been for
Benning’s, Anderson’s, and Jenkins’s Brigades to cross
Lookout Creek two miles above its mouth, and, form-
ing in line parallel with the Tennessee River, force the
Yankees to surrender or drive them into deep water;
while Law’s and the Texas Brigades should occupy
positions west of the creek, at right angles with the
river, and prevent them from moving toward Lookout
Mountain and alarming Bragg’s army. What became
of the Third Arkansas and First Texas I cannot say,
every movement being made at night, but the Fifth
Texas guarded the bridge, across which the Fourth
marched and proceeded in the direction of Raccoon
Mountain, climbing up and sliding down the steep
sides of intervening ridges, until brought to a halt on
the moonlit top of the highest, and formed in line on
the right of an Alabama regiment. Here, in blissful
ignorance of Gen. Jenkins’s plans, and unwarned by
the glimmer of a fire or the sound of a snore that the
main body of the enemy lay asleep in the wide and deep
depression between them and Raccoon, the spirits of
the gallant Texans rose at once to the elevation of their
bodies, and, dropping carelessly on the ground, they
proceeded to take their ease. But not long were they
permitted thus to dally with stern and relentless fate.
A gunshot away off to the left suddenly broke upon the
stillness of the night, and was followed by others in
rapid succession, until there was borne to our unwilling
ears the roar of desperate battle, while the almost si-
multaneous beating of the long roll in the hitherto si-
lent depths below us, the loud shouts of officers, and
all the indescribable noise and hubbub of a suddenly
awakened and alarmed host of men, admonished us
that we stood upon the outermost verge of a human
volcano, which might soon burst forth in all its fury
and overwhelm us.
The dolec far niente to which, lulled by fancied se-
curity and the beautiful night, we had surrendered our-
selves vanished as quickly as the dreams of the Yan-
kees. The emergency came unexpectedly, but none
the less surely. Scouts dispatched to the right re-
turned with the appalling intelligence that between die
regiment and the river, not half a mile away, not a
Confederate was on guard; skirmishers sent to the front
reported that the enemy was approaching rapidly and
in strong force. To add to the dismay thus created,
the thrilling whisper came from the left that the Ala-
bamians had gone “hunting for tall timber” in their
rear. Thus deserted to “suffer the slings and arrows
of outrageous fortune” in a solitude soon to be invaded
by a ruthless and devouring horde, the cheerless gloom
of an exceedingly great loneliness fell upon us like a
pall — grew intense when, not twenty feet away, we
heard the laborious struggling and puffing of the Yan-
kees as, on hostile thoughts intent, they climbed and
pulled up the almost precipitous ascent, and became
positively unbearable when a dozen or more bullets
from the left whistled down the line and the mild beams
of the full moon, glinting from what seemed to our
agitated minds a hundred thousand bright gun-barrels,
revealed the near and dangerous presence of the hated
foe. Then and there, charming Nellie — deeming it
braver to live than to die, and moved by thoughts of
home ami the loved ones awaiting them there — the
officers and privates of the gallant and hitherto invin-
cible Fourth Texas stood not upon the order of their
going, but went with a celerity and unanimity truly
remarkable, disappeared bodily, stampeded nolens V0-
Icns, and plunged recklessly into the umbrageous and
shadowy depths behind them, flight hastened by the
loud huzzaing of the triumphant Yankees and the
echoing volleys they poured into the tree tops high
above the heads of their retreating antagonists.
Once fairly on the run down the steep slope, volun-
tary halting became as impossible as it would have
been indiscreet. Dark as it was among the somber
shadows, the larger trees could generally be avoided,
but when encountered, as too frequently for comfort
they were, invariably wrought disaster to both body
and clothing; but small ones bent before the wild, pell-
mell rush of fleeing humanity as from the weight and
power of avalanche or hurricane. The speed at which
I traveled, let alone the haunting apprehension of be-
ing gobbled up by a pursuing blue coat, was not spe-
cially favorable to close observation of comrades, but
nevertheless I witnessed three almost contemporane-
ous accidents. One poor unfortunate struck a tree so
squarely and with such tremendous energy as not only
to flatten his body against it and draw a sonorous groan
from his lips, but to send his gun clattering against an-
other tree. As a memento of the collision, he yet car-
ries a face ragged enough to harmonize admirably with
his garments. Another fellow exclaimed, as, stepping
on a round stone, his feet slipped from under him and
he dropped to the ground with a resounding thud,
“Help, boys, help!” and then, with legs wide outspread,
went sliding down the hill, until, in the wholly involun-
tary attempt to pass on both sides of a tree, he was
brought to a sudden halt — a sit-still, so to speak. But
adventure the third was the most comical of all. The
human actor in it was a Dutchman by the name of
Brigger, a fellow nearly as broad as he is long, who
always carries a huge knapsack on his shoulders. Aid-
Confederate l/eterai?
ed by this load, he struck a fair-sized sapling with such
resistless momentum that the little tree bent before
him, and, straddling it and exclaiming, “Je-e-e-sus
Christ and God Almighty!” with long-drawn and lin-
gering emphasis on the first syllable of the first word,
he described a parabola in the air and then dropped to
the ground on all fours and continued his downward
career in that decidedly unmilitary fashion. His was
the novelty and roughness of the ride, but, alas! mine
was all the loss; for, as the sapling tumbled him off
and essayed to straighten itself, it caught my hat and
flung it at the man in the moon. Whether it ever
reached its destination, I am unable to say, for time, in-
clination, or ability to stop were each sternly prohibit-
ed by the accelerating influence of gravitation. Any-
how, I am now wearing a cap manufactured by myself
out of the nethermost extremity of a woolen overshirt
and having for a frontispiece a generous slice of stir-
rup leather. Col. Bane well deserves the loss he has
sustained; he is not only careless about his saddle, but
of his head as well, on which he still bears a reminder
of the battle of Raccoon Mountain in a very sore and
red bump.
I inclose some drawings, which, if not artistic, cer-
tainly have the merit of being so graphic as to leave
much to the imagination. In my salad days at Flor-
ence, Ala., I persuaded Prof. Pruskowski to organize
and teach a class in perspective drawing. While re-
fusing to charge for his services, he reserved the right
to dismiss any member of the class whom he found
lacking in talent. I was the first to advocate this
privilege, also the first and only one of the class to be
dismissed. Then I was satisfied that he judged cor-
rectly, but now I am doubtful. What do you think?
But, to return to my story, although I lost my hat, T
neither lost my physical balance nor collided with a
tree sufficiently sturdy to arrest a fearfully swift de-
scent, as did many of my comrades. The scars im-
printed upon the regimental physiognomy by large
and small monarchs of the forest are yet numerous,
and in some instances were so disguising that the wear-
ers were recognizable for the next day or two only by
their melodious voices. “Honors were so easy” in
that respect between the members of the command,
officers as well as privates, that when they at last
emerged from the darkness of the woods and, taking
places^n line, began to look at each other and recount
experiences the shouts of laughter must have reached
old Joe Hooker.
One poor fellow was too sore, downcast, and
trampled upon to be joyful. He was a litter-bearer
named D , six long feet in height and Falstaffian
in abdominal development. His position in the rear
gave him the start in the retreat and his avoirdupois
enabled him to brush aside every obstacle to rapid de-
scent. But his judgment was disastrously at fault.
Forgetting a ditch which marked the division line of de-
scent of one hill and ascent of the other, he tumbled into
it broadcast. The fall knocked all the breath out of him,
and he could only wriggle over on his broad back and
make a pillow for his head of one bank and a resting-
place for his number twelve feet of the other, so that his
body appeared as the trunk of a fallen tree. Scarcely,
however, had he assumed this comfortable position
when Bill Calhoun came plunging down the hill with a
velocity that left a good-sized vacuum in the air behind
him. Noticing the litter-bearer’s body, and taking it to
be what it appeared, Bill took the chances of its span-
ning the ditch and made such a tremendous leap that
he landed one huge foot right in the middle of the
unfortunate recumbent’s corporosity. The sudden
compression produced as sudden artificial respiration,
and, giving vent to an agonized grunt, D sang out :
”For the Lord Almighty’s sake, man, don’t make a
bridge of a fellow!”
Bill was startled, but never lost his presence of
mind, and shouting back, “Lie still, old fellow, lie still!
The whole regiment’s got to cross yet, and you’ll never
have such another chance to serve your beloved coun-
try,” he continued his flight with a speed but little
abated by the rising ground before him.
Confederate l/eterap.
One of the pleasantest incidents connected with the
great reunion at Richmond occurred through the ac-
tion of Gen. J. O. Shelby, who sought the editor of the
Veteran, and was diligent until he had presented
every lady of the Missouri delegation.
The hero looked bad then, but his infirmity did not
even suggest that it would be his last reunion with
Confederate asso-
c i a t e survivors.
But so it was. His
demise was peace-
ful as a child go-
ing to sleep. His
family were so
hopeful of his re-
covery that the
shock was all the
A sketch of
Gen. Shelby’s re-
markable career
may be expected
hereafter. Two
articles upon his
campaigns inMis-
_.. ‘ t l GEN. [. “. SHELBY.
soun have been
prepared by W. A. M. Vaughan, Esq., of Kansas City.
Gen. Shelby’s order to his men, dated Pittsburg, Tex.,
April 26, 1865, also to appear, indicates his deter-
mination, even then, to fight on to the death. His sub-
lime courage, like that of Jefferson Davis, was illus-
trated in the closing words: “No, no; we will do
this: we will hang together, we will keep our organiza-
tion, our arms, our discipline, our hatred of oppression,
until one universal shout goes up that this Missouri
cavalry division preferred exile to submission, death to
At a called meeting of the members of Camp Joe O.
Shelliy No. 630, U. C. V.. West Plains, Mo., the com-
mitter reported the following concerning Gen. Shelby:
We deem it fitting to hereby give expression to our
profound sorrow and high regard for his merits as a
gentleman and a soldier. He was generous and kind
to a captive enemy, foremost in rendering assistance
to the unfortunate and needy, courteous to all, a
stranger to fear, undismayed when surrounded by per-
ils, quick to strike when he saw an opportunity, ready
and resourceful under all difficulties, the idol of his
command and ever watchful for their welfare, devoted
to the cause he espoused and to his family and friends
— we can scarcely realize the magnitude of our loss.
Rcsoltrd, That we will ever bear in our hearts a ten-
der recollection of his great and glorious deeds, his
kindly loving acts.
Dr. W. A. Mulkey, of Kaufman, widely known in
North Texas, died January 23, aged sixty-three vears.
At his request, Adjt. Dan Coffman, of George D. ‘Man-
ion Camp, United Confederate Veterans, sends the
following biographical sketch of Dr. Mulkev, written
by himself: “I joined Company C, under Capt. Par-
sons, Talbotton, Ga., in 1861, and was a part of the
Third Georgia Cavalry, commanded by Col. Martin
J. Crawford, of Columbus, Ga., a former Congress-
man. 1 was elected from the rank to assistant sur-
geon, and commissioned as such: afterwards commis-
sioned a full surgeon, and served as regimental, bri-
gade, and division surgeon. I was in the battles of
Lookout Mountain, Chickamauga, Murfreesboro, Fort
Donelson, Rcsaca, Good Hope Church, and Atlanta.
Fell into the hands of the enemy by order to look after
our wounded. I was once captured with the Third
Georgia Regiment near Bardstown, Ky. ; was first taken
as a prisoner of war to the barracks in Louisville, Ky.,
thence to Columbus, O., thence to Camp Chase, thence
to Philadelphia, thence to Baltimore, thence to Fort
Delaware, thence to Fortress Monroe; and from there,
in the spring of 1864, I was exchanged at Union Point.
In addition to the enumerated places I was held a
while as a military prisoner in the penitentiary at
Nashville, Tcnn.” Dr. Mulkey was a brother of Evan-
gelist Abe Mulkey, and has two brothers in Texas:
Fletcher Mulkey, living in Dallas; and George Mulkey.
who lives in Fort Worth. He was buried in full Con-
federate gray.
__ Samuel Roberts, Sr., was born February 14, 1832, in
Forsyth County, Ga. He was married to Minerva
Smith October 30, 1850; and in 1852 he left for Cali-
fornia, where he spent three years in the gold-mines;
then returned to his wife and babe. He was residing
in Cherokee County, Ala., when the great war broke
out, and enlisted in the Eighth ( reorgia Regiment. 1 le
was wounded in the battle of the Wilderness. Pre-
vious to this event he was in thirty-two battles, some of
which were Chickamauga, Seven Pines, Missionary
Ridge, Spottsylvania, seven days’ fight near Richmond,
and Gettysburg. As soon as he recovered from a
wound he was placed at Richmond to drill conscripts.
Later he returned to the army, and was wounded the
second time, when he got a furlough and did light duty
until the close of the war. When Mabry made a raid
through Alabama he captured Samuel Roberts and car-
ried him off, treating him very badly. He had him
tied to a tree to be shot, and when the twelve men with
guns were ready to fire he made himself known to one
of them as a Mason, and was turned loose. Dr. Samuel
Roberts was the father of eleven children, ten of whom
are yet living. He was killed on the night of October
28, [896, by some unknown person slipping up behind
hifn and knocking him in the head with a club to get
his money.
Qopfederate l/eterar?
The Egbert J. Jones Camp, U. C. V., Huntsville,
Ala., took formal action in honor of its deceased mem-
ber, John H. Bryson, D.D., who was a true Con-
federate and a faithful minister of the Presbyterian
Church. Dr. Bryson exercised much diligence in be-
half of strengthening the prominence and giving au-
thority to chaplains in the army. He conceived a plan :
obtained authority for and organized an ambulance
corps, which was of great utility to the service. Soon
after the war he was very active in behalf of a school to
educate the orphans of Confederates, located near
Clarksville, Tenn.
In its resolutions his camp says:
In his lofty calling, equipping himself by systematic
study, extensive travel, and constant personal contact
with his fellow men, high and low, rich and poor, he
attained a breadth, power, and influence for good, rec-
ognized and admired. He did not confine his ener-
gies to preaching, praying, and visiting the sick, but
he took a deep and active interest in all lines of human
progress. He strove to promote the educational,
moral and material welfare not only of those with
whom his lot was cast, but of the whole country and of
foreign people. His charity did not expend itself on
the good unfortunate, but, like the great Master, his
pity went out also to the guilty and fallen. He fore-
bore evil-speaking, and gave kind words and a helping
hand to all whom these might benefit.
James Renloul Cumming died suddenly of heart
disease in Dallas, Tex., on December 6, 1896. De-
ceased joined the Confederate army in his nineteenth
year, and a truer, braver soldier never enlisted in the
Southern cause. He was a member of Company A,
Alabama State Artillery, and was among the first to
enter Fort Morgan at its capture in the early part of
1861. He served under Bragg, Johnston, and Hood.
When the company lost all of its guns at the disastrous
battle of Franklin it was sent to man Spanish Fort,
near Mobile, and he was among the last to leave the
fort. Being orderly sergeant of the company, he
called its roll for the last time in May, 1865, at Merid-
ian, Miss., where it surrendered.
He was never wounded, though he was brave to
rashness. He had a horse shot under him at the bat-
tle of Munfordville, Ky. His sister, Miss Kate Cum-
ming, author of “Hospital Life” and “Gleanings from
Southland,” was in Chattanooga, Tenn., when the
army retreated from Tullahoma in June, 1863. She
writes: “My brother had been ill and had gotten a fur-
lough and gone home, and I was congratulating my-
self with the thought that he would miss that retreat,
when in he walked. I said: ‘O, why did you return
so soon?’ He look astonished at me, and said: ‘Do
you think I would miss a battle? ‘ I did all that I
could to get him to remain until we knew what the
army was going to do, but to no purpose; he would
go. Ten days afterwards he returned, more dead than
alive, and, throwing himself down on a cot, he ex-
claimed: ‘This retreat was worse than the one from
Kentucky! and if Bragg had only let us fight, I would
not care, for I know that we would have whipped the
Yankees.’ He sleeps in the soldiers’ graveyard, Oak-
wood Cemetery, Dallas, Tex., and was followed to his
grave by the veterans of Sterling Price Camp, some
of whom were his pallbearers.”
James R. Sartain, of Tracy City, Tenn., reports the
death of Comrade W. H. Bolton, who served in Com-
pany B, of the Second Tennessee Cavalry, which served
under Ashby. He was a faithful soldier to the end,
and until his death was proud of the part he took in
the great war. He was a railroad engineer, and as re-
liable in civil life as he had been as a soldier. He
missed his footing while preparing to start with his
engine down the Cumberland Mountain from Tracy,
March 1, a trip that he had made successfully once to
twice a day for many years. No patron of the Vet-
eran was more ardent in its cause, and it was a com-
fort to hear his zealous commendation of it. The Ma-
sonic Fraternity officiated at his burial. He was born
July 4, 1845, and left to his wife, two sons, and one
daughter an honorable record as a faithful soldier, cit-
izen, husband, father, and Christian.
Capt. James N. Gardner died at McKenzie, Tenn.,
February 25. His wife died on the 26th, and they
were buried in the same grave. Capt. Gardner was a
member of Stonewall Jackson Bivouac. He enlisted
in the Confederate States army in 1861, and served
in the Fifty-fifth Tennessee Infantry. He was a good
citizen and a Christian gentleman.
Qopfederate l/eterar?
The Southern people that had opportunities for lit-
erary pursuits during the war will recall the thrilling
sketches of ” Personne.” His story of the firing on Fort
Sumter, printed in the New York Herald, it is said
“shook the country.” He soon became the war cor-
respondent of the Charleston Courier. He followed the
main bodies of Confederate forces in Virginia and Ten-
nessee, neglecting not, however, the record of events
in the Confederate capital.
After the war Mr. De Fontaine was for a long time
on the staff of the New York Herald. He subsequently
wrote many books. He was a charming companion
socially, and highly gifted. He was so facile with his
pen, one of the oldest and fastest stenographers, and re
i tiLIX (.. in I i ‘N i aim:.
ported some of the most noted court trials on record,
one of which was that of Dan E. Sickles, for killing
Barton Key in Washington before the war.
Mr. de Fontaine died in his old home, Columbia, S.
C. In a letter his wife wrote to a friend:
He was ill not quite a week with pneumonia, but we
had no idea of his approaching death. It came like a
thunderbolt from a cloudless sky. I was totally un-
prepared for it. In April I buried my only sister, Mrs.
Sallie F. Chapin, so you sec that my cup of sorrow is
full to running over. Mr. de Fontaine died in the
midst of his life-work, the publication of his war letters,
only one copy of which had been issued. I am trying
to make arrangements for the continuance of the mag-
azine, which was a phenomenal success. I know little
about the business affairs of such a venture, but shall
do my duty in the compilation of the letters and other
literary matter. I have also ready for publication the
“Missing Records of the Confederacy.” a work of
much value, and I hope to obtain a good price for it.
Mr. de Fontaine was a great favorite in Columbia, our
old home. Every honor was paid him that was pos-
sible to be paid to any one. The Governor’s Guards,
the oldest military organization in the city, asked the
honor of turning out at his funeral, an honor shown
the first time to a civilian. All this is very sweet to
think of, but O how little it helps the breaking heart!
Lieut. -Col. Hervey McDowell pays tribute to New-
ton Taylor, one of his old soldiers of the Second Ken-
tucky infantry. C. S. A. In 1861 Mr. Taylor enlisted
for a year in Cameron’s Battalion. After that service
he joined Company F, of the Second Kentucky, and
was in many battles, including Stone’s River, Jackson
‘.Miss.), Chickamauga, Missionar) Ridge, on through
Dalton to the Atlanta campaign, then through Georgia
and the Carolinas until the war ended. In concluding
( !ol. Mel )owell says: “He was a brave, faithful soldier,
and there was not his superior. I never knew a more
thorough gentleman and soldier. He was ever ready
for duty. He never shirked nor complained. Implicit
confidence was rendered him, for he was of those who
are true to the death. Llis courage was of that fine and
high character that had no thought of display. I do
not think he ever realized that he was a hero — simply
tried to always do the best that was in him. The ranks
of the ‘Orphan Brigade’ are closing up. Let us cher-
ish the memory of brave comrades that have left us.”
Dr. G. Kami, W’oodville, Miss., March 12. 1897:
“To-day your agent, who was a Confederate soldier of
the Twenty-first Mississippi Regiment, passed away,
after a long, lingering sickness of consumption. Al-
though he lost a leg in the valley, he hastened his death
by overwork. He was Circuit Clerk.” The brief note
is all that has been received. W. K. Cooper’s name
was one of the most familiar in connection with the
hundreds whose zeal for the Veteran never flagged.
For the twenty subscriptions in the most remote coun-
try town of Mississippi special gratitude was felt to
Comrade Cooper, whose maimed body and ill health
were never mentioned.
The South lost an eminent citizen in the dead
John Randolph Tucker, which occurred recently at
Lexington, Va. An exchange truly says: “It would
be hard to exaggerate Mr. Tucker’s abilities and vir-
tues. He was a great lawyer, a great statesman, and
a noble Christian. In his early manhood he was At-
torney-General for his native state. After the war he
served many terms in the Federal Congress. During
recent years he has been Professor of Constitutional
Law in Washington and Lee University. Without
being the least of a demagogue he was a very fine
stump speaker. We have never heard a man that
could so illuminate an elaborate argument with a perti-
nent anecdote. His power of pantomime was nothing
less than marvelous.”
Qopfederate l/eterai).
J. M. Null, Secretary of Stonewall Jackson Bivouac,
McKenzie; Tenn. : “Comrade James N. Gardner was
born December 16, 1832, in Humphreys County,
Tenn.: enlisted in the Confederate army October, 1861,
as first lieutenant in Company H, Fifty-fifth Tennessee
Infantry; paroled May 6, 1865; died at his home near
McKenzie, Tenn., February 25, 1897. Comrade Hen-
ry C. Townes was born in Carroll County, Tenn., June
10, 1840; enlisted as corporal in Company H, Twen-
tieth Virginia Regiment Infantry, Confederate States
of America, in May, 1861 ; was captured in July, and re-
leased in November, 1861 ; served as private in the
Third Virginia Cavalry until paroled in May, 1865;
died at his home in Huntington, Tenn., September
15, 1896.”
J. M. Johnson, Chairman of Camp 884, Tracy City,
Tenn.: “Since the February issue of the Veteran an-
other of our old brothers has passed over the river. to
rest under the shade of the trees. Brother W. H. Bol-
ton, of Company B, Sixteenth Tennessee Infantry, was
killed at Tracy City, Tenn., March 1, 1897. While
stepping on his engine he slipped and fell, and was
killed almost instantly. He was to have joined Camp
No. 884 on Wednesday evening, March 3.”
In reply to an inquiry in the February Veteran re-
garding Col. William Deloney, a friend writes that he
died of wounds received in the service of the Confed-
eracy (thinks that it was shortly after the battle of
Brandy Station). His wife and a married daughter,
Mrs. John H. Hall, reside in Athens, Ga.
Maj. Nathaniel R. Chambliss, of Selma, died while
at service in a cathedral at Baltimore. He was an
Episcopalian, but had gone to the Catholic Church
with his wife, a daughter of Gen. W. J. Hardee. •
Dr. Robert Darrington, a native of Clarke County,
Ala., and surgeon of the Third Alabama Cavalry, died
at Darrington, Wilkinson County, Miss., October 29.
1896, aged fifty-eight years.
Capt. W. F. Thomas, now a merchant at Cum-
berland City, Tenn. (on the river between Clarksville
and Fort Donelson, Tenn.), desires information about
any members of Company C, Fiftieth Tennessee Reg-
iment. It was an Alabama company, raised by Capt.
Jackson, but at Fort Donelson was made part of the
Fiftieth Tennessee. Capt. Thomas was its command-
er for two years.
Henry Lee Valentine, Box 247, Richmond, Va. :
“William Armistead Braxton, who was one of Mos-
by’s men, was killed just at the close of the war. Can
any one assist me in finding a picture of him? His
family are quite anxious for it.”
Responses to requests for the addresses of comrades
who cannot afford to subscribe to the Veteran have
called forth many pathetic stories. It would not be
practicable to supply such regularly, but occasionally
copies will be sent. When the Veteran is received by
such, or by some one who it is believed would like it,
without having been ordered, the recipient may know
that some friend who knows and appreciates him sug-
gested it. Even such as the comrade referred to be-
low in much honor can help the Veteran by some
commendatory word — good seed in good ground.
Mr. Joe FI. Morris, of Glenville, Ky., writes:
Mr. , of Glenville, Ky., was the peer of any sol-
dier in the Confederate army. He served from Septem-
ber, 1861, to May, 1865, in the Fourth Kentucky
Infantry, Orphan Brigade, and was wounded five
times. He lost his wife and family of five children by
death. Sickness has literally “eaten him up,” and in
his old age he is helpless and destitute. He is a man
of fine education, but is nearly blind. Such a man,
who gave his young manhood to the South in her time
of trial, should not suffer. Confederates who are able
should help him. Squire William Goodwin, one of
your subscribers, and one of the most influential men
in the county, will certify that Mr. is a deserving
man in every sense of the word. Will you not send
him the Veteran? If he lives, he will pay you; and if
a small remittance were sent him by Confederates, it
would be an act of charity highly deserving.
The foregoing is a sample of appeals that come to this
office. The name is not given, because the comrade
is undoubtedly too high-spirited not to be morti-
fied if public appeal should made for him. Besides, it
is against the revised policy of the Veteran to pub-
lish indiscriminate appeals for any person, however
deserving. It yearns to help the needy, but there must
be systematic rule, and such charity given through a
committee of good men or women, if in future appeals
for aid be at all published herein.
Miss Laura Neal, Chatham, Ky. : “I noticed in the
December Veteran in the list of names given in Mr.
Nicholson’s autograph album that of W. B. Neal, of
Nashville, Tenn. Would like to know if he is still
living, and where.”
Rev. S. S. Rahn, of Jacksonville, Fla., writes: “There
is one subject which I hope will be thoroughly venti-
lated: that in regard to the number of troops furnished
by each Southern state for the Confederate service, the
number killed, wounded, died of disease, etc. I wish
to know only the facts, nothing more. I am a Geor-
gian by birth, enlisted in a Georgia regiment when a
mere boy, and was paroled at Greensboro, N. C, when
Gen. J. E. Johnston surrendered. The last four years
I have lived in North Carolina, and frequently
heard some of the old veterans there say such things
as the following: ‘North Carolina had the first man
killed in battle during the war, and the last; she had
more troops to enlist according to the population;
more were slain in battle, etc’ Now just how much
of this is truth ought to be known. Can we not settle
the question through the columns of the Veteran?
Possibly Dr. Jones, our historian, can and will give
us light.”
Qoi}federate l/eteran.
We, the undersigned committee, have been appoint-
ed by Mosby Camp to solicit subscriptions for a monu-
ment at Front Royal, Va., to the memory of our six
comrades — Anderson, Carter, Jones, Overby, Love,
and Rhodes — who, while prisoners of war, were hung
or shot to death by the order of Gen. Custer, in the year
The memory of these brave boys, who met an un-
timely death in defense of their country, deserves to be
perpetuated, and we earnestly appeal to all survivors
of the Forty-third Battalion, Virginia Cavalry, to aid
in rendering long-delayed justice to our fallen com-
Subscriptions should be sent to the Treasurer, W.
Ben Palmer, No. 1321 Cary Street, Richmond, or may
be sent to any member of the committee.
W. Ben Palmer, Richmond, Va.; J. W. Hammond,
Alexandria, \a.: Robert M. Harrover, Washington,
D. C, Committee.
The committee requests the following comrades to
act as solicitors and to receive contributions: John H.
Foster, Marshall, \*a. ; Benjamin Simpson, Centerville,
Va. ; Stockton R. Terry. Lynchburg, Va.; S. R. Arm-
strong, Woodville, Va.; B. I’. Nails, Culpeper, Va.; W.
W. Faulkner, Newport News, Va.; W. F. Lintz, Nor-
folk, Va.; Capt. R. S. Walker, Orange. Va.; F. F.
Bowen, Danville, Va.; J. F. Faulkner, Winchester, Va. ;
Charles Danne, Trevilians, Va.; Stacy B. Bispham,
Baltimore. Md.: John S. Munson, St. Louis, Mo.; J. J.
Williamson, New York, N. Y.
The following extracts are suggested by Dr. Ed-
mund Jennings Lee, of Philadelphia:
President Andrews, of Brown University (Vol. II.,
page 345) says of the war of 181 2: “Triumph far more
Complete might have attended the war but for the per-
verse and factious Federalist opposition to the admin-
istration. Some Federalists favored joining England
out and out against Napoleon. Having, with justice,
denounced Jefferson’s embargo tactics as too tame, yet
when the war spirit rose and even the South stood
ready to resent foreign affronts by force, they changed
tone, harping upon our weakness and favoring peace
at any price. Tireless in magnifying the importance
of commerce, they would not lift a hand to defend it.
The same men that had cursed Adams for avoiding
war with France easily framed excuses for orders
in council, impressment, and the Chesapeake affair.
Apart from Randolph and the few opposition Re-
publicans, mostly in New York, this Thersites band
bad its seat in commercial New England, where em-
bargo and war, of course, sat hardest, more than a
sixth of our entire tonnage belonging to Massachu-
setts. From the Essex Junto and its sympathizers
came nullification utterances not less pointed than the
Virginia and Kentucky resolutions, although, consid-
ering the sound rebukes which the latter had evoked,
they are far less defensible. Disunion was freely
threatened, and actions either committed or counte-
nanced bordering hard upon treason. The Massa-
chusetts Legislature, in 1809. declared Congress’s act
to enforce embargo ‘not legally binding.’ Gov. Trum-
bull, of Connecticut, declined to aid, as requested by
the President, in carrying out that act, summoning
the Legislature to ‘interpose their protecting shield’
between the people and the ‘assumed power of the
general government.’ ‘How,’ wrote Pickering, refer-
ring to the Constitution, Amendment X., ‘are the pow-
ers reserved to be maintained but by the respective
states judging for themselves and putting their nega-
tive on the usurpations of the general government?’
A sermon of President Dwights on the text, ‘Come
out from among them, and be ye separate, saith
the Lord,’ even Federalists deprecated as hinting too
strongly at secession. This unpatriotic agitation —
from which, be it said, large numbers of Federalists
nobly abstained — came to a head in the mysterious
Hartford Convention, at the close of 1814, and soon
began to be sedulously hushed in consequence of the
glorious news of victory and peace from (Hunt and
New Orleans.” (“History of the United States.”
\\ lien the bill for the admission of Texas as a slave
state was under discussion in Congress a numerously
signed petition was presented on behalf of Massachu-
setts and Maine people, in which th<\ opposed its ad-
mission, and threatened secession if it were admitted
as a slave state. This 1 have on the authority 1 if a
United States Senator then serving in that body.
History clearl) proves that New England did sev-
eral times threaten to do what the South actually did:
to secede.
Dr. B. A. Barrett writes from Springfield, Mo.:
Old soldiers of both sides, how would you like a
realistic performance of the battle of Wilson Creek al
the reunion , m the 10th of August next, the anniversary
of the battle? I would suggest that there be an un-
derstanding of soldiers of both sides who participated
in the battle to arrange an encampmenl on the iden-
tical battle-ground as the Confederates were upon the
morning of the 10th and an attacking army move out
as the Federals did in the night, and make the attack
about daybreak on the anniversary of that memorable
morning. Should this meet the approbation of sol
diers of both sides, it can be easily arranged by inter-
change of thought by the committee. Just a sugges-
Dr. Barrett adds:
I am opposed to all kinds of war and fighting.
All troubles can he settled in a hotter way
l’.\ j n~t arbitration I would say
That justice u> .ill can easily be done
If in the right way begun,
and conducted upon right principles in a God-fearing
spirit. The wise and best are saying: “Speed the time!
let it come fast!”
The golden rule is reaching all the world see
To do to you as I like vou to do to me.
Comrade A. M. Foute, of Cartersville, Ga., writes:
“I am going to the reunion if I have to do as I did in
1865 : walk from Georgia into Tennessee. I was of the
Twenty-sixth Tennessee Infantry, and my first general
was John C. Brown, of your city.”
Confederate l/eterai).
Confederate l/eterai).
S. A. CUNNINGHAM, Editor anil Proprietor.
Office: Wilcox Building, Church Street, Nashville, Tenn.
This publication is the personal property of S. A. Cunningham. All
persons who approve its principles, and realize its benefits as an organ for
Associations throughout the South, are requested to commend its patron-
age and to cooperate in extending it.
Gratitude is herein expressed to hundreds of com-
rades and friends for zeal in behalf of the Veteran in
the beginning of its fifth year. Increase of circula-
tion brings additional responsibilities, and the solemn
obligation is renewed again and again to do all that is
possible to patrons and to the memory of those who
gave life for the sacred cause — not “Lost Cause” — of
principles that live to-day under different form from
what they were designed. If the Veteran is worthy,
it should be sustained unremittingly. Its regular in-
crease of pages cost a great deal of money ; but to make
it as good as possible all the time was an original res-
olution to which adherence is as ardent as ever. Don’t
neglect to remit, and please introduce the subject to
your neighbor and recommend it as you feel that it
deserves. All subscribers can know the status of their
subscriptions by counting from the date by their names.
This is a momentous period with the Veteran in
its importance. Publication day is to be advanced
two or three weeks before the reunion; and while each
number is increased to 48 pages, and then the reunion
number to 100 pages, in an edition of over 20,000
copies, puts the management to a hard test. All this
besides much work on committees arranging for the
The part that its friends may perform, necessary to
its success, is apparent. If each one will attend
promptly to renewal when time has expired and to in-
fluencing others to subscribe, the prosperity of the
Veteran will be a declaration that it represents right
ideas and that the Southern people zvill maintain their
Everybody that expects to attend the reunion
would do well to take the Veteran. Payment may be
made then. Let such, or subscribers who will induce
these, write postals requesting entries of names. Peo-
ple who read the Veteran pay for it, however much
the sacrifice.
In the April Veteran additional subscriptions to the
Sam Davis Monument Fund will be published.
The pleasing announcement is made that Gen. G. M.
Dodge, who was in command at Pulaski, and who or-
dered the court martial to try Sam Davis, has cordially
consented to write for the Veteran a statement about
Davis. Other interesting and important data upon the
subject will appear next month. Let every one that
has the heart and spare dollar send in promptly, so that
the showing next month will be worthy of the match-
less theme.
Another fact which will be gratifying to the South-
ern people is that a sculptor of eminence, who, though
not even an American, has become so thrilled with the
wonderful story that he has undertaken to make a
bust of Sam Davis, and he is being furnished with all
the helps that family and friends can provide. Pos-
sibly his creation may be photoengraved for the next
As this number nf the Veteran is being printed
Gen. George Moorman comes from New Orleans to
confer with the management to arrange for the great
reunion. He is well pleased with the prospect, and
predicts that it will be the largest gathering in the
historv of the United Confederate Veterans.
The Nashville Christian Advocate mentions that “one
of Gen. Lee’s marked peculiarities was his extraor-
dinary carefulness in money matters. While exceed-
ingly generous, he was in business transactions rigidly
exact. To the young men who were put under his
care at Lexington from all parts of the South he used
frequently to say: ‘Do not waste your money; it cost
somebody hard labor, and is sacred.’ ” There is so
much in this statement that the Veteran mentions and
emphasizes it in the comfort that a commendation of
this principle will impress all men, the old as well as
the young. It is a principle worthy to be remembered
and acted upon by all who revere the memory of Rob-
ert E. Lee.
Tom Hall, Louisville, Ky. : “Ex-Confederates all
over the country will rejoice to hear that the Kentucky
Confederate Association has at last become a part 01
the United Confederate Veterans, and its large mem-
bership is now ready to receive the badge of that great
organization. It has long been the desire of a major-
ity of members that the Kentucky Confederate Asso-
ciation become a member of the U. C. V., but there
was a hitch somewhere, which has been overcome.
The new camp has been named ‘George B. Eastin’
Camp No. — , U. C. V. — this in honor of the late Hon.
George B. Eastin, President of the Kentucky Confed-
erate Association, who died last year while on a visit
to Rome, Italy, for the benefit of his health. In his
coming address President John H. Leathers, who has
been elected Commander of George B. Eastin Camp,
will dwell at length on the memory of Judge Eastin,
and it will sparkle with other matters that will be most
edifying to all good Confederate ex-soldiers. The of-
ficial roster of Camp George B. Eastin is as follows:
John H. Leathers, Commander; Thomas D. Osborne,
Adjutant; Samuel Murrell, Quartermaster and Treas-
urer. Prospects are that the camp will send a very
large delegation to the general reunion at Nashville in
June, and it is likely that the state of Kentucky will
turn out in almost its entire strength to swell the crowd
at the Tennessee Centennial.”
Confederate 1/eterar?.
Elite, a society periodical of Chicago, contained an
editorial recently under the above caption, in which it
It is sectional, and its tendency is to keep alive the
lost cause. The “Star-spangled Banner,” “Hail, Co
lunibia,” etc., are not sectional. Let us drop ” I lixie”
for good and set the bands to playing national airs.
Why do Northern people, go out of their way to con-
ciliate Southern folks? They always do. At the con-
vention of Sons and Daughters of the American Revo
lution.if a delegate’s name from Connecticutwas called,
it aroused no enthusiasm; but let a name Erom < ieorgia
be announced, and the house immediately found its
hands. These societies are pledged to treat the war <‘i
the rebellion as if it had never occurred, so their act Li i I
cannot be explained on the ninety and nine who went
not astray and the rejoicing over the one wanderer
basis. By all means let all be cordial and kind, but let
the bands stop playing “Dixie” and the people stop
playing toady.
True merit rarely goes without recognition. We.
as Southern people, glory in this “tendencj to keep
alive the sentiment of the lost cause.” Why not:
Have we anything of which to be ashamed? True, de-
feat was ours, but it was brought about not through any
lack of bravery, gallantry, or patriotism For what we
believe to be right because of its being guaranteed h\
the Constitution of the United States. The record of
Confederate soldiers is without a parallel in history,
and, as time goes on, instead of being classed as trai-
tors, their many gallant deeds and loyal hearts will be
appreciated for their true worth, and their names go
down in history as heroes true to every trust.
“Time to call off ‘ Dixie?’ ” No!
In Hixie’s land, we’ll take our stand,
We’ll live anil die bj Dixie.
It is not that we love the “Star-spangled Banner”
less, but “Dixie” will always be absolutely sacred to
Southern hearts. , round “Dixie” twine our fondest
memories and dearest associations. “Dixie” went
with our loved ones through all the perils of war, and
in their darkest hours of strife “Dixie’s” bright, sweet
strain cheered the boys on.
Why, then, should we call off “Dixie?” Its strains
are melodious and edifying. Rather call off “March-
ing through Georgia,” which reminds one of naughl
save cruelty and ruin, and in whose bars there is no
Why is it that the lady of the South receives the rec-
ognition of any convention in which she participates?
It is simply that a true Southern woman stands out in
any company and shows by everj word and deed her
superiority. She realizes her true worth, and others
are bound to recognize it. \Yc agree that it is time to
put a stop to “toadyism,” but let the bauds continue to
play “Dixie,” and may its strains continue to send a
thrill of joy and pride to the heart of ever) true South-
erner for generations to come!
This Southern woman signs “Halcyon.” Her pic-
ture may be seen in a group of children on an old war-
horse in this \ li ERAN.
It is all in the point of view. “.Marching through
Georgia” to a Northerner does not mean “cruelty
and ruin.” bin victor} and union. However. North-
ern people are quite willing to substitute “Yankee
Doodle” for that energetic tune
It is a coincidence that, with a copj of Business Chat
— an enterprising publication of Nashville, which con-
tained the foregoing- in Ins pocket, the editor of the
VETERAN went to a lecture-room where Hon. A. H.
Pettibone, a Union veteran and an ex Congressman of
the Republican party, was to deliver an address on
“Stonewall” Jackson. The lecture was postponed, but
the speaker entertained his audience with expressions
of pride in Tennessee during this Centennial period, at
the conclusion of which the brass band of boys from
the Tennessee Blind School rendered popular airs.
Among the auditors was Hon. G. N. Tillman, late Re-
publican candidate for Governor, and second in cred-
itable reputation to no Tennesseean ever nominated
for office by that party, and he called for “Dixie.” It
gave instant inspiration, and the applause was led by
Hon. Mr. Pettibone.
“Dixie” is here to stay, and the prophecy is made in
this connection that it will become a national air.
Long before the writer knew “Uncle” Dan Emmett
Qopfederate l/eterap.
and secured the original sheet of “Dixie” (a photo-
engraving of which is free to any subscriber of the
Veteran who will ask for it), he was in prison at In-
dianapolis, when a Federal band entered Camp Mor-
ton and complimented the prisoners by playing several
airs. When it began “Dixie” one of that multitude
of thousands, speaking for himself, says now, through
blinding tears, vividly recalling the scene, that it was
the most glorious of all sounds that ever made music
in his ears.
Ah, “Dixie!” “Dixie*’ is here to stay. Its author
will be invited from his Ohio home to the great re-
union of Confederates here next June, and no Presi-
dent of the United States ever had as unrestrained ex-
pressions of good-will and honor as will be accorded
Daniel Decatur Emmett on that occasion.
seem well and happy. An occasional complaint from
some malcontent comes to the ears of the Visitors, who
inquire into the matter, and nearly always find that
there is no foundation. . . . Six dinners are given
each year by the Visitors, which furnishes the old men
a gala-day — each month from November 25 (Thanks-
giving Day) to Easter Day — while the Fourth-of-July
diivner celebrates their loyalty. . . .
The Stonewall Jackson Infirmary, or hospital, due
to the tender thought of one of the Board of Visitors
and her committee, has assumed larger and more per-
fect proportions. The Board of Governors have this
year enlarged it, adding a ward and three small rooms
— one for very ill patients, one for hospital steward,
and one for a pantry. The old ward is changed into
a sitting-room, where ailing men can have a quiet
hour. The visitors have undertaken the furnishing of
these rooms, and we hope soon to have them in perfect
order. The Governors propose introducing water into
The report of Mrs. Bradley T. Johnson, President
of the Board of Lady Visitors to the Confederate Sol-
diers’ Home, 1896, to the Board of Governors of the
Maryland Line Association, contains the following:
The Home is kept in such beautiful order under the
management of the Board of Governors and its excel-
lent Superintendent that it is a pleasure as well as an
honor for the Board of Lady Visitors to be associated
with them and to do what they can to assist in its work.
The men in the Home, of whom there are eighty-
two now present and one hundred and six on the roll.
the hospital, which will add greatly to the comfort of
the inmates.
Each year adds to the improvement and beauty of
the Confederate Home, while each year adds to the
number of its inmates, as age and infirmities and pov-
erty wear out the men who fought bravely .for South-
ern rights and they turn with longing to a home pro-
vided by the generosity of the state of Maryland for
her sons, who otherwise would have none. No wonder
we consider it an honor to assist in such a blessed
cause! We see that their temporal wants are provided
for, we care for the sick and ease the last moments of
the dying, and in so doing we have done our little in
memory of those who fought for a holy cause.
Confederate l/eterap.
There are one hundred and twelve names on the list
of the Board of Lady Visitors. I am sorry that the
attendance is not more regular. Some are on the roll
as contributors only, but others are entered as visitors,
their names are put on the committees for the separate
months, and yet the chairmen of these committees find
it hard to get some of them to comply. 1 sincerely
hope that during the coming year there will be a better
The treasury is in a good condition. We collect
two dollars a year from each visitor — one for the din-
ner, and one for casual expenses. We are also pledged
to assist in the spring fete, the receipts of which go to
the general fund. We have this year’s report from
our Treasurer of $576.76 receipts, $224 of which has
gone to the fund of the Board of Governors, $239.50
for the dinners and sick fund and other expenses, and
$113.26 remains in the treasury.
The Daughters of the Confederacy have undertaken
the sacred duty of attending to the graves of the Con-
federate dead on Memorial Day. This young organ-
ization of Confederate women, whose hearts are full
of love and sympathy for the dead Confederacy, will
be a great power in diffusing among our contempora-
ries and transmitting to our posterity devotion and
respect for the cause of justice, right, and honor, for
which so many of those men fought and died. We
cordially welcome them as powerful auxiliaries in our
work, and sincerely pray that success may attend them.
The late Gen.R. E.Colston went abroad and was long
among the Egyptians after our great war, whereby
he had the advantage of broadening his views; and yet
to a Virginia Ladies’ Memorial Association made an
address from which the following is taken:
Those who fall in the arms of victory and success
need no monuments to preserve their memories. The
continued existence and prosperity of their country
are sufficient epitaphs, and their names can never be
forgotten. But how shall those be remembered who
failed’-‘ It is their enemies who write their history,
painting it with their own colors, distorting it with
their calumnies, their prejudices, and their passions;
and it is this one-sided version of the conquerors that
the world at large accepts as truth, for in history as in
the present, vae zrictis (woe to the conquered).
It is true that when we, the actors in the last con-
test, shall be sleeping in our graves little will it matter
to us what the world may think of us or our motives.
But mcthinks that we could hardly rest in peace, even
in tin’ tomb, should our descendants misjudge or con-
demn us. And yet, is there impossibility of this?
They will be told that their fathers were oligarchs,
aristocrats, slave-drivers, rebels, traitors, who. to per-
petuate the monstrous sin of human slavery, tried to
throttle out the life of the nation anil to rend asunder
the government founded by Washington; that they
raised parricidal hands against the sacred ark of the
Constitution; that they were the unprovoked aggress-
ors, and struck tin- fust sacrilegious blow against the
Union and the flag of their country.
What if this be but false cant and calumny? Con-
stant repetition will give it something of the authority
oi truth. We cannot doubt it. ( )ur descendants will
see these slanders repeated in Northern and probably
in European publications; perhaps even in the very
text-books of their schools (for, unfortunately, we
Southerners write too little, and they may be com-
pelled, like ourselves, to look abroad for their intellect-
ual nutriment). It is true that our own immediate
sons and daughters will not believe these falsifications
of history, but perchance their children or grandchil-
dren may believe them. And those who are still our
enemies after five years of peace rely confidently upon
this result. A so-called minister of the Prince of
Peace, but whose early and persistent advocacy of war
and bloodshed prove that he obtained his commission
from a very opposite quarter, has dared to say that “in
a few years the relatives of those Southern men who
fell in our struggle will be ashamed to be seen standing
by the side of their dishonored graves.” And he who
said this, mark you, is no obscure driveler, but, on the
contrary, one of the highest representative men of the
North, one whom they delight to honor — no less a
personage than the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher.
Fellow Southerners, whose teachings and influence
can accomplish more than all other agencies combined
to hurl back this foul slander in the teeth of that rev-
erend liar? Who can best guard our posterity from
the corrupting odium of falsehood? Who can so im-
plant the right and justice of our lost cause into their
souls as to prevail over all the calumnies of our de-
Your hearts reply, like mine: “It is the noble, patri-
otic, unwavering women of the South.” Yes, let me re-
peat this last epithet, for it belongs peculiarly to them,
unwavering, true to the right, true to the South, in the
past and in the present, and they will be in the future.
We would be baser than the brutes that perish could
we forget what the women of the South did to promote
the success of our efforts. By night and by day they
labored with diligent hands to supply the deficiencies
of the government. They nursed the sick and wound-
ed, the) bore sorrows and privations of every kind
without a murmur. What they suffered no tongue,
no pen, can ever express. Yet they never faltered,
they never gave up, and they continued to cheer the
sinking hearts of their defenders and to hope against
all hope, even when all was over. A.rd sec how nobly
they have kept us in faith! While some men who
once did gallant service in the Southern armies have,
alas! turned false for filthy lucre, where are the rene-
gades among Southern women? Even we who have
preserved our faith unstained, have we not grown
colder and more forgetful? Had it depended upon us
alone, is there not much reason to fear that our broth-
ers’ bones would still lie unheeded where they fell?
Not that we have grown indifferent or estranged, but
the claims of the living and the anxieties of misfortune
have absorbed our attention. It is these blessed South-
ern women, whose tender hearts never forget, that de-
serve the credit of all that has been done among us to
preserve from destruction the remains of our brave
comrades. Unwearied by all their labors and self-sac-
rifice during four years of war, they were, like Mary,
the first at the graves of their beloved dead. There-
fore to them we may safely intrust the holy ark of our
Southern faith. Yes, it is for you — wives, mothers,
daughters, of the South — it is for you, far more than
Confederate l/eterai),
for us, to fashion the hearts and thoughts of our chil-
dren. We have neither the time nor the aptitude that
you possess for training the infant mind from the be-
ginning and inclining the twig the way the tree should
grow. You are now, or will be some day, the mothers
of future generations. See that you transmit to them
the traditions and memories of our cause and of our
glorious, if unsuccessful, struggle, that they may in
their turn transmit them unchanged to those who suc-
ceed them. And let them learn from you that, al-
though the same inscrutable Providence that once per-
mitted the Grecian cross to go down before the Mos-
lem crescent, has decreed that we should yield to
Northern supremacy, and that we should fail in our
endeavor; yet, for all that, we were right.
It is for you, Southern matrons, to guard your cher-
ished ones against this foul idolatry, and to teach them
a nobler and a higher moral. It is for you to bring the
youth of our land to these consecrated mounds and to
engrave in their candid souls the true story of our
wrongs, our motives, and our deeds. Tell them in
tender and eloquent words that those who lie here
entombed were neither traitors nor rebels, and that
those absurd epithets are but the ravings of malig-
nant folly when applied to men who claimed noth-
ing but their right under the Constitution of their fa-
thers — the right of self-government. Tell them how
we exhausted every honorable means to avoid the ter-
rible arbitrament of war, asking only to be let alone,
and tendering alliance, friendship, free navigation —
everything reasonable and magnanimous — to obtain
an amicable settlement. Tell them how, when driven
to draw the sword, we fought the mercenaries of all
the world until, overpowered by tenfold numbers, we
fell; but, like Leonidas and his Spartans of old, fell so
heroically that our defeat was more glorious than vic-
Then from so sublime a theme teach our children a
no less sublime lesson. Bid them honor the right,
just because it is right; honor it when its defenders
have gained the rich prize of success, honor it still
more when they are languishing in the dungeons of
oppression or lying-in bloody graves, like the martyrs
we celebrate to-day. And bid them remember that no
triumph, however brilliant, can ever change the wrong
into the right. Next to their duty to God, teach your
offspring to love their native Southern land all the
more tenderly for its calamities, and to cherish the
memories of their fathers all the more preciously be-
cause they battled for the right and went down in the
unequal strife. And should their youthful hearts won-
der at the triumph of force over justice, teach them
that the ways of Providence are mysterious and not
like our ways. For a time the wicked may flourish
like a green bay-tree, but he shall not endure forever,
and far better it is to suffer with the righteous than to
rejoice with the unjust. Sooner or later, in some mys-
terious way that we cannot now perceive — in their own
day, perhaps, if not in ours — the truth of our principles
will be recognized. Meanwhile, bid them scorn ” f o
crook the pregnant hinges of the knee, that thrift may
follow fawning.” Yet, while clinging to our princi-
ples and vindicating the righteousness of our motives,
let our children learn also the Christian lesson of for-
giveness. God forbid that the bitterness of our times
should be perpetuated from generation to generation!
God forbid, above all, that this land should ever be
drenched again with the blood of contending armies
speaking the same language and springing from a kin-
dred race! On the contrary, may he grant that the
causes of strife, being at last all extinct, peace and har-
mony may prevail and make this land in truth, and not
merely in name, the asylum of human libera !
I was a member of the First Tennessee Regiment,
and was with Lee at Great Mountain, But at the time
my story begins I was a member of the Reed and Mc-
Ewen Company, Forty-fourth Tennessee Regiment,
Bushrod Johnson’s Brigade. In the spring of 1864.
we left East Tennessee for Richmond. I shall never
forget the day we marched through Richmond and in
front of the Capitol of the Confederate States. Never
before was seen such a ragged set of soldiers, many of
them without shoes and with their feet tied up in rags
or in green cowhides. These were the men who held
Butler’s army at bay until an army could be gathered
together. The battle of Drury’s Bluff was then fought
and won, and Butler and his army securely bottled up
at the landing in Bermuda Hundreds. I was wound-
ed and captured in this battle, placed in a boat, and an-
chored out in the James River. As I stood upon the
deck I could see the Carter House — Shirley. A Fed-
eral officer told me that the daughters of Gen. R. E.
Lee were in the house, and he appeared to be much
pleased at the fact that Gen. Lee did not fear to leave
his daughters within their lines. I thought, but did
not tell him, what havoc his soldiers had wrought at
Dr. Friend’s house at the battle of Drury’s Bluff.
From this Carter House — Shirley, were descended R.
E. Lee, Benjamin and Carter Harrison, and my old
friends, Sandy Carter and Col. Moscow Carter. Down
the river and across the mouth of the Appomattox
once stood the Bland residence, Cowsons. From this
family descended John Randolph, of Roanoke, Chief
Justice John Marshall, Light Horse Harry Lee, and
many others of illustrious name.
Time would fail me to mention the colonial resi-
dences that could be seen from the James River, but I
mention these as being the homes of the ancestors of
our great commander. The lonely grave of Henry
Lee was on the distant shores of Georgia; upon this
Georgia coast I, with six hundred comrades, was soon
to endure horrors never before suffered by man, and
many a one was there to find an untimely grave.
We reached Fortress Monroe in the evening, and
stopped there two days. The Federal officers gave us
quite a feast, causing me to think that prison life was
feasting on the fat of the land. How cruel to thus
raise the hopes of a boy! We were at this time about
twenty in number, but I recall the name of -only oner
Capt. C. S. D. Jones, a son of Gov. Jones, of Iowa.
He was on Gen. Johnson’s staff, and was captured at
Drury’s Bluff on the morning of the battle, having rid-
den into the lines of the enemy in the darkness caused
by the fog. Who can describe the darkness of a spring
morning on the bank of the lower James? The fog is
as thick and dense as a cloud, and rises from the
ground in a dense mass as the morning advances. I
had not fullv observed this until I fell over a wire
Qor?federate l/eterar?
stretched a few feet in front of Butler’s breastworks,
when 1 found that 1 could look up under the fog and
see some distance. Near this spot where 1 fell over
the wire Maj. McCarver, George Collins, and many
others were killed. It was at this moment that Ban-
tam Hill, our color-bearer, planted the standard of the
Forty-fourth upon the works and fell back, shot
through the mouth. On this part of the line many
were killed in hand-to-hand combat, a thing 1 had
never seen before. But I am reminded that 1 have not
even reached the beginning of my tale of sorrow, woe,
and wretchedness.
I was taken to Point Lookout, at the mouth of the
Potomac. This was the best prison that I was in dur-
ing my prison life; but it was summer, and we lived in
tents. It would not have been so comfortable in win-
ter. I was next taken to Fort Delaware, where 1
found many of Bushrod Johnson’s Brigade, who were
captured near Petersburg, among them Col. Foulkcr-
son, of the Sixty-third Tennessee; John Ilooberry, of
my company; Morgan, Fleming, Cameron. Johnson,
Z. W. Ewing, I apt. Walker, and others. Here I met
Capt. Thomas F. Perkins and Capt. John Nick, who
were destined to prove friends in the time of greatest
need. 1 was much rejoiced to meet again my young
lieutenant, John Ilooberry. 1 little knew what a bur-
den and source of anxiety he would be to me in the
days of affliction soon to come, and how many long
nights I should nurse him as a mother nurses a child.
It is not my purpose to speak of prison life at Fort
Delaware, as the death roll tells the story. 1 have
often been requested to tell the story of the six hun-
dred. This no man can do. but T will give a faint
idea of the scenes and sufferings through which we
I think it was August jo. 1864, that six hundred
Confederate officers were selected and placed on
board the ship “Crescent” at Fort Delaware. Were
we hi be exchangeiK’ or what was to be done with us?
How hopeless and helpless the condition of a prisoner
of war. packed like cattle in the hold of a ship, and no
questions answered!
The morning after leaving Fort 1 )elaw are we cast
anchor inside the Delaware breakwater to await the
arrival of our convoy, the man-of-war “Futaw;” but
the “Futaw” did not come until the next day, when
we at once gol under way. Mere Gen. McCook left
ns in charge of an officer, whose name, as 1 now re-
member, was Prentiss. McCook was a soldier and a
gentleman, but I cannot say as much for Prentiss.
About four o’clock on the morning of the third day we
were all ordered on deck to assist in getting the ship
afloat. She was aground near Cape Komain. off the
South Carolina coast. By some miscalculation, the
pilot had lost his reckoning, and we had run away
from the convoy. The Federals were much fright-
ened, while their prisoners were overjoyed. Discipline
was forgotten, anil confusion reigned throughout the
ship. \\ e at once made up our minds to capture the
vessel before the return of her convoy. Col. Manning
was appointed to make the demand for her surrender,
but too much time was lost, and the black hull of the
“Futaw” loomed up in the horizon, and all hope sank
within us.
On the morning of the 26th of August we were at
anchor off Hilton Head. Here we first met Gen. John
G. Foster, who was in command of the Carolinas and
Georgia, and who was thought to be responsible for
the treatment we afterwards received.
Our condition at this time was horrible. I cannot
describe it. For a week or more we had been penned
in the hold of the ship, many were sick, and the stench
arising from the tilth was unbearable. \\ e were al-
most tarnished, provisions and water having given out
two days before we reached Hilton Head. On one of
these days 1 caught some water in an oilcloth during
a rain, and on the other a sailor gave me a cup of hot
water. Lieut.-Col. Carmichael, of the One Hundred
and Fifty-seventh New York Regiment, came al>
I le was horrified when he saw our condition, and, ex-
pressing much displeasure and regret, earnestly set to
work to relieve our deplorable state. A steamer was
brought alongside the prison ship and a detail made
from the prisoners and from the ( hie Hundred and
Fifty-seventh Regiment to cleanse the ship, the pris-
oners having been transferred from it to the steamer.
We were supplied with water and provisions, the sol-
diers gladly dividing their rations with us. We were
now in the hands of soldiers, not guards.
For several days our ship rode at anchor in the bay.
It was here that CaptS. Thomas F. Perkins. Kent, and
Ellison secured life-preservers and slipped overboard
in the darkness of the night, taking the chances of
floating to one of the numerous islands, and thence
making their escape to the mainland. It appeared
that the venture must necessarily result fatally to the
whole party. There was a swarm of sharks around
the ship. I myself at one lime saw five, with dorsal
fins above the wave, moving with the swiftness of an
arrow. After being out three days Perkins and Kent
were captured and returned to the ship. They had
become separated from Ellison.
On September 4 we found ourselves in the midst of
the blockading licet off Charleston, and on the 7th we
were landed on Morris Island. On reaching shore
we were placed under the charge of the Fifty-fourth
Massachusetts Regiment. 1 do not know why it was
called the Fifty-fourth Massachusetts, as its colonel,
Hollowell. was from Philadelphia, while its privates
and non-commissioned officers were negroes from the
Southern States, though some of the commissioned
officers were from Massachusetts. 1 often talked
with a young lieutenant of this regiment, who thought
that the war was being fought solely to free th< ne
groes. He was of the class who thought that the Con-
stitution was a league with the powers of evil. In
charge of this regiment, we marched to our prison pen,
situated midway between Forts Wagner and Gregg.
Our prison home was a stockade made of palmetto
logs driven into the sand, and was about one hundred
and thirty yards square. In this were small tents, ca-
pable of holding four persons. Around the tents and
ten feet from the wall of the pen was stretched a rope,
known as the “dead-line.” Outside of the pen, and
near the top of the wall, was a walk for the sentinels,
SO situated as to enable them to overlook the prisoners.
About three miles distant, and in full view, was
Charleston, into which the enemy was pouring heavy
shells during the night while we remained on the
island. Sumter lay a shapeless mass about twelve
hundred yards to the west of us, and from it our sharp-
shooters kept up a constant fire upon the artillerymen
Confederate Veterai?
in Fort Gregg. Off to the right lay Sullivan’s Island,
and we could see the Confederate flag floating over
Moultrie. The first evening remained quiet, not a
shot being fired by Moultrie or Wagner. Late in the
evening 1 watched the great bombshells sent from
Gregg into the city of Charleston, and heard one loud
report from the “Swamp Angel,” situated about six
hundred yards southeast of us. At sunset we were
ordered into our tents, there to remain until sunrise
the next day. In the morning we received our first
meal upon the island. This consisted of two moldy
crackers and two ounces of boiled pickled meat, while
at four o’clock in the afternoon we were given two
crackers and a gill of bean soup. Two negro soldiers
carried the rations around to the tents, and the corpo-
ral dipped out the soup in a gill tin cup and poured it
into our cups, giving each prisoner two crackers also.
As to the ration formula, Col. Hollowell said that Gen.
Foster was responsible for it. The formula was strict-
ly carried out — never more, never less. At the end of
forty days we were to learn that life could be sustained
on a much smaller amount and a poorer quality of food.
We received from the citizens of Charleston three plugs
of tobacco each. This gave great relief. One can
live on a small quantity of food when he uses tobacco
freely. In the evening of the second day Wagner
opened fire on Moultrie. Soon Gregg opened fire,
and the two made the sand island quiver and shake as
if it would melt from under us. For several hours this
continued, Moultrie remaining silent. Our friends
‘ knew that we were staked between Wagner and Gregg.
A little after dark a boom from that direction gave no-
tice that old Moultrie would remain silent no longer.
I watched the fiery globe as it curved gracefully in the
air and descended with frightful rapidity right upon
me, as it seemed, but it passed over into the garrison
of Wagner. I sat in the door of my tent and watched
the battle. The whole heavens were illuminated and
the mortar-shells were darting through the heavens in
all directions as though the sky were full of meteors.
Moultrie had opened with all her mortars, and for
some time continued to throw her shells either into
Wagner or Gregg. At last one came that looked as if
it would surely fall upon me. It came closer and
faster, and finally burst right over us, striking several
tents, but injuring no one. About one o’clock the
firing ceased, and we went to sleep. The firing con-
tinued at night during the entire six weeks of our stay
on the island, but I think that the battle of the second
night was much the fiercest of any of these artillery
Sickness soon began to prevail to an alarming ex-
tent, in consequence of the treatment received on board
the ship and on the island. The guards became more
exacting and cruel, and often shot into the pen. Two
sick and helpless prisoners were wounded. One day
Hollowell came into the pen very drunk and ordered
us to get ready to move. He stated that a truce-boat
was on the way from Charleston, and made the impres-
sion that we were to be exchanged. Those who could
walk marched to the landing, a distance of more than
a mile, while the others were carried in carts. On
reaching the landing we were placed on board two
small sailboats, with barelv standing-room. But we
could stand that to Charleston, a distance of five or six
miles. But the truce-boat left and night came on. and
we did not move in the direction of Charleston. The
next day we were again landed, and moved back to
our prison pen. It is a matter of conjecture why this
was done. Why were we moved out and kept upon
these small boats so long? Did Foster wish to in-
spect the prison pen to see if we were digging tunnels
through the sand, or was it a wanton act of cruelty?
Two or three miles was a long march in our condition,
and many a one fainted on the road. Think of starv-
ing upon that sandy island, under fire of Moultrie, for
forty-two days! In my feverish, fitful dreams I saw
all the cool, sparkling springs that my childhood knew,
but fate refused me the power to kneel and slake my
thirst as of yore. I saw tables loaded with the luxuries
of Tennessee, but had not the strength to reach forth
my hand and appease my hunger. How both pleasant
and frightful visions appear to the dreams of a starv-
ing man! Death was in our midst. Almost every day
one of our members was taken from is. I do not re-
member to have seen a doctor in the pen, though *
priest came several times and held services.
Life upon the island consisted of starving and
watching the mortar shells from Moultrie. But one
night I saw something out of the usual routine. Look-
ing to the east, in the midst of the darkness of the
cloudy night, could be seen a long line of lights upon
the blockading fleet. A boom of cannon was heard
from the fleet, and two gunboats were seen moving
swiftly in our direction. They passed between us and
Sullivan’s Island, and Moultrie opened fire. In front
could be seen the dark hull of a ship moving with fche
swiftness of the wind in the direction of Charleston.
Has it run aground or has it sunk upon a sand-bar?
For several days we could see the boats from Charles-
ton unloading the disabled blockade-runner.
On October 26 we were informed that we were to be
taken to Fort Pulaski, at the mouth of the Savannah
River. We were in the hands of Foster, and no mercy
was expected or hoped for. We staggered or were
hauled to the wharf and were placed upon the little
schooners to be towed to Fort Pulaski. The horrors
of Morris Island were not to be compared with whar
awaited us on the coast of Georgia. The little funeral
ships were on their way to establish a graveyard upon
Cockspur Island.
(To be continued.)
I. K. P. Blackburn, of Waco, Tex., writes that June
2\ has been selected by the committee as the day for
the reunion of Terry’s Texas Rangers in Nashville.
The meeting will be held at the Auditorium, on the
Centennial grounds. This will be the thirty-first re-
union of the survivors of this grand brigade, which
served under Hood, A. S. and Joe Johnston, and
Bragg, shedding its blood on every field of carnage
from Woodson ville, Ky., to Hawk River, N. C, mak-
ing the first and last fights of the Army of Tennessee.
In calling a meeting of the Palestine (Tex.) Camp.
United Confederate Veterans No. 4, Commander R.
M. Jackson states:
By the aid of the ladies — ever ready and essential in
every good cause — we raised and have in the bank
$100. promised by our camp for Jeff Davis monument.
Confederate l/eterap
The Washington Post tells an interesting story of
two Confederate comrades that became distinguished
in after life, and have answered the last roll-call within
a year. They were Charles F. Crisp and John R. Fel-
Fellows entered the Confederate army with the First
Arkansas, and was subsequently promoted to colonel
of staff. Crisp was a lieutenant in the Tenth \ irginia
Infantry, Confederate States of America. Fellows was
captured at the surrender of Port Hudson, June 8, 1863.
Crisp was captured on May 12, 1864. Both were con-
lined in Fort Delaware. Fellows was elected to the
Fifty-second Congress, of which Crisp, who was serv-
ing his fourth term, was chosen Speaker, Fellows \<>i
ing for him in caucus. One day Fellows was in the
Speaker’s private room at the Capitol to look after
some matter of legislation of interest to New York.
After this business was completed Speaker Crisp said:
” Colonel, were you not confined at Fort Delaware as a
prisoner of war? I recollect a Col. Fellows from Ar-
kansas in that prison who was a good deal of an orator,
and it occurs to me that you are the man. My Col. Fel-
lows used to make a speech to the boys once and some-
times twice a day at the time we were discussing the ad-
visability of taking the oath of allegiance to the United
“Yes, that was I,” responded Col. Fellows. “I re-
member very well how I used to harangue my fellow
prisoners, and it seems to me that I recall knowing you
in those days. You were quite a young chap then,
about eighteen or nineteen, were you nol ?”
“That young chap was myself,” replied Speaker
Crisp: “and I remember very well your eloquent ap-
peals to the boys not to take the oath as long as there
was a Confederate army in tin- field.”
“That’s right,” said Col. Fellows. “By the way, as
a matter of fact, 1 never did take the oath. I refused
to do so on the ground that 1 did not owe my allegiance
to Gen. Lee— -that is. after his surrender — nut to the
Confederate Government. When 1 learned ot the sur-
render of Dick Taylor and Kirbv Smith I was willing
to surrender too. Vccordingly, i wrote to Gen. Scheuf
that I would take the oath. He refused to let me do so.
I was finally released on parole, and never did take the
oath, except as an officer of the government.”
“I’ll never forget your speeches in the prison.” said
Mr Crisp. “They did us a lot of good. Mymostdis-
agn eahle experience as a prisoner of war was when I
was one of the six hundred prisoners taken From Fori
Delaware South and placed under the lire of our own
men. However, we took the oath afterward and were
Speaker I !risp was a prisoner of war a few days more
than a year, being captured in May, [864, and released
in Tune, 1S05. Col. Fellows was a prisoner within a
few days of two years, being captured in July. 1863,
and not released until Jun e, 1865.
Miss Lillian Finnall, 2720 Coliseum Street. New-
Orleans. La., would be greatly obliged for information
respecting Gen. John W. Finnall, whose name appears
in the appendix to John Esten Cooke’s “Life of Gen.
Lee,” in the tributes to Gen. Lee.
Touching incidents of negro fidelity from the pen of
Rev. J. C. Morris, in the January VETERAN, constrain
me to mention a lew faithful characteristics of a negro
boy that attended me during the war. Willis was of
pure African blood, lie ami 1 were brought up to-
gether. When 1 decided to enlist in the Confederate
States .’ rmy my father insisted that this boy should
attend me. Willis remained true and faithful through-
out the war. lie would always bring the results of
his foraging to me before gratifying his own capacious
a] >] K-tite. He was wonderfully brave — when the enemy
was at a distance but was sure to be lost for two or
three days after a battle. After the surrender of my
command, at Washington, Da., we made a tiresome
march to Chattanooga. While there Willis addressed
me as “Master” in the presence of some Federal sol-
diers, one of whom chided him for calling me master,
saying: “lie is no longer your master. You are as
free as he is.”
Willis straightened himself up and replied: “lie is
my master, and will be until one of us dies.”
His speech made my heart tingle.
We were sent together to Nashville, Tenn. There I
decided to part with Willis, at least for a time. I di-
vided equally with him the $26 in silver which I had
received at Washington, ( ia.. as final remuneration,
and advised him to stop in Nashville, where he could
ply his picked-up trade of barber, and he did so. Later
on in life some stolen goods were found in Willis’s
house, which he said had been left there by another
negro. He was tried and convicted as a party to the
theft, and sentenced to the penitentiary. When I
heard of it I made ever possible effort to get him par-
doned, visiting Gov. Sentcr (at that time in office), and
employing an attorney in the effort. The poor fellow
sickened and died, as I believe with a broken heart,
soon after all hope for release disappeared.
A pathetic story of a slave’s loyalty is told in the
New York Sim. and the Sun savs -it’s so.” Dr. Mc-
Reynolds, in the long ago, having the “gold-fever,”
left his wife near I larrisonville. Mo., and, taking his
servant, Asa, went West, and had secured $10,000 m
gold, and was about ready to return when he sick( tied
and died. Faithful Asa undertook to reach home with
the gold, but had many discouraging adventures.
While on the way he was captured bj Indians, hut he
managed to bury the treasure. They might have
treated him badly had he not posed as a doctor, there
being a scourge among them at the time. After his
release he gathered the gold and succeeded in getting
home and delivering it to Mrs. McReynolds. She
gave him his freedom and pari of the money, and in
the end he had a burial like wdiite folks, near his mis-
A Mr. Wheeler, of New York state, claims to have
the bullet that killed Stonewall Jackson. The story
is that the surgeon who amputated Jackson’s arm impa-
tiently threw the bullet against the wall, and that Officer
Wheeler, of his staff, picked it up. The owner died
some time ago, and the cousin mentioned as having
the bullet found it with the history recently in going
through the old clothes of the deceased.
Confederate l/eterap
The Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Mili-
tary Park is already a credit to the country. Its dedi-
cation, September 19, 20, 1895, has recently been pub-
lished as compiled by Gen. H. V. Boynton, the park
historian, for the committee.
One of the first issues of the Veteran contained a
tribute to Confederate valor in that great battle bv this
Union officer, who was a witness to it. That created a
desire to do him honor, which is now being done in the
excellent engraving and the brief sketch of his life.
The dedicatory volume mentioned above does him
credit in its illustrations, as well as reading-matter.
General H. V. Boynton was born July 22, 1835, at
West Stockbridge, Mass.; removed to Cincinnati in
1846; graduated at Woodward College, in that city,
and subsequently attended and was graduated from
Kentucky Military Institute. / fter graduating he en-
tered the Faculty as Professor of Mechanics and As-
tronomy, and received the degree of Civil Engineer.
He entered the Union army in 1861 as major of the
Thirty-fifth Ohio Infantry; was lieutenant-colonel in
command of the regiment in July, 1862, and command-
ed it to the end of its service, except when disabled by
wounds. He was mustered out in September. 1864,
because of disability from wounds received at Mission-
ary Ridge. He was brevetted brigadier-general for his
part in that battle, and has been given the Congression-
al medal of honor for it.
Gen. Boynton has been engaged in journalism in
Washington City since December, 1865. He origi-
nated the plan of the Chickamauga and Chattanooga
Park, and drew the bill establishing it, which incorpo-
rated his plans. He is the Assistant and Historian of
the National Park Commission. The plan for the ded-
ication of the park, as incorporated in the law provid-
ing for it, was also his.
Confederate l/eterai).
Col. Baxter Smith, of Tennessee, Pays Tribute to the
Venerable Alabama Patriot.
Your course in noticing in the Veteran the deaths
of Confederate soldiers, especially those who were mer-
itorious, is highly commendable. The other day 1
heard, with regret, of the recent deatli of a gentleman
who figured conspicuously for a short while in the ear-
ly part of the war, Col. James E. Saunders, of Court-
land, Ala., who died in his eighty-seventh year.
After the battle of Shiloh, in April, 1862,” the Confed-
erate army fell back to its base at Corinth, where it re-
mained until Ilalleck advanced on it in June, and then
fell back to Tupelo, Miss., where the army was reor-
ganized, and what was known as the “Kentucky cam-
paign” was planned, which was subsequent!) executed
by Bragg leading one column through North Ala-
bama and Middle Tennessee, threatening Nashville,
with the hope of causing its evacuation by the Federal
forces, and then to move in the direction of Louisville
as far as possible: while at the same time Gen. Kirby-
Smith should move with another column from Knox
ville, via Richmond and Lexington, as near as practi-
cable to Cincinnati. Col. Saunders at that time was,
perhaps, sixty years of age, and hail not joined the
army in a regular way, but he was intensely devoted
to the Southern cause and had studied well the con-
templated campaign in Kentucky, which met with his
hearty approval. In furtherance of this contemplated
movement Col. Saunders applied to Gen, Beauregard,
then in command of the Confederate forces at Tupelo,
in send Col. N. B. Forrest with a brigade of cavalry
into Middle Tennessee, in order that he might strike
Knell’s communication with Nashville and throw all
possible obstacles in the way of his retreat from Hunts-
ville. Col. Saunders had watched the career of For-
rest from the beginning of the war. and felt that he was
the most appropriate man that could be selected for
such work. Gen. Beauregard was loath to detail Col.
Forrest for such operations, as he had other important
movements to make, needing the services of that offi-
cer, but finally yielded to Col. Saunders’s persuasion,
and Col. Forrest set out from Tupelo with a small es-
cort for Chattanooga, Term., where he was to form 1
brigade. Prominent among- the members of his staff
was Col. James E. Saunders, a volunteer aid. The
writer, then a very young man, went out of his ‘old
command at the reorganization at Tupelo, and desired
to be connected with Gen. Kirby-Smith’s army in East
\s Col. Forrest left he invited the writer to join him
at Chattanooga, which he subsequently did. in com
mand of a battalion, under orders from Gen. Kirby-
Smith. The new brigade of Forrest finally rendez-
voused near McMinnville. where a council of war was
held, resulting in an order to make a descent on Mur-
freesboro. Col. Saunders was prominent in thecouncil,
and showed that he had studied well the situation and
that he was a soldier by nature, if not by education.
Col. Forrest put his brigade in motion at McMinn-
villc at sunset on Saturday afternoon, Jutv 11. r86z-,
and readied Murfreesboro, a distance of forty miles,
in the early gray of Sunday morning, capturing the
pickets and surprising the Federal forces, most of
whom were still in bed. The garrison at Murfrees-
boro consisted of about two thousand troops, and were
located at different points around the city and many of
them in the court-house. The attack upon Mur-
freesboro was so sudden and unexpected to the Fed-
erals that many of them sought concealment in the
town. Among those lodging in the town was the Fed-
eral commander, ling. < len. Crittenden, to effect whose
capture Col. Forrest had sent Col. Saunders with a
small detachment to the inn on the public square,
where it was understood that he had established his
After an ineffectual search through the house, Col.
Saunders and his party, emerging and remounting
their horses, were making their way across the square
when a general tire was opened upon them from the
windows of the court-house, and that brave and zealous
gentleman receive. 1 a ball, which passed through his
right lung and entirely through his body; but neverthe-
less he maintained his seat in the saddle until able to
ride to the east side of the public square to Maj. Led-
better’s residence, into which he was taken, as all sup-
posed, mortally wounded.
It will m it be attempted here to go into details of that
memorable and successful engagement at Murfreesbo-
ro which brought Forrest prominently before the pub-
lic and made him a general, but simply to state in what
part of the engagement Col. Saunders participated.
The last of the Federal forces surrendered near nightfall
of Sunday; lint the writer, with his battalion, was left at
Murfreesbon 1 1″ destri >\ a bridge on the railroad about
live miles in the direction of 1 Chattanooga, which was
guarded by a small garrison. The bridge was binned,
the garrison captured, and. returning to Murfreesboro,
two bridges there were destroyed. Everything was
read} to evacuate the city about one o’clock a.m. M< m –
day: but, feeling an intense interest in the fate of Col.
Saunders, the writer and Lieut. J. Trimble Brown, of
his staff, called to see how he was. and found him hope-
ful of recovery, notwithstanding the desperate nature
of the wound. It was subsequently learned that be-
tween one and two hundred straggling fugitive Fed-
eral soldiers came into Murfreesboro on the day fol-
lowing and sought Col. Saunders, and requested him
in parole them, which he did in due form, desperately
wounded as he was.
Murfreesboro was reoccupied with Federal troops
in a day or two after Forrest’s evacuation, and Col.
Saunders fell into their hands: but, after a long con-
finement, he recovered and served again in the Con-
federate army. He died as he had lived, esteemed by
all who knew him.
Suggestions About Remitting. — Many persons,
in remitting stuns of one dollar and less, buy a post-
office or express order. This is usually done bv those
who have not had much experience in remitting. Mer-
chants, and even bankers, in remitting several dollars
(except where record is important), simply deposit the
currency in a letter. To send dollar bills or stamps, if
less than a dollar, is the more convenient way, and it
is cheaper. Again, it would save some writing or
stamping if the checks or money-orders were made
payable to S. A. Cunningham.
Confederate Veterar;
Bugler, bugler, sound the rally,
Call our boys home to the valley —
Loveliest vale of the world.
Whose glades and streamlets oft were red,
When her young heroes fought and bled
For the bonnie flag now furled.
Sound, for they’re scattered far and wide;
Some make their home by ocean’s tide;
Some dwell on the Western moors;
A few in the dear old homes remain;
For many the “call” will sound in vain —
They’re at rest on heaven’s bright shores.
From far and near we’ll have them all —
From lowly cot, from lordly hall,
Come back and “dress on the line!”
We’ll listen to the war-time story;
Tears we’ll give to those in glory —
Those comrades of auld lang syne.
Then they were all youthful and gay;
Now they are aged, saddened, and gray.
But their hearts are true as steel ;
Still they burn with the high desire
That stirred alike both son and sire
To die for the Southland’s weal.
“Fighting” sergeant, you call the roll —
Name every daring, dauntless soul
Of gallant Company R.
Through winter’s snow, through sumn er’s sun
They marched and fought and battles won
With Jackson, with Stuart and Lee.
Had the plumed knights of the olden days.
Who are sung in Scotch and English lays,
A purer, nobler chivalry?
Nay. their courage reached no grander height.
Nor do they shine in a purer light.
Than the knights of Company B.
r’luiuic J. (r. Timberlahc
Sherwood, 1S96.
The Cobb-Deloney Camp, of Athens, Ga. ( celebrated
Gen. Lee’s birthday in an oratorical contest by students
of the university. This is the practice every year, the
speeches always being in defense of the Confederacy.
Jonathan Threatt Moore, of Jackson, Ga., received
the medal. His theme was “The Soldier in Gray.”
Commander J. E. Ritch writes: “After the speaking
was over we marched back to the City Hall, and, on
motion of Judge A. L. Mitchell, the Confederate
Veteran was unanimously adopted as the official or-
gan of Cobb-Deloney Camp No. 478. We then ad-
journed to meet on the 26th of April, Memorial Day.
I am talking reunion and Nashville to the boys, and
trust that a large number from our camp can go. I
carried a good crowd to Richmond. We had a special
car, and carried Gen. T. R. R. Cobb’s old legion flag
with us. It raised a good many hurrahs when recog-
Airs. Electra Semmes Colston, a gifted daughter of
Admiral Semmes, writes the Veteran that the Ann
T. Hunter Auxiliary to Semmes Camp, United Con-
federate Veterans, No. 11, is engaged in raising funds
to complete the monument to her father, which was
started in Mobile several years ago. The facts that
Admiral Semmes served his country at sea and that
there are so few surviving associates appeal to the Con-
federates everywhere to contribute to that fund.
Young people who give entertainments for such pur-
poses could hardly do a more fitting thing than to raise
a fund in honor of the man whose career as a Confed-
erate officer was an honor to his people and to the
methods of naval warfare.
Confederate States Cruiser Alabama (or “290”)
In Cha<-e
Confederate Veterar?.
This young Southern artist died of consumption in
Washington, D. C, September 18, 180.0. She was a
member of the “Anna Stonewall Jackson Chapter,
United Daughters of the Confederacy, bavins; been
reared by her mother in an enthusiastic devotion to
the cause of the Confederate States. Tlie house of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Fairfax, on Capitol
Hill, will be recalled by many who see this notice as
the one residence in Washington City which was
draped in mourning — a mourning interwoven with the
red, white, and red of the South — on the death of that
besl and noblest of men, Jefferson Davis, President of
the Confederate States.
An “In Memoriam” sketch of Miss Fairfax was pre-
pared by her family to be read at the convention of the
United I laughters of the Confederacy at Nashville in
November, but reached the President too late to re-
ceive any mention there. It has since been printed ‘n
pamphlet form, ami from its pages I quote a few para-
“Writes an artist friend: ‘She was the most diligent
and thorough student I have ever known. The sin-
gle-mindedness and resoluteness of her application
were unbounded.’ She studied first under capable
and conscientious private teachers, then at the Art
League (also private), and at the Corcoran Art School;
and to what was lacking she independently helped her-
self tin the study of animal painting, for instance, whim
is not taught at the Corcoran School). The easiest
branch of study for the young girl was animal painting.
. . She made most special, patient, and laborious
Study of the anatomy of the horse, which she counted
on utilizing later in paintings celebrating the prowess
of Southern soldiers; and had progressed, entirely un-
aided, so far as to be able to draw a horse in any posi-
tion from her accurate knowledge of the skeleton. s n
artist writes: ‘I well remember my delighted surprise
when T saw the bold promise exhibited in Miss Leo-
pi ildine’s first picture, ” In Ambush”— a tiger in a trop-
ical jungle — and the imagination displayed in it. Of
its defects -which, of course, every first picture must
have — she was frankly aware. From her talent and
her freedom from self-conceit I expected great things
of her in the future.’ She found her greatest difficulty
with portraiture, which difficult v she, with her accus-
tomed resoluteness, determined to conquer; and in one
instance, that of a Confederate soldier, she succeeded
so well that a lady exclaimed: ‘Why it look’s more like
him than he looks like himself (the original having
changed somewhat since it was painted)!”
Miss Fairfax’s versatility of talent was shown in her
choice of subjects. Besides animal painting and por
traiture, she had olanned such ideal works as “Auro-
ra,” ”Inspiration,” and “The Voice of Memnon.” for
winch she had made sketches, most interesting in their
promise and originality. One of her best finished pic
tures was called “.Red, White, and Red,” and «repre
sented “a radiantly beautiful girl, with her red lips
parted, showing the pearly teeth between, and having
the Confederate battle-flag for background – .”
After she had lost her health, in 1800, from an at
tack of the grip, Miss Fairfax, though often “unable
to endure the air of the life class or .0 stand at large
drawings,” lost none of her ardor and determination.
She frequented the Zoological l’ark and National Mu-
seum, going to tlie “Zoo,” five miles from her home,
determinedly, in spite of her painful ailments (neu-
ralgia and rheumatism) in nearly all kinds of weather,
waiting for and watching the whims and airs of the
lioness “Rose” and her troublesome family with almost
incredible patience. She made eighty sketches and
studies for her proposed “lion picture,” and then occu-
pied herself with studio work while waiting for the
lions to be put in their outdoor cages, “so that she
might study the effect of sunlight on their tawny
The autumn before her death Miss Fairfax wrote to
a friend: “I have been going to the National Museum
all this week, where I have been hard at work on my
picture of ‘ Brotherly Love’ — two lovely white ponies,
showing the strain of Arabian that is in them, one with
his head resting affectionately on the other’s back.
The superb facilities for anatomical study there have
enabled me to make a finished picture out of the feu-
pencil sketches I was able to secure in the M — barn-
yard. The painting has been beautifully photographed
by a friend, and the photo has enabled me to see how to
improve the original.”
Everything had been made ready for the lion pic-
ture, the large canvas was before her. when, after the
first few vigorous strokes, the brush fell from the hand
of the aspiring young artist, and the summons came
that called her to the spirit world.
Mrs. Jefferson Davis, in a letter of sympathy to the
sorrowing parents, wrote, alluding to the only occa-
sion on which she had seen Miss Fairfax; “Mrs. Hayes
and I were very glad of the little talk that we had with
the gentle, childlike girl. We perfectly understood
her artistic longings and aspirations, and felt sensibly
her cordial, sweet manner.”
This young girl was not only an artist, but a patriot.
“Her entire being,” as her mother wrote of her,
“seemed to be absorbed in the desire to make a name
in art that would be a credit to her native South.” And
she possessed the true artist spirit, giving up so much
that youth loves for the sake of art’s great aims, t )ne
feels, in reading of her plans for paintings celebrating
the prowess of Confederate soldiers, that not only art,
but history, as illumined by the Muse of painting,
would have been the gainer had health and the gift of
years been vouchsafed to this artist child of the South.
Let us believe that her example will be an inspiration
and an incentive to some young artist of the future to
realize her dreams,
\i 1 xandrta, Va., February 22, 1S07.
The undersigned officers of the \nne Lee Memorial
Association, knowing that statements have been made
calculated, if unni iticed, to impair the success of the as-
so< iation, feel it their duty to submit a statement to all
interested in its noble work.
Early in [895 a meeting of the women of this city
was called to form an association to erect a monument
in Alexandria, Va,, to Anne Lee. the mother of
Robert F. Lee. regarding it as a special privilege to
Confederate Veterar?
perform this noble duty. They realized that, before
any more definite steps eould be properly taken, the
approval of the family should be obtained; hence Gen.
G. W. C. Lee, with other members of Gen. R. E. Lee’s
family, and Gen. Fitzhugh Lee, were consulted, and a
telegram and sundry letters from them (on file with
the association) gave assurance that they not only had
no objection to the movement, but in more than one
instance gratification was expressed at its inception
and active sympathy was manifested in its success.
Thus assured, they then made application and secured
the charter of the Anne Lee Memorial Association,
which named its officers and trustees, proceeded to col-
lect funds and disburse the same in the interests of the
association, and selected representatives in other
Southern States and in New York City to organize
branches of the association. They have been greatly
encouraged by the wide-spread and earnestly expressed
desire of the women of the South to cooperate with
them in their work of love.
They are now energetically moving on in the confi-
dent expectation of realizing, in the beginning of the
twentieth century, the completion of a monument to
this noble woman, of whom Edmund Jennings Lee, in
an article on Gen. Robert E. Lee, in this month’s num-
ber of Frank Leslie, says: “If the world owes much to
Mary, the mother of George Washington, it owes no
less to Anne, the mother of Robert E. Lee. It is high-
ly to the credit of the ladies of Virginia that they are
seeking to raise a suitable monument” to her memory.
Mrs. L. Wileer Reid, President;
Sallie Stuart, Vice-President ;
Alice E. Colquhoun, Secretary;
Katharine H. Stuart, Cor. Sec;
Mrs. W. J. Boothe, Treasurer.
Daughters of the Confederacy in Virginia.
This society having been urged to join the United
Daughters, a meeting was held in Richmond, Va., on
July i, 1896, at Lee Camp Hall, to decide the matter.
After it was fully discussed the vote was taken by
chapters. It was the unanimous vote of the twenty-
seven chapters “to join the United Society as a Grand
Division.” The terms were those on which the Grand
Camp of Virginia joined the United Confederate Vet-
erans — viz., “The Grand Camp Confederate Veterans,
Department of Virginia, joined the United Confeder-
ate Veterans as one camp, representation in the United
Confederate Veteran conventions being based on the
number of delegates in attendance at the annual meet-
ing of the Grand Camp in the preceding year, and as-
sessments being paid on that number.”
It was chartered by the United Confederate Veter-
ans just as any other camp would be, but the Grand
Camp alone issues charters to its several camps.
About one-third of these camps are members also of
the United Confederate Veterans separately, and hold
charters from the United Confederate Veterans, but
this does not affect their allegiance to the Grand Camp,
as they are represented in both. The other two-
thirds are members of the United Confederate Veter-
ans only through the Grand Camp, and are represent-
ed in the United Confederate Veteran conventions by
the delegates from the Grand Camp of Confederate
Veterans, Department of Virginia.
This official offer of the Grand Division, signed by
its President and Secretary, was sent to Mrs. Raines,
then President of the United Daughters of the Confed-
eracy, to be laid before their annual convention at
Nashville, November 11, 1896. The above “terms”
were sent with the request that they be read also, so
that all might understand the matter. The by-laws
and constitution of the Grand Division, based on those
of the Grand Camp of Virginia, were on hand, so that
all could be settled at this meeting. This constitution
does not differ on any material point from that of the
United Daughters of the Confederacy.
The “offer” and “terms” were apparently misunder-
stood, as the resolutions presented by the committee of
the United Daughters of the Confederacy, though most
friendly and conveying the “unanimous wish of the
convention” to have the Grand Division join them,
were not in accord with its offer, the Richmond con-
vention having voted against joining as separate chap-
If the United Confederate Veterans could accept
the terms of the Grand Camp, Confederate Veterans
of Virginia, there is no reason why the United Daugh-
ters should not accept the same from the Grand Di-
vision of Virginia. The origin and work of this so-
ciety were published in the Veteran last spring, with a
list of chapters and their officers. It began the work
in Virginia, and has steadily gone on, under many
difficulties, until now thirty chapters and over fifteen
hundred members are enrolled. As their work is ex-
actly the same as that of the other Daughters in the
South, the allusions in the report of the Virginia di-
vision (January Veteran) strike one as rather singu-
lar; especially that a Virginia woman, knowing the
great good that has been done by this society through-
out the state since 1894 and the cordial kindness ex-
tended by it to all other Virginia Chapters, should say:
“Virginia has had a difficulty with which to contend
in a rival association, engineered with greatest activ-
ity.” No such word as “rival” should ever be used in
connection with this sacred work, and we hope never
to see it again on the pages of the Confederate Vet-
W. F. Christian, Bordley, Ky. : “I was a soldier
under Gen. Morgan; was on the raid through Indiana
and Ohio, and was captured at Chester, O., July 20,
1863. I was a prisoner seventeen months at Camp
Chase and Camp Douglas ; went on exchange to Rich-
mond in 1865, and was there furloughed thirty days,
whereupon I went to North Carolina, and during this
time Gen. Lee surrendered. I then walked from
North Carolina to Mt. Sterling, Ky. There I fell in
with Gen. Giltner’s brigade and surrendered to Gen.
Hobson. It gives me pleasure to say that I got home
without having to take the oath of allegiance, although
I have no desire to be disloyal. I am well pleased with
the Veteran.”
Confederate l/eteran.
1 26
Comrades in the far ‘West are diligent in the sacred
duties incumbent upon them. A new camp has been
organized in far West Texas with a membership ex-
tending over six of those large counties. Comrade 1 1 .
( CNeal, of Alpine, has been elected Commander. He
writes :
I take pleasure in writing t<> J >>n what a few old
veterans in this count)- are doing. We like the \ i:i
ekan very much, and would nut do without it. \\ <■
have organized a camp on the Texas frontier, and our
population is scattered. Some of us will go to Nash-
ville to the reunion.
I was only thirteen years old when 1 enlisted in
Company A, Fortieth Alabama Regiment, at Demop-
olis. My first battle was at Chickasaw Bayou, near
Vicksburg, Miss., and, by accident. I was noi captured
at the surrender of Vicksburg. 1 was also at Lookout
Mountain and Missionary Ridge, and at both places I
eluded capture by the “blue boys.” 1 was in the ( ieor-
gia campaign from Dalton to .Atlanta, and nevet
missed a battle. In the battle of New Hope Church
the Twenty-seventh Alabama Regiment was cut to
pieces; in fact, nearly all killed. I remember thai one
shell killed twenty-one men — struck the breastworks
and scattered the rails. 1 lost some of my best friends
there, among them Pole Dearman and Rob Mc’ fowan
The 22d, 23d, and 28th of July were hard battles
for us, and we lost a great many good nun. I would
like to know what became of one of my friends, Hyram
Fincher, who was wounded on the 28th. The enemy
drove us back, and afterwards 1 went to look for him.
but could not find him.
The last battle 1 was in was that of Bcntonville.
N. C.| March 19, 1865. Our regiment suffered se-
verely. Our percentage of loss was greater there than
in any other battle during the war. My company had
only thirty-two men. officers included, when we went
in, and lost twenty-one in one evening — three cap-
tured, and the balance either killed or wounded. All
the color-guards were killed or wounded. It seemed
to be my duty to pick up the colors and carry them
through the heaviest of the fight. 1 was called the
“little Irishman.” I remember well, it was on a beau-
tiful Sunday evening. We were cut off from our
army, and did not get to it for ten days. There were
seventy of us altogether -■— twelve Yankee prisoners,
thirty officers, and the others were privates and non-
commissioned officers. During five days we got only
one pig, weighing twenty-five pounds, and twelve ears
of corn. Some of the thirty officers mentioned were
from Tennessee. The prisoners were from Illinois.
After the battle of Rentonville (.’apt. Gully went
with me to Maj.-Gen. Clayton’s headquarters, and
when he saw me with the colors, and it was explained
to him how T seized and carried them alone through
the fight of ten days before, he took me in his arms as
a child. It had already been reported that we were
CUl off and lost, and I saw my name recorded on the
death-roll. A short time afterward we surrendered at
Salisbury, N T . C.
1 went into the army from Sumter County, Ala.
Have never heard from but very few of my old com-
rades since the war.
mt _ •>■ ■
^ \
,..*.- ^
MRS. Ill /111 (,ll I II.
Mrs. Fitzhugh Lee. the President of the United
Daughters of the Confederacy, was Miss Ellen Bernard
Foule. of Alexandria. Va. She was born in January,
1853. Her father was George Dashiell Foule: and her
mother, Miss Ellen Hooe. Her ancestry is illustrious
on both sides. Through her father, wdio came from
Massachusetts, she is descended from the Holmeses,
Hoopers, Lowells, and many others whose names have
made New England illustrious. Through her mother
she is descended from the Hansons, Keys, Briscoes,
Bonds, of Maryland, and the Alexanders, Hooes,
Washingtons, Balls, Bernards, Fowlkes, and many
others in Virginia. She was married in Alexandria on
the 19th of April, 187 1, to Gen. Fitzhugh Lee, and
lived a number of years on his plantation in Tidewater,
Va. In 1886 she went to Richmond, and lived there
during the four years of her husband’s administration
as Governor of Virginia. Since then she has lived in
Lexington until a year ago, when she removed to
Lynchburg when her husband was appointed Internal
Revenue Collector, and left Lynchburg to accompany
him to Cuba when he was made United States Consul-
General to that island. ..
John F. ‘Westmoreland (Company A. Fifty-third
Tennessee Regiment 1, Athens, Ma.:
I wish to know the whereabouts, if living, of one
Samuel A. Adkins. who was in prison with T. J. Oak-
ley and myself at Camp Morton in the winter of 1863-
64. Would like to meet him at the reunion in June.
Confederate l/eterai?
A soldier at Antietam. in frenzied battle fray.
With gory wounds was bleeding his boyish life away;
The ashen hue of pallor that gathered o’er his face
Betokened that the soldier had well-nigh run his race.
The glassy, shining luster of his bright and tearless eye
Revealed beyond all doubting the youth was bound to die.
Though death at him was staring, he ‘hummed a roundelay
Of his “Old Kentucky Home,” so far, so far away.
A comrade heard him singing, and that delirious tongue
Was like the swan’s when dying, the sweetest he’d e’e,’ sung.
He knew that measured cadence was but a sad refrain,
Which, when it ceased its toning, he ne’er would.sing again.
So, kneeling down beside him, he opened his canteen;
He bathed his face with water till it was white and clean.
The handsome youth was dying — belonged to Company K,
From an “Old Kentucky Home,” so far, so far away.
“Some messages you’ll carry? Then thank you, comrade true,
And I have something other I’d like to send by you
To her whose lovely image, ‘mi’! battle’s bloo dy fight,
Or ‘mid the peaceful quiet of bivouac for the night,
Was ever present with me. a solace and a cheer,
In time of deepest trouble it ever hovered near.
Then take, O take this picture — she gave it me one day
In her ‘Old Kentucky Home.’ so far, so far away.
Then tell her how I prized it, and wore it near my heart.
It was her love-medallion, my gift its counterpart.
The sulphurous glare of battle I’ll never witness more,
For soon I’ll cross the river and seek the other shore;
That ‘mid Antietam’s thunder, please say to her for me,
‘Twas on my country’s altar, I made libation free,
Poured out my life willingly, and wore with pride the gray
For my ‘Old Kentucky Home,’ so far, so far away.
These letters too I’ll send to her, with blood-spots here and
Please tell her ’bout the comfort these bright effusions were;
As cheering, glad talismans I conned them o’er and o’er,
For I loved the writer truly, as 1 never loved before.
tell her how I loved her, and in the arms of death
1 breathed for her a blessing, e’en with my latest breath,
And in my invocation asked a token for display
In her ‘Old Kentucky Home.’ so far, so far away.
And now, my comrade, listen: This watch you’ll take with
Please give it to my brother, the younger of us two,
And tell him he must wear it — a brother’s dying gift.
Who, oft amid the battle, the smoke of battle whiffed,
And when the charging legion raised loud their wild war-cry,
Although mortally wounded, was not afraid to die.
Tell him that I still proudly wear my suit of gray,
For my ‘Old Kentucky Home,’ so far, so far away.
You’ll please say. too, to brother, for parents growing old
Attention he must shower — no kindness must withhold.
His tender care of mother, her sorrow may assuage,
While grieving that so early I closed my pilgrimage.
My country’s wrongs demanded my arm and then my life.
I answered her demanding, and joined the dreadful strife;
I left ancestral plenty, and donned a suit of gray,
For my ‘Old Kentucky Home,’ so far, so far away.
would that I could wander once more o’er hill and dell,
Which once in childhood gamb’lings I loved, and loved so
Alas! I’m wounded — dying, on field of carnage grim,
O’er which the morning sunlight is swiftly growing dim.
To home and love and kindred, a long and last good-by,
For I, wdio am a soldier, am ready now to die.
1 fought the fight, and lost it — a sergeant dressed in gray,
From an ‘Old Kentucky Home,’ so far, so far away.”
His whisper grew more feeble, his eyes as^med a stare,
Then limp his limbs fell trembling aside his body there.
The brave, heroic soldier had fallen into sleep,
‘Round which the holy angels will constant vigils keep
Till reveille is sounded by Gabriel, loud and clear,
To call the sleeping soldier to “line up in the rear,”
And to eternal camping, march him who wore the gray
From an “Old Kentucky Home,” so far, so far away.
Lexington, Kv. — ; /. T. Patterson.
The Veteran records ever with special pride the
faithfulness of comrades in such sections as East Ten-
nessee and Missouri, where continually avowed loyal-
ty has often cost much more than in sections of the
South, where so nearly all are one way in honoring
the Confederate dead. Comrades at Knoxville and
about Morristown and Bristol are so true that special
attention to their testimonies is deserved. In this is-
sue we give a held-over account of the last Memorial
Day service at Knoxville. Comrade Frank A. Moses,
having charge of the services, had all things done in a
most orderly way. He had selected Mr. Charles T.
Cates, Jr., the son of a veteran, to make the address,
and in introducing him said:
Comrades: For nearly a quarter of a century we have
annually assembled in this sacred place to join with
the ladies of the Memorial Association in paying re-
spect to the memory of our dead heroes. Through all
these years these noble women have come with willing
hands, tearful eyes, and tender, loving hearts to scatter
sweet flowers on the last resting-place of the boys who
wore the gray and who suffered and died in defense
of the land they loved so well, far from home and loved
ones. To-day we look around and miss ,the well-
known faces of many of those mothers in Israel whose
presence was always an inspiration to us. One by one
they have gone to their reward, and a younger genera-
tion has taken up the task that they so lovingly per-
And our ranks, too, have been growing thin as the
years rolled by. Some who were with us even one
short year ago have heard the last bugle-call, and to-
day we have paid tribute to their memory. The young-
est of us who followed the stars and bars and the red
cross of St. Andrew have long since reached the sum-
mit in life’s journey, and are now descending the west-
ern slope. Soon “taps” will have sounded for us too,
and the “rear-guard” will have “crossed over the river
to rest under the shade of the trees.”
Who then will take our places? Who then will
gather here and over yonder in that other city of the
dead, Gray Cemetery, to do for us all what we do to-
day for these dead comrades? Surely we may be-
queath this duty to those who must soon take our
places in all the affairs of life: our children and our
children’s children. I am commissioned by the ladies
of the Memorial / ssociation to present to you to-day
a young man, the worthy son of a gallant sire, a young
man who is proud of the fact that his father wore the
Mr. Cates, in becoming manner, said:
Sons and Daughters of the South: These are our dead.
We are here to honor, not to defend, them; they need
no defense. And it would be passing strange if the
sons and daughters of this glorious Southland did not,
with each recurrent year and when all nature has put
on her fairest robes, assemble with reverent hearts to
deck with the emblems of purity, peace, and love the
graves of our heroes, in remembrance of their deeds
Qopfederate l/eterai?
and to keep alive upon the altar of our hearts the mem-
ory of their sacrifices and their patriotism.
More than a generation has passed, and still we
come — their comrades, their wives, their sons, their
daughters. Surely no ordinary sentiment inspired
these nun. Who were they that, with this lapse of
time, live to be remembered by such hosts from the
Potomac to the Rio Grande’s waters, who bring the
sweetest Mowers of spring time to cover their graves?
Are these the graves of men who in peace and quiet
lived mil the period usually allotted to mortals and
were carried to their Last resting-place to go “down to
dust, unwept, unhonored, and unsung?” No! These
are the graves of heroes, and with them lie their breth-
ren (in every hillside, in every dale, and by every river
throughout this land they loved so well. Amid the
‘roar of battle, and with the scream of grape and canis
ter For their last requiem, their souls took flight. They
died for their country, for you, for me. They saw not
the end, they wore not the laurels of victory, but they
were spared the ashes of defeat. Their memory should
be embalmed in the hearts of every true son and daugh-
ter of this Southland, and these beautiful floral offt I
ings will never be abandoned so long as their worth
and patriotism shall be remembered; and when we no
longer remember them we shall cease to deserve them
and the glorious heritage which has descended to us
from their deeds of valor and their examples of devo
tion to principle and duty. Who will say that we may
not honor our heroic dead? We honor ourselves in
honoring them; and that people which forgets such
dead as these will no longer rear men worth remem
We are not here to prove that they were right. We
know they believed that they were’ right; and, save for
the stern decree and arbitrament of war to which we
yield, and from which there’ is no appeal, who in this
broad Southland would say that they were wrong?
Throughout the world’s history and back to the first
days when men began to associate themeslves together
in their earliest rude governments, in what age. under
what clime, will you find such men as these? In all
the’ historic records of past ages, wherever people have
struggled for principle and died for country, no greater
examples of heroic devotion to duty, no more magnifi-
cent exhibitions of valor, no m« ire suffering and patient
self-denial, can be found than among the soldiers of the
Confederacy. Come with me down the vista of ages,
strewn with the wrecks and marred by the ruins of
earth’s proudest empires: search among their archives
for their bravest and their best, and where’. 1 ask you,
will names be f< mud m< »re entitled to be fixe’d on fame’s
proud temples than the immortal names of the’ courtly; of Jackson, the’ stone wall: the inteprid and chiv-
alrous Johnstons; the knightly Stuart. Prince Rupert
of the Confederacy, and a myriad of others, whose
names will live forever and whose fame will be as en-
during as the- mountains that pierce the sky? \nd
lure we would be recreant to ourselves and the sacred
heritage of his name’ (lid we for^vt that calm, sedate
figure in the’ executive mansion at Richmond, who had
follow ill the flag of his country on the torrid plains of
Mexico, who with credit and dignity had filled a place
in the cabinet of the Union and the Federal Senate.
Beloved by the people of his state and the whole South-
land, he was called to fill the highest place in the Con-
federacy; a warrior whose escutcheon was unsullied; a
statesman, liberal, just, and humane, but traduced and
slandered beyond all parallel — his name and fame will
grow brighter as we are farther away from that dread
conflict and the passions engendered, ami his name will
be cherished by future generations of the lanel he loved
so well and which now holds in its bosom all that is
mortal of the President of the Confederacy.
In looking back to those days of blood and suffering
we are perhaps too apt to dwell longest upon those
great leaders who are now world-famous and whos
genius has forever fixed them as brightest stars in the
galaxy of heroes of all ages. But let us not forget
that the private soldier, who neither won- stars upon
his collar nor bars upon his shoulders, but, with knap-
sack and musket, bore the brunt of the- hot, weary
march, the winter’s blast, the long, quiet vigil of the
sentinel’s beat; ewer ready, ever willing to rush with
tin M|uadrons of Forrest or stand like a stone wall in
the battalions of Jackson; as chivalrous as Bayard, as
merry as Rupert; following the lead of their chieftans,
and oftentimes leading them — from Manassas to Ap-
pomattox they fell, uncomplaining, regretting each
that he had only one life to give for his country; and
down through the’ lapse of ages their memory will
grow greener and their fame shall be more lasting
than yon marble shaft which loving hearts have erect-
ed in fond and tender remembrance of their valor and
virtue. No minstrel may single out their names, but
On fame’s eternal camping-ground
I’lu’u silent tents an- spread,
And glorj guards with solemn round
Tin- ln\ ouac of our
Does our fancy dwell upon the terms Confederate
dead and Confederate veterans? We could not forget
them if we would, and we would not if we could. \\ e
come not with apologies, but with love and honor.
Yet, to-day there are no Confederates. Those words
rest with tile’ fading gray jacket and the rusting sword,
placed away forever with the tenderest memories. The
dead are not Confederates, but heroes; the living, with
a tear for the banner
That will live in song and story,
Though its folds are in the dust.
have their eyes fixed upon the tlag of the Union, and
are the proud citizens of the grandest republic the
world has ever seen. Thee are’ in the house built by
their fathers, and they are at home to stay. Among
good citizens line are the best, and among the patriots
m me’ w ill be in. ire devi ited and loyal to protect and pre-
serve this •’indissoluble Union of indestructible states”
from the assaults of foreign enemies or the dark
machinations of domestic foes. Shall we not say this,
and will not our brethren of the North believe us?
Aye! surely they will and do. They need no other
guaranty than the lives of such men.
And what of the sons and daughters of these men?
Will the day ever come that the memory of that father
who battled with Fee and Jackson or fell with Pickett
at Gettysburg or Johnston at Shiloh cause you a blush
of shame? Never! Perish the thought! As you
have learned, so teach your children that their grand-
sires believed they were right, that with undying devo-
(^federate Veterar?.
tion they loved the Constitution of their country, that
they fought and died in defense of principle and their
hearthstones; and at the same time show them the flag
of the Union and teach them that its stars must not be
dimmed nor its stripes suffered to pale. . . . And
then, should the Union have need of defenders, none
will be found quicker to respond or more willing to die
than the sons and grandsons of those who wore the
Thomas W. Timberlake, Milldale, Va. :
In reply to query paragraph by W. R. Hanleiter, of
Griffin, Ga., in your January Veteran, concerning “one
of the greatest scouts in the Confederacy — his name is
Burke*’ — I will say that while wounded and sojourn-
ing with an uncle, Samuel Andrews, near Spottsylva-
nia Court-house, in January, 1864, there came to his
hospitable residence two scouts: Capt. Burke, about
twenty-seven years old, and a younger man by the
name of Clark, about twenty-two years old. They re-
mained several days to recuperate, as they said, after
an arduous trip in rear of Meade’s army and to Wash-
ington. Burke was tall, of dark complexion, with dark
hair, and blind in one eye, which latter feature, he
said, was of great advantage to him, in that when he
deemed himself a suspect he could remove or insert
one of glass, and, by change of hat or other apparel,
confound detectives. He said that he was a Texan.
Clark, with whom I had never met, was a native of my
own county, and a son of Elder Clark, of the Primi-
tive Baptist Church. He was volatile, bright, and en-
tertaining; while Burke was of quiet dignity, but not
unapproachable. By my solicitation, he related some
highly interesting adventures while scouting in the
enemy’s lines, one of which I will repeat.
During one of his trips to Washington, in the rear
of the Army of the Potomac, he suddenly met, at a
bend in a wooded road near a Federal camp, a Fed-
eral captain, who regarded him with suspicion, and,
when near enough, challenged him to know to what
command he belonged. To this Burke replied, but he
thought not entirely to the satisfaction of the officer,
and he quickly covered him with his revolver and se-
cured a surrender. Then the question arose: What
should he do with the Federal captain? He could not
forsake his mission, neither could he retrace his steps
with a prisoner nor parole him, lest he himself might
soon become a prisoner, so he decided to. take him
into a dense piece of piny wood and kill him. Hav-
ing found a lonely spot, he frankly told his prisoner
that he was a Confederate scout and spy; that he made
frequent trips to their camps and to Washington, and
therefore he was of necessity compelled to kill him. as
he might become an informer if released on parole,
and cause his capture thereafter. The Federal cap-
tain, being an intelligent man, told him that he plainly
saw the logic of his conclusions, but calmly pleaded for
his life, saying that as he valued his own life so he
would guard and shield Burke if ever their paths met
again. The manly coolness and bravery of the Cap-
tain won Burke’s confidence as a man of honor, so he
released him, and each went on his way.
Not many weeks after, during another trip and
while in Washington, a card, bearing the name of this
same captain, was sent to his room at one of the hotels,
and he was at once invited up. After a cordial greet-
ing, Burke was informed that there was great vigi-
lance on the part of the detectives, and that he should
be very careful and less conspicuous, the Captain him-
self having recognized him on the avenue and followed
him to his hotel. Burke was invited to the hotel bar
by the Federal, where he renewed his pledge of fidel-
ity, and both drank to ”a safe return home when the
cruel war is over.”
In a letter sent with the foregoing thrilling story.
Comrade Timberlake — who served first in the Second
Virginia Infantry, in the “Stonewall Brigade,” and,
after August, 1863, in the Twelfth Virginia Cavalry,
Rosser’s Brigade — states:
When renewing my subscription to the Confed-
erate Veteran I did not express its engaging inter-
est throughout, as it recounts memories of men,
scenes, enactments, and achievements unsurpassed in
the annals of heroic and historic tragedy. When I
tear away the wrapper I cannot lay it down until I
have read it through. Here I find familiar stories that
bring back the days of life’s beginning, when, with the
bayonet as a pen of steel, I began to write my biogra-
phy, the preface of which had been as a peaceful river,
gently flowing, never wanting. But hark! here are
stirring times. The bugle sounds in the mountain
glens and upon the plains the throbbing drum is keep-
ing time with martial music. What means the assem-
bled hosts? ‘Tis war. . . . Now, sir, the record
is written by each surviving hero of a war unsurpassed
for chivalry, courage, and devotion to cause and
Comrade J. King, of New Orleans, writes concern-
ing the statistics of the Tennessee army in 1865 in the
December Veteran, mentioning errors, etc.:
Manigault never commanded a battery, but a South
Carolina brigade, and was Gen. Manigault in history,
or “Old Swayback” in camp. Further, I do not find
mention of some of the most prominent batteries of that
army — to wit, Douglas’s Company, Texas Artillery;
Garrity’s Company, Alabama Light Artillery; Robin-
son’s Company, Confederate States Artillery; Slo-
cum’s Fifth Company, Washington Artillery, of New
Orleans. Besides these, there was no mention of the
‘ First Regiment of Regular Louisiana Infantry. These
commands were important parts of the ^rmy of Ten-
nessee until the defeat at Nashville in 1864 and their
transfer to Gen. Dick Taylor in 1865. In all the re-
ports of actions in the Tennessee army I have not
seen any of these commands mentioned, and- their
work certainly deserves some kind of recognition.
Again, I see the report of the battles at Fort Craig
and Fort Durham, Ky., by Chalmer’s Mississippi Bri-
gade, in which is left out entirely Garrity’s Alabama
Battery, an organization the Confederacy need not be
ashamed of and a company whose proud fame com-
menced at Fort Perkins and ended at Meridian, Miss.,
May 10, 1865 — four years and ten days of honest serv-
ice from the day of enlistment.
Confederate l/eteran.
The Pulaski (Ya.) Camp, U. C. V., Xo. 721, took
such part for the Richmond reunion that, besides the
interest in a report, it may be accepted as a model and
suggestive to comrades in other states in which general
reunions are held. Comrade James Magill reported
various funny incidents of his camp on the trip, send-
ing the “original dispatches,” etc., such as:
Capt. A. L. Teaney: Have fort built at Libert) to
protect college at that place at once. A. 1′. II ill.
Government Rate. I ommanding.
Adj. Gen. George W. Stringhouse orders Col, Me-
Gill with seventy-five men “to the Leaks of ( ttter, and
to hold them at all hazards.”
Another dispatch directs that Cols. Caddell and Lov-
ing “remove from the city to a safe place all the ladies
and children of Richmond.”
And still another orders: “You will proceed immedi-
ately to Portsmouth and drive the Yankees from Fort-
ress Monroe and the Navy Yard.”
Joking aside, the Pulaski Camp did its part well in
Richmond reunion matters. Eighty-five veterans and
seventy-five citizens occupied two special cars for the
trip, one of which was decorated with bunting, Con-
federate flags, etc. The week before going the camp
sent a two-horse wagon through the country for sup-
plies, and this was generously loaded — seven hundred
pounds of bams, a lot oi lard, four barrels of flour, etc.
Thej cooked ten hams, four hundred pounds of bread.
cakes, etc., to carry with them, and shipped the other
to the quartermaster at Richmond.
Comrade Magill’s venerable mother, in Iter ninetieth
year, had gone all the way from ( ialveston, Tex., to at-
tend the reunion, and she stood the long journey well.
The Pulaski Camp provides funds for its members
that are unable to pay their way to the reunions. Its
contribution of supplies to the Richmond reunion was
valued at $250.
Confederate Veterans’ Asso< iation at the Cap-
ital. — At the recent election of officers for the United
Confederate Veteran Camp No. 171. Washington. 1 >.
C, the following comrades were honored: R. Byrd
Lewis, Virginia, President; Magnus S. Thomp
Virginia, First Vice-President; F. 1!. Mackey, South
Carolina. Second Vice-President; C. C. fvey, Ken-
tucky, Secretary; 1 reorge 1 1. tngraham, South 1 arolina,
Financial Secretary; K. M. Harrover, Virginia, Treas-
urer; A. G. Holland, Maryland, Sergeant – at – Arms;
Rev. K. II. McKim, Louisiana. Chaplain; Dr. J. L.
Suddarth, Virginia, and Dr. \Y. P. Manning. District
of Columbia, Surgeons. Secretary Ivey writes that
the) have established new headquarters since < >etohi r
last, and have a beautiful hall, the walls being hung
with pictures and war relics. The latch-string hangs
on the outside of the door, and comrades are welcome.
C. T. Jackson. Salado, Tex.: “1 was a member of
Company 1, Fifth Texas Infantry, 11 l’s Brigade, A.
N. \ . When the war closed 1 was in Fort Delaware,
where we buried our dead comrades two deep on the
New [ersej shore. I was on detail to do this awful
thing, while there was plenty of room on the beach to
do otherwise.”
1 me of the besl organized camps in the brother’
of United ( out”, derate Veterans is that at Pulaski City,
Confederate l/eterap.
•’Write about the horse” was the message from W.
R. Bringhurst, of Clarksville, Tenn., concerning whom
comrades had told so many thrilling stories that a re-
quest had been made of him for personal experiences
in the war. Seme data has been secured, however,
and, although second-hand, is known to be reliable.
When a soldier lad and a prisoner “Billie” Bring-
hurst was nursed with great kindness by a good woman
in Paducah, Ky., and she se-
cured his picture before he was
sent off for exchange. A copy
of that little photograph is here-
with given.
Comrade Bringhurst does not
deserve quite as much credit,
as others, for having
good soldier, as he
not to fear anything.
On one occasion he went so far
ahead of his comrades in a
charge that he was thought to
have been killed or captured.
As proof of his fearlessness this story is told: While
on picket duty at Chickamauga one bitter cold night,
and practically barefooted, young Bringhurst con-
ceived the idea of burying his feet, so he dug holes
and anchored them. He was there to stay, anyhow.
At a time when the Confederates entered Maryville
young Bringhurst saw an officer riding and leading an-
other horse. He brought in the other horse, as well
as the officer and his outfit, one of which is “Old Bill.”
been a
” . Ml
a 4 mm $
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■ I
■ ‘■ jB£—
Not content with that achievement, when confront-
ing Federals barricaded in the court-house, he under-
took, between the lines, to secure two horses, hand-
somely equipped, the halter of one of which was thrown
around the neck of the other. When he had almost se-
cured them a volley of shots came so near that one
wounded a horse in the neck, and the blood spattered
in his face. He abandoned further effort; but a com-
rade had the sagacity to tempt the horses with fodder
through a crack into a barn, and thereby secured them.
‘ This old horse did his master faithful service to the
end. Despite the cartel of exchange, the horse was
taken from him, after much service, by the authorities.
Subsequently a comrade, having secured the animal,
sold him to Bringhurst, Senior, and he was the “fam-
ily horse” for many years. The picture of the group
was made some years after the war. The picture rep-
resents Comrade Bringhurst holding the horse, his
wife (whose pathetic recollection of seeing Sam Davis’s
execution, while a girl in her teens, has appeared in the
Veteran) holding the fifth of their now ten children
in her arms, while the four older ones are happily
perched on “Old Bill.” Comrade Bringhurst rode
him as one of the escort to President Davis from
Greenville, N. C, to Washington, Ga. There the par-
ty divided, arid he was one of fifty going with Gen.
Breckinridge. The Veteran would like to know by
what means these fifty Confederates “compelled five
times their number of Federals to draw off the road
and let them go on their way.” It was a remarkable
event. The old horse died at twenty-six years, nine-
teen years after the war.
Robert Bringhurst, an older brother of William B.,
was wounded in the battle of Peachtree Creek, near
Atlanta, July 18, 1864; and. although he had not recov-
ered, he was on crutches and with his command at the
time of the carnage at Franklin, having an unexpired
furlough in his pocket. Seeing him at the front as his
brigade was about starting on a charge, Gen. Quarles
advised him to go to the rear, but he declined to retire.
He was asked what good he could do on crutches and
withoutagun. He replied that he could “cheer the boys
on,” and he did. But he was carried to the hospital the
next morning with eight fresh wounds, one of them
necessarily fatal, and after six days he died. Some
time afterward his body was reinterred in the family
burial-lot at Clarksville, Tenn.
More than thirty years ago we buried our dead com-
rades, who fell at our side defending our homes, moth-
ers, wives, and daughters. Annually we go to those
graves with flowers and drop a tear to their memory,
not forgetting the cause for which they died. You
cannot imagine my astonishment and mortification on
reading in the Veteran for January, 1897, that the
Daughters of the Confederacy of the good city of Lit-
tle Rock, Ark., had their first annual ball, the proceeds
to be applied to the erection of a monument to the Con-
federate dead. Is it possible? Can it be true that
noble daughters of fallen heroes have so forgotten the
blood shed in their defense as to dance over their
graves? Tell it not abroad. In the name of my fall-
en comrades, I enter my solemn protest that we want
no monument over their graves purchased by a dance
and revelry. God forbid that thev should have a sec-
ond ball! ‘W. C Hearn,
A Survivor of the Lost Cause.
Talladega, Ala.
Confederate l/eterao.
Rev. George Lester, of the M. E. Church, now mis-
sionary in the Bahama Islands, furnishes the following
to the Veteran:
Upon the outbreak of the American war English
sympathy was undoubtedly in favor of the Federal
cause. It is not difficult to account for this, remem-
bering the attitude of the old country toward slavery.
But, as the struggle proceeded, it was noticeable how
distinctly the sentiment of a large body of the English
people veered round to the South. Distressed as the
cotton-manufacturing districts of Lancashire were, in
consequence of the failure of the cotton supply, there
nevertheless gradually came a reaction iir favor of
Southern patriotism. Eventually the aims ami ambi-
tions of the Southerners were recognized and respected;
but while many Englishmen retained their affection for
the North, it was unmistakable that the cause of the
Confederates gained upon the hearts and intelligent
of the bulk of the subjects of Queen Victoria. Sympa
thy with the Southern planters and other owners of
real estate was avowed with no bated breath; and, to
my certain knowledge, by the time the war closed the
stories of Southern valor, the realization of the long
and deadly struggle, and a suggestive review of the
campaign had captivated a large section of the British
public, and had converted prejudice into kindly and
sympathetic sentiment.
The Barnard E. Bee Chapter. U. D. C, San Antonio,
Tex., gave an entertainment January 19. Miss M. H.
Magruder, Corresponding Secretary, writes:
The Daughters of the Confederacy of San Antonio,
Tex., gave a charming entertainment Tuesday evening,
January 19, in honor of Gen. Robert E. Lee’s birth-
day. Turner Hall was beautifully decorated with lau-
rel, ivy, and gray moss. Much credit is due Mrs. Mar-
shalMcIlhenny for the beautiful effect produced. Gen.
Lee’s portrait was on a handsome easel, draped in a
Confederate flag, with the laurel lie so richly earned
cast as a trophy at his feet. The pictures of other dis-
tinguished Confederate generals were also framed in
laurel and ivy.
( nil. H. P. Bee introduced the orator, Mr. William
Aubrey, who delivered the address on Gen. Lee in his
best style. He brought the soldier and the man very
close to the hearts of his audience.
When Miss Olivia Dancy Hall sang tin “Bonnie
Blue Flag” the house went wild with enthusiasm.
The orchestra played “Dixie,” the “Star-Spangled
Banner,” and pther old Southern airs. Miss Nona
Lane sang “My Maryland” ami. for encore, “Dixie.”
Mrs. A. W. Houston, the President of the Barnard E.
Bee Chapter, led the procession in the grand march
with Gen Kroeger, of Albert Sidney Johnston Camp.
Among tin- distinguished honorary members of the
chapter were Mrs. Man- A. Maverick; (“apt. Policy, of
Floresville; Maj. Gordon, a brother of Gen. John B.
Gordon, of Georgia; Maj. M”nserrate and Gen.
Young, of tliis city.
The Reception Committee consisted of Mesdames
V X. Houston. W. II. Young, 111 1 . Bee. H. H. Neill,
M. Mcllhenny, Misses Nancy Lee Hill and Laura
Maj. Fitzgerald and little Myrtle contributed much
to the success of the entertainment. Gen. Bee assist-
ed the ladies, and has the thanks of the whole chapter.
The entertainment was a success financially as well
as socially, and of the proceeds they have made a gen-
erous donation to the Jefferson Davis Monument
June 11, 1895, a few ladies of Lynchburg. Va., or-
ganized a chapter of Daughters of the Confederacy,
and named it in honor of Lucy Minor Otey, whose
time, talents, fortune, and seven sons were all devoted
to the cause of (he South. Mrs. 1 >tey organized the
Ladies’ Relief Hospital at Lynchburg, having visited
President Davis at Richmond and secured a surgeon to
take s] < charge.
After the last convalescent was discharged from the
hospital Mrs. Otey returned the building to the lessors.
The United States authorities had furnished a guard
and protection from the surrender of that city.
The badge worn by the chapter was designed by one
of Mrs. Otey’s sons, who commanded the Eleventh
nii.i Regiment in the war.
The chapter has undertaken to build a Confederate
monument in Lynchburg. There is one already in the
cemetery there, an account of which has been pub-
lished in the Veteran.
Mrs. Norvell Otey Scott is President: Mrs. J. Watts
Watkins, and Miss Margaret Marshall Murrell, Vice-
Presidents; Mrs. V. F. Tanner, Secretary.
Qoofederate l/eterar?,
Dr. G. C. Sandusky, of Shelbyville, Tenn., writes a
pathetic account of experiences in the eastern part of
the state during the war. The theme is a tribute to his
faithful horse, “Elack.” He had been sent by Col.
Morrison, with fifty picked cavalrymen from their
camp, in the direction of Chattanooga to find out what
the Federals, under Gen. YVoolford, were doing nearer
Knoxville. They spent their first night in a school-
house near Sweet Water. His outpost discovered a for-
age-train with twenty-five picked cavalrymen at a barn.
He captured their pickets a few hundred yards from the
barn, from whom he learned that, in addition to the cav-
alrymen, there were seventy-two infantrymen in the
barn. Under fire from the barn he cut loose from the
wagons thirty-five mules and got away with them and a
dozen prisoners. These he ordered to Confederate lines
under a captain, while he started for Decatur, some
miles away, where he hoped to spend the night with his
family. His rear-guard of four were captured by a
part of Woolford’s command, over five hundred strong,
and without notice the Federals charged his remnant
of twenty-one men just at the entrance of a muddy lane
a mile long. It was a race for life; but the Confederate
horses were fresher, and their riders escaped. San-
dusky’s men thought that a pint of bullets had been
sent for each of them, but they did not lose a man. The
story is finished in his own words:
“At the end of this lane — timber on one side, planta-
tion on the other — I ordered the men to scatter and
take to the woods. I attempted to do likewise. When
old Elack’s feet struck the wet leaves he fell broadside,
and I lighted on my feet. Knowing that Elack had
been hit several times, I felt sure that he had fallen
from the effect of the shots. I ran a short distance,
and hid under a thick oak bush. The advance of about
twenty dashed up to my horse. I could hear every
word. One said: ‘Where is the man?’ An officer
commanded: ‘Go ahead, boys; we will gather up as we
come back.’ I thought it uncertain about gathering
me up if they didn’t get me then. So they dashed for-
ward, all in less than half the time it takes to write it.
When they had started I jumped up and ran a little
farther, hiding under another thick bush. I could now
hear the column passing; could hear the men talking,
but could not see them; but soon, from the noise grow-
ing fainter, I knew that they had not discovered me,
and were passing on. About this time I heard a horse’s
feet approaching me. He would walk a few steps and
stop. I naturally thought my own horse dead back
at the road where he had fallen, and that they had
undertaken to find me from where my horse lay.
I could hear the footsteps slowly coming nearer. I
looked at my pistol, and found that I had two cartridges
remaining. I could not move so that I could see the
horse. I thought to myself that if there were not more
than two I could make it and would risk it; but my pis-
tol was wet and muddy, and might miss fire; and on the
impulse I decided to surrender. So 1 crawled from
under my covering, feet foremost and face to the
ground. As soon as I could raise up I did so with
both hands up, and turned around to face, as I sup-
posed, a mortal enemy; and. to my astonishment and
great joy, there stood old Elack. The faithful creature
had lain still until the first squad had passed and then
got up and trailed me through the dense underbrush to
my hiding-place. I said, ‘Howdy do, Elack! God
bless you!’ took him by the rein, and was soon out of
danger. On reaching camp next day, I found that my
captain had crossed the river in safety with every man,
every prisoner and mule.
“It now only remains to state what became of poor
old Elack. At the battle of Charleston, when Gens.
Wheeler and Kelly were fighting a Yankee command
known as the ‘Quinine Brigade,’ old Elack was mor-
tally wounded under me. After he was wounded and
I on the ground, I succeeded in making my escape.
The Yankees ran over and captured quite a number of
us. I ran on foot, following the Yankee cavalry. The
infantry could not shoot at me without endangering
their own men. I ran for dear life about two hundred
yards, until the timber hid me from view. In this race
for life old Elack, with his hip badly Durst, ran on
three legs, and when I ran into the timber he was at
my heels. I again took charge of him, led him down
to a creek, which was much swollen. I got in the sad-
dle, and he carried me across, the water covering him
all but his head, and up to my breast. As soon as I
reached the opposite bank I dismounted, led him to
camp, forty miles distant, and had the surgeons to
probe his wound and do everything possible for him,
but it was of no avail ; in about a week he died.”
Dr. C. S. Reeves, Lone Grove, Llano County, Tex.,
March 3, 1897: “Dear Sir: A dear brother of Long-
street, La., has sent me the Veteran for the past year.
I certainly appreciate it very much, and would gladly
renew my subscription, but I am within a few days of
my sixty-seventh year, and dollars are so hard to get
now that I am unable to pay for it. I enlisted as a pri-
vate, in 1861, in Company F, Thirty-fourth Regiment,
Alabama Volunteers, C. S. A. ; soon became the assist-
ant surgeon of the regiment; went into the service at
Tupelo, Miss., immediately after the battle of Corinth;
was attached to Mannigault’s Brigade, Polk’s Corps,
Army of “Tennessee; participated in the battles of Mun-
fordville, Ky.,Perryville, Stone’s River (Murfreesboro);
and resigned at Shelbyville, Tenn., on account of ill
health, in 1863. I was present at the inauguration of
lefferson Davis, at Montgomery; heard the oath of
office administered by Howell Cobb, of Georgia, in the
presence of Hons. * lex Stephens, Robert Toombs, Wil-
liam L Yancev, Roger A. Pryor, Lewis T. Wigiall,
Barksdale, Harrison^of Mississippi), J. L. M. Curry,
Thomas N. Watts, and many other celebrities whose
names are now forgotten. The most interesting letters
in the Veteran, to me, are those of Chaplain J. Wil-
liam Jones in reply to Mr. Billings, of Massachusetts,
showing who were the first nullifiers and secessionists.
The work of Hon. J. L. M. Curry, my lifetime friend,
covers the whole ground, and is no doubt the best and
truest history now extant. If my hand did not tremble
Confederate l/eterai).
so, 1 would give you a few incidents of camp-life; but
I will turn this over to Brother Polley, of Floresville.
Below I send you a few names of old ‘vets,’ to whom
you are requested to send specimen copies.”
J. F. Keith, 401 Main Street, Fort Worth, Tex.: “1
desire to know if any old Confederate can tell me of
one Lieut. Kiddo, who belonged to Company I, of Mis-
sissippi (have forgotten regiment and brigade). Kid-
do was captured by Gen. Hooker, together with twelve
or fourteen hundred others, and sent to Alton prison
from Memphis, Tenn., on the steamboat “Belle of
Memphis.” When the boat arrived in St. Louis Kid-
do and several other officers went on shore early in the
morning. While they were gone the boat was taken
from the shore and anchored in the middle of the -Mis
sissippi River. At that time I was doing business in
and was a resident of St. Louis. As Kiddo returned to
where he had left the boat he and I met I [e slated to
me that he was a prisoner of war and belonged on thai
boat, and asked me how he could get to the boat. I
suggested to him that it was not necessary for him to
go to the boat, and that if he would follow me 1 would
assist him in making his escape, which he did. lie re-
mained in and about St. Louis for several weeks, and
finally started back to the Confederate army by way of
Kentucky. After he arrived in Kentucky I receive.!
a letter from him saying that he was in about four miles
of the Federal line, and would attempt to go through
that night, and 1 have never heard from him since. I
would be very glad to hear directly from him or to have
any information about him.”
J. B. Mobley. Lubbock. Tex.: “In the January VET-
ERAN I see an error in Capt. Polley’s letter to ‘Charm-
ing Nellie.” lie states that Jenkins’s Brigade of Long-
street’s Corps was from the coast, and so well dressed
as to be distinguished from the balance of the army by
the Yankees. Now Jenkins’s Brigade was among the
first troops in Virginia after the bombardment of Fort
Sumter, and 1861 found them on the lines near Ma-
nassas. When Gen. Lee went on his campaign into
Pennsylvania Jenkins’s Brigade was left on the lines of
Petersburg, and when the Army of Northern Virginia
returned and Longstreet was ordered to join Bragg at
Chickamauga Jenkins’s Brigade came up from Peters-
burg ami joined the corps at Richmond: was in the bat-
tles of Chickamauga and Lookout Mountain, and was
with Longstreet in his campaign to Knoxville. They
were veterans of the Army of Northern Virginia, and
never served on the coast after the fall of Fort Sumter.
1 know two regiments that were in Jenkins’s Brigade
(Sixth South Carolina Volunteers. Col. John Bratton;
Seventh South Carolina Volunteers, Col. A. Coward);
the others I do not remember. Jenkins was killed at
the Wilderness, and Col. John Bratton became general
of that brigade. This is from my own knowledge and
from liisti iry also.”
W. L. Smith. Bernie, Mo.:
The article in the Yktfrax for January in regard to
Mrs. \nne Bowman Wilson recalls vividly the kind,
motherly treatment that T received while under her
care at the hospital in Jackson, Miss. In September,
iSfi}, I became sick and was sent to the blind asylum
at Jackson, which had been turned into a Confederate
hospital. I was never more kindly treated or more
tenderly cared for than by old “Mother” Wilson and
Mrs. Isod. I feel that I only speak the sentiment of all
the old boys who owed her so much for the care and
kindness bestowed upon them while sick and wounded.
The evening before 1 was to be. discharged “Mother”
\\ ilson came to me with a few kind and cheering words
and gave me a large baked sweet potato and a glass of
sweet m^k. How good they tasted 1 but how L
suffered with the colic thai night! The next day I
bade “Mother” Wilson good-by, and never saw her
again. But all through my life, since that lime, the
memory of her gentle touch, motherly care, and cheer-
ing words have been with me. 1 hope to meet many
survivors of the old Forty-sixth Tennessee Regiment
at the reunion in June.
Col. A. T. ( ray, ( rraham, Tex.: “I am coming to the
reunion. Will you please see the managers and ascer-
tain if we can secure stop-over tickets for all those
old veterans who now reside in Texas and came from
West Tennessee, Arkansas, and Mississippi? If I
cannot stop over at Humboldt, I will lose half the pleas-
ure of my trip. If these stop-over tickets can be se-
cured, it will greatly increase the attendance.”
Union Veteran’s Storv. — Norm G. Cooper, ed-
itor of the Coffee Cooler, Brooklyn, N. V.: “On the
29th of August, 1862, I was a musket bearer in Com-
pany E, Twenty-fourth New York Infantry, hirst
Brigade, First Division, First Army Corps, and, by
carelessness in obeying the orders of our colonel, I got
into a fight at Groveton, Va. The whole regiment was
careless also; we ought to have known better. Our
charge about dusk was not a success — we got licked.
Some sardine of a ‘Johnny’ shot a ball through my
arm, and I didn’t want any more shooting. We all
retreated. I could not get away fast enough, on ac-
count of loss of blood, and had to halt and keep halt-
ing, till I found myself alone. It was, perhaps, 8 p.m.
when I looked to a small hill a short distance off and
saw a lot of soldiers in the moonlight. I went toward
them and hailed them as follows: ‘ \re there any of
the Twenty-fourth there?’ The question came back:
“Twenty-fourth what?’ 1 replied: ‘Twenty-fourth
New York.’ Some one said, ‘Yes,’ and a sergeant of
a Texas regiment stepped toward me and said: ‘You
are a prisoner.’ Then I was sold. Can you find that
‘noneom.’ for me? He gave me a drink — water.”
A. S. Morton, St. Paul. Minn., March 3, 1897:
I am endeavoring to secure data for a romance lo-
cated in Virginia during our civil war and whose cen-
tral figure is to be the gallant Prussian, Maj. Heros
Von Borcke, J. E. B. Stuart’s chief of staff, and 01
the most picturesque figures of that heroic period. To
this end I wish to gather from every known source
available reminiscences of the Major, incidents in
which he was even indirectly concerned or interested,
and any fragmentary details remembered by the boys
that served with him under Stuart. I shall be deeply
grateful for such information.
Confederate l/eterap.
By Lillian Rozell Messenger.
This ” Eternal Passion of Song” which
“love ever fans,” ” life ever feeds,” that
“time cannot age” and “death cannot
slay,” is notably demonstrated in the little
book just out, by Lillian Rozell Messen-
ger, “In the Heart of America.”
The picture she draws of the “old gray
jacket worn,” as its wearer told his story
of why he “mused in tears,” beside a
lonely cabin closed, deserted, still, but
brushed with empty sleeve ” his tears
awav ” to softlv speak, ” ‘tween the hvmns
of morning birds,” his wondrous song of
wars, which swept with rushing awful
wing the silent paths he now had chance
to tread.
“The page of myst’ry ever open spread,
Yet never read save by th’ Eternal eye,”
expresses far more than couched in other
words it could, and it will be impossible
to write a comment on this book that
would so deeply impress the reader as a
few quotations from it which are so word-
ed as to beautifully bring out the dream
of music that must have possessed the
“This beauteous South, the poet child of
Who hold the sylvan harps of secret song
To the world’s deep soul.
This land of beauty, rest, and faith and
This is the land where time and chaos
In mad’ning whirl, to plant the rose and
The lilies rare of every hue and clime
On Nature’s brow, and in her greening
On mountainside leave tender lyres of
This land, which man shall call the heart
and soul
Of all America, so grand in youth,
In beauty, majesty, and power supreme;
With feet that touch the tropic island-seas.
Whose flowered breeze fans her young
morning mind
Afire with starrv thought and dream to
That dawn which breaks for earth’s and
man’s new day!”
Beautiful and fitting tributes are paid to
Washington, Lincoln, and Lee.
” ‘Twas nearer noon when civil strife
broke out,
But these last failed — how can the right
e’er fail?
I spake to him who stood, the Gabriel
Of this strange hour and revelation
“Not fail!” he breathed in softest music
Dare mortal men to say these failed —
were wrong?
Since imperfection and unwisdom both
Of brothers held in deadly war God takes
To round his perfect trinity of Law.
While music blew from feathery throngs,
Sweet melodies without the passion-woe.
The spirit touched mine eyes, and lo! I
A vasty troop of warriors clad in gray
Led by their grand old chieftain — tower
of strength —
Virginia’s son; thence followed scores of
Aye, hundreds, all of noblest make and
Of lofty mien, to die for faith and right.
They smiled at death! Their bruised,
bleeding steps
Left shining paths that sloped through
space and time,
And blent with one high, gleaming way,
that leads
Straight to God’s realm of vast, undving
In the Heart of America is published
by the J. L. Hill Company, Richmond,
Va., at 50 cents, and is furnished free with
three subscriptions to the Veteran.
In order to facilitate the handling of
the large number of veterans expected to
attend the U. C. V. reunion, June 22, 23,
and 24. next, I would suggest that in all
sections of the country, whether or not
you have organized camps or bivouacs,
you get together and select one man to
take charge of all correspondence, and
come in a body and let this man report
to the Reception Committee at the rail-
road station on arrival at Nashville; that
there be a man in charge of every twenty-
five or less.
Our committee expects in due time to
issue a circular of information about Ho-
tels, Boarding-Houses, Barracks, Trans-
portation Companies, Saddle-Horses for
the Parade, Badges, etc. In the meantime
any communication addressed to the
Chairman will have prompt attention.
Gen. George Moorman, Adjutant-Gen-
eral U. C. V. spent several days with us
last week, looking over the ground, giv-
ing and taking items of interest in con-
nection with the reunion. His whole
heart is in the work. We enjoyed his
visit very much.
The reunion is in no way connected
with the Centennial Exposition, which
opens May 1 and continues six months.
By having the reunion at the same time
as the Exposition, all Veterans who desire
to do so have an opportunity of attending.
The Exposition authorities have an-
nounced that one-third of their net re-
ceipts of the three reunion days will be
donated to the Battle Abbey, wherever it
may be located. This we think very gen-
The meetings of the U. C. V. will be
held in the Gospel Tabernacle, which is
located in the central part of the city,
and with the galleries now in process of
construction will accommodate 6,000 per-
sons. J. B. O’Bryan,
C#’w/’>/ Reunion Ex. Com.
Box 439, Nashville, Tenn.
Any sarsaparilla is sarsapa-
rilla. True. So any tea is tea.
So any flour is flour. But grades
differ. You want the best. It’s
so with sarsaparilla. There are
grades. You want the best. If
you understood sarsaparilla as
well as you do tea and flour it
would be easy to determine.
But you don’t. How should
you? When you are going to
buy a commodity whose value
you don’t know, you pick out
an old established house to
trade with, and trust their ex-
perience and reputation. Do so
when buying sarsaparilla
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla has teen
on the market 50 years. Your
grandfather used Ayer’s. It is
a reputable medicine. There
are many Sarsaparillas —
but only one Ayer’s. Ii
The Veteran acknowledges the re-
ceipt of the latest waltz song, “Chime
Secrets,” written and composed by Har-
vey M. Barr, and dedicated to Tennessee’s
“White City.” It is handsomely printed
on fine heavy paper, with title cover in
two colors, containing a beautiful pano-
rama view of the Centennial.
Price, 35 cents. Order of R. Dorman
& Co., Nashville, Tenn.
Leroy Mitteldorfer, of M. Mitteldorfer
& Son, Decorators and Dealers in Flags,
Bunting, etc., has come to Nashville to
engage in his business for the Exposition
and the reunion. Address him care the
Confederate Veteran.
Virginia! land of the gentle and brave,
Our love is as wide as thy woe;
It deepens beside every grave
Where the heart of a hero lies low.
Virginia! land of the bluest of skies,
Our love glows the more mid thv gloom ;
Our hearts by saddest of ties
Cling closest to thee in thv doom.
Virginia! land where the desolate weep
In sorrow too deep to console;
Thv tears are but streams making deep
The ocean of love in thy soul.
VIrginial land where the victor Hag
Where onl\ our dead are the free;
Each link of the chain that enslaves
Shall bind us but closer to thee.
Virginia! land where the sign of the
Its shadow of sorrow bath shed ;
We measure thy love bv thy loss,
Thv loss bv the graves of our dead.
A leading business feature of the \ it-
brad is to supply Southern histories, and
especially that class of war histories
which treats of the valor of Southern
men who served the Confederacy, or in
any other patriotic service, and the con-
slant zeal of Southern women in what
their bands have found to do. In the
dialogue of such books, to be published
from time to time, Special rates will he
given when procurable, to be supplied
with the VETERAN, singly or in clubs.
Friends of the VETERAN may do it a
service, as well as the owner of books
designed to honor the South, on merit,
bv mentioning this feature in its busi-
By Miss Kate Gumming, of Alabama.
Price, $i.
Gen. S. D. Lee, of Columbus, Miss.:
“I have read ‘Gleanings from South-
land’ with pleasure, and it recalled many
of the sad scenes and sacrifices incident
to Southern society during the great war
between the states.” Rev. T.J. Beard,
rector, Birmingham, Ala.: “Gleanings
from Southland ” is a truthful, realistic
account of the times gone by. Its peru-
sal brought back vividly to m’y mind the
scenes, thoughts, anxieties, anil hopes of
that eventful period.”
RIER. Advertised by G. N. Ratlin”,
Huntsville, Mo. 300 pp. Price, $1.
This book should be read by every one
that wishes to be fully informed as 1,.
the active par) which the Missouri Con-
federates took in the war. This book is
well written from extensive notes kept
by the author, James Bradley, during 1 1 1~
Service in the Confederate army. A
thrilling romance of Capt. \b Grimes
and fair Miss Ella Herbert, who carried
the mad from the Tennessee armj t”
Missouri and back by the underground
route, runs through the book. The book
is printed on good paper, well bound in
cloth, illustrated, is well gotten up, and is
well worth the price, $1.
Having secured some line engravings
of Gens. Lee, |. E, Johnston, Beaure-
gard, Longstreet, Sterling Price, R. S
Ewell, and A. P. Hill, the following
is m. lib-: father picture will be sent with
a year’s subscription to the Veter w for
$1.25, or as a premium for two subscrip-
tions. Price, 50 cents each.
These pictures are 2JX2S inches, and
would ornament anv home.
The following Chapters were enrolled
in January, 1897:
Stone w mi Jackson Chapter, Berry-
ville, Va., January 16, 1S97. President,
Miss Mary A. Lippitt; First Vice-Presi-
dent, Miss Kate S. Neill; Second Vice-
President, Miss Louise Hardestv; Secre-
tary ami Treasurer, Miss Mary K. Moore;
Chaplain, Mrs. Lambert Mason.
Gen. Dabney II. Maury Chapter,
Philadelphia, Pa., January 22, 1S97. Pres-
ident. Mrs. [ames T. Halsey; Vice-Presi-
dent, Mis. G. F. Brown; Treasurer, Mrs.
George Chase; Secretary, Mrs. J. A. Pat-
t< 1 son. This Chapter is named for the
oldest Confederate general living, and
also in compliment to his daughter, the
President of the Chapter.
(4 X ”
” The fiddle a^d Th& bo W
•”]he paradise op fool,.
‘ ^VlSI0/M5 A/ND DR&A/VIS.
MOSBY’S RANGERS: A history of
the Forty -third
Battalion, Vir-
ginia Cavalry
(Mosby’s Com-
mand), from its
organization to
the surrender.
By one of its
members. Sm,
cloth, 512 pp.
Over two hun-
dred illustra-
tions. Price re-
duced from
$3.50 to $2.50.
Through a
specially liber-
al offer of the
publisher this
thrilling narrative will be sent post-paid,
together with the VETERAN for one year,
tt the price of the book, $2.50. Thebook
will also be sent post-paid in return for a
club of six subscriptions.
ACY. By Ben LaBree. Price, $2.75.
This book contains humors of the war
and thrilling narratives of heroic deeds,
with a hundred illustrations of humorous
Press comments are very complimen-
tary :
A true si.u-y, sympathetically and ei
fectively told, in a well written drama.
— f.onisvillr c 011) ici font mil.
An interesting drama and written with
much dramatic power, ami will no doubt
lie a success, Knoxville Sentinel.
It is constructed well, is tilled with
good language, has enough ot humor,
and not a lew of the sentences are thrill-
ing I v beautiful. – -Nashville American.
Mr. fox has done, in its dramatization,
as line a piece of work as was ever done
bv a Southern man. — Chicago Horse Re-
A strong and stirring drama, in which
the horror of war is blended with the
tender emotions that belong to love and
peace. — Nashville Banner.
In its construction and execution of
the plot, its unflagging interest from the.
opening scene to the final exciting cli-
max, it is simply superb. — Nashville Sin:.
Coiiies of the book can be had of the
Veteran, postage paid, for 50 cents.
ICE CREAM.— The leading ice cream dealer
ot Nashville is 0. H. A. Herding, 417 Union St.
Caters to weddings, banquets, and occasions of
all kinds. Country orders solicited.
* “Gov. Bob Taylor’s Tales ‘Ms the title of *
. [he most interesting book on the market, li ^
. contains the three lectures that have made u.
. < .. – Bob Taylor famous .is a platform ora- Jf
JJ toi “The Fiddle and the Bow.” “The Par-
idise ot Fools,’
‘ Visions ami 1 >ri Btns. 1
; *
.^ The lectures are given in full, Including all ^
. anecdote! d songs, just as delivered bv .^
i. .a. i .ivlor throughout the country. The ;!’
J 1 1 i’ iu.iiK published, and contains fifty .».
.^ Illustrations. For sale on all trains, .
. ;i( hnokstoreS anil now s Statuls. I’liir. JO ^
. cents. Special prices made to 1 u dealers. V
^ A-mis w anted. Address
§ DeLong Rice & Co.,
% 208 N. College St., Nashville, Tenn. %.
Vegetables and Flowers.
By special arrangements with James
\ ill’s Sons, the Veteran is enabled to
make the following tempting offer of
seeds: To any one remitting $i.yc> we will
18 Packets of Vegetable Seeds $1 “0
in Packets of Flower Seeds 75
Viek’s Illustrated Monthly, 1 yenr 60
Tim, one year 1 tie
Total value $3 28
This may not appear again, so it would
be well to ‘take advantage of it while you
Confederate l/eterag
It is fitting, as the time approaches for our great re-
union in June, to present facts connected with the Cen-
tennial Exposition, since comrades are to enjoy the
treat that it promises. The Exposition comes along
with the centennial celebration of the state’s admission
into the Federal Union. It will be recalled that the
celebration proper occurred on Monday, June 2, 1896,
on which occasion Hon. J. W. Thomas, President of
the Exposition Management [also 1 ‘resident and Gen-
eral Manager of a popular, prosperous, and most im-
portant railway system: the Nashville, Chattanooga,
and St. Louis), made a brief address.
In the language of a local paper:
His burning words of eloquence and patriotism held
the deepest and most undivided attention of the thou-
sands assembled below to hear, and when he had fin-
ished every man in that vast audience was inspired with
that feeling of patriotism and love of country which
comes to the heart of every American citizen at such
times. … It was a thrilling scene, such as causes
the patriotic blood of every American to mount and
tingle through his veins. Added to other effects, as
the great silken banner mounted toward its destination,
nearly three hundred feet high, the soul-stirring strains
of the “Star-spangled Banner” floated triumphantly out
on tit? air, played only as the matchless United States
Marine Band can play it.
President Thomas’s address was as follows:
Fellow Citizens: In celebrating the one hundredth an-
niversary of the admission of Tennessee into the Union
of states it is appropriate that we should be proud of
the record and progress of the past, appreciate the ad-
vantages and responsibilities of the present, and rejoice
in anticipating the possibilities and prosperity of the
future. We have all heard of Boone, Robertson, and
Donelson, of Jackson, Polk, and Johnson, of Sevier,
Houston, and Campbell, of Grundy, Haskell, and Gen-
try, and hundreds of others whose names are enrolled
upon the pages of history, who have made Tennessee
illustrious by their adventurous daring, words of elo-
quence, and deeds of valor. But there are thousands
of brave men and noble women whose names are not so
enrolled, but who, in locating homes in the wilderness
west of the Alleghanies, displayed as much bravery and
heroism as did Leonidas and his Spartan band, and the
great state of Tennessee stands forth to-day as a monu-
ment to their integrity
and patriotism.
The progress of the
century has been won-
derful: log cabins have
been supplanted by
commodious dwellings ;
the spinning-wheel and
hand-loom, by factories
with steam as motive
power; the reap-hook,
by the self-binder; the
flatboat, by the steam-
boat; the packhorse, by
railroads ; the mail-ri-
Confederate l/eterai).
der, by the postal car, telegraph, and
telephone; old field schoolhouses,
with a single log cut out for a win-
dow, by high schools, colleges, and
universities. The population has in-
creased from 79,000 to 1,800,000,
and the wealth of the state from
$3,000,000 to $800,000,000.
Enjoying the advantages of the
present imposes upon us the grave
responsibility of transmitting unim-
paired the great legacy of civil and
religious liberty bequeathed to US 1>\
our forefathers, the duty of preserv-
ing in its simplicity a government
from the people, for the people, and
by the people. In doing this we
may well rejoice in the hope that tin-
progress and prosperity of the past
may continue in the future; that our
laws shall be respected and obeyed;
that they shall be just and equitable;
that the relations of labor and cap-
ital shall be mutually understood,
and the rights of each respected;
that the homes of our wage-earners
may be homes of comfort, content-
ment, and happiness; that all social and national differ-
ences shall be settled by arbitration, and the nations of
earth shall learn war no more.
And now, fellow citizens, as President of the Tennes-
see Centennial, I proclaim these grounds and the build-
ings to be erected thereon dedicated to the honor and
glory of Tennessee; and here, during the coming year,
with magnificent displays of our products and re-
sources, we will be delighted to receive the congratula-
tions of our sister states; and, as a token of our devo-
tion to our common country, I raise the stars and
Stripes, around which Tennesseeans have rallied, and
in defense of which Tennesseeans have died at King’s
Mountain. Nicajack, Talladega, Tallahassee. New Or-
leans, Monterey, Vera Cruz, and Mexico.
Unfurl to the breeze our country’s flag, with its
stripes like rainbows and its many stars bright and un-
sullied as those in the skies, and long may it wave over
the land of the free and home of the brave!
The Exposition management has done a most gen-
erous tiling for the Confederate Memorial Institute 111
crivine; one-third of the entire proceeds for all three of
the reunion days to the fund. Comrade Hamilton
Parks, of Nashville, ever zealous for the Confederate
cause, conceived the idea of asking one day’s receipts,
and was made Chairman of a committee by Cheatham
Bivouac to apply for it. The request was granted
promptly. Subsequent events caused the Exposition
management to feel that they were not authorized to
give the entire proceeds of a day; but they submitted
the broader plan of giving one-third of the receipts
for every day of the reunion to this “Battle Abbey”
fund without requiring a cent of obligation from the
Confederates. Another, and a still broader, act of lib-
erality was exercised in agreeing to give this sum,
which will evidently be very large, to the Memorial
Institute, regardless of location, although the original
proposition was to give it conditional to the location
being fixed at Nashville. This is by far the most gen-
erous thing ever done for the memorial after the orig-
inal contribution of Mr. Charles Broadway Rouss of
The Centennial Exposition has recently made strides
far beyond what the management had anticipate.].
The United States
< iovernment appro-
priation of $130,000
seemed to electrify
progressive elements
throughout the coun-
try. Appropriations
for exhibits are still
being made by the
most progressive cit-
ies. Memphis, Tenn.,
deserves special cred-
it for its patriotic ac-
Every American
will be proud of it.
^opfederate l/eterai)
dred literary celebrities of this country
and Europe. In these exhaustive re-
views not only individual authors, but
entire fields of literature — of Assyria, for
instance, Egypt, even South America —
are covered, giving the reader a con-
nected, comprehensive, and impressive
idea of the history of the rise and prog-
reduced the price, and are making a spe-
cial offer, so as to place a few sets in
each community for inspection. The
buyer that acts promptly saves nearly
half the list price, besides having the
privilege of easy monthly payments.
But it is possible to take advantage of
this price through Harper’s Weekly
The two volumes of Charles Dudley
Warner’s “Library of the World’s Best
Literature” just issued repeat the ex-
cellence of those gone before. The
crowning virtue of the work is that it
delivers the masterpieces of literature of
every age and country into the hands of
the people, to whom they properly be-
The two volumes now before us range
from Bion, the Greek poet, to James M.
Barrie, whom, only the other day, in
New York, publishers and editors were
jostling each other to banquet and pla-
cate, in the hope of securing the right to
publish his next novel. Along with a
remarkably intelligent and sympathetic
study of Mr. Barrie’s genius is given the
best of his stories, and even a fine epi-
sode from “Sentimental Tommy,” which,
in a work of the magnitude and endur-
ing quality of the “Library,” is keeping
up to date with an emphasis.
One of the most interesting sections
in this volume is that devoted to Balzac,
who died in 1850, with the world not yet
half aware of his wonderful powers. But
now the name one hears on every hand,
not only in literary but also in ethical
and scientific discussion, is Balzac. For
a person of general culture not to know
something of his life and writings ‘s
what it would be for English readers
not to know something of Shakespeare.
Mr. Warner’s “Library” makes it pos-
sible to get out of the great bulk of Bal-
zac literature just what the general read-
er ought to have, and to get it in an
extremely pleasant way. Prof. W. P.
Trent, one of the few men who have
read for themselves every line Balzac
published, gives within a space of twen-
ty pages an account of Balzac’s life, the
scope and character of his work, and his
place in literature, that contains the es-
sential parts of the hundreds of essays
that have been written about him. Then
follows such a presentation of his wri-
tings that one can approach them not
as a task, but as a pastime — like going to
a play.
In the Beecher section, which follows,
Dr. Lyman Abbott, Mr. Beecher’s suc-
cessor as pastor of Plymouth Church,
furnishes an interesting sketch of the
latter’s life, and a description of his qual-
ities and power as a writer and preacher.
While not often named as a man of let-
ters, Mr. Beecher has left no small body
of writings, many of which, as revealed
in the “Library,” will be interesting and
inspiring to men for many a day to
“Masterpieces every one,” may truly
be said of the varied and interesting con-
tents of the “Library,” also of the spe-
cial articles prepared by over three hun-
Associate Editor of the “Library.”
ress of the literatures of the world from
the earliest time until to-day.
With the aid of these thirty volumes
one may acquire in a season’s easy read-
ing a wider grasp of literature than could
otherwise be obtained by the industri-
ous study of a lifetime. The “Library”
really contains a well-rounded literary
The first edition is, of course, the most
desirable, because printed from the fresh,
new plates. Usually a higher price is
charged for this edition, but the pub-
lishers of the “Library” have actually
Club only, which offers a limited num-
ber of sets to introduce and advertise-
the work.
The demand for this most desirable-
first edition is so active, and the number
of sets allotted to be distributed so lim-
ited, that it is safest for those who really
covet this invaluable “Library” of Mr.
Warner’s to write at once to Harper’s
Weekly Club, 91 Fifth Avenue, New
York, for sample pages and special
prices offered to members of the club-
now forming, and which closes the last
day of the present month.
Confederate l/eterai).
The Veteran takes special pleasure in
calling the attention of its readers to the
advertisement of Messrs. George R. Cal-
houn & Co., which appears in this issue.
This firm is one of the landmarks of Nash-
ville. W. H. Calhoun & Co., the prede-
cessors of the present firm, were estab-
lished over fifty years ago, and built up a
reputation for fair and honorable dealings
that is being perpetuated by Messrs. Geo.
R. Calhoun & Co. While young men,
thev are thoroughly posted in their line,
and carry a full and complete stock of
goods, which consists of Diamonds, Watch-
es, latest fads in Jewelry, Optical Goods,
Gold and Silver “Plated Ware. In honor
of the great reunion in June they have
received a large stock of Confederate
Veteran Souvenir Spoons, very elegant
ami artistic in design, and at such prices
as to bring them within easy reach of
every one. Be sure and visit their hand-
some store while in Nashville.
As a hygienic and therapeutic agent
the vapor bath is rapidly growing in fa-
vor. Leading physicians recognize its
value. By its use circulation is equalized
and becomes regular and rhythmical,
glandular activity is stimulated, and elas
ticitv given to muscles, while a general
tonic effect is immediately felt through-
out the entire system, thus increasing the
buovancv of the patient and the power
to ward off disease. The treatment can
only be successfully given by means of
the hot-air cabinet. In rheumatism fe-
male ills, gout, kidney, liver, skin, and
many other diseases this treatment has
yielded gratifying results, The trouble
heretofore has been lack of facilities and
excessive expense. The Hygienic Bath
Cabinet Company, of Nashville, now of-
fers a convenient and complete apparatus
for vapor bath at an evidently low figure.
(See ad.)
By all odds the best route to Chicago
and the North is the Monon, vi.i the
L. and N. Running as it does through
the rich blue-grass regions of Tennis
see and Kentucky, and through the besl
agricultural portion of Indiana, skirt-
ings the barrens, the coal district, and
the hard lands, its lines are truly cast
in pleasant places. The scenery to the
very point where the bounds of the
great metropolis are reached is most
picturesque, and the travelers by this
route moreover may Becure a stop-over
at Mammoth Cave and French Lick or
West Baden Springs. Through its
double terminal, Michigan City and
Chicago, the Monon makes direct con-
nections with all Northern, Northwest-
ern and Northeastern lines and the
famous summer resorts of the Peninsu-
lar Stale and the (neat Lake country.
Sanitarium, Hot Springs,
Turkish, Russian, Medica-
ted, Dry Steam, Vapor, Al-
rohol, Oxygen, Perfumed,
Mineral, Quinine, or Hul- ,
phur Batna at a cost of £
about 3 frius per luith.
liuoienic Hot -Vapor Cabinet
RHEUMATISM, La Grippe, Private Dis-
eases, Stricture, FEMALE COMPLAINT,
Skin and Blood Diseases, Liver and
Kidney, Nervous, Malaria, and Bilious
Troubles, Scrofula, Catarrh, Dropsy.
Cleanses, tones, and soothes the entire system. Highly en-
dorsed bj the best physicians everywhere Weight, 6 lbs. So -mi pie
a child can operate it.” Price in reach of all.
Hygienic Bath Cabinet Co.,
Willcox Building. NASHVILLE, TENN.
“Ask your Druggist for the Kinder-
garten Novelty, ‘ The House that Jack
No. 204 Court Square. Nashville, Tcnn.
[Comrade Frank Anderson Is President of i In-
Frank Cheatham Bivouac— En. Vbtbuh.]
Xck Hardware Store.
J.M. Hamilton & Co.,
and Tools.
212 North College Street
i Between Church and Union Sts.).
Many are valuable, find I pay high prloea for
e varieties. Old slumps bring more If left
on the entire original envelopes or letters, Send
for price-list,
S. M. Craiger,
Takoma Park, I). C.
Mention Veteran.
Dr. B. McMiller,
Magnetic Healer.
By Laying on of Hands Afflictions of Poor, Suf-
fering Humanity vanish as a dew before the
morning sun. Thousands can be cured who
have been pronounced incurable. Call and be
Health is Wealth.
Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, Lame Back, Ca-
tarrh, Cancer, Indigestion, Nervous Debility in
all its forms. Headache, all Female Diseases— all
arc cured by his treatments. All Fevers broken
np by a few treatments. SO DR UOS.
COS SCLTATlOy FREE. Bring this ad-
vertisement with yon, and get one treatment
free. No examination matte of perron. No
case taken that I cannot relieve that I will know
when in the presence of the sufferer, send for
particulars with two-cent stamp. Address 606H
Church Street, third lloor, Nashville, Tenn.
Fresft Pleats of mi Kinds.
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Country Produce.
Cor. Summer and Peabody Sts.,
Orders Promptly NASHVILLE. TENN.
Attended to.
t \ T\|CC| Upon the receipt often cents
L-rVLJlEO. hi silver or slumps, we will
send either of the following i ks, or three for
25 cents. Candy Book -60 reoeipts for making
eandv. Sixteen different kinds of candy with-
out cooking; 50 cent candy will cost ” cants per
pound. Rjrtune-Teller — Dreams and interpre-
tations, fortune -telling by physiognomj and
cards, birth of children, discovering disposition
by features, choosing a husband by the hair, mys-
tery of a pack of cards, old superstitions,
day stones. Letter-Writing— Letters of
lence, business, congratulations, Introdui
recommendations, love, exouBe, advice, reci
and releases, notes of Invitation and an
notes accompanying gifts and answers,
Brook a & Co., Dept. v., Townsend Block,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Qopfederate l/eterap.
The Nashville Hotel Company Gets a Prize.
One of the most notable events in this live city is the arrangement to use the Nashville College for Young Ladies as a hotel
during the Centennial Exposition, which includes the Confederate reunion period.
The Nashville Hotel Company is chartered under the laws of Tennessee, and composed of men of energy, experience, and re-
sponsibility. They will assume entire charge of the arrangements for lodging and feeding visitors during the Exposition. Dr.
Price assumes no responsibility whatever for the details of the management. They will furnish all necessary information as to
rates, terms, and accommodations. It is the purpose of the company to conduct the business in flrst-class style, and to guaran-
tee satisfaction to all who register upon their books.
The arrangements are not intended to interrupt the usual exercises of the college, and will not interfere in any respect with the
management and conduct of the institution as a seat of learning. It is hoped that the present and former patrons and pupils of
th<* college who visit the Centennial will make it convenient to find lodging in the college buildings.
This great college hotel is located within one minute of the Custom House, in which is the post-office, and about the same
distance from the offices of the Nashville, Chattanooga, and St. Louis Railway. It is within ten minutes’ walk of ten of the lead-
ing churches of the city, including the Gospel Tabernacle, the most elegant auditorium in the South, and where the Confederate
veterans will hold their reunion, and where will be numerous other important meetings during the Centennial.
The college has ample water facilities, and the drinking water is furnished either from the mountain streams of the Cumber-
land Rivrr,°louble-nltered, or from large cisterns on the premises. There are fire-escapes on the buildings, and the property itself
is located within half a minute of the central fire station of the city. All the heating arrangements are so located as to reduce
the dan-er of fire to the lowest point. It is situated in one of the most central and conspicuous spots in the city, and offers the most
commodious view of the great thoroughfare to the Exposition. Breezes in hot weather are hardly more noted from the State
Capitol, elevated as it is. All desirable facilities for a first-class hotel are supplied. Broad stairways and elevator by the mag-
nificent rotunda give ease with beauty. Take Walnut Street south one block to Broad, thence east a half-block to Hotel.
The Masonic Restaurant.
The Nashville Hotel Company, under an experienced management, converted the large rooms on the first floor of the Masonic
Building not occupied by the fraternity into a restaurant with the largest capacity ever yet given to a like enterprise in this city.
Confederate l/eterar>.
Capt. of Company B, ex-Confederate
Veterans of Nashville, Tenn.,
Vhe TTfoctel, £EU J
^^^•’^• , ^’^ ? ‘
Tl?c Largest Clotljipg ar^d Sl?oc Hotisc.
Old Clothes Made New, y ou Get
\\ e clean anil dye (he most delicate shades and fahricR id Ladies*. Children’s) and Gents’ * »ar-
ments. No ripping; repaired Guarantee no amatting in wool and silk. We pay expressage both
ways to any point in th« United States. Write for terms an I I latalogoe. Repair gents 1 olol hing
Largest and best-eQnipped in the Sonth.
Aldred’s Steam Dye Works and Cleaning Establishment,
306 North Summer Street. Nashville. Tenn.
Agents wanted In all cities and town^ having in express “tKce.
Eizzs from 40 varieties of land and water
fowls. iCacr.-s. si aiiiluppersitiinu. CHERRY
BROS.. Columbia. Tenn. For illustrated oircolar
semi stump to ,1. P. Cherry, care Methodist Pub.
llon^e. Nashville, Tenn.
The Model x
Steam Laundry.
ED LAURENT, Proprietor.
Telephone No. 1209.
R. VV. TUCK <* CO.,
Business Brokers and Financial Agents.
Tii.- most rails Employment I
■ com t re© i ‘I* :m i prau rapm
on. i verity, i n ientfl ni al i Impi rtani cilii –
III pi – . itfi :iil). mi’ l
■ n i ■ i: i i i transportation.
All Help Furnished Free ol Charge. Telephone 784.
References: Osn W.B ‘
Compai J. B, K 1 1 i i i-n i n . ex-State I !mn-
■ . . ; i in.-, n ii .■. i, . i i-.. ■. i. Jobi -. Pre*.
I i ‘om\ v. Nashville j Job b
v. i ■.-.. I hat i “,. . i ,
n W Uaoba*, Prestdi nt First National I
mI).’ ; Pbark Q. DixoB| Cashtei Memphis < tj Bank.
P. P. P.
Pink Pain Powders.
Cures TOOTHACHE in 10 minutes. ■
Cures HEADACHE in 10 minutes,
Cures NEURALGIA in 10 minutes.
For sale by all druggists. Write for
152 N. Cherry St., Room 31, NASHVILLE. TENN.
C, *•?. Saarnes’s
Dry=Goods, Shoes,
Furnishing Goods, Hats, Poys’
Clothing, Table and Pocket
Cutlery; Tin, China, and
Glass Ware s Trunks and Va’
Uses, Toys, Games, and
Prices Always the LOWEST.
411, 413, 415, 417 N. College St.,
Subscribe for the Vetbran.
the Profits
Of Dealers, Agents, Jobbers
and Middlemen by buying di-
rect from the manufacturer.
No better wheel made than the
Acme Bicycle
Built in our own factory by
skilled workmen, using the best
material and the most improved
machinery. We have no agents
Sold direct from factory to the
rider, fully warranted. Shipped
anywhere for examination.
Our Interesting Offer
Acme Cycle Co., Elkhart, Ind,
Mattresses, etc.
No. 206 N. College Street, ^>
Telephone No. 1006.
Confederate l/eteran.
Fruits and
m Sole Agents
SITES’ Pat. Coops.
jvlaslvtiilk<,*le/mv. >£
This old reliable firm solicits your shipments of Eggs,
Poultry, Dried Fruits, Feathers, Wax, Ginseng, and
other Tennessee Products, for which quick returns are
made at highest market price.
Also solicits orders for Cabbage, Potatoes, Onions, Apples,
Oranges, Bananas, Pickles, Kraut, and Everything in the
Fruit and Vegetable Line.
Hail orders filled quickly with best goods at loweit
prices. Try them.
Reaching the principal cities of the
South with its own lines and penetrat-
ing all parts of the Country with its
» Unexcelled Train Service,
Ilegant Equipment, Fast Time.
Short Line Between the East, the North,
the West and the South.
W. A. Turk, G. P. A., Washington, D. C
8. H. Hardwick, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga.
C. A. Benscoter, A.G.P.A., Chattanooga, T«aa
The Leading School and Teachers’ Bureau ol
the South and Southwest is the
National Bureau of Education.
J. W. BLAIR. Proprietor, Successor to Miss
Crostuwait and J. w. Blair.
Willeox Building. Nashville, Tenn.
Send stamp for information.
Calvert Bros. & Taylor,
Photographers and
Portrait Painters,
The Nashville Weekly Sun and
the Veteran one year, $1.10
To Teachers
Draughon’s Practical Book-
keeping Illustrated,” for
Jinn ntllPrQ home study and for useinliterary
UIIU UMIGIOi schools and business colleges.
Successfully used in general class work by teachers
who have not had the advantage of a business
education. Will not require much ol the teacher’s
time. Nothing like it issued. Price in reach of all.
sS^ Orders
COLLEGES J^-^ 30 Days.
Special rates to Schools and Teachers. Sample
copies sent for examination. Write for prices and
circulars showing some of its Special Advantages,
Illustrations, etc. (Mention this paper). Address
DRAUGHON’S Practical Business College,
Nashville, Tenn., or Texarkana, Texas.
“Prof. Draugkon — I learned bookkeeping at
home Irom your book, while holding a position as
night telegraph operator.” C. E. Leffingwell,
Bookkeeper for Gerber & Ficks,
Wholesale Grocers, S. Chicago, 111.
Baler and Confectioner.
Use the Franklin Mill’s Lockport
N. Z. Flour.
805 Bro^d Street.
Telephone 676.
1 ^^m^l^
f 1 Wit
If teed
•*•* Co
With all the latest known improvements, at
greatly reduced prices. Satisfaction guaran-
teed. Send for circular. B.MATTHEWS,
Cor. 4th Ave. & Market St., Louisville, Ky.
The Wittenberg Optical Co.,
428 Church St., Nashville, Tenn.
We now grind the most difficult Lenses our-
selves, so you can get your
Spectacles or Eyeglasses
the same day your eyes are examined, Frames
of the latest designs in Gold, Silver. Nickel, Steel,
Dr. W. J. Morrison,
140 N. Spruce St., Nashville, Tenn.
Opposite Ward’s School. Telephone 392.
of the kidneys can be cured by the use
of the Crabtree Natural Carbonated
Mineral Waters. Send for booklet
and testimonials of wonderful It
is an absolute remedy for Diseases and
Disorders of the stomach, Indigestion,
Sleeplessness, Sick Headache, Nervous-
ness of Females and any Urinary
Trouble whatever. Reliable Agents
wanted. For Further Information, ad- i
dre^s R. J. CRAETREE,
Pulaski, Ya.
Qopfederate l/eterap
St. Ann’s School for Girls.
Nashville, Tenn.
Terrace Place, West End.
Address, 1511 McGavock Street.
1*13**3$ * Zir*ee$<+
LOCATION, -The site of the school is most desirable and attractive. Situated on one of the handsomest streets of the citys surrounded
by beautiful residences, shade-trees, lawns, and flowers i removed from all disturbing sights and sounds, yet it is within easy walking’
distance of churches, post-office, and shopping districts, and is accessible to all parts of Nashville by electric cars, which run within one
block of it,
BUILDING, — The building is entirely modern — a large, three-story brick — and is especially well drained, sewered, ventilated, and
lighted. It is supplied with an abundance of hot and cold water, and is beautifully finished throughout. Commodious class-rooms and
all the advantages of a refined home arc offered the pupils, and such a limited number will be received that individual needs will be care
fully regarded. Forty resident pupils will be taken.
1 have loner felt thai Nashville, Tenn., was a most desirable location for a first-class school for uirls ami young ladies, under the
influence and sanction of the Church. Nashville has come to be the recognized cent or of education in tin- State, and thi
alone is sufficient to justify the establishment of a Church school in that community. Thomas L. Gailor,
Bishop Coadjutor of Tennessee.
In common with the Bishops of the Diocese and the clergy of the church in Nashville, 1 am well pleased at the prospt
having a Church school in our city, and trust that it will receive the liberal patronage necessary to make it a permanent institu-
tion in our mi. 1st. T. I . Maktin,
X:i-h\ii!i’. Tenn. Rector St. .inn’s Church.
It Is gratifying to me thai the long-cherished desire to have an Episcopal Bchool for young ladies located in the city of Nash-
ville, an important educational center, has at last become realized, 1 trust that our people will cooperate with the Bishop and
Bishop Coadjutor of the Diocese and the clergy of Nashville in making the school an additional advantage and ornament to our
city. ■’ imes R. Wini
Nashville, Tom, Rector ‘ nrist ( hurch.
Confederate l/eterai)
Are two of the factors which should be consiaV
ered in purchasing musical instruments, If you
consider price alone, you’ll probably not buy of
us, because we don’t sell cheap goods, But if
you are willing to pay a reasonable price for a
fine instrument we will sell you anything from
a piano to a jew Vharp, xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Are sold exclusively by our house and are justly celebrated for their beautiful
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We Sell Everything in Sheet Music, MusicBooks, etc. We Will Send by Mail,
Post-paid, Any of These Pieces for Half the Price Named,
Only Girl in Town, Waltz Song, By W, R, Williams 50c.
I Wait for Thee. Waltz Song (flute obligato). By E. L. Ashford , 60c,
On the Dummy Line. Coon Song. By James Grayson ……. 40c,
Hills of Tennessee, Ballad, By E, T, Hildebrand 40c,
, _ Sweethearts, Ballad, By H, L. B, Sheetz , 40c,
I Dance of the Brownies, Waltz, By Lisbeth J, Shields 40c.
/ Commercial Travelers. March, O, G, Hille ,,,,,…, 50c,
; Hermitage Club, TwcStep, Frank Henniger ,,,,,«., 50c. –
I Col, Forsythe’s Favorite, March. Carlo Sorani …….. 40c.
; Twilight Musings. For Guitar. Repsie Turner …….. 30c.
; R. D0RMAN & CO., Nashville, Tenn.
Qopfederat^ l/eterap.
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I’niteil Confederate Veterans,
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paj ■ . i ■ .
EXTKRIOH VND INTERIOR \ 1 1 :us OF Ft IRT SUMTER, 1883, From official photographs signed bj Ben. Delafield, 0. S A.
Confederate l/eterar?
Maj. W. T. Blakemore, of New Orleans, who served
on the staff of Gen. B. R. Johnson, pays tribute to Gen.
George Moorman in a thrilling story of what he did in
the battle of Fort Donelson :
As time passes the history of the war becomes more
and more interesting, and instances of individual hero-
ism are eagerly sought. Many such I witnessed at
Fort Donelson, Chickamauga, and upon other battle-
fields of the war, but one in particular at Donelson im-
pressed itself upon my memory as an instance of unsur-
passed heroism, and so wonderful that it partook of the
miraculous. To those like myself who witnessed it, it
really seemed as if the days of miracles had returned.
Gen. George Moorman, the present Adjutant-Gen-
eral of the United Confederate Veterans, and myself
were both aides upon the staff of Gen. B. R. Johnson,
who was in command of our left in that great battle.
The attack of Huley, of the Thirteenth, upon Col.
Heiman’s position was fierce and memorable, and it
appeared at one time as if the Federals would succeed
in forcing our center. A supreme effort was being
made to effect this. Schwartz’s, Taylor’s, Droesher’s,
McAllister’s, and other batteries had been brought up
and placed by the Federals upon the crests of the hills
overlooking our rifle pits, and supported by immense
columns of infantry. Outside of our rifle pits timber
had been felled and interlapped, which made an abat-
tis. This, and the timber standing back of it, was filled
with Federal sharpshooters. They were even in the
tops of many of the trees. Col. Heiman’s position was
a hill somewhat in the shape of a V, with the apex at
the angle. From this point the ground descended ab-
ruptly on each side to a valley. . .
Immediately back of Col. Heiman’s position and
half way up the hill opposite was an open space about
eighty yards wide, surrounded in the rear with timber.
In this open space not a sign of life could be seen, as it
received the concentrated fire of the Federals from all
around the V-shaped hill ; even a head raised above our
rifle pits was instantly shot off, and so thick were the
missiles of death flying that anything as large as a ram-
rod raised above the rifle pits was instantly shot away.
This space was covered with bullets, as could be seen
by the flying fragments of snow and ice where they
struck, and no communication was had across this open
space only by crawling along the rifle pits or by the
longer way toward Dover around through the timber.
As the Federals advanced the fire of their infantry, ar-
tillery, and sharpshooters, both in front and enfilade,
was all concentrated upon this open space to prevent
reenforcements, which the conformation of the hills
unfortunately made easy.
As they were advancing and firing rapidly Gen.
Johnson saw that his thin line could not withstand the
terrific charge, neither could he expect help from any
other part of the lines. At this moment a courier ar-
rived from around through the timber, and, saluting
Gen. Johnson, said: “Col. Quarles, with the Forty-sec-
ond Tennessee Regiment, is in the rear of Col. Hei-
man’s position, awaiting orders.”
“Go back,” said the General, “and t l 1 Col. Quarles
to move his command under cover of the ridge into the
rifle pits, and report to Col. Heiman for orders.”
But the rapid onward movement of the Federals
would not admit of any delay, and, seeing that the su-
preme moment had arrived, Gen . Johnson said: “It
will take the courier some time to reach Col. Quarles.
I want one of my staff to reach him immediately, if pos-
sible, and order him to move up rapidly to Col. Hei-
man’s support.” Turning to Lieut. Moorman, he said :
“Do you think that you could reach Col. Quarles
across the field?”
Lieut. Moorman replied: “I do not, General; but if
you think it absolutely necessary, I will try.”
He left his horse with us at our headquarters in the
timber, about half way up the hill, opposite Col. Hei-
man’s position, from where he started to carry this fa-
mous order through a veritable valley of the shadow
of death. We watched him as he cleared the woods at
the first few bounds, never expecting to see him alive
again. As he stepped out from the shelter of the trees
into the open space thousands of sympathetic eyes
watched the intrepid young soldier, apparently moving
on to certain death. It was a war picture — this hand-
some soldier, not yet of age, of splendid physique, six
feet tall, standing out in his new uniform in full view of
those splendid marksmen as a target for thousands of
the enemy’s guns, ready to sacrifice himself if sharp-
shooters from far and near made him their target,
while thousands of bullets and cannon balls were
plowing up the snow and ice at every step he took. As
he reached the frozen branch in the valley he fell.
Every heart sank, supposing that he was pierced by
hundreds of balls ; but in a moment he was on his feet —
his sword had tripped him. He started up the hill and
Confederate l/eteran.
moved diagonally across the open space, and reached
the timber — unharmed and untouched, but with many
bullet holes through his clothes- — where Quarles’ Reg-
iment was awaiting orders.
A short time after the Federal commander was
wounded, and the enemy fell back to gather strength
for another attack.
Many thousands of gallant soldiers have stood in the
face of terrible dangers, mounted parapets, and per-
formed heroic feats, but it is doubtful if any soldier in
our war, on either side, had an experience so marvel-
ous and miraculous. Less heroism has made many a
soldier immortal. . . . Many thousands of shots
must have been concentrated in that space during the
time he was passing over it; and it is probable that
more shots were fired at him, under these peculiar cir-
cumstances, than at any one single soldier during the
war. It can never be known by any human agency
how he ever escaped death, and will always remain to
me one of the most wonderful incidents I witnessed
during the war.
This brotherhood was organized at Sparta, Tenn..
in September, 1883, and was composed of Gen. Dibrell’s
Cavalry Command, with the following officers: Gen.
George G. Dibrell, Commander: Capt. M. L. Gore,
Colonel of the Eighth Tennessee Cavalry; H. C. Snod-
grass, Lieutenant-Colonel of the Eighth Tennessee
Cavalry ; J. P. England, Major of the Eighth Tennessee
Cavalry. They have continued to hold their meetings
annually since that time.
At their second meeting, in [884, held at Gainesboro,
the following commands were added to the organiza-
tion: The Eighth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Twenty-
fifth, Twenty-eighth, and Thirty-fifth (B. J. Hill’s)
Tennessee Infantry, and Colms’s Battalion; Hamil-
ton’s, Bledsoe’s, and Bennett’s Battalions of Cavalry.
Gen. Dibrell commanded the brigade up to his death,
in 1886, and never failed to attend its meetings. After
his death Maj. W. G. Smith, of the Twenty-eighth Ten-
nessee Infantry, was elected Brigadier-General, and has
been reelected every year since, with the following offi-
cers: Walton Smith, of Putnam County. Colonel; C. C.
Carr, of Overton County, Lieutenant-Colonel; Charles
Bradford, Major of all the Infantry; W. L. Dibrell, of
White County, Colonel; J. W. Howard, of Warren
County, Lieutenant-Colonel; W. W. Gooch. of White
County, Major of all the Cavalry. A full corps of bri-
gade and regimental staff officers have been appointed,
appearing in full Confederate uniform at each reunion.
The object of this organization was to perpetuate the
friendship engendered for each other during the four
years of our hardships, to keep in touch with each
other, and that we might be enabled to aid in furnish-
ing the true history of the cause and conduct of the war,
so that our children might know that we were not trai-
tors to the constitution as we understood it and as it was
interpreted by the Supreme Court of the United States,
but sought to perpetuate the institutions and liberties
purchased for us by the blood of our fathers.
Gen. W. G. Smith, present Commander, entered the
Confederate service in the spring of 1861 as captain of
Company C, Twenty-fifth Tennessee Infantry (S. S.
Stanton’s), and served in that regiment until the battle
of Shiloh, after which he resigned, on account of ill
health. In October following Col. S. S. Stanton or-
ganized the Eighty-fourth Tennessee Infantry. Gen.
Smith served as lieutenant-colonel of this regiment, and
was in the engagement at Murfreesboro, Tenn. After
that engagement the Twenty-eighth and Eighty-fourth
Tennessee Regiments were consolidated. He, being
then a supernumerary and preferring to be in the field,
resigned the office of lieutenant-colonel and accepted
the appointment of major of the consolidated regiment
and remained in the field, lie was in every engage-
ment of that regiment from Chickamauga to Ji
boro, including the one-hundred-days’ light from Dal-
ton to Atlanta. Col. Smith had a great many eulogies
passed upon him for his gallantry. He never was
known to be away during any of the engagements, but
was always at his post and ready to lead the command,
and was beloved by all for his bravery and gallantry.
We intend to use our best endeavors to put the \ 1
eran in the home of every old soldier, and where he is
not able to pay for it, will raise a fund for that purpose.
W. F. Smith. Holt’s Corner, Tenn., wishes to get all
the information possible about two Federal soldiers
who were wounded at Shiloh on Sunday morning at the
front line of tents. He rendered aid to them, and was
thanked for it; a ring was also offered him for his
kindness, which he refused. Would be glad to know
if they are alive now.
W. L. Parks, of Port Royal, Tenn., was so gratified
with the record of W. C. Boze and B. B. Thackston, as
told by the former in a recent number of the VETERAN,
that he wants Comrade Boze to “accept a package of
fine, pure smoking-tobacco.” He considers the cus-
tom a happy one, extending back to the days of the
red man and the pipe of peace.
Lewis Peach, Fayetteville, Tenn.: “] have in my pos-
session a Testament taken from the knapsack of a dead
Federal soldier at Murfreesboro. Tenn., December 31,
1862. On the fly leaf is written: ‘Francis Rourke,
Company G, First Kentucky Regiment.’ The name of
Carl Denton is also written on another page. Would
gladly restore this to his relatives.”
In a very interesting letter Miss Hettie May Mc-
Kinstry, of Carrollton, Ala., quotes her father as saying
that W. W. Booton, of London Mills, 111., in writing of
Fort Robinette, was mistaken in supposing that “a fine-
looking man with dark hair, wearing a dark coat,” was
Capt. Foster, as he was a small man with gray hair,
gray beard, and wore a gray coat.
W. P. Witt, of McGregor, Tex., wishes to know the
whereabouts of Capt. Gittian. who commanded Com-
pany H, Fifth Tennessee, the last months of the war.
He thinks he was from Middle Tennessee.
W. D. Brown, Hanson, Ky.: “I have been requested
to ask for the name, age, and residence of the youngest
regular Confederate soldier.”
Confederate l/eterap.
THE STORY OF THE SIX HUNDRED. Jment, My friends were all young men from Middle
by IUDGE henry howe cook, franklin, TENN. ff Tennessee with no knowledge of commercial affairs,
) land none of us asked or received credit, tnough it was
1-^jjjjQ^yjj t j lat tne su tler, Mr. Bell, was one of the kindest
Part II. <, f m en. I had a common little silver watch which a
We reached Fort Pulaski about midnight, and while Wprivate had given me at Point Lookout when the offi-
at anchor several of the party made a most reckless at- f cers and privates were being searched and separated.
tempt to escape. During the passage down some of
them had cut a hole in the stern of the vessel, and
when we reached anchor six or seven lowered them-
selves into the water. They were soon discovered,
fished out, and brought back into the ship. It would
have been impossible for them to escape, as there are
nothing but little barren islands on the coast, and had
they reached one of these they would have starved to
death. The mainland was too far off to be reached.
The next morning we landed and were conducted
to the interior of the fort, and here we went to sleep on
the brick floor. The following morning we met Col.
P. P. Brown, Lieut.-Col Carmichael, and many of the
One Hundred and Fifty-seventh New York Regiment.
Never during the war did I meet better looking and
better discliplined or a kinder Federal regiment of men.
Col. Brown addressed us in a kind manner. He prom-
ised all in his power for our comfort, not contrary to
orders from headquarters. Lumber was furnished,
and, with the assistance of the carpenters of the regi-
ment, in two days we had bunks and tables. Provi-
sions were supplied in quantity and quality as good as
we could reasonably expect, and we began to improve
in health and appearance.
Fort Pulaski is situated upon Cockspur Island, at
the mouth of the Savannah River, and about twelve
miles from Savannah. The Fort covers four or five
acres. On the inner side is the parade ground, con-
taining about three acres. Facing Tybee Island is a
semi-circle composed of casemates, in the center of
which we were placed, and we were separated from the
garrison upon the right and left of us by immense iron
gates. The embrasures were grated to prevent our
escape, and guards were placed upon the banks of the
moat in front of us. Our only view was through these
grates, and our eyes met naught but the expanse of
water, dotted with little barren islands. For many a
day I watched the great waves chase each other in and
then turn back to the vast ocean. At times a sail-
boat or man-of-war would appear in the distance and
relieve the monotony of the scene. How eagerly I
watched to catch the sight of the topmast sail of a ship
that might be approaching the island, hoping that
something might happen to relieve our condition!
A casemate is about twenty-two by twenty feet, and
there were twenty of these; hence each casemate con-
tained about thirty prisoners. Col. Brown, finding
that we were too crowded, sent two hundred of our
number to Hilton Head, and among the number Capt.
Thomas F. Perkins, for which cause I lost the only
officer from my own county, and my truest friend.
We did reasonably well until about January i.
Goldsborough, Latrobe, Fitzhugh, and others from
Maryland, and a few from the Confederate States had
a little money, and succeeded in getting credit with the
sutler of the One Hundred and Fifty-seventh Regi-
He thought that the officers would be better treated
than the privates and not subjected to such a rigid
search, and that I might save the watch for him. I
never saw him again, and don’t remember his name.
I passed through three rigid examinations, and my
United States blanket and most of my clothing were
taken away from me. Nearly all my possessions had
been picked up by me on the battle-field, and when I
was captured it was considered that all these things
had been recaptured. Everything valuable was taken
away from us upon the idea that we might use such
things in bribing the guards.
When I reached Fort Pulaski my entire earthly pos-
sessions consisted of this watch (which I had miracu-
lously preserved by sleight-of-hand, as it were), one pair
of shoes, one hat, two shirts, a pair of pants, and a
shawl. This shawl, or blanket, was composed of thick
woolen goods and lined with a much finer class of
woolen. Dr. Pees, an Episcopal minister, had
wrapped me up in this shawl one cold night at Tulla-
homa as I was being taken from the battle-field of
Murfreesboro to Chattanooga. How I loved the good
Doctor and his shawl ! Lieut. Fleming persuaded me
to let him have the watch, agreeing to be responsible
to the owner if we should ever see him again. He sold
it for three dollars, and bought codfish and soda from
the sutler. During the months of November and De-
cember my good friend, Capt. Nicks, often gave me a
good piece of meat and bread. He was a man of great
industry and energy, and would do any kind of work
for those who had money, and he had a kind heart, and
divided with me the proceeds of his labor. About this
time we learned that Gen. Sherman was marching to
Savannah. Gen. Foster made a movement on Pocota-
ligo to cut the railroad and prevent the reenforcement
of Savannah. He took Lieut.-Col. Carmichael and a
part of the One Hundred and Fifty-seventh Regiment.
For several days we heard nothing from the outside
world, but one day we saw some wounded soldiers be-
ing brought to the fort, and among the number Lieut.-
Col. Carmichael. The forces under Foster, number-
ing several thousand men, had been surprised at Honey
Hill by a small force of Georgia militia, under Gen.
Gustavus Smith, and badly whipped.
An order was at once issued by Foster depriving us
of the privilege of the sutler shop, and also depriving
us of the right to receive money, food, or clothing.
He ordered that our rations be one-half pint of rotten
corn-meal, one-fourth of a pound of bread, and a cu-
cumber pickle each day. This was everything. Not
even salt or soda was allowed us. This meal was
ground in 1862 at the Brandy wine Mills, as shown by
the marks on the barrels. It had been in the barrels
for three years, and often the whole would stand in a
mass when the staves were taken off. Some of it could
be dipped out with cups, and as many as one hundred
weevils and white worms were picked from one pint.
The fact is that the weevils and white worms were the
Qopfederate l/eterai).
only nutritious parts of it. Lieut. Fleming’s soda
proved a great blessing: the soda would neutralize the
acid in the meal and make it possible to eat it.
Col. Brown was much moved, and his voice was
tremulous when he informed us of the new orders, bul
he attempted to cheer us up, stating that he hoped the
cruel treatment would be of short duration. Winter
had now fairly set in, and its chilly blasts off the At-
lantic wailed mournfully through our open casemate
windows, causing the poorly clad prisoners to shiver.
It was a damp, nipping, and eager cold, such as no
one who experienced it could soon forget.
Our supply of wood had also been cut ofl to bareh
enough to cook our small supply of rotten cornmeal
Through the whole winter we knew not what it was
to feel the warmth of tire. The officers were poorly
clad, many of them not having blankets, and some of
their wardrobes not as good as my own. above de-
scribed. The casemates were damp and the brick
floor was at all times wet, as if it had been rained upon.
We paced the vaults to keep warm. Some would walk
while some slept, and thus the time passed slowly away.
Day after day and week after week passed.
In a short time the treatment began to tell fearfully.
The officers of the garrison hid themselves from us, and
were seldom seen, and the privates were only seen on
their posts of duty. The Xew York Regiment, offi-
cers and privates, were a noble set of men, and were
manifestly pained at our plight when tluy came into
our prison.
If our condition was horrible on Morris Island, it
was much mure sn here. Man\- were unable to walk:
others meandered through the vaults like living skel-
etons, gazing into each others’ faces with a listless.
vacant stare, plainly indicating that they were border-
ing upon imbecility or lunacy. That dreadful disease.
the scurvy, was raging fearfully, so that the mouths
were in a fearful condition, their gums decaying and
sloughing off and their teeth falling out: while others
had the disease in a more dangerous form, their arms
and legs swelling;, mortifying, and becoming black.
Black spots appeared upon the anus and legs of some,
looking as though the veins and arteries had decom-
posed, separated, and spilled the Diood in the llesli.
< me dax when some of our dead were carried to tin
graveyard Col. Brown had a military salute fired ovei
their graves, but this was soon forbidden, and then, day
by day. the dead were silently and sadlx carried and
laid in their graves.
All of us knew full well that unless relief soon came
we must soon pass out at the Sail) Port, now the fu-
neral arch to the graveyard. “To you these words are
ashes, but to me they are burning- coals.’ There were
quite a number of cats upon the island, but they did
not come much into our prison, as there was nothing
for them to eat. l.ieut. Fleming succeeded in captur-
ing’ two. and OUT mess ate them. \ baked cat is as
good as a squirrel, if not better. Necessitv overcomes
many foolish prejudices. The prisoners captured and
ate quite a number of cats, and this doubtless saved
many lives. Manx were driven to us by the soldiers,
and it is said that Col. Brown himself was seen to drive
several into our prison, l.ate one night Col. P.roxxu.
l.ieut. Col. Carmichael, Maj. Frank Place, and Sutler
1 tick Bell, with several soldiers of tin- regiment, came
into our prison with baskets of fish. Late at night they
had gone out and caught them and stealthily slipped
into our prison with them. This was after midnight,
but we at once baked and ate them, without bread or
salt, and had enough to eat for the first time in more
than thirty days.
After Sherman had captured Savannah I received a
letter from a lady in that city stating that Gen. Meigs
was expected there, and that she had received letters
from the families of Col. Atkinson and Henry Meigs,
of Marietta, (ia., in my behalf, and she thought per-
haps the quartermaster-general would make it possi-
ble for me to get clothes and provisions; but nothing
came of it. This Utter inspired me with great hope,
and how anxiously I watched every boat that appeared
to be approaching the island! 1 low gratifying to hear
from the people of Marietta who had been so kind to
me after the battle of Murfreesboro, and to know that
1 x\ as not forgotten by them in the hour of my greatest
afflictions! It xvas a message from the unknown world
to spirits in prison. Mr. Henry Meigs, of Marietta,
was a brother of Quartermaster-General Meigs, and
was a man of learning and piety and of the kindest dis-
position. He had married a Miss Stewart, of Geor-
gia. I cannot now say that his brother came to Savan-
nah while we were at fort Pulaski, but if he did he
may have interested himself in our behalf, as our con-
dition was improved in the latter part of February, but
1 received no special act of kindness from him.
In the latter part of January we made an effort to
reach the l !< munissary Department. We tried to reach
a casemate ten casemates beyond us. which was
filled with provisions, and we hoped to reach this and
draw upon the provisions little by little. Beneath each
casemate xvas a cellar, entered by a trap-door, and the
cellars were separated by a thick brick- wall. With a
small iron bar we made a passageway through these
twenty brick- walls and reached the trap-door entering
the Commissary Department, but when an effort was
made to raise the door it xvas found imp. issible, as it was
weighted down by the provision? piled upon it. This
xvas distressing indeed: so much patient labor, and
m .thing accomplished. Matters grew xx hm evcrx day,
and the passageways in the casemates were almost de-
serted, for most of our number were lying helpless in
their bunks, suffering from scurvy or other disi
or had been carried out, one b\ one, to be laid beside
those who had gone before in the graveyard set apart
Some two or three weeks aft< r the occupation of Sa-
vannah by the federal forces Col. Brown came into
our prison, appearing to be much excited and over-
come xxith emotion. He t< ild us that ( Jen. Ft ister had
bent relieved, and that Gen. Cilmore had just sailed
from New York to take his place. He stated that ( len.
Grover, now in command at Savannah, would com-
mand the department until Gen. Gilmore’s arrival, and
that he would go at once to Savannah and represent to
him our sad condition. In a few days the colonel re-
turned from Savannah with five or six medical office] 3,
who went through the prison and made a close inspec-
tion. When they came to my bunk 1 was nursing
Lieut. Hooberry and several other officers who were
unable to walk or assist themselves in any way. I my-
self xvas able to stand up and walk for a few minutes at
Confederate l/eterai).
a time. I asked them why medical officers should
come into the prison, and one of them replied: “We
wish to see how much longer you can live under this
treatment.” Of course I was displeased at this appar-
ently flippant and heartless remark, but I learned from
others that the inspectors were really kind and humane,
and were shocked and horrified at our condition. One
of them stated that he would not have believed a Fed-
eral officer guilty of such horrible brutality if he had
not seen it himself. One stated that in all his experi-
ence he had never seen a place so horrible or known
of men being treated with such brutality.
Col. Brown accompanied the medical officers back
to Savannah, and the next day returned with a boat
laden with provisions and everything that could con-
tribute to our comfort; but to many the assistance came
too late. Nothing but death could relieve them; they
had passed beyond the physician’s skill. Those not
beyond the power of human aid began to improve.
Both officers and privates of the regiment, now that
they were no longer under the command of Gen. Fos-
ter, did all in their power for us. I cannot give exact
dates, but for more than forty days I was in a stupefied,
listless, insane dream.
About February 10, 1865, the One Hundred and
Fifty-seventh New York Regiment left us to join Sher-
man’s army. It was natural that we should regret
their departure. For more than three months they had
not been guilty of one unkind act or word. Under the
most trying circumstances they had done all they dared
to alleviate our sufferings. We now fell into the hands
of Gen. Mullineaux. His command was composed of
all the nations and tongues of the earth, except Eng-
lish, Scotch, and Irish. We could not understand
them and they could not understand us. They greatly
feared us, and we feared them more, and the beginning
musket and determined air bring back the past to us.
One who has examined it, and who is familiar with
much work of this sort in Northern cities, says: “If
there is any statue in the whole country finer than this,
I have never seen it.”
The pedestal, also designed by Mr. Buberl, is twelve
feet high, and was made by the Petersburg Granite
Quarrying Co., and was taken from historic ground
near Petersburg, where Gen. A. P. Hill fell. The die
was not propitious.
(To be continued.)
This Confederate monument was unveiled on the 7th
day of June, 1893, at the Soldiers’ Cemetery, near the
University of Virginia, in the presence of many Vir-
ginia camps and military organizations, and under the
auspices of the John Bowie Strange Camp, U. C. V.,
and the Ladies’ Confederate Memorial Association of
Charlottesville. Gen. Fitzhugh Lee acted as chief
marshal, and with his staff and veteran cavalry escort,
preceded by the mounted police, headed the procession.
The orator of the occasion was Maj. Robert Stiles, of
R. E. Lee Camp No. 1, U. C. V., and the veil was
drawn by Miss Baker, daughter of James B. Baker, of
the John Bowie Strange Camp.
The monument is one of remarkable beauty, and is
another evidence of the great talent of the sculptor, Mr.
Caspar Buberl, of New York City. The statue, of
finest bronze, was cast at the Henry Bonnard Foun-
dry, in New York. It stands eight feet high on a pe-
destal of twelve feet, and is a perfect representation of
the youthful Confederate soldier as so many remember
him’. The handsome face, of pure Southern type, so
eager and bright and full of manly courage and loyal
purpose; the strong, graceful figure, resolute grasp of
rests on three granite blocks, and has on the four side?
bronze panels containing in raised letters the one thou-
sand and ninety-seven names of those buried in the
University Cemetery, many of whom died of wounds in
the hospitals at the university and in Charlottesville.
The states represented, with the number from each
state are as follows: Maryland, 4; Virginia, 192; North
Carolina, 200; South Carolina, 161 ; Georgia, 224; Flor-
Qopfederate Veterar?
ida, 13; Alabama, 82; Mississippi, 69; Tennessee, 10;
Louisiana, 84; Texas, 12; states doubtful, 29. The
state, name, and regiment are in raised letters, ending
with seventeen blanks for the unknown dead — names
unknown to us, but recorded in the book of life. Over
the die, in polished letters, is inscribed, “Confederate
Dead,” and the dates, ” 1861-1865.” Below the die, on
one of the massive blocks, is the inscription : ” Fate de-
nied them victory, but crowned them with glorious im-
The committee selected Mr. Buberl’s design out of a
large number submitted to them from all parts of the
country. The erection of this monument was the work
of sixty ladies composing the Confederate Memorial
Association of Charlottesville and the University of
The late Gen. J. D. Imboden, in reply to an invita-
tion by Prof. Garnett to be present at the dedication of
the monument, wrote his regret in being unable to at-
tend, and added:
I regret it because it would have enabled me to drop
a tear of more than ordinary fraternal affection upon
the grave of one of the nearest and dearest friends 1
ever had, the immortal Ashby. We were friends before
the war began. We were together in Richmond on the
night of April 16, 1861, and, with others, planned the
attack upon and capture of Harper’s Ferry; and on the
morning of April 17, the day Virginia seceded, we set
out for our respective homes; he to lead his cavalry
company, I to take the Staunton Artillery, and meet at
Harper’s Ferry before daybreak on April 19 with some
other volunteers — one company from Charlottesville,
one from Culpeper, and others from adjacent counties.
Then our former friendship ripened into the most de-
voted attachment, which was to end on his part by his
glorious soldier’s death, near Harrisonburg, on the
evening of June 6, 1862. The next day I received an
order, written in pencil on the blank margin of a news-
paper, from our great commander, Stonewall Jackson,
to join him with my little command during the ensuing
night at Port Republic, with a postscript that conveyed
the first intelligence I had of the fate of my peerless
friend. It was couched in these words: “I know that
you will share my grief over the death of our mutual
friend, the gallant Ashby, who was killed last evening
in a charge upon the enemy. The Confederacy had no
truer or braver soldier, nor Virginia any nobler gentle-
man.” Such was the spontaneous tribute of one whose
testimony is in itself a monument that will stand out on
the pages of Virginia’s history even when the structure
reared by the untiring efforts of noble Virginia women
at the University of Virginia shall have crumbled into
dust under the inexorable laws of the physical world.
It is the grave of such a man in the midst of his fallen
comrades that would have invested the ceremonies of
the day with a sacredness in my heart never to have
been erased as long as life lasts.
I have turned this morning to Vol. XIT.. Series I,
page 712, of the “Official Records” of the war, and find
this reference to * shbv’s death, in Stonewall Jackson’s
report of his great “Valley Campaign of 1862.” De-
scribing the skirmish of June 6, 1862, mar Harrison-
burg, he says: “In this skirmish our infantry loss was
seventeen killed and fifty wounded. In this affair Gen.
Turner Ashby was killed. An official report is not an
appropriate place for more than a passing notice of the
distinguished dead, but die close relation which Gen.
Ashby bore to my command for most of the previous
twelve months will justify me in saying that as a parti-
san officer I never knew his superior. His daring was
proverbial, his powers of endurance almost incredible,
his tone of character heroic, and his sagacity almost in-
tuitive in divining the purposes and movements of the
enemy.” If these words be not carved upon the marble
that marks his resting-place, no matter, for they are in-
scribed and imperishable on the pages — the brightest
and the saddest pages — of Virginia’s history.
Thomas Edward Buford, .1 private in the Confederate
army, was horn in Luneburg County, \ a., in 1837. He
enlisted in Company II, Seventh Tennessee Regiment,
May, 1861, at Lebanon, Tenn., and served through the
West Virginia campaign with Gen. Lee; was with
Stonewall Jackson in the P>ath and Romney compaign.
He was killed in the charge at Seven Pines. A braver
and better soldier never lived. “He was always ready
to do his duty — he was always there.”
I was in the battle of t rkansas Post, and cannot un-
derstand why it has not been given more prominence
in history. At noon, Friday, January 11, 1862, just as
we were finishing a good dinner of fresh pork and
Confederate l/eterap.
sweet potatoes, a picket came running into camp hal-
looing: “Yankees! Yankees!”
All were in a Mutter for awhile. Soon our officers
cried aloud: “To arms! fall in!” The five thousand
men were soon in line. “Forward, double-quick,
march!” was responded to, and we were soon in our
ditches a mile below the fort. Just below these in-
trenchments there was a sharp bend in the river, and
from that point to the fort the river is quite straight.
Below the bend the Yankees were landing. Seven gun-
boats were slowly coming around the bend just as we
got in the trenches. The gun-boats opened fire on our
fort, and the firing lasted about an hour, when they
fell back around the bend. We lay in the ditches all
night. Saturday, the 12th, we had about concluded
that the Yankees had slipped off down the river, for it
was now about two o’clock. In the evening suddenly
the gun-boats rushed around the bend again, and a ter-
rific firing was begun between them and our fort. At
the same time a heavy force of infantry came marching
up the river bank.
Here I must diverge a little from my story. I had
left my company lying in the upper end of the ditches,
and was sitting on the bank of the river watching the
fight between the gun-boats and the fort. Suddenly
my attention was attracted by the words: “Close up!”
When I looked up I saw the blue coats quite near me.
I jumped up and ran. I was ordered to surrender, but
kept on running. A few shots were fired at me, with
no effect. That was the best running of my life. To
add to my fright, I found that all our men had left the
ditches and gone to the fort. I was alone. Now for a
race of one mile ; it was made on good time. Just as I
got back to my company in the ditches near the fort, a
heavy force of Yankees had flanked us, and we barely
saved ourselves from capture in the lower ditches; but
we were now ready to make a strong fight, which we
did, considering our small number of about five thou
sand poorly armed men.
It was now about night. Up to this time we had
not fired a shot with small arms. Just at dark a furious
cannonading took place, lasting until ten o’clock. The
rest of the night we worked on our ditches.
Sunday morning the sun rose clear upon the two con-
tending forces. Although there were no Yankees in
sight we knew that they were not gone, for we were
kept close in line. Looking down the line we saw
Gen. Ohurchhill riding hurriedly toward us, stopping
at each company, giving this order: “Gentlemen, the
fight will commence in a very short time, and we must
win it or die in the ditches.” He quickly gave advice
to the officers thus : “You will instruct your men having
short-range guns to hold their fire until the Yankees
come in thirty or forty yards. The buck and ball guns
will commence firing at seventy-five to one hundred
yards. Minie rifles will fire on them from the time they
come in sight.”
The Yankees had to cross a hill about three hun-
dred vards distant from where a level plain extended to
our breastworks. We could hear the Yankees giving
orders, and our officers were also doing likewise.
A very amusing incident occurred iust here. One
of my company, a long, gaunt young fellow, had mys-
teriously disappeared two days before, just as we were
ordered into line. Just now he came walking up, when
all the boys began to yell: “Here’s Dill! Where have
you been, Bill?”
The poor fellow just acknowledged that he got
scared and ran off, but said: “Boys, I’m going to stick
to you the rest of the time.”
Then 1 remarked: “Hurrah for Bill! I told you that
he would come when he was needed. But at the first
fire he ran like a wild buck.
My company was detached with others under com-
mand of Lieut. -Col. Nobles, to guard the crossing on
the bayou at the west end of our ditches. We were
highest upon the bayou and directly in line with the
gun-boats and fort. We were ordered to lie down,
which we did, and stuck close to mother earth all day.
The battle opened at eight o’clock, and the five thou-
sand poorly armed Confederate soldiers held at bay
twenty-five thousand Federal troops till 3 p.m.
While the battle was raging heavily I saw a boyish
fellow come running directly toward me. I saw that
he was scared, so I watched him. Just before he got
to me he stopped near a large cypress tree; then, quick
as a brush rabbit with a dog after it, he darted into the
hollow tree. I went up to him and said: “You have a
nice place in there, but you must come out and go back
to your company.”
“Sir,” he said, as he slowdy crawled out, “they arc
killing people up there.”
“Yes,” said I, “but we came here to be killed.” By
this time his scare was over, and he walked back to
his company.
The ditch lacked about two hundred yards of reach-
ing the bayou. In this vacancy there were placed two
regiments. We had orders that if those men were run
back to let the Federals pass over us, then pour a fire
into them, and fall back with our boys. At one time
our boys were forced back near us, and one of them
said: “Lieut. Bishop, I feel like I had swallowed a
pumpkin.” He spoke the feelings of more than one.
for it takes nerve to rise up in the face of a strong ene-
my and expose your person to the deadly fire.
Happily for us, when they came in range of the rifl^
pits the cross-fire turned them, and they made no other
attempt to turn our left flank during the day. Charge
after charge was made on our breastworks during the
day, but each charge was repulsed with heavy losses.
Our field pieces, six in number, were disabled by the
first fire from the Yankee guns.
I think it was the tenth charge that they made on our
works. They were marching in columns ten deep.
They established a battery across the river directly in
our rear. Just now “Long Tom,” our best gun, ceased
firing. It had been disabled by a shot from the gun-
boats. Our doom was now inevitable. Our men had
fought bravely; but, like a serpent decoying its prey,
the Federal troops lay coiled around us. We were
prisoners. The white flag was hoisted. Some con-
tention arose as to who ordered it; but, be that as it may,
it was a timely thing, for we would very soon have
been exterminated by the superior forces which were
closely drawn around us. All was now over, and in the
calm that followed nothing could be heard except the
sound of human voices.
As I left my place of assignment (not having fired a
shot all day) I walked directly to the west end of our
ditch. The Yankees were standing around the ditches
Confederate l/eterao,
in great numbers, while our men were sitting and stand-
ing among them. I shall never forget the scene of
that hour. Strong men were weeping like whipped
children. Others were enraged and were cursing.
One poor fellow had been wounded in the loins, and
could not stand. An ambulance was driven up, on
which the wounded were being placed to carry them
from the field, and four men were trying to put this
man on the ambulance. They were handling him very
carefully, when he cried out in anger: ” it! put
me in like men.”
I counted sixty-three of our dead down the line. 1
don’t know the exact number of Federals killed, but it
was about one-half of our entire number, twenty-five
Bean’s Station, Tenn., December 21, 1863.
(harming Nellie: So much has occurred since my
letter from Cleveland thai two problems confront me:
what to mention and what to leave untold. Skimming-
over the surface of events — as 1 must, to keep within
the limits of paper supply and your patience — I inten-
tionally omit many things of interest and forge:
others. . . .
Crossing on pontoons to the north side of the Ten-
nessee River, near Loudon, mi the 14th day of No-
vember, the Texas Brigade marched and counter-
marched, advanced, retreated, and halted, much as ii
a game of “hide and seek” were being played between
it and the enemy. From Loudon to Campbell’s Sta
tion the Yankees offered a very determined opposition
to Longstreet’s advance, but after complimenting his
little army with a few challenging shots from artillery
at the last named place, deemed it prudent to make
haste to shelter themselves behind their breastworks at
Knoxville. ‘While the Texans had but occasional
skirmish fighting to do, their experiences were far
from agreeable. The weather had turned bitterly cold;
little or no clothing had been issued to them at Chatta
nooga, and all were thinly clad and man)’ almost, and
some wholly, barefooted. You can easily conceive
their joy. then, when at Lenoir’s Station, late one eve-
ning, they were marched into winter quarters just va-
cated by tin- enemy, and a rumor, which had every ap-
ance of truth, fairly (lew about that they were to
Spend the winter there When 1 saw the neat, well-
framed, and plastered huts, each of a size to cozib .i<
commodate two men. and was led to believe that with-
in .me nf them I was to find shelter from wintry blasts
and comfort and n-st for my poor, hunger – gaunted
corpus, my heart tilled with gratitude to my adversaries,
and had they come unarmed and with peaceful intent,
T would gladly have “fallen upon their necks and wept.”
Lieut Park and 1 managed n 1 preempt 1 me nf the most
elegant of the cabins, and with almost undignified haste
about to make ourselves thoroughly at home.
About nine o’clock in the evening we were sitting on
benches before a pile of hickory logs that, blazing mer-
rily in the fireplace, warmed our chilled bodies and
brightened up the walls, and had just lighted our pipes
and begun talking of home when the long roll sounded.
” \h! then there was hurrving to and fro.” and if not
“mounting id hot haste.” a prompt “getting into line”
— an end to quiet smoking and earnest talk of love 1
ones, as hurriedly grasping sword, gun. blankets, can-
teens, and haversacks we rushed from a paradise into a
frozen inferno; from warmth into bitter, stinging cold;
from cheering, homelike firelight into that of glittering
and unsytnpathizing stars, kittle stomach as 1 have
for fighting, 1 have faced the enemy with far less of re-
luctance than 1 left that comfortable little hut; and,
worse than all. 1 never saw its interior again, for, rest-
ing upon our arms the balance of the night, we took up
the line of march next morning at daylight for Camp-
bell’s Station.
()1> ever thus from childhood’s hour
I’ve seen my fondest hopes decay.
One may he ever so philosophical, and yet — espe-
cially if he be a Confederate soldier — there will come
times when philosophy utterly fails to give strength to
bear with becoming fortitude “the slings and arrows of
outrages His fortune.” This was just such a time to me.
I stood manfully in arms that livelong, dreary night,
consoled 1>\ the thought that morning would carry me
back to the little log cabin; but when the order to march
gave the lie to hope, fortitude deserted me, and I wished
1 were a baby, so that 1 might cry with a show of decen-
cy. Nor have 1 recovered my good spirits altogether
yet. And if any one of those gallant warrior friends
of yours, whose featherbed patriotism has hitherto
bound him irrevocably to the defense of Texas against
invasion b\ water, who stands far inland and gazes
fearlessly at the dangerous men of war in the distant
ot’ting. who even mocks at danger, and demonstrates
his desperate and unquenchable valor by drinking sev-
eral cups of burning hot coffee in the long intervals be-
tween the flash of the enemy’s cannon and the passage
of its shell over the intervening Bve or six milesofwater
and land — if any one of these. I say, nurses a fond de-
sire for a more active life, for closer quarters with the
enemy, just send him right here; I will cheerfully and
even gladly exchange with the gentleman. lie shall
have my gun and all of its attachments, my haversack
and all its varied ci intents, even the ga\ and fashii mable
garments that adorn my manly person. Indeed, I
should insist on his taking the clothing, for it would
furnish him with some incentives to prompt and vig< ir-
OUS action that report says are yet lacking in Texas.
And I will trade “sight unseen,” too; for, while T should
“admire” to do the balance of my soldiering in a neigh-
borhood where there are fair ladies to sympathize with
me in my hardships and privations, any part of the
‘I exas coast is preferable to this part of Tennessee.
Since encountering the Western men who tight
under the “star-spangled banner,” Longstreet’s Corps
has somewhat modified its estimate of what Bragg
“might have done” in the way of whipping them. The
Yankees who lied before us at Chickamauga had as lit-
tle grit and staying power apparently as any we were in
the habit of meeting in Virginia, but Burnside had
troops at Knoxville that not onl\ stood well, but shot
well. The hardest and most stubbornly contested skir-
mish lighting 1 ever witnessed took place there, and
our lines needed to be frequently reenforced. On the
23d of November first one company and another of the
Fourth went forward, and finally the turn of Company
Confederate Veterar?
F came. To reach the line we had to pass around a
point of rocks and up the side of a steep ridge, in plain
view of and under a galling fire from the enemy. . . .
Jim Mayfield and Jack Sutherland, more venturesome
than others, sat down behind trees twenty feet farther
to the front and began exercising their skill as marks-
men. Mayfield grew careless and, exposing a foot and
part of a leg, received a ball, which lodged between the
bones of the latter just above the ankle. “What will
you give me for my furlough, boys?” he exclaimed
when the shot struck him. “What will you give me for
my furlough, boys?” he asked again, as he came limping
hurriedly back, using his gun for a crutch. It was only
a “parlor wound” he thought, and, thinking the same,
several of us would willingly have changed places with
him; I know that I would. But there was little time
to envy him. The enemy was pressing us hard, and
we had forgotten him and his “parlor wound,” when, an
hour later, a litter-bearer returned from the field hos-
pital with the sad intelligence: “Jim Mayfield is dead,
boys; he took lockjaw.”
On the evening of November 28 Company F was
detailed for picket duty. Three inches of snow lay on
the ground and an icy wind, from whose severity we
could find little protection, chilled us to the marrow. I
went on duty about nine o’clock, my post being at the
edge of a high bluff overlooking Knoxville and the val-
ley opposite me, and half a mile away I coul J see lights
moving back and forth in the enemy’s fort on College
Hill. I was growing numb and sleepy with the intense
cold, when the flash and report of a rifle, followed by a
scattering and then a continuous roar of small arms,
awoke and informed me that an attempt was being
made by the Confederates to capture the fort. Out of
the line of firing entirely, I watched the battle from be-
ginning to end with a strange mingling of delight and
foreboding. Night attacks are seldom successful, and
the fort was not only well manned, but protected by
wire netting and chcvaiix dc frise. But if terrible while
in progress, it was awful when, having been repulsed
with great slaughter, Barksdale’s Brigade was forced 10
withdraw and leave hundreds of its wounded upon the
field, too close to the fort to be carried off by their
friends. After so desperate a night attack it was im-
possible to arrange a truce, and while many of the hurt
managed to crawl to help, many more laid where they
fell and froze to death. All through the long night
their voices could be heard calling for help, both from
the Yankees and their friends, and often screaming with
agony as they essayed to move themselves within reach
of it. . . .
About daylight we learned that an advance would be
made that day on our (the east) side of the river, and im-
mediately began to congratulate ourselves that, being
pickets, Company F would escape the fighting. But
it was a mistake, for at sun up we were relieved by
Georgians, and not only ordered to the regiment, but,
when the advance began, placed on the skirmish line.
It was so cold that even after running up hill half a
mile the men had to warm their fingers at the fires left
by the Yankees before they could reload their guns.
Both the weather and the battle grew warmer as the sun
climbed higher in the sky. The Federals had made
only a slight resistance to the capture of their picket
line, but now showed such a bold front against farther
advance of the Confederates that it was decided not to
attempt it, and until noon we kept our blood in circula-
tion only by incessant sharpshooting.
Reub Crigler, the second lieutenant of Company F,
never goes into a fight without a gun and a chosen sup-
ply of cuss words to fling at the Yankees when he
shoots. “There, d n you! see how you like that,”
or “Take that, you infernal son of a gun!” fell from his
lips that day with an unction and regularity not at all
complimentary to the intended victims of his wrath.
Capt. Martin, though, of Company K of the Fourth,
neither draws a sword nor bears a gun in battle, but
rubs his hands together and smiles as merrily as if it
were the greatest fun imaginable. Not even when he
came near me that day and said, his voice choking and
the tears standing in his eyes, “They have killed Broth-
er Henry, Joe,” did the movement of his hands cease or
the smile disappear from his countenance.
That evening the Texans learned, as Longstreet had
two or three days before, of the defeat of Bragg at Chat-
tanooga, and many were the anathemas hurled against
that incompetent, or at least singularly unfortunate, of-
ficer by the self-constituted generals and statesmen in
the ranks. Of course, he ought to have held the ground
against whatever odds, for, given ten days longer, we
would have forced Burnside to surrender. But facts
were facts, and none less stubborn appeared to Long-
street than the rapid approach from the direction of
Chattanooga of two Federal army corps and the advisa-
bility, if he would avoid being caught between two fires,
of passing around Knoxville and moving up toward
Bristol, Va., through the fertile country lying between
the Holston and French Broad Rivers. The adoption
of this course was largely influenced, no doubt by the
considerations that it would insure a permanent separa-
tion from Bragg, give Longstreet a longer term of in-
dependent command, and enable him to rejoin Lee in
Virginia. The last of these appealed so strongly to the
Texans that, after getting beyond danger of pursuit on
the 4th of December, hundreds of them joined in the
chorus, “O, carry me back to ole Virginia, to ole Vir-
ginia’s shore!” with a will and a volume of sound that
made the echoes ring for miles around. My melodious
voice, however, went up with mental reservation that I
should be privileged to stop this side of the seacoast.
Salted shad possesses no allurement to me. . . .
Lest in recounting “the battles, sieges, fortunes, that
I have passed; lest in speaking
Of most disastrous chances,
Of moving accidents by flood and field,
Of hairbreadth ‘scapesi’ the imminent deadly breach,
I have harrowed your gentle heart to the point of swear-
‘Twas strange, ’twas passing strange,
‘Twas pitiful, ’twas wondrous pitiful,
and expending upon me more sympathy than I deserve,
permit me to remark that at this particular juncture in
my career I am really “in clover.” For — if because of
the curtailment of one leg of my pants, because my toes
protrude conspicuously from dilapidated and disrepu-
table shoes, and my cap is stained with dirt and grease,
my ensemble is scarcely stylish enough to give me a
right to the feminine society so liberally and lavishly be-
stowed on the Toms, Dicks, and Harrys who infest the
Confederate l/eterar?.
Texas coast — my canteen is bulging with the nicest
strained honey, my tobacco-pouch and haversack with
the very choicest smoking-tobacco; the sweetening b j –
ing the munificent reward of a moonlight tramp last
night over the mountains to Clinch River, the tobacco
the product of a raid by Brahan and myself day before
yesterday on a kind-hearted old farmer. My present
state is, in short, the naturally inevitable result of phys-
ical satiety, mental and moral plethora, exemption from
any duty, writing to you, and a philosophical mind.
Something of Warfare in Arkansas in 1863.
J. Mont Wilson writes from Springfield, Mo.:
The short sketch of Lieut. A. H. Buchanan (now
Professor of Mathematics in Cumberland University,
Lebanon, Tenn.) in the VETERAN some time ago men-
tioned the killing of his three brothers and father in Ar-
kansas. It brought vividly to my mind the scenes en-
acted that winter inside of the Federal lines. As I was
one of the three that escaped that day, I will give an
account as I remember the facts after a lapse of thirty-
three years.
During the summer and fall of 1863 Col. Brooks oc-
cupied Northwest Arkansas and Southwest Missouri,
harassing the Federal posts and supply trains and often
driving in scouting and foraging parties, < joing South
unexpectedly, he left several squads of his command
out on scouting expeditions, and others whose homes
were in that section. ‘Ihey did not come South, but
kept up their squad fighting, running in picket posts at
night, picking up Stragglers, dismounting and disarm-
ing them, and generally turning them loose, as they
did not want the trouble of guarding them. Gen. Wil-
liam L. Cabell, commanding the cavalry in South Ar-
kansas, detailed Capt. Pleasant W. Buchanan, of Buck
Brown’s Battalion, to wike eleven picked men and
horses, go through the Federal lines, gather up all the
squads and straggling men, and bring them South to
their command. This was a hazardous undertaking,
it being in mid-winter, leaves off the trees, forage
scarce, and a chain of Federal posts on both sides of
the Arkansas River from Little Rock to Fort Smith:
also a post at every county-seat, village, or mill where
forage or provisions could be had. Besides, the \r
kansas River is generally past fording at thai season of
the year, and every boat and skiff on the river had been
burned, except those at the forts.
Capt. Buchanan’s instructions were to be very cau-
tious, avoid all posts and scouting parties, get the
men together quietly and quickly, and to do as little
fighting as possible until ready to start South. His
plan was to enter the Federal lines at dark, travel only
at night, ami lav up, feed, and rest in daylight. When
we reached their lines we bore west of Waldron, strik-
ing the Fori Smith road a few miles north of Waldron.
where there was a Federal post, about ten o’clock at
night. We had gone only a short distance when we
ran up on a Federal scout at a house. The captain
halted us, rode up to within a few feet of them, made
them tell who they were, and moved us quietly on
down the road in such a careless way that they did not
realize we were Confederates. When out of their hear-
ing we rode rapidly several miles and then turned
through the woods due north for the Arkansas River,
the North star being our only guide. Reaching the
river at daylight, we hid and fed our horses in a little
cove of timber, rested, and reconnoitered for a cross-
ing. Just at sunset we forded it on a gravel bed just
above the mouth of Big Mulberry, out through a dense
bottom of four or five miles, to the wire road from
Ozark to Van Buren, near Mr. Joel Dyers’s. It was
the work of a few minutes to have several sections of
the telegraph wire torn down and dragged off in the
woods by the horn of our saddles. We rode all night,
bearing northwest, crossing the Van Buren and tay-
etteville road before daylight, and on to the main moun-
tain, avoiding all houses and roads. We were thor-
oughly drenched with a heavy winter rain. The drops
seemed as large as a quarter of a dollar. We halted,
built up a fire, dried our clothes, and rested, and moved
out again at dark, crossing over and down the moun-
tain to Tola Gray’s. The next night, I think it was,
we reached Cane Hill. Here the squad disbanded and
began the dangerous and tedious task of getting to
their respective homes to see friends and relatives and
to notify all squads and individuals in two or three
counties of the time and place of rendezvous for the
return South.
I went by F. W. McClellan’s to see my sister. His
house was in three or four hundred yards of the Fed-
eral post at Boonsboro, which was composed of ne-
groes and “Pin” Indians, commanded by one Maj.
Wright from Kansas. After meeting my sister I went
on home with the captain, leaving our horses and go-
ing in on foot from back of their farm. We found his
two brothers, William and James, at home, both anx-
ious to get South and rejoin the army. We had to be
very cautious, being only two or three miles from the
post at Boonsboro. The captain could only go in at
night to see his mother and sister, while we were wait-
ing for the time to start on our return. The captain’s
father was murdered about a month before, without any
earthly excuse, by a scout of negroes and Indians.
They asked him for some apples. He went into his
cellar, gave them all they wanted, and was locking the
cellar-door, when one of them shot him down. The
surgeon with the scout (Dr. Willet, T believe, was his
name) came back to the house and made verv brutal
and unfeeling remarks to his wife and daughter over
their grief.
The captain decided that he would try to mount his
brothers better the night before we started South, as
all they could pick up and conceal was a mule and a
“plug” horse. So he suggested that we get the horses
of Maj. Wright and his officers, whose headquarters
were at Mr. James Hagood’s dwelling, and the stables
were from seventy-five to one hundred feet from the
house. About ten o’clock the night before we were to
start South we four went to Mr. Hagood’s, and let down
the fence to the stable lot, but before we could get any
of the horses out we aroused the sentinel at Maj.
Wright’s headquarters, only a few- steps away. We
could not get them without killing him and creating an
alarm, so we quietly withdrew in the dark. T went by
F. W. McClellan’s to tell my sister good-bye, the cap-
tain going with me. We found Miss Amanda Hinds
(sister of Prof. Hinds, of Cumberland V/niversity) with
Confederate 1/eterai).
a letter for her brother Dudley, a member of Capt.
Buchanan’s company, and Miss Emma Hagood, who
had also come to see us, knowing that we were to
start South the next night. They told us that just at
dark they had slipped Maj. Wright’s horse to the rear
of the dwelling and tied him to the yard fence. I
asked permission of the captain to go and get him,
and he readily consented. He had slipped his halter,
but I managed to catch him and get off without being
discovered, rejoined the boys, and we all returned to
their home for them to say a last good-bye to their
mother and sister and for William to bid his wife good-
bye. Next morning Maj. Wright was furious at losing
his horse, and started scouting parties out in all direc-
tions. That last night some of Mr. Buchanan’s ne-
groes had seen us, and told the Federals where they
thought we were. A scout of some fifty, following the
negroes’ advice, struck our trail and followed it up.
We had moved about three miles and fed our horses at
noon, intending, as soon as they were through eating,
to start for the place of rendezvous, the Pine Moun-
tains, in Benton County, near the junction of Osage
and Illinois Creeks.
We were joined that forenoon by Gray Blake and
William Rinehart, two of the eleven men. William
and James Buchanan had no arms, and the captain only
his Colt’s six-shooter. The Federals came on us while
our horses were eating, all with bridles off. I saw
them first, and called to the boys just as they fired and
charged on us through the open woods. I sprang on
my horse (the one I got the night before I, with only the
halter, and set him going. Rinehart and I ran together
for about one hundred yards, when the captain’s mare
dashed by us. I knew then that he was shot, for as I
wheeled my horse, only a few feet from him, he was
standing in his left stirrup, his right leg nearly in the
saddle, and facing the Federals. In a few seconds they
had surrounded William and James Buchanan, who
had stopped to bridle their horse and mule. They
jumped off their horses and shot William down, but
James fought them with his bridle for fifty yards be-
fore they killed him. Guy Blake’s horse was so ex-
cited when the firing began that he could not mount,
and he dashed off on foot, as fleet as a deer, and escaped
in a range of bluffs a few hundred yards ^way. The
brutal negroes and bloodthirsty Indians mutilated the
boys after killing them.
This is one incident of the war in which I felt that I
could see the hand of Providence, for the three brothers
were truly Christians and prepared to die, while neither
of us three who escaped were : but all became members
of the Church soon after the war.
I never knew a nobler, braver, or truer gentleman
than Capt. Pleasant W. Buchanan. He was Professor
of Mathematics in Cane Hill College when the war be-
gan, and I was a student under him. I was intimately
associated with him in all of his army life, being in
both of the last two companies that he commanded,
and part of the time in his mess. I never heard a word
escape his lips that might not have been uttered in the
presence of ladies. He was modest and retiring in dis-
position, and always ready to give others credit who
really were not as deserving as himself. William and
Tames possessed very similar virtues. Thomas Buch-
anan, another brother, was and is now an esteemed
minister of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. He
served as a private in the same company, and never
shirked any duty. Pleasant W. Buchanan was elected
captain of the first company of state troops organized
on Cave Hill, composed largely of the college boys, the
President, F. R. Earl, serving as a private in it. This
company was of the Third Arkansas state troops and
fought under Col. Gratiot at Wilson Creek (on Oak
Hill) in front of where Gen. Lyons was killed. After
this battle, the state troops being disbanded, Capt.
Buchanan raised another company of infantry for the
regular Confederate service, being Company H, Fif-
teenth Arkansas Infantry. He, with some of his men.
were captured at Pea Ridge (or Elk Horn), and before
he was exchanged the army in Mississippi was reor-
ganized and, against the wish of his lieutenants and the
company, the vacancy had to be filled. After being ex-
changed he went to Northwest Arkansas and raised a
company of cavalry, when he joined Buck Brown’s
Battalion, which company he commanded when he was
killed. Though a mere boy in my teens, I was proud
to claim his friendship.
The story of this awful tragedy was told by the moth-
er of the noble men a few years ago, only a short while
before her death, to the editor of the Veteran, and of
how the murderers jeered when the bodies of the three
sons had been hauled to her home and ruthlessly put
out in her yard. The murder of her husband, without
the least provocation, and the dastardly burning of the
feet of his brother, a venerable minister, in the effort to
extort money, are part of the record of the war in
It is comforting in this connection to call special at-
tention to the high character of these martyr brothers
as noted by Comrade Wilson, for some might suppose
there were reasons for the wanton murder by the enemy
other than simply capturing a horse. That is evidently
all the provocation the slayers could have had.
Mrs. M. B. Carter, Stephen City, Va.:
On the evening of the retreat of the Sixth Virginia
Cavalry from Gettysburg they met the Sixth United
States Regular Cavalry at the village of Fairfield, Pa.,
and after a desperate fight killed and captured all of
the Federals but about thirty; and before the Virgin-
ians had recovered from the fatigue of this engagement
they were ordered to a point on the pike leading from
Frederick City to Green Castle, Pa., as the Federals
were threatening an attack upon the wagon trains, con-
taining the wounded, at that place. It was a very
rough mountain road, and only a small part of Gen.
William E. Jones’s command arrived in time to offer re-
sistance; but they held the enemy in check until nine
o’clock at night, when their ammunition gave out.
Considerable rain had fallen, but the moon was now
out, and as the firing slackened the Federals charged
with sabers, and in the confusion of a hand-to-hand
contest the men were so mixed up that it was hard to
tell friend from foe. One of Gen. Tones’ couriers, W.
Confederate l/eterap
T. Kerfoot, of Company B, Sixth Virginia Cavalry —
who did not carry a saber, on account of a broken arm.
and whose pistol had been emptied, except two loads
which the rain prevented firing — received a severe cut
on his forehead. He warded off a second blow with
his pistol, but one of his fingers was cut off. The Fed-
eral, still hacking with his saber as he charged ahead,
called out, “Surrender!” but Kerfoot, bleeding profuse-
ly, backed his horse into some thick undergrowth, and
drew out his handkerchief to bind up Ins wound, when
some one called out: “Don’t shoot!”
“Who are you?” said Kerfoot.
“A wounded Confederate.” came the reply.
“So am I,” replied Kerfoot.
A Confederate sugeon who was near by, hearing the
conversation, rode up and bandaged the wounds as best
he could. The firing still continued, as mure of tin-
Confederates slowh arrived, and the t\\ 1 1 w I mnded men
and the surgeon concluded that they had better with-
draw further into the underbrush and lie down among
the rocks to sleep. Kerfoot said: “With my saddle
for a pillow and ( iod as my trust 1 slept as sweetly as
when a child at home.”
At early morning the\ arose, and thought best to
steer eastward to Gettysburg, as many of our troops
had not yet left that field. In the circuitous mountain
road they not only got lost, but Kerfoot’s horse lost
every shoe, and was so lame that he could scarcely
walk; about four o’clock in the afternoon they came to a
mountain mill, where Courier Kerfoot got a hat. hav-
ing lost his in the fight. From this mill they could see
the “tirade,” full of soldiers, but at that distance could
not tell whether they were friends or enemies. Ker-
foot volunteered to rcconnoitcr and find out, saying:
“If they are enemies, and get me. they won’t get much,
as I am disabled. Going on foot to the “Grade” he
saw, to his delight, that tin- soldiers wire members of
his own company, and found out that they were near
the base of the mountain on the western side, exactly
in the opposite direction from their intended course.
“Under the guiding hand of Providence they were led
Straight to their friends.” as Kerfool told his compan-
ions at the mill upon his return for them.
Near I [agerstown bhey went to a farm near by to gel
something to eat and graze their horses in the orchard.
While in the orchard an innocent-looking boy came up
and said : “1 like Rebels. There was a big fight around
here this evening, and there is a Yankee in the barn
and a horse in the yard.” Kerfoot went to the barn
and called out to the man to surrender, which he did.
1 laving secured the man and horse, lie went back to his
comrades in the orchard. Being exhausted by loss of
bl 1 and great fatigue, he said to his prisoner: “1
want to treat you well, and 1 want to sleep too. If you
want to lie down on tile grass with us and go to sleep.
do so: lint if you try to escape Fll shoot you.” The
prisoner agreed, and all four lay down as if the best of
friends, and soon w ere asleep; but Kerfoot’s pillow this
time was his pistol. Rising early the next morning,
he saw his prisoner still asleep, flat on his back – , mouth
open, and snoring. Arousing all parties, they pro-
Ceeded on their way, and soon came to a large barn.
In the yard were about fifteen horses with cavalry sad-
dles and bridles. Rightly concluding that their own-
ers were in the barn. Courier Kerfoot crept up and
tried the door. Finding it locked, he and his two com-
panions proceeded to the house, where they demanded
the key to the barn. It being refused, Kerfoot quietly
remarked to his comrades that a match would do as
well. U pon this the key was hastily produced.
Leaving one of their number to guard the prisoner
they had and take care of their horses, the oilier two
proceeded to the barn, and, making as much racket as
they could, opened the little door ami called out: “Sur-
render! collect your arms and send them out 1>\ one of
your number.” The Federals, believing that they
were surrounded by their enemies, did so. K(
slung five of the pistols around his own waist, and
when the Yankees all got out and found that they had
been taken prisoners by two men they were greatly
mortified: but. as they had given Up their arms, there
was no help for it.
They were put on their horses, and with one Con-
federate at their head and two in the rear, were marched
to Col. Funsion’s headquarters, about one and one-
half miles distant, where, taking a few of the best
horses and arms for themselves. Kerfoot and his com-
panions, turned over the rest to the command, and felt
somewhat compensated for their trouble and wounds.
In the January Veteran Mrs. Carter wrote of < ien.
Lee ami three little children. She sa
1 have heard from all quarters in regard to my little
war sketch which you published. 1 had no idea that
the \ ETERAN was SO wideh circulated. — Excuse my
ignorance on this point. A gentleman from Philadel-
phia wrote to me in regard to the article, and a lady in
Winchester asked about it. Judge Cummings, of Fort
Worth, wrote to a gentleman in Winchester, mention-
ing the sketch in a complimentary way. A lady from
Kentucky has twice written to me of my little story,
though she is an entire stranger. Some time since a
gentleman who sat by me at church in Warren County,
Va., whispered: “I was delighted with your little war
sketch in the VETERAN.” Mrs. Crawford, of Freder-
ick County, came to my husband and said: “I was
much interested in your wife’s little sketch. 1 won-
der everyone don’t take the Veteran.” Still another
wrote to me from Culpeper County, Va., about the
“entertaining article.”
It was in the summer of 1862 that Champe Carlton
and 1 were lounging in the summer sun at (amp 1 )oug-
las ami hoping for an early exchange. Champe was a
sterling, good, companionable fellow, and my best
friend. When alone his face was pleasant, though it
wore a look of hopeful sadness: but when with the boys
his cheerful words and cheery smile lifted from Ward
No. 10 much of its depressing gloom. One day I
asked him to tell me something of his past life. After
a thoughtful pause he related this story:
”Ewing. my home and that of my parents, is in
Southern Mississippi, and there also are my loving wife
and bright little boy. I was what is known as a ‘prom-
ising’ young lawyer, and yet I was a grievous disap-
pointment to my truly pious parents, because my inces-
sant reading ran to skepticism on religious affairs. I
Confederate l/eterarp
had the infidels’ arguments at tongue’s end, and was
quick to run into controversy with them.
“The venerable Ruffin, at Charleston, had pulled the
lanyard of the great gun, the first ball had borne the
message of defiance, and the war had begun. A com-
pany of gallant fellows was organized for the war, and
I was honored in being unanimously selected as cap-
tain. Pride and a sense of patriotic duty reached an
affirmative decision, and my aged mother did not ob-
ject. ‘Go, my son! go!’ were her words. At a sec-
ond conference she said: ‘Champe, you will never get
fame as a lawyer, nor, indeed, as a soldier; because you
are reserved for a nobler purpose.’
“I went with my company to Virginia, taking with
me George Welsh, a fourteen-year-old son of a minister
of the gospel. In our first battle George was slightly
wounded in the wrist; but, like the little hero that he
was, he bandaged the injured arm with his handker-
chief, and remained in the fight until it ended. Soon
after the battle George asked me why he escaped, while
so many better soldiers were slain. I told him, in a
careless and thoughtless way, that it was owing to his
mother’s prayers.
“Months passed, and George was stricken with fever.
I telegraphed his father, who came to the death-cot of
his boy. He said: ‘My son, is it well with you? Are
you at peace with the Father?’
” ‘ I am,’ was the faint reply.
“‘My son,’ continued the parent, ‘how came this
” ‘The captain there told me that my mother’s
prayers saved me in the battle.’
” George died, and I’d rather have the credit of sav-
ing that boy’s soul than all fame.
“I was wounded, captured, and sent to Camp Mor-
ton, and after a time I was sent down the river to Vicks-
burg for exchange. Being ill, I was sent to the hos-
pital, where I lay with my life in the balance, too sick
to write or dictate a letter home. In the meantime a
comrade who had been with me called at my home and
told my people that I had died on the passage from
Memphis to Vicksburg; that he saw the boat landed,
and saw me buried in the bank of the Mississippi River.
My father and mother mourned me as dead, but my
faithful wife never lost her cheerfulness or seemed to be
troubled at the ill tidings. So happy did she appear
that my parents doubted her sanity.
“One morning Mary, my wife, made as elaborate a
toilet for herself and her boy as circumstances would
permit, and, to the horror of my distressed father and
mother, she was radiantly happy. A parental confer-
ence was held, and the decision reached that Mary was
surely crazy.
“In answer to the question why she thus appeared,
she pleasantly responded: ‘Because Champe will be
here this morning, and we must meet him.’
” ‘Mary, this is wrong,’ said my father; ‘Champe is
dead. What makes you think him alive? ‘
“She replied: ‘Father, I read my Bible and pray all
the time to God. Champe is coming; God told me so.
“Taking little Charlie by the hand, she led him down
the walk to the main road. Soon a carriage was seen
to emerge from a cloud of dust, and in that carriage
were my wife, my child, and myself. Another right-
eous prayer had been answered.
“On account of my impaired health I remained at
home some months, resigning my commission; but,
with returning strength, I reenlisted, was again cap-
tured, and here I am in Camp Douglas.”
This was Champe’s story. I have not seen him
since, but, if spared, I hope to meet at the reunion at
Nashville that old comrade, now engaged in saving
souls. I think that on the Mississippi register will be
found the name, “Rev. Champe Carlton.”
Official notice has been given to all the camps of the
United Confederate Veterans that certain changes in
the constitution and by-laws will be submitted to the
delegates for action at the seventh annual reunion, to
be held at Nashville in June.
To alter Section i, Article 7, in the constitution
badge, to substitute a badge or button, which is pat-
To alter Article 1 of the constitution to “Confed-
erate Survivors’ Association,” instead of “United Con-
federate Veterans.” Camp 425, U. C. V., of Augusta,
Ga., petitions for the change, saying: “We are aware
of the reasons which originally led to the adoption of
the U. C. V. At that time there was no general organ-
ization, and as local societies were called Confederate
Survivors’ Associations the general organization was
termed United Confederate Veterans to prevent confu-
sion; but the original reasons have now ceased to exist.
The local organizations have now come into the gen-
eral organization, and it should henceforth be known as
the C. S. A. The U. C. V., while a useful term to meet
a temporary emergency, has no history and no pre-
cious memories of the past. It was never imprinted on
the Confederate soldier’s belt plate nor blazed upon his
button. If our dead comrades were to come to life,
they would fail to recognize our present insignia.
They would ask: ‘What does the U. C. V. mean?’
Change the name to the C. S. A., and the living and
dead alike can greet it with a fond, affectionate saluta-
tion. It stands for Confederate SurvivorsR