Yet another attempt is being made to remove a Confederate statue. This one is of Robert E. Lee on the Antietam National Battlefield. As expected, House Resolution 970 has passed the U.S. House and has been sent to the U.S. Senate for possible consideration. I recommend writing and emailing Senators Lindsey Graham and Tim Scott to respectfully request that they do not support this bill.

Lindsey Graham
290 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Tim Scott
104 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

The actions we take today will ensure that our history will be available to future generations.

Deo Vindice!

Charles Long
Commander, Secession Camp #4
Sons of Confederate Veterans



Robert E. Lee on the Antietam National Battlefield
The Gen. Robert E. Lee statue is seen at the Newcomer House at Antietam National Battlefield in Sharpsburg, Maryland.    Washington Post photo by Ricky Carioti.


Robert E. Lee on the Antietam National Battlefield
Robert E. Lee on the Antietam National Battlefield


Robert E. Lee on the Antietam National Battlefield
Robert E. Lee on the Antietam National Battlefield
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