I found this information about the cornerstone/time capsule that was laid
at the base of the Calhoun Monument. There was a Cornerstone Ceremony
held on June 28, 1858. The contents of the cornerstone are listed. I took a
section out of the ceremony and attached it to this email. This is for your
information and do with it what you will.
Gene Patrick

On the 28th June, 1858, chosen because it was the anniversary of the battle

of Fort Moultrie a day particularly dear and sacred to the heart of each and

every Carolinian — the corner stone of the monument was laid on the Citadel Square. The ceremonies were performed in the presence of a large concourse

of people. Under the command of the late Gen. Wm. E. Martin there was

formed on the Battery a procession comprising the Military, the Masons and

other civic societies, as well as the ladies of the Association in carriages. It repaired in state to the spot chosen as the location where the stone should be

laid. Prayer having been offered by the Rev. Dr. Bachman, the Masons, with ceremonies peculiar to their order, conducted by M. W. Grand Master Henry

Buist, placed the corner stone. It is a free-stone block two feet eight inches

wide and one foot two inches deep, and thus inscribed:







  1. W. Grand Master of Grand A. F. M. of S. C.

June 28th, A. L. 5858. In its cavity were deposited the following articles: A cannon ball which had

been recovered from the harbour, and which is supposed to have been used in the battle of Fort Moultrie. Presented by James M. Eason. A case containing a banner that had been carried by the Seamen in the funeral procession in honor of Calhoun, with the motto: “The children of old ocean mourn him.” Presented by the Rev. Wm. B. Yates. One hundred dollars in Continental money; a loc of Mr. Calhoun’s hair, in a small case, presented by an officer and active member of the Ladies Association. Lists containing names of the different Cabinets of the General Government from the inauguration of Washington; the Governor of the State of South Carolina ; Mayor of of the City of Charleston ; Officers of the Ladies Calhoun monument Monument Association; Committee of Arrangements, Marshals, Orator, Officers of the M. W. Grand Lodge A. F. M. of South Carolina, and Proceedings of the last session of the Board of Firemasters, Fire Engine Companies with date of charter and number of members ; Board of Field Officers Fourth Brigade ; Officers of the Calhoun Monument Association of the Firemen and Military ; an historical sketch of the rise and progress of the Ladies Calhoun Monument Association ; the last speech of John C. Calhoun delivered in the United States Senate on 4th March, 1850. When the Grand Chaplain of the Masons had closed the masonic ceremonies with prayer, and the GrandMaster, the Hon. Henry Buist, had delivered a few remarks, the Hon.

Lawrence M. Keitt arose and held the close attention of the masses, assembled to do honour to the occasion, by his eloquent oratory and his clear exposition of the character and of the life-work of Mr. Calhoun. The magnetic orator didjustice to his subject and he truly suggested Mr. Calhoun s was not a borrowed light, but one that respired with his very breath, and was fed with the essence of his soul. And here closed the first chapter of that much cherished workundertaken by the women of Carolina.



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