Posted By : manager

Posted : February 26, 2022

By: Wes Reynolds

In early July, my wife and I made the 3-1/2 hour journey to Abbeville, SC, to see the monument erected in 2019 and dedicated to the South Carolina Signers of the Ordinance of Secession. The Abbeville site is essential because the first speeches advocating secession were made at this location, now known as Secession Hill, in November 1860 after the election of Abraham Lincoln. The monument beautifully illustrates the story through pictures and engravings of how and why South Carolina became the first state to secede from the Union. In addition, a South Carolina state flag flies from the flagpole on-site, along with the Secession Rock Monument and a grave dedicated to an unknown Confederate soldier, all on this same site.

The funds to erect this monument were raised in part by the donations of many SCV Camps and other Con-federate groups thru the sale of engraved benches, palmetto trees, and engraved pavers and bricks placed around the monument. I was immensely proud to see a granite bench and a paver bearing the name of Secession Camp #4! One of the essential features of this site is that the monument is located on 100% privately owned land, which means that it cannot be taken down or removed at the whims of government officials. I genuinely feel that private On the positive side, we continue to have great success in getting our message out there on social media using Facebook, with our posts reaching over 50,000 people each month. The number of page followers has increased from about 2,650 in February to over 3,575 in July (about a 35% increase).

On the negative side, Facebook shows extreme prejudice against Con-federate Groups Pages; most recently, the prestigious Abbeville Institute had their entire Facebook page “unpublished,” meaning wholly removed.

This may be the fate of our Facebook Page as well one day; I’m just not sure. However, I have NOT received any notice of violations yet, so I will keep on doing what I’ve been doing!

To find our page on Facebook – search for “SCVcamp4,” then LIKE & FOLLOW it. I need the support of our camp members to “follow” our page and “like” and “comment” on our posts. 

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