Why Confederate Statues & Monuments were built?

Posted By : manager

Posted : November 20, 2020



During the 4 Years of the War between the States, 300,000 Confederates Died FIGHTING for their Country. That’s 5% of the white Southern population. During the 8 years of the Revolutionary War 25,000 Patriots died that’s 1% of the entire 13 Colonies’ population.

If the War happened today with the same loss ratio of Soldiers and timeframe.

The total would be 17 MILLION U.S. martyrs
That’s 4 Million per year
That’s ONE MILLION every 3 months

How many Monuments and Statues would we build to honor the American Heroes 30 years from now?

Confederate soldiers, sailors, and Marines that fought in the Civil war were made U.S. Veterans by an act of Congress in 1957, U.S. Public Law 85-425, Sec 410, Approved 23 May 1958. This made all Confederate Army, Navy,
Marine Veterans equal to U.S. Veterans. Additionally, under U.S. Public Law 810,  approved by the 17th Congress on 26 Feb 1929 the War Department was directed to erect headstones and recognize Confederate grave sites as U.S. War dead gravesites. Just for the record, the last Confederate veteran died in the 1958s.

So, in essence, when you remove a Confederate statue monument or headstone, you are in fact, removing a statue monument or headstone of a U.S. VETERAN. ONLY a cynical person would reach any other conclusions as to why Confederate Statues Monuments and Markers were erected.

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Philip Leigh
3 years ago

300,000 Confederate soldier deaths equate to 5% of the Confederacy’s *white* population.

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