Why were U.S. Military Bases named after Confederate Generals?

Posted By : manager

Posted : January 7, 2021

Why were U.S. Military Bases named after Confederate Generals?

 When an army base was established in North Carolina in 1918 it was named after a local confederate general to induce southerners to give land and men for their country’s First World War efforts. A century ago Fort Bragg was the name that was chosen and intended to unify the North and the South.

The Senate has voted to rename Fort Bragg and Fort Benning. Sadly this only further divides America. Both Democrats and Republicans are 100% responsible for the imminent changing of the names of United States Army bases in the South that were named mostly for Confederate generals as a powerful gesture of reconciliation in the years following the War Between the States.

 The war of Northern aggression saw 750,000 men died and another million were wounded.  There was a good reason these bases were named after famous Southern Generals. When you read section 377 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, every history-loving America should be OUTRAGED.

This is a mistake and is another attempt to remove American History, U.S. Military leaders, and military traditions. Any knowledgeable American, from Military Generals to Historians defended the Confederate battle flag and Confederate monuments, as the symbols of honor, patriotism, and tribute to war dead that they are.

Renaming Southern bases is beyond comprehension 

Those bases are, in some cases, a century old and helped us mightily to win two World Wars and numerous other conflicts. They train some of our nation’s most elite troops. There is a practical and smart reason, too, that Southern bases are named for Confederate soldiers: Confederate soldiers, fighting for constitutional government and the rights of their sovereign states when they were invaded, exhibited valor such as the world had never seen despite being outnumbered four to one and outgunned 100 to one. They are the ancestors of Southerners serving today who were inspired by them to serve in much higher numbers than their peers from other regions, as the following proves:

The military valor of the South is unsurpassed in the history of the world, and that’s why Confederate named bases need to stay and be respected.
The death statistics in the War Between the States are now between 650,000 and 850,000. These are the widely accepted statistics of most historians approximately equal to the total American fatalities in the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Mexican War, the Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, and the Korean War combined. For anyone to understand this level of sacrifice add Vietnam, both Gulf Wars, Afghanistan, and the war on terror; in other words, deaths in the War Between the States were higher than all other American wars combined with plenty of room to spare.

the rate of death “in comparison with the size of the American population, was six times that of World War II.  A similar rate, which was approx. 2% of the entire population of that time in the United States,   would mean six million fatalities today.

Confederate soldiers died at a rate three times that of their Yankee counterparts; one in five white southern men of military age did not survive the Civil War. James McPherson writes that the overall mortality rate for the South exceeded that of any country in World War I and that of all but the region between the Rhine and the Volga in World War II.

Union Generals and U.S. Federal military leaders have great respect for the courage of the Confederates they faced, they wanted to build sacred memorials, not just to Union valor, but American valor. Benjamin Franklin famously said, “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

The President of the United States said:

“We can’t cancel our whole history, we can’t forget that the North and the South fought, you have to remember that. Otherwise, we’ll end up fighting again, the US fought and won two “beautiful” World Wars from Fort Bragg” 

What should American bases be named for? A strong military leader or a social justice snowflake.

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